世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目采购计划 96729 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) I. 城镇基础设施 705.60 115.67 I-A 昆明市 108.33 17.76 I-A-i-1 嵩明县垃圾处理 34.97 5.73 土建工程 28.73 4.71 1 KM 1.1.1 卫生填埋场(处理规模85吨/日,含防渗工 13.42 2.20 NCB 后审 2010/01/11 12 嵩明蓝林垃圾 云南中咨海外 中国市政中南 已授标,授标价:1830万元。 程5.12万m2) 处理有限公司 咨询有限公司 设计研究院 2 KM 1.1.2 渗滤液处理站(处理规模80m3/日,含土建 5.50 0.90 DP N/A 2012/12/06 6 同上 已授标,授标价:483万元。 、设备供货与安装) NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 3 KM 1.1.3 进场道路(1.2km)及管理区挡土墙(196m)、 3.00 0.49 DP N/A 2008/12/25 3 同上 — 中国市政中南 已授标,授标价:300万元。NBF 管理用房(370m2) 设计研究院 (提前实施,后审不合格,世行不 支付) 4 KM 1.1.4 中转站 1.00 0.16 DP N/A 2012/06/01 同上 云南中咨海外 同上 已授标,授标价:40.88万元。 咨询有限公司 NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 5 KM 1.1.5 现有垃圾堆场封场 5.81 0.95 DP N/A 2014/10 12 同上 同上 NBF(计划用国内配套资金实施) 货物 6.24 1.02 6 KM 20.1 收运车辆、填埋机械及设备(含安装) 6.24 1.02 ICB 前审 2012/07/23 3 同上 中机国际招标 同上 已授标,授标价:459.62万元。 公司 I-A-i-2 寻甸县垃圾处理 37.92 6.22 土建工程 33.27 5.45 7 KM 1.2.1 卫生填埋场(处理规模70吨/日,含进场道 18.67 3.06 NCB 后审 2009/12/18 12 寻甸清新垃圾 云南城市建设 云南省设计院 已授标(后审变前审),授标价: 路1.6km、管网5km、管理用房、场区绿 处理有限公司 项目管理咨询 2810万元。 化、防渗工程、垃圾中转站2座) 有限公司 8 KM 1.2.2 渗滤液处理站设备(处理规模70m3/日,含 8.60 1.41 DP N/A 2012/09/29 6 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:588万元。 土建、设备供货与安装) NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 9 KM 1.2.3 现有垃圾堆场封场 6.00 0.98 DP N/A 2014/06 12 同上 同上 NBF(计划用国内配套资金实施) 货物 4.65 0.76 10 KM 21.1 收运车辆、填埋机械及设备(含安装) 4.65 0.76 ICB 前审 2011/05/26 2 同上 中机国际招标 同上 已授标,授标价:485.716万元 公司 I-A-i-3 禄劝县垃圾处理 35.44 5.81 土建工程 30.23 4.96 11 KM 1.3.1 卫生填埋场(处理规模90吨/日,含防渗工 20.06 3.29 NCB 前审 2011/10/24 12 禄劝县丽康废 云南国内招标 中国市政中南 已授标,授标价:1180.26万元 程4.5万m2、管理用房及设施) 弃物处置公司 有限公司 设计研究院 12 KM 1.3..1.2 现有垃圾堆场封场及绿化 1.85 0.30 DP N/A 2012/03/03 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:51.84万元。 NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 1 of 6 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) 13 KM 1.3..1.3 中转站(1座) 1.15 0.19 DP N/A 2014/10 同上 待定 同上 NBF(计划用国内配套资金实施) 14 KM 1.3.2 渗滤液处理站(处理规模50m3/日,含土建 4.17 0.68 DP N/A 2013/08/01 6 同上 云南煜耀招标 南宁市政工程 已授标,授标价:633.8万元。 、设备供货与安装) 代理有限公司 集团有限公司 NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 15 KM 1.3.3 进场道路(1070m)和围墙(2980m) 3.00 0.49 DP N/A 2008/10/29 6 同上 — 中国市政中南 已授标,授标价:300万元。NBF 设计研究院 (提前实施,后审不合格,世行不 支付) 货物 5.21 0.85 16 KM 22.1 收运车辆、填埋机械及设备(含安装) 5.21 0.85 ICB 前审 2012/11/23 6 同上 中机国际招标 同上 已授标,授标价:713.22万元。 公司 I-B 丽江市 412.84 67.68 I-B-i 丽江古城区垃圾处理 81.09 13.29 土建工程 67.29 11.03 17 LJ 1.1.1 卫生填埋场(处理规模270吨/日,含防渗 19.53 3.20 NCB 后审 2009/09/01 12 丽江市古城区 国信招标集团 云南省设计院 已授标(后审变前审),授标价: 材料采购与安装) 垃圾处理厂 有限公司 4544.35万元。 18 LJ 1.1.2 渗滤液处理站(处理规模200m3/日,含土 12.00 1.97 DP N/A 2011/06/21 6 同上 同上 四川深蓝环保 已授标,授标价:1168.63万元 建、设备供货与安装) 科技有限公司 NBF(用国内配套资金实施) 19 LJ 垃圾收集转运站(箱体沉入式压缩站4座; 11.21 1.84 NCB 后审 2012/11/14 5 同上 同上 云南省设计院 已授标,授标价:1376.026万元 固定式分体压缩站1座) 20 LJ 垃圾收集转运站及管理中心(箱体沉入式 12.55 2.06 NCB 后审 2014/06 3 同上 同上 同上 压缩转运站2座;移动式联体箱压缩转运 站2座) 21 LJ 1.1.4 进场道路(约3.95km) 12.00 1.97 DP N/A 2012/03/22 5 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:17,36万元。 NBF(采用国内配套资金支付) 货物 13.80 2.26 22 LJ 20.1 填埋机械设备 3.40 0.56 ICB 前审 2014/01/10 3 同上 中机国际招标 同上 待开、评标 公司 23 LJ 20.2 垃圾清运车辆(含收集车等专用车辆) 4.14 0.68 ICB 前审 2011/09/02 4 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:348.55万元 24 LJ 20.3 垃圾清扫车辆(含洒水车等专用车辆) 6.26 1.03 ICB 前审 2011/09/02 4 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:502.15万元 I-B-ii-1 丽江第二污水处理厂及截污管网工程 160.01 26.23 土建工程 160.01 26.23 25 LJ 2.1.1 污水管网(E、K片区, 管道长度22.54km) 17.68 2.90 DP N/A 2014/06 10 丽江供排水有 云南招标股份 福州市规划设 NBF(计划用国内配套资金实施) 限公司 有限公司 计研究院 26 LJ 2.1.2 污水管网(H片区,管道长度7.68km) 6.52 1.07 NCB 后审 2014/06 7 同上 同上 同上 27 LJ 污水管网(D片区,管道长度12km) 14.00 2.30 NCB 后审 2011/12/29 12 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:1815.83万元 28 LJ 污水管网(F片区,管道长度26km) 18.00 2.95 NCB 后审 2013/04/01 14 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:1738.42万元 29 LJ 污水管网(J片区,管道长度28km) 18.00 2.95 NCB 后审 2014/03 12 同上 同上 同上 2 of 6 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) 30 LJ 2.1.4 污水管网(A、I片区,管道长度24.4km) 10.54 1.73 DP N/A 2009/06/04 6 同上 同上 同上 已授标,合同价:2084万元。 