The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) REPORT NO.: RES27794 RESTRUCTURING PAPER ON A PROPOSED PROJECT RESTRUCTURING OF BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT APPROVED ON JANUARY 17, 2013 TO REPUBLIC OF PERU EDUCATION LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN Regional Vice President: Jorge Familiar Country Director: Alberto Rodriguez Senior Global Practice Director: Jaime Saavedra Chanduvi Practice Manager/Manager: Reema Nayar Task Team Leader: Ines Kudo The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS DEI Directorate of Preschool Education (Dirección de Educación Inicial) DIGC General Directorate of School Management Quality (Dirección General de Calidad de la Gestión Escolar) DIGEDD General Directorate of Teacher Development (Dirección General de Desarrollo Docente) DITEN Teacher Normative-Technical Directorate (Dirección Técnico Normativa de Docentes) DLI Disbursement-Linked Indicator DNI National Identification Document (Documento Nacional de Identidad) DRE Regional Education Directorate (Dirección Regional de Educación) ECE Student Census Assessment (Evaluación Censal de Estudiantes) ECERS-R Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scales - Revised EDI Early Development Indicators EN National Survey (Evaluación Nacional) IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICCS International Civic and Citizenship Study IEA International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement IP Overall Implementation Project ISR Implementation Status & Results Report IRI Intermediate Result Indicator MELQO Measuring Early Learning and Quality Outcomes MINEDU Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación) OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OSEE Office of Education Monitoring and Evaluation PISA Program for International Student Assessment PDO Project Development Objective RF Results Framework SORT Systematic Operations Risk-Rating Tool TERCE Third Regional Comparative and Explicative Study (Tercer Estudio Regional Comparativo y Explicativo de Evaluación) UE 118 Executing Unit Nº118 (Unidad Ejecutora 118) UGEL Local Education Management Units UMC Learning Quality Measurement Office (Oficina de Medición de la Calidad de los Aprendizajes) UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) BASIC DATA Product Information Project ID Financing Instrument P123151 Specific Investment Loan Original EA Category Current EA Category Not Required (C) Not Required (C) Approval Date Current Closing Date 17-Jan-2013 31-Mar-2018 Organizations Borrower Responsible Agency REPUBLIC OF PERU Ministry of Education Project Development Objective (PDO) Original PDO The objective of the Project is to improve MINEDU's capacity to evaluate student learning, instructional practice, and school leadership in Basic Education. OPS_TABLE_PDO_CURRENTPDO Summary Status of Financing Net Ln/Cr/Tf Approval Signing Effectiveness Closing Commitment Disbursed Undisbursed IBRD-82260 17-Jan-2013 01-Jul-2013 20-May-2014 31-Mar-2018 25.00 17.76 7.24 Policy Waiver(s) Does this restructuring trigger the need for any policy waiver(s)? No The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) I. PROJECT STATUS AND RATIONALE FOR RESTRUCTURING A. SUMMARY & RATIONALE FOR CHANGES 1. Rationale. The World Bank carried out a mission on January 2017 where actual and projected compliance with targets under the results framework were assessed. Of the 13 project indicators, 10 were expected to fully achieve their targets and 3 were facing delays (two of which are Disbursement-Linked Indicators, DLI). The Government and the Bank reviewed the progress made by the Government and the reasons for not reaching some of the intended targets and concluded that the targets were set too high and with more background, it is appropriate to adjust these targets. It was also agreed that the great effort and investment made in training selected school principals warranted the inclusion of an indicator measuring the program’s output, since only its design was included as a target in the results framework. 2. Changes in the Results Framework. Targets for three indicators will be revised given the current situation and changes in policy priorities, as explained below. Specifically, PDO Indicator 3, on school management positions staffed competitively, Intermediate Result Indicator (IRI) 2, on student assessments in additional grades, and IRI 9, on the teacher performance evaluation system. An additional IRI (11 - School principals certified in school management) will be included to measure the efforts invested in and expected outcomes related to the nationwide school principal training program. Minor changes to indicators descriptions, verification protocols and task responsibilities will also be done. 3. Changes in the Disbursement Arrangements. Changes will be made in the DLI schedule resulting from changes to the Results Framework (RF). In particular, the subtotal amounts for DLI 1 (PDO 3, school management positions staffed competitively) and DLI 3 (IRI 2, student assessments in additional grades) will be reduced in line with the adjusted targets made in the corresponding indicators. To reflect the resource and effort allocation to train over 10,000 school principals nationwide, a new DLI 9 (IRI 11, school principals certified in school management) will be included with a subtotal amount of $1,656,230 (amount resulting from the reduction of DLI 1 and 3 above). The total disbursement amount linked to DLIs will continue to be $25 million and are expected to be fully disbursed by the Project´s closing date. 4. Changes in Disbursement Estimates. Disbursement estimates will be revised to consider disbursements processed to date and to reflect changes in the DLI schedule described above. 5. Changes in Institutional Arrangements. The unit responsible for carrying out the preschool assessment (under Component 1) will be the Office of Education Monitoring and Evaluation “OSEE”. 6. Other changes. The definition of “Basic Education” will be changed to “preprimary, primary, secondary, special, alternative and technical-productive education”. This change would broaden the definition to include basic education in all its different modalities, which broadly comprise regular basic education, basic education in specialized centers for students with severe disabilities, basic education for adults and working youths, and technical-vocational education. All of these are relevant for achieving the Project objectives but their inclusion was subject to interpretation in the previous definition. B. PROJECT STATUS The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) 7. To date, the Project has continued to contribute strongly to achieving the PDO through its three PDO indicators and Intermediate Results Indicators (IRI). Both PDO and Overall Implementation Project (IP) latest ratings are Satisfactory (ISR No. 9, March 2017). 