LA)PS 3O - POLICY RESEARCH WORKING PAPER 3 08 1 The Anatomy of a Multiple Crisis NWhy was Argentina Special and What Can We Learn from It? Guillermo Perry Luis Serven The World Bank Latin America and the Cariblbean Region Office of the Chief Economist June 2003 I POLICY RESEARCH WORKING PAPER 3081 Abstract The Argentine crisis has been variously blamed on fiscal areas, neither of them was higher than those affecting imbalances, real overvaluation, and self-fulfilling investor other countries in the region, and thus there is not one pessimism triggering a capital flow reversal. Perry and obvious suspect. But the three reinforced each other in Serv6n provide an encompassing assessment of the role such a perverse way that taken jointly they led to a much of these and other ingredients in the recent larger vulnerability to adverse external shocks than in macroeconomic collapse. They show that in the final any other country in the region. Underlying these years of convertibility, Argentina was not hit harder than vulnerabilities was a deep structural problem of the other emerging markets in Latin America and elsewhere Argentine economy that led to harsh policy dilemmas by global terms-of-trade and financial disturbances. So before and after the crisis erupted. On the one hand, the the crisis reflects primarily the high vulnerability to Argentine trade structure made a peg to the dollar highly disturbances built into Argentina's policy framework. inconvenient from the point of view of the real economy. Three key sources of vulnerability are examined: the On the other hand, the strong preference of Argentinians hard peg adopted against optimal currency area for the dollar as a store of value-after the hyperinflation considerations in a context of wage and price and confiscation experiences of the 1980s-had led to a inflexibility; the fragile fiscal position resulting from an highly dollarized economy in which a hard peg or even expansionary stance in the boom; and the pervasive full dollarization seemed reasonable alternatives from a mismatches in the portfolios of banks' borrowers. While financial point of view. there were important vulnerabilities in each of these This paper-a product of the Office of the Chief Economist, Latin America and the Caribbean Region-is part of a larger effort in the region to understand the causes of macroeconomic volatility. Copies of the paper are available free from the World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20433. Please contact Ruth Izquierdo, room 18-012, telephone 202- 4S8-4161, fax 202-522-7528, email address Policy Research Working Papers are also posted on the Web at The authors may be contacted at or June 2003. (57 pages) The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the view of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the countries they represent. Produced by Partnerships, Capacity Building, and Outreach THE ANATOMY OF A MULTIPLE CRISIS: WHY WAS ARGENTINA SPECIAL AND WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM IT* Guillermo Perry Luis Serven The World Bank JEL codes: E44, F31, F32, F41, G28, 054 This paper is the output of a collective effort led by the authors, and based on background work on (i) fiscal issues, by Norbert Fiess, Rodrigo de Jesus Suescun and Guillermo Perry; (ii) exchange rate issues, by Humberto Lopez and Luis Serven; (iii) financial sector issues, by Augusto de la Torre and Sergio Schmukler and (iv) capital flows and spreads, by Norbert Fiess and Luis Serven. We are grateful to these colleagues for their respective contributions. Though we borrow freely from them, the interpretations and conclusions offered in this paper are our exclusive responsibility. We also thank Christian Broda for his kind collaboration on exchange rate issues, Jose Luis Machinea for helpful discussions, and Myrna Alexander, Jerry Caprio, Daniel Lederman, Paul Levy, Emesto May, Pedro Pou, Andrew Powell, David Rosenblatt, Nick Stern, Adolfo Sturzenegger and Federico Sturzenegger for very useful comments. Ana Maria Menendez and Patricia Macchi provided valuable assistance. Table of Contents I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY ................................................................ 1 II. ECONOMIC PERFO]RMANCE AND EXTERNAL SHOCKS IN THE 1990s: The endogeneity of capital flow reversals .................................................................4 III. OVERVALUATION AND DEFLATIONARY ADJUSTMENT UNDER THE HARD PEG: Why old lessons about optimal currency areas should not be forgotten ..... 16 A. Was there an overvaluation? Where did it come from? . . 17 B. Persistence of misalignments and deflationary adjustment under hard pegs ... 25 C. Summing up ................................................................ 28 IV. FISCAL VULNERA]3ILITIES: Mismanagement in the boom and large fiscal contingencies associated with adverse external shocks .................................................... 28 A. Fiscal policy during boom and bust ................................................................ 29 B. Fiscal solvency assessments ................................................................ 