NBF (提前实施,世行不支付) 31 LJ 2.1.5 污水管网(新团片区,管道长度27km) 15.32 2.51 NCB 后审 2014/06 18 同上 同上 同上 LJ 2.1.6 古城河道管道改造(管道长度7.0km) 6.27 1.03 N/A N/A — — — — — 业主拟取消此合同实施,申请已 报世行审核 32 LJ 2.1.7 污水处理厂(处理规模20000m3/日,土建 33.44 5.48 NCB 前审 2010/01/26 24 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:5952.47万元 工程、设备供货与安装) 33 LJ 2.1.8 截污干管(管道长度4.96km) 20.24 3.32 DP N/A 2007/04/27 6 同上 — 同上 已授标,合同价:2181万元。 NBF (提前实施,后审不合格, 世行不支付) I-B-ii-3 华坪县污水处理 56.48 9.26 土建工程 56.48 9.26 34 LJ 2.3.1 截污干管一期工程(新华桥片区及鸿泰康 1.60 0.26 DP N/A 2008/12/01 3 华坪县供排水 丽江金元招标 重庆市市政设 已授标,授标价:165万元。 城段,DN600-800,长度2590m) 有限公司 公司 计研究院 NBF(提前实施,世行不支付) 35 LJ 2.3.2 截污干管二期工程(鲤鱼河西岸及柳溪河 4.20 0.69 DP N/A 2009/01/05 3 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:398万元。 段,DN500-DN700,长度4230m) NBF(提前实施,世行不支付) 36 LJ 2.3.3 污水管网(DN600-DN900截污干管 27.08 4.44 NCB 前审 2010/03/24 11 同上 云南省招标股 同上 已授标,授标价:3158万元。 8460m,DN200-DN600支管17808m) 份有限公司 LJ 2.3.4 出户支管改造(柳溪河两岸DN100-DN400 8.49 1.39 NCB 后审 — — — — — 业主已论证县城污水收集满足需 出户管20km) 求。取消此合同实施的方案已向 世行检查团汇报并讨论。 37 LJ 2.3.5 污水处理厂(处理规模6000m3/日,含土建 14.48 2.37 NCB 后审 2010/03/24 12 同上 同上 同上 已授标,合同价:1798.46万元 、设备供货与安装) 38 LJ 污水处理厂绿化工程 0.63 0.10 DP N/A 2011/06/08 1 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:76.4万元 NBF (用国内资金和自筹资金实施) I-B-iii 丽江狮子山环境综合治理 115.26 18.90 土建工程 112.19 18.39 39 LJ 3.1.1 狮子山综合治理一期工程(K0+000-K0+ 36.11 5.92 NCB 待定 待定 10 丽江古城管理 云南南方招标 西南市政工程 待世界遗产中心同意该项目备案 456段, 含道路、供排水、电力电信、管 有限责任公司 有限公司 设计院 后更新估算价、审查类型和预期 理用房、环保公厕、景区绿化及亮化) 发标日期 40 LJ 3.1.2 狮子山综合治理二期工程(K0+456-K0+ 47.66 7.81 NCB 前审 待定 10 同上 同上 同上 679段, 含道路、供排水、电力电信、管 理用房、环保公厕、景区绿化及亮化) 41 LJ 3.1.3 狮子山综合治理三期工程(K0+679-K1+ 21.16 3.47 NCB 前审 待定 15 同上 同上 同上 325段, 含道路、供排水、电力电信、管 理用房、环保公厕、景区绿化及亮化) 42 LJ 3.1.4 文物古建筑修缮(3个) 7.26 1.19 NCB 待定 待定 12 同上 同上 同上 3 of 6 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) 货物 3.07 0.50 同上 43 LJ 21.1 垃圾收集设备(小型垃圾清运专用车5辆) 0.50 0.08 询价 待定 待定 7 同上 同上 同上 44 LJ 21.2 景区监控设备(电子监控探头60个) 2.57 0.42 NCB 待定 待定 15 同上 同上 同上 I-C 文山州 184.43 30.23 I-C-ii-1-a 丘北县供水 22.00 3.61 土建工程 22.00 3.61 45 WS 2.1.1 原水输送管线和水厂改造(一、二水厂处 14.00 2.30 NCB 后审 2014/03 12 丘北县自来水 国信招标集团 中国航天建设 理规模合计1.2万m3/日,提升泵站1座, 公司 有限公司 集团有限公司 原水输水管线DN400-500,长9.2km) 46 WS 2.1.2 县城配水管网改造(新建和改造配水管线 8.00 1.31 NCB 后审 2014/05 8 同上 同上 同上 DN100-350,长15.9km) I-C-ii-1-b 丘北县污水处理 34.64 5.68 土建工程 34.64 5.68 47 WS 2.1.3 污水管网(DN400-1000,总长26.495km) 24.87 4.08 NCB 前审 2010/01/06 12 丘北县自来水 国信招标集团 云南省设计院 已授标,授标价:1496.4万元。 公司 有限公司 合同内实际完成管网13.5m,完 成额744.81万元。 剩余管网因县 城总体规划调整, 实施计划待定 48 WS 2.1.4 污水处理厂(6000m3/日,含土建、设备供 9.77 1.60 NCB 后审 2009/11/02 12 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:1565.8万元。 货与安装,及进场道路850m) I-C-ii-2 广南县污水处理 29.45 4.83 土建工程 29.45 4.83 49 WS 2.2.1 污水管网(DN400-900,总长15.29km,及 15.58 2.55 NCB 后审 2009/11/03 12 广南县自来水 国信招标集团 云南省设计院 已授标,授标价:1165.13万元 管网配套设施、管道清通设备) 公司 有限公司 50 WS 2.2.2 污水处理厂(处理规模8000m3/日,含土建 13.87 2.27 NCB 后审 2009/11/03 12 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:1815.64万元 、设备供货与安装) I-C-ii-3 砚山县污水处理 30.85 5.06 土建工程 30.85 5.06 51 WS 2.3.1 污水管网(DN300-DN1200雨污水管网 20.04 3.29 NCB 后审 2009/10/19 12 砚山永通排水 国信招标集团 云南省设计院 已授标,授标价:1469.13万元 27km ) 有限责任公司 有限公司 合同内完成1382.64万元. 52 WS 2.3.2 退水管网及出水泵站(有压管道DN500, 10.81 1.77 NCB 后审 2009/10/19 6 同上 同上 同上 已授标,授标价:435.7万元 长3.3km,明渠1.1km,提水泵站1座) I-C-iii-1 丘北县普者黑湖泊水环境综合治理 20.62 3.38 土建工程 20.45 3.35 53 WS 3.1.1 河口湿地工程(四条入湖河口湿地工程及 4.36 0.71 NCB 前审 2013/08/16 12 普者黑旅游开 国信招标集团 云南省环境科 已授标,授标价:325.31万元 管理用房) 发有限公司 有限公司 学研究院 4 of 6 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) 54 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—滥泥寨示范村 0.87 0.14 询价 前审 2014/02 6 同上 待定 同上 公共环境卫生基础设施(污水收集及处理 系统、饮用水水池围栏、生活垃圾收集 及电动三轮垃圾车) 55 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—滥泥寨示范村 1.38 0.23 询价 前审 2014/02 6 同上 待定 同上 农户环境卫生基础设施(废液收集池、堆 肥及秸秆腐化池、沼气池、户厕改造 56 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—菜花箐村(污水 0.15 0.02 询价 后审 2014/06 3 同上 — 同上 收集及处理系统、垃圾桶) 57 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—水围营村(污水 1.18 0.19 询价 后审 2014/06 6 同上 — 同上 收集及处理系统、垃圾桶、电动三轮垃 圾车、公共厕所、饮用水源保护) 58 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—落水洞村(户厕 0.55 0.09 询价 后审 2014/06 4 同上 — 同上 改造、简易粪便堆积池、公共厕所) 59 