40684 Policy and Human Resources Development Fund (PHRD) Technical Assistance (TA) Program Review of PHRD TA Grants Closed in Fiscal Year 2006 April 2007 The World Bank Trust Fund Operations Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships Vice Presidency Table of Contents SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................................... i 1. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE...............................................................................................................1 2. METHODOLOGY AND SCOPE OF THE REVIEW..................................................................................2 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF CLOSED GRANTS ...........................................................................................4 4. REVIEW FINDINGS ....................................................................................................................................8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Total Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Region ..........................................................................5 Figure 2: Ten Countries with Highest Approved Amount of PHRD TA Grants................................................5 Figure 3: Share of Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants.......................................................................................7 Figure 4: Total Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Sources of Financing and Sectors ................................8 Figure 5: Ratings of Grant Development Objectives by Region ........................................................................9 Figure 6: Ratings of Grant Development Objectives by Sector .......................................................................11 Figure 7: Rating of Grant Implementation Performance ..................................................................................12 Figure 8: Disbursement Performance of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Region................................................12 Figure 9: Fully Disbursed PHRD TA Grants by Region (as percent of total number of grants in the region) 13 Figure 10: Status of Approval of PHRD TA Project Preparation Grant Associated Operations (in number and percent of region) .............................................................................................................................................14 Figure 11: Approved and Undisbursed Amounts of PHRD TA Grant by Region ...........................................16 Figure 12: Coordination with Japanese Organizations Regarding Grant Implementation ...............................17 Figure 13: Assessment of the Quality of Grant Completion Reports ...............................................................17 Figure 14: Managers’ Comments on the Grant Completion Reports ...............................................................18 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Number of Closed PHRD Grants .........................................................................................................3 Table 2: PHRD TA Grants Closed in FY06 by Type and Region......................................................................4 Table 3: Distribution of Closed PHRD TA Grants in Value Range by Region (in number) .............................6 Table 4: Sources of Financing of PHRD TA Grant Associated Operations.......................................................7 LIST OF BOXES Box 1: Features of Closed PHRD TA Grants Rated Highly Satisfactory for Achievement of Development Objectives .........................................................................................................................................................10 Box2: Sample of Managers’ Comments on the Grant Completion Reports.....................................................19 LIST OF ANNEXES ANNEX 1: List of PHRD TA Grants Closed in FY06.....................................................................................20 ANNEX 2: Typology of PHRD TA Grant Financed Activities .......................................................................26 ANNEX 3: Summaries of Grant Completion Reports .....................................................................................29 Abbreviations and Acronyms ACTTN Trust Funds: Chennai AFR Africa Region APD Annual Policy Document APL Adaptable Program Loan CAS Country Assistance Strategy CCIG Climate Change Initiative Grants CFP Concessional Finance and Global Partnerships CSO Civil Society Organization DPL Development Policy Lending DO Development Objectives EAP East Asia and Pacific Region ECA Europe and Central Asia Region ETC Extended Term Consultant FY Fiscal Year GCR Grant Completion Report GEF Global Environment Facility GOJ Government of Japan GRM Grant Reporting and Monitoring HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development ICM Implementation Completion Memorandum ICR Implementation Completion Report ICT Information and Communications Technologies IDA International Development Association IP Implementation Performance JIBC Japan Bank for International Cooperation JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency JJ/WBGSP Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program LCR Latin America and Caribbean Region MDGs Millennium Development Goals M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MNA Middle East and North Africa MTEF Medium-term Expenditure Framework NGO Non-Governmental Organization PHRD Japan Policy and Human Resources Development Fund PI Project Implementation PIU Project Implementation Unit PP Project Preparation PSL Programmatic Structural Adjustment Loan PRSC Poverty Reduction Support Credit SAD Sector Adjustment Loan SAL Structural Adjustment Loan SAP Systems, Applications and Products SAR South Asia Region SIL Sector Investment Lending SIL Specific Investment Loan SIM Sector Investment and Maintenance Loan SME Small and Medium Enterprise SPF Special Program Facility TA Technical Assistance TAL Technical Assistance Loan TF Trust Fund TFO Trust Fund Operations TOR Terms of Reference TTL Task Team Leader WBI World Bank Institute Review of the Japan Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Technical Assistance (TA) Grants Closed in Fiscal Year 2006 Summary The purpose of the review is to provide feedback from grant implementation that could lead to program improvements and to allow for extended reporting on the results of the completed grants. The scope of the review covers 117 Policy and Human Resources Development Technical Assistance grants which closed in Fiscal Year 2006. The review methodology is based on grant completion reports prepared by Task Team Leaders in the Grant Reporting and Monitoring System and the data from SAP and Trust Fund Accounting Department. Performance of the grants was rated on a six point rating scale: Highly Satisfactory, Satisfactory, Moderately Satisfactory, Moderately Unsatisfactory, Unsatisfactory, and Highly Unsatisfactory. In this report, the ratings have been aggregated as Satisfactory or Better (includes the top three ratings) and Less than Satisfactory (bottom three ratings). Project Preparation grants comprised a significant share (about 94 percent) of the closed grants in number as well as value. Latin America and Caribbean Region received about one third (US$21.27 m) of the total value of the grants followed by Europe and Central Asia (US$18.47m). Brazil (US$3.57m), Philippines (US$3.31m) and Vietnam (US$3.23m) received the largest amount of the closed grants. The overall World Bank-wide performance of closed Policy and Human Resources Development Technical Assistance grants achieving the Development Objectives that were rated Satisfactory or Better is 91 percent. Latin America and Caribbean Region, which implemented the bulk of the closed grants, is the best performer with 97 percent of the Development Objectives rated Satisfactory or Better. Performance of Middle East and North Africa and South Asia Regions (with less than 8 grants each) is less satisfactory compared to other regions with about 20 or more grants each. Seven percent of the total number of closed grants have been rated Highly Satisfactory (HS) for achieving Development Objectives. Latin America and Caribbean region has the highest proportion of grants with Highly Satisfactory rating (12 percent of the region’s total), followed by Europe and Central Asia (9 percent), while East Asia and Pacific, Middle East and North Africa and South Asia Region have no grants in this category. Out of a total of 4 closed Climate Change grants, two have been rated Highly Satisfactory. Grants rated Highly Satisfactory in achievement of Development Objectives have been characterized by: ƒ Assisting the Recipients to clearly define prudent regulations including exit mechanisms; ƒ Adopting innovative approach; ƒ Integrating social and environmental considerations in technical engineering designs in a cost-effective manner; ƒ Sharing knowledge extensively leading to positive response from private sector; ƒ Adapting international best practices to country contexts; and ƒ Building ownership of the design and approach of the associated operation. Implementation performance of the closed grants has been 88 percent Satisfactory or Better World Bank- wide. Satisfactory or Better ratings for performance by region varied from 50 to 100 percent. All the 17 closed grants in East Asia and Pacific region were rated Satisfactory and Better. Four closed grants were rated Highly Satisfactory for implementation performance. These grants are characterized by: (a) high disbursement (90 percent and above); (b) excellent integration between the technical assistance team and the staff of the PIU and relevant Ministries; (c) timely completion of procurement process of technical assistance with excellent Terms of Reference and high quality reports and analysis; and (d) compliance with procurement and financial procedures of the World Bank. i Overall disbursement of the Policy and Human Resources Development Technical Assistance closed grants was 73 percent of the total approved amount World Bank-wide. Performance of three regions, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia and Latin America and Caribbean Regions is comparable while South Asia Region is the lowest performing region. Fifteen percent of the closed grants disbursed fully. Latin America and Caribbean Region has the highest number of grants with 100 percent disbursement. Grant Recipients have used technical assistance for the following activities: (a) to carry out social and environmental assessments; (b) to prepare procurement plans, resettlement action plans, tribal or ethnic development plans to comply with the World Bank’s requirements on procurement, financial management, safeguards and social aspects to be eligible for loans, credits and grants; (c) to carry out stakeholder consultations and information dissemination; (d) to commission detailed engineering feasibility studies; (e) to carry out economic and financial analysis; (f) to design Monitoring and Evaluation systems and develop monitoring indicators; (g) to prepare legal and regulatory frameworks; and (h) to suggest improvements in public policies. About 91 percent of the closed Policy and Human Resources Development Project Preparation grants were rated Satisfactory or Better for achieving the development objectives, 88 percent in terms of implementation performance. Out of the 109 closed Project Preparation grants, 77 percent of the grant associated operations had been approved by the World Bank by end Fiscal Year 2006. Another 16 percent is expected to be approved in Fiscal Year 2007 and later years. Europe and Central Asia Region has the best performance with 90 percent of the grant associated operations approved. Only 7 percent (8) of the associated operations were dropped from the lending program. The review noted several positive indirect outcomes from the Project Preparation grants, such as capacity building, increased participation, better understanding and appreciation of “soft” development issues and leveraging funds. All the closed Climate Change Initiative Grants and Project Implementation grants (four each) had Satisfactory or Better ratings for achieving the stated Development Objectives. Two Climate Change grants were rated Highly Satisfactory. The review observed that the quality of the grant management process was mixed. Overall, the grant signing and activation process was well managed. The majority of the grants were signed and activated within the stipulated 12 months period. Only 17 percent of the grants could not comply for the following main reasons: (a) Recipient government’s lengthy procedures; and (b) Recipient’s apparent lack of commitment to the associated operation which the grant is expected to assist with preparation or implementation. In order to improve efficient utilization of grants, the issue of delayed signing due to the Recipient’s lengthy process should be highlighted in Bank’s discussion with the Recipient countries where this is an issue in the context of the Country Portfolio Performance Reviews. In addition to consultation prior to the submission of the grant proposals, World Bank staff are reported to have interacted with Japanese organizations (such as Embassy of Japan, Japan International Cooperation Agency, and Japan Bank for International Cooperation) in the country regarding half of the grants in Africa, East Asia and Pacific, and Europe and Central Asia regions during the implementation stage. About two-thirds of the grant completion reports were rated Satisfactory by the review team. Assessment of the quality was based on candor, clarity and completeness of the reports. One of the plausible explanations for less than satisfactory reporting is that the Task Team Leaders consider reporting on grant performance to be a non-funded mandate. ii Less than one fourth of the Sector Managers commented on the completion reports. It was clearly evident that some of the comments by the Managers have contributed significantly to the quality of the completion reports. iii 1. Background and Purpose 1.1 The Japan Policy and Human Resources Development (PHRD) Fund was established in 1990 as a partnership between the Government of Japan (GOJ) and the World Bank. Over the past 16 years the Fund has supported a wide range of poverty alleviation and capacity building activities. Between FY00-06, total contribution to the PHRD Fund was US$572 million. It is one of the largest trust funds managed by the World Bank. 1.2 The PHRD Fund supports five main programs: ƒ The PHRD Technical Assistance (TA) Program is the largest program, and provides grants primarily to assist the World Bank’s borrowing member countries with the preparation and implementation of operations to be financed through International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loans and International Development Association (IDA) credits and grants. In addition, the PHRD TA Program supports a range of climate change-related activities; ƒ The Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP) provides scholarships that support post-graduate training at Master’s degree level for member country nationals; ƒ The PHRD-World Bank Institute (WBI) Capacity Development Grants Program supports WBI’s capacity development activities, with a focus particularly on activities in East, South and Central Asia; ƒ The Japan Staff and Extended-Term Consultant (ETC) Program supports partial costs of Japanese nationals recruited to work within the World Bank; and ƒ The Japan-World Bank Partnership Program supports activities that promote partnership between Japan and the World Bank. 1.3 The PHRD TA program disbursed US$56.9 million in FY06 which amounts to 72 percent of the total disbursement of US$78.9 million from the PHRD Fund. Of the total value of PHRD TA grants approved so far, about four fifths are aimed at preparing operations for World Bank loans, credits and grants. 1.4 The main instrument for reporting on the performance of on-going grants is the Grant Reporting and Monitoring (GRM) system. On average, about 100-120 grants close every year. Reporting on completed grants is generally done in any of the following three forms: ƒ Implementation Completion Memorandum (ICM) for grants exceeding US$1 million in value; ƒ Grant Completion Reports (GCR) of closed grants below US$1 million in value through the GRM system; ƒ Implementation Completion Reports (ICR) for all grants associated with lending operations, such as, Project Implementation and Project Co-financing grants. 1.5 Until FY06, final GCRs and ICMs through the GRM system were waived for project Co-financing and Project Implementation grants as these were considered integral parts of World Bank operations, which are by themselves the subjects of an ICR. However, experience from FY05 indicated that such waivers for reporting in GRM system may have resulted in completion reports that have not always fully covered the grant activities in the ICR. Regular monitoring and completion reports are required for all grant types in the GRM system from FY06. 1 1.6 The first systematic evaluation of the impact of the PHRD TA program from 1991 to 1999 was carried out in 2001. Another evaluation has been commissioned in October 2006 to review the impact of the grants from 2000 to 2006. This evaluation study, funded by the Government of Japan (GOJ), is being carried out by a team of independent consultants and includes extensive consultation with Bank staff in headquarters and country offices, representatives of grant Recipient countries, Japanese government officials in Tokyo and in the Recipient countries, and civil society and NGOs. The study is expected to be completed in June 2007. 1.7 The purpose of this internal review of completed grants is twofold: (a) to learn from the experiences of grant implementation particularly to provide feedback that could lead to program improvements; and, (b) to allow for more extended reporting on the results of completed grants in the PHRD Annual Reports and to the donor. 2. Methodology and Scope of the Review 2.1 This review was carried out by the PHRD Unit in collaboration with the Trust Funds: Chennai (ACTTN) 1 . The two main sources of information for the review are: (a) the GCRs submitted in the GRM system; and (b) data from SAP and the ACTTN’s database. The GCRs are prepared by the Task Team Leader (TTL) responsible for supervision of the respective grant, and approved by the respective Sector Managers before final submission in the GRM system. This is the first time that TTLs have been specifically requested to prepare a comprehensive GCR for closed grants. 2.2 One of the key features of reporting in the GRM system is an assessment of the performance of the grants by the TTLs in terms of achieving the grant Development Objectives (DO) and Implementation Performance (IP) through a six point rating system. This feature is consistent with the reporting on closed loans and credits financed by the World Bank. The ratings for grant DOs are based on the following definitions: • Highly Satisfactory (HS) – Grant objectives achieved with no shortcomings; • Satisfactory (S) – Grant objectives achieved with minor shortcomings; • Moderately Satisfactory (MS) – Grant objectives achieved with moderate shortcomings; • Unsatisfactory (US)– Significant shortcomings in the achievement of grant objectives; • Highly Unsatisfactory (HUS) – Severe shortcomings in the achievement of the grant objectives; 2.3 The ratings for the grant IP are based on the following definitions: • Highly Satisfactory (HS) – Grant achieved or exceeded all of the major outputs without significant shortcomings; • Satisfactory (S) - Grant achieved almost all the major outputs with only minor shortcomings; • Moderately Satisfactory (MS) – There were moderate shortcomings which could have jeopardized achievement of one or more outputs but problems were resolved; • Unsatisfactory (U) – There were significant shortcomings which could not be resolved and one or more outputs could not be achieved; • Highly Unsatisfactory (HUS) - There were shortcomings that limited or jeopardized the achievement of grant outputs; 1 The report has been prepared by Wahida Huq (TFO, Washington) with the assistance of Jyoti Dhingra, Birama Subramanian and Vidya Narasimhan in ACTTN in Chennai.. The work was carried out under the supervision of David Potten (TFO) and Sarukkai Parthasarathy Ravi in ACTTN. 2 2.4 The total number of PHRD grants which closed in FY 06 was 160 2 . This number includes: PHRD TA grants, PHRD grants for World Bank Institute, Staff Grants, Japan-World Bank Partnership grants 3 . The scope of this review covers 117 PHRD TA grants which had closing dates in FY06 as stipulated in the Grant Agreement and end disbursement date 4 on or before October 30, 2006. (Table 1) Table 1 Number of Closed PHRD Grants Items Number Number of PHRD Grants which closed in 160 FY06. Of these the following were not included in the assessment: - WBI grants 18 - Staff Grants 6 - Partnership grants 2 - Extension of closing date of grants after June 13 30, 2006 - Grants which financially closed in FY05 but 2 legally closed in FY06 - Two global programs 2 43 Total number of closed PHRD TA grants 117 included in this review 2.5 The PHRD TA program is committed to support poverty reduction efforts. Consistent with this commitment, the program’s focus is on poor countries. The majority of the poor live in Asia, including East, South and Central Asia. The program includes four types of grants. The objective of the Project Preparation (PP) grant is to assist the Recipient countries to prepare operations for financing from the World Bank. PP grants account for about 94% of the total value of the approved grants. Project Implementation (PI) grants aim at assisting the implementing agency of the World Bank financed operations in the Recipient country to address newly emerged implementation issues which could not be foreseen at the time of preparation of the operation. The aim of Climate Change Initiative Grants (CCIG) is to assist the Recipient to promote reduction of green house gas emissions while promoting growth and poverty reduction. The objective of the Project Co-financing (CoF) grants is to support institutional capacity building components of World Bank financed operations5 . 2.6 The areas of focus of the review include: • Overall performance of all the closed grants (including regional and sectoral share of the grant proceeds for the preparation and implementation of operations, share of IDA countries; and list of countries which had received the largest share of the closed grants); • Particular emphasis on PP grants (status of World Bank’s approval of the operations prepared with the closed PP grants; indirect outcomes of the closed PP grants; average lag between PP grant approval and activation to assess the on-time availability of funds by the Recipient and supervision oversight of the grant by the Bank); 2 Grants which closed as of June 30, 2006 are included in this review. 3 These categories of grants which had formal closing date in FY05 but actually closed in FY06 are also included in this number. 4 According to PHRD TA guidelines, four months after the closing date of the grant is allowed to complete all disbursement and accounting transactions. 5 PI, CCIG and COF grants were introduced in FY 2000, 2002 and 2004 respectively. None of the approved (CoF) grants closed in FY06. 3 • Overall grant management process, including reporting on closed grants. 2.7 Section 3 provides a review of the closed PHRD TA grants by type, region, country, sector, IDA and Asian countries, lending instruments, and grant size. Section 4 provides the review findings which includes the following: (a) an analysis of TTL’s assessment of the grants achieving the DO and the implementation performance; and (b) a review of the grant management process. For the purpose of this review, the HS, S and MS ratings have been aggregated into Satisfactory or Better and MUS, US and HUS into Less than Satisfactory to set a cut-off line to assess whether grant performance is above or below the line. The report highlights the characteristics of grants which have been rated HS. Eight of the closed grants were not rated for one of the following reasons: (a) the grant was cancelled; (b) grant funds were not utilized to prepare the associated operation; (c) the associated operation has not yet been approved for financing by the World Bank. Section 4 also discusses the grant process and covers the standard features of grant management, such as supervision of the grants with less than satisfactory disbursement, on-time closure of grants, coordination with Japanese organizations in the country, quality of reporting on grant performance and management oversight. 3. Characteristics of Closed Grants 3.1 Project Preparation grants comprised a significant share (around 93%) of the closed grants in number as well as value. Table 2 below provides information on the grants by number, amount, types and regional distribution of the closed grants. Further details of the closed grants are in Annex 1. Table 2 PHRD TA Grants Closed in FY06 by Type and Region (in number and value in US$) Project Project Preparation Climate Change TOTAL Region Implementation Number Value Number Value Number Value Number Value AFR 17 10,885,869 1 659,450 18 11,545,319 EAP 16 10,770,800 1 557,250 2 919,645 19 12,247,695 ECA 30 17,360,556 1 215,600 1 891,660 32 18,467,816 LCR 34 20,166,281 1 257,360 1 850,000 36 21,273,641 MNA 7 2,883,883 7 2,883,883 SAR 5 3,592,080 5 3,592,080 Bank 109 65,659,469 4 1,689,660 4 2,661,305 117 70,010,434 wide Total 3.2 Latin America and Caribbean Region (LCR) received about one-third of the total value of grants, followed by Europe and Central Asia (ECA). Africa Region (AFR) and East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region had similar shares of the closed grants. (Figure 1) 4 Figure 1 Total Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Region (in US$ million and % share of total US$70.0 million) SAR $3.6 m ( 5%) MNA $2.9 m (4%) AFR $11.5 m (17%) LCR $21.3 m (30%) EAP $12.2 m (18%) ECA $18.5 m (26%) 3.3 Two countries from EAP region and four from LCR are among the ten countries which received the largest amount of the closed grants (Figure 2). Brazil topped the list of the ten countries but only a little above half of the grants in the country were rated Satisfactory for DO achievement. In comparison, performance of all the grants for Philippines and Vietnam was rated Satisfactory for achieving the DO. Figure 2 Ten Countries with Highest Approved Amount of PHRD TA Grants (in million US$) Moldova 1.84 Turkey 1.96 Paraguay 2.07 Ukraine 2.20 2.59 Mexico Indonesia 2.61 Colombia 2.77 3.23 Vietnam Philippines 3.31 3.57 Brazil - 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 3.4 Value of about 84 of the closed grants ranged between US$0.25-0.75 million. ECA had about three-fourth of the region’s total in this range followed by AFR, (72%), LCR (66%) and EAP (68%). LCR has received the largest share of high value grants (ranging between US$0.5 – 1.0 million). There were six grants valued above US$1 million. These were old grants approved at the time when the US$ 1 million ceiling was not in effect. (Table 3) 5 Table 3 Distribution of Closed PHRD TA Grants in Value Range by Region (in number) Value of Closed Bank AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Grants in US$M wide ≤0.25 1 1 4 1 7 0.25-0.5 7 5 13 9 5 2 41 0.5-0.75 6 8 11 15 1 2 43 0.75-1.0 4 3 7 6 1 21 >1.0 1 1 2 1 6 Total Number of Closed Grants 18 19 32 36 7 5 117 3.5 Closed grants were utilized in seven major sectors. These may be broadly categorized as follows: • agriculture (including crops, forest, fisheries, agriculture research, extension, animal production, and irrigation and drainage); • education (including pre- and primary education, adult literacy/non-formal education, secondary, tertiary education, vocational training); • energy and mining (including district heating and energy efficient services, mining, oil and gas, power, renewable energy); • finance (including banking, housing finance and real estate markets, non-compulsory pensions, micro- and SME finance, payments systems, capital markets, non-compulsory health finance); • health and other social services; • public administration, law (including central government administration, sub-national administration, law and justice, compulsory payment and unemployment insurance); • water/sanitation/flood protection (including flood protection, sanitation, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, flood protection); and • transportation, trade and industry and information and communication technology sectors (grouped as “Others”). 3.6 Health and Other Social Services, and Public Administration, Law sectors account for nearly half the value of the closed grants. Grants for Health sector operations focused mostly on health reforms, nutrition, mother and child health care and social protection. The bulk of the grants for the Public Administration, Law sector was approved for the preparation of development policy loans, Poverty Reduction Sector Credit (PRSC), sector adjustment operations, pension reforms, and projects for municipal development, improving governance in the public sector, and judicial reforms. Agriculture sector has received about one fifth of the total amount of closed grants. (Figure 3) 6 Figure 3 Share of Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants (US$70.0m by Sector) Water Sanitation and Flood Prot $8.2 m Agriculture $12.8 m (12%) (18%) Education $6.3 m Public Administration, (9%) Law $15.4 m (22%) Energy and Mining $2.9 m (4%) Industry & Trade, ICT, Finance $4.3 m Transport $4.3 m (6%) (6%) Health and Social Service $15.7m (23%) 3.7 The majority of the operations associated with the closed PHRD TA grants were financed by IDA (49%) and IBRD (46%). There were no closed grants for countries eligible to receive IDA financing in MNA region. All the PHRD TA grant associated operations in AFR Region were financed by IDA. LCR had the highest number of grant associated operations financed by IBRD. Other sources of financing include Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Special Program Facility (SPF). GEF is mainly used to finance Climate Change related operations while SPF is used to finance special programs in post-conflict countries. (Table 4) Table 4 Sources of Financing of PHRD TA Grant Associated Operations Sources of Financing of PHRD TA Grant Associated Operations IDA IBRD GEF SPF Region Amount Amount Amount Amount # of # of # of # of in US$ in US$ in US$ in US$ Grants Grants Grants Grants million million million million AFR 18 11.5 0 0 EAP 11 60.6 16 5.27 2 0.92 ECA 16 8.8 21 8.78 1 0.89 LCR 9 4.7 25 15.03 2 1.51 1 0.27 MNA 0 0 6 2.61 SAR 4 3.0 1 0.6 Total 58 34.13 53 32.29 5 3.32 1 0.27 3.8 About 28 percent (US$19.9 million) of the closed PHRD TA grant value was implemented in 31 Asian countries 6 . Of this amount, about two-thirds were received by countries in the EAP region. 6 There is no legal definition of Asian countries. The PHRD TA guidelines refer to all countries in the East Asia and Pacific region, South Asia region and Central Asian countries in the ECA region as Asian countries. Central Asian 7 3.9 IDA was the main financing source for operations associated with PHRD TA grants in the Public Administration, Law, Agriculture, and Health and Other Social Services sectors. The PHRD TA associated operations financed by IBRD, were mainly in the Education, Energy and Mining, Water Sanitation and Flood Protection sectors. (Figure 4) Figure 4 Total Value of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Sources of Financing and Sectors (in % ) 100% 79% 80% 68% 69% 62% IBRD 60% 55% 53% 49% 49% IDA 47% 38% Others 40% 33% 32% 30% 31% 28% 21% 21% 19% 20% 12% 4% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% Education Energy and Finance Others Social Service Sanitation and Administration, Agriculture Health and Protection Mining Water Flood Public Law Sectors 3.10 About two thirds of the operations associated with the closed PHRD TA grants applied the Sector Investment Lending (SIL) instrument 7 . However, grants were also used to prepare lending operations for providing budgetary support to Recipient governments. Seventeen (15%) of the closed grants were used to prepare 13 DPLs, and four other types of budgetary support operations. PHRD TA grants were associated with the preparation of 6 Technical Assistance Loans (TAL). 4. Review Findings 4.1 The overall Bank-wide performance of closed PHRD TA grants achieving the stated DO that were rated Satisfactory or Better is 91%. The regional performance, as presented in Figure 5, is uneven. LCR, which implemented the bulk of the closed grants, is the best performer with 97% of the DO rated Satisfactory or Better. Performance of MNA and SAR Regions is less satisfactory compared to other regions. (Figure 5) countries included in this review include: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. 7 Operations which have been supported by PHRD TA grants have been financed through various types of lending instruments. Broadly, there are two types: investment loan and financing to support the budget of the Recipient countries. These are defined into several categories. Adaptable Program Loan (APL), Specific Investment Loan (SIL) and Sector Investment and Maintenance Loan (SIM) are investment loans. Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC), Programmatic Structural Adjustment Loan (PSL) Sector Adjustment Loan (SAD), Structural Adjustment Loan (SAL). In addition, there are Technical Assistance and Financial Intermediary Loans. 