DAl$ Amoimt In Lnkh~ I, EQUITY ANO LIABlUllES !Al Shareholda~· Funds !al Share CanitDI 266,341.07 . 254,432.57 ~rves on,! SUtt>IUS cl R..- (853,243.17 . , lf~7.0a3,22 (8) Shue A""'llcatlon Monev "'ctndinn Allotment ' ~ 238,052.35 . 10,4•1.50 (Cl Non• Current Llabllltlos '. 5 531 171.99 762 203.81 al, ~-term bonowin"• ~ Otional Items 28 Pron:/ (Loss) borero extraort1Inary items 13,411.55 Vii. and 1.ix rv . vii . V r.~ ll.-l' l"' E;:: x~ ~ tra "d:!!. or ' ln~a!L! "'l!!:te m :!! s'---------l--~ !:! 29 ~--1------~-~--------'- 1" 0~ 7,,:,. :,..5;::. 85 7'-l 13,411.55 IX. ProOtl-iLossl boforo tax !VII· VIIII 1.19622 X. Tax oxoonso~ . a, Current tax . . b' Delened tax . c weallll Tax Pronl(Loso) ftom tho period from 1,19622 13 ..111.55 ~- conUnulnn oooratlonsflX-X• XII, Profi!lllossl f,i::,m d1SC0nllnulno ooeratlons XIII. Tax exoonse bf dlscountlno o""raUons Pr'lfiV(Loss) r.,;om DiM:Ondnulng aporallons XIV. XII • XIII• • , 1, 196.2:: 13,411.56 XV. ProOt/(Loss) for tho period (XI+ XIV) 30 6 37 XVI. Earn,- ~ft• -ultv snare: 51.10 11 Basic lli Diluted As per our rcf)Or1t even date attached For and on bohalf of Boor ~ (SHATR SINGH KAPUR! (R.KBATRA) Cholrmah Cur Managing Olroctor • For P. Chopra Jco. Olrcctor/ProJccts Chnrtorod Aq:ountanlll F.R No.: oofi9'57N' · • ii" :.. - ... ....... ' -- .. --,\ ' DIN: 07167590 \..Q:)\ "\/v-"-, C- DIN: 07631,.20 Ll_ru. -l ' (P)Uf oEEP K. LOHAN) (CA KAPIL K MARWAHA) ( p'/1.A oe t:EI' \I. vMAi ,C,/•l'l•A/ 1 (l,>lt ~l't' . Chlof /,ccounts ornecr Chlcllnonclal omcor 1•1-,-J •• O ! tJI ,-q8 ~J.,- 1 ( SOU RAB H GUPTA) r ompany Sccrc1nry Ploco : fr"Hrh µ, Jp Placc : Ml \Ill< Onto : h n?· I?, Dalo: 0Sl•8);µ18 I• •I S] L , ~ If HARY;\NA Ql~LI YIJBMI W90M lJM!Wl COSU FLQl'I STATEMENT EQB THg YEAR ENQllfQ MARCH 1Qlf ·-~ I hlMI " .:,.,,,,1aw1-,...,_.,:,PttdJ.-J.\d~, I ,'.':'......lklo,>oT._..,.,c,v-..,_, ,,.,...o,,,,_,.,.,,. ,, 1'1 ?t J -- c,-.,,.,, o.ii- .... ~-- °"" lou ftlm utfBVH o,nnt,1,ttcl ~Cid. i--Wfla&~CNir~ A-_o...,~_,,... ..,. NonC&s/1- , ..,,.,,., u~ .,,... ..n; """'1lou l 8cl!n-C:.,U n.m« '°'"' im,11 000 nt111t tWI 1----..! •~ !.! oo~• ,~. ,.!.l IU.Ct7'4 I ZI $.Cl 70 14011 (IUOO! P7 ):,f co-, ,UQtlH 9/l 91 •o )'' a., ' c.-a-,,.,.,\"~C4,pl.al_ o.ict.t.. l(lro ,8" }~T(Q f.0Nif ~ o.:i.J.d(NrUN)~.$t:rft& tf:l!'PI , •.,., 07 ,,.uc.,1 ,,co,cu ; (l ,,1._}J -~~1,y,_p.,_ (M.!.IOif; (Ito: t>/ >i ~ ~--.:.;:.,0 ;., >t-l 10,_,., ~ C•Vt~,ICl"nO,.,•~•Cl•-4) t~.'«M &.J,11)0\ I Tbf'tPM: 000 000 l~ltt,Wtieb't'c.~~, 10)144H "11:.01 t""""1nir;-. 000 (170tSSI) I .... .,. .. ,_,,_(Uwdlo)O..,,:,,g""""'" IAI U71U4f I 0.:. C....,_ no. FtOlft 11'1 .._ tJl"Q AcfM»$. ,., __ .II.I.Mol (l4'4'!l~ & aplM WIP lfl Pl7" 1~ 1>1crp wo :•)~crF.,-eoAI.Mtl I 1J StrJ.ca h ~ l"1CJ'~1cd ,...,~-~~ ..~U.M: Ut1Ct.111llow,rom(l""fdlr'l)••.-..11lnQ AetlYIUn OiovJ I CDI 111.,111;, W-21 t•n.ce (™$41 LlO.ll C?iof ffl 7r; tn11 ' ttUCt0l1 •»20 1'111~» tllle 16) » ~ 1---t:;; ;,,,. ,.,Q AI ,:, t>et 1).)('.1' I) __ C· tlft C:.lob UMd tn ,~ ACCMUitt °"'*' ,.,._..., UH9VN """ I.Of"IO f.m:. rl) Ptoe«-o,. I:~ I-Xl!lg1 •~ \•) R~~Of~f~&(')ftec·~• "'09 ~ 4Cow.,-w ~ OIOOlb l.10'UMC ft.Ct~ O'I «d 1o6.-i ..... ~""'° ,..., ,.,..., ., _,,, ,10,u n, cm.1.111 m.,nau IS,1)717 . .. ~, .,. , ·»•t».ll tff •» 00) tC.to&l ~ _,., rr~n,, ncru ,c~OtO"t ,1td) l It) )J .,, ~·- b ~ MMC4 ~ ~UNd. \O.C,,. •Md) q,u, (tit.)~ . .,r.o.,.~, t•, 0tw4'Cfs•\4IO Ult" 1)90t$0 '"=""to 107.tNIO vt~ ~ ~ m11ou ()ttOOO) ,,~ IJf 1!] 1!, ca: ,:1 "·· C&lll f.kM- .. .., !CJ ''°"' (U..O 1ft} ,ir~ ~t."6• ~ ntl04 >OJ c~,w~ ••1•&.s f,Sf7HJ ~ a&IMK.e ofC&.t h a'ld C:.,. ah ftau.,,.,,.. 1' 1$)6.9 )9,12lll c ........__ l.&.UM• c, Cub~ Cuti EQ:uN•lent, 11-:i&\.& tl.!5)U C:.ah an Mt-U• u pet o,unu n.., l),TQf) 0.,.0.tlr• r,.oc,c-a.MMdu.,. ..,t,aiwt.t,J 111:S-,QI CuhMdCuh t• t)le.10 For P. Chop,. & Co. (11.e~ (SHA Chartered AccounLanta DlrtctorrPtoJec:b Ch1I nC F.ll No.: ~sm DUI: 07157590 DIN: 0753110 x'I-~ q-j!:f. ,µJ ~~-~ Lw -JU. (CA KAl'IL K MARWAHA) (('II.AO£fl' lI CWIP. • • Average or opening & closing outstanding loans for capltal r • borrowing cost is aipltalized on the basts of weighted average formula as under> ' / c) Interest paid and provided for the year on loans !or capital ~,orks. , d) (Cap:~''.~r~/borr~w _P cost= C X~ Ing/ .l . C, •lll'ni:,· / Y" ~ ~ 1 13. INVESTMENTS: No contingency reserve Is created since Onanclal year 2006-09 as per I lon'blo 1 C1;mmiss:o:1 ercers dated 20-11-2008 en AR~ for FY 2001!·()!: Howeve• lhP. ~aiy . amount or investmcn1 hos also been realized d1;rinp the FY 2013-14 ./ 1 .14 . i ) UNSECURED LOANS-GOVT./HVPNL LOANS: l Recelpl of loans, lnteresl accrued lhoret,n & repayments regarding loans from ~ Govt.fhiVPNL (dlrectlynndirectly) are acceuntcd for o~ the basli. or ! edvice/lnslrucltons of Govt./HVPNL. ( 1.15. GOVERNMENTGRANTS: I Gra-us from Central/ State Govemmenl for 1he purpose of Cai,ital Works are censidered as Capital Receipts and other grants in the- shape c:' incenlivesl r I I subsidies etc. are considered as Revenue Receipt arc accounted on 1he basis of advice/Instructions of Golll or Relevant Aulhonties I J.16 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT: I Revenue expenditure on research ~xed assets . S. dcvelopmcnl ,~ considered as revenue expenses and Capital expendltur"J incurred O"I •esoarch & development 1s added '.o respective r I • 1: \ 1.17. IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS: An asset is treated as impaired when the carrying cost of asset oxceeds Its recoverable v&lue. An Impairment loss ls charged to lho Profit and Loss Account ln the year in which an asset Is Identified as Impaired. The lmpalrmrnt loss recognized 'i In prior accounting period ls reve~ed If !here has been a change 1n the estimate of L recoverable amount. Further, DHBVN has not done any impairment of assets during the FY 2017-18. 1 18 Provisions for Bad ;ind Doubtful Debts @ 10% on . (_ r~.., ~, ,··~-. Nlgam has a policy of creating provision for bad and doubtlul debts , , ,..