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—普者黑村(污水 1.21 0.20 询价 后审 2014/08 6 同上 — 同上 收集及处理系统、电动三轮垃圾车、生 活垃圾收集房、生物净化公厕) 60 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—仙人洞村(污水 0.38 0.06 询价 后审 2014/04 3 同上 — 同上 收集及处理系统、电动三轮垃圾车、生 活垃圾收集房、生物净化公厕) 61 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—曰者镇(污水收 2.34 0.38 NCB 后审 2014/08 9 同上 国信招标集团 同上 集及处理系统、电动三轮垃圾车、生活 有限公司 垃圾收集房、生物净化公厕) 62 WS 村落环境综合整治工程—双龙营镇(污水 2.76 0.45 NCB 后审 2014/08 9 同上 国信招标集团 同上 收集及处理系统、电动三轮垃圾车、生 有限公司 活垃圾收集房、生物净化公厕) 63 WS 3.1.3 村落沼气工程(曰者镇、双龙营镇沼气池 0.65 0.11 询价 后审 2014/10 9 同上 — 同上 73座) 64 WS 3.1.4 村落垃圾收集池工程(沿湖外围56个村生 1.02 0.17 询价 后审 2014/12 6 同上 — 同上 活垃圾收集池302个) 65 WS 3.1.5 村落户型生态卫生旱厕工程(沿湖外围56 1.87 0.31 CP 后审 2014/11 12 同上 同上 个村户型旱厕710座) 66 WS 3.1.6 村落单室堆沤肥池工程(外围56个村堆沤 1.73 0.28 CP 后审 2014/11 12 同上 同上 肥池647座) 货物 0.17 0.03 67 WS 21.1 垃圾清运车辆(5t农用垃圾清运车3辆) 0.17 0.03 询价 后审 2014/08 3 同上 — 同上 I-C-iii-2 富宁县普厅河综合治理 44.65 7.32 土建工程 44.65 7.32 68 WS 3.2.1 普厅河河堤工程 13.68 2.24 NCB 前审 2013/03/21 12 富宁城乡投资 国信招标集团 云南省城乡设 已授标,授标价:2998.59万元 开发有限公司 有限公司 计研究院 5 of 6 世界银行贷款云南城市环境建设项目(Ln 7692-CN) 采购计划 更新时间:2014年2月14日 序号 合同编号 合同描述 估算基本费用 采购 世行审 预期发标 预期合 实施机构 招标代理 设计单位 备注 百万元 百万 方式 查类型 日期 同执行 人民币 美元 期(月) 69 WS 3.2.2 支流河堤工程(6条) 30.97 5.08 NCB 前审 2014/03 12 同上 同上 同上 I-C-iv 文山州环保局能力建设 2.22 0.36 货物 2.22 0.36 70 WS 25.1 环境监测设备及车辆(流动注射分析仪1套 2.22 0.36 NCB 前审 2009/11/16 3 文山州环境保 国信招标集团 — 已授标,授标价:224.6万元 、应急监测车1辆、应急防护服4套) 护局 有限公司 II. 流域综合管理 53.52 8.77 II-A 滇池流域 53.52 8.77 II-A-i-1 滇池流域环境监测系统 43.82 7.18 土建工程 1.12 0.18 71 IDBM 1.1.1 监测设施(水量分中心房屋建设和安装) 1.12 0.18 DP N/A 2014/10 3 昆明市环境监 — 云南奕辉建筑 NBF(全部由国内资金资助) 测中心 设计有限公司 货物 42.70 7.00 72 IDBM 20.1-包1 水质自动监测站及附属设备 5.56 0.91 DP N/A 2010/11 3 同上 — 已授标,授标价:725.53万元。 NBF(全部由国内资金资助) 73 IDBM 20.1-包2 非自动水质水量监测设备 12.43 2.04 NCB 前审 2014/05 6 同上 中机国际招标 公司 74 IDBM 20.2 信息系统设备采购 7.56 1.24 NCB 后审 2014/06 6 同上 同上 75 IDBM 30.1 信息系统开发(含专业数据、影像图采购 17.15 2.81 NCB 前审 2014/04 18 同上 采用世行信息系统采购招标文件 、流域模型研究、系统框架平台等) 范本。涉密数据将通过其他项 目,用国内资金采购 II-A-i-2 滇池流域综合管理 9.70 1.59 咨询服务 9.70 1.59 76 IDBM 30.2 滇池流域长期综合管理规划(包括信息系 9.70 1.59 QCBS 前审 2011/07/29 18 昆明市滇池管 中机国际招标 — 已授标,授标价:135.8万美元 统开发、基础系统框架平台等) 理局 公司 III 技术援助 9.15 1.50 咨询服务 9.15 1.50 77 YUEP-TA-2009 设计审查、施工监理和运营援助 8.71 1.43 QCBS 前审 2009/09/14 72 已授标,授标价:912.79万元。 2013年10月19日合同中止,实际 完成合同额448.24万元。 78 YUEP-TA-IC-1 市政工程与合同管理个体咨询专家 0.19 0.03 IC 前审 — 6 已授标,授标价:18.744万元。 基于单一来源选择。 79 YUEP-TA-IC-2 财务分析与预测个体咨询专家 0.25 0.04 IC 后审 2014/06 6 总计 768.27 125.95 注: 1. ICB = 国际竞争性招标 NCB = 国内竞争性招标 CP = 社区参与 QCBS = 基于质量和费用的选择 IC = 个体咨询专家 DP = 国内程序采购 2. 汇率:1 USD = 6.1 RMB 6 of 6 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 World Bank Financed Yunnan Urban Environment Project Procurement Plan (PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 o o Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency N Contract N Description Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) Component I. County Town Urban Environment Infrastructure (CTUEI) 705.60 115.67 I-A Kunming Municipality 108.33 17.76 I-A-i-1 SWM of Songming County 34.97 5.73 Civil Works 28.73 4.71 1 KM 1.1.1 Sanitary Landfill (Capacity of 85 ton/day, 13.42 2.20 NCB Post 2010/01/11 12 Songming Lanling Yunnan Zhongzi Haiwai Central and Southern Contract awarded with price of incl. leakage prevention of 51200 m2) Refuse Treatment Co. Consulting Co. Ltd China Municipal RMB18.3 million Ltd Engineering Design & Research Institute 2 KM 1.1.2 Leachate Treatment Station (capacity of 5.50 0.90 DP N/A 2012/12/06 6 Ditto Contract awarded with price of 80m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB4.83 million. NBF(implement- installation of plant and equipment) ed by domestic funds) 3 KM 1.1.3 Access Road (1.2km), Retaining Wall (196m) 3.00 0.49 DP N/A 2008/12/25 3 Ditto — Central and Southern Contract awarded with price of and Administration Buildings (370m2) China Municipal RMB3 million. NBF (implemented Envineering Design & but not eligible for Bank's finance) Research Institute 4 KM 1.1.4 Transfer Station 1.00 0.16 DP N/A 2012/06/01 Ditto Yunnan Zhongzi Haiwai Ditto Contract awarded with price of Consulting Co. Ltd RMB0.4088 million. NBF (imple- mented