UI Low Income Com iunity Ilousing Support Project (I IHS1) U lImplemnented by) Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) I I g Auditors' Report & Financial Statements As at and for the year ended 30 June 2019 TS. F. AHMED & CO. Chartered Accountants... since 1958 Memher Firm ofILB Internatio na Dhaka Office: Chittagong Office: House - 51 (2nd & 3rd Floor), Road - 9, Block - F, Ispahani Building (2nd Floor), Banani, Dhaka - 1213, Bangladesh Agrabad C/A, Chittagong, Bangladesh Phones: (880-2) 9870957, 9894026, 01707079855, Phone: (880) 31-716184 01707079856 Fax: (880)31-713683 Fax: (880-2) 55042314 Email: sfaco@bbts.net E-mail: sfaco@dhaka.net; ahmeds@bol-online.con SFAH MVED & O Z"ouse 5l (2nd Floor), Telephone: (88-02) 9894026, 9870957 * Road 9, Block F, Mobile 880 1707079855, 01707079856 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Banani, Dhaka 1213, Fax: (88-02) 55042314 ... Since 958 Bangladesh E-mail: sfaco@dlhaka.net sfuli@tconnecth;d.com Member Frm of HI LB International maliWed ol-oincc e.com INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT TO THE GENERAL BODY OF PALLI KARMA-SAHAYAK FOUNDATION (PKSF) Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinion We have audited the accompanying financial statements of "Low Income Community Housing Support Project" implemented by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), which comprise the statement of financial position as at June 30, 2019, and the statement of comprehensive income and the statement of cash flows for the year then ended, notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of " Low Income Community Housing Support Project" implemented by Palli Karma- Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), as at June 30, 2019, and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and other applicable laws and regulations. Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISAs). Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditors' Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the entity in accordance with International Ethics Standards Board for Accountant (IESBA Code) together with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in Bangladesh, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and other applicable laws and regulations and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the entity's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the entity or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the entity's financial reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expecte o influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements. Chittagong Office: ispaiani Building, Agrabad, Chittagong; Phone: 31-716184; Fax: 31-713683; E-mail: sfaco@bbts.net fl As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise prolessional judgment and iiin taliin prolbssional skepticism tirougliout the audit. We also: Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the finaricial statements, whether duc to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficieit and appropriate to provide a basis for otir opinion. The risk of nol detectiong a material iisstatement resulting from fratid is higher than for one resulting .from error, as fraiud may involve collinsion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control. " OLbtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the andit in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for Ilie purpose of expressing uri opinion on the effectiveness of Ilie entity's internal control. * Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by management. * Conclude on Ilie appropriateness of management's tise of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on Ilie audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainit cxists related to events or conditions that may east significant doubt on Ilie entity's ability to contintie as a going concern. If we conelude that a material uncer-tainty exists, we are required to draw attention iii our aiditor's report to the related disclosires in the consolidated financial statements or. if stich disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. 