100268 AUTHOR ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT FINAL PUBLICATION INFORMATION Four Decades of Health Economics Through a Bibliometric Lens The definitive version of the text was subsequently published in Journal of Health Economics, 31(2), 2012-03 Published by Elsevier and found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhealeco.2012.03.002 THE FINAL PUBLISHED VERSION OF THIS ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE ON THE PUBLISHER’S PLATFORM This Author Accepted Manuscript is copyrighted by the World Bank and published by Elsevier. It is posted here by agreement between them. Changes resulting from the publishing process—such as editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms—may not be reflected in this version of the text. You may download, copy, and distribute this Author Accepted Manuscript for noncommercial purposes. Your license is limited by the following restrictions: (1) You may use this Author Accepted Manuscript for noncommercial purposes only under a CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/igo. (2) The integrity of the work and identification of the author, copyright owner, and publisher must be preserved in any copy. (3) You must attribute this Author Accepted Manuscript in the following format: This is an Author Accepted Manuscript of an Article by Wagstaff, Adam; Culyer, Anthony J. Four Decades of Health Economics Through a Bibliometric Lens © World Bank, published in the Journal of Health Economics31(2) 2012-03 CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/igo http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/ j.jhealeco.2012.03.002 © 2015 The World Bank 1 Four Decades of Health Economics Through a Bibliometric Lens by Adam Wagstaffa and Anthony J. Culyerb a Development Research Group, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA b Department of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, 155 College Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5T 3M6, Canada; and Department of Economics and Related Studies, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, UK September 2011 Abstract In this paper, we take a bibliometric tour of the last forty years of health eco nomics using bibliographic “metadata” from EconLit supplemented by citation data from Google Scholar and our own topical classifications. We report the growth of health economics (we find 33,000 publications since 1969—12,000 more than in the economics of education) and list the 300 most-cited publications broken down by topic. We report the changing topical and geographic focus of health economics (the topics „Determinants of health and ill -health‟ and „Health statistics and econometrics‟ both show an upward trend, and the field has expanded appreciably into the developing world). We also compare authors, countries, institutions and journals in terms of the volume of publications and their influence as measured through various citation-based indices (Grossman, the US, Harvard and the JHE emerge close to or at the top on a variety of measures). Corresponding author and contact details: Adam Wagstaff, World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20433, USA. Tel. (202) 473-0566. Fax (202)-522 1153. Email: awagstaff@worldbank.org. Keywords: Health economics; bibliometrics; history of economic thought. JEL codes: B20; I10. Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Martin Ravallion for helpful comments on an earlier version, and to Imran Hafiz for help in cleaning the data. The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the World Bank, its Executive Directors, or the governments of the countries they represent. 2 I. INTRODUCTION According to Google‘s Books Ngram Viewer, the terms ―health economics‖ and ―Health Economics‖ started appearing in books only in the 1940s, four decades after the terms ―agricultural economics‖ and ―international economics‖ surfaced. The first two decades of health economics were slow, but in the mid-1960‘s use of the terms ―health economics‖ and ―Health Economics‖ increased sharply, and the growth has mostly continued since then. In this paper, we take a bibliometric tour of the last forty years of health economics. Our bibliographic ―metadata‖ are drawn from EconLit which dates from 1969 although it includes many earlier classic papers that were reprinted as chapters in collections published after 1969, including for example Arrow (1963). Unlike other databases such as the Social Science Citation Index, SCOPUS, and Medline, EconLit allows for a relatively clean definition of health economics based on EconLit‘s inclusion criterion (―a substantial economics content‖) and a publication‘s JEL codes. We run risks of omission and commission: there are many non- economics and multi-disciplinary journals that have published many papers by health economists, and some authors may not have chosen a health JEL code despite their paper having a substantial health content; conversely, our net will catch some items that are devoid of economics (and not written by economists), as well as items where health is not the main focus of the publication. In any event, for reasons to be explained below, we had little choice. And our pragmatic definition of the sub-discipline enables us to avoid many esoteric considerations regarding, for example, the emphasis to be placed in characterizing health economics as the topics its practitioners study (e.g. financial aspects of health services) rather than the discipline (viz. economics) characteristically applied to understanding and explaining phenomena in health and health care (Culyer, 1981; Williams, 1979). Our EconLit metadata include author, title, journal, the year of publication, author‘s institution, country of focus, keyword, and three-digit JEL code. EconLit does not include any citation data; for 78 percent of records in our dataset we were able to obtain citation data from Google Scholar. In addition to getting at influence through citations, we also want to say something about the topics that health economists work on. The JEL sub-categories are not 3 especially illuminating1 and the keywords in the EconLit metadata are freely chosen by authors and unsurprisingly are highly heterogeneous. We therefore used our own topical classification system, and assigned a topic to a subset of our records manually. We aggregate our metadata to the author, institution and journal levels, showing which of each have published the most, and which of each have had the greatest impact in terms of citations. We show publication counts for both ―country of origin‖ and ―country studied‖. We present frequency distributions of the words used in titles and abstracts and keywords. We also show how the subtopic focus has changed over time and varies across the top institutions. Two previous exercises are worth mentioning, although neither comes close in terms of comprehensiveness and ambition. Rubin and Chang (2003) undertook a bibliometric analysis of health economics articles over the period 1991-2000 using EconLit metadata. They also report author rankings (using number of articles and number of pages) but in most other respects their analysis is much more limited, covering a shorter time period, excluding citations, using the limited JEL topic classification system, and omitting many of the cuts of the data that we present. Also of note is the exercise Culyer undertook as background for his four-volume collection of 78 articles on health economics (Culyer, 2006). This was based on a survey of teaching members of the International Health Economics Association (iHEA) in 2004 that asked for their student reading lists, the objective being to ensure representation in the 2006 collection of those articles most frequently cited for student reference by people teaching the subject. His e-mail poll of iHEA yielded usable responses from 112 members and 164 articles that were included on at least two reading lists. We use this source as basis for making some intertemporal comparisons between health economics then (2004) and now (2011), and also for comparing the frequency of citations in general (in 2011) with literature recommended by specialist health economics teachers (in 2004). The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II presents our methods, including the bibliometric methods used to analyze citations and the classification of health economics subtopics. Section III introduces our data. Section IV presents our findings, and section V our conclusions. 1 They comprise: (a) Health: General, (b) Analysis of Health Care Markets, (c) Health Production, (d) Health: Government Policy; Regulation; Public Health, and (e) Health: Other. Recently two categories have been added: (f) Health and Inequality, and (g) Health and Economic Development. 4 II. COUNTING INFLUENCE THROUGH BIBLIOMETRICS Publication counts capture the volume of output of an author, institution, journal or country. They do not necessarily capture the influence of that author, institution or journal on the research community. Citations are a commonly used measure of scholarly influence, the assumption being that a heavily cited paper is more influential than a less heavily cited paper, and that an individual who has authored several highly cited papers has been more influential among his or her peers than one who has authored a similar number of less cited papers. The h-index (Hirsch, 2005), which we refer to below as I1, is the most widely used citation-based summary measure of scholarly influence, reflecting both the number of publications and the number of times they have been cited. An h-index of 20 means that an author (or institution or journal) has 20 publications to its name each of which has been cited at least 20 times. Figure 1 illustrates. It shows the citation curves for two publication portfolios (e.g. for two individuals). The horizontal axis plots the cumulative number of articles up to the total N, ranked in descending order of citations. The y-axis plots the number of times the nth article has been cited. The h-index is found by drawing a 45-degree line on the chart, and reading off the x-axis or the y-axis. Hirsch argues that this index is a robust and relevant measure of ―...the importance, significance and broad impact of a scientist‘s cumulative research contributions‖ and the index is widely used. It is reported, for example, in citation software such as Publish or Perish (Harzing, 2010), SCOPUS and the Web of Science (which implemented the h- index within two years of the publication of Hirsch‘s paper).2 The h-index has shortcomings. Both A and B in Figure 1 have the same h-index even though A‘s first few articles are cited far more often. In Figure 2 D has a higher h-index than C though C‘s citation curve might reasonably be argued to be the more impressive one on balance. Alternatives to the h-index have been proposed, but Ravallion and Wagstaff (2011) have argued they have unattractive properties. They proposed instead an axiomatic approach to measuring scholarly influence based on an influence function where influence is strictly increasing in the number of citations. If a publication portfolio has a citation curve that lies everywhere above that of another publication portfolio, the influence function approach will say the former has greater 2 Alonso et al. (2009) provide a useful review of the literature on the h-index—a review that covers some 90 papers—in just four years since Hirsch (2005). 5 influence than the latter. Where citation curves intersect, Ravallion and Wagstaff impose the assumption of concavity—influence increases in citations but at a diminishing rate. This allows a second-order dominance test to be undertaken, but when a large number of portfolios are being compared this test becomes impractical. Where citations curves intersect, Ravallion and Wagstaff suggest computing influence numerically. They propose a simple quadratic influence function (QIF)3: (1) , where ci is the number of citations to the ith publication and cMAX is the maximum number of citations encountered in the dataset. An increase in ci increases I2 but does so at a diminishing rate: I2 is concave in ci. The maximum value of the term in I2 for each publication is 1. The maximum aggregate influence is obtained when the portfolio containing the most-cited publication is the largest of all portfolios, and all publications in the portfolio have been cited cmax times. This approach gives A more aggregate influence than B in Figure 1 even though A and B have the same h-index. It also gives C more influence than D in Figure 2 even though D has the higher h-index. Unfortunately, however, the QIF approach can also lead to rankings that might be questioned. It focuses completely on citations and rewards additional publications only insofar as they generate additional citations. Even with concavity in the influence function, one can end up with an author who has published only one (albeit highly cited) article (and therefore has an h- index of 1) coming out ahead of another who has published multiple quite highly cited articles (perhaps with an h-index in the tens). In fact this happens a lot in our dataset; indeed, it turns out that the QIF is almost perfectly (rank) correlated with total citations in most cuts of our data. As a supplement to the QIF—but in keeping with the idea of diminishing marginal influence—we use an index inspired by Foster et al.‘s (1984) poverty index: there the goal of the index is to reflect not just the aggregate shortfall from the poverty line but also the number of people in poverty; here our goal is to capture not just the number of citations but also the number of articles that have been cited. Our third index is thus: 3 They also suggest a variant on it, but it does not resolve the problem we highlight below. 6 (2) , where ≥0is a coefficient. The closer  is to 0, the closer I3 comes to capturing just the number of publications. (In this case, we have to add an arbitrarily small amount to ci in order for uncited papers to count toward the publication count.) The closer  is to 1, the closer I3 comes to capturing the total number of citations. With 0<<1, I3 is concave in ci. With intermediate values of , I3 captures the idea that citations are associated with diminishing returns in producing scholarly influence but that additional citations always add something to influence (something that does not occur with the h-index). But we are also able to capture the idea that the number of publications of itself matters (something that does happen with the h-index). All three measures we have considered thus far speak to the total influence of a publication portfolio. Particularly in the case of journals—but also perhaps with institutions and individual researchers—one might reasonably want to get a sense of average influence. After all, there is often large variation between journals in the number of articles they publish per year, and in the number of years they have been publishing. Ravallion and Wagstaff (2011) introduced the normalized h-index: a value of 20 means that 20% of articles have received at least 20 citations.4 This measure adjusts for the scale of the publication portfolio. We report this for journals as well as for edited volumes. III. DATA In this section we introduce our data, explaining our choice of database, how ―health economics‖ was defined, how we cleaned the ―metadata‖, and how we supplemented our metadata with citation and topic data. Database choice A number of online bibliographic databases include articles (and in some cases other types of publication) on what could be construed as ―health economics‖. These include EconLit 5, 4 This should not be confused with the h-index per publication, which is also called the ―normalized h-index‖ in some of the literature (Alonso et al., 2009). 5 Details of EconLit coverage are to be found at http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/doctypes.php. 7 MedLine, the Social Science Citation Index6 (SSCI), and SCOPUS7. These vary along key dimensions, one fundamental one being whether the database employs a classification system that allows us to make a credible distinction between ―health economics‖ publications and others.8 Many databases do not pass this test for any plausible definition of ―health economics‖. MedLine, for example, includes hundreds if not thousands of articles that would be classified as ―economics‖ using the MeSH major topic. But many—if not most—have no economic analysis in them to speak of, and are written by people who quite probably would never claim to be an economist. SCOPUS and the SSCI are the other extreme. In SCOPUS, articles are classified as either ―economics, econometrics and finance‖ or ―health sciences‖ (but not both). SSCI does permit cross-classifications but trying to pin down ―health economics‖ results in a very narrow set of articles. Limiting publications to those that are classified as (a) ―economics‖ and (b) either ―health policy and services‖ or ―health care sciences and services‖ results in just 2 ,201 publications, all of which are in just six journals: Value in Health, Health Economics, PharmacoEconomics, the Journal of Health Economics (JHE), the European Journal of Health Economics, and the International Journal of Health Care Finance and Economics. This would be a very narrow definition of ―health economics‖ indeed. MedLine, SSCI and SCOPUS also all cover a limited range of publications. All three focus largely on journals, and MedLine focuses on medical journals and thus omits the core of the ―health economics‖ literature. Because MedLine, SSCI and SCOPUS all lack a classification system that enabled us to separate out ―health economics‖ from other fields, and because they all have a limited coverage of publications, we decided to look instead to EconLit as the source of our bibliographic metadata on health economics publications—the same data source used by Rubin and Chang (2003). Its two big advantages are its scope and its JEL classification scheme. The number of titles has increased steadily since 1969 when the database started. EconLit now includes over 750 journals ―with substantial economics content‖. It has also included books, book chapters and doctoral dissertations since 1987, and for several years has also included working papers through 6 SSCI covers primarily journal articles and is limited to about 2,500 social science journals. Details of coverage are to be found at http://thomsonreuters.com/products_services/science/science_products/a-z/social_sciences_citation_index. 7 SCOPUS covers over 18,000 titles covering all disciplines including 16,500 peer-reviewed journals, as well as some book chapters, including the North-Holland handbook series. Details of the database are to be found at http://info.scopus.com/scopus- in-detail/facts/. 8 Alternatively we could have ignored the database‘s classification system and tried to class ify publications on the basis of the words in titles, abstracts, and keyword lists. This would have been very laborious and would likely have caused us to end up with lots of errors of omission and commission. 