by domestic funds) 5 KM 1.1.5 Closure of Existing Dumping Site 5.81 0.95 DP N/A 2014/10 12 Ditto Ditto NBF (to be implemented by domestic funds) Goods 6.24 1.02 6 KM 20.1 Transportation Vehicles and Landfill 6.24 1.02 ICB Prior 2012/07/23 3 Ditto CMC International Ditto Contract awarded with price of Equipment Tendering Company RMB4.5962 million I-A-i-2 SWM of Xundian County 37.92 6.22 Civil Works 33.27 5.45 7 KM 1.2.1 Sanitary Landfill (Capacity of 70 ton/day, 18.67 3.06 NCB Post 2009/12/18 12 Xundian County Yunnan Urban Yunnan Design Contract awarded with contract incl. access road of 1.6km, pipeline of 5km, Qingxin Solid Waste Construction Project Institute price of RMB28.1 million (changed administration buildings, afforestation, Treatment Co. Ltd Management & from post to prior review) impermeable membraneand geotextile, Consulting Co. Ltd 8 KM 1.2.2 Leachate Treatment Station (capacity of 8.60 1.41 DP N/A 2012/09/29 6 Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of 70m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB5.88 million. NBF(implement- installation of plant and equipment) ed by domestic funds) 9 KM 1.2.3 Closure of Existing Dumping Site 6.00 0.98 DP N/A 2014/06 12 Ditto Ditto NBF (to be implemented by domestic funds) Goods 4.65 0.76 10 KM 21.1 Transportation Vehicles and Landfill 4.65 0.76 ICB Prior 2011/05/26 2 Ditto CMC International Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of Equipment Tendering Company Institute RMB4.85 million 1 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) I-A-i-3 SWM of Luquan County 35.44 5.81 Civil Works 30.23 4.96 11 KM 1.3.1 Sanitary Landfill(Capacity of 90 ton/day, 20.06 3.29 NCB Prior 2011/10/24 12 Luquan Likang Solid Yunnan Guonei Bidding Central and Southern Contract awarded with price of incl.leakage prevention structure of 45000 Waste Treatment Co. Agency China Municipal RMB11.8026 million m2, administration buildings & facilities ) Ltd Envineering Design & Research Institute 12 KM Closure of Existing Dumping Site and 1.85 0.30 DP N/A 2012/03/03 Ditto TBC Ditto Contract awarded with price of afforestation RMB0.5184 million. NBF(imple- mented by domestic funds) 13 KM Transfer Station in Town Centre 1.15 0.19 DP N/A 2014/10 Ditto TBC Ditto NBF (to be implemented by domestic fund) 14 KM 1.3.2 Leachate Treatment Station (capacity of 4.17 0.68 DP N/A 2013/08/01 6 Ditto TBC Ditto Contract awarded with price of 50m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB6.338 million. NBF(imple- installation of plant and equipment) mented by domestic funds) 15 KM 1.3.3 Access Road (1070m) and Fence Wall 3.00 0.49 DP N/A 2008/10/29 6 Ditto — Ditto Contract awarded with price of (2980m) RMB3 million. NBF (implemented but not eligible for Bank's finance) Goods 5.21 0.85 16 KM/ 22.1 Transportation Vehicles and Landfill 5.21 0.85 ICB Prior 2012/11/23 6 Ditto CMC International Ditto Contract awarded with price of Equipment Tendering Company RMB7.1322 million I-B Lijiang Municipality 412.84 67.68 I-B-i SWM of Lijiang Ancient Town 81.09 13.29 Civil Works 67.29 11.03 17 LJ 1.1.1 Sanitary Landfill (Capacity of 270 ton/day, 19.53 3.20 NCB Post 2009/09/01 12 Lijiang Ancient Town Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of incl. supply and installation of leakage Solid Waste Disposal Co. Ltd Institute RMB45.44 million (changed from prevention structure) Plant Company post to prior review) 18 LJ 1.1.2 Leachate Treatment Station (capacity of 12.00 1.97 DP N/A 2011/06/21 6 Ditto Ditto Sichuan Deep Blue Contract awarded with price of 200m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and Environment RMB11.69 million. NBF (imple- installation of plant and equipment) Protection Tech. Co.Ltd mented by domestic funds) 19 LJ Collection and transferring stations (4 sink- 11.21 1.84 NCB Post 2012/11/14 5 Ditto Ditto Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of in compressing transferring stations, incl. Institute RMB13.76026 million civil works, one fixed and decentrialized 20 LJ f transferring station, Collection and 12.55 2.06 NCB