State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health” Special Purpose Financial Statements under the Project “Modernization of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus” Loan No. 8663-BY for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2019 with the independent auditor’s report Minsk | 2019 / Modernization of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus Loan No. 8663-BY CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................................. STATEMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FORPREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNDER THE PROJECT FOR THE PERIOD FROM MAY 19, 2017 TO DECEMBER 31, 2 0 1 8 ................................................................................................... 3 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT....................................................................................................................4 Modernization of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus Loan No. 8663-BY STATEMENT ON THE MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR PREPARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE SPECIAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS UNDER THE PROJECT FOR THE PERIOD FROM MAY 19, 2017 TO DECEMBER 31, 2018 Management of State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health” (hereinafter - RSPC MT) is responsible for preparation of the special purpose financial statements under the Project “Modernization of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus” (hereinafter - the Project) being implemented by RSPC MT, that present fairly in all material respects the financial position of the Project as at December 31, 2019, as well as funds received and used under the Project as at December 31, 2018 in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). W hile preparing the special purpose financial statements under the Project, the Management of RSPC MT is responsible for: • adequate choice and application of accounting policies’ principles; • presentation of information including that on accounting policies in a form which ensures relevance, reliability, comparability and transparency of such information; • compliance with the requirements of IPSAS and disclosure of all significant deviations from IPSAS in the Notes to the special purpose financial statements under the Project. The Management is also responsible for: • development, introduction and maintaining of effective and reliable internal control system under the Project; • maintenance of accounting in a form that allows to address the substance and explain transactions under the Project, and also to provide information of sufficient accuracy on the financial position of the Project at any date and ensure compliance with IPSAS; • taking all possible reasonable steps to safeguard of the assets of the Project; and • detecting and preventing facts of financial and other irregularities. The present special purpose financial statements under the Project for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 were approved by the Management on May 28, 2018. On behalf of the M RSPCMT: M.M. Sacek E.P. Novikova Director Chief Accountant з 3 FBK-BEL LLC PKf Our ref. No. 05-01/167 of May 28, 2019 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S OPINION To the Director o f State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health” Opinion W e have audited the special purpose financial statements under the Project “Modernization of the Healthcare System of the Republic of Belarus” financed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (hereinafter - IBRD) according to Loan Agreement No. 8663-BY of November 25, 2016 between the Republic of Belarus and IBRD (“Agreement”) that includes Project Sources and Uses of Funds Statement, Uses of Funds, Designated Account Statement, Current Account Statement, Statement of withdrawal of funds using Statements of Expenditure; Uses of Funds using Statements of Expenditure as at December 31, 2018 and for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018, and notes to the special purpose financial statements including disclosure of the fundamental principles of the accounting policies. In our opinion, the accompanying special purpose Financial Statements under the Project fairly in all material respects represent the financial position of the Project as at December 31, 2018, as well as received and used Project funds for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard “Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting” developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants. Basis for Opinion W e conducted our audit in accordance with the requirements of Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 12, 2013 “On Auditing Activity”, the National Rules on Auditing Activities effective in the Republic of Belarus, the International Standards on Auditing (hereinafter - “ISAs”). Our responsibilities under these standards are further described in the section “Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statem ents” of this Auditor’s Report. W e are independent of RSPC MT in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants of the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (“IESBA Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with the IESBA Code. W e believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. FBK-Bel Limited Liability Company 201-22A Logoisky highway | Minsk | 220090 | Republic of Belarus T el/fax+375 (17) 355 42 23 | E-mail | TIN 690398039 FBK-Bel LLC is a member firm of the PKF International Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms. FBK-BEL LLC PKF Restriction on Distribution and Use This Auditor’s Report is intended solely for the use of RSPC MT for presentation of information to IBRD on the Project funds received and used. This Auditor’s Report is not intended for the use of third parties, and we do not bear any responsibility or liability to any other parties except RSPC MT in respect of this Auditor’s Report. In case of taking a decision by such parties based on the contents of this Auditor’s Report, the third parties are liable for such decisions. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Special Purpose Financial Statements under the Project The Management of the Project is responsible for preparation and fair presentation of the special purpose financial statements under the Project prepared in accordance with the International Public Sector Accounting Standard “Financial Reporting under the Cash Basis of Accounting” developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants and for the internal control system that the Management considers necessary for preparation of the special purpose financial statements under the Project that is free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Special Purpose Financial Statements under the Project Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether the special purpose financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with the ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence economic decisions of users taken on basis of these special purpose financial statements. Within the fram es of the audit held in accordance with the ISAs, we apply professional judgm ent and maintain professional skepticism throughout the audit. W e also: • identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the special purpose financial statements whether due to fraud or error; design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks; obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatem ent resulting from fraud is higher than that resulting from an error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control system; • obtain an understanding of the internal control system relevant to the audit, in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control system; • evaluate appropriateness of the accounting policies used and reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management; • evaluate presentation of the special purpose financial statements as a whole, their structure and contents, including disclosures, as well as whether the special purpose financial statements present the underlying transactions and events in a manner that ensures their reliable representation. 