1 However, future events or conditions may cause the entity to cease to continue as a going concern. • Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including Ilie disclosures, and whether Ilie financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that gives a truc and fair view. We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scopc and timiing of Ilie audit and significarit audit findings, including any signifficant deficiencies in internal control that wc identify during our atidit. We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationslips and other matters that may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and wlhre applicable, related safeguards. Report on other Legal and Regulatory Requiremeuts In accordance with the Companies Act 1994, we also report the following: a) We have obtairied all the inforniation and explanations which to Ilie best of our kinowledge and belief vere necessary far the purposes of our audit and made due verification thereof; b) In our opinion, proper books of accounts as required by law have been kept by PKSF so far as fl it appcared fr-om our examinatiori of these books; and e) The statements of financial position and statement of compreliensive incoie dealt with by Ilie repo .jre in agreerment with Ilie books of accountis and returns. Dated, Dhiaka; S. F. Ahmed & Co. 25 November 2019 Chartered Accountants Low Income CoIImIunity Iousing Support Project (LICHSP) Inplemented by Palfi Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Statement of Financial Position As at 30 June 2019 As at 30 ,June Particulars Notes 2019 2018 Taka.1 Taka Non-current assels Property, plant and equipnient 3 1,300,906 1,576 Loai to partner organizations (POs) - non current portion 4 268,704,533 124,977,269 270,005,439 124,978,845 Curr-Ient assets loin to parter organ izations (POs) - current portion 4 57,045,460 23,113,638 Cash and casli equivalent 5 213,565,551 116,766,804 Grant & Other receivables 6 1,434,176 Service charge reccivables 7 3,645,096 2,075,447 275,690,283 141,955,889 Total assets 545,695,722 266,934,734 CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES Capial fund and reserve Retained surplus 8 8,499,796 1,632.739 8,499,796 1,632,739 Non-current liabilities i.oan or proj ct 9 5 18,000,000 240,000,000 Provision for interest on loan - project 10 4,474,630 1, 190. 1 37 Deferred incoie(Gait f-or asset) 1 1 1,300,906 1,576 523,775,536 241,191,713 Current liab)ilities Girani received in advance 12 16,308,935 Current account with PIKSF 13 3,647,886 2,756,217 Other lIabilities 14 3,257,504 2.083 ,312 l oan loss provision 15 6,515,000 2,961,818 13,420,390 24,110,282 Total capital fund and fiabilities 545,695,722 266,934,734 Tie annexed notes from 1 to 24 and Annexure A, 3 & C form an integral part of these fiinancial statemenls. Golai Toui Mol iimiiIad I Abdullah Deputy Managing Director Mana ng Director Signed in terms of our separate report annexge. Dated, Dha S. F. Ahmed & Co. 25 November 2019 Chartered Accountauts L1vow Incoie Coimimuity louising Suipport Project (1,ISP) Implemented by Palfi Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Statement of Comprehensive Incoie For the year ended 30 .June 2019 fl tor the_year entÌl 30 June Particulars Notes 2019 2018 ,aka Ta ka INCOM' Operating income Service charge 16 9,442,164 3.156 408 9,442,164 3,156,408 Non-operating incoine Banok interesi 17 4,275,103 2.443.903 Gralni i ncome 18 17,916,000 14,922,558 22,191,103 17,366,461 Total income 31,633,267 20)522,869 EXPEN DITURE l Man[power compensation (Salaries, allowances & others) 19 8,363,019 6469,784 Institutional development and capacity bolIding 20 237.488 564,441 Monitoring