61410 The Republic of Kenya: Kenya Transport Sector Support Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION* Meeting of the Executive Directors April 21, 2011 The Executive Directors approved financing for the Kenya Transport Sector Support Project for the Republic of Kenya in the amount of US$ 300 million on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2011-0107). Directors expressed support for the objectives of the project. They highlighted the importance of regional integration, hence, stressed the critical need to improve road transportation on the key road corridors in east Africa. These include the northern road corridor (which connects Mombasa with the east African hinterland) and the Tanzania-Kenya-Sudan corridor, whose importance will grow after southern Sudan achieves its independence. Directors also welcomed the project’s focus on deepening ongoing policy and institutional reforms in the transport sector, enhancing the capacity of oversight and regulatory institutions, and most importantly on continuing efforts to improve governance, transparency and accountability in the sector. *This summary is not an approved record.