5 FBK-BEL LLC PKf W e communicate with the Management and those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and timing of the audit as well as significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in the internal control system that we identify in the course of the audit. Head of the auditing organisation: Director A.G. Reneisky May 28, 2019 Audited organisation: State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health” (RSPC MT) 7-A, P. Brovki St., Minsk, 220013, Republic of Belarus State registration: was registered by the Minsk City Executive Committee on June 23, 1992 in the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under No. 100185223. Taxpayer’s identification number - 100185223. Auditing organisation: FBK-Bel Limited Liability Company (FBK-Bel LLC); office 201, 22A Logoisky highway, Minsk, 220090, Republic of Belarus; State registration: was registered by Minsk City Executive Committee on February 6, 2009 in the Unified State Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs under No.690398039; Taxpayer’s identification n u m b e r-6 9 0398 039. Project Sources and Uses of Funds Statement/Отчет об источниках средств проекта и их использовании Belarus Health System Modernization Poject/ Проект "Модернизация системы здравоохранения РБ" 8663-BY for the Period 19.05.2017 to 31.12.2018 за период с 19.05.2017 по 31.12.2018 in U SP/в долларах США Reporting period/ Cumulative from effectiveness/ TO TAL PER LA/ Отчетный период С даты начала реализации Всего по соглашению Opening Cash balances/Осзаток денежных средств на начало периода Designated account-Project funds/Специально выделенный счет-Средства проекта 0,00 0,00 0,00 Settlement account-Project funds/Текущий счет-Средства проекта 0,00 0,00 0,00 Total opening cash balance/Итого остаток денежных средств на начало периода 0,00 0,00 0,00 Sources o f funds/Мсточнпкн средств 8663-BY 1 470 000,00 1 470 000,00 124 687 500,00 Direct Payments/ Прямые платежи 0,00 0,00 0,00 O ther/ Другие 0,00 0,00 0,00 Front-End-Fee/ Разовый сбор 312 500,00 312 500,00 312 500,00 Total finansing/Итого по источникам средств 1 782 500,00 1 782 500,00 125 000 000,00 Less: Expenditures by Components/ Расходы no компонентам Component 1: Establishment o f e-Health and Clinical Decision-support Systems/ Компонент 1: Создание электронного здравоохранения и системы поддержки клинических решений 342 967,78 342 967,78 65 211 000,00 Component 2: Improvement o f Clinical Competencies o f Health Care Providers in Non-commucable Disease M anagement/ Компонент 2: Повышение уровня клинических компетенций работников здравоохранения по ведению неинфекционных заболеваний 256 569,75 256 569,75 46 146 000,00 Component 3: Modernization of Neonatal care at the Republican Center o f Mother and Child/ Компонент 3: Модернизация системы оказания неонатальной помощи в ГУ РНПЦ "Мать и дитя" 279 692,46 279 692,46 11 599 000.00 Component 4: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation/ Компонент 4: Управление, мониторинг и оценка Проекта 610 802,63 610 802,63 2 044 000,00 Total Expenditures/Итого расходы по компонентам 1 490 032,62 1 490 032,62 125 000 000,00 Interest earned/Проценты банка | | 0 ,0 0 1 | 0 ,0 0 1 Closing Cash balances per Bank Statements/Остаток денежных средств на конец отчетного периода по банковским выпискам Designated account-IBRD loan/Специально выделенный счет-IBRD 292 467,38 292 467,38 Settlement account-Project funds/Текущий счет-источники средств 0,00 S' 0,00 Funds in transit/Средства в пути V 0,00 Total closing Cash balances/Итого остаток денежных средств на конец периода \9 2 467,38 292 467,38 Director RSPC М Т/Директор РНПЦ МТ faryna М. Sachek/M.M. Сачек IT General accountant RSPC МТ / Главный бухгалтер РНПЦ МТ " y fclena P. Novikova / Е.П. Новикова Head o f the Project Implementation Unit o f RSPC MT / Заведующий отделом управления проектом PI ij CncTrei A. Kobel / А.А. Кобель Head o f Finance Sector of Project Implementation Unit / Заведующий сектором no финансовому обесценению о т д е л д ^ ' Nikolai V. Olesiuk / H.B. Олеснюк } ) I I I I ) I I 1 ) I ) U ses o f F u n d s/О т ч ет о р а сх о д о в а н и и ср ед ст в П р оек та Belarus Health System Modernization Poject/ Проект "Модернизация системы здравоохранения РБ" 8663-BY for the Period 19.05.2017 to 31.12.2018 /за период с 19.05.2017 по 31.12.2018 Project expenditures/Расходы Проекта in USD/в долларах США Amount payable at the reporting date(goods/services accepted but not paid)/ Total Amount per Cumulative to Кредиторская procurement plan/ date/Совокупные за дол же н н ость(то ва р ы/у сл Total payments Project component/Subcomponent/Activity/ Общая сумма согласно Current quarter/ Year to date/ расходы на уги принятые, но не still to be made/ Компонент Проекта/Мероприятие плану закупок Отчетный квартал Отчетный год отчетную дату оплаченные) Итого расходы 1 2 3 4 5 6=1-4 Component 1: Establishment o f e-Health and Clinical Decision-support Systems/ Компонент 1: Создание электронного здравоохранения и системы поддержки клинических решений Total Component 1/Итого Компонент 1 65 211 000,00 100 099,57 268 933,06 342 967,78 0,00 64 868 032,22 Component 2: Improvement of Clinical Competencies of Health Care Providers in Non-commucable Disease Management/ Компонент 2: Повышение уровня клинических компетенций работников здравоохранения по ведению неинфекционных заболеваний Total Component 2/Итого Компонент 2 46 146 000,00 209 123,22 256 569,75 256 569,75 0,00 45 889 430,25 Component 3: Modernization of Neonatal care at the Republican Center o f Mother and Child/ Компонент 3: Модернизация системы оказания неонатальной помощи в ГУ РНПЦ "Мать и дитя" Total Component 3/Итого Компонент 3 11 599 000,00 33 208,03 253 303,21 279 692,46 0,00 11 319 307,54 Component 4: Project Management, M onitoring and Evaluation/ Компонент 4: Управление, мониторинг и оценка Проекта Total Component 4/Итого Компонент 4 2 044 000,00 61 681.58 200 968,09 610 802,63 0,00 1 433 197,37 . ............ Total project Expenditure/Итого расходы проекта 125 000 0 0 0 # 979 774,11 1 490 032,62 0,00 123 509 967,38 D irector R SPC М Т/ Д иректор РН П Ц М Т M aryna М. Sachek/M .M . Сачек General accountant RSPC М Т / Главны й бухгалтер РН П Ц М Т V\oV Elena P. N ovikova / Е.П. Н овикова Y 4 ,- Head o f the Project Im plem entation Unit o f R SPC M T / Заведую щ ий mWniSfci * (д'Ц-л' чЛ' " ^ —> управления проектом РН П Ц М Т ‘ ' Andrei A. Kobel / А.А. Кобель Head o f Finance Sector o f Project Im plem entation Unit / Заведую щ ий сектором по ф инансовом у обеспечению отдела N ikolai V. O lesiuk / Н.В. О лесию к D e s ig n a te d A c c o u n t S ta te m e n t B elaru s H ealth System M odernization P oject D esignated A cco u n t S tatem en t 8663-B Y for the P eriod 19.0 5 .2 0 1 7 to 3 1.12.2018 in U SD Period 1 O p ening balance at 19.05.2017 0,00 2 A d van ce o f P ro ject fu n d s d u rin g the period 1 470 000,00 3 A m ou n t o f elig ib le exp en d itu res paid d uring the p resent period 46 255,27 4 A m o u n t o f fun ds tran sferred to the transit account 1 131 277,35 Refund to IBRD from DA during the period 0,00 Intereset earned 0,00 Service charges 0,00 5 C alcu lated D A clo sin g balance 292 467,38 D A closin g b alan ce as at 3 1 .1 2 .2 0 1 8 carried forw ard to next 6 oeriod-D er bank statem en ts 292 467,38 Diffrence between 5 and 6 (should be zero or explained) 0,00 Explanation o f any discrepancy: Director RSPC М Т/ Ди Maryna M. Sachek General accountant RSP бухгалтер РНПЦ M T Elena P. Novikova Head o f the Project ImplementationTJnTt o f RSPC MT / Заведующий отделом управления проектом РНПЦ МТ ndrei A. Kobel Head o f Finance Sector o f Project Implementation Unit Nikolai V. Olesiuk C urrent A ccount Statem ent/О тч ёт о состоянии текущ его счета B elarus H ealth S ystem M od ern ization P o ject/ П р оек т " М одер низац ия си стем ы зд р ав оохр ан ен и я РБ" 8663-B Y for the Period 19.05.2017 to 31.1 2 .2 0 1 8 за п ери од с 19.05.2017 по 3 1.12.2018 in U SD /в д о л л а р а х С Ш А P eriod/О тч етн ы й период O pen ing balan ce at 1 9 .0 5 .2 0 17/О статок д ен еж н ы х средств на начало 1 отчетн ого пер иода 0,00 A dvan ce from DA d u rin g the p eriod /С ум м а аван сов, поступивш ая со 2 сп ец и аль н о в ы д ел ен н ого счета 1 131 2 7 7 ,3 5 A m ount o f eligib le ex p en d itu res paid d u rin g the presen t p eriod / о С ум м а сан к ц и о н и р о в а н н ы х р асходов в отчетн ом периоде 1 131 2 7 7 ,3 5 R e fu n d s/В о з м е щ е н и е н а с п е ц и а л ь н о в ы д е л е н н ы й с ч е т 0 ,00 In te re se t e a rn e d /Н а ч и с л е н н ы е п р о ц е н т ы б а н к а 0 ,00 S e rv ic e c h a rg e s /С т о и м о с т ь у с л у г 0 ,0 0 C alculated closin g b a la n ce/Р а сч и та н н ы й о статок д ен еж н ы х ср едств на 4 тек ущ ем счете 0,00 DA closin g b alan ce as at 3 1 .1 2 .2 0 1 8 carried forw ard to next p eriod -p er bank statem en ts/О ст а то к д ен еж н ы х ср едств на тек ущ ем счете, п ер ен есен н ы й на 5 сл едую щ ий отч етн ы й пер иод 0,00 D iffre n c e b e tw e e n 4 a n d 5 / Р а з н и ц а м е ж д у л и н и я м и 4 и 5 (sh o u ld be z e ro o r e x p la in e d j/д о л ж н а б ы т ь р а в н а н у л ю и л и о б ъ я с н е н а 0,00 E x p la n a tio n o f a n y d is c re p a n c y /О б ъ я с н е н и е л ю б ы х р а з н и ц и несоответствий: D ire c to r R S P C М Т / Д и р е к т о р M a ry n a М . S a c h e k /M .M . С а ч е к G e n e ra l a c c o u n ta n t R S P C М Т РН ПЦ М Т E le n a P. N o v ik o v a / Е .П . Н о в и к о в а H e a d o f th e P ro je c t Im p le m e n ta ti З аведую щ и й отделом у п равл ен и я МТ . K o b e l / А .