36 C. The role of Social Security reform ............................................ 38 D. Public deficits, external debt and the current account . ............................................ 40 V. THE BANKING SYSTEM: Vulnerabilities behind a strong facade ........................ 42 A. Strengths ................................................................ 42 B. Vulnerabilities ................................................................ 44 VI. POLICY OPTIONS BEFORE AND AFTER 1999 .................................................. 49 A. The Argentine via crucis: policy under the De la Rua Government and beyond. 49 B. Policy dilemmas and options ................................................................ 50 REFERENCES ................................................................ 56 Tables and Figures Table 2.1. Real GDP Growth Rate .................................................................5 Figure 2.1. Poverty, Inequality, and Unemployment ..........................................................5 Figure 2.2 a. Terms of Trade .................................................................7 Figure 2.2 b. Terms of Trade Shocks .................................................................8 Table 2.2. Impact of the Global Slowdown 2001: The Income Effect via Trade Volume. 9 Figure 2.3. Sovereign Spreads ................................................................ 10 Figure 2.4. Gross Capital Flows ................................................................ 10 Figure 2.5 a Capital Account ................................................................ 11 Figure 2.5 b. Current Account ................................................................ 12 Table 2.3. Current Accounit Adjustment ................................................................ 12 Figure 2.6. Sovereign Spreads: The Role of Global Factors ............................................ 14 a. Contribution of First Principal Component to Overall Variation of Spreads ........... 14 b. Contribution of First Principal Component to Variation in Individual Country Spreads ................................................................ 14 Figure 2.7. Capital Inflows to Argentina: Contribution of Local Factors ........................ 15 Table 3.1. Argentina's Trade Structure (2001) ................................................................ 17 Figure 3.1. Actual and Equilibrium REER ................................................................ 18 Table 3.2. Average Annual Growth of Real Exports ........................................................ 19 Figure 3.2. Argentina: Real Overvaluation of the Peso .................................................... 21 Figure 3.3. Relative Productivity ................................................................ 21 Figure 3.4. Net Foreign Assets ................................................................ 22 Figure 3.5. Sources of cumulative peso overvaluation, 1997-2001 .................................. 24 Figure 3.6. GDP Response to a Terms of Trade Deterioration ........................................ 27 Figure 3.7. RER Response to a Terms of Trade Deterioration ......................................... 27 Table 4.1. Debt Indicators in Emerging Markets ............................................................. 29 Figure 4.1. Overall Budget Balance excluding privatization revenues ............................ 30 Figure 4.2. Consolidated Public Debt and Service ........................................................... 30 Figure 4.3. GDP and Potential GDP .............................................................. 31 Figure 4.4. Current and Structural Primary Budget Balance of Federal Government ...... 32 Figure 4.5. Fiscal Impulse of Federal Governm ent .......................................................... 33 Figure 4.6. Blanchard's Indicator of Fiscal Impulse ......................................................... 33 Table 4.2. Interest Payments on Public Debt .............................................................. 34 Figure 4.7. Current and Structural Overall Federal Budget Balance ................................ 35 Table 4.3. Indicators of Fiscal Sustainability .............................................................. 36 Table 4.4. Fiscal Sustainability and the Exchange Rate ................................................... 37 Figure 4.8. The Social Security Deficit in Perspective ..................................................... 39 Figure 4.9. Private and Public Current Account Balances ................................................ 40 Table 4.5. Debt Stocks .............................................................. 41 Table 5.1. Camelot Ratings for Banking System Regulation ........................................... 42 Table 5.2. Selected Banking System Indicators .............................................................. 43 Table 5.3. Consolidation and Internationalization of the Banking System ...................... 44 Figure 5.1. Anticipated devaluation implied by the 30-day NDF discount -- up to 3/15/01 ................................................................................................................................... 