8 the REPEC project. The JEL classification scheme used by EconLit changed in 1991 but both the old and the new schemes have codes for health9; like Rubin and Chang (2003) we define ―health economics‖ publications as those appearing in EconLit with one of the health JEL codes. With EconLit and the health JEL codes we feel confident we are getting a very large share of the corpus of ―health economics‖ understood to be publications that involve the discipline of economics being applied to the topic health. We acknowledge, however, that our 33,000 publications may exclude some that should be in our database, and may include some that perhaps ought not to be in it. On omissions, we miss the genuine health economics articles in non-economics journals not included in EconLit. We also miss health economics publications in EconLit when the author did not choose a health JEL code even if his or her publication contains a substantial amount of material on health.10 For reasons explained earlier we cannot do anything about the former, and of course we cannot do anything about the latter if we rely on JEL codes. On commissions, we will end up including some publications where, despite EconLit‘s inclusion criterion, the publication contains little if any economics. And we will end up including some publications where, despite the article having a health JEL code, the publication‘s health content is small or negligible: health could be just one of several issues addressed in the article (articles are permitted multiple codes, and many span health and other topics)11, or health might be the chosen application for a paper outlining a new econometric method12. In most of our analysis we retain all records and do not attempt to identify clear or marginal false positives. We accept that there will be publications where the inclusion could be debated, but hope that with 33,000 records any variation in classification practices will get washed out when ranking institutions, individuals, countries, etc. However, in our analysis of topics, we have dropped publications that manifestly have zero economic content despite EconLit‘s inclusion criterion and/or zero health content despite the JEL code. We have, however, retained in the topical analysis publications with only a small amount of health content; we flag in the text such publications. 9 See http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/search_hints.php. 10 An example of this is Anand and Ravallion (1993) which does not have a health JEL code despite the word ―health‖ occurring 58 times in the article. 11 Deaton (2006) is an example of this. 12 Angrist et al. (1996) is an example of this. 9 Authorship On multi-author papers, we give each author equal credit for the paper insofar as EconLit allows us to. This is in contrast to Rubin and Chang (2003) who gave authors of papers with two authors only half a paper‘s credit each, and authors of papers with three authors only one third a paper‘s credit. Unfortunately, EconLit lists only the first author when the original list includes more than three or four authors.13 In such cases, authors other than the first get no credit in our study as in Rubin and Chang‘s; the EconLit user has no alternative in such cases. The author data required a good deal of cleaning. Many authors appear in different forms, sometimes with different spellings. The top 250 authors in terms of publication counts were all checked manually for multiple spellings and forms, and the scattered records aggregated; the same manual cleaning was applied to other authors who ranked highly on one or more of the indicators. The trickiest person proved to be Matthias von der Schulenburg, whose name appeared in no less than ten different forms.14 The funniest was Adam Wagstaff, who after years of writing with Eddy van Doorslaer became ―Adam van Wagstaff‖ in one paper. Affiliation The EconLit author-address field gives the author‘s address (affiliation) at the time of publication of the article (actually at the time of proof-correction). The field is empty until the early 1980s, so the results below are for the period 1981-2010. The information in the author- address field needed some manual cleaning, and some explanation of what was done is in order. Some clarification is also in order on the issue of joint authorship. Each unit record (one per publication) generated multiple author-address records depending on the number of authors and whether or not they shared an affiliation. The maximum number of lines in the author-address field is equal to the number of authors listed. If a publication has, say, two authors working at two different institutions, we count the publication twice—both institutions get full credit for it. If the two authors share the same address, the 13 Rubin and Chang (2003) report this happens when the list exceeds three, but several recent EconLit records have four authors. 14 For those anxious to dig up Prof von der Schulenburg‘s work, here are the ten permu tations: J. M. Graf von der Schulenburg, J. Matthias von der Schulenburg, J. Matthias Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf von Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf van der Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf v.d. Schulenburg, J. Matthias Graf v. d. Schulenburg, J. Matthais Graf van der Schulenburg, and J. M. Graf v.d. Schulenburg. Prof von der Schulenburg‘s records were cleaned because he was in the top 250 on the basis of publication count. 10 shared address appears only once in the EconLit record, and we count the article only once for that institution. Where an author has multiple affiliations, these appear on the same line in the EconLit record, we retained only the first-listed address—the first-listed institution gets all the credit. Adopting these rules, we inevitably end up with more records than publications: we have over 37,000 ―publications‖ just for the sub-period 1981-2010. We then aggregated these ―publications‖ by address, and then by institution. Sometimes, an author‘s address was the institution itself, and the aggregation involved simply checking for variations in spelling or format and deciding on a common one. So, for example, the US Department of Agriculture sometimes appeared as ―USDA‖ and sometimes as ―US Department of Agriculture‖; we renamed the former ―US Department of Agriculture‖ and the two sets of records were aggregated. Other examples include the World Health Organization (which appeared also as WHO) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (which also appeared as IFRPI). Sometimes, the author address was not an institution but rather a unit within an institution. For example, authors affiliated to the University of York‘s Centre for Health Economics (CHE) often listed their address as CHE not the University of York. Other authors at York listed their address as the Department of Economics and Related Studies. Often these and other addresses appeared in multiple forms, with, for example, abbreviations. In such cases, we aggregated records up to the institution level—the University of York in the example above. The same rule was applied to records relating to the colleges of the universities of Cambridge and Oxford, but was not applied to constituent colleges of state universities in the US or the universities of London and Wales.15 So, Berkeley stayed as University of California Berkeley, and the London School of Economics and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (both part of the University of London) stayed as distinct institutions. We identified 13,500 distinct author addresses in our dataset. We quickly realized that the cleaning and aggregation process would require a lot of manual input by someone familiar with the names and common abbreviations thereof of academic institutions and think tanks. To turn this into a manageable exercise, we required that an address had to occur at least five times for it to be retained for cleaning and aggregation. So, for example, the inappropriately Americanized 15 Some authors listed their affiliation simply as the University of London; in such cases, there was obviously no choice but to leave the affiliation at the university rather than college level. 11 ―Center for Health Care Econ, U York‖ (1 publication) was not retained for cleaning and aggregation, while the appropriately Anglicized ―Centre for Health Econ, U York‖ (81 publications) was. Imposing this rule resulted in us dropping 12,500 of our 13,500 author addresses. This would be a calamity were it not for the fact that publications are highly unequally distributed across author addresses. The 980 records we retained accounted for around 21,500 (60 percent) of our 37,000 ―publications‖. We think it unlikely that our ―rule of five‖ will have had much—if any—effect on the ranking of institutions, at least at the top of the distribution: it seems likely that (say) Harvard and Yale will be just as likely to have lots of odd spellings for their various departments and research institutes; and in any case, almost 85 percent of the dropped author address records had only one publication to their name. Citation data Like Medline, and in contrast to SSCI and SCOPUS, EconLit has no citation data. For the purpose of this study, therefore, each publication was looked up in Google Scholar16 and the number of citations recorded (the numbers in the paper reflect citations as of June/July 2011). Google Scholar has some attractions over SSCI and SCOPUS as a source of citation data. It captures a very broad set of publications, including books, book chapters, established journals, new journals, open-access journals, technical reports, and even dissertations. This means that we end up finding citation data for a large fraction (85%) of our EconLit records. It also means that the citation data capture scholarly influence across a wide range of publication types, not just a narrow range of academic journals. As a source of citation data, Google Scholar does, however, have its disadvantages. Titles are also sometimes incorrect, incomplete, ambiguous, or appear in multiple versions. The tool we used to ―harvest‖ citation data went through multiple versions before we could be sure it could cope with mispunctuation and misspellings. Even then we found mistakes, and had to correct manually or drop records that were flagged as outliers and/or which erroneously appeared highly ranked in the tables below. One defect of Google Scholar we have not corrected is the scattering of citations across multiple documents. Some publications appear with somewhat different titles in draft form or in working paper form, and will appear as different publications in Google 16 For details of Google Scholar coverage, see http://scholar.google.com/intl/en/scholar/inclusion.html. 12 Scholar. Modifying the harvesting tool to aggregate across these variants would be very hard, because one needs to know which records are indeed variants of a single publication and which are simply similarly named publications. Finally, we should note that our citation data are discipline-blind. We do not—and could not—impose the requirement that the citing author be an economist. Doing so would necessitate working manually through each document citing each of the 33,000 records in or database and establishing the discipline of the citing author. In any case, it is not clear whether such an exercise make sense; we are, after all, interested in the overall impact of each item in our database. We should also point out that we do not eliminate self-citations. Doing so would necessitate another manual check all documents citing each of our 33,000 publications. This would have the advantage of eliminating gratuitous self-citation. But insofar as an author is citing his or her previous work in taking the idea forward in a new publication, a self-citation is no different from a citation by anyone else. So even if it were feasible to eliminate self-citations in our citation data, it is not clear we would want to. Topic classification Beyond influence measured through citations we are also interested in the topics covered by the more influential of our 33,000 publications, and how the topic mix has varied over time and varies across the more influential institutions. The JEL system used by EconLit does have subcodes, but as the article by Rubin and Chang (2003) makes clear, it is not a very informative one. Alternative classifications exist that we could have used to apply a topic code to the EconLit records. The first was developed by Cooper and Culyer (1973). At that time, the subject was relatively undeveloped and the literature sparse. They used four categories: ―economic efficiency‖, ―improving decisions‖, ―hospitals‖, and ―the value of human lives‖, revealing a British set of interests (though the literature selected for inclusion was not merely British). Much later Williams (1987) developed a ―plumbing‖ diagram for categorizing and linking topics within health economics. This still betrayed a British focus (for example ‗medical insurance‘ found little space in it) and Culyer enlarged and modified it in a number of ways in his four volume collection of reprinted papers (Culyer, 2006). Jones‘ (2006) classification scheme for ―The Elgar Companion to Health 13 Economics‖ is yet another recent and reasonably comprehensive set of topics. The JHE uses yet another classification system, grouping articles into: production of health and health services; demand and utilization of health services; financing of health services; measurement of health; behavioral models of demanders, suppliers and other health care agencies; manpower planning and forecasting; the prevention of sickness; cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analyses and issues of budgeting; and efficiency and distributional aspects of health policy. In the event, we opted for the following 12 topic groups: (1) health and its value; (2) efficiency and equity; (3) determinants of health and ill-health; (4) public health; (5) health and the economy; (6) health statistics and econometrics; (7) demand for health and health care; (8) medical insurance; (9) supply of health services; (10) human resources; (11) markets in health care; and (12) economic evaluation. The classification scheme is explained more fully in the Appendix. The assignment of topics to publications was done manually. To ensure consistency, process was completed by just one of us (Culyer). Many articles could be assigned readily on the basis of their titles but in more than half of cases the abstract was also used. In about one quarter of cases, the full pdf was downloaded in Google Scholar before the final assignment was made. Assigning a topic to all 32,000 publications was clearly infeasible. Instead, we assigned topics to all publications in each of the following groups: the most-cited 300 publications; the most-cited 50 publications in each of the four decades studied; the most-cited 50 publications by each of the following institutions: Harvard, Berkeley, MIT, Chicago, the World Bank, and the University of York; the most-cited 50 publications from each of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and the Netherlands. In total, a topic was assigned to 694 publications. The allocation is a little arbitrary at times: some articles span multiple categories, as when, for example, they are methodologically innovative (which might get them into category (6) but also have a specific application, which will typically place them elsewhere. Three categories—(7), (10) and (11)—are somewhat prejudiced by being elements in a very large number of papers in all topic areas, whereas we have included in these three groups only papers whose particular focus appeared to be on one of these three. 14 Just under 11 percent (74) of the 694 publications allocated for topic assignment were not in the event assigned to a topical group. The most-cited items amongst these were textbooks (led by Paul Feldstein) which, by definition, paint on a much broader canvas. Others included the quite extensive reference made by economists to the literatures of demography and epidemiology written by scholars of those disciplines. The most frequently cited excluded source that was not a textbook was Scott and Meyer‘s book on organization theory and application ―Institutional environments and organizations: Structural complexity and individualism‖: a pioneering and hugely influential sociological work whose impact on economists is indicated by its being the 63rd most cited source. Some titles were found to be superficially misleading. For example, Kremer‘s excellent ―The Illusion of Sustainability‖ (Kremer and Miguel, 2007) may appear superficially to belong to category 5 (Health and the economy) but is in fact about the evaluation of public health options in Kenya (category 12, Economic evaluation). Some authors excel at the invention of intriguing but slightly baffling titles. Mark Kamstra‘s ―Losing Sleep at the Market: The Daylight Saving Anomaly‖ (Kamstra et al., 2000) turned out to about equity returns in international capital markets in consequence of sleep disruption, and so was excluded. Contoyannis et al. on ―The Dynamics of Health in the British Household Panel Survey‖ (Contoyannis et al., 2004) could on the face of it have been assigned either to category 1 (Health and its value) or 3 (Determinants of health and ill-health) but on closer inspection was assigned to category 3 given its concentration on the impact of health status in a previous period on the probability distribution of current health status, and on the impact of socio-economic determinants. Articles that were about both supply and demand were assigned according where the balance of emphasis seemed to lie or, where the balance was even, to category 11 (Markets in health care). Siciliani and Hurst‘s (2004) ―Explaining Waiting-Time Variations for Elective Surgery across OECD Countries‖ was thus assigned to category 11. IV. RESULTS Figure 3 shows the cumulative growth of health economics publications in EconLit since 1969. Also shown is the cumulative growth of publications in the economics of education. The two fields ran neck and neck up the early 1980s, whereupon health economics started to grow 15 much faster. As noted by Blaug (1998), the two sub-fields took different routes with health economics inspired by Arrow's work on medical insurance, interest in the way that health institutions operated (especially the non-profit sector), in the economic aspects of wider political controversies about health care financing, in the measurement of the outputs of health care systems, in addressing issues of ‗equity‘ almost as much as those of ‗efficiency‘ and, especially of late, in the application of cost-effectiveness methods in the multi-disciplinary field of what has become known as ―Health Technology Assessment‖.17 By the end of our period (2010) health economics had notched up over 33,000 publications, 12,000 more than education economics. Articles and topics Table 1 lists the 300 most-cited publications in health economics for the full period, organized by topic and excluding publications, such as textbooks, that traversed the whole field.18 The largest category (‗Determinants of health‘ – 16%) includes several classic articles such as Becker et al. (Becker et al., 1994), the fourth most cited article in health economics as a whole. It also includes a classic book by the Frank Ramsey Professor at Cambridge (Dasgupta, 1993), followed at some distance by Fogel (1994) again on a ‗big‘ theme. Other heavily cited classics include Smith (1999) on the health-wealth nexus, Mosley and Chen (1984) on childhood survival in poor countries, Pritchett and Summers (1996) again on the health-wealth nexus, Chaloupka and Warner (2000) on smoking and health, and Deaton (2003) on inequality and economic development. This category also includes several papers looking at behavioral determinants of health, the economics of ‗bad‘ habits in addition to the addictions, the role of education in shaping lifetime health, other determinants of lifetime health such as early parenting and childhood nutrition. The second largest category is ‗Economic evaluation‘ (11%) led by three classics each having more than 1,000 citations: Torrance (1986) on standard gambles and health measurement, Weinstein (1991) on the key ideas of cost-effectiveness analysis, and Tengs‘ (2004) review of 500 life-saving interventions. Very close in size are ‗Public health‘ and ‗Health and the 17 According to Google Books Ngram Viewer, HTA took off spectacularly in 1980. 18 The percentages are defined in terms of the 260 articles among the top 300 that were assigned a topic. Not all of the top-300 were assigned a topic. Some, for example, were considered too general and some were not considered part of the health economics corpus despite their JEL code and inclusion in EconLit. 