• ~"a:_;5· (.J l _ I 19. MISCELLANEOUS: I a) Expenses on raising nnance and financial l1Jans are charged to revenue. b) Cash flow statements are prepared using Indirect method as prescribed In / Accounting Standard-3. issued by ICAI c) No significant events lhat occurred after the balance sheet date CdisclosP.d as per accounting standard 4, issued by ICAI) . . d) Prior period expenses/income have been disclosed note-27(a)• or ihe balance sheet. (dlsciosec as per accounting standard 5. issued by !CAI) e) Interest on loans and advances advanced to the staff IS being recovered auer the < full recovery or principal amount. However, interest is accoun(ed for .on accrual basis in the accounts. Accounts have been prepared as per Accounting S:and~rds prescribed by Institute of Chartered Accountants of ,l:idla from AS I to AS 29 and which are relevant to DHBVNL NOTES Ot,I ACCOUNTS Thi, figures tor this year and the previous year have been shown in the relevant . I ~ notes and regrouped and rearranged for belier presentation wherever considered ~ necessary. t 1 21 CONTINGENT LIABILITY:- • i: Contingent IJabllities as on the date of Balance Sheet t j· i) Contingent 1fab1lltles In respect of civil suits filed by the thl~ parties og9lnst the Nigam are approximately Rs. 84638.93 Lakhs (previous year Rs. t 199054.53 la~hs), Out of Rs. 84638.93 Lakhs. contingent lla~ility of Rs. f\0680 _./ Lakha arises due to commerclal operation or date by generating Co (Mis JPL). ~ The case Is pending with APTEL New Delhi, next date of hearing fixed . . 04/12/2018. ii) The Nigam had flied a petition In Punjab and Haryana High;Court Chandigarh vide CWP 16515 of 2005, regarding payment of Fring!! Benefit Tax on contribution to superannuation fund for FY 2005-06. Th~ matter has been stayed by the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court 1de his order dated / 06/02/2006. Later on, all the petitions of similar nature from various Courts across India hove been transferred to Supreme Court vlde \ransfer petition no TP-132 of 2006 on the request of Revenue Department. Ttils Transfer Petition was dismissed by lhe Hon'ble Supreme Court of India on 21.04.2016. Another ~ r.;:'~"'"~" ,, '"' ,..,,, ~'""' ~ '"' ~1 • I t,o Hon b!o Supreme Cou,1 of Indra as per tne 1r1fo,ma11c:1 ava,tab!e on website ol court olld ttus Transfer Pcuuon Is hkcly to be heard shortly The amount ol Rs s.e~.86.7151- p~ld on ar.c~u'll or l'BT for FY 21lC15·06 wa~ con~ldorl'd as an Advance Tax during FY 2005·06 to be refunded by the Income Tax Department, any adverse decit·on of Court will a/lee! the profitabu,ty of the I Nlgam. No payment of FBT ;n respect of CQnlnbution to superannuation fund has been made durrng FY ~006-07 2007·08 6 2008-09 However, the FBT case for FY 2005·06 has been assessed by the Authority vide order dated 28 12 2008 .ind refund of deposued amount has been claimed b;- the N1gam fli) Ounng FY 2008-09, the Income TaY Department Hlsar has raised a demand of lax Rs 55 09,01 707/- on account ol non deduenon of TDS under sectron 194J al Income Tax I ct on payment of transm,ss,on charges made to HVPNL for FY 2005-06. 2006-07 and 2007-08 nus amcunt was shown as co,11in9ent liability In the FY 2008-09. Tho case was der..d~ in favour or DlfBVNL by rTAT Now Delhi ~onch on dated 23 10 2009 & the appeal was allowed in ruu / But there after the Income Tax Dcpanment had filed an appeol In Punjab end Haryena High Court CllandIgarh, Tho Hon'ble Court, vlde 1111 order. IT-\ No 652 ol 2010 (O&M) dated 8/:-,201,1 authonze the Assessing Olf,c:er to consider the eternen: of mcome In the lransaclion as well. t.ifore pasimg a fresh order in accordance w1th taw Now th!! caso 1s pending with concerned, ·1 ASS8SS111fl Officer. IT Department ! ,v) Cornrnlsslene of lncom~ 'rax ~h&.sr have flied an appeal ai;;amst t.re ITAT .... f Delhi ·Bunch 13 order dated 27/06/012 anc 10/02'2012 1n the Hon ble Pun1ab 8 Haryana High Court Cnandigarh vode CRA No 369 of 2014 and CRA No 226 of 2014 for the Assessment Year 2007-08 end 2008-09 resi:octively on account or disaltewance u/s 40\a) (ia) for non-deducilon or Tax on payment or vlheoling I transmission charges of Rs 152 53 erore (AV 2007-08) and Rs I 241.55 erore (AY 2008-09), Both the cases were hoard by the Hon'ble Punjab 8 Horyana H,gn Court on dated 30/03/2015 and adiourncd s1no-d1e 1111 the final decrsron 111 ITA 652 of 2010 v) Commissioner or Income Tax Hlsar has filed an appeal ,n the Hon'ble Apex court New Deihl against the Judgment dated 01/10/201" passed by Hon'bte { Punjab 6 Haryana High Court Chandigarh 111 ITA No 209/14 for lhO Assossmonl Year 2006-07 on dlsallowancc or provision ol delayed payment surcharge due but not realtzr,j worth Rs 225 18 crore Next date of hearing is likelv to be fixed • The Elcctncity Ombudsmon, Haryono, HERC, Panchkula In its cecrsrcn dated VI) ( 20 Septllmber 2012 had dnected to charge the penalty for MDI exceeds on n.co lndustnes tor one mon~. 32 96 L.ikhs (one month) only Instead of ' I I' o ii a , -;~p ~ g,e \-1/ [,l/ (I L__ r.., 17 mcnths Rs 5 60 erore (1 i Monlhs i c January 2010 to May ?.011 ). The Nlgam has filed an appoal vmh Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh against the orders of Ombudsman. Haryan:,, HERC. Panchkula and the case '' Is defended by Xen OP Divn Sohna ann s1III under trial The next ·date of the case Is fixed on 06.08.2018 Tho Nlgam Is contin3ent:y t1o!lle for to Rs. 5.60 crore I i 22. The fixed .. ssets have not b~sured The cash in transit and cash in chest has Dt!cn insured. The Fixed assets Include some transformers which v/erc damaged dwlng warranly period and tying at store ior want of repairs. 1 , . ' I 23 The assets allocated 10 other power utllillcs are br.1ng ulihzed by DrBVNL and vice versa. The accountinqs c,f rental paycbles/rcceivobles to/from have not ocen made / In accounts or DHBV•IL In absence of specific agreement In 'his regard 1 2,; In tne opinion of i.re N1garr., ltie current assets and loons and advances are of the ("" value as stated m the accounts, if realized m the ordinary course of _business 1.25. Assets held for disposal as showr. In lhe Note 14 amounting to R/:. 2733.65 Lakhs (prevlou~ year Rs. 2736.34 Lakhs) represents the discarded/ surveyed off assets and these have been taken at their written c:own value. Furthpr, loss or p1ofll ls / accounted on aciu~I sale of assets • 26 Subsidy irom GOH for concnsslonal Agriculture Power Subsidy received from G.0 H dunng FY 2017-18 ,s to the tune of fle durina U,e veer 157.162\ 4 Pa• ab'c amount or GPF j1+2+3I 720:40 4~Q:.~ 5 I Less paid to Emoloyees on behalf of Trust dunng 2r:1s 26923 ' lhe veer 1511611 •6 ·1200.00 15.211 Less na!d to Trust during FY 2017-18 !57.163) 1436.16 264.02 ·1 , Total pcld amount of GPF r5+61 r I Net payabto/(recelvable) amount to DHB\/NL employees GPF Trust (4-7} . (?\ 5.76) I 156.57 1 32. PENSIONARY CHARGES OF OLD EMPLOYEES: . . Ao amount of Rs. 40900 takhs on account or terminal ben~ts of the employees recruited be(ore 1-7-1999 for FY 2017-1 B has been .