А . К о б е л ь H e ad o f F in a n c e S e c to r o f P ro je c t Im p le m e n ta tio n U n it / Заведую щ ий сектором по ф и н ан совом у обесп ечен ию отдела N ik o la i V . O le siu k / Н .В . О л е с и ю к WITHDRAWAL STATEMENT DURING THE PERIOD FROM 19.05.2017 TO 31.12.2018 (USD) Date of replenishment No. of the Replenishment of the Designated of the Итого Тип операции application Account Designated Account 1 28.06.2017 BY40BLBB36200100185223001001 500 000,00 DA-A 9 05.06.2018 BY40BLBB36200100185223001001 170 000,00 DA-A 11 13.07.2018 BY40BLBB36200100185223001001 800 000,00 DA-A Итого 1 470 000,00 On behalf of the management: Director RSPC MT Maryna M. Sachek General accountant RSPC MT lena P. Novikova Head of the Project Implementation Unit of RSPC MT ndrei A. Kobel Head of Finance Sector of Project Implementation Unit Nikolai V. Olesiuk | IBRD-1 jn a l Bai ' ' ^ o n s trt jd D e v e ' jS taterr ’ jipendit p) № I Payment made during the period from | 19.05.2017 |to Financier IBRD Loan/Credit/Grant # 8663-BY The following expenditures have been incurred during the retroactive financing period (please tick) Yes V No Application # 01-11. The following expenditures have been incurred before the closing date of the loan/credit/grant (please tick) Yes V No Category ft 1 Page # 1 ONLY for the Designated Account 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Prior Date of Am o unt Contract # (Client Contract currency Total amount of % Review Withdrawal W ithdraw n from Item Connection ti for and amount Date of invoice covered by Financed Eligible A m o unt Exchange Supplier's Name Brief Description of the expenditure Contract? Invoice num ber from the the Designated No Prior Review (original + payment Application (net of by the (Col 9*10) rate (YES or Designated Account (Col contracts) amendm ent) retenton) Bank NO) Account 11/12) Project Implementation Project Implementation D epartm ent staff 1 NO n/a 1 658,35 BYN n/a 30.06.2017 1 658,35 BYN 100 1 658,35 BYN 1,9272 30.06.2017 860,50 USD Department staff salary salary for June, 17 Project Implementation Project Implementation D epartm ent staff 2 NO n/a 1 200,00 BYN n/a 18.07.2017 1 200,00 BYN 100 1 200,00 BYN 1,9432 18.07.2017 617,54 USD Department staff salary salary for July, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for July, 3 NO n/a 300,00 BYN n/a 18.07.2017 300,00 BYN 100 300,00 BYN 1,9432 18.07.2017 154,39 USD staff salary 17 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Departm ent staff 4 NO n/a 10 734,89 BYN n/a 03.08.2017 10 734,89 BYN 100 10 734,89 BYN 1,9491 03.08.2017 5 507,61 USD Department staff salary salary for July, 17 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for July, 5 NO n/a 4 391,25 BYN n/a 03.08.2017 4 391,25 BYN 100 4 391,25 BYN 1,9491 03.08.2017 2 252,96 USD staff salary 17 (advance) LLC "Softgarantservice" Completion of the accounting program No OE 4.2.2 from 9 870,00 BYN n/a 04.08.2017 4 935,00 BYN 100 4 935,00 BYN 1,9422 04.08.2017 2 540,93 USD 6 25.07.2017 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 200,00 BYN n/a 18.08.2017 2 200,00 BYN 100 2 200,00 BYN 1,9312 18.08.2017 1 139,19 USD 7 Unit staff salary August, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1100,00 BYN n/a 18.08.2017 1 100,00 BYN 100 1 100,00 BYN 1,9312 18.08.2017 569,59 USD 8 staff salary August, 17 (advance) LLC "Softgarantservice" Completion of the accounting program No OE 4.2.2 from 9 870,00 BYN n/a 28.08.2017 4 935,00 BYN 100 4 935,00 BYN 1,9152 28.08.2017 2 576,75 USD 9 25.07.2017 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 14 839,92 BYN n/a 01.09.2017 14 839,92 BYN 100 14 839,92 BYN 1,9202 01.09.2017 7 728,33 USD 10 Unit staff salary August, 17 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 5 728,20 BYN n/a 01.09.2017 5 728,20 BYN 100 5 728,20 BYN 1,9202 01.09.2017 2 983,12 USD 11 staff salary August, 17 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 750,00 BYN n/a 18.09.2017 2 750,00 BYN 100 2 750,00 BYN 1,9302 18.09.2017 1 424,73 USD 12 Unit staff salary September, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 2 870,00 BYN n/a 18.09.2017 2 870,00 BYN 100 2 870,00 BYN 1,9302 18.09.2017 1 486,89 USD 13 staff salary September, 17 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 17 142,12 BYN n/a 03.10.2017 17 142,12 BYN 100 17 142,12 BYN 1,9571 03.10.2017 8 758,93 USD 14 Unit staff salary September, 17 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 20 722,63 BYN n/a 03.10.2017 20 722,63 BYN 100 20 722,63 BYN 1,9571 03.10.2017 10 588,45 USD 15 staff salary September, 17 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 3 160,00 BYN n/a 18.10.2017 3 160,00 BYN 100 3 160,00 BYN 1,9511 18.10.2017 1 619,60 USD 16 Unit staff salary October, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 4 817,76 BYN n/a 18.10.2017 4 817,76 BYN 100 4 817,76 BYN 1,9511 18.10.2017 2 469,25 USD 17 staff salary October, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1 511,32 BYN n/a 23.10.2017 1 511,32 BYN 100 1 511,32 BYN 1,9432 23.10.2017 777,75 USD 18 staff salary October 17 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 636,09 BYN n/a 27.10.2017 636,09 BYN 100 636,09 BYN 1,9631 27.10.2017 324,02 USD 19 Unit staff salary October 17 Travel expenses of the Training of the project Implementation Unit No n/a 951,00 BYN n/a 30.10.2017 951,00 BYN 100 951,00 BYN 1,9651 30.10.2017 483,94 USD 20 project Implementation Unit International Training Training of the project Im plementation Unit No 17/1172311 of 5 083,06 BYN 17/1172311 of 02.11.2017 5 083,06 BYN 100 5 083,06 BYN 1,976 02.11.2017 2 572,40 USD 21 Centre of the ILO 28.10.17 28.10.17 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 17 809,30 BYN n/a 03.11.2017 17 809,30 BYN 100 17 809,30 BYN 1,9721 03.11.2017 9 030,63 USD 22 Unit staff salary October, 17 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 22 057,44 BYN n/a 03.11.2017 22 057,44 BYN 100 22 057,44 BYN 1,9721 03.11.2017 11 184,74 USD 23 staff salary October 17 Belavia - Belarusian Airlines Training of the project Im plementation Unit No 4.1.3-2 of 2 089,80 BYN 5934 of 08.11.2017 08.11.2017 2 089,80 BYN 100 2 089,80 BYN 1,9830 08.11.2017 1 053,85 USD 24 08.11.2017 B e i-" ~ ° 'ja rusia r л -- ' -------^ T ra ir--------“ '-je proje - '• mentat ' " •' ^ ' N ' 2 ------------]Y N -------- [0 8 .1 1 .-------- 108.11.-------- 1 08.11 j 1091 [25 I 4'L r ‘ ' i I 2 17 4 “ ) 1 217 ■ ■ I 0 8 . ll .z u i / E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1 073,07 BYN n/a 08.11.2017 1 073,07 BYN 100 1073,07 BYN 1,9830 08.11.2017 541,14 USD 26 staff salary Novem ber 17 International Training Training of the project Implementation Unit No 17/1172398 of 20 432,46 BYN 17/1172398 of 09.11.2017 20 432,46 BYN 100 20 432,46 BYN 1,9908 09.11.2017 10 263,44 USD 27 Centre of the ILO 03.11.2017 03.11.2017 Travel expenses of the Training of the project Implementation Unit No n/a 430,00 BYN n/a 10.11.2017 430,00 BYN 100 430,00 BYN 1,9850 10.11.2017 216,62 USD 28 project Implementation Unit Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 9 500,00 8YN 616 of 31.10.17, 608 10.11.2017 1 602,00 BYN 100 1 602,00 BYN 1,9850 10.11.2017 807,06 USD 29 LLC "Sermar" 30.08.2017 of 27.10.17 Travel expenses of the Training of the project Implementation Unit No n/a 1 720,00 BYN n/a 15.11.2017 1 720,00 BYN 100 1 720,00 BYN 1,9940 15.11.2017 862,59 USD 30 project Implementation Unit Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 4 175,00 BYN n/a 17.11.2017 4 175,00 BYN 100 4 175,00 BYN 1,9940 17.11.2017 2 093,78 USD 31 Unit staff salary Novem ber, 17 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 4 245,00 BYN n/a 17.11.2017 4 245,00 BYN 100 4 245,00 BYN 1,9940 17.11.2017 2 128,89 USD 32 staff salary Novem ber, 17 (advance) International Training Training of the project Implementation Unit No 17/1172424/11724 10 385,62 BYN 17/1172424 of 21.11.2017 10 38S,62 BYN 100 10 385,62 BYN 2,0017 21.11.2017 5 188,40 USD 33 Centre of the ILO 28 of 08.11.2017 08.11.17 17/1172428 of 08.11.17 Office equipment of the E-Health Formation G 1.1 2 SH of 34 1 LLC "Freeal1 Yes 1 522,00 BYN n/a 22.11.2017 1 522,00 BYN 100 1 522,00 BYN 1,9955 22.11.2017 762,72 USD Unit 10.11.2017 ED 1.1 1 of 35 Belavia - Belarusian Airlines Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No 447,03 BYN 6237 of 22.11.2017 23.11.2017 447,03 BYN 100 447,03 BYN 1,9890 23.11.2017 224,75 USD 22.11.2017 Travel expenses of the E- 36 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No n/a 4 000,00 BYN n/a 23.11.2017 4 000,00 BYN 100 4 000,00 BYN 1,9890 23.11.2017 2 011,06 USD Health Formation Unit Office equipm ent of the project 4.1.5-1/2 of 37 1 RUE "BelEZ1 No 170,00 BYN n/a 23.11.2017 170,00 BYN 100 170,00 BYN 1,9890 23.11.2017 85,47 USD Implementation Unit 19.10.2017 OE 4.1.6-1 of 38 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No 9 500,00 BYN 662 of 20.11.17 23.11.2017 720,00 