E533 v. 4 SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIET NAM PECC I ELECTRICITY OF VIET NAM POW)%ER ENGINEERINGY CONSULTING COMI'ANY I Project: 02.2001 PLAYCU - DUNG QUAT - DA NANG 500KV TRANSMISSION LINE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (Draft) Project manager: Nguyen Duc Thanh Chief of division: Nguyen Duc Thanh Hanoi, January2> /, 2002 P.P. DIRECTOR POWER EN,, ?NG CONSULTING COMPANY 1 i/' -7 WE _- DIRECTOR LE VAN LUC x TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive sunmiiarv Chapter 1 - Introductioii. 1. Environmental Concern in Power Sector of Vietnam 2. Legal and Administrative Framework 3. Objectives ot Report 4. Methodology Chapter 2 - Project Description. 1. Name of Pro'ject 2. Implementing Agencies 3. Socio-economic Targets of Project 4. Main Features of Project 5. Proposed Schedule of Project 6. Budgetary Chapter 3 - Present Status of Project Site. 1. Physical Environmenit of Project 2. Ecological Environment of Project 3. Socio-economic Condition Chapter 4 - Project Impact on Environment. 1. Impact on Physical Environment. 2. Impact on Biological Environment and Eco-System 3. Impact on Human. Chapter 5 - Analysis of Alternatives Chapter 6 - Mitigation Measures for Negative Impacts on Environnient. 1. General Measures 2 2. Technical Measures Chapter 7 - Public Consultationi aiid Information Dissemination 1. Aims of pLublic consultation and information dissemination 2. Public consultation and information dissemination during project preparation sta2e 3. Public consultation and information dissemination during project implementation stage Chapter 8 - Environmental Management Plan 1. ETA participation and implementation 2. Environmental impact and mitigation measures 3. Monitoring 4. Capacitv development and training 5. Implementation schedule and cost estimate Chapter 9 - Summary of Environmental Impact Assessment Chapter 10 - Conclulsions Annexes Annex 1 - List of EIA report participants Annex 2 - Reference documents Annex 3 - Record ol' consultation meetings Annex 4.- Relevant project dlata I - Areas Tralversedi by the Transmission Line 2 - Statistics on Aft'ection within Project ROW 3 - Statistics on Temporary Land Requisition 4 - Statistics on Permanent Land Acquisition 5 - Statistics on Affected Structur-es 6 - Natural Features of Concerned Districts 7 - Project Implementation Schedule 8 - Map of Line Route Annex 5 - List of Associated Repor-ts 3 x ABBREVIATIONS EVN - Electricity of Vietnam WB - World Bank PECCI - Power Engineering Consulting Company N"1 CPPMB - Central Vietnam Power Project Management Board PPS - Provincial Power Service PMB - Project Management Board ROW - Riglht-of-w\aly T/L - Transmission Line HV - High Voltage EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment 4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VIETNAM SYSTEM EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENT, EQUITIZATION AND RENEWABLE PROJECT Introduction The System Efficiency Improvement. Equitization and Renewable Project is included of construction and rehabilitation of a number of power plants and networks. The Government of Vietnam is seeking assistance from the World Bank to improve the efficiency of its power sector so that poverty alleviation programs can take root. One of the project component is the 500kV transmission line from Playcu to Da Nang via Dung Quat. According to the Bank's requirement. an environmental assessment of the prOject proposed for Bani finan,ingto CllSUrC that the prOject is environmentally sound and sustainable, and thus to improve decision making. The EIIA report follow WB guidelines for mitigative strategies for the transmission line and WB directives cover the folloving issucs: Project Description: This chapter concisely describes the proposed project and its g ographic, ecological, social context. It also gives the project features, location, implementation schedule and land requirement. The line right-of-way (ROW) would be 38m wide for the 500kV voltage T/L, from which all housing and buildings would be removed and all trees higher than 4m must be cut. Construction access roads would be built frofr the main roads as required. existing tracks would be used where possible. The construction camp would be laid for workers and technicians in the heAdquarters of the projecL commules. The project will include the following items: + Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV phase line, ACSR 4x330, 313.6km long. + Dung Quat 500kV substation with capacity of 900MVA. + Expansion of Playcu and Da Nang 500kV substations. 5 x Legal and Administration: This chapter presents the policy, legal and administrative framework within which the EIA is prepared. IR also mentions state pollution regulatory framework. and the relevant environmental standards Present Status of Project Site This chapter assesses the dimillensions of' the study area and describes relevant physical, biological and socio-economic conditions of the proj~ct areas Project Impacts on Environment Fundamentally, this chapter identifies expected positive and negative impacts, in quantitative terms to the extend possible. It details the range of environmental impacts associated with the transmission system, switchyards, substations, line ROW, access roads, construction, operation and maintenance activities. All of these issues will be addressed during the conceptual (design and some will be addressed during the detailed design: i. transmission line ROW and substation site impacts on land use: residential, agricultural, forest areas, wrastelands, etc; ii. habitat fragmentation and invasion of exotic vegetation species; iii. access roads, increase in hunting, exploitation of forest resources, induced development due to new access corridors, human settlement; iv. clearing (erosion, loss of habitat) and control of vegetation in ROW; v. impaired cultural or aesthetic resources because of visual impacts; vi. CerOSiOn (d.ing colst'ucliioII, and alonig access roads, substation and transmission tower sites; vii. potential electrom-oagnetic treqiuency radiation effects, audiblc noise along transmission line r oute. exposure of substation operation personinel to poentiial EMF hazards: viii. aircraft hazards from transmission line and towers; ix. resettlement of project affected persons. 