Economic Management and Social Policy Human Development 182 \XoNAL e9 May 2001 Findings occasionally reports on development initiatives not assisted by the World Bank. This article is one such effort. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views |VWORRLD BANK of the World Bank or the Govemment of Malawi. Capacity Strengthening in N AND Environmental and Natural Resource Policy: Lessons from Malawi 22873 AZ challenge that often faces de- analysis and their appropriateness ') A veloping countries is the for- in meeting the changing needs of mulation and implementa- policy decision-making. tion of appropriate policies to im- This article is based on a case prove the welfare of their popula- study of ENR capacity strengthen- tions. Given the continued degra- ing efforts in Malawi between dation of natural resources and 1994-1999. The Bunda College of associated decline in the Agriculture, Malawi and the Inter- sustainability of their use, making national Food Policy Research In- appropriate environmental and stitute (IFPRI) jointly implemented natural resource (ENR) policy de- an Agricultural Policy Analysis cisions remains most important Training sub-project as a part of among various policies imple- the agriculture service project of mented in these countries (Heath the Malawi Ministry of Agriculture, _ _and Binswanger, 1996). Efforts to funded by the World Bank. The design and implement sound poli- overall objective of the sub-project - - cies in the ENR sectors are was to strengthen the capacity of w thwarted by the lack of adequate the Malawian policy analysts in the capacity in government and non- food, agricultural, and natural re- governmental agencies. However, source sectors. It reports on the there have been considerable ef- process and the lessons learned forts in the past three decades to from the experiences and insights improve the policy analysis capac- gained in developing institutional ity in developing countries through and human capacity through various approaches to training. graduate programs and short-term While having enough capacity to training courses in ENR policy conduct policy analysis does not analysis. The lessons from the guarantee formulation and the Malawi exercise show that the el- U implementation of well-designed ements of a successful capacity policies, it is generally considered strengthening effort include as- a prerequisite for policy dialogue sessing the needs for capacity A in decision-making agencies and strengthening, designing and research institutions in developing implementing courses that match countries. This article argues that the capacity needs and institution- there is a need for rethinking alizing these courses within local methods of training in ENR policy institution for sustainability. Relevance of ENR policy analysis who conduct research on such * the need to decentralize policy training for policy reforms policy issues for their dissertation analysis; and or thesis research, are exceptions. * policy analysis related to envi- Given the increasing complexity The short-term training courses ronmental pollution, resource of policy reforms and the interre- in ENR policy analysis (two to six degradation and sustainability, lated nature of the influence of weeks) are generally oriented to- as they are affected by economic poliiersdetorsigne o nthe scon hetre o wards solving applied policy prob- policy reforms (Markandya, othersectors ofthe economy there lems with less emphasis on the 1995). is an urgent need for rethinking theoretical basis for policy analy- the current approaches to policy sstcnqe.Wiesottr analysis training. For example, si tehius.hiesottr training courses introduce policy Constraints and challenges in there is increased recognition of issues through case studies and improving ENR capacity the linkages between policies af- group discussions, the time limi- strengthening programs fecting poverty and their effect on tation in conducting these courses natural resources (Duraiappah, does not allow for a detailed treat- Besides the diverse course con- 1998); between policies that affect ment of analytical techniques and tents of the long- and short-term natural resources and their effect their appropriate use in the applied training courses, which do not pro- on hurnan nutrition (Kumar and analysis of policy issues. In spite vide a comprehensive treatment of Hotchkiss, 1988); and between the of this short-term courses con both the theoretical principles and sectoral price policies and the tinue to be the major form of their applications to solve real- sustainability of natural resources group-based capacity-strengthen- world policy problems, there are (Pagiola, 1995). To analyze and to ing activity for policy analysis. other constraints that make the evaluate their impact and modify There is a need to investigate al- contents of the ENR policy the paths of policy adjustment, it ternative approaches to capacity trainings offered currently less rel- is important to review the contents development for policy analysis. evant for developing countries. and conceptual frameworks used Complementary to short-term These other constraints are: in policy analysis training. This is courses, work-based learning * the gap between theory and prac- essential when the major objective through long-term technical assis- tice; of policy analysis training pro- tance, and transfer of policy analy- . the nature and the organiza- grams is to develop the capacity of sis skills through specific research tional structure of the institu- in-country policy analysts in a studies are gaining importance tion; wide range of techniques, which (Kanbur, 1995). In addition, on- . constantly changing policy envi- can be used both to inform policy the-job training is a practical ap- ronment; debate and improve negotiation proach to strengthening capacity - a low demand for policy informa- with international development in policy analysis (Weber et al, tion by the decision-makers in and donor agencies. 