45 Figure 5.2. Deposits in Dollars and Interest Rate Differential ......................................... 46 Figure 5.3. Financial System: Exposure to Public Sector ................................................. 48 Annex 1. Argentina via crucis ............................................................... 54 I. INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY The severity of the Argentine crisis and its dire social cost have come as a surprise to most observers, even to those that had been predicting it since the Brazilian devaluation of 1999. There were very few that Iredicted it before 1999. Indeed, the Argentine economy appeared to be in relatively good shape at least until before the Russian crisis. Even then the attention of the markets and the International Financial Institutions was focused on Brazil, which had more apparent macroeconomic imbalances and had suffered severe speculative attacks in October 1997 and again after the Russian crisis, leading to the demise of the exchange rate band and a sharp devaluation of the Real in January 1999. Argentina outperformed most other economies in the region until 1997 in terms of growth per capita -- though income distribution did not improve and unemployment stayed at high levels -- in a relatively benign external environment (terms of trade, capital inflows and spreads, worlcl growth), in spite of a short-lived interruption in 1995 when it suffered severe contagion from the Tequila crisis. But after the major slowdown in growth in 1999 that affected the whole region, mainly due to capital flow retrenchment after the Russian crisis, other countries in the region began a modest recovery, while Argentina plunged into a protracted recession, reversing most of her previous gains at poverty reduction We explore in Section II if this difference in performance can be attributed to Argentina receiving more severe external shocks than other economies in the region. We find that Argerntina was not hit harder than other Latin American countries by the terms of trade decline after the Asian crisis, nor by the US and worldwide slowdown in 2001, nor by the capital flows reversal and the rise in spreads after the Russian crisis. As a consequence, the fact: that Argentina did worse than other countries after 1999 must be attributed to her higher vulnerabilities to shocks, weaker policy responses or a combination of both. Indeed, we find in Section II that the large capital flow reversal in 2001 was driven by Argentina-specific factors. We view this as evidence that "sudden stops" of capital flows acted more as an amplifier than as a primary cause of the crisis. 1 Thus, the bulk of this paper is devoted to examine to which extent and why was the Argentine economy more vulnerable to adverse external shocks than other Latin American economies, and to what extent were policy mistakes (particularly during the De la Rua Government) the main culprit, as has been often claimed.2 We examine the vulnerabilities associated with deflationary adjustments to shocks under a hard peg in Section III; those associated with a large public debt and a fragile fiscal position in Section IV and those hidden under a facade of strength in the banking sector in Section V. We conclude that although there were important vulnerabilities in each of these areas, neither of them on its oWnI was larger than those affecting some other countries in the region, and thus there is no one obvious suspect. However, we also find that they 1 This view is in contrast with the interpretation put forward in Calvo, Izquierdo and Talvi (2002), though in most other aspects our conclusions agree with those in that paper. 2 There is by now an extensive literature analyzing the causes of the Argentina crisis. See for example the papers by Hausmann and Velasco (2002), Mussa (2002), Powell (2002) and Teijeiro (2001) 1 reinforced each other in such a perverse way that taken jointly they led to a much larger vulnerability to adverse external shocks than in any other country in the region In particular, the hard peg and inflexible domestic nominal wages and prices imposed a protracted deflationary adjustment in response to the depreciation of the Euro and the real, the terms of trade shocks and the capital market shock of 1998, leading to a major overvaluation of the currency and a rapidly deteriorating net foreign asset position. Such imbalances were aggravated by weak fiscal policies during the decade, especially after 1995. In Section III we estimate that all these factors led since 1997 to an increasing overvaluation of the currency that peaked in 2001 at over 50 percent. The need to address the rising concern with solvency - given the large debt, the weak primary fiscal balance and low growth - led to tax hikes and budget cuts in 2000 and 2001 that deepened the economic contraction. The endogenous capital flow reversal and increased risk premium in 2001 amplified these problems by requiring a large external current account adjustment. To aggravate matters, such an adjustment under the hard peg had to take place mostly through demand reduction and aggregate deflation - a lengthy, costly and uncertain process. The hard peg actually hid from public view the serious deterioration in fiscal solvency and the mounting financial stress. Indeed, the protracted deflationary adjustment required to realign the real exchange rate under the hard peg would have unavoidably eroded the debt repayment capacity of the Government, households and finns in non tradable sectors - the debtors whose incomes would be more adversely affected as a direct result of the deflation. 