and evaluation 21 113.884 173.145 Program and proiect cosi 22 5,760,577 4,839,929 Depreclation 3 238,291 21 Admiinistiralive expense 23 3 202,741 2,875,235 Lon loss provision expenses 15 3.553,182 2,321,818 Total 21,469,182 17,244,376 Finanicial cost of operation lorrowing Cosi 3,284,493 1 l 90 137 Baok charges and commission 12,535 1 10 Total 3,297,028 1,190,247 Total expenditure 24,766,210 18,434,623 f xcess/(slortage) of incoie over expenditure 6,867,057 2088246 Ilhe annexed notes from 1 to 24 and Annexure A, B & C form an integral pari of iese financial statemelts. Golam Totnid Mohaa ömuddin Abdullah Deputy Managing Director Managing Director Signed in terms of our separate report annexed. Dated, Dhaka: S. F. Ahmed & Co. 15 November 2019 chartered Accounltantls 2 Low Ineone Community Iousing Support Project (LICHSP) Implemented by Palli Karnma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended 30 June 2019 For the year ended 30 Juie Particulars 2019 2018 Taka Taka A. Cash tlows from operating activities lNcess/(slortage) of income over expcnd iture 6,867,057 2,088246 Adjustment for items not involving tite movement of cash 6,867,057 2,088,246 [)Cpreciationl 238,291 24 loan ass provision 3,553,182 2,321,818 3,791,473 2,321,842 Surplus changes in operating activities 10,658,530 4,410,088 Changes in operating activities (kncrease)/decrease in loan to partner organization -non current portion (143,727,264) (95,886,359) (1increase)/dcecrease in loan to pariner organization -current portion (33,931,822) (20,204,548) (Increase)/decrease in grant receivable (1,434,176) 5,845,12 I1 (Increase)/decrease ini service charge receivable (1,569,649) (1,890,954) Increase/(decrease) in cirrent account with PKSF 891,669 (33,116,53 1) SIncrease/(decrease) provision for interest on loan 3,284,493 1,190,137 nirense/(cecrease) in olhers liabilities 1,174, 92 110,939 (175,312,557) (143,952,195) Net cash inflows/(outflows) from operating activities (164,654,027) (139,542,107) I. Casl flows from investing activities A ddition of fixed assets (1,537,62 1) (1,600) Net cash intlows/ (outflows) from investing activities (1,537,621) (1,600) C. Cash flows from finaneing activities ILI1oan from oth1er project 278,000,000 240,000,000 Incrcase/([)ecrease) in grant for Asset 1,299,330 1,576 Increase/(Decrease) in grant received in advance (16,308935) 16,308,935 Net cash intlows/(outflows) from financing activities 262,990,395 256,310,51 D. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 96,798,747 116,766,804 Add: Opening casli and cash cquivalents 116,766,804 Closing cash and cash cquivalents 213,55551 616,766,804 'Ile annxed notes from 1 to 24 and Ainnexure A, B & C form an integral part of these ancial statements. Stid Moha o ddin Abdullah Iu )iIManaging Director Managing Director Signed in terms ofour separate report annexed. )atel Dhaka: S. F. Ahued & Co. 25 November 2019 Chartered Accountants 3 1 Low Income Commu1nity Hlousing Support Project (ICIlSP) Implemented by Pali Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Notes to the Financial Statemenis For the year ended 30 june 2019 S Background 1.1 PKSF Palli Karina-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), an apex development organisation, was established by the Goveinment of Bangladesh (GoB) in May 1990, for sustainable poverty reduction through eimploymcnt generation. 