-ccoun\~d for as per a,;tuarv / •,atuatlon report of Mis Mercer Consulling India Pvt Ltd and has been show'\ as payable to HVPNL Pension FI.Jnil Trust 1.33. PENStONARY CHARGES OF NEW EMPLOYEES: A sum of Rs 2000 lakhs on account of terminal benefits in respect of employees / recruited on or after 1 7.1999 has been provided In the alou,nts .as per actuary valuation report of Mis Mercer Consulting India Pvt Ltd has bee'! shown as payable to DHBVN pension fund trust. I. 1 34 SURCP.ARGE LEVIED ON DELAYED PAYM!::NT: Income from surcharge Is accounted for on the. basis of acta1 realization On t , 0 basis ol ac\u,1 realfz.atlon a sum of Rs. 11:!52 17 fakhs has een account~~ lo[ a ··I· Income from surcharge against total as~cnt or Rs 6382 .49 lakh~,. /( • ', ./ .-,, .\.. V '(_,'\ (\jl i -fl/ ~ '(9-/ /,, c} f1 Jo I J ½'~- I ·~· UU. ,11 \ I :; ..•, -~ ··- . .. ' 'r, I 1.35. 1ed 111 Op. StD,vn. Adampur under Op. Oivn No. II, Cash embezzlement was dele1, Hlsar In April 2©1 for which Sh. Karam Singh Kamboj and Sh. Sita Ram LOC/C WM'! found at fault. An FIR was •od:,M :isalns• Sh K:m1m Singh tWtH Distribution Utilities. The tripartite MOU amongst Gov:.. of India, G?vl or Harvana and State DISCOMs (UHBVN & DHBVN) was signed at Ney, O'elt,1 on 1110312016. The scheme aims at reducing debt burden of DlSCOMs. reduces cost of power & reduces AT&C losses to the level of 15% In next 3 years by 2018·19. Under the scheme, 75% of the loan liabilities of DISCOMs ou\slandlng as on 30"' September, 2015, are to be taken over by the Stale Govt. In tv(o years i e. 50% in / FY 2015-16 and bal:Jnce 25% in FY 2016-17 by issuing non sU{bonds and treating the same as loan from State G0111. to Power Utilities The entire· loar, amount would be convened Into cqulty & grant to Utilllles over a period ol SI.years starting from :l015-16 to 2019-20@ 15% every year. First tranche c,f UDA'(, bond!: for both the DISCOMs was Issued by the State Govl. on 31103/2016 al coupon rate of 8.21 % for Rs. 17300 crores. The 2..s, 3'° & 4"' tranche of UDAY bo11ds for the bala,nce ,: - \.f') I o.~ p. / r..Y 1/ / ~v ~ ,I (J \ l ' '1 L. _ IMjl'II~< ~ 'l' I~ I )2-. ' _/ amount of Rs. 8650 croros wero Issued frum 15/06/2016 to 410? /2016 through Reserve Baak of India at coupon rate ranging from 8.06% lo 8.18%. The weighted averape rate o(interest for UDA Y bonds of Haryana Stale comes to 8 20% approx J \ • 1 66 The informaUon becoming the part for evaluation of el191blh\y parameters for claiming Interest subsidy etc required by rundlng agencies viz RE.C/PFC etc . . I L kh ·-"..;~s 12665.65 Transmission Loss - .. - y~ I-.-·~ Units -- .. -~.::.~ 227916.68 Enernv sold Rs. 1250414.59 : Revenue from ocerauon / sale of enemv Rs . 89598.86 Revenue from enernv traded / lnter State sales ., -'. • Opening debtors for sale of energy w/o deducting nrovislon for doubtful debts or anv amount written off Closing debtors for sale of energy w/o deducting provision Rs. Rs. 1 704649.23 733270.49 / for. doubtful debts or ans amount wriUen off Rs 1677821.38 · T~af i:::"""nditure lnctudlno exceotlonal items Rs. 46887.43 Non-Tariff I Other Income 304332.C.'5 Rs. Subsldv received 304332.05 Subsldv Booked I Bulll 111 the Revenue Rs. Rs 77937.31 Sundry debtors for energy traded & Inter Stale sale of nl>W(lr L- Units -- I- 1f-&~~ Encrnv Purchased 2__3057.42 . Enerav Traded/ lnter State sales/Net\ t,Jr.!ls -The status or secured & unsecured loans as on 31-03-2018 are detailed hereunder Amount In Rs 31.03.2018 31.03.2017 Particulars I Secured 89,23, 18.446 1,28,05.18,679 Commercial Banks for ' Electrification Schemes Punjab Sil\d 7 aank ol ao.23. ,a..140 I ,.,3.03.32)157 ·,so,.ao.Th• ' Bank Ralasthan -- - • Workina Caoital Loans:- . i Bonds from Various Banks IFRPl ; Cash Credit Limits from Banks 1 62.86 00.000 1 62.86,00.000 903,238.348 / .(g,20,09,907 Vllaya Bank Hlsar r197 524' 17.57.416 Indian Bank. Hlsar 1808 643,9TT1 (39.53 634 : Oriental Bank or Comrnerce Pa1ochkulo (8.28 82,702 r90 078 089' '1 Allahabad Bank Hlsar 44.48 11 ·189 Andhra Bank 1.420.374 417 (5.73,64. 164\ Canara Bank Hiser 4_33_39 11 854 2,72 87.61.812 Total Secured Loans from Bnnks !al I PFC under R-APDRP 16, 17.33.27 63 933 REC for caoltal works 0,00 PFC STL 1~ 00,§3,?B~~ - 0.00 - Koo PFC for Worltlnci Cao ital 17,25,74.64.765 Total Secured Lonns from Otherslbl 21 59 12 76.619 l Total Secured Loan tc=a+bl 21.65. 72. 50 086 l Unsecured From Others '. , .i W~d~~ ~ro;~ct : ~ \K' . ., · l'ljl'-tq;c' _y ~ iJ:,Q_ ~ ~ L.. -- I -- ·- ·_;_ /> - - 1~,if ~986 . __2f.14,i ~.1f s ~f Pro!octs - PMGY Prolecls •I-- ~e~9,1q1 57,0~,64~ 0 __ l,~6, 11.sqp_ P!'r. f'>f C Equi!y Snarud. 1 50000000 50000000 / 100(),. e,tt,I\ 5-: 5"2 blluu.,. 2683" 107 (Pto·,l;)us yoar-25'143257) Eq\,!Ty SNltts ol 268 3"1 07 25"'"32.67 ' 10()1]1. •• th , cl Sub,crlbed and aald un :!GM< 107(J',.,..,.c ro11-254•32S7) Eq""Y Sn.a,os c, 2118.341 07 254432~7 · 1000,. u:h I - T01AL 2M.l41.07 254,01.57 I RECONCILIATION OF THE NuMBEft.nF S1tAi3E§ AIIQ AMOUNT OUTSJANQINQ AT THE ENQ 9L~ . . G0 •n-o AJ. at31at M.J,,.h.2011 • Mat l11l M,m:h. 2017 NoolEqulTy Sharta Amount In" No ol E•ullv ShorOI Amautt ln · ()per ng Datonod & Paid.., E•ui:v Share C3.0.11t ..._~,_ N -a, ended 201S..t9 USO&SO 13908 SO . .. ~- Suo>cnbed & Pa,d LOE--:· S......, . C.~lll dUJi"'"" the 1.011, ondea -,.-,7 10.71116SO 107 195 BO C1ostng 01t.nc• of lnuad. .._ ..... - 1 ... L- !uMc.~ & PakS u;, .. - ___ .. 2& 114.107 218~107 2S,.. l,2S7 1.si1.,32.S7 tlolt 71 Tho Pll.d up Snare Copit11 induc:e:s <4372735 No Equity SNtH ot' lOOOI• o.1c--i 11.suod to HVPH.L al'ld 22<461366 No e.-11 Sh.1r01 (pnt,,ousyeot 21070Sl6 ,,. shoret) of 1-· UCII b..:K 10S1.1,o Go'4 ..+.Id,...,..,.. G Equ,Ty Sn•••• luuod 10 aubOCl>bert lOIM ,_,._,, J.lo...,...nd"'" ot Au.,,..tion Out of 1ho 1h11e1 luued 10 HVPIIL. 4372725 No _,,,. ·.--. ls>-4'! ., punuont lo• con:raCI wtl>OU1 01ymett bein; . BO.OW All£ n1E SA.MES OFTIIESIIA.REllOLOl!JtS 1101.DlNC MDRETIIAN 4'14 Of SHARES E•ultvSh1re of Rs.1000/· Heh rulivo1ld I . I I Aloi 31.03.~18 As 1131.03 ~17 I ,•. I '14 of Sh110 Holdlng No, ol Sh~tt Holding % of Shu, No. of Sh.1ro S, No NllmO Holdlno • Boldlnn 8369 21 071) 518 112.BO t Government 011..1----·anc, 2H61.36G 4 37Z 735 17 19 2 H.,nt1,na Vr-A-• Pru.aran HAam Lm,ted , 372.735 10 30 25,'4).251 09.09 99.99 Total 26.13-1,101 - , ,."~ I ·- -------- -· .. I DN(SflH N..u1YAH.A Ai ri I VUR4H I I -1 ·- !101EI 10 THEflNANCIAl lrATEMEKTS AolAT,. FOR 1'lE YCAR E!,"JCO :.&AACK J1 201i NO lHO.J I AESEIIYES AJIO SUIIPUJ.1 . - - "' 11 ~, il"ttiicli7'" n.si1.ii11,1m1o: I A.«ou.nt f'artk1o1tara 2017 Codo . lOU /1.m..u.11 L, L:i.'a, "1no~!!'I I-. ~~hi ~~l,M-•rw• NICCJwd .....,. A.