3 The collapse of the peg in 2002 revealed in full force these latent problems and made them much worse due to the exchange rate overshooting and the disruption of ihe payments system derived from the deposit freeze (the so called "corralito") -- which might have been partially avoided by better policy responses. Financial stress was amplified by the large exposure of banks and Pension Funds to increasing Government risk. Thus a vicious circle of economic contraction, fiscal hardship and financial stress ensued. The authorities and the Argentine polity were indeed faced with very harsh dilemmas after 1998 (as discussed in Section VI). They were placed between a rock and a hard place. One option was to accept a painful and protracted deflationary adjustment while keeping the Currency Board - and attempting to retain market confidence in the meantime. This would have entailed a severe test of the fragile Argentine political and fiscal institutions. An early adoption of full dollarization might have reduced somewhat the pains and duration of the deflationary adjustment, and thus increased the likelihood of success of such an option. But it would have left the Argentine economy exposed to a repetition of these problems in the future. 3 While some debtors from the tradable sector might be affected by an economy -wide deflation as well, the increase in the real value of the debt relative to real income due to the recession and price deflation would have impacted most strongly on the nontradable sector. On this see also the discussion in Roubini (2001). 2 The other option was to allow a nominal devaluation and adopt a float, in an attempt to shortcut the protracted deflationary adjustment. However, this would have precipitated a latent colporate, banking and fiscal crisis, given the open currency exposures in the balance sheets of both the public and the private sectors and the large degree of overvaluation of the currency. In order to avoid such scenario, financial contracts would have to be pesified before floating. But this in turn posed the serious danger of a deposit run, which would have forced a deposit freeze and/or some kind of Bonex plan, fatally eroding the public's confidence in money as a store of value. In the event, the authorities did not use well their limited margin of maneuver, by engaging in too little and too late fiscal adjustment (which actually should have been done in the boom years before 1999), by hesitating on the ultimate choice of exchange rate regime, by postponing too long the needed public debt restructuring, and by precipitating a major financial and payments crisis - first reducing the liquidity buffers of the banking system and over-exposing it (along with the Pension Funds) to Government risk, and later adopting an arbitrary asymmetric pesification of assets and liabilities and a particularly disruptive deposit freeze, which was held for an excessively long period of time without resolution Such actions and omissions deepened the crisis and created additional unnecessary problems for the recovery. These hard choices were a reflection of a deep structural problem. On the one hand, the Argentine trade structure made a peg to the dollar highly inadequate -- from a real economy point of view. On the other hand, the strong preference of Argentineans for the dollar as a store of value (since the hyperinflation and confiscation experiences of the 1980s) had led to a higly dollarized economy in which a hard peg or even full dollarization seemed a reasonable alternative from a financial point of view, not only to avoid massive capital gains and losses resulting from exchange rate changes, but also as an expeditious shortcut to nominal stability and monetary credibility. No wonder that inforned analysts favored -and still do- opposite exchange regime choices depending on the relative weight they assign to real economy or financial considerations. With the benefit of hindsight, the boom years up to mid 1998 were a major lost opportunity. Staying with the hard peg but ninimizing the risks associated with adverse external shocks would have required four supporting ingredients: First and foremost, significant fiscal strengthening, not just to protect solvency but with the broader objective of providing some room for counter-cyclical fiscal policy. This contrasts with the expansionary pro-cyclical stance actually followed during most of the decade, and especially during the boom from end-1995 up to mid-1998 - once the implicit pension debt (as well as other implicit liabilities) had been brought in the open by pension reform (as documented in Section