8. MINEDU’s capacity to assess student learning outcomes has been strengthened, as measured by the number of cycles of Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education levels with student learning outcomes analyzed (PDO indicator 1). MINEDU assesses, analyzes and reports student learning outcomes at the end of cycles II (preschool), III (second grade), IV (fourth grade), V (sixth grade) and VI (eight grade). This indicator has recently (April 2017) met its final target. MINEDU’s strengthened capacity to monitor instructional practice is reflected in the publication of a comprehensive report analyzing pedagogical practices over the course of four national studies of classroom instructional practice (PDO indicator 2). Another study is being prepared to analyze pedagogical practices from the data produced by the various teacher evaluation processes conducted by MINEDU between 2014 and 2016, and the end target is expected to be met. Finally, MINEDU’s strengthened capacity to evaluate school leadership resulted in 18,000 school management positions staffed through the competitive evaluation of over 53,699 candidates (PDO indicator 3). However, even though MINEDU opened up over 32,000 positions (when the final target was 25,000), during the 2016 process only 1 in 4 positions were actually staffed, thus falling short of the final target. This was due to several external factors, which are described in the proposed changes. 9. The Project has been restructured once before, in 2015, in order to: (i) include new subcomponents related to teacher evaluations; (ii) revise responsibilities and priorities as per changes in MINEDU’s new organizational structure (approved in 2015); and (iii) revise disbursement estimates given the delays in attaining Project effectiveness. 10. In terms of implementation progress, activities are generally on track, as measured by the intermediate indicators. As part of Component 1, evaluating student learning, in 2016 MINEDU carried out, for the first time, three simultaneous census evaluations (2nd, 4th and 8th grades), evaluations in six indigenous languages, adapted and piloted a new instrument for measuring the quality of preschool services and early learning outcomes, and disseminated a brief analysis on gender gaps in learning outcomes in mathematics in grades 3 and 6 (using TERCE results). All intermediate indicators for this component have either met their final targets (IRI 1 and 5) or are on track to do so (IRI 2, 3 and 4). 11. All but one of the intermediate indicators for Component 2, evaluating instructional practice and school leadership, already met their final targets: three national studies of classroom instructional practice (IRI 6), their results have been reported nationally (IRI 7), the school principal evaluation system has been designed (IRI 8) and teacher evaluation instruments for access to and promotion within the career have been designed and used in formal processes for preschool, primary and secondary, exceeding the original end target (IRI 10). The first performance evaluation for teachers was postponed to 2017 (IRI 9 target for 2015 met) and the second round would be completed in 2018. The instruments have already been designed and piloted and the process is scheduled to start in May. 12. In addition, it is worth noting that over 14,000 school principals appointed through the 2014 selection process are receiving specialized training in school management and are close to being certified. This has represented a tremendous, unprecedented effort by MINEDU to provide these leaders with the tools and skills they need to run their schools successfully. They will be facing their first performance evaluation in 2019. II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED CHANGES A. CHANGES IN RESULT FRAMEWORK The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) 13. PDO indicator 3 (number of school management positions staffed through a competitive selection process) will be adjusted to reduce the end target from 25,000 to 18,000 to take into account changes to the situation on the ground and expectations for the remaining months of Project implementation. The principal evaluation system linked to a competitive selection process is in place, but due to factors beyond MINEDU’s control, the process is expected to result in fewer school management positions staffed than planned. With the first two rounds of school principal selection processes in 2014, 15,461 positions were staffed. In the selection process carried out in 2016, 12,562 positions were open and a total of 13,412 candidates were evaluated, of which, over 9,000 were selected for appointment in December by MINEDU’s accounts. Yet, in January 2017, only around 3,130 positions were staffed by the Local Education Management Units (UGEL). This significant, unexpected gap is explained by external unforeseen obstacles such as: (i) the results of the evaluation and verification of requirements; (ii) an imbalance in the demand of specific positions, some of which concentrated several applicants while others had none; and (iii) legal disputes that left several positions “unavailable” after being publicly announced as “available for competitive placing”; among others that are being studied by MINEDU. Given these results for 2016 and the expectation that the obstacles mentioned will not be resolved by project closing, the end target for PDO indicator 3 will be adjusted; targets for 2016 and 2017 will also be adjusted accordingly. 14. IRI 2 (number of new grades in which sound student assessments are administered) will be modified to reduce the final target from 4 to 3 and the target value for 2017 is being modified from 1 to 0. Originally, it was planned to expand the ongoing 2nd grade census assessment to 4th, 6th, 8th and 11th grades, to be repeated every three years each, at least. To date, the first three targets have been met, and the 4th and 8th grade assessments are being repeated every year. In fact, in 2016, MINEDU carried out, for the first time ever, three census-based assessments. MINEDU had piloted a set of instruments for 11th grade early into Project implementation based on a similar framework as the earlier grades. Now, after a major reform to the higher education sector, and based on evolving information needs, MINEDU is rethinking the potential uses for and scope of an assessment in the last year of secondary. The development of a suitable framework is underway, and the design and piloting of new instruments are scheduled for 2017-2018. This will delay the 11th grade assessment by one or two years. 15. Targets for IRI 9 (teacher performance evaluation system designed, implemented and results reported) will be modified so as to reflect MINEDU’s revised implementation plan, which aims at addressing technical, operational and political economy challenges. It’s original end target was that the first round of performance evaluations was implemented by 2017, but it was delayed one year to allow for proper implementation of risk-mitigation measures and adequate conditions for implementation in a massive scale, such as: (1) consultation and outreach to teachers, unions and local authorities, so that the evaluation framework was agreed upon before launching the process; and (2) training and certification of selected school principals to lead the evaluation of teachers in their schools. Thus, it was agreed that a desirable outcome for the Project was, instead, to have the “Teacher performance evaluation system being implemented”, which would be the new end target for this indicator. 2017 and 2018 targets will be revised accordingly. 