1Legally, PKSF is a "company not for profit" and is registered under the Companies Act of 1913/1994 with the registrar of Joint Stock Companies. Tlie legal structure of PKSF allows lexibilitv and authority to undertake prograninies in a dynamie environment, implementing them hirougliont the contry andt mianlage its affalirs as an ineenenlt organisation. T major ob"jectives of PIKSF are to: provide financial assistance and institutioal developnment support lo appropriate organisations for implemienting sustainable inclusive finanicial programmecs for reductioni of' poverty through creating productive eiployment opportunities for the moderate and ultra poor, small and iarginal farmers and micro-enterpreneurs. PKSF works wiith die continuous support of semi-governimlent & governiiient organizations; voluntary agencies & societies; local government bodies; institutions; groups & individnals and vill keep on moving forvard to achieve its goal. PKSF, over the years, has gainedi in-depth understanding and valunalie experience on the imulti-dimensional aspeets of poverty. Adding new dimensions to its mission in 2010. PKSF reshaped its core goal as "establishing human dignity", instead of limiting its ef iorts towards achieving econoiic freedom oiily and started undertaking new programs for altering this goals. PIKSF has adopted disaster management and micro insurance programmne under the fold of its social protection progranimes. The Registered Offlice of PKSF: is situated at ~PKSF Bhaban", Plot: E-4/R, Agargaon Administrative Area. Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. Dhaka- 1207, Bangladesli. 1.2 LoNw 11nCome Commiunity Lousing Support Project (LICHSP) Tiis is Tlie World Bank funded project that aims to pilot a community led approach to low ineoie housing. This approach will provide an integrated package of technical assistance, grants, and housing loans to targeted settleients with a view to iniprove living conditions and shelter. National 1 lousing Authority (NI lIA) and Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) is jointly implementing this pro'jct. It has ive components, such as Part-A: Community Mobilization and Planning. Part-13: Urhani Commnit Improvements and Upgrading, Part-C: Shelter Component and Lending Part-D: Monitoring and 1valunation and Learning and Part-E: Project Management, Training, and Capacity Building. N1HA xvill develop the tertiary in frastructures i.e. road network, drainage system, water supply system, sewerage system under Component-A. B. D & EL, will be implementing in Comilla city corporation & Sirajgonjl Pourashabha. PKSF is iipleienting lending under Part-C through its Partner Organizations (POs) in all 9 mni noicipa l ities (Sirajgonj, Narshingdi, Jessore, Pabna,''hakur'gaon,Magura,Bagura.Sliariatpur,Bhola) and 4 City Corporations (Cumiilla,Naranyangonj,Rangpur,Gazipur). The projeci duration is 5 years, out ol' xvliich tirst 2 years is pilot plase and last 3 years will be roll-out pliase. Total budget USD 57.50 million out of which PKSF xvill spend USD18.00 million as loans and grants. NI IA xxill spend the remaining amouint of tle budget to develop the tertiary infrastructures. 1.3 Major objectives of LICHSP Tlie objective of this project is to iniprove living conditions in selected low income and informnal settlenients in designated municipalities in Bangladesli. 1& 14 fl 2 Significant accounting policies 2.1 Basis of accounting Tlic Prograiime's Low 11ncome Community Housing Spport Project (L1CHSP) financial statements have been prepared under Ilie historical cost convention on a going concern basis using the International Financial Reporting Standards (IVRS) and International Accouniting Standards (lAS) as adopted in 3inagladesh, Palli Karmia-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) generally follows the accrual basis of accounting or a modified form thereof for key income and expenditure items, The significant accounting policies followed in Ilie preparation nid presentation of these financial statements are simniarised below: Service cha rges RevenC inleldes Ilie service charges receivable or received from Partner Oirganizations (l'Os) during 1the reporting period for their ose of Ilie eredit fond and recognized as and when it becomes due. Service charge againsi any loan overduc by 60 days is not recognised as income of the relevant year, rather it is kept as off balance shece item. Service charge realized against such loan is recognised as income of the year in which it is reccived. Interest o bank accounts Revenie is recognized as the interest accroes onless collectability is in doubt. Other incoime All other income are recognized when Ilie right to receive suCh ilnCoIe has been reasonably determined and all conditions precedent are satisfiled. 