BYN 100 720,00 BYN 1,9890 23.11.2017 361,99 USD 30.08.2017 GLLC "Company Office Office equipm ent of the project OE 4.1.5-1 of 39 No 10 090,00 BYN n/a 29.11.2017 10 090,00 BYN 100 10 090,00 BYN 1,9950 29.11.2017 5 057,64 USD Komfort" Implementation Unit 18.10.2017 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 40 No n/a 3 575,93 BYN n/a 30.11.2017 3 575,93 BYN 100 3 575,93 BYN 2,0050 30.11.2017 1 783,51 USD staff salary Novem ber, 17 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 41 No n/a 18 359,02 BYN n/a 01.12.2017 18 359,02 BYN 100 18 359,02 BYN 2,0040 01.12.2017 9 161,19 USD staff salary Novem ber, 17 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary 42 No n/a 17 853,25 BYN n/a 01.12.2017 17 853,25 BYN 100 17 853,25 BYN 2,0040 01.12.2017 8 908,81 USD Unit staff salary Novem ber, 17 Travel expenses of the 43 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit No n/a 1 843,67 BYN n/a 01.12.2017 1 843,67 BYN 100 1 843,67 BYN 2,0040 01.12.2017 919,99 USD Unit Office equipm ent of the project 4.1.5-2 of 44 PMSUE "Delroy" No 1 672,75 BYN n/a 01.12.2017 1 672,75 BYN 100 1 672,75 BYN 2,0040 01.12.2017 835,12 USD Implementation Unit 16.10.2017 Architectural design and construction design for modernization of premises of SSSCS 3.1.1 of 45 Belgosproekt No 590 323,16 BYN n/a 05.12.2017 53 118,93 BYN 100 53 118,93 BYN 2,0129 05.12.2017 26 389,25 USD anesthesiology and reanimation departm ent 09.10.2017 of RNPC M other and Child OE 4.1.6-1 of 46 LLC “Sermar" Translation services No 9 500,00 BYN 684 of 29.11.17 12.12.2017 589,50 BYN 100 589,50 BYN 2,0219 12.12.2017 291,56 USD 30.08.2017 Office equipm ent of the E-Health Formation G 1.1-4 SH of 47 PE "Stop obzor" Yes 7 033,93 BYN n/a 12.12.2017 7 033,93 BYN 100 7 033,93 BYN 2,0219 12.12.2017 3 478,87 USD Unit 01.12.2017 OE 4.1.6-1 of 48 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No 9 500,00 BYN 703 of 06.12.17 13.12.2017 180,00 BYN 100 180,00 BYN 2,0299 13.12.2017 88,67 USD 30.08.2017 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 49 No n/a 6 010,00 BYN n/a 18.12.2017 6 010,00 BYN 100 6 010,00 BYN 2,0169 18.12.2017 2 979,83 USD staff salary December, 17 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff 50 No n/a 5 366,32 BYN n/a 18.12.2017 5 366,32 BYN 100 5 366,32 BYN 2,0169 18.12.2017 2 660,67 USD Unit staff salary salaryDecember, 17 (advance) Office equipm ent of the E-Health Formation G 1.1-3 SH of 51 LLC "SoftLineBeP Yes 14 685,00 BYN n/a 22.12.2017 14 685,00 BYN 100 14 685,00 BYN 1,9790 22.12.2017 7 420,41 USD Unit 06.12.2017 к. ■ t jenses i project Implementation I 1 No 1 , 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 52 Training of the project Implementation Unit n/a 117,87 BYN n/a 27.12.2017 117,87 BYN 100 117,87 BYN 1,9621 27.12.2017 60,07 USD Unit Travel expenses of the E- 53 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No n/a 1 160,97 BYN n/a 27.12.2017 1 160,97 BYN 100 1 160,97 BYN 1,9621 27.12.2017 591,70 USD Health Formation Unit OE 4.1.6-1 of 54 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No 9 500,00 BYN 721 of 15.12.17 27.12.2017 99,00 BYN 100 99,00 BYN 1,9621 27.12.2017 50,46 USD 30.08.2017 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 55 No n/a 20 914,26 BYN n/a 28.12.2017 20 914,26 BYN 100 20 914,26 BYN 1,9681 28.12.2017 10 626,62 USD staff salary December, 17 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff 56 No n/a 22 134,71 BYN n/a 28.12.2017 22 134,71 BYN 100 22 134,71 BYN 1,9681 28.12.2017 11 246,75 USD Unit staff salary salaryDecember, 17 Refunds Travel expenses of 57 the E-Health Formation Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No n/a -281,65 BYN n/a 28.12.2017 -281,65 BYN 100 -281,65 BYN 1,9681 28.12.2017 -143,11 USD Unit Office equipm ent of the E-Health Formation Yes G 1.1-1 SH of 7 134,00 BYN 0309475 of 05.01.18 08.01.2018 7 134,00 BYN 100 7 134,00 BYN 1,9890 08.01.2018 3 586,73 USD 58 LLC "SoftLineBel" Unit 06.12.17,(1556244) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 4 580,00 BYN n/a 18.01.2018 4 580,00 BYN 100 4 580,00 BYN 1,9890 18.01.2018 2 302,67 USD 59 staff salary January, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 720,00 BYN n/a 18.01.2018 2 720,00 BYN 100 2 720,00 BYN 1,9890 18.01.2018 1 367,52 USD 60 Unit staff salary January, 18 (advance) Health Level Seven Membership in standard development No n/a 5 150,00 USD n/a 26.01.2018 5 150,00 USD 100 5 150,00 USD 1,0000 26.01.2018 5 150,00 USD 61 International, Inc organization HL7 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 9 500,00 BYN 29 of 16.01.2018 29.01.2018 720,00 BYN 100 720,00 BYN 1,9731 29.01.2018 364,91 USD 62 30.08.2017 LLC "Sermar" Translation services OE 4.1.6-1 of 63 No 9 500,00 BYN 56 of 26.01.18 02.02.2018 270,00 BYN 100 270,00 BYN 1,9661 02.02.2018 137,33 USD 30.08.2017 Office equipm ent of the E-Health Formation G 1.1-5 SH of Unit 0309462 of 20.12.17, 64 LLC "SoftLineBel" Yes 06.12.2017 38 990,00 BYN 02.02.2018 38 990,00 BYN 100 38 990,00 BYN 1,9661 02.02.2018 19 831,14 USD 0309480 of 31.01.18 (1556246) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 65 No n/a 22 512,23 BYN n/a 02.02.2018 22 512,23 BYN 100 22 512,23 BYN 1,9661 02.02.2018 11 450,20 USD staff salary January, 18 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary, 66 No n/a 19 738,71 BYN n/a 02.02.2018 19 738,71 BYN 100 19 738,71 BYN 1,9661 02.02.2018 10 039,52 USD Unit staff salary January, 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 67 No n/a 27,30 BYN n/a 05.02.2018 27,30 BYN 100 27,30 BYN 1,9661 05.02.2018 13,89 USD staff salary January, 18 Belgosproekt Architectural design and construction design for modernization of premises of SSS CS 3.1.1 of 68 No 590 323,16 BYN n/a 13.02.2018 92 524,78 BYN 100 92 524,78 BYN 1,9830 13.02.2018 46 658,99 USD anesthesiology and reanimation department 09.10.2017 of RNPC M other and Child E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for 69 No n/a 4 590,00 BYN n/a 16.02.2018 4 590,00 BYN 100 4 590,00 BYN 1,9531 16.02.2018 2 350,11 USD staff salary February, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary 70 No n/a 3 560,00 BYN n/a 16.02.2018 3 560,00 BYN 100 3 560,00 BYN 1,9531 16.02.2018 1 822,74 USD Unit staff salary February, 18 (advance) No n/a 7,00 BYN n/a 03.03.2018 7,00 BYN 100 7,00 BYN 1,9541 03.03.2018 3,58 USD Travel expenses of the E- 71 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 25 013,62 BYN n/a 03.03.2018 25 013,62 BYN 100 25 013,62 BYN 1,9541 03.03.2018 12 800,58 USD 72 staff salary February, 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 25 706,34 BYN n/a 03.03.2018 25 706,34 BYN 100 25 706,34 BYN 1,9541 03.03.2018 13 155,08 USD 73 Unit staff salary February, 18 RUE "National Center of Provision of electronic access to place an No n/a 900,00 BYN n/a 03.03.2018 900,00 BYN 100 900,00 BYN 1,9531 03.03.2018 460,81 USD 74 Marketing and Prices advertisement for participation in the Conjuncture" procurement Travel expenses of the No n/a 3 570,00 BYN n/a 14.03.2018 3 570,00 BYN 100 3 570,00 BYN 1,9501 14.03.2018 1 830,68 USD 75 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for Mart, No n/a 9 741,90 BYN n/a 16.03.2018 9 741,90 BYN 100 9 741,90 BYN 1,9531 16.03.2018 4 987,92 USD 76 staff salary 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 6 249,85 BYN n/a 16.03.2018 6 249,85 BYN 100 6 249,85 BYN 1,9531 16.03.2018 3 199,96 USD 77 Unit staff salary Mart, 18 (advance) p°ioosproekt Archit“ '-t,,r=l design a"'* '•''"'■'.ruction '■I»'1 "" jn/a p 3 .0 4 .2 ~ "- |26 836 * ......... j _ j 26 8 3 ' -----------J l,-'~ 03.04.’ 1 *7 7 ! | ) •i„. ...„ -Jrn iza tio .. Jmises c, 1 is s CS b . i . i oi ^ 78 No 590 323,16 BYN anesthesiology and reanimation department 09.10.2017 of RSPC M other and Child E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for Mart, No n/a 23 008,86 BYN n/a 03.04.2018 23 008,86 BYN 100 23 008,86 BYN 1,9481 03.04.2018 11 810,92 USD 79 staff salary 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 23 826,99 BYN n/a 03.04.2018 23 826,99 BYN 100 23 826,99 BYN 1,9481 03.04.2018 12 230,88 USD 80 Unit staff salary M art, 18 Consulting services of Consulting services of construction engineer No CS 2.3.1-1 of 19 085,57 BYN n/a 03.04.2018 1 305,44 BYN 100 1 305,44 BYN 1,9481 03.04.2018 670,12 USD 81 construction engineer M art, 18 06.03.2018 refunds Travel expenses of No n/a -9,00 BYN n/a 03.04.2018 -9,00 BYN 100 -9,00 BYN 1,9481 03.04.2018 -4,62 USD 82 the E-Health Formation Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Unit refunds Travel expenses of No n/a -432,67 BYN n/a 03.04.2018 -432,67 BYN 100 -432,67 BYN 1,9481 03.04.2018 -222,10 USD 83 the project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit International Training Training of the project Implementation Unit No 1180170 of 4 430,00 EUR n/a 10.04.2018 4 430,00 EUR 100 4 430,00 EUR 1,2440 10.04.2018 5 510,92 USD 84 Centre of the ILO 23.03.2018 No n/a 7,00 BYN n/a 10.04.2018 7,00 BYN 100 7,00 BYN 1,9950 10.04.2018 3,S1 USD Travel expenses of the E- 85 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Travel expenses of the No n/a 6 790,00 BYN n/a 10.04.2018 6 790,00 BYN 100 6 790,00 BYN 1,9950 10.04.2018 3 403,51 USD 86 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary April, No n/a 4 510,93 BYN n/a 11.04.2018 4 510,93 BYN 100 4 510,93 BYN 2,0349 11.04.2018 2 216,78 USD 87 U nit staff salary 18 (vacation) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary April, No n/a 1 527,33 BYN n/a 14.04.2018 1 527,33 BYN 100 1 527,33 BYN 2,0250 14.04.2018 754,24 USD 88 Unit staff salary 18 (vacation) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for April, No n/a 5 400,00 BYN n/a 18.04.2018 5 400,00 BYN 100 5 400,00 BYN 2,0190 18.04.2018 2 674,59 USD 89 staff salary 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary April, No n/a 2 140,00 BYN n/a 18.04.2018 2 140,00 BYN 100 2 140,00 BYN 2,0190 18.04.2018 1 059,93 USD 90 Unit staff salary 18 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for May, No n/a 4 986,40 BYN n/a 27.04.2018 4 986,40 BYN 100 4 986,40 BYN 1,9990 27.04.2018 2 494,45 USD 91 staff salary 18 (vacation) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary May, No n/a 3 012,60 BYN n/a 27.04.2018 3 012,60 BYN 100 3 012,60 BYN 1,9990 27.04.2018 1 507,05 USD 92 Unit staff salary 18 (vacation) LLC "Sermar" Translation services OE 4.1.6-1 of 93 No 9 500,00 BYN 230 of 09.04.18 27.04.2018 279,00 BYN 100 279,00 BYN 1,9990 27.04.2018 139,57 USD 30.08.2017 No CS 2.3.1-1 of 19 085,57 BYN n/a 03.05.2018 1 531,96 BYN 100 1 531,96 BYN 2,0120 03.05.2018 761,42 USD Consulting services of Consulting services of construction engineer 94 06.03.2018 construction engineer April, 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 25 173,04 BYN n/a 03.05.2018 25 173,04 BYN 100 25 173,04 BYN 2,0120 03.05.2018 12 511,45 USD 95 staff salary April, 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 19 318,48 BYN n/a 03.05.2018 19 318,48 BYN 100 19 318,48 BYN 2,0120 03.05.2018 9 601,62 USD 96 Unit staff salary April, 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for May, No n/a 4 250,00 BYN n/a 18.05.2018 4 250,00 BYN 100 4 250,00 BYN 1,9890 18.05.2018 2 136,75 USD 97 staff salary 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary May, No n/a 2 650,00 BYN n/a 18.05.2018 2 650,00 BYN 100 2 650,00 BYN 1,9890 18.05.2018 1332,33 USD 98 Unit staff salary 18 (advance) LLC "Sermar" Translation services 286 of 04.05.18, 289 OE 4.1.6-1 of 99 No 9 500,00 BYN of 07.05.18, 307of 23.05.2018 1 624,50 BYN 100 1 624,50 BYN 1,9870 23.05.2018 817,56 USD 30.08.2017 14.05.18 Consulting services of Consulting services of construction engineer No CS 2.3.1-1 of 19 085,57 BYN n/a 01.06.2018 1 608,56 BYN 100 1 608,56 BYN 2,0060 01.06.2018 801,89 USD 100 construction engineer May, 18 06.03.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 32 326,73 BYN n/a 01.06.2018 32 326,73 BYN 100 32 326,73 BYN 2,0060 01.06.2018 16 115,02 USD 101 staff salary M ay, 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 19 275,69 BYN n/a 01.06.2018 19 275,69 BYN 100 19 275,69 BYN 2,0060 01.06.2018 9 609,01 USD 102 Unit staff salary M ay, 18 refunds Travel expenses of No n/a -1 1 99 ,76 BYN n/a 01.06.2018 -1 199,76 BYN 100 -1 199,76 BYN 2,0060 01.06.2018 -598,09 USD 103 the project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit International Training Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No 1180829 of 2 570,00 EUR n/a 05.06.2018 2 570,00 EUR 100 2 570,00 EUR 1,1800 05.06.2018 3 032,60 USD 104 Centre of the ILO 08.06.2018 international Training Training of the project Imnlornentation 1Init ^ No 1180P->°-f > T i t n n E lJ R ■ | n/a |05.06.Г''*" , 22 -J R 1 05.06 -------- ' 05 I 1of the ' 0 8 .0 C .^ ^ * 1 22.......T 1 261Г" ‘) Belgosproekt Architectural design and construction design n/a 07.06.2018 296 858,80 BYN 100 296 858,80 BYN 1,9890 07.06.2018 149 250,28 USD for modernization of premises of SSS CS 3.1.1 of 106 anesthesiology and reanimation department No 590 323,16 BYN 09.10.2017 of RSPC M other and Child Travel expenses of the No n/a 7,00 BYN n/a 07.06.2018 7,00 BYN 100 7,00 BYN 1,9890 07.06.2018 3,52 USD 107 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit No n/a 1 430,00 BYN n/a 07.06.2018 1 430,00 BYN 100 1 430,00 BYN 1,9890 07.06.2018 718,95 USD Travel expenses of the E- 108 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Belavia - Belarusian Airlines Training of employees from the faculty of No 3969 of 12.06.2017 3 531,51 BYN n/a of 14.06.2018 14.06.2018 3 531,51 BYN 100 3 531,51 BYN 1,9900 14.06.2018 1 774,64 USD 109 BelMAPO and medical universities E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1 783,82 BYN n/a 14.06.2018 1 783,82 BYN 100 1 783,82 BYN 1,9900 14.06.2018 896,39 USD 110 staff salary June, 18 (vacation,material help) Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 001,89 BYN n/a 14.06.2018 2 001,89 BYN 100 2 001,89 BYN 1,9900 14.06.2018 1 005,97 USD 111 Unit staff salary June, 18 (vacation,material help) Travel expenses of the No n/a 1 430,00 BYN n/a 14.06.2018 1 430,00 BYN 100 1 430,00 BYN 1,9900 14.06.2018 718,59 USD 112 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit Consulting services of Consulting services of construction engineer No CS 2.3.1-1 of 842,58 BYN n/a 18.06.2018 842,58 BYN 100 842,58 BYN 1,9950 18.06.2018 422,35 USD 113 construction engineer June, 18 06.03.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 4 470,00 BYN n/a 18.06.2018 4 470,00 BYN 100 4 470,00 BYN 1,9950 18.06.2018 2 240,60 USD 114 staff salary June, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 920,00 BYN n/a 18.06.2018 2 920,00 BYN 100 2 920,00 BYN 1,9950 18.06.2018 1 463,66 USD 115 Unit staff salary June, 18 (advance) LLC "Sermar" Translation services OE 4.1.6-1 of 116 No 9 500,00 BYN 371 of 13.06.18 22.06.2018 1 296,00 BYN 100 1 296,00 BYN 1,9920 22.06.2018 650,60 USD 30.08.2017 LLC "Legrentavtotrans" In-country transport cost OE 4.2.1-1 of 117 No 3 000,00 BYN 209 of 01.06.18 22.06.2018 381,50 BYN 100 381,50 BYN 1,9920 22.06.2018 191,52 USD 20.10.2017 Travel expenses of the E- No n/a 473,29 BYN n/a 26.06.2018 473,29 BYN 100 473,29 BYN 1,9840 26.06.2018 238,55 USD 118 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Consulting services of Consulting services of construction engineer No CS 2.3.1-1 of 382,98 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 382,98 BYN 100 382,98 BYN 1,9830 29.06.2018 193,13 USD 119 construction engineer June, 18 06.03.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 28 630,86 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 28 630,86 BYN 100 28 630,86 BYN 1,9830 29.06.2018 14 438,16 USD 120 staff salary June, 18 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 20 920,58 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 20 920,58 BYN 100 20 920,58 BYN 1,9830 29.06.2018 10 549,96 USD 121 Unit staff salary June, 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 2 329,85 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 2 329,85 BYN 100 2 329,85 BYN 1,9800 29.06.2018 1 176,68 USD 122 staff salary June, 18 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 1 159,05 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 1159,05 BYN 100 1 159,05 BYN 1,9800 29.06.2018 585,39 USD 123 Unit staff salary June, 18 Travel expenses of Training of employees from the faculty of No n/a 1 680,21 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 1 680,21 BYN 100 1680,21 BYN 1,9830 29.06.2018 847,31 USD employees from the faculty BelMAPO and medical universities 124 of BelMAPO and medical universities refundsTravel expenses of No n/a -7,06 BYN n/a 29.06.2018 -7,06 BYN 100 -7,06 BYN 1,9830 29.06.2018 -3,56 USD 125 the E-Health Formation Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Unit E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1 979,64 BYN n/a 07.07.2018 1 979,64 BYN 100 1979,64 BYN 1,9720 07.07.2018 1 003,88 USD 126 staff salarv Julv. 18 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary July, No n/a 2 261,75 BYN n/a 07.07.2018 2 261,75 BYN 100 2 261,75 BYN 1,9720 07.07.2018 1 146,93 USD 127 Unit staff salary 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 2 941,33 BYN n/a 09.07.2018 2 941,33 BYN 100 2 941,33 BYN 1,9670 09.07.2018 1 495,34 USD 128 staff salary July, 18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 3 670,00 BYN n/a 18.07.2018 3 670,00 BYN 100 3 670,00 BYN 1,9735 18.07.2018 1 859,64 USD 129 staff salarv July, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary July, No n/a 2 800,00 BYN n/a 18.07.2018 2 800,00 BYN 100 2 800,00 BYN 1,9735 18.07.2018 1 418,80 USD 130 Unit staff salary 18 (advance) Travel expenses of the No n/a 26,78 BYN n/a 18.07.2018 26,78 BYN 100 26,78 BYN 1,9735 18.07.2018 13,57 USD 131 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit SUE "Order of the Red Architectural design and construction desien No 163/2 |31.07.l m o j 20 580 " " 'j 1 20 5 ? ' — y 3 31.07 1| 10 40------------- у ) Ba labor" 1 lernizat , Imises 1 -.0.07.18 ^SSS CS o.x.x o. J 132 Belgosproekt" 558 573,79 BYN anesthesiology and reanimation department 09.10.2017 of RNPC M other and Child n/a 168,26 BYN n/a 31.07.2018 168,26 BYN 100 168,26 BYN 1,9770 31.07.2018 85,11 USD Travel expenses of the E- 133 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit No Health Formation Unit LLC "Legrentavtotrans" In-country trasnport cost No OE 4.2.1-1 of 3 000,00 BYN 254 of 10.07.18 31.07.2018 336,00 BYN 100 336,00 BYN 1,9770 31.07.2018 169,95 USD 134 20.10.2017 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 9 500,00 BYN 447 of 09.07.18 31.07.2018 576,00 BYN 100 576,00 BYN 1,9770 31.07.2018 291,35 USD 135 30.08.2017 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 24 046,62 BYN n/a 03.08.2018 24 046,62 BYN 100 24 046,62 BYN 1,9950 03.08.2018 12 053,44 USD 136 staff salary July, 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary July, No n/a 24 927,69 BYN n/a 03.08.2018 24 927,69 BYN 100 24 927,69 BYN 1,9950 03.08.2018 12 495,09 USD 137 Unit staff salary 18 JSC "Airline" Belavia " Training of the project Implementation Unit No 5373 of 03.08.2018 2 239,68 BYN 5373 of 03.08.18 06.08.2018 2 239,68 BYN 100 2 239,68 BYN 2,0000 03.08.2018 1 119,84 USD 138 International Training Training of the project Implementation Unit No 1181516 of 4 035,00 EUR 1181516 of 06.08.2018 4 035,00 EUR 100 4 035,00 EUR 1,1630 06.08.2018 4 692,71 USD 139 Centre of the ILO 19.07.2018 19.07.2018 International Training Training of the project Implementation Unit No 1181561 of 4 035,00 EUR 1181561 of 06.08.2018 4 035,00 EUR 100 4 035,00 EUR 1,1630 06.08.2018 4 692,71 USD 140 Centre of the ILO 24.07.2018 24.07.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 1 548,40 BYN n/a 08.08.2018 1 548,40 BYN 100 1 548,40 BYN 1,9990 08.08.2018 774,59 USD 141 staff salary August, 18 LLC "Soltehsvet" Slutsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.9 of 44 541,25 BYN 1 of 02.08.18, 2 of 15.08.2018 31 822,54 BYN 100 31 822,54 BYN 2,0450 15.08.2018 15 561,14 USD 142 of the premices for placement of skill 11.06.2018 07.08.18 laboratories Travel expenses of the No n/a 460,00 BYN n/a 16.08.2018 460,00 BYN 100 460,00 BYN 2,0420 16.08.2018 225,27 USD 143 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 4 370,00 BYN n/a 17.08.2018 4 370,00 BYN 100 4 370,00 BYN 2,0390 17.08.2018 2 143,21 USD 144 staff salary August, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 3 390,00 BYN n/a 17.08.2018 3 390,00 BYN 100 3 390,00 BYN 2,0390 17.08.2018 1 662,58 USD 145 Unit staff salary August, 18 (advance) E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 28 696,80 BYN n/a 03.09.2018 28 696,80 BYN 100 28 696,80 BYN 2,0720 03.09.2018 13 849,80 USD 146 staff salary August, 18 Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 23 752,13 BYN n/a 03.09.2018 23 752,13 BYN 100 23 752,13 BYN 2,0720 03.09.2018 11 463,39 USD 147 Unit staff salary August, 18 No n/a 22,34 BYN n/a 03.09.2018 22,34 BYN 100 22,34 BYN 2,0720 03.09.2018 10,78 USD Travel expenses of the E- 148 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 384,24 BYN n/a 06.09.2018 384,24 BYN 100 384,24 BYN 2,1055 06.09.2018 182,49 USD 149 staff salary September, 18 Travel expenses of the No n/a 5,66 BYN n/a 14.09.2018 5,66 BYN 100 5,66 BYN 2,1290 14.09.2018 2,66 USD 150 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit Polotsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.13 of 39 683,74 BYN 1, 2 of 13.09.18 14.09.2018 3 941,62 BYN 100 3 941,62 BYN 2,1290 14.09.2018 1 851,40 USD 151 LLC "Slavmonolitstroy" of the premices for placement of skill 10.08.2018 laboratories LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 20 000,00 BYN 570 of 06.09.18 14.09.2018 445,50 BYN 100 445,50 BYN 2,1290 14.09.2018 209,25 USD 152 30.08.17, 1 of 13.08.18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary for No n/a 5 120,00 BYN n/a 18.09.2018 5 120,00 BYN 100 5 120,00 BYN 2,1175 18.09.2018 2 417,95 USD 153 staff salary September, 18 (advance) Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 3 870,00 BYN n/a 18.09.2018 3 870,00 BYN 100 3 870,00 BYN 2,1175 18.09.2018 1 827,62 USD 154 Unit staff salary September, 18 (advance) IE Konovalov Maksim No CS 2.3.1-2 of 27 961,92 BYN 1, 2 of 17.09.18 18.09.2018 3 661,68 BYN 100 3 661,68 BYN 2,1175 18.09.2018 1 729,25 USD 155 Consulting services of construction engineer Nikolaevich 07.07.2018 M olodechno State Medical Colledge: No C W 2.2.8 of 79 857,53 BYN 1 of 26.09.18 28.09.2018 15 780,36 BYN 100 IS 780,36 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 7 512,67 USD 156 PRUE "ArtMasterStyle" Rehabilitation of the premices for placement 01.08.2018 of skill laboratories Consulting services of Consulting services of environmental No CS 2.3.2-1 of 17 479,72 BYN b/n of 17.09.18 28.09.2018 2 012,57 BYN 100 2 012,57 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 958,13 USD 157 environmental spesialist spesialist Gorelko N.I., September, 18 27.12.2017 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 423,42 BYN n/a 28.09.2018 423,42 BYN 100 423,42 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 201,58 USD 158 Unit staff salary September, 18 state М '-'П '-'1Colledgr- Nr | CW 2." ' j 40 ------- jSYN ‘ 'j27.09.1 ' |28.09.Г j 15 0 5 9 ---------- | ... , 1505 f . ... - i 28.09 1 716- ) *кэ •.u*. iid a strc. RehaLnKa i m i ’of the c in iu J for plai.ciiieiu1 20.08 .z u i b of skill laboratories Brest State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.10 of 46 216,35 BYN b/n of 26.09.18 28.09.2018 8 582,42 BYN 100 8 582,42 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 4 085,89 USD 160 LLC "Satir-stroi" of the premices for placement of skill 21.06.2018 laboratories Slutsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No C W 2.2.9 of 44 541,25 BYN 3 of 26.09.18 28.09.2018 6 527,58 BYN 100 6 527,58 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 3 107,63 USD i6 i LLC "Soltehsvet" of the premices for placement of skill 11.06.2018 laboratories ' LLC “Sermar1 Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 20 000,00 BYN 590 of 13.09.18 28.09.2018 270,00 BYN 100 270,00 BYN 2,1005 28.09.2018 128,54 USD 162 30.08.17,1 of 13.08.18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 36 319,33 BYN n/a 03.10.2018 36 319,33 BYN 100 2,1155 17 168,21 USD 163 36 319,33 BYN 03.10.2018 staff salary Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 24 202,13 BYN n/a 03.10.2018 24 202,13 BYN 100 2,1155 03.10.2018 11 440,38 USD 164 24 202,13 BYN Unit staff salary LLC "CZK" Refilling cartridges No OE 4.3-2 of 172,00 BYN 2180 of 26.09.18 03.10.2018 90,00 BYN 100 2,1155 03.10.2018 42,54 USD 165 90,00 BYN 21.09.2018 No n/a 58,07 BYN n/a 10.10.2018 58,07 BYN 100 58,07 BYN 2,1355 10.10.2018 27,19 USD Travel expenses of the E- 166 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Travel expenses of the No n/a 546,30 BYN n/a 10.10.2018 546,30 BYN 100 546,30 BYN 2,1355 10.10.2018 255,82 USD 167 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit Polotsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.13 of 44 699,41 BYN 2 of 08.10.18 10.10.2018 19 174,93 BYN 100 19 174,93 BYN 2,1355 10.10.2018 8 979,13 USD 168 LLC "Slavmonolitstroy" of the premices for placement of skill 10.08.2018 laboratories No CS 2.3.1-2 of 27 961,92 BYN 3 of 01.10.18 12.10.2018 1 664,40 BYN 100 1 664,40 BYN 2,1155 12.10.2018 786,76 USD IE Konovalov Maksim 169 Consulting services of construction engineer 07.07.2018 Nikolaevich E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 6 900,00 BYN n/a 18.10.2018 6 900,00 BYN 100 6 900,00 BYN 2,0985 18.10.2018 3 288,07 USD 170 staff salary Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 4 490,00 BYN n/a 18.10.2018 4 490,00 BYN 100 4 490,00 BYN 2,0985 18.10.2018 2 139,62 USD 171 Unit staff salary Brest State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.10 of 46 216,35 BYN n/a of 18.10.18 22.10.2018 11 561,75 BYN 100 11 561,75 BYN 2,0875 22.10.2018 5 538,56 USD 172 LLC "Satir-stroi" of the premices for placement of skill 21.06.2018 laboratories LLC "Soltehsvet" Mozyr State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.18 of 32 347,00 BYN 1 of 22.10.18 23.10.2018 16 173,00 BYN 100 16 173,00 BYN 2,0885 23.10.2018 7 743,84 USD 173 of the premices for placement of skill 03.09.2019 laboratories LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 20 000,00 BYN 660 of 12.10.18 23.10.2018 738,00 BYN 100 738,00 BYN 2,0885 23.10.2018 353,36 USD 174 30.08.2017, 1 of 13.08.18 RUE "Order of the Red Architectural design and construction design No SSS CS 3.1.1 of 558 573,79 BYN 211/1 of 15.10.18 25.10.2018 69 653,87 BYN 100 69 653,87 BYN 2,0975 25.10.2018 33 208,03 USD Banner of Labor" Institute for modernization of premises of 09.10.2017 175 Belgosproekt" anesthesiology and reanimation departm ent of RNPC M other and Child LLC "Paper Company" Stationery No OE 4.3-1 of 1 694,46 BYN 0121543 of 22.10.18 25.10.2018 1 694,46 BYN 100 1 694,46 BYN 2,0975 25.10.2018 807,85 USD 176 16.10.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 973,30 BYN n/a 25.10.2018 973,30 BYN 100 973,30 BYN 2,0965 25.10.2018 464,25 USD 177 staff salary Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 3 240,53 BYN n/a 25.10.2018 3 240,53 BYN 100 3 240,53 BYN 2,0975 25.10.2018 1 544,96 USD 178 Unit staff salary LLC "Dah" Gomel State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.17 of 38 416,54 BYN 1 of 30.10.18, 2d of 31.10.2018 38 416,54 BYN 100 38 416,54 BYN 2,1090 31.10.2018 18 215,52 USD 179 of the premices for placement of skill 24.08.2018, 1 of 30.10.18 laboratories 02.10.18 Mogilev State Medical Colledge: No CW 2.2.20 of 40 832,69 BYN 2 of 29.10.18, 154 of 31.10.2018 25 773,05 BYN 100 25 773,05 BYN 2,1090 31.10.2018 12 220,52 USD 180 LLC "Isidastroi" Rehabilitation of the premices for placement 20.08.2018, 2 of 29.10.18 of skill laboratories 17.09.18 No n/a 788,50 BYN n/a 31.10.2018 788,50 BYN 100 788,50 BYN 2,1090 31.10.2018 373,87 USD Travel expenses of the E- 181 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Polots1 ' M e d i c a l R e h a H ^ r * ’— Nr , CW 2.Г 44 л- 3YN |- tlO.18, ‘ f >21 582 ------------1 J 21 58| j 2 1 31.10 ' ‘ , 10 23 - , р и а т * ; ^2 L i t sal___nonolit:,.. W/ 'a lO .O & .ltli, l 1 I 14 1 7 ) t 771 ol .... t v , U nices fc,i ji& ic.n e n t of^Lul J Ol ' 1 10.18 4 laboratories 30.09.18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 43 772,88 BYN n/a 02.11.2018 43 772,88 BYN 100 43 772,88 BYN 2,1070 02.11.2018 20 774,98 USD 183 staff salary Project Implementation Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 24 595,19 BYN n/a 02.11.2018 24 595,19 BYN 100 24 595,19 BYN 2,1070 02.11.2018 11 673,09 USD 184 Unit staff salary Travel expenses of the No n/a 10,50 BYN n/a 02.11.2018 10,S0 BYN 100 10,50 BYN 2,1070 02.11.2018 4,98 USD 185 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 20 000,00 BYN 699 of 30.10.18, 687 02.11.2018 2 295,00 BYN 100 2 295,00 BYN 2,1070 02.11.2018 1 089,22 USD 186 30.08.17,1 of of 24.10.18 13.08.18 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 2 055,20 BYN n/a 08.11.2018 2 055,20 BYN 100 2 055,20 BYN 2,1120 08.11.2018 973,11 USD 187 staff salary IE Konovalov Maksim No CS 2.3.1-2 of 27 961,92 BYN 4 of 02.11.18 08.11.2018 1 664,40 BYN 100 1 664,40 BYN 2,1120 08.11.2018 788,07 USD 188 Consulting services of construction engineer Nikolaevich 07.07.2018 No n/a 1 665,00 BYN n/a 08.11.2018 1 665,00 BYN 100 1 665,00 BYN 2,1120 08.11.2018 788,35 USD Travel expenses of the E- 189 Training of the E-Heaith Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Vitebsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.14 of 39 214,78 BYN n/a of 06.11.18 08.11.2018 17 427,30 BYN 100 17 427,30 BYN 2,1120 08.11.2018 8 251,56 USD 190 PRCUE "Ecoorgstroy" of the premices for placement of skill 05.10.2018 laboratories E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 7 170,00 BYN n/a 16.11.2018 7 170,00 BYN 100 7 170,00 BYN 2,1030 16.11.2018 3 409,41 USD 191 staff salary Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 4 120,00 BYN n/a 16.11.2018 4 120,00 BYN 100 4 120,00 BYN 2,1030 16.11.2018 1 959,11 USD 192 Unit staff salary No n/a 9 830,00 BYN n/a 16.11.2018 9 830,00 BYN 100 9 830,00 BYN 2,1020 16.11.2018 4 676,50 USD Travel expenses of the E- 193 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit No n/a 0,09 BYN n/a 16.11.2018 0,09 BYN 100 0,09 BYN 2,1020 16.11.2018 0,04 USD Travel expenses of the E- 194 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit LLC "Legrentavtotrans" In-country trasnport cost No OE 4.2.1-1 of 3 000,00 BYN 472 of 31.10.18 16.11.2018 659,33 BYN 100 659,33 BYN 2,1030 16.11.2018 313,52 USD 195 20.10.2017 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No OE 4.1.6-1 of 20 000,00 BYN 715 of 05.11.18 16.11.2018 90,00 BYN 100 90,00 BYN 2,1030 16.11.2018 42,80 USD 196 30.08.2017, 1 of 13.08.18 Training of the Project Implementation Unit No Д-1765/ 11.2018 of 985,42 BYN 9195 of 23.11.2018 23.11.2018 985,42 BYN 100 985,42 BYN 2,0975 23.11.2018 469,81 USD 197 Belavia Airlines JSC 23.11.2018 No n/a 1 680,00 BYN n/a 27.11.2018 1 680,00 BYN 100 1 680,00 BYN 2,1160 27.11.2018 793,95 USD Travel expenses of the E- 198 Training of the E-Health Formation Unit Health Formation Unit Travel expenses of the No n/a 230,00 BYN n/a 27.11.2018 230,00 BYN 100 230,00 BYN 2,1160 27.11.2018 108,70 USD 199 project Implementation Training of the project Implementation Unit Unit M olodechno State Medical Colledge: No CW 2.2.8 of 81 083,08 BYN 2,3,4,5 of 27.11.18 28.11.2018 65 302,72 BYN 100 65 302,72 BYN 2,1420 28.11.2018 30 486,80 USD 200 CHSUP "Artmasterstil" Rehabilitation of the premices for placement 01.08.2018, 2 of of skill laboratories 28.09.2018 Project Implementation Project Im plementation Unit staff salary No n/a 960,70 BYN n/a 28.11.2018 960,70 BYN 100 960,70 BYN 2,1420 28.11.2018 448,50 USD 201 Unit staff salary Brest State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No CW 2.2.10 of 46 216,35 BYN n/a of 27.11.18 28.11.2018 33 070,80 BYN 100 33 070,80 BYN 2,1420 28.11.2018 15 439,22 USD 202 LLC "Satir-stroi" of the premices for placement of skill 21.06.2018 laboratories International Training No 1182750 of 2 215,00 EUR 1182750 of 29.11.2018 2 215,00 EUR 100 2 215,00 EUR 1,1460 29.11.2018 2 538,39 USD 203 Training of the project Implementation Unit Centre of the ILO 26.11.2018 26.11.2018 E-Health Formation Unit E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 1 557,52 BYN n/a 30.11.2018 1 557,52 BYN 100 1 557,52 BYN 2,1400 30.11.2018 733,30 USD 204 staff salary Borisov State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation No C W 2.2.6 of 10 038,08 BYN 1 of 29.11.2018 30.11.2018 5 010,32 BYN 100 5 010,32 BYN 2,1240 30.11.2018 2 358,90 USD 205 LLC "Inseptionlnvest" of the premices for placement of skill 05.09.2018 laboratories ■о 1 c o r m a t ic -, 11 г,;* " Г “ 06 ё ormatS taff sa( NcS nj 14! IYN n/a 03.12./ 14 355 ll 14 3si . . . 2. 03.12 6 771........... - f salary E-Health Formation Unit 207 E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 33986,83 BYN n/a 03.12.2018 33 986,83 BYN 100% 33 986,83 BYN 2,1240 30.11.2018 16 001,34 USD staff salary Project Implementation 208 Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 1530,36 BYN n/a 03.12.2018 1 530,36 BYN 100% 1 530,36 BYN 2,1200 03.12.2018 721,87 USD Unit staff salary Project Implementation 209 Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 25013,17 BYN n/a 03.12.2018 25 013,17 BYN 100% 25 013,17 BYN 2,1240 30.11.2018 11 776,44 USD Unit staff salary Grodno State Medical Colledge: CW 2.2.15 от 210 PM UE "M AK-TREST" No 21 444,09 BYN n/a от 04.12.2018 04.12.2018 15 485,49 BYN 100% 15 485,49 BYN 2,1210 04.12.2018 7 301,03 USD Rehabilitation of the premises 06.08.2018 Bobruisk State Medical Colledge: CW 2.2.19 от 211 LLC "SK Professional" No 37 909,08 BYN n/a от 04.12.2018 04.12.2018 30 003,67 BYN 100% 30 003,67 BYN 2,1210 04.12.2018 14 146,01 USD Rehabilitation of the premises 29.10.2018 OE 4.1.6-1 от 753 от 27.11.18, 212 LLC "Sermar" Translation services No 20 000,00 BYN 04.12.2018 418,50 BYN 100% 418,50 BYN 2,1210 04.12.2018 197,31 USD 30.08.2017 759 от 29.11.18 IE Konovalov Maksim CS 2.3.1-2 от 213 Consulting services of construction engineer No 27 961,92 BYN 5 от 03.12.2018 06.12.2018 1 830,84 BYN 100% 1 830,84 BYN 2,1235 06.12.2018 862,18 USD Nikolaevich 07.07.2018 Bobruisk State Medical Colledge: CW 2.2.19 от 214 LLC "SK Professional" No 37 909,08 BYN 1 от 05.12.2018 06.12.2018 9 039,68 BYN 100% 9 039,68 BYN 2,1235 06.12.2018 4 256,97 USD Rehabilitation of the premises 29.10.2018 215 RUE “Belpochta" Operating Expenses:purchase of stamps No 2838 от 05.12.2018 1 000,00 BYN 1 от 06.12.2018 07.12.2018 65,69 BYN 100% 65,69 BYN 2,1235 07.12.2018 30,93 USD Borisov State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation CW 2.2.6 от 216 LLC "Insepshnlnvest" No 10 318,68 BYN 1 , 2 от 05.12.2018 12.12.2018 5 027,76 BYN 100% 5 027,76 BYN 2,1185 12.12.2018 2 373,26 USD of the premises 05.09.2018 1, 860, 846 от SU-138 JSC "Building Trust Pinsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation C W 2.2.11 от 217 No 16 853,38 BYN 05.12.18, 17.12.2018 16 853,38 BYN 100% 16 853,38 BYN 2,1135 17.12.2018 7 974,16 USD num ber 2" of the premises 05.06.2018 1, 887 от 10.12.18 E-Health Formation Unit 218 E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No п/а 9 913,94 BYN п/а 18.12.2018 9 913,94 BYN 100% 9 913,94 BYN 2,1175 18.12.2018 4 681,91 USD staff salary Project Implementation 219 Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 7 662,00 BYN п/а 18.12.2018 7 662,00 BYN 100% 7 662,00 BYN 2,1175 18.12.2018 3 618,42 USD Unit staff salary Travel expenses of the 220 Project Implementation Training on PCU activity No n/a 131,05 BYN п/а 18.12.2018 131,05 BYN 100% 131,05 BYN 2,1175 18.12.2018 61,89 USD Unit Travel expenses of the E- 221 