16 economy‘. None of the most cited items in ‗Public health‘ exceeds 1,000 citations but it is led by two classic applied papers: Becker, Grossman and Murphy (1994) on cigarette addiction (placed here rather than ‗Determinants‘ on account of its emphasis on smoking reduction), and Cutler, Glaeser and Shapiro (2003) on American obesity. This category also includes economic analyses of risk factors, heat waves, AIDS and violence. ‗Health and the economy‘ is led by Rodrik (2004) on economic development and DiMasi et al. (2003) on pharmaceutical innovation. The other papers explore further the two-way links between health (or health care) and the wider economy: growth, the economic cycle, unemployment, and private and public expenditure. ‗Supply of health services‘ has a historically characteristic focus on hospitals as non- profit institutions, managed health care organizations and the ways in which such institutions respond to changes in their financial environments. None of the items in this category reach the rates of citation of the most cited papers. The most cited paper in this group (Cleary and McNeil, 1988) was 32nd in the overall ranking, the next most highly cited paper was 40th (Scott and et al., 2000). Newhouse‘s (1970) pioneering paper and Pauly‘s (1973) classic are two of the earliest papers referenced in health economics. Most of the papers in this group originate from the US and reflect US institutional concerns. ‗Medical insurance‘ is long-standing health economics territory and the first four items in the group were each cited more than 1000 times. These include Arrow (1963) (cf. Arrow, 2001, reprinted on several other occasions too), which many consider the founding paper of the sub-discipline, Manning et al. (1987) reporting of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment, Pauly‘s (1968; 1991) comment on Arrow (though not Arrow‘s reply!), and Barsky et al. (1997) with their famous paper on risk tolerance, time preference, and intertemporal substitution. ‗Efficiency and equity‘ as a group has relatively few US contributions and, given the dominance of US economists in the field, this may also explain why the citation rates are not higher. The group includes both methodological contributions and applied studies, including international comparisons, and covers equity in both the financing and delivery of health services. ‗Health statistics and econometrics‘ contains six contributions with citation rates above 1,000 and relatively few published before 2000. Some of these publications (e.g. Angrist et al., 1996) simply have health as an application and the usefulness of the paper extends well beyond the health field. In other cases (e.g. Duan and et al., 1983) the paper sets out to address an 17 econometric or statistical issue that crops up only in or disproportionately in the health field. Like ‗Economic evaluation‘ ‗Health statistics and econometrics‘ is a relatively mature development within health economics. ‗Health and its value‘, although not a major focus of work for most health economists, contains the most cited article of all (Acemoglu et al., 2001) as well as many articles relating to the concept of health, its measurement and its valuation. (Valuation questions specifically in the context of economic appraisals were placed in ‗Economic evaluation‘.) ‗Human resources‘ focuses mainly on physicians and their professional behavior patterns. ‗Demand for health care‘, despite its centrality for economists, was a relatively small group but dominated by the extremely heavily cited classic by Grossman (1972). ‗Markets in health care‘ is the smallest group – perhaps surprisingly. There is, of course, a sense in which the idea of markets, exchange and the interaction of demand and supply underlie nearly all health economics and this may help to explain the puzzle. Beyond Shleifer‘s (1985) classic, which far transcends health, most of the items in this group were much less frequently cited than those in the other groups. Table 3 shows the topical breakdown of the 50 most-cited publications in each decade. (The numbers do not add to 50 necessarily because some publications were not allocated to a topic.) Some exhibit no clear trend: the 1990s saw classic papers appear in the areas of ‗Health and its value‘ and ‗Economic evaluation‘. By contrast, the topics ‗Medical insurance‘ and ‗Supply of health services‘ show a clear downward trend, while the topics ‗Determinants of health and ill-health‘ and ‗Health statistics and econometrics‘ show a clear upward trend. These diverging trends may also reflect of course the prior discovery effect: the early years saw a large volume of publications on insurance and supply issues, and the big breakthroughs had already occurred by the end of the 1980s. But it seems likely that the changes also reflect a broadening of interest in health economics. The impression of a broadening scope of the sub-discipline is indicated in Figures 4 and 5, which are based on the commonest 150 words in the titles of all articles, not just the most cited ones. Judging from the title words, the topical focus of health economics articles has indeed broadened over the four decades, away from hospitals, insurance and the demand for health and health care, to a more diverse set of topics, with a greater degree of attention to specific 18 applications, substantial technical developments in econometrics, and more interest being shown in the health economics of low-income countries. Countries studied Our bibliographic metadata include the country or countries studied by each paper. Figure 6 shows the frequency distribution of countries studied for the full period 1969-2009. The dominance of the US is striking. What Figure 6 conceals is the broadening that has occurred over the last 40 years in the countries studied by health economists, revealed by the maps in Figures 7 and 8. The second map, which has the same cut-off points as the first, is distinctly darker in all continents; the darkening is more pronounced, however, in Africa, Asia (especially China and South East Asia), Europe, and South America than in Australasia and North America. Despite the broadening of geographic focus during the last two decades, however, central Asia, Africa, and the Middle East remain relatively under-researched by health economists. Authors Our data contain 1,876 economists with 5 or more health economics publications in EconLit over the period 1969-2010. Twenty eight percent of these have produced 10 or more publications. To get a sense of how the different bibliometric measures rank the authors of health economics publications we report in Table 4 the rank correlations across (a) the publication count (equal to the I3 index with =0), (b) total citations (equal to the I3 index with =1), (c) the h-index (referred to above as I2), (d) the QIF index (referred to above as I2), (e) the I3 index with =0.5, and (f) the citations of the author‘s most-cited publication. Note that the citations of the most-cited paper is highly (rank) correlated with total citations and the QIF index; unsurprisingly, its (rank) correlation with the count is very low, and its (rank) correlation with the h-index is also a good deal lower than with most of the other indicators. Authors like Acemoglu, Arrow and Becker, who have published classic papers in the field, have not necessarily published a lot of other highly cited papers in health economics: Arrow‘s (1963) paper, for example, is the second most cited paper in health economics (Table 1) but Arrow is not among the top 100 health economists on the h-index (table 5). Conversely, authors like Cutler who have published a large number of quite highly cited papers have not necessarily 19 published any of the most cited papers in the field: Cutler has the highest h-index (Table 5) but his most cited paper is only the 42nd most cited paper in the field (Table 1) and he ranks only 78th in the author ranking in terms of the maximum citations (Table 5).19 Note also that the QIF index is perfectly (rank) correlated with total citations; thus in practice the QIF index simply tracks total citations. Note finally that the I3 index with =0.5 is also highly—though not perfectly— (rank) correlated with total citations, but is more correlated with the h-index and with total publications than the QIF index is. Thus whilst the I3 index with =0.5 also rewards citations, it penalizes authors whose citations come from one or two papers—albeit less so than the h-index. So, for example, Grossman comes top on total citations and on the QIF index, 6th on the h-index, but 4th on the I3 index with =0.5 (Table 5). Table 5 shows the world‘s top-100 health economists in terms of the h-index.20 Also shown are the other indices, the fraction of publications not found in Google Scholar, and the citations of the author‘s most-cited publication. We have not imposed a minimum number of publications to be considered a health economist; in the event the top 100 all have at least 15 health economics publications to their name. Cutler emerges top on the h-index and on the I3 index with =0.5, Pauly comes out top on publications, and Grossman comes top on total citations.21 Five authors come in the top 10 on total publications, total citations, the h-index and I3 with =0.5, namely Cutler, Gruber, Newhouse, Pauly and Viscusi. Five more emerge in the top 20 on all four measures, namely Currie, Grossman, Sloan, Wagstaff and van Doorslaer. The rest of the top-20 are not in the top-20 on all four measures, but are all in the top-100 on all four measures, and most are also in the top 50 on all four measures. Among the 80 authors ranked 21- 100 on the h-index, only 25 are in the top-100 on all four indices. The list includes several elder statesmen (and one woman) of health economics: Alderman, Deaton, (Martin) Feldstein, Manning, Fuchs, Wolfe, and Williams (deceased). Seventy one of the top-100 health economists are Americans. The rest include 17 Britons (at least one of whom—Haddad—has dual nationality), four Swedes, three Dutch, a Belgian, an Indian, a Swiss, and a Zimbabwean; many of the non-Americans work—or have worked for 19 The two ranks differ because of coauthors. 20 There were multiple ties around the 100 cutoff point, so we list here the top 95. Including the next tied batch would have taken us well over 100. 21 Grossman also comes top on and on the QIF index, I2, hardly surprising given how closely it tracks total citations. 20 large parts of their careers—in the US. Most (85) of the top-100 are also men. The US dominance is a little less pronounced in the top-50 (only 62 percent are Americans), but the male dominance is equally pronounced in the top-50 (88 percent of the top-50 are men). Institutions Our dataset contains 738 institutions with five or more health economics publications in EconLit. (Recall the author‘s affiliation is at the time the publication was published.) Over half of these (420) have ten or more, and 30 percent have 20 or more. Table 6 shows the top 100 institutions in terms of the h-index. These 100 institutions account for 62% of health economics publications since the start of the 1980s when author affiliation data started to appear in EconLit records. Also shown in Table 6 are the other indices, the fraction of publications not found in Google Scholar, and the citations of the institution‘s most-cited publication. Harvard emerges the clear winner, beating others on the h-index, the publication count, total citations and the I3 index with =0.5. Seven institutions come in the top 10 on total publications, total citations, the h-index and I3 with =0.5, namely Harvard, the World Bank, UC Berkeley, U Chicago, U PA, U MI, and U York. Among the top-10, only MIT is not in the top-20 on all four measures. Eight of those ranked 11-20 are in the top-20 on all four measures, the exceptions being Cornell U, Princeton U and PA State U. Among the 80 institutions ranked 21-100 on the h-index, 61 are in the top-100 on all four indices. Most of the 39 not in the top-100 on all four measures appear in the lower part of the top-100 on the h-index. It is noteworthy that many of the top-100 institutions are not universities. Table 7 shows the 10 most cited publications of each of the top-10 institutions (based on the h-index, as listed in Table 6). The table suggests some differences in topical specialization across the institutions. This is borne out by Table 8 which shows the distribution by topic of the most-cited 50 publications of the top-5 US institutions and Europe‘s top institution. The (normalized) Herfindahl index shows (in this instance) the degree of concentration of an institution‘s publications on a small number of topics. A value of 0.33 would occur if an institution‘s top-50 publications were evenly split across just three topics. Harvard U is the least specialized—appreciably less specialized than MIT (which has a high degree of specialization in 21 ‗Medical insurance‘) and U CA Berkeley and Chicago U, both of which show a fairly high degree of specialization in ‗Determinants of health and ill-health‘. Harvard U is dramatically less specialized than U York, which specializes heavily in ‗Economic evaluation‘ and to a lesser extent ‗Health and its value‘ and ‗Efficiency and equity‘, and the World Bank, which is fairly specialized in ‗Determinants of health and ill-health‘ and to a lesser extent ‗Health and the economy‘. Countries of origin Unsurprisingly in view of Table 6, the US dominates health economics. As table 9 shows, the US comes top by a substantial margin on total publications, total citations, the h-index, and the I3 index with =0.5. (We base the country of origin on the author‘s affiliation at the time of publication of each publication.) The UK comes second on all four indices, but the UK‘s h-index is just half that of the US‘s. Canada comes third on all four measures; it is some way behind the UK and only marginally ahead of Australia, the Netherlands and Sweden whose rankings vary across the four indices and who all come fourth or fifth on at least one index. The US, of course, may do less well on a population-adjusted basis, but it is not obvious whether such an adjustment makes sense. Arguably the US ought to be doing more research than other countries since its health system is so different from those of other countries—there may be thus less complementarity of research between the US and the OECD countries than there is among the other OECD countries. Unsurprisngly, few non-OECD countries make it into the top-25. Taiwan (China) is the highest-ranking non-OECD territory, the next being China and S Africa. Table 10 shows the top 25 institutions on the h-index from non-OECD countries. U Cape Town comes out top on publications, but the National Taiwan U comes out top on total citations, the h-index and the I3 index with =0.5. Taiwan and S Africa both have four institutions in the top-25, while China and India both have three, two of China‘s being in Hong Kong. Table 11 shows the topical distribution of the top four countries‘ top-50 publications, along with the (normalized) Herfindahl index computed as in Table 8. The United Kingdom is the most specialized country, focusing heavily on the topic ‗Economic evaluation‘. The 22 Netherlands is somewhat less specialized (covering ‗Efficiency and equity‘ and ‗Economic evaluation‘), but is still more specialized than Canada and the United States. Interestingly, the topics of the most-cited papers in the US are not on topics such as ‗Medical insurance‘ and ‗markets in health care‘, but rather the topics ‗Determinants of health and ill-health‘, ‗Health and the economy‘, and ‗Health statistics and econometrics‘. Journals and edited volumes Table 12 shows the top-100 journals in health economics on the basis of their h-index for health economics articles only. Also shown are number of articles, total citations of these articles in Google scholar, the I3 index with =0.5, and the normalized h-index. The JHE dominates Health Economics on both the h-index and the normalized h-index, which in turn dominates PharmacoEconomics and the other specialized health economics journals on both criteria. The JHE fares worse than many journals on the normalized h-index: over 60% of health economics articles in Econometrica have been cited 60 times or more, as is the case for health economics articles in the J Political Economy, the Quarterly J of Economics and the J Economic Literature; several other general journals also fare better than the JHE on the normalized h-index though less spectacularly than these top journals. These are all general journals, of course; their editors have the freedom to change the fraction of articles they publish on health economics according to the quality of submissions—an option that is not open to the editors of JHE and other specialized health economics journals. Table 13 shows the top-25 edited volumes in health economics based on the h-index. The Handbook of Health Economics dominates the others by quite a wide margin on both the h-index and the normalized h-index; at 76 percent, the Handbook‘s normalized h-index is better than any journal, suggesting a remarkably adept choice of chapters and authors by the editors as well as a consistently high quality of papers. Two other collections also fare well on both the h-index and the normalized h-index, namely ―The economics of health‖ and ―Health sector reform in developing countries: Making health development sustainable‖. 23 V. CONCLUSIONS We have focused on the past 40 years. Health economics did, of course, exist before 1971 as we have already noted. Here we reflect on what went on before our starting date and offer some comments on the state of the subject. In his Foreword to Uncertain times: Kenneth Arrow and the changing economics of health care (Hammer, 2003), the 40th birthday Festschrift celebrating Ken Arrow‘s 1963 classic, Mark Pauly nicely observed that this article ―made research in health economics respectable. But it did more than that. It made it interesting.‖ He went on to identify two attributes of the article that laid the foundations for health economics: ―It showed how some behaviors in medical markets could be brought within the purview of standard economic models of competing, maximizing agents … (and) offered an explanation that atypical institutional arrangements in medical care markets are a reaction to special features of this market. … In doing so, it discussed concepts that made (and make) economists attentive but uncomfortable, like trust and morals‖ (pp. vii-viii). Prior to ―Uncertainty‖ and, indeed, for some while after its appearance, the literature of health economics was exceedingly thin and more descriptive than analytical. The first textbook in health economics (Klarman, 1965) was in part a plea for more attention from economists: ―Few economists work actively on the problems of the health field‖ (p.10). The bibliography in this book has remarkably few items, by today‘s standard, by health economists – nor, indeed, by economists of any hue. Much the same was true in 1972, when Victor Fuchs published his celebrated Who shall live? (Fuchs, 1972) whose bibliographies still contain few contributions by economists. Much was made of listing the characteristics of health and health care that seemed to mark it out from other goods and services, often with the implication that the mere recitation of (qualitative) characteristics provided sufficient grounds for public intervention. An early pioneer in this vein was Selma Mushkin (1958) who also, however, laid some of the foundations for health as investment (Mushkin, 1962). Those few economists who did take an interest would scarcely have described themselves as ‗health economists‘, typically having much broader research interests: economists like James Buchanan in the US (Buchanan, 1965) and the Jewkeses in the UK (Jewkes and Jewkes, 1961) who gave some ad hoc (and usually critical) attention to the UK‘s National Health Service. A notable exception was Burton Weisbrod, whose article on human capital (Weisbrod, 1961) was an analytical precursor of Grossman (1972) 24 though not in fact cited by him (Mushkin (1962) was, however, cited). In the early 1960s, as now, the US was dominant. In the UK only two economists spent a substantial amount of their time researching (and none teaching) health economics: Michael Cooper at Exeter and Dennis Lees at Nottingham. None of the aforementioned economists is highly cited in our database. Weisbrod has several items, the highest scoring one coming 80th. Klarman has several, the highest place being well out of the top 1,000. Mushkin has but one (a 1999 Spanish lecture) also well out. Buchanan‘s one and only foray was well out as well, as was Lees. Cooper and the Jewkeses did not appear in the database at all. Sic transit gloria economisti! Another signal talent also appeared on the scene in 1963. This was Martin Feldstein with his article on the application of econometrics to the National Health Service (Feldstein, 1963) which reached its apogee with the publication of his tour de force in 1967 (Feldstein, 1967). This text heralded the birth of health econometrics. Indeed, the book was used in some universities at the time as a text in applied econometrics. Although the article does not feature in our database, his subsequent work on physician services (Feldstein, 1970), hospital cost inflation (Feldstein, 1971) and welfare loss of ‗excess‘ insurance (Feldstein, 1973) all pioneered the use of econometric methods – with substantial policy controversy tantalisingly spicing up the mixture. Since then we have charted the course of health economics through its literature. The growth has been astonishing, well outrunning its initial stable-mate, the economics of education. Economists writing on health and health care have plainly become a great deal more specialized than was the case, though some of the most cited contributions have come from economists who would not consider themselves health economists at all. Some topics, such as ‗Health and its value‘ and ‗Economic evaluation‘, show no clear trend in popularity, while others display a clear trend: the topics ‗Medical insurance‘ and ‗Supply of health services‘ have lost favor, while the topics ‗Determinants of health and ill-health‘ and ‗Health statistics and econometrics‘ show a clear upward trend. While not analyzed in our paper, Rubin and Chang‘s (2003) analysis of a subset of our data confirms our suspicion that the frequency of joint authorships has increased over time; we speculate that much of that trend is due to multi-disciplinary collaborations. The geographic focus of health economics publications has broadened considerably over the last four decades, though central Asia, Africa, and the Middle East remain relatively under-researched by health economists. 