INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET IDENTIFICATION / CONCEPT STAGE Public Disclosure Copy Report No.: ISDSC16955 Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 25-Mar-2016 I. BASIC INFORMATION A. Basic Project Data Country: Chad Project ID: P159189 Project Name: Data Production and Capacity Building in Chad Team Leader(s): Kristen Himelein Estimated Date 01-Jul-2016 of Approval: Managing Unit: GPV01 Lending Lending Instrument Instrument: Sector(s): Public administration- Agriculture, fishing and forestry (20%), Public administration- Education (20%), Public administration- Health (20%), Public administration- Other social services (20%), Public administration- Water, sanitation and flood protection (20%) Theme(s): Economic statistics, modeling and forecasting (5%), Poverty strategy, analysis and monitoring (80%), Conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction (5%), Gender (5%), Climate change (5%) Financing (in USD Million) Public Disclosure Copy Total Project Cost: 4 Total Bank Financing: 0 Financing Gap: 2.5 Financing Source Amount Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building 1.5 Environment C - Not Required Category: B. Project Development Objective(s) The overall development objective of this project is to support the Government of Chad in improving the availability and quality of poverty and other socioeconomic data to inform policy monitoring and planning through the implementation of a new consumption-based household survey in 2017, and associated capacity building activities. C. Project Description The project includes the following activities, all of which will be conducted by INSEED as part of the survey implementation. These activities will take place in the context of the WAEMU project, with harmonization across the countries. Substantial technical assistance from the World Bank will be provided through a series of regional workshops for technical staff and meetings for the Directors General. Though subject to finalization, the start date planned for the survey is February 2017. Questionnaire Revision – Analysis of the 2011 Enquête sur la consommation et le secteur informel au Tchad (ECOSIT) showed a number of short-comings in the instrument design. These issues will Public Disclosure Copy be addressed by moving to the best practice methodology developed as part of the WAEMU project. As this will represent a substantial departure from the previous ECOSIT methodology, either survey- to-survey imputation or other similar econometric technique will be necessary to have a comparable national poverty series in addition to comparability between WAEMU countries. For the 2017 survey, the pilot questionnaire was developed as part of a regional workshop in Ouagadougou in December 2015, which included participants from INSEED, and will be pilot tested in March or April 2016. A week-long national questionnaire review workshop for major government stakeholders took place from February 24 to 29, 2016. The main decision from that meeting was, aside from small modifications to the wording and answer choices to match the Chadian context, no major modifications are envisioned for the questionnaire. Supplementary topics that had been proposed included climate change and insecurity, but though it is agreed that issues are important, the current questionnaire is already long. To avoid overburdening respondents, these topics will be covered by later data collection efforts. Sample Selection – Sample design is particularly challenging as Chad currently has 25 level-1 administrative divisions, which would in most cases necessitate a sample of over 10,000 households. An informed sample design will be based on variance and clustering information from household consumption variable in the 2011 ECOSIT to produce the most efficient sample design possible at the national level while still maintaining representative estimates at the regional level. Cluster size, which was 21 in the previous round, will be substantially reduced, to the WAEMU guideline of approximately 12 households per cluster, and cluster selection will use the current estimated cluster sizes from the 2009 census. The sample design process will take place at a regional workshop in Dakar with the WAEMU participants during the week of March 28, 2016. Fieldwork – Fieldwork will be conducted over approximately a 2-month period during a period similar to the other WAEMU countries. This is a longer period than the previous ECOSIT, which Public Disclosure Copy collected data in less than one month, necessitating large numbers of enumerators and supervisors. The longer fieldwork calendar will allow for higher standards in hiring and a longer, more centralized, training process. Data Capture – Questionnaire administrative and data capture will be done simultaneously using Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) with Survey Solutions software. CAPI questionnaire administration integrates data checking into the interview process, allowing outlier values to be confirmed while the interviewer is still within the household. This reduces the amount of cleaning that will be necessary and speeds the pace at which results can be made available. Weight Calculations – The weights will be calculated using the probabilities generated by the sample design, cluster-level non-response, and post-stratification using the current estimated population totals based on the 2009 census. Production of a Statistical Abstract – The project, along with the companion World Bank technical assistance project and in conjunction with the WAEMU countries, will ensure the timely production of updated poverty numbers, and tables of major correlates of poverty. Dissemination – In addition to printed copies of the statistical abstract, the data will be properly archived and anonymized datasets will be released publicly within 12 months of the completion of data collection through the INSEED website or other appropriate data sharing platform. D. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard Public Disclosure Copy analysis (if known) E. Borrower’s Institutional Capacity for Safeguard Policies F. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists on the Team II. SAFEGUARD POLICIES THAT MIGHT APPLY Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Environmental Assessment OP/ No BP 4.01 Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No Forests OP/BP 4.36 No Pest Management OP 4.09 No Physical Cultural Resources OP/ No BP 4.11 Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 No Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP No 4.12 Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No Public Disclosure Copy Projects on International No Waterways OP/BP 7.50 Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No 7.60 III. SAFEGUARD PREPARATION PLAN Appraisal stage ISDS required?: No IV. APPROVALS Team Leader(s): Name: Kristen Himelein Approved By: Safeguards Advisor: Name: Johanna van Tilburg (SA) Date: 07-Mar-2016 Practice Manager/ Name: Pablo Fajnzylber (PMGR) Date: 07-Mar-2016 Manager: 1 Reminder: The Bank's Disclosure Policy requires that safeguard-related documents be disclosed before appraisal (i) at the Public Disclosure Copy InfoShop and (ii) in country, at publicly accessible locations and in a form and language that are accessible to potentially affected persons. Public Disclosure Copy