2.3 Period These financial statemenis covered the year from 0f July 2018 to 30 June 20 19. 2.4 Provision for liabilities Provisions for liabilities are recognised when there is a present obligation as a result of a past event and ii is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits Xvill be required to setile Ilie obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Provisions are revieved at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. 2.5 Loan loss provision The loan loss provision policy of the PKSF is as under: Classification Status Days outstanding Rate Standard (Other than agricultore) Nil 20 Standard (Agricultore) Nil 5% Watch list (Other than agricoltore) 01-60 days [0% Watch list (Agriculture) 01-60 days 15% Substandard (Other than agricultiie) 61-180 days 50% Substandard (Agricoltore) 61-1 80 lays 60% Do1btful (All) 181-365 days 80% Bad (All) Over 365 days 100% The loan loss provision policy is however applicable to loans only. 2.6 General a) Tlhe filnancial statemenits have been prepared in Baigladeshi Taka currency and figures have been rounded off to Ilie nearest integer. i) L-ast year's ligures have been rearranged to conform the current years presentation where necessary. 15 3. Property, plant and equipment COST DEPRECIATION Addition Adjustment Balance Charged Adjustment Written down Partiulars lBalance asal 1 during the /disposal Balance as at Rate as at 01 during the / disposal Balance as at value as at 30 July 2018 during the 30 June 2019 during tle 30 ,June 2019 June 2019 year year Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Furniture & fixture - 375,641 - 375,641 10 - 28,816 - 28,816 346,825 Telephone Set 1,600 - 1,600 20 24 315 - 339 1,261 Computer,Printer,UPS - 720,980 - 720,980 20 - 137,875 137,875 583,105 Office Equipnent - 441,000 - 441,000 20 - 71,285 - 71,285 369,715 As at 30 June 2019 1,600 1,537,621 - 1,539,221 24 238,291 - 238,315 1,300,906 As at 30 June 2018 - 1,600 - 1,600 24 24 1,57 6 1 As at 30 June 2019 2018 Taka Taka 4 Loai to PO tntier project - 11011 current protion ie above amount represents loan outstanding as at 30 June 2019 with partner organizations againsi loan to (POs) and non-partners (NPOs). Break down is shown in Annexure-A. Tlie ioveient of Loan was as follows Opening Balance 148,090,907 32,000,000 Add: [,oan disbursed during thle year 202,000,000 1 9,434,410 3 50,090,907 151,434.110 Less : 1 ,an recovered during the year 24,340,914 3.343,503 Closing Balance 325,749,993 148,090,907 Maturity- wise break up above amount is given helow: Loan to P's under LICHS1P -Non Current Portion 268,704,533 124,977,269 Voan to P's under iJCHlSIP - Current Portion 57,045,460 23,1 13,638 325,749,993 148,090,907 5 Cash and cash equivalent hiIs consists of tie following: Short Notice Deposit (SND A/C) (Note 5.1) 185,565,551 1 16,766,804 Short Term investment in FDR (Note 5.2) 28.000,000 213,565,551 116,766,804 5.1 Short Notice Deposit (SND AIC) Cash at bank (Sonali Bank Ltd. Foreign Ex. Corp Br. No.160890300005 1) l76,742,401 112,563,210 (Soutiheast Bank Ltd. Agargaon Br. SNU- 13100000287) 8,823,150 4,203,594 85,565 551 116,766,804 5.2 Short Term Investment in FDR iis anmount represents investmlent in lixed deposits accounts with Exim Bank Lim ited, Mot ijhecl ranc 1Dhaka. Balance as on 01 July Add: Investnent during the year 28,000,000 28,000,000 1 ess: Eneaslmient during the year Closing Balance 28,000000 6 Grant and Other Receivables Grant receivable for expenses- LC1 [SI 906,395 Interest on FDR (Note-6. 