8 Figure 5 Ratings of Grant Development Objectives by Region (as % of Region Performance) 120% 94% 97% 88% 91% 71% 75% 80% 40% 29% 25% 13% 9% 6% 3% 0% AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Regions Satisfacto ry o r B etter Less than Satisfacto ry 4.2 Seven percent of the total number of closed grants have been rated HS for achieving the DO. LCR has the highest proportion of grants with HS rating (12.12% of the region’s total), followed by ECA (9%), while EAP, MNA and SAR have no grants in this category. Out of a total of 4 closed Climate Change grants, two have been rated HS. 4.3 Grants rated HS in achievement of DO have been characterized by: ƒ Assisting the Recipients to clearly define prudent regulations including exit mechanisms; ƒ Adopting innovative approach; ƒ Integrating social and environmental considerations in technical engineering designs in a cost- effective manner; ƒ Sharing knowledge extensively leading to positive response from private sector; ƒ Adapting international best practices to country contexts; and ƒ Building ownership of the design and approach of the associated operation. 9 4.4 Box 1 below provides the main features of the HS grants. Box 1 Features of Closed PHRD TA Grants Rated Highly Satisfactory for Achievement of Development Objectives Region Country Name of the Grant and Features of Grant Financed Activities Type AFR Rwanda TF0155150: Poverty Reduction • Helped to shape the service delivery policy of the Support Credit II Government of Rwanda, particularly expansion of (Project Preparation) performance based contracting approach; ECA Bulgaria TF051713:Forestry-Fuel Switch • Contributed towards better management of forest Pilot resources and helped to establish a viable business model (Climate Change Grant) and plans for replication; • Helped to enhance capacity of participating municipality; • Good dissemination of information about the pilot helped to generate positive responses from the private sector. ECA Kyrgyz TF054600: Social Protection • Helped to shape major components of the Government’s Republic Sector Wide Approach health reform program which also formed the core of the (Project Preparation Grant) sector-wide approach; • Assisted government’s project preparation team to have access to international expertise to work on strategy development and implementation planning. ECA Moldova TF054602: Competitiveness • Assisted with the development of National Strategy on Enhancement Project Modernization of Measurements, Standards, Testing and (Project Preparation Grant) Quality (MSTQ) System Development, Draft laws on basic principles of State Regulation of Business Activity; Credit Information System, among other surveys and studies; • One of the draft laws has been approved by the Parliament; • Capacity of Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and key counterparts was enhanced through interaction with the international consultants in the process of the development of sector strategies, legislative framework and exposure to best international practices. LCR Costa Rica TF052118: Carbon Capture and • Contributed to better understanding and quantifying Development of Environment carbon fixation and storage in different land use systems Markets in Indigenous Cocoa in the indigenous territories; Agro-forestry Systems; • Helped to strengthen Indigenous peoples’ organizations, (Climate Change Initiative and helped to identify one such organization to manage a Grant) potential carbon capture project; • One of the indigenous peoples’ organizations has negotiated a carbon sale contract. LCR Brazil TF053756: Enhancing Municipal • Assisted to prepare the grant operation effectively and Governance and Quality of Life; efficiently in 11 months; (Project Preparation Grant) • Helped to re-design many of the engineering solutions to be more cost-effective and with minimal adverse environmental impact; • Grant helped to increase stakeholder participation for reaching socially sensitive engineering solutions. LCR El Salvador TF053765: Social Protection and • Helped to transform a largely infrastructure-oriented Local Development implementing agency to a social development agency; (Project Preparation) • Helped to design an innovative approach by using the banking system for delivery of conditional transfers and prepare cost estimates to extend basic health services at the local level. LCR Paraguay TF051360: Paraguay: Financial • Helped the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank Sector Adjustment Loan improve their abilities in financial regulation and (Project Preparation Grant) supervision; • Helped in providing the necessary intellectual capital to make project preparation successful. 10 4.5 Public Administration, Law and Water, Sanitation and Flood Protection have been the best performing sectors with more than 90% of the grants rated Satisfactory or Better for achieving DO (Figure 6). Bank-wide grant performance by sector was rated 83% Satisfactory or Better. Figure 6 Ratings of Grant Development Objectives by Sector (as % of sector total) Water Sanitation and 91% 9% Flood Protection Public Administration, 92% 8% Law Sector Health and Social 87% 13% Service Education 79% 21% Agriculture 77% 23% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 120% S and Better Less than S % of total grants by sector 4.6 Implementation performance of the closed grants has been rated 88 % Satisfactory and Better Bank-wide. Ratings for performance by region varied from 50 to 100%. All the 17 closed grants in EAP region were rated Satisfactory and Better. The assessment of IP rating was lowest for SAR where two out of four grants in the region were rated Satisfactory and Better. (Figure 7) 4.7 Four closed grants were rated HS for implementation performance. These grants are characterized by: • High disbursement (90% and above); • Excellent integration between the technical assistance team and the staff of the PIU and relevant Ministries; • Excellent management of the grant financed activities resulting in timely completion of preparation activities; • Timely completion of procurement process of technical assistance with excellent TORs and high quality reports and analysis; • Compliance with procurement and financial procedures of the World Bank; • Continuity of staff in the implementing agencies. 11 Figure 7 Rating of Grant Implementation Performance (as % of region total) 120% 100% 94% 91% 82% 80% 57% 50% 50% 43% 40% 18 % 9% 6% 0% 0% AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Regions Satisfactory or Better Less than Satisf actory 4.8 Overall disbursement of the closed PHRD TA grants was 73% of the total approved amount Bank-wide. Performance of three regions, EAP, ECA and LCR Regions is comparable while SAR is the lowest performing region. (Figure 8) The two main reasons for poor disbursement performance in SAR appear to be: (a) Recipient’s lack of interest in the grant associated operation resulting in under- utilization of the grant; and (b) due to delay in signing the grant agreement by the Recipient, funds from participating donors instead of PHRD TA grant were utilized to prepare a sector-wide operation. Figure 8 Disbursement Performance of Closed PHRD TA Grants by Region (% of Region's total approved amount) 90 ECA, $15.0m (81%) 80 70 EAP, $9.6m (79%) LCR, $16.5m (78%) 60 MNA, $1.9m (68%) 50 AFR, $7.0m (61%) 40 30 20 SAR, 0.7m (21%) 10 0 AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Regions 4.9 Fifteen percent of the closed grants disbursed fully. EAP has the highest number of grants with 100% disbursement (Figure 9). 12 Figure 9 Fully Disbursed PHRD TA Grants by Region (as % of total number of grants in the region) LCR 20% ECA 9% EAP 30% AFR 11% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% % of f ully disbursed grants as % of region total 4.10 PP grants have been used to prepare operations for all the major sectors mentioned earlier. Grant Recipients have used technical assistance for the following activities: (a) to carry out social and environmental assessments; (b) to prepare procurement plans, resettlement action plans, tribal or ethnic development plans to comply with the World Bank’s requirements on procurement, financial management, safeguard and social aspects to be eligible for loans, credits and grants; (c) to carry out stakeholder consultations and information dissemination; (d) to commission detailed engineering feasibility studies; (e) to carry out economic and financial analysis; (f) to design Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems and develop monitoring indicators; (g) to prepare legal and regulatory frameworks; and (h) to suggest improvements in public policies. 4.11 About 90% of the PP grants were rated Satisfactory or Better in terms of achieving the development objectives and implementation performance. Five grants were reported to have been highly successful with regard to assisting Recipients in integrating social and environmental issues in technical aspects of project design, adapting international best practices to country contexts, and building ownership of the design and approach of the associated operation. Annex 2 provides a typology of activities supported by technical assistance in the operational sectors which received major share of the closed grants. 4.12 Out of the 109 closed PP grants, 77% of the grant associated operations had been approved by the World Bank by end FY06 (Figure 10). Another 16% is expected to be approved in FY07 and later years. ECA region has the best performance with 90% of the grant associated operations approved. Only 7% (8) of the associated operations were dropped from the lending program. Several reasons are given: • Changes in government policy; • Change in Bank’s policy for lending in a particular sector; • Changes in the lending instrument (e.g. from a sector adjustment operation to a sector investment); and • Unwillingness of the Grant Recipient to continue with reform program. 13 Figure 10 Status of Approval of PHRD TA Project Preparation Grant Associated Operations (in number and % of region)) 30 100% 90% 90% 25 81% 27 80% 76% 74% 70% 20 60% 60% % of region Number 15 25 50% 43% 40% 10 13 13 30% 20% 5 10% 3 3 0 0% AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Region Approved % Approved 4.13 The review noted several positive indirect outcomes from the PP grants, such as capacity building, increased participation, better understanding and appreciation of “soft” development issues and leveraging funds. • Capacity building of the Ministries and implementing agencies occurred in several cases in the following three ways: (a) learning from the grant financed TA which not only brought solid experience but also the best global practices and adapted to country situation; (b) technical assistance team working closely with a multi-sector team which helped to improve inter- ministerial/agency coordination, as understanding of the sector issues increased, thus potentially ensuring quality at entry and subsequent satisfactory implementation of the associated operation; (c) grant implementation helped the staff of the government agencies to understand the procurement and financial management procedures which is likely to help speed up implementation of the associated operation; • Increased Participation: Grant funds helped to organize extensive consultation with key stakeholders to improve the project design; • Better understanding and appreciation of “soft” development issues: It has been reported that grant supported technical assistance helped staff, particularly of the technical ministries to appreciate the issues of gender, social inclusion, ethnicity, and vulnerability. This understanding is reported to have developed through close interaction with the team on the discussion of the grant financed studies, training and information dissemination in the stakeholder workshops; • Leveraging funds: The quality of the analysis of the issues and recommendations of the studies financed by the PHRD TA grants helped the government and the donors to better understand the sector issues and the financial needs to develop the sector and provide additional funds. In several cases, the quality of the project design based on good analytical work financed by the PHRD TA grant, helped to convince donors to provide additional funds in the project. In addition, in some cases, private sector participation also increased. 14 4.14 All the four closed CCIG grants were implemented satisfactorily and achieved the stated DO and two are reported to have excellent outcomes. These grants focused on developing a better understanding of carbon fixation and storage in different land use systems in indigenous territories; strengthening organizations including municipalities and indigenous peoples’ ones; piloting initiatives to define the costs and benefits of switching fuels from fossil to wood; harvesting natural gas (which otherwise would escape in the atmosphere) to secure carbon credits and to the extent feasible, utilizing gas for power generation to benefit local communities; and reducing vulnerability to climate change and sea-level rise. The results of the pilot on switching fuels business model generated considerable interest among the private sector to scale-up and also enhanced the capacity for management of forest resources. One of the indigenous peoples’ organizations which participated in the pilot initiative on the quantification of carbon fixation and storage, succeeded in negotiating a US$20,000 carbon sale contract with an Italian company which corresponded to about 9 million hectares of natural forest regeneration. 4.15 The overall performance of the four PI grants was also reported to be satisfactory. The grants were used to finance capacity building activities in agriculture, health, public administration, and transportation sectors. The focus of the grants was on building capacity of the project implementation ministries/agencies to improve public transport services; develop database; improve information flow and dissemination; develop participatory evaluation guidelines; train community members; support municipalities to provide cost-effective and relevant services to the community; and help develop a better understanding of the health sector financing mechanisms and the status of the health infrastructure. It has been reported that, as a result of the grant supported activities, one of the recipient Ministries has developed the capacity to prepare its own national accounts, a sector wide plan to harmonize financing by the donors and the government, and a rational investment budget. Another grant is reported to have helped the recipient entity to redefine its roles, reduce staff costs, and streamline its activities in response to fiscal and political constraints. 4.16 The review observed that quality of grant management process was mixed. Overall, the grant signing and activation process was well managed. The majority of the grants were signed and activated within the stipulated 12 months period 8 . Only 17% of the grants could not comply. The following were noted as the main reasons for delayed signing: • Recipient government’s lengthy procedures (e.g. China, Vietnam in EAP region; Ukraine, Kyrgyz Republic in ECA region; and Brazil, Mexico in LCR); • Recipient’s apparent lack of commitment to the associated operation which the grant is expected to assist with the preparation or implementation; • Possible lack of continuity of the Bank staff which may have affected follow-up; • Delayed approval of the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). 4.17 The financial implication of delayed signing is that funds allocated for the approved grants are not available for other requests and funds for the approved grant cannot be utilized until the grant agreement is signed by the Recipient. Delayed signing beyond the 12 month period locked up approximately US$ 12.11 million for several months. In some cases, it was reported that due to non-availability of funds on time, other sources of funding from bilateral and multi-lateral donors were utilized to carry out project preparatory activities. When the PHRD TA grants were finally available, project preparation was well ahead and the fund could not be fully utilized. Since FY06, the 12 month period for grant signing from grant approval date has been revised to 6 months. Compliance is now strictly monitored by the Trust Fund Operations (TFO) unit. In order to ensure efficient utilization of grants, the issue of delayed 8 According to the PHRD TA Policy Guidelines, grant agreements which are not signed within 12 months of approval by the GOJ, are liable for cancellation. 15 signing due to the Recipient’s lengthy process may be highlighted in Bank’s discussion with the Recipient countries where this is an issue in the context of the Country Portfolio Performance Reviews. 4.18 The review noted that, in cases where signing is delayed due to lack of Recipient’s commitment to the grant associated operation, grant implementation performance has been affected by less than satisfactory disbursement (below 50%), or subsequent cancellation with little or no disbursement. In these cases, it is likely that closer Bank supervision of the grants may help expedite the signing of the grants or agree with the Recipient to cancel the grant if there is evidence of lack of commitment. 4.19 Only five of the closed grants had zero disbursements 9 . The following reasons were identified: (a) changes in government strategy; (b) elections in the country leading to changes in policy; and (c) poor implementation capacity. 4.20 About one third of the closed grants have not been formally closed 10 thus locking up US$6.57 million (approximately) undisbursed amount which is not available for new allocations. AFR region had the largest undisbursed amount (about US$2.6 million), which accounts for nearly 40% of the total undisbursed amounts Bankwide (Figure 11). It also had the highest rate of undisbursed grant amount (22%). Figure 11 Approved and Undisbursed Amounts of PHRD TA Grant by Region $25 $ 21.3 $20 $18.5 $15 $12.2 $11.5 $10 $5 $ 3.6 $ 2.6 $ 2.9 $1.9 $1.0 $ 0.7 $ 0.4 $ 0.0 $0 AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR A ppro ved A mo unt Undisbursed A mo unt 4.21 In addition to consultation prior to the submission of the grant proposals. Bank staff are reported to have interacted with Japanese organizations (such as Embassy of Japan, JICA and JIBC) in the country regarding half of the grants in AFR, EAP and ECA regions during the implementation stage (Figure 12). While consultation has always been strongly urged, there have been no specific guidelines on consultation during grant implementation phase. Overall, Bank staff coordinated with Japanese organizations regarding 39% of the closed grants during implementation. Consultation with Japanese organizations prior to proposal submission is now 100%. Bank staff interacted with Japanese organizations during grant implementation in the following ways: (a) 9 PHRD TA Guidelines stipulate that grants with zero disbursement for more than a year should be cancelled. 10 Formal closure means that all transactions have been accounted for and formal letter of closure has been sent by the Bank to the Recipient. 16 discussing the reports financed by the PHRD TA grants in workshops where Japanese officials were invited; (b) sharing Aide Memoires of the Bank’s mission; and (c) inviting Japanese officials to the project launching ceremonies. Figure 12 Coordination with Japanese Organizations Regarding Grant Implementation (contact with Japanese Organizations as % of region total) SAR 33% MNA 14% Region LCR 29% ECA 47% EAP 50% AFR 44% Percentage 4.22 About two-thirds of the grant completion reports were rated Satisfactory by the review team (Figure 13). Assessment of the quality was based on candor, clarity and completeness of the reports. Specifically, the following criteria were applied: (a) justification of the ratings of DO and IP, explanations for poor disbursement and grant cancellation; (b) substantive reporting; and (c) free of glaring grammatical and spelling errors. One of the plausible explanations for less than satisfactory reporting is that TTLs consider reporting on grant performance to be a non-funded mandate. The quality of reporting on completed grants has to improve further in order to properly identify areas for improvement in the PHRD TA program. Figure 13 Assessment of the Quality of Grant Completion Reports (Satisfactory as % of Total Number of Grants in the Region) 90% 86% 79% 78% 80% 70% 66% 61% 60% 60% ercentage 47% 50% 40% P 30% 20% 10% 0% AFR EAP ECA LCR MNA SAR Bank- w ide Re gions 4.23 Less than one fourth of the Sector Managers commented on the completion reports (Figure 14). As mentioned previously, Sector Managers are required to sign off on all the grant completion reports before final submission in the GRM system. As part of supervision oversight, it is expected that 17 Managers would at least provide comments on the grants which are on the extreme end of the ratings scale - highly satisfactory or highly unsatisfactory – and on poor quality of reports, disbursement performance, and situations leading to the cancellation of the grant or the associated operation being dropped from the lending program. The review noted that about one third of the Managers in ECA region commented while there was none from SAR. Figure 14 Managers’ Comments on the Grant Completion Reports (as % of Total Closed Grants in Region) SAR 0% MNA 14% LCR 23% Regions ECA 38% EAP 11% AFR 22% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% Percentage 4.24 It was clearly evident that some of the comments by the Managers have contributed significantly to the quality of the completion reports. The Box below provides a sample of the comments made by the Managers 11 . 11 Country references have not been provided. 18 Box 2 Sample of Managers’ Comments on the Grant Completion Reports Comments from Managers to revise the draft report: • “I went through the report and it answers to most of the questions. Make sure the evaluation regarding the solid waste management activities is consistent throughout. It is indicated that the solid waste report is pending under Component section but it appears that this activity has been completed in other sections of the report. Try to be more specific on the impact by indicating what has been the real impact in one or two sentences as the language is sometimes too generic.” • Please, edit as agreed and re-submit. Thanks, • I have sent written comments back to you. This is the final report for the TF, and it needs to be complete. By showing the value of the PHRD funds, we are encouraging the Japanese to continue funding the program. My understanding from the (country) MOE is that the PHRD grant was critical to them, but this doesn't come through at all in the report. Please fix the incomplete titles, actually explain what was done, and provide some evaluative comments. • The missing sections were required here because this is the final report on a grant which has closed - so it acts as a kind of ICR. • The language needs to be made up to date so that it does not sound as if the grant is still under implementation. Comments on the ratings and the substance of the report: • I concur in the ratings and assessment of performance. • I endorse the GRM. Comments on the usefulness of the grant for the country: • This Grant has played an important role in shaping the support to improve (country’s) public management system. • I was not the manager during the initiation neither of the PHRD grant nor during most of the loan preparation. However, when I visited the Ministry of Education about a year ago, the new Minister and his staff went out of their way to recognize the value of the PHRD grant to them in reviewing sectoral issues and preparing the project. Our education team worked extremely well in a collaborative manner with the ministry, and the PHRD grant facilitated this well beyond what otherwise could have been done. • This was a highly useful and effective assistance to the (country), and we are grateful for the grant. • The GRM does not contain any indication of appropriate follow up activity. There is information given that the project was dropped, but no indication what will happen to the TF (cancelled?). Please indicate and communicate next steps planned with grant in conjunction with government and CU dialogue. Comments on the completion of the audit: • Please make sure that the audit takes place as you indicated on your email. • I approve this, noting that the audit report (still pending when this report was submitted) has now been submitted. 19 ANNEX 1: LIST OF PHRD TA GRANTS CLOSED IN FY06 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) AFRICA REGION TF051120 THIRD EDUCATION SECTOR PROGRAMPHASE II Project Preparation 645,800 TF051122 LAGOS METROPOLITAN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Project Preparation 650,000 TF051634 PRIVATIZATION AND PRIVATE SECTOR COMETITIVENESS Project Preparation 846,000 TF052102 CAPACITY BUILDING OF CIVIL SOCIETY Project Preparation 500,000 TF052104 HEALTH SECTOR WIDE APPROACH PROJECT Project Preparation 426,000 TF052106 AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS AND Project Preparation 548,750 DIVERSIFICATION PROJECT TF052411 RURAL CAPACITY BUILDING AND MARKET Project Preparation 759,500 DEVELOPMENT (RCBMDP) TF052414 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Project Preparation 1,184,100 TF052676 POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT I Project Preparation 676,000 TF052803 SECOND HEALTH SECTOR SUPPORT PROJECT CRESAN II Project 659,450 Implementation TF052804 AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS AND Project Preparation 370,500 DIVERSIFICATION TF052805 PHRD-BENIN: POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT II Project Preparation 363,500 (PRSC II) (BANK EXECUTED PORTION) TF053311 PHRD-BURKINA FASO: POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT Project Preparation 470,175 CREDIT (PRSC TF053312 AGROPASTORAL PRODUCT DIVERSIFICATION, Project Preparation 500,000 INTENSIFICATION & MARKET DEVELOPMENT TF053733 POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT 2 Project Preparation 647,600 TF053735 HEALTH SECTOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (HEALTH III) Project Preparation 470,899 TF054581 TRANSPARENCY AND ACCOUNTABILITY CAPACITY Project Preparation 830,000 BUILDING PROJECT TF055150 POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT/ FINANCING II Project Preparation 997,045 TOTAL 11,545,319 20 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC REGION TF050625 GANSU AND INNER MONGOLIA POVERTY REDUCTION Project 557,250 PROJECT Implementation TF050629 HEALTH SECTOR REFORM PROJECT Project preparation 1,032,100 TF051643 SUSTAINING MICROFINANCE PROJECT Project Preparation 500,000 TF051715 KIRIBATI: KIRIBATI ADAPTATION PROJECT PREPARATION Climate Change 645,580 TF051880 SECOND WOMEN'S HEALTH AND SAFE MOTHERHOOD Project Preparation 1,341,380 PROJECT TF052108 MICRONUTRIENT MALNUTRITION PREVENTION PROJECT Project preparation 696,500 TF052109 MEKONG HEALTH SUPPORT PROJECT Project preparation 551,155 TF052418 ICT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Project Preparation 603,000 TF052678 FARMER EMPOWERMENT THROUGH AGRICULTURE Project preparation 791,600 TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATION PROJECT - FEATI TF052799 EAST JAVA DEVELOPMENT REFORM PROJECT Project Preparation 627,000 TF052802 YANGTZE/PEARL RIVER WATERSHED REHABILITATION Project Preparation 500,000 PROJECT TF052924 HIV/AIDS PREVENTION PROJECT Project Preparation 542,000 TF053144 CUSTOMS MODERNIZATION PROJECT Project Preparation 996,500 TF053146 SECOND TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PROJECT Project Preparation 540,000 TF053321 MANILA THIRD SEWERAGE PROJECT Project Preparation 976,000 TF053738 INDEX BASED LIVESTOCK INSURANCE PROJECT (IBLI) Project Preparation 358,865 TF053740 GAS SEEP HARVESTING COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Climate Change 274,065 CARBON FUND (CDCF) PROJECT TF054591 PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT CREDIT II (PSDC II) Project Preparation 222,000 TF054627 PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REFORM PROJECT Project preparation 492,700 TOTAL 12,247,695 21 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION TF050513 PHRD-CROATIA: SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC RECOVERY Project Preparation 425,360 PROJECT TF051131 PHRD-GEORGIA: PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT REFORM Project Preparation 490,000 TF051136 PHRD-UKRAINE: EQUAL ACCESS TO QUALITY Project preparation 768,400 EDUCATION PROJECT TF051713 PHRD-CCIG BULGARIA: FORESTRY-FUEL SWITCH PILOT Climate Change 891,660 TF051897 PHRD-POLAND: HEALTH II Project preparation 380,000 TF051899 PHRD-UKRAINE: THIRD PROGRAMMATIC ADJUSTMENT Project preparation 700,430 LOAN (PAL III) TF052421 PHRD-MACEDONIA: COMBINED HEAT AND POWER Project Preparation 535,000 PROJECT TF052680 PHRD-AZERBAIJAN: ENERGY PROJECT Project Preparation 600,000 TF052681 PHRD-BULGARIA: PROGRAMMATIC ADJUSTMENT LOAN Project Preparation 495,000 (PAL) III TF052685 PHRD-POLAND: RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT II Project Preparation 628,725 TF052686 PHRD-TURKEY: ISTANBUL SEISMIC RISK MITIGATION Project Preparation 927,500 AND EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS (ISRMEP) PROJECT TF052687 PHRD-TURKEY:PROGRAMMATIC PUBLIC SECTOR & Project Preparation 534,200 SOCIAL SECURITY REFORM ADJUSTMENT LOAN (PSAL) TF052809 PHRD-MACEDONIA: REAL ESTATE CADASTRE AND Project Preparation 447,550 REGISTRATION PROJECT TF053121 PHRD-ALBANIA: NATURAL RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 501,020 PROJECT TF053126 PHRD-TAJIKISTAN: COMMUNITY AND BASIC HEALTH Project Preparation 500,000 PROJECT TF053127 PHRD-TURKEY: MUNICIPAL SERVICES PROJECT Project Preparation 500,000 TF053149 PHRD-CROATIA: EDUCATION REFORM PROJECT Project Preparation 766,150 TF053199 PHRD-POLAND: COAL SECAL 3 - SOCIAL AND Project Preparation 295,540 ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION OF COAL TF053326 PHRD-ALBANIA: HEALTH SYSTEM MODERNIZATION Project Preparation 499,500 PROJECT TF053327 PHRD-SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: MONTENEGRO Project Preparation 379,555 EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TF053328 PHRD-TAJIKISTAN: FERGHANA VALLEY WATER Project Preparation 650,000 RESOURCES MANAGEMENT PROJECT TF053336 PHRD-ARMENIA: RURAL ECONOMY MODERNIZATION Project Preparation 925,000 PROJECT TF053730 PHRD-KYRGYZ REPUBLIC: URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT Project 215,600 Implementation TF053748 PHRD-BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA: HEALTH SCALE-UP Project Preparation 385,600 PROJECT TF053751 PHRD-MOLDOVA: PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT Project Preparation 534,526 22 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) TF053752 PHRD-TAJIKISTAN: TAJIKISTAN MUNICIPAL Project Preparation 420,500 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT TF054600 PHRD-KYRGYZ REPUBLIC: HEALTH-SOCIAL PROTECTION Project Preparation 750,000 SWAP TF054602 PHRD-MOLDOVA: COMPETITIVENESS ENHANCEMENT Project Preparation 650,000 PROJECT TF054603 PHRD-MOLDOVA: RURAL INVESTMENT AND SERVICES Project preparation 660,000 PROJECT (RISP) PHASE II TF054607 PHRD-SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: PROGRAMMATIC Project preparation 950,000 ADJUSTMENT LOAN TF054608 PHRD-SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO: WATER RESOURCES Project preparation 286,000 MANAGEMENT PROJECT (REPUBLIC OF SERBIA) TF055135 PHRD-UKRAINE: HEALTH REFORM PROJECT Project preparation 775,000 TOTAL 18,467,816 LATIN AMERICA AND CARRIBEAN REGION TF051359 BASIC HEALTH FOR VULNERABLE GROUPS Project preparation 1,043,300 TF051360 FINANCIAL SECTOR ADJUSTMENT LOAN Project preparation 680,000 TF051887 POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT II Project preparation 595,500 TF052117 BAHIA INTEGRATED URBAN DEVELOPMENT - "VIVER Project preparation 990,000 MELHOR II" TF052118 CARBON CAPTURE AND DEV OF ENV MRKT IN Climate Change 850,000 INDIGENOUS COCOA AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS IN COSTA RICA TF052119 EDUCATION REFORM APL II Project Preparation 400,000 TF052120 JUDICIAL MODERNIZATION PROJECT Project Preparation 375,000 TF052527 SECOND PROGRAMMATIC HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 195,600 SECTOR REFORM LOAN (HD PSRL II)MINISTRY OF EDUCATION TF052529 DISASTER VULNERABILITY REDUCTION PROJECT Project Preparation 1,060,000 TF052533 NUTRITION AND SOCIAL PROTECTION PROJECT Project Preparation 590,000 TF052534 SECOND RURAL MUNICIPALITIES PROJECT Project 257,360 Implementation TF052536 RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Project Preparation 350,000 TF052811 PUBLIC SECTOR MODERNIZATION Project Preparation 214,533 TF053131 PARA RURAL POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND Project Preparation 696,900 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TF053132 SUPPORT TO THE NATIONAL FOREST PROGRAM Project Preparation 805,000 TF053133 PROGRAMMATIC FISCAL & INSTITUTIONAL Project Preparation 790,000 STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT LOANS III AND IV TF053139 AGRICULTURAL TECHNOLOGY PROJECT APL II Project Preparation 556,000 23 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) TF053140 HEALTH SECTOR MODERNIZATION PROJECT (SECOND Project Preparation 722,758 PHASE OF AN APL) TF053141 STRENGTHENING MINISTRY OF FINANCE Project Preparation 802,000 TF053151 SECONDARY EDUCATION PROJECT Project Preparation 436,975 TF053152 SPATIAL SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 746,165 TF053335 REGIONAL ROADS DECENTRALIZATION Project Preparation 410,000 TF053339 HIGHER EDUCATION FINANCING FOR INCLUSIVENESS Project Preparation 642,730 AND COMPETITIVENESS (MEXICO STUDENT LOANS) TF053577 SECOND PROGRAMMATIC HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 144,900 SECTOR REFORM LOAN (HD PSRL II)MINISTRY OF HEALTH TF053578 SECOND PROGRAMMATIC HUMAN DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 242,720 SECTOR REFORM LOAN (HD PSRL II) TF053756 UBERABA - ENHANCING MUNICIPAL GOVERNANCE AND Project Preparation 500,000 QUALITY OF LIFE TF053759 DISASTER VULNERABILITY REDUCTION PROGRAM Project Preparation 923,500 PHASE 2 APL TF053762 COMPETITIVENESS Project Preparation 550,000 TF053765 SOCIAL PROTECTION AND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT (FISDL) Project Preparation 670,000 TF053766 NATIONAL URBAN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT Project Preparation 450,000 TF053769 PHRD-MEXICO: QUALITY OF EDUCATION (PEC) Project Preparation 640,000 TF053770 ACCESS TO LAND FOR YOUNG FARMERS Project Preparation 650,000 TF053771 PHRD-PARAGUAY: PARAGUAY MOTHER & CHILD BASIC Project Preparation 592,700 HEALTH INSURANCE PROJECT TF054619 INTEGRATED RENEWABLE ENERGY SERVICES FOR Project Preparation 660,000 RURAL MEXICO TF054629 INNER CITY BASIC SERVICES FOR THE POOR Project Preparation 650,000 TF055405 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL GROWTH PROJECT Project Preparation 390,000 TOTAL 21,273,641 24 Grant Grant Name Grant type Approved Number Grant Amount (in US$) MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION TF051138 PHRD-IRAN: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT Project preparation 162,000 (BANK-EXECUTED PORTION) TF051139 PHRD-IRAN: SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROJECT Project preparation 721,750 (RECIPIENT-EXECUTED PORTION) TF051140 PHRD-MOROCCO: INTEGRATED FORESTRY Project Preparation 460,545 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT TF052424 PHRD-JORDAN: PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM LOAN III Project Preparation 459,288 TF052425 PHRD-TUNISIA: SECOND HIGHER EDUCATION REFORM Project Preparation 482,000 SUPPORT PROJECT TF053332 PHRD-MOROCCO: RURAL WATER SUPPLY AND Project Preparation 323,300 SANITATION PROJECT TF053333 PHRD-WEST BANK GAZA: HIGHER EDUCATION PROJECT Project preparation 275,000 TOTAL 2,883,883 SOUTH ASIA REGION TF050805 PHRD-BANGLADESH: HEALTH AND POPULATION SECTOR Project Preparation 1,500,000 PROGRAM PROJECT, (2003-2008) TF053162 PHRD-INDIA: TAMIL NADU EMPOWERMENT AND Project Preparation 485,900 POVERTY REDUCTION TF053744 PHRD-INDIA: SUPPORT TO URBAN REFORM INCENTIVE Project Preparation 597,440 FUND TF053745 PHRD-INDIA: SLUM UPGRADING AND NATIONAL Project preparation 710,490 SANITATION TF054596 PHRD-SRI LANKA: EDUCATION SECTOR OPERATION Project preparation 298,250 TOTAL 3,592,080 TOTAL OF ALL REGIONS 70,010,434 25 Annex 2: Typology of PHRD TA Grant Financed Activities Agriculture • Identification measures to improve the competitiveness, value-addition, and process and market access of traditional and non-traditional agricultural products with high value margin as means to reduce poverty reduction and increase food security. • Ways to improve the quality of nutrition, health and agriculture programs funded in the national budgets • Assessment of market information system and processing of agricultural commodities • Development of agriculture extension training materials • Development of rural producers’ organizations and upgrading public and private partnerships; and agric-business partnerships • Preparation of Pest Management Plan • Risk assessment, economic impact of livestock mortality, • Identify measures to enhance capacity of local governments to address the problems of social exclusion in rural and rural-urban areas. • Develop program to scale-up successful experience with the transfer of state forests and pastures to local government units • Contribute to better understanding of the social and environmental issues related to water resources by the technical Ministries • Review of the phyto-sanitary legislation and recommend changes Education • Development of long-term educational plans • Identify major issues and challenges of education sector; analyze curriculum and learning outcome; assess teaching profession and identification of training needs; optimization of schools network; and develop strategy for computer education in secondary schools. • Identification of measures for motivating municipalities to prepare and implement education optimization plans; • Analyze impact of curriculum reform on student’s achievements and identify areas of intervention to increase the quality of teaching and learning. • Recommend improvements of in-service teacher education, develop proposal for national curriculum framework, prepare implementation plan for the national curriculum framework; evaluate current model of external assessment of student; and recommend measures for better education management Health and Other Social Services • Development of Health Sector Strategy • Analysis of the costs, use, and financing of health Services; strengthen budget management capacity; • Assessment of the role of community health committees; study on the development of private health and pharmaceutical sector; defining mechanisms for stimulating the collaboration between private and public sector providers • Malaria assessment study • Development of innovative performance-based grants to motivate behavioral change among stakeholders (mothers, health workers and local government); • Development of a planning tool for assessing local Women's Health and Safe Motherhood (WHSM) service delivery systems; investment and financing plans for local delivery of the WHSM service package • Review of HIV/AIDS situation; situation analysis of health care; audience segmentation study for localized interventions and evaluation of community based models • Facility upgrading plans for primary health care delivery, development of new designs for rural health facilities and new technical norms for the configuration of health facilities • Formulation and adoption of a coherent and comprehensive strategy in the scaling-up of Primary Health Care service delivery nationwide through the Family Medicine (FM) model. 26 Public Administration, Law • Develop implementation plan for the Poverty Reduction Strategies in recipient countries; • Prepare Public Sector Investment Plan; train government officials in budget analysis • Enhance government capacity to develop and maintain National Health Accounts. • Carry out public expenditure review; study investment climate; prepare national budget for Ministries; draft risks and social protection policy and strategy and study on equity funds at hospital level; • Preparation of multi-sector rural development strategy; study on decentralized service delivery stock-taking; health labor market survey; and market survey of urban energy and water; and technical assistance for performance based contracting • Prepare assessment reports (institutional, socio-economic and territorial) to address issues of regional development and building of administrative capacity for planning and implementation of regional programs in line with EU policies. • Analytical reports on administrative reforms and state government restructuring initiatives to provide basis for discussions at the workshops with regard to public service development model and approaches to civil service reform • Preparation of draft legislation to regulate the work of the central executive authorities and Cabinet of Ministers • Diagnostic report and action plan for achieving financial stabilization, business environment study; development of corporate index and draft legislation and recommendations for improved cabinet system • Report on comparative analysis of the labor code and other relevant legislation; disability study for social insurance reform; study on mid to long-term fiscal sustainability of the national health insurance fund • Feasibility studies for the emergency communication system, seismic risk mitigation of public assets, social and environmental assessments, and establishment of the financial management system and project preparation coordination to ensure better readiness for a major earthquake • Social security reform design and development in the fields of pensions, labor market and health insurance • Reports on legal framework, cadastre and land registration procedures and conveyance process, • Assisted preparation of the anti-corruption strategy • Help build knowledge and capacity in the following areas: mapping of judicial services; analysis of human resources; analysis of access to justice issues particularly for vulnerable groups, including women, children, and indigenous population Water, Sanitation and Flood Control • Studies on solid waste management provided the basis for internal re-organization, collection route planning, and bio-medical waste. • National consultation process financed by the grant helped build awareness of climate change at all levels of government and the public and to reach consensus on national adaptation benchmarks which would be monitored under the project • Custom laws and related legal documents • Study on willingness to pay for sewerage and sanitation services. Results of the study were instrumental in promoting future changes to the tariff and investment structure in sewerage. • Assisted municipalities to improve delivery of services, such as water, and management of waste water and solid waste Transportation • Development of road sector management action plan; final design on bidding documents for pavement restoration, airport infrastructure, • Design an anti-poverty component (slum up gradation and microfinance) in a road improvement project. • Recommend measures to improve public transport services which helped city administration to establish route tendering system resulting in generation of significant income for the city administration. • Review of transfer mechanism for public sector and of risk management mechanisms in private sector; study on strengthening existing mechanisms of territorial planning; development of guidelines for inclusion of risk analysis in municipal development plans; 27 Energy • Design Market and Systems Operations Modernization involving installation and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management system; • Economic feasibility of utilizing gas seeps for electricity generation • Pilot operation helped to establish a viable business model and plans for its replication. • Feasibility studies for options of gas-fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) technology and development; recommendations for enhancing the fuel supply systems for the major thermal power plant • Developing a financial management system for tracking sources and use of funds to generate financial reports • Helped to identify critical elements of the future sector restructuring i.e. optimal employment model and optimal production model 28 ANNEX 3: SUMMARIES OF GRANT COMPLETION REPORTS Africa Region ................................................................................................................................31 East Asia and Pacific Region ........................................................................................................49 Europe and Central Asia Region ...................................................................................................68 Latin America and Caribbean Region .........................................................................................101 Middle East and North Africa Region.........................................................................................138 South Asia Region.......................................................................................................................146 29 AFRICA REGION • Benin: Poverty Reduction Support Credit II (PRSC II) • Burkina- Faso: Agro-pastoral Product Diversification, Intensification & Market Development • Burkina-Faso: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) • Cameroon: Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building Project • Ethiopia: Capacity Building of Civil • Ethiopia: Rural Capacity Building and Market Development • Gambia: Third Education Sector Program Phase II • Kenya: Health Sector Wide Project • Kenya: Privatization and Private Sector Competitiveness • Madagascar: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) 2 • Madagascar: Second Health Sector Support Project CRESAN II • Mali: Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification Project • Mali: Agriculture Competitiveness and Diversification Project • Niger: Health Sector Development Project • Niger: Poverty Reduction Support Credit I (PRSCI) • Nigeria: Lagos Metropolitan Development Project • Rwanda: Poverty Reduction Support Credit II • Sierra Leone: Infrastructure Development Project 30 Grant Completion Report Benin: Poverty Reduction Support Credit II (PRSC II) 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052805 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 363,500 Approval Date: 10/03/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 04/05/2004 03/31/2005 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$ 318,250.06 Disbursed: 88 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above reference operation, which has as its objectives, to reduce poverty through implementing policies designed to: (i) maintain macroeconomic stability and accelerate economic growth; (ii) improve the delivery, quality and coverage of basic services in education, health, water and sanitation; and (iii) increase the ability of the poor to raise incomes and mitigate extreme poverty. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The Executive Directors of the Board of the World Bank approved the associated operation. • For, grant-funded activities provided information needed by Recipient government and Bank teams to improve the quality of nutrition, health and agriculture programs funded in the country’s budgets. Grant-funded activities also provided vital analysis which formed the basis for developing strategic action plans for civil service reform and fiscal decentralization. • Substantial institutional and sectoral/technical information was exchanged through dissemination of studies, seminars and close interaction with TA consultants. 31 Grant Completion Report Burkina- Faso: Agro-pastoral Product Diversification, Intensification & Market Development 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF053312 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/05/2004 500,000 Grant Agreement Date: 08/02/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/12/2005 07/12/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 11/12/2005 97,110.03 Disbursed: 19 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its development objective, to develop the small scale commercial agricultural sector by: (i) improving the competitiveness of the supply chains in response to demand from domestic, sub-regional and international markets; (ii) facilitating the integration of small holders to modern supply chains; and (iii) improving the capacity of public and private institutions. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The main grant outputs were the following studies: assessment of the market information system and processing of agricultural commodities; assessment of supply chain actors and training needs; and stakeholder workshops and training. These facilitated the design of the market information system. Some of the planned studies were dropped. • It helped the project management to familiarize itself with World Bank’s procurement procedures. • The associated operation was approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank on June 20, 2006 32 Grant Completion Report Burkina-Faso: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF053311 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 470,175 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 06/11/2004 04/05/2005 09/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/15/2006 US$ 350,586.35 Disbursed: 75 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to implement the revised Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (2003), through: (i) public sector reform and governance; (ii) a set of pro-poor sectoral policies and institutional changes in the health, education and rural sectors 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank has approved the Project. • Grant financed preparation of National Health Accounts. The Ministry organized a dissemination workshop in which results were presented to all central and regional directors of the Ministry, as well as all district health officers. • Grant has contributed to experience of implementing agency in managing sector studies, and the NHA study in particular built government capacity to develop and maintain National Health Accounts. • Grant outcomes included a) Review of Community Financing Schemes, b)Analysis of the Costs, Use, and Financing of Health Services; c) Assessment of the Role of Community Health Committees; (d) Study on the Development of the Private Health and Pharmaceutical Sector in Burkina Faso. These studies helped advance policy dialogue on the health sector, including health financing (NHA), role of the private sector, etc. • Two studies (Analysis of Demand for Health Care and Public Expenditure Tracking Survey) could not be launched because technical bids were not adequate. 33 Grant Completion Report Cameroon: Transparency and Accountability Capacity Building Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF054581 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector/Theme: Public Grant Amount: 830,000 Approval Date: 12/22/2004 Administration, Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/13/2005 02/14/2006 02/14/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: Nil % of Grant Amount 06/14/2006 Disbursed: 0 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above reference operation, which has as main objectives, enhance transparency, accountability, and capacity of key central government's agencies responsible for public resources management functions and operations in implementing the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant was cancelled on May 25, 2006. There was an intent to reapply later in order to match and reflect evolving government priorities and the latest developments in donor commitments. It was also agreed that the FY04-06 CAS will be extended for two years and adapted to the changing country context: The country was embarking on developing a second generation PRSP, based on updated poverty data from a household survey. PRSP preparation was expected to take about one year. Two major multi-donor initiatives focused on aspects of governance were underway. The public financial management (PFM) donor platform and the OECD-DAC supported initiative to assist the Government and national stakeholders in assessing corruption and building a coalition to fight corruption. Subsequent reform agendas for addressing critical aspects of governance topics are expected in first half of 2007. An independent team was assessing aid relationships between Government, civil society and donors, with a view to producing a shared action plan to strengthen partnership and accountability. Other factors, such as government reshuffles and implementation of the Paris Declaration principles (including aid harmonization and donor coordination) were also among external factors that contributed to the cancellation of the grant. • A new request for another grant was submitted for Round 1 of FY06. 34 Grant Completion Report Ethiopia: Capacity Building of Civil Society Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052102 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: General Agriculture Grant Amount: US$ 500,000 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/29/2003 10/30/2004 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 US$ 226,069.04 Disbursed: 45 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient with the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to build the capacity of civil society to take on an increasingly active and central role in local, regional and national poverty reduction efforts within the context of the recipient's decentralization efforts. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Objective of the grant was not achieved. The associated operation was dropped due to non- conducive political environment in the country. • Studies financed under the grant included: Citizen’s Empowerment and Associational Life, Community Driven Approach to Development in Ethiopia, Review of the Enabling Environment for Civic Engagement, Overview of Decentralization and Status of Civic Engagement, Gender and Youth Analysis, Civil Society Project Design Study; Review of CSOs’ Organizational Capacity. • The grant financed activities also included training the Government’s Civil Society and Capacity Building offices. 35 Grant Completion Report Ethiopia: Rural Capacity Building and Market Development 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052411 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 759,500 Approval Date: 05/30/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/04/2003 05/15/2004 06/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/15/2006 US$ 111,903.39 Disbursed: 15 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective to improve small business agricultural productivity. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Only a very small portion of the Grant was used. This was partly due to lack of capacity, bureaucratic obstacles and complex internal procurement procedures. Other bilateral sources of funds were available for the preparation of the associated operation. • The associated operation has been approved by the Board on April 2006. 36 Grant Completion Report Gambia: Third Education Sector Program Phase II 1. Grant Data Grant Number: TF051120 Grant Type: Project Region: AFR Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 11/15/2001 645,800 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/09/2003 06/10/2004 03/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 07/30/2006 77,762.41 Disbursed:12 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main development objectives, to: (a) increase enrollment in the Recipient's educational institutions; (b) improve the quality of education; (c) develop a program for early childhood development and care; (d) develop a strategy for provision of technical education that is relevant to job market demands; (e) facilitate private sector participation in provision of education and training; and (f) build capacity in the institutions managing the recipient's education sector. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been partially achieved. The associated operation was approved on June 1, 2006. • The initial years of implementation were unsatisfactory, with the key directorates in the Department of State for Education unable to prepare appropriate terms of reference to launch the activities planned under the Grant. Due to a financial management problem in a project in another sector, all new Special Accounts were frozen for several months. • A number of sector and macro-economic studies had to be sequenced differently; for example, the updated Strategic Plan for the sector had to necessarily come before the Public Expenditure Review and the Public Expenditure Tracking Survey, both of which had to come before the Medium-term Expenditure Framework. At the same time, the preparation of the new project advanced as planned with other sources of financing and technical assistance, and it was no longer possible to extend the closing date of the PHRD Grant. Therefore, the bulk of the PHRD financing could not be disbursed. • Significant cost-saving as local rather than international consultants were used; quality of reports was reported to be good. • Government had access to other bilateral funds and other funds to prepare the associated operation. 37 Grant Completion Report Kenya: Health Sector Wide Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052104 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/20/2003 426,000 Grant Agreement Date: 06/27/2003 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/30/2004 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$426,000 % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective to: (i) strengthen the Recipient’s capacity to ensure quality, safety and efficacy of all pharmaceuticals by improved regulatory and quality assurance standards; (ii) establish a national drug policy and support its implementation; (iii) ensure a more equitable and affordable distribution of essential drugs; and (iv) explore and maximize options in the public and private sectors that will increase the supply, expand the availability and ensure the economy of such drugs. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Objective of the grant not yet achieved. The associated operation is yet to be approved by the Board. The expected Board approval date is July 30, 2007. • There were delays in the implementation of the grant. • The grant financed detailed studies in the pharmaceutical sub-sector have contributed to the design of the associated operation. The new health sector strategy of Kenya was developed based on the findings and conclusions of the study. • The sector wide approach is expected to be supported the relevant development partners in the health sector. 38 Grant Completion Report Kenya: Privatization and Private Sector Competitiveness 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF051634 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Finance Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 08/09/2002 846,000.00 Grant Agreement Date: 01/22/2003 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/31/2005 07/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 11/30/2005 156,585.20 Disbursed:19 2. Grant Objective: to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to: (i) improve the business environment for private sector led Investment; (ii) improve the quality of and access to, utility services; and (iii) generate growth in the tourism sector. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objectives have not been achieved. The long delay in the passage of the Privatization bill introduced uncertainty for the proposed project and also delayed the usage of PHRD grant to initiate reforms. • The associated operation is expected to be submitted to the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in June 2008. • There were significant delays in component activities despite multiple extension of the grant as well as reallocation of activities. Significant proportion of the grant has not been utilized. • To reflect the previous delays in contracting of assignments, and to reflect more current needs (after the recent passage of the Privatization Bill), the Bank and Investment Secretary agreed to reallocate/revise the activities in each of the components. Despite the reallocation of activities, the implementing agency did not utilize the available funds. 39 Grant Completion Report Madagascar: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) 2 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number : TF053733 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Grant Amount: 647,600 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/09/2004 07/23/2005 07/23/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/23/2005 US$ 464,092.51 Disbursed: 72 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare PRSC 2, which has as its main objective, to consolidate the reforms started under PRSC 1 in the areas of (i) governance including public expenditure management, anti-corruption, justice, customs and decentralization; (ii) strengthening service delivery and material security, in particular in education, rural water supply, health, nutrition and social protection. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objectives of the Grant were achieved. The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank approved the project on 07/12/2005 • Grant financed outputs included: feasibility studies for a local development fund to transfer resources to communes; public expenditure review of the rural water and sanitation sector; investment climate and impact on poverty; support preparation of 2005 budget for Ministries of Health and Education; report on risks and social protection policy and strategy and study on equity funds at hospital level; institutionalization of the nutrition program.. • Grant funded studies helped the Ministry of Education to put in place a sector wide approach and to mobilize extra resources of $10 million in 2005 and $25 million each in 2006 and 2007 from the Fast Track Initiative for the Education for All program. • In nutrition too, the support for strengthening institutions to support the transition from project to budget support has led to greater government ownership and internal resource allocations for the sector. • Knowledge exchange was facilitated and encouraged through pairing international and local consultants to provide the international best practice and its translation that into local solutions. Inter- ministerial exchange was also facilitated through the PRSC dialogue since it is a multi-sector operation bringing together multiple ministries that face similar problems. 40 Grant Completion Report Madagascar: Second Health Sector Support Project CRESAN II 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052803 Grant Type: Project Implementation Sector: Health and Other Social Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 09/30/2003 Services 659,450 Grant Agreement Date: 02/04/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/30/2006 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 543,049.16 Disbursed: 82 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the implementation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, contribute to the improvement of the health status of the population through more accessible and better quality health services. The purpose of the grant was to provide needed technical assistance (TA) to supplement capacity building of the implementing agency to achieve the above development objective. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant financed TA helped the recipient to get a better understanding of the health sector financing mechanisms, and the status of its public health infrastructure. This information helped to prepare a sector-wide plan to harmonize financing by the donors and the government, and a rational investment budget. • Grant support has helped to strengthen the country’s capacity to manage budget at peripheral level and its capacity to understand the sector’s financing. The Ministry of Health is now able to prepare its own national accounts and analyze the implications of the financing on the sector's efficiency and effectiveness. 41 Grant Completion Report Mali: Agricultural Competitiveness and Diversification Project (Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries) 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052106 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 548,750 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 04/29/2003 12/15/2003 08/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 12/15/2005 US$ 542,594.17 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to improve the competitiveness, value-addition, process and market access for high value agricultural products in order to tackle poverty reduction and food security through increased rural income and economic growth while ensuring environmental sustainability. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank in July 2005. • Grant outputs included Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, design study on marketing infrastructure and an Institutional study. • The grant assisted with the development of a web site for the purpose of communication on project design and objectives. The grant facilitated holding four regional workshops for stakeholder consultation on project design. 42 Grant Completion Report Mali: Agriculture Competitiveness and Diversification Project (Ministry of Agriculture) 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052804 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Approval Date: 09/30/2003 Grant Agreement Date: 12/30/2003 Amount: US$ 370,500 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/15/2004 12/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/15/2006 US$ 264,614.14 Disbursed: 71 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to improve the productivity and competitiveness of traditional and non-traditional agricultural products with high margin value as means to reducing poverty and increase food security while ensuring environmental sustainability. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the Board in July 2005. • Main outputs of the grant were social assessment, detailed identification and feasibility studies on feeder road component of the project, and workshops to get feedback from the stakeholders on the project design. 43 Grant Completion Report Niger: Health Sector Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF053735 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Social Grant Amount: 470,899 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/21/2004 04/11/2005 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$ 395,127.77 Disbursed: 84 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to improve sector capacity, effectiveness an d efficiency in the provision of essential health care in Niger and contribute to the reduction of maternal and child mortality by providing a minimum package of essential health services targeted at the poor, women and children. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the Grant has been achieved. The Board of Executive Directors of World Bank approved the associated operation on January 5, 2006. • The Grant helped to develop and finalize the 5 year National Health Development Plan. • Key funded studies include: (a) preparation of the human resources management plan and report's recommendations taken into account in the elaboration of the NHDP; (b) cost recovery and utilization of health services; (c) development of an action plan on the National Health Information System and the Monitoring and Evaluation system; (d) an assessment of the capacity of the private sector; (e) definition of mechanisms for stimulating the collaboration between private and public sector; • The grant financed studies helped to enhance knowledge base and project design which may have helped to convince other donors to contribute to the common basket of funds. 