Post 2014/06 3 Ditto Ditto Ditto administration centre (two sink-in waste compressing stations and two linked mobile 21 LJ 1.1.4 Access Road(about 3.95km) ) 12.00 1.97 DP N/A 2012/03/22 5 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of RMB17.36 million. NBF(imple- mented by domestic funds) Goods 13.80 2.26 22 LJ 20.1 Landfill Equipment 3.40 0.56 ICB Prior 2014/01/10 3 Ditto CMC International Ditto Tendering Company 2 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) 23 LJ 20.2 Transportation Vehicles (incl. such special 4.14 0.68 ICB Prior 2011/09/02 4 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of vehicles as collection and transportation RMB3.4855 million vehicles,etc) 24 LJ 20.3 Sweeping Vehicles (incl. such special 6.26 1.03 ICB Prior 2011/09/02 4 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of vehicles as sweeping vehicles and watering RMB5.02 million cart, etc) I-B-ii-1 WW&TP of Lijiang City 160.01 26.23 Civil Works 160.01 26.23 25 LJ 2.1.1 Sewer Collection Networks (in Catchmens E 17.68 2.90 DP N/A 2014/06 10 Lijiang Water Supply & Yunnan Tendering Co. Fuzhou Municipal NBF (to be implemented by and K, total length of 22.54km) Drainage Co. Ltd Planning & Design domestic funds) Institute 26 LJ 2.1.2 Sewer Collection Networks (in Catchmens 6.52 1.07 NCB Post 2014/06 7 Ditto Ditto Ditto H, total length of 7.68km) 27 LJ Sewer Collection Network (in Catchmens D, 14.00 2.30 NCB Post 2011/12/29 12 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of with length of 12km) RMB18.1583 million 28 LJ Sewer Collection Network (in catchment F 18.00 2.95 NCB Post 2013/04/01 14 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of with length of 26km) RMB17.3842 million 29 LJ Sewer Collection Network (in catchment J 18.00 2.95 NCB Post 2014/03 12 Ditto Ditto Ditto with length of 28km) 30 LJ 2.1.4 Sewer Collection Network (in Catchmens A 10.54 1.73 DP N/A 2009/06/04 6 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of and I, total length of 24.4km) RMB20.84 million. NBF (implement-ed but not eligible for Bank's finance) 31 LJ 2.1.5 Sewer Collection Network (in Xintuan 15.32 2.51 NCB Post 2014/06 18 Ditto Ditto Ditto Catchments, total length of 27km) LJ 2.1.6 Renovation of Sewer Pipe in Rivers of 6.27 1.03 N/A N/A — — — — — PIU proposed to cancel Ancient Town (total length of 7.0km) implementation of this contract and applied to the WB 32 LJ 2.1.7 Wastewater Treatment Plant (capacity of 33.44 5.48 NCB Prior 2010/01/26 24 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of 20000m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB59.5247 million installation of plant and equipment) 33 LJ 2.1.8 Sewer Interceptor Main (total length of 20.24 3.32 DP N/A 2007/04/27 6 Ditto — Ditto Contract awarded with price of 4.96km) RMB21.81 million. NBF (imple- mented but not eligible for Bank's finance) I-B-ii-3 WW&TP of Huaping County 56.48 9.26 Civil Works 56.48 9.26 34 LJ 2.3.1 Sewer Interceptor Main - Phase I (in 1.60 0.26 DP N/A 2008/12/01 3 Huaping Water Supply Lijiang Jinyuan Chongqing Municipal Contract awarded with price of Xinhuaqiao and Hongtaikangcheng areas, and Sewerage Tendering Co. Design Institute RMB1.65 million. NBF (implement- DN600-DN800, total length of 2590m) Company ed but not eligible for Bank's 35 LJ 2.3.2 Sewer Interceptor Main - Phase II (in Liyuhe 4.20 0.69 DP N/A 2009/01/05 3 Ditto Ditto Ditto f ) awarded with price of Contract West Bank and Liuxihe areas, DN500- RMB3.98 million. NBF (implement- DN700, total length of 4230m) ed but not eligible for Bank's f ) 3 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) 36 LJ 2.3.3 Sewer collection Network (interceptor main 27.08 4.44 NCB Prior 2010/03/24 11 Ditto Yunnan Tendering Co. Ditto Contract awarded with price of DN600-DN900 of 8460m and branch sewer Ltd RMB31.58 million DN200-DN600 of 17808m) LJ 2.3.4 Households sewer collection (along Liuxi 8.49 1.39 NCB Post _ _ _ _ _ PIU had justified sewer collection rivershed households sewer DN100-DN400 rate in county town and deemed of 20km) current collection system can meet the demand. Proposal of cancel of this contract had been reported and discussed with WB missions. 