\ lf'ldi tuorwe I .S.,V,C. 1nC OONl-. Ht9 .,,.......,GOH.,_.. _. .,....._ 1109 c;,...in 8asll v~-- =oo I ')50 00 =ot """'!rem IJ'a> (Al per lnl -I I -· lo,_ UJOI SLt~lb UOlel ~ .QCd 13 Gtanl tlo,r: P,AOY (M ~ \hi ~I SS-lM •SJ7 M'1 lrom KlAf -/JOU"" Pl' lat\ ..__. U.J~ aw_,, Vf9"1 :M.511 US11 ,,_ •- GO•'OOli of o.-sy,-~, pol<- su_, 2·· 20 2111 :IO ls.JO I ..,.....,_ l,"-'pe< lnl wndl l suw..,.__.\ _. 37143 •SU'2 ill11 t .... ..._,, (Al"' i.Hl ma.no.t J e ee O"' (l!JC•Pt IJ.lOf l ............ Tot.Mo,..nw tff.tlv•d 1owanh t"a•I ot 241ft lO If Oct I\ - I .inc OCprec:i.1-:IOtl pot\ilW'IQ 10 HMb SS.600 OUltd trom GI.NU ae,e12 , sneo 1 I C70,t2 TOI.al 01,tt,ef Ru eNn 1' '"'·"' s~ -JQSlO f"U'lloMlr'Cl,nao-.t ct an.a uncltt U04y 6S.lOI _,,.,. - SUI<, b ConU ,.121.,, M _.. last~ IIIJlfflWU J.44. AddrtlOM/1 RtCJCt,on ' «f- ....... ., 721.ll 12-n1.21 . . . l rll.JI C !la ... Jt &. Lou ncn11ft Stat.lmitnl of P,ol"" u »s 1na1 ' 11.l1DJ)61 03 ·- lUI f!Ni,d.at llJ;• -- Adel. Profilo'11Uliu, traM '9d .,_ UHOV!< Md: PfoftV(LoH) trlfltJtffld from rrOM A lou ac:o:)i,11"111 ,a_ 2113 ,, 1)1UI~ II )71 Dll 1),1 IISl l4l 17 "' 309 I IM12 ,,.n~,u 11 ,w.oa-1.12 l'ot.11 Tht Comc>Mr/ N:t not~t4 m, co,•19t11q ,_14f\,o Olh'a; N Wf*"II (N,ld,~ 'Jt11 Bowt'Yff an a,nounl c.f Rs. 272l,21 LaU"· If'\) 1,l'ld¢f conlingenc,- ttta"'-C II 'MC14f'I off 0-~"ini, t!iSla ti~ ~1! FV20tl·18 -- - 1.,.,- .,_ 'I, A um oC' ee,.e 12 t.aV\t UW•Ykkl• 't•u 7012..52. Ulltl) 10..,-,,C:1 ~to-1,lion Of' Mfrom commerclal lww f.x alecln/Jcatlon &cheme111 ngalnat Ille 1ocu111i o!T&O uants of ,M !:f!aom. Noto 5 2 ,. L~ /,om HVPNL was obtalnod as per declalon or G0\/1 ol Hnryona "'as to lldJUl-1 of amount p1y;ble by I • OHB\IN to ltP.GCL & HVPNL. agnlnI1 powe r p<1rcllue a uon.mlulort di.tr~• respeellv oly. Sudl 1rnou n1 woo rolM!d by HVPNL l>f 1UW19 b.>tlds-201?. &erios-1 & ll(Pan,1&11) dcrlllg FY 2012· 13. Hlll'NL Bond• 2013 SCIICl•l(Pan I 6 II) In FY10l3 1, ano Hlr.'NL Bonda 2014-15 Sorlo1-l ,n FY 20H-15v 0 ::) - I c.. \ . -~. .J q , ·-. ·--------. - DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED .. NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2018 NOTE No. -6 OTflER LONG TERM LI ABILITIES Account As at 31st March, As at 31st Maren, Particulars 2018 2017 Code -....... Amount in Lakhs Amount In Lakhs 461,462 except Deposits and retention from supphors ond 46.237 contractors 34.512 S'9 30 800.05 48 1 Security deposits from censumers-tntere-a bearlno 130 444 64 . 11471697 47 De-sits for eleclrifttation/ service connection 15,946.56 11 599.97 ' Total 180,903.79 157,116.99 Noto 6.1 :- Amount of Secunty Deposit sh°' against GH-48 1 Includes interest bearil)g m ter, s.icurity de sit from consu.ners. ;~c r ~1 ., •< DAK$HIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MA~CH 31, 2018 _:\ NOTE No, -7 Lonn Torm Provisions Account A! at 31st ~arch, As ?t 31sl March, Particulars 2010 2017 Code Ail'ount In Lakhs Amount In L11khs Total I . . Cf) t ~o..y-~ I { I " t. } \ '- ','f/ .; ,. Ii ' -- DAl TRADE PAYABLES - Account Coda As at 31st March, As al 31st March, Particulars 2018 I 2017 Amvunt In Lakhs Amounl In Lakhs 41 1, 41 2& 41 3 (8) llabillly for purchase o! pawer (exeeet 41.1561 .HPGCL &Olhersl 216.357 10 254.003 65 - Transmission cf 41,156 PowerlHVPNL) 12,194 45 16,367.94' - TOlill I 228,651.55 247,635.71 @l v-- ~ ./ "'~ (.,o L OAKSHIN HARYANA OIJLI VITRAN N1GAM Lll'IIITEO NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENOEO MARCH 31, 2018 NOTE No, -10 OTIICR CUR:':ENT l.JJ.811.IT!ES Account Codes As a1 J1s1 ,.,~rcn, AS a~ ... 1.it r,1:rcn. Partlculars 2018 2017 Amounl ,r. Lokhs Amount In Laklls a Current maturities of fono term deb! 5124) b Cu1Ton1 'l\8lun1ies of long Term Boml•,•Ang 263,670 :; 1 253.721 38 ln1orcs1 accrued but not due on 46.7 .: borrowings 9,899 49 9.('97 62 I Othor payable . 42.110 42.J ~.ablltty for Capita l sup 9.73199 GH 43 (eiraipl OlkS 12,800 26 I . Uab,ioty for O&M supplies/Works 1,17173 ' I 43 4} 1.456 91 44 1 10 44.4 ( Except 44 370 & 44.380) Staff r,:lalod l.labilities and provisions 9,380 83 S.62502 51.209 1n1eros1 duo en Slaff securi tv 0.116 0 39 48.2 Clec1rici:V Duty Psyablo to Govt. 7,652.12 8,25244 46.4 Uabllllv 101 ezpenses 2,090 21 1.598 31 ,.a 501 Municipal Tl,. payable 18,608 00 12,972 ~7 Amount payable to Govt on accoum or compounding or offence In case theft ol 46.502 olecy. 5,654.14 4.479 25 Other 1.Jab1litles ond provision (except 46.9 46.903, 994 & 99:iJ 11.991.42 11,043.63 >-- Payable to HPGCL(Otho, than Power <6 9iM& 26 876 Purchase) 41;9 76 458 76 48.995,28.877 .2 Payable to Ul18VNL(Other than Power 8 103&43 4 Purchase} ie.zes.so 37.261 89 Inter Unfts Acc4.Jnts. ful'lds Tronsfer from ., , 34 Head omco 1.696 70 876 76 .31 IUT- Mater.a: Accounts . 0.26 57 131·57 132 & 28 784 Payab~ to Peos,on Trusl (HVPNL) 42,830 05 44.804.'o 57141,142& 28 785 Payable to Pension Trust (DH3VNL) 6.392.55 I 7,096.t4 TotJI Othor DOV0ble 137,777.81 14S,27-1.lO Total 411,347.61 408,693.20 ~w - c., . ~v @ t I") GI" - I ,. ~ I DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED I NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED I MARCH 31, 2018 NOTE No. -1t ,, SHORT TERM PROVISIONS Account As at 31st March, As at 31st March, ,. Particulars 2018 2017 ,. Codes Amount in Lakhs Amount in Lakhs I l Total . - - ' I • CD l oarinn bl lntcrost froe . • 10.274.48 -' 10,488.77 . 25.6 cl Material reeelvod but not takon In books ,. I . 25.7 ,., ConllllC:o,s :naleriol control occountrcoo1t11II i .. ' . 46 ,., Less: Provisions I. . , Total 13,562.15 14,617.46 .... Ci) t ~0 7 ~v ,;:) '. . \ ,..__.,. .. ., ../ I l ' • .I I I - I ·~, l• DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED EOTES TO THE'FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED ~RCH 31, 2018 OTE No.•14 • • I nfHER Nn1J.c11~. ASS"TS l l M•rch, Aa al 311tl\larch, Accoun! Codc,s . I Particulars - ,... at 31st 2018 2017 . . ! Amount In L1kh1 /.mount In Lakhs 1,9H,.6'1 1.900.75 211.3 lnlemsl oo:tUed blJI not due 513.92 621.89 2e.•· Amount recoverable from em :, 1.SH.68 2.874.&4 ; 27.412 • lnteiim 0e-11 with Income Tax I . Other clalms and receivable (except 26.784 l 1.489.31 1,693.10 • 28.7 & 28.785) 496.0 . - u~ ~ -~r) I ' \!T I ... •i ! I ·Ii I :-. i L.---..