Gratnt Thornto n Aud t S.R t envt w etindepenen t udr's Roneoe rt ne n fiane by ntetoa Develont Associationt (DA) and tntemnational B3ank for Reconstructin andt DevelpmentBRD in accordance wth Credie o 626-MD and tean No. 8774-MD (nludng Proec prepredinacoranc wth the cash receipts ad isbursemtents basis of accounting, copr in of th Batlance Set theS rr of Sources and Uses of Funds, the Statemnent of Desinte Accou tn t tn ntsto h Project finania statements, inclding t susmmary of significant accounting polices hnou opnion teet fo te eets of te matter lescribed in the Basis for Qualified Opno setio of oueot, t accompanying Proect finanial statem ents for the period Ja nuary 1, 2020 - Deebrt1 200hve be nprepatred, in al material respects, in accordance withf the casht reepts an di rstme nts bai of accutin as descried inthe Note 2eofthese Prjett finncia sttemens Bai fon r quaified opinion Tetoa expendtur etfrrn fiac nore DA6126-MD in amount of USD2,826,6 accordngto th Sttment of Soes and Uss o f Funds incudes expenditure witht individuat consultants tn amont tof USD 22,96. ase on the audt prcedures conducted for thte year ended 31 Deceber 200 wev idetiie deficee inpplyrn