25 There are few surprises amongst the most cited names in health economics – though the order is much determined by the choice of index. The ten most cited health economists are Cutler, Gruber, Newhouse, Pauly, Viscusi, Currie, Grossman, Sloan, Wagstaff and van Doorslaer. All citation indices probably tend to discriminate against those who go against the grain, which probably accounts for the relative lack of prominence of economists like Robert Evans, the father of ‗supplier-induced demand‘ (Evans, 1974) and numerous well-aimed Canadian diatribes against his southerly neighbor. The highest scoring institutions (according to the h-index) are Harvard and the World Bank followed by MIT, Berkeley and Chicago, Pennsylvania, and Michigan and York (UK). Harvard is the least specialized of the top institutions in terms of topics studied; the World Bank and York are more specialized. The US dominates health economics, being home to 38 of the top 50 institutions. The UK has seven top- 50 institutions, and Canada two. The most influential journal (in terms of aggregate citations) is the Journal of Health Economics followed by Health Economics. The Handbook of Health Economics and the Quarterly Journal of Economics are better cited, however, than either of these two leading journals in terms of the citation rates. Before closing we should remind the reader that our publications are drawn exclusively from EconLit for the reasons explained in section III. For the same reasons, we cannot get a systematic assessment of the bias this causes, but what we can do is see – for a subset of authors – how much we are missing of the health economics corpus by focusing exclusively on EconLit. Using Harzing‘s (2010) Publish or Perish software, which is essentially a user-friendly ‗frontend‘ to Google Scholar, we have analyzed the publications and citations of the top 11 health economists in Table 5 (two tied for 10th position). Some of the ‗missing‘ publications we unearth are simply in other areas of economics; many are, in fact, in EconLit but we did not include them in our database because they do not have a health JEL code.22 But several are about health. Cutler‘s fourth most cited publication is an article in Health Affairs on technological change in medicine (Cutler and McClellan, 2001). Sloan‘s most cited paper is a Northwestern University Law Review article on valuing life and limb in tort (Bovbjerg et al., 1988), and his second and third most cited publications are JAMA articles on medical malpractice (Hickson et 22 For example, Cutler‘s second most cited paper is on American ghettos, Gruber‘s most cited paper is on social security, Viscusi‘s second most cited publication is on regulation and antitrust, Currie‘s two most cited papers are on education progr ams, and one of Pauly‘s most-cited papers is on income redistribution. 26 al., 1994; Hickson et al., 1992). Wagstaff‘s second and fourth most cited publications are articles in Social Science and Medicine and The Lancet (Victora et al., 2003; Wagstaff et al., 1991). Pauly‘s second and fourth most cited articles are in JAMA and the New England Journal of Medicine (Hillman et al.; Naylor et al.). Van Doorslaer‘s most cited publications include articles in Social Science and Medicine and the Annual Reviews of Public Health (Wagstaff et al., 1991; Wagstaff and van Doorslaer, 2000). Chaloupa‘s highly cited articles include an article in the British Medical Journal (Wakefield et al., 2000), and three of Newhouse‘s eight most cited articles appeared in the New England Journal of Medicine (Brennan et al., 1991; Leape et al., 1991; Manning et al., 1984a). Many of these articles probably do belong to the field of health economics. Whether all do is less clear. The controlled trial by Manning et al. (1984b) of a prepaid group practice clearly belongs. By contrast, the other two Newhouse papers (Manning et al., 1984b, a) are clearly interdisciplinary in nature, and are described as such in their abstracts. But even if we were to agree that a ‗missing‘ paper is part of the health economics corpus, it is not straightforward to decide how influential it is, relative to articles published in EconLit-indexed journals. Different fields have different citation rates reflecting different practices and different readership volumes (Alonso et al., 2009; Hirsch, 2005). Medical journals, in particular, have higher citation rates than economics journals. For example, according to Google Scholar, the most cited 1990 JAMA article has been cited 4,446 times, while the most cited 1990 AER paper has been cited just 2,101 times. So some of the ‗missing‘ articles may indeed be cited a lot; but this may reflect – at least in part – the higher citation rates among medical journals. What we can probably safely conclude is that the top 11 health economists – and probably many other health economists too – have also published several articles in medical and law journals that have been influential among a broad audience, and probably among economists too. Standing back from the bibliometrics, an interesting question might be whether health economics has fulfilled the promise diagnosed by Pauly in his reflections on Arrow‘s pioneering piece. ‗Respectable‘? Apparently so judging from the thorough permeation of policy circles by health economists and the ample flow of research funding (at least to those deemed ‗respectable‘!). ‗Interesting‘? Certainly, and not least because of the challenges that have had to be faced up to in adapting economists‘ ‗standard economic models‘. The question cries out 27 ―When is the standard ‗purview‘ being embraced or rejected?‖ Our estimate is that, if the standard is taken as that of ―competing, maximizing agents‖, there is much in health economics that challenges the usefulness of competitive models, or maximizing models, and that uses alternative maximands, especially in normative analyses. Health economics has yet, we think, to face up to many of the ethical dilemmas in health economics – how, for example, to embody in non-arbitrary and non-partisan ways some of the ‗moral‘ issues mentioned by Pauly, especially in health care investment decisions and the design of insurance systems. Likewise, applied health economists have not really faced up to the implications, both positive and normative, of the assault by cognitive psychologists and experimental economists on the utilitarian (especially expected utility) foundations of the economics core. But in this they probably cannot be held to be more accountable than applied economists of any kind. 28 Table 1: 300 most-cited publications in health economics, by topic Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Health and its value 2001 The Colonial Origins of Comparative Daron Acemoglu American Economic Review 4355 1 Development: An Empirical Investigation Health and its value 1993 The RAND 36-Item Health Survey 1.0 R. D. Hays Health Economics 826 28 Health and its value 1993 The Value of Risks to Life and Health W. Kip Viscusi Journal of Economic Literature 790 29 Health and its value 2003 The Value of a Statistical Life: A Critical Review W. Kip Viscusi 627 48 of Market Estimates throughout the World Health and its value 1995 Multi-attribute Health Status Classification David Feeny PharmacoEconomics 489 83 Systems: Health Utilities Index Health and its value 1985 The Value of Safety: Results of a National M. W. Jones-Lee Economic Journal 412 105 Sample Survey Health and its value 1997 Disability-Adjusted Life Years: A Critical Sudhir Anand Journal of Health Economics 399 111 Review Health and its value 2008 How to Value a Life W. Kip Viscusi Journal of Economics and Finance 367 127 Health and its value 1990 Utility Functions That Depend on Health Status: W. Kip Viscusi American Economic Review 319 169 Estimates and Economic Implications Health and its value 1992 Quality-of-Life Assessment: Can We Keep It D. R. Cox Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series 302 191 Simple? A (Statistics in Society) Health and its value 1997 Measuring the Health of the U. S. Population David M. Cutler Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 291 208 Health and its value 1999 Preferences for Life Saving Programs: How the Maureen L. Cropper Valuing environmental benefits: Selected 286 213 Public Discounts Time and Age essays of Maureen Cropper Health and its value 2003 The Health of Nations: The Contribution of William D. Nordhaus Measuring the gains from medical research: 286 213 Improved Health to Living Standards An economic approach Health and its value 2006 The Value of Health and Longevity Kevin M. Murphy Journal of Political Economy 254 263 Health and its value 2001 Scarring: The Psychological Impact of Past Andrew E. Clark Economica 236 299 Unemployment Efficiency and equity 2002 Economic Status and Health in Childhood: The Anne C. Case American Economic Review 627 48 Origins of the Gradient Efficiency and equity 2003 Motivation, agency, and public policy: Of knights Julian Le Grand 533 65 and knaves, pawns and queens Efficiency and equity 2006 Poverty and Inequality in India: A Re- Angus S. Deaton Indian Economy since Independence 417 100 examination Efficiency and equity 1997 Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health: Nanak Kakwani Journal of Econometrics 415 103 Measurement, Computation, and Statistical Inference Efficiency and equity 1998 Mortality as an Indicator of Economic Success Amartya K. Sen Economic Journal 413 104 and Failure Efficiency and equity 1997 Income-Related Inequalities in Health: Some Eddy van Doorslaer Journal of Health Economics 405 108 International Comparisons Efficiency and equity 2000 On Limiting the Domain of Inequality James Tobin The foundations of the welfare state. Volume 1 403 109 Efficiency and equity 1997 Intergenerational Equity: An Exploration of the Alan Williams Health Economics 356 139 'Fair Innings' Argument Efficiency and equity 1993 Equity and Equality in Health and Health Care A. J. Culyer Journal of Health Economics 324 166 Efficiency and equity 2005 The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Gary S. Becker American Economic Review 307 183 Evolution of World Inequality Efficiency and equity 2000 Equity in the Delivery of Health Care in Europe Eddy van Doorslaer Journal of Health Economics 281 221 and the US Efficiency and equity 1997 Understanding DALYs Christopher J. L. Murray Journal of Health Economics 280 224 Efficiency and equity 1996 Economics, Values, and Health Care Reform Victor R. Fuchs American Economic Review 274 232 Efficiency and equity 2000 Equity in Health Care Finance and Delivery Adam Wagstaff Handbook of health economics. Volume 1B 271 241 29 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Efficiency and equity 1999 Income Inequality and Health: Pathways and Ichiro Kawachi Health Services Research 270 244 Mechanisms Efficiency and equity 1987 Are User Fees Regressive? The Welfare Paul J. Gertler Journal of Econometrics 265 252 Implications of Health Care Financing Proposals in Peru Efficiency and equity 1989 The Normative Economics of Health Care A. J. Culyer Oxford Review of Economic Policy 254 263 Finance and Provision Efficiency and equity 1991 QALYs and the Equity-Efficiency Trade-off Adam Wagstaff Journal of Health Economics 252 273 Efficiency and equity 1999 Equity in the Finance of Health Care: Some Adam Wagstaff Journal of Health Economics 247 279 Further International Comparisons Determinants of health and ill-health 2008 A Theory of Rational Addiction Gary S. Becker The Economics of Health Behaviours. Volume 2260 5 1. Determinants of health and ill-health 1993 An inquiry into well-being and destitution Partha Dasgupta 1613 10 Determinants of health and ill-health 1994 Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Robert W. Fogel American Economic Review 909 24 Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy Determinants of health and ill-health 1999 Healthy Bodies and Thick Wallets: The Dual James P. Smith Journal of Economic Perspectives 888 25 Relation between Health and Economic Status Determinants of health and ill-health 1984 An Analytical Framework for the Study of Child W. Henry Mosley Population and Development Review 845 26 Survival in Developing Countries Determinants of health and ill-health 1996 Wealthier Is Healthier Lant Pritchett Journal of Human Resources 704 38 Determinants of health and ill-health 2000 The Economics of Smoking Frank J. Chaloupka Handbook of health economics. Volume 1B 639 47 Determinants of health and ill-health 2003 Health, Inequality, and Economic Development Angus S. Deaton Journal of Economic Literature 624 50 Determinants of health and ill-health 1991 Rational Addictive Behavior and Cigarette Frank J. Chaloupka Journal of Political Economy 599 52 Smoking Determinants of health and ill-health 1991 Health Behavior, Health Knowledge, and Donald S. Kenkel Journal of Political Economy 516 72 Schooling Determinants of health and ill-health 2002 The Emergence of Lowest-Low Fertility in Hans-Peter Kohler Population and Development Review 513 76 Europe during the 1990s Determinants of health and ill-health 2001 Is Addiction 'Rational'? Theory and Evidence Jonathan Gruber Quarterly Journal of Economics 497 82 Determinants of health and ill-health 2005 The Relationship between Education and Adult Adriana Lleras-Muney Review of Economic Studies 434 95 Mortality in the United States Determinants of health and ill-health 2005 The Lasting Impact of Childhood Health and Anne C. Case Journal of Health Economics 397 112 Circumstance Determinants of health and ill-health 2006 Individual Risk Attitudes: New Evidence from a Thomas J. Dohmen 386 118 Large, Representative, Experimentally-Validated Survey Determinants of health and ill-health 1995 Mortality, Fertility, and Gender Bias in India: A Mamta Murthi Population and Development Review 383 120 District-Level Analysis Determinants of health and ill-health 2006 Long Term Consequences of Early Childhood Harold Alderman Oxford Economic Papers 370 125 Malnutrition Determinants of health and ill-health 1999 The Effect of Income on Child Development David M. Blau Review of Economics and Statistics 369 126 Determinants of health and ill-health 2000 Explaining child malnutrition in developing Lisa C. Smith 367 127 countries: A cross-country analysis Determinants of health and ill-health 2006 The Determinants of Mortality David M. Cutler Journal of Economic Perspectives 367 127 Determinants of health and ill-health 2004 Health, Wealthy, and Wise? Tests for Direct Peter Adams Perspectives on the economics of aging 354 140 Causal Paths between Health and Socioeconomic Status Determinants of health and ill-health 2003 Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise? Tests for Direct Peter Adams Journal of Econometrics 354 140 Causal Paths between Health and Socioeconomic Status Determinants of health and ill-health 2004 Returns to Birthweight Jere R. Behrman Review of Economics and Statistics 312 174 Determinants of health and ill-health 1969 The Production of Health, an Exploratory Study Richard Auster Journal of Human Resources 312 174 Determinants of health and ill-health 2000 Parental Employment and Child Cognitive Christopher J. Ruhm 311 176 Development Determinants of health and ill-health 1997 Effects of Education on Health Michael Grossman The social benefits of education 310 178 30 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Determinants of health and ill-health 1999 The Long-Run Growth in Obesity as a Function Tomas J. Philipson 279 226 of Technological Change Determinants of health and ill-health 2004 Addiction and Cue-Triggered Decision Processes B. Douglas Bernheim American Economic Review 275 230 Determinants of health and ill-health 1995 Evaluation of the Subjective Probabilities of Michael D. Hurd Journal of Human Resources 274 232 Survival in the Health and Retirement Study Determinants of health and ill-health 1986 Nutrition and the Decline in Mortality since Robert W. Fogel Long-term factors in American economic 273 235 1700: Some Preliminary Findings growth Determinants of health and ill-health 1996 The Demand for Food and Calories Shankar Subramanian Journal of Political Economy 271 241 Determinants of health and ill-health 2001 Early Childhood Nutrition and Academic Paul Glewwe Journal of Public Economics 269 245 Achievement: A Longitudinal Analysis Determinants of health and ill-health 1987 Will Developing Country Nutrition Improve with Jere R. Behrman Journal of Political Economy 269 245 Income? A Case Study for Rural South India Determinants of health and ill-health 2003 Maternal Employment and Overweight Children Patricia M. Anderson Journal of Health Economics 266 249 Determinants of health and ill-health 2008 Rational Addiction with Learning and Regret Athanasios Orphanides The Economics of Health Behaviours. Volume 262 253 1. Determinants of health and ill-health 1991 How Does Mother's Education Affect Child Duncan Thomas Journal of Human Resources 260 254 Height? Determinants of health and ill-health 2002 Socioeconomic Status and Health: Why is the Janet M. Currie 258 259 Relationship Stronger for Older Children? Determinants of health and ill-health 1989 Schooling, Self-Selection, and Health Mark C. Berger Journal of Human Resources 250 275 Determinants of health and ill-health 2001 Mortality, Education, Income, and Inequality Angus S. Deaton Themes in the economics of aging 247 279 among American Cohorts Determinants of health and ill-health 2005 Education and Nonmarket Outcomes Michael Grossman 244 286 Determinants of health and ill-health 2008 Education and Health: Evaluating Theories and David M. Cutler Making Americans Healthier: Social and 243 288 Evidence Economic Policy as Health Policy Determinants of health and ill-health 1999 The Demand for Illicit Drugs Henry Saffer Economic Inquiry 239 295 Public health 1994 An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette Addiction Gary