----- ,.._ - OAKSHIN HARYANA BIJU VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31', 2018 II NOTE No. -15 CURl-!ENT INVESTMEN1'S ' As at 31st Much1 As at 31st March. Account Par1lcul9rs 2018 I ; 2017 Amount In ukhs1 Amount In La~hs \ Codo, . t . Totnl -) ' cg; ~-L,,V I. l •·· ' .. c.. l ~ i ; ! ' ' . . : t : ~ ,I • i_, _ .... I • I DIIKShlN HARYIJ.A 6UU =RAI: NIGAM L!MITEl' 15" . ' AHANCIAI. STATl!MEHTS AS AT & FOR me YEAR ENDED MARCIi ,1, 2018 Il . Account Codes As1tl1atMarch, As 1131atU.n:h. I PartJcutara 2011 2017 • Amount In Llkhs Amount In 1.4kht 22.iO To :ZZ.83 ..... I ... •nd22.Galo 22.70 22.8 ~ .- . ..,'-._~----- In 6loora 000 000 Sub Toul-1 OSM SIOnt 14,446,35 12.510.01 22.&< Stores and, .... -. at w,.-.• ....i,.n 5.lta.•P 3541,15 S1oru and.~., .. at 369 _..__ 22.841 llot,a\ 389 22.55 Stcru and •""area at itJtAIQ.&M \ &28 OJ 74869 Sub Tolll•l MAIA a.021.21 4,593.U 22.e&.22.69,22.7 Ollw-A/C a.534.31 10268.56 Ml!orill Stod<·Elbu/ahortaga• .. 22.8 ' 69323 71U9 SubTolll-3 1277,5'1 ' U 001..55 Orand TotaIT1+2+:i1 21 HS.10 21,155.09 ' : 46.201 Less:. Provb.lon -.uut o~to 1\0ek 20000 20000 ( Uot Tollt 29_.95.1D 27,955.09 Nolo-1:: S:ares& Spates lncludo.sa!ow mcw,g 1ndncn """"'91tc>R1i _,,, '370.74lakM (Pr~ yea,· 4,47.82 Lakha) & '71828 Lak/11 (Prevtou> yea,· 2!9eS Llklu) rolj)Odr,lelv a the wno """" not bfff1 dedated obsole!e 10 far., : Noe.o-2:' Tho Ol declared u obt<>lete by lhe COO'lliUee conslltuled fo, l1lfl Plifl)Ose c1ur:na FY 2017-18 , • ,· ... " V CCV ~0 ) V l . I ·I' L__ '' 0/ ·- DAKSIIIN HARYANA BIJU VTTRAH IIIOAM UMIT£O OTE Nn,.17 ··--- ~OTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR TIIE YEAR ENDED MARCH 311 2018 • j • rp~nf RE'::EIVA'3LES Account Codes k. 113111 M•rch. 2018 As 113111 March, 2017 - P11tlcul•~ Amount In L1kh1 Amount In La\hs Tr:xlo r~s outstoncf ,ng IOf a portod a six monlhs Iran 1t1e dale th_, were duo fOf I n SeaA-- consk:toR:d - 129435.17 : 108.111-4.0$ i\ Unsecured conak1Mf!d - 1.u 4'00.80 163 249.98 il1~ul 402 870.70 41882411 Leu· Ptovlslon lo, doubtful Uado receivl>bles 4n, 870.70 416 844.12 . b Qi1i, Trnde R«eiv:Jbles n Sxur od con&ldo rod """" - - ~ 1 009.44 a .- & 532.92 I li1 Unaecured conuiarod - 1032.80 9 858. 18 Total 2~878.05 287.125.11 1--- 11 ... , T,a---- R· Ivan,_ 2J.1ro1-a1, 3001· a1 & 3101.a1 Trade recalvllbles !Of Sa!e ol Power 11743,87 30 583.21 . . ~{;1101-81, .3201· e & JJ01.a1 Trll(!o lccelvllblos for Flud Ch-es 3-4 514 45 ?A?Ol.20 ~.a I .3-40 • • 81 & 3501-81 Trodo roce rvabldo 23.9 roc:elvables IExceru Surchat""' 66 521.74· : 156 521.7~ ' 23.934 Loss. Provislo!, fo, Sutchame nol Re.1llsod 402 87070 350 302.l8 . Tolol 263 878.05 287.825.11 ~·- I ,.mo Trade reC 113111 Mlrch. Ao 1t 3111 M.trch, .• P1rlicul.lts . 101G MIOUIII In Lakhl 2017 Amount In Lakht 288 i O!hcr recofv1blo ,._....,, 21.876 an& a191 7'9'195 6 749 68 ' ' 21.110·! S""'*YDetllorlfot .. ~ .... oCl,e, lhan 705 37 . l 17.224 ! ' UHBVN Defleenclu..- H,1ncls&I • 7M,95 2.31 l 1.50 Sub Tolal-1 1,019.21 7,456,4S 33 11ST .P..-.-1 Tlllnsactlon 234.17 248.28 . . 37' I\IT·OOw TIW\sac:lonl 1,338.70 ---·- ! I sol,'i'olir.2- ~ I • ' -- - . . :" 234,17 UH.ti 482 1 ; ·. Al Tolal 11•21 . - -- 1,323.31 10003 t,043.43 100.0-3 le11:IUTl'nMslons • I Net Cuffllnl Auola - 1,223.35 •. ~~40 0) i:lv~ V ~ c., ;a 1 I I I; I j i. l :1 • • i .. I • . lI l .I ·1 : ' I •, I - . ·-- . ·-- - I =·"DAKSHIH HARYANA BIJU VITRAH NIOAM LIMITED NOTES TO TliE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR TliE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31 2018 Acco ue fDn.a..a, F ,N~ ·- .. uni P1rtlcul.trs 201MB 2016-17 Codo Amount In Lakh1 Amount In Lakhs s.i. or Stivlcn I Sale of - and BMld- Outaldo the ,tote 89.598.66 74.980.39 Sale cl ---· -.ithln tho &t)te I <>'i11500.62 I 8'19 475.52 Total Salo cl Sor,lces 1,148,099,"" 924,455.91 Revenue aaolnst FSA 52,005.59 214,639.85 Olhor o-rauna Revenue Axed Choro03 98.592.30 9S 707.56 I Ml 12,005.59 214,639.85 5 DI 9ocltlcl1v dut, recove"' 6).50&5.1 16.8C6,36: 14..676.04 5 "' 1.1,-,1Tax 61.52&53 7.234.0'· S 355.81 5 cl Meter SoNll N--W )__ I • I ' DAKSHIN HARVANA BIJU Vil RAN NIGAM LIMITED ... NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2018 unreNo ..--· OTHER INrtWE· Account •I I Codn - Par1lculua l Interest Income on 2017·18 2016-17 Amount In Lakhs Amount In Lakhs 62.210 I . Slaff Loans and advances 292.82 369.75 62.222 , \ Axed De""silS v.ilh BaNS 123.66 141.83 62.285 I Provident Fund 45-C.73 301.'42 J . 871.21 813.00 62_8 i tneomi.lrom sUilrwclfllll) ac1Mt1cs I 11.27 .. . 10.33 ~ - i ' 62.901. 82.908 Roni from Resldentlal e,- 54.60 27.07 Delayed paymenl ct.a,vos from consumers 62.2401-24J 1 surcl1ar~• ;_......, 11.252 17 9.413.llu oes from State Govt. lo< supply lo Subslcf 83.1 1 l -ricullure lube wells al subsidised la riff 304 332.05 264.354.40 82 8. 62.9f!f. 62,3 • I . Misc. excee, 62.901&82.9081 3469819 44 485!15 i Total 351,219.49 319,104.34 s . -,. ,, , • (:j)1! ~-~ ' I (J v- ,.• • . ...l ! •• I .. f 1 . ·- . ! ..~... .r .. f ,. I ., I I i • ·ll ' I L__ f ,. 9) ·1 ..•) ~,. . ··~ ., ,,-.., ··--- ----. OAJ M2.70 5,4 1117.,42 19 -46&,4\ ' 2 Si"l«tTenn - ,m.12 t2'A5-20 :21t.3J 3 . 317,658.IS 1.21s.ca1.H , 1&, is.se 289'~.32 t, i 10595309 I "1.197.32 · z,,.a'ao.Ji 1,ZlZ.l!.SS.r.G 0 317.&Sl.15 I '. . .. ' . · ·rr.ts1M' I 1266S~ · 1.,.2ua , .,n&Ss.,a J0OU.50 Ll31.1t7.32 Nol PO\,.. r anltab.a. •fwr tnn.smlnlon Loun TRANSMISSION & SLOC CtWIOES !HVPNl.l i0,ld2.71 . &7,,279.-1.) B I .f.21 S60,"" i 1 300: 135-ln ! 1,300.135.C3 C Nol Cool of Power 1,,21.,!,60.0J • ·t ,21 5&).0J !• I JOO llS 03 "" Hl.50 1.!_J_ __':,_; 1!,! ··•~2.! lc•r.o~ .o .l !!: ·' 1:,:: t.L_,Z7~ ll ...e!: ~1:,J.. ~.2 __,, 1,,: lOO 3S ,:el:::= l .O.:.J I ::,j I t) i i . i' !1 J i ' \ i I 9rt, I. ~ . -- Do\KSIIIH HARYAHA BIJU VITRAH HIGAM LIMITED - ----- ---· I I NOTES TO TIIE FIIIAHCIAI. STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDl:0 MARCIi 31 2011 I •I ~ A«ount 201c.1; ' P1rtlcul1ra 2017-11 I I Cala Entry OpentodSA/ AlM) 20.920.82 14,754.22 75,7 Slaff~ ~On.-... c:anteel' . oducl llon. 328.27 & ........ilon). 4611.!,7 75.1 TlllfflNlbenetll. 4 190 13 .,.M.52 S118 TOTAi. 2 n.2Jo 19 61,702.11 Tob1ll1+21 135.400.12 101,173.34 75.9 Less Exi>enooa C..oltollzed 1.232-18 939n Tobll . 134.228,74 100.,34.09 I I .. .I-'; .. J I .J ! I ... , -! -~l .I f• .... DAKSIUH HARV NIA BIJU VITRAH HIDAr,c LIMITED - ---- .,., (~~;s TO ntE FINAHCIAL8TA1EMEHTS AS AT & FOR me YEAR EHDED MARCH 31. 2018-- ""· .,s Flfl•uc~ C isr Accouot Ptrtlcu1,1n -- ~11-1, 3!!1•17_ ~ Codes Amount In ulffl HVPHL ond lnlet pr, Bonds - 782 lrom Varlou> Banh 7 479.83 7 337,81 78.502 c' Rutal Elodrlfia>llon t' ..otn, 18 793.8.'I : 18 425.09 7lL51S ~ p- F1Nnce eon, 2.85 j 15.7) -: o)Payment of lntotosl on lo>n lrom ccmme,clol bani. IOr i !) 