1) 527,78 1 Total 1,434,176 - 6.1 Other Receivable iterest on FDR (EXiM Bank Ltd) 527,781 527,781 7 As at 30 June 2019 2018 Taka Faka 7 Service charge receivables -,3,645,96 2075,447 The above amount represents service eharges receivables from partner orgalnzations and non-partner organizatiois as on 30 June 2019 against loan to POs and non POs. Break down is shown in Aniexu re-Il. 8 Retained su rplus/(dfticit) Opening balanec 1,632,739 (55,507) Add : ixeess of income over expenditure during the year 6,867,057 2,088246 Closing balance 8,49,796 1,632,739 9 1 oan for project Loan tnrough GoB from IDA under LICI]SP 518,000,000 -2 -0,000,000 Ttl518,000,000 240,000,000 I Provision for interest on loan - project aIniturity-w ise break-up: Current portion Non-eurrellt portion 4474.630 1 19 OJ137 4 77 44_2 (6 301,1 90,137 11 Ieferred ineoime(Griaut for Asset) O(pening balance L576 Transfer from grant recived in advance 1,537,621 1,600 1,539,197 1,600) Aimortizailon of deferred income (238,291) (24> Total 1,906 -,556 12 Grant received in advance Opening balance 16.308,935 Add: Donation received during t yea 1000,000 31,233,069 - 18,3 08,935 31,233,069 1 Adri: te 537__62_____600 Less: Transfer to deferred inconie (Grant for asset) 153 7,621 1.600 L ess: Transfer to grant income 16,771,314 14,922 --4 Total - 16,308,935 13 Current account with PKSF This represents Ilie balance in current nccounit maintained with PKSF as at 30 June 201 9: PKSF current account 3-64-7.886 2,756.27 ToL1 3,647,886 2,756,217 ia- As at 30 June 2019 2018 TIaka Taka 14 Other liabilities xternal audit fee 100,000 1 00,000 IT Dedncted at source 1,00 1Liabilities for Administartion Expense 38,059 Liabilities for T'raining,Scminer & Workshop 138,513 Provision for program cost undc 1 ,iCHSP: Theingaiiiara iMohila Sabuj Sangha (TMSS) 157,023 134,1 1 0 VeoSocial Development Organization (ESDO) 464,485 422.789 Ad-din Welfare Centre 512,617 435,000 PIDIM Foundation 298,623 282,181 National Developiient Programme ( NDP) 495,639 407,932 Shariatpur Development Society(SDS) 387,336 Grameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha(GJUIS) 365,209 Total 3 2,083,312 19 19 15 Loan loss provxision] As per the [oan loss provision policy of PKSF, the managenent maintains a provision 011 the outstanding loan aniount at the following rates: Days in Outstanding Amount (Taka) Provision (Taka) Classicatona status rrear 2019 2018 _2019 _2018 d:2% 325,749993 1, 7 6,51 5,000 296 .8 l 8 tpys 1-60 10% ---_-_- -- Substandard: POS 61-180 50%- --- -- 10, l)utlil:, -__P'Y 8365 80% ____ fld:POIS Ove 365 -00/ - ot 65 325,749,993 4 8,0 907 6,5 M00 2,901,81ii Movement of the Loani Loss Provision is as under: Provision required at tle end of the year 6,515,000 2,961,818 L.ess:Provision made upto previous year 2.961,818 6,10,000 3,553,182 2,321,818 10 For the yea I eded 30 June 2019 2018 jTalka ___aka 16 Service charges 9,442,164 3,156,408 Tjhis represents service charges carned during ilie ycar from tle partner organizations (POs) against loaii provided to PO's and Non-PO's. PO wise break-up is shown in Annexure C 17 Bank interest This amount represents the bank interest carned during the year against Special Notice [)eposit (SND) Account lying with different banks. Account wise break up of the above amount is given below: Sonali Bank Ltd.. Foreign Ex. Corp. 13r. (CONTASA A/C) 3,328,660 2,414746 Sontheast Bank Ltd. Agargaon Br. SN) A/C 418,662 29,157 Inierest on short term fixed deposits (FDR) 527,781 Total 4,275,103 2,443,903 18 G raniit income UiGrant Income Account under LICHSP 17,677,709 14,922,534 Amortization of deferred income 238,291 Total 17,916,000 14,922,558 19 Manpower compensation (Salaries, allowances & others) This consists of the fbllowing Project Co-ordinator 2268,000 2 50.000 Assistant Project Co-ordinator (Constirution) 1,568.070 1,244,500 Assistant Project Co-ordinator (Finanec. & Accounits) 737.199 540,887 Assistant Project Co-ordinator (Environment) 1,493,400 1,244,500 Assistant Project Co-ordinator (1 lousing -inance) 1.197,000 570.000 1.11n1ii1r