37 LJ 2.3.5 Wastewater Treatment Plant (capacity of 14.48 2.37 NCB Post 2010/03/24 12 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of 6000m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB17.984 million installation of plant and equipment) 38 LJ Vegetation Plantation in situ of WWTP 0.63 0.10 DP N/A 2011/06/08 1 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of RMB764,000. NBF(implemented by domestic funds) I-B-iii CHP of Lion Hill of Lijiang County 115.26 18.90 Civil Works 112.19 18.39 39 LJ 3.1.1 Integrated environmental renovation - 36.11 5.92 NCB TBD TBD 10 Lijiang Ancient Town Yunnan Nanfang Southwest China Dependent on when No Objection Phase I (sections of K0+000-K0+456, incl. Management Co. Ltd Tendering Co. Ltd Municipal Envineering to be obtained from UNESCO. The pedestraine, water supply and drainage, Design & Research cost estimation, the review by the cable ducts, administration building, public Institute Bank and the expected advertising toilets, landscaping & greening, and night dates will be then updated. lighting works) 40 LJ 3.1.2 Integrated environmental renovation - 47.66 7.81 NCB TBD TBD 10 Ditto Ditto Ditto Phase II (sections of K0+456-K0+679, incl. pedestraine, water supply and drainage, cable ducts, administration building, public toilets, landscaping & greening, and night lighting works) 41 LJ 3.1.3 Integrated environmental renovation - 21.16 3.47 NCB TBD TBD 15 Ditto Ditto Ditto Phase III (sections of K0+679-K1+325, incl. pedestraine, water supply and drainage, cable ducts, administration building, public toilets, landscaping & greening, and night lighting works) 42 LJ 3.1.4 Maintainance of 3 old tower/temple 7.26 1.19 NCB TBD TBD 12 Ditto Ditto Ditto buildings Goods 3.07 0.50 43 LJ 21.1 Garbage collectors and equipment (incl. 0.50 0.08 Shoppin TBD TBD 7 Ditto Ditto Ditto such special vehicles as 5 samll collection g and transportation vehicles) 44 LJ 21.2 Monitoring equipment in scenic spots (60 2.57 0.42 NCB TBD TBD 15 Ditto Ditto Ditto electronic monitoring detectors) 4 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) I-C Wenshan Prefecture 184.43 30.23 I-C-ii-1-a WS of Qiubei County 22.00 3.61 Civil Works 22.00 3.61 45 WS 2.1.1 Water Transmission Main and Water 14.00 2.30 NCB Post 2014/03 12 Qiubei County Water Goxin Tendering Group China Aerospace Treatment Plant (integrated capacity by Supply Co. Co. Ltd Construction Group plant 1 and 2 6000m3/day, 1 pump station, Co.,Ltd. DN400-500, total length of 9.2km) 46 WS 2.1.2 Renovation of Distribution Networks in 8.00 1.31 NCB Post 2014/05 8 Ditto Ditto Ditto County Town (DN100-350, total length of 15 9k ) I-C-ii-1-b WW&TP of Qiubei County 34.64 5.68 Civil Works 34.64 5.68 47 WS 2.1.3 Sewer Collection Network (DN400-DN1000, 24.87 4.08 NCB Prior 2010/01/06 12 Qiubei County Water Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of total length of 26.495km) Supply Co. Co. Ltd Institute RMB14.964 million. Implemented and completed 13.5km, worth RMB7.4481 million. The rest sewer is to be decided due to changes in the master plan of county town. 48 WS 2.1.4 Wastewater Treatment Plant (capacity of 9.77 1.60 NCB Post 2009/11/02 12 Ditto Ditto Ditto Contract awarded with price of 6000m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB15.658 million installation of plant and equipment, and access road of 850m) I-C-ii-2 WW&TP of Guangnan County 29.45 4.83 Civil Works 29.45 4.83 49 WS 2.2.1 Sewer Collection Network (DN400-DN900, 15.58 2.55 NCB Post 2009/11/03 12 Guangnan County Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of with total length of 15.29km, associated Water Supply and Co. Ltd Institute RMB11.651 million facilities and cleaning equipment) Drainage Co. Ltd 50 WS 2.2.2 Wastewater Treatment Plant (capacity of 13.87 2.27 NCB Post 2009/11/03 12 ditto ditto ditto Contract awarded with price of 8000m3/day, incl. civil works, supply and RMB18.1564 million installation of plant and equipment) I-C-ii-3 WWM of Yanshan County 30.85 5.06 Civil Works 30.85 5.06 51 WS 2.3.1 Drainage Network (DN300-DN1200 20.04 3.29 NCB Post 2009/10/19 12 Yanshan County Water Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of rainwater pipes and sewers of 27km) Supply Co. Ltd Co. Ltd Institute RMB14.6913 million , completed value of RMB13.8264 million. 