S. Becker American Economic Review 775 30 Public health 2003 Why Have Americans Become More Obese? David M. Cutler Journal of Economic Perspectives 684 42 Public health 2000 Moving to Opportunity in Boston: Early Results Lawrence F. Katz 592 54 of a Randomized Mobility Experiment Public health 1994 Violence against women: The hidden health Lori L. Heise 576 59 burden Public health 2004 An Economic Analysis of Adult Obesity: Results Shin-Yi Chou Journal of Health Economics 561 63 from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Public health 2002 Heat wave: A social autopsy of disaster in Eric Klinenberg 515 73 Chicago Public health 2005 Experimental Analysis of Neighborhood Effects Jeffrey R. Kling 460 90 Public health 2007 More Than 100 Million Women Are Missing Amartya K. Sen An Anthology Regarding Merit Goods: The 450 93 Unfinished Ethical Revolution in Economic Theory Public health 1981 The Effects of Government Regulation on Eugene M. Lewit Journal of Law and Economics 380 122 Teenage Smoking Public health 2004 The Impact of Obesity on Wages John H. Cawley Journal of Human Resources 361 134 Public health 2005 Preparing for the Next Pandemic Michael T. Osterholm Foreign Affairs 360 135 Public health 1991 The Effects of Excise Taxes and Regulations on Jeffrey Wasserman Journal of Health Economics 357 138 Cigarette Smoking Public health 2004 The escape from hunger and premature death, Robert W. Fogel 352 142 1700-2100: Europe, America, and the third world Public health 1996 New Evidence on the Relationship between Susan L. Ettner Journal of Health Economics 330 158 Income and Health Public health 2002 The Growth of Obesity and Technological Darius N. Lakdawalla 321 167 Change: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination Public health 2005 Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Sebastian Galiani Journal of Political Economy 315 173 Water Services on Child Mortality 31 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Public health 1982 The potential for using excise taxes to reduce E. M. Lewitt J Health Econ 311 176 smoking Public health 1991 Rational Addiction and the Effect of Price on Gary S. Becker American Economic Review 306 186 Consumption Public health 1986 Evaluating the Effects of Optimally Distributed Mark R. Rosenzweig American Economic Review 298 199 Public Programs: Child Health and Family Planning Interventions Public health 1982 The Effect of Liquor Taxes on Heavy Drinking Philip J. Cook Bell Journal of Economics 281 221 Public health 1984 A Model of the Optimal Use of Liability and Steven Shavell RAND Journal of Economics 280 224 Safety Regulation Public health 1997 Price, Tobacco Control Policies and Smoking Frank J. Chaloupka Journal of Health Economics 273 235 among Young Adults Public health 1999 Willingness to Pay for Health Protection: James K. Hammitt Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 246 282 Inadequate Sensitivity to Probability? Public health 2002 Age, Health and the Willingness to Pay for Alan J. Krupnick Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 245 285 Mortality Risk Reductions: A Contingent Valuation Survey of Ontario Residents Public health 2006 Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier? Jonathan Gruber Happiness and Public Policy: Theory, Case 242 290 Studies and Implications Public health 2003 The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Kenneth Y. Chay Quarterly Journal of Economics 242 290 Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession Public health 1990 The Role of Maternal Schooling and Its Albino Barrera Journal of Development Economics 237 296 Interaction with Public Health Programs in Child Health Production Public health 1991 Pricing Environmental Health Risks: Survey W. Kip Viscusi Journal of Environmental Economics and 234 301 Assessments of Risk-Risk and Risk-Dollar Management Trade-Offs for Chronic Bronchitis Health and the economy 2004 Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions Dani Rodrik Journal of Economic Growth 2033 6 over Geography and Integration in Economic Development Health and the economy 2003 The Price of Innovation: New Estimates of Drug Joseph A. 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Newhouse Journal of Human Resources 416 102 Survey Health and the economy 1999 Ageing of Population and Health Care Peter S. Zweifel Health Economics 403 109 Expenditure: A Red Herring? Health and the economy 1998 Does Better Nutrition Raise Farm Productivity? John Strauss Economic demography. Volume 1 390 114 Health and the economy 2002 The divided welfare state: The battle over public Jacob S. Hacker 364 133 and private social benefits in the United States Health and the economy 1986 Inequality as a Determinant of Malnutrition and Partha Dasgupta Economic Journal 349 145 Unemployment: Theory Health and the economy 1985 Further Evidence on the Economic Effects of Thomas N. Chirikos Review of Economics and Statistics 347 147 Poor Health Health and the economy 2000 Unemployment and Suicidal Behaviour: A Stephen Platt The economics of unemployment. Volume 4 336 155 Review of the Literature Health and the economy 2001 The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime John J. Donohue Quarterly Journal of Economics 335 156 Health and the economy 2001 Consequences of Employment Protection? The Daron Acemoglu Journal of Political Economy 327 161 32 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act Health and the economy 1990 Economic analysis of product innovation: The Manuel Trajtenberg 316 170 case of CT scanners Health and the economy 1999 Health Problems as Determinants of Retirement: Debra Sabatini Dwyer Journal of Health Economics 305 187 Are Self-Rated Measures Endogenous? Health and the economy 1989 Measuring the Effect of Disability on Labor Steven Stern Journal of Human Resources 282 218 Force Participation Health and the economy 2007 Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Daron Acemoglu Journal of Political Economy 273 235 Expectancy on Economic Growth Health and the economy 2001 Modeling the Effects of Health on Economic Alok Bhargava Journal of Health Economics 273 235 Growth Health and the economy 1992 Healthcare Resource and Lost Labour Costs of Jane T. Osterhaus PharmacoEconomics 271 241 Migraine Headache in the U.S Health and the economy 2004 The Effect of Health on Economic Growth: A David E. Bloom World Development 268 247 Production Function Approach Health and the economy 1978 Productivity, Wages and Nutrition: Part I: The Christopher Bliss Journal of Development Economics 260 254 Theory Health and the economy 2001 Fiscal Implications of Ageing: Projections of Thai Than Dang 253 270 Age-Related Spending Health and the economy 2007 Accounting for the Effect of Health on Economic David N. Weil Quarterly Journal of Economics 244 286 Growth Health and the economy 1992 An Econometric Analysis of Health Care Ulf- G. Gerdtham Journal of Health Economics 237 296 Expenditure: A Cross-Section Study of the OECD Countries Health statistics and econometrics 2000 Modeling survival data: Extending the Cox Terry M. Therneau 1938 7 Model Health statistics and econometrics 1996 Identification of Causal Effects Using Joshua D. Angrist Journal of the American Statistical Association 1862 9 Instrumental Variables Health statistics and econometrics 2003 Interaction Terms in Logit and Probit Models Chunrong Ai Economics Letters 1133 15 Health statistics and econometrics 2006 Measuring Social Class in US Public Health N. Krieger Social Planning 1116 16 Research: Concepts, Methodologies, and Guidelines Health statistics and econometrics 2000 Intra-Household Resource Allocation: An Duncan Thomas Readings in development microeconomics. 1105 17 Inferential Approach Volume 1. Micro-theory Health statistics and econometrics 2007 A Statistical Model for the Analysis of Ordinal Richard D. McKelvey Positive Changes in Political Science: The 1088 18 Level Dependent Variables Legacy of Richard D. McKelvey's Most Influential Writings Health statistics and econometrics 2000 Analysis of multivariate survival data Philip Hougaard 739 35 Health statistics and econometrics 1983 A Comparison of Alternative Models for the Naihua Duan Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 716 37 Demand for Medical Care Health statistics and econometrics 2006 Global Burden of Disease and Risk Factors Alan D. Lopez 665 44 Health statistics and econometrics 1992 Modeling and Forecasting U.S. Mortality Ronald Lee Journal of the American Statistical Association 609 51 Health statistics and econometrics 2001 Estimating Log Models: To Transform or Not to Willard G. Manning Journal of Health Economics 583 57 Transform? Health statistics and econometrics 1995 Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models James M. Robins Journal of the American Statistical Association 575 60 for Repeated Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data Health statistics and econometrics 1995 An Overview of the Health and Retirement Study F. Thomas Juster Journal of Human Resources 529 67 Health statistics and econometrics 1998 The Logged Dependent Variable, Willard G. Manning Journal of Health Economics 484 85 Heteroscedasticity, and the Retransformation Problem Health statistics and econometrics 2000 Physician Agency Thomas G. McGuire Handbook of health economics. Volume 1A 389 115 Health statistics and econometrics 1998 Much Ado About Two: Reconsidering John Mullahy Journal of Health Economics 339 152 Retransformation and the Two-Part Model in Health Econometrics 33 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Demand for health and health care 1972 On the Concept of Health Capital and the Michael Grossman Journal of Political Economy 2478 4 Demand for Health Demand for health and health care 1991 Time Preference and Health: An Exploratory Victor R. Fuchs The economics of health. Volume 1 505 79 Study Demand for health and health care 1998 Estimating a Household Production Function: Mark R. Rosenzweig Economic demography. Volume 1 469 86 Heterogeneity, the Demand for Health Inputs, and Their Effects on Birth Weight Demand for health and health care 1991 Supplier-Induced Demand: Some Empirical Robert G. Evans The economics of health. Volume 2 465 89 Evidence and Implications Demand for health and health care 1981 A Theory of the Consumer Product Warranty George L. Priest Yale Law Journal 432 96 Demand for health and health care 2000 The Human Capital Model Michael Grossman Handbook of health economics. Volume 1A 377 123 Demand for health and health care 1995 An Econometric Model of the Two-Part Winfried Pohlmeier Journal of Human Resources 358 137 Decisionmaking Process in the Demand for Health Care Demand for health and health care 1988 A Microeconometric Model of the Demand for A. C. Cameron Review of Economic Studies 327 161 Health Care and Health Insurance in Australia Demand for health and health care 2000 Reluctance to Vaccinate: Omission Bias and Ilana Ritov Behavioral law and economics 305 187 Ambiguity Demand for health and health care 1978 The Supply of Surgeons and the Demand for Victor R. 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Zeckhauser Journal of Economic Theory 365 131 between Risk Spreading and Appropriate Incentives Medical insurance 1973 The Welfare Loss of Excess Health Insurance Martin S. Feldstein Journal of Political Economy 352 142 Medical insurance 2002 Insuring Consumption Against Illness Paul J. Gertler American Economic Review 347 147 Medical insurance 2000 Genetic Risk and the Birth of the Somatic Carlos Novas Economy and Society 300 195 Individual Medical insurance 1981 Contractual Provisions, Organizational Structure, David Mayers Journal of Business 299 197 and Conflict Control in Insurance Markets Medical insurance 1978 Some Results on Incentive Contracts with Milton Harris American Economic Review 296 202 Applications to Education and Employment, Health Insurance, and Law Enforcement Medical insurance 1998 Paying for Health Insurance: The Trade-Off David M. 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Newhouse American Economic Review 688 41 Economic Model of a Hospital Supply of health services 1996 League Tables and Their Limitations: Statistical Harvey Goldstein Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series 655 45 Issues in Comparisons of Institutional A (Statistics in Society) Performance Supply of health services 1987 The Hospital and Its Negotiated Order Anselm Strauss The 50% solution: How to bargain 563 62 successfully with hijackers, strikers, bosses, oil magnates, Arabs, Russians, and other worthy opponents in this modern world Supply of health services 1987 Health maintenance organizations: Dimensions of Harold S. Luft 533 65 performance Supply of health services 1973 The Not-For-Profit Hospital as a Physicians' Mark V. Pauly American Economic Review 508 78 Cooperative Supply of health services 2006 Gender and Organizational Performance: Arne L. 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Robinson Journal of Health Economics 289 210 Patient Volume, Average Length of Stay, and the Cost of Care Supply of health services 1994 Health Care Payment Systems: Cost and Quality C. T. Albert Ma Journal of Economics and Management 283 216 Incentives Strategy Supply of health services 1988 The Effects of Hospital Competition and the Jack Zwanziger Journal of Health Economics 260 254 Medicare PPS Program on Hospital Cost Behavior in California Supply of health services 2003 Is More Information Better? The Effects of David Dranove Journal of Political Economy 259 257 'Report Cards' on Health Care Providers Supply of health services 1993 Public hospitals in developing countries: Howard Barnum 254 263 Resource use, cost, financing Supply of health services 1997 Generic Entry and the Pricing of Pharmaceuticals Richard G. 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Volume 3C 455 92 Human resources 2004 Human Resources for Health: Overcoming the Initiative Joint Learning 389 115 Crisis Human resources 1996 Do Doctors Practice Defensive Medicine? Daniel P. Kessler Quarterly Journal of Economics 325 164 Human resources 1992 Health Care Dollars and Regulatory Sense: The Barbara J. Safriet Yale Journal on Regulation 275 230 Role of Advanced Practice Nursing Human resources 2005 The Effects of Health, Wealth, and Wages on Eric French Review of Economic Studies 272 239 Labour Supply and Retirement Behaviour Human resources 1999 The Redesign of the Matching Market for Alvin E. 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Torrance Journal of Health Economics 1455 11 Economic Appraisal: A Review Economic evaluation 1991 Foundations of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Milton C. Weinstein The economics of health. Volume 2 1370 12 Health and Medical Practices Economic evaluation 2004 Five-Hundred Life-Saving Interventions and Tammy O. Tengs Classics in risk management. Volume 2 1076 19 Their Cost-Effectiveness Economic evaluation 2002 The Estimation of a Preference-Based Measure of John Brazier Journal of Health Economics 774 31 Health from the SF-36 Economic evaluation 1991 Economics of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Alan Williams The economics of health. Volume 2 587 55 Economic evaluation 2004 Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Edward Miguel Econometrica 587 55 Health in the Presence of Treatment Externalities Economic evaluation 1995 The Friction Cost Method for Measuring Indirect Marc A. Koopmanschap Journal of Health Economics 486 84 Costs of Disease Economic evaluation 1997 Economic Foundations of Cost-Effectiveness Alan M. Garber Journal of Health Economics 422 99 Analysis Economic evaluation 1991 Economic Evaluation of Neonatal Intensive Care Michael H. Boyle The economics of health. Volume 2 417 100 of Very-Low-Birth-Weight Infants Economic evaluation 1995 Multi-attribute Preference Functions: Health George W. Torrance PharmacoEconomics 386 118 Utilities Index Economic evaluation 2006 Willingness to Pay and Quality Adjusted Life James K. Hammitt Economic Valuation of Environmental Health 359 136 Years Risks to Children Economic evaluation 2000 Handling Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Andrew Briggs PharmacoEconomics 339 152 Models Economic evaluation 1997 Modeling in Economic Evaluation: An Martin J. Buxton Health Economics 330 158 Unavoidable Fact of Life Economic evaluation 1997 Pulling Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Up by Its Andrew Briggs Health Economics 326 163 Bootstraps: A Non-parametric Approach to Confidence Interval Estimation Economic evaluation 2001 Representing Uncertainty: The Role of Cost- Elisabeth Fenwick Health Economics 321 167 Effectiveness Acceptability Curves Economic evaluation 1999 Determining Clinically Important Differences in Greg Samsa PharmacoEconomics 316 170 Health Status Measures: A General Approach with Illustration to the Health Utilities Index Mark II Economic evaluation 2000 A Comparative Review of Generic Quality-of- Stephen Joel Coons PharmacoEconomics 308 179 Life Instruments Economic evaluation 1997 Accounting for Future Costs in Medical Cost- David O. Meltzer Journal of Health Economics 308 179 Effectiveness Analysis Economic evaluation 1998 An Introduction to Markov Modelling for Andrew Briggs PharmacoEconomics 307 183 Economic Evaluation Economic evaluation 1976 The Economic Cost of Illness Revisited Barbara S. Cooper Social Security Bulletin 305 187 Economic evaluation 2004 Does NICE Have a Cost-Effectiveness Threshold Nancy Devlin Health Economics 302 191 and What Other Factors Influence Its Decisions? A Binary Choice Analysis Economic evaluation 1999 The Irrelevance of Inference: A Decision-Making Karl Claxton Journal of Health Economics 300 195 Approach to the Stochastic Evaluation of Health Care Technologies Economic evaluation 1996 The Time Trade-Off Method: Results from a Paul Dolan Health Economics 296 202 General Population Study 37 Topic Year Title First author Journal / Edited volume Citations Rank Economic evaluation 1994 Uncertainty in the economic evaluation of health A. Briggs Health Economics 293 204 care technologies: the role of sensitivity analysis Economic evaluation 1988 Outcome Measurement: Concepts and Questions Kathleen N. Lohr Inquiry 286 213 Economic evaluation 1993 The Validity and Reproducibility of a Work Margaret C. Reilly PharmacoEconomics 277 227 Productivity and Activity Impairment Instrument Economic evaluation 1998 Health Care Contingent Valuation Studies: A Alan Diener Health Economics 272 239 Review and Classification of the Literature Economic evaluation 1997 Is There a Role for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Kenneth J. Arrow Environment and Development Economics 249 277 Environmental, Health, and Safety Regulation Economic evaluation 1996 Health-Related Quality of Life in Inflammatory Glenn M. Eisen PharmacoEconomics 243 288 Bowel Disease Economic evaluation 1998 Confidence Intervals or Surfaces? Uncertainty on Andrew Briggs Health Economics 236 299 the Cost-Effectiveness Plane Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. The 300 most-cited publications were then assigned either one of the 12 topics listed in the appendix or a ―topic not assigned‖ code. The latter included publications that were too general (some were actually textbooks) some had no economic content despite being in EconLit, and some had no health content despite the JEL code. 38 Table 2: Top 10 publications according to teachers and citations Rank Teachers‘ ranking in 2004 Ranking based on citations in 2011 1 Arrow (1963) Acemoglu et al. (2001) 2 Manning et al. (1987) Arrow (1963) 3 Torrance (1986) Grossman (1972) 4 Grossman (1972) Becker et al. (1994) 5 Newhouse (1996) Rodrik et al. (2004) th 6 Pauly (1968) (tied 5 ) Therneau & Grambsch (2000) th 7 Buxton et al. (1997) (tied 7 ) DiMasi et al. (2003) th 8 Cutler & Reber (1998) (tied 7 ) Angrist et al. (1996) th 9 McGuire & Pauly (1991) (tied 7 ) Dasgupta (1993) 10 Harris (1977) Torrance (1986) th 10 Labelle et al. (1994) (tied 10 ) Note: The teachers‘ ranking was based on an interview of members of the International Health Economics Association as reporte d in Culyer (2006). The starting point for the rankings based on citations in 2011 was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. 