A/c2L< /q§:J) 62 U World Bank Discussion Papers Do Caribbean Exporters Pay Higher Freight Costs? Alex:mderJ. Yeats . ,..,ii ;: " t..i i'^.i.: i ' .-.~ R i: .v ::.-i,- . i; 2.; .e z S'>ui FILE COPY RECENT WORLD BANK DISCUSSION PAPERS No. 14. Managing Economic Policy Change: Institutional Dimensions. Geoffrey Lamb No. 15. Dairy Development and Milk Cooperatives: The Effects of a Dairy Project in India. George Mergos and Roger Slade No. 16. Macroeconomic Policies and Adjustment in Yugoslavia: Some Counterfactual Simulations. Fahrettin Yagci and Steven Kamin No. 17. Private Enterprise in Africa: Creating a Better Environment. Keith liarsden and Therese Belot No. 18. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation: Time for a Chanqe. Anthony A. Churchill, with the assistance of Davia de Ferranti, Robert Roche, Carolyn Tager, Alan A. Walters, and Anthony Yazer No. 19. The Public Revenue and Economic Policy in African Countries: An Overview of Issues and Policy Options. Dennis Anderson No. 22. Demographic Trends in China from 1950 to 1982. Kenneth Hill No. 23. Food Import Dependence in Somalia: Magnitude, Causes, and Policy Options. Y. Hossein Farzin No. 24. The Relationship of External Debt and Growth: Sudan's Experience, 1975-1984. Y. Hossein Farzin No. 25. The Poor and the Poorest: Some Interim Findings. Michael Lipton No. 26. Road Transport Taxation in Developing Countries: The Design of User Charges and Taxes for Tunisia. David Newbery, Gordon Hughes, William D.O. Paterson, and Esra Bennathan No. 27. Trade and Industrial Policies in the Developing Countries of East Asia. Amarendra Bhattacharya and Johannes F. Linn No. 28. Agricultural Trade Protectionism in Japan: A Survey. Delbert A. Fitchett No. 29. Multisector Framework for Analysis of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment Policies: The Case of Morocco. Abel M. Mateus and others No. 30. Improvinq the Quality of Textbooks in China. Barbara W. Searle and Michael Mertaugh with Anthony Read and Philip Cohen No. 31. Small Farmers in South Asia: Their Characteristics, Productivity, and Efficiency. Inderjit Singh No. 32. Tenancy in South Asia. Inderjit Singh No. 33. Land and Labor in South Asia. Inderjit Singh No. 35. Global Trends in Real Exchange Rates. Adrian Wood No. 36. Income Distribution and Economic Development in Malawi: Some Historical Perspectives. Frederic L. Pryor No. 37. Income Distribution and Economic Development in Madagascar: Some Historical Perspectives. Frederic L. Pryor No. 38. Qualitv Controls of Traded Commodities and Services in Developing Countries. Simon Rottenberg and Bruce Yandle No. 39. Livestock Production in North Africa and the Middle East: Problems and Perspectives. John C. Glenn LAlso available in French (39F)J No. 40. Nonqovernmental Orqanizations and Local Development. Michael M. Cernea LAlso avaiiable in Spanisn (405)J No. 41. Patterns of Development: 1950 to 1983. Moises Syrquin and Hollis Chenery No. 42. Voluntary Debt-Reduction Operations: Bolivia, Mexico. and Beyond... Ruben Lamdany (Continued on the inside back cover.) 62 S World Bank Discussion Papers Do Caribbean Exporters Pay Higher Freight Costs? AlexanderJ. Yeats The World Bank Washington, D.C. Copyright © 1989 The World Bank 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America First printing November 1989 Discussion Papers are not formal publications of the World Bank. They present preliminary and unpolished results of country analysis or research that is circulated to encourage discussion and comment; citation and the use of such a paper should take account of its provisional character. 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The complete backlist of publications from the World Bank is shown in the annual Index of Publications, which contains an alphabetical title list and indexes of subjects, authors, and countries and regions; it is of value principally to libraries and institutional purchasers. The latest edition is available free of charge from Publications Sales Unit, Departrnent F, The World Bank, 1818 H Street, N.W, Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A., or from Publications, The World Bank, 66, avenue d'lena, 75116 Paris, France. AlexanderJ. Yeats is a senior economnist in the Intemational Trade Division of the World Bank's Intemational Econornics Department. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Yeats, Alexander J. Do Caribbean exporters pay higher freight costs? / Alexander J. Yeats. p. cm. -- (World Bank discussion papers ; 62) ISBN 0-8213-1383-5 1. Freight and freightage--Caribbean Area--Rates: I. Title. II. Series. HE199.C27Y43 1989 388'.044--dc2O 89-29021 CIP ABSTRACT Despite their proximity to the United States, there is a major concern among Caribbean governments that their exporters often encounter freight rates which place them at a competitive disadvantage vis-a-vis other countries. These purported transport cost differentials have been attributed to discriminatory liner conference pricing practices, but technical factors such as the need for port modernization and improvements, or low export volumes which do not justify utilization of some newer shipping technologies have also been a source of concern. Using two independent sources of information on international transport and insurance costs this study attempts to determine whether the proposition that Caribbean exporters typically encounter adverse freight rates is valid. A key finding is that a distinction must be made between freight rates for air cargo services as opposed to ocean transport. For the former, exports from almost all Caribbean countries included in this analysis (Antigua, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Suriname and Trinidad-Tobago) generally encounter significantly lower average freight rates than their competitors. Dominica and Cuyana are exceptions due to unusual air freight costs for several major products. The importance of these favorable transport costs for Caribbean countries is underscored by the fact that over one-third of all shipments to the United States (excluding petroleum and sugar) involve air transport, and the use of air transport has been rising rapidly in the 1980s. For exports by ocean carriers the empirical evidence is quite different than that for air shipments. Most important, Caribbean countries as a group do not appear to encounter ocean freight rates which are markedly different, on average, than those of their competitors (i.e., there is no evidence that they typically pay lower nominal transport costs as was the case with air shipments) although Guyana, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Suriname encounter adverse transport cost differentials on many major exports. This study also finds that Caribbean exporters are more likely to experience adverse transport costs on food and agricultural raw materials (which are heavily reliant on ocean transport) than they are on manufactured goods where a relatively high percentage of shipments are by air. Appendix tables included in this report present detailed tariff line statistics on each Caribbean. country's ocean and air freight costs to the United States along with similar information on average freight costs for all other exporters (excluding Canada and Mexico). This information is provided in order to facilitate further research on Caribbean transport costs. The study suggests several such lines of analysis that appear to deserve special consideration including: how the Caribbean countries might best exploit the major cost advantage they have for products exported by air; why is ocean transport so much less cost efficient than air freight for Caribbean countries; and why do large adverse transport cost differentials appear to be concentrated in certain product groups like food and agricultural raw materials? -V - ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper was prepared in the International Trade Division of the International Economics Department. Azita Amjadi greatly assisted in the preparation of this report by extracting all of the Caribbean transport cost information directly from computerized files maintained by the United States Department of Commerce. Jean Epps prepared all of the numerous and difficult tables and also typed the final manuscript. I have greatly benefitted from numerous comments and suggestions from individuals within and outside the Bank. In this respect, special thanks are due Paul Meo (International Trade Division), Alasdair Sinclair and Jose Sokol (both of the Bank's Latin America and Caribbean Office (LA3)). John Whiting of the Caribbean Central American Action Committee distributed the report directly to a number of individuals currently involved in Caribbean transport. As a result we received many helpful comments from Kirk Line, Crowley Caribbean Shipping, Tropical Shipping, Sea Land Services, Navieras de Puerto Rico, Port of Miami and Port of New Orleans. William Knepper (Washington Report) also provided helpful comments and prepared a useful summary of the report for Caribbean Action. Finally, John Eyre (transport consultant) made extensive comments on the report and also provided several helpful analyses of the influence of cargo reservation agreements. CONTENTS I, Introduction .1........................................ II. Scope and Methodology of the Study .............................. 3 III. Empirical Results: Transport Profiles for Caribbean Countries ......................................... 10 IV. Relative Port Costs in the Caribbean ........................... 35 V. Summary and Conclusions ........................................ 36 Annex I Evidence on the Relative Difference Between Caribbean Ocean Freight Rates for Major Commodity Exports and those of Other Developing Countries ..................................... 42 Annex 2 A Note on the Incidence of International Transport Costs on Exporters and Importers ........................................ 49 Appendix Detailed Statistics on the Transport Costs for Caribbean Countries' Exports to the United States ........................ 53 - vi - Tables 1. The Value and Destination of Individual Caribbean Country's Exports (1981, 1983 and 1985) 2. The Comparative Importance of Air and Vessel Shipments in Total U.S. Imports: 1985, 1986 and 1987. 3. A Comparative Analysis of Caribbean and Other Developing Countries' Aggregate Freight Rates for Exports to the United States. 4. Comparative Analaysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Manufactures and Ores Exports to the United States 5. Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Food and Agricultural Raw Material Exports to the United States 6. Nominal Transport Costs for Similar Goods Exported by Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 7. Analysis of Differences in Nominal Freight Rates for Similar Products Exported by Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 8. Comparison of Port Charges in Caribbean Countries During 1986-87. 9. Comparison of the Ratios of Predicted and Actual Caribbean Transport Costs for Major Commodity Exports to those of Selected Competitors Al. Anguilla's Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A2. Antigua's Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A3. Bahamas' Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A4. Barbados' Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A5. Belize's Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A6. Dominica's Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 A7. The Dominican Republic's Transport Cost Profile for Exports to the United States in 1986 I. Introduction Recent empirical investigations of the influence of barriers to international trade show that previous conceptions about transport costs must be re-considered. For example, theoretical models that attempt to explain the level, direction, or structure of international trade are often based on the assumption of zero transport costs, or have assumed that freight costs have a constant (neutral) impact on different products. The validity of these propositions have been challenged by empirical analyses that demonstrated nominal transport charges on North-North and South-North trade frequently exceed pre-Tokyo Round tariffs. 1/ The implications of these findings are that transport costs have (at least) equivalent retardation effects on trade levels as import duties. In addition, other studies show that transportation costs often increase or escalate with product processing, a point which demonstrates that freight costs, like tariffs, are a constraint to further commodity processing and that transport costs have an important influence on 1/ For example, Yeats (1976a) (1977a) examined the level of transport costs and tariffs on Indian and Indonesian exports to the United States and found that the former averaged between two to three times higher. For some specific products like rough and shaped wood, crude vegetable materials, preserved fruit, cotton fabrics and made up textile articles shipped from Indonesia, nominal transport costs of over 30 per cent were record. Two studies by Sampson and Yeats (1976) (1977) also show that the average ad valorem incidence of transport costs on U.K. and Australian exports generally exceed nominal tariffs. However, on South-South trade flows nominal freight rates appear to be far higher, with some studies suggesting they may reach 200 per cent or more on total bilateral trade. For a survey of avaiLable evidence see Yeats (1981). -2- the structure of trade. 2/ The neglect of transport costs in previous empirical analyses and policy studies may have been due to the lack of available data on their incidence or the (erroneous) assumption that these charges are exogenous variables outside the control of policy makers. The practical importance of recent analyses of the effects of freight rates has been increased by the conclusions of related studies that indicate the level and structure of transport costs are often subject to a considerable degree of policy control. Investments in port improvements, loading facilities, or containerized transport equipment may produce positive net benefits if resulting national gains from lower freight rates (such as an associated export expansion, or reductions in the landed price of imports), exceed the cost of the initial improvements. Shippers have also been found to to be able to lower freight costs through collective action (see UNCTAD 1978). Here, possible approaches involve the formation of shippers associations to counter the monopoly power of the liner conferences, the bulking of cargoes to achieve economies of scale in transport, or the utilization of tramp services when whole vessel consignments are possible. 2/ By comparing levels of nominal and effective transport protection for United States imports, Finger and Yeats (1976) concluded that transport costs generally escalate or increase with fabrication. Yeats (1977b) employed a commodity processing chain framework used for tariff analysis and demonstrated that nominal freight costs for U.S. imports generally rise as one moves from primary to semi-fabricated to processed commodities. Finally, a study by Jansson and Shneerson (1978) estimated the long-run marginal costs (LRMC) of shipping various types of commodities and compared these figures with actual liner conference freight rates. These results showed a consistent tendency for LRMCs to to lie above actual freight rates for primary and semi-processed products, while the opposite effect was observed for consumption and investment goods. This lead the authors to conclude that "the principle of charging according to the value of service that is applied by conferences implies that high value commodities subsidize low value commodities. Our results support this hypothesis. Excess freight factors escalate in a manner similar to tariffs." - 3 - The fact that some studies indicate liner conference freight rates depart from the actual cost-of-carriage further accents then need for empirical analyses and policy studies on the level, structure and effects of international transportation costs. 3/ II. Scope and Methodology of the Study The objective of this study is to analyze transportation costs incurred by Caribbean countries on their major export products to determine whether there is evidence of freight rate discrimination against these countries, or whether their transport costs are significantly different from those of other exporters. Several factors were responsible for selection of the Caribbean countries for analysis, some of which should have a positive influence on transport costs while others could have an adverse effect. First, as Table 1 shows the United States is a major market for most Caribbean countries and in 1985 absorbed almost 60 per cent of their total exports. There is, however, considerable variation among individual countries as 3/ In setting freight rates, liner conferences may have objectives that conflict with those of the exporters (countries) that they serve. The conferences, for example, might attempt to establish tariffs that maximize profits or revenues, while exporters might have a primary interest in rates that maximize total exports, or exports of certain types of products. Several empirical studies of conference rate making practices indicate that "charging what the traffic will bear" is often a major factor in setting freight rates. Deakin (1974) summarizes the available evidence on liner rate setting practices in noting "shipping conferences do not set prices with reference to social, or even private cost, at least not predominantly. Rather they fix their prices with regard to the strengths or weaknesses of demand for the carriage of particular types of goods, using the principle generally referred to as "charging what the traffic will bear"." Similar conclusions have been reached in a number of other studies of liner conference pricing practices. It should, however, be recognized that the competitive position of many conferences has greatly eroded over the last decade (particularly on East-West trade) due to increased penetration by non-conference shipping and a greater use of private chartering. Table 1 The Value and Destination of Individual Caribbean Country's Exports (1981, 1983 and 1985) Share of All Exports Destined For: Value of Total All of which Centrally All of which Caribbean Country Year Exports (Smill) Developed EEC(10) Japan United States Planned Developing Latin America/Caribbean Antigua and Barbuda 1981 13.3 3.5 3.1 0.3 0.0 0.0 96.5 64.5 1983 19.7 28.8 8.2 0.2 15.1 0.0 71.2 59.1 1985 7.2 1.9 0.7 0.9 0.0 0.0 98.1 91.3 Bahamas 1/ 1981 1,860.0 93.0 4.1 1.1 23.4 0.0 7.0 4.5 1983 3,995.4 51.4 2.4 0.4 46,4 0.4 48.2 4.1 1985 1,069.4 91.2 17.8 5.7 61.0 0.0 8.8 4.2 Barbados 1981 147.7 63.4 13.6 -- 44.7 0.0 36.6 33.5 1983 289.2 77.4 5.9 0.0 70.2 0.0 22.6 21.3 1985 214.9 95.9 10.6 0.1 83.0 -- 4.1 2.6 Belize 1981 110.9 75.0 29.1 1.1 41.2 0.0 25.0 22.6 1983 77.7 71.8 26.8 1.1 34.9 0.0 28.2 23.0 1985 85.5 87.1 23.7 1.6 57.7 0.0 12.9 10.8 Dominican Republic 1981 991.1 86.9 3.4 0.8 76.8 0.0 13.1 7.2 1983 1,084.2 88.4 3.7 1.4 78.9 0.0 11.6 7.0 1985 743.0 95.9 4.0 1.3 86.2 0.0 4.1 0.4 Dominica 1981 18.7 53.8 52.2 0.0 1.5 0.0 46.2 43.3 1983 27.5 54.0 51.1 -- 2.7 0.0 46.0 17.2 1985 31.6 83.5 75.7 7.7 0.0 0.0 16.5 7.3 Grenada 1981 20.1 na na na na na na na 1983 21.7 61.9 55.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 38.1 28.0 1985 20.3 69.1 60.9 0.5 0.0 0.0 30.9 25.9 Table 1 (Continued) The Value and Destination of Individual Caribbean Country's Exports (1981, 1983 and 1985) Share of All Exports Destined For: Value of Total All of which Centrally All of which Caribbean Country Year Exports (Wmill) Developed EEC(10) Japan United States Planned Developing Latin America/Caribbean Guyana 1981 346.2 65.6 36.7 1.2 19,3 1.0 33.4 25.4 1983 189.0 66.8 30.4 4.8 24.4 0.0 33.2 29.5 1985 236.0 85.6 47.5 5.6 22,8 0.0 14.4 12.0 Haiti 2/ 1981 619.2 25.8 5.6 0.0 19.4 11.1 63.1 22.1 1983 154.0 94.8 14.5 -- 77.3 0.0 5.2 2.7 1985 180.0 95.2 10.9 0.1 81,8 0.0 4.8 2.3 Jamaica 3 1981 975.7 77.3 19.3 0.6 39.2 1.5 21.2 11.8 1983 717.5 77.9 21.9 1.1 33.5 1.6 20.5 18.0 1 1985 564.0 87.1 21.3 1.2 44.3 0.0 12.9 11.0 St. Kitts-Nevis 1981 47.9 93.9 17.5 0.2 71.0 0.0 6.1 5.3 1983 49.3 93.3 8.9 -- 82.0 0.0 6.7 6.3 1985 110.1 97.4 6.6 -- 89.2 0.0 2.6 2.5 St. Lucia 1981 36.4 49.1 41.4 -- 7.3 0.0 50.9 48.5 1983 49.2 67.8 67.7 -- 0.0 0.0 32.2 22.1 1985 62.7 91.0 90.8 -- 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.0 St, Vincent 1981 32.2 66.1 61.2 -- 0.0 0.0 33.9 29.0 1983 41.4 46.1 45.9 -- 0.0 0.0 53.9 51.3 1985 45.6 63.5 -63.2 -- 0.0 0.0 36.5 35.2 Suriname 1981 517.5 92.3 30.8 4.4 38.5 0.0 7.7 2.8 1983 418.0 91.0 53.7 4.2 17.4 0.0 9.0 3.4 1985 296.2 94.5 48.6 3.2 21.7 0.0 5.5 0.7 Table 1 (Continued) The Value and Destination of Individual Caribbean Country's Exports (1981, 1983 and 1985) Share of All Exports Destined For: Value of Total All of which Centrally All of which Caribbean Country Year Exports (Smill) Developed EEC(10) Japan United States Planned Developin Latin America/Caribbean Trinidad and Tobago 1981 3,760.8 75.2 14.4 -- 58.9 -- 24.8 17.6 1983 2,352.7 73.6 11.8 0.4 59.8 -- 26.4 15.5 1985 2,160.9 77.6 13.7 -- 61.9 0.3 22.1 15.0 ALL ABOVE COUNTRIES4/ 1981 9,497.6 77.3 13.6 0.7 45.6 0.9 21.8 13.3 1983 9,486.4 67.1 10.5 0.8 51.2 0.3 32.6 9.9 1985 5,827.4 86.2 18.6 1.8 59.6 0.1 13.7 - 9.0 1/ In 1981 approximately 63 per cent of the Bahama's total exports went to Canada which accounts for the sizeable difference between the I "all developed" share (93.0) and that for the EC, Japan and United States. 2/ The 1981 to 1983 decline in Haiti's exports is confined almost exclusively to SITC 28 (Metal Ores) and is due to the closing of a large Bauxite mine. 3/ In 1981 approximately 9 per cent of Jamaica's exports went to Canada and this share had grown to 17 per cent in 1985. 4/ In 1981 the combined share of Canada and the United States in Caribbean exports was 59.7 per cent. In 1983 the corresponding share was 53.6 per cent while in 1985 it was 63.1 per cent. Source: Computed directly from each countries' reported exports as recorded on United Nations Series D Commodity Trade Tapes (SITC Revision 2). Note: Bilateral trade flows that account for less than one-tenth of a per cent are recorded as 0.0 in this table. -7- St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica, Guyana and Grenada maintained major trade contacts with the European Community. Second, geographic proximity to the United States should be a positive factor to the extent that distance influences freight costs. 4/ However, potential offsetting factors are that technical studies have concluded a need exists for regional port improvements, rationalization of cargoes, and adoption of unitized vessel systems on some major Caribbean routes (UNCTAD 1984). Third, there have been charges of "discrimination" in liner conference freight rates facing Caribbean countries and this study will attempt to determine if there is evidence that such charges may be justified. 5/ Fourth, this study will analyze and compare transport costs for shipments made by air as opposed to vessel. The objective here is to determine whether either transport mode offers distinct cost advantages that should be further exploited in future export ventures. In this study empirical information on the Caribbean countries transportation costs are drawn from two different sources: detailed records maintained by the United States Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) on liner conference freight rates for U.S. export and import trade; and from official United States import statistics. Since 1974 the United States has tabulated 4/ Studies by Bryan (1974), Lipsey and Weiss (1974) or Moneta (1959) have employed regression techniques to "explain" transport cost differences between countries. These studies show that distance has a strong significant positive effect. Other variables that are also generally significant include: stowage factors for individual products; the size of individual consignments; unit values of goods being shipped; and dummy variables for competition between liners and tramps. 5/ As a general proposition, discrimination in ocean freight rates or services may be held to exist when the liner charge for a particular product contributes more (or less) to the costs and profits required to provide for its shipment than can be explained by some objective method of allocating cost and profits. Discrimination may occur at the product level or national level, the latter case occurring if all items from a specific country incur unjustifiably high freight rates. Charges of discrimination have often been based on observed large freight rate differences between two or more countries. However, as Fashbender and Wagner (1973) and UNCTAD (1969) show, in order to prove discrimination exists it is necessary to show that the frieght differences do not reflect differences in the actual cost-of-c;arriage. -8- imports, by-product-by-country, on a joint free-alongside-ship (f.a.s.) and cost-insurance-freight (c.i.f.) basis. According to the U.S. practice, the f.a.s. valuation includes the purchase price of the product plus all charges incurred in placing merchandise along side the vessel at the port of exportation. In contrast, the c.i.f. valuation measures the value of imports at the port of entry in the United States and includes all freight, insurance, and other charges (excluding import duties) incurred in bringing the merchandise from the port of exportation and placing it alongside the vessel. As such, the ratio of the c.i.f. to the f.a.s. value provides a measure of the ad valorem incidence of international transport and insurance charges. These data can be used to estimate ad valorem freight and insurance costs for exports of product i from country j (fij) from: (1) fij = (VC/vf) 1 where Vc represents the c.i.f. and Vf the f.a.s. value of exports of product i from country j. 6/ In several sections of the analyses information drawn from U.S. Federal Maritime Commission sources is used to supplement transport cost rates derived from the United States trade statistics. The FMC records all liner 6/ United States import statistics tabulate the f.a.s. and c.i.f. values of goods imported by air and by ocean vessel. As a result, nominal freight rates for both these modes of transport can be estimated separately. Since equation (1) places the f.a.s. value of imports in the denominator, the nominal freight rates can be compared directly with U.S. tariffs, which are levied on a f.a.s. basis. A further point to note is that equation (1) likely will not reflect port costs as it primarily measures "at sea" charges. Several related studies suggest that port costs and port problems in Caribbean countries often are of key importance for exporters. > - 9 - conference tariffs on United States inbound and outbound trade. Since this information also contains details on any special rebates (which must by law be reported to the Federal Maritime Commission) offered to individual shippers, as well as on any additional fees for bunker or currency surcharges, it is useful for comparing actual freight costs for specific commodities shipped on different liner routes. 7/ Two different points should be noted concerning the statistical sources employed in this analysis and the uses to which the data are put. First, data drawn from U.S. import statistics include both the transport and insurance cost component of shipments while information from the Maritime Commission relates only to freight charges. Comparisons between the two sources indicate that insurance costs roughly average about 10 per cent of the total transport and insurance cost bill irrespective of the exports' origin. Second, while data on actual freight charges are reflected in both FMC records and the United States import data these statistics have been converted into nominal equivalents in this study to facilitate cross-country and cross- product comparisons. It should be recognized that nominal freight rates may 7/ There are several major differences between the data drawn from the U.S. trade statistics and Maritime Commission statistics, as well as in the uses to which these data can be put. First, the Commission provides information only on liner conference freight rates while the U.S. trade statistics incorporate information on rates for liners, tramp vessels and tanker shipments, as well as products shipped by air freight. Second, the U.S. trade data are easily converted to ad valorem equivalents while the Maritime Commission data are expressed in terms of monetary charges. Third, the Commission's data contains freight rate information for both United States imports and exports, while the U.S.-trade statistics apply solely to imports. - 10 - vary due to differences in actual freight charges or the unit value of the product being imported. 8/ III. Empirical Results: Transport Profiles for Caribbean Countries A factor that can influence a country's aggregate freight cost profile is its capacity to employ alternative transport modes (air versus vessel) for exports. For bulky low value items ocean transport may often be the sole viable transport option, but for other goods air freight may offer distinct cost and logistical advantages. This would be particularly true when centers of production or consumption are not located near the major ocean ports of the exporting or importing country. Air transport may provide direct access to the interior markets, whereas goods shipped by vessel would have to be off-loaded at the port and then transported to the interior by raiL or truck. Aside from such logistical factors, air transport provides faster delivery time which can be crucial for perishable commodities. Table 2 examines the ability of selected countries to utilize different transport modes by tabulating their 1987 shipments to the United 8/ For example, the nominal freight rate of product i from country j (Nf ij) is derived from equation (1) which can also be expressed as; (2) Nf,ij = (fij/Ui*) x 100 where f i is the actual freight charge (measured in currency units) and Uij is the unit value of j's exports of i. If the freight charge on exports of product i from j and competitor k are equal, nominal freight rates for the two countries will differ if the prices of their goods are not identical. Specifically, (3) Nf,i; > Nf,ik; if (Uij < Uik) while, (4) Nf,ij < Nf,ik; if (Uij > Uik) As such, analysis of ad valorem freight rates can be affected by both monetary freight charges and differences in the price of imported goods. - 11 - States by air freight and by ocean transport. 9/ The table also indicates the share of each country's exports to the U.S. by air over 1985-1987. These statistics indicate that the reliance on air transport can vary dramatically from country-to-country, but exporters in the Caribbean generally have the highest reliance on air transport of any of the different country groups outside of Israel (whose share is highly influenced by diamonds), South Asia and some other Asian countries that specialize in exports of labor intensive products to the United States. 10/ Overall, approximately one quarter (by value) of the Caribbean countries' exports to the United States enter by air but this figure is influenced by crude and refined petroleum shipments from Trinidad-Tobago and the Bahamas as well as by sugar. Both of these major export products employ ocean transport exclusively. If sugar and petroleum are excluded ($241 million in petroleum shipments from the Bahamas, $677 million from Trinidad 9/ The value of air and water shipments reported in Table 2 may sum to lower totals than are shown in other tables in this report. This is mainly due to the fact that shipments made partly by air and partly by water are not reported in the former. It should also be noted that United States import statistics include imports of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands from foreign countries. They do not include imports of the United States from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. 10/ See Yeats (1989) for an analysis of changes in the level and composition of these exports. United States import statistics show that countries like Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Taiwan (Province of China) and Singapore rely almost exclusively on air freight for compact high value items like transistors and valves, statistical machines, office machines and various types of telecommunication equipment. The proportion of textile and clothing exports by air freight appears to vary between 30 to 40 per cent. In contrast, items like furniture, wood products and pottery (which are important exports of Korea, Singapore and Taiwan) are shipped almost exclusively by vessel. - 12 - Table 2 The Comparative Importance of Air and Vessel Shipments in Total U.S. Imports: 1985, 1986 and 1987 1987 Exports to U.S. (S mill) 3/ Share of Exports by Air Exporter by air by vessel 1985 1986 1987 Caribbean Countries 822.0 2,551.0 22.2 23.6 24.4 Bahamas 35.2 373.2 8.0 10.8 8.6 Barbados 42.0 13.2 89.5 89.1 76.1 Belize 1.9 25.7 11.9 9.2 6.9 Dominican Republic 422.7 725.9 33.8 31.0 36.8 French West Indies 1/ 1.0 1.2 78.8 80.6 45.5 Guyana 11.1 46.4 15.9 14.2 19.3 Haiti 178.6 211.3 49.4 48.3 45.8 Jamaica 75.0 316.8 19.4 19*5 19.1 Leeward & Windward Islands 1/ 49.5 29.9 50.1 57.5 62.3 Trinidad and Tobago 5.1 807.4 0.4 0.5 0.6 Central American Comnmon Market 268.8 1,639.1 13.5 10.5 14.1 Guatemala 31.3 452.9 3.8 4.1 6.4 El Salvador 56.7 221.9 20.6 10.2 20.4 Honduras 23.0 457.1 4.7 4.4 4.7 Costa Rica 157.8 507.2 22.3 20.6 23.7 Latin American Free Trade Asso. 1,880.5 17,811.3 8.9 10.1 9.5 Colombia 304.2 1,807.3 23.7 16.5 14.4 Venezuela 66.7 5,473.0 1.6 2.6 1.2 Ecuador 46.5 1,215.7 1.4 2.3 3.7 Peru 159.8 604.3 15.6 18.2 20.9 Bolivia 74.3 35.9 54.9 55.8 67.4 Chile 206.6 771.6 18.3 19.3 21.1 Brazil 773.5 6,824.3 9.5 12.2 71.3 Paraguay 3.9 18.0 8.1 6.1 17.8 Uruguay 121.0 112.4 60.4 48.5 51.8 Argentina 124.0 948.8 8.5 9.0 11.6 Developing Africa 1,087.8 10,218.3 10.4 14.0 9.6 Morocco 15.7 31.5 22.7 27.4 33.3 Algeria 0.3 1,989.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 Tunisia 6.7 61.2 35.5 26.9 9.9 Egypt 25.6 435.9 10.8 15.0 5.5 Cameroon 1.1 398.8 0.6 0.6 0.3 Guinea 4.6 89.6 0.5 0.3 4.9 Ivory Coast 10.3 355.7 0.5 1.6 2.8 Ghana 4.9 241.6 2.0 0.4 2.0 Nigeria 4.6 3,023.0 0.1 0.0 0.2 Gabon 2.2 354.7 0.2 0.9 0.6 Angola 0.6 1,292.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 Congo 1.2 429.0 0.1 0.3 0.3 Liberia 12.6 75.1 1.6 4.3 14.4 Zaire 47.4 252.5 0.3 6.0 15.8 Ethopia 3.0 70.4 4.9 3.1 4.1 _ 13 - Table 2 (Continued) The Comparative Importance of Air and Vessel Shipments in Total U.S. Imports; 1985, 1986 and 1987 1987 Exports to U.S. (S mill) 3/ Share of Exports by Air Exporter by air by vessel 1985 1986 1987 Kenya 21.4 56.5 26.6 18.3 27.4 Mozambique 0.3 25.1 0.7 1.1 0.1 Rep. of South Africa 827.3 494.9 52.7 52.4 62.6 All Other Countries 98.0 540.9 10.5 11.6 15.3 Near East Asia 2,081.2 6,454.4 32.7 31.2 24.4 Iraq 0.3 286.9 0.2 0.2 0.1 Iran 85.3 1,452.1 7.1 11.5 5.5 Israel 1,914.1 664.5 69.4 73.0 74.2 Kuwait 15.4 431.5 1.6 2,4 3.4 Saudi Arabia 23.7 2,660.7 8.0 2.7 0.9 United Arab Emirates 15.3 601.0 2.7 3.1 2.5 All Other Countries 27.1 357.7 10.5 10.9 7.0 South Asia 1,655.1 2,066.7 40.3 44,5 44.5 India 1,309.4 1,195.7 44.5 51.2 52.3 Pakistan 143.7 257.4 32.2 31.4 35.8 Nepal 24.5 5.9 96.9 90.0 79.5 Bangladesh 61.1 305.2 17.9 21.5 16.7 Sri Lanka 115.4 297.8 21.3 23.3 27.9 All Other Countries 1.0 4.7 31.3 29.4 17.5 Other Asia 15,388.7 52,851.3 20.1 22.2 22.6 Thailand 799.0 1,381.2 20.1 20.1 36.6 Malaysia 1,511.8 1,376.0 57.4 57.2 52.4 Singapore 3,509.1 2,633.8 46.6 57.3 57.1 Indonesia 98.6 3,256.4 i.6 2.3 2.9 Philippines 878.1 1,362.6 38.6 37.3 39.2 Republic of Korea 2,625.6 14,239.4 15.9 16.2 15.6 Hong Kong 3,359.7 6,343.5 32.9 35.0 34.6 Taiwan, China 2,531.8 21,790.7 9.2 10.5 10.4 All Other Countries 75.0 467.7 10.7 12.7 13.8 ALL EXPORTERS 2/ 67,007.0 244,025.0 19.7 21.9 21.5 1/ In U.S. terminology the French West Indies are Guadeloupe and dependencies and Martinique. The Leeward and Windward Islands consist of Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis, Anguilia and Montserrat, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica and Grenada. 2/ Includes developed, developing and socialist countries. 3/ Shipments made partly by air and partly by vessel are excluded from these tabulations. For this reason, the sum of the "air" and 'vessel" shipments may be less than the total export figures reported elsewhere in this report. - 14 - and Tobago and about $135 million in sugar) the share of Caribbean exports by air rises to approximately 36 per cent. As such, the Caribbean countries reliance on air transport is far higher than that for LAFTA (about 10 per cent of total exports by air), CACM (10 to 14 per cent air freight), or other developing countries in Africa. While the comparative costs of air and ocean transport will later be analyzed in detail, Table 3 summarizes information on Caribbean countries overall freight costs as reflected in U.S. trade data (see equation (1)) for 1985 through 1967. In addition, the table also provides similar information for selected developing countries in South America and other geographic regions so comparisons of freight rate levels can be made. However, a key point to note is that the nominal freight rates reported in Table 3 should vary with factors such as distance to the United States, the volume of goods shipped (if transport economies of scale exist), or the composition of each countries' exports. 11/ Another potentially important factor affecting the data in Table 3 relates to the relative use and cost of air as opposed to ocean transport for each country's exports. As such, these data must be interpreted with caution and are mainly useful for an initial assessment of the relative importance of transport costs on exports at the national level. Given these qualifications, the statistics in Table 3 do not indicate that the Caribbean countries' exports suffer major adverse effects from higher than average transport costs. Overall, the Caribbean countries had a 1987 11/ Yeats (1981, pp. 150-165) provides an assessment of how factors like port facilities, technology employed (i.e. containerized versus non-container transport systems) and economies of scale affect nominal transport costs. Scale economies, and the use of larger vessels are apparently quite important for some primary commodities like petroleum, metal ores and wood. - 15 - Table 3 A Comparative Analysis of Caribbean and Other Developing Countries Aggregate Freight Rates for Exports to the United States 1987 Exports to U.S. (S mill) Nominal Freight Factor 1/ Exporter f.a.s. c.i.f. 1985 1986 1987 Caribbean Countries 3,432.3 3,623.2 4.2 5.3 5.6 Bahamas 416.0 450.0 4.2 4.7 8.2 Barbados 59.0 60.9 1.8 1.8 3.2 Belize 42.2 44.6 4.9 5.9 5.7 Dominican Republic 1,162.7 1,217.0 5.0 4.9 4.7 French West Indies 2/ 2.3 2.4 5.9 8.8 4.3 Guyana 58.7 66.4 13.7 11.2 13.1 Haiti 394.7 410.1 4.2 4.1 3.9 Jamaica 395.2 422.4 7.2 7.7 6.9 Leeward & Windward Islands 3/ 86.5 89.9 4.7 4.5 3.9 Trinidad & Tobago 815.0 859.3 3.6 6.0 5.4 Central American Common Market 1,938.9 2,158.1 11.1 9.5 11.3 Guatemala 495.2 541.9 9.4 7.6 9.4 El Salvador 283.8 300.1 4.4 4.1 5.7 Honduras 489.0 564.7 15.2 12.6 15.5 Costa Rica 669.7 750.1 13.7 12.4 12.0 Latin American Free Trade Asso. 4/ 20,248.2 21,719.7 7.1 7.9 7.2 Colonmbia 2,232.4 2,414.4 9.4 8.8 8.1 Venezuela 5,579.0 5,881.1 4.5 6.9 5.4 Ecuador 1,265.8 1,390.3 7.6 9.5 9.8 Peru 768.5 814.7 6.0 6.9 6.0 Bolivia 110.7 113.3 2.6 2.4 2.3 Chile 981.0 1,104.5 15.0 14.0 12.6 Brazil 7,865.4 8,432.8 8.2 7.7 7.2 Paraguay 22.0 23.9 7.6 5.7 8.6 Uruguay 343.8 369.0 2.6 2.9 7.3 Argentina 1,079.7 1,175.5 9.1 9.7 8.9 Developing Africa 11,939.4 12,679.7 4.8 6.8 6.2 Morocco 49.5 54.2 12.0 8.3 9.4 Algeria 1,998.7 2,144.3 4.0 8.1 7.3 Tunisia 68.8 72.8 7.1 8.6 5.8 Egypt 464.9 498.3 6.3 10.6 7.2 Cameroon 413.8 442.9 4.5 9.3 7.0 Guinea 94.6 120.8 21.4 25.5 27.7 Ivory Coast 372.9 404.5 6.4 6.6 8.5 Ghana 248.8 259.6 6.0 5.2 4.3 Nigeria 3,573.4 3,766.7 3.5 5.9 5.4 Gabon 358.0 379.4 4.3 8.9 6.0 Angola 1,293.5 1,372.1 3.9 7.6 6.1 Congo 430.4 456.7 5.9 9.3 6.1 Liberia 87.8 100.5 25.0 19.4 14.5 Zaire 308.0 320.8 3.5 8.0 4.1 Ethopia 73.5 77.9 7.7 4.2 6.0 - 16 - Table 3 (Continued) A Comparative Analysis of Caribbean and Other Developing Countries Aggregate Freight Rates for Exports to the United States 1987 Exports to U.S. (S mill) Nominal Freight Factor 1/ Exporter f.a.s. c.i.f. 1985 1986 1987 Kenya 79.3 85.2 7.8 6.0 7.4 Mozambique 139.6 153.9 8.8 9.6 10.2 Rep. of South Africa 1,345.5 1,3990.0 5.2 4.7 4.0 All Other Countries 538.4 570.1 7.2 6.6 5.9 Near East Asia 10,810.6 11,602.0 5.3 8.9 7.3 Iraq 494.8 525.7 3.6 7.4 6.2 Iran 1,667.5 1,751.5 5.2 7.5 5.0 Israel 2,639.3 2,724.4 3.7 3.6 3.2 Kuwait 521.5 568.6 7.7 15.1 9.0 Saudi Arabia 4,433.1 4,886.5 6.3 12.3 10.2 United Arab Emirates 664.1 723.5 7.5 9.7 8.9 All Other Countries 390.3 421.8 8.7 10.8 8.1 South Asia 3,757.5 4,090.3 9.0 9.0 8.9 India 2,528.6 2,725.4 8.0 7.9 7.8 Pakistan 404.5 438.2 9.2 8.6 8.3 Nepal 31.7 37.6 19.9 18.0 18.6 Bangladesh 369.9 419.2 15.8 14.9 13.3 Sri Lanka 417.1 463.8 11.0 11.5 11.2 All Other Countries 5.7 6.1 6.0 5.9 7.0 Other Asia 69,014.3 73,517.2 7.2 6.8 6.5 Thailand 2,220.3 2,387.1 8.0 7.2 7.5 Malaysia 2,921.0 3,053.1 4.3 4.7 4.5 Singapore 6,201.0 6,395.0 3.6 3.4 3.1 Indonesia 3,393.9 3,719.0 8.0 11.0 9.6 Philippines 2,263.6 2,481.1 8.8 9.0 9.6 Republic of Korea 16,986.9 17,991.0 7.0 6.0 5.9 Hong Kong 9,854.1 10,490.2 7.1 6.6 6.5 Taiwan 24,621.8 26,406.5 8.5 7.4 7.2 All Other Countries 551.7 593.9 8.1 7.9 7.6 ALL EXPORTERS 5/ 405,900.6 424,082.3 4.7 4.6 4.5 1/ Nominal freight factors are measured by the ratio of total transport and insurance costs to the free-alongside-ship value of imports. This ratio is then multiplied by one hundred to derive the nominal freight factor. 2/ Gaudeloupe and dependencies and Martinique. 3/ The Leeward Islands consist of Antigua, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguil la and Montserrat. The Windward Islands are St. Vincent, St. Lucia and Dominica. 4/ Mexico is excluded from the total since a large share of this countryts commerce with the United States passes directly across the border and does not incur international transport costs. 5/ Includes developed, developing and socialist countries. - 17 - nominal freight rate of 5.6 per cent which is the lowest figure reported for any developing country group. Freight rates for the Central American Common market (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Costa Rica) were almost exactly double (11.3 per cent) the Caribbean rate while the average LAFTA rates were about one and one half points higher. As far as individual countries are concerned Guyana recorded the highest ad valorem freight rate in the Caribbean group (13.1 per cent), due largely to its high concentration of exports of nonferrous ores while the corresponding freight factors for Barbados, Haiti and the Leeward and Windward Islands are all under four per cent. For several countries listed in Table 3 aggregate ad valorem freight rates exceeding 10 per cent are recorded with Guinea facing freight rates that are approximately one-quarter the f.a.s. value of its exports. In each of these cases the results are due almost exclusively to a concentration of bulky low value items in exports like crude agricultural materials or ores (i.e., over 90 per cent of Guinea's exports are metal ores; 65 per cent of Liberia's exports are iron ore; over 50 per cent of Chile's exports are copper, iron ore concentrates or nonferrous ores, etc.) rather than geographic location. 12/ Table 4 attempts to reduce the influence of these product-mix variations on the transport cost comparisons by analyzing differences in freight rates for tariff line level products (i.e., the most finely specified 11/ For land-locked countries like Nepal or Paraguay, United States import statistics reflect transport costs from the first port of exportation (which in these cases would likely be in a neighboring country) to the entry port in the United States. As such, the statistics do not reflect the costs of overland transport to the port of the exporting country. Similarly, for other countries listed in Table 3 the data do not reflect internal transport costs from the point of production to the point of export. For some countries studies have shown that these internal transport costs may be considerably higher than international freight costs involved in shipments from port-to-port (See Livingston 1986). - 18 - Table 4 Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Manufactures and Ores Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product 1/ Value(SOOO) Total 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporter Exporters Difference 4/ Antigua Brassieres (3762430) 2,247 19.1 32.0 2.1 3.5 -1.4 Women's Underwear (3780553) 913 7.7 29.2 2.7 5.5 -2.8 Women's Ornamented Underwear (3780550) 426 3.6 28.3 4.5 4.7 -0.2 Potassium Chloride (4805000) 313 2.7 0.0 1.4 19.0 -17.6 Girl's Underwear (3786030) 311 2.6 24.0 2.2 6.4 -4.2 Subtotals 4,210 35.7 27.8 2.3 5.5 -3.2 Bahamas fuel Oil Under 25 degrees (4750535) 184,662 42.0 0.4 5.2 10.0 -4.8 Analgesics (4122250) 134,065 30.5 0.2 0.2 1.4 -1.2 Fuel Oil Over 25 Degrees (4751015) 33,833 7.7 0.4 3.5 7.2 -3.7 Nitrogenous Compounds (4255290) 9,821 2.2 7.9 0.6 4.5 -3.9 Sodium Chloride (4209400) 9,798 2.2 0.0 51.4 48.3 3.1 Subtotals 372,179 84.6 0.5 4.5 7.6 -3.1 Barbados Metal Oxide Conductors(6877455) 24,273 22.3 1.0 0.6 1.6 -1.0 Metal Oxide Semiconductors (6877441) 17,239 15.8 3.7 0.3 1.1 -0.8 Metal Oxide Semiconductors (6877435) 15,236 14.0 0.9 0.5 1.2 -0.7 Rubber Gloves (7058600) 6,210 5.7 17.0 1.3 5.9 -4.6 Fixed Resistors (6861082) 3,653 3.4 0.0 1.7 4.3 -2.6 Infants Dresses (3842515) 2,657 2.4 28.8 3.0 7.8 -4.8 Subtotals 69,268 63.6 4.2 0.7 2.2 -1.5 Belize Men's Overalls (3816510) 6,353 12.7 9.6 2.7 8.3 -5.6 Men's Coveralls (3819805) 2,622 5.2 20.1 3.2 6.9 -3.7 Men's Jumpsuits (3810822) 1,021 2.4 20.0 3.6 8.2 -4.6 Unwrought Aluminum (6180650) 1,097 2.2 0.0 4.2 5.3 -1.1 Piston Engine Parts (6606719) 1,032 2.1 0.0 6.5 6.0 0.5 Subtotals 12,125 24.6 11.3 3.4 7.5 4.1 Dominican Republic Gold Bullion, NSPF (6052060) 68,379 6.5 0.0 0.1 0.3 -0.2 Precious Metal Chains (7407000) 42,844 4.1 6.2 2.2 0.5 1.7 Gold Bullion (6052020) 34,595 3.3 0.0 0.1 0.2 -0.1 Men's Trousers (3816240) 24,697 2.3 16.5 2.2 6.7 -4.5 Ferronickle (6062000) 21,433 2.0 0.0 2.6 4.3 -1.7 Cut Leather (7912700) 20,706 2.0 0.0 1.9 5.5 -3.6 Men's Slacks (3819575) 18,588 1.8 29.9 2.0 4.7 -2.7 Subtotals 231,242 22.0 5.3 1.2 2.2 -1.0 - 19 -- Table 4 (Continued) Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Manufactures and Ores Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product 1/ Value(SOOO) rotal 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporter Exporters Difference 4/ Dominica 5/ Mechanical Shovel Parts (6640850) 2,422 16.0 2.8 4.1 7.3 -3.2 Calcium Chloride (4181600) 529 3.5 0.0 8.0 19.0 -11.0 Vegetable Oils (4528042) 286 1.9 0.0 3.5 3.2 0.3 Phonograph Records (7242520) 284 1.9 0.2 9.9 8.0 1.9 Toilet Soap (4661500) 278 1.8 0.0 7.1 8.8 -1.7 Polyester Resins (4086800) 276 1.8 10.6 5-7 8.6 -2,9 Subtotals 4,075 26.9 2.4 5.2 8.8 -3.6 Grenada Motor Vehicle Parts, NSPF (6923295) 434 14.5 3.2 3.0 6.7 -3.7 Measuring Instruments (7108080) 269 9.0 5.2 1.1 3.7 -2.6 Production Counters (7119840) 143 4,8 0.6 1.4 3.9 -2.5 Analysis Instruments (7124975) 130 4.3 5.5 2.0 5,5 -3.5 Aircraft Parts (6946200) 124 4.2 0.0 2.5 2.0 0.5 Headwear for Hospitals (7031400) 112 3.8 12.6 4.4 6.1 -1.7 Subtotals 1,212 40.6 4.1 2.4 5.0 -2.6 Guyana Bauxite (5211710) 14,232 22.9 0.0 17.3 37.0 -19.7 Bauxite, NES (6010600) 5,737 9.2 0.0 33.6 28.4 5.2 Gold Sweepings (6057020) 2,458 4.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 Precious Metal Ores (6013920) 1,257 2.0 0.0 1.2 0.4 0.8 Gold Bullion (6052020) 978 1.6 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.0 Subtotals 24,662 39.7 0.0 17.8 28.0 -10.2 Haiti Electrical Circuits (6859080) 18,549 5.3 0.7 1.4 4.3 -2.9 Baseballs (7345610) 18,148 5.2 0.7 2.2 4.0 -1.8 Cut Leather (7912700) 13,778 3.9 0.0 2.3 5.2 -2.9 Necklaces (7401300) 10,282 2.9 6.5 0.5 0.6 -0.1 Connectors, NSPF (6859054) 9,997 2.9 4.1 1.6 5.0 -3.4 Electrical Terminals (6859068) 7,101 2.0 5.3 1.2 4.1 -2.9 Electric Conductors (6881800) 6,546 1.9 3.7 2.6 6.3 -3.7 Subtotals 84,401 24.1 2.4 1.8 4.1 -2.3 Jamaica Bauxite, NES (6010600) 77,863 26.9 0.0 13.1 28.7 -15.6 Ethyl Alcohol (4278800) 20,688 7.2 0.0 4.2 15.6 -11.4 Fuel Oil Under 25 Degrees (4750535) 14,861 5.1 0.4 6.4 9.7 -3.3 Brassieres (3762430) 8,394 2.9 32.0 3.8 3.4 0.4 Men's Shirts (3814130) 5,001 1.7 21.0 3.9 6.9 -3.0 Women's Blouses (3844609) 4,953 1.7 9.8 2.5 9.8 -7.3 Men's Trousers (3816240) 4,767 1.7 6,4 1.8 6.4 -4.6 Women's Pantyhose (3848640) 3,908 1.4 22.6 1.5 5.6 -4.1 Subtotals 140,435 48.6 3.8 9.2 20.6 -11.4 - 20 - Table 4 (Continued) Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Manufactures and Ores Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % Of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product I/ Value(SOOO) Total 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporters Exporter Difference 4/ St. Kitts-Nevis Television Parts, NSPF (6850855) 2,279 10.3 1.6 1.5 3.5 -2.0 Transformers (6820520) 1,762 7.9 0.4 1.2 6.3 -5.1 Parts of Electric Motors (6825500) 1,547 7.0 0.0 1.9 5.4 -3.5 Television Apparatus (6850860) 1,438 6.5 3.5 1.2 2.7 -1.5 Unrated Transformers (6820710) 1,123 5.1 0.0 0.5 5.1 -4.6 Subtotals 13,737 36.8 1.2 1.3 4.5 -3.2 St. Lucia Brassieres (3762430) 1,243 10.1 32.0 2.9 3.4 -0.5 Electric Circuit Breakers (6858035) 883 7.2 1.4 0.5 4.7 -4.2 Fixed Resistors (6861082) 784 6.4 0.2 1.3 3.3 -2.0 Brassieres, Plain (3762830) 689 5.6 18.0 4,0 4.0 0.0 Body Support Garments (3762886) 503 4.1 17.5 3.8 3.4 0.4 Subtotals 4,102 33.4 15.1 2.4 3.8 -1.4 St. Vincent Lawn Tennis Rackets (7348600) 4,992 63.7 2.5 1.5 2.1 -0.6 Infant's Dresses (3842515) 1,155 14.7 28.7 4.7 6.6 -1.9 Subtotals 6,147 78.4 7.5 2.1 3.0 -0.9 Suriname Aluminum Oxide (4171240) 24,780 64.2 0.0 14,2 7.5 6.7 Bauxite, NES (6010600) 4,169 10.8 0.0 26.7 22.1 4.6 Women's Footwear (7004514) 2,620 6.8 10.0 2.9 6.2 -3.3 Subtotals 31,569 81.8 0.9 14.8 9.3 5.5 Trinidad t Tobago Crude Petroleum (4751010) 553,216 70.4 0.6 4.4 8.3 -3.9 Fuel Oil Under 25 Degrees (4750535) 85,815 10.9 0.5 8.4 9.8 -1.4 Anhydrous Ammonia (4806540) 37,670 4.8 0.0 18.0 14.3 3.7 Fuel Oil Over 25 Degrees (4751015) 26,597 3.4 0.0 5.1 7.1 -2.0 Methyl Alcohol (4279700) 10,208 1.3 0.0 20.6 32.9 -12.3 Iron and Steel Rods (6071700) 9,908 1.3 0.4 13.1 13.4 -0.3 Subtotals 723,414 92.1 0.5 5.9 9.0 -3.1 1/ United States TSUSA classification numbers are shown in parentheses. The average applied tariff and average nominal freight rates have been computed using weights based on the values for the major Caribbean manufactures exports to the United States. 2/ These figures show the share ot the product in total exports of all goods. 3/ Measured by the ratio of all tariff revenues collected on the product to the f.o.b. value of the import. This ratio is then multiplied by 100. For offshore assembly items the tariffs are net of imported components from the United States. 4/ The nominal freight rate for Caribbean products minus that for other exporters. A negative value indicates a favorable Caribbean transport differential. 5/ The 1986 statistics contain a relatively high value of items like used construction machinery that were re-exports to the United States. See Appendix Table 6. - 21 - goods in national customs schedules upon which tariffs are applied). Table 4 shows 1986 nominal freight rates derived from equation (1) for each Caribbean country's major manufactures, metal ore, or petroleum exports to the U.S. and also provides similar transport cost information for all other exporters of the product. 13/ Differences between these figures have been computed with a negative value for the result indicating a favorable freight rate differential for Caribbean exporters. To assist in evaluating these results the 1986 value and share of each product in total exports of the country are shown along with the "applied" United States tariff on the good.-41 The latter information allows comparisons to be made between post-Tokyo tariffs and ad valorem transport costs. The main point that emerges from Table 4 is that the Caribbean countries as a group generally encounter total (i.e., the average of air and vessel charges) nominal freight rates that are below the average of their competitors, at least for shipments to the United States. For the 81 products listed, 65 (eighty per cent) have lower than average freight rates for Caribbean exports and in 3 instances (about four per cent of the total> the Caribbean and competitor's rates are equal. In addition, the table suggests that for most products the Caribbean transports cost for manufactured goods are relatively low as 63 items (about 78 per cent of the total) have nominal 13/ The "other exporters" transport rate shown in Table 4 is the weighted average ad valorem freight cost for all other developed and developing country suppliers of the tariff line product. Mexico and Canada have been excluded from these computations since their goods often pass directly over the common border with the U.S. and do not bear international transport costs. 14/ The tariff rate shown in Table 4 has been computed by taking the ratio of all import duties collected on each Caribbean export to the f.o.b. value of these shipments. As such, it represents a trade weighted average of the most-favored-nation or preferential rates actually applied. In addition, the tariff charges for offshore assembly (OAP) items are net charge which exclude imported components from the United States. As such, the figures in Table 4 reflect the actual net tariffs paid on OAP items. - 22 - freight rates under 5 per cent and in only 8 instances (out of 81) do the freight rates exceed 10 per cent. In contrast, bauxite ore, from Guyana and Suriname has ad valorem freight rates which vary between 9 to 26 per cent while freight rates are equivalent to over 50 per cent of the f.a.s. value of Bahama's exports of Sodium Chloride. 15/ However, these products are exceptions as most of the nominal freight rates in Table 4 are low. In contrast to the nominal freight costs, however, Table 4 shows that current United States tariffs for some goods are far more imposing a barrier -- particularly for items like textiles, clothing and footwear. Antigua's exports of women's clothing encounter tariffs which range from 24 to 32 per cent, while rates exceeding 25 per cent are also recorded for some clothing shipments from Barbados, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. 16/ Several other manufactured goods (polyester resins from 15/ Since the ad valorem transport rates reflected in Table 4 are the weighted average of rates for air and vessel shipments, an important point is whether these aggregate figures reflect generally lower Caribbean freight costs for both transport modes or results for lower rates charged by one type of carrier. Empirical evidence presented later in this study (see Tables 6 and 7) suggest that these overall results are heavily influenced by favorable air transport costs and that Caribbean countries often encounter adverse rates for ocean transport. See the appendix tables for detailed air and ocean transport cost profiles of individual Caribbean countries. In analyzing this information, as well as the data in Table 4, the very different market characteristics of shipping services for manufactures as opposed to bulk cormnodities like bauxite ore should be noted. While the former are normally handled by liner conferences that have a degree of oligopoly power in rate setting, bulk terminals are usually privately owned and freight rates are determined by an entirely different market process. 16/ Such high tariff rates may go unnoticed in national tariff schedules since they are often expressed as specific duties (i.e., as a fixed monetary charge per unit of import) or as a combined specific plus ad valorem rate. GATT converts specific tariffs to ad valorem equivalents by taking their ratio to the average unit value for the imports of the product. As such, the incidence on exporters of relatively low value goods may be considerably higher *han indicated by the GATT conversion procedure. Yeats (1976), for example, found that specific tariffs had nominal equivalents on developing countries' tariff line level goods that were roughly double those for similar exports from developed countries. - 23 - Dominica, footwear from Suriname) face applied U.S. tariffs of 10 per cent or more. In order to compare freight rates for manufactures (Table 4) with other goods, Table 5 gives tariffs and Caribbean transport costs for major exports of foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials. In several important respects these results differ from those for manufactured products. First, with the exception of lemon juice from Antigua, tariffs on these products are generally zero or very low. 17/ Second, the transport rates for Caribbean agricultural products are generally considerably higher than those for manufactured goods as 18 of these 57 items (32 per cent of the total) face nominal freight rates of 10 per cent. Haitian winter and summer mangos have the highest nominal freight rates, between 49 and 57 per cent, while frozen fish from Grenada and peppers and yams from Jamaica have a 30 per cent freight rate. Third, while Caribbean exporters have a sizeable favorable transport cost differential for some agricultural products there is no clear tendency for them to pay lower freight rates than their competitors as was the case for manufactures (see Table 4). Overall, 34 of the 57 items (60 per cent) have lower Caribbean rates but in several cases (Grenada's exports of frozen fish, Haitian exports of summer mangos) an adverse freight differential of 16 to 18 points occurs. While the preceding analysis (Tables 4 and 5) was based solely on freight costs for the major exports of Caribbean countries, Table 6 summarizes basic information on the level of freight costs for all products which had export values of $10,000 or more in 1986. This information is further 17/ However, for some of the agricultural products like sugar and beef there are very restrictive non-tariff barriers in the United States market. In 1987 approximately 92 per cent of all U.S. sugar imports were subject to variable levies and non-automatic import authorizations while almost 60 per cent of U.S meat imports were subject to antidumping or countervailing actions and import licensing requirements. - 24 - disaggregated to allow for detailed comparisons between air and ocean freight rates, as well as between freight costs of the Caribbean countries and those of their competitors. 