6 Mitigation Measur-es: This chapter priimarilv deals with mitigation measures and any residual ot irreversible nleg)ative Impacts thlalt can inot be mitigated. It also explores opportunities for enrvironmental enhanccment and compensatory approaches. The following route selection criteria used calls for the route sclection to avoid the following types of environmentallv sensitive areas: . Dense forest areas must be traversed, forest of low economic and ecological value are preferred. (according to the law on Environment of Vietnam, wood cutting is strictly controlled); * Residential structures and settlements; * Holy places, archleologically sites and government sites; * Mangrove forests, national parks and other conservation areas; * Parallel with. or close to telephone and telegraph cables; . Airports. Analysis of Alternatives: This chapter svstematically compares feasible alternatives to the proposed project site, technical aspects, management and operation - including the ',without project" situation - in terms of their potential environmental impacts, the feasibility of mitigating these impacts. Each alternative quantifies the environmental impacts basing on the investigation results. It explains the basis and rationales for the selected routes and substation site. Transmission line routes: some alternative routes were analysed for the transmission line. The route that would cause minimum impact on the environment was selected, especially from the viewpoint of resettlement limitation. Location of substations and tower foundations: The substations and tower foundations will be located in the wasteland or public land areas to avoid impact on houses and properties. 7 Public Participation and Information Dissemination: This chapter talks about aims of public participation and information dissemination and how it takes place during different stages of project implementation. It describes local public participation and disclosure processes. Two public disclosure events are planned: the first soliciting comments for the line route and TORs and the second, comments upon the conclusion of the draft EIA. These comments have been recorded and summarized in the draft EIA. It also points out types and time of disclosure, and where the draft EIA is on display for public review. Environmental Management Plan According to the WB OP. 4.01. the EMP is essential elements of EIA report for category A projects. The EMP consists of mitigation, monitoring measures to be taken during implementation and operation to eliminate adverse environmental and social impacts, offset them, or reduce them to acceptable levels. It also discusses needs for institutional strengthening such as training on environmental issues. Summary of EIA This chapter summarises basic features of the project and comments of environmental specialists. It also describes environmental concerns and gives recommendations on mitigation measures. Conclusions Some conclusions have been made for the areas traversed by the line on proiect topographv, construction of the oroiect. etc. Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1. Environmental Concern in Power Sector of Vietnam Strategy for electricity industry development in Vietnam period 2000-2020 and beyond in recent master plan stated that electricity of Vietnam needs to follow some strategic direction are outlined below: * Hydro energy should be given first priority in energy development due to the very large potential, however large scale hydro power plants should not be very carefully considered because of the problems of resettlements, submerged land... Clean coal technology is being considered for both in the North and the South. The North is endorsed with very available coal sources; the South is of choice for imported coal case from Australia, Indonesia or others. * Gas for electricity generation in the South is another important source for energy planning. * Nuclear energy is also to be considered as an option for long term energy planning From the viewpoint, it is believed that power sector of Vietnam has the target c-f rcd!ucng the cnvironmcn!al impaclt by thc!'c ma:nly fro thermal pnv!'e station. Thermal power stations in Vietnam now are set in the plan for rehabilitation, upgrading and retrofitting. New stations are to be equipped with advanced technology such as PhaLai thermal station II, built with technology that could limit the SOx, C02 to the very low level. Thus development of power sector has received concerns on environment among EVN executives. For overhead line project it could contribute very low level of environmental emission but environmental impact on wvildlife, soil, water.... Those are to be addressed in the assessment report. 