52 WS 2.3.2 Discharge Pipeline and Pumping Station 10.81 1.77 NCB Post 2009/10/19 6 ditto ditto ditto Contract awarded with price of (pressured pipes DN500 of 3.3km, open RMB4.36 million ditch of 1.1km, and 1 pumping station) I-C-iii-1 IWE, Puzhehei Lake, of Qiubei County 20.62 3.38 Civil Works 20.45 3.35 53 WS 3.1.1 Wetland at river mouth (Four Input Rivers 4.36 0.71 NCB Post 2013/08/16 12 Qiubei Puzhehei Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Institute of Contract awarded with price of and admin office) Tourism Develop-ment Co. Ltd environmental science RMB3.2531 million 5 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) 54 WS Integrated Environmental Management for 0.87 0.14 Shopp- Post 2014/02 6 Ditto — Ditto Public Infrastructures-Lannizhai Pilot Village ing (incl.sewage collection and treatment, fence for tap water pond, domestic waste collection bulk and electronic waste collection vehicles) 55 WS Integrated Environmental Management for 1.38 0.23 Shopp- Post 2014/02 6 Ditto — Ditto Households Infrastructures-Lannizhai Pilot ing Village(incl.faeces collection, composit- ing,biogas and renovation of toilet) 56 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 0.15 0.02 Shopp- Post 2014/06 3 Ditto — Ditto Caihuaqin Village (incl. waste water ing collection & treatment, rubbish bin, electronic waste collection vehicle,public toilets and conservation of drinking water) 57 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 1.18 0.19 Shopp- Post 2014/06 6 Ditto — Ditto Shuiweiying Village (incl.waste water ing collection & treatment, rubbish bin, electronic waste collection vehicle,public toilets and conservation of drinking water) 58 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 0.55 0.09 Shopp- Post 2014/06 4 Ditto — Ditto Luoshuidong Village (incl. households toilet ing renovation, simple compiling pond for faeces, public toilet) 59 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 1.21 0.20 Shopp- Post 2014/08 6 Ditto — Ditto Puzhehei Village (incl sewage collection and ing treatment, electronic waste collector,domestic waste collection house,bio-purification toilet) 60 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 0.38 0.06 Shopp- Post 2014/04 3 Ditto — Ditto Xianrendong Village(Sewage collection and ing treatment, domestic collection house, bio- purification toilet) 61 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 2.34 0.38 NCB Post 2014/08 9 Ditto — Ditto Yuezhe Township(incl.sewage collection & treatment,electronic waste collector, domestic collection house, bio-purification toilet) 62 WS Integrated Environmental Management- 2.76 0.45 NCB Post 2014/08 9 Ditto — Ditto Shuanglongying Township(incl.sewage collection & treatment, electronic waste collector,waste collecting house, bio- purification toilet) 6 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) 63 WS 3.1.3 Village bio-gas(73 bio-gas tanks to be built 0.65 0.11 Shopp- Post 2014/10 9 Ditto — Ditto in Yuezhe and Shuanglongying) ing 64 WS 3.1.4 Village wastes colletor (302 collection 1.02 0.17 Shopp- Post 2014/12 6 Ditto — Ditto points to be built along 56 villages around ing the lake) 65 WS 3.1.5 Households toilet (710 toliets to be built 1.87 0.31 CP Post 2014/11 12 Ditto — Ditto along 56 villages around the lake) 66 WS 3.1.6 Single chamber composting ponds (647 1.73 0.28 CP Post 2014/11 12 Ditto — Ditto tanks to be built along 56 villages around the lake) Goods 0.17 0.03 67 WS 21.1 Vehicles for management (3 waste 0.17 0.03 Shopp- Post 2014/08 3 Ditto Goxin Tendering Group Ditto cleanning vehicle with capacity of 5t) ing Co. Ltd I-C-iii-2 IWE, Puting River, of Funing County 44.65 7.32 Civil Works 44.65 7.32 68 WS 3.2.1 River Embankment along the Main Stream 13.68 2.24 NCB