18/ The first four columns in the table show the number of tariff line items exported exclusively from the Caribbean by one mode of transport (either air or vessel) and also gives the average ad valorem freight rate for each Caribbean country and all other exporters of these products. Columns 5 through 8 provide similar information for products exported from the Caribbean, some shipments of which are by air and others by vessel. These entries allow cross-country comparisons of freight rates and also permit comparisons of nominal air and vessel freight rates for the same goods. Although there are one or two exceptions, Table 6 shows the Caribbean countries have a general advantage over their competitors for air transport, and that the average favorable air freight differential can be as large as 8 percentage points (Belize). Antigua and Barbuda, for example, employ air transport exclusively for 38 tariff line products exported to the United States and these shipments have an average ad valorem freight rate of 7.9 per cent. This nominal freight rate is more than 3 points below the average for 18/ The table disaggregates all exports of Caribbean countries into three distinct product groups: G1 -products exported from Caribbean countries only by air freight. The table (columns I and 2) show the number of items falling in this group and also indicate their average nominal freight rate for Caribbean countries and their competitors. C2 -are products exported solely by ocean vessels. Columns 4 and 5 provide information on their number and their average freight rate. C3 -are products which are exported both by air and vessel from the Caribbean country. Columns 5 through 8 show the number of items falling in this category as well as their average transport rate for each type of carrier. These data permit two transport cost comparisons: between the Caribbean country and its competitors; and between air and ocean freight costs for a common group of products. Appendix tables to this report provide the detailed freight cost data upon which Table 6 is based. - 25 - Table 5 Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Food and Agricultural Raw Materials Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product 1/ Value(SOOO) Total 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporter Exporters Difference 4/ Antigua Bovine Leather (1216105) 1,273 10.8 5.0 3.8 3.9 -0.1 Fancy Leather, NSPF (1216500) 743 6.3 2.9 3.9 3.9 0.0 Candy and Confection (1571005) 415 3.5 0.0 12.8 9.7 3.1 Lemon Juice (1653650) 303 2.6 26.9 12.5 15.5 -3.0 Fresh Fish, NES (1103570) 288 2.4 0.2 16.2 20.4 -4.2 Subtotals 3,022 25.6 5.5 7.2 7.4 -0.2 Bahamas Fresh Lobsters (1144530) 8,766 2.0 0.0 2.2 3.3 -1.1 Rock Lobster Tails (1144525) 7,445 1.7 0.0 3.5 2.8 0.7 Subtotals 16,211 3.7 0.0 2.8 3.1 -0.3 Barbados Sugar and Sugar Syrups (1553500) 1,446 1.3 0.6 1.7 12.3 -10.6 Rum (1691415) 1,054 1.0 0.2 7.0 5.9 1.1 Subtotals 2,500 2.3 0.4 3.6 9.5 -5.9 Belize Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 11,110 22.1 0.0 10.2 6.7 3.5 Orange Juice, NSPF (1652900) 6,371 12.7 4.0 6.5 9.3 -2.6 Citrus Juices, NSPF (1653680) 4,069 8.1 3.3 5.2 13.3 -8.1 Rock Lobster Tails (1144525) 3,179 6.3 0.0 1.5 2.9 - -1.4 Fresh Lobsters (1144530) 562 1.1 0.0 1.6 3.2 -1.6 Subtotals 25,291 50.3 1.5 7.1 7.8 -0.7 Dominican Republic Coffee, Crude (1601020) 109,972 10.5 0.0 2.6 3.7 -1,1 Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 96,936 9.2 0.0 5.1 7.1 -2.0 Cocoa Beans (1561000) 57,781 5.5 0.0 8.9 7.4 1.5 Beef without Bones (1061060) 25,625 2.4 0.1 5.6 16.3 -10.7 Cigars (1707000) 18,190 1.7 0.3 1.8 3.2 -1.4 Sugar and Mixtures (1554000) .9,597 0.9 0.0 20.2 25.5 -5.3 Subtotals 318,101 30.2 -- 5.1 7.0 -1.9 Dominica Cocoa Beans (1561000) 705 4.6 0.0 9.8 7.6 2.2 Rock Lobster Tails (1144525) 457 3.0 0.0 3.4 2.8 0.6 Citrus Juices, NSF'F (1653680) 129 0.9 0.4 12.0 10.9 1.1 Subtotals 1,291 8.5 -- 7.4 5.9 1.5 Grenada Nutmegs (1616300) 494 16.5 0.0 2.7 3.9 -1.2 Cocoa Beans (1561000) 254 8.5 0.0 4.4 7.6 -3.2 Frozen Fish (1103575) 129 0.9 0.4 29.5 12.0 17.5 Subtotals 877 25.9 -- 4.1 5.4 -1.3 - 26 - Table 5 (Continued) Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Food and Agricultural Raw Material Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product 1/ Value(SOOO) Total 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporter Exporters Difference 4/ Guyana Fresh or Frozen Shrimp (1144545) 21,620 34.8 0.0 4.1 4.2 -0.1 Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 7,793 12.5 0.0 5.6 6.8 -1.2 Live Birds over $5 each (1003100) 1,278 2.1 0.4 8.1 18.2 -0.1 Sugar and Mixtures (1554000) 753 1.2 0.0 7.4 25.0 -17.6 Subtotals 31,444 50.6 -- 4.6 5.8 -1.2 Haiti Coffee, Crude (1601020) 5,523 1.6 0.0 2.9 3.7 -0.8 Fresh Winter Mangos (1480300) 2,717 0.8 0.6 57.2 54.0 3.2 Goat and Kid Leather (1216200) 1,656 0.5 0.0 2.9 6.9 -4.0 Sugar and Mixtures (1554000) 1,555 0.4 0.0 28.4 24.7 3.7 Rock Lobster Tails (1144525) 1,298 0.4 0.0 5.6 2.8 2.8 Fresh Summer Mangos (1480600) 791 0.2 0.2 49.0 32.6 16.4 Bovine Leather, NES (1216112) 703 0.2 0.0 2.3 5.3 -3.0 Subtotals 14,243 4.1 -- 18.9 17.7 1.2 Jamaica Cigars (1707000) 7,004 2.4 0.1 3.2 2.4 0.8 Fresh Yams (1378800) 2,764 1.3 0.1 30.2 27.4 2.8 Cordials and Liquors (1689800) 2,890 1.0 0.2 1.5 12.4 -10.9 Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 2,280 0.8 0.0 2.9 6.8 -3.9 Rock Lobster Tails (1144525) 1,827 0.6 0.0 6.4 2.8 3.6 Fresh or Frozen Peppers (1371020) 1,537 0.5 0.0 29.6 42.0 -12.4 Subtotals 18,302 6.6 0.1 10.7 12.6 -1.9 St. Kitts-Nevis Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 3,811 17.1 0.0 4.5 6.8 -2.3 Sugar and Mixtures (1554000) 414 1.9 0.0 28.1 24.8 3.3 Subtotals 4,225 19.0 0.0 5.3 9.1 -1.7 St. Lucia Fresh Tuna (1101012) 1,103 9.0 0.0 5.4 9.4 -4.0 Cocoa Beans (156100) 72 0.6 0.0 5.1 7.6 -2.5 Subtotals 1,175 9.6 0.0 5.3 9.1 -3.8 St. Vincent By-Products of Grain Mills (1847070) 80 1.0 0.0 23.3 23.8 -0.5 Pumpkins and Breadfruit (1379300) 62 0.8 0.0 39.1 31.6 7.5 Subtotals 142 1.8 0.0 28.7 27.2 -1.5 - 27 - Table 5 (Continued) Comparative Analysis of Nominal Transport Costs for Major Caribbean Food and Agricultural Raw Material Exports to the United States 1986 Exports U.S. Nominal Freight Rate % of Applied Caribbean Other Country/Product 1/ Value(SOOO) Total 2/ Tariff 3/ Exporter Exporters Difference 4/ Suriname Fresh or Frozen Shrimp (1144545) 1,669 4.3 0.0 4.9 4.2 0.7 Black Unground Pepper (1617720) 401 1.0 0.0 3.0 3.7 -0.7 Fresh Fish, NES (1103570) 310 0.8 0.6 17.1 20.4 -3.3 Subtotals 2,380 6.1 0.1 6.3 6.4 -0.1 Trinidad & Tobago Fresh Tuna (1101012) 5,264 0.7 0.0 5.1 9.6 -4.5 Sugars and Molasses (1552045) 4,938 0.6 0.0 2.8 6.8 -4.0 Cocoa Beans (1561000) 849 0.1 0.0 13.3 7.6 5.7 Bitters with Spirits (1681300) 530 0.1 0.0 17.8 17.2 0.6 Crude Coffee (1601020) 433 0.1 0.0 5.3 3.7 1.6 Subtotals 12,014 1.6 0.0 4.8 8.5 -3.7 1/ United States TSUSA classification numbers are shown in parentheses. The average appl ied tariff and average nominal freight rates have been computed using weights based on the values for major Caribbean agricultural exports to the United States. 2/ These figures show the share of the product in total exports of all goods. 3/ Measured by the ratio of all tariff revenues collected on the product to the f.o.b. value of the import. This ratio is then multiplied by 100. 4/ The nominal freight rate for Caribbean products minus that for other exports. A negative value indicates a favorable Caribbean transport differential. Note: The symbol -- designates a value less than 0.1. - 28 - their competitors. For the 42 tariff line products exported exclusively by air from Haiti the nominal freight rate of 8.5 per cent is about one-half that of its competitors, while Jamaica and St. Kitts experience a favorable freight rate differential of about the same magnitude. In only two cases (Dominica and Guyana) is the normal pattern reversed with Caribbean exporters paying higher ad valorem air transport costs. 19/ While Table 6 shows that the Caribbean countries typically encounter lower ad valorem freight rates for products shipped by air, the same findings do not hold for goods transported exclusively by vessel. For six of the 16 Caribbean countries (Anguilla, Barbados, Guyana, St. Kitts-Nevis, St. Lucia and Suriname) the overall ad valorem sea transport rate exceeds that of other suppliers with Anguilla and Suriname facing adverse differentials of 5 to 10 points. In Haiti and Jamaica, where some of the most favorable air transport differentials occurred the vessel freight rates are less than one percentage point below those for non-Caribbean exporters. Columns 5 through 8 provide similar comparisons for products exported partly by air and partly by vessel. These tabulations also indicate the cost margin of air over water transport for a common group of products. For example, the six tariff line products that Antigua and Barbuda exports both by 19/ Detailed statistics on Dominica's transport costs presented in the appendix shows that the reversal of the normal pattern is due to shipments of one pharmaceutical good (TSUSA 4400000) where Dominica's air freight rate is about 125 points higher than its competitors. Similarly, the adverse differential for Guyana is due to shipments of'"reptilian leather" (TSUSA 1144562) where an adverse freight differential of over 100 points occurred. If these two products were excluded the average ad valorem air freight rate for Dominica and Guyana would be lower than those of their competitors. Table 6 Nominal Transport Costs for Similar Goods Exported By Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 Caribbean Exports by a Single Transport Mode (air or vessel) 1/ Caribbean Exports Partly Air and Partly Vessel 2/ Air Shipments Vessel Shipments Air Shipments Vessel Shipments Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Exporter Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Anguilla Anguilla 12 9.26 3 22.73 0 -- 0 -- Other Exporters 12 13.71 3 12.29 0 -- 0 -- Antigua and Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda 38 7.93 40 15.37 6 12.64 6 6.01 Other Exporters 38 11.02 40 15.50 6 7.73 6 4.30 Bahamas Bahamas 32 3-.58 70 12.11 10 6.60 10 5.28 Other Exporters 32 4.44 70 12.60 10 8.57 10 5.23 Barbados N Barbados 101 5.53 33 11.77 9 10.97 9 6.26 Other Exporters 101 8.79 33 9.82 9 11.29 9 6.79 Belize Belize 33 15.40 51 9.01 11 9.64 11 8.09 Other Exporters 33 23.92 51 9.68 11 16.65 11 8.77 Dominica Dominica 58 11.54 97 10.19 15 16.10 15 11.21 Other Exporters 58 9.50 97 10.23 15 11.93 15 8.36 Dominican Republic Dominican Republic 351 11.44 425 7.90 285 12.81 285 6.53 Other Exporters 351 18.96 425 9.22 285 20.98 285 7.82 Grenada Grenada 19 7.62 14 3.07 6 8.64 6 3.12 Other Exporters 19 10.02 14 3.81 6 7.07 6 3.28 Guyana Guyana 27 17.60 34 17.94 9 18.83 9 8.47 Other Exporters 27 12.72 34 14.37 9 16.51 9 6.61 Table 6 (Continued) Nominal Transport Costs for Similar Goods Exported By Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 Caribbean Exports by a Single Transport Mode (air or vessel) 1/ Caribbean Exports Partly Air and Partly Vessel 2/ Air Shipments Vessel Shipments Air Shipments Vessel Shipments Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Number of Average Nominal Exporter Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Items Freight Rate Haiti Haiti 442 8.46 421 6.26 292 10.02 292 5.02 Other Exporters 442 16.13 421 7.19 292 17.58 292 5.93 Jamaica Jamaica 251 9.93 273 9.50 127 12.40 127 8.30 Other Exporters 251 18.14 273 10.32 127 12.15 127 9.58 St. Kitts-Nevis St. Kitts-Nevis 44 3.32 28 8.39 10 6.14 10 7.67 Other Exporters 44 8.88 28 5.32 10 9.34 10 4.48 St. Lucia St. Lucia 46 4.68 19 9.02 11 8.03 11 3.16 Other Exporters 46 9.93 19 6.11 11 10.23 11 3.67 o St. Vincent St. Vincent 12 7.86 9 22.13 2 22.00 2 12.60 Other Exporters 12 11.24 9 29.47 2 26.99 2 39.04 Suriname Suriname 30 7.12 25 14.67 1 10.58 1 2.86 Other Exporters 30 10.10 25 9.91 1 14.55 1 4.38 Trinidad S Tobago Trinidad & Tobago 21 14.81 71 9.26 7 22.74 7 9.10 Other Exporters 21 28.11 71 10.56 7 42.69 7 8.48 1/ Entries in these columns show: (1) the number and average nominal freight rates for all products exported by each Caribbean country to the U.S. by vessel; and (2) similar information on shipments by air. The Caribbean tariff line level products for which this information is recorded totalled at least $10,000 in U.S. exports in 1986. 2/ Entries in these columns show transport cost information for Caribbean exports for tariff line products where some portion of the annual exports were shipped by air and the remainder by vessel in 1986. The Caribbean tariff line level products for which this information is recorded totalled at least $10,000 in U.S. exports in 1986. Note: Mexico and Canada are excluded from the average statistics on "others" exports to the United States. - 31 - air and water have an average ad valorem air freight rate (12.64 per cent) that is about 7 points higher than the corresponding vessel rate. 20/ Furthermore, the air ad valorem rate is higher for Antigua than its competitors (12.6 versus 7.7 per cent) while Antigua also encounters an adverse vessel transport cost differential of less than 2 points. Overall, three points emerge from these freight cost comparisons. First, a general favorable Caribbean air transport advantage is also evident for items that can be shipped by either air or water, a finding that was not repeated for items shipped exclusively by vessel. Second, the average ad valorem air and vessel freight rates for all Caribbean countries (12.54 and 7.82 per cent respectively) are relatively close. This narrow difference (less than 5 points) would certainly be smaller if inland transport costs were added to the nominal vessel freight rates. A third point is that for products where air transport is a viable option average ad valorem vessel freight rates are lower for Caribbean countries than for their competitors. 21/ One possible explanation is that competition from air carriers has been a factor holding down vessel rates. Table 7 provides additional information on nominal freight costs by tabulating the distribution of differences between all Caribbean rates and 20/ As noted earlier, the air-vessel cost differential may be overstated in these comparisons since air transport may deliver products directly to interior points of consumption whereas the vessel rates would apply only to the U.S. port of delivery. Also, these comparisons do not account for the value of a faster transit time connected with air freight. To be directly comparable inland transport costs would have to be added to the vessel rate, as well as the value of the reduced air transport time. 21/ For products shipped by either air or vessel Caribbean nominal freight rates for ocean transport were 7.82 per cent as opposed to 10.73 per cent for other exporters, a favorable differential of 2.91 points. For all products transported by vessel, however, Caribbean countries experienced an unfavorable differential as their nominal freight rates were slightly higher than their competitors (11.83 as opposed to 11.02 for other exporters). - 32 - those of their competitors. The table indicates the percentage of tariff line products for which favorable or unfavorable freight differentials (measured in percentage points) occurred and also shows the magnitude of the differences (i.e., above or below 5.1 percentage points, above or below 3.6 to 5.0 points, etc.). 22/ In addition, the table also indicates the percentage of items for which all Caribbean ad valorem freight costs were above and below those of their competitors. This information is tabulated separately for air and for vessel shipments. Perhaps the main point to emerge from Table 7, as well as the preceding analysis, relates to relative differences in air and vessel transport costs for the Caribbean. For each country (excluding Guyana) 60 per cent or more of the Caribbean products shipped by air have lower freight rates than for competitors with the proportion rising to over 80 per cent for countries like Barbados, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts, or St. Lucia. In contrast, for Anguilla, Antigua, Guyana, St. Kitts and Suriname 58 per cent or more of ocean freight rates are above those of their competitors. Furthermore, the table shows that a far greater proportion of large favorable transport cost differences occur for air as opposed to ocean transport. For example, 61.6 per cent of all Haitian exports by air have freight rates that are at least 5.1 percentage points below other exporters whereas only 12.8 per cent of Haitian ocean shipments experience a comparable favorable transport differential. This same general pattern, i.e., a relatively higher concentration of large favorable transport costs 22/ These tabulations are made for all items where exports totalled at least $10,000 in 1986. Appendix tables provide actual freight rates and value of shipment information for each of these products. Table 7 Analyses of Differences in Nominal Freight Rates for Similar Products E.ported by Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 % of items with freight rates 3/ S of items with lower Caribbean rates (difference In points) 1/ Difference of S of items with higher Caribbean rates (difference in points) 2/ Belo w Above Country/Transport Made Below 5.1 5.0 to 3.6 3.5 to 2.1 2.0 to 0.6 0.5 points 0.6 to 2.0 2.1 to 3.5 3.6 to 5.0 Above 5.1 Competitors Competitors Angul li Air Shipments 25.0 0.0 16.6 25.0 8.4 0.0 16.6 8.4 0.0 75.0 25.0 Vessel o.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0 Antigua and Barbuda Air Shipments 43.2 13.6 5.4 10.8 2.7 5.4 2.7 8.1 8.1 72.2 27.8 Vessel 14.6 2.5 7.3 7.3 9.8 14.6 12.2 7.3 24.4 36.6 63.4 Bahamas Air Shipments 3.2 3.2 6.5 38.7 29.0 9.7 0.0 9.7 0.0 61.3 38.7 vessel 23.2 8.7 13.0 18.8 8.7 10.2 5.8 1.4 10.2 68.1 31.9 Barbados Air Shipments 34.2 11.8 10.8 19.6 8.8 3.9 2.0 2.0 6.9 84.3 15.7 Vessel 6.0 12.2 15.2 18.2 12.1 3.0 12.1 0.0 21.2 51.5 48.5 Hre I i >e Air Shipments 51.5 3.0 12.2 3.0 6.1 3.0 3.0 0.0 18.2 72.7 27.3 Vessel 19.6 2.0 11.8 17.6 7.8 7.8 9.8 11.8 11.8 52.9 47.1 Dominica Air Shipments 19.0 8.6 22.4 13.8 8.6 6.9 3.4 1.7 15.6 69.0 31.0 Vessel 17.3 9.2 17.3 - 15.3 7.1 13.3 4.1 3.1 13.3 63.3 36.7 Dominican Republic Air Shipments 57.7 9.2 8.1 5.3 3.4 3.1 2.8 0.6 9.8 84.0 15.7 Vessel 13.2 11.7 25.8 21.4 7.0 5.6 4.5 1.9 8.9 77.2 22.8 Grenada Air Shipments 26.2 10.5 5.3 15.8 15.8 5.3 5.3 5.3 10.5 63.2 36.8 Vessel 0.0 7.2 14.3 50.0 14.3 7.1 0.0 0.0 7.1 78.6 21.4 Guyana Air Shipments 21.4 7.2 0.0 10.7 25.0 10.7 0.0 3.6 21.4 50.0 50.0 Vessel 20.6 0.0 5.9 5.9 11.8 5.9 0.0 2.9 47.0 41.1 58.8 Tabie 7 (Continvued Analyses of Differences in Nominal Freight Rates for Similar Products Exported by Caribbean and Other Countries to the United States in 1986 S of items with freight rates 3/ S of items with lower Caribbean rates (difference in points) I/ Difference of % of itees with higher Caribbean rates (difference in points) 2/ Below Above Country/Transport Made Below 5.1 5.0 to 3.6 3.5 to 2.1 2.0 to 0.6 + 0.5 points 0.6 to 2.0 2.1 to 3.5 3.6 to 5.0 Above 5.1 Competitors Competitors Haiti Air Shipments 61.6 9.5 5.4 4.5 5.2 4.9 2.5 1.3 5.2 85.4 14.6 Vessel 12.8 14.2 19.6 26.0 7.6 6.4 4.7 2.6 6.1 77.1 22.9 Jmaica Air Shipments 62.0 7.9 6.7 3.2 5.9 3.6 3.2 0.8 6.7 84.6 15.4 Vessel 15.2 10.5 14.4 22.0 10.8 7.6 4.7 3.2 11.6 70.3 29.6 St. Kitts-Nenis Air Shipments 52.2 9.1 20.5 9.1 4.5 2.3 0.0 0.0 2.3 93.2 6.8 Vessel 0.0 7.1 3.6 17.9 3.6 14.3 25.0 7.1 21.4 35.7 64.3 St. tucia _Air Shipments 55.4 18.5 7.7 9.2 3.1 4.6 0.0 0.0 1.5 90.8 9.2 vessel 5.4 5.4 16.2 32.4 16.2 5.4 10.8 0.0 8.2 70.3 29.7 Sur i name Air Shipments 20.0 16.6 3.4 13.3 26.7 6.6 3.4 3.4 6.6 76.6 30.4 Vessel 0.0 0.0 4.0 16.0 16.0 12.0 4.0 28.0 20.0 24.0 76.0 St. Vincent Air Shipments 33.3 8.3 16.8 8.3 0.0 25.0 0.0 8.3 0.0 66.7 33.3 4 vessel 55.6 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 0.0 11.1 0.0 22.2 66.7 33.3 4 trinidad 6 Tobago Air Shipments 43.4 8.7 17.4 4.4 0.0 0.0 8.7 4.4 13.0 73.9 26.1 Vessel 23.5 11.1 12.5 11.1 5.6 16.7 1.4 4.2 13.9 69.4 30.6 I/ The entries In these columns show the percentage of tariff line products where the ad valorem transport costs for the Caribbean country exporter fall below those for all other exporter's average freight rate for the item. The individual columns indicate how wany percentage points the Caribbean nominal frieght rates are below the competitior's average. 2' Entries in these columns show the percentage of tariff line products where the ad Valorem transport costs for the Caribbean country exporter exceed those for all other enporter's average freight ite for the item. The individual columns indicate ho, many percentage points the Caribbean nominal freight rates are abone the competitor's average. i The entries in these columns sho. the per cent of tariff line itens where nominal freight rates for Caribbean country enporter exceead or fall below those of their competitors. These figures will -,,t sue to one hundred if there are products where the Caribbean and other l enporters Ireight rates are equal. Note: The entries in this table are based on nominal freight rates for products which accounted for at least S10,000 of each Caribbean country's enports exports in 1986. The "other exporters group .ncludes all other countries exporting the itea to the United States with the except ion of Mexico and Canada. - 35 - differentials occurring for air transport, is observed for most of the countries listed in Table 7. 23/ IV. Relative Port Costs in the Caribbean While the focus of this report is on relative levels of ocean and air freight rates, port and related entry and exit charges can also have a major impact on the competitive position of Caribbean exporters. Based on available information that is available it appears that a significant portion of the transportation cost from the Caribbean to the United States is made up of high cost of entry, discharge and exit from government controlled Caribbean ports. In some cases, ports appear to be used as a means of generating maximum employment even if this involves considerable losses in the efficiency of operations. Very few ports in the Caribbean are allowed to operate with private enterprise responsible for all the shore stevedoring and handling. The result is a single monopoly in most ports controlled by the government and operating at a high cost. A major problem often encountered in analyses of port costs is there is no way of knowing the degree to which these charges are reflected in liner conference freight rate schedules. It is clear that the conferences would have an incentive to pass "excessive" port costs on to exporters or importers through higher freight rates, or through direct billing to their customers. It should be noted, however, that on outbound traffic (i.e, Caribbean exports) the U.S. Department of Commerce data on which this study is based should not 23/ Approximately one-half of the large (over 5.1 points) favorable ocean freight rate differential for the Bahamas occurs for food products: fresh fish; cucumbers; peppers; grapefruit; lemons; limes; carbonated drinks; etc. See the appendix for details. It may be that Bahamas proximity to the U.S. is the main reason why its overall distribution of air and ocean freight rate differences does not follow the pattern for other Caribbean countries. - 36 - reflect Caribbean port costs since the nominal freight costs are based on a "free-alongside-ship" (f.a.s.) value of exports. 24/ Useful information on the level of port charge in the Caribbean has been compiled by Tropical Shipping for the 1986-87 period and this information is summarized in Table 8. 25/ Perhaps the most striking point to emerge from these statistics concerns the wide variation in port costs across Caribbean countries and the level these charges may reach. For example, at close to $18,000 in total charges (over 95 per cent handling costs) port costs in Barbados are well above average for the Caribbean countries while Aruba and Haiti also stand out as "high cost" ports. The level of port charges reflected in Table 8 could offset any competitive advantage Caribbean exporters may have, or reinforce existing competitive disadvantages. As such, further analyses are warranted for these high cost countries listed in Table 8 on ways that port charges could be reduced and operations made more efficient. V. Summary and Conclusions The major purpose of this study was to assess the validity of allegations that unfavorable international transport differentials have a general unfavorable influence on Caribbean exporters. The analysis is based on very detailed freight cost information for the United States which 24/ The f.a.s. value represents the transactions value of a product at the foreign port of export and is based on the purchase price plus all charges incurred in placing merchandise alongside the vessel at the port of export. As such, most port charges should be included in the f.a.s. value and would not influence the nominal freight rates derived using equation (1). 25/ These figures are based on a vessel of constant size (1526 gross registered tons) entering and exiting each port. They are also based on the exact same cargo tonnages being loaded or unloaded since different cargo volumes would affect various charges such as customs clearance and handling costs. - 37 - Table 8 Comparison of Port Charges in Caribbean Countries During 1986-87 (charges in United States dollars) Towage and Customs Charges and Port Pilotage Navigation Aids Wharfage Dockage Clearance dues Handling Total Antigua 170 265 95 -- -- 711 4,508 5,749 Aruba 340 36 321 103 11 -- 11,570 12,381 Barbados 129 -- 148 -- -- 266 17,336 17,879 Costa Rica 567 431 -- 51 167 42 2,887 4,145 Curacao 419 447 237 84 2,989 -- 4,888 9,064 Freeport 143 130 396 82 -- 72 650 1,473 Grenada 99 96 -- -- 5 9,210 -- 9,410 Guatemala 100 220 1,686 200 339 -- 529 3,074 Haiti 167 760 9,925 -- -- -- 1,950 12,802 Honduras -- 75 2,323 1,102 325 -- 3,000 6,825 Jamaica 304 519 -- 82 114 -- 4,725 5,744 Panama 660 1,240 2,400 153 52 -- 4,550 9,055 Nassau 236 -- 1,724 219 -- 17 -- 2,196 St. Barths 200 -- -- -- -- 96 150 446 St. Croix 148 -- 582 55 463 298 -- 1,546 St. Kitts 102 -- -- -- 66 231 3,477 3,876 St. Lucia 99 57 -- __ 8 5,371 -- 5,535 St. Thomas 148 -- 582 -- 463 298 -- 1,491 St. Vincent 99 9 15 __ -- 414 3,778 4,315 Tortola 80 -- -- -- 1,037 365 -- 1,482 Trinidad 765 3,459 193 23 799 -- 4,433 9,672 Note: -- indicates that no such charges are applied or they were not available from the sample data. The figures are based on a vessel of constant size (1526 gross registered tons) with the same cargo tonnage either loaded or unloaded at each port. Source: Data on port charges compiled by Tropical Shipping and Construction Company, Ltd., Riviera Beach, Florida. - 38 - constitutes the destination for approximately 60 per cent of Caribbean countries' exports. Overall, the empirical analysis shows no evidence of adverse freight rates for the Caribbean as opposed to all other exporters to the United States. However, some particular products (or sectors) like foodstuffs appear to sometimes ha9e high relative transport costs and these might be "flagged" for more detailed analysis. Perhaps a key finding is that a distinction must be made between Caribbean freight rates for air cargo as opposed to ocean transport. For the former, exports from almost all Caribbean countries included in this analysis generally encounter significantly lower average freight rates than their competitors. How to best exploit this advantage should be an important consideration in planning new export ventures, or in considering ways that the competitive position of established exports might be improved. The importance of these favorable transport costs for Caribbean countries is underscored by the fact that over one-third of all shipments to the United States (excluding petroleum and sugar) involve air transport, and the use of air transport has been rising rapidly in the Caribbean during the 1980s. For exports by ocean carriers the empirical evidence is quite different than that for air shipments. Most important, Caribbean countries as a group do not appear to encounter ocean freight rates which are markedly different, on average, than those of their competitors (i.e., there is no evidence that they typically pay lower nominal transport costs as was the case with air shipments) although Guyana, St. Kitts, St. Lucia and Suriname encounter adverse transport cost differentials on many major exports. This study also finds that Caribbean exporters are more likely to experience adverse transport costs on food and agricultural raw materials (which are heavily reliant on ocean transport) than they are on manufactured goods where a relatively high percentage of shipments are by air. - 39 - Given the results of this study two important qualifications should be noted. First, with the possible exception of Caribbean exports to Canada, the general conclusions involving relative freight rates should not be extended to other markets. 26/ Distance plus various institutional factors may combine to place the Caribbean countries at a major disadvantage in European or Asian markets. Unfortunately, lack of comparable (to the United States) information precluded extension of the analyses to other countries' markets. Second, the finding that Caribbean transport costs, in general, are not significantly different from those of other exporters does not imply that a significant potential for transport cost saving measures fails to exist. Indeed, experience with many developing countries has shown that port improvements, bulking of cargoes, formation of shipper's unions, adoption of unitized transport modes can substantially lower freight costs (UNCTAD 1978). The potential for, magnitude of, and nature of such transport cost saving-measures should also be iddressed in subsequent investigations. 26/ Several major U.S. ports (i.e., New York, Boston, Seattle, etc.) are so close to major Canadian centers of consumption that these ports could be used, with existing inland transport systems, to penetrate Canadian markets. Also, Canadian air freight rates should be roughly similar to those of some Northern U.S. cities. - 40 - References Bryan, I. (1974). "Ocean Liner Freight Rates," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, vol. III, No. 2., (May). Deakin, B.M. (1974). "Shipping Conferences, Some Economic Aspects of International Regulation," Maritime Studies and Management, 2 (May). Fashbender, Karl and Wolfgang Wagner (1973). Shipping Conferences, Rate Policy and Developing Countries, (Hamburg: Verlag Weltarchiv). Finger, J.M. and Alexander Yeats (1976). "Effective Protection by Transportation Costs and Tariffs: A Comparison of Magnitudes," Quarterly Journal of Economics, XC (February). Jansson, Jan and Dan Shneerson (1978). "The Effective Protection Implicit in Liner Rate Shipping." Review of Economics and Statistics, 60 (November). Lipsey, R. and M. Weiss (1974). "The Structure of Ocean Transport Charges." Exploration in Economic Research, vol. 1., (Surmner). Livingston, Ian (1986). International Transport Costs and Industrial Development in the Least Developed Countries, (UNIDO/IS.616) (Vienna: UNIDO, 6 March). Moneta, C. (1959). "The Estimation of Transportation Costs in International Trade." Journal of Political Economy vol. LXVII, No. 1 (February). Sampson, Gary and Alexander Yeats (1976). "The Incidence of Transport Costs and Tariffs on the United Kingdom's Exports," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 10 (September). Sampson, Gary and Alexander Yeats (1977). "Tariff and Transport Barriers Facing Australian Exports," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 11 (May). UNCTAD (1969). Level and Structure of Freight Rates, Conference Practices and Adequacy of Shipping Services. (New York: United Nations). UNCTAD (1978). Protection of Shipper Interests: Guidelines for Developing Countries, (Geneva: UNCTAD). UNCTAD (1984). Small Vessels Regional Shipping Development Project: Caribbean, (UNCTAD/SHIP/603) (Geneva: UNCTAD). Yeats, Alexander (1976a). "The Incidence of Transport Costs on Indonesia's Exports to the United States," Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 12 (November). Yeats, Alexander (1976b). "An Analysis of the Incidence of Specific Tariffs on Developing Country Exports," Economic Inquiry, 14 (March 1976). - 41 - Yeats, Alexander (1977a) "A Comparative Analysis of Tariffs and Transport Costs on India's Exports," Journal of Development Studies, 14 (October). Yeats, Alexander (1977b). "Do International Transport Costs Increase with Fabrication? Some Empirical Evidence," Oxford Economic Papers, 29 (November). Yeats, Alexander (1981). Shipping and Development Policy: An Integrated Assessment, (New York: Praeger Scientific Publishers). Yeats, Alexander (1989). "Developing Countries Exports of Manufactures: Past and Future Implications of Shifting Patterns of Comparative Advantage," World Bank PPR Working Paper Series, (Washington: World Bank). - 43 - ANNEX I Evidence on the Relative Difference Between Caribbean Ocean Freight Rates for Major Commodity Exports and Those of Other Developing Countries I . 45 _ The previous analysis revealed several anomalies that could indicate Caribbean ocean freight rates are higher than might be expected on a priori grounds. First, Caribbean countries were found to encounter generally favorable (and in many cases sizeable) cost differentials for air transport, but no similar cost advantages were found in ocean freight rates. These results could be due to natural differences in the relative efficiency of air- sea transport systems or by discriminatory pricing practices of liners. Second, the fact that the previous analyses did not show Caribbean countries have a major cost advantage in ocean transport vis-a-vis other exporters is somewhat surprising giveh these nations proximity to the United States market. Empirical studies of the determinants of ocean freight rates have found that distance is normally an important explanatory factor for transport cost differentials among countries (see Moneta 1959 or Bryan 1974). If other factors are held constant (i.e., variations in port facilities, the volume of exports, qualities and types of vessels used, etc.) an important question centers on what cost advantage should distance provide the Caribbean countries with over other exporters. While the results must be qualified, some useful insights into this question can be gained from a study sponsored by the U.S. National Bureau of Research (Lipsey and Weiss 1974) that derived a transport cost estimation equation for United States imports. The NBER study was based on the premise that U.S. import freight rates (FR) expressed in dollars per ton can be largely explained by the following equation, where all variables are in logarithimic form, 2 (5) FR = 3.53 + 0.52UV + 0.30DI + 0.35ST + 0.30SW - 0.51TA R = 0.81 (57.35) (13.51) (18.18) (6.22) (12.25) - 46 - In equation (5), UV is the unit value of the import ($ per ton), DI is the distance in nautical miles from the exporter to the U.S. port of entry, ST is the stowage factor (cubic feet per ton), SW is a dummy variable for a shipment of less than one ton, and TA is a dummy for products that can be exported by both liners and tankers, that is, grains and other similar items. 1/ The t values (in parentheses) and a coefficient of determination (R2) of over 80 per cent testify to the accurate guide that the equation provides to freight rates for individual countries and products. 2/ The transport cost estimation equation (5) was used in the following three step procedure to test for a systematic upward bias exists in Caribbean ocean freight rates over major competitors in other regions. First, information on stowage factors, product unit values and other independent variables was used to derive an estimated freight rate for major products exported from the Caribbean (Fci). 3/ Next, distances (in nautical miles) were tabulated for selected liner routes between the United States and major suppliers in the Caribbean and other geographic regions. This information was 1/ Since product unit values and freight rates have changed due to inflation and other factors, equation (5) has been used to project the relative freight costs of Caribbean countries rather than to project actual freight rates. Similarly, Table 8 compares relative actual transport charges with these figures rather than the actual dollar value of freight costs. 2/ Lipsey and Weiss used the same basic sources on transport costs for United States imports that were employed in Tables 2 through 6 of this report for deriving Caribbean transport costs. They also suggest that the predictive power of equation (5) could be further improved by adding additional independent variables for characteristics (like fragility) of individual items being imported into the U.S. 3/ The analysis was limited to commodities given the importance of sugar, petroleum and bauxite products in Caribbean trade and the fact that the Lipsey-Weiss estimation equation appeared to have a high degree of accuracy for these items. The analysis could be extended to mahufactures, but there were problems in collecting accurate recent stowage factors for these items. - 47 - used to derive an estimated freight rate (Foi) for specific country exporters. Third, the expected ratio CRei) of the projected freight rates was derived from, (6) Rei = ((Fci/Foi) x 100 where Fci is the projected rate for the caribbean country and F,i is that for the major exporter in another region. Similarly, the ratios of the actual dollar freight rates were computed and the difference between the projected and actual freight ratios derived. A systematic tendency for the predicted ratios to be smaller than the actual ratios would indicate that some factor(s) were causing a systematic upward bias in Caribbean freight rates. Table 9 compares the expected ocean freight rate differentials derived from equation (5) with actual rates. The key finding from Table 8 is that there is no systematic evidence of an upward bias in Caribbean exporters vis-a-vis their competitors in other regions. In only 10 (28 per cent) of the comparisons do the actual Caribbean-competitor transport cost ratios exceed the predicted ratios with four of these "reversals" accounted for by crude petroleum exports from Trinidad. As such, after differences in distance, unit values, stowage factors, shipment sizes and competitive factors have been 4/ Information on stowage factors and other independent variables in equation (5) were taken from Lipsey and Weiss (1974, pp. 185-188). Unit value information was derived for different groups of products directly from United States import statistics. In calculating the distance term for equation (5) the following liner routes were used: Near East - Port Said to New York; South America (Atlantic Coast) - Montevado to New York; South Central Asia - Bombay to New York; Southern Africa - Cape of Good Hope to New York; South Asia - Singapore to San Francisco; Northern Asia - Korea to Seattle. These distances had to be modified for some specific regional exporters (i.e. sugar from Peru). - 48 - accounted for relative Caribbean freight rates for sugar, petroleum an bauxite do not appear to be consistently different from major suppliers of these products in other regions. Table 9 Comparison of the Ratios of Predicted and Actual Caribbean Transport Costs for Major Commodity Exports to those of Selected Competitors Caribbean-Competitor Transport Cost Ratio Commodity (TSUSA No.) Caribbean Country-Competitor Region 1/ Predicted Actual Difference 2/ (percent) (percent) (percent) Cane or Beet Sugar (1552045) Dominican Rep. - South America East Coast 63.5 58.3 4.2 Dominican Rep. - South America West Coast 58.4 73.7 -15.3 Dominican Rep. - East Asia 63.4 40.2 23.2 Dominican Rep. - Southern Africa 58.8 33.5 25.3 Cane or Beet Sugar (1552045.) Haiti - South America East Coast 68.3 68.3 0.0 Haiti - South America West Coast 62.8 59.1 3.7 Haiti - East Asia 68.2 33.1 35.1 Haiti - Southern Africa 63.2 27.5 35.7 Cane or Beet Sugar (1552045) Belize - South America East Coast 68.2 67.2 1.0 Belize - South America West Coast 62.7 84.9 -22.2 Belize - East Asia 68.3 46.4 21.9 Belize - Southern Africa 63.2 38.6 24.6 Cane or Beet Sugar (1552045) Trinidad - South America East Coast 62.7 89.7 -27.0 Trinidad - South America West Coast 3/ 57.7 113.3 -55.6 Trinidad - East Asia 62.7 61.9 0.8 Trinidad - Southern Africa 58.1 51.5 6.6 Crude Petroleum (4751010) Trinidad - South America East Coast 65.0 106.9 -41.9 Trinidad - South America West Coast 65.0 78.5 -13.5 Trinidad - West Asia 68.0 57.0 11.0 Trinidad - South Africa 63.1 74.0 -10.9 Trinidad - North West Africa 78.3 96.3 -18.0 Trinidad - South Asia 59.1 56.2 2.9 Trinidad - Middle East 70.0 39.7 30.3 Table 9 (Continued) Comparison of the Ratios of Predicted and Actual Caribbean Transport Costs for Major Commodity Exports to those of Selected Competitors Caribbean-Competitor Transport Cost Ratio Commodity (TSUSA No.) Caribbean Country-Competitor Region 1/ Predicted Actual Difference 2/ (percent) (percent) (percent) Crude Petroleum (4751010) Bahamas - South America East Coast 68.0 62.5 5.5 Bahamas - South America West Coast 68.0 45.9 22.1 Bahamas - West Asia 71.6 33.3 38.3 Bahamas - South Africa 66.0 43.3 22.7 Bahamas - North West Africa 81.9 56.3 25.6 Bahamas - South Asia 61.8 32.8 29.0 Bahamas - Middle East 73.1 23.2 49.9 Bauxite( 6010600) Jamaica - South America East Coast 66.7 54.0 12.7 Jamaica - West Asia 4/ 42.7 16.8 25.9 Jamaica - North West Africa 78.6 72.3 6.3 Bauxite (6010600) Suriname - South America East Coast 72.7 99.2 -26.5 Suriname - West Asia 4/ 46.6 30.9 15.7 Suriname - North West Africa 85.7 132.8 -47.1 1/ The comparisons involve the designated Caribbean country and a country which is the major supplier in the indicated region. For the latter the distance factor is measured to the closest major U.S. port of entry. 2/ A positive value ior this term indicates the Caribbean port is operating relatively more efficiently than would be predicted using equation (5). 3/ The actual freight rate ratio greater than unity is due to charges of S19.32 per ton for shipments from Trinidad and S17.05 per ton from South America West Coast (Peru). 4/ The very low actual transport cost ratios are due to the high freight rate on bauxite (S33.09) from China. In contrast, the actual rate is S5.56 Jamaica and S10.21 from Suriname. - 51 - Annex II A Note on the Incidence of International Transport Costs on Exporters and Importers - 53 While transport costs are formally paid by exporters when goods are sold on a c.i.f. basis, and by the importer when purchases are made f.o.b., the party paying the freight bill is not necessarily the one bearing the transport cost. In actual practice, the exporter can be regarded as bearing freight costs if the delivered price in the importing market is not affected by changes in transport charges. Conversely, the importer may be regarded as bearing the cost of transport if the commodities' price in the export market would remain the same irrespective of changes in shipping costs. Given the nature of some of their major exports, these points are of special importance to the Caribbean countries. Figure 1 The Incidence of International Transport Costs (a) Incidence of freight (b) Incidence of freight costs when supply is costs when demand is perfectly inelastic perfectly inelastic D c D X L prs// p~~~~~~~~ J~~~~~~~T … t-- - -- - p -- - - 0 IN bT Quantity o X Quatlty . 54 - The factors that determine the incidence of transport costs are illustrated in Figure 1 (panel a) which depicts a situation in which the delivered supply schedule (SS) for an exportable is completely inelastic with regard to price. In the absence of freight costs, quantity ON would be consumed in the importing market at price OP. Assuming that shipping costs of T per unit are introduced it is clear that they would not influence the market clearing price. Any attempt by exporters to add these charges to delivered prices, necessitating an increase from OP to OC, would be frustrated by a shortfall of demand relative to supply. As a result, excess supply would force the market clearing price back to OP, where the f.o.b. price received by exporters is OP'. Thus, in a situation where export supply is perfectly inelastic, the exporter bears the entire burden of freight costs. Panel b illustrates a situation where an inelastic demand curve for an exportable combines with a less than perfectly inelastic supply schedule. In the absence of freight costs, quantity ON would clear the market at price OP. However, if freight costs of T per unit are introduced, supply shifts leftward by an amount equal to the transport charge. Thus, SS represents the f.o.b. supply curve, while S'S' is the delivered c.i.f. schedule. In equilibrium, the market is cleared at the same quantity (ON), but at a higher price OC with the increase (i.e. freight costs) born by consumers. Therefore, when demand is perfectly inelastic the supply schedule does not influence who bears freight costs. In this situation, consumers in the importing market bear the full brunt of transport costs or any changes in these charges. In practice, completely inelastic demand or supply schedules are seldom observed, and these limiting situations are employed solely to indicate tendencies for freight costs to fall on exports or imports. In normal situations, the actual incidence of transport costs on buyers or sellers is determined by respective elasticities of demand or supply. When supply is - 55 - relatively inelastic (what is likely to be a normal situation for many Caribbean products in the short run) the exporter bears the major part of the freight bill and the price he receives falls below the "zero transport cost" price by approximately the full extent of shipping costs. It also follows that the fall in quantity traded below that exchanged in the absence of transport cost is determined by supply. When supply is inelastic, the quantity reduction due to freight cost is small; however, the revenue loss to the exporter may be considerable. With a less than perfectly inelastic supply, any reduction in the elasticity of demand shifts some of the transport burden to the importer. When demand and supply schedules have equal elasticities, shipping costs are shared equally by buyers and sellers. As demand grows progressively less elastic, the share of freight costs born by the buyer rises, with the elasticity of demand determing the extent to which quantity exchanged falls below that traded in the absence of freight charges. The key point to note is that the Caribbean countries are generally relatively small suppliers (as measured by world trade) of the products they export so the demand for these items should be quite elastic. As Figure 8 shows the more elastic the demand, with any given supply schedule, the greater will be the incidence of transport costs (or any changes in these costs) on Caribbean exporters. - 57 - APPENDIX Detailed Statistics on the Transport Costs for Caribbean Countries' Exports to the United States - 59 - Appendix Tables 1 - 15 Explanatory Notes The statistics shown in Appendix Tables 1 through 15 are the basic data on trade, transport costs and tariffs which are summarized in the main body of this report. These data are presented in the following consistent format for each of the individual Caribbean countries: Columns 1 and 2. Show a number ("OBS") assigned to the specific product as well as the official United States TSUSA numeric code for the item. Each assigned number (OBS) is repeated in the lower half of the table and is followed by a verbal description of the specific product. Products whose total value of U.S. exports did not total $10,000 in 1986 have generally been excluded from these tabulations. Anguilla is an exception with all exports shown. Column 3. Shows the actual values of each TSUSA product's shipments to the United States. In some cases, like used construction machinery, the items may be re-exports to the U.S. Columns 4 through 6. Show detailed data on the Caribbean country's nominal transport costs for exports to the U.S. Column 4 shows the "total" rate for each product which represents the weighted average of that portion of shipments by air and by vessel. Column 5 shows the nominal freight rate for vessel shipments while column 6 provides similar information for air freight. If zeros are reported in either columns 5 or 6 this indicates that type of transport mode was not used for the specific TSUSA product. 1/ Equation (1) has been used to calculate the nominal freight rates. Column 7. Shows the "applied" tariff actually facing the specific Caribbean country for exports of the given TSUSA item to the United States. Since it is computed from the ratio of all duties collected on the product to the total value of imports (with the ratio then multiplied by 100) it represents the weighted average of the most-favored-nation or any special preference rate actually applied. Columns 8 through 10. Shows average nominal tranport rates for all other exporters to the United States excluding Mexico and Canada. 2/ These 1/ There are a few cases in Tables 1 through 15 where the total average transport rate falls outside the range of the air and vessel rates. This is generally the result of a product being transported partly by air and partly by vessel. In this case, the total transport rate would be reflected in column 4, but not in columns 5 or 6. Second, in some cases customs vouchers have been incorrectly completed (or damaged) so it was not possible to identify the transport mode. In these cases, the transport rate is also only reflected in column 4. 2/ Mexico and Canada have been excluded since many of their exports to the U.S. pass directly over the border and do not bear international transport costs. - 60 - data correspond to columns 4 through 6 which provide similar information for the Caribbean country. Column 11. Shows the average applied tariff on all "other" exporters' (excluding Canada and Mexico) shipments to the United States. These figures correspond to entries in column 7 which show applied tariffs for the specific Caribbean country. 3/ Column 12. Shows the share of the specific TSUSA product in the total 1986 exports of the Caribbean country. 3/Special Caribbean preferences or the heavy reliance of the United States on flspecific" tariffs (i.e., duties expressed as a fixed charge per unit of import) are often repsonsible for some of the wide differences in tariff rates shown in columns 7 and 11. For example, if the unit value of a Caribbean country's exports is lower than the average for its competitors a specific tariff would result in a higher applied tariff rate (nominal equivalent) for the Caribbean country. . 61 APPENDIX TABLE 1 ANGUILLA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS To THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ANGUILLA "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ANGUILLA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ANGUILLA'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 2747040 3,700 4.68 0.00 4.68 0.00 5.36 5.40 5.37 1.68 4.140 2 3190500 11,457 4.58 4.58 0.00 7.20 14.69 5.47 31.26 7.41 12.818 3 3253954 610 10.00 0.00 10.00 13.61 5.50 3.16 6.05 13.60 0.682 4 3313954 1,172 9.98 0.00 9.98 14.93 6.51 3.22 7.19 14.90 1.311 5 3662860 349 11.75 0.00 11.75 11.17 7.68 7.43 29.05 11.54 0.390 6 3664700 9,355 11.74 0.00 11.74 7.60 6.39 6.10 12.69 8.12 10.466 7 3667930 12,494 11.73 0.00 11.73 8.50 10.41 8.38 27.24 8.69 13.978 8 3668400 1,647 11.72 0.00 11.72 2.49 8.10 7.29 12.13 3.95 1.843 9 3721540 1,566 11.75 0.00 11.75 12.77 7.35 1.92 9.35 12.86 1.752 10 3843497 5,271 10.40 0.00 10.40 10.21 7.39 3.31 13.27 10.52 5.897 11 3845299 310 11.61 0.00 11.61 9.35 7.31 5.01 14.88 9.61 0.347 12 5311140 1,237 36.05 36.05 0.00 3.64 21.75 20.90 43.23 3.65 1.384 13 6496500 1,174 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.35 6.76 5.92 0.00 1.313 14 6533740 9,000 1.91 0.00 1.91 6.20 8.37 7.99 21.69 0.57 10.069 15 6859059 10,040 3.82 0.00 3.82 5.70 4.90 2.48 5.55 4.58 11.233 16 8000035 20,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 22.376 OBS DESCRIPTION I Photographs, engravings, etchings, lithographs, wood cuts, stenci led matter nes, bound or not bound 2 Hand loomed fabrics, wholly of cotton, of numbers 35-49 3 Sateens or twills, wholly of cotton, 5.9 oz or less, fancy or figured, not of different colors, napped, of no. 30-39 4 Sateens or twills, chiefly of cotton, 5.9 oz or less, fancy or figured, not of different colors, napped, of no. 30-39 5 Cotton dish towels, not jacquard-figured and not ornamented 6 Tablecloths and napkins, of cotton, not hand block printed, except piain woven, nes 7 Cotton furnishings, not elsewhere specified, other than plain woven, not ornamented 8 Other furnishings of vegetable fiber except cotton, not ornamented nes 9 Cotton muff lers,scarves,shawls,and vei Is,hemmed,not knit,not lace,net,or ornamented 10 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 11 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparei, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 12 Refractory and heat-insulating mortars, ramming mixes and castables of other than clay 13 Knives, cutting blades for agricultural or horticultural, not elsewhere specified, and for shoe machinery 14 Illuminating articles not elsewhere specified, electric of brass 15 Printed circuit boards, other than with a plastic impregnated glass base 16 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes . 62 - APPENDIX TABLE 2 ANTIGUA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ANTIGUA "OTHERS' SHARE IN U.S. ANTIGUA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ANTIGUA'S _aS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1103570 285,287 16.19 0.00 16.19 0.20 20.40 12.85 20.75 0.17 2.419 2 1144585 31,587 22.52 22.52 0.00 0.00 10.12 10.10 22.12 0.00 0.268 3 1213000 138,631 4.18 4.01 14.08 5.90 5.05 3.01 7.23 3.75 1.176 4 1215600 139,414 1.52 0.00 1.52 0.00 2.11 6.25 2.09 3.11 1.182 5 1216105 1,273,114 3.78 3.78 0.00 5.00 3.91 5.27 12.15 0.93 10.796 6 1216112 123,865 9.26 0.00 9.26 5.00 5.17 3.84 10.20 3.60 1.050 7 1216138 113,750 2.57 2.57 0.00 5.00 6.73 5.68 9.36 4.36 0.965 8 1216500 742,600 3.90 3.81 27.59 2.90 3.94 2.96 5.41 2.70 6.297 9 1270100 18,195 13.77 13.77 0.00 0.00 5.26 8.27 2.29 0.00 0.154 10 1359000 30,751 56.86 56.86 0.00 0.00 50.01 52.25 47.21 1.45 0.261 11 1481700 10,435 24.05 119.70 0.00 0.00 62.36 62.72 51.50 7.17 0.088 12 1482200 15,736 11.83 11.83 0.00 0.00 70.03 0.00 70.03 0.00 0.133 13 1483200 61,141 32.45 32.45 0.00 13.80 46.15 46.59 35.91 15.43 0.518 14 1571005 415,027 12.79 12.79 0.00 0.00 9.74 9.62 26.67 6.00 3.520 15 1571010 121,955 12.41 12.41 0.00 0.00 11.53 11.51 34.48 5.02 1.034 16 1651500 32,787 17.41 17.41 0.00 0.00 10.45 10.93 195.06 0.00 0.278 17 1653650 302,671 12.45 12.45 0.00 26.92 15.38 15.47 41.65 34.31 2.567 18 1654060 30,604 30.71 30.71 0.00 52.41 20.18 19.37 83.93 36.56 0.260 19 1673060 19,070 17.78 17.78 0.00 7.49 15.78 15.61 24.87 5.32 0.162 20 2020320 19,322 27.31 27.31 0.00 0.00 25.37 25.37 0.00 0.00 0.164 21 2020340 13,922 23.85 23.85 0.00 0.00 2.21 15.53 22.58 0.28 0.118 22 2023305 17,785 16.74 16.74 0.00 0.00 39.78 39.78 0.00 0.00 0.151 23 3022026 31,631 9.97 9.97 0.00 8.90 6.25 6.09 152.70 8.56 0.268 24 3633039 61,710 11.23 11.00 11.73 7.90 5.72 5.23 8.05 7.95 0.523 25 3633055 43,018 11.50 11.00 12.12 7.90 5.67 4.99 8.40 7.91 0.365 26 3762430 2,247,322 2.10 0.00 2.10 32.00 3.45 2.57 4.29 31.99 19.058 03s DESCRIPTION I Fish nes, whole or partially processed, fresh or chilled 2 Squid, not fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved 3 Calf and kip upper leather 4 Reptilian leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, in the rough 5 Bovine leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, upper, split, grain 6 Bovine leather nes, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, upper 7 Bovine leather nspf, vegetable-tanned, not fancy a Fancy leather nspf 9 Grass seeds and other forage crop seeds nes 10 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december 1 to last day of february, inclusive 11 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered other than september 1 to may 31, and other than december 1 to march 31, inclusive 12 Ogen and galia melons, fresh, if entered other than december 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 13 Fresh melons nes, if entered other than december 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 14 Candy, and other confectionery, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate, put up for retail sale 15 Candy, and other confectionary, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate,not put up for retail sale 16 Apple or pear juice, not mixed, concentrated or not concentrated, not over 1 percent ethyl alcohol 17 Lemon juice, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percent of ethyl alcohol by volume, concentrated 18 Grape juice, concentrated, not frozen, not mixed, and not containing over 1 percent ethyl alcohol 19. Still wines nspf, produced from grapes containing 14% ok less of alcohol in containers holding not over I gal., v alued ov 20 Spruce lumber, rough (not including siding, molding, and hardwood flooring) 21 Spruce lumber, dressed or worked (not including siding, molding, and hardwood flooring) 22 Balsa lumber, hardwood, dressed or worked 23 Yarn, wholly of cotton, bleached, mercerized, or colored, combed, singles, of numbers 20-29 24 Cotton sheets, combed and printed, not napped or ornamented 25 Cotton pillow cases, combed, not napped or ornamented 26 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented . 63 . APPENDiX TABLE 2 (Continued) ANTIGUA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ANTIGUA "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ANTIGUA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS"o NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ANTIGUA'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3762830 223,214 1.74 0.00 1.74 18.00 3.97 2.64 5.82 18.00 1.893 28 3780550 425,649 4.50 0.00 4.48 28.34 4.72 3.35 5.25 28.30 3.610 29 3780553 912,863 2.69 0.00 2.69 29.17 5.53 3.89 7.27 28.71 7.741 30 3780576 49,839 2.24 0.00 2.24 28.30 5.45 4.65 5.88 28.76 0.423 31 3780577 19,160 1.14 0.00 1.14 0.00 6.34 1.75 6.45 28.30 0.162 32 3786030 311,224 2.18 0.00 2.18 24.01 6.39 5.59 8.34 24.68 2.639 33 3816240 21,800 8.30 0.00 8.30 16.50 6.27 3.19 17.10 16.49 0.185 34 3840920 19,772 5.64 0.00 5.84 20.00 7.10 4.60 15.29 21.31 0.168 35 3842525 11,449 4.03 0.00 4.03 28.30 6.04 3.43 9.08 28.56 0.097 36 3842815 26,322 8.04 0.00 8.04 21.00 10.73 3.76 16.67 20.96 0.223 37 3842850 20,0599 16.90 0.00 16.90 21.00 9.27 4.70 12.19 20.93 0.170 38 3842935 21,424 8.33 0.00 8.33 21.00 11.27 6.00 15.03 21.00 0.182 39 3843029 16,295 4.76 0.00 4.76 17.30 8.62 3,75 12.86 17.26 0.138 40 3843035 78,412 16.81 0.00 16.81 17.30 10.70 3.45 14.79 17.28 0.665 41 3843410 39,713 11.54 0.00 11.54 10.20 7.68 5.35 19.05 10.53 0.337 42 3843441 72,129 17.24 0.00 17.24 10.20 15.09 5.80 16.85 9.54 0.612 43 3844735 21,289 4.96 0.00 4.96 16.50 6.00 4.36 22.04 16.50 0.181 44 3845222 11,080 10.20 0.00 10.20 9.40 12.23 4.98 19.69 9.38 0.094 45 3848012 12,816 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.10 12.27 5.26 22.21 34.88 0.109 46 3848634 10,234 10.31 0.00 10.31 22.16 7.89 4.00 21.39 22.99 0.087 47 3849435 12,055 6.36 0.00 6.36 19.01 6.28 3.69 16.63 19.64 0.i02 48 3849440 19,011 3.96 0.00 3.96 18.93 7.28 3.85 13.97 19.42 0.161 49 4285800 224,791 11.00 11.00 0.00 0.00 7.71 7.41 23.26 0.68 1.906 50 4299560 22,440 9.28 0.00 9.28 0.00 2.74 2.55 4.18 3.86 0.190 51 4805000 313,336 1.43 1.43 0.00 0.00 18.98 18.99 0.00 0.00 2.657 52 5111100 10,332 14.52 14.52 0.00 0.00 24.86 26.46 0.68 0.16 0.088 OBS DESCRIPTION 27 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 28 Women's, irls' and infants' cotton lace, net, or knit underwear, ornamented 29 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 30 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit 31 Women's, girls', and infants' ornamented underwear n.s.p.f. of textile materials n.s.p.f., containing 70 percent or more b 32 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 33 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 34 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, not knit, ornamented, lace 35 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 36 Women's Dlouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 37 Women's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 38 Cotton knit sweatshirts for women and girls, not ornamented 39 Cotton knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers and slacks for women and girts, not ornamented 40 Women's other cotton knit trousers and slacks, not ornamented 41 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, not ornamented 42 Cotton knit tops, not ornamented, for women and girls 43 Women's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 44 Women's coverall, overalls, jumpsuits; and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, not knit, of cotton, not or 45 Women's blouses, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 46 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 47 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not o 48 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 49 Ethyl acetate 50 Organo-tin compounds other than dibutyltin oxide and tetrabutyltin oxide 51 Potassium chloride or muriate of potash 52 Cement, white nonstaining portland - 64 - APPENDIX TABLE 2 (Continued) ANTIGUA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ANTIGUA *'OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ANTIGUA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ANTIGUA'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 5131100 151,389 14.47 14.47 0.00 0.00 79.30 88.87 24.60 0.52 1.284 54 5131400 89,487 15.42 15.42 0.00 0.00 22.84 23.10 20.55 0.00 0.759 55 5463800 10,517 21.95 21.95 0.00 12.50 13.66 13.82 21.18 12.58 0.089 56 6126205 38,689 8.88 8.88 0.00 0.00 11.25 11.56 0.00 1.91 0.328 57 6126290 39,635 6.15 6.15 0.00 0.00 9.97 10.09 6.74 1.08 0.336 58 6181540 30,516 5.71 5.71 0.00 0.00 3.09 3.01 19.80 2.39 0.259 59 6181700 27,774 8.62 8.62 0.00 0.00 6.55 6.34 18.40 1.69 0.236 60 6182563 66,181 8.31 8.31 0.00 1.04 6.71 6.31 30.46 2.61 0.561 61 6820520 31,800 6.01 0.00 6.01 0.00 6.12 3.21 9.13 3.34 0.270 62 6820720 37,506 4.57 4.57 0.00 0.00 6.98 4.17 12.54 2.02 0.318 63 6826050 19,911 3.03 0.00 3.03 1.79 4.43 1.91 8.52 3.48 0.169 64 6826052 59,479 5.08 0.00 5.14 0.00 4.92 3.35 5.77 3.04 0.504 65 6826056 58,352 4.90 3.35 6.68 1.52 7.96 4.93 15.32 2.53 0.495 66 6826064 229,416 2.24 0.00 2.24 1.86 4.14 2.81 6.85 3.50 1.945 67 6859045 24,022 5.93 5.93 0.00 0.00 5.59 4.50 6.77 7.42 0.204 68 6859053 10,574 1.04 0.00 1.04 5.92 3.76 2.61 3.96 5.37 0.090 69 6862400 20,437 1.31 1.31 0.00 0.00 4.38 3.17 4.86 2.66 0.173 70 7060700 21,908 17.75 0.00 17.75 10.00 7.40 5.37 15.08 9.99 0.186 71 7309525 60,091 7.60 7.60 0.00 5.90 5.26 5.28 4.24 1.19 0.510 72 7903000 13,188 7.60 7.60 0.00 0.00 7.77 7.66 7.88 3.63 0.112 73 7916000 19,368 2.62 2.62 0.00 0.00 6.85 2.98 8.24 2.03 0.164 74 8000035 1,166,085 3.06 2.88 3.69 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 9.889 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Sand containing 95% or more silica by weight, not over 0.6% oxide of iron 54 Sand, crude or manufactured, nes, and gravel 55 Glassware, nes, pressed and toughened (tempered), chiefly used for preparing, serving, or storing food or beverages 56 Low fuming brazing rods of wrought brass 57 Brass rods, wrought, except low fuming 58 Wrought aluminum rods 0.375 inch in diameter and over 59 Wrougnt aluminum angles, shapes and sections 60 Sheets and strip nspf, aluminum, not clad 61 Transformers rated at less than 40 va 62 Transformers not less than I not over 5o kva 63 Rectifiers and rectifying apparatus 64 Coils and inductors 65 Parts of transformers, nspf 66 Electrical generating equipment and parts, nspf 67 Junction boxes 68 Connectors,printed circuit 69 Automatic voltage and voltage- current regulators nes, a parts 70 Leatner handbags valued not over S20 each,not of reptile leather 71 Cartridges and empty cartridge shells containing projectile for .22 caliber 72 Harness, saddles, and saddlery, and parts of 73 Leather apparel balts, with or without buckles 74 U.S. products returned after export-without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes - 65 v APPENDIX TABLE 3 BAHAMAS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BAHAMAS "OTHERSt SHARE IN U.S. BAHAMAS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BAHAMAS' OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1103570 77,149 4.81 5.13 3.41 0.04 20.40 13.16 20.72 0.17 0.018 2 1103575 23,998 8.57 8.57 0.00 0.06 12.02 11.90 20.13 0.22 0.005 3 1143000 193,382 0.70 0.70 0.00 0.00 5.02 3.67 20.43 0.00 0.044 4 1144512 23,000 7.71 0.00 7.71 0.00 5.16 4.17 6.20 0.00 0.005 5 1144520 237,350 7.25 0.00 7.25 0.00 5.69 2.24 6.73 0.00 0.054 6 1144525 7,444,956 3.52 3.04 6.20 0.00 2.82 2.48 4.89 0.00 1.692 7 1144530 8,766,098 2.16 1.35 5.29 0.00 3.30 2.86 7.10 0.00 1.992 8 1144545 96,204 6.46 0.00 6.46 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.60 0.00 0.022 9 1144595 856,899 1.39 1.14 13.52 0.00 7.00 6.07 13.89 0.00 0.195 10 1144598 1,236,640 0.67 0.67 0.00 0.00 5.63 4.99 25.29 0.00 0.281 1I 1359000 199,542 15.02 15.02 0.00 5.23 55.36 60.03 47.21 0.86 0.045 12 1371020 66,450 7.70 7.70 0.00 0.00 40.93 28.61 44.05 1.47 0.015 13 1471500 82,260 12.10 12.10 0.00 0.00 20.75 20.75 0.00 1.28 0.019 14 1471700 151,710 17.55 17.55 0.00 2.13 17.10 17.09 21.00 0.16 0.034 15 1471900 261,570 18.40 18.40 0.00 0.00 50.67 48.03 16.16 6.88 0.059 16 1472200 186,110 23.10 23.10 0.00 1.35 45.23 38.18 63.08 1.64 0.042 17 1486000 156,862 27.15 27.31 24.42 0.35 17.84 9.88 20.03 1.12 0.036 18 1662000 11,479 13.64 13.64 0.00 0.00 21.94 21.73 0.00 0.23 0.003 19 1664020 85,731 7.62 7.62 0.00 0.00 18.66 18.30 93.51 0.25 0.019 20 1689600 151,455 3.84 4.66 0.00 1.26 7.06 7.04 11.57 1.56 0.034 21 1691300 162,672 5.76 3.94 0.00 10.07 8.40 8.86 35.48 6.78 0.037 22 1908500 67,750 3.78 3.78 0.00 0.00 6.52 6.43 6.53 0.43 0.015 23 2001000 56,000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.85 3.85 0.00 0.00 0.013 24 2544620 21,680 11.40 11.40 0.00 3.00 13.29 13.23 88.12 3.00 0.005 25 2702580 40,876 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 6.15 4.74 12.22 0.00 0.009 26 3354040 11,947 18.16 18.16 0.00 0.00 19.12 19.11 0.00 0.00 0.003 OBS DESCRIPTION 1 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, fresh or chilled 2 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, frozen 3 Craos, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 4 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 5 Lobsters, live 6 Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (Including pastes and sauces) 7 Lobsters nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 8 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 9 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 10 Shellfish nes, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 11 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december I to last day of february, inclusive 12 Peppers nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, etc. 13 Grapefruit, fresh, if entered november I to july 31, inclusive 14 Grapefruit, prepared or preserved, if entered november I to july 31, inclusive IS Lemons, fresh 16 Limes, fresh or in brine 17 Papayas, fresh 18 Ginger ale, ginger beer, lemonade, and soda water, under 0.5 percent ethyl alcohol 19 Carbonated soft drinks 20 Cordials, liqueurs, kirschwasser, and ratafia, in containers not over I gallon 21 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over I gallon 22 Marine sponges, grass, velvet or yellow 23 Wood waste 24 Clay coated printing paper, not lithographically printed, impregnated, coated, or both, not otherwise treated 25 Books nspf 26 Woven fabric, wholly of jute, not bleached, not colored, and not flame resistant, over 100 inches in width 66 6 APPENDIX TABLE 3 (Continued) BAHAMAS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BAHAMAS "OTHERS,' SHARE IN U.S. BAHAMAS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BAHAMAS' OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 4121400 1,358,408 0.31 0.00 0.31 6.75 2.40 2.55 1.92 8.89 0.309 28 4122250 134065280 0.16 0.10 0.33 0.18 1.39 1.63 1.29 6.51 30.461 29 4124200 39,678 0.33 0.00 0.33 7.70 0.10 0.00 0.10 7.86 0.009 30 4127000 666,022 3.06 3.13 2.91 6.90 3.67 4.11 3.63 6.90 0.151 31 4132800 13,003 5.91 5.91 0.00 13.90 4.08 3.77 5.71 11.50 0.003 32 4172000 18,810 129.40 129.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.004 33 4209400 9,797,942 51.40 51.40 0.00 0.02 48.25 48.41 5.63 0.31 2.226 34 4254240 167,363 2.71 2.71 0.00 0.60 1.87 1.85 19.12 0.70 0.038 35 4255290 9,820,509 0.64 0.64 0.00 7.90 4.48 4.90 2.38 7.56 2.231 36 4375680 3,978,378 0.12 0.00 0.12 2.10 1.68 1.03 1.69 5.45 0.904 37 4375760 773,061 0.80 0.00 0.80 3.45 0.47 0.00 0.47 3.40 0.176 38 4613500 133,431 3.67 4.94 3.65 0.15 3.84 2.86 5.40 5.31 0.030 39 4614025 657,852 1.16 1.16 0.00 0.00 7.44 4.20 13.58 4.98 0.149 40 4722000 855,226 131.82 131.82 0.00 0.00 27.30 29.34 15.44 0.00 0.194 41 4750535 184662379 5.21 5.25 0.00 0.36 10.01 10.02 0.00 0.42 41.957 42 4751010 3,456,574 2.47 2.47 0.00 0.52 8.17 7.68 0.00 0.69 0.785 43 4751015 33833211 3.47 3.47 0.00 0.43 7.16 7.16 0.00 0.56 7.687 44 4751025 4,254,404 5.19 5.19 0.00 0.52 5.93 5.99 0.00 0.67 0.967 45 4751035 7,446,516 3.89 3.89 0.00 0.13 9.77 9.66 0.00 0.59 1.692 46 4752530 5,214,806 0.00 7.49 0.00 0.12 4.63 8.51 0.00 0.49 1.185 47 4753500 2,645,490 3.51 3.51 0.00 0.37 9.89 9.89 0.36 0.58 0.601 48 5111440 973,589 46.90 46.90 0.00 0.00 24.57 24.55 0.52 0.00 0.221 49 5122100 75,343 7.55 7.55 0.00 0.00 29.50 29.57 0.00 0.00 0.017 50 5133500 29,048 11.12 11.12 0.00 0.00 86.44 86.44 0.00 0.00 0.007 51 5133600 211,842 10.55 10.55 0.00 0.00 10.69 10.23 62.87 0.01 0.048 52 5141100 94,320 37.14 37.14 0.00 0.00 56.14 57.49 5.94 0.00 0.021 oBS DESCRIPTION 27 Dermatological agents and local anesthetics 28 Analgesics, antipyretics, and nonhormonal anti-inflammatory agents nspf 29 Desonide;dienestrol;epinephrine;epinephrine hydrochloride;and other specified hormones,synthetic substitutes,and antagonis 30 Products suitable for drug use,nes,nspf 31 Aromatic compounds,including flavor,not marketable as cosmetics or perfumery,nspf,in the chemical appendix to the tariff s 32 Ammonia, aqua 33 Sodium chloride or salt, in bulk 34 Nitriles other than malononitrile 35 Nitrogenous compounds other than those in tsus(a) items 425.0000-425.5280 36 Adrenocortical hormones,synthetic nes 37 Synthetic steriod hormones nspf 38 Perfumes, colognes, and toilet water, containing alcohol 39 Cosmetic creams,lotions,oils,etc,not containing alcohol 40 Natural chalk, crude 41 Fuel oil under 25 degrees api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit of more than 125 seconds 42 Crude petroleum, shale oil including reconstituted testing 25 degree api and over 43 Fuel oil 25 degrees or more api, saybolt at 100 degrees fahenheit of less than 45 seconds 44 Fuel oil 25 degrees or more api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit of 45-125 seconds 45 Fuel oil 25 degrees or more api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit over 125 seconds 46 Jet fuel, naphtha-type 47 Naphthas derived from petroleum, shale oil, natural gas or combinations thereof, except motor fuel 48 Hydraulic cement,nes 49 Plaster rock or gypsum, not ground or calcined 50 Limestone chips and spalls, crushed or ground for cement manufacturing 51 Limestone chips and spalls, and crushed or ground, nes 52 Limestone, crude, not suitable for monument, paving or building stone . 67 . APPENDIX TABLE 3 (Continued) BAHAMAS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BAHAMAS sOTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BAHAMAS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF -OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BAHAMAS' OeS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 5203300 150,000 0.20 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.45 0.48 0.46 0.00 0.034 54 5238180 879,378 67.19 67.19 0.00 0.00 19.02 19.12 15.50 0.00 0.200 55 5462040 66,811 4.43 4.51 3.77 6.32 5.24 4.59 6.74 7.21 0.015 56 6060900 66,325 42.91 42.91 0.00 0.00 19.54 25.70 9.89 0.00 0.015 57 6071700 747,987 4.58 4.58 0.00 1.90 13.38 13.47 2.52 1.92 0.170 58 6092200 82,394 11.50 11.50 0.00 0.00 9.88 9.26 28.36 5.69 0.019 59 6094125 789,233 4.07 4.07 0.00 0.00 15.93 15.31 16.00 1.50 0.179 60 6121020 110,194 8.50 8.50 0.00 0.01 8.30 8.62 46.40 0.02 0.025 61 6121040 23,762 7.59 7.59 0.00 0.04 8.75 8.77 11.45 0.04 0.005 62 6181000 97,892 13.69 13.69 0.00 0.03 8.32 8.32 2.28 0.67 0.022 63 6182563 1,187,768 4.99 4.99 0.00 0.00 6.71 6.32 30.46 2.62 0.270 64 6184200 177,530 4.94 4.94 0.00 0.00 8.01 7.46 47.34 4.14 0.040 65 6470100 16,001 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.30 6.15 4.72 29.21 2.82 0.004 66 6494305 41,465 2.03 2.03 0.00 8.20 3.46 1.46 9.22 6.33 0.009 67 6494390 14,150 1.53 1.53 0.00 8.20 5.00 2.60 6.99 6.82 0.003 68 6495300 32,908 2.10 0.00 2.10 8.00 3.15 1.57 3.36 8.18 0.007 69 6532210 11,046 0.01 0.00 0.09 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.003 70 6532230 94,498 4.12 0.00 4.12 0.00 0.69 3.00 0.53 O.00 0.021 71 6607300 28.500 1.16 0.00 1.16 0.00 0.81 1.15 0.81 0.05 0.006 72 6610900 60,000 1.97 1.97 0.00 0.00 4.30 4.27 23.46 2.85 0.014 73 6611018 11,000 2.44 2.44 0.00 0.00 1.79 1.41 43.24 3.53 0.002 74 6611074 40,929 5.34 5.34 0.00 3.50 5.34 4.04 11.83 3.22 0.009 75 6743469 46,888 4.33 4.33 0.00 4.40 3.95 3.78 5.00 3.65 0.011 76 6746035 19,555 3.57 3.57 0.00 4.90 5.14 3.39 6.84 4.13 0.004 77 6747080 15,700 2.13 2.13 0.00 2.80 3.69 1.58 9.07 2.63 0.004 78 6761530 12,000 3.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 2.80 1.30 4.47 3.32 O.t03 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Diamonds over 1/2 carat, cut, not set, suitable for jewelry 54 Mineral substances, crude, nes, except lithium ores 55 Glassware household articies,glass containing by weight over 24% lead monoxide,nspf,valued over S5 each 56 Iron or steel waste and scrap nspf, not containing chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, or vanadium in amounts specified(see he 57 Wire rods of iron or steel, not alloy, not tempered, not treated, and not partly manufactured, valued over 4 cents per pou 58 Flat wire of other than alloy iron or steel not coated, over 0.05 inch in thickness 59 Round wire of other than alloy iron or steel, over 0.06 inch in diameter, containing not over 0.25% carbon, not coated, co 60 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed 61 Brass waste and scrap 62 Aluminum waste and scrap 63 Sheets and strip nspf, aluminum, not clad 64 Aluminum powders 65 Hinges, fittings, mountings, for motor vehicles, of iron, steel, aluminum, or zinc 66 End milling cutters with cut part containing duitable alloys 67 Cutting tools,nes,with cut part containing dutiable alloys 68 Tool tips, plates, blanks, and other forms for making tool tips, unmounted, of sintered metal carbides 69 Gold coins 70 Metal coins, other than gold 71 Parts for internal combustion engines;certified for use in civil aircraft(see headnote 3,part 6c,schedule 6) 72 Compressors, refrigeration and air conditioning, 1/4 hp and under 73 Compressors, refrigeration and air conditioning for motor vehicles 74 Parts of compressors, nspf 75 Miiiing machines nspf 76 Parts of pneumatic type hand-directed or -controlled tools for metal-working 77 Parts of pneumatic hand-directed or -controlled tools, nspf 78 Accounting and computing machines - 68 . APPENDIX TABLE 3 (Continued) BAHAMAS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BAHAMAS "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BAHAMAS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BAHAMAS' OES TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 6853277 136,518 0.20 0.00 0.20 6.00 3.12 2.07 3.37 5.57 0.031 80 6859038 10,574 0.37 0.00 0.37 0.00 3.79 2.55 4.68 4.62 0.002 81 6859058 27,779 2.30 0.00 2.30 5.70 3.95 0.98 4.18 5.01 0.006 82 6923295 948,494 1.77 1.77 0.00 3.20 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 0.216 83 6944120 110,000 0.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.43 4.04 3.61 0.01 0.025 84 6946200 28,229 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.00 2.02 2.31 1.96 0.00 0.006 85 6961058 160,000 0.78 0.78 .00 1.90 9.07 9.90 0.00 1.97 0.036 86 7003530 31,347 2.79 2.79 *.00 8.50 4.83 4.37 6.35 8.49 0.007 87 7004544 177,358 3.15 3.15 0.00 10.00 5.70 4.24 7.85 10.01 0.040 88 7125200 22,000 0.82 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.70 0.64 0.71 0.00 0.005 89 7209400 63,191 66.70 66.70 0.00 7.60 4.84 2.84 9.55 7.85 0.014 90 7650300 24,824 4.44 0.00 4.44 0.00 0.89 4.27 0.85 0.00 0.006 91 7721500 21,736 14.35 14.35 0.00 5.30 11.31 10.90 33.79 1.92 0.005 92 7728000 13,120 2.58 2.58 0.00 0.00 7.38 4.27 18.44 4.81 0.003 93 7912700 11,835 6.67 0.00 6.67 0.00 4.89 2.70 5.82 0.19 0.003 94 8000035 7,168,416 2.09 2.15 2.46 0.00 2.53 4.66 1.97 0.00 1.629 95 9999500 158,408 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.036 06S DESCRIPTiON 79 Special radio combinations 80 Electrical switches, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 81 Printed circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 82. Parts nspf for motor vehicles 83 Airplanes used or rebuilt,civil aircraft 84 Aircraft and spacecraft parts,nec,certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3 in tsus) 85 Yachts or pleasure boats, valued over S15,000 each, sail propelled, auxiliary powered, over 31 feet in length 86 For men, soled leather moccasins 87 Women's leather cement footwear nspf, valued over S2.50 per pair s8 Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing or automatically-controlling instruments and apparatus, and parts thereof, use i 89 Clock parts nspf 90 Paintings, pastels, drawings and sketchings, executed wholly by hand, original or not 91 Household articles of rubber or plastic 92 Handles and knobs,of rubber or plastics 93 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into uppers 94 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 95 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 69 _ APPENDIX TABLE 4 BARBADOS' TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BARBADOS "OTHERS- SHARE IN U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS, NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1009520 10,200 5.08 0.00 5.08 0.00 21.51 0.00 21.67 0.01 0.009 2 1101070 21,546 4.33 4.33 0.00 0.00 8.56 8.08 23.04 0.00 0.020 3 1104500 10,187 8.60 0.00 8.60 0.00 22.20 22.23 15.05 1.31 0.009 4 1144545 10,594 14.70 0.00 14.70 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.60 0.00 0.010 5 1246560 16,781 2.46 0.00 2.46 3.20 2.48 0.00 2.49 3.41 0.015 6 1258400 17,572 15.59 0.00 15.59 5.79 24.92 25.90 24.70 2.86 0.016 7 1553500 1,445,628 1.69 10.00 0.00 0.60 12.27 12.35 0.00 0.21 1.327 8 1554000 34,172 25.09 27.07 0.00 0.01 24.80 24.80 0.00 0.05 0.031 9 1691300 70,694 5.18 5.11 0.00 0.00 8.30 7.65 35.48 7.27 0.065 10 1691415 1,054,406 6.96 6.96 0.00 0.20 5.91 5.92 6.53 1.22 0.968 11 1824600 29,550 13.16 13.16 0.00 0.00 10.64 10.62 29.13 4.05 0.027 12 1830520 16,109 33.79 33.79 0.00 0.00 8.42 8.18 22.38 7.02 0.015 13 2565220 104,731 5.47 5.47 0.00 2.70 12.25 8.85 43.43 3.47 0.096 14 2565240 21,504 4.63 5.10 0.00 0.00 17.28 10.04 57.63 2.45 0.020 15 2565440 19,826 9.37 7.46 43.45 0.00 13.82 10.92 31.24 2.75 0.018 16 2569030 10,396 22.60 0.00 22.60 0.00 12.73 9.41 31.15 3.48 0.010 17 2707000 10,335 27.19 0.00 27.19 0.00 14.02 7.40 32.16 0.00 0.009 18 2708500 22,800 19.78 0.00 19.78 0.00 10.59 5.09 19.55 0.00 0.021 19 2744000 36,198 0.83 0.00 0.83 0.00 1.09 2.33 1.38 0.00 0.033 20 2747560 16,678 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 4.38 3.16 8.76 0.14 0.015 21 3385996 10,604 35.21 0.00 35.21 18.31 8.33 2.65 12.70 18.34 0.010 22 3601200 177,445 1.72 0.00 0.00 5.10 5.56 4.32 7.61 5.18 0.163 23 3762425 3,008,677 1.49 0.00 1.49 32.00 3.25 2.96 3.55 31.74 2.762 24 3762430 709,538 3.31 0.74 3.61 32.00 3.43 2.57 4.21 31.99 0.651 25 3762825 2,120,840 1.30 0.00 1.30 18.00 3.78 2.14 7.10 17.99 1.947 26 3762830 1,242,472 3.03 0.75 3.30 18.00 3.99 2.65 5.91 18.00 1.141 0BS DESCRIPTION 1 Monkeys and other primates, live 2 Sea herring, frozen 3 Scaled fish nspf, whole or partially processed 4 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 5 Persian lamb and caracul furskins, whole, dressed, dyed 6 Live plants nspf, suitable for planting 7 Sugars, sirups, and molasses, from sugar cane or sugar beets, not principally of crystalline structure, not in dry amorpho 8 Sugars, sirups, molasses, and mixtures from sugar cane or beets w/soluble non-sugar solids, not for sugar extraction or hu 9 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over 1 gallon 10 Rum, including cana paraguaya, in containers each holding over I gallon, valued over S3.50 per gallon 11 Sauces nes 12 Edible preparations nspf (including prepared meals individually packaged 13 Sanitary food and beverage containers, not assembled, of paper, paperboard, papier-mache, or combination thereof 14 Boxes of paper, paperboard, papier-mache, or any combination thereof nes, not folded, not set up, not otherwise assembled 15 Boxes of paper, paperboard, papier-mache, or any combination thereof nspf 16 Bags and packing containers for office use 17 Tourist literature chiefly about places outside the customs territory of the united states 18 Printed catalogs, price lists to sell-or rent foreign products 19 Postage/revenue stamps, cancelled or not, government stamped envelopes/postal cards bearing no printing other than the off 20 Printed paper matter nspf, lithographs, not over 0.020 inch in thickness 21 Spun fibers and yarn 22 Wooi floor covering with pile hand-inserted or hand-knotted,valued over 66 2/31 per square foot 23 Cotton brassieres,'ace,net,or ornamented 24 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 25 Cotton brassieres,not ornamented 26 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 70 APPENDIX TABLE 4 (Continued) BARBADOS' TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BARBADOS "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS OaS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3762876 28,494 3.03 0.00 3.03 11.44 3.00 3.19 2.95 17.86 0.026 28 3762886 274,525 2.53 0.00 2.53 14.55 3.48 3.05 3.78 17.97 0.252 29 3812430 29,930 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.30 8.24 5.45 26.41 36.47 0.027 30 3816240 27,576 2.61 0.00 2.61 16.50 6.27 3.19 17.10 16.49 0.025 31 3818360 14,991 1.46 0.00 1.46 23.09 4.53 2.65 6.42 22.62 0.014 32 3819575 18,989 6.09 0.00 6.09 28.76 4.37 3.24 14.64 30.23 0.017 33 3840506 28,564 2.35 0.00 2.35 22.70 4.16 2.14 7.96 20.14 0.026 34 3840805 123,356 2.32 0.00 2.32 20.91 8.40 6.96 23.69 20.23 0.113 35 3840815 84,834 2.43 0.00 0.00 20.16 5.15 5.67 1.28 20.05 0.078 36 3840910 359,935 2.84 0.00 2.84 20.15 7.56 3.94 8.51 20.46 0.330 37 3840915 1,304,566 2.67 0.00 2.69 20.50 8.75 5.69 13.02 20.34 1.198 38 3840973 18,145 9.50 0.00 9.63 20.68 4.00 3.58 4.07 20.53 0.017 39 3840996 18,498 2.91 0.00 3.13 20.92 7.66 7.01 8.46 20.18 0.017 40 3842310 16,720 2.28 0.00 2.27 32.10 8.21 4.45 12.35 32.58 0.015 41 3842314 18,697 4.55 0.00 3.35 32.28 5.80 4.50 8.65 32.38 0.017 42 3842510 527,975 2.33 0.00 2.37 28.92 8.17 5.69 9.15 28.74 0.485 43 3842515 2,656,922 3.03 0.00 3.06 28.81 7.18 5.74 11.09 28.83 2.439 44 3842580 45,653 6.59 0.00 6.80 28.50 9.73 3.71 13.15 28.81 0.042 45 3842646 314,559 2.33 0.00 2.37 29.17 7.32 6.42 20.88 28.87 0.289 46 3842697 86,716 2.43 0.00 2.36 28.43 7.96 6.38 11.80 28.52 0.080 47 3842950 25,439 11.83 0.00 11.83 19.05 8.33 4.18 15.24 20.94 0.023 48 3843441 23,149 7.15 0.00 7.15 8.36 15.34 5.80 17.07 9.60 0.021 49 3843767 20,177 7.39 0.00 7.39 8.00 7.70 5.46 10.48 7.98 0.019 50 3844609 12,342 4.60 0.00 4.60 15.12 9.65 4.20 14.42 16.46 0.011 51 3844725 23,329 5.32 0.00 5.32 16.04 9.49 4.30 16.67 16.48 0.021 52 3844765 131,741 8.57 0.00 8.57 15.88 7.68 3.77 17.36 16.48 0.121 OOS DESCRIPTION 27 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., of man-made fibers 28 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented 29 Men's or boys' knit shirts nspf, man-made fibers, ornamented 30 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 31 Men's or boys' wool trousers, slacks, and shorts, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S4 per lb 32 Men's woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 33 Girls' or infants' cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 34 Infants' sets, up to 24 months of age, with each component of not knit construction, not knit, of cotton, ornamented 35 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, knit shirt and not knit trouser, slack, or short, of cotton, ornament 36 Girls' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 37 Infants' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 38 Parts of women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 39 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 40 Girls' blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 41 Infants' blouses and shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 42 Girls' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 43 Infants' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 44 Parts of women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 45 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, with each component of not knit construction, of man-made fibers, orn 46 Women's, girls', or infants' lace or net wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, ornamented 47 Women's other cotton knit shirts, not ornamented 48 Cotton knit tops, not ornamented, for women and girls 49 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, valued over S4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 50 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 51 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 52 Women's other cotton trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented - 71 - APPENDIX TABLE 4 (Continued) BARBADOS, TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES iN 1986 BARBADOS "OTHERS" SHARE I N U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF iOTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 3844925 12,587 4.39 0.00 4.39 12.87 10.87 4.30 13.15 12.91 0.012 54 3845251 13,309 6.10 0.00 6.10 9.40 11.25 4.75 16.00 9.82 0.012 55 3849162 98,680 5.38 0.00 5.38 28.97 5.12 4.69 6.33 29.45 0.091 56 3849169 103,527 8.53 0.00 8.53 29.66 6.49 4.76 19.35 30.55 0.095 57 3849171 24,388 7.95 0.00 7.95 21.40 5.49 4.72 18.52 30.32 0.022 58 3849696 13,749 8.17 0.00 8.17 5.00 5.48 3.07 8.76 5.07 0.013 59 4135400 57,531 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 5.39 5.14 17.03 6.65 0.053 60 4452500 18,736 8.88 0.00 O.00 5.60 12.33 12.41 18.30 4.98 0.017 61 4661500 12,281 0.00 0.00 O.00 0.00 8.81 8.43 28.91 1.69 0.011 62 5111100 324,930 37.55 37.55 0.00 0.00 24.51 26.13 0.68 0.16 0.298 63 5111440 1,146,632 36.75 36.75 0.00 0.00 24.61 24.59 0.52 0.00 1.053 64 5201120 57,113 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.32 0.29 0.32 0.00 0.052 65 5238180 62,500 12.98 12.98 0.00 0.00 21.13 21.23 15.50 0.00 0.057 66 5444120 22,110 8.55 8.55 0.00 0.00 9.14 8.55 26.51 5.45 0.020 67 6036510 13,616 0.00 O.0 0.00 0.00 7.65 7.65 0.00 0.00 0.012 68 6052020 182,000 3.58 0.00 3.58 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.167 69 6057020 94,000 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 0.25 6.14 0.21 0.00 0.086 70 6094125 80,805 10.11 10.11 0.00 0.13 15.77 15.14 16.00 1.48 0.074 71 6121020 63,076 6.02 6.02 0.00 0.05 8.41 8.72 46.40 0.02 0.058 72 6528600 340,364 2.98 0.00 2.98 0,34 2.74 4.96 2.53 3.60 0.312 73 6532210 12,250 2.33 0.00 2.33 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.011 74 6572590 11,490 26.04 0.00 26.04 6.20 8.37 7.90 12.70 5.43 0.011 75 6607147 34,893 8.74 8.74 0.00 4.00 8.69 8.21 18.48 3.84 0.032 76 6613570 144,111 1.07 0.00 1.07 3.20 6.86 6.18 14.65 2.58 0.132 77 6747030 37,218 7.43 0.00 7.43 2.80 4.44 2.53 12.48 2.87 0.034 78 6747060 29,347 5.24 0.00 5.24 2.80 3.86 1.85 8.49 2.79 0.027 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dresses, not knit, not ornamented 54 Women's skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 55 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and lower component of same fabric, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamente 56 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 57 Other women's and girls' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented, nspf 58 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers, slacks, and shorts, not ornamented nspf 59 Mixtures from benzenoid chemicals, nspf 60 Cellulosic plastics materiaIs except cellulose acetate 61 Toilet soap, over 20 cents per pound 62 CemenT, white nonstaining portIand 63 Hydraulic cement,nes 64 Diamonds, except industrial, natural ,not advanced and notset 65 Mineral substances, crude, nes, except lithium ores 66 Laminated automotive glass, whether or not shaped or framed or both 67 Vanadium bearing materials, not advanced in value or condition, not over 2 percent copper, lead, or zinc 68 Gold bullion 69 Gold sweepings and waste and scrap 70 Round wire of other than alloy iron or steel, over 0.06 inch in diameter, containing not over 0.25% carbon, not coated, co 71 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed 72 Hairsprings of base metal 73 Gold coins 74 Articles nes, of iron or steel, not coated or plated with precious metal, other than cast iron or steel 75 Crankshafts for piston-type diesel engines, nspf 76 Parts of refrigerators and refrigerating equipment 77 Parts of chain saws 78 Parts of chain saws - 72 v APPENDIX TABLE 4 (Continued) BARBADOS' TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BARBADOS "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ",OTHERS.- NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 6761530 40,272 1.27 0.00 1.27 4.10 2.80 1.30 4.47 3.32 0.037 80 6763055 18,645 1.28 0.00 1.28 3.90 2.25 0.67 5.71 3.89 0.017 81 6765433 170,821 1.14 0.00 1.14 0.00 4.18 2.10 4.89 0.00 0.157 82 6765435 48,705 1.23 0.00 1.23 0.00 2.74 1.77 2.96 0.00 0.045 83 6765455 115,469 2.04 0.00 2.04 0.00 2.91 2.03 3.10 0.00 0.106 84 6765695 23,797 8.73 0.00 8.73 4.10 4.36 2.94 6.23 3.96 0.022 85 6785097 62,000 15.44 0.00 0.00 3.90 3.74 3.36 4.45 3.78 0.057 86 6803712 10,800 4.34 0.00 4.34 11.00 3.30 2.60 12.21 10.95 0.010 87 6826052 49,454 2.45 6.00 0.00 4.10 4.92 3.35 5.77 3.03 0.045 88 6829500 17,977 3.50 0.00 3.50 5.70 3.54 2.94 5.49 5.02 0.017 89 6852443 2,254,133 0.12 0.00 0.12 6.00 1.63 1.06 2.29 4.75 2.069 90 6856035 23,285 0.98 0.00 0.98 5.20 1.08 1.84 1.04 2.78 0.021 91 6857080 898,861 0.42 0.00 0.42 0.00 5.00 3.14 7.11 1.75 0.825 92 6858008 874,383 0.46 0.00 0.46 0.00 4.25 2.51 4.46 10.00 0.803 93 6858035 14,807 2.22 0.00 2.22 6.03 4.52 2.80 5.64 9.48 0.014 94 6859004 46,123 0.47 0.00 0.47 5.70 3.60 3.08 3.84 5.63 0.042 95 6859042 1,045,159 8.48 0.00 8.48 0.19 5.75 3.38 6.47 4.97 0.959 96 6859058 555,925 0.44 0.00 0.44 0.95 3.97 0.98 4.20 5.03 0.510 97 6859059 95,457 1.81 0.00 1.81 6.10 4.90 2.48 5.55 4.58 0.088 98 6859080 1,761,247 1.56 0.00 1.56 1.59 4.17 2.61 5.63 5.08 1.617 99 6861030 73,590 1.50 0.00 1.50 2.31 3.08 2.37 3.34 5.78 0.068 100 6861064 215,229 8.79 0.00 8.79 0.36 4.41 3.80 4.67 5.38 0.198 -101 6861076 17,956 8.82 0.00 8.82 0.00 5.95 3.41 6.56 6.01 0.016 102 6861082 3,652,899 1.74 0.00 1.74 0.01 4.33 2.28 4.55 4.86 3.353 103 6861086 137,943 4.28 0.00 4.28 1.32 6.10 3.97 7.93 5.76 0.127 104 6877405 305,781 0.94 0.00 0.94 0.11 1.23 3.00 1.23 0.67 0.281 o0S DESCRIPTION 79 Accounting and computing machines 80 Hard magnetic disc drive units (data-processing machines) 81 Printer units of automatic data-processing machines 82 Parts of automatic data-processing nspf 83 Parts of automatic data-processing machines, nspf 84 Parts of office machines nspf 85 Machinery not specially provided for, and parts thereof 86 Radial ball bearings,having an outside diameter over 30 mm but not over 52 mm 87 Coils and inductors 88 Primary cells and primary batteries and parts thereof 89 Transceivers other than hand-held and marine vhf-fm radio transceivers 90 Parts, nspf, for radar apparatus 91 Eiectric signaling devices 92 Fixed electrical capacitors, tantalum electrolytic, nspf 93 Fixed capacitors, nes 94 Circuit breakers, other than molded case, for circuits under 1,000 v 95 Fuses, other than in glass cartridge, in circuits of less than 2,300 v 96 Printed circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 97 Printed circuit boards, other than with a plastic impregnated glass base 98 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 99 Resistors, variable wirewound including potentiometers 100 Fixed resisTors, designed for surface mounting (smd) by contact, having more than 2 terminals (re5istor networks), nspf 101 Fixed resistors, having more than 2 leads (resistor networks), nspf 102 Fixed resistors, having 2 leads, wirewound 103 Parts of resistors and potentiometers 104 Unmounted chips, dice and waters for monolithic integrated circuits e 73 - APPENDIX TABLE 4 (Continued) BARBADOS' TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BARBADOS "-OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FFREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS 06S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 105 6877420 1,805,097 0.87 0.00 0.87 0.30 1.83 0.69 1.85 0.63 1.657 106 6877430 263,675 1.09 0.00 1.09 1.00 1.65 1.97 1.70 0.48 0.242 107 6877435 15,236,221 0.53 0.00 0.53 0.92 1.15 0.81 1.15 0.67 13.987 108 6877437 1,132,038 0.54 0.00 0.54 0.21 1.34 0.87 1.35 0.68 1.039 109 6877441 17,238,959 0.26 0.00 0.26 3.66 1.12 1.33 1.19 0.45 15.826 110 6877445 2,304,367 1.06 0.00 1.06 0.59 1.26 1.25 1.27 0.50 2.115 111 6877450 356,784 0.96 0.00 0.96 0.00 1.51 1.10 1.52 0.57 0.328 112 6877455 24,273,487 0.58 0.00 0.58 0.99 1.57 1.43 1.57 0.53 22.284 113 6878520 648,855 0.96 0.00 0.96 2.92 2.37 2.83 2.37 0.78 0.596 114 6881800 680,163 0.35 0.00 0.35 5.50 6.05 4.45 8.57 2.86 0.624 115 6884280 1,579,861 2.48 6.00 2.50 0.25 4.05 3.93 4.22 3.53 1.450 116 6923295 55,597 20.80 20.98 12.33 3.20 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 0.051 117 7004544 203,436 4.03 4.03 0.00 10.00 5.70 4.24 7.85 10.01 0.187 118 7044010 88,143 5.06 0.00 5.06 25.00 7.93 7.75 5.97 24.97 0.081 119 7058600 6,210,281 1.28 1.25 6.18 16.99 5.85 5.48 19.51 16.66 5.701 120 7066100 42,970 5.59 4.97 23.75 0.00 7.48 5.78 10.37 16.87 0.039 121 7087800 22,441 13.19 0.00 13.19 5.20 2.22 1.95 2.49 5.20 0.021 122 7091770 44,042 12.00 12.00 0.00 4.40 2.69 1.82 3.32 4.33 0.040 123 7124971 17,135 4.59 0.00 4.59 5.50 2.54 2.25 2.60 5.07 0.016 124 7124975 1,150,871 1.41 0.00 1.41 0.08 2.82 2.13 3.17 4.93 1.057 125 7242520 19,112 6.36 0.00 6.36 0.00 8.00 3.15 9.11 0.56 0.018 126 7244020 102,072 5.25 0.00 4.97 0.00 5.69 3.30 9.58 0.59 0.094 127 7273525 18,171 8.70 8.70 0.00 2.58 10.60 10.49 23.75 2.72 0.017 128 7273555 88,036 32.27 32.27 0.00 1.27 11.54 11.43 31.29 2.52 0.081 129 7662540 17,371 20.44 20.44 0.00 0.00 4.97 5.98 2.60 0.00 0.016 130 7722045 20,975 6.78 6.78 0.00 0.00 10.05 7.63 23.19 2.87 0.019 OES DESCRIPTION 105 Transistor-logic bipolar monolithic integrated circuits, except memory 106 Bipolar monolithic integrated circuits, nspf except memory 107 Metal oxide semiconductors random access memories not over 9000 bits 108 Metal oxide semiconductors random access memories over 9000 but not over 20000 bits 109 Metal oxide semiconductors random access memories over 40000 but not over 80000 bits 110 Metal oxide silicon semiconductors memory nspf 111 Metal oxide semiconductors microprocessor 112 Metal oxide semiconductors integrated circuits,nspf 113 Parts for semiconductors other than chips, dice, and wafers 114 Insulated electrical conductors, with fittings, nspf 115 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf 116 Parts nspf for motor vehicles 117 Women's leather cement footwear nspf, valued over $2.50 per pair 118 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing machine-woven fabric, without fourchettes or sidewall 119 Gloves of rubber or plastics, nspf 120 Flat goods of other materials nspf 121 Electron, proton, and similar microscopes and diffraction apparatus 122 Electro-medical apparatus,nes 123 Instruments and apparatus to measure or check electrical quantities, and parts thereof 124 Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing, or automatically-controlling instruments and apparatus, and parts thereof 125 Phonograph records,stereo and quadraphonic, 33-1/3 rpm 126 Cassette sound recordings nspf 127 Desks and desk extensions, wood 128 Wall systems, book cases, shelf units, credenzas, buffets, servers, china closets and other cabinets, wood 129 Antique furniture 130 Containers nes, of rubber or plastics, used for packing, transporting, or marketing merchandise 74 - APPENDIX TABLE 4 (Continued) BARBADOS, TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BARBADOS "OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. BARBADOS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BARBADOS 085 TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 131 7725136 17,353 10.05 10.05 0.00 4.00 9.13 9.17 82.52 3.96 0.016 132 7745595 17,500 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.70 8.90 7.74 14.65 4.58 0.016 133 7930000 83,528 7.03 9.38 0.52 0.00 15.16 20.37 4.46 0.00 0.077 134 8000035 2,623,078 3.66 4.81 3.06 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 2.408 135 9999500 146,279 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.134 085 DESCRIPTION 131 New radial bus tires for on the highway (not including recaps) 132 Articles nspf, of plastic or rubber 133 Waste and scrap, nspf 134 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 135 Under S250 formal and informal entries - 75 - APPENDIX TABLE 5 BELIZE TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BELIZE "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BELIZE NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BELIZE'S 085 TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1061060 263,493 6.57 6.57 0.00 0.00 16.00 16.01 21.17 2.24 0.525 2 1103570 145,604 14.80 0.00 14.80 0.03 20.39 12.85 20.74 0.17 0.290 3 1107080 62,648 5.26 2.83 7.48 0.00 8.84 6.96 27.28 0.00 0.125 4 1144512 173,049 3.78 0.00 3.69 0.00 5.25 4.17 6.45 0.00 0.345 5 1144525 3,179,384 1.47 1.28 1.93 0.00 2.86 2.51 5.02 0.00 6.338 6 1144530 561,574 1.64 1.46 1.86 0.00 3.19 2.72 7.03 0.00 1.119 7 1144545 360,406 2.71 2.46 3.11 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.61 0.00 0.718 8 1144562 13,230 2.58 0.00 2.58 0.00 4.19 4.07 14.84 0.00 0.026 9 1144595 266,629 3.89 4.38 3.60 0.00 6.88 5.92 14.37 0.00 0.532 10 1144598 118,319 4.78 4.49 8.07 0.00 5.49 4.86 25.41 0.00 0.236 II 1258400 46,050 9.65 0.00 9.65 0.00 24.95 25.90 24.74 2.87 0.092 12 1359000 19,735 39.45 52.96 46.17 0.00 50.28 52.37 47.25 1.44 0.039 13 1359500 16,911 72.84 0.00 72.84 0.00 56.59 56.79 55.25 0.26 0.034 14 1375000 66,028 22.46 0.00 22.46 0.00 49.22 45.14 65.44 1.02 0.132 15 1376000 33,126 1.81 0.00 50.00 0.91 53.63 52.05 57.78 1.70 0.066 16 1403500 28,593 6.37 6.37 0.00 0.00 16.99 17.37 0.00 0.08 0.057 17 1480300 74,763 59.83 0.00 59.83 0.00 56.75 35.47 76.45 0.52 0.149 18 1480600 123,696 41.09 0.00 57.63 0.89 50.23 41.24 82.31 0.54 0.247 19 1552045 11110293 10.19 10.19 0.00 0.00 6.71 6.93 0.00 0.00 22.148 20 1561000 203,242 4.23 4.23 0.00 0.00 7.62 7.62 12.95 0.00 0.405 21 1601020 276,786 2.16 2.16 0.00 0.00 3.67 3.66 6.75 0.00 0.552 22 1652900 6,371,488 6.53 6.53 0.00 4.00 9.25 7.85 56.13 49.31 12.701 23 1653680 4,068,550 5.23 5.23 0.00 3.27 13.33 13.55 20.26 26.89 8.110 24 1655500 67,903 5.61 5.61 0.00 0.00 5.67 5.49 13.30 0.88 0.135 25 2001000 498,700 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.27 26.27 0.00 0.00 0.994 26 2023420 26,376 13.42 11.78 0.00 0.00 20.58 20.66 0.00 0.00 0.053 BS DESCRIPTION I Beef without bone, fresh, chilled, or frozen 2 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, fresh or chilled 3 Fish nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, partially processed 4 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved i Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 6 Lobsters nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 7 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 8 Peeled shrimp nspf, not breaded, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 9 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 10 Shellfish nes, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 11 Live plants nspf, suitable for planting 12 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december I to last day of february, inclusive 13 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered march 1 to april 30, inclusive, in any year 14 Squash, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 15 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered march 1-july 14, or september l-november 14, inclusive, in any 16 Lentils, dried, desiccated, or dehydrated 17 Mangoes, fresh, if entered september 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 18 Mangoes, fresh, if entered june I to august 31, inclusive, in any year 19 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 20 Cocoa beans 21 Coffee, crude 22 Orange juice nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percent of ethyl alcohol by volume 23 Citrus fruit juices nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percentof ethyl alcohol by volume, concentrated 24 Fruit juices nes, not mixed, not containing over 1 percent ethyl alcohol 25 Wood waste 26 Hardwood lumber, mahogany, rough (not including siding, molding and flooring) . 76 - APPEfNDIX TABLE 5 (Continued) BELIZE TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BELIZE "OTHERS", SHARE IN U.S. BELIZE NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BELIZE'S OBS TSUSA IMFORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 2024400 182,472 7.19 7.19 0.00 0.00 27.73 27.93 0.00 0.00 0.364 28 2026440 11,325 9.38 9.38 0.00 0.00 16.27 16.43 19.27 0.00 0.023 29 2063040 46,983 9.71 9.71 0.00 0.00 10.80 10.63 26.96 1.02 0.094 30 2069800 238,362 7.26 7.26 0.00 0.00 10.63 10.16 46.43 4.25 0.475 31 2220590 10,875 5.56 5.56 0.00 0.00 18.68 18.94 7.45 0.00 0.022 32 2226000 10,875 5.52 5.52 0.00 7.30 21.07 20.27 58.40 3.15 0.022 33 2526745 167,304 17.76 17.76 0.00 0.00 14.87 14.86 104.90 0.00 0.334 34 3810220 13,771 2.43 0.00 0.00 23.30 8.12 5.85 9.79 22.29 0.027 35 3810822 1,220.801 3.56 0.00 0.00 20.00 8.12 4.07 18.97 20.00 2.434 36 3814520 10,544 2.57 0.00 0.00 10.80 13.55 7.95 36.70 9.72 0.021 37 3816220 441,636 2.56 0.00 0.00 16.50 6.67 4.66 27.06 16.49 0.880 38 3816230 600,067 2.75 0.00 0.00 16.50 5.52 3.82 20.25 16.50 1.196 39 3816250 896,075 2.83 0.00 0.00 16.50 4.58 3.55 19.33 16.30 1.786 40 3816260 273,791 2.56 0.00 0.00 16.50 6.80 5.62 14.39 16.50 0.546 41 3816270 10,172 2.84 2.84 0.00 16.50 6.32 3.51 17.26 16.47 0.020 42 3816510 6,352,796 2.72 0.00 0.00 9.63 8.34 6.99 17.75 9.52 12.664 43 3819549 81,476 2.71 0.00 0.00 30.47 8.81 7.01 22.46 29.93 0.162 44 3819805 2,621,588 3.15 0.00 0.00 20.12 6.85 5.85 10.95 19.67 5.226 45 3840510 10,440 12.36 0.00 0.00 19.60 11.69 4.15 18.68 19.53 0.021 46 3844647 19,923 2.88 0.00 0.00 16.50 6.98 4.26 24.58 16.46 0.040 47 3844648 893,965 2.69 0.00 0.00 16.50 7.20 6.57 15.14 16.50 1.782 48 3844650 11,659 3.17 0.00 0.00 16.51 6.32 3.74 14.67 16.47 0.023 49 3844740 88,484 2.68 0.00 0.00 16.50 5.64 4.69 17.17 16.50 0.176 50 3844765 30,329 2.22 1.13 3.52 16.50 7.68 3.77 17.35 16.48 0.060 51 3845125 11,304 2.94 0.00 2.94 9.40 7.84 6.00 12.12 9.55 0.023 52 3848130 17,712 3.36 0.00 0.00 35.93 10.20 6.11 29.57 35.48 0.035 O0S OESCRIPTION 27 Hardwood lumber nspf, rough 28 Standard wood moldings, hardwood, other than pine, not drilled or treated 29 Wood doors nes, with or without their hardware 30 Wood household utensils and parts nspf 31 Bamboo or rattan sticks nes 32 Articles nspf, of bamboo, rattan, willow, or chip 33 Book paper and printing paper nspf, containing over 10% mechanical wood pulp 34 Men's or boys' cotton knit t-shirts, ornamented 35 Men's coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, cotton, not knit 36 Men's or boys' cotton coats nspf, not knit, valued S4 or less each, not ornamented 37 Men's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 38 Men's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 39 Boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 40 Boys' cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 41 Boys' cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 42 Men's cotton playsuits, coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits, not knit, not ornamented 43 Men's or boys' work shirts not ornamented of man-made fibers, not knit, without two or more colors in the warp and/or the 44 Men's woven coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 45 Lace, net or ornamented cotton coats, not knit, for women and girls 46 Women's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 47 Infants' trousers and siacks, boys over 24 months of age, denim, including brushed denim, not knit, of cotton, not ornamen 48 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, denim, including brushed denim, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 49 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, corduroy, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 50 Women's other cotton trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 51 Girls' and infants' denim skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 52 Women's, girls', or infants' sweatshirts, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf - 77 - APPENDIX TABLE 5 (Continued) BELIZE TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BELIZE 'OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BELIZE NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BELIZE'S 0eS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 3848243 17,712 3.36 0.00 0.00 31.31 8.37 6.59 23.34 31.32 0.035 54 3848642 17,412 3.25 0.00 3.25 23.00 9.59 5.96 30.99 23.67 0.035 55 4209800 10,145 24.20 24.20 0.00 2.50 16.11 16.09 0.00 3.43 0.020 56 4377600 163,588 2.97 0.00 2.97 0.00 1.57 6.45 1.56 0.00 0.326 57 4522800 34,131 10.01 10.01 0.00 1.48 6.61 7.31 3.16 1.98 0.068 58 4524400 65,108 16.63 16.63 0.00 0.00 13.29 14.24 4.70 5.20 0.130 59 5167400 12,435 28.95 28.95 0.00 0.00 8.14 7.65 12.50 2.34 0.025 60 5203800 62.972 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.38 0.24 0.36 0.00 0.126 61 5203900 51,250 0.05 0.00 0.05 2.20 2.02 1.63 2.11 1.02 0.102 62 5322400 285,653 19.74 19.74 0.00 19.60 21.88 21.95 18.88 19.64 0.569 63 6103216 10,866 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.90 0.37 15.44 0.00 1.90 0.022 64 6180650 1,096.612 4.15 4.15 0.00 0.00 5.31 5.40 10.22 0.24 2.186 65 6220200 505,364 2.77 2.77 0.00 0.00 2.48 2.48 1.47 0.00 1.007 66 6292000 44,130 7.81 0.00 7.81 16.00 3.15 2.89 5.59 15.29 0.088 67 6403050 212,325 21.00 21.00 0.00 0.14 11.95 12.38 11.75 0.44 0.423 68 6462500 12,386 8.07 8.07 0.00 0.00 6.99 6.81 23.29 0.50 0.025 69 6604850 424,147 9.96 9.96 0.00 3.20 4.10 2.65 23.18 3.21 0.846 70 6606713 282,779 3.78 3.78 0.00 0.00 11.16 11.16 17.80 2.66 0.564 71 6606719 1,032,017 6.53 6.53 6.60 0.03 6.03 4.79 13.89 2.69 2.057 72 6609702 413,641 6.14 6.14 0.00 0.00 4.21 2.79 8.46 3.25 0.825 73 6802730 28,375 7.10 7.10 0.00 0.00 3.37 3.04 4.09 3.44 0.057 74 6826059 18,746 17.46 13.17 0.00 1.64 6.28 5.45 11.73 2.38 0.037 75 6858035 101,438 18.59 0.00 18.59 10.00 4.47 2.80 5.56 9.47 0.202 76 6923220 44,082 4.19 4.19 0.00 3.25 8.66 8.55 22.48 3.21 0.088 77 6923230 122,523 11.44 11.44 0.00 3.23 7.33 6.84 32.75 3.18 0.244 78 6923264 46,261 5.07 5.07 0.00 3.21 6.19 5.07 21.33 3.13 0.092 08S DESCRIPTION 53 Women's, girls', or infants' jogging, warm up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, knit, of man-made fibers, not orn 54 Women's girls' or infants' playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits, and similar apparel, of two pieces, knit, of man-made fibers, n 55 Sodium chromate and dichromate 56 Viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous biological products; human blood and fractions; human skin, and anatomical pts. of 57 Grapefruit oil 58 Orange oil 59 Mica cut or stamped over .006 inch in thickness not perforated or indented, nes 60 Emeralds, cut but not set, suitable for jewelry 61 Other precious and semiprecious stones, cut, not set, for jewelry not elsewhere specified 62 Ceramic floor and wall tiles, except mosaic, glazed 63 Pipes and tubes other than for use in boilers, etc., 0.375 to 2.375 inches in outside diameter, with coupling, weided, oth 64 Unwrought alloys of aluminum, nes 65 Tin other than alloys of tin, unwrought 66 Titanium, wrought 67 Containers used in packing, transporting or marketing of goods, other than of stainless steel, aluminum with capacity not 68 Brads, nails, and similar articles, 1 piece construction, iron or steel, round wire under 1 inch in length, under .065 inc 69 Engines, not compression-ignition nspf, specially designed for automobiles, trucks and buses 70 Crankshafts for piston-type automobile engines, except diesel 71 Parts of piston-type engines other then compression ignition engines nspf 72 Motor vehicle pumps for liquids 73 Hydraulically actuated valves 74 Parts of motors (other than commutators and parts of motors under 1/40 hp) 75 Fixed capacitors, nes 76 Bumpers for motor vehicles (except motorcycles) 77 Wheels designed to be mounted with pneumatic tires for motor vehicles (except motorcycles) 78 Brakes and parts thereof, nspf, for motor vehicles - 78 - APPENDIX TABLE 5 (Continued) BELIZE TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 BELIZE "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. BELIZE NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS", NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF BELIZE'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 6923295 182,832 8.10 8.20 6.60 3.22 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 0.364 80 7003522 48,408 8.54 8.54 0.00 8.50 4.62 4.02 23.92 8.51 0.096 81 7003552 85,500 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.50 6.20 5.05 8.95 8.60 0.170 82 7004514 43,920 8.50 8.50 0.00 10.00 6.17 4.36 14.55 10.00 0.088 83 7004544 77,902 13.58 0.00 13.58 10.00 5.70 4.24 7.85 10.01 0.155 84 7108080 50,725 17.09 17.09 0.00 0.00 3.67 3.34 3.93 4.91 0.101 85 7271100 98,062 6.46 0.00 6.46 0.00 24.11 23.96 97.63 2.38 0.195 86 7728500 36,416 6.87 6.87 0.00 0.00 8.85 6.08 14.65 4.96 0.073 87 7732500 74,135 10.08 8.66 21.47 0.00 5.76 4.11 10.15 3.10 0.148 88 7912700 118,225 15.16 0.00 15.16 0.00 4.88 2.70 5.81 0.19 0.236 89 7912800 10,344 30.43 0.00 30.43 0.00 7.85 3.95 14.43 1.13 0.021 90 7930000 30,958 2.63 2.63 0.00 0.00 15.15 20.36 4.43 0.00 0.062 91 8000035 1,272,450 1.58 1.20 2.18 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 2.537 92 8010000 11,400 0.96 0.00 0.96 0.00 1.60 1.80 4.35 0.00 0.023 93 9999500 49,911 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.099 06S DESCRIPTION 79 Parts nspf for motor vehicles 80 Leather athletic footwear nspf, for men youths, and boys 81 Men's leather cement footwear nspf 82 Women's casual jeather footwear nspf, valued over S2.50 per pair 83 Women's leather cement footwear nspf, valued over S2.50 per pair 84 Non-optical measuring or checking instruments, and parts 85 Furniture of unspun fibrous rattan materials and parts thereof,nspf 86 Closures, includes caps, lids, and other closures, of rubber or plastics 87 Gaskets, of rubber or plastics 88 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into uppers 89 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into footwear, other than uppers 90 Waste and scrap, nspf 91 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 92 Articles reimported, under lease to foreign manufacturer 93 Under $251 formal and informal entries estimated - 79 - APPENDIX TABLE 6 DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PRF ILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMI N iCA OTHERS" SHARE lN U.S. DOMINICA NOtINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF DOMINICA'S 0B5 TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1144512 52,813 4.32 0.00 4.32 0.00 5.19 4.17 6.27 0.00 0.348 2 1144525 456,828 3.37 3.37 0.00 0.00 2.84 2.49 4.94 0.00 3.011 3 1212500 12,369 3.02 0.00 3.02 4.40 4.46 2.83 6.53 3.85 0.082 4 1360000 11,594 14.32 14.32 0.00 0.00 32.54 30.87 52.01 0.57 0.076 5 1362000 18,606 45.15 45.15 0.00 0.00 46.69 36.40 71.87 0.00 0.123 6 1375000 23,308 53.26 53.26 0.00 0.00 47.02 44.76 56.34 0.97 0.154 7 1378800 13,372 19.29 19.29 0.00 0.00 28.87 24.62 36.36 0.30 0.088 8 1464000 44,686 10.95 10.95 0.00 0.00 32.64 32.58 68.25 0.00 0.295 9 1471500 10,855 24.41 24.41 0.00 0.00 13.79 13.79 0.00 0.43 0.072 10 1480600 14,119 5.10 5.10 0.00 0.00 49.72 42.06 74.73 0.59 0.093 11 1481200 92,692 114.63 112.59 148.32 0.00 57.09 57.35 57.59 0.66 0.611 12 1481700 45,435 120.98 120.98 0.00 0.00 60.30 60.97 51.50 7.34 0.299 13 1561000 704,674 '8 9.78 0.00 0.00 7.62 7.62 12.95 0.00 4.644 14 1602000 50,123 i.28 9.28 0.00 0.00 5.22 5.23 15.11 0.00 0.330 15 1652540 47,692 9.43 9.43 0.00 0.00 24.53 15.96 0.00 9.00 0.314 16 1653680 129,071 12.03 12.03 0.00 0.39 10.88 10.53 20.26 19.97 0.851 17 1661000 32,641 32.21 32.21 0.00 0.00 34.18 34.23 24.46 0.79 0.215 18 1673045 47,630 12.76 12.76 0.00 3.92 11.83 11.76 11.65 3.83 0.314 19 2544620 39,401 8.73 8.73 0.00 3.00 13.29 13.23 88.12 3.00 0.260 20 2569030 10,766 4.64 4.64 0.00 5.70 12.76 9.42 31.06 3.47 0.071 21 2702580 65,630 0.82 0.68 2.28 0.00 6.15 4.74 12.22 0.00 0.433 22 2746040 28,990 3.84 3.84 0.00 2.10 6.68 5.51 9.39 1.81 0.191 23 3635300 72,115 2.78 2.78 0.00 5.20 5.83 4.54 10.43 5.19 0.475 24 3721050 16,057 1.27 1,27 0.00 15.00 4.27 2.63 6.43 15.15 0.106 25 3810240 25,159 10.38 10.38 0.00 25.70 5.31 2.70 12.71 23.69 0.166 26 3840228 18,914 9.55 9.55 0.00 25.70 7.42 3.08 14.09 24.32 0.125 OBS DESCRIPTION 1 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 2 Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 3 Upholstery leather 4 Dasheens, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 5 Eggplant, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered april I to november 30, inclusive, in any year 6 Squash, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 7 Yams, fresh or chilled 8 Bananas, fresh 9 Grapefruit, fresh, if entered november 1 to july 31, inclusive 10 Mangoes, fresh, if entered june 1 to august 31, inclusive, in any year 11 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered december 1 to march 31, inclusive, in any year 12 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered other than september 1 to may 31, and other than december 1 to march 31, inclusive 13 Cocoa ibeans 14 Coffee, soluble or instant, not containing sugar or other additive 15 Lime juice, not mixed, concentrated, not over 1% ethyl alcohol 16 Citrus fruit juices nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percentof ethyl alcohol by volume, concentrated 17 Mineral waters, natural, imitation, or artifical 18 White still wines produced from grapes containing 14% or less of alcohol in containers holding not over I gal., valued ove 19 Clay coated printing paper, not lithographically printed, impregnated, coated, or both, not otherwise treated 20 Bags and containers for office use 21 Books nspf 22 Lithographs on paper nspf, not over 20 years old, not over 0.020 inch in thickness, bound or not bound 23 Coverlets, quilts, and comforters of vegetable fibers, not block-printed by hand, not jacquard-figured, not lace, net, or 24 Wool mufflers,scarves,and shawls,not veils,lace,net,or ornamented,not knit 25 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts nspf, ornamented 26 Women's, girls', or infants' shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 80 r APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Continued) DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICA "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. DOMINICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF DOMINICA'S OBS TSUSA iMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3843777 25,925 5.80 5.80 0.00 8.00 10.87 7.68 17.79 7.94 0.171 28 4064200 22,526 1.40 0.00 1.40 13.50 1.46 2.12 1.38 10.21 0.148 29 4084800 21,812 51.21 51.21 0.00 6.40 8.40 6.69 43.84 6.41 0.144 30 4086800 276,192 5.74 5.74 0.00 10.61 8.64 7.15 53.27 10.36 1.820 31 4181600 529,384 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00 18.98 19.01 0.00 0.00 3.489 32 4227600 20,411 2.38 2.38 0.00 1.60 8.70 8.90 0.00 1.60 0.135 33 4283010 38,694 6.40 6.40 0.00 11.50 5.32 5.33 2.76 11.50 0.255 34 4350500 50,819 8.42 8.42 0.00 0.00 20.93 22.51 9.37 0.00 0.335 35 4351000 190,242 7.45 7.45 0.00 0.00 4.46 10.28 2.87 1.39 1.254 36 4400000 94,891 130.54 0.00 130.54 3.90 6.02 6.84 4.47 3.75 0.625 37 4450520 40,005 5.75 5.75 0.00 7.10 9.53 8.25 38.60 7.06 0.264 38 4453020 10,841 77.89 0.00 77.89 12.70 16.01 14.68 80.06 10.66 0.071 39 4523800 63,700 6.41 6.41 0.00 0.00 3.34 3.20 7.80 0.00 0.420 40 4524400 23,118 4.06 4.06 0.00 0.00 13.39 14.34 4.70 5.14 0.152 41 4528042 285,803 3.54 3.50 0.00 0.00 3.18 2.76 3.80 0.40 1.884 42 4614030 24,162 5.06 0.00 5.06 5.20 4.95 2.75 8.43 3.40 0.159 43 4661500 277,809 7.08 7.08 0.00 0.00 8.83 8.44 28.91 1.70 1.831 44 4663000 11,194 13.53 13.53 0.00 0.00 11.04 9.60 46.05 0.55 0.074 45 5195100 91,366 3.27 3.27 0.00 2.60 5.36 4.55 16.75 2.30 0.602 46 5199700 15,574 2.70 2.70 0.00 5.20 7.08 8.55 5.01 4.21 0.103 47 5348700 10,720 19.06 19.06 0.00 0.00 12.35 11.90 23.69 4.50 0.071 48 5349400 15,958 3.82 3.82 0.00 12.40 6.39 5.97 9.16 10.11 0.105 49 5455500 26,384 9.56 9.56 0.00 7.20 10.68 10.19 18.06 5.62 0.174 50 5461340 13,901 4.11 4.11 0.00 14.00 10.05 7.67 50.92 14.31 0.092 51 6108413 33,688 3.73 3.73 0.00 7.00 11.63 11.54 0.00 1.83 0.222 52 6465400 16,762 5.01 3.92 19.66 0.70 9.81 10.15 8.33 0,70 0.110 OBS DESCRIPTION 27 Women's coats, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 28 Heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives nes,nspf 29 Paints and enamel paints 30 Polyester resins,saturated,thermoplastic resins nspf 31 Calcium chloride, crude 32 Zinc sulfate 33 Butylene glycol 34 Specified drugs such as aloes, jalap, mate, aconite, cocculus indicus, crude 35 Specified drugs such as aloes, jalap, mate, aconite, cocculus indicus, advanced 36 Any of the products of subpart c, part 3, schedule 4 of the tsus when imported in capsules, pills, tablets or similar dosa 37 Acrylic and methacrylic acid resins, except polymethyl methacrylate resins 38 Synthetic plastics materials,polythylene resins,high density 39 Lime oil 40 Orange oil 41 Oils, distilled or essentially including terpenetess oits, not including cedarwood, citrus, nutmeg, onion, garlic, pine, s 42 Rouges,lipsticks,eye make-up,not containing alcohol 43 Toilet soap, over 20 cents per pound 44 Synthetic detergents 45 Coated abrasives in the form of sheets, strips, disks, belts, sleeves, or other forms. 