16. A new IRI 11 (School principals certified in school management) will be added to reflect the outputs of the school principal training program and the effort made by the government in attracting good candidates, carrying out a thorough selection process of training institutions, and monitoring closely the design and delivery of the training. The training program has two phases: a one-year certification (Diploma) and a one semester complementary second degree. MINEDU is expecting to certify over 12,000 school principals in 2017, but the indicator’s proposed end target is 10,000 to account for unexpected attrition. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) 17. Minor changes to indicators descriptions, verification protocols and task responsibilities will be also updated (see Annex 4). B. CHANGE IN DISBURSEMENTS ARRANGEMENTS 18. Changes in the DLI table and amounts resulting from changes to the Results Framework: (a) Subtotal amount for DLI 1 (PDO 3) will change from $3,125,000 to $2,250,000. The cut corresponds to the 7,000 fewer positions than originally planned (at a unit value of $125,000 per 1000). (b) Subtotal amount for DLI 3 (IRI 2) will change from $3,125,000 a $ 2,343,750. The cut corresponds to 1 additional grade not assessed in 2017 (at a unit value of $781,250 per additional grade). (c) Include new DLI 9 (IRI 11) with a subtotal amount of $1,656,230. The unit value is $165,623 per 1000 certified school principals. (d) Subtotal amounts for DLI 4 (IRI 3) and DLI 7 (IRI 6) will be corrected to $3,125,010 as in both cases each of the three individual target values were $1,041,670 and had been mistakenly aggregated to amount to $3,125,000. C. CHANGE IN DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES 19. Disbursement estimates will be revised to reflect disbursements processed to date as well as changes in the DLI schedule described above (see revised DLI table in Annex 2). D. CHANGE IN INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS 20. The unit responsible for carrying out the preschool assessment (under Component 1) will be the Office of Education Monitoring and Evaluation “OSEE”. Originally, the unit responsible for this activity was the Directorate of Preschool Education (DEI), but this proved difficult during the first round for two reasons: (1) its expertise was not on measurement but on teaching; and (2) for primary and secondary the measurement of results was done by an external unit, not their own line units, and preschool was the exception. Thus, MINEDU’s decision to assign the responsibility for the preschool assessments to a unit specialized in evaluation and monitoring, was considered appropriate. The OSEE was already participating in the Project with another activity (monitoring instructional practice) and is familiar with the operational processes and mapped to the Planning Secretariat, where all quality and student assessments are conducted, so we estimated there were no significant risks in terms of technical or operational capacity. E. OTHER CHANGE(S) 21. The definition of “Basic Education” will be changed from “pre-primary education, primary education and secondary education” to “preprimary, primary, secondary, special, alternative and technical-productive education” in order to consider, besides (regular) preschool, primary and secondary education, the technical-productive education -a service in between basic and higher education that it is provided to people who did not complete high school and grants a certificate of basic education completion that allows them to go on to higher education- as well as special and alternative basic education aimed at special-needs and over-age students, respectively. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES Changed Not Changed Change in Results Framework ✔ Change in Disbursements Arrangements ✔ Change in Disbursement Estimates ✔ Change in Institutional Arrangements ✔ Other Change(s) ✔ Change in Implementing Agency ✔ Change in DDO Status ✔ Change in Project's Development Objectives ✔ Change in Components and Cost ✔ Change in Loan Closing Date(s) ✔ Cancellations Proposed ✔ Reallocation between Disbursement Categories ✔ Change in Overall Risk Rating ✔ Change in Safeguard Policies Triggered ✔ Change of EA category ✔ Change in Legal Covenants ✔ Change in Financial Management ✔ Change in Procurement ✔ Change in Implementation Schedule ✔ Change in Economic and Financial Analysis ✔ Change in Technical Analysis ✔ Change in Social Analysis ✔ Change in Environmental Analysis ✔ IV. DETAILED CHANGE(S) OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_RESULTS_TABLE RESULTS FRAMEWORK Project Development Objective Indicators PDO_IND_TABLE The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) PDOI1. Cycles of Preschool, Primary and Secondary Education levels with student learning outcomes analyzed. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 3.00 4.00 Revised Date 31-Jul-2012 27-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 PDOI2. Instructional practices analyzed Unit of Measure: Yes/No Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value No Yes Yes No Change Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 PDOI3. School management positions staffed through the school principal evaluation system. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 18591.00 18000.00 Revised Date 31-Jul-2012 27-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 Intermediate Indicators IO_IND_TABLE IRI1. Student assessments for new grades of Primary Education and Secondary Education levels validated in a pilot study. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 4.00 4.00 No Change Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI2. Additional grades at the Primary Education and Secondary Education levels in which sound national assessments are administered in at least two subject areas. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 3.00 3.00 Revised Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI3. Results of national student assessments in new grades at the Primary Education and Secondary Education levels reported at the regional and school level. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 2.00 3.00 No Change Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI4. National surveys carried out to evaluate child development progress and the quality of public Preschool Education services. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 1.00 2.00 Revised Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI5. Borrower’s (through MINEDU) participation in international assessments of student learning outcomes. Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Last participation in TERCE, PISA and ICCS. Value PISA 2012 TERCE, PISA and ICCS No Change End target met. Pilot TERCE Date 31-Jul-2012 02-Feb-2016 31-Mar-2018 IRI6. National studies of classroom instructional practice in Primary Education and/or Secondary Education levels, as the case may be. Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 1.00 3.00 3.00 Revised Date 31-Jul-2012 02-Feb-2016 31-Mar-2018 IRI7. Results of national studies of classroom instructional practice reported at the national level. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 1.00 4.00 4.00 No Change Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI8. School principal evaluation system designed. Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Software to support the school principal School principal Value 0 evaluation system evaluation system No Change designed. End target designed. met. Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI9. Teacher performance evaluation system designed, implemented and results reported. Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Teacher performance Proposal of evaluation Value 0 evaluation system is Revised instruments being implemented Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI10. Evaluation instruments to determine entrance to and promotions within the Teaching Career designed Unit of Measure: Text Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Evaluation instruments Evaluation to determine entrance instruments to to and promotion within determine entrance Value 0 the Teaching Career No Change to and promotions designed, piloted and within the Teaching implemented. End Career designed target met. Date 31-Jul-2012 25-Jan-2017 31-Mar-2018 IRI11. School principals certified in school management. Unit of Measure: Number The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 0.00 10000.00 New Date 31-Dec-2012 21-Apr-2017 29-Dec-2017 Direct project beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Number Indicator Type: Custom Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 5.70 5.70 No Change Date 31-Jul-2012 02-Feb-2016 31-Mar-2018 Female beneficiaries Unit of Measure: Percentage Indicator Type: Custom Supplement Baseline Actual (Current) End Target Action Value 0.00 50.00 50.00 No Change OPS_DETAILEDCHANGES_DISBURSEMENT_TABLE DISBURSEMENT ESTIMATES Change in Disbursement Estimates Yes Year Current Proposed 2013 0.00 0.00 2014 0.00 0.00 2015 0.00 0.00 2016 10,000,000.00 11,250,000.00 2017 11,000,000.00 6,510,420.00 2018 4,000,000.00 7,239,580.00 The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Annex 1: Revised Results Framework PERU: BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT The objective of the Project is to improve the MINEDU’s capacity to evaluate student learning, instructional practice, and school leadership in Basic Education. Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection PDO LEVEL RESULTS INDICATORS Revised PDO Indicator 1: In this case, student learning outcomes are defined as the results students Cycles of Preschool, obtained in standardized tests Primary and administered by MINEDU. In preschool, Secondary student learning is equivalent to child Education levels development progress, as standardized testing as this age is not with student possible. learning outcomes The Regular Basic Education System in analyzed. Peru comprises Preschool, Primary and Secondary, and it is divided in 7 education cycles as follows: Preschool: Cycles I (ages 0-2) and II Cycle III (ages 3-5) with Primary: Cycles III (grades 1-2), IV student 2 (grades 3-4) and V (grades 5-6) 1 1 Secondary: Cycles VI (grades 7-8), and Number learning 0 (e.g. Cycle II & 4 Annual Report UMC/DEI VII (grades 9-11) (e.g. Cycle VI) (e.g. Cycle IV) outcomes V) Verification protocol: (1) publication of analyzed a summary national report in (2007-2012) MINEDU’s website meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (a) analysis of results of the previous year’s national assessments of student learning or child development outcomes, and (b) when available, analysis of trends over time of these outcomes. The analyses should be disaggregated by gender, area (rural/urban), type of school (multigrade, full-grade) and/or region, as the case may be and when data are available. No PDO Indicator 2: Instructional practices analyzed from the results of the national studies of change Instructional classroom instructional practice, practices analyzed. YES/NO NO NO NO YES YES NO YES Annual Report DIGEDD/ OSEE and/or from the teacher performance evaluations or the evaluations carried out to determine access to or 13 The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection promotion within the Teaching Career. Results of the analysis are presented in a report that will be used by MINEDU. Verification protocol: (1) report meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including analysis of trends over time of results from the classroom observation studies or results from teacher evaluations, or both, when available. The analyses should be disaggregated by area (rural/urban), type of school (multigrade, full-grade) gender, and/or region, as the case may be, and when confidentiality is not risked. Revised PDO Indicator 3: School management positions include principals and vice principals of public School preprimary, primary, secondary, management special, alternative and technical- positions staffed productive education schools. through the school Verification protocol: Database provided by MINED’s Teacher principal evaluation DIGEDD / Normative-Technical Directorate system. Number 0 0 15,0001 3,000 18,000 Annual Database DIGC (DITEN), including the following information for each selected candidate: full name, ID, position to which she has been assigned to, school ID, school name, and one additional field identifying whether she has signed her corresponding “assignment act”. INTERMEDIATE RESULTS Intermediate Result (Component One): Evaluating student learning Intermediate Items and administration procedures piloted in a sample of schools for each No Result indicator 1: test (subject area and grade) and change Student validated based on the analysis of the assessments for pilot results. Number 0 2 2 0 0 0 4 Annual ECE/EN UMC Verification protocol: (1) Technical new grades of Datasheet submitted by MINEDU Primary Education meets the requirements established in and Secondary the Operations Manual for this Education levels Indicator, including description of the 1 Preliminary figure The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection validated in a pilot quality of the items piloted (psychometric properties) for the new study. grades to be assessed. 2. Administrators’ Manual validated. Additional grades assessed include those participating for the first time in Revised census tests (which require coverage of at least 80 percent of students in the Intermediate grades tested in public and private Result indicator 2: schools), or in nationally and regionally representative samples, with a Additional grades periodicity of at least every three years. at the Primary Soundness of the assessments means Education and that the tests measure core Secondary competencies in the curriculum 0 1 1 1 relevant for the grade and subject Education levels in Number 2nd grade 0 0 3 Annual ECE/EN UMC being tested, and they do so (e.g. 6th) (e.g. 8th) (e.g. 4th) which sound (2007-2012) consistently enough so as to yield the national same results on repeated administrations. assessments are Verification protocol: Technical administered in at Datasheet submitted by MINEDU least two subject meets the requirements established in areas. the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: the coverage of schools and students, psychometric properties, summary of content validity. No Reports of previous year’s national test results for new grades assessed, change distributed to at least 70 percent Intermediate schools for census-based assessments Result indicator 3: (ECE), or to at least 90 percent regional Results of