Training on E-Health structure No n/a 217,77 BYN п/а 18.12.2018 217,77 BYN 100% 217,77 BYN 2,1175 18.12.2018 102,84 USD Health Formation Unit Bobruisk State Medical Colledge: CW 2.2.19 от 222 LLC "SK Professional" No 37 909,08 BYN п/а 20.12.2018 -1 114,94 BYN 100% -1 114,94 BYN 2,1235 20.12.2018 -525,05 USD Rehabilitation of the premises 29.10.2018 Consulting services of environmental CS 2.3.2-1 от 223 Consultant staff salary No 17 490,52 BYN п/а 21.12.2018 747,53 BYN 100% 747,53 BYN 2,1160 21.12.2018 353,27 USD specialist 26.12.2017 Travel expenses of the E- 224 Training on E-Health structure No n/a -474,38 BYN п/а 21.12.2018 -474,38 BYN 100% -474,38 BYN 2,1160 21.12.2018 -225,68 USD Health Formation Unit Slonim State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation CW 2.2.16 от 225 LLC "Soltehsvet" No 54 017,55 BYN 1 , 2 от 20.12.18г 21.12.2018 54 017,55 BYN 100% 54 017,55 BYN 2,1160 21.12.2018 25 528,15 USD of the premises 20.08.2018 M ozyr State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation CW 2.2.18 от 226 LLC "Soltehsvet" No 31122,2 2 от 20.12.18r 21.12.2018 14 949,20 BYN 100% 14 949,20 BYN 2,1160 21.12.2018 7 064,84 USD of the premises 03.09.2018 PURE "Construction and Orsha State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation CW 2.2.12 от 1, 2, 3 ,1 3 8 от 227 No 18994,26 21.12.2018 18 994,26 BYN 100% 18 994,26 BYN 2,1160 21.12.2018 8 976,49 USD repair" of the premises 07.08.2018 20.12.2018 > . - OE 4.1.r 1 ~ . ■ I £ermar' ^inslatic £s No 20 |YN £.0.12.2 £ l.l2 .2 ) 756,0 j 1( 1 756,. ) 2. ) 21.12. 1 357,. | I8 130.08.cux/ Bobruisk State Medical Colledge: C W 2.2.19 от 229 LLC "SK Professional" No 37 909,08 BYN n/a 22.12.2018 -19,33 BYN 100% -19,33 BYN 2,1242 22.12.2018 -9,10 USD Rehabilitation of the premises 29.10.2018 Travel expenses of the E- 230 Training on E-Health structure No n/a 20,27 BYN n/a 27.12.2018 20,27 BYN 100% 20,27 BYN 2,1390 27.12.2018 9,48 USD Health Formation Unit Vitebsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation C W 2.2.14 от 231 PRBUE "Ecoorgstroy" No 38 326,76 BYN n/a 27.12.2018 474,38 BYN 100% 474,38 BYN 2,1020 27.12.2018 225,68 USD of the premises 05.10.2018 Vitebsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation C W 2.2.14 от 232 PRBUE "Ecoorgstroy" No 38 326,76 BYN n/a 27.12.2018 1 134,27 BYN 100% 1 134,27 BYN 2,1235 27.12.2018 534,15 USD of the premises 05.10.2018 Vitebsk State Medical Colledge: Rehabilitation CW 2.2.14 от 233 PR8UE "Ecoorgstroy" No 38 326,76 BYN n/a 27.12.2018 19 290,81 BYN 100% 19 290,81 BYN 2,1390 27.12.2018 9 018,61 USD of the premises 05.10.2018 E-Health Formation Unit 234 E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a 41 927,16 BYN n/a 28.12.2018 4 19 27,16 BYN 100% 41 927,16 BYN 2,1510 28.12.2018 19 491,93 USD staff salary Project Implementation 235 Project Implementation Unit staff salary No n/a 20 863,40 BYN n/a 28.12.2018 20 863,40 BYN 100% 20 863,40 BYN 2,1510 28.12.2018 9 699,40 USD Unit staff salary E-Health Formation Unit 236 E-Health Formation Unit staff salary No n/a -472,60 BYN n/a 28.12.2018 -472,60 BYN 100% -472,60 BYN 2,1510 28.12.2018 -219,71 USD staff salary 2 339 594,79 BYN 2 339 594,79 BYN Total 1 177 532,62 USD 5 150,00 USD 5 150,00 USD 19 500,00 EUR 19 500,00 EUR Supporting documents for this SOE are retained at Finance Sector of Project Implementation Unit of RSPC M T fimert location A separate form should be used for each category Director of RSPC M T Maryna M . Sachek Names and Position of Representatives General accountant RSPC M T Elena P. Novikova Names and Position of Representatives Head of the Project Implementation Unit of RSPC M T Andrei A. Kobel Names and Position of Representatives Head of the Finance Sector of Project Implementation Unit Nikolai V. Olesiuk Names and Position of Representatives Notes to the financial statements under the Project “Modernization of the Health System of the Republic of Belarus” No. 8663-BY for the reporting period from May 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018 1. Information on the Project The Project “Modernization of the Health System of the Republic of Belarus” is implemented within the fram ework of the Loan Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development signed on November 25, 2016 and ratified by Law of the Republic of Belarus of April 10, 2017 No. 21-3. Date of the Project entering into force - May 19, 2017. The budget of the Project in accordance with the Loan Agreement is 125 million US Dollars, the loan term is 15 years including the grace period (moratorium on the principal amount of loan) of 5 years. The loan closing date is May 31, 2022. The objective of the Project is to contribute to improving selected aspects of the quality of the health care delivery in the Republic of Belarus. This objective will be attained through: 1. establishment of a centralised e-health system and introduction of a clinical decision- support system based on information and communication technologies for quality improvement; 2. improvement of clinical competencies of health care providers in non-communicable disease management; 3. modernisation of neonatal care system at the Republican Center of Mother and Child; The Project consists of four major components: 1. Establishment of e-health and clinical decision-support system (65.2 million US Dollars); 2. Improvement of clinical competencies of health care providers in non-communicable disease management (46.2 million US Dollars); 3. Modernization of neonatal care at the Republican Center of Mother and Child (11.6 million US Dollars); 4. Project management, monitoring and evaluation (2.0 million US Dollars). 2. Accounting Policies Fundamental accounting principles - these financial statements under the Project are prepared based on the cash basis which complies with the International Public Sector Accounting Standards developed by the International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board of the International Federation of Accountants. Project funding is recognised to be the source of the Project funds at the moment of receipt of the funds. Project costs are recognised to be the use of Project funds at the moment of effecting the payment. Transactions in foreign currencies - these financial statements are presented in US Dollars. Transactions in other currencies are translated into US Dollars at the exchange rate effective at the date of withdrawal of the said funds from the designated Project account. Basis for preparation of the financial statements is the accounting data of State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health. Accounting for transactions under the Project is separated from accounting for funds of other funding sources of State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health”. 3. Project Funds Financed by the World Bank The Project funds were provided by the W orld Bank against applications for withdrawal signed by authorised representatives of State Institution “The Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Medical Technologies, Informatization, Management and Economics of Public Health” - the Director, Deputy Director for Research, Chief Accountant, Deputy Chief Accountant. Project Accounts Project accounts are opened in the Direction of Belinvestbank OJSC for Minsk City and Minsk Region meeting the requirements of the World Bank. a. Designated Account Designated account No. BY40BLBB36200100185223001001 has been opened in US Dollars. The balance of the designated account at the end of the reporting period constituted 292 467.38 US Dollars. e. Current Account in BYN (Transit Account) Current account in BYN No. BY 13BLBB36200100185223001002 has been opened for settlements with national consultants and suppliers of goods, works, services. The funds after conversion of US Dollars from the designated account into BYN hit this account. The balance of the current account in BYN at the end of the reporting period constituted 0 BYN. Basis for Funding Loan funds can be withdrawn for funding of 100% of eligible expenses, including payment for Consultants’ services, audit, training and operating expenses inclusive of taxes. Reconciliation of funding received from the World Bank with actual Project costs Applications for withdrawal of funds in US Dollars Expenses for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 1490 032.62 Total, expenses incurred for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 1490 032.62 W orld Bank funds received for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 1782 500.00 Replenishment of the designated account 1470 000.00 Direct payments Front-End-Fee 312 500.00 Plus: Balance of the designated account at May 19, 2017 0 Minus: Front-End-Fee 312 500,00 Minus: Balance of the designated account at December 31, 2018 292 467.38 Minus: Balance of the transit account in BYN at December 31, 2018 0 Total, expenses incurred for the period from May 19, 2017 to December 31, 2018 1 490 032.62