46 Abrasive articles, nes 47 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-grained earthenware or stoneware valued over $10 per d 48 Smokers' articles, household articles, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of nonbone chinaware or subporcelain 49 Glass lamp bases 50 Glassware, nspf, made of glass containing by weight over 24% lead monoxide, valued from Sl to S3 each 51 Flanges, not alloy iron or steel, under 14 inches inside diameter 52 Bolts, bolts and their nuts of iron or steel, imported together, not elsewhere specified - 81 - APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Continued) DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO TFIE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMI NICA OTHERSt' SHARE N U.S. DOMINICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF *OTHiERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF DOMINICA'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 6465600 13,401 1.81 1.86 1.22 0.19 8.47 8.78 5.24 0.20 0.088 54 6494320 74,999 3.90 3.90 0.00 8.20 4.48 1.50 8.75 7.63 0.494 55 6496785 14,000 22.34 0.00 22.34 4.00 4.33 2.86 5.82 3.76 0.092 56 6499140 47,660 1.18 1.18 0.00 9.30 4.91 3.75 6.94 4.94 0.314 57 6502160 28,134 6.77 0.00 6.77 6.49 4.96 4.68 8.99 3.50 0.185 58 6509200 43,836 1.28 1.82 1.02 13.82 4.61 4.08 5.91 22.49 0.289 59 6522430 11,207 5.52 5.52 0.00 1.50 6.87 6.67 0.00 1.11 0.074 60 6523030 17,315 5.53 5.53 0.00 0.00 9.29 9.09 25.46 0.00 0.114 61 6532210 21,618 1.32 0.00 2.33 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.142 62 6533915 92,311 6.06 6.06 0.00 9.00 9.49 9.24 20.44 8.24 0.608 63 6539400 22,419 6.80 6.80 0.00 4.70 9.21 8.85 23.31 3.18 0.148 64 6541650 51,843 5.45 5.45 0.00 2.80 10.72 9.42 31.82 1.50 0.342 65 6572525 21,401 15.06 15.06 0.00 6.20 10.99 11.15 8.21 5.58 0.141 66 6572590 25,814 3.18 2.34 21.45 6.20 8.37 7.90 12.71 5.43 0.170 67 6574080 28,864 6.93 6.93 0.00 6.20 7.32 6.03 12.18 4.12 0.190 68 6603040 10,852 1.27 0.00 1.27 7.50 2.65 2.46 3.24 7.11 0.072 69 6606719 91,280 2.87 2.61 5.61 3.29 6.03 4.80 13.89 2.68 0.602 70 6616890 52,604 2.68 0.00 2.68 4.40 5.65 5.58 6.62 4.38 0.347 71 6622045 42,252 9.97 0.00 9.97 3.80 3.61 2.62 5.78 3.74 0.278 72 6622065 13,461 4.10 0.00 4.10 3.89 4.92 3.75 6.20 3.77 0.089 73 6640850 2,421,522 4.08 4.08 0.00 2.80 7.28 6.23 18.73 2.73 15.959 74 6641081 119,100 7.67 0.00 8.25 2.40 6.74 6.47 9.44 2.34 0.785 75 6662560 37,086 7.42 0.00 7.42 3.85 4.67 3.61 7.95 3.81 0.244 76 6680600 46,900 3.81 3.81 0.00 0.40 4.10 3.75 7.52 0.44 0.309 77 6682315 38,521 5.57 5.57 0.00 3.60 4.33 4.33 9.93 3.66 0.254 78 6682345 16,317 4.80 4.80 0.00 3.60 3.02 2.89 6.32 3.76 0.108 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Nuts of iron or steel, not elsewhere specified 54 Rock drilling bits with cut parts containing dutiabl alloys 55 Knives and cutting blades for power or hand machines, nes 56 Manicure and pedicure knives, pushers, files, clippers and cleaners 57 Knives with their handles, not elsewhere specified 58 Scissors and shears,nspf,valued over Sl.75 per dozen 59 Iron or steel welded chain, alloy, round link, under 5/16 inch in diameter 60 Iron or steel chain, alloy, round link, 3/8 inch to 3/4 inch in diameter 61 Gold coins 62 Table, floor and other portable lamps for indoor illumination other than brass 63 Stainless steel cooking and kitchen ware, not enameled or glazed with v itreous glasses, not coated or plated with precio 64 Articles, wares, and parts nes, of iron or steel, enameled or glazed with vitreous glasses, not coated or plated with prec 65 Iron or steel articles, not specified, chief weight of wire 66 Articles nes, of iron or steel, not coated or plated with precious metal, other than cast iron or steel 67 Aluminum articles excluding tripods and ladders, not coated or plated with precious metal, nspf 68 Parts of steam turbines 69 Parts of piston-type engines other then compression ignition engines nspf 70 Industrial machinery and equipment for treatment of materiais involving a change of temperature, nspf 71 Other wrapping and packaging machines, nspf 72 Machinery for: cleaning or drying containers;filling,closing,sealing,ca psuiing,or labeling containers;aerating beverages 73 Parts nspf for mechanical shovels, coal-cutters, bulldozers, and other excavating, levelling, boring, and extracting macni 74 Parts of winches,cranes,jacks,pulley tackle,belt conveyors,and other lifting,handling,loading or unloading machinery,nes 75 Chocolate and contectionery machinery, and parts 76 Parts of machines maKing cellulosic pulp, paper, paperboard, nes 77 Offset type duplicating machines weighing less than 3500 pounds 78 Printing presses,nes r 82 - APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Continued) DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS To THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICA "OTHERS"t SHARE IN U.S. DOMINICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF DOI4INICA'S 0_S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 6682350 64,604 4.33 4.33 0.00 3.60 4.52 3.93 6.35 3.61 0.426 80 6722550 92,448 2.31 2.09 4.51 2.80 3.64 2.69 4.92 2.51 0.609 81 6745340 25,376 3.98 4.65 3.41 5.08 4.96 4.07 6.36 4.77 0.167 82 6763019 60,868 10.37 6.67 19.16 3.90 3.58 2.64 8.46 3.91 0.401 83 6765429 136,206 1.37 1.37 0.00 0.00 2.95 1.79 5.43 0.00 0.898 84 6782020 105,965 3.84 0.00 3.84 3.20 7.62 7.19 10.25 2.97 0.698 85 6785097 31,499 1.21 1.21 0.00 3.90 3.74 3.36 4.45 3.78 0.208 86 6802745 10,944 7.76 0.00 7.76 3.98 2.53 1.63 5.53 3.78 0.072 87 6803960 15,734 3.90 3.90 0.00 7.30 3.43 2.83 4.52 7.06 0.104 88 6804910 44,019 4.09 4.09 0.00 2.49 4.71 4.26 6.00 2.49 0.290 89 6804960 92,427 1.87 1.87 0,00 2.80 5.34 4.36 9.81 2.67 0.609 90 6809530 15,139 3.34 3.34 0.00 6.20 5.63 4.16 7.73 6.11 0.100 91 6812120 14,936 3.90 3.90 0.00 6.20 5.55 4.01 9.30 5.59 0.098 92 6813900 30,245 2.23 3.89 1.79 6.60 4.70 3.33 6.65 6.01 0.199 93 6832030 16,833 2.55 0.00 2.55 2.60 3.80 3.03 9.00 2.36 0.111 94 6845500 39,054 11.13 11.13 0.00 4.10 5.96 4.57 15.91 1.69 0.257 95 6856055 26,744 1,62 0.00 1.62 5.60 4.07 4.28 4.04 4.49 0.176 96 6859022 12,300 1.20 0.00 1.20 5.70 4.79 3.64 6.84 5.42 0.081 97 6859038 81,939 1.26 0.00 1.26 5.70 3.79 2.55 4.68 4.62 0.540 98 6859080 77,159 2.55 2.08 6.47 5.70 4.16 2.61 5.60 5.06 0.509 99 6871040 38,227 6.46 0.00 6.46 3.90 3.24 3.90 3.03 3.41 0.252 100 6876619 15,874 0.90 0.00 0.90 4.70 1.10 2.03 1.10 4.82 0.105 101 6878505 22,674 1.42 0.00 1.42 0.00 2.31 1.86 2.31 0.51 0.149 102 6881020 23,567 6.75 0.00 6.75 8.00 7.61 7.46 24.52 7.27 0.155 103 6921040 178,153 2.60 2.60 0.00 2.60 6.03 6.15 5.84 2.60 1.174 104 6923278 17,610 6.00 6.00 0.00 3.30 3.18 2.53 12.47 3.16 0.116 OBS DESCRIPTION 79 Printing machinery,nes 80 Parts for sewing machines,nspf 81 Parts for metal-working machine tools, nes 82 Office copying machines,nes,nspf 83 Dot matrix printer units of automatic data-processing machines 84 Parts of machines for sorting, screening, separating, washing, crushing, grinding, or mixing mineral substances in solid t 85 Machinery not specially provided for, and parts thereof 86 Vaives nspf 87 Roller bearings (including combination roller and ball bearings) and parts,other than spherical or tapered 88 Fixed ratio speedchangers,manually selected,not imported for making cellulosic pulp,paper,or cardboard 89 Parts of fixed,multiple,and variable ratio speed changers,each ratio selected by manual manipulation,nspf 90 Shaft couplings and parts thereof,nspf 91 Parts of chain sprockets,clutches and universal joints 92 Machinery parts not containing electrical features and nspf 93 Tools hand-directed with self-contained electric motor 94 Electric appliance and apparatus parts nspf 95 Parts of radio navigational aid apparatus,nspf 96 Rotary switches without auto tripping mechanism 97 Electrical switches, nspf with out ad automatic overload or tripping mechanism 98 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 99 Electric discharge lamps nspf, including ultra-violet lamps 100 Microwave tubes, except klystron and magnetron 101 Semiconductor wafers, without circuits or devices 102 Christmas-tree lighting sets, with or without their bulbs, and wiring sets similar thereto, with fittings, other than mini 103 4-wheel passenger cars, used 104 Transmissions for moTor vehicles (except motorcycles),nes - 83 - APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Continued) DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICA "OTHERS' SHARE IN U.S. DOMINICA NOMtINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF *OTHERS,, NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF DOMINICA'S _os TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL -AIR RATE EXPORTS 105 6923295 14,837 13.49 15.64 4.67 3.20 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 0.098 106 6923460 16,951 3.47 3.47 0.00 0.00 6.21 5.96 24.38 0.00 0.112 107 6961530 19,921 9.04 0.00 9.04 4.40 6.34 3.96 12.80 3.16 0.131 108 7030560 26,125 3.91 3.91 0.00 8.60 11.77 10.48 30.98 8.79 0.172 109 7031650 81,779 3.89 3.89 0.00 10.14 9.94 7.69 20.10 11.90 0.539 110 7044504 20,912 5.86 5.86 0.00 25.00 6.02 5.99 4.70 25.00 0.138 11 7060900 15,478 3.48 0.00 3.48 9.10 5.73 2.90 6.29 9.08 0.102 112 7063650 13,628 4.33 0.00 4.33 8.20 8.66 6.74 25.11 8.39 0.090 113 7064152 27,405 5.86 5.86 0.00 20.00 8.93 7.86 32.82 19.99 0.18' 114 7091770 13,250 1.89 0.00 1.89 4.40 2.69 1.82 3.32 4.33 0.087 115 7092540 33,473 0.45 0.00 0.45 5.00 3.75 4.67 3.68 4.42 0.221 116 7108080 32,445 1.16 1.16 0.00 5.20 3.68 3.36 3.93 4.91 0.214 117 7124960 16,249 6.46 0.00 6.46 5.50 2.57 2.15 2.68 5.56 0.107 118 7124975 41,506 5.22 3.88 1.06 5.65 2.81 2.13 3.17 4.92 0.274 119 7153350 21,605 5.04 5.04 0.00 8.23 8.47 8.13 10.74 9.06 0,142 120 7156400 15,620 1.21 0.00 1.21 8.21 6.04 4.04 9.65 10.66 0.103 121 7229400 47,550 6.46 0.00 6.46 3.90 3.27 2.21 9.90 3.94 0.313 122 7242520 283,553 9.85 0.00 9.85 0.18 7.98 3.15 9.09 0.56 1.869 123 7244010 42,589 3.99 0.00 3.99 0.00 3.65 1.10 3.92 0.05 0.281 124 7264000 10,165 1.65 0.00 1.65 5.00 2.41 4.60 2.32 4.96 0.067 125 7265000 18,386 1.24 0.00 1.24 4.40 2.71 3.42 2.90 4.13 0.121 126 7269040 182,968 4.40 2.28 4.47 5.84 5.89 3.42 11.78 5.19 1.206 127 7272900 55,721 17.02 17.02 0.00 5.70 11.35 11.26 24.58 3.81 0.367 128 7273555 13,862 21.41 21.41 0.00 2.80 11.55 11.44 31.29 2.52 0.091 129 7275900 18,865 12.00 12.00 0.00 2.40 13.29 13.06 30.65 1.35 0.124 130 7374000 51,745 3.83 3.83 0.00 0.27 8.07 7.36 39.42 4.56 0.341 O0S DESCRIPTION 105 Parts nspf for motor vehicles 106 Parts of tractors suitable for agriculturai use 107 Parts nspf for yachts or pleasure boats 108 Headwear of man-made fibers, wholly or in part of braid, nspf 109 Headwear, of man-made fibers, not in part of braid, not knit, nspf 110 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing jersey type fabric, without fourchettes or sidewalls 111 Leather handbags valued over 120 each,not of reptile leather 112 Cotton luggage, not pile or tufted 113 Other luggage of textile materials except cotton, nspf 114 Electro-medical apparatus,nes 115 Dental instruments, nes, and parts (except dental hand instruments) 116 Non-optical measuring or checking instruments, and parts 117 Electrical instruments for physical or chemical analyses, and viscometers, expansion meters, viscosity meters, etc., and p 118 Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing, or automatically-controlling instruments and apparatus, and parts thereof 119 Nonelectric clocks, nes, with other movements, valued over 110 each 120 Time switches, valued over 12.25 to S5 each 121 Photofinishing equipment nspf, for still pictures 122 Phonograph records,stereo and quadraphonic, 33-1/3 rpm 123 Laser disc sound recordings nspf 124 Strings for musical instruments 125 Bows and bow parts, and chin rests for violins, violas, violoncellos and doubie basses 126 Musical instrument parts nspf 127 Non-folding chairs of wood other than teak 128 Wall systems, book cases, shelf units, credenzas, buffets, servers, china closets and other cabinets, wood 129 Furniture and parts nspf, of rubber or plastics 130 Toy figures of animate oojects, not having a spring mechanism, not of metal, not stuffed _ 84 - APPENDIX TABLE 6 (Continued) DOMINICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO TNE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICA "OTHERS,, SHARE IN U.S. DOMINICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF --OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF OOMINICA'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 131 7483400 11,425 3.27 3.27 0.00 5.00 17.56 16.34 49.50 1.49 0.075 132 7603600 14,971 5.24 0.00 5.24 17.76 4.64 1.93 7.66 11.25 0.099 133 7604800 41,629 2.25 2.25 0.00 6.29 6.34 5.12 31.68 6.47 0.274 134 7714334 36,325 0.13 0.00 1.08 4.44 6.70 6.18 24.08 3.64 0.239 135 7721500 13,133 5.15 5.15 0.00 4.19 11.31 10.90 33.79 1.92 0.087 136 7729700 13,711 14.22 0.00 0.00 5.70 14.28 13.95 37.99 2.25 0.090 137 7733510 14,700 5.44 0.00 5.44 4.69 5.80 4.97 7.38 3.94 0.097 138 7911520 76,919 0.86 0.00 0.86 0.00 1.69 0.81 1.70 6.04 0.507 139 8000035 389,370 2.63 3.27 2.90 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 2.566 140 8062040 22,237 37.55 0.00 37.55 0.00 5.08 6.45 5.75 0.00 0.147 141 9999500 3,809,999 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.110 OBS DESCRIPTION 131 Ornamental articles of dried or bleached natural plants 132 Refill cartridges for pens and pencils 133 Cased pencils and pencils, nspf 134 Film, strips, and sheets of flexible ruboer or plastics nspf, not of cellulosic plastics, over 0.009 inch in thicKness 135 Household articles of rubber or plastic 136 Religious articles of rubber or plastics, except christmas articles 137 Machinery belts and belting, of rubber or plastics, flat (not containin g textile fibers) 138 Fur wearing apparel of mink skins 139 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 140 Articles exported for repairs or alterations and returned, nes--dutiable value 141 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 85 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ,OTHERS, DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1007500 75,000 4.40 0.00 4.40 0.00 5.76 28.61 5.73 0.01 0.007 2 1061060 25,625,251 5.63 5.63 6.00 0.06 16.28 16.30 22.23 2.30 2.437 3 1101012 525,701 4.75 4.75 0.00 0.00 9.37 9.38 9.01 0.00 0.050 4 1103570 675,851 7.85 5.93 15.05 0.15 20.60 16.32 20.74 0.17 0.064 5 1103575 154,606 7.40 7.21 10.95 0.12 12.04 11.92 20.25 0.22 0.015 6 1107080 152,029 15.78 2.53 17.41 0.00 8.83 6.96 27.32 0.00 0.014 7 1143000 64,494 30.69 0.00 30.69 0.00 4.85 3.62 19.83 0.00 0.006 8 1144512 50,434 11.54 0.00 11.54 0.00 5.08 4.17 6.06 0.00 0.005 9 1144525 1,698,381 2.31 2.06 2.69 0.00 2.84 2.50 4.99 0.00 0.162 10 1144530 1,094,280 1.93 1.85 2.88 0.00 3.19 2.73 6.90 0.00 0.104 11 1144595 171,368 10.40 6.65 12.52 0.00 6.83 5.92 13.93 0.00 0.016 12 1144598 307,184 3.78 3.22 7.05 0.00 5.50 4.87 25.90 0.00 0.029 13 1215000 85,500 3.01 2.15 0.00 4.40 6.25 4.21 13.91 5.78 0.008 14 1216110 52,133 1.37 1.02 11.51 0.00 3.94 3.30. 12.66 3.65 0.005 15 1242540 1,126,939 0.49 0.00 0.49 2.20 1.69 0.00 1.69 2.15 0.107 16 1246540 854,579 0.61 0.00 0.61 3.20 1.37 0.00 1.37 4.84 0.081 7 1258400 744,743 63.04 34.33 112.31 0.00 23.31 24.83 22.96 2.98 0.071 18 1351600 54,420 84.13 24.98 96.48 0.00 30.96 18.64 42.89 5.38 0.005 19 1360000 6,744,853 30.88 30.88 31.06 0.39 39.50 30.60 54.97 1.33 0.641 20 1368000 862,295 7.27 7.27 0.00 1.52 29.26 26.69 58.00 0.12 0.082 21 1369400 55,667 26.11 0.00 26.11 0.00 17.39 17.39 0.00 0.00 0.005 22 1369500 146,624 44.85 8.33 48.55 0.01 52.19 31.06 71.93 0.20 0.014 23 1370220 546,640 21.77 6.76 30.67 0.01 30.14 15.04 93.20 0.27 0.052 24 1370405 749,520 48.03 0.00 48.03 0.00 46.71 29.04 71.96 0.11 0.071 25 1370410 53,970 17.90 7.87 34.01 0.00 10.24 7.57 57.76 0.01 0.005 26 1371010 74,433 58.80 32.64 60.87 1.49 30.45 19.91 42.18 1.96 0.007 OBS DESCRIPTION 1 Horses, live nspf, valued over SlSO per head 2 Beef without bone, fresh, chilled, or frozen 3 Albacore tuna, fresh, chilled, or frozen, whether or not whole, not otherwise prepared or preserved 4 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, fresh or chilled 5 Fish nes, whole or partially processe4, frozen 6 Fish nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, partially processed 7 Crabs, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 8 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 9 Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 10 Lobsters nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 11 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 12 Shellfish nes, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 13 Pig and hog leather 14 Bovine leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, upper, split, not grain 15 Mink furskins, whole, dressed, not dyed 16 Whole mink furskins, dressed and dyed 17 Live plants nspf, suitable for planting - 18 Beans, not limes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 19 Dasheens, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 20 Okra, fresh, chilled or frozen 21 Pigeon peas, fresh or chillec, not reduced in size, if entered july 1 to september 30, inclusive, in any year 22 Peas nes, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered july 1 to september 30, inclusive, in any year 23 Pigeon peas, fresh or Chilled, not reduced in size 24 Snow peas, fresh or chilled, entering october 1 to june 30 25 Peas nspf, fresh or chilled, entering october 1 to june 30 26 Chili peppers, fresn, chilled, or frozen, etc. 86 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC --OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 1371020 1,548,287 30.31 28.62 47.39 0.41 41.88 27.80 44.01 1.57 0.147 28 1375000 148,342 39.44 37.98 115.10 0.00 48.78 47.90 55.80 1.13 0.014 29 1376000 2,031,628 51.55 51.62 24.41 0.94 55.07 70.16 57.89 2.58 0.193 30 1376300 668,129 43.65 43.63 53.27 0.35 61.28 29.54 92.30 3.13 0,064 31 1378800 64,320 38.91 20.66 40.04 0.00 28.76 24.60 36.27 0.30 0.006 32 1378930 1,530,116 34.96 35.24 20.82 0.00 36.47 36.47 0.00 0.00 0.146 33 1379300 769,884 29.24 29.34 23.80 1.88 39.82 22.19 49.72 3.70 0.073 34 1379775 98,335 38.16 14.19 113.30 0.00 73.81 30.93 92.83 24.59 0.009 35 1380580 1,683,343 16.75 16.75 0.00 2.97 26.60 26.70 25.35 0.08 0.160 36 1383500 192,141 22.68 22.48 54.27 4.34 36.74 36.74 0.00 0.32 0.018 37 1384650 130,004 15.16 15.16 0.00 1.64 25.44 25.70 22.39 11.14 0.012 38 1415500 5,881,542 7.21 7.11 0.00 0.00 16.83 17.83 0.00 0.00 0.559 39 1416520 410,233 6.86 7.13 0.00 0.03 23.00 23.04 696.29 13.67 0.039 40 1419840 402,056 31.34 31.34 0.00 2.41 11.48 11.45 47.50 10.89 0.038 41 1450400 2,390,466 30.43 30.44 0.00 0.00 27.69 27.33 114.08 0.00 0.227 42 1450800 266,542 17.50 16.75 48.72 0.00 18.54 18.28 176.79 0.00 0.025 43 1450900 821,241 11.42 11.42 0.00 0.00 12.78 12.75 0.00 0.68 0.078 44 1454400 103,250 4.12 4.12 0.00 0.00 3.84 3.86 41.48 0.00 0.010 45 1461000 83,090 9.74 9.74 0.00 0.00 34.59 35.53 35.70 0.00 0.008 46 1463000 555,207 30.89 19.49 62.28 7.06 43.00 33.01 126.93 20.17 0.053 47 1464000 202,275 26.68 24.33 92.95 0.00 32.65 32.59 68.11 0.00 0.019 48 1468700 470,516 12.43 12.43 0.00 0.15 9.71 9.71 0.00 0.00 0.045 49 1471700 433,032 8.98 8.76 47.18 0.05 17.81 17.82 15.15 0.22 0.041 50 1473140 669,784 28.33 28.37 26.72 0.09 14.39 14.27 46.33 2.23 0.064 51 1473160 123,768 16.66 16.32 36.5 0.35 24.94 24.88 0.00 1.84 0.012 52 1478500 73,089 8.60 8.60 0.00 0.04 17.68 17.59 19.55 0.04 0.007 0os DESCRIPTION 27 Peppers nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, etc. 28 Squash, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 29 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered march 1-july 14, or september 1-november 14, inclusive, in any 30 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered november 15, in any year, to last day of february, inclusive 31 Yams, fresh or chi led 32 Sweet potatoes nes 33 Pumpkins and breadfruit, fresh, chilled, or frozen 34 Vegetables nspf, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size 35 Okra, frozen, and cut, sliced, or otherwise reduced in size 36 Yucca, fresh, chi l led, or frozen, cut, sliced, or otherwise reduced in size 37 Vegetables nspf, frozen, cut, sliced, or reduced in size 38 Peas, in salt, brine, pickled, otherwise prepared or preserved 39 Tomato paste 40 Vegetables nspf, prepared or preserved, other than frozen 41 Coconuts 42 Coconut meat (except copra), shredded and desiccated, or similarly prepared 43 Coconut meat (except copra) nes, otherwise prepared or preserved 44 Cashews, shelled, blanched, or otherwise prepared or preserved 45 Apples, fresh 46 Avocados, fresh, or prepared or preserved 47 Bananas, fresh 48 Cashew apples, mameyes colorados, sapodi I as, soursops and sweetsops, fresh, or prepared or preserved 49 Grapefruit, prepared or preserved, if entered november I to july 31, inclusive 50 Oranges nes, fresh 51 Oranges nes, prepared or preserved 52 Guavas, prepared or preserved - 87 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 1480800 64,678 35.33 35.33 0.00 0.37 13.35 13.38 56.15 0.14 0.006 54 1481200 1,292,332 100.23 100.30 74.84 1.82 45.60 45.25 59.86 0.31 0.123 55 1481700 606,999 88.76 88.76 0.00 0.54 42.44 42.59 51.50 12.51 0.058 56 1482500 87,362 101.19 101.19 0.00 0.00 57.81 57.81 0.00 0.55 0.008 57 1483000 787,913 83.49 83.13 131.26 0.05 59.02 61.35 48.32 0.23 0.075 58 1486500 659,973 10.36 10.36 0.00 0.04 10.32 10.37 4.51 0.20 0.063 59 1489600 2,023,882 67.42 67.42 0.00 1.00 30.47 28.36 149.91 1.84 0.192 60 1489820 61,773 8.57 8.57 0.00 0.32 18.79 18.81 0.00 1.16 0.006 61 1491000 5i5,645 31.04 31.13 35.89 0.00 37.09 32.05 71.56 0.00 0.049 62 1491500 60,948 14.76 17.20 12.61 0.00 38.32 38.23 50.60 0.11 0.006 63 1494000 73,951 23.91 23.91 0.00 0.00 19.06 16.79 87.05 0.00 0.007 64 1496000 65,678 29.20 30.03 25.38 0.00 9.74 9.53 19.71 1.42 0.006 65 1500500 306,658 19.55 19.38 0.00 4.17 17.08 17.02 0.00 17.02 0.029 66 1524300 305,262 16.63 16.63 0.00 0.48 13.99 17.30 4.01 1.22 0.029 67 1525400 807,619 13.32 13.25 22.38 0.02 23.00 22.73 41.15 0.68 0.077 68 1528840 78,303 16.85 16.85 0.00 1.90 17.56 16.91 50.81 14.24 0.007 69 1530800 137,442 11.73 11.72 13.10 0.00 17.37 18.36 5.00 0.00 0.013 70 1552025 2,346,912 6.31 6.31 0.00 0.00 23.86 10.89 30.18 0.00 0.223 71 1552045 96,936,080 5.12 5.18 0.00 0.00 7.09 7.37 0.00 0.00 9.219 72 1553500 3,207,091 8.81 8.81 0.00 0.00 10.59 20.74 0.00 0.70 0.305 73 1554000 9,597,486 20.22 20.22 0.00 0.01 25.46 25.46 0.00 0.05 0.913 74 1557000 422,204 10.79 10.81 9.35 1.14 14.99 15.00 20.25 2.82 0.040 75 1557540 1,734,477 10.95 10.97 6.31 0.00 10.37 15.03 31.41 5.40 0.165 76 1561000 57,781,857 8.93 8.93 0.00 0.00 7.41 7.41 12.95 0.00 5.49S 77 1563045 2,179,062 7.50 7.50 0.00 0.00 9.23 9.05 32.47 0.85 0.207 78 1563500 4,940,549 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 3.24 3.25 0.00 0.00 0.470 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Mangoes, prepared or preserved 54 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered december I to march 31, inclusive, in any fear 55 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered other than september I to may 31, and other than december 1 to march 31, inclusive 56 Watermelons, fresh, if entered december I to march 31, inclusive, in any year 57 Fresh melons nes, if entered december 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 58 Papayas, prepared or preserved 59 Pineapples, fresh, in packages other than crates 60 Pineapples, prepared or preserved, in airtight containers 61 Plantains, fresh 62 Plantains, prepared or preserved 63 Tamarinds, fresh, or prepared or preserved 64 Fruits nes, prepared or preserved 65 Fruit mixtures nspf, prepared or preserved 66 Fig pastes and pulps 67 Guava pastes and pulps 68 Fruit pastes and pulps nspf 69 Guava jelly, jam, marmalades and fruit butters 70 Sugars, sirups, and molasses, from sugar cane or sugar beets, crystalline or dry amorphous form, suitable for human consur,. 71 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 72 Sugars, sirups, and molasses, from sugar cane or sugar beets, not principally of crystalline structure, not in dry amorphc 73 Sugars, sirups, molasses, and mixtures from sugar cane or beets w/soluble non-sugar solids, not for sugar extraction or hL 74 Honey 75 Sugars, sirups nspf, and molasses, flavored, and sirups nspf, flavored or unflavored, consisting of blends 76 Cocoa beans 77 Chocolate nes, sweetened, not containing butterfat or other milk solids 78 Cocoa butter 88 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOsMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S 08S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 1564000 648,630 14.98 14.98 0.00 0.04 11.51 11.62 8.32 0.28 0.062 80 1571005 90,623 14.68 14.68 0.00 0.00 9.75 9.63 26.67 5.99 0.009 81 1571010 165,827 9.76 9.76 0.00 0.29 11.54 11.52 34.48 5.02 0.016 82 1601020 109971856 2.62 2.62 0.00 0.00 3.70 3.69 6.75 0.00 10.459 83 1601040 3,049,170 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.00 4.70 4.42 18.64 0.00 0.290 84 1617720 60,842 5.44 5.44 0.00 0.00 3.73 3.72 15.44 0.00 0.006 85 1653680 141,891 7.20 7.20 0.00 0.00 10.93 10.59 20.26 19.99 0.013 86 1664040 161,187 7.86 7.86 0.00 0.00 16.40 16.36 16.26 0.27 0.015 87 1691300 475,811 6.43 7.51 0.00 6.80 8.70 7.63 35.48 7.10 0.045 88 1701000 741,170 2.57' 3.53 0.00 6.35 2.42 2.21 3.94 0.43 0.070 89 1701500 183,962 5.96 5.96 0.00 0.00 2.17 2.10 4.06 4.29 0.017 90 1703230 215,646 6.35 6.35 0.00 0.00 9.77 9.57 0.00 6.90 0.021 91 1703510 308,152 5.89 5.89 0.00 24.13 7.55 7.02 0.00 16.04 0.029 92 1704000 2,935,991 6.36 6.80 0.00 3.39 15.41 20.54 8,75 19.43 0.279 93 1704500 2,622,176 2.75 2.86 0.00 0.27 5.01 4.94 6.22 10.05 0.249 94 1706020 2,359,048 7.80 7.51 8.08 6.23 14.39 17.26 18.36 20.60 0.224 95 1706800 796,289 3.51 1.54 5.68 1.80 3.42 3.40 3.49 2.34 0.076 96 1707000 18,189,743 1.82 1.29 2.75 0.26 3.17 1.74 4.47 0.73 1.730 97 1707285 156,175 5.43 0.00 5.43 0.00 10.20 7.42 13.12 19.66 0.015 98 1822000 1,129,274 9.06 9.06 0.00 0.00 13.24 13.14 40.02 0.44 0.107 99 1823200 131,421 3.70 3.70 0.00 0.00 8.94 8.72 40.24 2.93 0.012 100 1825200 220,007 9.43 9.38 19.96 0.00 6.60 6.46 70.56 6.00 0.021 101 1830520 4,786,450 12.37 12.31 31.53 0.12 8.27 8.01 22.35 7.30 0.455 102 1847070 1,600,237 30.97 30.97 0,00 0.00 19.01 19.45 7.59 0.00 0.152 103 1921890 288,365 39.73 0.00 39.73 3.37 16.07 48.34 16.04 7.77 0.027 104 1922110 70,974 38.72 0.00 38.72 2.82 35.23 10.98 35.22 7.51 0.007 OBS DESCRIPTION 79 Cocoa, unsweetened, and cocoa cake suitable for reduction to cocoa powder 80 Candy, and other confectionery, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate, put up for retail sale 81 Candy, and other confectionary, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate,not put up for retail sale 82 Coffee, crude 83 Coffee, roasted or ground 84 Pepper, unground, black 85 Citrus fruit juices nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percentof ethyl alcohol by volume, concentrated 86 Beverages nspf, under 0.5 percent ethyl alcohol 87 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over 1 gallon 88 Wrapper tobacco whether mixed or packed with filler, not steamed 89 Wrapper tobacco whether mixed or packed with filler, stemmed 90 Cigarette leaf nes, not stemmed, burley 91 Cigarette leaf, flue-cured tobacco, stemmed, whether or not mixed or packed with 35 percent or less of wrapper tobacco 92 Filler tobacco, including cigar leaf, not stemmed, not mixed or not over 35% wrapper tobacco, nspf 93 Filler tobacco, including cigar leaf, stemmed, not mixed or not over 35% wrapper tobacco, nes 94 Scrap tobacco, from cigar leaf 95 Cigars each valued 151 or over but less than 231 96 Cigars each valued 231 or over 97 Cigars and cheroots, less than 15 cents, atf class g 98 Biscuits, cake, cakes, wafers, and similar baked products, and puddings nes 99 Chewing gum 100 Soup, soup rolls, soup tablets or cubes, and other soup preparations nes 101 Edible preparations nspf (inctuding prepared meals individualiy packaged 102 By-products nes, from the milling of grains, mixed feeds, and mixed-feed ingredients, except pet food 103 Other roses nspf, fresh, bouquets, wreaths, sprays, or similar articles made from roses or other fresh plant parts 104 Chrysanthemums fresh - 89 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLiC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 105 1925500 65,355 17.43 17.43 0.00 0.73 12.16 13.93 1.10 0.61 0.006 106 1932560 1,842,927 33.32 33.73 6.89 0.00 14.04 13.99 15.92 0.00 0.175 107 2563010 103,192 11.05 11.05 0.00 0.00 17.12 17.05 51.07 0.98 0.010 108 2568780 11,896,337 2.70 2.68 5.11 0.12 7.34 5.08 23.99 5.22 1.131 109 2702540 2,121,865 4.69 1.35 10.17 0.00 5.78 4.48 8.47 0.00 0.202 110 2702580 89,743 16.54 6.43 17.66 0.00 6.15 4.74 12.22 0.00 0.009 111 3535052 88,146 3.95 0.00 3.95 8.46 5.97 4.09 8.25 8.52 0.008 112 3617060 115,007 1.48 1.48 0.00 5.80 13.31 14.69 12.82 5.95 0.011 113 3638545 60,915 17.42 17.84 12.92 14.02 7.50 6.46 17.34 13.99 0.006 114 3731500 97,681 1.40 0.00 1.40 8.60 6.30 2.56 6.55 8.76 0.009 115 3732220 1,736,386 0.79 0.00 0.79 9.48 4.91 4.21 4.83 9.60 0.165 116 3732230 1,233,335 0.82 0.87 0.82 9.30 3.88 4.13 3.82 9.30 0.117 117 3732235 76,169 0.72 0.00 0.72 9.30 4.49 4.38 4.46 9.29 0.007 118 3732700 975,807 2.56 1.50 2.59 14.17 7.05 5.13 9.09 14.36 0.093 119 3761600 276,569 3.23 1.79 5.52 7.35 8.86 3.44 22.16 7.85 0.026 120 3762425 99,555 1.86 1.77 1.89 32.00 2.28 2.98 2.08 31.88 0.009 121 3762430 20,734,769 2.29 2.08 2.39 32.00 3.67 2.63 4.76 31.99 1.972 122 3762830 3,237,897 2.48 2.39 2.64 18.00 4.06 2.66 5.96 18.00 0.308 123 3762876 54,301 2.28 2.09 2.43 18.00 3.02 3.21 2.96 17.80 0.005 124 3762886 139,821 2.99 2.46 6.79 18.00 3.45 3.07 3.70 17.84 0.013 125 3780550 1,169,240 2.38 2.81 2.37 28.57 5.40 3.36 6.41 28.23 0.111 126 3780553 4,144,109 2.33 2.02 2.82 28.63 6.09 4.42 7.55 28.75 0.394 127 3780576 1,290,215 3.75 2.42 3.80 28.84 5.72 4.68 6.41 28.75 0.123 128 3781035 125,479 2.11 1.47 8.40 13.06 9.45 6.02 44.23 12.84 0.012 129 3781535 1,532,868 1.91 1.70 3.24 8.69 6.06 4.02 15.48 7.97 0.146 130 3781536 936,203 2.07 1.93 3.83 8.50 7.36 4.46 18.16 8.24 0.089 OBS DESCRIPTION 105 Broom corn 106 Vegetable substances nspf, crude 107 Toilet and facial tissues, towels, napkins, or similar products cut to size 108 Articies of paper nspf 109 Books (other than bibles and prayer books), wholly or chiefly in language other than english 110 Books nspf 111 Ornamented fabrics and ornamented motifs, woven, of manmade fibers 112 Floor coverings, nspf, of textiles, not cotton, man-made fibers, wool, coir, or jute, not woven, or non-woven, not on a po 113 Bedspreads of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 114 Men's and boys' neckties of wool, not ornamented 115 Men's and boys' neckties, not knit, of silk, not ornamented nspf 116 Men's and boys' silk neckties n.s.p.f., not knit, not ornamented, containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk 117 Men's and boys' silk neckties n.s.p.f., not knit, not ornamented, containing less than 70 percent by weight of silk 118 Men's and boys' neckties of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 119 Garters, suspenders, etc. of manmade fibers or of such fibers and rubber or plastics 120 Cotton brassieres,lace,net,or ornamented 121 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 122 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 123 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., of man-made fibers 124 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented 125 Women's, girls' and infants' cotton lace, net, or knit underwear, ornamented 126 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 127 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit 128 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton knit underwear, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued not over 54/lb. 129 Women's, girls', and infants' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, Val 130 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton briefs, drawers, and undershorts n.s.p.f., knit, valued over S4 per pound - 90 - APPENDIX TABLE I (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLiC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS' DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF -,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 131 3781540 619,043 1.91 1.70 5.71 8.58 6.78 3.64 11.43 8.41 0.059 132 3781542 504,299 1.63 1.63 0.00 8.50 6.32 4.36 10.40 8.10 0.048 133 3782510 129,281 1.08 1.08 0.00 6.80 4.80 2.85 9.16 6.81 0.012 134. 3786030 2,418,484 2.58 2.76 2.57 23.95 6.73 5.60 10.48 24.74 0.230 135 3786530 248,712 5.29 5.29 0.00 8.93 6.35 3.26 9.79 8.75 0.024 136 3810240 10,642,150 1.11 1.03 2.87 23.63 6.40 3.29 13.00 23.70 1.012 137 3810524 123,434 4.76 1.42 8.02 23.00 6.80 3.62 16.34 22.97 0.012 138 3810530 189,071 2.40 2.27 3.41 23.88 4.91 2.76 9.06 23.46 0.018 139 3810540 3,121,400 1.91 1.69 5.71 23.46 6.79 4.12 26.21 23.57 0.297 140 3810546 1,302,974 2.49 1.73 6.10 23.00 8.20 3.64 17.11 23.46 0.124 141 3810890 116,846 2.84 2.84 0.00 20.19 5.95 4.06 16.50 20.94 0.011 142 3811750 73,833 1.53 1.53 0.00 28.60 9.23 12.41 9.10 28.88 0.007 143 3812810 355,232 3.57 3.57 0.00 28.30 3.34 3.70 0.00 28.30 0.034 144 3813130 116,701 5.13 4.80 5.17 33.23 5.72 5.34 10.96 33.50 0.011 145 3813132 51,670 10.53 0.00 10.53 32.10 6.36 4.78 9.43 32.14 0.005 146 3813134 104,283 3.05 1.11 3.07 32.10 6.65 6.08 17.78 32.04 0.010 147 3813190 1,656,058 3.19 2.36 10.85 32.16 4.94 4.44 13.65 32.53 0.158 148 3813320 57,224 2.50 0.00 2.50 28.30 5.95 5.90 41.35 28.74 0.005 149 3813940 56,968 5.88 2.75 12.86 17.30 12.09 4.36 18.56 17.34 0.005 150 3814130 3,159,747 3.21 2.60 5.18 20.97 6.91 4.12 17.47 20.98 0.301 151 3814160 706,825 3.52 3.01 19.72 21.00 7.91 4.03 12.09 20.75 0.067 152 3814310 126,274 2.51 2.51 0.00 10.20 6.43 4.74 16.29 10.86 0.012 153 3814740 619,819 3.25 2.88 6.41 8.00 8.44 4.63 15.66 8.84 0.059 154 3814770 872,060 6.02 4.36 6.57 8.00 7.70 5.43 16.85 8.05 0.083 155 3814860 1,125,541 7.05 4.07 7.80 8.00 8.21 5.74 17.04 8.00 0.107 156 3815020 128,568 3.08 3.03 4.16 8.00 6.81 5.61 20.83 8.00 0.012 OBS DESCRIPTION 131 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear other than briefs, etc., of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, v 132 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton underwear n.s.p.f., knit, valued over S4 per pound 133 Men's and boys' cotton underwear, not knit, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued over 75( per separate piece 134 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 135 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not lace, net, or ornamented 136 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts nspf, ornamented 137 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented shirts, not knit, of cotton without two or more colors in the warp and/or the filli 138 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, ornamented 139 Men's or boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, ornamented 140 Men's or boys' trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 141 Men's or boys' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 142 Men's or boys' wool trousers, slacks, and shorts, not knit, ornamented 143 Men's or boys' knit dressing gowns, bath, beach, and lounging robes, and similar apparel, man-made fibers, ornamented 144 Men's or boys' dress shirts, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 145 Men's or boys' lace, net, or ornamented shirts, not Knit, of man-made fibers with two or more colors in the warp and/or th 146 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented dress shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers without two or more colors 147 Men's or boys' trousers and slacks, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 148 Men's or boys' pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 149 Men's or boys' cotton knit trousers, slacks, and shorts, nspf, not ornamented 150 Men's or bowys' cotton knit shirts, nspf, not ornamented 151 Men's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 152 Men's or boys' cotton knit dressing gowns, Dath, beach, and lounging robes, and similar apparel, not ornamented 153 Men's or boys' cotton suit-type sport coats and jackets nspf, valued over S4 each, not ornamented, not knit 154 Men's or boys' cotton coats nes, not knit, valued over S4 each, not ornamented 155 Men's or boys' cotton denim coats nspf, not knit, valued over S4 each, not knit, not ornamented 156 Men's or boys' cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, except corduroy, not knit, not ornamented, valued over 52.50 e - 91 .- APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -OTHERS', DOMiNICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 157 3815210 80,595 6.26 0.00 6.26 8.00 4.57 4.52 14.53 8.00 0.008 158 3815220 8,008,192 2.06 1.92 6.74 8.00 5.06 4.71 18.74 8.00 0.762 159 3815500 4,534,532 3.35 2.95 6.45 21.00 6.03 5.14 14.43 20.99 0.431 160 3815620 3,077,689 2.73 1.79 4.09 21.00 7.26 4.76 12.08 21.00 0.293 161 3815625 174,242 2.85 2.75 12.43 21.00 7.82 5.53 23.23 20.92 0.017 162 3815630 420,292 2.70 1.48 3.83 21.00 8.85 6.51 11.52 20.94 0.040 163 3815650 1,426,843 4.14 2.81 7.17 21.00 7.90 5.31 15.13 20.97 0.136 164 3815660 274,767 2.70 2.63 8.19 21.00 7.71 6.36 13.70 20.99 0.026 165 3815665 463,016 3.11 2.00 4.04 21.00 8.55 5.58 13.31 20.87 0.044 166 3816210 9,403,183 2.31 1.84 3.94 16.50 6.31 3.99 14.88 16.51 0.894 167 3816220 1,178,830 3.40 2.10 6.61 16.50 6.70 4.69 28.09 16.49 0.112 168 3816230 2,364,934 3.51 3.30 5.16 16.50 5.65 3.88 21.76 16.50 0.225 169 3816240 24,697,167 2.24 1.60 4.55 16.50 6.72 3.37 18.45 16.49 2.349 170 3816250 75,604 3.67 1.67 5.39 16.50 4.59 3.56 19.82 16.30 0.007 171 3816260 302,588 4.67 1.65 6.38 16.50 6.59 5.81 23.96 16.50 0.029 172 3816270 2,243,328 3.26 2.11 6.11 16.50 6.78 3.70 19.82 16.47 0.213 173 3816400 63,001 2.63 0.00 2.63 9.40 2.65 2.65 0.00 9.63 0.006 174 3816585 212,267 3.19 3.24 2.95 9.43 6.07 4.06 14.38 9.74 0.020 175 3817630 611,928 4.04 3.97 19.10 18.40 5.39 3.83 9.13 18.00 0.058 176 3818311 1,604,626 2.16 1.90 4.62 22.31 5.03 4.13 5.98 23.35 0.153 177 3818315 173,492 1.57 1.57 0.00 22.26 5.70 4.48 6.93 23.56 0.017 178 3818357 915,422 1.52 1.52 0.00 22.75 3.19 2.65 3.51 22.06 0.087 179 3818359 2,164,768 1.70 1.64 3.89 22.62 4.73 2.95 5.72 23.24 0.206 180 3818360 492,139 2.53 1.30 3.62 23.91 4.54 2.66 6.44 22.61 0.047 181 3818642 458,914 3.70 2.54 4.57 9.50 5.05 2.60 6.72 9.21 0.044 182 3818815 124,289 3.43 2.69 17.23 31.81 6.09 4.87 12.19 31.37 0.012 OBS (ESCRIPTION 157 Men's cotton pajamas, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or filling, not knit, not ornamented, valued over Sl.50 per suit 158 Men's other cotton pajamas, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S1.50 per suit 159 Men's cotton sport shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 160 Men's other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 161 Boys' cotton dress shirts, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented, 162 Boys' other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 163 Men's other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 164 Boys' cotton sport shirts, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 165 Boys' other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 166 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented 167 Men's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 168 Men's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 169 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 170 Boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 171 Boys' cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 172 Boys' cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 173 Parts of men's or boys' cotton shirts, not knit, not ornamented 174 Men's or boys' wearing apparel nspf, not ornamented, of cotton, not knit 175 Men's other wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued over 15 per lb 176 Men's wool suit-type coats and jacKets, not knit, not ornamented, valued over 14 per lb 177 Men's or boys' wool overcoats, topcoats, and car coats, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S4 per lb 178 Men's or boys' suits nspf, jacket with single back panel, not 2 pairs of pants, not ornamented, of wool, not knit, valued 179 Men's or boys' suits nspf, not with two pairs of pants, not ornamented, of wool, not knit, valued over S4 per pound 180 Men's or boys' wool trousers, slacks, and shorts, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $4 per lb 181 Men's or boys' suit-type coats and jackets nspf, not ornamented, of silk, not knit, subject to wool restraints 182 Men's or boys' knit shorts of man-made fibers, not ornamented 92 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTStS) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 183 3818930 381,299 2.23 1.92 9.21 34.32 6.71 5.29 25.86 34.92 0.036 184 3819035 381.962 3.29 3.29 0.00 35.64 6.86 5.48 24.09 35.25 0.036 185 3819040 200,167 7.21 4.92 18.49 35.01 6.47 5.53 18.28 35.19 0.019 186 3819205 1,099,257 3.62 3.39 11.81 23.20 9.25 9.41 9.03 22.67 0.105 187 3819210 1,814,301 2.74 1.97 6.32 23.75 13.16 5.61 52.93 22.93 0.173 188 3819222 64,824 14.15 12.43 18.06 23.59 8.50 5.14 38.71 22.57 0.006 189 3819510 6,313,041 2.79 2.79 3.60 29.23 5.06 3.69 8.92 28.85 0.600 190 3819525 61,014 1.72 1.72 0.00 29.33 4.65 4.11 18.25 29.70 0.006 191 3819530 92,823 6.34 9.92 5.60 29.44 8.10 6.72 21.16 30.24 0.009 192 3819535 53,431 2.10 0.00 2.10 30.08 6.19 6.10 12.23 29.23 0.005 193 3819540 1.019,945 4.71 4.08 5.89 29.76 7.45 6.16 21.85 29.34 0.097 194 3819547 64,239 2.07 1.95 2.08 29.85 7.91 7.10 15.06 30.04 0.006 195 3819550 564,459 2.70 2.80 2.32 28.62 6.24 5.70 21.34 29.40 0.054 196 3819564 379.253 2.73 2.48 7.46 29.66 4.95 4.60 7.35 28.84 0.036 197 3819568 86,674 2.20 1.92 6.01 29.93 4.79 3.37 11.36 28.97 0.008 198 3819575 18,588,216 2.02 1.76 4.30 29.93 4.67 3.42 15.95 30.27 1.768 199 3819580 1,008,192 2.45 1.65 15.60 30.39 6.07 4.18 28.19 30.77 0.096 200 3819585 3,126,826 2.19 1.81 3.54 29.72 5.16 4.35 17.65 30.03 0.297 201 3819830 787,270 2.07 1.79 6.98 19.69 5.73 5.41 30.08 20.38 0.075 202 3840220 56.708 2.35 2.05 4.47 23.30 6.04 7.02 3.64 23.30 0.005 203 3840225 58,754 2.53 2.40 5.94 23.30 6.21 5.27 8.36 23.30 0.006 204 3840226 416,317 0.91 0.91 0.00 23.95 8.15 4.97 15.69 24.10 0.040 205 3840228 409,697 1.20 1.09 2.16 23.92 7.62 3.19 14.17 24.34 0.039 206 3840231 64,227 1.69 1.42 3.37 23.30 9.90 4.76 14.67 23.28 0.006 207 3840240 152.635 0.96 0.96 0.00 23.30 5.28 1.86 15.08 23.30 0.015 208 3840501 804,453 6.74 2.59 7.34 19.60 12.73 3.55 17.15 19.58 0.077 OBS DESCRIPTION 183 Men's or boys' knit shirts nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 184 Men's knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 185 Boys' knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 186 Men's or boys' knit dressing gowns, bath, beach, and lounging robes, and similar apparel, of man-made fibers, not ornament 187 Men's or boys' knit pajamas and other nightwear, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 188 Men's or boys' coats and jackets nspf without full frontal openings, not ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 189 Men's woven suit-type coats and jackets, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 190 Men's or boys' woven cpo jackets, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 191 Men's or boys' woven coats nspf, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 192 Monts or boys' woven dress shirts with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, of man-made fibers, not knit, not 193 Men's or boys' woven dress shirts nspf, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 194 Men's or boys' work shirts not ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit, with two or more colors in the warp and/or the fi 195 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not 196 Men's or boys' suits nspf having jacket with single pack panel, not with two pairs of pants, not ornamented, of man-made f 197 Men's or boys' suits nepf, not having jacket with single back panel or two pairs of pants, not ornamented, of man-made fib 198 Men's woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 199 Boys' woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 200 Men's or boys' woven shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 201 Men's or boys' woven pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 202 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit t-shirts, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 203 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit sweatshirts, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 204 Infant boys' (over 24 months of age) shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 205 Women's, girls', or infants' shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 206 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit shirts nes, for women and girls 207 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic jackets for infant boys over 24 months of age 208 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net - 93 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE tN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 'OTHERS" DOMtINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 209 3840505 334,483 2.89 0.97 3.07 20.82 9.19 3.46 14.05 20.33 0.032 210 3840608 98,753 1.96 1.13 3.43 23.43 7.04 3.44 24.35 23.62 0.009 211 3840731 245,594 3.35 2.84 3.93 23.38 13.50 3.76 20.76 23.65 0.023 212 3840825 82,700 1.50 2.77 1.31 22.28 7.70 6.84 14.52 20.28 0.008 213 3840905 89,963 4.15 0.67 4.84 20.19 11.61 3.99 13.87 20.69 0.009 214 3840922 241,317 2.60 2.54 4.63 20.00 6.03 4.72 15.35 20.00 0.023 215 3840925 273,228 2.81 2.82 2.80 21.55 7.29 5.62 12.41 20.69 0.026 216 3840996 265,842 2.56 1.03 4.08 20.00 8.00 7.40 8.73 20.19 0.025 217 3841580 113,321 1.27 1.27 0.00 28.60 5.15 3.50 5.60 27.79 0.011 218 3841807 573,349 2.96 1.43 5.20 36.32 15.92 4.97 22.51 36.44 0.055 219 3841841 329,742 2.63 2.42 3.85 36.30 8.54 4.56 23.74 36.46 0.031 220 3842205 1,515,225 3.47 2.95 4.42 28.63 7.62 6.12 13.50 27.85 0.144 221 3842213 274,031 4.23 4.23 0.00 28.39 9.64 5.52 11.93 28.63 0.026 222 3842220 1,031,191 6.71 2.02 7.43 28.49 6.09 5.36 11.36 28.01 0.098 223 3842224 1,004,207 4.71 2.36 7.07 28.39 7.41 6.51 9.13 28.72 0.096 224 3842305 1,048,730 4.24 3.62 4.81 32.30 9.34 3.52 13.60 32.39 0.100 225 3842314 72,460 5.52 26.37 4.56 32.30 5.80 4.43 9.15 32.38 0.007 226 3842329 74,494 1.93 1.91 3.42 32.10 4.72 3.90 7.08 32.54 0.007 227 3842345 76,740 3.49 1.94 5.91 32.41 4.16 3.63 14.00 32.45 0.007 228 3842505 163,316 5.63 0.00 5.63 28.92 10.99 4.24 12.65 28.77 0.016 229 3842515 132,003 3.69 0.00 3.69 28.42 6.47 5.74 7.83 28.83 0.013 230 3842520 245,418 2.70 2.18 2.92 28.30 6.71 4.51 10.41 28.65 0.023 231 3842525 3,292,844 2.41 1.78 3.47 28.62 6.85 3.92 9.92 28.55 0.313 232 3842806 59,543 4.47 5.76 4.26 21.00 11.93 5.08 20.55 20.92 0.006 233 3842815 534,048 3.95 2.80 5.98 21.00 10.76 3.77 16.70 20.96 0.051 234 3842850 131,652 6.49 6.58 6.47 21.00 9.27 4.70 12.20 20.93 0.013 OBS DESCRIPTION 209 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 210 Women's denim, including brushed denim, trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 211 Women's trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 212 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, ornamented 213 Women's cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 214 Women's, girls', or infants cotton pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 215 Women's, girls', or infants cotton pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 216 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 217 Women's, girls', or infants' coats nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of wool, not knit 218 Women's other knit blouses of man-made fibers, ornamented, lace or net 219 Women's other knit shirts of man-made fibers, ornamented, lace or net 220 Women's, girls', or infants' knit coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits of man-made fibers, ornamented 221 Women's knit dresses of man-made fibers, ornamented 222 Women's, girls', or infants' knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, ornamented 223 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 224 Women's blouses and shirts of man-mde fibers, not knit, ornamented 225 Infants' blouses and shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 226 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, identical fabric, jacket with single back panel, lace, net or ornamented, man-mad 227 Women's trousers or slacks of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 228 Women's dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 229 Infants' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 230 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel,man-mede fiber,not knit, ornamented 231 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 232 Women's cotton knit tank tops, not ornamented 233 Women's blouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 234 Women's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 94 APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S oS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AiR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 235 3842934 72,759 5.17 2.17 5.90 21.00 14.70 5.44 27.88 22.32 0.007 236 3842935 293,533 4.06 3.18 5.99 21.00 11.37 6.07 15.09 21.00 0.028 237 3842950 327,006 4.65 2.12 6.34 21.00 8.34 4.18 15.27 20.94 0.031 238 3842980 367,320 2.86 2.64 5.63 21.00 6.74 4.86 11.69 19.58 0.035 239 3843013 103,398 4.44 4.33 4.74 17.30 5.56 4.10 7.00 17.13 0.010 240 3843035 596,442 3.43 3.08 4.42 17.32 10.78 3.45 14.83 17.28 0.057 241 3843210 91,095 12.08 0.37 12.37 13.50 10.75 3.97 14.02 13.78 0.009 242 3843428 82,381 2.58 2.46 2.69 11.29 6.71 4.66 13.57 11.06 0.008 243 3843500 330,871 4.65 3.21 8.52 9.40 14.69 8.18 26.82 9.91 0.031 244 3843760 67,235 5.17 0.00 5.17 8.00 11.80 5.09 23.42 8.07 0.006 245 3843767 81,010 5.99 0.00 5.99 8.00 7.71 5.46 10.54 7.98 0.008 246 3843777 759,032 5.27 3.02 9.49 8.00 10.90 7.71 17.85 7.94 0.072 247 3844000 154,491 5.17 4.73 5.36 8.00 9.28 5.02 21.32 7.97 0.015 248 3844215 430,939 2.40 1.63 3.78 8.00 6.40 5.20 16.52 8.00 0.041 249 3844602 89,038 4.28 0.00 4.28 16.50 6.78 4.07 17.48 16.50 0.008 250 3844605 53,765 5.47 0.00 5.47 16.50 13.44 4.14 17.39 16.49 0.005 251 3844608 358,930 3.96 2.02 5.32 16.50 9.43 4.76 20.55 16.50 0.034 252 3844609 5,459,066 4.04 2.19 5.26 16.50 9.78 4.24 14.67 16.46 0.519 253 3844611 189,608 3.81 1.86 6.38 16.50 .07 4.66 9.31 16.45 0.018 254 3844614 3,510,069 3.41 2.19 4.06 16.50 7.51 4.29 17.02 16.50 0.334 255 3844620 138,845 2.84 1.88 6.05 16.50 6.73 6.67 8.04 16.44 0.013 256 3844621 92,17 3.59 0.00 3.52 16.50 7.70 6.79 8.35 16.59 0.009 257 3844647 1,201,021 3.21 2.42 4.26 16.50 7.01 4.27 25.06 16.46 0.114 258 3844650 1,30a,471 2.21 2.09 5.23 16.50 6.80 3.98 14.84 16.46 0.124 259 3844652 743,064 2.62 2.18 5.31 16.50 7.96 4.82 20.85 16.50 0.071 260 3844720 254,854 2.98 2.13 4.14 16.50 6.13 4.19 12.13 16.66 0.024 OBS DESCRIPTION 235 Cotton knit sweatshirts for infant nes, not ornamented 236 Cotton knit sweatshirts for women and girls, not ornamented 237 Women's other cotton knit shirts, not ornamented 238 Infants' shirts, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 239 Cotton knit coats and jackets imported as parts of suits for women and girls, not ornamented 240 Women's other cotton knit trousers and slacks, not ornamented 241 Women's cotton knit dresses, not ornamented 242 Women's, girls', or infants' playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits, and similar apparel, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 243 Women's, girls', or Infants' cotton coats, not knit, valued S4 or less, not ornamented 244 Cotton suit-typo coats and Jackets, not ornamented, valued over $4 each, nspf, not knit, for women and girls 245 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 246 Women's coats, valued over S4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 247 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $2.5 248 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton pajamias, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $1.50 per suit 249 Women's cotton poplin and broadcloth blouses, not knit, not ornamented 250 Women's cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 251 Women's cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 252 Woen's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 253 Girls' or Infants' other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 254 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 255 Male infants' cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 256 Male infants' cotton shirts except sport, not knit, not ornamented 257 Women's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 258 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, denim, including brushed denim, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 259 Trousers and slacks of cotton denim (including brushed denim) not ornamented, for girls 260 Infants' shorts, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf - 95 - APPENOIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -OTHERS- DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 261 3844723 88,002 2.46 2.46 0.00 16.50 6.57 5.73 15.72 16.92 0.008 262 3844724 276,453 3.94 4.01 3.69 16.50 7.99 4.46 16.67 16.51 0.026 263 3844725 1,287,009 3.63 2.10 5.75 16.43 9.57 4.33 16.81 16.48 0.122 264 3844735 491,319 3.07 2.42 5.79 16.50 6.08 4.41 22.27 16.50 0.047 265 3844747 299,817 2.65 2.20 5.31 16.50 5.21 4.42 21.12 16.50 0.029 266 3844765 2,779,752 4.36 3.22 6.48 16.50 7.71 3.77 17.45 16.48 0.264 267 3844774 255,430 3.94 1.93 5.99 16.50 7.20 4.84 15.22 16.50 0.024 268 3844775 239,396 1.92 1.72 4.95 16.50 6.67 3.98 14.23 16.49 0.023 269 3844776 109,901 3.30 1.77 6.65 16.50 7.54 3.82 16.72 16.49 0.010 270 3844782 77,103 4.02 0.98 5.88 16.50 9.78 4.56 14.83 16.42 0.007 271 3844786 96,189 5.50 0.82 6.39 16.50 12.86 4.53 i7.65 16.44 0.009 272 3844925 492,870 7.21 2.71 7.78 12.94 10.90 4.31 13.20 12.91 0.047 273 3845110 131,832 5.38 4.06 22.01 9.40 7.71 5.22 20.92 9.46 0.013 274 3845120 162,432 4.27 3.34 4.61 10.03 9.36 4.99 22.11 9.68 0.015 275 3845222 452,501 5.62 1.39 5.94 9.40 12.42 4.99 20.40 9.38 0.043 276 3845227 79,679 3.33 1.42 3.51 10.06 10.98 4.42 14.74 9.77 0.008 277 3845228 55,447 1.86 1.86 0.00 9.85 6.72 5.83 12.39 10.02 0.005 278 3845234 684,032 3.49 3.15 3.50 9.64 8.31 4.93 17.61 9.81 0.065 279 3845237 584,241 3.38 2.67 12.64 9.68 8.70 4.44 16.13 9.89 0.056 280 3845251 2,545,808 3.16 2.60 6.15 9.46 11.41 4.84 16.05 9.82 0.242 281 3845675 267,599 2.50 1.44 8.34 4.44 5.10 4.88 8.96 4.16 0.025 282 3845690 341,126 7.07 5.41 24.22 2.16 7.76 5.01 10.44 3.99 0.032 283 3845694 142,046 i.82 5.82 0.00 3.80 8.71 4.19 14.30 3.80 0.014 284 3845697 104,090 8.70 9.13 8.05 3.31 6.33 3.68 13.35 4.03 0.010 285 3846371 387,716 11.39 0.00 6.34 18.18 7.24 3.63 10.15 17.87 0.037 286 3847215 1,254,947 2.94 2.02 4.71 23.16 4.90 3.89 6.02 21.72 0.119 OBS DESCRIPTION 261 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 262 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented, for women and girls 263 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 264 Women's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 265 Cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not ornamented, for girls 266 Women's other cotton trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 267 Cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 268 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 269 Cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 270 Women, girls', or infants' other cotton shirts, not knit, not ornamented 271 Women's girls', or infants garments, nsfp 272 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dresses, not knit, not ornamented 273 Women's corduroy skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 274 Women's denim skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 275 Women's coverail, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, not knit, of cotton, not or 276 Women's coverall, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, not knit, of cotton, not or 277 Girls' and infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 278 Women's, girls', and infants coveralls, playsuits and similar apparel, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 279 Women's, girls', or infants' divided skirts and culottes, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 280 Women's skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 281 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, not knit, subject to man-made fiber restraints, of veg. fibers, except cotton, not orn 282 Women's, girls', or infants' coats and jackets, not knit, of vegetable fibers, not ornamented nspf 283 Women's, girls', or infants' skirts and culottes n.s.p.f., of vegetable fibers except cotton, not knit 284 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers, slacks, and shorts, not knit, of vegetable fibers, except cotton, not ornamented ns 285 Women's other wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued over S5/lb 286 Women's, girls', or infants' wool suit-type coats and jackets, not ornamented, valued over S4 per pound 96 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITEO STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOI4INICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS," DM INI CAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OOTHERS"O NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S oes TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 287 3847220 925,281 4.60 1.99 10.58 22.61 7.60 4.89 9.19 22.98 0.088 288 3847520 51,464 1.26 1.26 0.00 18.14 5.13 1.91 5.29 17.89 0.005 289 3847522 1,179,094 2.60 1.51 4.00 18.22 6.31 4.04 7.37 17,97 0.112 290 3847534 261,285 2.67 0.00 2.67 18.10 5.66 3.59 6.29 18.05 0.025 291 3847536 228,435 1.34 1.35 0.39 18.30 4.78 4.30 5.27 18.12 0.022 292 3847542 54,839 2.52 0.00 2.52 18.05 4.50 3.34 4.60 18.00 0.005 293 3847544 132,646 2.13 1.33 2.90 18.18 5.32 4.99 5.67 20.74 0.013 294 3847552 102,459 4.26 1.78 4.50 18.15 6.17 4.74 6.79 18.01 0.010 295 3847556 1,054,158 0.99 1.02 0.91 18.13 6.61 4.65 8.32 18.31 0.100 296 3848012 3,412,975 3.93 1.76 5.02 34.83 12.50 5.32 22.98 34.88 0.325 297 3848045 54,346 3.10 3.79 1.41 35.09 7.48 4.99 23.85 35.14 0.005 298 3848073 460,067 8.71 5.43 10.01 35.00 8.66 5.07 22.67 34.83 0.044 299 3848213 172,340 4.32 3.15 12.35 30.92 10.34 6.70 25.08 31.12 0.016 300 3848245 498,059 2.35 2.37 2.16 31.14 9.87 5.13 23.42 31.15 0.047 301 3848300 137,014 2.36 0.00 2.36 30.78 5.42 3.27 7.77 28.10 0.013 302 3848605 639,819 3.08 2.37 4.30 23.25 8.65 4.99 20.81 22.48 0.061 303 3848606 209,556 3.03 2.63 4.62 22.43 6.70 5.60 15.55 21.62 0.020 304 3848630 859,879 7.74 4.62 8.77 21.92 7.24 5.42 13.06 21.86 0.082 305 3848632 138,374 5.56 0.00 5.56 22.98 10.03 6.71 43.20 23.19 0.013 306 3848634 4,728,991 2.07 1.58 6.43 22.95 10.88 5.61 24.09 2-. 