national education offices for sample-based student assessments. Reports should contain the specific results of the schools or assessments in new regions, as the case may be. grades at the 1 1 1 Verification protocol: Technical Number 0 3 Annual Report UMC Primary Education (e.g.6th) (e.g.8th) (e.g.4th) Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established in and Secondary the Operations Manual for this Education levels Indicator, including: (a) percentage of reported at the schools evaluated two years before regional and school that received their reports in the year for which the reporting applies (ECE), level. excluding those that were shut down, or (b) percentage of Regional Education Directorates (DRE) that The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection received their reports (sample assessments). The Technical Datasheet for the ECE will be accompanied by the database of schools that participated in the ECE indicating which ones received their reports and the information of the person who signed the receipt (name, DNI, position in the school). The Technical Datasheet for the sample assessments will be accompanied by the scanned copies of the confirmation of reception stamped by the DRE. Revised Intermediate The selected instruments for measuring child development and for Result indicator 4: evaluating the quality of learning National surveys environments in public preschool carried out to services have been validated 1 Every EDI, internationally. evaluate child 1 Number 0 0 (EDI and 0 0 2 three ECERS-R or DEI/OSEE Verification protocol: Technical development (MELQO) Datasheet submitted by MINEDU ECERS-R) years MELQO progress and the meets the requirements established in quality of public the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (1) sample design, Preschool and (2) psychometric analysis of the Education services. instruments. No Intermediate Verification protocol: 1. Technical Datasheet submitted by change Result indicator 5: Last MINEDU meets the requirements Borrower’s established in the Operations Manual participati 3 (through MINEDU) 3 Report for this Indicator, including: (1) sample on in PISA PISA (PISA, design and (2) coverage of schools and participation in Text TERCE (Pilot PISA) - (PISA, (OECD, UMC 2012. ICCS TERCE, students. international TERCE, ICCS) UNESCO, IEA) 2. Proof of delivery of the raw database Pilot ICCS) assessments of with the student’s answers to OECD TERCE student learning /UNESCO / IEA (email or system confirmation). outcomes. Intermediate Result (Component Two): Evaluating instructional practice and school leadership Revised Intermediate Classroom instructional practices are defined as: the effective use of Result indicator 6: instructional time (time-on-task), National studies of curricular coverage, cognitive demand classroom 1 1 1 1 of learning activities, and classroom Number 0 0 3 Annual Report OSEE climate. instructional (Primary) (Secondary) (Primary) (Secondary) The national studies will use the practice in Primary Stallings Classroom Snapshot Education and/or instrument as the main measure of Secondary time on task, learning activities and The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection Education levels, as materials being used in the classroom. Other attributes of classroom the case may be. instructional practices may be measured in a subsample of schools with other instruments. Observations will be carried out alternately in primary and secondary schools, such that each level is measured every other year. Samples will be nationally representative. Results are presented in a national report that will be delivered to at least 90 percent of DRE and published in MINEDU’s website. Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (1) sample design, and (2) instruments administered. No Classroom instructional practice is defined as the effective use of change instructional time (time-on-task), curricular coverage, cognitive demand of learning activities, and classroom climate. Results are presented in a national report that will be delivered to at least 90 percent of DRE and published in Intermediate MINEDU’s website. Result indicator 7: Verification protocol: Results of national 1. Publication of the national report in MINEDU’s website, reporting: (a) studies of Number 0 1 0 2 1 0 4 Annual Report OSEE Percentage of class time the teacher is classroom involved in academic tasks in public instructional schools; (b) Percentage of class time all practice reported at the students are involved in academic tasks in public schools; (c) executive the national level. summary of the main results of the assessment of curricular coverage, cognitive demand of learning activities, and classroom climate, when available. Points (a) and (b) will be disaggregated by multigrade/single grade in primary and rural/urban in secondary. 2. Scanned copies of the confirmation of reception stamped by the DRE. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection No Intermediate The school principal evaluation process consists of two stages: the first one is change Result indicator 8: carried out at the national level and the School principal second one is decentralized to regional evaluation system committees. The design of the system designed. will consist of defining the evaluation criteria based on a performance Evaluation framework for school principals, Software to School National instruments, School developing the instruments and support the Framework for and grading Leadership principal grading criteria (rubrics) for each stage school principal DIGEDD / Text 0 Good School criteria training evaluation Annual Report of the evaluation process, and an evaluation DIGC induction program for the selected Leadership designed, program system system principals. approved piloted and designed. designed. designed. Verification protocol: (1) Ministerial implemented. Resolution approving the National Framework for School Managers; (2) technical report submitted by MINEDU containing the instruments and grading criteria; (3) technical report submitted by MINEDU containing the design of the induction program. Revised Intermediate The teacher performance evaluation consists of two stages: first, the regular Result indicator 9: performance evaluation process, Teacher conducted by the Regional Education performance Directorates under the guidance and evaluation system supervision of MINEDU; and second, for those who do not pass the first designed, round, an exceptional evaluation implemented and carried out by MINEDU or by a results reported. qualified third party hired by MINEDU Teacher for this purpose. First round of performance Proposal of regular Verification protocol: (1) technical evaluation Text 0 0 evaluation performance Annual Report DIGEDD report submitted by MINEDU system is containing the teacher performance instruments evaluations being indicators; (2) technical report carried out implemented submitted by MINEDU containing the instruments and grading criteria; (3) technical report submitted by MINEDU containing the number of teachers evaluated by UGEL and DRE; (4) technical report submitted by MINEDU containing the aggregate results of the first round, disaggregated by region, gender, subject area, multigrade/single grade in primary and rural/urban in secondary, as the case may be. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Target Values Responsibility Unit of Frequen Data Source/ Description Core Status Indicator Baseline 2013 2014 for Data Measure 2015 2016 2017 End Target cy Methodology (indicator definition, etc.) Actual Actual Collection No Intermediate The reassignment evaluation are exceptional promotions to reassign change Result indicator 10: Evaluation teachers who were transferred from Evaluation instruments Evaluation the previous Teaching Career and in instruments to to determine the process were downgraded to a instruments to Evaluation Evaluation entrance to lower level in the new career. determine entrance determine instruments for instruments for and Verification protocol: technical report to and promotions Text 0 entrance to promotion in Annual Report DIGEDD promotion in promotions submitted by MINEDU containing the within the Teaching the Teaching primary, description of the construct(s) to be preschool within the Career designed Career designed. evaluated, the structure of the designed. Teaching designed. instruments and type of evaluation Career activities, table of specifications or designed evaluation matrix, and preliminary grading rubrics when it applies. NEW Intermediate The school principal training program is the four-module course (386 academic Result indicator 11: hours) outsourced by DIGC to train School principals school principals appointed through certified in school the competitive selection process led management by DIED. The target value considers that at least 2 out of each 3 school principals appointed as a result of the first school principal evaluation process finishes and approves the program. Number 0 10,000 10,000 Once Report DIGC Verification protocol: Database submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: database provided by DITEN for IRI 3 (full name and ID of selected candidates, position for which they were selected, school name and ID, a field confirming the designation), with additional fields indicating those certified with a diploma and the training institution that certified them. No CORE INDICATOR: change Direct Project Direct beneficiaries average 5.7 million Number students in preschool, primary and beneficiaries 5.7 million 5.7 million 5.7 million 5.7 million 5.7 million 5.7 million School (Percentage) 0 Annual SPE secondary public schools. Figures are (number), of which (50%) (50%) (50%) (50%) (50%) (50%) Census based on the 2011 school census. The female percent of female is an estimate. (percentage). Annex 2: Disbursement Arrangements PERU: BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Revised Table 2. Disbursement-Linked Indicators (DLIs) Disbursement * 1 2 3 4 Disbursement date Sep-15 Sep-15 Sep-16 Sep-17 March-18 DLI subtotal End of period Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 and Verification Protocol Baseline and unit value DLI # Indicator Disbursement value and annual target Final Target $2,250,000 Database submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established PDO Indicator 3: School Baseline: 0 $1,875,000 $375,000 Unit value: in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: full name and management positions staffed 1 Final Target: $125,000 per ID of selected candidates, position for which they were selected, through the school principal name and modular code of the school, and a field confirming the 18,000 15,000 3,000 1000 evaluation system. positions designation. Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,000 1. Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the 1: Student assessments for $1,562,500 $1,562,500 requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, new grades of Primary Baseline: 0 2 Unit value: including description of the quality of the items piloted Education and Secondary Final Target: 4 2 2 $781,250 per (psychometric properties) for the new grades to be assessed. Education levels validated in a pilot study 2. Administrators’ Manual. pilot study. Intermediate Result indicator $2,343,750 2: Additional grades at the Primary Education and $781,250 $781,250 $781,250 Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements Baseline: 0 Unit value: established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: the 3 Secondary Education levels in Final Target: 3 $781,250 per coverage of schools and students, psychometric properties, summary which sound national 1 1 1 additional of content validity. assessments are administered grade in at least two subject areas. Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (a) Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,010 percentage of schools evaluated two years before that received their 3: Results of national student reports in the year for which the reporting applies (ECE), excluding $1,041,670 $1,041,670 $1,041,670 assessments in new grades at Unit value: those that were shut down, or (b) percentage of Regional Education Baseline: 0 Directorates (DRE) that received their reports (sample assessments). 4 the Primary Education and $1,041,670 The Technical Datasheet for the ECE will be accompanied by the Final Target: 3 1 1 1 Secondary Education levels per new database of schools that participated in the ECE indicating which (e.g.6th) (e.g.8th) (e.g.4th) reported at the regional and grade ones received their reports and the information of the person who school level. reported signed the receipt (name, DNI, position in the school). The Technical Datasheet for the sample assessments will be accompanied by the scanned copies of the confirmation of reception stamped by the DRE Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,000 4: National surveys carried out $1,562,500 $1,562,500 Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements to evaluate child development Baseline: 0 5 Unit value: established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (1) progress and the quality of Final Target: 2 1 1 $1,562,500 sample design, and (2) psychometric analysis of the instruments. public Preschool Education per survey services. Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,000 1. Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the 5: Borrower’s (through Baseline: 1 (PISA $1,041,670 $2,083,330 requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (1) sample design and (2) coverage of schools and 6 MINEDU) participation in 2012) Unit value: students. international assessments of Final Target: 3 TERCE PISA/ICCS $1,041,670 2. Proof of delivery of the raw database with the student’s answers student learning outcomes. per to OECD /UNESCO / IEA (email or system confirmation). The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Disbursement * 1 2 3 4 Disbursement date Sep-15 Sep-15 Sep-16 Sep-17 March-18 DLI subtotal End of period Dec-13 Dec-14 Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 and Verification Protocol Baseline and unit value DLI # Indicator Disbursement value and annual target Final Target assessment Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,010 6: National studies of $1,041,670 $1,041,670 $1,041,670 Technical Datasheet submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements classroom instructional Baseline: 1 7 Unit value: established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: (1) practice in Primary Education Final Target: 3 1 1 1 $1,041,670 sample design, and (2) description of instruments administered. and/or Secondary Education per study levels, as the case may be. 1. Publication of the national report in MINEDU’s website, reporting: (a) Percentage of class time the teacher is involved in academic tasks Intermediate Result indicator $3,125,000 in public schools; (b) Percentage of class time all the students are 7: Results of national studies of $781,250 $1,562,500 $781,250 involved in academic tasks in public schools; (c) executive summary Baseline: 1 of the main results of the assessment of curricular coverage, 8 classroom instructional Unit value: cognitive demand of learning activities, and classroom climate, when Final Target: 4 0 practice reported at the 1 2 1 $781,250 available. Points (a) and (b) will be disaggregated by national level. per report multigrade/single grade in primary and rural/urban in secondary. 