2. Legal and Administrative Framework. - The Law on Environmental Protection dated 27/7/1993 of the socialist republic of Vietnam. Ihis law stipulates the prevention from bad impacts on the environment and environimental protection as well as improvement of ecological environmenlt. "Environment" is defined as the natural environment and the one created by humnan comprising air, water, sea, land, mineral mines, forests. grass fields, 9 wildlife, trees, natural and historical sites, natural conservation areas, places of interest, cities, villages, etc. - The Law on Forest Protection and Development issued in 1992. This law regulates the forest management, protection, development and exploitation, prevention of woodcutting, forest destroy. It also encourages organizations and individuals to protect and develop forests so as to make more benefit of the forest. - Vietnamese Standard on Environment issued by MCOSTE in 1995 - The Government Decree N" 175/CP dated 18/10/1994 guiding the implementation of the Law on Environmental Protection. - The Government Decree N" 54/1999/ND-CP dated 08/07/1999 on Protection of High Voltage Networks. - The Decree N" 70-HDBT dated 30/4/1987 of the Council of Ministers regulating the safety casement of the high transmission lines. - The criteria on water quality TCVN 5942 - 1995, TCVN 5944 - 1995 - The criteria on air quality TCVN 5949 - 1995 - The criteria on noise TCVN 5949 - 1995 - The criteria on pollution TCVN 5937 - 1995 - The circular N" 490/1998f1T-BKHCMMT dated 29/4/1998 of MOSTE guiding EIA preparation and appraisal. - Ik d oTI Electliiia Eqtiipinent Irnstallation - Part il Transmission 1tnes 11 TCN-1984. - The preliminary survey report on the transmission line, which is planned to be financed by the World Bank. According to the Bank's requirement, an environmental assessment of the project proposed for Bank financing to ensure that the project is environmentally sound and sustainable, and thus to improve decision making. The EIA report should follow WB guidelines for mitigative strategies for transmission lines and WB directives: + Operational policies OP. 4.01: environmental assessment + Electric power transmission systems, environmental sourcebook. WB technical paper No.154 3. Objectives of Report. According to the stipulations of Ministry of Science. Technology and Environment (MOSTE) of Vietnam. the 500kV power transmission lines are 10 x classified as type A project in terms of environmental consideration. This environmental evaluation aims at: - Describing the environment of the project area. - Identifying potential adverse impacts on the environment during the project construction and operation. - Classifying the project impacts. - Proposing the mitigation measures for the negative impacts as a result of the project development. - Proposing an environmental management plan including mitigation measures for negative impacts, measures for control of deforestation, pollution control, resettlement action plan and environmental monitoring. - Recommending on the monitoring and evaluation programme. - Specifying the cost of mitigation measures. - Preparation of EIA report following the guidelines of Vietnamese government with modifications to meet the WB guidelines. 4. Methodology: Basing on the WB guidelines OP. 4.01 and Decree N" 175/CP dated 18/10/1994 of the Prime Minister, the environmental impacts are classified as follows: > nm 11 inzignificpnt iact r small impact: for this type of impact, no mitigation or protection measures are required. b. Moderate impact: mitigation and protection measures are envisaged. c. Major impact: a thorough study is needed to find optimal mitigation measures. Chapter 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Name of project: Playcu - Dung quat - D)A Nang 500kV transmission line 2. Implementing Agencies: Investor Electricity of Vietnam Project Manager : Central Vietnam Power Project Management Board Consulting company: PECCI 3. Socio-economic Target of Project: The Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line invested by EVN is planned to supply electricity to Dung Quat Industrial Zone and central provinces of Vietnam as well as to strengthen safely power supply capacity to the central and the national power network. These provinces are facing difficulties in developing their infrastructure as well as the economy, low population density. Thus, EVN has considered and invested in these ones with WB' s loans. The project aims are: - to serve people living in tGa Lai, Kontum, QuAng Ngai, Quang Nam provinces and DO Nang city. These central areas have low population density, the economy mainly bases on agriculture and small business, exploitation of breeding and forestall products. The industry of the central region develops more slowly than others of the country and makes up a small part. This is a reason that Vietnam Government lays down as policy development of Dung Quat Industrial Zone so as to promote the regional development. The project to be constructed is to supply electricity to Dung Quit Industrial Zone and central provinces as well as reinforce the safety of Vietnam power networks. - To intensify the power supply for the Central coastal area - one of the key economic zones in the country by low-cost energy sources produced from hydropower plants in the Central Highlands and thermo-electricity plant in the South; to satisfy the rapidly increasing load demands of the area in the stagc of 2005-2010 and later. - To reduce the power losses, energy losses on the network. contributing to improvement of effective power business of EVN. 12 - To strengthen the reliability of the power supply for the Central network compared to the case of one 500kV line. - To create a strong coordination between the areas in Vietnamese power system, strengthening the reliability and safe operation for the entire system. 