39 Table 3: Topics of most-cited 50 publications by decade 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s Health and its value 3 1 4 2 Efficiency and equity 2 2 3 4 Determinants of health and ill-health 2 4 6 9 Public health 2 5 2 6 Health and the economy 5 4 5 4 Health statistics and econometrics 1 5 9 Demand for health and health care 3 3 3 1 Medical insurance 9 3 4 3 Supply of health services 12 9 3 2 Human resources 6 4 3 3 Markets in health care 3 Economic evaluation 1 2 5 3 Total 45 41 43 46 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. The 50 most-cited publications were then assigned either one of the 12 topics listed in the appendix or a ―topic not assigned‖ code. The latter included publications that were too general (some were actually textbooks) some had no economic content despite being in EconLit, and some had no health content despite the JEL code. 40 Table 4: Rank correlations on author data Publication Quadratic Citations of count Total citations Influence most-cited (I3 =0) (I3 =1) h-index (I1) Function (I2) I3 =0.5 publication Publication count (I3 =0) 1.000 Total citations (I3 =1) 0.477 1.000 h-index (I1) 0.376 0.678 1.000 QIF (I2) 0.479 1.000 0.677 1.000 I3 =0.5 0.554 0.991 0.696 0.991 1.000 Citations of most-cited publication 0.399 0.991 0.660 0.991 0.967 1.000 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed author was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication. An h-index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). All authors were included in calculating these (rank) correlations however few publications in health economics they had to their name. 41 Table 5: Top 100 health economists based on h-index over period 1969-2010 % I3 =0 Rank on I3 I3 =0.5 Rank on I3 I3 =1 Rank on I3 h-index (I1) I2 Rank on I2 Maximum Rank on Rank on Author publications Publication with =0 with =0.5 Total with =1 Quadratic citations maximum h-index not found in count citations influence citations Google function Scholar 1 David M. Cutler 14% 114 2 629 1 6384 2 44 2.859 2 684 78 2 Jonathan Gruber 12% 86 4 548 2 5742 3 39 2.569 3 641 91 3 Frank A. Sloan 8% 106 3 500 3 3409 19 36 1.552 12 211 503 4 Adam Wagstaff 10% 63 15 441 7 4620 10 34 2.078 6 415 178 4 W. Kip Viscusi 10% 69 9 474 5 5408 4 34 2.397 4 790 60 6 Janet M. Currie 3% 64 13 406 9 3792 17 32 1.708 11 455 160 6 Michael Grossman 9% 64 13 499 4 8206 1 32 3.349 1 2478 5 8 Mark V. Pauly 24% 117 1 472 6 4725 9 31 2.076 7 1064 44 9 Eddy van Doorslaer 5% 58 19 385 10 4344 13 29 1.948 8 415 178 10 Frank J. Chaloupka 6% 48 26 358 11 4329 14 28 1.922 9 639 92 10 Joseph P. Newhouse 24% 83 5 420 8 5130 5 28 2.255 5 751 67 12 Tomas J. Philipson 11% 65 12 322 12 2937 22 27 1.324 20 321 263 13 Jere R. Behrman 17% 41 43 275 19 2870 23 26 1.293 21 312 274 13 Magnus Johannesson 9% 47 30 288 17 2361 30 26 1.073 28 188 583 13 Thomas G. McGuire 16% 68 10 317 13 3031 21 26 1.363 17 389 198 16 David Dranove 10% 50 23 292 16 2534 26 24 1.148 23 259 389 16 Richard G. Frank 14% 73 7 304 14 2125 39 24 0.964 36 253 402 18 Mark B. McClellan 8% 50 23 265 20 2178 38 23 0.984 33 325 257 18 Roger D. Feldman 7% 75 6 302 15 1799 63 23 0.820 52 146 833 18 Ulf- G. Gerdtham 2% 43 36 240 23 1988 50 23 0.901 39 237 438 21 Mandy Ryan 3% 37 57 202 29 1449 84 22 0.659 82 213 492 22 Carol Propper 7% 59 18 242 22 1679 68 21 0.765 57 133 940 22 Frank R. Lichtenberg 14% 44 34 178 44 1159 115 21 0.529 107 112 1172 22 John Mullahy 16% 32 76 213 25 2545 25 21 1.132 24 583 108 22 Willard G. Manning 12% 34 68 282 18 4444 11 21 1.908 10 1196 23 26 Alan Williams 28% 47 30 226 24 2314 33 20 1.032 29 587 105 26 Angus S. Deaton 19% 31 84 255 21 3491 18 20 1.548 13 624 98 26 Michael A. Morrisey 7% 46 32 194 35 1035 145 20 0.473 133 77 1921 26 Paul J. Gertler 15% 33 72 200 32 1993 49 20 0.896 40 347 238 26 Donald S. Kenkel 18% 38 52 186 38 1709 67 19 0.765 56 516 128 31 Martin Gaynor 5% 38 52 202 30 1577 76 19 0.716 68 159 736 31 Michael F. Drummond 22% 45 33 173 48 1121 124 19 0.511 113 185 606 31 Robert Kaestner 12% 51 22 204 28 1387 88 19 0.629 87 310 280 31 Amy N. Finkelstein 4% 27 105 144 70 933 159 18 0.425 156 153 773 35 Barbara L. Wolfe 13% 40 45 199 33 1590 75 18 0.722 67 202 533 35 Christopher J. Ruhm 4% 27 105 210 26 2513 28 18 1.120 25 598 101 35 Edward C. Norton 17% 42 38 202 31 2316 32 18 0.991 32 1133 27 35 Mark R. Rosenzweig 5% 19 217 180 43 2181 37 18 0.975 34 469 149 35 Patricia Danzon 30% 40 45 183 42 1542 77 18 0.699 72 220 474 35 Stephen Birch 7% 30 89 152 62 1052 142 18 0.479 129 191 573 35 T. Paul Schultz 8% 25 126 142 75 1133 119 18 0.515 111 198 554 35 Amiram Gafni 11% 37 57 159 58 1183 112 17 0.536 104 272 356 43 Andrew Briggs 9% 22 162 185 41 2258 35 17 1.011 31 339 244 43 Andrew M. Jones 10% 49 25 193 36 1516 79 17 0.688 76 180 629 43 Bengt Jonsson 32% 41 43 145 68 1079 137 17 0.489 124 231 447 43 Cam Donaldson 21% 34 68 143 73 1016 148 17 0.462 137 230 451 43 David S. Salkever 16% 37 57 140 79 992 151 17 0.449 140 253 402 43 Ernst R. Berndt 11% 44 34 186 39 1296 95 17 0.590 91 126 992 42 % I3 =0 Rank on I3 I3 =0.5 Rank on I3 I3 =1 Rank on I3 h-index (I1) I2 Rank on I2 Maximum Rank on Rank on Author publications Publication with =0 with =0.5 Total with =1 Quadratic citations maximum h-index not found in count citations influence citations Google function Scholar 43 Harold Alderman 17% 29 91 170 50 1638 72 17 0.738 63 370 214 43 Hugh S. E. Gravelle 0% 35 66 153 61 802 195 17 0.367 182 75 2024 43 Jack Hadley 26% 42 38 162 55 1122 121 17 0.509 115 247 415 43 James P. Smith 19% 36 62 162 56 1716 66 17 0.744 60 888 49 43 Maarten Lindeboom 3% 29 91 134 85 951 155 17 0.432 151 159 736 43 Martin S. Feldstein 14% 28 96 158 59 1655 70 17 0.743 61 352 235 43 Peter C. Smith 17% 36 62 149 64 919 165 17 0.419 160 111 1187 43 Peter S. Zweifel 22% 73 7 206 27 1640 71 17 0.734 64 403 187 43 Samuel H. Preston 0% 22 162 163 54 1609 74 17 0.727 65 266 374 43 Bernie J. O'Brien 8% 24 137 139 81 1271 100 16 0.574 92 272 356 43 Christina Paxson 4% 24 137 196 34 2472 29 16 1.096 26 627 94 60 John H. Cawley 5% 39 48 170 49 1451 83 16 0.653 83 361 224 60 Laurence C. Baker 16% 31 84 139 80 951 155 16 0.433 150 155 767 60 M. Susan Marquis 0% 28 96 129 95 834 186 16 0.380 177 146 833 60 Maureen L. Cropper 9% 23 148 150 63 1422 86 16 0.642 86 286 324 60 Paul Dolan 19% 37 57 173 47 1492 80 16 0.674 78 296 307 60 Randall P. Ellis 20% 35 66 185 40 1975 51 16 0.886 43 348 237 60 William N. Evans 3% 29 91 160 57 1352 89 16 0.611 88 319 268 60 Alan C. Monheit 3% 29 91 110 120 676 254 15 0.309 243 76 1966 60 Bryan E. Dowd 6% 32 76 121 101 682 247 15 0.311 235 131 950 60 Charles E. Phelps 19% 26 114 149 65 1437 85 15 0.646 85 422 173 70 Dana P. Goldman 10% 48 26 136 83 764 209 15 0.348 202 178 634 70 David E. Bloom 12% 26 114 128 97 1166 113 15 0.527 108 268 370 70 Han Bleichrodt 0% 28 96 133 86 850 176 15 0.388 169 95 1484 70 Jeffrey S. Hammer 6% 17 259 120 103 1057 140 15 0.479 130 253 402 70 Jonathan S. Skinner 19% 27 105 118 108 773 207 15 0.353 195 85 1724 70 Lawrence Haddad 10% 21 180 158 60 1723 65 15 0.775 54 367 218 70 Peter A. Berman 21% 24 137 131 91 1049 143 15 0.477 132 173 670 70 Richard J. Zeckhauser 12% 33 72 177 45 1837 61 15 0.821 51 425 172 70 Ronald Lee 11% 27 105 175 46 2014 47 15 0.896 41 609 99 70 Sara Markowitz 10% 39 48 145 69 822 192 15 0.375 178 97 1443 70 Sean Nicholson 15% 26 114 99 143 570 302 15 0.260 296 106 1261 70 Sherry Glied 8% 38 52 133 87 668 258 15 0.305 249 80 1834 70 Victor R. Fuchs 32% 34 68 169 52 1945 52 15 0.867 46 505 138 70 Anna Alberini 4% 27 105 109 122 752 211 14 0.341 208 191 573 84 Anne C. Case 11% 27 105 169 51 2104 40 14 0.930 37 627 94 84 Brigitte C. Madrian 6% 18 237 143 74 1658 69 14 0.742 62 455 160 84 Burton A. Weisbrod 10% 21 180 115 113 1144 118 14 0.509 114 510 136 84 Darius N. Lakdawalla 5% 42 38 146 67 1100 131 14 0.497 122 321 263 84 Duncan Thomas 0% 18 237 191 37 3390 20 14 1.432 16 1105 35 84 Henry Saffer 5% 21 180 167 53 2080 42 14 0.926 38 561 116 84 James M. Poterba 15% 26 114 110 121 789 203 14 0.359 191 192 565 84 Michael Chernew 13% 32 76 118 105 750 213 14 0.342 207 129 968 Thomas C. 11% 27 105 138 82 1037 144 14 0.472 134 140 883 84 Buchmueller 84 Werner B. F. Brouwer 9% 32 76 118 106 662 260 14 0.302 253 121 1065 84 A. J. Culyer 36% 39 48 129 96 1122 121 13 0.505 116 324 262 95 Alan M. Garber 26% 39 48 113 116 893 169 13 0.400 166 422 173 95 Alok Bhargava 5% 22 162 100 138 717 229 13 0.325 225 273 352 95 Alvin E. Roth 7% 15 316 144 71 1833 62 13 0.817 53 514 130 95 Dora L. Costa 10% 21 180 108 123 818 193 13 0.371 181 195 558 95 Douglas O. Staiger 0% 16 293 106 126 860 173 13 0.391 168 148 818 43 % I3 =0 Rank on I3 I3 =0.5 Rank on I3 I3 =1 Rank on I3 h-index (I1) I2 Rank on I2 Maximum Rank on Rank on Author publications Publication with =0 with =0.5 Total with =1 Quadratic citations maximum h-index not found in count citations influence citations Google function Scholar 95 Frans F. H. Rutten 25% 24 137 97 147 825 191 13 0.373 180 199 544 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed author was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication. An h-index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). All authors were included in calculating the figures however few publications in health economics they had to their name. 44 Table 6: Top 100 institutions in health economics based on h-index Institution % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index I2 Rank Maximum Rank found in (I1) citations Google Publication Total Quadratic Scholar count citations influence function 1 Harvard U 19% 777 1 3304 1 31490 1 87 13.792 1 2033 4 2 World Bank 27% 452 2 1435 2 11028 6 56 4.979 5 704 16 3 MIT 14% 177 22 1090 8 15514 2 55 5.851 2 4355 1 3 U CA, Berkeley 15% 271 6 1282 5 14947 3 54 5.755 3 4355 1 5 U Chicago 10% 245 9 1221 7 11814 5 54 5.254 4 909 13 6 U PA 19% 346 4 1297 4 9509 8 50 4.302 8 513 25 7 U MI 11% 311 5 1241 6 9300 9 49 4.158 9 1056 10 7 U York 19% 398 3 1434 3 10285 7 49 4.650 6 587 21 7 RAND 9% 233 12 1069 10 8703 10 48 3.876 10 962 11 10 Stanford U 14% 231 13 1079 9 12111 4 48 4.622 7 4082 3 11 Erasmus U Rotterdam 8% 213 16 937 12 7908 12 47 3.561 11 486 30 12 Columbia U 20% 266 7 894 14 5751 16 42 2.618 16 204 88 12 Duke U 13% 207 18 881 15 8229 11 42 3.523 12 1921 6 12 Johns Hopkins U 22% 241 11 797 17 5308 18 42 2.414 18 253 64 12 Princeton U 18% 132 29 695 20 7177 15 42 3.214 15 624 19 12 U MN 11% 221 14 797 18 4698 20 42 2.143 20 146 132 17 U NC 13% 263 8 996 11 7796 13 41 3.474 13 1133 8 17 UCLA 14% 221 14 928 13 7188 14 41 3.249 14 455 33 19 Yale U 15% 243 10 858 16 5751 16 37 2.602 17 469 31 20 Cornell U 12% 211 17 720 19 4243 22 36 1.931 22 361 41 20 PA State U 10% 130 30 552 24 4096 25 36 1.851 25 516 24 22 McMaster U 13% 144 25 558 23 4181 23 35 1.885 23 489 29 22 Stockholm School of Economics 13% 109 37 531 27 4019 27 35 1.826 26 237 73 22 U WI 13% 157 23 592 21 4475 21 35 2.015 21 583 22 25 U MD 15% 178 20 588 22 4118 24 33 1.862 24 319 50 25 Urban Institute 15% 155 24 534 26 3155 33 33 1.437 32 247 67 27 Boston U 23% 127 31 537 25 4759 19 32 2.145 19 389 38 28 Northwestern U 9% 116 34 503 28 3925 29 31 1.772 28 510 27 29 U Aberdeen 7% 114 35 456 33 2996 36 30 1.363 36 213 83 29 U CA, San Francisco 15% 108 38 398 40 2350 43 30 1.072 42 150 128 31 LSHTM 23% 121 33 430 35 2612 40 29 1.189 40 326 47 31 Rutgers U 13% 134 28 473 31 2776 39 29 1.265 39 207 87 33 International Food Policy Research Institute 12% 97 46 417 36 3074 35 28 1.396 34 228 76 33 U IL, Chicago 9% 123 32 478 30 3814 30 28 1.710 29 639 17 33 U Toronto 16% 135 26 448 34 2810 38 28 1.279 38 199 91 36 Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality 13% 112 36 415 37 2433 42 27 1.108 41 216 81 36 U Oxford 16% 101 42 412 38 3417 31 27 1.540 31 339 45 38 LSE 19% 194 19 461 32 2219 45 26 1.014 43 128 148 38 U AL 9% 103 40 339 44 1784 54 26 0.815 53 105 178 38 U TX 13% 178 20 492 29 2824 37 26 1.281 37 430 34 41 CUNY 19% 57 81 332 46 4055 26 25 1.787 27 775 14 41 Research Triangle Institute 2% 61 73 288 51 1850 50 25 0.842 49 189 97 41 U Bristol 14% 66 65 253 55 1658 62 25 0.756 62 133 145 41 U Sheffield 14% 99 43 402 39 3109 34 25 1.387 35 774 15 41 U WA 12% 103 40 359 41 2059 46 25 0.938 46 211 85 46 Brown U 17% 65 66 255 54 1741 58 24 0.791 58 244 68 46 IN U 12% 83 57 298 49 1838 51 24 0.836 50 241 70 46 U Southampton 4% 56 83 275 52 1933 48 24 0.879 48 156 124 45 Institution % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index I2 Rank Maximum Rank found in (I1) citations Google Publication Total Quadratic Scholar count citations influence function 49 Carnegie Mellon U 14% 57 81 249 57 1732 59 23 0.788 59 159 117 49 MI State U 14% 91 49 343 43 3190 32 23 1.404 33 962 11 49 U CO 11% 85 52 297 50 1807 53 23 0.823 52 191 95 49 U Rochester 18% 74 60 335 45 3996 28 23 1.629 30 1921 6 49 USDA 21% 135 26 345 42 1667 61 23 0.762 61 102 189 54 Dartmouth College 22% 59 78 244 58 1767 56 22 0.803 55 266 62 54 U IL 11% 99 43 313 47 2038 47 22 0.912 47 627 18 54 U Newcastle 17% 58 79 233 63 1751 57 22 0.793 57 296 56 57 Center for Studying Health System Change 0% 41 121 213 73 1452 68 21 0.661 67 214 82 57 Georgetown U 17% 99 43 311 48 1832 52 21 0.833 51 243 69 57 U CA, Davis 13% 53 89 214 72 1525 65 21 0.693 65 200 90 57 U CA, Irvine 3% 58 79 238 61 1486 66 21 0.677 66 140 138 57 U East Anglia 16% 74 60 239 60 1325 76 21 0.604 76 188 98 57 U Pittsburgh 20% 65 66 219 70 1327 75 21 0.605 75 186 100 63 SUNY 8% 85 52 236 62 1170 88 20 0.534 88 156 124 63 Syracuse U 17% 54 86 204 79 1407 72 20 0.639 72 283 58 63 U Melbourne 10% 94 48 267 53 1299 78 20 0.594 78 78 245 66 Australian National U 25% 87 51 210 75 1131 90 19 0.516 90 158 119 66 Emory U 8% 96 47 251 56 1037 93 19 0.474 92 131 146 66 IA State U 9% 46 111 189 84 1426 70 19 0.644 70 307 52 66 NYU 22% 50 97 185 85 1370 74 19 0.622 74 165 113 66 U British Columbia 15% 67 64 232 64 1782 55 19 0.801 56 465 32 66 U Houston 8% 49 105 208 76 1547 64 19 0.700 64 273 60 66 U Zurich 24% 78 58 225 68 1587 63 19 0.715 63 403 37 66 World Health Organization 30% 91 49 228 66 1409 71 19 0.640 71 217 80 74 City U London 14% 56 83 193 82 1223 82 18 0.556 82 177 106 74 Monash U 30% 105 39 231 65 1235 81 18 0.563 81 163 114 74 OH State U 24% 85 52 226 67 1294 79 18 0.590 79 186 100 74 Purdue U 11% 53 89 165 92 1007 96 18 0.459 95 188 98 74 Resources for the Future 14% 42 117 173 89 1445 69 18 0.652 68 286 57 74 TX A&M U 9% 85 52 239 59 1248 80 18 0.570 80 131 146 74 Temple U 15% 39 126 163 96 1396 73 18 0.630 73 347 44 74 Tilburg U 14% 50 97 150 101 889 104 18 0.405 104 186 100 74 Tulane U 14% 36 138 144 104 963 99 18 0.438 99 142 136 74 Vanderbilt U 16% 50 97 169 90 1217 84 18 0.549 84 367 40 84 Baruch College 9% 35 141 148 103 1009 95 17 0.458 96 223 77 84 Brandeis U 23% 61 73 159 98 745 113 17 0.341 112 80 237 84 FL State U 7% 71 62 223 69 1219 83 17 0.556 83 163 114 84 U CA, Santa Barbara 18% 45 113 141 107 818 107 17 0.373 108 118 159 84 U Calgary 15% 53 89 157 99 746 111 17 0.341 111 83 231 84 U College London 13% 63 70 201 80 1160 89 17 0.528 89 150 128 84 U FL 9% 46 111 176 88 1904 49 17 0.805 54 1133 8 84 U GA 9% 75 59 177 87 818 107 17 0.374 107 107 174 84 U KY 4% 49 105 160 97 904 103 17 0.411 103 250 65 84 U Miami 6% 64 68 167 91 734 117 17 0.336 116 70 274 84 U Nottingham 11% 55 85 197 81 1198 85 17 0.544 85 236 74 84 U Oslo 6% 69 63 217 71 1115 91 17 0.509 91 96 199 84 U Southern CA 11% 62 72 190 83 1187 86 17 0.539 86 196 94 84 U Sussex 16% 37 134 208 77 2234 44 17 1.000 44 415 35 84 VA Commonwealth U 5% 64 68 184 86 746 111 17 0.342 110 48 362 99 Brunel U 12% 41 121 165 93 1322 77 16 0.596 77 330 46 99 Lund U 23% 53 89 164 94 1179 87 16 0.536 87 158 119 46 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. An h-index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). 47 Table 7: The 10 most cited publications of each of the top-10 institutions in health economics Institution Authors Type Year Journal Title Citations Harvard U Dani Rodrik; Arvind Journal Article 2004 Journal of Economic Growth Institutions Rule: The Primacy of Institutions over Geography and 2033 Subramanian; Francesco Trebbi; Integration in Economic Development Harvard U Joshua D. Angrist; Guido W. Imbens; Journal Article 1996 Journal of the American Statistical Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables 1862 Donald B. Rubin; Association Harvard U Joseph P. Newhouse; Journal Article 1992 Journal of Economic Perspectives Medical Care Costs: How Much Welfare Loss? 751 Harvard U David M. Cutler; Edward L. Journal Article 2003 Journal of Economic Perspectives Why Have Americans Become More Obese? 684 Glaeser; Jesse M. Shapiro; Harvard U James M. Robins; Andrea Journal Article 1995 Journal of the American Statistical Analysis of Semiparametric Regression Models for Repeated 575 Rotnitzky; Lue Ping Zhao; Association Outcomes in the Presence of Missing Data Harvard U Willard G. Manning; et al.; Book Section 1991 The economics of health. Volume A Controlled Trial of the Effect of a Prepaid Group Practice on Use 527 2 of Services Harvard U David M. Cutler; Richard J. Book Section 2000 Handbook of health economics. The Anatomy of Health Insurance 425 Zeckhauser; Volume 1A Harvard U Amartya K. Sen; Journal Article 1998 Economic Journal Mortality as an Indicator of Economic Success and Failure 413 Harvard U Joseph P. Newhouse; Journal Article 1996 Journal of Economic Literature Reimbursing Health Plans and Health Providers: Efficiency in 408 Production versus Selection Harvard U Sudhir Anand; Kara Hanson; Journal Article 1997 Journal of Health Economics Disability-Adjusted Life Years: A Critical Review 399 Harvard U David M. Cutler; Angus S. Deaton; Journal Article 2006 Journal of Economic Perspectives The Determinants of Mortality 367 Adriana Lleras-Muney; Harvard U Susan L. Ettner; Journal Article 1996 Journal of Health Economics New Evidence on the Relationship between Income and Health 330 World Bank Lant Pritchett; Lawrence H. Journal Article 1996 Journal of Human Resources Wealthier Is Healthier 704 Summers; World Bank Harold Alderman; John Journal Article 2006 Oxford Economic Papers Long Term Consequences of Early Childhood Malnutrition 370 Hoddinott; Bill Kinsey; World Bank Paul Glewwe; Hanan G. Jacoby; Journal Article 2001 Journal of Public Economics Early Childhood Nutrition and Academic Achievement: A 269 Elizabeth M. King; Longitudinal Analysis World Bank Paul Glewwe; Hanan Jacoby; Journal Article 1994 Journal of Human Resources Student Achievement and Schooling Choice in Low-Income 259 Countries: Evidence from Ghana World Bank Nazmul Chaudhury; Jeffrey S. Journal Article 2006 Journal of Economic Perspectives Missing in Action: Teacher and Health Worker Absence in 253 Hammer; Michael R. Kremer; Karthik Developing Countries Muralidharan; F. Halsey Rogers World Bank Paul Glewwe; Journal Article 1999 Journal of Human Resources Why Does Mother's Schooling Raise Child Health in Developing 227 Countries? Evidence from Morocco World Bank A. Mead Over; Peter Piot; Book Section 1993 Disease control priorities in HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases 217 developing countries World Bank Adam Wagstaff; Eddy van Doorslaer; Journal Article 2003 Journal of Econometrics On Decomposing the Causes of Health Sector Inequalities with an 206 Naoko Watanabe; Application to Malnutrition Inequalities in Vietnam World Bank Harold Alderman; Journal Article 2001 Journal of Human Resources Child Health and School Enrollment: A Longitudinal Analysis 198 World Bank C. Arndt; J. D. Lewis; Journal Article 2000 South African Journal of The Macro Implications of HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A 188 Economics Preliminary Assessment MIT Daron Acemoglu; Simon Johnson; Journal Article 2001 American Economic Review The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical 4355 James A. Robinson; Investigation MIT Joshua D. Angrist; Guido W. Imbens; Journal Article 1996 Journal of the American Statistical Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables 1862 Donald B. Rubin; Association MIT Jonathan Gruber; Journal Article 1994 American Economic Review The Incidence of Mandated Maternity Benefits 641 MIT Jonathan Gruber; Botond Journal Article 2001 Quarterly Journal of Economics Is Addiction 'Rational'? Theory and Evidence 497 Koszegi; 48 Institution Authors Type Year Journal Title Citations MIT Paul J. Gertler; Jonathan Journal Article 2002 American Economic Review Insuring Consumption Against Illness 347 Gruber; MIT Daron Acemoglu; Joshua D. Journal Article 2001 Journal of Political Economy Consequences of Employment Protection? The Case of the 327 Angrist; Americans with Disabilities Act MIT Janet M. Currie; Jonathan Journal Article 1996 Quarterly Journal of Economics Health Insurance Eligibility, Utilization of Medical Care, and Child 281 Gruber; Health MIT Daron Acemoglu; Simon Journal Article 2007 Journal of Political Economy Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on 273 Johnson; Economic Growth MIT Jonathan Gruber; Sendhil Mullainathan; Book Section 2006 Happiness and Public Policy: Do Cigarette Taxes Make Smokers Happier? 