Prior 2013/03/21 12 Funing County Goxin Tendering Group Yunnan Design Contract awarded with price of Hongxing State Asset Co. Ltd Institute RMB29.9859 million 69 WS 3.2.2 River Embankment in Urban Area along 6 30.97 5.08 NCB Prior 2014/03 12 C Ld ditto ditto ditto Tributaries I-C-iv Inst. Str. of Wenshan EPB 2.22 0.36 Goods 2.22 0.36 70 WS 25.1 Monitoring Vehicles and Safety Protection 2.22 0.36 NCB Prior 2009/11/16 3 Wenshan Prefecture Goxin Tendering Group Contract awarded with price of Devices ( 1 set of flow injection analyzer, 1 Environmental Co. Ltd RMB2.246 million environmental emergency monitor vehicle Protection Bureau & 4 sets of emergency protective clothing) Component II: Integrated Lake Basin Management 53.52 8.77 II-A Lake Dianchi Basin 53.52 8.77 II-A-i-1 EMS for Dianchi, Kunming 43.82 7.18 Civil Works 1.12 0.18 71 IDBM 1.1.1 Monitoring facilities (water quality auto- 1.12 0.18 DP N/A 2014/10 3 Kunming _ Yunnan Yihui Builiding NBF(fully financed by domestic monitoring station building & installation of Environmental Design Co. Ltd. funds) water flow monitoring center building) Monitoring Center Goods 42.70 7.00 72 IDBM 20.1- Water quality auto-monitoring station & 5.56 0.91 DP N/A 2010/11 3 Ditto — Contract awarded with price of Package 1 accessory equipment RMB7.2553 million. NBF(implement-ed by domestic 73 IDBM 20.1- Non-auto water quality and flow monitoring 12.43 2.04 NCB Prior 2014/05 6 Ditto CMC International f ) Package 2 equipment Tendering Company 74 IDBM 20.2 Procurement of equipment for information 7.56 1.24 NCB Post 2014/06 6 Ditto Ditto system 7 of 8 Yunnan Urban Environment Project (Ln-7692-CN) Project Procurement Plan(PPP) Updated: February 14, 2014 No Contract No Description Estimated Base Cost Procure Review Expected Estimated Implementing Agency Procuremnet Agency Design Institute Remark in RMB M. in USD M. ment by Bank Advertising Duration Metho (prior/ Date (Months) 75 IDBM 30.1 Development of information system (incl. 17.15 2.81 NCB Prior 2014/04 18 Ditto Based on the Bank's standard professional data & Esri information, study bidding document for supply and on model of basin, basic system framwork installation of information syste, and platform, etc) the classified data will be procured with domestic funds sourced from other project. II-A-i-2 Integrated Lake Basin Management of Dianchi Lake 9.70 1.59 Services 9.70 1.59 76 IDBM 30.2 Development of Long-term Integrated 9.70 1.59 QCBS Prior 2011/07/29 18 Kunming Dianchi CMC International — Contract awarded with price of Management Plan for Lake Dianchi (incl Administration Bureau Tendering Company $1.358 million. development of info system & establish- ment of systmetic framework platform) III Technical Assistance 9.15 1.50 Services 9.15 1.50 77 YUEP-TA-2009 Design Review, Constru. Super., & Operat. 8.71 1.43 QCBS Prior 2009/09/14 72 Contract awarded with price of Assistance RMB9.127 million. Terminated by the Consultant on October 19, 2013 and actually completed with price of RMB4.4824 million 78 YUEP-TA-IC-1 Individual Consultant of Municipal Works 0.19 0.03 IC Prior — 6 Contract awarded with price of and Contract Management RMB0.18744, based on Single Source Selection (SSS) 79 YUEP-TA-IC-2 Individual Consultant of Financial Analysis 0.25 0.04 IC Post 2014/06 6 and Projection Total 768.27 125.95 Note: 1. ICB = International Competitive Bidding NCB = National Competitive Bidding CP = Community Participation QCBS = Selection Based on Quality and Cost IC = Individual Consultant DP = Domestic Procurement 2. Exchange rate: 1 USD=6.10RMB 8 of 8 采购方式和事前审查限额 采购方式的限额 描述 限额 (--) ICB <2500万美元 NCB 工程 ≤20万美元 询价采购 (--) ICB <300万美元 NCB 货物 ≤10万美元 询价采购 (--) QCBS/QBS 咨询服务 ≤30万美元 CQS 事前审查的限额 描述 事前审查的合同 ICB 所有合同 各实施机构的头两个合同(不论估算 工程 NCB 金额大小)及估算金额≥1500万美元 的所有合同 ICB 所有合同 货物 NCB 估算金额≥300万美元的所有合同 每种选择方式的头一个合同(不论估 咨询服务 咨询公司竞争性选择 算金额大小)及估算金额≥30万美元 的所有合同 ICB=国际竞争性招标;NCB=国内竞争性招标;QCBS=基于质量和费用的选择;QBS=基于质量的选择 CQS=基于资历的选择;(-)=不适用 Details of Thresholds for Procurement Methods and Prior Review Thresholds for Procurement Methods Description Thresholds (--) ICB