44 Grant Completion Report Niger: Poverty Reduction Support Credit I (PRSCI) 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052676 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration Amount: US$ 676,000 Approval Date: 08/22/2003 and Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 01/23/2004 01/18/2005 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$ 330,084.36 Disbursed: 49 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the PRSC I, which has as main objective, to support the implementation of the strategies contained in its 2002 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have not been fully achieved. Some of the planned activities had to be cancelled due to delays by the Recipient to finalize ToRs and contracts before the closing date. Other planned activities were financed by other donors (AfDB, UNDP,) and the follow-on operation. • The Board of the Executive Directors of the World Bank approved the associated operation. • The macro-framework elaboration and analysis was enhanced and streamlined with the Grant financed TA provided to the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). The MTEF is now fully elaborated by staff of the ministry. It allows the determination of sectoral envelopes in the context of the annual budget preparation. All ministries staff involved in Budget preparation and execution were trained on program-budget and MTEF (May 2005). MEF staff capacity was build to enable forecast of GDP growth in the short run. • The grant facilitated the analysis of fiscal year 2004 budget execution. This analysis facilitated the preparation of the Letter of Development Policy for the Public Expenditure Reform Credit and Grant and also streamlines the preparation of FY 05 Budget Private Sector Environment. The 2005 Budget Law was revised as planned in January 2005. Cash management system was also streamlined. • The report on access to credit was finalized and recommendations formulated for development of microfinance. • Other donors (USA, UNDP, France, and Belgium) provided financing and TA to train all line ministries in MTEF and program budget formulation. 45 Grant Completion Report Nigeria: Lagos Metropolitan Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF051122 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Flood Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 05/24/2002 Protection 650,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 02/21/2003 07/31/2005 12/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 578,279.01 Disbursed:89 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as main objectives, to expand critical Infrastructure and enable the delivery of basic services in Lagos, especially for the poor, and to strengthen the management capacity of the Lagos municipality to cope with anticipated future growth. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been achieved. The Executive Directors of the World Bank approved the associated operation. • Activities supported by the PHRD Grant have been critical for understanding the economy and service delivery issues in Lagos. The household survey has established a credible monitoring system for the results, both for expenditures proposed under the above referenced operation, and also for Lagos State as a whole. • Grant supported studies which helped to establish a comprehensive monitoring system for employment creation (income poverty) and service delivery consisting of firm level data and the household survey data set. This is the first time that there is reliable data for planning, developing performance measures and for monitoring progress for growth and poverty reduction. • The solid waste study provided the analysis for internal re-organization, collection route planning, and bio-medical waste. 46 Grant Completion Report Rwanda: Poverty Reduction Support Credit II 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF055150 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 997,045 Approval Date: 05/03/2005 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/26/2005 02/15/2006 02/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 06/15/2006 US$ 983,282.99 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, to deepen the reforms initiated by the Government of Rwanda within the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) context to support Rwanda’s progress towards the MDGs, particularly health, water and energy sectors. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on November 10, 2005. • The analytical work conducted under the grant has been instrumental in shaping the service delivery policy of Government of Rwanda, particularly the expansion of performance based contracting approach. • Grant outputs included studies and reports on: (a) Multi-Sector Rural Development Strategy; (b) Malaria Assessment Study; (c) Decentralized Service Delivery Stock-taking Study; (d) Health Labor Market Survey; and (e) Market Survey of Urban Energy and Water; and technical assistance for performance based contracting. 47 Grant Completion Report Sierra Leone: Infrastructure Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: AFR Grant Number: TF052414 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Transportation Amount: US$ 1,184,100 Approval Date: 05/30/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/02/2003 02/28/2005 03/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/31/2006 US$1,180,436.03 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, contribute to the national recovery strategy and poverty reduction strategy through improved access to essential infrastructure services in transport, water supply and sanitation. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant outputs included: road sector management action plan; final design on bidding documents for pavement restoration, airport infrastructure, port of Sierra Leone, urban solid waste management, rural water and sanitation. • Capacity of each of the implementing agencies is reported to have been enhanced. 48 EAST ASIA AND PACIFIC REGION • China: Gansu and Inner Mongolia Poverty Reduction Project • China: Yangtze/Pearl River Watershed Rehabilitation Project • Cambodia: Public Financial Management Reform Project • Indonesia: East Java Development Reform Project • Indonesia: Farmer Empowerment through Agriculture Technology and Information Project • Indonesia: Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention Project • Indonesia: Sustaining Microfinance Project • Republic of Kiribati: Kiribati Adaptation Project • Mongolia: Index Based Livestock Insurance Project (IBLI) • Mongolia: Private Sector Development Credit II ( PSDC II ) • Philippines: Health Sector Reform Project • Philippines: Manila Third Sewerage Project • Philippines: Second Women's Health and Safe Motherhood (WHSM) Project • Timor-Leste: Gas Seep Harvesting Community Development Carbon Fund Project • Vietnam: Customs Modernization Project • Vietnam: HIV/AIDS Prevention Project • Vietnam: Information Communication Technologies (ICT) Development Project • Vietnam: Second Transmission and Distribution Project (TD2) 49 Grant Completion Report China: Gansu and Inner Mongolia Poverty Reduction Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF050625 Grant Type: Project Implementation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 557,250 Approval Date: 12/03/2001 Grant Agreement Date: 06/26/2002 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/31/2004 12/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: 04/30/2006 Disbursement: % of Grant Amount US$ 557,250.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to assist the Recipient to acquire necessary technical assistance to help with the implementation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective the alleviation of chronic poverty of the absolute poor living in remote and inaccessible villages in Gangsu and Inner Mongolia. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. It effectively enhanced the implementation of the above referenced operation. • Main outputs of the grant were: reports on Information Flow and Dissemination Mechanisms were produced; development of project website, database on household information developed, related training; specific focus on ethnic minorities; participatory review of annual planning handbook produced, participatory evaluation guidelines developed; financial management system developed; training of community members; agriculture extension training materials developed and training provided to farmers. • The capacity of implementing agencies was enhanced through exposure to the “soft” components (training, institution building etc); inter-agency coordination improved. 50 Grant Completion Report China: Yangtze/Pearl River Watershed Rehabilitation Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052802 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 500,000 Approval Date: 10/03/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 03/05/2004 02/24/2005 02/24/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 06/24/2006 US$ 500,000.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, (a) to achieve sustainable development in the upper and middle reaches of Yangtze/Pearl River Basins, by increasing agricultural production and incomes; and (ii) turn around the unsustainable natural resources management practices for good. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation. • Grant contributed to a strong preparation process, with an overall comprehensive design, with participatory features and taking into account all relevant social and environmental concerns. • The need for thorough planning, design, and supervision of the various activities financed by the Grant, resulted in increase of management capacity of Implementing Agency in a 'learning by doing' approach. The outputs strengthened the overall preparation process as the implementation of the Grant required regular interaction of the Implementing Agency with various stakeholders including the Bank. • Grant outputs include Participatory Manual, Baseline Survey, Environmental Impact Assessment, Pest Management Plan and GIS review and project management training. • Development of MIS has been completed and implemented on a pilot basis. Social Assessment and National Minorities Development Plan (including training) has been completed and adopted by all 4 project provinces/municipality 51 Grant Completion Report Cambodia: Public Financial Management Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF054627 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Law Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 492,700 Grant Agreement Date: 12/20/2005 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/18/2006 05/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 09/30/2006 24,137.59 Disbursed: 5 2. Grant Objective: to prepare the Public Financial Management Reform Project, which has its main objectives, to (i) strengthen budget execution and control, (ii) improve public financial reporting, and (iii) build capacity in tax administration, in order to improve resource mobilization and management. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • While the PHRD proposal was originally prepared and submitted in Jan.2004, approval was delayed as the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) was not presented to the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors until May 2005. By that time project preparations were well advanced for the PFM Multi Donor Trust Fund, which became effective in August 2005. The Task Team relied on the MDTF for project preparation. • The grant helped to finance one workshop. • The associated operation was approved by the Board on June 27, 2006. 52 Grant Completion Report Indonesia: East Java Development Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052799 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Transportation Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 10/03/2003 627,000 Grant Agreement Date: 04/22/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/20/2006 627,000.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as main objectives, to reduce poverty and to enhance regional economic development in East Java through (i) regional policy reforms and institutional development; and (ii) infrastructure investment with regional impact at both province and district levels. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Implementation of grant activities helped to increase the capacity of the East Java government officials, particularly the department of transportation which was very involved in the preparation of roads sub-projects and the EJPG inter-department team for the preparation of the anti-poverty component (slum up gradation and microfinance) of the project. • Other donors also got involved in other related aspects (the Canadian grant for the preparation of an infrastructure strategy, and French government grant to study water supply issues, etc.) when they saw the PHRD grant being implemented, i.e., the project preparation process was essential to attract other donors to participate in the EJPG plans. • The grant allowed the EJPG to prepare the project, and in the course of project preparation some new avenues of policy were opened. One good example relates to the design of the microfinance subproject. The EJPG decided to test the idea of not channeling microfinance to poor villages with highest incidence of poverty (as is the current practice), but rather focus on the poor villages with the best record of repayment of microfinance loans provided via other provincial and central government programs. The EJPG decision to use its own funds to continue project preparation was another "first." 53 Grant Completion Report Indonesia: Farmer Empowerment through Agriculture Technology and Information Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052678 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 791,600 Approval Date: 08/22/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 03/19/2004 05/18/2005 05/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 09/30/2006 US$ 639,268.86 Disbursed: 81 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to increase agriculture productivity and farmers’ income. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant objective has not yet been achieved. The associated operation is expected to be approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in February 2007. • Grant outputs included studies and reports on: social and environmental assessments; assessment of institutional arrangements and project design; development of rural producers’ organizations and upgrading public and private partnerships; and agric-business partnerships. In addition there were several stakeholder workshops which were financed with the grant. 54 Grant Completion Report Indonesia: Micronutrient Malnutrition Prevention Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052108 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Social Services Grant Amount: US$ 696,500 Approval Date: 03/30/2003 Grant Agreement Date: 12/31/2003 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 03/15/2005 Date:03/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$17.5 % of Grant Amount 07/15/2006 Disbursed: 0 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced project, which has as its main objectives, to develop, pilot, and implement, sustainable decentralized systems for improving health and nutritional status. . 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant was dropped as the proposed project design was revised by the Government. 55 Grant Completion Report Indonesia: Sustaining Microfinance Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF051643 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Finance Amount: US$ 500,000 Approval Date: 08/09/2002 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 02/14/2003 03/30/2004 12/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 US$ 415,019.15 Disbursed: 83 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the proposed Sustaining Microfinance Project, which has its main objective to establish and support community-managed sustainable microfinance operations in order to provide financial services to the rural poor. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant financed preparation of the proposed Sustaining Microfinance Project (SMFP)-which was well positioned as a vehicle to drive implementation of the action plan for the Government of Indonesia microfinance policy and strategy. GOI is not yet ready to borrow for microfinance lending. Since SMFP has been under preparation for several years, Bank Management agreed to drop the SMFP, undertake a watching brief on microfinance, and to re-engage when GOI is prepared to borrow for microfinance. • Grant provided assistance to the GOI to develop a detailed program for sustaining microfinance, particularly focused on increasing access to microfinance at the community level in rural areas. GOI is moving forward with implementation of the microfinance policy and strategy with assistance from other donors. 56 Grant Completion Report Republic of Kiribati: Kiribati Adaptation Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF051715 Grant Type: Climate Change Sector: Water, Sanitation and Flood Grant Amount: Approval Date: Control US$645,580 10/30/2002 Grant Agreement Date: 2/19/2003 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/31/2005 2/28/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 06/30/2006 US$645,528.89 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist Republic of Kiribati in the preparation of a proposed Kiribati Adaptation Project (KAP), which has as its main objectives, to mainstream adaptation into national economic planning and to prepare a pilot adaptation project to reduce Kiribati’s vulnerability to climate change, climate variability, and sea level rise. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective was achieved. Grant associated operation KAP II (GEF grant), prepared and approved by the Board on 6/01/2006. • National consultation process financed by the grant helped build awareness of climate change at all levels of government and the public and to reach consensus on national adaptation benchmarks which would be monitored under the project. • Awareness building activities helped to leverage technical assistance from the Bank and other institutions, including a significant amount that is programmed through the life of the project. It is expected that those institutions involved in adaptation and hazard management will benefit substantially. • Bank has been able to leverage significant resources from AuSAID (AUD$2.9 million); NZ$1.52m; and parallel financing from EU (about Euro 2.0m) • Key findings from grant activities helped to develop a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Note which provided the basis for KAP II project and activities being advocated for implementation in the country in general. 57 Grant Completion Report Mongolia: Index Based Livestock Insurance Project (IBLI) 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF053738 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 358,865 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: 07/30/2004 Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 04/07/2005 08/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 12/15/2005 US$ 358,865.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, the improvement of the livelihoods of poor rural households by reducing their vulnerability to livestock mortality. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant was achieved. The World Bank Board of Executive Directors has approved the associated operation on May 26, 2005. • Grant outputs included reports on data auditing (which is useful to assess data reliability for the development of the index), risk assessment, economic impact of livestock mortality, and stakeholder consultation and project implementation manual. • Grant activities provided background documentation and information necessary for the Government to fully understand the rural vulnerability issues in order to design the project. All required project documentations were finalized during preparation and therefore project activities were able to start very shortly after the project was declared effective. • Capacity of the implementing agency enhanced through managing the various tasks and preparing the project. • Project received co-financing funds from FIRST Initiative 58 Grant Completion Report Mongolia: Private Sector Development Credit II ( PSDC II ) 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF054591 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Finance Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 222,000 Grant Agreement Date: 04/04/2005 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/21/2005 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 143,167.46 Disbursed: 64 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to scale up the developmental gains achieved under PSDCI project in the following areas: (i) improved access to capital investment financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME); (ii) continued development of an intermediate-term loan market; and (iii) further institutional capacity building of selected Mongolian commercial banks. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the Grant was achieved. The associated operation was approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank on June 28, 2005. • The grant financed the following reports: (i) assessment of participating financial intermediaries; (ii) assessment and training plans for Bankers’ continuous education; and (iii) environmental assessment capacity; • These reports contributed to the preparation of PSDC II and contributed to knowledge building of the government and the local banks involved regarding these issues. • The implementing agency’s capacity in managing similar grant activities have been moderately enhanced, mainly in terms of increased knowledge and experience of World Bank policies and procedures regarding line of credit operations and project fiduciary management. • Through evaluations of the eligibility of participating financial intermediary candidates by international experts financed under the grant, the government and the banks management learned more about the status of the banks and the international practices for PFI due diligence. • Through the training needs assessment and the development of systematic training programs the local banks involved increased their awareness of the critical skills gap and the importance to address the problems through a well-planned, systematic, medium-term training program. The banks also learned about the "transfer of training" method for the evaluation of training effectiveness. • The review of environmental assessment screening and the development process of an EA screening manual helped to enhance the awareness and practices on the part of the banks involved regarding the environmental aspect of their loans to end-borrowers. 59 Grant Completion Report Philippines: Health Sector Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number:TF050629 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Grant Amount:US$1032,100 Approval Date:12/03/2001 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 03/19/2002 12/30/2003 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 US$885,081.46 Disbursed:86 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Health Sector Reform Project, which has as main objectives, to: (i) strengthen social health insurance under the Philippines Health Insurance Commission (PHIC); (ii) establish institutional support for the Health Sector Reform Agenda at National level; (iii) implement HSRA package in four convergence sites; and (iv) improve health status of population in four convergence areas of the project. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June 29, 2006. • Grant financed studies focused on the following major areas: (a) inefficient health service delivery, (b) insufficient health financing, and (c) inadequate regulation. Grant financed studies helped to develop the health sector reform agenda, Formula One for Health, which coordinates health reform with public expenditure management and governance reform. • The grant enabled the Department of Health (DOH) to revisit and restructure its budget. . • In the areas of health service delivery and regulation, activities implemented through the grant was closely linked with other efforts in the health sector, particularly lessons learned in the Second Social Expenditure Management Project (SEMP2) and Second Women's Health and Safe Motherhood Project. • The grant helped to bring the needed financing reforms for the health sector. In particular, the budget restructuring and re-allocation of resources have provided the DOH a budgeting template that complements the medium term health sector expenditure framework. • The grant’s activity helped to develop a technical assistance matrix for an inventory of available technical assistance to the DOH from the various donors. The grant financed studies were shared with the partners and this may have contributed to the design of the projects financed by the ADB and European Commission. • The grant studies have helped develop DOH’s engagement with key partners for the reforms. 60 Grant Completion Report Philippines: Manila Third Sewerage Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF053321 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water and Sanitation Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/05/2004 976,000 Grant Agreement Date: 06/10/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/14/2005 12/14/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 04/14/2006 933,423.09 Disbursed: 96 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main development objective to reduce pollution and health hazards, and to implement a decentralized approach to sewerage and sanitation in metro Manila. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant was achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June 2005. • The grant financed the following reports: (i) Water supply review for Metro Manila; (ii) review of sewerage in east and west concession zone; and (iii) study on willingness to pay for sewerage and sanitation services. • The results of the studies were instrumental in promoting future changes to the tariff and investment structure in sewerage in Metro Manila. • Significant capacity enhancement for the Regulatory office and moderate enhancement of the capacity of the Ministry of Water and Sanitation. 61 Grant Completion Report Philippines: Second Women's Health and Safe Motherhood (WHSM) Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF051880 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Social Amount: US$ 1,341,380 Approval Date: 01/24/2003 Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 04/10/2003 03/11/2004 07/19/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/19/2005 US $680,021.88 Disbursed: 51 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced project, which has as its main objective, to assist disadvantaged women of reproductive age gain access to high quality and cost- effective reproductive health services and safely attain their desired spacing and number of children, as well as the development and implementation of selected systems for delivery and financing of reproductive health services within the framework of the Recipient’s Health Sector Reform Agenda (HSRA). 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on April 21, 2005. • One major product was the development of the new integrated WHSM service model, which was subsequently adopted as the national model, now being promoted by the Department of Health (DOH) for the entire country. • The quality of investment plans for first phase project sites was good, and the depth of ownership and understanding of the project among local government officials is a result of a highly participatory preparation process. The preparation process involved a cross-section of technical units in DOH, in addition to the Unified Project Management Division (UPMD), as well as extensive consultations with local government officials. • The development of performance-based grants to motivate behavioral change among stakeholders (mothers, health workers and local government) is an innovation to be tested under the project. • Grant outputs include a planning tool for assessing local WHSM service delivery systems; (ii) investment and financing plans for local delivery of the WHSM service package in Selected Project sites; (iii) financing systems for provision of WHSM commodities; (iv) advocacy plans for enhancing participation in and promoting WHSM services in selected Project sites. (v) Development of training and management system for Human resources. Also includes Project Implementation Plan, (b) Procurement Manual, (c) Financial Management System, (d) Environment and Health Care Waste Management Manual. 62 Grant Completion Report Timor-Leste: Gas Seep Harvesting Community Development Carbon Fund Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF053740 Grant Type: Climate Change Sector: Energy & Mining Grant Amount: US$274,065 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/30/2004 06/24/2005 04/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 08/31/2006 US$273,375.26 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to (i) harvest natural gas, currently escaping into the atmosphere, to secure carbon credits for Timor-Leste and (ii) to the extent feasible, utilize the gas for power generation to benefit local communities. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Three major studies were designed to address the identified sector issues. The successful implementation of these studies makes it possible to build a demonstration project to utilize gas seep for rural electrification. • The government officials of the ministry were involved in the studies and local consultants also played an important role. Now the ministry is capable of carrying out gas seep resources survey itself and the local consultant can do social survey itself. • The grant funded studies helped the government understand the technical and economic feasibility of utilizing gas seeps for electricity generation. • Around US$ 1.0 million grant from TFET will be mobilized. 63 Grant Completion Report Vietnam: Customs Modernization Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF053144 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 996,500 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 08/04/2004 04/30/2005 12/23/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/23/2006 US$ 873,158.70 Disbursed: 88 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, to (a) strengthen the customs administration and monitoring, increasing administrative efficiency of trade reform revenue, collection and foreign trade statistics; and (b) reduce costs of transnational frauds and crimes, and facilitating the country’s accession to the World Trade Organization. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank on Nov 10, 2005. • Grant outputs included studies and reports on: (a) Customs Law and related legal documents; (b) management systems and IT architecture; (c) human resource development; and (d) client survey. • Grant implementation experience enhanced capacity of associated agencies. 64 Grant Completion Report Vietnam: HIV/AIDS Prevention Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052924 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health Amount: US$ 542,000 Approval Date: 10/28/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 06/28/2004 04/10/2005 09/29/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/29/2006 US$ 533,141.29 Disbursed: 98 2. Grant Objective: to assist with the preparation of the above referenced operation, which as its main objective, to strengthen the HIV/AIDS program to slow down the spread of the epidemic and mitigate its effects on the country's socio-economic development. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs • Grant objective has been achieved. The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank has approved the associated operation. • Grant activities included the following studies: (i) the review of HIV/AIDS Situation in Vietnam, (ii) Situation Analysis of Health Care, (iii)Audience Segmentation Study for Localized Interventions and (iv) Evaluation of Community Based Models. These studies helped to provide a better understanding of the status of the epidemic in Vietnam and provided improved knowledge in cross- sector issues. • Project design included feasibility report development; procurement plan development; financial management system development; ethnic minority development plan as well as healthcare waste management. Greater attention was given to ensuring that the development and implementation of a National M&E Framework would be critical component of the Project design. • Implementation of grant activities helped strengthen the both the institutional and technical capacity of the Ministry of Health's Preventive Medicine Department. The process of managing the Grant strengthened their procurement and financial management capacities, and also their ability to oversee the technical quality of the studies undertaken. Studies also provided inputs in the working style of the Department in question. 65 Grant Completion Report Vietnam: Information Communication Technologies (ICT) Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF052418 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Information & Amount: US$ 603,000 Approval Date: 05/30/2003 Communications Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/05/2004 02/15/2005 03/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/15/2006 US$ 554,020.00 Disbursed: 92 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to accelerate the utilization of information and communication technologies in order to foster private sector development, modernize public administration, and improve the delivery of public services in Vietnam. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on September 15, 2005. • Grant outputs included training on project management, procurement and financial management. • The capacity of the implementing agency has been substantially improved, in terms of its familiarity with Bank procedures and guidelines, as well as project management. 66 Grant Completion Report Vietnam: Second Transmission and Distribution Project (TD2) 1. Grant Data Region: EAP Grant Number: TF053146 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Energy & Mining Amount: US$ 540,000 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 12/22/2004 11/30/2005 01/27/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 05/27/2006 US$ 531,399.92 Disbursed: 98 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective to alleviate power shortages by improving transmission and distribution network capacity. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The TD2 Project (US$200M) has been approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors on July 28, 2005. • The use of the preparation grant leverage counterpart financing of $124 million. • The studies financed under the grant helped to identify the main sector issues that are being addressed by the associated operation. These are: (i) helping to expand and modernize the power network better to meet demand growth; (ii) efficiently interconnecting new power plants in different parts of the country with growing load centers in northern, central and southern regions; (iii) strengthening the network to ensure proper system reliability; and (iv) modernize load dispatch capabilities to ensure proper system control, reliability and minimize losses. • Grants output also included: design of the Market and Systems Operations Modernization component involving the installation and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and energy management system. • Grant helped to build the capacity of staff of the implementing agency, EVN; particularly those involved in national load dispatch, environment and resettlement but also more generally those EVN staff responsible for project implementation, monitoring and evaluation. • The EIA, RAP and EMDP frameworks have been approved and adopted by the Vietnamese authorities. 67 EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION • Albania: Health System Modernization Project • Albania: Natural Resources Development Project • Armenia: Rural Economy Modernization Project • Azerbaijan: Energy Project • Bosnia-Herzegovina: Health Scale-Up Project • Bulgaria: Forestry-Fuel Switch Pilot • Bulgaria: Programmatic Adjustment Loan III • Croatia: Education Reform Project • Croatia: Social and Economic Recovery Project • Georgia: Public Sector Management Reform Project • Kyrgyz Republic: Social Protection Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) • Kyrgyz Republic: Urban Transport Project • Macedonia: Combined Heat and Power Project • Macedonia: Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project • Moldova: Competitiveness Enhancement Project • Moldova: Public Finance Management • Moldova: Rural Investment and Services Project (RISP) Phase II • Poland: Coal SECAL 3 • Poland: Health II • Poland: Rural Development Project II • Serbia and Montenegro: Montenegro Education Development Project • Serbia and Montenegro: Programmatic Adjustment Loan • Serbia and Montenegro: Water Resources Management Project • Tajikistan: Community and Basic Health Project • Tajikista: Ferghana Valley Water Resources Management Project • Tajikistan: Municipal Infrastructure Project • Turkey: Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness (ISRMEP) • Turkey: Municipal Services Project • Turkey: Programmatic Public Sector and Social Security Reform Adjustment Loan (PPSAL) • Ukraine: Equal Access to Quality Education Project • Ukraine: Health Reform Project • Ukraine: Third Programmatic Adjustment Loan (PAL III) 68 Grant Completion Report Albania: Health System Modernization Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053326 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Human Development and Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Social Services 499,500 Grant Agreement Date: 01/07/2005 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/19/2005 06/12/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/12/2006 487,467.97 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient with the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its objectives, (i) to consolidate and modernize the current health sector financing system; (ii) increase quality, responsiveness and efficiency in the health sector; and (iii) enhance sectoral management capacity and governance structures. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on March 14, 2006. • The Grant activities provided technical assistance and capacity building in key areas thus providing the basis for improved project preparation and increased implementation readiness. • The quality of entry of the follow–on operation has been improved through developing a better understanding of the specific sector issues and how these could be addressed through the project. • The TA studies financed by the grant provided key input to various health sector reform issues, leading to the identification of important strategies in the areas of health financing, primary health care and quality improvement. These directions are reflected both in the new project and in proposed development policy lending conditions. • The grant activities greatly increased the level of knowledge and degree of interaction between key stakeholders in the areas of health financing and quality of care, which are the key components of the associated project. • Linkages were made with other development partners in the areas of primary health care financing and quality issues, and continuous professional education. A PHRD co-financing grant was also obtained to continue the capacity building activities started by this grant. 69 Grant Completion Report Albania: Natural Resources Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053121 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 501,020 Approval Date: 12/14/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/23/2004 04/30/2005 10/01/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/01/2006 US$ 483,084.32 Disbursed: 96% 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its development objective to facilitate the adoption of sustainable resource use practices by local communities to increase economic growth opportunities while contributing to the conservation of natural resources and global diversity. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved on June 9, 2005. • Main outputs of the grant were: project implementation and procurement plans; financial and economic analysis, project costing; social and environmental impact assessments, development of legal and institutional framework for natural resources management, • Grant helped to prepare a program to scale-up successful experience with the transfer of state forests and pastures to local government units. • Grant was highly effective in mobilizing additional resources to co-finance the above referenced operation from SIDA and GEF. 70 Grant Completion Report Armenia: Rural Economy Modernization Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053336 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 925,000 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/25/2004 05/24/2005 01/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 05/31/2006 US$ 725,151.03 Disbursed: 78 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to increase the ability of the farmers’ and rural entrepreneurs’ to access markets and increase employment opportunities by stimulating market oriented private and public investments. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in July 2005. • The grant helped to design the project components, prepare the implementation manual, carry out a baseline survey, and social and environment assessments. • The grant helped to develop a new seed legislation including by-laws that have since been approved. It also helped to review the phyto-sanitary legislation and made recommendations for changes. • Capacity of the implementing agency enhanced as a result of partnering with international specialists and staff are able to find solutions to problems. 71 Grant Completion Report Azerbaijan: Energy Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052680 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Energy & Mining Amount: US$ 600,000 Approval Date: 08/22/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 01/15/2004 06/03/2004 09/17/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/17/2006 US$ 600,000 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Energy Project this has as its main objective, to establish an efficient and financially viable power sector. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on May 17, 2005. • The implementing agency gained experience through implementation of the grant activities and are now able to apply their knowledge to the implementation of the power transmission project. Azerbaijan is learning good project management practices and procurement practices. • Grant financial outputs included: feasibility studies; developing a financial management system for tracking sources and use of funds to generate financial reports. 72 Grant Completion Report Bosnia-Herzegovina: Health Scale-Up Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053748 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Amount: US$ 385,600 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Services Grant Agreement Date: 09/27/2004 Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 03/29/2005 07/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/15/2005 US$ 369,661.95 Disbursed: 96 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above reference operation, which has its objectives, to improve the quality, efficiency and access to primary care services, reduce referrals, support continuity of care, and foster improved coordination between primary care and hospital services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 31, 2005. • The TA activities funded by the Grant assisted in the formulation and adoption of a coherent and comprehensive strategy in the scaling-up of Primary Health Care service delivery nationwide through the Family Medicine (FM) model. It supported activities that would enable and sustain the rolling out of the FM model (for example, a progressive strategy for training FM teams (doctors and nurses) to operate the FM ambulantas, an improved mechanism for patient registration and selection of FM doctors, as well as strategies for training on change management for health managers, and regional accreditation of management courses). • The implementing agencies worked very closely with the consultants hired under the Grant and jointly developed the strategies, the Project design and cost estimates for Project activities within the components/sub components. The workshops under the Grant also provided a participatory forum for stakeholders, consultants and municipalities to contribute to the project design • Grant outputs included M&E methodology & implementation framework, M&E indicators, timing of reporting & analysis • A Letter of Health Sector Development Policy was adopted by both Entity Ministries of Health, laying out the future reform agenda for Bosnia and Herzegovina and committing to improving service delivery and addressing inefficiencies, reforming health financing, building sector capacity at various levels of the system and reducing institutional fragmentation. 73 Grant Completion Report Bulgaria: Forestry-Fuel Switch Pilot 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF051713 Grant Type: Climate Change Sector: Energy and Mining Grant Amount:US$891,660 Approval Date: 10/30/2002 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 03/20/2003 01/31/2006 Date:01/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$880,454 % of Grant Amount 05/31/2006 Disbursed:99 2. Grant Objective: to define, on a pilot basis, the actual costs and benefits of switching fuel from fossil fuels to wood in medium-sized municipal building heating systems in Bulgaria. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The heating boilers have been installed in a school and a hospital and these are functioning. The pilot helped establish a viable business model and plans for its replication. • An associated GEF financed operation has been approved. • Grant activities helped to increase capacity of municipality of Ardino and MAF. • Considerable interest after grant completion and presentation from private sector. • Good PR campaign allowed for extensive knowledge sharing through mass media. • Grant contributed towards better management of forest resources and showed a viable business model. 74 Grant Completion Report Bulgaria: Programmatic Adjustment Loan III 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052681 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 495,000.00 Approval Date: Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/08/2004 05/17/2005 10/04/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/04/2006 US$ 425,142.31 Disbursed: 86 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its development objective, to reduce poverty and empower the population, particularly the poor, to participate in economic growth through investing in human capital, strengthening social protection and sustaining economic growth. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in June 2005. • Main outputs of the grant were: report on comparative analysis of the labor code and other relevant legislation; disability study for social insurance reform; study on mid to long-term fiscal sustainability of the national health insurance fund for Bulgaria; • Grant helped to enhance the capacity of the National Social Security Institute to take over the new functions following the establishment of the Unified Revenue Collection Agency and the transfer of the management of the Unemployment Fund to this Institute. • The education modernization component of the grant allowed for the examination of the alternatives for motivating municipalities to prepare and implement optimization plans. The grant supported analysis of the impact of curriculum reform on student’s achievements and identification of areas of intervention to increase the quality of teaching and learning. • The health reforms activity of the grant helped the development of two positive drug lists – one of fully reimbursable and another partially reimbursable. • The TA facilitated by the grant contributed to aligning the Family Code, the Public Education ACT and a number of regulations of the Ministries of Health, Justice and Education. The grant supported the capacity building for Child Protection Departments to introduce alternative services, manage cases, monitor and control adherence to service standards for child care provision, and introduction of alternative forms of child care at municipal and community levels. 75 Grant Completion Report Croatia: Education Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053149 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Amount: US$ 766,150 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 12/22/2004 06/23/2005 12/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 US$ 369,601.03 Disbursed: 48 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Education Sector Development Project, which has as its main objective, improve the education system in Croatia. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • The Grant was utilized for some aspects of project preparation, such as financing of the core team responsible for coordination of the project preparation, and in that sense the progress towards achieving the grant objective has been relatively satisfactory. However, when looking at expected outcomes of grant components, the results have not been satisfactory. In more than a year that the grant has been available to the Government, only a relatively small number of and a few workshops organized, but the potential outcomes of the grant components were not achieved. Disbursements have been low, with a relatively high share of the disbursed funds allocated for financing of a core team of consultants in the grant coordination unit. • Grant outputs include: study outlining recommendations for improvements of in-service teacher education, two workshops on primary education, a proposal for a national curriculum framework, implementation plan for the national curriculum framework, evaluation of the current model of external assessment of student, one workshop on changes in secondary education and a study with recommendations for education management. 76 Grant Completion Report Croatia: Social and Economic Recovery Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF050513 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 425,360 Approval Date: 12/03/2001 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/21/2002 06/30/2004 08/24/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 12/24/2005 US$ 397,521.98 Disbursed: 93 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to increase social cohesion in areas of special state concern (war torn, disadvantaged areas and islands) through strengthening the institutional capacity at central and local levels to include participatory approaches for the regional development of these areas. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the Board on March 29, 2005. • Main outputs of the grant included: three assessment reports (institutional, socio-economic and territorial) which addressed the issues of regional development and building of administrative capacity for planning and implementation of regional development programs in line with EU policies. These assessments provided necessary inputs in the design of the associated operation. • Grant helped to enhance the capacity of Ministry’s Regional Development Directorate. Also capacity at local and regional levels was enhanced in pioneering participatory practices in territorial planning in line with EU methodologies. • At the central level, staff gained knowledge on procurement and financial management and M&E. • Stakeholder training in three modules – economic revitalization, social inclusion and capacity building – was carried out. 77 Grant Completion Report Georgia: Public Sector Management Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF051131 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Law Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 05/24/2002 490,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/17/2002 09/30/2004 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 347,688.67 Disbursed: 71 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient through its State Chancellery in the preparation of the public sector management reform project, which has as its main objectives, to enhance governance and improve accountability, effectiveness and efficiency of the state administration at the central level. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on February 16, 2006. • The design of the follow up project builds on and directly supports implementation of the reform actions identified as a result of preparatory work conducted with the grant resources and eventually reflected in the Government's Strategic Vision of Public Financial Management Reform. • Analytical reports on administrative reforms and state government restructuring initiatives provided the basis for discussions at the workshops with regard to public service development model in Georgia and approaches to civil service reform. The 2002-2007 Action Plan was prepared for the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy. This Plan spells out the steps to be taken out by the Government in terms of structural, personnel and administrative optimization of public entities. • Grant proceeds were used to develop a focused communication medium in form of notice-boards to inform parents about service commitments for each school in the Tbilisi and placing these notice- boards in all public schools in Tbilisi. • Experience with the Grant had positive effect on enhancing the capacity of the implementing agencies. Institutional and implementation arrangements considered for the follow up Project aim at fully utilizing the achievements to date and contributing to further capacity building. • The Grant activities allowed the preparation of a comprehensive project document in a relatively short time. The Quality Enhancement Review of the follow-on Project noted that the development objectives were well focused and coherent, the list of expenditures was quite detailed, the Monitoring and Evaluation indicators are well developed, with the relevant output indicators proposed, and stressed the positive aspects of the proposed implementation approach in terms of ensuring Government's ownership and donors' coordination. 78 Grant Completion Report Kyrgyz Republic: Social Protection Sector Wide Approach (SWAp) 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF054600 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 Services 750,000 Grant Agreement Date: 04/29/2005 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/01/2005 04/01/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/01/2006 630,951.25 Disbursed: 84 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main development objective to (i) increase relative share of primary health care in overall government health spending to target levels agreed in the Medium Term Budget Framework (MTBF); (ii) ensure health reform efforts to continue to focus on efficiency, equity and quality in the health sector; and (iii) improve targeting, performance and coordination between the health and social protection systems. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objectives have been fully achieved. The loan for the associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant-funded activities played a major role in shaping five of the nine components of Manas Taalimi, the government's health reform program and the core of the SWAp program. • Enabled MOEF/ Ministry of Health and other relevant ministries to appoint strong, full-time team technical counterparts on secondment to the Manas Taalimi preparation team and gave the team access to international experts to guide their work. The impact of this on strategy development and implementation planning for Manas Taalimi was substantial. The deep involvement of this team helped to increase ownership of the associated operation. 79 Grant Completion Report Kyrgyz Republic: Urban Transport Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053730 Grant Type: Project Implementation Sector: Transportation Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/25/2004 215,600 Grant Agreement Date: 09/02/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 05/31/2005 11/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 03/31/2006 215,560.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to assist the Recipient, through the Project Implementation Unit of its Ministry of Transport and Communications, to acquire technical assistance to improve the capacity of the implementing agency to be able to achieve the development objective of the above referenced operation. The main objective of the operation is to provide sustainable, reliable, and affordable access to mobility for the populations of the cities of Bishkek, Osh, and Jalal-Abad by: (i) restoring selected urban roads to acceptable service standards; and (ii) taking the first steps to develop a reliable source of financing for urban roads maintenance and rehabilitation. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The international consultants hired under the Japanese grant have recommended a number of measures to improve public transport services in Bishkek to be considered by the Bishkek City Administration. All this helped in the establishment of the route tendering system which generates significant income for the Bishkek City Administration. • The capacity of the Passenger Transport Agency (PTA) was strengthened through better route franchising for urban passenger transport, development of route tendering procedures, and preparation of tender documents; • The Bishkek City Transport Department was established and the staff was trained on regulation of urban transport services. A separate training report was prepared by the consultants • Knowledge transfer was achieved through the technical assistance provided by the consultants hired under the PHRD grant, and through the training provided to PTA and Bishkek CTD staff. 80 Grant Completion Report Macedonia: Combined Heat and Power Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052421 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Energy & Mining Grant Amount:US$535,000 Approval Date: 05/30/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/12/2003 06/15/2006 06/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$240,843 % of Grant Amount 10/15/2006 Disbursed: 45 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, (a) increase of efficiency of electricity and heat production; (b) accelerate the power sector restructuring; and (c) develop appropriate policies for power sector financing. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on January 10, 2006. • Knowledge and capacity of the PIU and Ministry of Economy increased in Bank's procurement as well as preparation and supervision of projects through implementation of grant activities. • The Ministry of Economy benefited from the results of the two feasibility studies which provided: (i) options of gas-fired CHP technology and development; and (ii) recommendations for enhancing the fuel supply systems for the major thermal power plant in Macedonia. • The Implementing Agency gained experience in Bank procurement procedures and supervising of implementation of feasibility studies. • Reports on grant implementation were shared with Japanese officials in the country. 81 Grant Completion Report Macedonia: Real Estate Cadastre and Registration Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052809 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 447,550 Approval Date: 10/03/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 02/12/2004 11/22/2005 11/22/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 03/22/2006 US$ 434,220.53 Disbursed: 97 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective to improve the efficiency of land registration and cadastre systems, contributing to the development of efficient real estate markets. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation. • Grant outputs included reports on legal framework, cadastre and registration procedures and conveyancing process, ICT analysis, institutional analysis, social assessment report and customer survey. • Procurement and financial management reports were completed. Monitoring and Evaluation system was designed. • The State Authority for Geodetic Works - gained valuable experience in World Bank procurement and financial management, and also contract management. The staff of the Agency was exposed to international experience and good practice in their interactions with the consultants. 82 Grant Completion Report Moldova: Competitiveness Enhancement Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF054602 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Industry and Trade Amount: US$ 650,000.00 Approval Date: 12/22/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 02/14/2005 08/31/2005 10/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/28/2006 US$ 596,256.70 Disbursed: 92 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operations which has as its main objective to enhance competitiveness of the enterprise sector by fostering improvements in the business environment and modernization of the metrology, standards, testing and quality (MSTQ) system in Moldova. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in Oct 2005. • Main outputs of the grant were: National Strategy on MSTQ Development, draft laws on basic principles of State Regulation of Business Activity, Credit Information System, enterprise surveys, reviews and proposals that supported the Recipient to define its strategy in the areas of business environment, MSTQ, matching grant schemes, supply chains development, and credit information system. The laws have been submitted to the Parliament and one of them already adopted and the strategies also adopted by the Government. • All outputs were based on best international best practices and their application to the specific conditions in Moldova. • The capacity of the PIU and key counterparts Ministries (Economy and Finance) was enhanced through the interaction with the international consultants in the process of the development of the sector strategies, legislative framework and exposure to the best international practices. 83 Grant Completion Report Moldova: Public Finance Management 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053751 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 534,526 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 12/31/2004 05/26/2005 12/16/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/16/2006 US$478,785.13 Disbursed: 90 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the Public Financial Management Project which has as its main objectives, to reduce the fiscal instability and improve the effectiveness of public sector agencies by strengthening the public financial management. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The loan for the associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant helped to build capacity of Ministry of Finance (MoF) in public expenditure issues, management of contracts using Bank’s procurement procedures and managing consultant’s work. Without the experience of grant implementation, project implementation would have been severely impaired due to lack of relevant capacity. • A detailed analysis of the shortcomings of the present accounting system and budget management system was carried out. A proposal for design of a new system of budget classification and the chart of accounts was developed. • Grant has helped MoF to determine the functional requirements of the future Financial Management Information System (FMIS), develop a proposal for technological architecture, and sequenced plan for the development and testing of the FMIS. • Implementation of the grant helped to build technical as well as management capacity within the implementing agency without prior experience with managing/implementing projects. In addition it helped to strengthen understanding and ownership of the systems developed under the grant. 84 Grant Completion Report Moldova: Rural Investment and Services Project (RISP) Phase II 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF054603 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 660,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 03/09/2005 12/15/2005 03/28/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 07/28/2006 350,466.22 Disbursed: 53 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, to foster post-privatization growth in the agricultural sector by improving access of new private farmers and rural businesses to what they need to succeed legal ownership status, knowledge, know-how and finance. Both phases of this Program will implement policy, legal and regulatory reforms, institutional capacity-building 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been achieved. The Project was approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors on March 27, 2006 and became effective on July 7, 2006. • The PHRD grant financed activities assisted in addressing the need to develop sustainable support services for Molova's farmers, in particular, in agricultural technologies, business development and access to finance. • A number of consultants, both with international and with local experience were hired under the grant to help with the design of Phase II. With the significant inputs financed by the grant, the design of the various components was successfully completed. • About 50% of the grant amount only was used, in part because the project was presented to the Board three months in advance of the original closing date of the PHRD. However, all critical activities were completed. 85 Grant Completion Report Poland: Coal SECAL 3 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053199 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Energy and Mining Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 02/12/2003 295,540 Grant Agreement Date: 03/31/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/30/2005 03/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 07/15/2006 291,204.42 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its objective, to support completion of the implementation of the 2003-2006 hard coal reform program of Poland which is designed to reduce the financial burden of the sector on the national budget by restructuring the industry in an economic, environmentally and socially sustainable manner. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The 2003-2006 Coal Reform Program is now largely implemented with the industry making good profitability. • The grant activities (especially optimal employment study) helped to identify critical elements of the future sector restructuring i.e. optimal employment model and optimal production model • The capacity of the agency was significantly increased mostly in following areas: (i) ability to identify analytical works relevant for policy decisions - this element has been improved mostly during preparation of ToRs and monitoring of the assignments; (ii) procurement of consultant’s services and monitoring the implementation; and (iii) understanding fiduciary requirements. • The associated operation was dropped from the lending program as Government found alternative sources of financing. 