78.518 834.ln 1,873 tO Eledrirco llon - ' 78.527 ~ or>lodna frorn com,,;,. 9.>rJc:n etc. ' 1.612 47 1.281 62 - 76.195 SolYial Tax011R0110r&eChllrgo 712.53 1.519.79 C41h/S«rol rew:wd pole! to V,gllance and Informer 76 170 10 de~ lho thoft ol eleclr1c:ity 306.67 33, 11 76.192 ,_..,,..nd,IUIII on GSM modems al OT moto!!r&!...__-4 . .;_4_ . 78 ~ 10.30.,o.so. I eo,ro,11& 83 Olhor material reulad ·-nses 481.45 SO!l.53 Total A&G Ex•>tnan 9,180.18 I 9,043,48 78.9 309.77 I 825.0B Nat A&G Exnonan Olhor Otbltl 8,870.4.1 ; , i 8,218,40 .. 79.4 Refund of RIY1!nuO f Provision• 3.80 .• 1.080.65 79,5 Mlsc. louo• andwrl!J! off 1.953. 17 I 1.851.54 Total Other Ooblta 1.958.77 I 2.931.19 Total 21,527.54 17,973,80 • I Note.27.1· Admlnblfollve and General expenses of '309.77 ukl\5 (previous yeor • 825.08 lokh) re~tir,g 10 , I .alized. C40:\lli wofk• have bffn tanl' A - ' t, L__ '0 1.-- -, DAKSHIN HARV.ANA BIJU VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED - NOTES TO THE.FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31. 2018 ij NOIE u-. -~7'-' - PRIOR P"RI"~ E EN~c~•NCO ' 0 ~ I' . Accou~t cor·t . Particulars 2017-18 2016-17 kmou"I in Lakht Amounl In Lakhs I T :' D..t-.r D-- ff- . I '. i Prior ""nod E.t""n•oa lal .. I Rotund ol lncomc/R evenuo relaling 1o prlo< 839 I. -· ............ l,45 . I riod lncomolb frlor ,..," l 65.8 and 65,9 O!hotexcess In"""' . 0, 13 r-- _.J_ Not Prior Poriod ltomala-b 1.AS 10.13 . ·- . . ----::-::. I - ~-Tobi• ..-, .!'~... '-'"-1;46 - --· 10.13 I . c,. ' ~ l : t ~~- @_ ~ ' l •• I I .j • .. , l l . ·1 ) ' • I •• .i l 'i I .. ' •' I I I I ~~ L._ .... ... J I j i\ } DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENOEO MARCH : q 31, 2018 ' I ,j NOTE No. -28 ',. 1 Excon!lonat Items Particulars 2017-18 2&16·17 Account Codo Amount In Lakhs Amount In Lakhs . • . .. - . , ~~ .., .. - ;. TOTAL-. • ~ ' £.v . -· . I , l' (> Ci) t:2 \:,1 .. . ,,..: ' ·- ' ., !T I : • .. j• ... I' .. I. l l: l r.... . ! : ' t :-i :1 l i • ! 1 i ' !: .. ' '· .I J .. • . . l DAKSHIN HARYANA BIJLI VITRAN NIGAM LIMITED _,,_ -·- -·----- ) l NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS AT & FOR THE YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2018 uoTF. No, -29 EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS Actount Crode Particulars 2017·18 2016-17 Amount In Lakh* Amount In LalUed";~· Plil'S~o ol ~OOOl-•adl - N05,. . ' 10245688. ' --> 18 791 87, i -· .. I m. Eamlnt11 Ptt Sha,. ,(Face vaJu. of Rl.10001· e.u.hl .li.37 51.10 BASIC Rn R&J-' 51 ,o • a.JT DILUTED nn R·--u\ ' . I .. i,·. l ,. i C.kul.ttlon al Batie. &m ine P•t Shani• • 25 AVG. HO OF BASIC SWIRES SUMM/\RY \ PrtvlOU1 Curionl Portk.utara F.Y. *17·18 F.Y. 201'·17 ,, 19& ! IJ,A12 ,a. ,a,,v, Protl1/M Lou 1.1-.- Pm.tit & LOU Ne 26,2481168 nunoer of sNlrO:S usod In basic e""nut'lft per OQUi'!U anare 51 ,o OJ7 w : BUlc e·-- IOd ""'-(Rs;f/on nomlnAlYlll\le ct RA 1000/·.., wrol ditl.l*.0....- per-u"'-' wro 28,2CI C-03 for n:vtcwingc~n:i.,c. "~ iodis., ltlding 11( ~b m:ulting =isc was alloucd 10 ~l's KPMG. The C'OnmJs. budget m&IIIWS a.ad cr:ililing proar.llll was aw:irj«t, ,..,;ous dcpvuncnlS of OHUVN invulving Ddign. l'IAnnini:, l'TocurcmcnL FillllllCc Md executing agencies an: ln,-ol\cd. TocMIJrc 1.l· Supcrinicndir,g Eniinccr (Cons.truetion). OHBVN. Hisar for Daodri Projccl 1111d lhc olhcr hcldcd by Supcrin1cnding Engineer (Opcra1ioosl, Fllridotx,d & Gurpon r« the rcspccti,c p<0jccu n:lcv.uu Slaff and~ in lhc CUll 5,000,000 NCB Up 10 5,000,000 Shopping NA Others : NA Goods ICB > 500.000 (also applie11blc for non· LIB > --- ··----- j00,0UU inrellectunl services and the NCB - -- ., J0,000 but < 500,000 services eonuaeted on 1hc basis of performance of measurable Shopping ---· <30.UOU physical outputs) Olhcrs r-.A 2. Major nndlng5: For review Pockngc G-02 /G-02R (Gur11Lton) & G-05 (Fllrid:lh:-.d). nu ,:r.ou5 i!cvilllion was observed during Ilic review. The comracts were awarded follo·,,irg 111.: \'.""~Jon~ guidelines. However, while going 1hrough the con1rac1 documents, ii \\llS ohscf\cd 1ha1 70 o/• of p:1~mcn1 < of supply portion is being mode 10 1hc contractor 1hrough opening 01 letter or eredit in fovour of the firm. 111c eontractcr hos 10 submit following documents for release _,r pnymcnl din::ctly 10 the Bonlc. ( a. 6 copies of supplier invoice showing contrnct no.• goeds Jc;.,r;;,:i v, tjW1n1i1y, uni1 price and 1oial nmounL ,, b. Original and 6 copies ofncgo1iablc. clean. on-board bill ol la.ling marked frdgh1 prepnid and 6 copies of non-negouable bill of luding, ' c. 6 copies of Detailed Packing liSt idcn1ifying contents of each pucl.nge d. Insurance Policy/Cenmcn1c. , c. Mnnufnclurcr's / Supplier's warranty certificate, I f. Dispatch aulhoriintion issu«l11ln report. g. Cenlficate of origin Bui. no provision ofMRC i.e, material receipt al Sile C:hallans l.3> t.ccn ni:.t!c in the contracts 1.0 conlinn whether the material is nc1unlly received 31 the site <'1 ~c for "t.·.:h paymem hns been released by the Bnnk. ,_ • I f~~ .f ~l, .~ ,, ~ :, . ,.,,,... ',: . . A.t.l~. , .... t· • l •• /J s ·'7i,. '• •• ,~·' ..... I ,.f ., I For review contract C--08. alloucd to Mis HCL Technologies Ltd., the LOI was floated in previous years vide ct:,,c J 1.10.2014 and the project has been completed on 14.06.2017. / 3. S•mpllni; Procedure U,rd : While selectlng the sample, due cart was exercised 10 take into account the considerations with rcgar.:l tu following nspects: o) Size, b) Namr~ and C-Omplc;;ity c) Vnluc geogrnr,hical spread, d) Method of proi:un:111c11l Md e) Single and multiple lolS I 4. Sample o(tbc Cuntracts Reviewed: (!~ \\'CM~ c....,11e,c s.tn-1c:~ T,ul ,..., \'.akC' ,.._ Va:. I \'as.t lio. V&loc :<.. ,•..., I• v... 11a l\itl I" I"' IJ Ila '<0 le ,.,_., 1'"11 1 ·:'~ IJSI> 1:z~...eo .... .,c-.. .... '11 1-1 r- Gill R C-01 U00.,1 I·'" Gfl M C-Ill) two bidders who came forward in tender enquil). ince the quoted price< of L-1 were much higher than the estimated price. therefon:. lt wn,• decided In drop th" tenn. verifieauon & observation of th~ documents, processes, proccdun:.~ and al~ the \\, rid i1onl. gurJdincs. w~ ""'of the opinion thllt due core has been exercised by OI IBVN from inception of the Project. invitntion of bids. evaluation of bids. award ofcontnms & r,~u••·'" ,,, 11·c nrojects etc. The de111ils of complete process involved from beginning 10 cnd atl,'1'1: J c, flt 18 Vl. ,, given 35 Auechrnent A. 7. Action taken hy the DHBVN on tht Finding.