242 Yew-Kwang Ng; Lok Sang Ho; Theory, Case Studies and Implications MIT Janet M. Currie; Jonathan Journal Article 1996 Journal of Political Economy Saving Babies: The Efficacy and Cost of Recent Changes in the 214 Gruber; Medicaid Eligibility of Pregnant Women U CA, Berkeley Daron Acemoglu; Simon Johnson; Journal Article 2001 American Economic Review The Colonial Origins of Comparative Development: An Empirical 4355 James A. Robinson; Investigation U CA, Berkeley Ronald Lee; Lawrence R. Journal Article 1992 Journal of the American Statistical Modeling and Forecasting U.S. Mortality 609 Carter; Association U CA, Berkeley Edward Miguel; Michael R. Journal Article 2004 Econometrica Worms: Identifying Impacts on Education and Health in the 587 Kremer; Presence of Treatment Externalities U CA, Berkeley Jonathan Gruber; Botond Journal Article 2001 Quarterly Journal of Economics Is Addiction 'Rational'? Theory and Evidence 497 Koszegi; U CA, Berkeley Peter Adams; Journal Article 2003 Journal of Econometrics Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise? Tests for Direct Causal Paths between 354 Health and Socioeconomic Status U CA, Berkeley Paul J. Gertler; Jonathan Journal Article 2002 American Economic Review Insuring Consumption Against Illness 347 Gruber; U CA, Berkeley Sebastian Galiani; Paul J. Gertler; Journal Article 2005 Journal of Political Economy Water for Life: The Impact of the Privatization of Water Services on 315 Ernesto Schargrodsky; Child Mortality U CA, Berkeley Alejandro Gaviria; Steven Journal Article 2001 Review of Economics and School-Based Peer Effects and Juvenile Behavior 274 Raphael; Statistics U CA, Berkeley Kenneth Y. Chay; Michael Journal Article 2003 Quarterly Journal of Economics The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from 242 Greenstone; Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession U CA, Berkeley Ronald Lee; Journal Article 2003 Journal of Economic Perspectives The Demographic Transition: Three Centuries of Fundamental 228 Change U Chicago Robert W. Fogel; Journal Article 1994 American Economic Review Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing 909 of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy U Chicago Gary S. Becker; Michael Journal Article 1994 American Economic Review An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette Addiction 775 Grossman; Kevin M. Murphy; U Chicago Willard G. Manning; John Journal Article 2001 Journal of Health Economics Estimating Log Models: To Transform or Not to Transform? 583 Mullahy; U Chicago Willard G. Manning; Journal Article 1998 Journal of Health Economics The Logged Dependent Variable, Heteroscedasticity, and the 484 Retransformation Problem U Chicago Janet M. Currie; Brigitte C. Madrian; Book Section 1999 Handbook of labor economics. Health, Health Insurance and the Labor Market 455 Orley Ashenfelter; David Card; Volume 3C U Chicago David O. Meltzer; Journal Article 1997 Journal of Health Economics Accounting for Future Costs in Medical Cost-Effectiveness Analysis 308 U Chicago Gary S. Becker; Tomas J. Journal Article 2005 American Economic Review The Quantity and Quality of Life and the Evolution of World 307 Philipson; Rodrigo R. Soares; Inequality U Chicago Kevin M. Murphy; Robert H. Journal Article 2006 Journal of Political Economy The Value of Health and Longevity 254 Topel; U Chicago Kenneth Y. Chay; Michael Journal Article 2003 Quarterly Journal of Economics The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from 242 Greenstone; Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession U Chicago Thomas DeLeire; Journal Article 2000 Journal of Human Resources The Wage and Employment Effects of the Americans with 240 Disabilities Act U PA Hans-Peter Kohler; Francesco C. Journal Article 2002 Population and Development The Emergence of Lowest-Low Fertility in Europe during the 1990s 513 Billari; Jose Antonio Ortega; Review 49 Institution Authors Type Year Journal Title Citations U PA Jere R. Behrman; Mark R. Journal Article 2004 Review of Economics and Returns to Birthweight 312 Rosenzweig; Statistics U PA Debra Sabatini Dwyer; Olivia S. Journal Article 1999 Journal of Health Economics Health Problems as Determinants of Retirement: Are Self-Rated 305 Mitchell; Measures Endogenous? U PA Ilana Ritov; Jonathan Baron; Book Section 2000 Behavioral law and economics Reluctance to Vaccinate: Omission Bias and Ambiguity 305 Cass R. Sunstein; U PA Stephen Coate; Journal Article 1995 American Economic Review Altruism, the Samaritan's Dilemma, and Government Transfer 254 Policy U PA Samuel H. Preston; Paul Book Section 1994 Demography of aging Socioeconomic Differences in Adult Mortality and Health Status 222 Taubman; Linda G. Martin; U PA Jere R. Behrman; Journal Article 1996 World Bank Research Observer The Impact of Health and Nutrition on Education 217 U PA Pradip K. Muhuri; Samuel H. Journal Article 1991 Population and Development Effects of Family Composition on Mortality Differentials by Sex 208 Preston; Review among Children in Matlab, Bangladesh U PA Mark V. Pauly; Journal Article 1990 Journal of Political Economy The Rational Nonpurchase of Long-term-Care Insurance 198 U PA Thomas G. McGuire; Mark V. Journal Article 1991 Journal of Health Economics Physician Response to Fee Changes with Multiple Payers 198 Pauly; RAND John Strauss; Duncan Thomas; Journal Article 1998 Journal of Economic Literature Health, Nutrition, and Economic Development 962 RAND James P. Smith; Journal Article 1999 Journal of Economic Perspectives Healthy Bodies and Thick Wallets: The Dual Relation between 888 Health and Economic Status RAND Duncan Thomas; John Strauss; Maria- Journal Article 1991 Journal of Human Resources How Does Mother's Education Affect Child Height? 260 Helena Henriques; RAND Lee A. Lillard; Constantijn W. Journal Article 1996 Demography Marital Status and Mortality: The Role of Health 254 A. Panis; RAND Emmett B. Keeler; Glenn Journal Article 1999 Journal of Health Economics The Changing Effects of Competition on Non-profit and For-Profit 196 Melnick; Jack Zwanziger; Hospital Pricing Behavior RAND Anne R. Pebley; Noreen Goldman; Journal Article 1996 Demography Prenatal and Delivery Care and Childhood Immunization in 164 German Rodriguez; Guatemala: Do Family and Community Matter? RAND Michael D. Hurd; Kathleen Journal Article 2002 Economic Journal The Predictive Validity of Subjective Probabilities of Survival 164 McGarry; RAND Willard G. Manning; M. Susan Journal Article 1996 Journal of Health Economics Health Insurance: The Tradeoff between Risk Pooling and Moral 146 Marquis; Hazard RAND Melinda Beeuwkes Buntin; Alan Journal Article 2004 Journal of Health Economics Too Much Ado About Two-Part Models and Transformation? 142 M. Zaslavsky; Comparing Methods of Modeling Medicare Expenditures RAND Duncan Thomas; Lawrence Haddad; Book Section 1997 Intrahousehold resource allocation Incomes, Expenditures, and Health Outcomes: Evidence on 134 John Hoddinott; Harold Alderman; in developing countries: Models, Intrahousehold Resource Allocation methods, and policy U MI Robert B. Barsky; et al.; Journal Article 1997 Quarterly Journal of Economics Preference Parameters and Behavioral Heterogeneity: An 1056 Experimental Approach in the Health and Retirement Study U MI Frank J. Chaloupka; Kenneth E. Book Section 2000 Handbook of health economics. The Economics of Smoking 639 Warner; Volume 1B U MI John Bound; Richard V. Burkhauser; Book Section 1999 Handbook of labor economics. Economic Analysis of Transfer Programs Targeted on People with 283 Orley Ashenfelter; David Card; Volume 3C Disabilities U MI John Bound; Journal Article 1999 Labour Economics The Dynamic Effects of Health on the Labor Force Transitions of 250 Older Workers U MI Hazem Adam Ghobarah; Paul Journal Article 2003 American Political Science Civil Wars Kill and Maim People--Long after the Shooting Stops 225 Huth; Bruce Russett; Review U MI Rukmalie Jayakody; Sheldon Danziger; Journal Article 2000 Journal of Health Politics, Policy Welfare Reform, Substance Use, and Mental Health 167 Harold A. Pollack; and Law U MI Arline T. Geronimus; John Journal Article 1996 Journal of the American Statistical On the Validity of Using Census Geocode Characteristics to Proxy 153 Bound; Lisa J. Neidert; Association Individual Socioeconomic Characteristics U MI Michael Chernew; Dennis P. Journal Article 1998 Inquiry Health Plan Report Cards and Insurance Choice 129 Scanlon; U MI Michael Chernew; Kevin Frick; Journal Article 1997 Health Services Research The Demand for Health Insurance Coverage by Low-Income 129 Catherine G. McLaughlin; Workers: Can Reduced Premiums Achieve Full Coverage? 50 Institution Authors Type Year Journal Title Citations U MI Jane Banaszak-Holl; Jacqueline Journal Article 1996 Health Services Research The Impact of Market and Organizational Characteristics on Nursing 124 S. Zinn; Vincent Mor; Care Facility Service Innovation: A Resource Dependency Perspective U York Alan Williams; Book Section 1991 The economics of health. Volume Economics of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting 587 2 U York Alan Williams; Journal Article 1997 Health Economics Intergenerational Equity: An Exploration of the 'Fair Innings' 356 Argument U York A. J. Culyer; Adam Wagstaff; Journal Article 1993 Journal of Health Economics Equity and Equality in Health and Health Care 324 U York Elisabeth Fenwick; Karl Journal Article 2001 Health Economics Representing Uncertainty: The Role of Cost-Effectiveness 321 Claxton; Mark Sculpher; Acceptability Curves U York Theo Hitiris; John Posnett; Journal Article 1992 Journal of Health Economics The Determinants and Effects of Health Expenditure in Developed 212 Countries U York Michael Jones-Lee; Book Section 1991 The economics of health. Volume The Value of Changes in the Probability of Death or Injury 205 1 U York Tim Scott; Journal Article 2003 Health Services Research The Quantitative Measurement of Organizational Culture in Health 192 Care: A Review of the Available Instruments U York Michael F. Drummond; Journal Article 1992 PharmacoEconomics Cost-of-Illness Studies: A Major Headache? 185 U York Eddy van Doorslaer; Xander Koolman; Journal Article 2004 Health Economics Explaining Income-Related Inequalities in Doctor Utilization in 180 Andrew M. Jones; Europe U York Eddy van Doorslaer; Andrew M. Journal Article 2003 Journal of Health Economics Inequalities in Self-Reported Health: Validation of a New Approach 179 Jones; to Measurement Stanford U Kenneth J. Arrow; Journal Article 2001 Journal of Health Politics, Policy Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care 4082 and Law Stanford U Victor R. Fuchs; Book Section 1991 The economics of health. Volume Time Preference and Health: An Exploratory Study 505 1 Stanford U John J. Donohue; Steven D. Journal Article 2001 Quarterly Journal of Economics The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime 335 Levitt; Stanford U Daniel P. Kessler; Mark B. Journal Article 1996 Quarterly Journal of Economics Do Doctors Practice Defensive Medicine? 325 McClellan; Stanford U Daniel P. Kessler; Mark B. Journal Article 2000 Quarterly Journal of Economics Is Hospital Competition Socially Wasteful? 293 McClellan; Stanford U B. Douglas Bernheim; Antonio Journal Article 2004 American Economic Review Addiction and Cue-Triggered Decision Processes 275 Rangel; Stanford U Victor R. Fuchs; Journal Article 1996 American Economic Review Economics, Values, and Health Care Reform 274 Stanford U Kenneth J. Arrow; Journal Article 1997 Environment and Development Is There a Role for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Environmental, Health, 249 Economics and Safety Regulation Stanford U Robert E. Hall; Charles I. Jones; Journal Article 2007 Quarterly Journal of Economics The Value of Life and the Rise in Health Spending 192 Stanford U David M. Cutler; Mark B. McClellan; Journal Article 2000 RAND Journal of Economics How Does Managed Care Do It? 160 Joseph P. Newhouse; Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. 51 Table 8: Topical distribution of the most-cited 50 publications of the United States‘ top-5 institutions and Europe‘s top institution Harvard U World Bank MIT U CA, Berkeley Chicago U U York Health and its value 2 1 1 1 5 Efficiency and equity 4 6 1 1 2 6 Determinants of health and ill-health 6 14 5 11 14 3 Public health 5 5 5 6 5 Health and the economy 5 9 8 10 2 5 Health statistics and econometrics 3 2 1 1 5 3 Demand for health and health care 3 3 3 2 Medical insurance 5 11 2 4 Supply of health services 7 1 4 1 7 3 Human resources 6 3 7 2 Markets in health care 1 1 4 Economic evaluation 2 1 4 1 19 Total 46 43 48 40 43 50 Normalized Herfindahl index 0.089 0.176 0.118 0.160 0.156 0.181 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. The 50 most-cited publications for each of the listed institutions were then assigned either one of the 12 topics listed in the appendix or a ―topic not assigned‖ code. The latter included publications that were too general (some were actually textbooks) some had no economic content despite being in EconLit, and some had no health content despite the JEL code. 52 Table 9: Top 25 countries in health economics based on h-index Country % not found I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index (I1) I2 Rank Maximum Rank in Google Publication Total Quadratic citations Scholar count citations influence function 1 United States 16% 10995 1 37000 1 271014 1 189 120.01 1 4355 1 2 United Kingdom 16% 2214 2 7308 2 47056 2 96 21.32 2 774 2 3 Canada 18% 859 3 2492 3 15006 3 58 6.81 3 489 4 4 Netherlands 10% 408 5 1538 4 11223 4 51 5.07 4 486 5 5 Sweden 16% 260 8 954 6 6423 5 46 2.92 5 237 11 6 Australia 23% 467 4 1015 5 4993 6 36 2.27 6 415 6 7 Germany 17% 331 6 827 7 4125 7 34 1.88 7 358 8 8 Switzerland 28% 226 9 576 9 3538 8 31 1.60 8 403 7 9 Norway 7% 133 12 450 10 2479 10 30 1.13 10 223 12 10 Spain 15% 289 7 608 8 3005 9 28 1.36 9 513 3 11 New Zealand 14% 128 13 347 11 1536 13 24 0.70 13 154 20 12 Italy 12% 155 11 324 13 1296 14 20 0.59 14 72 27 13 Israel 9% 64 20 245 15 1757 11 19 0.80 11 305 10 13 Taiwan 28% 97 18 189 20 888 18 19 0.41 18 89 24 13 France 28% 199 10 346 12 1623 12 19 0.74 12 157 18 16 Finland 13% 64 20 167 21 838 20 17 0.38 20 186 15 16 Denmark 12% 94 19 206 17 978 16 17 0.45 16 184 16 16 Belgium 13% 109 17 268 14 1083 15 17 0.50 15 71 28 19 China 27% 113 14 199 19 863 19 15 0.40 19 104 22 19 South Africa 19% 110 16 214 16 801 21 15 0.37 21 68 29 21 Ireland 21% 63 22 143 22 926 17 13 0.42 17 219 13 21 Japan 18% 113 14 199 18 629 22 13 0.29 22 75 26 23 Austria 11% 28 28 88 25 453 25 12 0.21 24 96 23 24 India 27% 63 22 125 23 613 23 11 0.28 23 105 21 25 Philippines 17% 18 37 62 26 398 26 9 0.18 26 157 18 25 Greece 24% 54 24 90 24 345 28 9 0.16 28 58 30 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. An h- index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). 53 Table 10: Top 25 non-OECD institutions in health economics based on h-index Institution Country % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index Rank I2 Rank Maximum Rank found in (I1) citations Google Publication Total QIF Scholar count citations 1 Nat Taiwan U Taiwan 16% 32 150 97 147 563 150 12 141 0.257 151 89 214 2 U Witwatersrand South Africa 32% 25 185 57 216 246 243 11 149 0.113 244 51 351 3 Chinese U Hong Kong China 22% 23 200 64 196 394 186 10 168 0.180 187 104 183 4 U Cape Town South Africa 18% 34 144 73 185 241 247 9 186 0.110 247 32 453 5 Academia Sinica Taiwan 46% 24 191 47 248 219 264 8 217 0.100 262 42 396 5 Peking U China 17% 23 200 46 252 194 290 8 217 0.089 290 66 291 5 U Hong Kong China 19% 21 210 34 316 114 389 8 217 0.052 389 26 482 5 U Nairobi Kenya 7% 14 309 28 362 75 459 8 217 0.034 459 14 614 9 Nat U Singapore Singapore 23% 26 174 35 313 122 379 7 248 0.056 379 25 493 10 Internatl Rice Res Inst Philippines 14% 7 499 37 297 291 221 6 294 0.132 222 157 121 10 U Chile Chile 13% 15 289 32 327 104 405 6 294 0.048 406 24 504 10 U Delhi India 21% 14 309 31 338 137 356 6 294 0.063 356 63 308 10 U KwaZulu-Natal South Africa 20% 20 223 36 307 146 344 6 294 0.067 344 68 286 14 Pakistan Inst of Dev Econ Pakistan 19% 27 165 32 331 69 479 5 349 0.032 479 11 647 14 U Sao Paulo Brazil 33% 15 289 22 425 76 457 5 349 0.035 457 30 461 14 U Stellenbosch South Africa 0% 10 393 19 462 52 519 5 349 0.024 519 15 607 14 U West Indies West Indies 59% 17 255 15 516 47 538 5 349 0.022 538 17 584 18 Indian Inst of Management India 0% 5 619 21 440 120 380 4 429 0.055 381 82 234 18 Koc U Turkey 0% 6 541 31 333 308 215 4 429 0.139 216 201 89 18 Makerere U Uganda 17% 6 541 7 664 13 685 4 429 0.006 687 7 682 18 Nanyang Technological U Singapore 0% 8 456 17 489 46 541 4 429 0.021 541 16 596 18 Nat Cheng-Chi U Taiwan 41% 17 255 18 468 50 528 4 429 0.023 529 19 562 18 Nat Coun of Appl Econ Res India 17% 6 541 10 616 24 644 4 429 0.011 644 8 671 18 Nat Tsing Hua U Taiwan 0% 5 619 16 504 73 467 4 429 0.033 469 43 388 18 Pontificia U Catolica de Chile Chile 13% 8 456 16 497 62 496 4 429 0.028 497 24 504 18 U Buenos Aires Argentina 13% 8 456 16 500 70 475 4 429 0.032 476 23 522 18 U Philippines Philippines 18% 11 370 25 398 107 402 4 429 0.049 403 58 331 Notes: Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. An h- index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). The final rank column denotes the global rank among all institutions. 