IV). Second, considerable flexibilization of labor and other domestic markets (including utilities). Third, significant unilateral opening to trade. None of this was done in the nineties. And fourth, even stricter prudential regulations for banks than actually adopted (in spite of the significant progress achieved in this field), including harder provisioning and/or capital requirements for loans to households and finns in non tradable sectors, a "firewall" between banks and the Government and some form of 3 earmarking of liquidity to demand deposits in order to protect the payments system in the event of a systemic deposit run (as discussed in Section V). Alternatively, those years would have been the right time to engage in a more orderly change of the exchange rate regime. But the exit, whether towards a successful flexible exchange rate regime with a monetary anchor or to full dollarization, would have also required significant structural reforms and institution building. Instead, this was a period of inaction and laxity on many fronts. Just too often in Latin America the seeds of crisis are planted in good times by imprudent behavior or lack of precautionary action, whose consequences are only revealed when bad times arrive. There are deep political economy factors that help to explain such bad outcomes. A key lesson from Argentina is the need to adopt economic and political institutions that align incentives to face hard choices and facilitate timely reforms, and in particular that are less prone to amplifying economic cycles. The analysis of the Argentine crisis yields many other useful lessons for other Latin American economies. After all, the exchange rate system dilemma faced by a highly dollarized economy that conducts only a fraction of its trade with the US, in a world economy characterized by highly volatile currencies, is not exclusive to Argentina. But even economies with less stringent structural dilemmas often face some form of tension between the convenience of adopting and maintaining a flexible exchange rate regime with a monetary anchor in order to achieve flexibility in responding to shocks, and balance sheet vulnerabilities to major real exchange rate adjustments originated in unhedged foreign-currency debt of firms in non-tradable sectors and of Governments themselves.4 Even those could draw useful policy lessons from the Argentine debacle. And so can we, in the International Financial Institutions, as we must admit that we were slow in understanding some of the deep problems discussed here and in reacting to them. II. ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND EXTERNAL SHOCKS IN THE 1990s: The endogeneity of capital flow reversals Over 1990-97, Argentina outperformed most other economies in the region in terms of growth (Table 2.1). The external environment (terms of trade, capital inflows, sovereign spreads and world growth) was relatively benign in those years, apart from a short-lived but abrupt interruption in 1995 due to the Tequila crisis, from which Argentina suffered a severe contagion. The growth performance remained fairly satisfactory even in 1998. But after the region-wide growth slowdown of 1999 - largely a consequence of capital flow retrenchment following the Russian crisis - other Latin American countries began a modest recovery, while Argentina plunged into a protracted recession. 4 What Calvo and Reinhart (2000) have described as "liability dollarization" that leads to "fear of floating" and Hausmann et al. (2000) have attributed to the inability to issue long term debt in local currency. 4 Table 2.1. Real GDP Growth Rate (Percent per year) 1981-90 1991-97 1998 1999 2000-01 Argentina -1.3 6.7 3.9 -3.4 -2.6 Bolivia -0.4 4.3 5.0 0.4 1.8 Brazil 2.3 3.1 0.1 0.8 3.0 Chile 4.0 8.3 3.9 -1.1 3.6 Colombia 3.4 4.0 0.6 -4.1 2.0 Costa Rica 2.4 4.8 8.4 8.2 1.6 Ecuador :2.1 3.2 0.4 -7.3 4.0 Mexico 1.5 2.9 5.0 3.6 3.2 Peru 0.0 5.3 -0.5 0.9 1.7 Venezuela 0.3 3.4 0.2 -6.1 3.0 Average 1.4 4.6 2.7 -0.8 2.1 Source: World Development Indicators Database and the Unified Survey. Figure 2.1. Poverty, Inequality, and Unemployment 45 - - | Poverty Headcount Ratio (left scale) 42.04 0.5 41- . -Gini coeficlent (right scale) _ 40 - . ¢- ^-Unemployment (left scale) 0.49 35-- 30.40 30.0 .4 290 0.48 30-- 25 - - 24.10 0.47 21~~~ ~ ~~~ 21t8 21.607- 20 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.46 15- 17. 