1988; Ndulu, 1997). developing country governments The long-term training programs Some immediate needs for from in-country researchers; in ENR policy analysis and re- strengthening ENR policy analysis . donor agencies and external in- search, while strengthening the capacity in developing countries stitutions conducting policy analytical skills based on theory, are: analysis for their own program- provide little opportunity to apply . skills for outlining conceptual ming and resource allocation these skills in solving actual policy frameworks (Juma, 1994); purposes as well as preferring problems (Shabman, 1984) This is. understanding the importance of external policy researchers also true for any applied field that reliable data; rather than local talent; requires analysis and research in r d rthe ana lo talesn solving policy problems * developing the capacity to ask the * the analysis of policies i devel- (Cairncross, 1986; Hansen, 1991; pertinent questions for the policy oping countries being done with Woolf, 1992). The participants in environment of the country; inadequate databases and with the masters and doctoral programs, * need for ENR policies to be con- little understanding of natural sistent with economic and politi- resource issues and problems. cal environment of the country; * the lack of clear objectives of ing and sustaining training institu- monitoring of personnel, evalua- training programs which makes tions in developing countries. tion of their contribution to envi- the evaluation of their impact dif- Given the increasing demand for ronmental policy changes, and ficult (Zoungrana and Temu, policy changes in environmental supporting them through follow- 1996). and natural resource sectors and up activities are essential for suc- * the mismatch between the the lack of adequate capacity to cessful capacity strengthening in needed capacity and the capac- undertake policy analysis, short- policy analysis. ity generated through training term training efforts in both indus- Training institutions tend to re- which reduces the efficiency of trial and developing country insti- spond well to changing demands capacity-strengthening effort. tutions need to be continued. Fur- in the skills of policy analysis. The * the knowledge acquired by the ther, the contents of the curricu- role of continuous dialogue be- participants not being fully uti- lum of these training programs tween the researchers and train- lized in their regular jobs; and should be reviewed and revised fre- ers in academic institutions and * donor agencies having reduced quently and adapted to the chang- policy decision-makers, and be- funding for training activities ing policy environments in the de- tween the developing country gov- (Braun et al, 1993). veloping countries. ernments, training agencies and To increase the demand for donor agencies in achieving the policy analysis within the govern- goals of improved capacity for ENR Lessons and recommendations ment organizations and to use the policy analysis, and hence in- trained capacity effectively, it is im- formed policy decisions, cannot be Bridging the gap between the portant to introduce organizational underestimated. In this respect, theory and practice of policy analy- changes in the decision-making there is a need for collaboration sis should be the prime objective systems, i.e. policy analysis units. and cooperation among the train- of the policy-analysis training pro- Incentives in terms of career de- ing institutions in promoting the grams. In order to achieve this ob- velopment and peer recognition understanding of the issues that jective, it is important to review the through appropriate forums within they are faced with and in offering roles and modalities of the train- the countries could help maintain appropriate training to make their ing of policy analysts in the formu- a core group of policy analysts. efforts reach the ultimate benefi- lation, analysis, and implementa- The links between government ciaries-the resource-poor farmers tion of ENR policies to reach the ministries and ENR institutions in and those faced with degradation development objectives. It is es- each country should be strength- of their environment in developing sential to share the experiences of ened to allow increased policy dia- countries. training institutions in capacity- logue and improve the capacity for strengthening efforts in the area of policy analysis training. A leading ENR policy analysis and to learn institution, which develops suffi- Conclusion from trainers about their attempts cient capacity for training in a to design and implement various country, could be strengthened in Several problems confront ENR training programs. Periodic discus- order to cater to the training needs policy analysis activities in devel- sions of pedagogical approaches, of the countries in the region oping countries. The constraints constraints and challenges in con- (Saint, 1992). and challenges to increasing the ducting training courses will help The division of labor among capacity for policy analysis pre- in establishing similar training policy analysts, policy decision- sented here call for arethinking of programs in other regions of the makers and policy researchers at the appropriateness of training world. There is an urgent need to various levels in developing coun- programs currently offered. Any at- develop a methodological frame- tries should be recognized and tempt to reorganize the ap- work for evaluating the training training programs designed to de- proaches and methods of policy programs in ENR policy analysis. velop the capacity in each of these analysis training should recognize It is also important to understand areas. This calls for the creation of the institutional arrangements in the institutional, resource and hu- a network among the ENR train- developing countries for using man capital constraints in develop- ing institutions. Post-training policy information in decision- making. In addition, the concep- ume 58, July 2000, by Suresh Babu tual framework for policy analysis, This article was co-authored by provides a more detailed analysis the appropriateness of the tools Suresh Babu, Senior Research Fel- of ENR Capacity Strengthening ef- and the presentation and advocacy low and Senior Training Advisor forts. Also, IFPRI's publication, "Best skills currently taught through and Valerie Rhoe, Senior Research Practices in Strengthening Policy Re- policy-analysis training should be Assistant, of the Intemational Food search Capacity Around the World" revised to meet the current needs Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The presents more lessons for general in designing and implementing article, "Capacity Strengthening In application from capacity strength- policy reforms. Environmental And Natural Re- ening for policy research in devel- source Policy Analysis: Meeting The oping countries. For copies of these Changing Needs" Journal of En- publications, please email vironmental Management, Vol- Findings_ Findings would also be of interest to: Name Institution Letters, comments, and requests for publications not Address available at the World Bank Bookstore should be ad- dressed to: Editor, Findings Operational Quality and Knowledge Services Africa Region, The World Bank 1818 H Street NW, Room J-5-055 Washington, D.C. 20433 e-mail: