THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL. 1, NO. 1: 103-148 SnipL. Iqg, Modeling the Impact of Agricultural Growth and Government Policy on Income Distribution in India Jaime Quiz6n and Hans Binswanger This article uses a limited general equilibrium model to investigate the growth and equity effects of a variety of economic and technical changes and selected agricultural policies in India. It explores how changes in food prices, rural wages, and farm profits associated with the Green Revolution period affected income distribution between net buyers and sellers of food. The model shows that income gains from the Green Revolu- tion initially accrued to the wealthier rural groups but that after 1972-73 they were transferred to urban consumers and that by 1980-81 the per capita incomes of poor and wealthier rural groups alike were barely above their respective 1960-61 levels. The model is also used in counterfactual analysis of the impact of changes in technological, demographic, investment, taxation, and income redistribution variables. Its findings indicate the importance of trade policies for the nature of the equity outcomes from agricultural growth and suggest that a reduction in population growth and an increase in nonagricultural employment and income are required to convert agricultural growth into reduced rural poverty. As a result of the Green Revolution, agricultural productivity in India has risen sharply over the last two decades and India has become a self-sufficient producer of basic food grains. While there is no dispute about the rapid increase in production, economists have not had available a similarly compelling analysis of who has benefited from this growth. Debates about the effects of the Green Revolution and Indian agricultural policies on the distribution of income have, almost without exception, been limited to the question of how income is distributed across small and large farms and between landowners and workers, rather than between producers and con- sumers of food. Typical subjects of study have been the differences in adoption behavior of small and large farms, the distributional impact of their differential access to credit, and the direct labor-use effects of high-yielding varieties or of irrigation. The determination of these direct first effects of changes in agricultural tech- Jaime Quiz6n is at Chase Econometrics, Philadelphia. Hans Binswanger is at the World Bank. Copyright © 1986 by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / THE WORLD BANK. 103 . - . 104 THEWORLDBANKECONOMICREVIEW,VOL. 1,NO. 1 niqces and policies is, of course, necessary and important. Meanwhile, however, the longer-term macroeconomic effects of changes in agricultural technology and agriculture-related policies have not received sufficient attention. This paper presents a limited general equilibrium model which incorporates most of the relevant macroeconomic factors needed to determine t!he distributional impact of the Green Revolution. The model also allows assessments of other trends and policies that may be determinants of income distribution. This analysis is di- rected to the following objectives: * To trace changes in income distribution between rural and urban groups and between different income groups * To determine the equity effects of the Green Revolution * To suggest how changes in economic, demographic, and technical trends would be likely to influence income distribution * To indicate the effects of alternative government policies on equity and poverty. In order to address these objectives, we developed a limited general equilib- rium model that is capable of accounting for changes in rural and urban income induced by changes in agricultural commodity supply and demand. This model is described in section I of this paper and is presented in mathematical terms in appendix A. The major elements of the model are: * The demand and supply of four agricultural outputs * The demand and supply of three agricultural inputs • Real incomes of rural and urban inhabitants at different income levels. The key feature of the model is that prices and quantities of agricultural output and variable inputs are endogenous. The model cliffers from an economy- wide model, however, in that nonagricultural income and production are treated as exogenous. Succeeding sections of the paper discuss several of the applications of the model. Section II briefly describes a standard exercise which we carried out to com- pare the model's endogenous ex post predictions of the quantities and prices of agricultural inputs and outputs with the actual paths of such quantities and prices as shown by macroeconomic data. Section III disczusses the use of selected equations from the model to account for changes in rural and urban income in India during the period from 1961 to 1981. In section IV, the model is used in counterfactual analysis to determine how income and agricultural variables would have changed under various hypothetical scenarios. The model's findings are summarized in section V. Among other things, our investigations show that India's progress in agriculture during the twenty-year period in question apparently had little net positive effect on the incomes of Quiz6n and Binswanger 105 either the rural well-to-do (the landowners) or the rural poor. The chief benefi- ciaries of increased agricultural output (which was accompanied by government policies that caused a relative decline in food prices as compared with manufac- tured goods prices) were urban residents. Our findings suggest that the incomes of the rural poor in India would be more likely to improve as a result of demo- graphic changes and increases in nonagricultural employment than as a result of technological improvements in agriculture. These conclusions, it should be understood, were arrived at through an ambi- tious attempt to try to understand an exceedingly complex reality. Our efforts to do so are subject to various limitations, many of which stem from a lack of complete data. In order to construct and utilize our model, many assumptions had to be made, and readers will find many caveats scattered throughout this article. The strength of the model, however, arises from our econometric estima- tion of parameter values which are based on the very large amounts of data compiled and incorporated into it. Despite its limitations, we hope that this paper can further the evolution of analysis of important issues in economic development. I. A SUMMARY OF THE MODEL The limited general equilibrium model for our investigation determines quan- tities and prices in seven markets: three input markets, labor, draft power, and fertilizers; and four agricultural output markets, rice, wheat, coarse cereals, and other crops. It also determines residual farm profits. Given these prices and quantities, it then determines the real incomes of four rural and four urban income quartiles (Rl, R2, R3, and R4 and Ul, U2, U3, and U4, respectively, in the appendixes). The supply of the four agricultural commodities and the demand for the three factors of production are modeled as a jointly estimated system of output supply and factor demand equations.' Output supply and factor demand shift in re- sponse to changes in exogenous endowment and technology variables: land (cultivable area), annual rainfall, irrigation, high-yielding varieties, roads, farm capital (animals and implements), regulated markets, and technological change. The supply of labor is responsive to the real rural wage. Agricultural labor is supplied by rural groups and also by some urban emigration, which is responsive to the rural wage. The supply of draft power is responsive to the real rental rate for draft animals and is supplied by each of the rural groups. The fertilizer supply is treated as an aggregate of nutrient tons, which is responsive to the price of fertilizer relative to nonagricultural goods prices. 1. Separate systems were estimated for each of four agroclimate zones. These systems were then aggregated to the national level. A flexible functional form was used to allow for cross-price effects among all seven outputs and factors. 106 THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL. 1, NO. 1 The supply of land is exogenously given as the cultivated area. This is appro- priate, because area expansion in Indian agriculture has virtually stopped since the mid-1960s. However, this treatment still allows cropped area to vary endog- enously via changes in the extent of double and triple cropping. And, of course, the area allocated to different crops can vary.2 While the supply of land is exogenous, net returns to land (the residual farm profits after variable factors have been paid) are determined endogenously. Consumer demand is responsive to the prices of commodities and the real income of each of the eight income groups. Poorer groups have higher income elasticities than richer groups. Each income group's demand must therefore be modeled separately. Demand was estimated econometrically; a flexible func- tional form was used, so that all (compensated) cross-price elasticities were directly estimated. Aggregate demand is the sum of the demands of all the income groups. Nominal income is computed as each group's supply of agricultural produc- tion factors multiplied by the factor prices, plus an exogenously given compo- nent for nonagricultural income. Real income is calculated for each of the eight groups as their nominal income deflated by an endogenous consumer price index that is specific to that group's consumption patterns and reflects all endogenous changes in food prices. Prices and quantities of commodities and factors of production are determined as those which equate aggregate supply and demand in each of the seven mar- kets. The government can influence agricultural prices through the use of tariffs, food imports and exports, food grain storage, forced procurement at fixed prices, and consumer ration shop sales at nonequilibrium prices.3 The model solves simultaneously for changes in endogenous prices and quantities and thus determines for each income group the change in its nominal income, price defla- tor, real income, labor supply, draft power supply, and level of consumption. Nonagricultural prices are given exogenously and are used as the numeraire of the model. Because nonagricultural income is also given, nonagricultural pro- duction is exogenous and consumption of this output must adjust via trade. The base year used in constructing the model is 1973-74. Initial values are computed largely from an extensive rural household survey by the National Council for Applied Economic Research.4 The entire model is written in loga- rithmically linear equation form. There are several important characteristics of the model which must be kept in mind while interpreting our findings. First, it is well known that the distributional outcomes from general equilib- 2. Neither the total cropped area nor the area under different crops is explicitly traced in the model because the supply equations do not distinguish between area and yield supply. 3. Although we deal mainly with food trade in this paper, forced procurement and food subsidies are discussed in Binswanger and Quiz6n (1986). 4. For a fuller discussion of data sources and estimation of parameter values, see appendix B and Pal and Quiz6n (1983). Quiz6n and Binswanger 107 rium models depend crucially on labor market assumptions (Taylor 1979). We model the real rural wage by equating supply and demand for labor; that is, it is a full employment model. This treatment is consistent with the empirical evi- dence that there is little year-round unemployment in rural areas and that most unemployment is seasonal (Krishna 1976). Moreover, real wages are variable both within and across years; that is, no model of constant nominal or real wages is consistent with the data. Econometric studies of labor demand (Even- son and Binswanger 1984) and supply (Bardhan 1984; Rosenzweig 1984) are also consistent with our neoclassical treatment of the rural labor market. In spite of this evidence in favor of a neoclassical approach, we are keenly aware that there is considerable friction in rural labor markets. For example, there are substantial and persistent interregional wage differentials, and seasonal unemployment is clearly present. But our model is not regional and does not deal with intrayear wage determination. Similarly, because the model aggregates across different regions, it is not able to account for regional concentration of the Green Revolution. Because, in the longer term, increased production led to a decline in agricultural prices, farmers who had not adopted the Green Revolution technology-and whose yields had not increased-were harmed. Thus our simulation obscures both the more radi- cal income gains in beneficiary areas and the declines in the nonadopting re- gions. The model treats nonagricultural incomes (and implicitly urban wages and nonagricultural output) as exogenously determined. The purchasing power of the nonagricultural incomes, however, depends on agricultural prices. When these prices rise, urban agricultural demand will fall because of both price and income effects. But other feedbacks from agricultural activity to the nonagricul- tural sector are not allowed for in the model. One consequence of our treatment of the nonagricultural sector is that changes in food prices have no effect on the nominal urban wage; that is, reductions in food prices benefit urban wage earners and are not passed along to employers in the form of lower wages. Although the model determines what happens to real farm profits and the incomes of the rural income groups, it does not treat endogenously what subse- quently happens to private savings and private agricultural investments brought about by the changing fortunes of farmers. Thus our model is not a very long- run model. The reason for this treatment is that no econometric studies exist which quantify the link between farm profits and farm investment. Because there is no adequate empirical evidence for the actual changes in factor or asset endowments, we have not attempted to track these changes in our analysis of income distribution trends and we do not have endogenous endow- ment changes in our simulations. For such an analysis, one would need either to get comprehensive and accurate data or to be able to model investment processes in land and other factors of production for each of the four rural income groups. At the present time, the absence of such empirical knowledge makes the model- ing of endowment changes a distant goal. 108 THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL. 1, NO. 1 Finally, the model leaves out the effects of the market f'or foreign exchange on agricultural performance, and vice versa. India is modeled as a state-trading economy in which decisions to export or to import agricultural commodities rest solely with the government. These decisions are exogenous to the model. II. COMPARING MODEL PREDICTIONS WITH ACTUAL CHANGES A set of experiments was performed to compare the model's predictions of agricultural prices and quantities