Lngineer 696,150 219.897 .uiSsenger 403,200 400,000 iialene 363,019 6,469,784 20 Institutional development and capacity building VThis consists of' ie following T'ranining,Workshop &Seiinar 237,488 56444 l 237,488 5644 21 NIonitoring and evaluation monitoring Cost 113,884 173,145 Total 113,884 173,14 22 Program and project cost This consists of the following Thengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha TMSS 989,283 1,032.616 leo-Social Development Organization (ESDO) 987,833 1,008,927 Ad-lin Welfare Centre 1,038,227 1,029,791 PDIM Foundation 804,782 765.133 National development Programnie ( NDP) 1.015,617 1.003 162 Shariatpur Development Society(SDS) 473,466 - (irameen Jano Unnavan Sangstha(GIJS) 451 339 5,760,577 4,839,929 1ta91- Fo(r the year eIided ; un:I 2019 2018 Taka Iaka 23 Administrative expens's Tiis conisist ofthe follkwiig Vehice Operating Cost 1,920,000 1,765,183 Printing and Stationary 154 325 6,140 011-icc Rent & Utilities 701,832 701,832 Tclcphonc,Mobile& Internet B111 79,459 68,681 Reeruitment Expenscs - 208,930 Meeting Expenses 133,454 8.518 [.ternal Audii Expcnscs 100,000 100,000 Vliscellaneous E;xpcnses 37,810 15,95 I P>rocurement Expense 75,861 -- -- Total 3,202 741 Å__25235 24 Subsequent event No circumstances have arisen sinee tile stateient of financial position date, wiheb wøould require 1(1iustlLnits to or disclosire in Ihe linancial staltements r notes thereto. 12 lAnn ex I re-A LNow income Comiunity Ilousing SilppOrt Project (LICIISP) Implemented by Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PIKSF) Partner Organizations (POS) and Non-POs wise break-up of loan outstanding As at 30 ine 2019 As at 30 Juine 2019 2018 T aka Taka A. Im.an to partner organizations under-LICIISP category-large I Ihengamara Mohila Sabij Sangha (TMSS) 91,272,725 46,545,454 2 I'co-Social Developmlent Orgaization (ESDO) 64,818,182 30.545,454 3 Ad-din Welfare Centre 43,863,634 25,681,818 -1 IIDIM Foundation 44,590,908 19,545,454 i National Development Programme ( NDP) 61,201,5,4 772,72? j6 Sharialpur D)evelopment Socicty(SDS) I10,000,000 - Sub Total 315,749,993 148,090,917 I1. Ioan to partner organizations under-LCISP category-Medim Granicen Jano Unnayan Sangstha(GJUS) -0,000,000 Stb Total 10,0--0,-00- C.i-and Total 325,749,993 148,090,907 13 Antinexutire- B I ow Income Community lHousing Support Project (LICIISP) fimplemeiited by Palli Karmna-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) P( ind Non-POs wise Break-up of tite Service Charge Receivable As at 30 June 2019 As at 30) lne 2019 2018 Taka Ta k a A. Accrued service charge-LICIISP category-large I Thengamara Mohila Sabnj Sangha (TMSS) 1,152,358 524A33 2 Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) 675,482 558,027 3 Ad-din Welfare Centre 221,709 300,573 PIDIM Foundation 736,587 254196 5 National Developient I>rogramme ( NDP) 712,110 437,918 6 Shariatpur Development Society(SDS) 73,425 - _ Sub Total 3,571,671 2075,447 B. Accrued service charge-111CIISP category-Medium I Graueen Jano Unnayan Sangstha(GJUS) 73 _ _ _42 5 Sub Total 73,425 - Grand Total 3,645,096 2,075,447 Annexure-C Low1 Income Commulity Ilousing Support Project (LICIiSP) IImplemented by Palli Karna-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) Partner Organization (POs) and Non-POs wise Break-up of Service Charge Recognized As at 30 iune 2019 For the year ended 30 ine 2019 2018 Taka Taka A. Service charge under LICISP category-la rge 'l hengamara Mohila Sabuj Sangha (TMSS) 2,722,474 1,062.475 2 Eco-Social Development Organization (ESDO) 2,155,185 719.590 3 Ad-din Welfare Centre 1,150,229 424,790 4PIDIM [oundation 1379,819 430,853 5 National Development Programme ( NDP) 1 ,887,606 518,700 6 Shariatpur Development Society(SDS) 73,425 - StIl otal 9,368,739 3,156,408 13. Service charge under LICIISP category-Mediui 1 Girameen Jano Unnayan Sangstha(GJULS) 73.425 Sub Total 73,425 Grand Total 924422164 3,156,408 15