15 14.1 ~~~~~~~~~~0.45 10-1211. -dP 8.7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0.44 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Data for urban areas. Sources: Llnemployment from INDEC, Gini Coefficient and Poverty Head Count ratio from World Bank Poverty Assessment Reporl (2000) except for the 1999-2002 ratios which are estimated using the trend observed for the Greater Buenos Aires headcount ratios from INDEC. Unemployment kept a slightly increasing trend up to the Tequila crisis, when it jumped sharply (Figure 2.1). The fact that unemployment was rising even when the economy was growing at full steam reflects a combination of rising participation rates 5 (likely stemming from an 'encouragement effect' due to the growth upturn), declining labor-intensity of production techniques (encouraged by the real appreciation of the peso), productive restructuring towards less labor-intensive activities, and probably also the poor operation of the labor market.5 The unemployment rate declined in the boom years 1996-1998, to resume an upward trend during the ensuing recession. Poverty indicators display a similar trajectory (Figure 2.1). Poverty declined sharply until 1994, but rose again with the Tequila crisis and then continued on an upward trend during the recession of 1999-2001, so that by 2001 the gains at poverty reduction achieved in the early part of the decade had been wiped out. Even more striking is the trajectory of inequality, which appears to have risen without interruption from 1993 on, after an initial decline in 1990-92. Was Argentina's poor growth performance from 1999 onward a reflection of more adverse external shocks than those affecting other Latin American and Caribbean (henc,eforth LAC) countries? To answer this question, we first consider real shocks stemming from terms of trade changes and global growth and then look at capital flow disturbances. We begin by looking at terms of trade changes. Argentina's terms of trade declined by over 10 percent in 1998/99, but recovered fairly quickly in 2000/01. Moreover, the temporary drop followed a rise that had occurred in 1996/97. Relative to other countries, Argentina's terms of trade decline in 1998/99 was less severe than that suffered at first by oil exporting countries like Venezuela and Ecuador, which as a consequence suffered a much deeper contraction in 1999 (Figure 2.2a). Likewise, the cumulative terms of trade decline from 1997 through 2001 was less pronounced for Argentina than for Chile, and much less than the one experienced by Peru. In any case, the economic impact of these gyrations in the terms of trade was much less significant for Argentina than for other countries. The reason is that Argentina is a fairly closed economy, and thus terms of trade changes entail only modest changes in real income. This is highlighted in Figure 2.2b, which portrays the terms of trade shocks suffered by various LAC economies, calculated multiplying the changes in import and export prices by the respective magnitudes of imports and exports relative to GDP. It is immediately apparent that Argentina's terms of trade shocks over the second half of the 1990s were smaller in magnitude than those of any other country in the graphs, perhaps with the only exception of Brazil (which is also fairly closed). Indeed, Argentina's real income loss from the terms of trade fall in 1998-99 amounted to less than 0.5 percent of GDP. 5 See Galiani (2001) for a recent assessment of the state of Argentina's labor market. 6 Figure 2.2 a. Terms of Trade 1992=100 160 ' ^ Argentina '-Chile 140 _ Ecuador Mexico *'Venezuela, RB 120 100 80 60 - 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 140 - 0Argentina Brazil 130 _ 'Colombia Peru 120 110 100 90 , 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Source: WDI 1995-00 and domestic sources 2001. Figure 2.2 b. Terms of Trade Shocks (Percent of GDP) 2.5 - "ArgentUna -Brazil 2.0 - --,-Colombia Peru 1.5- / 1.0 0.5 - 0.0 -0.5- -1.0 -1.5 10 OArgentina --Chile 8 - Ecuador +Mexico 6 - _ - Venezuela, RB 4- 2- -2- 1 9 > \ H \ ; < < _ o 7 ~~~~~1999 -2 -4, -6 -8 c Source: World Development Indicators - World Bank. The other source of adverse real shocks was the global growth slowdown that started in 2000. Relative to that year, in 2001 real GDP growth declined by 3 percentage points both in the U.S. and the industrialized world as a whole. Like with the terms of trade decline, however, Argentina was much less affected than other countries in the region, again because of its lower degree of openness. As a result, the growth deceleration and the ensuing slowdown in export markets translated into a fairly modest aggregate demand decline for Argentina - the smallest among the countries shown in Table 2.2.6 Table 2.2. Impact of the Global Slowdown 2001: The Inicome Effect via Trade Volume Exports / GDP Exports of Exports of Impact of the Impact of the (%) goods to goods to decline in U.S. decline in US/Total OECD/Total growth (% of OECD growth Exoorts 1%) ExDorts (%) GDP) (% of GDP) (a) (b) (c) 21(c)[(ar(b)* (d)-[(a)*(c)* (a) (b) (c) ~~~~~~~2.21*0.03 2.21*0.03 Argentina 10.81 10.90 33.09 -0.08 -0.24 Bolivia 17.55 13.86 25.27 -0.16 -0.29 Brazil 10.81 24.70 57.11 -0.18 -0.41 Chile 31.85 18.48 62.44 -0.39 -1.31 Colombia 21.34 43.45 60.22 -0.61 -0.85 Costa Rica 48.09 41.38 72.01 -1.31 -2.29 Dominican Rep. 29.93 86.47 94.37 -1.71 -1.86 Ecuador 42.43 38.55 67.05 -1.08 -1.88 Guatemala 19.93 56.40 70.80 -0.74 -0.93 Jamaica 42.94 30.86 85.80 -0.87 -2.43 Mexico 31.06 88.55 94.31 -1.82 -1.93 Peru 15.98 25.39 63.55 -0.27 -0.67 Venezuela, RB 28.45 53.81 64.14 -1.01 -1.20 Notes: (a)Exports of Goods and Services and GDP of 2000, source: WDI. (b) Exports of goods in 2001 source:lM F Direction of Trade. (c) 2.2 is the U.S. expenditure elasticity (Clanda,1994), and 3% is the decline in the U.S. economic growth between 2000 and 2001(d) 3 % Is the decline in the OECD