2. Scanned copies of the confirmation of reception stamped by the DRE. $1,656,230 Database submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established Intermediate Result indicator Baseline: 0 $1,656,230 in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: database Unit value: 9 11: School principals certified Final Target: provided by DITEN for IO 3, with additional fields indicating those $165,623 per certified with a diploma and the training institution that certified in school management. 10,000 10,000 1000 school them. principals Total estimated disbursement (millions USD) 5.21 6.04 6.51 2.60 4.64 25.00 (*) All the values in this column for the period ending in December 2013 will be included in the disbursement request to be submitted to the Bank no later than September 2015. The total disbursement amounts are illustrative. In all cases, the disbursed amount will be calculated as the aggregate amount assigned to each DLI minus the amount of DLIs not achieved or plus the DLIs over achieved, or the aggregated budget execution (expenditures paid) of the related Budget Activity for each period in the case the actual execution is less than the aggregate amount of DLIs achieved. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Annex 3: Institutional Arrangements PERU: BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT Revised Table 3. Project Components, Budget Activity code, responsible units and annual budget (in Thousand Nuevos Soles) Budget Responsible Project components 2014 2015 2016 2017 Total Activity code Units 1 Evaluating student learning 50.78 84,140.43 98,514.70 107,311.19 290,017.10 1.1 Student Census Assessment (ECE) 5000244 UMC 50.78 71,513.92 76,601.59 84,679.89 232,846.18 1.2 National sample evaluations 5000252 UMC 20,331.91 22,631.30 42,963.21 1.3 Participation in international assessments 5000253 UMC 12,293.61 131.35 12,424.96 Assessment of preschool students and quality of 1.4 5003145 DEI/OSEE services 332.90 1,449.85 1,782.75 2 Evaluating instructional practice and school leadership 42,709.65 196,972.28 129,206.79 368,888.72 Monitoring learning opportunities in the 2.1 5003146 OSEE classroom 1,163.00 1,161.60 878.46 3,203.06 DIGEDD/ 2.2 School principal evaluation system 5004409 DIGC 39,226.65 167,010.68 75,128.33 281,365.66 2.3 Teacher performance evaluation 5003128 DIGEDD 1,550.00 24,750.00 51,250.00 77,550.00 Design of the evaluation system to determine 2.4 merit-based promotions within the Teaching 5004410 DIGEDD 600.00 2,350.00 1,650.00 4,600.00 Career Design of the evaluation system to determine 2.5 5003109 DIGEDD merit-based entrance to the Teaching Career 170.00 1,700.00 300.00 2,170.00 3 Strengthening MINEDU implementation capacity 271.01 2,014.30 1,858.81 1,930.81 6,074.93 3.1 Program management 5000276 UE 118 271.01 2,014.30 1,858.81 1,930.81 6,074.93 TOTAL 321.79 128,864.38 297,345.79 238,448.79 664,980.75 The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Annex 4: Changes to the indicators between the current and the restructured versions of the Results Framework PERU: BASIC EDUCATION PROJECT DETAIL STATUS INDICATOR CHANGE IN CURRENT RESTRUCTURED* Revised PDO Indicator 1: Cycles of Preschool, Description In this case, student learning outcomes are defined as In this case, student learning outcomes are Primary and Secondary Education the results students obtained in standardized tests defined as the results students obtained in levels with student learning administered by MINEDU. In preschool, student standardized tests administered by MINEDU. In outcomes analyzed. learning is equivalent to child development progress, preschool, student learning is equivalent to child as standardized testing as this age is not possible. development progress, as standardized testing as The Basic Education System in Peru comprises this age is not possible. Preschool, Primary and Secondary, and it is divided in The Regular Basic Education System in Peru 7 education cycles as follows: comprises Preschool, Primary and Secondary, and Preschool: Cycles I (ages 0-2) and II (ages 3-5) it is divided in 7 education cycles as follows: Primary: Cycles III (grades 1-2), IV (grades 3-4) and V Preschool: Cycles I (ages 0-2) and II (ages 3-5) (grades 5-6) Primary: Cycles III (grades 1-2), IV (grades 3-4) Secondary: Cycles VI (grades 7-8), and VII (grades 9- and V (grades 5-6) 11). Secondary: Cycles VI (grades 7-8), and VII (grades Verification protocol: (1) publication of a summary 9-11). national report in MINEDU’s website meets the Verification protocol: (1) publication of a requirements established in the Operations Manual summary national report in MINEDU’s website for this Indicator, including: (a) analysis of results of meets the requirements established in the the previous year’s national assessments of student Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: learning or child development outcomes, and (b) (a) analysis of results of the previous year’s when available, analysis of trends over time of these national assessments of student learning or child outcomes. The analyses should be disaggregated by development outcomes, and (b) when available, gender, area (rural/urban), type of school analysis of trends over time of these outcomes. (multigrade, full-grade) and/or region, as the case The analyses should be disaggregated by gender, may be and when data are available. area (rural/urban), type of school (multigrade, full-grade) and/or region, as the case may be and when data are available. No change PDO Indicator 2: Instructional practices analyzed. Revised PDO Indicator 3: School Targets 2013: 0 2013: 0 management positions staffed 2014: 15,000 2014: 15,000 through the school principal 2015: 1,000 2015: 0 evaluation system. 