4. Main Features of Project: Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line is planned to supply electricity to Dung Quat Industrial Park and Central provinces. Areas affected by the project: localities along the transmission line: Gia lai, Kon tum, Quang ngai, Quang nam provinces and Da nang city. Areas served by the project: Dung Quat industrial zone and central provinces. Scope of the project covers: - Construction of Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line: 313.6km - Construction of Dung Quat 500/220 substation: 900MVA - Expansion of 500kV outgoing feeders of Playcu, Oa Nang substations. Impact scale: - PAPs losing land: 15034 - PAPs losing houses: 297 Permanent acquisition of land: - Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line: 113,085 m2 - Dung Quat 5OOkV substation : 103,676 m2 Temporarily requisition of land: 2,691,585 m2 Main features: Pldvcu - Dung Qudt - Det NWg 500kV transmission line: - Rated voltage : 5OOkV - Starting point : Playcu 500kV substation - Ending point : Da Nang 1 lOkV substation - Length of the line :313.6 km - Number of circuits: 13 Conductor : AC330 - 4-fibers/phase Shield wires TK- 70 and OPGW Tower steel Line ROW :38 m wide Dung Quidci 500kV subslution: Total capacity : 2 x 450 MVA - one transformer installed at present. Rated voltage 500/220/110Ok V Acquisition area 68,000 m2 Transmission capacity: 400 MW by 2006 and 700MW by 2010 Energy: 1300 millions kWh by 2005 and 2000 millions by 2010. 5. Proposed Schedule of Project. - Prefeasibility Study Preparation 07/2001 - Approval of Prefeasibility Study 01/2002 - Preparation of draft RAP, EIA 11/2001 - Approval of RAP, EIA 12/2001 - Feasibility Study Preparation 03/2002 - Approval of Feasibility Study 05/2002 - Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design 06/2002 + 06/2003 - Project Bidding 06/2003 . 12/2003 - Site Clearance 12/2002 .12/2003 - Construction 01/2004 . 09/2005 - Completion 01/2004 + 12/2005 6. Project Budget. The total investment for the project is estimated at: * USD 63.20 millions for 500ikV transmission line. Of which: - Cost for construction : USD 44.84 millions - Cost tor others USD 12 92 millions - Contingenc\ : USD 5.44 millions * 500kV substation: 14 + USD 42.94 millions for Dung Quat 500kV substation. Of which: - Cost for equipment USD 29.55 millions - Cost for construction : USD 5.27 millions - Cost for others USD 4.51 millions - Contingency USD 3.61 millions + USD 11.93 millions for expansion of Playcu 5OOkV substation. Of which: - Cost for equipment : USD 7.37 millions - Cost foI construction : USD 2.11 millions - Cost for others : USD 1.44 millions - Contingency : USD 1.01 millions t USD 10.09 millions for expansion of DO Nang 500kV substation. Of wvhich: - Cost for equipment : USD 6.11 millions - Cost for construction : USD 1.81 millions - Cost for others : USD 1.32 millions - Contingency : USD 0.85 millions 15 Chapter 3 PRESENT STATtJS OF PROJECT SITE The Playcu - Dung Quat - DOa Nang 500kV transmission line is planned to supply electricity to Dung Quat Industrial Park and Central provinces of Vietnam. The areas impacted by the project are the localities along the line. Dung Qua't substation and expansion of Playcu, Da Nang substations, Gia Lai. Kon tum, Qucilg Ngai, DO Nang city. These provinices are facing difficulties in developing their infrastructure as well as the economy, low population density. 1. Physical Environment of Project: 1.1. Topography, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology: Topography of the traversed areas is rather complicated. There are mainly high mountainous areas that are strongly divided. The elevations are lower from the West to the East with the considerably divided topography. The lines mainly pass erosion exhumed topographies (about 2/3 of the line) concentrated in Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Quang Ngai. About one-third of the line traverses relatively flat surfaces of Central coastal delta. The soil structure is quarterly sediment composed of clay layer, loam, sandy clay with broken stone and boulder. Locating in the high mountainous areas, the regional hydrogeology is sophisticated, too. These mainly are small streams and rivers that usually cause . iG-6ay fioods in the rainy season. The water discharge in the dry season is very low. 1.2. Meteorology: The route belongs to the hot humid tropical weather, is insignificantly directly affected by north-east monsoon in the winter. The rainy season of the Central is from July to Novembers of the nest ycar. In this time, the rainfall makes up to 80% of the whole year rainfall. There is little rain in the winter, frequenit drought. 2. Ecological Environment of Project. 2.1. Featiures of Northern Provinces: The populittion mainly concentrates in small villages in low valleys, narrow delta baLnd along spring, stream and rivers where may supply water for rice. subsidiary and industrial crops. The main kinds of trees are: coffee, rubber, rice chiefly focussed on Western Plateau, particularly in Gia Lai, Kon Tum. The delta 16 areas of Quang Ngai, QuAng Nam provinces mainly are fields for rice, subsidiary crops and low hills for timbers. Though the northern provinces used to be covered with primitive forests with precious timber species as: sequoia, dalbergia, sindora vietnamiensis, ironwood, etc. as well as valuable animals such as tigers. bears, panthers, deers, wolves, foxes in recent years, however, the forest have been destroyed badly. And as a result, such precious trees and animals mainly exist in high mountains, isolated and strongly divided areas without no access roads and human. Thus, these ecological areas would not suffer from direct impacts of the projects. 