0.450 307 3848660 88,118 3.20 3.19 5.38 22.51 10.84 4.43 17.91 22.39 0.008 308 3848696 356,488 3.21 0.00 3.21 22.57 9.70 6.77 18.81 22.55 0.034 309 3849000 5,197,253 3.43 3.12 6.55 30.60 5.75 4.19 16.69 30.81 0.494 310 3849110 495,404 4.74 2.23 5.76 29.44 11.39 4.47 16.07 29.25 0.047 311 3849115 7,880,108 4.34 2.55 5.76 29.25 9.10 4.60 13.62 28.87 0.749 312 3849125 637,084 4.22 4.57 4.15 29.36 10.90 5.69 15,36 29.40 0.061 DeS DESCRiPTi0ON 287 Women's, girls', or infants' wool coats nspf, not ornamented, valued over $4 Per pound 288 Women's, girls', or infants' wool dressing gowns, bath and beach robes,and similar apparel, not knit or ornamented,valued 289 Women's, girls', or infants' skirts, valued over S4 per pound, not knit, of wool, not ornamented nspf 290 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, skirts, and pants, jacket with single back panel, valued over S4 per pound, not knit, 291 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket with single back panel not knit, of wool, not ornamented nspf 292 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and skirt and pants of same fabric, valued over $4 per lb, not knit, of wool, n 293 Women's, girls', or infants suits, jacket lower garments of same fabric, valued over $4 per lb, not knit, of wool, not orn 294 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, not Knit, valued over $4 per pound, of wool, not ornamented nspf 295 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers, slacks, and shorts, valued over $4 per pound, not knit, of wool, not ornamented nsp 296 Women's blouses, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 297 Women's other knit shirts of man-made fibers, not ornamented 298 Women's and girls' knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 299 Women's knit coats nes, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 300 Women's other knit trousers and slacks, man-made fibers, not ornamented 301 Women's, girls', or infants' knit swimming suits and other swimwear of man-made fibers, not ornamented, valued S10 or less 302 Women's, girls', or infants' knit coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits of man-made fibers, not ornamented 303 Infants' coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 304 Women's, girls', or infants' knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, man-made fibers, not ornament 305 Women's, girls', or infants' knit blanket sleepers, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 306 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 307 Women's knit skirts and culottes of man-made fibers, not ornamented 308 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 309 Women's trousers and slacks of man-made fibers, not knit or ornamented 310 Women's blouses and shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 311 Women's other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 312 Girls' other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented v 97 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 'OTHERS" D0liNINCAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS", NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 3T3 3849127 110,416 3,61 4.29 3.58 29.93 8.65 8.16 14.66 29.60 0.011 314 3849140 899,642 6.03 2.89 7.44 29.48 10.03 8.53 18.08 30.57 0.086 315 3849143 587,843 3.01 2.41 9.78 29.61 7.46 5.26 12.07 29.50 0.056 316 3849146 1,793,241 4.53 2.54 9.30 29.50 7.62 5.47 17.23 29.96 0.171 317 3849152 4,829,153 3.41 2.59 9.69 29.42 10.35 8.25 18.20 30.30 0.459 318 3849158 917,546 2.57 2.55 3.71 29.76 8.04 6.65 16.17 29.40 0.087 319 3849162 6,246,321 2.37 1.80 3.04 29.12 5.62 5.06 7.53 29.51 0.594 320 3849166 1,188,293 3.53 1.37 4.82 29.04 9.68 5.14 13.83 29.20 0.113 321 3849169 141,191 4.38 4.04 4.43 29.41 6.50 4.76 19.44 30.55 0.013 322 3849171 80,635 3.36 0.00 3.36 29.02 5.51 4.72 19.71 30.32 0.008 323 3849174 342,762 1.97 1.97 0.00 29.69 5.68 5.00 18.61 31.06 0.033 324 3849176 545,758 2.14 1.90 3.26 30.79 8.86 4.04 17.33 30.07 0.052 325 3849305 659,137 1.89 1.89 0.00 14.62 6.29 6.67 14.25 13.29 0.063 326 3849425 822,261 7.91 0.00 7.91 19.90 10.16 4.25 11.83 19.39 0.078 327 3849430 59,469 6.64 10.00 6.59 19.10 9.49 7.68 12.19 20.12 '.006 328 3849435 178,883 2.19 1.98 2.90 19.18 6.36 3.72 16.83 19.65 ,017 329 3849440 355,364 5.34 3.25 8.26 19.21 7.30 3.84 14.06 19.43 ;..J34 330 3849442 89,512 3.37 0.00 3.37 19.04 9.47 5.61 12.31 19.41 i.009 331 3849445 5,855,702 3.37 2.65 9.02 19.55 10.27 4.36 14.74 19.51 0.557 332 3849497 180,369 4.03 2.38 5.96 19.21 9.40 6.54 15.99 19.5- 0.017 333 3860410 2,769,490 1.56 1.46 3.07 25.32 5.33 3.83 31.34 0o.01 0.263 334 3860700 3,401,053 2.46 2.27 5.27 12.74 9.21 5.69 39.46 12.61 0.323 335 3865210 8,643,760 2.11 1.57 5.99 8.38 16.72 5.04 35.01 8.48 0.822 336 3865238 1,597,326 4.24 4.05 11.04 8.29 9.61 9.55 97.51 8.40 0.152 337 3865300 228,044 4.25 4.22 23.59 8.38 7.21 6.53 11.71 8.35 0.022 338 3895000 344,368 4.55 0.00 4.55 13.65 9.52 8.33 17.09 13.95 0.033 OBS DESCRIPTION 313 Infants' blouses and shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 314 Women's other coats 3/4 length or longer of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 315 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 316 Women's and girls' suit-type coats and jackets, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 317 Women's coats nspf, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 318 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket with one back panel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 319 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and lower component of same fabric, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamente 320 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 321 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 322 Other women's and girls' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented, nspf 323 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 324 Infants' trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 325 Women's, girls, or infants' non-woven disposable apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 326 Women's other dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 327 Girls' or infants' other dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 328 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach rODes, and simiiar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not o 329 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas ;and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 330 Women's, girls', or infants' jumpers, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 331 Women's skirts of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented. 332 Women's, girls' or infants' wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 333 Shoe uppers, of cotton, nspf 334 Shoe uppers of textile materials, except cotton and wool, nspf 335 Shoe uppers, of cotton, not knit, pile, tufted, or ornamented, nspf 336 Cotton laparotomy sponges, not ornamented 337 Cotton articles nspf, not ornamented 338 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of manmade fibers, pile or tufted construction - 98 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNiTED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE ItN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S 08S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 339 3896240 808,671 6.10 3.36 16.15 10.92 10.50 8.34 21.64 10.24 0.077 340 3896270 209,691 18.19 9.23 18.86 10.35 8.72 7.21 15.32 10.37 0.020 341 4071610 1,424,719 10.79 10.79 0.00 0.00 5.64 5.65 5.01 5.61 0.136 342 4093020 299,338 4.90 4.90 0.00 0.00 12.34 13.07 9.37 9.13 0.028 343 4093080 456,519 9.65 9.65 0.00 0.00 8.07 7.92 27.64 5.99 0.043 344 4275200 1,533,944 8.62 8.15 0.00 0.00 9.63 9.63 0.00 0.00 0.146 345 4350500 147,535 44.79 44.79 0.00 0.00 18.45 19.78 9.37 0.00 0.014 346 4524400 172,149 3.46 3.46 0.00 0.10 13.76 14.79 4.70 5.33 0.016 347 4613500 68,295 6.15 7.11 6.09 5.04 3.83 2.86 5.39 5.31 0.006 348 4614015 55,771 9.85 11.75 8.00 0.24 5.41 6.57 22.94 5.09 0.005 349 4661500 174,776 6.58 6.58 0.00 0.44 8.82 8.44 28.91 1.69 0.017 350 4663000 830,490 2.28 2.28 0.00 0.00 12.53 11.01 46.05 0.64 0.079 351 4700500 178,037 9.84 9.84 0.00 0.00 8.46 9.07 3.28 0.00 0.017 352 4931000 504,610 10.68 10.68 0.00 0.00 8.23 7.67 16.14 2.38 0.048 353 4940200 415,699 12.35 12.35 0.00 0.00 9.66 9.69 21.21 0.00 0.040 354 5184400 113,565 10.57 10.57 0.00 0.00 21.47 21.47 0.00 0.00 0.011 355 5203200 1,481,748 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.54 0.59 0.54 0.00 0.141 356 5323100 70,336 21.74 21.74 0.00 0.00 43.53 43.61 20.97 7.77 0.007 357 5343100 85,870 20.43 21.17 15.07 0.00 17.91 16.94 29.46 1.33 0.008 358 5348100 50,607 22.27 22.85 14.57 0.00 18.35 17.57 102.85 4.91 0.0- 359 5348400 88,223 22.95 22.95 0.00 0.10 13.41 12.87 84.54 6.77 2.008 360 5348700 456,077 21.27 21.27 0.00 0.13 12.32 11.87 23.69 4.51 0.043 361 5353121 307,893 8.40 8.40 0.00 0.00 21.66 21.72 34.92 0.17 0.029 362 5353123 493,764 18.94 18.94 0.00 0.00 21.87 21.29 55.70 0.48 0.047 363 5353125 137,708 7.54 7.54 0.00 0.10 19.17 19.07 41.75 1.94 0.013 364 5353140 148,174 8.24 8.24 0.00 0.00 14.46 14.66 14.86 3.90 0.014 OBS DESCRIPTION 339 Shoe uppers, nspf, of man-made, not knit, pile, or tufted, not ornamented 340 Articles nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 341 Mixtures in whole or part of industrial organic chemicals nspf 342 Surface-active agents,anionic,used as detergents,wetting agents,emulsifiers,dispersants,or foaming agents 343 Products used as detergents,wetting agents,emulsifiers,dispersants,or foaming agents,nes 344 Furfurai 345 Specified drugs such as aloes, jalap, mate, aconite, cocculus indicus, crude 346 Orange oil 347 Perfumes, colognes, and toilet water, containing alcohol 348 Hair preparations,etc,not containing alcohol 349 Toilet soap, over 20 cents per pound 350 Synthetic detergents 351 Annato, archil, cochineal, cudbear and litmus 352 Blackings, powders, liquids, and creams, for polishing and cleaning in containers not over 10 pounds each 353 Beeswax, not bleached 354 Asbestos and hydraulic cement articles, not elsewhere specified 355 Diamonds not over 1/2 carat, cut, not set, suitable for jewelry 356 Ceramic tiles, except floor and wall, including roofing tiles 357 Smokers' articles, household articles, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of coarse-grained earthenware or stoneware 358 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-grained earthenware or stoneware valued not over S3 pe 359 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-grained earthenware or stoneware valued S3-10 per doz 360 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-grained earthenware or stoneware valued over $10 per d 361 Water closet bowls and flush tanks in sets, of ceramic 362 Ceramic water closet bowls and flush tanks, other than in sets 363 Ceramic sinks including lavatories 364 Sanitary ware, and parts thereof, of ceramic ware, except plumbing fixtures 99 APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUOLiC:S 0OS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 365 6036510 117,846 12.75 12.75 0.00 0.00 7.50 7.50 0.00 0.00 0,011 366 6052020 34,594,910 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.20 0.00 3,290 367 6052040 3,584,186 1.38 0.00 1.38 0.00 0.71 0.56 1.38 0.00 0.341 368 6052060 68,379,101 0.05 0.00 0.06 0.00 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.00 6(503 369 6052080 5,200,383 1.25 0.00 1.25 0.00 0.89 0.00 1.25 0.00 0,495 370 6057020 2,789,290 0.70 3.72 0.79 0.00 0.24 6,15 0.20 0.00 0,265 371 6062000 21,432,909 2.58 2.58 0.00 0.00 4.32 4.32 0.00 0.00 2,038 372 6067900 6,991,120 5.37 5.37 0.00 0.53 12.60 12.60 26.82 4.97 0.i65 373 6068330 138,723 5.36 5.36 0.00 0,00 13.92 14,17 4.60 5.13 0.013 374 6081310 705,565 4.30 4.30 0.00 6,90 7.86 7.80 30.26 7.07 0.067 375 6081330 58,086 7.59 7.59 0.00 6.90 9.12 10.54 89.55 7.02 0,006 376 6121020 292,581 5.99 5,99 0.00 0.03 8.83 9,23 46.40 0.02 0.028 377 6121040 191,192 7.11 7.11 0.00 0.03 8.92 8.96 11,45 0.04 0.018 378 6121060 82,154 7.04 7.04 0.00 0.11 16,67 17.33 0.00 0.09 0O008 379 6181000 113,136 9.07 9.07 0.00 0.70 8.33 8.34 2.28 0.67 0,01' 380 6325800 91,145 20.17 20.17 0.00 0.00 1.38 1.06 1.61 3.94 0,009 381 6403050 4,334,599 12.94 12.90 37,11 0.03 11.90 12.37 11.73 0.48 0,412 382 6421146 77,882 9.88 9.88 0.00 1.41 7.14 6.75 20.55 5.23 0,007 383 6462000 3,732,114 3.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 8.78 8.69 25.52 0.86 0,355 384 6486500 154,188 4.62 4.62 0.00 0.00 7.85 7.42 22.87 0.00 O.Oi5 385 6528800 246,029 9.06 9.06 0.00 0.00 8.22 6.35 11.10 4.91 0023 386 6544000 168,477 4.21 4.21 0.00 0.00 8.60 8.59 13,30 3.62 0O0i6 387 6544500 379,412 3.60 3.60 0.00 0.00 11.13 10.68 24.44 1.04 0.036 388 6571500 286,204 10.06 10.06 0.00 0.09 10.70 8.93 26.64 2,05 0.027 389 6662000 155,464 7.26 7.88 0.53 0.00 5.70 5.46 8.04 0.00 0,015 390 6743505 242,705 3.35 0.00 0.00 4.80 2.51 2.40 7.11 4.22 0.023 OBS DESCRIPTION 365 Vanadium bearing materials, not advanced in value or condition, not over 2 percent copper, lead, or zinc 366 Gold Oullion 367 Silver bullion 368 Gold bullion nspf 369 Silver bullion nspf 370 Gold sweepings and waste and scrap 371 Ferronickel 372 Deformed concrete reinforcing bars of steel other than alloy steel 373 Rounds, bars of steel other than alloy steel, not cold formed, not coated or plated with metal 374 Zinc coated or plated, painted or varnished sheets, other than alloy lr on or steel, valued over 10 cents per pound 375 Zinc coated or plated sheets, other than alloy iron or steel, valued ov er 10 cents per pound nspf 376 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed 377 Brass waste and scrap 378 Copper waste and scrap alloyed nes 379 Aluminum waste and scrap 380 Vanadium, unwrought, except alloys, and waste and scrap 381 Containers used in packing, transporting or marketing of goods, other than of stainless steel, aluminum with capacity not 382 Wire strand, nspf 383 Staples in strip form 384 Machetes and parts thereof 385 Springs and leaves for springs, of base metal, not elsewhere specified 386 Cooking and kitchen ware, of cast aluminum, not enameled or glazed, without non-stick finish, not coated or plated with pr 387 Cooking and kitchen ware, of aluminum other than cast, not enameled or glazed, without non-stick finish, not plated with p 388 Tin plate manufactures, not elsewhere specified 389 Machinery for use in manufacture of sugar and parts 390 Multi-spindle numerical control lathes for cutting metal, other than horizontal, new, valued at least S2,500 each 100 APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMiNICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 'OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FiREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S O8S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 391 6765235 180,167 0.49 0.00 0.49 4.26 3.21 1.79 3.74 4.27 0.017 392 6765423 856,833 0.46 0.00 0.46 0.00 3.33 1.24 4.16 0.00 0.081 393 6765435 1,015,259 0.93 0.00 0.93 0.00 2.74 1.77 2.97 0.00 0.097 394 6765455 91,746 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 2.91 2.03 3.10 0.00 0.009 395 6782030 855,800 7.96 7.96 0.00 0.00 7.85 7.66 9.04 3.24 0.081 396 6801100 122,619 2.15 0.00 2.15 0.00 5.51 1.39 7.23 0.00 0.012 397 6826052 65,398 1.33 1.33 0.00 0.00 4.93 3.36 5.77 3.04 0.006 398 6826062 106,131 2.08 2.08 0.00 3.67 4.31 3.22 6.12 3.57 0.010 399 6836090 4,300,_ 4 1.25 1.69 I.iO 3.21 4.20 2.96 6.54 2.88 0.409 400 6857004 76,285 2.54 0.00 2.54 2.03 3.42 1.91 5.45 1.60 0.007 401 6857080 117,340 1.12 0.00 1.12 2.90 4.97 3.14 7.03 1.74 0.011 402 6858006 5,484,576 0.72 0.00 0.72 5.29 3.20 1.99 8.55 10.00 0.522 403 6858029 121,528 3.27 5.93 1.32 1.03 4.66 1.86 6.32 10.00 0.012 404 6859002 428,089 1.11 1.09 1.74 5.70 4.42 3.14 6.59 3.50 0.041 405 6859028 91,207 1.52 1.52 0.00 5.70 2.83 2.88 2.59 5.73 0.009 406 6859034 2,518,100 1.33 1.27 1.36 0.33 4.35 1.95 6.61 4.16 0.239 407 6859038 2,115,765 2.41 2.11 15.34 5.76 3.80 2.56 4.68 4.61 0.201 408 6859054 5,090,500 5.92 0.00 5.91 5.73 4.78 2.90 5.53 5.50 0.484 409 6859058 833,923 0.75 1.76 0.50 5.70 3.98 0.98 4.20 5.00 0.079 410 6859080 2,819,516 1.45 0.90 3.41 1.71 4.18 2.63 5.60 5.08 0.268 411 6881800 528,216 2.66 1.82 5.04 4.99 6.04 4.46 8.51 2.87 0.050 412 6884280 113,244 2.07 2.61 1.48 1.66 4.04 3.93 4.22 3.52 0.011 413 6921040 494,380 3.97 3.97 0.00 2.60 6.03 6.15 5.84 2.60 0.047 414 7001500 391,073 10.44 4.74 14.92 10.00 8.17 7.01 12.11 9.85 0.037 415 7003522 84,684 5.23 5.32 2.55 8.50 4.62 4.02 23.92 8.51 0.008 416 7003540 361,659 2.45 0.00 2.45 8.50 7.22 5.95 13.54 8.60 0.034 OBS DESCRIPTION 391 Parts nspf of computers and automatic data-processing machines and units thereof 392 Disk drive units of automatic data-processing machines other than hard or flexible disc drives 393 Parts of automatic data-processing nspf 394 Parts of automatic data-processing machines, nspf 395 M4achinery designed for use with ceramic paste, unhardening cements, and plastering materials 396 Shoe machinery molds 397 Coils and inductors 398 Parts of generators,nspf 399 Electrical starting and ignition equipment for internal combustion engines, nspf 400 Fixed capacitors 401 Signaling devices, nspf 402 Fixed electrical capacitors, tantalum electrolytic, metal case 403 Fixed electrical capacitors nspf, paper or film, radial lead 404 Molded case circuit breakers 405 Knife switches, in circuits not over 1,000 v 406 Relays with contacts rated at less than 10 a 407 Electrical switches, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 408 Connectors,nspf 409 Printed circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 410 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 411 Insulated electrical conductors, with fittings, nspf 412 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf 413 4-wheel passenger cars, used 414 Moccasins, leather 415 Leather athletic footwear nspf, for men youths, and boys 416 Men's leather footwear with soles vulcanized to uppers or with soles simultaneously molded and attached to uppers, not els 101 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC "OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF tOTHERS" NOMINAL FREICGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 417 7003552 137,969 5.23 2.92 6.63 8.50 6.20 5.05 8.95 8.60 0.013 418 7003555 71,839 6.21 5.86 6.23 8.50 6.00 5.17 12.57 8.56 0.007 419 7003575 258,076 2.48 1.21 4.62 8.50 5.42 4.41 9.58 8.53 0.025 420 7003580 64,931 1.16 1.16 0.00 8.50 7.59 5.78 15.91 8.50 0.006 421 7004544 139,812 6.12 0.00 6.05 10.00 5.70 4.24 7.85 10.01 0.013 422 7004560 90,199 7.08 0.00 7.08 10.00 7.99 5.09 11.02 9.99 0.009 423 7005100 55,100 6.01 6.01 0.00 7.30 9.27 9.24 12.49 5.98 0.005 424 7005670 57,731 12.28 0.00 12.24 6.00 7.33 5.86 40.15 6.00 0.005 425 7009000 176,541 2.81 2.80 3.13 0.00 8.53 8.51 28.34 0.42 0.017 426 7020600 99,284 5.41 5.42 5.10 10.11 7.05 6.95 9.22 10.30 0.009 427 7030560 180,321 5.21 5.21 0.00 8.80 12.00 10.68 30.98 8.79 0.017 428 7031400 220,531 3.03 3.03 2.98 0.90 6.33 6.36 7.76 2.24 0.021 429 7031650 518,573 5.04 5.04 0.00 11.11 10.20 7.86 20.10 11.94 0.049 430 7044504 286,699 4.92 4.92 0.00 25.00 6.04 6.01 4.70 25.00 0.027 431 7044508 65,318 3.80 3.80 0.00 25.00 8.57 7.66 30.28 25.00 0.006 432 7048550 172,697 4.45 4.45 0.00 24.10 9.39 7.12 27.72 22.74 0.016 433 7060700 3,201,151 5.02 4.97 6.59 10.00 7.44 5.38 15.10 9.99 0.304 434 7063640 142,069 6.39 6.25 9.31 8.71 8.82 6.76 24.48 8.68 0.014 435 7063650 87,259 4.53 4.56 4.50 8.20 8.68 6.75 25.40 8.39 0.008 436 7063840 720,290 6.44 6.44 0.00 6.50 10.44 7.73 26.47 6.66 0.069 437 7063840 720,290 6.44 6.44 0.00 6.50 10.44 7.73 26.47 6.66 0.069 438 7064135 582,597 8.99 8.79 28.04 20.00 9.41 8.59 34.68 20.00 0.055 439 7064140 75,859 7.03 5.13 17.75 20.00 8.30 7.23 18.89 19.94 0.007 440 7064152 736,462 6.06 5.93 5.39 20.00 8.95 7.86 33.01 19.99 0.070 441 7066225 97,084 8.98 8.98 0.00 20.00 8.68 7.70 29.70 20.00 0.009 442 7084520 93,841 2.93 2.59 7.64 0.00 5.83 3.88 7.37 7.13 0.009 OBS DESCRIPTION 417 Men's leather cement footwear nspf 418 For youths and boys' leather footwear with cement soles, not elsewhere specified 419 Men's leather footwear uppers, not elsewhere specified 420 Youths and boys' leather footwear upper, not elsewhere specified 421 Women's leather cement footwear nspf, vaiued over S2.50 per pair 422 Women's feather footwear, valued not over S2.50 per pair, not elsewhere specified 423 Footwear, protective, with over 90% polyvinyl exterior 424 Women's footwear, except soft sole or vinyl, with uppers over 901 rubbe r and or exterior surface area is rubber or plast 425 Disposable footwear designed for one-time use 426 Knit headwear of cotton 427 Headwear of man-made fibers, wholly or in part of braid, nspf 428 Hcadwear, of man-made fibers, nonwoven disposable use for hospitals, clinics, or contaminated areas, not knit, not part 0 429 Headwear, of man-made fibers, not in part of braid, not knit, nspf 430 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing jersey type fabric, without fourchettes or sidewal Is 431 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, from pre-existing knit fabric other than terry, jersey, or lisle, w/o fourche 432 Knit gloves of man-made fiber, not made from pre-existing fabric, not lace, net, or ornamented 433 Leather handbags valued not over $20 each,not of reptile leather 434 Cotton handbags, not pile or tufted 435 Cotton luggage, not pile or tufted 436 Ther handbags, vegetable fibers except cotton, not pile or tufted 437 Ther handbags, vegetable fibers except cotton, not pile or tufted 438 Luggage n.s.p.f. of man-made textile fibers 439 Other handbags of textile material nes, other than cotton 440 Other luggage of textile materials except cotton, nspf 441 Handbags of plastic materials 442 Sunglasses and sungoggles, valued over S2.50 per dozen - 102 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMiNICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC -OTHERS,, DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS' NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S 0BS TSUSA IMIPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 443 7091320 150,269 9.23 6.37 17.54 0.00 7.25 5.95 10.55 8.30 O,Ol4 444 7092320 91,252 4.99 4,99 0.00 0.00 6.32 5.54 7.52 6.01 oog 445 7154700 79,893 1.73 1.73 0.00 15.85 6.39 2.89 12.38 13.98 0.ooe 446 7271100 824,281 17.08 16.75 90.79 0.29 24.14 24.01 71.55 2.39 0,078 447 7271400 92,039 18.05 17.98 23.02 0.06 25.96 26.21 15.77 3.60 0.009 448 7272900 195,524 14.31 12.36 44.55 0.02 11.35 11.26 24.49 3.81 0.019 449 7273520 95,619 17.89 17.75 50.00 0.01 13.41 13.16 19.36 2.68 0.009 450 7273530 58,805 13.32 12.92 18.12 0.00 10.12 10.08 24.49 2.55 0.006 451 7273535 135,352 9.98 10.16 6.68 0.12 9.87 9.76 21.95 2.44 0.013 452 7273545 355,962 16.99 17.00 15.89 0.00 10.97 11,01 26.00 2.39 0.034 453 7273550 189,047 19.66 19.67 17.00 0.00 12.52 12.59 33.76 2.78 0D018 454 7273555 78,513 13.80 13.72 16.48 0.55 11.55 11.44 31.30 2.52 0.007 455 7273590 768,433 16.74 16.68 49.17 0.01 11.06 10.74 26.27 2.57 0.073 456 7277065 89,986 11.81 11.81 0.00 4.53 13.75 13.62 48,44 4.89 0.009 457 7278630 1,463,568 19.52 19.46 108.00 0.00 14.65 14,40 20.87 4.18 0.139 458 7401300 2,878,723 0.18 0.00 0.19 0.71 0.62 1.18 0.62 6.39 0.274 459 7401400 6,357,086 4.14 0.00 1.99 3.69 0.95 1.40 0.95 6,08 0.605 460 7401500 11,232,254 0,15 0.00 0.15 0.08 1.10 3,81 1.10 4,92 1.068 461 7403800 344,419 1.99 8.45 2.08 1.78 10.66 5.22 12.93 7.51 0.033 462 7407000 42,844,615 2.24 0.00 1.38 6.16 0.48 2.78 0.47 0.38 4,075 463 7482100 57,028 12.10 12.10 0.00 24,09 9.56 9.13 26,69 8.25 0.005 464 7483000 93,226 13.64 13.64 0.00 0.00 19.81 19.75 41,96 0.00 0.009 465 7485540 293,179 7.27 0.00 7.27 0.00 8.55 7.82 12.19 2.69 0.028 466 7506000 2,985,166 1.22 0.00 1.22 0.13 5.06 3.34 8.96 1,74 0,284 467 7604800 207,032 3.36 3.36 0.00 7.90 6.38 5.14 31.68 6,44 0,020 468 7650300 98,175 3.89 0.00 3.89 0.00 0.89 4,27 0.85 0.00 0,009 0sS DESCRIPTIOt 443 Hypodermic syringes,and parts(except needles) 444 Hypodermic needles except dental 445 Timing apparatus nes, valued over S1.10 but not over 52.25 each 446 Furniture of unspun fibrous rattan materlals and parts thereof,nspf 447 Furniture and parts, nspf, of unspun fibrous vegetable materials, except of rattan and buri 4A8 Non-foiding chairs of wood other than teak 449 Convertible sofas or similar dual purpose furniture,wood 450 Dining taoles, good 451 Tables nspf, wood 452 Beds and headboards, wood 453 Bedroom furniture nspf, wood 454 Wall systems, book cases, shelf units, credenzas, buffets, servers, china closets and other cabinets, wood 455 Wood furniture nspf, other than chairs 456 Chairs nes, of metal 457 Mattresses of noncotton materials 458 Necklaces and chains,nes,almost wholly of gold 459 Jewelry and other objects of personal adornment,nes,of precious metals 460 Jewelry and other objects of personal adornment,nes 461 Jewelry and parts over 20 cents per dozen 462 Chains etc, of precious metals, for use in jewelry 463 Artificial flowers, trees, fruit, foliage, etc. and articles thereof, nspf 464 Natural plants etc, dried or bleacned, for ornamental use 465 Feathers, processed, feather flowers, trees and similar ornamental arti ctes, and feather articles nspf 466 Artists' brushes and hair pencils, valued over S.10 each 467 Cased pencils and pencils, nspf 468 Paintings, pastels, drawings and sketchings, executed wholly by hand, original oi not - 103 - APPENDIX TABLE 7 (Continued) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 DOMINICAN SHARE IN DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 'OTHERS" DOMINICAN U.S. REPUBLIC NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF REPUBLIC'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 469 7701000 62,983 24.64 24.64 0.00 0,00 10.76 7.37 21.42 4.53 0.006 470 7720600 162,907 14.90 14.70 35.44 0.00 12.16 11.13 59.27 1.39 0.015 471 7720900 90,028 18.51 18.51 0.00 0.00 12.81 11.53 33.06 4.19 0.009 472 7721500 116,856 14.40 14.40 0.00 0.00 11.30 10.90 33.79 1.92 0.011 473 7722010 309,245 6.68 6.68 0.00 0.00 10.44 8.81 31.86 1.11 0.029 474 7722025 133,948 17.61 17.21 22.52 0.00 16.58 14.57 30.46 3.18 0.013 475 7722035 502,783 5.01 4.64 29.30 0.05 13.13 9.40 32.77 2.15 0.048 476 7722045 68,831 12.21 12.17 12.77 0.00 10.04 7.63 23.19 2.87 0.007 477 7725109 60,061 10.41 10.83 0.00 4.00 9.76 9.76 28.27 3.95 0.006 478 7726590 50,727 12.51 12.51 0.00 0.13 7.66 6.29 13.02 2.29 0.005 479 7745030 662,795 1.57 1.52 1.78 1.53 6.52 5.15 28.26 0.11 0.063 480 7745585 104,320 7.87 7.80 13.61 0.00 9.26 7.99 15.36 4.29 0.010 481 7910500 96,500 6.51 0.00 5.57 0.00 2.13 4.94 2.08 5.79 0.009 482 7911520 6,204,037 1.02 0.00 1.02 0.10 1.71 0.81 1.73 6.27 0.590 483 7911540 1,019,325 2.59 0.00 2.59 0.19 3.69 3.61 3.71 6.12 0.097 484 7912700 20,705,762 1.89 1.53 2.16 0.02 5.52 3.14 6.45 0.23 1.969 485 7912800 2,367,521 1.52 1.52 2.08 0.00 9.75 5.21 15.35 1.48 0.225 486 7916000 826,918 4.83 1.81 6.04 1.41 6.86 2.99 8.26 2.04 0.079 487 7917471 97,881 2.08 0.00 2.08 6.00 4.39 5.08 4.48 6.00 0.009 488 7917620 349,800 3.54 2.18 4.54 6.00 5.01 2.86 8.76 5.99 0.033 489 7917640 1,027,434 2.58 0.00 2.58 6.00 5.18 2.66 6.93 5.86 0,098 490 7917660 447,967 2.70 0.00 2.70 6.00 5.09 2.35 6.09 5.81 0.043 491 7919010 7,218,228 1.83 1.59 1.86 0.06 4.82 3.55 6.44 0.15 0.687 492 8000035 12,563,114 8.42 10.54 2.33 0.00 2.51 4.58 1.97 0.00 1.195 493 8062040 525,972 7.13 7.04 37.49 0.00 5.08 6.44 5.76 0.00 0.050 494 9999500 6,833,976 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.650 oas DESCRIPTION 469 Reinforced plastics, products nspf 470 Tableware, plates, bowls, cups, saucers, platters, and other serving dishes, bowls and containers all of rubber or plastic 471 Trays of rubber or plastics 472 Household articles of rubber or plastic 473 Bags, envelopes and similar non-rigid articles of rubber or plastics, used for packing, transporting, or marketing mercnan 474 Bottles and drums, of rubber or plastics, used for packing, transporting, or marketing merchandise 475 Boxes and cases, of rubber or plastics, used for packing, transporting, or marketing merchandise 476 Containers nes, of rubber or plastics, used for packing, transporting, or marketing merchandise 477 Pneumatic tires, new, for passenger cars, radial 478 Non rigid rubber or plastics hose and tubing nes, non-reinforced, suitable for conducting gases or liquids 479 Shoe uppers of rubber or plastics 480 Articles of rubber or plastic, nspf 481 Fur wearing apparel nspf, of silver, black, or platinum fox 482 Fur wearing apparel of mink skins 483 Fur wearing apparel of fur on the skin,other than fox,dog,goat,kid,or mink 484 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into uppers 485 Leather, other than patent leather,-cut or shaped for conversion into footwear, other than uppers 486 Leather apparel belts, with or without buckles 487 Men's and boys' leather coats and jackets,other than suit-type,chief-weight of textiles subject to man-made fiber restrain 488 Men's and boys' all-leather coats and jackets 489 Women's,girls',and infants' all-leather coats and jackets 490 Other all-leather wearing apparel,not coats or jackets 491 Footwear uppers of leather, other than reptile leather 492 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 493 Articles exported for repairs or alterations and returned, nes--dutiable value 494 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 104 - APFENDIX TABLE 8 GRENADA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1985 GRENADA "OTHERS", SHARE IN U.S. GRENAOA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS,- NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF GRENADA'S oes TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL JESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1103575 36,437 29.51 0.00 29.51 0.00 11.99 11.89 19.48 0.22 1.220 2 1561000 254,100 4.35 4.35 0.00 0.00 7.63 7.62 12.95 0.00 8.506 3 1616300 493,739 2.72 2.69 5.00 0.00 3.91 3.77 0.00 0.00 16.529 4 3780553 13,939 7.53 0.00 7.53 28.30 5.42 3.89 6.90 28.7! 0.467 5 3786030 12,912 7.83 0.00 7.83 32.79 6.34 5.59 8.08 24.66 0.432 6 3816210 22,657 2.98 0.00 2.98 16.50 5.94 3.79 13.86 16.51 0.758 7 3816585 45.843 3.75 0.00 3.75 10.80 6.05 4.06 14.38 9.74 1.535 8 3844724 48,730 5.55 0.00 5.55 16.50 7.95 4.45 16.63 16.51 1.631 9 5182100 66,390 7.03 7.03 0.00 0.50 6.30 5.23 11.99 0.45 2.223 10 6402500 38,612 10.97 0.00 10.97 6.70 14.81 10.25 49.33 4.96 1.293 11 6535250 25,352 9.29 0.00 9.29 4.20 9.32 8.23 18.89 1.64 0.849 12 6607300 76,538 0.41 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.81 1.15 0.81 0.05 2.562 13 6619580 12,046 6.48 0.00 6.48 4.10 6.63 6.04 7.82 3.88 0.403 14 6785095 10,174 6.42 0.00 6.42 3.91 3.81 3.52 4.31 3.84 0.341 15 6859038 27,653 1.84 1.89 1.66 5.73 3.79 2.55 4.68 4.62 0.926 16 6859059 168,407 1.30 1.24 10.08 5.70 4.90 2.49 5.55 4.58 5.638 17 6859080 13,057 2.03 0.00 2.03 5.77 4.16 2.61 5.60 5.06 0.437 18 6862400 142,475 8.40 8.50 3.65 5.21 4.34 3.01 4.87 2.64 4.770 19 6877790 15,910 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 1.35 1.57 1.37 0.53 0.533 20 6923295 433,747 2.96 2.80 25.46 3.20 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 14.520 21 6946200 123,980 2.49 2.49 0.00 0.00 2.02 2.31 1.96 0.00 4.150 22 7031400 112,257 4.35 4.35 0.00 12.62 6.08 6.11 6.27 1.51 3.758 23 7108080 268,541 1.14 1.14 0.00 5.20 3.68 3.37 3.93 4.91 8.990 24 7119820 21,375 0.22 0.22 0.00 0.60 4.41 3.17 7.72 0.72 0.716 25 7119840 142,651 1.43 1.35 9.27 0.60 3.87 2.23 5.63 0.74 4.775 26 7124975 129,750 1.95 1.95 0.00 5.50 2.81 2.13 3.17 4.92 4.344 27 8000035 62,339 1.45 2.93 1.73 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 2.087 28 9999500 11,269 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.377 86S OESCRIPT ON 1 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, frozen 2 Cocoa beans 3 Nutmegs, noT ground 4 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 5 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 6 Men's or boys' cotton snorts, not knit, not ornamented 7 Men's or boys' wearing apparel nspf, not ornamented, of cotton, not knit 8 Cotton snorts, not knit, not ornamented, for women and girls 9 Asbestos yarn, slivers, etc, with or w/o wire, and articles of the foregoing 10 Drums, flasks, cans, and other containers, of aluminum and not over 5 gallons, for packing, transporting, or marketing of 11 Parts of stoves, neaters, etc., including parts for portable types operated Dy gas, etc. in item 653.45 12 Parts for internal comoustion engines,certified for use in civil aircraft(see headnote 3,part 6c,schedule 6) 13 Filtering and purifying machines, other than ion-exchange resins 14 Machines and their parts, other than comoination and audio tape players 15 Electrical switches, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 16 Printed circuit boards, other than with a plastic impregnated glass base 17 Electrical apparatus for making or breexing electrical circuits and parts, nspf 18 Automatic voltage and voltage- current regulators nes, a parts 19 Integrated circuits other tnan monolithic 20 Parts nspf for motor vehicles 21 Aircraft and sPacecraft parts,nec,certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3 in tsus) 22 Hcadwear, of man-made fibers, nonwoven disposable use for hospitals, clinics, or contaminated areas, not knit, not part 0 23 Non-optical measuring or checking instruments, and parts 24 Speedometers nspf and tachometers, ana parts 25 Revolution, production and similar counters nspf and parts 26 Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing, or automaticalIy-controlling instruments and apparatus, and parts thereof 27 U.S. products returned after export without Deing advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 28 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated 105 - APPENDIX TABLE 9 GUYANA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 GUYANA "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. GUYANA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS,$ NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF GUYANA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1003100 1,277,963 8.12 0.00 8.12 0.39 8.23 0.00 8.20 1.03 2.058 2 1009520 144,576 23.21 0.00 23.21 O.0O 21.31 0.00 21.47 0.02 0.233 3 1009580 572,403 18.22 0.00 18.22 0.00 18.30 1.34 19.90 0.39 0.922 4 1107024 20,686 3.65 3.65 0.00 0.00 15.55 15.61 11.01 0.05 0.033 5 1107080 51,533 26.55 12.68 60.47 0.00 8.84 6.96 27.23 0.00 0.083 6 1144537 35,405 6.63 0.00 6.63 0.00 4.44 3.19 10.62 0.00 0.057 7 1144545 21,620,200 4.14 3.52 30.45 0.00 4.15 3.88 7.42 0.00 34.815 8 1144550 31,703 5.32 4.38 12.23 0.00 4.85 4.81 23.55 0.00 0.051 9 1144562 16,705 119.96 0.00 119.96 0.00 4.17 4.07 13.30 0.00 0.027 10 1215600 36,534 0.94 0.00 0.97 5.00 2.10 6.25 2.09 3.08 0.059 11 1464000 176,001 22.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 32.65 32.59 68.25 0.00 0.283 12 1552045 7,792,824 5.61 5.61 0.00 0.00 6.79 7.01 0.00 0.00 12.549 13 1554000 752,578 7.42 7.42 0.00 0.00 24.97 24.96 0.00 0.05 1.212 14 1691300 156,690 7.26 7.70 0.00 13.42 8.28 7.60 35.48 6.53 0.252 I5 1830520 22,350 17.43 17.43 0.00 10.00 8.42 6.18 22.38 7.02 0.036 16 1904500 335,351 48.31 0.00 48.31 0.00 53.52 35.06 53.54 0.00 0.540 17 1932520 24,920 19.37 18.44 40.77 0.00 22.69 21.81 40.15 0.00 0.040 18 2003549 48,693 30.78 30.78 0.00 0.00 20.94 21.12 201.35 0.00 0.078 19 2006055 62,444 8.73 8.73 0.00 0.00 16.12 16.25 10.98 0.00 0.101 20 2006070 197,968 43.37 43.37 0.00 0.00 49.74 49.18 70.30 0.00 0.319 21 2008540 12,000 25.42 25.42 0.00 0.00 1.09 5.95 0.00 0.00 0.019 22 2024400 195,849 34.83 34.83 0.00 0.00 27.49 27.69 0.00 0.00 0.315 23 2024600 24,110 52.83 52.83 0.00 0.00 32.07 32.86 14.79 0.00 0.039 24 2025840 292,170 51.34 51.34 0.00 0.00 26.59 26.59 20.77 0.77 0.470 25 2063040 19,100 36.29 36.29 0.00 0.00 10.78 10.61 26.96 1.02 0.031 26 2406000 16,102 38.38 38.38 0.00 0.00 14.53 12.97 16.10 3.78 0.026 OBS DESCRIPTION I Birds, live, nspf, valued over $5 each 2 Monkeys and other primates, live 3 Live animals other than birds, nspf 4 Fresh-water catfish 5 Fish nspt, fresh, chilled, or frozen, partially processed 6 Scallops, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 7 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 8 Shrimp, peeled, raw, not breaded 9 Peeled shrimp nspf, not breaded, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 10 Reptilian leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, in the rough i1 Bananas, fresh 12 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 13 Sugars, siruos, molasses, and mixtures from sugar cane or beets w/soluble non-sugar solids, not for sugar extraction or hu 14 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over 1 gallon 15 Edible preparations nspf (including prepared meals Individually packaged 16 Fish or shellfish, live, imported for other than human consumption 17 Vegetable substances, crude, of a kind suitable for ornamental purposes 18 Hardwood logs and timber (except pulpwood) nes, rough, spiit, hewn, or roughly sided or squared but not made into lumber 19 Wood posts, piles, poles, treated, over 15 feet in length 20 Wood poles, piles, posts, untreated, over 15 feet in length 21 Wood shingles and shakes nes 22 Hardwood lumber nspf, rough 23 Lumber, hardwood, dressed or worked, nes 24 Hardwood flooring nspf, strips and planks, whether or not drilled or treated 25 Wood doors nes, with or without their hardware 26 Wood-veneer panels nspf, whether or not face finished, veneer faced one side only - 106 - APPENDIX TABLE 9 (Continued) GUYANA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 GUYANA ,OTHERS', SHARE IN U.S. GUYANA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF GUYANA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AiR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3202934 152,385 14.09 14.09 0.00 8.70 5.27 5.23 0.00 8.70 0.245 28 3202977 20,500 12.70 12.70 0.00 8.70 6.67 6.67 0.00 11.02 0.033 29 3780553 148,476 2.55 2.42 4.93 28.30 5.44 3.91 6.90 28.73 0.239 30 3815665 86,984 8.60 7.11 9.31 21.00 8.44 5.51 13.09 20.87 0.140 31 3816210 22,142 13.41 20.97 4.89 16.50 5.94 3.79 13.85 16.51 0.036 32 3816220 20,952 34.75 0.00 34.75 16.49 6.64 4.66 27.03 16.49 0.034 33 3816240 42,680 4.61 0.00 4.61 16.50 6.27 3.19 17.10 16.49 0.069 34 3842525 65,388 3.87 3.87 0.00 28.30 6.05 3.42 9.07 28.56 0.105 35 3844609 56,304 3.69 5.32 3.65 16.50 9.65 4.20 14.43 16.46 0.091 36 3844616 84,880 6.49 0.00 6.49 16.50 8.60 5.81 11.74 16.53 0.137 37 3847220 125,761 3.23 0.00 0.00 23.61 7.57 4.81 9.20 22.98 0.203 38 3847520 22,970 5.22 0.00 0.00 18.20 4.84 1.49 5.29 17.90 0.037 39 3848300 23,204 26.81 0.00 26.81 30.90 5.38 3.27 7.66 28.11 0.037 40 4127000 128,088 8.96 8.96 0.00 6.90 3.58 3.93 3.62 6.90 0.206 41 4189400 22,614 8.36 8.36 0.00 0.00 20.44 18.67 37.81 3.75 0.036 42 4614520 13,891 10.57 10.57 0.00 0.00 4.85 3.85 12.65 6.30 0.022 43 5201120 273,597 0.75 0.00 0.70 0.00 0.32 0.29 0.32 0.00 0.441 44 5202900 77,830 0.14 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.47 24.79 0.38 0.00 0.125 45 5211710 14,232,173 17.31 17.31 0.00 0.00 37,01 37.59 0.00 0.00 22.918 46 5211720 112,436 27.64 27.64 0.00 0.00 16.38 16.41 0.00 0.00 0.181 47 6010300 31,680 3.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.69 12.67 0.00 0.00 0.051 48 6010600 5,736,558 33.59 33.62 4.78 0.00 28.38 28.38 0.00 0.00 9.238 49 6013920 1,257,201 1.17 0.00 1.07 0,00 0.41 0.00 0.40 0.00 2.024 50 6052020 978,250 0.23 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.20 0.00 1.575 51 6052060 65,000 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.105 52 6057020 2,458,000 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.25 6.14 0.21 0.00 3.958 035 DESCRIPTION 27 Sheeting, wholly of cotton, 5.9 oz or less, not fancy or figured, not bleached nor colored, singles, not napped, of no. 20 28 Sheeting, wholly of cotton, over 5.9 oz, not fancy or figured, not bleached nor colored, singles, not napped, of no. 20-29 29 Woomen's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 30 Boys' other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 31 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented 32 Men's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 33 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 34 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 35 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 36 Cotton blouses nes, not ornamented, for girls 37 Women's, girls', or infants' wool coats nspf, not ornamented, valued over S4 per pound 38 Women's, girls', or infants' wool dressing gowns, bath and beach robes,and similar apparel, not knit or ornamented,valued 39 Women's, girls', or infants' knit swimming suits and other swimwear of man-made fibers, not ornamented, valued S10 or less 40 Products suitable for drug use,nes,nspf 41 Iron compounds except iron sulfide or sulfate 42 Cosmetics and other toilet preps, containing alcohol, not including shaving and hair preparations. 43 Oiamonds, except industrial, natural ,not advanced and notset 44 Industrial diamonds, natural not advanced in condition or value, nes 45 Bauxite, calc, id refractory grade 46 Bauxite, calcined except refractory grade 47 Antimony ore 48 Bauxite 49 Precious metal ores, gold content 50 Gold builion 51 Gold bullion nspf 52 Gold sweepings and waste and scrap - 107 - APPENDIX TABLE 9 (Continued) GUYANA's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 GUYANA "OTHERS"l SHARE IN U.S. GUYANA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF GUYANA O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 6532210 45,000 0.11 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.072 54 7004570 17,995 11.04 11.04 0.00 10.00 9.98 5.58 15.77 9.93 0.029 55 8000035 1,595,951 4.58 1.37 7.70 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 2.570 56 9999500 97,236 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.157 OE1S DESCRIPTION 53 Gold coins 54 Children's leather footwear, valued not over 12.50 per pair, not elsewhere specified 55 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 56 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 108 - APPENDIX TA8LE 10 HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF -OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S ODs TSUSA IMPORTSIS) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS I 1009570 107,959 22.12 0.00 22.12 0.00 33.22 0.00 33.22 0.00 0.031 2 1009580 77,425 6.74 0.00 6.74 0.00 18.55 1.34 19.92 0.33 0.022 3 1061060 32,434 10.26 10.26 0.00 0.00 15.99 16.01 21.17 2.24 0.009 4 1107080 55,412 20.11 20.11 0.00 0.00 8.84 6.96 27.25 0.00 0.016 5 1144512 61,996 12.01 0.00 12.01 0.00 5.05 4.17 6.00 0.00 0.018 6 1144520 177,038 6.79 0.00 6.79 0.00 5.95 2.24 6.94 0.00 0.051 7 1144525 1,298,427 5.58 0.00 5.66 0.00 2.82 2.50 4.91 0.00 0.370 8 1144530 541,934 4.23 4.03 5.09 0.00 3.17 2.71 6.90 0.00 0.155 9 1144545 140,143 3.04 3.15 3.04 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.61 0.00 0.040 10 1144595 120,530 5.96 0.00 5.96 0.00 6.85 5.92 14.15 0.00 0.034 11 1144598 160,088 17.73 0.00 17.73 0.00 5.44 4.86 26.27 0.00 0.046 12 1202035 346,130 7.58 7.58 0.00 0.00 4.92 4.89 12.63 0.00 0.099 13 1211000 472,762 1.57 1.57 0.00 0.00 5.99 4.69 6.22 5.05 0.135 14 1213500 597,173 1.31 1.31 0.00 0.10 5.27 3.80 9.38 0.76 0.170 15 1216105 18,414 11.14 11.14 0.00 5.00 3.87 3.34 12.15 1.58 0.005 16 1216112 702,580 2.28 2.26 7.01 0.00 5.28 3.90 10.18 3.71 0.200 17 1216125 32,341 8.74 0.00 8.74 0.00 4.09 3.55 7.65 4.37 0.009 18 1216137 32,150 5.70 5.70 0.00 0.00 9.37 9.55 7.77 4.00 0.009 19 1216200 1,655,882 2.92 2.03 7.18 0.00 6.96 3.00 7.21 2.55 0.472 20 1216343 13,747 2.65 2.65 0.00 5.00 4.53 3.62 4.76 5.03 0.004 2t 1258400 240,771 18.36 58.73 17.61 0.00 25.00 25.86 24.81 2.90 0.069 22 1359000 22,649 47.61 47.61 0.00 0.00 50.18 52.47 47.21 1.45 0.006 23 1417760 51,600 59.02 59.02 0.00 0.00 25.17 25.21 55.65 6.09 0.015 24 1472200 14,342 67.33 0.00 67.33 3.58 37.61 32.31 62.49 1.50 0.004 25 1480300 2,717,220 57.21 37.92 73.53 0.58 53.96 19.66 94.21 0.02 0.775 26 1480600 791,157 49.02 37.84 82.31 0.15 32.55 8.13 57.63 1.61 0.226 oas DESCRIPTION I Live animals,other than birds,of a kind chiefly used for human food 2 Live animals other than birds, nspf 3 Beef without bone, fresh, chilled, or frozen 4 Fish nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, partially processed 5 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 6 Lobsters, live 7 Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 8 Lobsters nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 9 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 10 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 11 Shellfisn nes, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 12 Sheep and lamb skins nes, pickled 13 Chamois leather, oil tanned 14 Calf and kip lining leather 15 Bovine leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, upper, split, grain 16 Bovine teather nes, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, upper 17 Bovine glove and garment leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy 18 Bovine leather nes, vegetable-tanned, not fancy, blue splits 19 Goat and kid leather, vegetable-tanned, not fancy 20 Sheep a,r lamb leather nes, vegetable-tanned, not fancy 21 Live plants nspf, suitable for planting 22 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december I to last day of february, inclusive 23 Vegetables nspf, packed in salt, in brine, or pickled 24 Limes, fresh or in brine 25 Mangoes, fresh, if entered september 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 26 Mangoes, fresh, if entered june 1 to august 31, inclusive, in any year - 109 APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "-OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 1480800 89,049 36.18 32.74 97.26 0.23 13.03 13.26 11.34 0.14 0.025 28 1495000 12,613 65.02 70.00 62.26 0.30 40.27 23.27 56.71 2.00 0.004 29 1521400 184,533 19.16 19.16 0.00 0.00 18.30 18.40 0.00 0.03 0.053 30 1525800 37,255 10.57 10.57 0.00 0.00 14.78 14.99 57.55 0.14 O.O11 31 1554000 1,555,122 28.36 28.36 0.00 0.00 24.73 24.73 0.00 0.05 0.444 32 1561000 444,611 5.93 5.93 0.00 0.00 7.62 7.62 12.95 0.00 0.127 33 1601020 5,523,118 2.92 2.92 0.00 0.00 3.67 3.66 6.75 0.00 1.576 34 1651500 50,107 13.94 13.94 0.00 0.00 10.45 10.93 195.06 0.00 0.014 35 1664020 75,414 22.75 22.75 0.00 0.00 18.32 17.96 93.51 0.25 0.022 36 1670515 18,830 19.45 19.45 0.00 1.15 19.68 19.65 29.60 1.84 0.005 37 1691300 171,028 8.39 10.17 0.00 1.45 8.19 7.49 35.48 7.51 0.049 38 1703230 142,317 11.81 11.81 0.00 0.00 9.61 9.42 0.00 6.83 0.041 39 1841000 681,291 22.54 22.54i 0.00 0.00 25.35 25.37 0.00 0.01 0.194 40 1844000 56,948 9.89 9.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.016 41 1845200 34,216 9.89 9.89 0.00 5.81 42.22 42.36 33.29 3.45 0.010 42 1845510 36,769 12.24 12.24 0.00 0.00 14.22 14.27 7.68 0.00 0.010 43 1865510 79,640 3.22 5.08 3.18 0.00 1.60 1.07 2.27 0.00 0.023 44 1904500 137,358 33.34 0.00 33.34 0.00 53.56 35.06 53.57 0.00 0.039 45 1906500 182,141 26.42 26.42 0.00 0.00 17.21 17.31 15.80 0.00 0.052 46 1932520 36,978 41.85 0.00 41.85 0.00 22.37 21.77 39.97 0.00 0.011 47 2026600 10,077 11.06 11.06 0.00 0.00 8.47 8.16 19.45 1.97 0.003 48 2040500 48,165 7.65 7.65 0.00 0.00 13.10 12.97 34.26 1.64 0.014 49 2065400 14,596 12.03 12.03 0.00 0.00 13.70 13.44 24.56 1.02 0.004 50 2066000 231,996 8.90 8.90 0.00 0.00 8.52 8.20 14.63 1.46 0.066 51 2069500 10,148 10.58 10.25 13.46 0.00 15.26 15.08 25.96 1.06 0.003 52 2069800 519,747 4.96 4.28 28.62 0.21 10.65 10.18 46.61 4.26 0.148 OiS DESCRIPTION 27 Mangoes, prepared or preserved 28 Fruits nes, fresh 29 Orange peel, crude, dried, or in brine 30 Mango pastes and pulps 31 Sugars, sirups, molasses, and mixtures from sugar cane or beets w/soluble non-sugar solids, not for sugar extraction or hu 32 Cocoa beans 33 Coffee, crude 34 Apple or pear juice, not mixed, concentrated or not concentrated, not over I percent ethyl alcohol 35 Carbonated soft drinks 36 Ale, porter, stout, and beer, in glass containers each holding not over 1 gallon 37 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over I gallon 38 Cigarette leaf nes, not stemmed, burley 39 Bran, shorts, and middiings obtained in milling grains 40 Grain hulls, ground or not ground 41 Soybean and cottonseed oil cake and oil-cake meal 42 Fish or whale meat, not fit for human consumption, in airtight containers 43 Bovine ear, goat beard, badger, civet, sable, skunk tail, squirrel tail, similar soft hair, crude, sorted, treated, not ot 44 Fish or shellfish, live, imported for other than human consumption 45 Marine shells, crude 46 Vegetable substances, crude, of a kind suitable for ornamental purposes 47 Wood moldings, wood carvings and ornaments nspf, suitable for architectural or furniture decoration, whether or not dri le 48 Baskets, of wood 49 Wood tools, tool bodies, and tool handles nes 50 Picture and mirror frames, of wood 51 Mahogany household utensils and parts, nspf 52 Wood household utensils and parts nspf - 110 APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS' SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS"1 NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S 0Bs TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 2070020 112,122 15.76 5.49 56.40 0.06 11.28 10.42 14.42 3.80 0.032 54 2070080 772,269 8.60 8.26 9.89 0.02 10.37 9.44 21.53 4.99 0.220 55 2224000 69,705 11.48 11.48 0.00 0.00 25.75 24.87 192.18 6.68 0.020 56 2224200 226,272 4.77 4.77 0.00 0.40 28.50 28.47 33.63 3.31 0.065 57 2224400 2,462,978 11.24 11.18 28.40 0.03 25.80 25.02 45.10 2.47 0.703 58 2225700 32,035 17.97 17.97 0.00 0.00 23.34 23.11 59.83 3.05 0.009 59 2226000 12,238 19.30 19.30 0.00 0.00 21.07 20.27 58.40 3.15 0.003 60 2226400 1,038,324 9.91 9.71 57.24 0.00 20.51 20.28 27.23 1.36 0.296 61 2568780 1,152,655 4.27 3.76 129.77 5.28 4.25 3.25 21.87 1.60 0.329 62 3094330 20,700 4.77 4.77 0.00 4.90 7.24 7.22 12.27 5.30 0.006 63 3152020 2,025,048 12.18 12.18 0.00 0.00 13.54 13.80 0.00 0.00 0.578 64 3152040 77,656 13.56 13.56 0.00 0.00 13.09 13.14 0.00 0.00 0.022 65 3461000 22,525 12.09 0.00 12.09 25.50 8.53 4.86 47.01 25.71 0.006 66 3477500 36,981 6.49 6.49 0.00 0.00 12.73 9.07 18.22 5.71 0.011 67 3513000 499,667 3.31 0.00 3.31 22.79 4.87 403.20 4.71 22.90 0.143 68 3518060 66,178 5.42 0.00 5.50 25.10 8.70 4.63 10.07 25.51 0.019 69 3522060 92,299 2.13 0.00 2.13 13.58 11.06 10.27 11.46 13.64 0.026 70 3535052 66,068 2.81 0.00 2.81 8.46 5.97 4.09 8.24 8.52 0.019 71 3550400 262,883 20.26 20.26 0.00 0.00 26.85 27.13 11.50 6.06 0.075 72 3552500 27,284 6.01 2.06 4.99 16.89 7.41 6.46 11.90 13.81 0.008 73 3556510 33,85i 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.30 7.01 4.43 14.22 5.91 0.010 74 3615000 40,799 5.51 11.32 4.07 11.50 18.75 17.65 97.12 11.83 0.012 75 3615420 19,884 4.07 0.00 4.07 7.70 16.40 13.94 47.63 7.84 0.006 76 3630520 234,293 4.29 0.00 4.29 19.22 5.02 5.51 11.31 19.03 0.067 77 3635010 13,036 5.54 0.00 5.54 5.00 7.91 6.53 23.32 2.84 0.004 78 3635015 21,581 6.30 0.00 6.30 5.00 7.97 6.32 18.57 4.95 0.006 oaS DESCRIPTION 53 Wood carving, nspf 54 Articles of wood, nspf 55 Baskets and bags oF bamboo, whether lined or not lined 56 Baskets and bags, of rattan or of palm leaf 57 Baskets and bags of unspun fibrous vegetable materials nes, whether lined or not lined 58 Floor coverings of unspun vegetable materials nes 59 Articles nspf, of bamboo, rattan, willow, or chip 60 Articles nspf, of unspun fibrous vegetable materials 61 Articles of paper nspf 62 Noncontinous nylon fiber filamints over I inch in length, over 0.002 inch max. cross-sectional measure, not crimped 63 Binder and baler twines, of vegetable-fibers, hard (leaf) not stranded, not over 375 feet per lb 64 Binder and baler twines, of vegetable-fibers, hard (leaf), not stranded, over 375 feet per lb 65 Fabrics of corduroy pile construction, whether or not filling floats are cut less than 52" wide and valued less than 501 p 66 Narrow fabrics of textile materials nes 67 Lace in the piece or motifs, made on a leavers machine, 12 points or finer, of manmade fibers 68 Lace made on a machine other than leavers, bobbinette-jacquard, or nottingham, of manmade fibers 69 Ornamented netting made on a lace, net, or knitting, machine of manmade fibers 70 Ornamented fabrics and ornamented motifs, woven, of manmade fibers 71 Wets, wadding, batting, and nonwoven fabrics, etc. of vegetable fibers except cotton 72 Manmade fiber webs, wadding, batting, and nonwoven fabrics, etc 73 Woven or knit fabrics, of cotton, not pile or tufted, coated, filled, or laminated with rubber or plastics 74 Cotton hit-and-miss rag rugs 75 Cotton floor coverings, woven, but not made on a power-driven loom 76 Cotton coverlets, quilts, and comforters, lace, net, or ornamented 77 Cotton bedspreads n.s.p.f., block-printed by hand, not jacquard-figured 78 Bedspreads of vegetable fibers, block-printed by hand, not jacquard-figured, not lace, net, or ornamented APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS#f SHARE iN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "IOTHERS"t NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 3636030 18,346 45.45 45.45 0.00 8.90 6.89 6.01 10.54 11.88 0.005 80 3641300 125,309 3.04 0.00 3.05 8.26 8.98 7.95 10.03 8.64 0.036 81 3641800 106,394 1.95 0.00 1.95 7.12 8.17 5.33 9.44 6.04 0.030 82 3642300 235,154 1.63 0.00 1.63 1.00 6.85 3.79 8.60 4.52 0,067 83 3655060 28,068 8.63 8.63 0.00 25.00 7.11 4.13 11.01 24.85 0.008 84 3656665 77,104 2.41 0.00 2.41 9.56 9.05 7.15 23.88 15.92 0.022 85 3658700 928,426 2.82 2.76 9.32 14.46 5.43 3.36 7.10 14.44 0.265 86 3658910 73,093 4.16 0.00 4.16 1.46 11.26 9.53 12.77 14.54 0.021 87 3658920 67,420 4.33 0.00 4.33 2.82 9.33 6.76 11.48 14.70 0.019 88 3658970 73,022 4.60 2.98 11.16 14.21 4.63 3.72 15.29 12.77 0.021 89 3658980 18,318 3.04 0.00 3.04 1.20 8.14 7.44 10.42 14.34 0.005 90 3661520 534,481 2.69 2.60 13.04 8.54 14.19 9.14 18.17 8.64 0.152 91 3667925 91,607 1.07 0.00 1.07 7.36 7.13 6.21 24.90 8.59 0.026 92 3667930 53,535 5.87 0.00 5.87 8.59 10.44 8.38 28.21 8.69 0.015 93 3673200 35,142 0.90 0.00 0.90 7.50 13.46 10.03 13.88 7.51 0.010 94 3676100 1,675,236 3.48 3.46 13.66 10.80 6.56 5.15 10.65 11.42 0.478 95 3732230 40,970 0.71 0.00 0.71 9.30 3.42 3.82 3.44 9.30 0.012 96 3732700 10,724 1.50 0.00 1.50 14.37 5.94 5.06 6.52 14.31 0.003 97 3761600 105,529 2.39 0.00 2.39 7.47 8.65 3.35 22.46 7.83 0.030 98 3762425 217,495 3.71 0.00 3.73 32.00 2.21 2.96 1.98 31.88 0.062 99 3762430 10270363 3.69 4.88 3.66 32.00 3.40 2.56 4.31 31.99 2.930 100 3762446 13,716 5.73 0.00 5.73 32.00 3.02 1.79 3.35 32.00 0.004 101 3762470 188,368 3.10 1.82 3.35 32.00 5.54 3.13 8.18 31.96 0.054 102 3762830 1.901,606 4.31 3.49 4.32 18.00 3.95 2.64 5.92 18.00 0.543 103 3762876 872,325 2.80 2.21 3.13 18.00 3.08 3.50 2.87 17.73 0.249 104 3762886 1,414,137 3.63 3.27 3.95 18.00 3.40 2.99 3.66 17.81 0.403 08S DESCRIPTION 79 Bedding of vegetable fibers, other than bedspreads, coverlets, quilts, comforters, blankets, sheets, pillowcases, not lace 80 Tapestries, jacquard-figured, pile construction, of cotton 81 Tapestries of vegetable fibers, nes 82 Other wool tapestries, valued over S2 per pound, nspf 83 Lace furnishings of man-made fibers made on machines other than nottingham, bobbinet-jacquard, or leavers 84 Cotton furnishings, other than dish towels, towels, wash cloths, wall hangings, curtains and drapes, made on a lace, net, 85 Man-made fiber curtain and drapes, made on a lace, net, or knitting machine, whether or not ornamented 86 Wool wall hangings made on a lace, net, or knitting machine, whether or not ornamented 87 Wool furnishings, other than wall hangings, made on a lace, net, or knitting machine whether or not ornamented 88 Man-made fiber tablecloths and napkins, made on a lace, net, or knitting machine, whether or not ornamented 89 Man-made fiber furnishings, not elsewhere specified, made on a lace, net, or knitting machine, whether or not ornamented 90 Cotton curtains and drapes, not of pile or tufted construction 91 Cotton wall hangings, other than plain-woven, not ornamented 92 Cotton furnishings, not elsewhere specified, other than plain woven, not ornamented 93 Other wool furnishings, wall hangings nspf, not ornamented 94 ,Man-made fiber curtains and drapes, other than glass, not ornamented 95 Men's and boys' silk neckties n.s.p.f., not knit, not ornamented, containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk 96 Men's and boys' neckties of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 97 Garters, suspenders, etc. of manmade fibers or of such fibers and rubber or plastics 98 Cotton brassieres,lace,net,or ornamented 99 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 100 Brassieres of textile materials,other than cotton or man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 101 Body-supporting garments,except brassieres,of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 102 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 103 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., of man-made fibers 104 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented - 112 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI 'OTHERStt SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOHINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITi'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 105 3762898 71,448 3.16 2.68 4.32 18.00 4.09 3.44 4.36 18.00 0.020 106 3780550 28,739 7.07 0.00 7.07 28.68 4.69 3.35 5.15 28.30 0.008 107 3780553 5,638,955 5.44 2.89 5.99 28.62 5.41 3.98 7.51 28.76 1.609 108 3780561 50,199 4.04 5.09 3.97 28.30 9.27 9.33 9.40 26.13 0.014 109 3780571 149,213 6.61 1.88 7.03 28.46 6.38 3.07 7.49 28.21 0.043 110 3780576 2,139,162 2.51 2.57 2.51 28.84 6.33 4.70 7.70 28.74 0.610 111 3781030 208,637 2.59 2.59 0.00 13.07 7.95 6.83 24.45 12.78 0.060 112 3781520 37,842 1.72 1.72 0.00 9.80 8.70 5.58 19.72 6.91 0.011 113 3781536 98,065 3.52 4.12 2.75 5.89 6.24 3.81 17.34 8.32 0.028 114 3786015 1,089,855 2.45 2.45 0.00 24.83 9.33 6.19 22.49 25.12 0.311 115 3786030 3,550,894 2.34 2.00 2.83 24.08 6.98 6.06 9.35 24.76 1.013 116 3786530 88,188 4.87 1.54 5.16 8.95 6.30 3.54 10.06 8.75 0.025 117 3810240 1,501,761 1.96 1.96 0.00 23.60 5.41 2.73 12.71 23.69 0.428 118 3810254 50,023 1.33 1.33 0.00 23.30 13.42 7.91 22.20 23.67 0.014 119 3810480 21,096 1.26 1.26 0.00 20.00 5.71 5.92 7.31 21.97 0.006 120 3810515 61,600 3.87 3.87 0.00 23.00 8.61 4.72 17.22 23.27 0.018 121 3810820 18,783 8.49 8.49 0.00 20.00 4.48 2.22 21.13 20.02 0.005 122 3812370 167,919 3.49 1.80 5.17 32.44 9.19 6.12 26.46 32.29 0.048 123 3812430 163,041 1.77 1.23 4.69 36.30 8.25 5.46 26.38 36.47 0.047 124 3812820 77,466 2.75 1.80 5.76 28.30 3.94 2.20 6.23 28.26 0.022 125 3813144 134,476 4.71 0.00 4.71 32.10 6.55 4.96 21.64 32.05 0.038 126 3813170 52,930 1.19 1.19 0.00 34.20 4.91 3.82 16.06 32.93 0.015 127 3813180 168,484 3.44 2.56 5.29 32.29 5.60 3.90 12.49 32.66 0.048 128 3813940 195,216 2.64 2.86 0.00 17.30 12.26 4.46 18.54 17.34 0.056 129 3814130 1,723,987 4.84 2.62 6.24 21.00 6.88 4.11 17.51 20.98 0.492 130 3814770 73,449 3.54 3.46 18.70 8.00 7.68 5.43 16.51 8.05 0.021 OPS DESCRIPTION 105 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., containing less than 70 percent by weight of silk 106 Women's, girls' and infants' cotton lace, net, or knit underwear, ornamented 107 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 108 Men's and boys' cotton underwear, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit 109 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton underwear, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit 110 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit IIl Men's and boys' cotton knit underwear, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued not over S4/lb. 112 Men's and boys' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued over 14/lb 113 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton briefs, drawers, and undershorts n.s.p.f., knit, valued over $4 per pound 114 Men's and boys' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 115 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 116 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not lace, net, or ornamented 117 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts nspf, ornamented 118 Men's or boys' trousers, slacks, and shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 119 Men's or boys' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 120 Men's or boys' cotton coats other than suit-type, not knit, ornamented 121 Men's or boys' cotton pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, ornamented 122 Men's or boys' knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers and slacks, of man-made fibers 123 Men's or boys' knit shirts nspf, tan-made fibers, ornamented 124 Men's or boys' knit pajamas, man-made fibers, ornamented 125 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented sport shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers without two or more colors in the warp a 126 Men's or boys' swimming trunks and other swimwear, not knit, man-made fbers, ornamented 127 Men's or boys' shorts, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 128 Men's or boys' cotton knit trousers, slacks, and shorts, nspf, not ornamented 129 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts, nspf, not ornamented 130 Men's or boys' cotton coats nes, not knit, valued over S4 each, not ornamented - 113 APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 131 3814860 680,847 4.45 2.80 5.15 8.00 8.27 5.75 16.56 8.00 0.194 132 3815210 20,604 9.97 0.00 9.97 8.00 4.65 4.52 9.78 8.00 0.006 133 3815220 1,264,494 2.18 2.11 5.33 8.00 4.48 4.18 16.43 8.00 0.361 134 3815500 1,322,977 1.87 1.93 5.14 21.00 5.94 5.08 13.87 20.99 0.377 135 3815620 102,995 5.03 4.43 6.45 21.00 7.17 4.70 11.90 21.00 0.029 136 3815625 58,484 9.17 7.08 14.55 21.00 6.30 4.77 14.64 20.95 0.017 137 3815630 78,758 4.86 4.51 5.11 21.00 8.40 6.15 10.97 20.95 0.022 138 3815650 3,422,516 4.47 3.54 10.51 21.00 7.92 5.32 15.11 20.97 0.976 139 3815665 1,497,171 6.63 4.58 9.41 21.00 8.57 5.58 13.38 20.86 0.427 140 3816210 734,304 2.84 2.00 5.63 16.50 5.96 3.81 13.91 16.51 0.210 141 3816220 566,477 4.92 1.13 4.94 16.50 6.66 4.66 28.80 16.49 0.162 142 3816230 3,602,428 1.02 0.98 4.26 16.50 6.12 4.33 20.48 16.50 1.028 143 3816240 5,774,907 1.75 1.44 5.16 16.50 6.37 3.24 17.20 16.49 1.648 144 3816250 13,675 10.11 0.00 10.11 16.50 4.40 3.55 19.58 16.32 0.004 145 3816270 182,574 8.07 4.32 8.95 16.50 6.30 3.51 17.63 16.47 0.052 146 3818730 157,340 5.34 4.65 6.16 32.25 7.51 6.09 26.70 31.46 0.045 147 3818815 313,824 2.91 2.91 0.00 31.44 6.24 4.97 12.23 31.38 0.090 148 3818835 669,457 4.15 1.75 8.56 31.03 7.69 5.05 27.61 31.19 0.191 149 3818930 757,316 4.38 4.20 5.83 34.73 6.71 5.29 25.94 34.92 0.216 150 3819040 36,745 7.99 7.99 0.00 35.24 6.47 5.52 18.29 35.19 0.010 151 3819210 1,249,219 2.84 2.53 7.23 23.36 4.40 2.63 12.79 23.54 0.356 152 3819400 155,172 9.76 5.33 15.89 29.55 6.55 5.89 22.94 29.47 0.044 153 3819540 618,935 4.81 3.77 6.08 29.50 7.44 6.16 21.75 29.35 0.177 154 3819545 136,808 1.84 1.84 0.00 29.60 6.17 4.16 10.36 29.32 0.039 155 3819547 78,395 5.39 5.41 5.26 29.08 7.84 7.14 12.87 30.06 0.022 156 3819550 95,697 3.17 3.17 0.00 30.04 6.23 5.69 20.95 29.39 0.027 OBS DESCRIPTION 131 Men's or boys' cotton denim coats nspf, not knit, valued over S4 each, not knit, not ornamented 132 Men's cotton pajamas, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or filling, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S1.50 per suit 133 Men's other cotton pajamas, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S1.50 per suit 134 Men's cotton sport shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 135 Men's other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 136 Boys' cotton dress shirts, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented, 137 Boys' other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 138 Men's other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 139 Boys' other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 140 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented 141 Men's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 142 Men's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 143 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 144 Boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 145 Boys' cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 146 Men's or boys' knit jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 147 Men's or boys' knit shorts of man-made fibers, not ornamented 148 Men's knit trousers and slacKs nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 149 Men's or boys' knit shirts nspf; of man-made fibers, not ornamented 150 Boys' knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 151 Men's or boys' knit pajamas and other nightwear, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 152 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 153 Men's or boys' woven dress shirts nspf, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 154 Men's or boys' woven work shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 155 Men's or boys' work shirts not ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit, with two or more colors in the warp and/or the t 156 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not 114 APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS," SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ",OTHERS"1 NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S DOS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 157 3819570 14,051 1.19 1.19 0.00 28.30 6.59 5.77 17.35 30.24 0.004 158 3819575 6,126,123 1.95 1.72 4.99 29.60 4.46 3.30 14.90 30.25 1.748 159 3819580 298,426 3.55 0.00 3.55 30.03 5.79 4.05 22.48 30.71 0.085 160 3819585 1,797,392 2.27 1.63 4.29 29.45 5.10 4.30 16.73 30.03 0.513 161 3819805 52,729 2.80 0.00 2.80 18.99 5.36 5.85 11.54 19.86 0.015 162 3819830 685,382 3.01 2.55 9.93 19.55 5.60 5.30 28.81 20.38 0.196 163 3840207 24,329 4.49 2.28 6.99 24.24 5.00 4.47 13.67 23.99 0.007 164 3840214 171,920 3.12 2.45 5.58 23.51 9.20 4.55 23.03 23.50 0.049 165 3840295 38,889 7.36 7.36 0.00 23.30 7.12 4.88 8.74 22.71 0.011 166 3840310 101,426 5.12 3.45 9.13 20.24 11.37 2.31 14.72 20.31 0.029 167 3840415 19,157 4.13 0.00 4.13 20.00 9.17 8.91 17.17 19.95 0.005 168 3840417 261,014 3.24 2.76 7.42 20.00 5.68 5.24 9.69 18.08 0.074 169 3840418 173,737 3.39 2.78 7.11 20.00 9.80 7.81 15.27 19.85 0.050 170 3840430 18,291 4.13 0.00 4.13 20.75 5.40 3.23 10.90 20.54 0.005 171 3840433 314,747 3.43 2.52 7.67 20.58 6.49 4.92 10.03 20.10 0.090 172 3840439 159,961 2.83 0.00 2.83 20.00 6.48 6.03 14.26 19.88 0.046 173 3840444 17,329 3.31 0.00 3.31 20.00 9.68 6.07 22.14 20.09 0.005 174 3840497 265,967 5.34 0.00 5.34 20.08 7.59 4.74 11.05 20.45 0.076 175 3840501 19,221 4.76 2.33 5.17 19.60 12.62 3.54 16.93 19.58 0.005 176 3840502 395,225 2.66 1.88 4.00 19.60 8.36 2.80 13.79 19.60 0.113 177 3840505 671201 4.11 0.00 4.14 20.29 9.15 3.46 13.94 20.33 0.019 178 3840506 1,128,691 2.11 1.78 3.82 19.65 6.85 3.19 9.50 20.90 0.322 179 3840509 38,055 1.75 1.49 4.45 21.00 9.69 8.82 11.90 20.07 0.011 180 3840510 27,521 2.97 2.42 10.38 19.60 11.73 4.17 18.69 19.53 0.008 181 3840612 27,639 4.10 3.13 21.90 23.30 5.31 3.53 21.52 23.68 0.008 182 3840740 43,751 2.32 1.59 7.75 23.41 9.62 2.48 17.01 23.92 0.012 DOES DESCRIPTION 157 Men's or boys' woven swimming trunks, and other swimwear, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 158 Men's woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 159 Boys' woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 160 Men's or boys' woven shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 161 Men's woven coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 162 Men's or boys' woven pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 163 Girls' tank top blouses nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 164 Girls' blouses nspf, other than tank tops, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 165 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 166 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit dressing gowns, batn and beach robes, and similar apparel, ornamented, lace or ne 167 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit, two piece playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel, for infants 168 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel, for infants 169 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel, for women and girls 170 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit pajamas and other nightwear, oornamented, lace or net 171 Women's, girls', or infants' playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits, and similar apparel, knit, of cotton, ornamented 172 Infants' sets, up to 24 months of age, each piece knit, of cotton, ornamented 173 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 174 Women's, girls', or infants' lace or net wearing apparel, knit, of cotton, ornamented 175 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornaMented, lace or net 176 Lace, net or c *mented cotton blouses, not knit for girls 177 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 178 Girls' or infants' cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 179 Women's, girls', or infants' coats nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 180 Lace, net or ornamented cotton coats, not knit, for women and girls 181 Girls' denim, including brusned denim, trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 182 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit - 115 - APPENOIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI -OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI 'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AiR RATE EXPORTS 183 3840905 199,150 3.98 2.43 6.24 21.16 11.64 4.01 13.87 20.69 0.057 184 3840910 249,377 2.12 2.26 2.06 20.29 7.28 4.74 7.70 20.41 0.071 185 3840915 110,931 0.85 0.00 0.85 22.26 7.26 5.69 8.82 20.36 0.032 186 3840920 393,626 4.48 3.17 8.40 20.91 7.37 4.77 15.78 21.35 0.112 187 3840925 416,888 8.49 10.16 6.81 20.51 7.05 5.40 12.00 20.73 0.119 188 3840931 166,229 4.02 2.72 7.68 20.49 10.95 9.79 14.78 20.42 0.047 189 3840933 150,074 3.29 2.52 5.19 20.04 8.45 7.42 13.35 20.54 0.043 190 3840936 150,736 2.84 2.60 6.59 20.34 7.86 7.07 13.92 20.72 0.043 191 3840996 82,607 4.80 3.78 6.19 20.00 7.70 7.09 8.46 20.18 0.024 192 3841809 154,035 3.18 2.19 3.52 36.30 10.21 6.41 26.84 36.61 0.044 193 3841846 21,002 3.68 3.35 3.94 36.63 7.66 6.92 25.87 36.43 0.006 194 3841848 13,883 5.31 0.00 5.51 37.05 7.24 6.02 19.81 36.57 0.004 195 3841920 340,188 2.65 2.32 3.38 32.56 5.62 4.43 9.28 31.73 0.097 196 3841925 17,815 1.62 1.62 0.00 32.10 15.69 5.15 24.59 32.10 0.005 197 3841928 125,840 0.64 0.64 0.00 34.20 5.93 4.75 11.12 33.24 0.036 198 3842030 30,078 3.26 2.76 3.40 32.10 8.67 5.73 21.95 32.25 0.009 199 3842105 134,158 4.38 3.99 16.62 28.97 8.38 7.36 18.22 28.45 0.038 200 3842220 1,860,736 5.29 4.30 10.50 28.30 7.01 6.35 8.24 27.98 0.531 201 3842222 14,371 2.58 0.00 2.58 28.30 11.26 11.00 23.74 28.80 0.004 202 3842224 1,235,307 5.10 7.33 4.18 28.50 7.44 5.76 10.71 28.71 0.352 203 3842269 12,715 4.77 0.00 4.77 28.30 9.40 15.39 10.60 29.94 0.004 204 3842292 42,265 3.49 0.98 3.94 28.11 9.02 7.49 19.38 28.49 0.012 205 3842305 372,051 6.20 0.00 5.95 32.10 9.31 3.52 13.58 32.39 0,106 206 3842310 153,876 4.35 1.65 6.27 33.02 8.60 4.71 13.03 32.52 0,044 207 3842314 311,300 2.06 1.40 4.02 32.28 6.86 5.50 9.42 32.41 0.089 208 3842318 299,449 1.11 1.11 0.00 32.25 9.08 7.28 15.01 32.36 0.085 OBS DESCRIPTION 183 Women's cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 184 Girls' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 185 Infants' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 186 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, not knit, ornamented, lace 187 Women's, girls', or infants cotton pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 188 Girls' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, cotton, not knit, ornamented 189 Infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, cotton, not knit, ornhrmel-ed 190 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton playsuits, w5shsuits, sunsuits, and similar apparel, not knit, ornamented 191 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 192 Girls' blouses nspt, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 193 Infant boys' (over 24 months of age) shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 194 Infants' shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 195 Women and giris apparel, nspf 196 Lace, net or ornamented knit tops, of man-made fibers, for women or girls 197 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 198 Girls' trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 199 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, with each component of knit construction, knit, of man-made fibers, o 200 Women's, girls', or infants' knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, ornamented 201 Women's, girls', or infants' knit blanket sleepers, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 202 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 203 Parts of women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 204 Women's, girls', or infants' lace or net wearing apparel, knit, of man-made fibers, ornamented 205 Women's blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 206 Girls' blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 207 infants' blouses and shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 208 Women's and girls' coats nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit - 116 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF -OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 209 3842337 148,918 2.87 2.18 7.64 33.17 7.65 3.88 9.73 32.59 0.042 210 3842339 21,092 1.44 1.44 0.00 34.20 4.16 5.47 3.47 32.55 0.006 211 3842343 279,442 2.33 1.31 4.13 32.84 6.98 4.83 15.54 33.21 0.080 212 3842348 20.172 1.78 1.78 0.00 32.10 5.47 4.81 20.92 32.36 0.006 213 3842351 80,499 5.71 5.68 7.37 32.10 5.16 4.80 18.04 32.44 0.023 214 3842505 19,826 12.73 0.00 12.73 28.54 10.98 4.24 12.63 28.77 0.006 215 3842510 488,805 2.31 2.41 2.31 28.73 8.07 5.72 9.12 28.79 0.139 216 3842515 251,662 2.77 3.11 2.76 28.88 6.52 5.74 7.98 28.83 0.072 217 3842520 421,657 4.30 2.78 5.97 28.63 6.72 4.60 10.16 28.64 0.120 218 3842525 186,455 3.62 4.03 3.44 28.94 6.07 3.42 9.15 28.56 0.053 219 3842535 88,450 4.27 2.75 5.64 28.30 9.52 8.03 16.31 29.33 0.025 220 3842540 206,781 2.21 1.42 4.11 28.89 8.85 7.58 13.27 29.15 0.059 221 3842580 30,602 9.92 0.00 9.92 28.79 9.52 3.71 12.77 28.79 0.009 222 3842603 15,257 3.44 0.00 3.44 28.30 18.98 9.40 48.13 28.61 0.004 223 3842646 i76,643 1.82 1.72 3.64 28.83 7.30 6.45 18.19 28.87 0.050 224 3842697 107,519 3.39 1.00 3.47 29.15 7.96 6.38 11.80 28.51 0.031 225 3842810 33,464 3.12 2.75 6.83 21.00 8.96 6.60 18.64 21.00 0.010 226 3842815 70,640 5.35 5.70 5.33 20.90 10.73 3.76 16.68 20.96 0.020 227 3842816 11,119 3.99 0.00 3.99 21.00 17.59 4.86 34.65 20.69 0.003 228 3842818 35,059 1.46 1.46 0.00 21.00 7.25 6.81 10.40 23.24 0.010 229 3842910 208,059 4.12 2.23 8.52 21.00 6.96 5.37 8.32 20.93 0.059 230 3842920 10,445 25.05 0.00 25.05 21.00 9.43 5.08 13.08 20.84 0.003 231 3842950 26,075 1.16 0.00 1.16 21.00 8.33 4.18 15.25 20.94 0.007 232 3842960 296,346 3.57 2.52 7.09 21.00 8.04 3.90 16.96 20.89 0.085 233 3842970 304,730 4.47 1.62 9.44 21.00 6.65 5.33 13.79 21.05 0.087 234 3843013 19,784 1.12 0.00 1.12 17.30 5.46 4.20 7.49 17.18 0.006 OBS DESCRIPTION 209 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 210 Women's, girls', or infants' swimming suits and other swim wear, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 211 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 212 Girls' trousers and slacks, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 213 Infant boys' (over 24 months of age) trousers and slacks, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 214 Women's dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 215 Girls' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 216 Infants' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 217 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel,man-made fiber,not knit, ornamentea 218 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 219 Girls' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, of man-made fibers, not knit, o 220 Infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, of man-made fibers, not knit, 221 Parts of women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 222 Women's, girls', or infants' visors, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 223 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, with each component of not knit construction, of man-made fibers, orn 224 Women's, girls', or infants' lace or net wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, ornamented 225 Girls' tank tops, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 226 Women's blouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 227 Girls' blouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 228 infants' blouses, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 229 Infants' t-shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 230 Women's, girls', or infants t-shirts, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 231 Women's other cotton knit shirts, not ornamented 232 Girls' shirts, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 233 Infants' shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nsPf 234 Cotton knit coats and jackets imported as parts of suits for women and girls, not ornamented --117, APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI -OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS't NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 235 3843038 217,868 3.93 3.52 4.18 17.30 8.81 3.75 13.02 15.65 0.062 236 3843122 19,005 3.30 2.43 6.94 17.45 7.20 5.62 11.80 17.59 0.005 237 3843210 60,157 7.21 0.00 7.21 13.51 10.76 3.97 14.03 13.78 0.017 238 3843410 81,825 31.97 3.79 42.62 10.20 7.18 5.36 16.31 10.54 0.023 239 3843420 19,622 4.28 0.00 4.28 10.20 8.62 4.27 15.26 10.15 0.006 240 3843428 14,669 5.29 2.08 8.85 10.20 6.68 4.65 13.38 11.06 0.004 241 3843429 32,041 3.63 2.65 7.82 10.21 6.62 5.04 12.28 9.70 0.009 242 3843500 66,051 7.14 1.07 12.40 10.01 14.38 8.01 26.51 9.89 0.019 243 3843745 25,878 1.29 1.29 0.00 8.00 9.55 7.13 14.70 7.98 0.007 244 3843767 79,953 5.44 0.00 5.44 8.00 7.72 5.46 10.54 7.98 0,023 245 3843777 181,799 3.80 2.24 5.85 8.00 10.88 7.69 17.81 7.94 0.052 246 3843782 20,224 0.75 0.75 0.00 8.00 7.11 6.63 16.05 8.00 0.006 247 3843790 29,639 2.40 2.40 0.00 8.00 9.26 8.57 12.69 7.91 0.008 248 3843800 192,969 7.84 3.89 12.49 9.49 6.43 5.75 16.46 9.67 0.055 249 3844000 78,060 3.70 2.75 6.75 8.00 9.27 5.03 21.12 7.97 0.022 250 3844215 3,071,023 5.56 4.23 7.19 8.00 6.44 5.23 23.52 8.00 0.876 251 3844603 229,189 3.64 3.42 7.56 16.50 12.74 5.42 23,23 16.50 0.065 252 3844608 54,264 5.74 0.00 5.74 16.50 9.31 4.72 19.98 16.50 0.015 253 3844609 1,101,710 4.74 3.18 5.00 16.48 9.67 4.20 14.49 16.46 0.314 254 3844611 2,076,263 4.05 2.10 6.04 16.50 6.41 4.96 10.31 16.45 0.592 255 3844614 357,486 5.28 4.11 5.50 16.50 9.34 4.26 16.46 16.50 0.102 256 3844616 996,197 4.47 2.06 5.04 16.50 9.84 6.29 15.09 16.54 0.284 257 3844620 888,276 4.39 3.68 6.64 16.50 7.13 7.15 8.94 16.43 0.253 258 3844621 177,452 5.74 10.28 4.99 16.50 7.69 6.77 8.41 16.59 0.051 259 3844720 388,142 3.52 2.40 6.14 16.50 6.25 4.33 11.80 16.69 0.111 260 3844723 21,149 2.50 2.50 0.00 16.50 6.28 5.49 15.72 16.89 0.006 OBS OESCRIPTION 235 Girls' trousers and slacks, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 236 Infants' shorts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 237 Women's cotton knit dresses, not ornamented 238 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, not ornamented 239 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit pajamas ano other nightwear, not ornamented 240 Women's, girls', or infants' playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits, and similar apparel, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 241 Cotton knit playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits and similar apparel nes, not ornamented, for infants 242 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton coats, not knit, valued $4 or less, not ornamented 243 Women's other cotton coats (except raincoats), 3/4-length or longer, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $4 each 244 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, valued over S4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented ns,cf 245 Women's coats, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 246 Infants' coats, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf valued over $4 each 247 Infants' coats, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 248 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, not knit, not ornamented, valued $2.50 or less 249 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $2.5 250 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton pajamas, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $1.50 per suit 251 Cotton poplin and broadcloth blouses, not ornamented, for women 252 Women's cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 253 Women's other cotton blouses, not krnit, not ornamented 254 Girls' or infants' other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 255 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 256 Cotton blouses nes, not ornamented, for girls 257 Male infants' cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 258 Male infants' cotton shirts except sport, not knit, not ornamented 259 Infants' snorts, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 260 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) - 118 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 1OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OEBS TSUSA iMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 261 3844724 358,912 4.50 4.05 12.74 16.50 8.00 4.46 16.55 16.51 0.102 262 3844725 460,532 4.78 2.80 5.49 16.50 9.51 4.31 16.76 16.48 0.131 263 3844735 30,855 2.66 2.66 O.O0 16.50 6.04 4.38 21.97 16.50 0,009 264 3844745 79,164 2.63 0.00 2.63 16,50 5.17 4.61 11.91 16.50 0.023 265 3844765 728,029 2.31 2.23 3.91 16.49 7.69 3.77 17.35 16.48 0.208 266 3844770 478,586 3.32 2.70 9.67 16.50 7.73 4.24 15.00 16.55 0.137 267 3844774 39,091 2.43 2.00 4.66 16.50 6.85 4.65 13.03 16.50 0.011 268 3844775 92,150 4.59 2.13 4.92 16.50 6.61 3.93 14.40 16.49 0.026 269 3844776 53,740 2.75 2.62 3.06 16.50 7.51 3.80 16.66 16.49 0.015 270 3844782 208,375 2.61 1.55 5.52 16.50 9.81 4.59 14.82 16.42 0.059 271 3844821 16,770 2.68 2.68 0.00 12.80 30.02 6.58 30.41 12.80 0.005 272 3844921 14,820 2.67 2.67 0.00 12.80 8.50 3.19 15.42 12.99 0.004 273 3844925 681,491 4.85 3.73 5.09 12.91 10.94 4.31 13.24 12.91 0.194 274 3845212 15,928 5.61 0.00 5.61 9.40 9.95 5.45 20.71 9.22 0.005 275 3845221 312,217 4.64 4.12 6.99 9.40 6.07 5.31 17.27 9.40 0.089 276 3845223 64,099 3.11 2.59 10.55 9.40 12.28 10.69 18.92 9.40 0.018 277 3845224 82,700 3.71 2.71 5.86 9.40 7.79 7.63 18.51 9.40 0.024 278 3845226 406,773 4.40 4.18 8.07 9.44 6.68 5.12 14.54 9.58 0.116 279 3845227 56,585 8.84 0.00 8.84 9.40 10.95 4.42 i4.69 9.78 0.016 280 3845228 23,364 2.58 2.28 8.84 9.90 6.71 5.82 12.40 10.02 0.007 281 3845251 270,989 3.93 2.69 6.34 9.73 11.26 4.76 16.01 9.82 0.077 282 3845294 14,892 7.83 0.00 7.83 9.71 11.48 7.73 11.61 9.98 0.004 283 3845687 17,856 4.40 0.00 4.40 4.50 8.13 3.74 10.75 4.09 0.005 284 3845699 512,151 2.61 1.40 5.68 3.55 8.49 4.02 10.98 4.12 0.146 285 3847522 109,618 3.00 0.00 3.00 18.27 6.25 3.96 7.35 17.97 0.031 286 3847556 43,636 3.21 O.oO 3.21 18.20 6.51 4.53 8.26 18.31 0.012 OBS DESCRIPTION 261 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented, for women and girls 262 Women's, girls', or infants' FVorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 263 Women's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 264 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, corduroy, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 265 Womnen's other cotton trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 266 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 267 Cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 268 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 269 Cotton trousers and slacks nspt, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 270 Women, girls', or infants' other cotton shirts, not knit, not ornamented 271 Girls' corduroy dresses, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented, nspf 272 Women's cotton dresses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 273 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dresses, not knit, not ornamented 274 Women's, girls', or infants' jumpers, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 275 Wo,men's, girls', or infants' nightwear, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 276 Girls' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, of cotton, not knit, not orn 277 Infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, of cotton, not knit, not o 278 Women's, girls', or infants' nightwear, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 279 Women's coverall, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, not knit, of cotton, not or 280 Girls' and infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 281 Women's skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 282 Women's, girls, or infants' blouses and skirts, imported as parts of sets, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 283 Women's, girls', or infants' blouses and shirts, not knit, of vegetable fibers, except cotton, not ornamented nspf 284 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel, not knit, of vegetaole fibers, except cotton, not ornamented nspf 285 Women's, girls', or infants' skirts, valued over $4 per pound, not knit, of wool, not ornamented nspf 286 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers, slacks, and shorts, valued over S4 per pound, not knit, of wool, not ornamented nsp - 119 - APPENOIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FRE£GHT RATE TARIFF HAITI 'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 287 3848012 201,480 7.68 5.68 7.91 34.19 12.28 5.26 22.25 34.88 0.057 288 3848050 101,866 7.04 3.01 13.16 34.36 6.49 5.55 22.54 34.59 0.029 289 3848069 37,112 8.59 8.59 0.00 47.26 7.09 6.39 16.14 35.11 0.011 290 3848071 45,564 4.91 4.23 19.06 36.39 7.84 5.91 15.01 34.16 0.013 291 3848073 15,069 5.68 3.83 8.95 33.31 8.66 5.07 22.64 34.83 0,004 292 3848212 27,986 2.55 0.00 2.55 30.55 9.05 6.00 16.38 31.26 0.008 293 3848217 49,335 1.87 1.92 1.83 30.74 10.48 8.70 33.43 31.31 0.014 294 3848220 24,789 5.73 0.00 5.73 31.21 9.48 8.17 20.39 31.33 0.007 295 3848237 154,345 3.62 2.77 4.17 30.76 10.29 7.88 23.56 31.37 0.044 296 3848238 17,921 3.19 2.71 4.36 30.77 9.67 6.31 43.03 30.95 0.005 297 3848239 15,053 6.32 2.44 7.07 30.86 8.30 5.56 22.04 31.47 0,004 298 3848240 58,140 2.93 2.40 4.40 30.77 9.12 5.61 19.70 31.00 0.017 299 3848241 49,611 4.14 4.19 4.08 30.88 10.29 8.87 38.68 31.41 0.014 300 3848245 215.214 6.06 4.45 13.38 30.82 9.83 5.11 23.40 31.15 0.061 301 3848247 114,282 2.89 2.10 5.42 30.96 10.29 5.72 27.28 31.05 0.033 302 3848256 295,490 4.27 2.48 5.64 31.23 10.33 7.42 27.59 31,24 0,084 303 3848258 34,060 2.67 2.69 2.40 31.59 7.71 6.57 19.47 31.20 0.010 304 3848300 65,610 5.01 .4.31 7.59 31.18 5.40 3.26 7.70 28.11 0,019 305 3848620 207,864 3.64 0.65 3.98 22.10 11.12 5.42 22.52 22.64 0.059 306 3848621 62,151 5.20 9.72 4.91 23.15 10.29 6.33 27.76 22.70 0.018 307 3848630 697,805 6.88 4.96 13.81 23.03 7.48 5.47 10.51 21.59 0.199 308 3848634 1,399,946 3.25 2.40 5.19 22.71 8.41 4.16 23.93 23.02 0.399 309 3848644 14,136 2.40 2.40 0.00 22.55 11.58 7.07 26.75 23.82 0.004 310 3848651 177,737 6.38 4.06 13.14 23.32 8.85 7.74 16.95 21.66 0.051 311 3848660 21,978 4.62 4.15 7.75 22.78 10.83 4.43 17.92 22.39 0.006 312 3849000 1,518,258 2.46 2.37 14.17 30.28 5.70 4.17 16.44 30.81 0.433 OBS DESCRIPTION 287 Women's blouses, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 288 Infants' shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 289 Infants' sweaters, boys over 24 months of age, kr i of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 290 Infants' sweaters, knit, of man-made fibers, no, ->mented nspf 291 Women's and girls' knit sweaters of man-made fibe s, not ornamented 292 Women's, girls', or infants' knit suit-type coats and jackets, not ornamented, of man-made fibers 293 Infants' coats, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 294 Girls' and infants' coats, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 295 Infants' tops, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 296 Infants' (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age), tops, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 297 Women's, girls', or infants' tops, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 298 Women's and girls' tops, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 299 Jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, for infant boys over 24 months, knit, of man-made fibers, not 300 Women's other knit trousers and slacks, man-made fibers, not ornamented 301 Girls' trousers and slacks, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 302 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 303 Infants' trousers and slacks, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 304 Women's, girls', or infants' knit swimming suits and other swimwear of man-made fibers, not ornamented, vaiued S10 or ess 305 Woman's knit dresses of man-made fibers; not ornamented 306 Girls' knit dresses of man-made fibers, not ornamented 307 Women's, girls', or infants' knit dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel, man-made fibers, not ornament 308 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 309 Women's girls' or infants wearing apparel, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 310 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, with each component of knit construction, knit, of man-made fiaers, n 311 Women's knit skirts and culottes of man-made fibers, not ornamented 312 Woman's trousers and slacks of man-made fibers, not knit or ornamented -120- APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S oBS TSUSA I WORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 313 3849110 192,772 4.53 1.47 5.84 29.13 11.35 4.46 15.98 29.25 0.055 314 3849115 4,147,678 3.15 2.78 3.19 28.86 9.07 4.56 13.64 28.88 1.183 315 3849125 972,922 3.70 1.72 4.45 28.96 11.22 5.98 15.58 29.44 0.278 316 3849127 195,174 9.08 5.60 11.49 30.84 8.49 8.11 12.92 29.56 0.056 317 3849129 499,289 2.99 1.78 4.79 29.28 10.09 5.85 13.32 29.02 0.142 318 3849152 261,580 2.04 1.93 4.09 29.65 10.10 8.02 18.03 30.27 0.075 319 3849155 105,529 2.06 1.88 2.81 30.32 7.40 6.85 22.20 30.53 0.030 320 3849162 19,365 4.40 3.99 13.01 31.43 5.12 4.69 6.32 29.45 0.006 321 3849166 16,552 4.02 3.50 12.97 30.78 9.51 5.06 13.53 29.20 0,005 322 3849168 10,260 3.04 2.15 3.82 30.60 6.36 5.59 16.61 31.13 0.003 323 3849169 658,035 2.62 1.46 3.73 31.59 6.53 4.78 19.90 30.54 0.188 324 3849171 144,851 3.26 1.68 3.62 29.98 5.52 4.73 19.86 30.31 0.041 325 3849172 273,620 4.11 2.07 4.42 30.16 6.99 4.47 16.82 30.59 0.078 326 3849174 87,505 3.21 3.11 7.54 30.14 5.52 4,86 18.67 31.00 0.025 327 3849176 84,118 2.50 2.39 3.92 29.72 8.77 4.00 17.22 30.08 0.024 328 3849305 93,341 8.42 8,42 0.00 20.92 4.22 4.35 14.25 13.40 0.027 329 3849311 44,503 2.97 2.16 3.53 19.71 8.57 7.03 23.82 21.12 0.013 330 3849353 13,283 1.44 1.44 0.00 20.92 5.36 5,58 5.19 19.81 0.004 331 3849356 47,232 1.86 1.62 2.10 19.21 7.97 7.32 18.53 19.78 0.013 332 3849365 13,511 1.32 1.32 0.00 19.25 13.79 10.99 27.41 20.22 0.004 333 3849425 121,040 4.81 3.29 5.18 19.50 10.14 4.25 11.79 19.40 0.035 334 3849435 155,481 9.97 6.31 13.57 19.99 6.23 3.66 16.68 19.63 0.044 335 3849440 739,668 3.48 3.48 3.40 19.62 7.39 3.83 14.89 19.42 0.211 336 3849443 43,607 3.18 0.00 3.18 20.44 10.02 7.93 26.42 20.41 0.012 337 3849445 239,628 3.17 2.70 3.69 19.35 10.01 4.23 14.70 19.51 0.068 338 3849478 16,782 2.97 2.92 2.97 19.31 13.41 7.76 17.83 19.98 0.005 OBS DESCRIPTION 313 Women's blouses and shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 314 Women's other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 315 Girls' other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 316 Infants' blouses and shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 317 Infants' blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 318 Women's coats nspf, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 319 Girls' and infants' coats, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 320 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and lower component of same fabric, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamente 321 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 322 Infants' shorts, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 323 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 324 Other women's and girls' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented, nspf 325 Girls' trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 326 Infants' trousers and slacks, ooys over 24 months of age, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 327 Infants' trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 328 Women's, girls, or infants' non-woven disposable apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 329 Girls' or infants' coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 330 Women's, girls', or infants' swimming suits and other swimwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 331 Infants' sets, up to 24 months of age, with each component of not knit construction, not knit, of man-made fibers, not orn 332 Infants' set,,-up to and including 24 months of age, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 333 Women's other dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 334 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not o 335 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 336 Women's, girls', or infants' visors, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 337 Women's skirts of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 338 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparels, not knit, of man-made fibers nspf - 121 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS"' SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 339 3849497 113,430 4.03 4.64 3.74 19.47 9.38 6.52 16.01 19.57 0.032 340 3849932 11,759 10.86 0.00 10.86 3.44 35.35 0.00 35.35 .10.20 0.003 341 3855300 24,115 2.14 0.00 2.14 11.53 10.89 10.75 16.08 13.64 0.007 342 3860430 860,951 1.17 11.53 0.95 2.64 11.96 9.01 19.53 23.49 0.246 343 3861343 932,008 5.45 6.76 5.41 1.06 7.56 6.46 22.20 5.76 0.266 344 3862500 40,004 16.34 16.34 0.00 6.72 8.35 6.99 28.27 7.00 0.011 345 3864000 11,486 1.31 0.00 1.31 7.80 8.45 6.86 15.63 9.91 0.003 346 3865300 157.258 7.32 5.39 24.85 8.20 7.17 6.51 11.64 8.35 0.045 347 3894000 1,895,174 2.53 2.45 4.89 12.50 8.08 6.72 31.49 15.71 0.541 348 3895000 766,448 9.29 9.60 9.16 11.00 9.31 8.26 15.82 14.24 0.219 349 3896240 58,466 52.14 52.14 0.00 10.00 8.48 5.99 19.90 10.43 0.017 350 3896270 2,604,275 7.97 9.19 7.15 10.73 8.76 7.18 16.14 10.36 0.743 351 3903000 38,112 21.24 21.24 0.00 0.00 12.94 13.04 2.88 0.30 0.011 352 4350500 87,861 21.76 21.76 0.00 0.00 20.52 22.08 9.37 0.00 0.025 353 4504000 15,840 7.87 7.87 0.00 0.00 2.00 5.32 1.31 3.44 0.005 354 4523800 555,427 3.45 3.18 6.04 0.00 3.41 3.30 10.95 0.00 0.158 355 4524400 62,849 2.63 2.63 0.00 0.00 13.50 14.48 4.70 5.19 0,01B 356 4526800 2,617,588 1.60 1.25 1.73 0.00 2.01 1.69 3.31 0.00 0.747 357 4528042 663,459 2.84 2.36 5.41 0.00 3.19 2.79 3.79 0.40 0.189 358 5148100 20,760 17.28 17.28 0.00 0.00 14.80 13.75 41.95 5.52 0.006 359 5182100 58,280 1.84 1.64 2.43 0.00 6.48 5.45 12.62 0.46 0.017 360 5348400 16,276 17.31 17.31 0.00 0.00 13.43 12.89 84.54 6.75 0.005 361 5348700 13,527 19.63 19.63 0.00 0.00 12.35 11.90 23.69 4.50 0.004 362 5441100 95,137 15.48 15.48 0.00 0.00 23.90 23.98 22.19 1.91 0.027 363 5455300 260,423 19.36 15.69 35.31 0.00 12.36 12.10 51.27 2.44 0.074 364 6052060 10,500 4.29 0.00 4.29 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.13 0.00 0.003 iBS DESCRIPTION 339 Women's, girls' or infants' wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 340 Women's and girls' apparel, nec 341 Bags, sacks, or other shipping containers of manmade fibers 342 Lace or net articles and other articles ornamented, of cotton, nspf 343 Lace or net articles of manmade fibre 344 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of cotton terry 345 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of cotton, pile or tufted nes 346 Cotton articles nspf, not ornamented 347 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of manmade fibers, knit 348 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of manmade fibers, pile or tufted construction 349 Shoe uppers, nspf, of man-made, not knit, pile, or tufted, not ornamented 350 Articles nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 351 Cotton wiping rags, nes 352 Specified drugs such as aloes, jalap, mate, aconite, cocculus indicus, crude 353 Flavoring extracts and materials containing over 20S but not over 50 alcohol 354 Lime oil 355 Orange oil 356 Vetivert oil 357 Oils, distilled or essentially incl.uding terpeneless oils, not including cedarwood, citrus, nutmeg, onion, gariic, pine, s 358 Marble, breccia and onyx articles, nes 359 Asbestos yarn, slivers, etc, with or w/o wire, and articles of the foregoing 360 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-gralned earthenware or stoneware valued S3-10 per coz 361 Smokers', household, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of fine-grained earthenware or stoneware valued over S10 per d 362 Glass strips, not over 6 inches wide, over 16 oz. per sq. ft. with long edges processed 363 Glass globes and shades for illumination 364 Gold bullion nspf 122 _ APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITt -OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS", NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 365 6057020 360,145 0.18 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.25 6.14 0.21 0.00 0.103 366 6121020 56,888 9.41 9.41 0.00 0.00 8.27 8.58 46.40 0.02 0.016 367 6121040 29,339 6.87 6.87 0.00 0.00 8.76 8.79 11.45 0.04 0.008 368 6121060 20,340 15.15 15.15 0.00 0.00 15.93 16.52 0.00 0.10 0.006 369 6182563 34,874 4.22 4.22 0.00 3.00 6.71 6.31 30.46 2.61 0.010 370 6492300 441,044 10.73 10.73 11.01 7.20 12.63 1.30 13.82 7.42 0.126 371 6532210 16,566 0.30 0.00 0.37 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.005 372 6532230 32,600 0.08 0.00 0.08 0.00 0.70 3.00 0.53 0.00 0.009 373 6540045 19,533 9.88 9.88 0.00 0.00 11.12 10.92 28.58 1.44 0.006 374 6547500 15,839 5.86 5.86 0.00 0.00 7.12 6.14 32.19 1.29 0.005 375 6572525 32,345 5.48 5.48 0.00 0.00 11.01 11.17 8.21 5.60 0.009 376 6572590 351,277 4.78 4.15 16.52 0.00 8.38 7.91 12.71 5.44 0.100 377 6576000 36,124 10.02 9.50 22.99 0.00 10.59 10.63 12.05 1.85 0.010 378 6580000 23,739 24.88 3.48 32.99 0.00 5.60 6.49 4.71 5.13 0.007 379 6603500 18,521 4.55 4.55 0.00 4.50 3.73 3.16 5.21 4.41 0.005 380 6613570 67,994 1.47 1.47 0.00 2.90 6.86 6.19 14.27 2.58 0.019 381 6623500 4,957,657 2.32 2.31 22.31 5.70 5.17 4.07 7.24 4.17 1.414 382 6624500 47,726 2.05 2.05 0.00 0.00 7.01 8.63 4.19 0.00 0.014 383 6625000 45,626 2.13 2.13 0.00 3.70 5.05 4.95 6.12 2.93 0.013 384 6682320 10,390 2,21 2.21 0.00 3.30 5.75 4.32 6.46 3.61 0.003 385 6705800 103,385 1.34 0.00 1.34 10.00 2.04 1.69 2.06 9.59 0.029 386 6707440 15,041 1.86 0.00 1.86 0.00 4.13 3.48 4.50 0.01 0.004 387 6722000 29,190 1.85 0.00 1.85 6.00 1.96 1.87 1.98 6.45 0.008 388 6763090 15,118 1.21 0.00 1.21 3.70 3.83 2.83 6.21 3.75 0.004 389 6765235 175,754 2.26 0.00 2.26 3.83 3.21 1.79 3.74 4.27 0.050 390 6765270 40,306 1.29 0.00 1.29 3.90 3.63 3.21 4.36 4.19 0.011 OBS DESCRIPTION 365 Gold sweepings and waste and scrap 366 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed 367 Brass waste and scrap 368 Copper waste and scrap alloyed nes 369 Sheets and strip nspf, aluminum, not clad 370 Chain-saw blade with cutting part containing dutiable alloys 371 Gold coins 372 Metal coins, other than gold 373 Articles,wares and parts for household or table use,nes,of iron or stee l,not enameled or glazed w/ vitreous glasses 374 Articles, wares, and parts, of base metal nes, not coated or plated with precious metal 375 Iron or steel articles, not specified, chief weight of wire 376 Articles nes, of iron or steel, not coated or plated with precious metal, other than cast iron or steel 377 Tin articles, not specifically provided for, not coated or plated with precious metal 378 Articles of base metal, not specifically provided for, not precious metal coated 379 Vapor power units, nes, and parts 380 Parts of refrigerators and refrigerating equipment 381 Simple piston pump sprays, a powder bellows, all the foregoing, and parts thereof 382 Sprayers for agricultural or horticultural use, except sprayers, self-contained, having a capacity not over 5 gallons 383 Mechanical appliances, nes, for dispersing liquids or powders; fire extinguishers; blasting machines, except sand-blasting 384 Duplicating machines weighing less than 3500 pounds and using stencils or masters or plates,nes 385 Latch needles for knitting machines 386 Parts of textile knitting machines 387 Needles for sewing machines 388 Office machines, nspf 389 Parts nspf of computers and automatic data-processing machines and units thereof 390 Parts of office machines,nspf - 123 _ APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREiGHT RATE TARIFF "O0THERS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE" TARIFF HAITI'S OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 391 6765433 62,926 9.89 0.00 9.89 0.00 4.17 2.10 4.88 0.00 0.018 392 6765435 452,898 4.79 0.00 4.79 0.00 2.74 1.77 2.96 0.00 0.129 393 6765455 378,733 1.93 0.00 1.93 0.00 2.91 2.03 3.10 0.00 0.108 394 6765690 49,273 2.38 0.00 2.38 3.90 5.46 3.55 10.37 4.06 0.014 395 6765695 17,528 1.39 0.00 1.39 3.90 4.37 2.94 6.23 3.96 0.005 396 6785097 81,679 8.89 4.58 6.00 1.18 3.74 3.36 4.45 3.78 0.023 397 6811800 10,973 0.56 0.00 0.56 0.00 5.02 1.18 11.82 0.00 0.003 398 6813900 22,832 0.20 0.00 0.20 5.70 4.70 3.33 6.65 6.01 0.007 399 6820520 4,187,571 2.65 0.27 2.83 0.39 6.44 3.24 10.34 3.61 1.195 400 6820540 82,242 3.55 0.00 3.55 0.00 5.94 4.63 10.48 2.99 0.023 401 6820710 63,447 4.16 0.00 4.16 1.45 4.97 3.27 7.11 1.15 0.018 402 6822560 35,642 12.11 0.00 12.11 1.20 5.48 3.38 9.72 5.90 0.010 403 6826050 250,295 1.21 1.11 1.22 1.19 4.44 1.91 8.53 3.49 0.071 404 6826052 5,376,026 4.39 5.58 3.92 1.80 5.03 2.98 6.16 3.28 1.534 405 6826056 1,550,097 2.40 0.00 2.40 1.37 8.27 4.92 18.54 2.59 0.442 406 6826059 250,790 4.12 0.54 4.37 0.69 6.29 5.46 11.91 2.38 0.072 407 6826064 3,284,570 2.91 3.78 2.92 1.12 4.16 2.80 7.04 3.54 0.937 408 6829000 30,265 1.51 0.00 1.51 3.90 3.07 2.10 4.99 3.99 0.009 409 6829500 39,589 1.45 1.37 1.92 2.45 3.55 2.94 5.49 5.02 0.011 410 6830100 26,307 6.74 6.74 0.00 5.30 6.69 6.07 52.64 5.61 0.008 411 6831210 34,416 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.30 5.33 4.95 13.21 4.99 0.010 412 6835020 31,506 4.27 0.00 4.27 4.40 1.35 1.01 4.33 4.71 0.009 413 6836090 2,809,165 1.55 0.64 1.55 3.06 4.17 2.95 6.48 2.88 0.801 414 6836500 263,096 7.72 11.70 7.50 0.00 6.27 4.70 17.61 0.48 0.075 415 6846700 29,838 0.63 0.00 0.63 4.70 2.32 1.16 2.58 3.43 0.009 416 6847023 361,026 1.47 1.32 3.26 4.90 5.84 4.88 35.51 5.22 0.103 08S DESCRIPTION 391 Printer units of automatic data-processing machines 392 Parts of automatic data-processing nspf 393 Parts of automatic data-processing machines, nspf 394 Parts of office machines, nspf 395 Parts of office machines nspf 396 Machinery not specially provided for, and parts thereof 397 Torque converter,and parts thereof,certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3,part 6c,schedule 6) 398 Machinery parts not containing electrical features and nspf 399 Transformers rated at less than 40 va 400 Transformers rated at 40 va 401 UJnrated transformers 402 Electric motors under 1/40 horsepower,except ac or dc 403 Rectifiers and rectifying apparatus 404 Coils and inductors 405 Parts of transformers, nspf 406 Parts of motors (other than commutators and parts of motors under 1/40 hp) 407 Electrical generating equipment and parts, nspf 408 Magnetic chucks, electro-magnetic clutches, couplings, brakes, etc. nes 409 Primary cells and prinmary batter4es and parts thereof 410 12-volt lead acid type storage batteries 411 Lead-acid type storage batteries 412 Shavers with self-contained electric motors 413 Electrical starting and ignition equipment for internal combustion engines, nspf 414 Electric lighting equipment for motor vehicles, and parts 415 Electrical telegraph and telephone apparatus and instruments, and parts thereof, nspf 416 Loudspeakers, single speaKers, not enclosed 124 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGiHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 417 6847050 1,109,843 6.52 1.50 8.59 4.89 6.59 5.15 15.77 5.14 0.317 418 6848000 11,311 1.46 0.00 1.46 0.00 1.41 5.70 1.37 0.00 0.003 419 6850804 12,882 3.28 0.00 3.28 3.70 1.77 1.41 8.12 3.92 0.004 420 6853262 121,650 7.70 0.00 7.70 0.00 4.37 3.20 12.46 5.90 0.035 421 6857010 57,914 4.29 0.00 4.29 2.70 1.51 1.99 1.50 2.23 0.017 422 6857038 50,005 0.98 0.00 0.98 2.70 4.16 2.72 7.25 1.15 0.014 423 6857080 41,238 2.52 0.00 2.52 0.00 4.97 3.14 7.02 1.74 0.012 424 6858040 1,041,808 1.97 1.74 1.98 4.73 4.18 3.76 4.44 9.87 0.297 425 6859002 22,509 2.23 0.00 2.23 5.30 4.29 3.02 6.60 3.58 0.006 426 6859004 106,833 1.63 0.00 1.63 4.09 3.61 3.08 3.85 5.63 0.030 427 6859038 4,910,954 4.22 3.52 4.29 4.75 3.78 2.55 4.70 4.62 1.401 428 6859051 1,558,071 2.25 1.75 4.48 0.57 5.01 2.38 7.19 5.62 0.445 429 6859053 43,947 2.04 0.00 2.04 5.30 3.77 2.61 3.97 5.38 0.013 430 6859054 9,997,181 1.57 0.99 1.76 4.12 5.04 2.97 5.88 5.60 2.852 431 6859058 436,145 2.17 1.02 2.30 3.39 3.96 0.98 4.18 5.01 0.124 432 6859059 924,426 2.39 2.69 2.30 3.17 4.91 2.48 5.57 4.59 0.264 433 6859060 1,092,848 10.21 10.00 10.22 5.30 5.12 4.82 7.23 2.76 0.312 434 6859068 7,101,375 1.19 0.00 1.19 5.30 4.13 2.85 5.71 5.46 2.026 435 6859080 18549892 1.37 0.69 1.69 0.70 4.26 2.65 5.79 5.22 5.293 436 6861030 141,564 4.68 0.00 4.68 0.25 2.99 2.37 3.22 5.92 0.040 437 6861035 1,054,605 10.78 0.00 10.80 1.10 4.15 2.24 5.31 5.85 0.301 438 6861064 170,811 3.91 0.00 3.91 0.00 4.89 3.80 5.33 5.31 0.049 439 6861082 81,057 2.55 0.00 2.55 4.22 3.09 2.28 3.14 2.51 0.023 440 6861084 143,545 3.79 0.00 3.79 1.20 2.91 2.02 3.20 4.03 0.041 441 6861086 942,475 3.08 0.52 3.30 0.57 6.22 3.99 8.23 5.95 0.269 442 6877250 187,953 8.14 0.00 8.14 0.33 1.55 1.53 1.55 0.71 0.054 OBS DESCRIPTION 417 Parts for loudspeakers, microphones, audio-frequency electric amplifiers and electric sound amplifier sets 418 Communications satellites and parts thereof 419 Television apparatus, converters, various amplifiers and couplers designed for cable television applications 420 Radio comoinations 421 Indicator panels 422 Sound signaling apparatus 423 Electric signaling devices, nspf 424 Variable capacitors 425 Molded case circuit breakers 426 Circuit breakers, other than molded case, for circuits under 1,000 v 427 Electrical switcnes, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 428 Connectors,cylindrical multi-contact,nspf 429 Connectors,printed circuit 430 Connectors,nspf 431 Printed circuit Doards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 432 Printed circuit boards, other than with a plastic impregnated glass base 433 Lampholders 434 Terminals,electricae splices and electrical couplings 435 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 436 Resistors, variable wirewound including potentiometers 437 Resistors, variable except wirewound 438 Fixed resistors, designed for surface mounting (smd) by contact, having more than 2 terminals (resistor networks), nspf 439 Fixed resistors, having 2 leads, wirewound 440 Fixed resistors, having 2 leads, nspf, including metal film, metal oxide, and thick cement film 441 Parts of resistors and potentiometers 442 Diodes and rectifiers w/ a maximum current of 0.500 amperes or less - 125 _ APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI 'OTHERS, SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI 'S 08S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 443 6878100 110,748 4.17 0.00 4.17 0.55 1.28 0.99 1.28 0.55 0.032 444 6878780 260,740 3.15 2.90 3.16 0.26 3.27 6.02 2.96 3.68 0.074 445 6880465 1,296,325 1.77 1.51 2.82 4.97 7.83 7.18 13.83 2.16 0.370 446 6881200 3,115,516 0.92 2.65 0.69 5.00 3.38 2.47 19.67 4.98 0.889 447 6881700 61,859 1.59 0.00 1.59 5.30 7.12 5.04 21.85 2.67 0.018 448 6881800 6,545,521 2.61 1.45 2.67 3.68 6.13 4.47 8.89 2.85 1.868 449 6884280 184,483 3.52 0.00 3.52 2.00 4.04 3.93 4.22 3.52 0.053 450 6921040 28,000 1.89 2.97 0.00 2.50 6.03 6.15 5.84 2.60 0.008 451 6923215 21,487 18.77 18.77 0.00 3.10 9.84 7.93 20.65 3.16 0.006 452 6923220 10,222 15.76 15.76 0.00 3.10 8.65 8.55 22.48 3.21 0.003 453 6923295 26,131 13.50 13.50 0.00 3.10 6.68 4.73 19.70 3.09 0.007 454 7001500 161,713 6.02 5.62 9.17 10.00 8.53 6.93 12.83 9.86 0.046 455 7003530 455,516 5.24 5.22 6.97 8.50 4.83 4.35 6.35 8.49 0.130 456 7003540 21 ,213 2.79 0.00 2.79 8.50 7.15 5.95 12.66 8.60 0.006 457 7003575 286,191 2.80 0.00 2.80 8.50 5.42 4.40 9.63 8.53 0.082 458 7003580 23,088 2.52 0.00 2.52 8.50 7.54 5.73 16.18 8.50 0.007 459 7004515 102,330 5.82 5.82 0.00 10.00 9.23 5.29 14.39 10.00 0.029 460 7004560 51,732 7.24 5.99 11.97 10.00 7.99 5.09 11.01 9.99 0.015 461 7005900 1,117,658 5.83 5.01 9.64 37.50 11.48 9.95 26.40 37.51 0.319 462 7006400 30,995 3.96 3.96 0.00 48.00 9.88 9.08 57.83 47.99 0.009 463 7007260 104,695 3.36 0.00 3.36 15.00 14.00 10.64 18.38 15.00 0.030 464 7022800 17,160 10.37 12.72 8.28 0.00 16.21 15.44 30.14 7.02 0.005 465 7031000 538,069 4.17 0.00 4.16 18.25 8.89 6.96 29.55 17.47 0.154 466 7031650 135,738 4.82 0.00 4.82 11.38 9.96 7.65 21.64 11.89 0.039 467 7038000 20,900 4.39 4.39 0.00 0.00 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.34 0.006 468 7038000 20,900 4.39 4.39 0.00 0.00 3.33 3.33 0.00 0.34 0.006 OBS DESCRIPTION 443 Electronic crystal component nspf (including semiconductors) 444 Electronic crystal components nspf 445 Insulated Power cable designed for 600 volts or less, over 10 percent by weight of cooper, without fittings 446 Ignition wiring sets and wiring sets for transportation equipment 447 Insulated electrical conductors, with fittings and modular telephone connectors 448 Insulated electrical conductors, with fittings, nspf 449 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf 450 4-wheel passenger cars, used 451 Body stampings for motor vehicles (except motorcycles) 452 Bumpers for motor vehicles (except motorcycles) 453 Parts nspf for motor vehicles 454 Moccasins, leather 455 For men, soled leather moccasins 456 Men's leather footwear with soles vulcanized to uppers or with soles simultaneously molded and attached to uppers, not els 457 Men's leather footwear uppers, not elsewhere specified 458 Youths and boys' leather footwear upper, not elsewhere specified 459 Misses, children, and infants leather casual footwear, valued not over $2.50 per pair, not elsewhere specified 460 Women's leather footwear, valued not over $2.50 per pair, not elsewhere specified 461 Footwear, upper over 50% rubber or plastic open toes or heels, slip on type 462 Footwear, rubber sole affixed to the upper with an adhesive, sneakers v alued not over $3 per pair 463 Footwear with leather soles and fiber uppers, valued not over $2.50 per pair, except slipper socks, except for men, yout 464 Headwear other than caps, of straw, sewed, biocked or trimmed, and not over $15/doz. 465 Headwear of man-made fibers, not part braid, knit 466 Headwear, of man-made fibers, not in part of braid, not knit, nspf 467 Nonelastic braids for headwear of abaca, etc., not in substantial part of man-made fibers, not bleached or colored 468 Nonelastic braids for headwear of abaca, etc., not in substantial part of man-mace fibers, not bleached or colored - 126. - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS' NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 469 7043215 52,667 2.16 0.00 2.16 21.70 6.84 5.45 14.52 21.84 0.015 470 7044502 11,263 10.23 0.00 10.23 25.00 6.74 6.52 0.00 25.00 0.003 471 7044506 471,130 4.53 3.34 7.58 25.00 5.23 4.57 16.85 25.00 0.134 472 7046500 721,033 1.57 0.00 1.57 10.38 5.01 3.34 12.95 10.49 0.206 473 7048525 1,194,099 2.43 2.97 2.43 21.10 7.32 5.74 23.35 22.94 0.341 474 7053530 61,022 2.92 2.92 0.00 15.00 5.79 3.89 10.08 15.00 0.017 475 7053560 214,906 2.49 2.49 0.00 15.00 4.75 4.48 7.20 15.00 0.061 476 7058540 44,898 6.24 6.24 0.00 14.00 10.21 10.19 7.84 14.13 0.013 477 7058600 681,000 5.08 5.08 0.00 14.42 4.03 3.76 17.90 16.89 0.194 478 7060500 1.518,167 4.50 0.89 5.15 8.00 5.08 2.98 5.92 7.98 0.433 479 7060700 287,222 4.01 2.78 7.90 10.00 7.40 5.37 15.10 9.99 0.082 480 7060900 14,144 3.11 3.11 0.00 9.00 5.73 2.90 6.29 9.08 0.004 481 7061305 44,646 24.01 27.72 15.71 8.00 5.30 5.01 5.52 8.34 0.013 482 7062930 17.485 40.50 0.00 40.50 5.31 13.43 10.88 29.20 6.01 0.005 483 7063650 481,775 3.72 2.83 6.69 8.20 8.77 6.81 25.85 8.39 0.137 484 7063900 78,740 6.00 1.80 6.47 20.00 7.66 5.33. 