< of Last YeMr Review, If uny: RCMOnS for Project Dcl3y: Dclny occurred mainly due 10 de Illy in Selection 01'111anufn.1urcr or l'u .. l r.111<1unncr b) the contractor- MIS A2Z Engg, Thenmnufoc1uring Unit of the i'lnn. 10 \\h111u U1t: or,kn,:i.s placed initially, hod closed dOl\11. Then, the othcrmnnufocturcrs \\Cl'C Ml !'lrt'lin11 "ith the Q101lifying Requirements ns per the bidding document. The lion 11astcd II'"''""" 111nc ,n llrdcring the I Power rn:. However, now, the: • completed. WOO( Sllllld. 7 I Qiiml!lllJ The Centmctor name,y M1$ UB Engg .• dda~oed execution of work due to inlcmol financial problems. The .:.in•rnu notl 10 b-: terminated and was re-bid. The some contrncl (G-02R for Gurgaon) hM oc.:n allnucd 10 MiS Shynm Indus Power olution.~ New DcU1i. Interim time ( extension hud been \liven w 11-, firm by trolls of DHHVN uplO 31.12.2017. Further. the work stands completed Fqrid;,ood The projec: wns 1111113,., bid in 2011. The L-1 bidder did noc quali~v and U1c Qualifying Requircmems of .... 2 l, \\llh effect from 29.03.2016 and interim extension has been granted 10 MIS GudrcJ & Boyce Mrg. Co. Lid. against G-05 (l'kll·B&C) upto Jl.12.2017. Further, the work srnnds completed, 8. Indicators of fraud and eorruption. Based on tlic tntormuuon pro\'idctl to us and on the basis of examination, verification & obscrvnti~n of the docun1en15, processes, procedures and also the World Bank guidelines, we ( an: ofthe opinion that there or~ where fmud nnd ~OIIUDl practices could be suspected. 9. Comparison of Current Findings wilb the Flndin~• of wt Vear Rtview: ( No major deviation from the Inst year hove been found. JO. Reeornmendatlens •nd Proposed Actloll$: a) Internal Auditors should be appointed for the finnnciol )-.:nrS 2011-12, 2012-13. 2013-f.l. 2014-15. 2015-16. ?016-17 & 2017-18, in addition 10 the E.x1cmal Auditors opp0in1ed by World Bank. cu cover review of Project Expenditure, compliance with standard & rules. review of periodical IUFR and reconciliation with DHBVN Books of Accoums arid report deviatlons, b) MOSI of die Projects in World Bonk funding an: delayed for which progress needs to be ,£:\ expedited, \(!J 8 11. Ba.scd on the lnformntion gathered, the Reviewer will role the projc,1 U'tl'\III and nccou.ling to three ,o,ics described in ATTACHMENT 7, using the 1aMc below (3) catr~ CuttgOr)' R2tin~ Overall Rn1ing I I< I. Systrms LR 2. Procurement Procl:$$ IR -- / 3. Contract 1\dminis1m1ion LR E:ic.:h calcgo~· "111 be rated u S.Ovo.uw . NCB L:r, 1, ,,oo,,. -·· l Shoppin& j ,-;A - Oihers : ,. ·\ ·- Gt>o S.000.000 - Package (.,.,u !CB >S.000,000 Package G-02R . ICB >5.000,000 I Package Ci-fl~ (PoOl'latelt I ICB >5.000.000 I as G-05) 1\.U &<. I AMR ICB >5,000.000 G-06 NCB <5,00-0.000 Publkution in Ul'IIJB/DGl\1arkct - ;\11 ICB Contracts >USS 200,000 (Package G--01 & G- 02 was alS<• pot,i " ,~ the UNDB Journal) . / •••••••• 10 .---.._ I \ ' .._ ..rr;-r.. __ . 11 I ., 12 , ...... uuc,o Syswn S1rc111:1henlng (S 117,SO MIiiion) I. C."t•mporc,11 ,1 r.:IU4t5 "" ,stmcnts in Urban areas oi Dadri, Gurgaon & Faridabad Towns r,~- ~tr a11.l cr;31, 11. uu 1:1< ....:o,tsumct meter will b<: rvad ~Ulonuuically and communicated 10 the / utility's ac~.rJ111Cm II will ,1--1, ;n monitoring the electricity usage of key consumers ,, ,\, ·~r,,u,:. lh:ir r•-mpnmu,~l> ,rriull'Qt number. ccntribute considerub1y in revenue ,uU..:ction.a ,;f the Nagum. 2. 1 he .,-,.~iii~ ,11,.:.,uncnlS have been idcntiticd based on the system 103d now studies carried ou, b~ Ol ltl\ )J "hich :innlya-s gromh in load and future expansion over defined time tem losses and increase the eap;l(ily periods. These 1•r1t'l'l1y mvc.tmcnlS will reduce ovcmll sys oflocal u1,tnbu,1on ,..,1,w,-I,. 10 18.lte u11 .ipcvm,r.i: loatls III cxislins as well as proposed areas of gro\\ th. A,I lit< 4 11;,s. uf pr -one for up-grodotion &. stn:ng1hcning of dlnribudon networks in Dadri, Gurgaon & L~HdAl,,10 t.l',,·115 - and the olhcr for IT based AMR system to be impl,~"-'igc, for S 81 SO million have been identified, of which S 70.00 million is tu be finance I b" 1h,: Rnnk. Componon• Ill: Tcchnlt.-.11 Asslsl•ncr uru! C•puclty 811lldlng of tnn,miulon and dlnribu11un eom11nnl._,, (S 10 MIiiion) I~ 4. Substantial Technical Assisu,ncc CTA) b required for cOi:cthc ir11plcmcnL~tion of the proposed project and to support institutional dcselnpmcnt, capacity bur lding und governance improvement, The program of technical assisumce fecuses on the broad theme of "Internal transformation through process imprcvemerns, use: oftc.:hnoluS) o/l'J <'ri;anillltil'nal changes", Consulting acuvuies (dingnostrc studies ond visit>n work<.d --·- I I I " ICfll un I - .. ICIJ 01 100% ICll 01 100!. NCU .. 1 • ' - - - - ' - - - - Shuppin~ I quowlon, '- -~,...Q:l!'I I! '- )C :ii,pl1~bk I Nor ;ppticublc nc Fnrcc ,\t.."f.\."'.. ' I oc.:ns ORS I FBS. 1.c, CQ~ .. . NOO I SSSHrm I I sss ' lndMdwal TOTAL I - - Tr.F .,,' 01 I ·~ ten 01 100!~ Contruct Ile-, it" ' No. of Plrr:!cal " /mpfcllon I I J,1sp,.•c,i'VJJ . ~ ' 01 01 I 20% -. o ....... I - - r11i.,i I 1)1 01 ?O¾ .. . . " - \ At1•cbmc111 J CHECKLIST-I: PROCUR£MENT REVIEW OF GOODS/WORKS <"Ol' l('ll CATEGORY -.1 ouxs I N~ scriu.._, 1kv,n1,on, :,l,,c1ved in Summary of major deviations found 'prlt(ure.n.nt ~--~,.:·, i:\ tl«i ' works ! .:\t:ilrJcr._ LIST THE ISSUESIDF.VIA TIOI\' Is ihc procuremem in line wilh ih<=" Yes Procurcrnent PIBn Procurement Documenrauon F:Hng l~-lxcn :.!Jnc r:: ;p_rt. ~-.,~ 11!! :m.· rdcvnnt (Filing) detail; irn nh•ing rni.~'h~um l111Jus nnd Power recoeds ~IIIIIOM, Nt" Dtl~I IIG D,'11,11~ RG n,,. 1)007UGOOO·M2 I 4 dL 24 05.2013 nf Rs. . 7,1Q.IJO.llll0 • ~(i O\' 1.84 r.vn,. l,IQ5•1 (1 • < ~ij ' ,. _ I 115 :011 of Rs. !3C, no. OOOJGMO I ' 1 ~vlki 1 :11 .4'15 ~?13 of Rs. I.~,;~. 1•1 II- BG no. OOOJGMOI 131~0001 d1 1,1.os io 13 of Rs. 8-l.'1., :- ------------ . -- Protests & O!llcr mauers - An} indicaw, of spliuins ur 1 urnt.c: Cnn1r1tb bu1 h11t1n:~1cd in Supply. purchases 1 '1Sl!ll:i~•t', ond Oism.Jntlemc:rt \Vu.> Che price nci;ociutcd ln \Vodd BMI.. furulcJ PruJe.:1,;. '"' r,-o, ,,ion of the nt:1lOfi11l t'W'l.i: c:~iSl5. f-fcl"Ct! rncre \' "~ ,w:, IIC~Oliation. 1\c1113J completion d!llc ~.!O n.-,, rrn"l ~th·( ,, -: .. ,. ,, ~h C' pirc" on o, 111 io1 < lntc"m '""'" C"\lro,i,"' l','l - The i,aymcnlS arc released as per 1cm1S & conditions / ofll',c Ccntrnct agreement. Complinncc ,, '•r • ,. :4· ;rovis1nn$· Yes. / Yes or No t' ,,, I ---- •. t . -· During ,erilic.11ion, we hove nOI found any case of Indicators o Fruud & Corruption, / ••••••••••• t , 20 ,- Chcckll;t • ~ : Ucpon oo Pbyslc•I ln<11cctlon Procurement item no l'uckngc- WB/DIUG-02 (Gurgn<1111 Lccarion Gurgaon 03lc of visit 03.01.2019 03tc of contract Oj-07-2013 Comracted completion 540 D:iy; frum ctli:t\l\t J.itc h ,\: .. ,-. ~"pin: .. rn 0~01.2015. dnic (original ) lnterin, time extension hns been gl\::, I, :tu: :irm up10 / 31.1:?.2017 3nd worl dul) S!