86 Grant Completion Report Poland: Health II 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF051897 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Grant Amount:US$380,000 Approval Date: 02/12/2003 Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 01/07/2004 06/30/2005 Date:06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 US$117,789.47 Disbursed:31 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the Health II project, which has as its main objectives, to improve health financing mechanisms and of quality of care. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant was not achieved. The government of Poland was not willing to borrow for this program. As the economy of Poland grew, it also had access to less expensive funds from the European Investment Bank and other commercial lenders. Therefore, borrowing from Bank was not needed. 87 Grant Completion Report Poland: Rural Development Project II 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: Grant Type: Project TF052685 Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Services Grant Amount: Approval Date: US$628,725 08/22/2003 Grant Agreement Date: 08/20/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 01/20/2005 01/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: 05/15/2006 Disbursement: % of Grant Amount US$ 622,461.43 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient with the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to provide medium term support to the development of the rural sector in order to (i) enhance the capacity of local governments to identify, plan, and execute social protection strategies; (ii) strengthen the administrative and analytical capacity of the agricultural social insurance fund; and (iii) assist the ongoing decentralization of local self-government and regional development. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the Grant has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on January 24, 2006. • The Grant helped to address a number of knowledge gaps related to the functioning of the KRUS agency in Poland as well as the capacity of local governments in effectively tackling the problems of social exclusion in rural and rural-urban gminas in Poland. Furthermore, the Grant enabled the Client to design an algorithm to determine the eligibility of gminas to participate in the social inclusion component of the project. • The grant financed workshops helped to the Client in consulting various stakeholders on project design and improving the understanding of the project implementation mechanism by the Regional Centers of Social Assistance and local self-governments. • The implementation suffered from weak organizational capacity which was further complicated by high turn-over by staff. 88 Grant Completion Report Serbia and Montenegro: Montenegro Education Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053327 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/05/2004 379,555 Grant Agreement Date: 04/22/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/14/2004 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 291,559.26 Disbursed: 77 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, to improve the efficiency and equity of public funding for education. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on March 31, 2005. • Grant financed TA helped to catalyze capacity building efforts of other donors and also developed the capacity of the government to coordinate more effectively with international agencies to align their programs with those of the government. • Activities under the project - especially teacher training and student assessment - are built on good practice in other countries. 89 Grant Completion Report Serbia and Montenegro: Programmatic Adjustment Loan 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF054607 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Industry and Trade Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 950,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/13/2005 11/15/2005 12/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 842,801.90 Disbursed:89 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main development objective, to foster a larger and more dynamic private sector in Serbia, by supporting: (i) the development of robust banking sector, including the resolution of state holdings in the banking sector; (ii) the development of the non-bank financial sector, including an appropriate regulatory and supervisory framework; (iii) restructuring and resolution of large loss-making state – and socially-owned enterprises; and (iv) further improvements in the business enabling environment. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The development objective of grant has been fully achieved insofar as the grant has been instrumental in help the Government of Serbia fulfill the policy conditions of PPFDPC-1. • The loan has been approved by the World Bank's Board of Executive Directors in December 2005, and fully disbursed shortly thereafter. • The Grant specifically enhanced the capacity of Privatization Agency by financing resident foreign advisors on bankruptcy and enterprise restructuring issues. • Quality consulting services financed under the grant ensured the transfer of best international practices to the counterparts in Serbia. 90 Grant Completion Report Serbia and Montenegro: Water Resources Management Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF054608 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Grant Amount: 286,000 Approval Date: 12/22/2004 Flood Control Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/06/2005 07/12/2005 01/12/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 05/12/2006 US$ 281,045.46 Disbursed: 98 2. Grant Objective: to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, (a) to increase agricultural productivity through support to high priority rehabilitation of drainage and irrigation infrastructure; (b) to reduce the risk of damage to land, crops, property and infrastructure from flooding; and (c) to improve water resources management and strengthen the associated water resource management institutions and policies. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant objective was achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on July 12, 2005. • The grant financed outputs included: feasibility studies and design of first year implementation plans; bidding documents; operational manual and financial manuals. • The project staff and the staff of the Directorate of Water Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management have benefited from implementing this grant and became more familiar with the World Bank procedures and guidelines. • The grant helped in completing preparation of the project and in preparation of seven packages which would be implemented in the first year of project implementation. In doing so, the design of those schemes was reviewed and enhanced. 91 Grant Completion Report Tajikistan: Community and Basic Health Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053126 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Grant Amount: US$ 500,000 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/05/2004 06/30/2005 03/22/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ 499,817.85 % of Grant Amount 07/22/2006 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient’s Ministry of Health (MOH) in the preparation of Community and Basic Health project, which has as its main objectives, to improve the quality of care and access to basic health services for the poor and vulnerable population through community-based programs, in support of the Recipient's Millennium Development Goals for health. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The loan for the associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant helped to improve the quality of entry of the associated operation. Grant financed facility upgrading plans for primary health care delivery in two regions, developed new designs for rural health facilities and drafted new technical norms for the configuration of health facilities. • The development of the rationalization plan laid the groundwork for strengthening primary care in selected rayons. • Surveys and design development ensured that funding of rural health facilities would be targeted to those areas with the greatest need. • The grant provided sufficient funds to facilitate a transparent and technically-grounded stakeholders consultation process which was not subject to distortion by political priorities. Project Implementation Unit specialists and MOH staff worked closely with the consultant responsible for preparing the selection criteria. 92 Grant Completion Report Tajikista: Ferghana Valley Water Resources Management Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053328 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 650,000.00 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Grant Agreement Date: 06/02/2004 Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 03/15/2005 01/23/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 05/23/2006 US$ 630,350.30 Disbursed: 97 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, the following: (i) promotion of sustainable irrigated agriculture production through enhanced participation of users, effective water users' associations, and improved operation and maintenance of irrigation and drainage systems; (ii) increase employment and agricultural incomes by improving the infrastructures and management of the irrigation and drainage systems; (iii) improve water resources management in Ferghana Valley and in Syr Darya Basin; and (iv)strengthen irrigation, drainage, agriculture and environmental services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The project was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant was useful in carrying out studies (whose results were incorporated in the project design) for water resources in the irrigation, drainage and flood control in the Ferghana Valley and identify the issues facing the sector. It helped the Ministry of Melioration to better understand the social and environmental issues related to water resources. In that process, it promoted the concept of consultation and participation of all stakeholders. • Grant helped in building capacity of the Ministry of Melioration and Water Resources Management for project implementation and gaining experience in the World Bank Procurement and Financial Management Guidelines, through the Project Preparation Unit (PPU) and through the Tendering Committee that was established in the Ministry to deal with the procurement aspects of this Grant. • Grant outcomes include operational manual, Environmental Assessment and establishing a Financial Management System including computers, software and training. • Grant provided the needed input for the fiduciary and safeguard aspects of the project. 93 Grant Completion Report Tajikistan: Municipal Infrastructure Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053752 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Amount: US$ 420,500 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Flood Control Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 08/18/2004 03/17/2005 11/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 03/15/2006 US$ 408,533.85 Disbursed: 97 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective, to improve the access, quality and delivery of basic infrastructure and affordable municipal services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in January 2006. • Main outputs of the grant were: analytical reports and training. • Grant enable the preparation of good quality project that met all requirement of the World Bank. 94 Grant Completion Report Turkey: Istanbul Seismic Risk Mitigation and Emergency Preparedness (ISRMEP) 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052686 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 927,500.00 Approval Date: 08/22/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 01/23/2004 04/30/2005 08/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 12/31/2005 US$ 822,250.73 Disbursed: 89 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives to, mitigate the seismic risks in Istanbul, and to further strengthen the capacity for emergency preparedness in order to save lives and reduce the social, economic and financial impacts of future earthquakes. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on May 26, 2005. • Grant supported the preparation of the feasibility studies for the emergency communication system, seismic risk mitigation of public assets, social and environmental assessments, and establishment of the financial management system and project preparation coordination to ensure Istanbul city better readiness for a major earthquake. Feasibility studies made it possible to initiate the procurement processes as soon as the Bank loan became effective. • Grant financed TA consultants worked closely with the Governor's Emergency Management Center. The capacity of the staff have benefited from interacting with the international consultants. • The EIB has offered a US$400 million cofinancing loan to complete the retrofitting of schools and hospitals in Istanbul area. 95 Grant Completion Report Turkey: Municipal Services Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF053127 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Amount: US$ 500,000 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Flood Control Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/05/2004 01/18/2005 11/23/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 03/23/2006 US$ 483,179.87 Disbursed: 97 2. Grant Objective: to assist the recipient in the preparation of the municipal services project which has as main objective to support Iller Bank to lend to the municipalities in areas of water, wastewater and solid waste management. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on June23, 2005. • The Grant helped to prepare projects in the municipal sector (taking into account economic, financial, and technical considerations) and as these projects will be implemented, the urban services of water, wastewater, and solid waste management will improve. • Training was provided to Iller Bank on project appraisal techniques. This training is useful as Iller Bank carries out a number of project appraisals as part of its functions to support the Turkish municipalities. 96 Grant Completion Report Turkey: Programmatic Public Sector and Social Security Reform Adjustment Loan (PPSAL) 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF052687 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector/Theme: Public Grant Amount: 534,200 Approval Date: 10/03/2003 Administration, Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/11/2003 10/12/2004 06/08/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/08/2006 US$ 411,220.12 Disbursed: 77 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of PPSAL which has as main objective to support the implementation of its ongoing macroeconomic reform program. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant achieved its objectives. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the project on June 29, 2006. • The grant outputs included: (a) Social security reform, design and development in the fields of pensions, labor market and health insurance; (b) Consensus building and social analysis - amongst different social partners and stakeholders; • Prior to receiving this PHRD the Ministry of Labor & Social Security (MOLSS) had no experience with administering Bank funds or projects. There was a steep learning curve, but they have now increased their capacity which is helping in implementation of a new PHRD grant for the PPDPL2 but also in implementing the MOLSS component of the Health Transition Project. • The grant financed activities ensured high quality design of the crucial social security reforms. The consultants helped in analytical work, policy development, drafting of legislation and consensus building with key stakeholders. 97 Grant Completion Report Ukraine: Equal Access to Quality Education Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF051136 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount:US$768,400 Approval Date: 05/24/2002 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 12/10/2002 09/21/2004 Date:09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: 761,829.81 % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 Disbursed:99 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above mentioned operation which aims to support the recipient's reform efforts to improve the education system seeking to provide equal access to quality education. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Capacities of the staff of the Ministry of Education have been enhanced via on the job training, and through interaction/discussion on the studies prepared by the consultants financed by the grant. In addition, fiduciary capacities were also enhanced by the technical assistance provided by experienced consultants. • The studies helped convince the government to channel more funds in the education sector, although donor financing is still not sufficient. • Main outputs included: (i) General Secondary Education Issues Report; (ii) analysis of curriculum and learning outcome; (iii) assessment of teaching profession and identification of training needs; (iv) optimization of schools network; and (v) strategy for computer education in secondary schools. 98 Grant Completion Report Ukraine: Health Reform Project 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF055135 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health Amount: US$ 775,000 Approval Date: 05/03/2005 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 07/29/2005 06/15/2006 06/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/15/2006 US$ 0 Disbursed: 0 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient with the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to improve health system performance in terms of ensuring population's access to essential, efficient and quality health services under strengthened governance and management. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has not been achieved. Grant was dropped as the associated operation was dropped from the lending program. The recipient failed to contract consultants to start implementation of the grant in 9 months period. In May 2006 Ukraine health reform support project preparation was dropped. TF grant closed on its original closing date without commitments taken and disbursements made. Policy dialogue will continue through Economic Sector Work Products planned in FY07. • The capacity of the implementing agency severely suffered from prolonged political instability in the country in pre- and post Parliament election period. 99 Grant Completion Report Ukraine: Third Programmatic Adjustment Loan (PAL III) 1. Grant Data Region: ECA Grant Number: TF051899 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Grant Amount:US$700,430 Approval Date: 02/12/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 02/24/2004 12/24/2004 Date:12/16/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/16/2006 US$505,344.25 Disbursed:72 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of PAL III which has as its key objectives: (i) improvement of financial discipline; development of market-supporting regulatory system; (ii) development and enforcement of private sector property rights; (iii) establishment of transparency and efficiency in financial management of public sector resources; (iv) better delivery of social services, in particular in health care and education, social protection and social assistance; and (v) establishment of the institutional framework necessary to protect environment and natural resources. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the Project on July 05, 2005. • The grant played an important role in strengthening of particular institutions and their capacity necessary for implementing complex transition reforms in the framework of PAL/DPL program in Ukraine. • The grant helped to strengthen relevant institutions for implementing transition program, such as, the Cabinet of Ministers, Ministry of Fuel and Energy, the Main Department of Civil Service, and it’s Center for Support of Civil Service Institutional Development, and the Ministry of Economy. Draft legislation that regulates the work of the central executive authorities and the standing order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine were developed. Also the recommendations for the implementation of the strategic work planning of the Cabinet of Ministers and the central executive authorities were provided. • Grant helped to strengthen the market institution such as, the State Commission on Regulation of Financial Services Markets (NBFI). • Grant brought in international best-practice, with lessons applied from setting up and running similar institutions in other transition economies and with consideration of Ukraine's specifics. • Other outputs included: (i) diagnostic report and action plan for achieving financial stabilization, (ii) business environment study; development of corporate index and draft legislation and recommendations for improved cabinet system. 100 LATIN AMERICA AND CARIBBEAN REGION • Bolivia: Secondary Education Project • Bolivia: Spatial Sustainable Development • Brazil: Bahia Integrated Urban Development - "Viver Melhor II" • Brazil: Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life • Brazil: Rural Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Protection • Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan (HD PSRLII) • Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan • Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan (HD PSRLII) • Brazil: Support to the National Forest Program • Colombia: Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project • Colombia: Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Program - Phase 2 • Colombia: Programmatic Fiscal & Institutional Structural Adjustment Loans III and IV • Costa Rica: Carbon Capture and Development of Environmental Markets in Indigenous Cocoa Agro-forestry Systems • Ecuador: Competitiveness Project • El Salvador: Education Reform Adaptable Program Loan II (APL) • El Salvador: Social Protection and Local Development (FISDL) • Grenada and St. Lucia: Public Sector Modernization • Guatemala: Basic Health for Vulnerable Groups • Guatemala: Local Development and Rural Growth Project • Guyana: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) II • Honduras: Judicial Modernization Project • Honduras: National Urban Integrated Development • Honduras: Nutrition and Social Protection Project • Jamaica: Inner City Basic Services for The Poor • Mexico: Access to Land For Young Farmers • Mexico: Higher Education Financing for Inclusiveness and Competitiveness • Mexico: Integrated Renewable Energy Services for Rural Mexico • Mexico: Quality Of Education (PEC) • Nicaragua: Agricultural Technology Program Loan (APL II) • Nicaragua: Health Sector Modernization Project • Nicaragua: Second Rural Municipalities Project • Paraguay: Financial Sector Adjustment Loan • Paraguay: Mother & Child Basic Health Insurance Project • Paraguay: Strengthening Ministry of Finance • Peru: Regional Roads Decentralization • Venezuela: Rural Development Project 101 Grant Completion Report Bolivia: Secondary Education Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053151 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount: US$ 436,975 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/04/2004 07/15/2005 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/30/2006 US$ 319,979.86 Disbursed: 73 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main development objective, to continue the preparation of the school system for the challenges of the twenty-first century, with emphasis on secondary education. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation is yet to be approved. The date forecast is February 13, 2008. • The Grant has allowed the former governments to prioritize the sub sector secondary issues through the studies developed under these funds. These studies were aimed for the improvement at the national level focusing on access, quality and strengthening management. • The main outputs of the grant has been the report on ICT alternatives and in-house training on Bank’s procurement , financial management and costing procedures • Some planned studies were dropped. • The capacity of Ministry of Education for the implementation of the Grant has been weak mainly due to the permanent change of authorities and technical teams. 102 Grant Completion Report Bolivia: Spatial Sustainable Development 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053152 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 746,165 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/02/2004 07/31/2004 10/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/28/2006 US$ 703,015.52 Disbursed: 94 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of a Rural Space Project, which has as main objective, to improve the opportunities of poor rural producers (particularly the ones with indigenous background) to meet their own economic and social development objectives 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • The Grant assisted the Ministry of Agriculture to carry out extensive consultations with project stakeholders (producer groups, sub-national governments, NGOs, CSOs, etc.), as well as with other donors and several ministries of the recipient • Grant output included: (i) Social assessment and Environmental assessments, and Operational Manual; (ii) Financial management procedures; (iii) studies on community based land; and (iv) assessment of infrastructure needs. • The Grant permitted the design of an innovative approach to supporting rural producers, based on market opportunities rather than productive needs. 103 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Bahia Integrated Urban Development - "Viver Melhor II" 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052117 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Amount: US$ 990,000 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Services Grant Agreement Date: 12/15/2003 Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 11/23/2004 09/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount Disbursed: 01/15/2006 US$ 990,000.00 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Bahia Integrated Urban Development - Viver Melhor II Project, which has as its main objectives,: (i) to improve the quality of life and asset base of the poorest and most vulnerable section of society in the major urban areas, (ii) to create conditions for sustainable urban poverty reduction, and (iii) to create local government capacity to plan and implement an urban poverty reduction strategy. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on December 6, 2005. • The process of implementing this grant made an effective contribution to the institutional strengthening of the Government Department. Besides the technical performance of SEDUR/CONDER in project management, this process enhanced the commitment of the Government of Bahia to Project preparation. • All activities, studies (studies of slum areas, report on selection of project investment) and designs (feasibility designs for infrastructure) financed by this grant contributed to the development of an integrated project and to the enhancement of the discussion about project design, components and implementation arrangements. • Japanese officials in the country were invited to the signing ceremony of the loan for the associated operation. 104 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Enhancing Municipal Governance and Quality of Life 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053756 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water Supply and Sanitation Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 06/17/2004 500,000 Grant Agreement Date: 08/11/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/30/2005 05/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ 500,000 % of Grant Amount 09/30/2006 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to improve the quality of life of the population of the Recipient through the environmental recovery of the Uberaba Rivet-Basin, by increasing the reliability and supply of potable water and reducing the risks of flooding in the city's urban core, while securing the sustainability of the investments through the promotion of good and transparent governance, disciplined fiscal management and environmental management and protection in the municipality. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated project is expected to be approved in May 2007. Negotiations are planned for March 2007. The delay is due to the internal process in Brazil and does not reflect the quality of project preparation or its readiness for approval. Grant financed a number of technical and engineering studies, as well as environmental, social and institutional analyses which has resulted in the preparation of an US$ 18 million investment project loan to the municipality to resolve drainage/flooding issues, waste water collection and treatment and environmental management in the city of about 300,000 people. • The project was effectively and efficiently prepared in eleven months time, with all outputs of the highest quality. Some of the analyses conducted using grant funds, led to a re-design of the project in several areas, resulting in a better and more cost-effective project. • The grant financed work in environmental and social impact assessments resulted in more environmentally and socially sensitive engineering solutions and increased stakeholder participation. • The grant funding was essential for redesigning much of the engineering solutions to be more cost effective and with less negative environmental impact. 105 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Rural Poverty Alleviation and Environmental Protection 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053131 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 696,900 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 08/01/2004 07/01/2005 03/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/30/2006 US$ 696,134.99 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has its main objective to, reduce poverty and social exclusion in the State of Para through increased economic opportunity and productivity, in a socially and environmentally sound manner. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective not yet achieved. The associated operation is scheduled for presentation to the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in December 2006. • The implementing agency officials benefited from high quality training, particularly in areas such as financial management and procurement and were exposed to international experiences. • Underpinning the grant implementation was a communication strategy that aimed to inform about the project design, and open a dialogue for the exchange of ideas and knowledge around it. The strategy brought together the government and civil society, becoming one of the main project's avenue for knowledge exchange amongst the different agents within the state and between the state and the central government. 106 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan (HD PSRLII) (Ministry of Education) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052527 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education and Health Grant Amount:US$195,600 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Grant Agreement Date : Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 08/31/2004 05/24/2005 04/05/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$195,600 % of Grant Amount 08/05/2006 Disbursed:100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient preparation of the HD PRSL, which has as main objectives, to: (i) strengthen social health insurance under the Philippines Health Insurance Commission (PHIC); (ii) establish institutional support for the HSRA at National level; (iii) implement HSRA package in four convergence sites; and (iv) improve health status of population in four convergence areas of the project. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation has not yet been approved by the Board date. The expected is to be presented to World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in July 2007. • The grant has supported studies that helped to identify key challenges facing the education sector and proposed solutions. 107 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan (Ministry of Health) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053577 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Grant Amount: US$ 144,900 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/01/2004 05/24/2005 04/05/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 08/05/2006 US$ 125,920.96 Disbursed: 87 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient of the grant to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to strengthen and expand social policies and programs to accelerate progress in (i) reducing extreme poverty, hunger and malnutrition; (ii) reducing infant mortality; and (iii) increasing labor force participation among Recipient's youths. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant has not yet achieved its objectives. The associated operation has not yet been approved. The expected Board approval date is July 2007. • Due to the high turnover of staff in the Ministry of Health, grant implementation was slow. • Before the grant closed, four studies were contracted. These are in the following areas: (i) evaluation of health decentralization policies; (ii) developing a strategy to systematically measure, monitor and improve the quality of care in public health facilities; (iii) strategy and parameters to improve the equity of federal health financing; and (iv) assessment of best practices in the design of integrated health delivery system. • The grant financed a study on regionalization which formed the analytical basis for a new regionalization policy for the Ministry of Health. 