2.2. Ecological Areas in Project ROW. The Playcu - Dung Quat - DO Nang 500kV transmission line traverse Gia Lai, Kon Tum, QuAng Ngai, QuAng Nam provinces. The line ROW is 19m wide on both sides of the central line, the width of ROW is 38m. The total area of Dung Quat 500/220kV substation is 10,000m2 and the dimension of access road to the substation is 50m x 8m, located on Binh Lo hamlet, Binh Thuan commune, Binh San district, QuAng Ngai province. The substation is located on area for pine and eucalyptus. The line, in general, passes various kinds of topography, about one-fifth of the line is strongly divided mountain forest consisting of Western Plateau hills, mountains and thick forests. One-second passes trees-covered hills, one-third passes coastal delta with weak geography. The total area of ROW is 1,136.4 ha of which 66.14% is for agriculture (Mainly land for rice, crops and fruits), 16.27% for forestry, 2.06% for residence, and the rest (about 15.52%) is wasteland. About 35% of the area will be temporarily affected when pulling line. erectina lower, vpl not .,ffpr-,q tPd piant under 4m after completion of construction. The permanent land acquisition area of the project would be 252,437m2 in total. Of which: - Statistics on Affection within Project ROW are detailed in Annex 4 - Table 2 - Statistics on Temporary Land Requisition are detailed in Annex 4 - Table 3 - Statistics on Permanent Land Acquisition are detailed in Annex 4 - Table 4 3. Socio-economic Condition. The economies of the mountainous districts of the project provinces mainly base on agriculture and forestry. Their industries are small with the main focuses on processing of agricultural and forestall products, production of construction material. The economic growth rate in recent years is much increased thanks to the development of goods production, of some industrial trees, orchard trees with high economic value, and local transportation network. Yet. some provinces are still in difficulty with low income per- head. Survey results on socio-economic characteristics of the locals 17 Population The project areas are central provinces of Vietnam that are sparsely inhabited. Population distribution: Gia lai province: Chui Pah 39 people/km2. Kon tum province: Kon tum 165 people/kM2: Kon PLong 61 people/km2. Quang ngai province: Ba to 37 people/ki2: Son ha 63 people/km2: Son tinh 526 people/km2; Tra bong 60 people/km2; Binh soin 352 people/km2. Quang Nam province: Nui thanh 274 people/kM2; Tam k' 338 people/km2; Thang binh 352 people/km2; Que' son 160 people/km2-; Duy xuyen 374 people/kM2: Dien ban 482 people/km2. Da nang city: Hoa vang 221 people/km2. Household characteristics: - The average number of people per household is 4.58, a bit lower than that of the whole country (4.97). Large households usually comprise of 3÷4 generations. - Most households (83.4%) are headed by men, female heads of households are mostly windows (58%). - Young people (0. 17 years) represent 47.56%. - The productive age group (18÷54 years) accounts for 44.79%. - Old people (over 55 years) take 7.65%. Education: About 80%, of household heads are literatc. Only 7.27% of males & 14.57% of females have no recorded level of education. However, the percentage of high diploma is rather low; most diplomas are primary level (58.23%) or secondary level (27.85%). Few people recorded vocational or university level. Housing condition The survey data show that few houses belong to class 3 (1.35%), 84.85% of houses belong to class 4 and the remaining 13.8% houses are temporary ones Plot size Most households have large arable plots. About 67% of households have garden area of over 10Orm-. Houses are usually constructed in this area therefore sometimes it is difficult to identify residential & arable area. Generally the project areas are sparsely populated, the average residenitial area is 300.800m'2/household, very small compared to household garden area. Beside garden, they also have 3000nm2.10000m2 agricultural land for cultivation. Cultivation in this area is mainly on rice, maize, corn, industrial crops like tea, coffee, rubber, cinnamon trees, etc. 18 Amenities People's modern facilities are not much. 9.3% have motorbikes, 3.6% have TV sets, 64% have bicycles, 47% have radios. Stream water - the most common source accounts for 74% of the source. while pumped water accounts for 0.4% and well water for 25.6%. Few people in the project area have electricity, only 2.3%, the main sources are small hydropower generators, batteries and diesel generators. Economic activities Agriculture Farmers represent 93% of the locals. The line traverses low population density area. The survey shows that people have large arable land, many have over 50OOm2 of arable area. Their main cultivation is on rice, maize, cassava, Besides, they also plant orchard trees, cashew, coffee, etc. Through working sessions with local authorities, it is known that there are relatively large wastelands in the project areas. Some areas are not fully exploited. Water sources & initial investment capital (quite a big amount) for industrial trees are main difficulties. Trade Households with income mainly from trade only account for 5.4%. These mainly concentrate in the town center, along the