economic growth between 2000 and 2001. Next, we turn to the disturbances stemming from world financial markets.7 Following the Russian crisis, Latin American countries - like other emerging economies - had to face a generalized increase in the cost of market borrowing. Figure 2.3, which offers a comparative perspective on the sovereign spreads faced by different countries, shows that Argentina did not fare worse than the rest of the region in this regard. As a matter of fact, Brazil's spreads rose above Argentina's in 1997-99, with speculative attacks on the real taking place in October 1997 and October 1998. It was only in late 2000 that the Argentine spread began to drift above Brazil's. And the same happened with Venezuela and Ecuador, whose spreads (not shown to avoid cluttering the graph) increased more than Argentina's in 1998 and remained higher until 2001. 6 The impact on export demand shown in the table is calculated using an income elasticity of 2.2 for both U.S. and OECD imports. 7 The role of external financial shocks in the Argentine crisis has been underscored in particular by Calvo, Izquierdo and Talvi (2002). 9 -Z0OOMMJ zo-des -Wm" -ZOO~~~~~0ZIVL zo-une -ZOOZ/ZIV zo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-jew 400I/I/I ~O-des =;;P- ~ ~ ~ ~ t.0~~I o-unr. W,-jew I.00~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~fl~003 ( 000~~~IZI0L .00-deS m OOOZ~~~~~~00IZIL 00u, C4 o~~~~~' 00/~t o-jew C%l 00OZIM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~66-OgCa 2 > ~ ~ ~ ~~ 00I~l66-deS 4 2 u 2 ~~~~~66&II0.66-unlr Q IDW ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~-- *~66L~L66-IJVW -666WIZ4 6-V -- ~~~~~ 96-~~~~96M/ -966U/ZiL 96-unr~ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . 9 6 6 U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IL 9~~~~6 -Je W -966 IMIt L6-3Oa 966 I.I~~IIq L6-deS L66MI/0I Pofl L66LI~~~~~~IL =L6-JeWl -L66&IZIV 96XO C'Em ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~L6Ufl~96-d0OS 96-dflg ID -966WIILZ/96Je& 966&/LIVI 96-OOC U - 966I4liI. 8 0 (4~~~~ e a a a a a a~~~~t a Inn a n a so a The comparative evolution of the current and capital accounts across LAC countries tells the same story. Until late 2000, Argentina's capital account surplus (as percentage of GDP) rerrmained above the regional average (Figure 2.5a). Its current account deficit likewise exceeded the region's norm (Figure 2.5b). Indeed, the current account adjustment that Argentina, like most Latin American countries, undertook in 1999 - a result of the capital flow decline that followed the Russian crisis - was fairly modest by regional standards. Among the larger countries, it exceed only Mexico's, and was dwarfed by the current account correction undertaken by Chile, Colombia and Peru - not to mention the dramatic adjustments of oil-exporting Ecuador and Venezuela (Table 2.3). Figure 2.5 a Capital Account (Percentage of GDP) 16 - Argentina 12 -|LAC GDP Weighted Mean 4 oo aO ,w N 3N 0 N 8- -12 In summary, while the global contraction in capital flows that occurred in 1999 reached virtually all Latin American economies, Argentina was not affected as severely as (and certainly not more severely than) other countries in the region. Thus, Argentina was able at first to continue running large current account deficits, as it had done in the previous years. After 199>9, however, capital flows to most LAG countries recovered somewhat, except for Airgentina (and Venezuela), where they continued to fall, especially sharply in 2001. Thus, the tentative conclusion is that the deterioration of capital flows to Argentina at the end of the decade reflected mostly Argentina-specific factors rather1than2global factors. Figure 2.5 b. Current Account (Percentage of GDP) 5 -C-Argentina 3 5 &LAC GDP Weighted Mean 0) 0~~0)0 0 0 N 1 N N N -3 -5 -7 Source: Balance of Payments from domestic sources via HAVER. Latin America average includes Arg, Bra, Chi, Col, Mex, and Pe. Table 2.3. Current Account Adjustment as share of GDP as share of Imports 1998/99 2000/01 1998/99 2000/01 Argentina 0.77 1.29 7.16 14.51 Bolivia 1.44 1.54 4.96 7.83 Brazil 1.11 -0.55 13.83 -7.33 Chile 5.56 -0.86 22.38 -3.64 Colombia 5.20 -3.14 34.37 -22.55 Costa Rica -0.91 -0.34 -2.07 -0.83 Ecuador 15.84 -12.20 56.03 -41.16 Mexico 0.37 0.31 1.13 0.92 Peru 3.19 0.50 20.75 3.37 Venezuela, RB 7.24 -5.56 42.99 -41.67 Average 3.98 -1.90 20.15 -9.06 Note: Current Account adjustment is defined as the year on year difference in the Current Account surplus as share of GDP or imports. Sources: Imports (US$) from Direction of Trade (IMF); GDP and Current Account Balance (US$) from WDI (World Bank). 12 We can assess more formally the relative role of global and countryspecific factors in the observed pattern of capital flows to Argentina and other countries using a suitable statistical decomposition separating the common component of sovereign spreads from their country-specific component. Loosely speaking, the common component reflects global conditions (both interdependence and 'contagion'), and hence captures global risk, while the country-specific component reflects each country's economic fundamentals (or, more precisely, investors' perceptions about them) and thus provides a measure of its pure risk premium. 