18.06 19.94 0.022 485 7064121 99,228 2.98 0.00 2.98 , 20.00 11.07 6.21 14.24 19.89 0.028 486 7064125 36,084 11.72 0.00 11.72 20.00 8.82 7.32 27.12 19.99 0.010 487 7064135 421,525 8.69 4.23 14.78 20.00 9.41 8.60 35.79 20.00 0.120 488 7064140 349,472 19.54 12.64 20.98 20.00 8.20 7.21 18.72 19.94 0.100 489 7064152 1,247,049 11.77 6.34 15.88 19.39 8.91 7.86 34.90 19.99 0.356 490 7066225 327,153 8.94 9.18 8.69 20.00 8.68 7.70 30.26 20.00 0.093 491 7066240 542,559 13.17 12.52 15.88 8.87 11.47 11.00 20.65 19.98 0.155 492 7066245 45,099 12.26 12.16 12.90 20.00 9.68 8.40 25.31 19.94 0.013 493 7084720 221,966 2.11 0.00 2.11 0.00 2.72 3.13 2.73 7.96 0.063 494 7095700 25,746 5.06 5.06 0.00 0.00 3.84 5.36 3.68 3.47 0.007 OBS DESCRIPTION 469 Gloves and glove linings, lace or net, ornamented or not, and other gloves, ornamented, of man-made fibers, pre-existing f 470 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing terry cloth type fabric, without fourchettes or sidewa 471 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing lisle type fabric, without fourchettes or sidewalls 472 Gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, of wool, over S4/doz. pairs 473 Gloves and glove linings, not lace, net or ornamented, from pre-existing knit fabrics, nspf 474 Gloves wholly of horsehide or cowhide (except calfskin) leather, with fourchettes or sidewalls 475 Gloves of horsehide or cowhide (except calfskin), not wholly of leather, with fourchettes or sidewalls 476 Disposable gloves of rubber or plastics,with seams which are heat sealed,and without textile fabric fourchettes or sidewal 477 Gloves of rubber or plastics, nspf 478 Flat goods, such as billfolds, key cases, and similar articles, of leather other than reptile 479 Leather handbags valued not over S20 each,not of reptile leather 480 Leather handbags valued over 120 each,not of reptile leather 481 Leather travel goods, including trunks, suitcases, traveling bags, duffle bags and other articles designed for clothing or 482 Handbags of unspun fibrous vegetable materials, nspf 483 Cotton luggage, not pile or tufted 484 Flat goods of textile materials except cotton 485 Other cotton flat goods 486 Handbags n.s.p.f. of man-made textile fibers 487 Luggage n.s.p.f. of man-made textile fibers 488 Other handbag- df textile material nes, other than cotton 489 Other luggage of textile materials except cotton, nspf 490 Handbags of plastic materials 491 Luggage, fitted or unfitted, of materials nspf, travel goods, including trunks, suitcases, and articles for clothing or pe 492 Luggage, fitted or unfitted, of materials nspf, brief cases, school bags, and other containers and cases for personal use 493 Frames and mountings for eyeglasses, goggles and similar articles 494 Fracture appliances; artificial limbs, eyes, and other orthopedic and prosthetic articles except internal fixation de-ces - 127 _ APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS', SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI 'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 495 7117820 521,462 3.18 2.35 3.23 4.11 3.76 2.42 5.44 4.02 0.149 496 7117840 4,199,862 2.12 2.35 2.09 0.94 5.85 3.47 7.64 4.86 1.198 497 7124975 39,832 0.77 0.00 0.77 0.31 2.81 2.13 3.17 4.92 0.011 498 7154700 1,102,546 2.63 2.40 3.16 13.77 10.15 3.45 19.95 14.37 0.315 499 7244510 84,000 3.77 3.77 0.00 4.20 2.76 2.52 11.38 3.07 0.024 500 7255000 211,679 3.61 3.54 7.93 3.20 7.71 7.21 17.46 3.41 0.060 501 7271100 107,835 12.96 12.96 0.00 0.00 24.10 23.97 71.73 2.38 0.031 502 7271400 585,085 16.29 16.29 0.00 0.00 26.40 26.67 15.81 3.76 0.167 503 7272900 176,806 10.44 10.29 67.02 0.04 11.36 11.26 24.57 3.81 0.050 504 7273590 12,314 15.02 15.02 0.00 0.07 11.08 10.76 26.28 2.56 0.004 505 7274040 54,483 11.92 10.89 82.17 0.00 8.99 8.68 26.40 2.42 0.016 506 7277065 10,853 25.79 26.01 19.44 0.00 13.75 13.62 48.44 4.89 0.003 507 7277080 16,963 21.29 20.22 87.08 0.00 9.96 9.71 11.64 4.20 0.005 508 7310500 51,987 14.90 73.87 12.62 0.50 6.80 6.18 19.86 0.59 0.015 509 7310600 59,441 11.56 56.30 9.96 0.00 3.11 2.47 8.44 6.99 0.017 510 7311520 401,710 3.75 0.00 3.75 6.99 5.50 3.93 19.43 9.24 0.115 511 7316500 1,359,704 1.74 0.83 3.27 0.00 3.53 3.87 7.17 9.36 0.388 512 7341500 1,345,232 2.21 1.29 2.22 1.50 8.77 8.14 17.10 3.34 0.384 513 7345405 79,632 2.63 1.54 5.70 0.53 3.82 3.55 22.22 1.16 0.023 514 7345610 18147552 2.17 1.77 5.13 0.73 3.97 3.77 32.66 0.12 5.178 515 7345645 576,154 0.95 0.87 14.59 2.28 10.75 10.50 22.26 0.50 0.164 516 7347020 1,170,113 2.39 2.40 1.88 0.00 7.75 5.80 34.54 0.22 0.334 517 7347200 24,258 3.11 2.18 14.09 0.00 9.87 8.03 25.23 1.02 0.007 518 7347720 6,433,662 1.15 1.15 0.00 4.90 5.28 2.49 8.83 4.01 1.836 519 7347780 72,929 5.59 0.00 5.59 1.39 7.98 7.55 13.24 0.84 0.021 520 7348600 87,555 1.98 0.00 1.98 0.00 4.43 1.76 6.57 3.73 0.025 OBS DESCRlIPT1ON 495 Instruments that measure,check,or control flow,depth,pressure,or other variable of liquids or gases,or control temperature 496 Parts of instruments to measure,check or control flow,depth,pressure or other variable of liquids or gases,or control temp 497 Electrical measuring, checking, analyzing, or automatically-controlling instruments and apparatus, and parts thereof 498 Timing apparatus nes, valued over S1.10 but not over 52.25 each 499 Cassette magnetic recording media, no material recorded thereon, for audio recording 500 Musi c boxes 501 Furniture of unspun fibrous rattan materials and parts thereof,nspf 502 Furniture and parts, nspf, of unspun fibrous vegetable materials, except of rattan and buri 503 Non-folding chairs of wood other than teak 504 Wood furniture nspf, other than chairs 505 Furniture parts Of wood 506 Chairs nes, of metal 507 Furniture nspf 508 Snel led hooks 509 Fish hooks, nspf 510 Fishing rods 511 Artificial baits and flies 512 Games played on boards of special design, mah-jong, dominoes, poker chips and dice, and parts of all the foregoing 513 Leather baseball and softball gloves and mitts 514 Baseballs 515 Baseball equipment, and parts thereof, nspf 516 Footballs 517 Football, soccer, and polo equipment, nspf, and parts thereof 518 Golf clubs 519 Golf equipment and parts thereof, nes 520 Lawn-tennis rackets, not strung - 128 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 521 7350700 137,781 3.58 0.00 3.58 0.00 5.74 3.60 9.49 3.09 0.039 522 7350920 841,692 2.95 2.95 0.00 0.23 6.64 6.42 52.54 3.31 0.240 523 7372100 130,857 2.93 2.03 6.42 1.28 9.04 6.44 34.67 7.89 0.037 524 7372300 412,240 5.83 5.67 7.24 0.12 8.69 8.29 37.62 3.08 0.118 525 7372425 59,568 5.04 5.32 0.47 0.00 8.30 6.37 45.51 11.64 0.017 526 7372800 102,570 9.52 9.33 18.06 0.00 10.83 9.70 46.68 13.30 0.029 527 7373000 773,140 5.50 5.09 21.64 0.56 9.18 8.25 49.92 5.81 0.221 528 7374000 18,024 8.03 6.00 30.93 0.00 8.07 7.36 39.42 4.56 0.005 529 7374200 987,865 4.72 4.54 12.46 3.80 8.06 7.59 12.81 2.55 0.282 530 7374700 83,184 3.06 2.97 9.93 0.00 10.79 10.34 42.73 3.43 0.024 531 7375100 907,308 9.69 5.39 13.27 0.66 7.51 6.58 49.82 1.82 0.259 532 7378000 781,823 4.56 4.43 10.54 0.76 7.73 7.60 45.02 6.51 0.223 533 7379552 10,028 0.84 0.00 0.84 0.00 9.87 8.40 47.81 8.38 0.003 534 7379565 632,033 8.21 6.31 15.24 0.20 10.66 9.36 34.88 6.87 0.180 535 7379570 19,521 9.17 5.43 9.55 0.00 11.94 6.65 32.94 7.53 0.006 536 7401300 10281865 0.45 0.00 0.46 6.50 0.62 1.18 0.62 6.35 2.934 537 7401500 235,241 0.24 0.00 0.24 6.47 1.06 3.81 1.06 4.71 0.067 538 7403800 1,157,049 6.36 6.69 6.35 0.28 10.66 5.22 12.95 7.53 0.330 539 7407000 924,248 0.45 0.00 0.45 7.00 1.19 2.78 0.81 2.67 0.264 540 7415040 166,157 2.19 0.00 2.19 0.90 5.93 4.69 7.98 6.38 0.047 541 7453440 349,316 4.25 0.00 4.25 0.00 8.62 4.81 9.18 6.03 0.100 542 7481200 31,933 2.09 0.00 2.09 0.00 5.01 8.76 5.94 1.63 0.009 543 7483000 56,756 14.70 14.70 0.00 0.00 19.74 19.68 41.96 0.00 0.016 544 7483200 409,460 10.83 10.83 0.00 0.13 12.03 11.95 13.34 3.32 0.117 545 7483400 150,635 9.54 9.54 0.00 0.00 18.00 16.73 49.78 1.60 0.043 546 7483600 58,623 6.24 6.21 7.14 0.00 14.57 13.94 45.25 3.61 0.017 OS DEOSCRIPTION 521 Boxing gloves,and other gloves,nspf,specially designed for use in sports 522 Basketballs 523 Doll clothing imported separately 524 Stuffed dolls, with or without clothing 525 Dolls (except stuffed), 13"' and under in height, with or w/o clothing 526 Stuffed toy animals, no spring mechanism, valued 101 or less per inch 527 Stuffed toy figures of animate objects, valued over 10 cents per inch of height 528 Toy figures of animate objects, not having a spring mechanism, not of metal, not stuffed 529 Toy figures of animate obsects (except dolls) having a spring mechanism wholly or almost wholly of metal 530 Toy figures of inanimate objects, not having a spring mechanism, stuffed or filled 531 Skins for toy figures of animate or inanimate objects 532 Toys nspf, having a spring mechanism 533 Inflatable rubber or plastic toys 534 Toys of other than rubber or plastic 535 Toy parts, nspf 536 Necklaces and chains,nes,almost wholly of gold 537 Jewelry and other objects of personal adornment,nes 538 Jewelry and parts over 20 cents a dozen 539 Chains etc, of precious metals, for use in jewelry 540 Articles of beads, of bugies, of spangles, of imitation gemstones, or of any combination thereof, except plastic beaded cu 541 Buttons,nspf 542 Insignia of metallic tnread for u.s. armed forces uniforms 543 Natural plants etc, dried or bleached, for ornamental use 544 Natural plants etc, colored or chemically treated for ornamental use 545 Ornamental articles of dried or bleached natural plants 546 Ornamental articles of colored or chemically treated natural plants - 129 - APPENDIX TABLE 10 (Continued) HAITI TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 HAITI "OTHERSi" SHAFE IN U.S. HAITI NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERSt NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF HAITI'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 547 7505500 32,662 4.24 0.00 4.24 3.03 7.32 5.63 10.19 0.75 0.009 548 7506000 449,686 1.87 0.00 1.81 0.63 4.76 3.34 7.29 1.61 0.128 549 7512500 10,165 5.47 5.47 0.00 7.51 9.85 7.76 30.72 2.04 0.003 550 7650300 325,880 2.52 2.76 2.47 0.00 0.89 4.27 0.85 0.00 0.093 551 7662560 13,449 3.55 0.97 6.75 0.00 3.28 5.61 2.86 0.00 0.004 552 7704000 51,275 3.68 3.68 0.00 0.00 11.92 11.75 15.94 3.64 0.015 553 7721500 37,460 0.48 0.48 0.00 3.40 11.31 10.90 33.79 1.92 0.011 554 7722900 78,851 3.97 3.97 0.00 0.17 15.69 9.09 59.82 1.72 0.022 555 7724200 607,987 3.30 2.77 5.54 4.20 9.44 7.30 14.69 2.60 0.173 556 7729500 87,432 13.44 13.44 0.00 0.00 8.99 8.41 35.98 1.51 0.025 557 7732500 26,876 3.41 0.00 3.41 0.00 5.76 4.11 10.16 3.09 0.008 558 7742500 614,552 2.01 2.01 0.00 0.01 8.87 8.81 9.77 1.97 0.175 559 7745035 15,510 10.70 10.70 0.00 0.00 13.25 6.49 33.49 2.70 0.004 560 7745585 216,769 8.79 6.19 27.28 2.19 9.26 7.99 15.35 4.29 0.062 561 7745595 386,493 7.39 4.79 11.46 0.58 8.90 7.75 14.66 4.58 0.110 562 7901000 879,168 1.12 0.00 1.12 2.40 6.89 6.34 16.93 2.42 0.251 563 7907020 18,279 7.32 0.00 7.32 0.18 7.86 4.65 12.28 2.52 0.005 564 7910500 23,600 2.36 2.36 0.00 0.00 2.27 7.25 2.17 5.64 0.007 565 7911520 96,310 3.99 0.00 3.99 0.20 1.68 0.81 1.70 6.04 0.027 566 7912700 13777569 2.29 1.75 3.39 0.03 5.23 3.09 5.96 0.21 3.931 567 7912800 622,689 3.03 2.43 3.54 0.02 8.12 4.01 15.34 1.18 0.178 568 7916000 3,881,294 3.21 1.26 3.22 0.04 7.01 2.98 8.56 2.13 1.107 569 7916500 25,947 3.01 3.01 0.00 5.80 6.80 4.22 9.04 4.69 0.007 570 7919010 602,630 3.19 3.09 3.28 0.00 3.55 3.36 3.70 0.11 0.172 571 7919020 2,693,713 1.74 1.68 2.52 0.00 9.25 9.53 8.27 0.15 0.769 572 8000035 6,901,510 3.60 5.30 2.67 0.00 2.53 4.64 1.97 0.00 1.969 573 8062040 1,149,996 3.13 2.87 3.23 0.00 5.11 6.50 5.79 0.00 0.328 574 9999500 2,463,825 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.703 oBS DESCRIPTION 547 Artists brushes and hair pencils, valued over S.05 each but not over S.10 each 548 Artists' brushes and hair pencils, valued over S.10 each 549 Other parts not of metal, of umbrella frames, canes, seat sticks, whips, riding crops, etc. 550 Paintings, pastels, drawings and sketchings, executed wholly by hand, original or not 551 Antiques nspf 552 Expanded, foamed or sponged polyurethane flexible products 553 Household articles of rubber or plastic 554 Infants' parts, wholly of rubber or plastics, including rainwear 555 Specified druggists sundries of rubber or plastics 556 Christmas tree ornaments of rubber or plastics 557 Gaskets, of rubber or plastics 558 Articles of natural rubber, except those found in tSus 770.05-.30; 770.70; 771.10; 771.41-.43; 771.55-773.35 559 Parts of footwear other than shoe uppers,of rubber or plastics 560 Articles of rubber or plastic, nec 561 Articles nspf, of plastic or rubber 562 Dog leads, collars, muzzles, harnesses, and similar dog equipment 563 Wigs,other than human nair - 564 Fur we- ng apparel nspf, of silver, black, or platinum fox 565 Fur wearing apparel of mink skins 566 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into uppers 567 Leather, other than patent leather, cut or shaped for conversion into footwear, other than uppers 568 Leather apparel belts, with or without buckles 569 Bags, baskets, boxes, and cases nspf, of leather 570 Footwear uppers of leather, other than reptile leather 571 Leather articles, other than reptile leather, nspf 572 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 573 Articles exported for repairs or alterations and returned, nes--dutiable value 574 Under $251 formal and informal entries estimated - 130 APPENDIX TA1tLE 11 JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA "OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OES TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1103570 221,474 12.35 0.00 12.35 0.06 20.41 12.85 20.77 0.17 0.077 2 1107080 302,470 29.36 0.00 29.36 0.00 8.81 6.96 27.22 0.00 0.105 3 1122000 61,372 2.47 2.47 0.00 0.00 8.28 8.31 0.00 2.85 0.021 4 1122100 10,664 2.83 2.83 0.00 0.00 11.61 11.66 0.00 2.40 0.004 5 1123620 11,200 4.91 4.91 0.00 0.00 14.21 14.11 33.89 1.32 0.004 6 1124600 11,898 3.03 3.03 0.00 0.00 8.02 9.38 0.00 12.51 0.004 7 1127900 128,139 2.67 2.67 0.00 0.00 6.05 6.06 0.00 4.51 0.044 8 1128200 210,190 4.19 4.19 0.00 0.00 11.48 11.54 0.00 15.02 0.073 9 1129400 53,921 6.24 6.24 0.00 0.00 7.04 6.76 13.23 3.31 0.019 10 1144512 115,378 8.69 0.00 8.69 0.00 5.06 4.17 6.04 0.00 0.040 11 1144520 12,000 2.50 0.00 2.50 0.00 6.18 2.24 6.98 0.00 0.004 12 1144525 1,827,187 6.41 1.36 9.03 0.00 2.81 2.50 4.78 0.00 0.632 13 1144530 151,575 4.06 0.00 4.08 0.00 3.17 2.71 6.89 0.00 0.052 14 1144545 60,915 8.39 0.00 8.39 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.60 0.00 0.021 15 1144595 34,714 10.34 0.00 10.34 0.00 6.85 5.92 13.92 0.00 0.012 16 1144598 19,642 10.91 0.00 10.91 0.00 5.49 4.86 25.50 0.00 0.007 17 1175575 10,400 9.42 9.42 0.00 0.00 11.66 4.39 18.18 7.90 0.004 18 1258400 1,053,350 13.15 0.00 13.15 0.75 25.63 25.90 25.62 2.99 0.365 19 1323540 17,121 10.40 10.40 0.00 0.00 27.11 26.88 80.03 0.00 0.006 20 1351600 30,011 50.26 0.00 50.26 2.41 32.95 18.75 46.53 5.21 0.010 21 1359000 692,022 40.30 40.61 25.72 0.00 58.15 68.47 48.19 2.58 0.239 22 1359500 178,598 58.34 58.45 53.01 0.00 56.19 50.34 61.90 0.71 0.062 23 1360000 465,445 32.75 38.97 32.39 0.03 32.50 30.82 91.71 0.60 0.161 24 1361000 10,525 40.06 0.00 40.06 0.04 41.86 15.93 60.39 0.15 0.004 25 1362000 32,876 32.25 34.12 24.76 0.00 55.08 41.94 95.69 0.00 0.011 26 1362200 111,451 41.02 46.14 36.72 0.00 77.80 42.12 129.39 1.16 0.039 085 DESCRIPTION 1 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, fresh or chilled 2 Fish nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, partially processed 3 Sardines, not in oil, in containers weighing with their contents under 8 ounces, not over 15 pounds each 4 Sardines, in tomato sauce, in containers weighing with their contents not over 15 pounds each 5 Mackerel nes, not in oil, in airtight containers, prepared or preserved 6 Herring, prepared or preserved, in oil, in airtight containers 7 Sardines, smoked, not skinned or boned, in oil, valued 451 or more per lb. in tin-plate or 501 or more per lb. in other ai 8 Sardines, not smoked, not skinned or boned, in oil, valued over 30i per pound, including airtight container weight 9 Fish nes, prepared or preserved, in oil, in airtight containers 10 Conch, fresh, chilled, frozen, prepared or preserved 11 Lobsters, live 12 Rock lobster tails, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 13 Lobsters nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 14 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 15 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 16 Shellfish nes, fresh, chitled, frozen, prepared or preserved 17 Provoloni and provolette nes 18 Live plants nspf, suitable for planting 19 Arrowroot and sago flours and starches 20 Beans, not limas, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 21 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december I to last day of february, inclusive 22 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered march I to april 30, inclusive, in any year 23 Dasheens, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 24 Endive, including witloof chicory, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 25 Eggplant, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered april I to november 30, inclusive, in any year 26 Eggplant, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size 2131 - APPENDIX TAEiLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA "OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA 085 TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 1368000 31,960 56.06 0.00 56.06 0.00 14.45 14.04 63.19 1.03 0.011 28 1371020 1,536,868 29.55 30.19 27.26 0.03 41.95 26.92 44.48 1.61 0.532 29 1375000 310,545 53.49 40.19 61.42 0.00 43.70 46.55 47.90 1.46 0.107 30 1378000 27,548 37.52 32.20 43.11 3.83 15.92 15.92 0.00 12.16 0.010 31 1378800 3,763,865 30.22 17.63 36.12 0.14 27.42 27.01 42.62 0.45 1.302 32 1379300 105,727 36.10 20.63 55.97 2.22 31.54 30.00 43.81 2.17 0.037 33 1379775 15,721 69.17 0.00 69.17 0.00 71.54 28.30 93.68 23.25 0.005 34 1417760 18,200 32.70 32.70 0.00 0.00 25.31 25.36 55.65 6.08 0.006 35 1419840 14,189 13.12 13.12 0.00 0.00 12.17 12,14 47.50 10.61 0.005 36 1450400 63,105 15.72 15.72 0.00 0.00 30.27 30.23 114.08 0.00 0.022 37 1473000 200,014 30.29 30.29 0.00 0.29 37.59 37.59 0.00 1.09 0.069 38 1473i40 409,040 48.82 48.82 0.00 1.15 13.75 13.64 30.65 2.10 0.142 39 1473300 316,966 31.32 31.32 0.00 0.00 41.85 41.85 0.00 0.61 0.110 40 1480800 39,411 28.41 28.41 0.00 0.00 13.78 13.83 56.15 0.15 0.014 41 1481200 167,604 46.45 47.81 43.00 0.65 58.38 58.47 65.82 0.65 0.058 42 1483000 452,381 31.02 29.04 101.40 0.00 61.74 64.50 48.22 0.22 0.157 43 1483200 33,618 35.31 30.67 45.04 0.00 45.34 45.70 27.39 16.15 0.012 44 1486000 17,806 20.03 0.00 20.03 0.00 26.63 26.76 24.42 0.50 0,006 45 1552045 2,280,457 2.89 2.89 0.00 0.00 6.79 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.789 46 1553500 10,925 8.72 8.72 0.00 0.00 9.60 12.23 0.00 0.31 0.004 47 1557540 248,268 18.61 18.41 20.14 1.62 10.11 12.54 42.85 3.29 0.086 48 1563020 34,877 12.41 11.89 13.76 0.00 8.17 6.90 23.84 5.08 0.012 49 1563500 857,815 4.10 4.10 0.00 0.00 3.25 3.26 0.00 0.00 0.297 50 1571005 39,937 15.90 15.90 0.00 0.00 9.75 9.64 26.67 5.98 0.014 51 1571010 480,632 12.18 12.18 0.00 0.00 11.53 11.51 34.48 5.05 0.166 52 1601020 343,181 5.76 4.85 9.47 0.00 3.67 3.66 6.66 0.00 0.119 OBS DESCRIPTION 27 Okra, fresh, chilled or frozen 28 Peppers nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, etc. 29 Squash, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 30 Parsnips, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not reduced in size 31 Yams, fresh or chilled 32 Pumpkins and breadfruit, fresh, chilled, or frozen 33 Vegetables nspf, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size 34 Vegetables nspf, packed in salt, in brine, or pickled 35 Vegetables nspf, prepared or preserved, other than frozen 36 Coconuts 37 Kumquats, packed in airtight containers 38 Oranges nes, fresh 39 Citrus fruit nspf, fresh 40 Mangoes, prepared or preserved 41 Cantaloupes, fresh, if entered december I to march 31, inclusive, in any year 42 Fresh melons nes, if entered december 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 43 Fresh melons nes, if entered other than december 1, in any year, to may 31, inclusive 44 Papayas, fresh 45 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 46 Sugars, sirups, and molasses, from sugar cane or sugar beets, not principally of crystalline structure, not in dry amorpho 47 Sugars, sirups nspf, and molasses, flavored, and sirups nspf, flavored or unflavored, consisting of blends 48 Chocolate, sweetened, for consumption at retail as candy or confection 49 Cocoa butter 50 Candy, and other confectionery, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate, put up for retail sale Sl Candy, and other confectionary, nspf, not containing cocoa or chocolate,not put up for retail sale 52 Coffee, crude - 132 APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS To THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA ,OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA 0BS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 1601040 611,124 4.57 1.54 5.91 0.00 4.29 4.06 34.00 0.00 0.211 54 1602000 26,084 2.47 2.47 0.00 0.00 5.23 5.23 15.11 0.00 0.009 55 1613500 286,347 5.56 4.33 63.28 0.00 30.16 26.01 65.81 0.00 0.099 56 1618600 756,172 6.14 6.05 0.00 0.00 9.63 9.63 0.00 0.00 0.262 57 1620900 98,701 29.21 0.00 29.21 0.00 15.56 15.70 8.92 0.00 0.034 58 1652900 847,763 10.28 10.28 0.00 7.65 9.20 7.83 56.13 48.61 0.293 59 1653680 745,732 8.25 8.18 33.00 0.09 11.05 10.72 20.24 20.93 0.258 60 1655500 49,977 10.81 11.21 0.00 0.00 5.66 5.48 13.40 0.88 0.017 61 1656500 12,902 8.81 8.35 13.82 0.00 23.59 21.79 25.64 0.00 0.004 62 1663000 49,505 9.03 9.54 0.00 0.12 12.24 12.06 11.43 0.16 0.017 63 1664020 17,864 19.79 19.79 0.00 0.00 18.40 18.05 93.51 0.25 0.006 64 1664040 126,772 17.28 17.21 22.59 0.02 16.35 16.32 16.06 0.27 0.044 65 1670515 966,477 24.59 24.71 0.00 0.16 19.67 19.64 29.60 1.85 0.334 66 1681400 10,587 8.79 8.79 0.00 0.00 11.63 10.92 0.00 1.93 0.004 67 1687800 36,944 6.91 0.00 0.00 1.62 5.04 4.51 16.16 1.53 0.013 68 1689600 46,732 11.42 6.75 0.00 0.16 7.06 7.04 11.57 1.56 0.016 69 1689800 2,889,964 1.46 1.47 0.00 0.22 12.38 10.94 127.48 4.70 1.000 70 1691300 493,125 11.42 10.70 19.97 2.77 7.25 6.71 51.15 8.29 0.171 71 1706020 134,164 13.37 13.93 8.09 0.00 13.57 15.69 20.77 18.94 0.046 72 1706500 93,440 11.53 4.19 35.86 0.00 7.97 5.71 18.54 26.44 0.032 73 1706800 176,785 3.81 3.97 3.80 0.28 3.42 2.76 3.88 2.32 0.061 74 1707000 7,003,650 3.22 1.74 3.69 0.08 2.26 1.44 3.75 0.61 2.424 75 1767000 45,174 1.15 1.15 0.00 0.00 5.75 5.74 5.74 3.89 0.016 76 1822000 230,786 16.75 16.92 5.00 0.00 13.20 13.11 40.14 0.44 0.080 77 1824600 800,913 8.99 8.99 0.00 0.05 10.69 10.67 29.13 4.16 0.277 78 1825200 59,129 7.90 22.58 0.00 0.00 6.62 6.43 69.88 5.97 0.020 O0S DESCRIPTION 53 Coffee, roasted or ground 54 Coffee, soluble or instant, not containing sugar or other additive 55 Ginger root, not ground, not candied or preserved 56 Pimento, allspice, not ground 57 Thyme, crude or not manufactured 58 Orange juice nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percent of ethyl alcohol by volume 59 Citrus fruit juices nspf, not mixed and not containing over 1.0 percentof ethyl alcohol by volume, concentrated 60 Fruit juices nes, not mixed, not containing over 1 percent ethyl alcohol 61 Mixed fruit juices nes, not containing over 1 percent ethyl alcohol 62 Vegetable juices nes, including mixed, under 0.5 percent ethyl alcohol 63 Carbonated soft drinks 64 Beverages nspf, under 0.5 percent ethyl alcohol 65 Ale, porter, stout, and beer, in glass containers each holding not over I gallon 66 Bitters containing spirits, fit for use as beverages, in containers holding not over I gallon 67 Brandy nes, in containers not over I gallon, valued over 13 dollars per gallon 68 Cordials, liqueurs, kirschwasser, and ratafia, in containers not over 1 gallon 69 Cordials, liqueurs, kirschwasser and ratafia, in containers over I gallon 70 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over I gallon 71 Scrap tobacco, from cigar leaf 72 Cigarettes nes, p>.er-wrapped 73 Cigars each valued 151 or over but less than 231 74 Cigars each valued 231 or over 75 Expressed or extracted vegetable oils nspf 76 Biscuits, cake, cakes, wafers, and similar baked products, and puddings nes 77 Sauces nes 1 78 Soup, soup rolls, soup tablets or cubes, and other soup preparations nes - 133 - APPENDIX TABLE 1I (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA nOTHERS SHARE I N U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREiGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 1830520 1,410,033 10.77 10.78 0.39 1.73 8.40 8.15 22.39 7.08 0.488 80 1845200 575,300 11.78 11.78 0.00 0.00 56.63 57.06 33.29 5.26 0.199 81 1848500 501,293 20.54 20.54 0.00 1.52 17.55 20.55 17.89 3.00 0.173 82 1921890 178,987 16.55 0.00 16.55 1.29 16.23 48.34 16.20 7.77 0.062 83 1922140 47,949 13.92 0.00 13.92 0.00 36.15 0.00 36.15 2.58 0.017 84 1922192 160,154 21.97 0.00 21.97 1.26 33.32 19.87 33.54 7.40 0.055 85 1932520 13,177 12.76 0.00 12.76 0.00 22.71 21.77 41.09 0.00 0.005 86 2025600 31,706 6.20 6.20 0.00 0.00 7.90 7.75 59.11 0.52 0.011 87 2026020 30,100 5.70 5.70 0.00 0.00 9.59 9.59 0.00 2.70 0.010 88 2063020 11,461 12.86 12.86 0.00 0.00 13.18 13.15 27.64 0.75 0.004 89 2063040 88,405 17.72 17.72 0.00 0.16 10.78 10.61 26.96 1.02 0.031 90 2070080 19,446 15.96 15.96 0.00 0.00 10.36 9.44 21.35 4.96 0.007 91 2224200 16,455 15.16 15.16 0.00 0.00 28.26 28.23 33.63 3.28 0.006 92 2224400 61,915 20.72 20.15 32.64 0.00 24.60 23.84 44.99 2.27 0.021 93 2458000 35,392 4.88 4.88 0.00 0.00 6.56 6.32 44.03 3.89 0.012 94 2548540 22,037 4.55 4.55 0.00 0.00 6.39 5.55 30.59 2.30 0.008 95 2569030 19,319 13.63 13.63 0.00 0.00 12.74 9.39 31.06 3.49 0.007 96 2702580 38,942 7.51 7.51 0.00 0.00 6.15 4.74 12.22 0.00 0.013 97 2749040 68,281 1.20 0.00 1.20 0.59 11.09 5.92 17.59 3.92 0.024 98 3658300 18,849 1.71 1.71 0.00 15.20 5.84 4.77 9.62 14.08 0.007 99 3727540 19,603 2.21 2.21 0.00 11.41 8.46 6.13 12.24 11.50 0.007 100 3761600 12,996 1.48 0.00 1.48 7.73 8.52 3.35 20.98 7.82 0.004 101 3762425 19,589 3.98 0.00 3.98 32.00 2.27 2.96 2.06 31.88 0.007 102 3762430 8,394,353 3.76 1.85 4.14 32.00 3.40 2.59 4.22 31.99 2.905 103 3762456 51,939 2.20 0.00 2.20 0.00 7.76 4.04 10.17 31.01 0.018 104 3762470 196,162 1.22 0.00 1.23 32.00 5.69 3.10 8.65 31.96 0.068 08ES DESCRIPTION 1 79 Edible preparations nspf (including prepared meals individually packaged 80 Soybean and cottonseed oil cake and oil-cake meal 81 Animal feeds, and ingredients therefor nspf 82 Other roses nspf, fresh, bouquets, wreaths, sprays, or similar articles made from roses or other fresh plant parts 83 Cut flowers, decorations 84 Cut flowers, nec 85 Vegetable substances, crude, of a kind suitable for ornamental purposes 86 Hardwood flooring, oak, in strips and planks 87 Softwood flooring nes, in blocks, assembled sections or units, or other forms, except in strips and planks 88 Wood doors, flush, with or without their hardware 89 Wood doors nes, with or without their hardware 90 Articles of wood, nspf 91 Baskets and bags, of rattan or of palm leaf 92 Baskets and bags of unspun fibrous vegetable materials nes, whether lined or not lined 93 Building boards nspf, laminated, bonded or impregnated with synthetic resins 94 Paper nspf, not lithographically printed, not gummed 95 Bags and containers for office use 96 Books nspf 97 Printed matter nspf 98 Towels and washcloths of vegetable fibers,except cotton 99 Mufflers,scarves,shawls,and veils of man-made fibers,not hemmed,not knit,not lace,net,or ornamented 100 Garters, suspenders, etc. of manmade fibers or of such fibers and rubber or plastics 101 Cotton brassieres,lace,net,or ornamented 102 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 103 Lace, net, or ornamented brassieres n.s.p.f., containing less than 70 percent by weight of silk 104 Body-supporting garments,except brassieres,of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 1 134 APPENDIX TABLE It (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA ,OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 105 3762830 1,310,694 2.49 0.00 2.49 18.00 4.00 2.64 5.98 18.00 0.454 106 3762876 740,956 0.92 0.00 0.93 18.00 3.64 3.19 4.22 17,75 0.256 107 3762886 1,524,063 1.06 0.00 1.06 18.00 4.02 3.05 5.03 17.81 0.527 108 3762898 10,319 5.18 0.00 5.36 18.00 3.82 3.12 4.30 18.00 0.004 109 3780553 509,968 3.78 4.40 3.76 28.72 5.46 3.89 7.04 28.73 0.176 110 3781035 66,734 1.98 1.98 0.00 15.00 9.25 5.88 41.99 12.78 0.023 111 3781510 74,257 1.25 1.25 0.00 8.50 10.89 5.14 23.23 7.46 0.026 112 3781520 56,832 2.16 2.16 0.00 8.50 8.71 5.59 19.72 6.91 0.020 113 3781525 149,702 1.36 1.21 2.23 8.50 8.53 5.38 12.76 8.17 0.052 114 3781532 60,224 3.03 0.00 3.03 8.50 3.86 3.15 6.96 8.50 0.021 115 378i535 976,350 2.17 2.17 0.00 8.59 5.93 3.94 14.78 7.99 0.338 116 3781536 1,161,859 1.42 1.42 0.00 8.50 6.80 4.18 17.02 8.27 0.402 117 3782530 22,449 3.53 0.00 3.53 6.80 7.04 4.78 7.60 6.12 0.008 118 3786030 28,230 3.13 0.00 3.23 23.57 6.34 5.59 8.10 24.67 0.010 119 3810240 609,040 2.27 2.17 2.42 23.35 5.35 2.71 12.90 23.69 0.211 120 3810524 19,223 2.28 0.00 2.28 23.00 6.80 3.61 16.28 22,97 0.007 121 3810530 210,792 1.07 0.00 1.12 23.19 4.95 2.75 9.50 23.47 0.073 122 3810540 3,147,249 1.79 1.79 0.00 23.15 6.82 4.13 24.42 23.63 1.089 123 3810546 694,746 1.10 1.07 1.31 23.06 7.91 3.55 16.67 23.43 0.240 124 3812350 72,011 3.32 3.39 1.64 32.18 5.30 3.63 10.06 32.70 0.025 125 3813150 11,835 4.80 0.00 4.80 34.20 4.72 2.87 28.58 33.41 0.004 126 3813152 10,640 4.32 0.00 4.32 32.10 3.26 16.15 3.05 32.10 0.004 127 3813154 38,804 1.73 0,00 1.73 32.10 9.93 6.63 14.79 32.10 0.013 128 3813180 371,491 1.12 0.00 1.12 32.10 5.77 3.88 15.29 32.68 0.129 129 3813190 23,792 2.26 0.00 2.26 33.20 4.80 4.27 13.57 32.50 0.008 130 3813925 74,273 5.18 4.54 5.82 17.30 7.31 4.42 17.57 17.38 0.026 OBS DESCRIPTION 105 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 106 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., of man-made fibers 107 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented 108 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., containing less than 70 percent oy weight of silk 109 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 110 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton knit underwear, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued not over $4/lb. 111 Men's and boys' cotton briefs, drawers, and undershorts n.s.p.f., knit, valued over $4 per pound 112 Men's and boys' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of vegetaole fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued over $4/lb 113 Men's and boys' cotton underwear n.s.p.f., knit, valued over S4 per pound 114 Men's and boys' underwear n.s.p.f. of vegetable fibers except cotton, knit, valued over $4 per pound 115 Women's, girls', and infants' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, val 116 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton briefs, drawers, and undershorts n.s.p.f., knit, valued over $4 per pound 117 Women's, girls', and infants' cotton underwear, not knit, not lace, net, or ornamented, valued over 751 per separate piece 118 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 119 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts nspf, ornamented 120 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented shirts, not knit, of cotton without two or more colors in the warp and/or the filli 121 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, ornamented 122 Men's or boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, ornamented 123 Men's or boys' trousers and slacks rspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of coTton, not knit 124 Men's or boys' knit shorts, man-made fibers, ornamented 125 Men's or boys' work shirts, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 126 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented sport shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers with two or more colors in the warp a 127 Men's or boys' lace, net or ornamented work shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers w/o two or more colors in the warp and/o 128 Men's or boys' shorts, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 129 Men's or boys' trousers and slacks, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 130 Men's or boys' cotton knit coats nspf, not ornamented - 135 - APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA "OTHERS SHARE N U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL fREiGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA I0ORTS(M3 TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 131 3813940 54,531 6.86 6.53 12.59 17.42 12.08 4.31 18.54 17.34 0.019 132 3814010 403,202 3.59 3.13 14.29 21.00 9.67 7.17 17.17 20.93 0.140 133 3814020 658,534 4.44 2.79 17.91 21.00 10.89 7.19 19.86 21.26 0.228 134 3814130 5,001,343 3.89 3.19 6.61 21.00 6.92 4.12 17.50 20.98 1.731 135 3814160 1,739,219 4.01 2.91 9.82 21.00 7.99 4.06 12.23 20.75 0.602 136 3814520 10,512 5.00 0.00 5.00 9.40 13.54 7.95 37.60 9.73 0.004 137 3814770 10,764 10.43 0.00 10.43 8.00 7.68 5.43 16.51 8.05 0.004 138 3814860 17,514 4.12 0.00 4.12 8.00 8.16 5.71 15.66 8.00 0.006 139 3815500 3,409,420 2.40 2.35 4.05 21.00 6.02 5.15 13.97 20.99 1.180 140 38156520 121,696 5.67 3.56 11.09 21.00 7.17 4.70 11.90 21.00 0.042 141 3815625 337,932 1.68 1.68 0.00 21.00 7.17 5.42 14.63 20.94 0.117 142 3815630 91,088 2.18 0.00 2.18 21.00 8.46 6.13 11.19 20.95 0.032 143 3815650 2,412,959 3.68 4.50 2.48 21.00 7.92 5.31 15.25 20.97 0.835 144 3815665 358,825 2.14 2.59 1.45 21.00 8.54 5.56 13.27 20.87 0.124 145 3816210 1,810,825 2.53 2.57 2.43 16.50 6.00 3.81 14.37 16.51 0.627 146 3816219 19,559 7.76 0.00 7.76 16.50 7.80 5.14 12.89 18.44 0.007 147 3816220 744,619 2.50 2.73 1.61 16.50 6.69 4.68 27.65 16.49 0.258 148 3816230 836,336 2.44 1.63 4.31 16.50 5.56 3.88 21.73 16.50 0.289 149 3816240 4,766,918 1.75 1.43 1.85 16.50 6.35 3.20 18.19 16.49 1.650 150 3816250 3,586,549 1.89 1.67 10.42 16.09 5.97 5.02 21.16 16.46 1.241 151 3816260 35,104 7.96 0.00 7.96 16.50 6.37 5.62 15.10 16.50 0.012 152 3816270 69,386 3.25 2.17 3.98 16.50 6.33 3.51 17.42 16.47 0.024 153 3816510 99,302 3.35 2.63 6.07 10.29 5.05 7.08 18.18 9.58 0.034 154 3816585 837,725 1.92 0.00 1.92 9.42 6.13 4.06 15.71 9.74 0.290 155 3817630 1,318,399 3.67 3.49 6.03 18.25 5.40 3.84 9.14 18.00 0.456 156 3817640 155,265 2.58 2.58 0.00 18.15 4.62 3.55 12.33 A8.03 0.054 0BS DESCRIPTION 131 Men's or boys' cotton knit trousers, slacks, and shorts, nspf, not ornamented 132 Men's or boys' cotton knit t-shirts except all white, not ornamented 133 Men's or boys' cotton knit sweatshirts, not ornamented 134 Men's or boys' cotton knit shirts, nspf, not ornamented 135 Men's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 136 Men's or boys' cotton coats nspf, not knit, valued $4 or less each, not ornamented 137 Men's or boys' cotton coats nes, not knit, valued over $4 each, not ornamented 138 Men's or boys' cotton denim coats nspf, not knit, valued over $4 each, not knit, not ornamented 139 Men's cotton sport shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 140 Men's other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 141 Boys' cotton dress shirts, w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented, 142 Boys' other cotton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 143 Men's other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 144 Boys' other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 145 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented 146 Men's or boys' suit-type coats and jackets nspf imported as parts of suits, not ornamented, of cotton, not knit 147 Men's cotton denim trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 148 Men's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 149 Men's cotton trousers and slacks nspf; not knit, not ornamented 150 Boys' cotton denim trousers and slacks, not Knit, not ornamented 151 Boys' cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 152 Boys' cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented 153 Men's cotton playsuits, coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits, not knit, not ornamented 154 Men's or boys' wearing apparel nspf, not ornamented, of cotton, not knit 155 Men's other wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued over $5 per lb 156 Boys' other wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued over $5 per lb - 136 APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA -OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 157 3817641 11,585 2.49 0.00 2.49 18.36 6.24 5.00 8.15 17.87 0.004 158 3818360 409,348 0.90 0.49 0.97 22.81 4.55 2.66 6.48 22.62 0.142 159 3818815 162,458 3.60 3.60 0.00 31.05 6.11 4.86 12.23 31.40 0.056 160 3819035 288,774 4.23 0.00 4.40 35.51 6.85 5.48 24.72 35.25 0.100 161 3819040 85,463 5.33 4.66 8.04 34.85 6.48 5.53 18.40 35.19 0.030 162 3819400 39,840 2.38 3.18 1.32 28.85 6.56 5.89 22.92 29.47 0.014 163 3819505 11,429 1.47 0.00 1.47 28.71 6.77 6.30 16.86 30.57 0.004 164 3819535 217,729 2.21 2.44 1.57 29.09 6.20 6.11 11.83 29.23 0.075 165 3819540 76,403 3.43 3.30 3.85 31.73 7.44 6.15 21.52 29.35 0.026 166 3819550 1,548,807 4.54 4.54 0.00 29.37 6.25 5.70 20.95 29.40 0.536 167 3819564 22,705 2.94 0.00 2.94 29.13 4.82 4.46 7.49 28.89 0.008 168 3819570 18,619 8.31 0.00 8.31 28.63 6.58 5,77 17.48 30.24 0.006 169 3819575 2,620,633 1.62 1.13 1.96 29.73 4.42 3.25 16.10 30.24 0.907 170 3819580 412,328 1.67 2.77 1.34 29.70 5.83 4.05 22.86 30.72 0.143 171 3819585 36,378 3.15 1.96 15.27 40.69 5.01 4.24 15.56 30.01 0.013 172 3819892 69,907 3.09 0.00 3.09 19.19 10.09 7.36 34.27 19.68 0.024 173 3840224 515,991 2.07 2.07 0.00 23.31 6.45 3.93 12,46 24.07 0.179 174 3840227 666,550 2.60 2.60 0.00 23.30 5.74 2.36 16.43 23.30 0.231 175 3840264 545,593 1.95 1.95 0.00 23.30 7.67 2.94 11.94 24.23 0.189 176 3840265 637,330 1.92 1.92 0.00 23.30 6.32 3.69 8.52 23.30 0.221 177 3840268 14,900 1.25 0.00 1.25 23.30 10.36 3.10 13.98 23.91 0.005 178 3840269 20,905 1.21 0.00 1.21 23.30 12.36 2.31 18.78 23.27 0.007 179 3840505 13,631 2.22 0.00 2.22 19.60 9.14 3.46 13.92 20.33 0.005 180 3840612 124,136 1.37 0.80 7.03 23.30 5.57 3.72 22.48 23.70 0.043 181 3840733 35,420 1.39 1.39 0.00 23.30 12.67 11.03 15.89 23.74 0.012 182 3840740 45,901 2.60 0.00 2.60 23.30 9.62 2.46 17.34 23.92 0.016 O0S DESCRiPTION 157 Men's or boys' vests nspf, not ornamented, of wool, knit, valued over $5 per pound 158 Men's or boys' wool trousers, slacks, and shorts, not knit, not ornamented, valued over S4 per lb 159 Men's or boys' knit shorts of man-made fibers, not ornamented 160 Men's knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 161 Boys' knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 162 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 163 Men's or boys' woven raincoats, 3/4-length or longer, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 164 men's or boys' woven dress shirts with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, of man-made fibers, not knit, not 165 Men's or boys' woven dress shirts nspf, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 166 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not 167 Men's or boys' suits nspf having jacket with single pack panel, not with two pairs of pants, not ornamented, of man-made f 168 Men's or boys' woven swimming trunks, and other swimwear, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 169 Men's woven trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 170 Boys' woven trousers and siacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 171 Men's or boys' woven snorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 172 Men's or boys' wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 173 Women's, girls', or infants' sweatshirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 174 Lace, net or ornamented cottor knit sweatshirts, for women and girls '75 Women's, girls', or infants' jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, kn 176 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers, for women and girls '77 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers, slacks, and shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 78 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit trousers, slacks and shorts nes, for women and girls 179 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 180 Girls' denim, including brushed denim, trousers and slacks nspf, tace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 181 Girls' trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit 182 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, not knit - 137 r APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO TIE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERSe NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 183 3840741 33,663 1.49 0.00 1.49 23.30 5.56 4.53 12.61 23.24 0.012 184 3840925 16,873 3.56 0.00 3.56 20.00 7.14 5.58 11.55 20.72 0.006 185 3841841 177,643 2.29 2.29 0.00 36.30 8.52 4.55 23.61 36.46 0.061 186 3841848 45,733 4.45 3.97 4.51 36.92 7.25 6.02 20.50 36.57 0.016 187 3841908 40,919 4.14 4.14 0.00 32.10 6.57 4.02 20.54 32.10 0.014 188 3841928 93,297 2.57 4.07 2.48 33.03 5.61 4.19 18.68 33.37 0.032 189 3842017 54,077 1.53 1.53 0.00 32.10 9.56 5.53 24.36 32.10 0.019 190 3842020 105,510 2.14 2.14 0.00 32.10 8.47 6.20 22.06 32.41 0.037 191 3842205 38,748 2.99 2.37 3.06 28.30 6.40 5.28 9.72 28.08 0.013 192 3842222 193,053 2.51 2.51 0.00 28.30 11.25 11.17 14.81 28.72 0.067 193 3842224 214,761 5.49 5.59 5.47 28.95 7.05 5.93 8.99 28.66 0.074 194 3842305 128,226 3.68 3.44 3.72 32.14 9.31 3.52 13.57 32.39 0.044 195 3842343 38,251 1.19 0.00 1.19 32.10 6.47 4.47 14.10 33.18 0.013 196 3842344 13,032 2.61 26.16 0.66 32.10 4.05 4.80 5.55 32.10 0.005 197 3842505 758,405 5.27 7.71 5.23 28.34 11.03 4.23 12.71 28.77 0.262 198 3842525 20,984 5.41 1.85 7.34 28.30 6.04 3.43 9.07 28.56 0.007 199 3842806 352,369 0.51 0.00 0.51 21.00 12.00 5.08 20.83 20.92 0.122 200 3842815 154,832 2.53 0.00 2.53 21.00 10.74 3.76 16.70 20.96 0.054 201 3842850 3,233,981 3.90 3.34 5.55 21.00 9.40 4.76 12.27 20.93 1.119 202 3842915 949,608 2.18 2.18 1.87 21.00 9.35 5.59 14.56 20.97 0.329 203 3842920 70,668 4.26 4.48 3.64 21.00 9.45 5.08 13.11 20.84 0.024 204 3842935 932,054 2.06 2.06 0.00 21.00 11.69 6.47 15.02 21.00 0.323 205 3842950 33,473 2.26 0.00 2.26 21.00 8.33 4.18 15.25 20.94 0.012 206 3842970 23,255 7.35 7.80 0.00 21.00 6.51 5.14 13.16 21.05 0.008 207 3843029 466,775 2.88 2.90 2.42 17.30 9.33 4.02 12.88 17.25 0.162 208 3843035 35,722 2.07 1.89 3.47 17.30 10.71 3.45 14.79 17.28 0.012 OBS DESCRIPTION 183 Lace, net or ornamented cotton shorts, not knit, for women and girls 184 Women's, girls', or infants cotton pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 185 Women's other knit shirts of man-made fibers, ornamented, lace or net 186 Infants' shirts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, knit 187 Lace, net or ornamented knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic jackets, of man-made fibers, for women and girls 188 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, ot man-made fibers, knit 189 Lace, net or ornamented knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers and slacks of man-made fibers, for women and g 190 Women's, girls', or infants' jogging, warm-up, and similar trousers and slacks nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made 191 Women's, girls', or infants' knit coveralls, overalls, and jumpsuits of man-made fibers, ornamented 192 Women's, girls', or infants' knit blanket sleepers, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 193 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 194 Women's blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 195 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 196 Lace, net or ornamented shorts of man-made fibers, not knit, for women and girls 197 Women's dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 198 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 199 Women's cotton knit tank tops, not ornamented 200 Women's blouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 201 Women's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 202 Cotton knit t-shirts for infants nes, not ornamented 203 Women's, girls', or infants t-shirts, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 204 Cotton knit sweatshirts for women and girls, not ornamented 205 Women's other cotton knit shirts, not ornamented 206 Infants' shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 207 Cotton knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers and slacks for women and girls, not ornamented 208 Women's other cotton knit trousers and slacks, not ornamented - 138 - APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PRO ILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA ,OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA 0OS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 209 3843114 48,132 1.21 0.00 1.21 17.30 10.11 3.66 13.72 17.35 0.017 210 3843122 19,022 8.32 7.77 0.00 17.85 6.97 5.33 11.34 17.57 0.007 211 3843210 48,317 4.17 5.09 2.18 13.50 10.76 3.96 14.02 13.78 0.017 212 3843428 59,200 2.40 0.00 2.40 10.20 6.70 4.65 13.65 11.06 0.020 213 3843440 29,789 1.43 0.00 1.43 10.20 11.51 3.61 13.59 10.73 0.010 214 3643444 236,044 4.23 2.44 7.60 10.20 9.60 3.49 12.11 10.11 0.082 215 3843500 25,509 4.51 0.00 4.51 9.40 14.35 7.97 26.53 9.89 0.009 216 3843767 16,731 2.41 0.00 2.41 8.00 7.71 5.46 10.49 7.98 0.006 217 3843777 346,694 1.84 0.00 1.84 8.00 10.89 7.68 17.95 7.94 0.120 218 3844215 138,444 3.28 2.i7 4.47 8.00 6.35 5.16 16.11 8.00 0.048 219 3844602 1,280,072 2.95 2.95 0.00 16.50 7.03 4.17 17.20 16.50 0.443 220 3844604 21,601 2.49 2.49 0.00 16.50 6.21 4.26 11.62 16.96 0.007 221 3844605 160,760 6.00 6.00 0.00 16.50 13.46 4.11 17.37 16.49 0.056 222 3844608 942,764 3.23 3.23 0.00 16.50 9.73 4.88 19.80 16.50 0.326 223 3844609 4,952,593 2.47 2.43 2.56 16.50 9.80 4.26 14.55 16.46 1.714 224 3844611 90,497 4.54 0.00 4.54 16.50 6.05 4.63 9.36 16.45 0.031 225 3844614 3,039,383 3.21 2.79 4.21 16.50 9.49 4.30 16.63 16.50 1.052 226 3844620 22,280 6.38 0.00 6.38 16.50 6.61 6.54 7.99 16.45 0.008 227 3844647 30,244 4.24 0.00 3.98 16.50 6.98 4.26 24.60 16.46 0.010 228 3844648 164,699 3.49 3.20 6.40 16.50 6.19 6.77 15.94 16.50 0.057 229 3844651 15,068 4.48 0.00 4.46 16.50 5.38 4.98 8.04 16.50 0.005 230 3844652 98,931 1.09 1.09 0.o0 16.50 7.10 4.40 18.65 16.50 0.034 231 3844720 41,958 6.79 10.57 5.71 16.50 5.75 3.96 11.01 16.66 0.015 232 3844724 578,341 1.61 3.49 1.40 16.50 8.10 4.46 17.81 16.51 0.200 233 3844725 2,848,825 2.29 2.14 2.36 16.50 9.72 4.34 17.40 16.47 0.986 234 3844735 173.186 1.18 1.18 O.00 16.50 6.04 4.39 21.97 16.50 0.060 OBS OESCRiPTION 209 Women's coats and jackets, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 210 Infants' shorts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 211 Women's cotton knit dresses, not ornamented 212 Women's, girls', or infants' playsuits, sunsuits, washsuits, and similar apparel, knit, of cotton, not ornamented 213 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit skirts, not ornamented 214 Cotton knit skirts, not ornamented, for women and girls 215 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton coats, not knit, valued $4 or less, not ornamented 216 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 217 Wtomen's coats, valued over $4 each, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 218 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton pajamas, not knit, not ornamented, valued over $1.50 per suit 219 Women's cotton poplin and broadcloth blouses, not knit, not ornamented 220 Girls' or infants' poplin and broadcloth blouses, cotton, not knit, not ornamented 221 Women's cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 222 Women's cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in tne warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 223 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 224 Girls' or infants' other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 225 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 226 Male infants' cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 227 Women's cotton denim trousers and slaCks, not knit, not ornamented 228 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, denim, including brushed denim, not knit, of cotton, not ornamen 229 Trousers and slacks of cotton denim (including brushed denim) not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 m 230 Trousers and slacks of cotton denim (including brushed denim) not ornamented, for girls 231 Infants' shorts, boys over 24 months of age, not Knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 232 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamented, for women and girls 233 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 234 Women's cotton corduroy trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 139 - APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA -OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ,OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 235 3844740 77,606 4.75 4.75 0.00 16.50 5.59 4.69 17.17 16.50 0.027 236 3844745 13,634 7.22 0.00 7.22 16.50 5.14 4.61 10.61 16.50 0.005 237 3844765 1,389,576 3.23 3.29 3.19 16.50 7.70 3.77 17.47 16.48 0.481 238 3844770 132,698 7.42 7.42 0.00 16.50 7.09 3.90 14.48 16.54 0.046 239 3844774 19,332 3.23 3.23 0.00 16.50 6.79 4.61 12.93 16.50 0.007 240 3844776 90,018 1.86 1.80 2.46 16.50 7.55 3.82 16.61 16.49 0.031 241 3844782 701,480 4.03 2.96 4.69 16.50 9.88 4.58 15.03 16.42 0.243 242 3844786 1,348,961 3.26 3.31 3.05 16.50 13.04 4.57 17.71 16.44 0.467 243 3844787 142,854 2.81 0.00 2.81 16.50 8.81 6.79 8.88 16.49 0.049 244 3844925 64,712 2.38 0.00 2.38 12.80 10.88 4.30 13.16 12.91 0.022 245 3845120 52,530 4.17 0.00 4.17 9.40 9.32 4.98 21.74 9.69 0.018 246 3845130 21,092 27.04 0.00 27.04 9.40 10.54 4.53 15.46 9.79 0.007 247 3845221 23,501 2.21 0.00 2.21 9.40 6.04 5.29 17.06 9.40 0.008 248 3845226 21,448 1.44 0.00 1.44 9.40 6.58 5.06 14.65 9.57 0.007 249 3845227 50,345 4.43 0.00 4.43 9.80 10.96 4.42 14.71 9.78 0.017 250 3845234 70,659 1.68 0.00 1.68 9.40 8.17 4.93 16.22 9.80 0.024 251 3845237 96,206 3.88 2.69 6.14 9.40 7.50 3.88 16.41 9.86 0.033 252 3845251 224,541 3.86 0.00 3.86 9.47 11.26 4.75 16.04 9.82 0.078 253 3845299 91,215 1.46 1.46 0.00 9.40 7.33 5.03 14.88 9.61 0.032 254 3845930 12,511 0.01 0.00 0.00 37.18 15.63 7.03 31.65 26.15 0.004 255 3846330 101,464 3.98 2.45 6.06 17.95 6.61 3.34 8.47 17.74 0.035 256 3846340 167,555 3.48 3.26 5.68 17.95 7.40 3.29 9.09 17.69 0.058 257 3846371 700,500 3.81 3.12 4.40 18.05 7.26 3.63 10.17 17.87 0.242 258 3846385 34,170 3.40 3.57 3.30 18.00 7.05 3.77 7.75 17.77 0.012 259 3847215 71,105 1.03 0.00 1.03 21.97 4.83 3.80 6.00 21.77 0.025 260 3847220 316,050 2.19 2,19 0.00 24.49 7.58 4.85 9.20 22.97 0.109 OBS DESCRIPTION 235 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, corduroy, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 236 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, corduroy, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 237 Women's other cotton trousers and slacks, not knit, not ornamented 238 Infants' trousers and slacks, boys over 24 months of age, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 239 Cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 240 Cotton trousers and slacks nspf, not knit, not ornamented, for infants (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) 241 Women, girls', or infants' other cotton shirts, not knit, not ornamented 242 Women's or girls' garments, nspf 243 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton wearing apparel, not knit, not ornamented 244 Women's, girls', or infants' other cotton dresses, not knit, not ornamented 245 Women's denim skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 246 Women's velveteen skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 247 Women's, girls', or infants' nightwear, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 248 Women's, girls', or infants' nigntwear, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 249 Women's coverall, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel, whether or not known as playsuits, not knit, of cotton, not or 250 Women's, girls', and infants coveralls, playsuits and similar apparel, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspt 251 Women's, girls', or infants' divided skirts and culottes, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 252 Women's skirts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 253 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparel, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 254 Women's, girls .