~d~ ~omple::c! :i· :,n 11 I~ 2017. Aeruat cornpterlon date 31 11-2017 Con1rnct value ,, INR 127.22 Cro,- Fin31 eemmcr value I Rs 112.81 crores Supplicr/Conlmclof Mis Shyam Indus and Power Solu1ion~ Arrival dote al pon Nut ,\Pf1li.:.tblc Arrivt1I date QI proj<~I 1 \';ui,llh I'- l)IC vi llh1.e1 UI hum u,ui I\' woc ·" 1<' Pc,, U11tn si1c:/wa.rchousc ar,J r..:qu1r.:a1.:n:..-, .:.: :h-: \\,,r:i.:. Scope of work Supply J:: ln;:~llntion of ne" 11 r Un, t',\f l: Vl)S C:~2 nos. fec.krs) and S) stern Swng1hcr1111s tE111urca1111n uf Overloaded .!l n,,,. 11 ~-.· FccJc~ nnd ~grc11-11tnn of lnJunri,1 I ,ud from / ~ti'Ccd I nad Fecdcr'o\ under Jt1ri .... ti~::on.,I :,r.·:1,--!"fi11'"?n"n using ;\c11nl Run~hrc.! Cables, /\CSR ~ ;.,<:: .rtc :~, 1.-:n ..·n~ Mnu:rillls (supply nnd \ft.lt:n.11 a~ C:fln~1gnol :111he wr,k• i.tlcr in,~· h n of the ~me. quality) The- lnspcctin;, on•cc.: \,lJhtltiU ib IC"t-"~ • 1!11 lt~l\l 10 ilS qunliry .:111d confirt111Hic,n wilh tih:' i.:.:h, i• '111 .:~..:·. j·i..·rit\m Thl~ repon ,s further strutiniicd b) :1:c rur;~.~ s~1«:,n and only nllc· thaL th,: m:a!crilt ·-.. :-u•'-rri;:~ 1 ~ . --r·.1r;~:J DI the ".\l~ h;l. two ,\c,:,>unr~ tlfficc~ hnvc al~t' 11111krgonc r-:-r.--;--=-=--:------~~--=--·- ~- -- . -- ... Is the staff handling the procurement Yes. P· .>curc,.,,111 :101iw c, n •\c 1--ct-n handled aware of the agreed procurerncm t-, tire f''\..;u1,·1· 111 ,1.:tl "" "' ~1111k ines and arrnngernems for ~,c J"OJC(t" the •~lfha• n,t,.111 ,ntl,oit.in•'•r·l) 1,J the World Explain, B,inl· ~ui1!clin« ·-··--- 2.i I S. h ,1ppii.,1t•la. lw •• " ll,!.,ar11raf11:a~ WQrlo Bank Loan is being monitored by the i"'''"""'"""' monu,irc~I by 1h..- State Government nnd the ccn1ml Govcrnmcm •JC"-~. 1• •. ~.,1,~: .c.,, .. , 11:01 ilu, u-., "'~ula1 b:lsi,;. The Risk flogs ihny nnd also ,Uh~ 1c-,, ,,AAUl~Mcn1. \!Jle ieve 11, th, 111ili'l.l1lon of funds under the World Bank "·,t, level 1•:-c.:ur.,,nc,11 are being reviewed by the p:ocurci1ttut ~,d ~ 1.,ttJ. nirs. Go,1 oflndiu !kp;snmcnl of Economic AO' ~lun1wi1h the represemative of S1111c Governmem on Qunncrly basis• 6. ..- ••• b wm1•1t1c "'" ul .:on,r.ic» Y .:s. coarplcte liia of contracts is avallable. his .;.,u:d u ..ulab,e'! 1 IM ,. Jf"'l\.J. b 11.0,,,,.-~.,uo'. 1,cp1 ,..,,,, u computer generated document updated regularly and I.cpl in lhc relevant office lilcs. / 7. \'. t-"'1f,.._1 .;,... .,,..,_wlt.llh .• ,t .c.@,.;,J Y~ Jll pr~Lnmlcnl related documents are -1 • ..: avn1l.aoi... nv•ilablf ~~1cmn1iailly and have been SIOn:d I .) 0 ,.J,.:.!l'_j.:::!t)"'' o: \Vu1ld !lank has started loan disbursement in FY 2010-11. ' pr.i•.urJ, Jt Extemal Auditor has been appointed and has whe; 'r:<;11:nc} '1 Wh1 ~~rc,cts oflh: re•. iewed the Procurement on n yc,arly basis. I are 11,c Review has been conducted keeping in Th~ -cpu:"! of 1hr view the intent and purpose ns outlined in the ----- .udilr;;. ,h.. ulrl Ix • .- ••,,d luc this Terms of reference provided by OHBVN to th puf11 •·, External Auditor. But no internal Auditcr has t,,:,:n appointed till dare, I 0. If intem •1 and c~tcmal .111.lhors l0vl,. Ycs. proper action has been taken, into 1he compliance of procurement rr•~.:cdur~: \~htl\ hill 1• lif ;,, I •JOS L-..L---------- -~---------------' . -. 11. Is there o procurement relarcd I Yes. complain1, ,n: bc:1ng 111on11on:d b) I compl.1in1 hnndlin11 sysrern in the dedicated l'&O Wing •>I DIIBV"I agc rMc• 1i,r individual Sinulnrly. for consuhing services, item, ,•, 1-.. J n 111 t-3sis of what is the average dumtinn 01 the purdt:1s-: ,,, Iv '-'- n..J.1,:•i.:lh < setection process. nod. what L 1ht Ir, "C-;pccc nr rh.: P,I'~'(~'' tc:1:uir,: to the <1unlil)' 01 services obtamed? Whnt Con~ull!lncy ,~,,. ice+. r.1ii~1 ~•· of conuacts were the causes of di,cn:pln<:ics in ~,nmf n\\Urdl~J the above? I 15. I~ 1hu.: separarlon or u11:ics bc,iwcer, There i, n · Chief ,nd,r.•it•, re.,; • ,,ncnl Enginccrll'.::i&C.: who is looking alkr all ::-••' t!''t; ,im~ 1.,, I ' .., ;m·l·t.,~ flow procurement relered nctivities including ,hall dti,:u1nC11tiJ1g tr.c 111,11;urcmcnl. p.-iymenl etc, made IO 1hc contractor, The 1,u:,~. ui ,;.JuL-.1 services und uernilcd precess since incepticn ofwori. 10 the ria)mont,. pio;c;, ino,urling the complenon is ..it.scusscd ns under: ( >Cl!-"Cf',l\•wO of ,lu,,~ .ul I. lm:.cplion or work by the Plnnning Wing •J,1 ,~ basls of lo:td Iluw ~tudii:s :tnd other informnilon availnhle with them. 1. I hen, oiler receiving the approval from tht: olnnning "1ng. fc:nslbility study •h•n!!with the preparation of bidding "~umcnLS is being done by the office ,); C.'hicf Enginecr/P&D. j_ The 01dding documems arc no.,icd by 1.>StJc of NIT and thr contract is awarded 'o) Clud Enginccrll'&D. 4. After award of contract, the financials vi th: contract are being dealt by the 001cc of FA&CAO (PO&C), OHOVN, I Hlsar and the execution pnrt of the ,cts is being looked after by the Projc respective Project Mnnagcrs appointed especially for World Hank funded ProjccL~. 5. 70% of the payment of supply ponion in World Bank filndcd Project~ is to be made through opening or LC. I 16 • ..:;;:~ ,..,. ;I A.s the works arc still under progress. us such c, 11 Jdu:,, ,,,n. ,~,;\I I',~ • \" ~ n .. ,.,r.,, r~n l.l. - Rc~ommcndntit,ru: ~!' t'1 s,- ,u !!1c v:-.. 1• -! : Tlme l'ircct ·~ ,ro11pv, .:•xnpri!ting 1 ofDif'C( 1nrT('Chni,~ t1 l'ir,•r- ,r Po jr:t• ,,,. \I• 11,10•111,• n•r,•; I 1r 15. R«(tmm:",t:.1iw1c ,,f - t.,.,n.•. h . 1h1· ~ ,Jt J ('f.,, .. . • '"JHP','· 1 ·- - ,. ,., I 16 -\p~r~·.~I ni lln 1,u1cl1L<:: prc,p,;,;n bi !100 of DI IUVN 17 l•rcp~M1k•1 ,,r •lie c••alun1io11 rcp,,n tn be submiucd 10 Wllfld Bank --- 18 •\J'Jlf"''RI .,f,..,.;-,11n1,,.11 r~ rfrt)rn 1h;\VOfld Ban~ P') 19 Issue "iLO•\ 1nll1< liN IO\\Ci' o.eder Cln share rt'I ('1,\ the price bids ofrhc bidders are circulated 10 oll quancr concerned) 20 ' ~;,nrn1f,:;, ,,f con1rnc1 agrecmeru by the l'&O \Vlns mid Pre-Audit by the o/o CGMIFk,\(P&-11) llHR\'N, Hicp.niu I 000:, I, ,, ~, " I l•I 000 (lff-ll MASAM · (/ no, 111,1 t "1(1 ti 1\1 uoo GH-!• C..1.h AC~IMXU o.w I 1100 j 111 ..11 1.tlnli,$,,C!) 111 " ,, i,, 1 l.Bl.A75'o,7n 011-lS Ai;f\'Uuto ~ho, R«~n:abk fr~ 1100 J I '''"' ! ' ,) (,(J ' u '•J 11,,;1 ~00 Uid-,.a,d u ,~.. I Pfll'\tsK1n1 ~U"· ~ ·- " j .,,., .. ,. 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