8 This procedure yields a synthetic "global factor", whose role in the observed evolution of emerging-market spreads is depicted in the top panel of Figure 2.6. The figure plots the degree of comovement of the spreads, as measured by the fraction of their total variation (computed over moving 48-month windows) attributable to the global factor. The graph shows that the global factor accounts for the vast majority of the variation in spreads up to 1998. After that date, there is a steady decline in the degree of co-movement of spreads., reversed only in part in September 2001. The bottom panel of Figure 2.6 performs the same exercise for Argentina, Brazil and Mexico. For each of these countries, the figure shows the fraction of the total variation in its spread attributable to the global factor just described. In all three countries analyzed, sovereign spreads reflect both global and country-specific risk. The roles of these two factors are riot the same across countries and time periods, however. In accordance with the previous figure, the global factor plays the main role up to 1998. Indeed, in 1997-98 it accounts for the bulk of the variation in spreads in all three countries. After the Russia crisis in 1998, however, the contribution of the global factor declines for the three countries. Importantly, the extent of the decline differs aross countries. In the case of Argentina, it is much more marked and accelerates noticeably in the second half of 2000. In fact, after that moment global factors account for less than half of the observed variation in Argentina's spreads. The conclusion is that such variation increasingly reflects country-specific factors after 1998, and especially so from 2000 onward. 8The full details are spelled ouat in Fiess (2002). In a nutshell, we use principal component analysis to construct an indicator of global comovement of spreads using end-of-the-month JP Morgan EMBI data for Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Venezuela and the non-Latin EMBI index over the period from January 1991 to March 2002. The indicator is the percentage of the total variance of the (normalized) spreads explained by their first principal component, constructed using a rolling window of 48 months. We smooth the resulting series by averaging the values obtained for each data point over the 48 windows in which it appears. As a robustness check, we redo the exercise using a broader set of countries - Argentina, Bulgaria, Brazil, Ecuador, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, Peru, Poland, Russia and Venezuela. However, not all of them possess observations over the entire sample period. We also construct altemative global indicators incorporating the effects of US interest rates on country spreads. Finally, we redo these experiments with alternative window lengths. All these specification changes have only minor effects on the qualitative results. See Fiess (2002) for details. 13 Figure 2.6. Sovereign Spreads: The Role of Global Factors a. Contribution of First Principal Component to Overall Variation of Spreads (Percent) 100% 90%- 80% - 70% - 60% - 10 in (0 (0 t~- t~- co co 0) a) 0) 0 C- - N 0 , . . . . . . . 9 9 . 9 9 9 b. Contribution of First Principal Component to Variation in Individual Country Spreads (Percent) 100% 80% 60% 40% ] ~~~~ARGENTINA 20% -,i&-*BRAZIL -'&MEXICO 0% 10 10 a0 (0 ° 0, C,D CD - C0 $ 0)P 0 9 9 0o o o 1= > cmf n : o > c c f i (U 0 aQ~ S u . 7~ 7~ Z U) IL 7 .. a 0 i < 7 Z U )O Source: Fiess (2002) 14 The above analysis of country spreads can be extended to capital flows with the aid of a suitable econornetric model of their determinants, a task undertaken in Fiess (2002). In brief, the model describes the simultaneous determination of flows and spreads making use of the decomposition of the latter into their global and local components shown above. Empirical implementation of this framework shows that capital flows are negatively affected by both global and local risk. In turn, local risk rises with the total volume of debt and the primary fiscal deficit, both expressed as ratios to GDP. Using this framework, we can assess the roles of local and global factors in the observed time path of capital flows to Argentina. This is done in Figure 2.7, which plots the variation in flows to Argentina attributable to local factors, as a fraction of the total variation explained by ithe model.9 The figure shows that Argentina-specific factors played a negligible role until 1998, but became increasingly important following the Russian crisis, and especially after October 2000. Indeed, from the latter date up to September 2001, local factors account for two-thirds of the total variation in capital flows to Argentina explained by the model. Figure 2.7. Capital Inflows to Argentina: Contribution of Local Factors (Percent of Total Variance Explained) 70%- 60% - 50%- 40% 30% -A l 20% - 10% 0% a0 40 ,0 _0 1=. i... 4... 4.. 40 40 2 4 40 a, 40 a0, 9 ' - 9 9 40 4 0 0 4 4 0 4 to 40 40 40 40 40 4 0 0 0 0 0 t0 C -s ; -C C co C L C - X < g nzt 7g n n °W <1 7 °U