54 Table 11: Topical distribution of the most-cited 50 publications of the top four countries Canada Netherlands United Kingdom United States Health and its value 7 5 6 4 Efficiency and equity 2 16 9 3 Determinants of health and ill-health 5 3 4 12 Public health 2 4 Health and the economy 6 4 2 7 Health statistics and econometrics 2 2 3 7 Demand for health and health care 4 1 3 Medical insurance 2 3 1 4 Supply of health services 2 3 3 1 Human resources 2 1 2 Markets in health care 2 2 1 1 Economic evaluation 10 10 17 1 Total 46 49 47 49 Normalized Herfindahl index 0.100 0.163 0.185 0.113 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. The 50 most-cited publications for each of the listed countries were then assigned either one of the 12 topics listed in the appendix or a ―topic not assigned‖ code. The latter included pub lications that were too general (some were actually textbooks) some had no economic content despite being in EconLit, and some had no health content despite the JEL code. 55 Table 12: Top 100 journals in health economics based on h-index journal % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index I2 Rank Normalized Rank found in (I1) h-index Google Publication Total QIF Scholar count citations 1 Journal of Health Economics 7% 1308 2 7046 1 61402 1 118 27.440 1 39% 150 2 Health Economics 4% 1377 1 5794 2 37832 2 80 17.158 2 30% 210 3 Health Services Research 7% 819 5 4082 4 27944 3 75 12.708 3 36% 166 4 PharmacoEconomics 12% 1221 3 4552 3 26392 4 68 12.005 4 27% 234 5 Journal of Human Resources 5% 261 11 1583 8 14664 7 66 6.591 7 40% 131 6 American Economic Review 5% 259 12 1630 7 21515 5 62 8.558 5 37% 160 6 Demography 1% 213 14 1259 9 10498 9 62 4.755 8 39% 149 8 Inquiry 9% 1062 4 3457 5 18554 6 58 8.436 6 24% 295 9 Review of Economics and Statistics 2% 103 38 743 15 6999 13 48 3.160 13 48% 109 10 Population and Development Review 10% 147 24 785 14 7533 12 46 3.363 12 40% 130 11 Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 19% 519 6 1686 6 12260 8 43 4.732 9 26% 244 11 Journal of Political Economy 3% 62 62 656 17 10495 10 43 4.383 10 62% 58 11 World Development 5% 150 23 728 16 5151 18 43 2.342 18 37% 163 14 Journal of Public Economics 1% 103 38 575 20 4469 24 41 2.030 24 40% 129 15 Quarterly Journal of Economics 0% 53 75 582 19 8331 11 40 3.671 11 60% 59 16 Journal of the American Statistical Association 18% 132 28 573 21 6384 14 39 2.696 14 36% 165 16 Population Studies 6% 187 17 791 13 4809 20 39 2.193 20 32% 205 18 Applied Economics 4% 304 10 950 11 4536 23 36 2.073 22 23% 310 18 RAND Journal of Economics 0% 55 71 457 26 4965 19 36 2.210 19 51% 64 20 Health Care Management Science 2% 358 8 1184 10 5515 16 35 2.521 15 23% 313 20 Journal of Econometrics 18% 65 58 419 30 4608 22 35 2.062 23 47% 110 22 Studies in Family Planning 6% 140 27 548 22 3404 28 33 1.550 28 31% 206 23 Journal of Development Economics 3% 62 62 400 32 3617 26 32 1.637 26 45% 116 23 Journal of Law and Economics 8% 60 65 379 36 3463 27 32 1.565 27 45% 113 23 Law and Contemporary Problems 4% 99 41 470 25 3031 31 32 1.381 31 34% 170 26 Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 4% 73 52 358 38 2446 38 31 1.112 36 33% 204 27 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series 27% 147 24 453 27 3320 29 30 1.490 29 28% 227 A (Statistics in Society) 27 Southern Economic Journal 7% 141 26 530 23 3168 30 30 1.442 30 27% 236 29 Economic Development and Cultural Change 16% 77 51 312 44 2105 44 28 0.958 43 37% 161 29 Journal of Economic Perspectives 13% 62 62 403 31 5435 17 28 2.374 17 43% 125 31 Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 3% 228 13 625 18 2750 34 27 1.257 33 20% 386 32 American Journal of Agricultural Economics 11% 108 34 364 37 2139 42 26 0.975 41 26% 245 32 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 10% 116 30 390 34 2153 41 26 0.982 40 25% 248 32 Journal of Risk and Insurance 9% 157 21 431 29 2115 43 26 0.966 42 23% 303 35 Journal of Applied Econometrics 3% 39 91 240 57 1884 47 25 0.855 47 39% 148 35 Social Security Bulletin 15% 128 29 391 33 2248 40 25 1.022 38 23% 311 37 Economics and Human Biology 8% 191 15 528 24 2262 39 24 1.035 37 20% 342 37 Industrial and Labor Relations Review 9% 47 82 240 56 1803 49 24 0.820 48 42% 126 37 Journal of International Development 3% 93 45 337 39 1916 46 24 0.873 46 27% 237 41 Economic Inquiry 4% 82 49 330 40 2098 45 23 0.953 44 25% 247 41 Economic Journal 9% 46 85 287 46 3008 32 23 1.348 32 45% 115 43 European Journal of Health Economics 24% 455 7 806 12 2661 36 22 1.219 34 15% 468 43 International Journal of Health Care Finance 0% 167 19 440 28 1714 56 22 0.785 53 19% 389 and Economics 43 Journal of Development Studies 4% 55 71 207 63 1056 73 22 0.483 71 28% 226 43 Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 4% 48 80 234 59 1742 53 22 0.789 50 35% 169 47 Food Policy 11% 98 42 319 42 1653 57 21 0.755 56 22% 331 48 Canadian Public Policy 9% 110 32 243 55 898 79 20 0.411 79 20% 342 56 journal % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index I2 Rank Normalized Rank found in (I1) h-index Google Publication Total QIF Scholar count citations 48 Contemporary Economic Policy 2% 81 50 263 52 1227 65 20 0.561 65 22% 333 48 Journal of Consumer Affairs 4% 85 48 264 50 1217 66 20 0.557 66 22% 329 48 World Bank Economic Review 0% 27 141 150 71 1046 74 20 0.477 73 41% 127 52 Annals of the American Academy of Political 13% 97 43 262 53 1060 72 19 0.485 70 20% 341 and Social Science 52 Environment and Planning A 8% 92 46 287 45 1417 62 19 0.646 62 21% 338 52 Family Economics and Nutrition Review 27% 110 32 276 47 1317 64 19 0.602 64 21% 336 52 Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 0% 68 56 267 49 1768 50 19 0.803 49 24% 297 52 Journal of Environmental Economics and 14% 35 103 180 69 1483 60 19 0.673 60 40% 132 Management 57 Journal of Consumer Research 0% 32 112 204 64 1742 53 18 0.788 51 41% 128 57 Social Science Quarterly 17% 102 40 257 54 1165 70 18 0.532 67 20% 342 59 Applied Health Economics and Health Policy 9% 189 16 384 35 1387 63 17 0.634 63 14% 501 59 Journal of Economic History 9% 33 107 138 77 830 84 17 0.378 83 30% 207 59 Urban Studies 3% 38 95 150 72 845 83 17 0.386 82 27% 235 59 Yale Journal on Regulation 5% 22 181 142 75 1170 69 17 0.530 68 48% 108 63 Eastern Economic Journal 2% 53 75 143 74 568 119 16 0.260 118 17% 414 63 Economics of Education Review 3% 35 103 134 79 723 95 16 0.330 94 24% 297 63 Journal of African Economies 0% 32 112 101 100 453 144 16 0.207 141 22% 330 63 Monthly Labor Review 8% 107 36 264 51 1009 77 16 0.462 76 16% 450 63 Population Bulletin 24% 25 153 111 87 761 91 16 0.347 91 37% 162 69 Econometrica 0% 16 277 149 73 1768 50 15 0.787 52 63% 54 69 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 23% 22 181 135 78 1609 58 15 0.707 58 47% 111 69 North American Actuarial Journal 34% 96 44 188 66 1024 76 15 0.466 75 17% 411 69 Social Service Review 2% 42 89 128 81 579 117 15 0.265 114 20% 387 69 Yale Law Journal 16% 25 153 154 70 1738 55 15 0.775 54 38% 152 74 Applied Economics Letters 3% 108 34 203 65 646 105 14 0.296 103 13% 505 74 Economics Letters 2% 59 67 181 68 1746 52 14 0.733 57 19% 393 74 Health Economics, Policy and Law 28% 171 18 233 60 689 99 14 0.316 98 13% 510 74 Industrial Relations 13% 39 91 111 86 604 110 14 0.276 110 24% 297 74 Journal of Economic Literature 11% 18 230 211 62 4147 25 14 1.771 25 63% 54 74 Journal of Labor Economics 6% 18 230 110 88 855 82 14 0.389 81 47% 111 74 Population Research and Policy Review 3% 106 37 239 58 762 90 14 0.349 88 14% 504 74 Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 7% 29 133 85 122 358 176 14 0.164 176 22% 314 83 Bell Journal of Economics 0% 16 277 140 76 1563 59 13 0.703 59 56% 62 83 Economic Record 0% 36 100 115 84 524 125 13 0.240 124 19% 388 83 Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics and 13% 112 31 184 67 596 112 13 0.273 111 12% 531 Outcomes Research 83 Explorations in Economic History 4% 28 137 90 112 471 136 13 0.215 135 26% 246 83 Health Marketing Quarterly 35% 339 9 315 43 807 85 13 0.370 85 12% 533 83 Journal of Legal Studies 13% 31 115 106 94 672 101 13 0.305 100 22% 314 83 Journal of Population Economics 6% 36 100 129 80 758 92 13 0.345 92 24% 297 83 Journal of Productivity Analysis 0% 20 199 107 92 892 80 13 0.403 80 35% 167 83 World Bank Research Observer 11% 18 230 114 85 1033 75 13 0.468 74 44% 119 93 Canadian Journal of Economics 10% 30 122 90 115 401 157 12 0.183 156 22% 314 93 Development 6% 154 22 232 61 619 109 12 0.284 109 10% 560 93 Development Policy Review 4% 23 173 78 133 353 177 12 0.161 177 18% 401 93 European Economic Review 5% 21 188 100 101 736 94 12 0.334 93 30% 207 93 Fiscal Studies 0% 20 199 77 134 365 173 12 0.167 171 25% 248 93 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 0% 33 107 104 96 489 132 12 0.224 129 21% 337 93 Journal of Economic Psychology 6% 18 230 83 123 527 123 12 0.240 123 29% 211 93 Journal of Family and Economic Issues 0% 35 103 104 97 397 161 12 0.182 158 17% 415 93 Journal of Industrial Economics 7% 15 296 80 128 548 122 12 0.250 121 43% 120 57 journal % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index I2 Rank Normalized Rank found in (I1) h-index Google Publication Total QIF Scholar count citations 93 Journal of Urban Economics 5% 21 188 94 108 636 107 12 0.289 107 35% 167 93 Journal of the European Economic Association 0% 16 277 90 111 598 111 12 0.273 112 38% 154 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. An h-index of 10 means that 3 the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I is defined in eqn (2). A normalized h-index of 20% means that 20% of articles in the journal have been cited at least 20 times. 58 Table 13: Top 25 edited volumes in health economics based on h-index Volume % not I3 =0 Rank I3 =0.5 Rank I3 =1 Rank h-index Rank I2 Rank Normalized Rank found in (I1) h-index Google Publication Total QIF Scholar count citations 1 Handbook of health economics 24% 33 107 319 41 4690 21 24 37 2.081 21 76% 44 2 The economics of health 5% 19 217 271 48 5792 15 16 63 2.429 16 67% 46 3 Health sector reform in developing countries: 12% 16 278 94 108 766 89 14 74 0.348 91 43% 120 Making health development sustainable 4 Advances in Health Economics and Health 26% 39 91 103 99 514 127 13 83 0.235 126 24% 295 Services Research 5 Evaluation in health promotion: Principles and 17% 23 173 74 137 398 161 12 93 0.182 158 26% 242 perspectives 6 Being reasonable about the economics of 28% 18 230 83 125 650 104 11 109 0.296 105 38% 152 health: Selected essays by Alan Williams 6 Health care and cost containment in the 6% 16 278 55 187 219 260 11 109 0.100 260 27% 238 European Union 6 Valuing food safety and nutrition 24% 21 188 63 162 279 218 11 109 0.128 217 19% 395 9 Medical care output and productivity 44% 27 141 66 155 361 176 10 124 0.165 176 27% 238 9 Readings in American health care: Current 27% 26 149 86 121 580 117 10 124 0.264 116 26% 242 issues in socio-historical perspective 9 Stature, living standards, and economic 21% 14 324 55 183 323 190 10 124 0.147 189 36% 165 development: Essays in anthropometric history 12 Applications of social science to clinical 37% 19 217 50 203 257 233 9 147 0.117 233 17% 417 medicine and health policy 12 Disease and mortality in sub-Saharan Africa 36% 22 181 56 180 259 232 9 147 0.119 230 29% 214 12 Econometrics, Statistics and Computational 15% 13 363 54 191 307 199 9 147 0.140 198 27% 231 Approaches in Food and Health Sciences 12 For-profit enterprise in health care 6% 17 258 59 173 251 237 9 147 0.115 237 19% 395 12 Innovations in health care financing: 0% 13 363 51 201 265 228 9 147 0.121 229 23% 304 Proceedings of a World Bank conference 12 Long-term care: Economic issues and policy 14% 14 324 47 212 202 269 9 147 0.093 269 25% 249 solutions 12 Measuring up: Improving health system 6% 17 258 63 161 311 196 9 147 0.142 195 19% 395 performance in OECD countries 12 Public Health, Ethics, and Equity 10% 10 458 47 213 273 222 9 147 0.125 222 33% 172 12 The Elgar Companion to Health Economics 70% 50 77 54 190 249 238 9 147 0.114 238 20% 343 21 AIDS, Poverty, and Hunger: Challenges and 6% 18 230 53 193 194 276 8 177 0.089 274 18% 408 Responses: Highlights of the International Conference on HIV/AIDS and Food and Nutrition Security, Durban, South Africa 21 Disability, work and cash benefits 21% 14 324 41 243 197 273 8 177 0.090 271 18% 402 21 Environmental decision making and risk 0% 8 554 55 189 391 166 8 177 0.178 162 38% 155 management: Selected essays by Ian Langford 21 Health economics worldwide 6% 16 278 52 195 254 235 8 177 0.116 235 20% 343 21 Healthy markets? The new competition in 36% 14 324 60 170 495 132 8 177 0.225 129 44% 117 medical care Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Google Scholar citation data were obtained for as many as possible (80 percent) in June 2011. An h-index of 10 means that the author has 10 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 10 times. The quadratic influence function is defined in eqn (1). The measure I3 is defined in eqn (2). A normalized h-index of 20% means that 20% of articles in the journal have been cited at least 20 times. 59 Figure 1: Measuring influence through citations (i) 45 40 35 30 25 citations A 20 B 45-degree 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 articles ranked in descending order of citations Note: The chart show the hypothetical citation curves of two individuals A and B. The portfolios of each are ranked in descending order of citations. Both have an h-index of 6 meaning that A and B have 6 publications to their name each of which has been cited at least 6 times. The h-index is found by reading off either axis at the point where the citation curve intersects the 45-degree line. 60 Figure 2: Measuring influence through citations (ii) 45 40 35 30 25 citations C 20 D 45-degree 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 articles ranked in descending order of citations Note: The chart show the hypothetical citation curves of two individuals C and D. The portfolios of each are ranked in descending order of citations. D has an h-index of 7 meaning that he or she has 7 publications to his or her name each of which has been cited at least 7 times, while C has an h-index of 6. The h-index is found by reading off either axis at the point where the citation curve intersects the 45-degree line. 61 Figure 3: Cumulative numbers of publications in EconLit in health economics and education economics 35,000 Health economics Education economics 30,000 Cumulative no. publications in EconLit 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 Note: Health and education publications in EconLit are identified using the health and education JEL codes. 62 Figure 4: Top-150 title words in health economics articles in the 1980s Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. The relative sizes of the title words reflect the frequency of their occurrence. The words ―h ealth‖, ―care‖, ―economic‖ and ―analysis‖ have been removed, as have common words such as ―the‖, ―and‖, etc. 63 Figure 5: Top-150 title words in health economics articles in the 2000s Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. The relative sizes of the title words reflect the frequency of their occurrence. The words ―h ealth‖, ―care‖, ―economic‖ and ―analysis‖ have been removed, as have common words such as ―the‖, ―and‖, etc. 64 Figure 6: Country focus of health economics articles 1969-2009 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. The size of the country‘s name reflects the frequency of its appearance in the author‘s country list. 65 Figure 7: Country focus of health economics articles 1969-89 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. 66 Figure 8: Country focus of health economics articles 1990-2009 Note: The starting point was our database of 33,000 publications in EconLit with a health JEL code. Each listed institution was given full credit for a publication in the case of a co-authored publication, but only the first institution was credited where an author listed multiple institutions. Institutional affiliations below the institution level were aggregated up to the level of the institution, so that for example publications originating from the Harvard School of Public Health were allocated to Harvard University along with publications originating from the Department of Economics at Harvard University. As explained in the text, only addresses with five or more articles to their name were retained for cleaning and aggregating. Institutions were then assigned a country. 67 Appendix: Topic classification scheme 1. Health and its value Attributes of health; measurement of health; value of health; value of life; value of avoiding risk of ill-health; utility measures of health-related quality of life; stated and revealed preference methods of measuring willingness to pay; conjoint analysis. 2. Efficiency and equity Welfare, efficiency, equity and possible conflicts; inequality and the socio-economic ‗gradient‘; evaluating efficiency at system level: international comparisons in the developed world; techniques for measuring equity and inequity; evaluating equity at system level: equity in financing arrangements; evaluating equity at system level: equity in service access and delivery; evaluating equity at system level: equity in the distribution of health; institutional arrangements for efficiency and equity; implications for health care financing and delivery systems in the developed world; centralization and decentralization in health care; the role and regulation of markets in developed countries. 3. Determinants of health and ill-health The population health perspective; income and wealth; early determinants of lifetime health (genetics, parenting, schooling, peer effects); aging; occupational and workplace health and safety; addiction: tobacco, alcohol, drugs; the environment: air/water pollution, carcigens, other chemicals, allergens, radiation, etc; economic and social inequality as a determinant of ill-health; epidemics: AIDS, obesity, malaria; prevention, primary and secondary; chronic diseases; infectious diseases; social capital, cultural factors. 4. Public health Public health technologies; public goods and public health; policies towards health and safety at work; health education; financing public health; public health and public behaviour; interplay between public health and health care services; interplay between public health and other sectors; economics of public health policy. 5. Health and the economy Global expenditure patterns and their determinants; public expenditure and health care; health in macro models; health and the trade cycle; health and labor force productivity; health and growth; health and economic development; health and employment/unemployment; health and social security; health, savings and investment; health and foreign trade; health and innovation/entrepreneurship. 6. Health statistics and econometrics 68 Administrative data and data linkage; collecting health data for econometric analysis; categorical data methods; count data; duration analysis; econometric evaluation by non-experimental methods; econometric evaluation with randomized experiments; econometrics in technology assessment; macro panels; models of health care costs; models for risk adjustment; panel data methods; productivity analysis; simulation methods and mixture models; spatial econometrics. 7. Demand for health and health care Demand and need; utility and demand; demand for health as human capital; derived demand for health care; income and price elasticities; information asymmetries and agency relationships; externalities and publicness; supplier-induced demand. 8. Medical insurance Demand for insurance (including long-term care, supplementary insurance); supply of insurance services; moral hazard, its control and trade-offs with risk-pooling; adverse selection and cream skimming; tax-financed health care systems; tax policy, exemptions, personal subsidies and health care financing; private and public systems of health insurance; welfare effects of ‗excess‘ insurance and the trade-off with internalizing externalities; insurance effects on health care providers; issues in coverage: services covered, individual eligibility. 9. Supply of health services Monopoly and competition in health care supply; models of health care institutions (hospitals, nursing homes; for-profit, non-profit); care in the community: long term care, informal care; ambulance services; managed care; health care production functions; cost functions; economies of scale and scope; quality of care; regulation and price controls; the pharmaceutical and medical equipment industries. 10. Human resources Models of professional behavior(s); doctors; nurses; other health professionals; health care managers; professional labor markets; training, continuing training and human capital; licensing; remuneration – fee for service, salary, capitation; doctors as entrepreneurs and employers; professionals and research; forecasting demand and supply. 11. Markets in health care Information and markets; market failure; internal markets; rationing; waiting; discrimination; public goods and externalities; regulation (entry/exit); price controls; institutional subsidies; welfare economics and system evaluation; comparative systems. 12. Economic evaluation Principles of Cost-Benefit Analysis, Cost-Utility Analysis, CEA, Cost-Consequences Analysis and Cost Analysis; techniques of CBA in health and health care; techniques of CUA and CEA in 69 health and health care; techniques of CCA and CA in health and health care; decision theoretical approaches; pharmacoeconomics; economic evaluation of clinical devices; economic evaluation of public health interventions; outcome measures and their interpretation; evidence, efficacy and effectiveness; Health Technology Assessment; study design; risk and uncertainty; discounting; sensitivity analyses; modeling; systematic reviews and meta-analyses. 70 References Acemoglu D, Johnson S, Robinson JA. 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