highways. However, some farmer families also make earning from trade but the quantity is not much. Forestry The affected forested land is scattered through out all the concerned provinces. However, only few PAPs have gross income from forestry, they also make income from agriculture. It is usually very difficult to point out the main income source. Income * Source of income: People's mnain source of income is fiom agriculture (60.88%) followed by livestock breeding (19.01%), salary (12.63 %) & trade (5.4%). About 10% of survey people have secondary source of income. This source accounts for 18% of the total income. Approximately 5% of people have several sources of income that are nearly equal to each other. * Level of income It is vcry difficult to specify people exact income as pcople themselves cannot point out their income exactly. People's income changes frequently when the price of agricultural products, especially coffees change so much & so often. 19 x The average monthly income of households is 303,000 VND. Some earn over 1,500,000 VND/month. Meanwhilc many earn less than 200,000 VND/month. The socio - natural features of the project are detailed in Annex 4 - Table 6. 20 Chapter 4 PROJECT IMPACTS ON ENVIRONMENT The Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line traverse Gia Lai, Kon Tum, Quang Ng,i, QuAng Nam provinces. These provinces are facing difficulties in social and natural conditions due to sloping, strongly divided topogr-aphy, undeveloped transportation and infrastructure. As the project scope is large but the lines are long the project impacts on the physical environment, biological sources, ecosystem are insignif'icant in terms of the impact nature and scope. The specific impacts of the project on the environment are: 1. Impact on Physical Environment: The impact on physical environment considered herein are the affection on water, air and hydrosphere. According to the above mentioned characteristics and scope of the project, the Playcu - Dung Qua't - DO Nang 500kV line would have almost no impact or insignificantly small impact on physical environment. According to the criteria on environment: quality of water, air and land, the project would not produce waste that may pollute the water (surface and underground water), air and soil in the vicinity of the project. The project construction and operation would not result in a change of charactcristic. ., value of land, water and air. Nevertheless, the projcct construction may have impacts on land form due to construction of tower foundations and substation. 2. Impact on Biological Environment and Eco-system: The easement of the 500kV lines is limited by 2 parallel planes, 7m out of the outer conductors when they are vertical. Trees outside the eascment must be controlled to ensure 2m clearance in all condition. The clearance from conductor to the tree top in the ROW must be > 6m. All trees of or would be > 4m in the line ROW must be cut down. So if the line routes pass natural and industrial forests with trees higher than the limit. such trees must be cut down. This would have certain impact on the biological and ecological environment. Nevertheless, the affected forest are in the ROW is insigion ficantly small compared to the natural forest area: 0.01(. 21 Traversed locality Province natural forest (ha) Affected area (ha) Gia Lai province 864,354.7 1.52 Kon Tum province 776,725.7 183.4 Quang Ngai province 126,457.9 0 Quang Nam province 772,765.8 0 Da Nang city 0 The cut-off involves: - Coffee 4,288 trees - Rubber : 4,939 trees - Pine : 227,330 trees - Eucalyptus 41,469 trees - Orchards 22,804 trees - Cashew : 445 trees All trees above are economically valuable and will be dully compensated at the market price. - Secondary natural forest: 1,834,070 m2 Besides, other crops in the line ROW such as rice, vegetables may be affected as well during construction process (tower transport and wire pulling). However, these impacts are temporary (for 3 - 6 months). - Rice :401,670 m2 - Crop :458.744 m2 Line ROW The total area of the project ROWs is 11.364,470 mi, of which 7,517.027 m2 is agricultural land (66.14%): 1.849.270 m2 is forestall land (16.27%), 234,213 m2 is garden and residential land (2.06%), the remaining 1,763,960 m2 is waste land and road-side (15.52%). Statistics on the project line ROWs are in Annex 4. 22 Temporary land requisition Land will be requisited temporarily 2 cases for: foundation works, tower erection, material transport to the line route. Conductor and earthwire pulling and stringing. As the scope of the project is inconsiderable, each component can be completed in 3-6 months. Thus the impact will be on one crop time. Consider commencement right after harvest of annual crops, if possible, to minimize the project impacts. The total temporary requisition of the project is 2.691,585 m2, of which 1.780.349 m2 is agricultural land (66.14%); 437,985 m2 is forest land (16.27%); 55,472m2 is garden and residential land (2.06%); the remaining 417,780 m2 is wasteland and road-side (15.52%). Statistics on the project temporary acquired land are in Annex 4. Impact on permanent land acquisition The impact on permanent land acquisition is not much. The average acquired area for transmission line is 160m2 for each 500kV tower foundation, Dung Quat 500kV substation requires 6800Gm2, Playcu 500kV expansion substation needs 20970 m2, Da Nang 500kV substation requircs 14706 m2. The total permanent acquisition of the project is 216,761 m2, of which 178.476 m2 is agricultural land (82.34%); 18,402 m2 is forest land (8.49%); 2,331 m2 is garden and residential land (1.08%), the remaining 17,553 M2 is wasteland and road-side (8.1 %). Totaiy there are 74 PAPs of type 6 (loss of land) The impact on each PAP will be of no significance, less than 20% of each PAP's total area. Therefore, PAPs will not be influenced much. Statistics on the project permanently acquired land are in Annex 4. 