108 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Second Programmatic Human Development Sector Reform Loan (HD PSRLII) (Ministry of Social Development) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053578 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education and Health Grant Amount: US$242,720 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Grant Agreement Date : Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/01/2004 05/24/2005 04/05/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 08/05/2006 US$200,365.83 Disbursed:83 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has its main development objective to strengthen and expand social policies and programs to accelerate Recipient's progress in: (i) reducing extreme poverty, hunger and malnutrition; (ii) reducing infant mortality; and (iii) increasing labor force participation among Recipient's youths. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • This was the implementing agency's first grant with the World Bank, so they gained experience in contracting of consultants and managing the grant. • The following studies were completed: i. Development of a methodology for capacity building of MDS staff involved in the Bolsa Família Program; ii. Development of a methodology for policy formulation and articulation of the Bolsa Família Program with other complementary programs for better consolidation of the safety net; iii. Qualitative and Quantitative assessment of Quilombola Communities to promoter their inclusion in the Cadastro Unico and in the Bolsa Familia Program; iv. Qualitative and Quantitative assessment of Indigenous Communities to promoter their inclusion in the Cadastro Unico and in the Bolsa Familia Program; v. Elaboration of reports on the expansion of the Bolsa Familia Program in the Northeast areas of Brazil; and vi. Elaboration of technical assistance for the development of pilot methodologies for accompanying Bolsa Familia Program beneficiaries. 109 Grant Completion Report Brazil: Support to the National Forest Program 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053132 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: Approval Date: 12/12/2003 US$805,000 Grant Agreement Date: 12/07/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/30/2005 11/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: Nil % of Grant Amount 03/31/2006 Disbursed: 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to: (i) integrate Brazil’s forest sector into sustainable economic development; (ii) improve the use of forest resources to improve the livelihood of rural families; and (iii) protect vital local and global environmental services and values. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation has been dropped from the lending program as Government of Brazil was not interested in the project. 110 Grant Completion Report Colombia: Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: Grant Type: Project TF052529 Preparation Sector: Water Supply, Sanitation and Amount: US$ 1,060,000 Approval Date: Flood Protection 07/16/2003 Grant Agreement Date: 10/28/2003 Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/28/2004 10/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/28/2006 US$ 1,059,241.35 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to reduce the country’s vulnerability to natural disasters. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. Grant helped to prepare a multi-phased program of over US$400 million. The first APL phase project for US$260 million has been approved. • Grant outputs included: (i) a paper on responsibilities and exposure of the state in disasters and study on mitigation and prevention works by government authorities; (ii) review of risk transfer mechanisms for public sector and of risk management mechanisms in the private sector; and (iii) study on strengthening existing mechanisms of territorial planning led to the formulation and publication of guidelines for including risk analysis in municipal development plans. • Grant brought the implementing agencies together for the first time in the context of joint contracted activities and, as such, built a network of cooperation and the institutional know-how for developing and executing the full program for Natural Disaster Vulnerability Reduction. • Grant activities related to studies on risk management for private sector have contributed to actions on the part of several municipalities to develop insurance schemes for low- income households. • The Grant activity resulted in the design of a larger project than originally envisaged and one which goes beyond the sphere of national government to encompass works and activities at the national level. In this sense the recommendation for the Recipient involves the development of mechanisms which permit National government to guarantee or to on-lend to municipalities while minimizing associated risks and moral hazards. 111 Grant Completion Report Colombia: Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Program - Phase 2 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: Grant Type: Project TF053759 Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Services 923,500 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 01/21/2005 07/04/2005 03/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 07/30/2006 712,485.62 Disbursed: 77 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to reduce the fiscal vulnerability of the Columbia to adverse natural events by enabling local governments to obtain sub-national loans guaranteed by the Government of Colombia. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objectives have been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Through activities implemented under the grant, there is: (i) a better understanding of risks and increased capacity to identify the risks; (ii) improved learning to incorporate hazard risk management within the territorial planning and methodologies to reduce vulnerabilities; (iii) strengthened capacity to manage and to supervise hazard risk management projects; (iv) developed awareness campaigns for sensitization of the population; and (iv) better understanding of the fiscal risk exposure, the methodologies to calculate the residual risk, and the elaboration of strategies for implementing financial instruments to cover the residual risk. • The guidelines and methodologies developed under the project are being adopted at the National Level and will be implemented by municipalities throughout the country. 112 Grant Completion Report Colombia: Programmatic Fiscal & Institutional Structural Adjustment Loans III and IV 1. Grant Data Region: LAC Grant Number: TF053133 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Amount: US$ 790,000 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Administration, Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 06/30/2004 07/21/2005 07/21/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/21/2005 US$ 266,235.89 Disbursed: 34 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, : (i) promote reforms addressing fiscal rigidities necessary to attain the substantial fiscal adjustment underlying sustainable macroeconomic stability; and (ii) improve the provision of public services and establish the institutional basis for higher efficiency and accountability in public expenditure. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant is designed to support two DPLs in a programmatic series: FIAL III and IV. However, the FIAL program was terminated before FIAL IV was approved, so the grant was cancelled on July 2005. No activities have been funded during FY06. However, the grant helped to prepare FIALIII which was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in March 2005. • In terms of the attainment of fiscal sustainability, the grant funded the evaluation of the Fiscal Responsibility Law, the design of a system to monitor the effectiveness of fiscal reforms, and an assessment of the macroeconomic and fiscal models used in the Ministry of Finance to support the financial plan. • In terms of supporting the improvement of public services and institutional development, the grant funded studies to assess the efficacy of the procurement system and the institutions responsible for the legal defense of the State. • There have been important enhancements to agency performance. • DNP: A more organized, systematic, and technically sound process of monitoring and evaluating impact of public sector reforms has been put in place, and is being applied to areas of ongoing modernization. • Ministry of Finance: CONFIS has learned a lot regarding how to measure the impact of reforms that affect fiscal management directly but have a difficult fiscal impact to quantify (such as the Fiscal Responsibility Law). • Ministry of Interior and Justice: The grant helped enhance the MIJ's capacity to organize public sector responses to litigation and work under systematic and reliable information. 113 Grant Completion Report Costa Rica: Carbon Capture and Development of Environmental Markets in Indigenous Cocoa Agro-forestry Systems 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052118 Grant Type: Climate Change Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount:US$850,000 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 04/14/2004 02/28/2006 05/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: 821,557.70 % of Grant Amount 09/30/2006 Disbursed:97 2. Grant Objective: to assist Costa Rica in setting up a carbon sequestration market based on cacao agro-forestry and other multi strata perennial crop systems in a selected pilot zone as a means of facilitating transition toward sustainable land use and rural development. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The project has made significant contributions to better understanding and quantifying carbon fixation and storage in different land use systems in the indigenous territories of Talamanca. In cooperation with growers, local technical teams, and CATIE, the project created an information platform about land use on agricultural fields, and fallow lands in indigenous territories. The carbon baseline is now known, as well as how much incremental carbon can be increased on the farms under a viable agro forestry strategy. The baseline includes carbon inventory by land use and its rates of increase and loss. A practical and scientifically rigorous field method for making quick estimates of carbon ha s been developed. This methodology is known and used by scientists and local indigenous facilitators. The agro forestry strategy was developed and adjusted to the agro-ecological and socio-cultural conditions for each land use. • The indigenous organizations have been strengthened. The ACOMUITA has been identified as the key indigenous organization for management and administration of a potential carbon capture project. It is to lead the implementation of future productive and environmental projects for the development of the indigenous territories. Important decisions are made in the indigenous advisory board, which comprises the three organizations (ADITIC A, ADITIBRI, ACOMUITA) under strategic plans, legal framework, mechanisms for conflict resolution and a forestry plan. ACOMUITA now communicates better with producers and communities through radio, general community meetings, and production of printed materials and relationships with more than 500 producer families. • ADITICA, in cooperation with FONAFIFO, CBTC and the Carbon Capture project negotiated a $20,000 carbon sale contract with the Italian company MODENA, which corresponded to a 92 ha natural regeneration. With technical support from ACICAFOC and the information generated from the project, FONAFIFO established a characterization for issuing CSA (Environmental Service Certificate) for indigenous territories and sales strategy. 114 Grant Completion Report Ecuador: Competitiveness Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053762 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Industry and Trade Amount: US$ 550,000.00 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/23/2004 03/22/2005 12/12/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/12/2006 US$ 367,457.32 Disbursed: 67 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objectives to improve the access, quality and delivery of basic infrastructure and affordable municipal services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant helped to finance studies on agricultural development, trade policies, small and medium enterprises, labor re-training and infrastructure development. • The associated operation was dropped from the lending program due to changes in government policies. 115 Grant Completion Report El Salvador: Education Reform Adaptable Program Loan II (APL) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052119 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: General Education Amount: US$ 400,000 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Sector. Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 03/29/2004 06/28/2005 12/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 US$ 394,844.86 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Education Reform APL II, which has as main objective to promote greater equity, quality and efficiency in the provision of education services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on November 29, 2005. • Grant was institutionalized by the technical and administrative units of the Ministry of Education. The technical unit was in charge of the elaboration of the Terms of References of the consultants and monitoring their hiring and work. The financial unit was in charge of all of the acquisitions and managed all the financial procedures. The Ministry of Education was in charge of the stakeholder consultation and social assessments for the project preparation. • The grant supported the integration of the two long term education development plans which provided the policy framework for project preparation, Development Plan 1995- 2005 and Development Plan 2005-2021. It financed the collection of data on quality indicators including standardized testing and education quality school based assessments. Grant activities helped to improve knowledge of school based management and participatory processes in the administration of the education sector. It financed feasibility studies in the following areas: social, economic, environmental, institutional and financial. 116 Grant Completion Report El Salvador: Social Protection and Local Development (FISDL) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053765 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Amount: US$ 670,000 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 10/06/2004 09/20/2005 03/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/30/2006 US$620,351.25 Disbursed: 93 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the FISDL Project which has as its main objective, to reduce poverty and improve social outcomes through: (a) more effective delivery of services and development of infrastructure at the local level; and (b) strengthening the Recipient's social safety net to better protect vulnerable groups. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. Grant supported the government of El Salvador to prepare its flagship safety net program, the Red Solidaria, and the FISDL Project, (which supports the Red Solidaria). The FISDL project has been approved by the World Bank. • Grant supported studies helped to design an innovative approach by using the banking system for delivery of conditional transfers and estimates of the costs of extending basic health services at the local level. • Grant supported studies helped to transform a largely infrastructure-oriented implementation agency to a social development agency. Its organizational structure, management and information system was updated and reformed. • Grant outputs also included development of census of beneficiaries for program targeting; multi-sector coordination strategy and social communication strategy. • Grant activities included exposure to international best-practice which helped to re-orient the institutions towards a conditional cash transfer program with supply-side components. • Strong ownership of the government for the project under implementation. 117 Grant Completion Report Grenada and St. Lucia: Public Sector Modernization 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052811 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Sector Grant Amount: US$ 214,533 Approval Date: 10/03/2003 Governance Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/18/2004 03/29/2005 03/29/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/29/2006 US$ 145,726.83 Disbursed: 68 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the Public Sector Modernization Project, which has as its main development objectives, to ensure: (a) ensuring long-term fiscal sustainability by reducing the wage bill while improving the efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery; (b) improving the quality of financial management; (c) enhancing the accountability, responsiveness and transparency of the public sector; and (d) streamlining business application procedures and creating a more favorable climate for private sector investment. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • This grant covered two countries – Granada and St. Lucia. Loan for the associated operation in Granada has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors but there has not been any operation for St. Lucia. • Grant activities included stakeholder consultation with members of the public service in the recipient countries; procurement reforms based on experiences from other countries; technical assistance to learn from experiences in enhancing the enabling environment for private sector. • Grant helped to obtain a firm consensus from the Government, the Public Service Commission, including public sector unions to pursue the Jamaican model of Executive Agencies (EA) as well as identification of 2 potential EA in the Ministry of Finance and Planning (Land Administration) and the Public Registry. • Changes in the service delivery model in Grenada under the follow-on operation would include greater access to information by users as well as efficiency gains in the planning, monitoring and evaluation of public services. • The Department of Human Resources and the Public Sector Reform Unit are stronger and more capable as a result of the grant’s activities to carry out and lead reform and change management. The Government and ministries involved are more informed and have better capacity to develop consensus for and lead the reform process. 118 Grant Completion Report Guatemala: Basic Health for Vulnerable Groups 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF051359 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Amount: US$1,043,300 Approval Date: 08/09/2002 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 06/24/2003 11/02/2004 06/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/15/2006 US$969,680.34 Disbursed: 93 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to reduce poverty and improve the health status of the most vulnerable underserved population through improved access and utilization of health services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on January 19, 2006. • The grant helped to prepare the first ever operation in health sector in the country. • Grant outputs included studies and reports on: (i) assessment/best practices related to maternal and infant health; (ii) Indigenous People Plan; (iii) design of the nutrition, maternal health care, institutional development components; and (iv) baseline data. • Close involvement of the Ministry of Health and the Project Coordination Unit with the studies helped to create ownership of the outputs. • Some of the design aspects are being applied in Guatemala and other countries in the region. 119 Grant Completion Report Guatemala: Local Development and Rural Growth Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF055405 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 390,000 Approval Date: 06/24/2005 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 08/17/2005 06/15/2006 06/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/15/2006 US$ 373,057.13 Disbursed: 96 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the Local Development and Rural Growth Project which has as its development objective, to reduce rural poverty by promoting indigenous entrepreneurship and territorial competitiveness. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The loan for the associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant helped the implementing agency to assemble skills to design a national policy for Rural Development which is now awaiting endorsement by the Congress. • Capacities enhanced in the areas of: project management; procurement and financial management, environmental management and monitoring and evaluation. • Grant helped to leverage additional funds from another donor to co-finance the associated project. • Enabled access to know-how from other countries such as Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. 120 Grant Completion Report Guyana: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (PRSC) II 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF051887 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Grant Amount:US$595,500 Approval Date: 01/24/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing 05/30/2006 06/15/2004 Date:04/27/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 08/27/2006 US$561,671.04 Disbursed: 94 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the second phase of the poverty reduction support program, which has main objectives to improve the profitability and sustainability of the recipient's sugar sector. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the project on April 27, 2006. • Grant Financed outputs included: (i) preparation of a medium-term expenditure framework in support of PRSP; (ii) preparation of draft Fresh Bill; (iii) Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Mining Sector; (iv) Fiduciary Oversight Action Plan and (v) School Feeding Plan; and workshops. • The Policy Coordination and Programme Management Unit in the Office of the President and the Ministry of Finance were strengthened, in particular in the preparation of Public Sector Investment Programs and Monitoring and Evaluation. Regarding the Monitoring and Evaluation activities in relation to the PRSP, capacity was enhanced considerably at the Office of the President. • The PHRD grant was crucial to the preparation of the operation. Given the lack of capacity in Guyana, another operation will be very difficult (if not impossible) to prepare and implement without a PHRD (or other similar) grant resources. 121 Grant Completion Report Honduras: Judicial Modernization Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052120 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Law and Justice and Grant Amount: US$ 375,000 Approval Date: 03/20/2003 Public Administration Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 07/31/2003 03/31/2004 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$ 354,380.88 Disbursed: 95 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has its objectives, to improve judicial branch efficiency, transparency and access. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors has approved the associated operation. • Grant activities included workshops in order to enhance institutional capacity of the Supreme Court as well as to develop innovative solutions for access to justice and transparency enhancement. Consultant services were provided to build capacity and knowledge in the following core areas: institutional analysis and mapping of judicial services, analysis of human resources, analysis of access to justice issues especially for vulnerable groups including women, children, indigenous and afro-descendent populations. • Consultant services were provided to enhance capacity of the Supreme Court for Project coordination and finalization of project implementation plans. Performance indicators were identified for Project implementation and a system for monitoring administrative decisions and institutional planning of the Judiciary was developed. • Grant outputs included assessments of the Supreme Court's institutional capacity in judicial administration. This included reviews of administrative structures and operations, a review of procedures and procedural codes, national judicial caseload, and ICT status and needs of the court. A review of human resource policies and an assessment of legal education needs were also carried out, and course contents for judicial training and testing were designed. • Grant activities also included consultations with a broad range of stakeholders to assist in identifying priorities and to build consensus and support for the modernization process. 122 Grant Completion Report Honduras: National Urban Integrated Development 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053766 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Grant Amount : US$450,000 Approval Date: Law 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/11/2004 07/15/2005 12/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$360,000 % of Grant Amount 04/15/2006 Disbursed: 80 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to (a) improve access to sustainable municipal and social services for residents of poor urban communities in Honduras; (b) strengthen human and social capital in poor neighborhoods and incorporating an employment generation approach; (c) improve the capacity of municipal governments to plan and deliver urban services with community participation; and (d) improve the capacity of municipal governments and security programs at community level for the multisectoral prevention of crime and violence. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the Grant has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on July 7, 2006. • The grant outputs included studies to: develop framework for municipal borrowing; urban upgrading participatory plans for pilot neighborhoods and methodologies; elements of National Policy for Urban Development, technical review of the draft law of Housing and Urban Development; and institutional review of a new department in the Ministry of Public Works; design of M&E system, ability to pay. • The implementing agency - Fondo Hondureno de Inversion Social (FHIS) acquired experience in urban upgrading through visit to important urban upgrading projects in Brazil. • The following institutions benefited from the studies and training: FHIS, Direccion General de Vivienda y Urbanismo (DGVU- SOPTRAVI), Banco Hondureno para la Produccion y la Vivienda. 123 Grant Completion Report Honduras: Nutrition and Social Protection Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052533 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Grant Amount: US$590,000 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/08/2004 06/23/2005 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$485,739.60 Disbursed: 82 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives: (a) to identify and implement the necessary arrangements to streamline and rationalize Honduras’s programs to improve the access of the poor to social sector and social safety net programs; and (b) to support institutions and processes that empower communities and local governments in the poorest municipalities in Honduras’s territory to define and implement programs to address their priority local development needs. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the operation on July 7, 2006. • The grant supported studies and evaluations which helped to enhance government knowledge about social protection in general, and specifically nutrition programs and social support for youths at risk. • The grant supported the development of an implementation strategy to re-orient Social Policy; preparation of guidelines for community driven development; and defined institutional and administrative arrangements for the project; strengthening key government units (procurement, financial management, technical) to complete preparation. • The capacity of the three implementing agencies (Secretariat of Health, Labor and Presidency) has been enhanced. The following improvements were made: (i) the fiduciary units of three agencies were strengthened; (ii) supported the Secretariat of Health to evaluate the different models of AIN-C provision and to standardize it, thus improving effectiveness of the interventions and facilitating administration of the program; and (iii) helped the Secretariat of the Presidency to set a strategy plan for identifying and designing a social protection strategy and its institutional arrangements. 124 Grant Completion Report Jamaica: Inner City Basic Services for The Poor 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF054629 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water and Sanitation Amount: US$ 650,000 Approval Date: 12/22/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/10/2005 12/31/2005 03/09/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/09/2006 US$ 650,000.00 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: The purpose of the grant is to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to improve (i) access in the recipient's targeted poor inner-city communities to basic services, including reliable potable water, sanitation and solid waste management; and (ii) improve public safety in the Recipient's target inner city communities. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The project was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 29, 2006. • The specific sectors addressed by the grant financed activities: urban upgrading, providing basic services to the urban poor, land titling, monitoring and evaluation and access to finance for the urban poor. In all cases, the grant financed project preparation activities financed consultant services for all of the above areas. • Grant helped to develop a new approach to urban upgrading which combines strategic investments in basic infrastructure with investments in critical social interventions like public safety and enhanced access to finance. 125 Grant Completion Report Mexico: Access to Land For Young Farmers 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053770 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 650,000 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 12/09/2004 03/17/2005 12/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/15/2006 US$ 565,212.26 Disbursed: 87 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to establish a sustainable mechanism to improve young farmers' access to land, increase their income and sustain their livelihood. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on July 27, 2005 • Grant helped design an innovative project, improving the SRA (the implementing agency), existing program, especially with regard to the institutional mechanisms for rural financing. Model establishes, through a public/private partnership, an efficient credit mechanism that aims recovering the sub-loans provided to the young farmers. The model is now piloted in 10 states. In addition, it helped set up a flexible environmental screening and management mechanism. • Grant outputs included the following analysis: institutional, social, environment, financial and economic, technical analysis, MRE and a training plan. 126 Grant Completion Report Mexico: Higher Education Financing for Inclusiveness and Competitiveness 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053339 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Amount: US$ 642,730 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 11/22/2004 07/05/2005 04/28/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 08/28/2006 US$ 258,379.56 Disbursed: 40 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to (a) support initiatives to reduce the exclusions of the poor and indigenous population from the tertiary education; (b) develop and scale up student loan schemes for financially needy secondary education graduates; and (c) support studies to develop better tertiary education policies, institutional strengthening measures and market information. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in Dec 2005. • The grant’s outputs provided the best practices to facilitate access to tertiary education to the poor. • Technical Assistance financed under the grant financed the preparation of the Indigenous People Development Plan; expand availability of student loans through the support to the State of Quintana Roo; preparation of its information management system and its Operational Manual. The grant helped to develop a project design that is expected to strengthen policies for PRONABES and for labor market information of graduates. • Capacity of the implementing agency enhanced as a result of partnering with international specialists and staff are able to find solutions to problems. • Disbursement is low because of changes in rules after elections, bureaucratic procedures and lack of familiarity with World Bank’s procurement procedures. This was the first time that the relevant Ministry received external funds. 127 Grant Completion Report Mexico: Integrated Renewable Energy Services for Rural Mexico 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: Grant Type: Project TF054619 Preparation Sector: Energy Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 660,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/15/2005 06/20/2006 06/20/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 10/20/2006 123,587.02 Disbursed: 19 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to support demonstration and development of renewable energy based projects for rural electrification that include productive/income generating activities and social services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The recipient encountered some institutional barriers when trying to transfer resources due to political changes in the Ministry of Energy. • The associated operation was approved by the GEF council on March 2006. 