with the actual prices and quantities reported. Ideally, one would want to compare the model's predictions of income distribu- tion with actual patterns. Unfortunately, the data needed for such a comparison do not exist. Changes in exogenous variables (such as population, agricultural technology, capital and inputs, and nonagricultural prices and income) were introduced into the model for the five-year periods between 1960-61 and 1980- 81, and the model's calculated production and prices were compared with the actual quantity and price data reported for those periods (see part B of appendix table 11). Difficulties encountered in compiling actual data for the comparison are discussed in appendix B. In table 1, we compare indexes of actual and predicted values for six years and give the ratios of predicted to actual levels for each variable (with 1973 as the base). As can be seen, the fit between predicted and actual values is generally close despite the substantial changes that occurred in many actual values during the period. Of 65 predictions, 28 differ from the actual figure by 10 percent or more and only 10 by 20 percent or more. The poorest predictions are for the extreme years 1960-61 and 1980-81. Although during the period as a whole we overpredicted the growth rate in agricultural output by only about 0.5 percent per year, our quantity predictions are better than our price predictions. On the price side, the most serious problem is the overprediction of the rate of growth in agricultural prices from 1975-76 to 1980-81. Figure 1 shows that actual terms of trade imoved rapidly against agriculture during that period, but our model does not filly capture this down- ward trend, apparently because our model exaggerates the growth of demand. Notwithstanding these difficulties, the results show that our model is able to replicate reasonably actual agricultural conditions for the period. Among the individual variables, fertilizer consumption in the pre-Green Rev- olution period is the one tracked least accurately. We overpredict fertilizer con- sumption in those early years by a factor of 200 percent. This error is partly due to an extremely low base-year value. We also underestimate the rapid growth in fertilizer demand in the 1975-76 to 1980-81 period. This may be partly because we are not able to account for the rapid growth in the fertilizer subsidy in our simulations. Table 1. Comparative Indexes of Production, Employment, Wages, and Prices Agricultural year Variable 1960-61 1965-66 1970-71 1975-76 1980-81 All crop production Actual value 78.46 79.95 101.02 108.23 122.16 Predicted value 74.83 78.28 98.62 108.49 130.28 Ratio of predicted to actual value 0.95 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.07 Rice production Actual value 82.82 81.49 101.91 106.01 121.37 Predicted value 82.65 83.81 100.05 107.68 125.95 Ratio of predicted to actual value 1.00 1.03 0.98 1.02 1.04 Wheat production Actual value 47.32 48.24 99.69 116.10 149.54 Predicted value 41.39 52.83 95.59 117.51 162.49 Ratio of predicted to actual value 0.87 1.10 0.96 1.01 1.09 Coarse cereal production Actual value 89.19 90.96 106.45 108.52 110.81 Predicted value 82.12 80.96 99.35 108.52 119.59 Ratio of predicted to actual value 0.92 0.89 0.93 1.00 1.08 Other crop production Actual value 83.05 86.86 99.07 107.05 116.10 Predicted value 75.57 80.79 97.62 105.26 127.27 Ratio of predicted to actual value 0.91 0.93 0.99 0.98 1.10 Fertilizer consumption Actual value 11.45 32.50 84.30 108.53 205.85 Predicted value 35.21 58.75 74.44 114.46 182.02 Ratio of predicted to actual value 3.08 1.81 0.88 1.05 0.88 Employment Actual value 85.17 90.62 96.07 102.62 109.17 Predicted value 81.54 86.60 95.49 103.36 111.74 Ratioofpredictedto actual value 0.96 0.96 0.99 1.01 1.02 Rice prices Actual value 92.89 93.68 97.15 101.78 89.97 Predicted value 92.98 116.50 81.19 107.88 120.87 Ratio of predicted to actual value 1.00 1.24 0.84 1.06 1.34 Wheat prices Actual value 100.57 109.06 108.30 106.36 85.35 Predicted value 120.20 134.52 86.33 108.54 103.66 Ratio of predicted to actual value 1.20 1.23 0.80 1.02 1.21 Coarse cereal prices Actual value 93.13 106.49 86.09 90.70 74.70 Predicted value 102.38 116.84 85.77 95.20 101.38 Ratio of predicted to actual value 1.10 1.10 1.00 1.05 1.36 Other crop prices Actual value 100.74 99.20 103.56 95.59 101.66 Predicted value 93.22 114.29 87.44 105.41 126.31 Ratio ofpredictedto actual value 0.93 1.15 0.84 1.10 1.24 Labor wages Actual value 102.57 104.85 109.57 97.69 98.40 Predicted value 116.22 121.74 93.05 102.00 105.57 Ratioofpredictedto actualvalue 1.13 1.16 0.85 1.04 1.07 Prices of all commodities Actual value 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Predicted value 100.11 113.49 88.80 105.30 119.08 Ratio of predicted to actual value 1.00 1.13 0.89 1.05 1.19 Source: World Bank data; see appendix table 11. 109 110 THE WORLD BANK ECONOMIC REVIEW, VOL. 1, NO. 1 Figure 1. Agricultural/Nonagricultural Terms of Trade for India, 1960-61 to 1980-81 (Actual Data; 1973-74 = 100) X, 110 C C 0 - 100 u E @ 90 0 \: o * E 80