3. Impact on Human. 3.1. Impact on Residential Areas: For a suitable network configuration and low investment, the line routes must be closed to the residential areas and usually closed to transportation roads so as to facilitate construction, operation and management. However, to avoid much impact on residential areas, the line turns frequentlv to avoid houses. The project constr-uction would cause impact on the residerntial areas due to houses in the ROW. The survey data show that there would be 297 houses affected in the ROW (see Annex 5). 3.2. Impact of Electric Field on Human and Animilals: 23 Basing on the criteria of the power sector: "Limitation for power frequency electric field intensity" and stipulations on the working environment "Limitation for electric field intensity, working time in the affected area". The permissible working time per one day and night would be depend on the electric intensity as the following table: Electric intensity <5 5 8 1 12 15 18 20 20< E < 25 > 25 (kV/m) 5 8 1 2 t Permissible working time per unlimited 8 4.25 3 2.2 1.33 0.8 0.5 1/6 0 day and night (h) Accordingly, the electric field affected area is the area with the power frequency electric field intensity of > 5kV/m. For inhabitants living under the lines, the safe electric field intensity is < 5kV/m. However, the electric field of the 5OOkV line at the edge of the ROW will be kept below 5kV/m, which is comparable to international standards. Internationally there is no research that indicates health impacts result from exposure to electromagnetic fields; however, research continues. In design, for mountainous areas where no human living is present, the designed conductor-to-ground clearance of 1Oim at minimum would ensure electric field intensity < 6kV/m. For the line section nearby residential areas, the designed conductor-to-ground clearance of 1 4m at minimum would ensure electric field intensity < 5kV/m and no impact on human may occur. 3.3. Impact of Electric Field on Telecommunication Projects: Telecommunication projects include: - Communication lines going closed to or across the 500 kV line. - Audio frequency, PLC telephone lines going closed to or along the line. 3.4. Imnpact on Landmarks, Historical Sites: The project traverses areas of different localities. Thus, the impacts on the lands, army sites, airports, historical sites and pagodas have been considered in the survey and design stage and no historical sites would be affected by the project. This is a criterion for the line route selection so such impacts would be avoided. The line route has been consulted and agreed by relevant organizations and the results are attached in documents at the end of this report. 3.5. Impact on Safety: Explosion anid Fire. Explosive substances will not be used in construction, the only construction measure is excavation. Ho\ever, fir e due to cooking must be taken into consideration in the construction period. 24 3.6. Impact of Noise, Vibration, Pollution: Machine operation during construction may cause noise and vibration. As the designed voltages are mainly 500kV noise caused by arcing flashovcr in light rain or moisture condition will not be considered as it is considerably small (n tSttlt'ucholc Aux Aux.t t tur-es 7AYeaAea Area Struc. Area Area Area 2 holds AreaQuant 2 Quant' Quant' (in2 holds 2)QaQuant uat Quant' (m) I Gia Lai Province 14 14 _ _ 354 7 328 7 122 ___ Li Chli Pah District __ 14 14 354 7 328 7 122 __ 1 Ph Hoa Town 5 5 206 3 168 2 122 2 Hoa Phu Commune 9 9 148 4 160 5 _ _ II_ Kon_Tum Province 65 65 2,002 41 855 24 977 22,995 _ 11.1 Kon Tum Town 21 21 1,035 17 134 4 461 18,695 1 Hoa Binh Commune 16 16 855 13 84 3 179 16,125 __ _ 2 Chit H'Reng Commune 4 4 _ 180 4 242 2,170 3 Ddk PTh Commune I 1 50 1 40 400 11.2 Kon PLong District 44 44 967 24 721 20 516 4,300 ___ 1 D&k Tc Ve Commune 10 10 80 4 160 6 90 400 ____ 2 Tan Lap Commune 7 7 _ 28 1 182 6 97 1,900 _ _ 3 Kon PLong Town 17 17 710 15 64 2 329 2,000 _ __. 4 Hi6u Commune 10 10 _ 149 4 315 6 III Quang Ngai Province 15 15 40 1 589 11 80 3 250 3,050 _ III.l Ba ToyDistrict 3 3 40 1 _ 80 2 800 1 Ba Ngac Commune 3 3 40 1 _ 80 2 _ 800 _ 11.2 Son Ha District 1 1 20 1 1 300 0 0 I San Thanh Commune I 1 20 1 300 I11.3 Son Tinh District 1 1 20 1 1Tinh Giang Comm une I I 1 _ 20 1 _ _ _ Complete affection Partial affection Total Total Type of house Resid. Total _ __ of hous Resid jNo. Name Section |Sttruc-hhOude Te pce Aux A . t ueshouse L-evel 3 Level 4 area house- Level 3 Level 4 Me3P. area hueslolds Area Area Qt'Area Struc. -m2 od ra Ae - Area Struc. (i2) (rn2 Qunt' Qurit'(M2 Quanit' (i)hld m Quant' (2 Quant' (M)Quant' III.5 Binh Son District 10 10 509 9 40 1 250 1,950 1 Binh Minh Commune 5 5 179 4 40 1 120 1,110 _ _ __ 2 Binh Nguyen Commune 5 5 330 5 130 840 _ I Quing Ngai Province 16 16 260 2 824 13 40 1 315 3,350 _ L.I Binh Son District 16 16 260 2 824 13 40 1 315 3,350 __ 1 Binh Minh Commune 1 1 80 1 _ 40 200 ___ 2 Binh Chucrng Commune 6 6 260 2 280 4 120 1,050 _ _ 3 Binh Long Commune 4 4 134 3 40 1 60 950 4 Binh Phu6c Commune 5 5 330 5 95 1,150 _ I Quatng Ngai Province 7 6 107 3 65 3 80 767 1 50 1 50 100 L.1 Binh Son District 7 6 107 3 65 3 80 767 1 50 1 50 100 1 Binh Nguyen Commune 7 6 107 - 3 65 3 80 767 1 50 1 . 