128 Grant Completion Report Mexico: Quality Of Education (PEC) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053769 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Amount: US$ 640,000 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/09/2005 12/01/2005 03/31/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/31/2006 US$ 259,306.56 Disbursed: 41 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the Recipient to prepare the Quality of Education Project, which has as its main objective, to support the strategic restructuring and local management of disadvantaged Mexican urban schools. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant financed the development of MIS system which allowed for greater interaction between the education departments in the 32 states and helped to improve accountability and transparency. • The grant financed the preparation of an indigenous peoples development plan, social participation assessment, and the operational manual. • The preparation of the associated operation was expedited. Therefore some planned outputs of the grant were not completed but these will be carried out during implementation of the project. • The loan for the associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. 129 Grant Completion Report Nicaragua: Agricultural Technology Program Loan (APL II) 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053139 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/12/2003 556,000 Grant Agreement Date: 04/16/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 01/03/2005 05/29/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 09/29/2006 549,361.98 Disbursed: 99 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient prepare the above reference operation of APL II, which has as main objective, to increase agricultural productivity of small and medium rural households through consolidating the institutional reforms. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on November 29, 2005. • The grant has helped to prepare the agricultural technology part of the PRORURAL program. Government has effectively used the funds to lay the basis of this approach of which the second agricultural technology project is a substantial part. • The implementation capacity of the Ministry has not really improved through the grant. During the grant period there have been many staff changes in the Ministry which has reduced the capacity building effect of the grant. • The quality of the associated operation has improved. The grant has financed several design studies, the monitoring and evaluation system, and other important aspects of the project design. The grant has also helped to make PRORURAL more coherent. 130 Grant Completion Report Nicaragua: Health Sector Modernization Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053140 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health And Other Amount: US$ 722,758.00 Approval Date: 12/12/2003 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 05/04/2004 02/15/2005 10/05/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/05/2006 US$ 657,829.81 Disbursed: 91 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the second phase of the Health Sector Modernization Program which has as its main objectives the improvement of efficiency, effectiveness and equity of the Recipient's health system by reforming the health sector. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors. • Grant activities included: preparation of FONSALUD operational manual and the design and costing of the five year action plan; manual for extension of primary health care services, capacity assessment, pre investment assessment, social and environmental assessment through knowledge generation, dissemination and by preparation of TOR of relevant studies & reports, planning unit has acquired a wider picture of the health sector. Grant helped to improve local capacity of the MINSA and to strengthen its management capacity of the SWAP and external aid. • Another PHRD grant has been provided to prepare the third phase of this operation. 131 Grant Completion Report Nicaragua: Second Rural Municipalities Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052534 Grant Type: Project Implementation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: 257,360 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/21/2003 12/30/2004 06/30/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: 249,866.56 % of Grant Amount 10/31/2006 Disbursed:97 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the implementation of the Second Rural Municipalities Project, which has as main objective, to improve the performance of rural municipalities in: (i) the provision of local public infrastructure and the delivery of municipal services; (ii) the protection of the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources; and (iii) the promotion of local economic development. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant activities have specifically aided INIFOM in supporting municipalities to provide more cost effective and relevant services to their populations. • The implementing agency has increased its capacity considerably. The greatest gains have come in the past 6-12 months, as INIFOM has worked to redefine its role, reduce costs and staff, and streamline its activities in response to fiscal and political constraints. 132 Grant Completion Report Paraguay: Financial Sector Adjustment Loan 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF051360 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Finance Grant Amount: Approval Date: 08/09/2002 US$680,000 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 12/30/2002 05/30/2003 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 US$589,520.11 Disbursed: 87 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objectives, to modernize the banking regulatory framework and the establishment of market friendly exit mechanisms for insolvent banks as well as to rationalize state owned institutions to prevent future losses and focus primarily on small rural lending. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant has achieved its objectives. The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors approved the associated operation on April 5, 2005. • The grant financed TA to define modern financial prudential regulations, including exit mechanisms and bank modernization. Several key policies drafted include; Resolution 8 by the Central Bank regarding classification of assets, and the draft of comprehensive banking regulation for strengthening prudential rules. • The Grant funded outputs include: drafting of new regulations and legislation on deposit insurance and prudence. • During the process of grant implementation, the Ministry of Finance, as well as the Central Bank has improved their abilities in financial regulation and supervision. • Grant activities have helped in providing the necessary intellectual capital to make project preparation successful. 133 Grant Completion Report Paraguay: Mother & Child Basic Health Insurance Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053771 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Social Grant Amount: Approval Date: Service US$592,700 06/17/2004 Grant Agreement Date: 11/11/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 05/09/2005 12/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 04/30/2006 US$227,249.72 Disbursed: 38 2. Grant Objective: to assist Paraguay in the preparation of the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to increase access and utilization of basic health services and public health interventions by the poor. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • General strikes in the country, frequent changes of the Minister of Health, few staff in Ministry of Health and structural restrictions related to the "fiscal space" for funds allocated from the Ministry of Economy to the Ministry of Health caused major delays and several restrictions in the implementation of the grant. • Main activities financed by the grant include: studies on burden of disease and costing of basic packages of health services for mothers and children; • Only a little above one-third of the grant has been utilized. The operation was prepared with TA support from other sources. • The associated project was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on October 20, 2005. 134 Grant Completion Report Paraguay: Strengthening Ministry of Finance 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053141 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Law Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/12/2003 802,000 Grant Agreement Date: 03/26/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/28/2004 09/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 01/31/2006 801,494.93 Disbursed: 100 2. Grant Objective: to assist with the preparation of the above referenced project, which has as its main objective, to strengthen the administrative financial management system and human resources management and control of the Ministry of Finance. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on March 7, 2005. • The studies by the grant included: (i) review of the organization structure of the Ministry of Finance; (ii) central government budgeting, financial management, and anti-corruption measures; (iii) monitoring mechanisms for the civil society; (iv) government control systems and civil service agencies; and (v) project management and monitoring and evaluation. • In the areas of budgeting, financial management, and anti-corruption, the grant helped to finance consultants to carry out in-depth analysis of current methodology, systems, and procedures and develop results- based budgeting process. The TA provided to Ministries of Finance, Education, Health, Interior and Public Works on a pilot basis, helped to prepare annual budgets, design Public Investment Monitoring System, including training of personnel on the new system, reporting and indicators. • The grant also helped to finance the preparation of an anti-corruption action plan and facilitated new contacts with the civil society through information dissemination workshops and training. • The technical capacity of the Ministry of Finance has improved. Specific measures have been implemented even before the Bank project was declared effective. For example, the assessment of existing problems and recommendations in the area of corruption lead to the creation of a transparency unit and the implementation of measures within action plan an agreed action plan. • The review of the current human resources structure and proposal of remedial actions were also financed by the grant. 135 Grant Completion Report Peru: Regional Roads Decentralization 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF053335 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Transportation Amount: US$ 410,000 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 11/04/2004 05/24/2005 11/24/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 03/24/2006 US$385,456.45 Disbursed: 94 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the Regional Roads Decentralization Project, which has as its main development objective, to improve, through the decentralization at the regional level, the selectivity, effectiveness and efficiency of regional transport interventions and, thereby contribute to local development and poverty reduction in Peru. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors on July 12, 2005. • Project design has been derived from the Regional Participatory Road Plans whose preparation was financed by the grant. • Grant financed activities are key to project implementation (e.g. operational manual), to strengthening sector knowledge (e.g. assessment of region's institutional and financing capacity), building the capacity of the central PIU (Provias Departmental) and of decentralized entities (regional Governments) and creating ownership of proposed strategy. The implementing agency became familiar with Bank procedures. • Quality of entry of the associated operation was assessed satisfactory since the grant activities helped to gain better knowledge of the institutional and financial capacity of the regional governments, which helped to fine tune project design and customize to specific features of the Peruvian decentralized entities (e.g. distribution of resources between regions based on financial capacity to provide counterpart funds). • Grant helped to create the momentum for regional decentralization of road activities in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. 136 Grant Completion Report Venezuela: Rural Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: LCR Grant Number: TF052536 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 350,000 Approval Date: 07/16/2003 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 12/30/2003 09/21/2004 09/21/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 01/21/2006 US$ -0 Disbursed: 0 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the Rural Development Project, which has as its objective, to increase agricultural and rural productivity through the support to innovation and institutional strengthening both at the local and national levels in the area of agricultural and rural services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant was cancelled since the associated operation was not included in the interim strategy note for Venezuela. 137 MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA REGION • Iran: Solid Waste Management Project (Bank-executed) • Iran: Solid Waste Management Project (Recipient-executed) • Jordan: Public Sector Reform Loan III • Morocco: Integrated Forestry Development Project • Morocco: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project • Tunisia: Second Higher Education Reform Support Project • West Bank & Gaza: Higher Education Project 138 Grant Completion Report Iran: Solid Waste Management Project (Bank-executed) 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF051138 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Grant Amount: US$ 162,000 Approval Date: 05/24/2002 Flood Control Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date : Revised Closing Date: 08/23/2002 01/30/2004 10/31/2005 End Disbursement Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount Date02/28/2006 155,569.40 Disbursed:96 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objectives: (a) to improve the institutional arrangements for solid waste management; (b) develop environmentally and socially safe disposal of solid waste; and (c) improve the efficiency and the standards of service for the integrated solid waste management system. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objectives have not been fully achieved. The implementing agency OWRC has progressed satisfactorily in preparing the agreed studies for project preparation in conformity with the grant objectives. However, the project has been put on hold until the Country Assistance Strategy for Iran is submitted to the Board. • The results of the activities financed by the grant have been completed and integrated in the project preparation documentation. • An MOU with the Municipality of Tehran has been signed that outlines the scope, components and timing for a Bank IBRD loan in the order of a US$ 150 million project. 139 Grant Completion Report Iran: Solid Waste Management Project (Recipient-executed) 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF051139 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water Supply Sanitation Grant Amount:US$721,750 Approval Date: 05/24/2002 and Flood Control Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 08/23/2002 01/30/2004 10/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 02/28/2006 US$704,190.41 Disbursed: 98 2. Grant Objective: to assist in the preparation of the above referenced operation which has as its main objectives: (a) to improve the institutional arrangements for solid waste management; (b) develop environmentally and socially safe disposal of solid waste; and (c) improve the efficiency and the standards of service for the integrated solid waste management system. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation is expected to be presented to the World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors in October 2007. • The grant activities have been very successful in demonstrating the extremely high potential for emission reduction credits under carbon financing either through the Bank Carbon Finance Unit or through others. This is a potential mobilization of a $20-30 million in carbon emission reduction financing, that the Municipality is pursuing as a priority. • The grant activities have addressed all the solid waste sector issues in the greater Tehran through a series of studies. These are: specific studies financed by the grant include: (a) integrated waste management strategy for Tehran that includes, among other things, separation of household wastes at source for recycling, objectives for a public communication program, and use of carbon financing mechanism (i.e. clean air mechanism under the Kyoto protocol) to reduce landfill gases; (b) social assessment of the informal sector for recycling waste materials, and the potential employment and social disruption impacts that could occur with introduction of standard formal procedures for household recycling; (c) environmental impact assessment report; (d) design of alternatives and piloting for new waste separation techniques; (e) design for a new landfill which includes design drawings, specifications, cost estimates and other technical data; and (f) site investigations for landfill gas. These studies have strengthened the planning for the municipal waste sector, and a comprehensive approach towards phasing investments and working with the beneficiary population is now firmly in place by a strengthened municipal administration. • The strengthening of the staff has been substantial as a result of the grant activities. Knowledge exchange at the technical level has been substantial, as the grant activities actively involved many specialists in solid waste and engineering. There has been extensive knowledge exchange between international and Iranian experts in the solid waste fields, where as prior to the grant, the Iranian solid waste sector was isolated from international practices. • Capacity of staff also improved with regard to Bank’s procurement and financial management procedures as well as environment and social safeguard policies. 140 Grant Completion Report Jordan: Public Sector Reform Loan III 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF052424 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Public Administration, Amount: US$ 459,288.00 Approval Date: 05/30/2003 Law Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 01/14/2004 03/15/2005 03/15/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 07/15/2006 US$142,243.46 Disbursed: 31 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective to strengthen public sector management by providing a program of actions aiming to improve the institutional capacity and incentives to deliver quality public services. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The associated operation was dropped from the lending program as the government was not interested in an adjustable lending operation. • Main outputs of the grant were websites and some publications. All the other planned studies were not completed as the associated operation was dropped. 141 Grant Completion Report Morocco: Integrated Forestry Development Project 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF051140 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Amount: US$ 460,545 Approval Date: 05/24/2002 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 10/30/2002 12/28/2003 08/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 12/31/2005 US$ 440,486.34 Disbursed: 96 2. Grant Objective: to assist the recipient in the preparation of the above referenced project, which has as its main objectives the following: (i) ensuring the sustainable management of forestry, water and soil resources; (ii) improving the socio-economic conditions of rural population; (iii) improving the protection of the biodiversity; (iv) increasing industrial and artisanal wood production; and (v) increasing forest leisure based services for the urban and rural population. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective was not fully achieved. Although the grant assisted with the preparation of project the implementation of which was to be funded through an IBRD loan, the project did not materialize due to government' s failure to meet one important conditionality - securing adequate project funding. • Grant outputs include Social Assessment, Technical Assessments, Monitoring & Evaluation reports and Capacity Building and Economic & Financial Analyses. • Grant helped to promote sound management of forests and natural resources through involving the rural communities living in and around these forests in adopting an integrated approach including forests as well as rangelands and agricultural fields that constitute the livelihood of these communities. 142 Grant Completion Report Morocco: Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF053332 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water, Sanitation and Flood Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Control 323,300 Grant Agreement Date: 07/12/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 07/15/2005 03/20/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 07/20/2006 267,829.30 Disbursed: 83 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main development objective, to: (i) improve the socio-economic conditions of the rural communities through increasing their access to potable water supply and safe sanitation and (ii) promote hygiene practices in a sustainable manner. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The objective of the grant has been achieved. The associated operation was approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank on December 15, 2005. • The grant financed the following studies: environmental assessment; financial and economic analysis; M&E system development. Overall quality of the studies was poor and other resources had to be used to improve the quality. • The capacity of the implementing agency increased in two areas: (a) Bank procurement procedures, and (b) Bank lending project preparation requirements. However, due to the poor quality of the studies, the implementing agency has probably not learned much from the consulting firm in the area of rural water supply and sanitation. 143 Grant Completion Report Tunisia: Second Higher Education Reform Support Project 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF052425 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 05/30/2003 482,000 Grant Agreement Date: 09/09/2003 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 03/31/2005 11/30/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 03/31/2006 53,185.61 Disbursed: 11 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objectives, to improve the quality of higher education so as to enhance graduate employability and respond to the needs of an increasingly knowledge-based economy, enhance the efficiency of services provided by higher education Institutions, strengthen the higher education financial system so as to ensure equitable access and outcomes and maintain financial sustainability. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objectives have not been achieved. The Government never finalized the procurement process for three of the study components. The study for a communications strategy was completed but not used to prepare the new project. • Problems in completing the procurement process and delays in signing contracts were due to the inexperience of the procurement person charged with managing the processes, the unavailability of other staff to participate in evaluation committees and disagreement amongst senior Ministry staff about the studies and choice of consultants. • The change in project coordination resulted in less commitment to undertaking the proposed studies. 144 Grant Completion Report West Bank & Gaza: Higher Education Project 1. Grant Data Region: MNA Grant Number: TF053333 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Amount: US$ 275,000 Approval Date: 03/05/2004 Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 04/15/2004 07/15/2005 07/15/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/15/2005 US$ 193,506.97 Disbursed: 70 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient in the preparation of the Higher Education Project, which has as its main development objective, to improve the internal and external efficiency, quality, financial sustainability and equity of the Recipient's higher education system. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank. • The activities under the grant were satisfactorily implemented except for one component which was subsequently cancelled from the Grant. This was related to the design of the EMIS which the USAID had offered to co-finance and this resulted in delays in implementation and was then dropped from the grant activities. Satisfactory rating for all other project components may be justified as follows: (i) the design of a Student Aid-Program with Scholarships and Grants for Students was completed; (ii) the Quality Improvement Fund (QIF) was designed and the QIF Board and Manual were set up and initiated their work ahead of time; (iii) a Social Assessment was completed; (iv) a strategy Report was produced regarding the Science Engineering and Technology Research; (v) all project documents related to Project Implementation, Procurement, Financial Management, etc were successfully completed; and (vi) the additional studies assisted the Ministry in preparing documents towards the preparation of a National Tertiary Education Strategy. • Grant financed TA assisted with the setting up of the QIF as an independent institution governed by an independent Board for transparency. In addition, the efficiency shown by the QIF approved projects under implementation is a clear indication of the successful institution building that was achieved during project preparation, with support from the PHRD grant. • Grant contributed to the medium-term development program and nation-building efforts by strengthening the institutional framework of the PA, providing support to and improving the capacity of the universities and community colleges, and responds to the social and economic needs of the PA by enabling the tertiary education system to adapt to the human capital development needs in the current economic environment. • The efficient and transparent mechanism set up by QIF attracted Euro 5M in co-financing by the EU. 145 SOUTH ASIA REGION • Bangladesh: Health Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) • India: Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Project • India: Slum Upgrading and National Sanitation Project • India: Support to Urban Reform Incentive Fund • Sri Lanka: Education Sector Operation 146 Grant Completion Report Bangladesh: Health Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) 1. Grant Data Region: SAR Grant Number: TF050805 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Health and Other Amount: US$ 1,500,000 Approval Date: 12/03/2001 Social Services Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date Revised Closing Date: 01/23/2003 11/11/2003 07/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 11/30/2005 US$ 171,054.39 Disbursed: 11 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objective, to improve the health and family welfare of the most vulnerable women, children and the poor in the country. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • Grant funds were used in a more limited way as other donor funds were available to the Recipient. However as crucial support was provided by the grant through the financing of the development of a National Strategic Investment Plan (2003-2010) which formed the basis for the associated operation. • An IDA Credit of USD 300 million was approved by the Board of World Bank in April 2005. • The crucial central support was provided by the Grant, which included the development of the National Strategic Investment Plan 2003-2010 for HNPSP, which is now under implementation and forms the basis for the support of all development partners to HNPSP. • The grant financed national workshops to discuss a DFID supported Options Paper. The Strategic Investment Plan 2003-2010 for HNPSP financed by the Grant built well on the results of these discussions and laid out clearly the priority areas for service delivery and sector reform. • The grant also financed Financial Management Assessment, Environmental Assessment and Social Assessments. 147 Grant Completion Report India: Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Project 1. Grant Data Region: SAR Grant Number: TF053162 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Agriculture Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/12/2003 485,900 Grant Agreement Date: 08/16/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 03/24/2005 07/31/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 11/30/2005 264,015.19 Disbursed: 54 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main development objective, to improve the livelihood and quality of life of the rural people in Tamil Nadu, particularly women and other disadvantaged groups, through social, economic and democratic empowerment. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The Grant has achieved its objectives. The associated operation was approved on July 12, 2005. • The Grant helped the implementing agency: (i) to understand and practice procedures and guidelines of the Bank in procurement, financial management and other safeguard policies; and (ii) to prepare them for effectively facilitate implementation of the project by exposing them to other programs focusing on similar project development objectives and outcomes, and enhanced their understanding by sharing and learning events. • The grant financed the following studies: livelihood and environment assessment; institutional and human development plan; five regional studies on resource mapping and livelihood opportunities; and training workshops on risks and mitigations measures. • The grant was effectively utilized for preparation studies and for developing implementation and operational manuals. 148 Grant Completion Report India: Slum Upgrading and National Sanitation Project 1. Grant Data Region: SAR Grant Number: TF053745 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Water Supply and Amount: US$ 710,490 Approval Date: 06/17/2004 Sanitation Grant Agreement Date: Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/25/2004 06/17/2006 06/17/2006 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: % of Grant Amount 10/17/2006 US$ 100,000.00 Disbursed: 14 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its main objective, to improve the strategy and delivery mechanism for financing slum upgrading, housing and sanitation provision. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been not been achieved. Government was not interested to borrow for the associated operation. Recently, with a change in the leadership in the Ministry of Urban Employment and Poverty Reduction, there has been a renewed interest in preparing a project for slum improvement. The Bank is currently discussing a new operation. 149 Grant Completion Report India: Support to Urban Reform Incentive Fund 1. Grant Data Region: SAR Grant Number: TF053744 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Finance Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 06/17/2004 597,440 Grant Agreement Date: 10/12/2004 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 09/13/2005 09/13/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ 0.00 % of Grant Amount 01/13/2006 Disbursed: 0 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation which has as its main objective to promote essential urban reforms in selected states of the recipient that are willing to initiate policy measures for purposes of improving urban services and addressing the needs of the urban poor. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • This Grant has been cancelled as the associated operation was dropped from the lending program. 150 Grant Completion Report Sri Lanka: Education Sector Operation 1. Grant Data Region: SAR Grant Number: TF054596 Grant Type: Project Preparation Sector: Education Grant Amount: US$ Approval Date: 12/22/2004 298,250 Grant Agreement Date: 01/31/2005 Original Closing Date: Revised Closing Date: 10/20/2005 12/06/2005 End Disbursement Date: Disbursement: US$ % of Grant Amount 04/06/2006 215,307.38 Disbursed: 72 2. Grant Objective: to assist the Recipient to prepare the above referenced operation, which has as its objectives, to: (i) achieve full enrollment and completion of the compulsory basic education cycle for grade 1-9; (ii) improve the quality of schooling and orient the education system to the world of work; and (iii) increase the economic and social relevance of the education system by reducing regional disparities with regard to access good quality education. 3. Achievement of Grant Objectives and Outputs: • The grant objective has been achieved. The associated operation has been approved by the Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank on December 15, 2005. • The grant provided technical assistance to prepare studies on promotion of equitable access to basic and secondary education, improving education quality, enhancing the economic efficiency and equity of resource allocation and distribution, and strengthening governance and management. • The capacity of the Ministry of Education to recruit and utilize high quality international consultants has been enhanced through the implementation of this grant. • The technical assistance obtained by the Ministry of Education enabled the country to prepare the Education Sector Development Project with a better focus on results and outcomes. 151