65907 REPUBLIC OF HAITI: INTERIM STRATEGY NOTE FOR CY2012 CHAIR’S SUMMING UP Meeting of the Executive Directors December 1, 2011 The Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Interim Strategy Note (ISN) for the Republic of Haiti for CY2012 (IDA/R2011-0302[IFC/R2011-0300]). Directors commended the Haitian authorities for the stability of the macro-economy, in spite of the numerous challenges the country still faces. They recognized the efforts being made to strengthen institutions for a sustained recovery following the January 2010 earthquake but noted that despite the achievement of some of the development targets, the situation is still very fragile. Directors highlighted the associated risks but noted the mitigation measures. They encouraged the authorities to draw upon their partnership with the international community in order to pursue reforms, implement sound reconstruction policies, and accelerate governance improvements. Directors expressed broad support for the ISN and underlined the importance of the effective use of the resources provided by the IDA16 Crisis Response Window. In particular, they stressed the need for continued selectivity in implementing IDA resources. Directors noted the ISN’s alignment with Haiti’s post-earthquake National Recovery and Development Action Plan of 2010 and the country’s 2011 Poverty Reduction and Strategy Paper Progress Report. They also noted the emphasis on catalytic activities in key sectors for reconstruction such as fostering private sector development, supporting “building back better”, reducing vulnerability to shocks, and improving both human and institutional capacity. The importance of mainstreaming gender was also noted. Directors highlighted the need to combine long-term institutional efforts with quick results as proposed in the ISN and recommended by the 2011 World Development Report. With respect to the private sector, Directors stressed the importance of improving the business climate. To this end, they welcomed the significant role envisaged for IFC, including advisory and investment programs. Directors urged the Bank Group to continue improving coordination and work closely with other development partners, including the IMF. Directors encouraged the Bank to support the government in communicating the results and impacts of reconstruction. Finally, Directors looked forward to the discussion of the next strategy document aimed at programming the remaining IDA 16 resources and an update on the implementation of this ISN.                                                                This summary is not an approved record.