2016: 9,000 2016: 0 2017:0 2017: 3,000 End target (accumulated): 25,000 End target (accumulated): 18,000 Data Source Report Database Description School management positions include principals and School management positions include principals The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) vice principals of public preschool, primary and and vice principals of public preprimary, primary, secondary schools. secondary, special, alternative and technical- Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet submitted productive education schools. by MINEDU meets the requirements established in Verification protocol: Database provided by the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: MINED’s Teacher Normative-Technical (1) number of teachers evaluated in the first round Directorate (DITEN), including the following (national); (2) number of teachers evaluated in the information for each selected candidate: full second round (regional); (3) number of school name, ID, position to which she has been assigned principals and vice principals selected; (4) number of to, school ID, school name, and one additional positions staffed with selected candidates. The field identifying whether she has signed her Technical Datasheet will be accompanied by a corresponding “assignment act”. database of school management positions opened for the selection process, including school ID and basic information for the appointed principal or vice principal, as established in the Operations Manual. No change Intermediate Result Indicator 1: Student assessments for new grades of Primary Education and Secondary Education levels validated in a pilot study. Intermediate Result Indicator 2: Targets 2013: 1 2013: 1 Revised Additional grades at the Primary 2014: 0 2014: 0 Education and Secondary Education 2015: 1 2015: 1 levels in which sound national 2016: 1 2016: 1 assessments are administered in at 2017: 1 2017: 0 least two subject areas. End target (accumulated): 4 End target (accumulated): 3 Intermediate Result Indicator 3: Results of national student assessments in new grades at the Primary Education and Secondary Education levels reported at the regional and school No change level. Revised Intermediate Result Indicator 4: Target 2013: 0 2013: 0 National surveys carried out to 2014: 1 (EDI and ECERS-R) 2014: 1 (EDI and ECERS-R) evaluate child development progress 2015: 0 2015: 0 and the quality of public Preschool 2016: 0 2016: 0 Education services. 2017: 1 (EDI and ECERS-R) 2017: 1 (MELQO) End target (accumulated): 2 End target (accumulated): 2 Data Source EDI, ECERS-R EDI, ECERS-R or MELQO Responsibility for Data Collection DEI/UMC DEI/OSEE Description The selected instruments for measuring child The selected instruments for measuring child development (EDI) and for evaluating the quality of development and for evaluating the quality of public preschool services (ECERS-R) have been learning environments in public preschool validated internationally. services have been validated internationally. Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet submitted Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet by MINEDU meets the requirements established in submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: established in the Operations Manual for this (1) sample design, (2) coverage of schools and Indicator, including: (1) sample design, and (2) students, (3) psychometric analysis of the psychometric analysis of the instruments. instruments. The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) No change Intermediate Result Indicator 5: Borrower’s (through MINEDU) participation in international assessments of student learning outcomes. Revised Intermediate Result Indicator 6: Description Classroom instructional practices are defined as: the Classroom instructional practices are defined as: National studies of classroom effective use of instructional time (time-on-task), the effective use of instructional time (time-on- instructional practice in Primary curricular coverage, cognitive demand of learning task), curricular coverage, cognitive demand of Education and/or Secondary activities, and classroom climate. learning activities, and classroom climate. Education levels, as the case may be. The national studies will use the Stallings Classroom The national studies will use the Stallings Snapshot instrument as the main measure of time on Classroom Snapshot instrument as the main task, learning activities and materials being used in measure of time on task, learning activities and the classroom. Other attributes of classroom materials being used in the classroom. Other instructional practices may be measured in a attributes of classroom instructional practices subsample of schools with other instruments. may be measured in a subsample of schools with Observations will be carried out alternately in other instruments. Observations will be carried primary and secondary schools, such that each level out alternately in primary and secondary schools, is measured every other year. Samples will be such that each level is measured every other nationally representative. year. Samples will be nationally representative. Results are presented in a national report that will be Results are presented in a national report that delivered to at least 90 percent of DRE and published will be delivered to at least 90 percent of DRE and in MINEDU’s website. published in MINEDU’s website. Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet submitted Verification protocol: Technical Datasheet by MINEDU meets the requirements established in submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: established in the Operations Manual for this (1) sample design, (2) coverage of schools and Indicator, including: (1) sample design, and (2) students, and (3) instruments administered. instruments administered. No change Intermediate Result Indicator 7: Results of national studies of classroom instructional practice reported at the national level. No change Intermediate Result Indicator 8: School principal evaluation system designed. Revised Intermediate Result Indicator 9: Targets 2013: N/A 2013: N/A Teacher performance evaluation 2014: Teacher performance standards designed 2014: N/A system designed, implemented and 2015: Proposal of evaluation instruments 2015: Proposal of evaluation instruments results reported. 2016: First round of regular performance 2016: N/A evaluations carried out 2017: First round of exceptional performance 2017: First round of regular performance evaluations evaluations carried out End target: First round of performance evaluations End target: Teacher performance evaluation carried out system is being implemented No change Intermediate Result Indicator 10: Evaluation instruments to determine entrance to and promotions within the Teaching Career designed New Intermediate Result Indicator 11: Unit of Measure Number School principals certified in school 2017 Target 10,000 management End target 10,000 Frequency Once Data Source Report Responsibility for Data Collection DIGC The World Bank Basic Education Project (P123151) Description The school principal training program is the four-module course (386 academic hours) outsourced by DIGC to train school principals appointed through the competitive selection process led by DIED. The target value considers that at least 2 out of each 3 school principals appointed as a result of the first school principal evaluation process finishes and approves the program. Verification protocol: Database submitted by MINEDU meets the requirements established in the Operations Manual for this Indicator, including: database provided by DITEN for IRI 3 (full name and ID of selected candidates, position for which they were selected, school name and ID, a field confirming the designation), with additional fields indicating those certified with a diploma and the training institution that certified them. (*) For changes in descriptions, edited or new text is indicated in italics.