105011 KYRGVZ REPUBUC Strenthenlng th• Ch•mber of Ac::c;ounta of th• Kyrg~ Republlc • TF #017895 PROCUREMENT PLAN - CONSULTANTS (Date d PP: April 9. 2015; Update No . -~· O.te of'NB NOL: AprH 16, 2015) (Date ot PP: Odober 9, 2015 ; Updete No. _ 1 _; Date of VVB NOL October 22, 2015) fD•te of PP: Oecember 11 1 2015 : Ue;Sate No. 2 ; O.te otWB NOL: Oecernber 161 2Q15 OateatPi5: ril 21 2016; U ate Na. 3 · Date of WB NOL: ril21 2016 CVo Toch. WB No- Droft WB No- No.) Package Numbsr 1 Oescrtptlon wlth ref. to Timellne& Bl.ldget Uble 1 8cope of work wtth ref. to Timellnff Buclget t•ble ... Pl•n Ac:tuol S.lect. Mothod WB Rovlew CPrbr/ Poot) Submttted to objection to Req:-ted O.te of CVa Ev:!i;:~on objection to N:~~= Dr.tl:TOR the B1nk WBNo- TOR Advertlaeme Submisaion aent to the Evaluation Mnt te the __ .. R.eport .,. __ .. objection to Or1ft 1 Contract: 1 Contract 1 Contnct SQnlnig Compl«ic>n 1 Re martes 11 A: - Revlew of the current process of 1nnual planl'ling; - Oevelop • pr1ctical system or ri5k based annual pl1nning; - Conductin¡ treinings for rasponislbla specialists of the Chamber ot Accounts; - Oevelop 1 semple enn1111I p4an using rtsk-based ~ogy. - Jdenlify simple IT toob that ean be IJ$ed to trtci< the progress of all audit assignments in the annual plan, inck.lding basic staffing budget$ for each controVeudit activity B: - Review of Financia! and Compll•nce audit methodologies; • Simpllfy finanicel and compliance audit methodologies to genarate a more eonslstent •pplication of audit standards and bfltl:er quality contrOI; - Review and comment on the Fin1nci1t audit inethodology tor pubUc enterprises: - PilOt testíf\9 the new audit methodo\ogies during audits, including Consolidated Assignment for severa.! activities : consolidation prooesses et the audit entity as wellH at the level of state A Develop rlsk based methodology for annual planning budget; B. Simplify and automate the financia! and compHance - Conductln111 on the job tr1inlng, of using newmethodologies; ,No- audit methodologies for consistent epplication and quality - Oevelop • System requirement. 1pecificatlo11; control purposn with baslc CAAT techniques impfemented; - ldentlfy cvatomized IOklt.ion or develop besi»k• audit IOftware to eutomate lhe audit process from pi.nning to t9pOltlng. The audt software 1 .... 1 April 15, 2015 JJune 10, 2015 1 ISeptomber 'O Jufy 10, 2015 17, 2015 ctober 2015 12, 2015 'Odober 29. ¡Novembef INovember 1Novembef '""°' c . Stteemfine lntt(Mf regutations •nd ntabfish modem 20. 2015 23, 2015 30, 2015 30. 2015 CA IHR system coverlng staff appraisel, compensation, end promotion, including requirement for statf clevelopment needl to enforce •pptlcation of the CA sknplifled tudit m.thodotogy and provide for quality nsurance. Conduce Uf'llt, and llt~ration testing; 1 F8S - Develop usar and techniCll manuats; and certification: - lmplement the software and trein the senior eudit 1teff trough piloting: D. RaviM end provide recomendation1 on nesasury - Develop functional specificetion1 ter the purcllas.,development and amendments to the tatest law "On th• Chamber of Accountl'"; introduction of CMTs software and the trelnlng d staff In its UH. C. • Rir.iew eldsUng HR mana¡ement procesHS, benchmarkin;; E. Oesign en Jntemal wcwtcftow system and lmp10'18 interna! control procedures. - ldentify k~ constrems knpecting chenge; • Condueting trainings for responlible starr of t.e Ch•mber of Accounts. - Oevelop proposels (en outline Human R8SOf.lrOff stret~y) for eshlblishing • modem HR system In the CAstren¡thenlng lh• intemel control procedurn of the Chamber of Accounts; O. Revilw ahd provide recomendlltions on nesa•ery amendments to the latelt law ·0n the Chamber of Accof.lrt5" eccording to ISSAl1 E. • Carry out• '1-.:> .n•ysis o1 the lnt1m1I NQlbtDfy hmewortl and the eft'ectiwnels ot the systam of interne! control; • Develop dacfiptions of business procnus with respect to each tunction of the CA; • Oevelop proposals for enhancing the now ofwor1t and improve interna! controls throughout the organisetion to promete more efficient end eftective - -- oversight of 111 CA activities: - Conducting ttainlni¡i~ for responlit>M for funter autometion st.ff. r Juna tQ, Seplemt>er October Odober2SI, -..,.., Nowmber 1K0$1 COt"p«ltion l\ft ~ -- Actuet FBS Prior IAoril 15 2015 2015 Julw 10 2015 17 2015 12 2015 2015 20 2015 23 2Q15 30 2015 30 201e 18111ettdn• Con8ullaf'lt 1 The Projed Coordinetor is responsible for O\Wall coon:Unation of .ti capeclty April 2•. June 23, June 29, July 10, AugU0113, August 1-4, t und« thll projoc\ In support olpternontolion by Pion tC Prior ...... 8 2015 ... - IC ILoc:al consubnt n • Projld Coordinator lbvtkllng - 1Aont 15 2015 2015 June9 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 30 2016 the CMmbef of Ac:counts Aptil24. Juno 23, June 29, July 10, August 13, Auguo11•. Nowmbel' IE. l~- •t4ec19d as Projld Actual IC Prior ~ ADril 15 2015 2015 June9 2015 2015 2015 Ju"' 8 2015 2015 2015 2015 30 2016 Co