50 100 IV Quang Nam Province 171 164 8,580 162 60 2 2,828 159,257 7 247 6 15 1 112 4,680 IV.J Niii Thanh District 5 5 320 5 110 650 __. I Tam My Commune 5 _ 5 _ 320 5 110 650 __ IV.2 Tam Ky District 61 59 3.039 57 60 2 1,016 58,343 2 _ 50 2 70 480 1 Tam Ngoc Commune 2 2 114 2 70 693 __ _ __ 2 Tam Thai Commune 35 33 1,710 31 60 2 599 27,100 2 50 2 70 480 3 Tan- Dan Commune 2 2 =_=_ _110 2 __ 40 7,000 === 4 Tam Vinh Commune 8 8 290 8 96 6,450 _ 5 Tam Phu6c Commune 10 10 _ _ 580 10 120 12,350 _ . 6 Tam L6c Commune 4 4 235 4 91 4,750 _ IV.3 Thdag Binh District _____ 26 23 875 23 . 316 29,250 3 ___ 130 2 15 1 20 81 Complete affection Partial affection No. P'~~~me Section S~Ttalc Total T3 pe of house ______Resid. Total Tye of house Resid No. Name sLction Sti-uc- hIouse Level 3 Level 4 Ter Aux area house- Level 3 Level 4 Temp AUx- . area tures hod raArea Area Qun'Struc. 2 hls8,a Area Area Struc- M holdsuaArea Quant' 2 Qat(m I holdstAre Quant' 2 Quant'(i) I Binh Phi Commune 3 2 38 2 18 2,500 1 15 1 100 2 Binh Dinh Commune 23 21 837 21 298 26,750 2 130 2 20 2,500 IV.4 Que'Son District 18 17 900 17 242 22,500 1 35 1 12 1,400 1 Phiu Tho Commune 18 17 900 17 242 22,500 1 35 1 12 1,400 IV.5 Duy Xyn District _ 20 20 1,088 20 408 16,750 _ _ _ _ 1 Duy Trung Commune 2 2 135 _ 2 . 60 5,200 2 Duy Son Commune __ _ 12 12 _ 675 12 276 7,100 _ 3 Duy Chau Commune 6 6 278 6 72 4,450 _ _ IV.6 Dien Ban District 41 40 2,358 40 736 31,764 1 _ 32 1 10 200 1 Dian Quang Commune 10 10 580 10 166 11,750 _ 2 Dian H6ng Commune 22 22 _ _ 1,343 22 493 15,590 _ 3 Dian Tien Commune 9 8 435 8 77 4,424 1 32 1 10 200 V Da NMng City 9 9 330 1 545 8 142 7,086 . V.1 Hoa Vang 9 9 330 1 545 8 142 7,086 Hoa Tidn Commune 5 5 _ 365 5 107 5,686 . _ Hoa Tho Commune 4 4 330 1 180 3 35 1,400 _ . _ Total 297 289 630 4 13,001 245 1,428 40 4,714 196,505 8 297 7 15 1 162 4,780 82 6: NATURAL FEATURES OF CONCERNED DISTRICTS Area (ha) Population and Labour No. Name Agncultural Residential Population in No. of families Employment Pop. growth _ Total area arca Forestry are area Others 1999 ill 1999 Labours (%) rate(%) I Gia Lai Province 179,990 17,096 71,117 2,380 89,396 70,388 13,964 41,891 1.1 Chu Pah District 179,990 17,096 71,117 2,380 89,396 70,388 13,964 41,891 95.00 2.30 II Kon Tum Province 90,240 21,101 36,372 1,770 30,997 100,756 19,312 60,734 11.1 Kon Tum Town 44,042 14,667 14,628 1,576 13,171 72,786 13,995 44,784 98.00 2.30 11.2 Kon PLong District 46,198 6,434 21,745 193 17,826 27,970 5,317 15,950 98.00 2.30 III Quang Ngai Province 384,298 57,356 114,516 3,110 209,317 515,887 111,233 337,918 III.1 Ba Ter District 111,657 5,210 18,852 161 87,434 41,477 8,056 24,168 95.00 2.20 111.2 ScTn Ha District 118,356 7,533 67,045 236 43,542 74,234 14,346 43,038 95.00 2.20 111.3 San Tinh District 35,247 21,513 2,975 1,353 9,407 185,464 40,062 120,185 95.00 1.85 E11.4 Tra B6ng District 69,933 3,678 19,050 336 46,870 41,958 8,437 29,529 93.00 2.00 M15 Binh Son District 49,105 19,423 6,594 1,024 22,064 172,755 40,333 120,998 95.00 1.90 IV Quiang Nam Province 258,600 84,234 110,647 6,619 57,100 763,458 174,136 522,409 IV.1 NMi IThnh District 45,199 10,114 22,891 784 11,410 123,678 28,336 85,009 86.00 1.85 IV.2 Tam Ky District 34,869 16,377 11,778 875 5,840 117,932 28,830 86,490 85.00 1.80 IV.3 Thang Binh District 47,173 25,623 4,906 1,944 14,701 166,023 39,061 117,183 87.00 1.80 IV.4 Qu6 Son District 75,401 14,026 52,149 950 8,277 120,553 28,453 85,358 85.00 1.80 IV.5 Duy Xuyen District 31,695 11,544 10,575 777 8,799 118,431 26,987 80,961 85.00 1.85 IV.6 Dien Ban District 24,263 6,551 8,350 1,290 8,072 116,841 22,469 67,408 90.00 2.20 V Oai Nitng City X__ 87,269 14,537 56,909 29484 13,340 193,295 42,894 128,681 _ V.1 Hoa Vang District 87,269 14,537 56,909 2,484 13,340 _ 193,295 42,894 128,681 80.00 2.00 TONG 1,000,397 194,325 389,561 16,362 400,149 1,643,784 361,539 1,091,633 83 7 - PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE No Item ___ 2001 ___ 2002 _ 2003 ___2004 2005 I II ~III IV I II III IV I 1I III IV I II III IV II III IV 1 Survey for PFS, RAP, EIA 2 FS. RAP, EIA completion 3 Approval for FS, RAP, EIA 4 Survey for technical design 5 Bidding document preparation 6 Bidding for civil works 7 Establishment of PRBs, DRBs. CRBs. 8 Review of accurate compensation for PAPs 9 Review of accurate compensation unit 10 Application of compensation unit price for PAPs I I Payment of compensation and allowanCe 12 Foundation construction 13 Tower erection 1 4Stringing works 15 Supervision___ 16 AcceptaLnce 17 Reimbursement 84 w et. g - - - yez- ; 'i *% L; * S 5, _ -4 N--2-~' 3 S~~~~~c ,':u .OK SRSTAT<)r*N - _ - 4;SS__ _ _ 9 .1- | r@- ,T .._ _ -i _ ; t/ , *t_ _ -'I ! *' 2 Y L ieietr -eaLc_( ADUSAlNOIlN -t 7 r I I -~~~ J - {-l - ' - j 1 .t- 8 - _MngrNueDcThn -- __'-=i 4;uir}v wiI rI 4G7 ,g - .-U.IChekVu -ragDu iG auT'Q SUBSTATION-ZZ 7_-'~ - ' - j 1- * We ; , . ,' / ChieftDiv NguyenVanAn _ frr,-FS | 7-2001 | zjz2.. 4D - 8 Z , ChieftDiv. D aoQuangHan L *'r-qScale If50000 ' t ~~~K 74% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- K~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ POWER ENGINREING CONSULTING COMPANY NOA 1OOKV TRANSMISSION LINLNEOTMA Vice irecor L VanLuc ND SUBSTATION POSITIONS ~~ ~~ 'A~~~ Manager NguyenDuccThan -i ( ,cIKVSLDSIAT1ION T' _k_.___ gD- Chieft Div. Ngye VaAnr E 01 201 OD.01 Chift Div. DoQagHn cl 5 0 ANNEX 5 - LIST OF ASSOCIATED REPORTS PECCI. Prefeasibility study for Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line PECCI. Resettlement Action Plan report for Playcu - Dung Quat - Da Nang 500kV transmission line 86