-or infants' wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued S5 or less per lb 255 Women's, girls', or infants' wool knit dresses valued over S5 per pound, not ornamented 256 Women's, girls', or infants' wool knit skirts valued over S5 per pound, not ornamented 257 Women's other wool knit sweaters, not ornamented, valued over $5/(D 258 Women's, girls', or infants' wool knit trousers, slacks, and shorts valued over S5 per pound, not ornamented 259 Women's, girls', or infants' wool suit-type coats and jackets, not ornamented, valued over S4 per pound 260 Women's, girls', or infants' wool coats nspf, not ornamented, valued over 14 per pound - 140 APPENDIX TABLE II (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA "OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA O8S TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 261 3847544 118,561 0.99 0.00 0.99 18.05 5.33 4.96 5.72 20.74 0.041 262 3848045 14,976 5.81 5.84 5.03 35.12 7.48 4.99 23.84 35.14 0.005 263 3848073 553,339 7.24 5.62 10.18 35.35 8.66 5.07 22.66 34.83 0.191 264 3848131 33,045 2.69 2.69 0.00 36.78 7.66 5.62 26.11 35.20 0.011 265 3848206 24,337 3.83 3.83 0.00 31.23 11.06 7.65 28.42 31.24 0.008 266 3848207 154,899 4.11 3.43 6.17 30.96 7.29 5.65 27.89 31.12 0.054 267 3848210 57,682 2.56 2.56 0.00 31.56 8.48 6.91 28.09 31.49 0.020 268 3848225 13,694 2.55 0.00 2.55 30.81 7.17 3.97 8.70 30.55 0.005 269 3848242 29,310 3.08 3.08 0.00 31.06 9.19 6.88 35.77 30.77 0.010 270 3848243 33,647 2.76 2.76 0.00 30.61 8.38 6.61 23.34 31.32 0.012 271 3848244 144,506 3.61 3.15 5.73 30.80 6.55 5.09 26.76 31.13 0.050 272 3848620 442,136 7.29 4.94 14.38 23.47 11.13 5.42 22.40 22.63 0.153 273 3848640 3,908,218 1.51 1.52 1.30 22.56 5.62 6.18 5.33 18.20 1.352 274 3848651 12,760 11.07 0.00 11.07 22.43 8.81 7.69 16.88 21.69 0.004 275 3848654 31,952 4.74 2.58 6.31 23.55 11.34 9.34 17.95 22.98 0.011 276 3848660 75,376 3.37 4.39 0.00 22.39 10.84 4.43 17.91 22.39 0.026 277 3849000 513,482 2.06 0.00 2.06 29.78 5.68 4.15 16.84 30.81 0,178 278 3849110 88,946 5.83 5.83 0.00 29.01 11.33 4.44 15.92 29.25 0.031 279 3849115 1,476,343 3.94 2.98 4.65 29.02 9.02 4.56 13.49 28.88 0.511 280 3849127 27,218 2.61 0.00 2.61 28.85 8.54 8.07 13.18 29.61 0.009 281 3849129 41,898 5.34 5.71 1.18 28.90 9.74 5.56 13.01 29.04 0.014 282 3849135 21,013 1.17 0.00 1.17 29;00 7.15 6.31 14.43 30.02 0.007 283 3849140 15,701 1.24 0.00 1.24 29.18 9.96 8.49 17.26 30.55 0.005 284 3849152 129,641 3.28 0.00 3.28 29.44 10.09 8.00 18.10 30.27 0.045 285 3849162 182,771 1.89 2.87 1.83 29.08 5.13 4.69 6.40 29.45 0.063 286 3849169 190,172 3.37 8.63 3.06 31.55 6.50 4.76 19.58 30.54 0.066 08S DESCRIPTION 261 Women's, girls', or infants suits, jacket lower garments of same fabric, valued over S4 per lb, not knit, of wool, not orn 262 Women's other knit shirts of man-made fibers, not ornamented 263 Women's and girls' knit sweaters of man-made fibers, not ornamented 264 Women's and girls' sweatshirts, of man-made fibers, knit, not ornamented 265 Infants' jogging, warm-up and similar athletic jackets, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 266 Women's and girls' jogging, warm-up and similar athletic jackets, knit of man-made fibers, not ornamented 267 Women's, girls', or infants' knit jogging, warm-up, and similar type athletic jackets of man-made fibers, not ornamented 268 Women's knit suits of man-made fibers, not ornamented 269 Infants' (excluding infant boys over 24 months of age) jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers + slacks, knit, man 270 Women's, girls', or infants' jogging, warm up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, knit, of man-made fibers, not orn 271 Women's and girls' jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamenteo 272 Women's knit dresses of man-made fibers, not ornamented 273 Women's, girls', or infants' knit pantyhose of man-made fibers, not ornamented 274 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, with each component of knit construction, knit, of man-made fibers, 9 275 Infants' sets, up to and including 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 276 Women's knit skirts and culottes of man-made fibers, not ornamented 277 Women's trousers and slacks of man-made fibers, not knit or ornamented 278 Women's blouses and shirts w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamentee 279 Women's other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 280 Infants' blouses end shirts, boys over 24 months of age, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 281 Infants' blouses and shirts, not knit, of men-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 282 Women's raincoats 3/4-length or longer of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 283 Women's other coats 3/4 length or longer of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 284 Women's coats nspf, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 285 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and lower component of same fabric, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamente 266 Women's, girls', or infants' snorts, not Knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 141 - APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMA I CA "OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 287 3849176 183,780 2.41 0.00 2.41 30.34 8.79 4.00 17.45 30.08 0.064 288 3849310 68,326 4.01 0.00 4.01 21.43 10.01 4.63 12.45 19.10 0.024 289 3849320 18,773 12.12 0.00 12.12 21.67 8.96 2.77 12.09 18.93 0.006 290 3849425 430,991 4.32 0.00 4.32 19.89 10.16 4.25 11.83 19.40 0.149 291 3849435 158,161 2.46 2.48 2.42 19.61 6.34 3.71 16.84 19.64 0.055 292 3849440 83,779 3.68 0.00 3.68 19.62 7.29 3.85 14.06 19.42 0.029 293 3849445 173,131 2.84 0.00 2.84 21.14 10.00 4.23 14.71 19.51 0.060 294 3849478 139,160 4.36 0.00 4.36 20.43 15.07 7.74 23.06 19.87 0.048 295 3849497 89,654 5.59 7.47 5.45 19.49 9.37 6.52 16.01 19.57 0.031 296 3849992 15,120 3.00 0.00 3.00 10.20 7.43 3.38 7.73 10.20 0.005 297 3854500 23,000 31.74 31.74 0.00 0.00 21.29 21.62 5.76 0.00 0.008 298 3857040 47,024 14.08 0.00 14.08 8.50 8.15 5.19 11.13 8.65 0.016 299 3896270 61,000 10.28 0.00 10.28 10.48 8.74 7.21 15.38 10.37 0.021 300 4084800 76,896 5.93 5.93 0.00 0.00 8.46 6.75 43.84 6.44 0.027 301 4093080 58,380 4.35 4.35 0.00 0.00 8.11 7.97 27.64 5.88 0.020 302 4107200 25,920 1.49 1.49 0.00 0.00 6.13 6.13 14.79 8.61 0.009 303 4127000 17,537 2.86 2.86 0.00 6.90 3.64 4.05 3.62 6.90 0.006 304 4171220 229,228 17.89 17.89 0.00 0.00 15.03 15.07 21.16 0.00 0.079 305 4171240 20140999 2.53 2.53 0.00 0.00 7.95 7.90 16.07 0.00 6.970 306 4171600 93,738 31.60 31.60 0.00 0.02 37.41 37.66 0.00 0.22 0.032 307 4278800 20687590 4.24 4.24 0.00 0.00 15.62 15.54 13.77 2.81 7.159 308 4283600 49,275 0.91 0.91 0.00 0.00 7.56 7.56 0.00 0.13 0.017 309 4350500 123,502 14.23 14.23 0.00 0.00 21.04 22.71 9.37 0.00 0.043 310 4391090 156,144 13.53 13.53 0.00 0.00 9.75 9.79 6.68 0.00 0.054 311 4501000 10,475 8.31 8.31 0.00 0.00 7.14 6.43 7.63 4.31 0.004 312 4502040 19,674 5.61 5.61 0.00 0.00 6.17 5.62 6.99 5.02 0.007 O8S DESCRIPTION 287 Infants' trousers and slacks, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 288 Women's coveralls, overalls, jumpsuits, and similar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 289 Women's dresses w/2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 290 Women's other dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 291 Women's, girls', or infants' dressing gowns, bath and beach robes, and similar apparel of man-made fibers, not knit, not o 292 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 293 Women's skirts of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 294 Women's, girls', or infants' wearing apparels, not knit, of man-made fibers nspf 295 Women's, giris' or infants' wearing apparel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 296 Women's or girls' apparel, nspf 297 Bags, sacks, etc of vegetable fibers, except cotton, not bleached, not colored, not nonflammable 298 Tassels, and cords and tassels, of textile fibers, except cotton 299 Articles nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 300 Paints and enamel paints 301 Products used as detergents,wetting agents,emulsifiers,dispersants,or foaming agents,nes 302 Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirinl,suitable for drug use 303 Products suitable for drug use,nes,nspf 304 Aluminum hydroxide 305 Aluminum oxide (alumina) or alumina 306 Aluminum sulfate 307 Ethyl alcohol for nonbeverage purposes 308 Glycerine crude 309 Specified drugs such as aloes, jalap, mate, aconite, cocculus indicus, crude 310 Natural crude drugs, except those in tsus 439.1010-.1070 311 Flavoring extracts and materials, not containing alcohol, in ampoules or similar forms 312 Flavoring extracts, essences, etc., not containing alcohol, not including oleoresins - 142 - APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITEO STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA ,OTHERS SHARE iN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 313 4528042 418,667 4.89 3.47 11.88 0.06 3.15 2.75 3.74 0.40 0.145 314 4611500 11,800 5.36 5.36 0.00 0.00 3.29 3.11 11.60 3.89 0.004 315 4612000 11,928 3.96 3.96 0.00 0.00 7.79 10.95 1.46 0.35 0.004 316 4613500 40,654 12.08 8.72 13.10 0.00 3.83 2.86 5.39 5.31 0.014 317 4614010 17,453 1.49 1.49 0.00 0.00 4.21 3.30 9.02 5.12 0.006 318 4614020 23,110 2.86 2.86 0.00 5.20 5.92 5.62 21.60 4.04 0.008 319 4614035 53,228 7.49 7.49 0.00 0.70 4.77 4.45 6.45 4.36 0.018 320 4660500 77,175 4.61 4.61 0.00 0.00 31.35 31.50 10.33 0.09 0.027 321 4661500 44,846 5.34 5.34 0.00 0.66 8.82 8.43 28.91 1.69 0.016 322 4662500 81,414 5.34 5.34 0.00 0.00 14.27 12.58 40.69 2.16 0.028 323 4742620 16,496 6.30 5.63 10.93 0.15 6.27 4.57 23.25 1.81 0.006 324 4750535 14860951 6.44 6.44 0.00 0.36 9.74 9.75 0.00 0.42 5.143 325 4754500 170,586 12.16 12.16 0.00 0.67 10.42 10.23 42.97 2.40 0.059 326 4942200 39,313 2.33 2.33 0.00 0.00 16.82 16.77 70.54 0.00 0.014 327 5122100 135,471 64.35 64.35 0.00 0.00 28.92 28.98 0.00 0.00 0.047 328 5133500 465,542 80.94 80.94 0.00 0.00 91.87 91.87 0.00 0.00 0.161 329 5141100 332,696 88.16 88.16 0.00 0.00 25.50 26.41 5.94 0.00 0.115 330 5349400 27,730 0.77 0.00 0.77 10.70 6.40 5.96 9.20 10.11 0.010 331 5452515 207,568 30.98 30.98 0.00 0.00 21.40 20.93 112.50 0.05 0.072 332 6010600 77862545 13.11 13.11 0.00 0.00 28.65 28.66 4.78 0.00 26.944 333 6036510 19,507 30.90 30.90 0.00 0.00 7.53 7.53 0.00 0.00 0.007 334 6052020 2,721,000 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.20 0.00 0.942 335 6057020 28,000 1.07 0.00 1.07 0.00 0.25 6.14 0.21 0.00 0.010 336 6060900 112,859 15.68 15.68 0.00 0.00 20.02 26.55 9.89 0.00 0.039 337 6081310 156,218 7.54 7.54 0.00 0.00 7.84 7.78 30.26 7.08 0.054 338 6121020 106,489 8.54 8.54 0.00 0.09 8.30 8.61 46.40 0.02 0.037 OBS DESCRIPTION 313 Oils, distilled or essentially including terpeneiess oils, not including cedarwood, citrus, nutmeg, onion, garlic, pine, s 314 Bay rum or bay water 315 Floral or flower waters 316 Perfumes, colognes, and toilet water, containing alcohol 317 Shaving preparations,etc,not containing alcohol 318 Dentifrices,mouthwashes,etc,not containing alcohol 319 Deodorants,personal,not containing alcohol 320 Castile soap 321 Toilet soap, over 20 cents per pound 322 Soap and soap powder other than those in tsus 466.05-466.20 323 Printing and lithographic inks 324 Fuel oil under 25 degrees api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit of more than 125 seconds 325 Lubricating oils derived from petroleum, shale oil, or both, with or without additives 326 Paraffin and other petroleum waxes 327 Plaster rock or gypsum, not ground or calcined 328 Limestone chips and spalls, crushed or ground for cement manufacturing 329 Limestone, crude, not suitable for monument, paving or building stone 330 Smokers' articles, househoid articles, and art and ornamental articles, nspf, of nonbone chinaware or subporcelain 331 Glass containers nspf, except ampoules, nolding over 1/4 pint but under 1 pint 332 Bauxite 333 Vanadium bearing materials, not advanced in value or condition, not over 2 percent copper, lead, or zinc 334 Gold bullion 335 Gold sweepings and waste and scrap 336 Iron or steel waste and scrap nspf, not containing chromium, molybdenum, tungsten, or vanadium in amounts specified(see ne 337 Zinc coated or plated, painted or varnished sheets, other than alloy Ir on or steel, valued over 10 cents per pouna 338 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed ,143 - APPENDiX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA "OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 339 6121040 46,335 9.19 9.19 0.00 0.03 8.72 8.75 11.45 0.04 0.016 340 6121060 33,405 8.30 8.30 0.00 0.10 16.17 16.77 0.00 0.09 0.012 34T 6127260 12,974 7.73 7.73 0.00 0.00 5.81 5.45 21.24 1.18 0.004 342 6181000 486,632 7.09 7.09 0.00 0.41 8.35 8.36 2.28 0.67 0.168 343 6181700 40,830 4.84 4.84 0.00 0.00 6.56 6.35 18.40 1.69 0.014 344 6221000 22,694 64.70 64.70 0.00 0.00 5.99 6.05 0.00 0.00 0.008 345 6403050 146,625 27.87 27.87 0.00 0.09 11.94 12.37 11.75 0.44 0.051 346 6507500 106,319 1.49 1.49 0.00 0.00 3.74 3.18 4.03 5.71 0.037 347 6531500 16,687 8.05 8.05 0.00 0.00 7.70 7.19 8.55 0.52 0.006 348 6532210 50,000 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.60 9.36 0.60 0.00 0.017 349 6574080 43,698 9.62 9.82 5.49 0.00 7.32 6.03 12.18 4.12 0.015 350 6576000 21.939 8.48 8.48 0.00 0.00 10.60 10.64 12.07 1.85 0.008 351 6661040 13,090 43.89 43.08 45.60 0.00 5.77 4.97 38.42 3.82 0.005 352 6662000 44,501 14.24 14.24 0.00 0.00 5.68 5.45 7.88 0.00 0.015 353 6721400 18,117 4.32 2.84 8.57 2.80 2.84 2.21 6.68 2.79 0.006 354 6761530 16,500 2.27 0.00 2.27 4.10 2.80 1.30 4.47 3.32 0.006 355 6763090 30,830 0.76 0.00 0.76 3.28 3.83 2.83 6.21 3.75 0.011 356 6765235 14,736 1.02 0.00 1.02 4.30 3.21 1.79 3.74 4.27 0.005 357 6765421 18,926 2.57 0.00 2.57 0.00 2.39 0.99 2.74 0.00 0.007 358 6765435 39,735 2.70 0.00 2.70 0.00 2.74 1.77 2.96 0.00 0.014 359 6765455 22,118 1.91 0.00 1.91 0.00 2.91 2.03 3.10 0.00 0.008 360 6853277 10,572 4.60 0.00 4.60 6.01 3.12 2.07 3.37 5.57 0.004 361 6859038 645,304 1.92 2.74 1.69 0.04 3.79 2.55 4.69 4.63 0.223 362 6859058 127,619 1.47 0.00 1.47 5.83 3.96 0.98 4.18 5.01 0.044 363 6859080 140.419 12.42 13.22 12.36 0.30 4.16 2.61 5.60 5.07 0.049 364 6884280 430.942 1.76 1.20 1.88 0.00 4.04 3.93 4.22 3.52 0.149 OBS DESCRIPTION 339 Brass waste and scrap 340 Copper waste and scrap alloyed nes 341 Copper wire not coated or plated with metal nes 342 Aluminum waste and scrap 343 Wrought aluminum angles, shapes and sections 344 Tin waste and scrap 345 Containers used in packing, transporting or marketing of goods, other than of stainless steel, aluminum with capacity not 346 Safety razor blades 347 Wire, rods, plates, etc., coated with flux, used for welding, etc., not elsewhere specified 348 Gold coins 349 Aluminum articles excluding tripods and ladders, not coated or plated with precious metal, nspf 350 Tin articles, not specifically provided for, not coated or plated with precious metal 351 Parts for lawn mowers nspf 352 Machinery for use in manufacture of sugar and parts 353 Industrial or commercial sewing machines,not for footwear use,valued over $10 each 354 Accounting and data processing machines 355 Office machines, nspf 356 Parts nspf of computers and automatic data-processing machines and units thereof 357 Hard magnetic disc drives of automatic data-processing machines 358 Parts of automatic data-processing nspf 359 Parts of automatic data-processing machines, nspf 360 Radio combinations 361 Electrical switches, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 362 Printed circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 363 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 364 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf - 144 _ APPENDIX TABLE 11 (Continued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAiCA ,OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 365 6946200 18,946 0.98 0.00 0.98 0.00 2.02 2.31 1.96 0.00 0.007 366 7021400 18,824 8.77 0.00 8.77 9.50 11.31 9.59 13.51 8.34 0.007 367 7044506 738,307 1.64 1.64 0.00 25.00 6.06 5.11 8.79 25.00 0.255 368 7060500 1,180,184 4.48 1.62 8.76 8.00 5.07 3.00 5.89 7.98 0.408 369 7091770 27,788 5.33 0.00 5.33 4.40 2.69 1.82 3.32 4.33 0.010 370 7241035 13,212 74.87 0.00 88.65 0.00 2.00 1.33 2.02 0.01 0.005 371 7242520 395,162 8.38 1.75 8.77 0.04 7.99 3.16 9.11 0.56 0.137 372 7242540 44,093 7.36 0.00 7.62 0.00 7.03 3.85 7.58 0.67 0.015 373 7244020 36,053 6.54 0.00 6.54 0.01 5.69 3.30 9.55 0.59 0.012 374 7271100 101,016 8.91 8.91 0.00 0.00 24.11 23.97 71.73 2.38 0.035 375 7271400 86,791 7.65 7.52 32.95 0.00 26.03 26.28 15.78 3.60 0.030 376 7272900 40,590 20.03 18.53 27.82 0.54 11.35 11.26 24.57 3.81 0.014 377 7273530 11,901 13.15 9.90 24.86 0.60 10.13 10.08 24.39 2.55 0.004 378 7273535 51,352 19.47 20.31 14.56 0.06 9.87 9.76 21.93 2.44 0.018 379 7273545 281,051 7.43 6.90 25.44 1.75 11.03 11.07 25.97 2.38 0.097 380 7273550 28,710 9.97 8.57 26.82 0.78 12.54 12.61 33.79 2.77 0.010 381 7273555 147,175 10.35 9.98 22.64 0.28 11.55 11.44 31.30 2.52 0.051 382 7273590 66,067 9.93 9.73 54.30 0.00 11.08 10.76 26.28 2.56 0.023 383 7277100 38,700 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 4.55 1.98 5.86 0.00 0.013 384 7345615 1,398,531 1.36 1.36 0.00 3.75 2.92 2.33 16.09 2.09 0.484 385 7348600 207,077 1.62 0.00 1.62 4.50 4.45 1.76 6.61 3.71 0.072 386 7370700 67,262 12.20 12.20 0.00 0.00 5.77 5.33 7.43 4.20 0.023 387 7372100 14,193 5.80 0.00 5.80 9.20 9.02 6.43 34.57 7.87 0.005 388 7375500 21,778 11.68 11.68 0.00 0.00 5.43 5.04 17.86 5.02 0.008 389 7379565 30,220 8.62 8.62 0.00 0.00 10.65 9.35 34.63 6.84 0.010 390 7401400 101,944 3.83 0.00 3.83 0.00 0.97 1.40 0.96 6.07 0.035 0BS DESCRIPTION 365 Aircraft and spacecraft parts,nec,certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3 in tsus) 366 Headwear, not knit of flax, and not hand-loomed or folklore headwear 367 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing lisle type fabric, without fourchettes or sidewalls 368 Flat goods, such as billfolds, key cases, and similar articles, of leather other than reptile 369 Electro-medical apparatus,nes 370 Motion-picture feature films, 35mm and over, nspf 371 Phonograph records,stereo and quadraphonic, 33-1/3 rpm 372 Phonograph records nspf 373 Cassette sound recordings nspf 374 Furniture of unspun fibrous rattan materials and parts thereof,nspf 375 Furniture and parts, nspf, of unspun fibrous vegetable materiats, except of rattan and burl 376 Non-folding chairs of wood other than teak 377 Dining tables, wood 378 Tables nspf, wood 379 Beds and headboards, wood 380 Bedroom furniture nspt, wood 381 Wall systems, book cases, shelf units, credenzas, buffets, servers, china closets and other cabinets, wood 382 Wood furniture nspf, other than chairs 383 Furniture, not leather, if certified tor use in civil aircraft 384 Softballs 385 Lawn-tennis rackets, not strung 386 Models of rail locomotives, vechiles, and stock; highway vehicles, ships, airplanes, spacecraft, etc; made to scale of I t 387 Doll clothing imported separately 388 Toy alphabet blocks; and toy building blocks, bricks, and shapes 389 Toys and other than rubber or plastic 390 Jewelry and other oojects of personal adornment,nes,of precious metals _ 145 , APPENDIX TABLE 11 IContinued) JAMAICA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 JAMAICA ,OTHERS SHARE IN U.S. JAMAICA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF 'OTHERS" NOMINAL FREiGHT RATE TARIFF JAMAICA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 391 7401500 79,713 0.95 0.00 0.95 0.00 1.06 3.81 1.06 4.71 0.028 392 7403800 11,689 5.80 0.00 5.80 0.00 10.65 5.22 12.92 7.50 0.004 393 7407000 250,622 2.19 2.17 2.47 0.00 1.18 4.40 0.80 2.71 0.087 394 7552500 302,836 10.65 10.65 0.00 0.00 13.18 11.68 70.40 4.77 0.105 395 7650300 13,594 3.05 0.00 3.05 0.00 0.89 4.27 0.85 0.00 0.005 396 7700510 136,828 7.66 7.66 0.00 0.00 10.38 8.56 26.63 2.18 0.047 397 7700580 201,601 7.70 7.70 0.00 1.28 5.76 5.35 12.40 3.67 0.070 398 7700700 18,230 8.23 8.23 0.00 5.20 7.68 7.29 10.86 3.65 0.006 399 7720900 103,496 25.17 25.t7 0.00 0.00 12.74 11.46 33.06 4.20 0.036 400 8000035 3,201,991 5.19 5.81 3.47 0.00 2.53 4.64 1.97 0.00 1.108 401 8062040 38,480 13.88 0.00 13.88 0.00 5.09 6.45 5.76 0.00 0.013 402 9999500 1,070,321 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.370 OBS DESCRIPTION 391 Jewelry and other objects of personal adornment,nes 392 Jewelry and parts over 20 cents a dozen 393 Chains etc, of precious metals, for use in jewelry 394 Candles and tapers 395 Paintings, pastels, drawings and sketchings, executed wholly by hand, original or not 396 High pressure paper plates or sheets reinforced decorative laminated plastic 397 Plates or sheets nspf, of laminated plastics 398 Laminated plastics, products except plates and sheets 399 Trays of rubber or plastics 400 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 401 Articles exported for repairs or alterations and returned, nes--dutiable value 402 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 146 e APPENDIX TABLE 12 ST. KITTS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS To THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. KITTS "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ST KITTS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. KITTS 0cs TSUSA IW4'ORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1009520 69,495 5.51 0.00 5.51 0.00 21.97 0.00 22.14 0.01 0.313 2 1103570 47,130 11.94 0.00 11.94 0.00 20.37 12.85 20.73 0.17 0.212 3 1144595 15,750 4.60 0.00 4.50 0.00 6.85 5.92 13.92 0.00 0.071 4 1552045 3,810,647 4.52 7.18 0.00 0.00 6.79 6.99 0.00 0.00 17.142 5 1554000 413,824 28.07 28.07 0.00 0.00 24.78 24.78 0.00 0.05 1.862 6 1601020 81,802 0.79 0.79 0.00 0.00 3.67 3.66 6.75 0.00 0.368 7 3658970 31,098 8.03 8.03 0.00 14.20 4.61 3.70 15.21 12.78 0.140 8 3762430 511,106 2.78 0.00 2.80 32.00 3.43 2.57 4.22 31.99 2.299 9 3762470 109,127 1.43 0.00 1.47 32.00 5.53 3.10 8.11 31.96 0.491 10 3762830 1,017,269 2.83 0.00 2.87 18.00 3.99 2.64 5.92 18.00 4.576 11 3762866 98,319 0.37 0.00 0.37 18.00 12.56 3.05 13.78 17.89 0.442 12 3762876 265,019 0.79 0.00 0.79 18.00 3.21 3.19 3.34 17.79 1.192 13 3762886 812,113 2.87 0.00 2.87 18.00 3.51 3.05 3.89 17.83 3.653 14 3762898 34,197 0.97 0.00 0.97 18.00 4.24 3.12 5.22 18.00 0.154 15 3780550 61,469 2.37 0.00 2.40 28.30 4.73 3.35 5.21 28.31 0.277 16 3780553 482,718 1.91 0.00 1.94 28.43 5.49 3.89 7.12 28.73 2.172 17 3781535 12,884 1.74 0.00 1.74 8.50 5.76 3.84 14.83 8.02 0.058 18 3781540 12,022 4.67 0.00 4.67 8.49 5.99 3.17 11.35 8.44 0.054 19 3786030 1,042,159 2.38 0.00 2.38 23.87 6.51 5.59 9.00 24.70 4.688 20 3813320 76,201 7.97 7.97 0.00 28.30 4.28 4.87 2.71 28.78 0.343 21 3819210 14,519 13.52 13.52 0.00 23.84 3.83 2.54 11.85 23.47 0.065 22 3841580 37,460 16.00 16.00 0.00 29.90 5.03 3.04 5.60 27.79 0.169 23 3841815 148,836 1.83 0.00 1.83 36.45 7.43 5.52 8.09 36.44 0.670 24 3842224 25,667 10.01 6.52 14,04 28.30 6.99 5.92 8.75 28.67 0.115 25 3842305 14,589 4.98 4.22 10.06 32.09 9.31 3.52 13.56 32.39 0.066 26 3842329 23,711 8.73 8.73 0.00 34.20 4.29 3.40 7.06 32.44 0.107 O3S DESCRIPTION I Monkeys and other primates, live 2 Fish nes, whole or Partiaily processed, fresh or Chilled 3 Shellfish nspf, fresh, chilled or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 4 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 5 Sugars, sirups, molasses, and mixtures from sugar cane or beets w/soluble non-sugar solids, not for sugar extraction or hu 6 Coffee, crude 7 Man-made fiber tablecloths and napkins, made on a lace, net, or knitting machine, whether or not ornamented 8 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 9 Body-supporting garments,except brassieres,of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 10 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 11 Cotton body-supporting garments,except brassieres,not ornamented 12 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., of man-made fibers 13 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented 14 Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., containing less than 70 percent by weight of sitk 15 Women's, girls' and infants' cotton lace, net, or knit underwear, ornamented 16 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 17 Women's, girls', and infants' knit briefs, drawers, and undershorts of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, val 18 Women's, girls', and infants' knit underwear other than briefs, etc., of vegetable fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented, v 19 Wom1en's, girls', and infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 20 Men's or boys' pajamas and other nightwear, not knit, man-made fibers, ornamented 21 Men's or boys' knit pajamas and other nightwear, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 22 Women's, girls', or infants' coats nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of wool, not knit 23 Women's, girls' or infants' knit body suits and body shirts of mant-made fibers, ornamented, lace or net 24 Women's, girls', or infants' pajamas and other nightwear nspf, knit, of man-made fibers, lace, net, or ornamented 25 Women's blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 26 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, identical fabric, jacket with single back panel, lace, net or ornamented, man-mad -147 - APPENDIX TABLE 12 (Continued) ST. KITTS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. KITTS 'OTHERS", SHARE IN U.S. ST KITTS NOMiNAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. KITTS Oes TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3842333 26,929 5.37 5.37 0.00 32.96 7.20 4.29 10.39 32.44 0.121 28 3842337 29,714 2.69 2.69 0.00 32.10 7.53 3.77 9.71 32.61 0,134 29 3844725 31,936 7.62 0.00 7.62 16.50 9.49 4.30 16.67 16.48 0.144 30 3847215 255,187 3.02 2.68 3.51 23.27 4.84 3.81 6.00 21.76 1.148 31 3847220 42,026 11.11 11.11 0.00 23.58 7.56 4.80 9.20 22.98 0.189 32 3847522 52,779 6.67 7.10 4.18 18.42 6.24 3.95 7.34 17.97 0.237 33 3847536 923,345 5.97 6.22 5.59 18.33 4.01 2.86 5.17 18.06 4.154 34 3847544 61,574 8.03 8.03 0.00 19.21 5.28 4.93 5.65 20.73 0.277 35 3848300 21,252 1.76 0.00 1.76 30.57 5.40 3.27 7.71 28.11 0.096 36 3848632 311,729 8.39 8.39 0.00 23.10 9.88 6.51 27.61 23.25 1.402 37 3849115 21,493 26.05 29.43 6.93 31.26 9.00 4.56 13.45 28.88 0.097 38 3849143 34,903 4.30 4.30 0.00 29.97 7.27 5.09 12.04 29.51 0.157 39 3849146 15,689 7.58 7.58 0.00 29.89 7.09 5.01 15.25 29.88 0.071 40 3849152 12,991 4.14 4.14 0.00 30.51 10.08 8.00 18.02 30.27 0.058 41 3849158 878,848 3.57 3.49 6.29 29.50 7.96 6.56 16.18 29.42 3,954 42 3849162 458,799 4.11 4.01 5.60 30.03 5.13 4.70 6.33 29.44 2.064 43 3849169 21,885 0.68 0.00 0.68 28.42 6.49 4.76 19.26 30.55 0.098 44 3849445 31,779 10.09 10.86 3.49 19.47 9.99 4.22 14.69 19.51 0.143 45 6763073 66,246 4.78 4.78 0.00 3.90 3.69 1.84 7.23 3.89 0.298 46 6765435 26,292 4.53 0.00 4.53 0.00 2.74 1.77 2.96 0.0O 0.118 47 6820520 1,762,005 1.24 0.00 1.24 0.35 6.30 3.21 9.74 3.45 7.926 48 6820710 1,123,453 0.50 0.00 0.50 0.00 5.09 3.27 7.52 1.18 5.054 49 6825500 1,547,220 1.93 0.00 1.93 0.00 5.44 4.07 8.84 6.28 6.960 50 6826052 213,411 0.76 0.00 0.75 0.76 4.95 3.35 5.81 3.05 0.960 51 6826059 43,199 0.76 0.00 0.76 0.21 6.29 5.46 11.78 2.38 0.194 52 6846500 25,805 2.44 0.00 2.44 5.00 3.87 1.54 4.97 4.61 0.116 OBS OESCRIPTION 27 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, with jacket and component of identical fabric, lace, net or ornamented, of manmad 28 Women's, girls', or infants' suits nspf, lace, net, or ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit 29 Women's, girls', or infants' snorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 30 Women's, girls', or infants' wool suit-type coats and jackets, not ornamented, valued over $4 per pound 31 Women's, girls', or infants' wool coats nspf, not ornamented, valued over $4 per pound 32 Women's, girls', or infants' skirts, valued over $4 per pound, not knit, of wool, not ornamented nspf 33 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket with single back panel not knit, of wool, not ornamented nspf 34 Women's, girls', or infants suits, jacket lower garments of same fabric, valued over S4 per lb, not knit, of wool, not orn 35 Women's, girls', or infants' knit swimming suits and other swiawear of man-made fibers, not ornamented, valued $10 or less 36 Women's, girls', or infants' knit blanket sleepers, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 37 Women's other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 38 Women's, girls', or infants' suit-type coats and jackets, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 39 Women's and girls' suit-type coats and jackets, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 40 Women's coats nspf, not knit or ornamented, of man-made fibers 41 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket with one back panel, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 42 Women's, girls', or infants' suits, jacket and lower component of same fabric, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamente 43 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 44 Women's skirts of man-made fibers, not knit, not ornamented 45 Printer units (data-processing macnines), nspf 46 Parts of automatic data-processing nspf 47 Transformers rated at less than 40 va 48 Unrated transformers 49 Parts of electric motors under 1/40 horsepower 50 Coils and inductors 51 Parts of motors (other than commutators and parts of motors under 1/40 hp) 52 Switching apparatus and parts tnereof - 148 - APPENDIX TABLE 12 (Continued) ST. KITTS TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. KITTS "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ST KITTS NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. KITTS D8S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 6850804 50,956 2.54 0.00 2.54 3.90 1.77 1.41 8.13 3.92 0.229 54 6850855 2,279,412 1.49 0.00 1.49 1.55 3.46 1.78 6.22 3.95 10.254 55 6850860 1,437,568 1.24 0.00 1.24 3.35 2.66 1.74 4.98 3.90 6.467 56 6857080 112,507 1.94 0.00 1.94 2.90 4.97 3.14 7.03 1.74 0,506 57 6859038 11,163 0.90 0.00 0.90 0.00 3.79 2.55 4.68 4.62 0.050 58 6859058 129,078 1.11 0.00 1.11 5.70 3.96 0.98 4.18 5.01 0.581 59 6859059 23,769 2.30 0.00 2.30 5.70 4.90 2.48 5.55 4.58 0.107 60 6884280 31,933 2.36 0.00 2.36 0.00 4.04 3.93 4.22 3.52 0.144 61 7031000 283,874 10.62 10.62 0.00 19.81 8.64 6.86 20.80 17.45 1.277 62 8000035 335,605 2.04 3.13 1.68 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 1.510 63 9999500 100,032 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.450 085 DESCRIPTION 53 Television apparatus, converters, various amplifiers and couplers designed for cable television applications 54 Television apparatus parts, nspf 55 Television apparatus and parts nspf 56 Electric signaling devices, nspf 57 Electrical switches, nspf with out an automatic overload or tripping mechanism 58 Printed circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 59 Printed circuit boards, otner than with a plastic impregnated glass base 60 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf 61 Headwear of man-made fibers, not part braid, knit 62 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 63 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 149 , APPENDIX TABLE 13 ST. LUCIA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. LUCIA "OTHERS"P SHARE IN U.S. ST LUCIA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "$OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. LUCIA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1101012 1,103,476 5.39 5.39 0.00 0.00 9.39 9.39 9.01 0.00 9.007 2 1103575 10,290 16.79 0.00 16.79 0.01 12.01 11.89 20.19 0.22 0.084 3 1464000 22,052 100.78 100.78 0.00 0.00 32.64 32.58 68.25 0.00 0.180 4 1561000 72,072 5.11 5.11 0.00 0.00 7.62 7.62 12.95 0.00 0.588 5 2569080 43,691 9.34 0.00 9.34 2.89 8.63 7.71 15.15 3.58 0.357 6 3732230 24,939 0.65 0.00 0.65 9.30 3.42 3.82 3.43 9.30 0.204 7 3762430 1,242,702 2.90 4.84 2.89 32.00 3.43 2.57 4.23 31.99 10.144 8 3762470 48,430 3.90 0.00 3.90 32.00 5.40 3.10 7.76 31.96 0.395 9 3762830 688,511 4.03 4.89 3.90 18.00 3.96 2.64 5.83 18.00 5.620 10 3762886 502,692 3.78 0.00 3.81 17.53 3.42 3.05 3.70 17.87 4.103 11 3762898 59,598 1.78 0.00 1.78 18.00 4.38 3.12 5.77 18.00 0.486 12 3765612 73,213 3.66 0.00 3.66 9.52 6.59 5.49 14.36 9.31 0.598 13 3765623 250,804 3.41 0.00 3.41 9.34 4.73 2.97 8.29 9.23 2.047 14 3765630 247,079 3.35 0.00 3.35 9.30 7.11 6.33 11.16 9.02 2.017 15 3780553 344,062 2.97 0.00 2.95 28.35 5.46 3.89 7.02 28.73 2.808 16 3780576 70,319 5.03 0.00 5.03 29.78 5.44 4.65 5.86 28.75 0.574 17 3786030 90,608 2.16 0.00 2.16 23.80 6.36 5.59 8.16 24.67 0.740 18 3786530 15,466 1.00 0.00 1.00 8.55 6.29 3.54 9.89 8.76 0.126 19 3810530 19,343 2.86 2.86 0.00 23.00 4.85 2.75 9.02 23.47 0.158 20 3815620 45,960 13.43 0.00 13.43 21.00 7.16 4.70 11.89 21.00 0.375 21 3815650 66,097 2.02 2.02 0.00 21.00 7.88 5.30 15.09 20.97 0.540 22 3819400 13,688 2.65 2.65 0.00 28.15 6.56 5.89 22.83 29.47 0.112 23 3819547 127,966 3.54 3.54 0.00 28.14 7.98 7.31 12.59 30.13 1.045 24 3819549 125,866 2.07 1.86 3.77 28.12 8.88 7.14 22.87 29.98 1.027 25 3840205 39,159 3.83 3.13 4.04 23.30 8.89 3.88 16.10 24.06 0.320 26 3840213 26,827 3.47 3.19 7.05 25.30 10.50 3.26 15.72 23.57 0.219 0BS DESCRIPTION 1 Albacore tuna, fresh, chilled, or frozen, whether or not whole, not otherwise prepared or preserved 2 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, frozen 3 Bananas, fresh 4 Cocoa beans 5 Articles of paper or paper board 6 Men's and boys' silk neckties n.s.p.f., not knit, not ornamented, containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk 7 Brassieres of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 8 Body-supporting garments,except brassieres,of man-made fibers,lace,net,or ornamented 9 Brassieres of man-made fibers,not ornamented 10 Body-supporting garments,except bras,of textile materials other than cotton,not ornamented it Body-supporting garments n.s.p.f., containing less than 70 percent by weight of silk 12 Women's,girls',and infants' coats and jackets of textiles other than cotton,for rainwear,hunting,or similar uses,coated wl 13 Women's,girls',infants' trousers,slacks and shorts,nspf,filled or laminated w/ rubber or plastics for rainwear,hunting,fis 14 Garments,nes designed for rainwear,hunting,fishing,etc.,of fabrics coated or filled or laminated w/ rubber or plastics,nsp 15 Women's, girls', and infants' lace, net, or knit underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented 16 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, ornamented, not lace, net, or knit 17 Women's, girls', and Infants' knit underwear of man-made fibers, not lace, net, or ornamented 18 Women's, girls', and infants' underwear of man-made fibers, not knit, not lace, net, or ornamented 19 Men's or boys' cotton shorts, not knit, ornamented 20 Men's other -rton dress shirts, not knit, not ornamented 21 Men's other cotton sport shirts, not knit, not ornamented 22 Men's or boys' woven sport shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 23 Men's or boys' work shirts not ornamented, of man-made fibers, not knit, with two or more colors in the warp and/or the Ii 24 Men's or boys' work shirts not ornamented of man-made fibers, not knit, without two or more colors in the warp and/or the 25 Women's cotton knit tank tops, ornamented, lace or net 26 Women's blouses nspf, other than tank tops, lace, net, or ornamented, of cotton, knit 150 - APPENDIX TABLE 13 (Continued) ST. LUCIA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. LUCIA "OTHERS" SHARE IN U.S. ST LUCIA NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. LUCIA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 3840421 20,325 4.59 0.00 4.59 20.00 9.96 3.00 12.40 19.40 0.166 28 3840434 34,427 2.80 2.80 0.00 20.00 11.11 3.25 15.78 20.59 0.281 29 3840505 68,117 3.44 2.98 7.04 20.97 9.15 3.46 13.91 20.33 0.556 30 3841950 330,435 3.16 3.16 0.00 32.10 11.56 5.85 28.16 32.28 2.697 31 3842305 100,339 5.84 0.00 5.84 32.10 9.31 3.52 13.56 32.39 0.819 32 3842310 10,813 5.10 0.00 5.10 32.10 8.16 4.45 12.23 32.58 0.088 33 3842806 77,756 4.34 3.12 4.55 21.00 11.93 5.08 20.56 20.92 0.635 34 3842815 159,101 6.94 12.58 5.54 21.00 10.73 3.76 16.69 20.96 1.299 35 3842850 17,519 3.08 3.08 0.00 21.00 9.27 4.70 12.19 20.93 0.143 36 3842950 47,401 3.16 0.00 3.16 21.00 8.33 4.18 15.25 20.94 0.387 37 3843028 134,326 4.56 2.87 5.50 17.30 9.59 4.67 12.84 16.97 1.096 38 3843029 35,220 4.40 0.00 4.40 17.30 8.64 3.75 12.93 17.26 0.287 39 3843035 167,994 7.46 3.80 7.70 17.34 10.71 3.45 14.82 17.28 1.371 40 3843444 45,233 4.44 0.00 4.44 10.20 9.53 3.45 12.11 10.11 0.369 41 3844607 17,351 3.60 0.00 3.60 16.50 7.19 5.13 18.44 16.50 0.142 42 3844609 159,042 4.75 3.40 9.41 16.47 9.65 4.20 14.42 16.46 1.298 43 3844611 34,964 2.98 2.98 0.00 16.50 6.05 4.64 9.26 16.45 0.285 44 3844614 294,171 4.50 3.47 4.90 16.50 9.34 4.26 16.45 16.50 2.401 45 3844724 84,042 5.42 5.42 0.00 16.50 7.96 4.45 16.54 16.51 0.686 46 3844725 109,682 5.12 4.87 3.62 16.50 9.49 4.30 16.67 16.48 0.895 47 3844745 31,460 7.07 7.07 0.00 16.50 5.13 4.60 10.52 16.50 0.257 48 3848012 342,421 5.23 3.61 9.23 34.44 12.29 5.27 22.23 34.88 2.795 49 3848073 16,873 18.12 0.00 18.12 35.90 8.66 5.07 22.64 34.83 0.138 50 3848213 99,568 3.49 3.49 0.00 30.86 10.33 6.69 25.04 31.12 0.813 51 3848240 19,769 6.02 0.00 6.02 30.98 8.99 5.53 19.77 30.99 0.161 52 3848245 232,071 3.67 3.15 5.26 31.66 9.84 5.11 23.43 31.15 1.894 OBS DESCRIPTION 27 Lace, net or ornamented cotton knit skirts, for women and girls 28 Women's, girls', or infants' cotton knit skirts, ornamented,!ace or net 29 Women's cotton blouses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 30 Women's knit trousers and slacks nspf, of man-made fibers 31 Women's blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 32 Girls' blouses and shirts of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented 33 Women:s cotton knit tank tops, not ornamented 34 Wamen's blouses, knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 35 Women's cotton knit sweaters, not ornamented 36 Womnen's other cotton knit shirts, not ornamented 37 Women's, girls', or infants' jogging, warm-up, and similar athletic trousers and slacks, knit, of cotton, not ornamented n 38 Cotton knit jogging, warm-up and similar athletic trousers and slacks for women and girls, not ornamented 39 Women's other cotton knit trousers and siacks, not ornamented 40 Cotton knit sKirts, not ornamented, for women and girls 41 Girls' or infants' cotton blouses with 2 or more colors in the warp and/or the filling, not knit, not ornamented 42 Women:s other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 43 Girls' or infants' other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 44 Women's other cotton blouses, not knit, not ornamented 45 Cotton shorts, not knit, not ornamenfed, for women and girls 46 Women's, girls', or infants' shorts, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 47 Women's, girls', or infants' trousers and slacks, corduroy, not knit, of cotton, not ornamented nspf 48 Women's blouses, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented nspf 49 Wonmen's and girls' knit sweate-s of man-made fibers, not ornamented 50 Women's knit coats nes, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 51 Women's and girls' tops, knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 52 Women's other knit trousers and slacks, man-made fibers, not ornamented - 151 - APPENDIX TABLE 13 (Continued) ST. LUCIA TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1988 ST. LUCIA ,OTHERS,, SHARE IN U.S. ST LUCIA NOM4INAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF ST. LUCIA OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 3848660 38,223 3.24 3.09 8.67 22.10 10.83 4.43 17.91 22.39 0.312 54 3849115 84,674 4.02 2.11 4.03 29.16 9.00 4.56 13.45 28.88 0.69? 55 3857040 47,359 8.45 0.00 8.45 8.52 8.42 5.19 11.65 8.65 0.387 56 3865300 63,576 12.13 0.00 12.13 8.42 7.16 6.50 11.70 8.35 0.519 57 3896270 62,661 7.59 0.00 7.59 10.07 8.74 7.21 15.39 10.37 0.511 58 3897000 245,610 9.44 0.00 9.44 6.61 7.96 7.34 13.92 6.61 2.005 59 6612043 12,971 1.70 0.00 1.70 0.00 8.13 7.26 15.45 1.99 0.106 60 6820520 42,957 2.87 0.00 2.87 7.38 6.12 3.21 9.14 3.34 0.351 61 6820710 17,465 2.83 0.00 2.83 3.11 4.97 3.27 7.11 1,15 0.143 62 6826052 237,730 2.30 0.00 2.30 3.52 4.94 3.35 5.81 3.03 1.941 63 6826064 89,874 1.26 0.00 1.26 3.60 4.14 2.81 6.84 3.49 0.734 64 6846500 86,978 3.28 0.00 3.28 5.00 3.87 1.54 4.99 4.61 0.710 65 6858035 882,542 0.50 0.00 0.50 1.37 4.66 2.80 5.91 9.74 7.204 66 6859080 75,872 3.80 2.30 3.92 0.00 4.16 2.61 5.60 5.06 0.619 67 6861035 440,985 1.17 0.68 1.18 0.26 4.27 2.24 5.46 5.81 3.600 68 6861070 23,564 0.25 0.00 0.25 0.00 5.98 3.41 6.88 6.00 0.192 69 6861082 783,516 1.28 0.51 1.30 0.22 3.29 2.38 3.35 2.80 6.396 70 6861086 17,256 2.45 0.00 2.45 0.00 6.09 3.97 7.90 5.73 0.141 71 6877255 125,408 0.43 0.00 0.43 2.36 4.02 1.72 4.50 0.56 1.024 72 6884280 11,386 5.26 0.00 5.26 0.00 4.04 3.93 4.22 3.52 0.093 73 7006900 35,960 3.58 0.00 3.58 32.14 7.77 5.79 26.54 31.89 0.294 74 7031000 26,846 3.42 0.00 3.42 18.41 8.69 6.96 21.11 17.51 0.219 75 7124955 18,530 0.33 0.00 0.33 0.00 3.60 3.03 3.91 5.36 0.151 76 7375500 25,484 17.22 17.22 0.00 0.00 5.43 5.04 17.86 5.02 0.208 77 7401500 12,964 9.80 0.00 9.80 0.00 1.06 3.81 1.06 4.71 0.106 78 7403800 30,514 11.39 0.00 11.39 0.00 10.65 5.22 12.92 7.50 0.249 79 7745595 53,520 10.55 0.00 10.55 2.08 8.90 7.74 14.65 4.58 0.437 80 8000035 214,438 6.42 8.12 3.40 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 1,750 81 9999500 181,854 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.484 OBS DESCRIPTION 53 Women's knit skirts and culottes of man-made fibers, not ornamentel 54 Women's other blouses and shirts, not knit, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 55 Tassels, and cords and tassels, of textile fibers, except cotton 56 Cotton articles nspf, not ornamented 57 Articles nspf, of man-made fibers, not ornamented 58 Other articles nspf, not ornamented, of textile material nes 59 Parts for air conditioning machines, nspf 60 Transformers rated at less than 40 va 61 Unrated transformers 62 Coils and inductors 63 Electrical generating equipment and parts, nspf 64 Switching apparatus and parts thereof 65 Fixed capacitors, nes 66 Electrical apparatus for making or breaking electrical circuits and parts, nspf 67 Resistors, variable except wirewound 68 Cylindrical leadless fixed resistors, designed for surface mounting (smd) by contact, having 2 terminals, rspf, inc[uding 69 Fixed resistors, having 2 leads, wirewound 70 Parts of resistors and potentiometers 71 Diodes and rectifiers w/a maximum current greater than 0.500 amperes 72 Electrical articles and electrical parts of articles, nspf 73 Footwear, rubber sole affixed to the upper with an adhesive, sneakers v alued over S6.50 but not over $12 per pair 74 Headwear of man-made fibers, not part braid, knit 75 Parts of electrical instruments for measuring, checking, or controlling liquids, or gases, or controfling temperature 76 Toy alphabet blocks; and toy buiIding blocks, bricks, and shapes 77 Jewelry and other objects of personal adornment,nes 78 Jewelry and parts over 20 cents a dozen 79 Articles nspf, of plastic or rubber 80 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or improved in condition abroad, nes 81 Under $251 formal and informal entries estimated - 152 . APPENDIX TABLE 14 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 TRINIDAD SHARE IN TRINIDAD & TOBAGO "OTHERS" TRINIDAD S U.S. & TOBAGO NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF TOBAGO'S O0S TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS I 1061020 117,900 3.87 3.87 0.00 1.53 6.14 6.14 0.00 1.26 0.015 2 1101012 5,263,765 5.08 5.08 0.00 0.00 9.56 9.56 9.01 0.00 0.670 3 1101020 336,973 16.59 16.59 0.00 0.00 12.41 11.82 22.14 0.00 0.043 4 1101030 96,891 12.13 12.13 0.00 0.00 72.42 6.65 76.86 0.00 0.012 5 1101045 14,797 5.44 5.44 0.00 0.00 10.02 10.02 19.96 0.00 0.002 6 1101050 319,379 6.45 6.45 0.00 0.00 20.29 10.29 36.86 0.00 0.041 7 1103575 75,017 5.07 5.07 0.00 0.00 12.03 11.91 20.13 0.22 0.010 8 1144545 377,008 3.63 2.86 18.09 0.00 4.15 3.87 7.60 0.00 0.048 9 1144557 40,487 5.44 5.46 4.96 0.00 6.72 6.73 8.99 0.00 0.005 10 1144562 214,555 1.86 1.87 0.00 0.00 4.20 4.08 14.72 0.00 0.027 11 1371020 46,697 31.64 0.00 31.64 0.10 40.83 28.17 44.09 1.47 0.006 12 1379300 15,319 45.34 0.00 45.34 11.31 31.80 29.40 47.66 2.05 0.002 13 1480800 14,858 12.57 13.09 11.34 0.00 14.08 14.14 97.26 0.15 0.002 14 1552045 4,938,026 2.83 2.83 0.00 0.00 6.81 7.02. 0.00 0.00 0.628 15 1557540 16,100 8.56 8.56 0.00 0.00 10.61 12.95 28.28 3.20 0.002 16 1561000 848,583 13.33 13.33 0.00 0.00 7.61 7.61 12.95 0.00 0.108 17 1601020 432,718 5.26 5.26 0.00 0.00 3.67 3.66 6.75 0.00 0.055 18 1612900 10,582 9.02 14.64 7.11 0.00 9.11 8.69 120.84 0.00 0.001 19 1664040 16,937 7.51 7.51 0.00 0.07 16.36 16.33 16.26 0.27 0.002 20 1673045 23,343 24.21 24.21 0.00 8.11 11.83 11.76 11.65 3.83 0.003 21 1674000 19,581 12.28 12.28 0.00 2.45 15.47 16.47 0.00 3.24 0.002 22 1681300 529,892 17.84 17.84 0.00 0.00 17.16 17.16 0.00 3.47 0.067 23 1691300 64,934 12.61 11.79 0.00 4.97 8.07 7.53 35.48 7.09 0.008 24 1822000 115,120 16.72 12.85 100.24 0.00 13.21 13.12 39.69 0.44 0.015 25 1823500 11,520 8.57 8.57 0.00 0.15 19.80 19.52 261.35 0.14 0.001 26 1824600 59,362 9.42 9.42 0.00 0.28 10.65 10.63 29.13 4.06 0.008 OBS DESCRIPTION I Beef with bone, fresh or chilled 2 Albacore tuna, fresh, chilled, or frozen, whether or not whole, not otherwise prepared or preserved 3 Yellowfin tuna, whole, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not otherwise prepared or preserved 4 Yellowfin tuna, head-off, eviscerated, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not otherwise prepared or preserved 5 Skipjack tuna, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not otherwise prepared or preserved 6 Tuna nes, fresh, chilled, or frozen, not otherwise prepared or preserved 7 Fish nes, whole or partially processed, frozen 8 Shrimp, shell-on, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved (including pastes and sauces) 9 Shrimp, peeled, not in airtight containers, not breaded, raw 10 Peeled shrimp nspf, not breaded, fresh, chilled, or frozen, prepared or preserved, including pastes and sauces 11 Peppers nspf, fresh, chilled, or frozen, etc. 12 Pumpkins and breadfruit, fresh, chilled, or frozen 13 Mangoes, prepared or preserved 14 Sugars, sirups, and molasses nes, derived from sugar cane or sugar beets 15 Sugars, sirups nspf, and molasses, flavored, and sirups nspf, flavored or unflavored, consisting of blends 16 Cocoa beans 17 Coffee, crude 18 Curry and curry powder 19 Beverages nspf, under 0.5 percent ethyl alcohol 20 White still wineS produced from grapes containing 14S or less of alcohol in containers holding not over I gal., valued ove 21 Vermouth, in containers each holding I gallon or less 22 Bitters containing spirits, unfit for use as beverages, in containers holding over I gallon 23 Rum (including cana paraguaya) in containers each holding not over I gallon 24 Biscuits, cake, cakes, wafers, and similar baked products, and puddings nes 25 Macaroni, noodles, vermicelli, and similar alimentary pastes, not containing egg or egg products 26 Sauces nes - 153 - APPENDIX TABLE 14 (Contiuned) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 TRINIDAD SHARE IN TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 'OTHERS" TRINIDAD & U.S. TOBAGO NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF TOBAGO'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 27 1825800 12,012 8.57 8.57 0.00 0.47 16.57 16.64 36.76 0.96 0.002 28 1830520 108,345 10.10 9.63 11.44 0.33 8.42 8.18 22.52 7.03 0.014 29 1904500 105,583 36.68 0.00 36.68 0.00 53.52 35.06 53.54 0.00 0.013 30 2003549 17,500 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 21.22 21.39 201.35 0.00 0.002 31 2063040 39,663 7.96 7.96 0.00 0.00 10.80 10.63 26.96 1.02 0.005 32 2564200 89,889 4.92 4.92 0.00 0.00 12.03 8.97 35.14 1.98 0.011 33 4017200 159,179 21.20 21.20 0.00 0.00 13.01 13.18 5.50 0.00 0.020 34 4017460 23,267 23.42 23.42 0.00 0.00 9.68 9.67 18.17 0.00 0.003 35 4071910 936,087 10.88 10.88 0.00 0.00 8.73 7.91 9.48 9.49 0.119 36 409000 32,112 6.11 6.11 0.00 9.49 7.61 6.72 38.51 8.06 0.004 37 4171240 4,412,964 2.02 2.02 0.00 0.00 7.80 7.75 16.07 0.00 0.561 38 4258400 945,339 7.59 7.59 0.00 0.00 10.97 10.97 0.00 2.00 0.120 39 4259960 38,362 8.03 8.03 0.00 4.40 6.29 6.26 7.85 4.40 0.005 40 4279700 10,207,714 20.63 20.63 0.00 0.00 32.93 34.06 40.00 4.12 1.298 41 4750510 3,574,889 6.23 6.23 0.00 0.58 7.06 6.95 0.00 0.46 0.455 42 4750535 85,814,792 8.40 8.34 0.00 0.50 9.76 9.78 0.00 0.42 10.915 43 4751010 553216253 4.37 4.37 0.00 0.60 8.32 7.83 0.00 0.69 70.366 44 4751015 26,596,767 5.14 5.14 0.00 0.49 7.09 7.09 0.00 0.55 3.383 45 4751035 3,299,787 2.64 2.64 0.00 0.00 9.71 9.61 0.00 0.59 0.420 46 4752528 4,322,045 7.66 7.66 0.00 0.37 7.27 7.26 0.00 0.64 0.550 47 4752550 28,805 1.11 8.51 0.00 0.29 8.94 7.69 0.00 0.40 0.004 48 4752560 141,054 10.20 10.20 0.00 0.00 4.79 4.83 752.65 0.61 0.018 49 4803000 7,766,117 9.83 9.83 0.00 0.00 19.56 19.47 1.03 0.00 0.988 50 4806540 37,669,584 18.00 18.00 0.00 0.00 14.30 14.30 0.00 0.00 4.791 51 5211100 326,857 4.64 4.64 0.00 0.00 25.65 25.77 767.28 0.00 0.042 52 5452715 354,268 24.69 24.69 0.00 0.00 30.02 30.03 42.70 0.00 0.045 OBS DESCRIPTION 27 Vinegar nes 28 Edible preparations nspf (including prepared meals individually packaged 29 Fish or shellfish, live, imported for other than human consumption 30 Hardwood logs and timber (except pulpwood) nes, rough, split, hewn, or roughly sided or squared but not made into lumber 31 Wood doors nes, with or without their hardware 32 Paper envelopes, not bordered, embossed, printed, tinted, decorated or lined 33 Toluene 34 Xylene nspf 35 Mixtures of organic chemicals, nspf 36 Polyester resins,unsaturated,thermosetting resins nspf 37 Aluminum oxide (alumina) or alumina 38 Naphthenic acids 39 Organic acids 40 Methyl alcohol not for producing sng nor for use as a fuel 41 Crude petroleum,shale etc.including reconstituted testing under 25 degrees a.p.i. 42 Fuel oil under 25 degrees api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit of more than 125 seconds 43 Crude petroleum, shale oil including reconstituted testing 25 degree api and over 44 Fuel oil 25 degrees or more api, saybolt at 100 degrees fahenheit of less than 45 seconds 45 Fuel oil 25 degrees or more api, saybolt viscosity at 100 degrees fahenheit over 125 seconds 46 Gasoline, unleaded 47 Jet fuel, kerosene-type 48 Motor fuels except for gasoline, jet fuel, naphtha-type or kerosene type 49 Urea 50 Anhydrous ammonia 51 Asphaltum, bitumen and limestone-rock asphalt 52 Glass containers nspf, except ampoules, holding over 1 pint - 154 APPENDIX TABLE 14 (Contiuned) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 TR NI DAD SHARE IN TRINIDAD & TOBAGO OTHERS" TRINIDAD & U.S. & TOBAGO NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF TOBAGO'S OBSS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESZ_L AIR RATE EXPORTS 53 6067900 6,195,460 5.81 5.81 0.00 0.15 12.50 12.50 26.82 4.96 0.788 54 6068310 721,290 7.69 7.69 0.00 1.85 15.35 15.04 0.00 5.16 0.092 55 6068330 332,880 6.99 6.99 0.00 2.55 13.95 14.20 4.60 5.13 0.042 56 6068350 1,054,688 6.93 6.93 0.00 0.57 14.26 14.25 18.32 5.16 0.134 57 6071700 9,908,109 13.09 13.09 0.00 0.38 13.37 13.46 2.52 1.99 1.260 58 6094125 315,238 4.95 4.95 0.00 1.36 15.83 15.20 16.00 1.48 0.040 59 6120630 22,505 19.35 19.35 0.00 0.00 2.11 2.01 0.00 0.99 0.003 60 6121020 19,568 8.28 8.28 0.00 0.00 8.31 8.61 46.40 0.02 0.002 61 6121040 33,380 8.18 8.18 0.00 0.10 8.74 8.77 11.45 0.04 0.004 62 6124430 56,074 19.39 19.39 0.00 0.00 5.26 5.02 38.84 1.48 0.007 63 6181000 26,819 8.92 8.92 0.00 0.00 8.33 8.34 2.28 0.67 0.003 64 6533925 31,347 4.23 4.23 0.00 0.00 9.97 9.12 17.07 8.45 0.004 65 6604260 16,242 18.79 0.00 18.79 3.90 3.56 3.30 15.54 3.87 0.002 66 6607150 33,042 0.91 0.91 0.00 4.00 5.09 4.01 9.55 3.35 0.004 67 6613548 38,703 10.17 10.17 0.00 0.00 10.69 10.32 16.52 3.08 0.005 68 6765235 42,576 0.43 0.00 0.43 4.30 3.21 1.79 3.74 4.27 0.005 69 6765417 21,238 0.26 0.00 0.26 0.00 4.89 2.10 10.45 0.00 0.003 70 6765455 14,674 0.93 0.00 0.93 0.00 2.91 2.03 3.10 0.00 0.002 71 6833210 155,836 11.61 11.61 0.00 0.00 5.26 3.92 52.42 0.73 0.020 72 6833271 159,902 2.45 2.45 0.00 4.40 5.16 4.51 25.08 2.67 0,020 73 6842080 53,092 1.41 1.41 0.00 0.00 5.02 4.81 14.72 2.06 0.007 74 6859058 186,774 0.96 0.00 0.96 5.81 3.96 0.98 4.18 5.01 0.024 75 6877441 29,288 0.30 0.00 0.30 0.00 1.04 1.33 1.10 0.77 0.004 76 6923450 70,000 5.43 5.43 0.00 0.00 9.60 11.62 24.23 0.00 0.009 77 6946200 16,904 4.58 0.00 4,58 0.00 2.02 2.31 1.96 0.00 0.002 78 6964000 800,000 9.65 9.65 0.00 0.00 8.81 8.97 7.56 4.82 0.102 OBS DESCRI PTION 53 Deformed concrete reinforcing bars of steel other than alloy steel 54 Flats, bars ot steel other than alloy steel, not coid formed, not coated or plated with metal 55 Rounds, bars of steei other than alloy steel, not cold formed, not coated or plated with metal 56 Bars of steel nes, other than alloy steel, not cold formed, not coated or plated with metal 57 Wire rods of iron or steel, not alloy, not tempered, not treated, and not partly manufactured, valued over 4 cents per pou 58 Round wire of other than alloy iron or steel, over 0.06 inch in diameter, containing not over 0.25$ carbon, not coated, co 59 Unwrought alloy copper nes 60 Copper waste and scrap, unalloyed 61 Brass waste and scrap 62 Other copper al loy bars and sheets, wrought, not cut, pressed or stamped to nonrectangular shape 63 Aluminum waste and scrap 64 Lignting fixtures for permanent indoor installation other than brass 65 Piston-type compression-ignition engines, except for automobiles or marine craft 66 Parts nes,of compression-ignition piston-type engines,not used for automobiles,trucks,buses,or marine craft 67 Other freezers nspf 68 Parts nspf of computers and automatic data-processing machines and units thereof 69 Keyboard units of automatic data-pr6cessing machines 70 Parts of au- abtic data-processing machines, nspf 71 Electro-mechanical food blenders used in households, hotels, restaurants, schools, or hospitals 72 Electro-mechanical appliances, nes 73 Portable electro-thermic kitchen and household appliances, nes 74 Printea circuit boards, plastic impregnated glass base, with less than 3 layers of conducting materials 75 Metal oxide semiconductors random access memories over 40000 but not over 80000 bits 76 Used tractors suitable for agricultural use 77 Aircraft and spacecraft parts,nec,certified for use in civil aircraft (see headnote 3 in tsus) 78 Racing shells, pleasure boats, etc, nes, and parts - 155 - APPENDIX TABLE 14 (Contiuned) TRINIDAD & TOBAGO's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 TRINIDAD SHARE IN TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 'OTHERS" TRINIDAD & U.S. & TOBAGO NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF "OTHERS" NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF TOBAGO'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS($) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 79 7064152 41,364 5.58 5.58 0.00 20.00 8.94 7.86 32.82 19.99 0.005 80 7095400 1,642,130 1.38 0.00 1.38 0.10 4.93 19.30 4.93 4.09 0.209 81 7552500 10,630 3.55 0.00 3.55 0.00 13.16 11.67 71.06 4.74 0.001 82 7726590 10,966 6.00 0.00 0.00 3.20 7.67 6.30 13.02 2.28 0.001 83 7745585 11,600 4.47 0.00 4.47 0.37 9.26 7.99 15.36 4.29 0.001 84 7745595 37,816 2.57 0.00 2.57 0.41 8.90 7.74 14.66 4.58 0.005 85 8000035 9,320,505 4.24 5.20 6.00 0.00 2.53 4.64 1.97 0.00 1.186 86 8010000 206,805 3.14 3.14 0.00 0.00 1.60 1.78 4.34 0.00 0.026 87 9999500 81,909 0.00 0.O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.010 OES DESCRIPTION 79 Other luggage of textile materials except cotton, nspf 80 Artificial teeth and dentures wholly or almost wholty of plastic. 81 Candles and tapers 82 Non rigid rubber or plastics hose and tubing nes, non-reinforced, suitable for conducting gases or liquids 83 Rubber and plastic products, nec 84 Articles nspf, of plastic or rubber 85 U.s. products returned after export without being advanced in value or nproved in condition abroad, nes 86 Articles reimported, under lease to foreign manufacturer 87 Under S251 formal and informal entries estimated - 156 - APPENDIX TABLE 15 ST. VINCENT's TRANSPORT COST PROFILE FOR EXPORTS TO THE UNITED STATES IN 1986 ST. VINCENT SHARE IN U.S. ST. VINCENT TOBAGO NOMINAL FREIGHT RATE TARIFF -OTHERS,, NOMINAL FRE,GHT RATE ST. VINCENT'S OBS TSUSA IMPORTS(S) TOTAL VESSEL AIR RATE TOTAL vESSEL AIR RATE EXPORTS 1 1323540 58,897 9.92 9.92 0.00 0.00 29.74 29.57 80.03 -0.00 0.752 2 1359000 14,212 39.51 39.51 0.00 0.00 50.24 52.53 47.21 1.44 0.181 3 1379300 62,475 39.05 9.64 40.17 0.00 31.56 29.45 52.01 2.31 0.797 4 1482500 26,640 49.76 49.76 0.00 0.00 61.62 61.62 0.00 0.52 0.340 5 1482800 41,940 22.85 22.85 0.00 0.00 53.18 53.30 0.00 1.3b 0.535 6 1847070 79,608 23.33 23.33 0.00 0.00 23.77 24.31 7.59 0.00 1.016 7 3840910 77,890 3.90 0.00 3.95 20.82 6.55 3.94 7.09 20.36 0.994 8 3840915 322,033 3.84 0.00 3.84 20.03 7.35 5.69 9.13 20.43 4.109 9 3842510 188,489 4.62 0.00 4.82 28.30 7.21 5.69 7.74 28.81 2.405 10 3842515 1,154,986 4.66 0.00 4.73 28.67 6.60 5.74 8.46 28.84 14.739 I1 4613500 38,976 6.48 0.00 6.48 0.00 3.83 2.86 5.39 5.31 0.497 12 6826052 138,802 7.09 0.00 7.09 3.60 4.91 3.35 5.76 3.03 1.771 13 6826064 46,904 10.91 0.00 10.91 3.98 4.13 2.81 6.82 3.49 0.599 14 6857080 28,338 5.37 0.00 5.37 2.90 4.97 3.14 7.02 1.74 0.362 15 7044504 14,208 21.77 21.77 0.00 25.00 6.00 5.98 4.70 25.00 0.181 16 7058600 14,714 6.82 6.82 0.00 16.60 4.07 3.82 17.90 16.79 0.188 17 7348600 4,991,803 1.50 0.00 1.50 2.51 5.08 1.76 9.07 3.99 63.699 18 7348700 263,549 1.66 0.00 1.66 4.20 6.11 3.38 14.42 4.13 3.363 19 8000035 124,868 2.60 15.57 3.82 0.00 2.53 4.65 1.97 0.00 1.593 20 9999500 69,754 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.890 OBS DESCRIPTION I Arrowroot and sago flours and starches 2 Cucumbers, fresh or chilled, not reduced in size, if entered december I to last day of february, inclusive 3 Pumpkins and breadfruit, fresh, chilled, or frozen 4 Watermelons, fresh, if entered december 1 to march 31, inclusive, in any year 5 Watermelons, fresh, iF entered april 1 to november 30, inclusive, in any year 6 By-products nes, from the milling of grains, mixed feeds, and mixed-feed ingredients, except pet food 7 Girls' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 8 Infants' cotton dresses, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 9 Girls' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 10 Infants' dresses of man-made fibers, not knit, ornamented, lace or net 11 Perfumes, colognes, and toilet water, containing alcohol 12 Coils and inductors 13 Electrical generating equipment and parts, nspf 14 Electric signaling devices, nspf 15 Cotton gloves, not lace, net, or ornamented, made from pre-existing jersey type fabric, without fourchertes or sidewails 16 Gloves of rubber or plastics, nspf 17 Lawn-tennis rackets, not strung 18 Lawn-tennis rackets, strung 19 U.S. products returned after export without being advanced in valie or improved in condition abroad, nes 20 Under $251 formal and informal entries estimated Distributors of World Bank Publications ARGENTINA FRANCE MEXICO SPAIN Caoa Hin.1% SRL Wodd Sank Pb ohat INFOTEC Mundi-Preraa Ubror SA. 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Education and Its Relation to Economic Growth, Poverty, and Income Distribution: Past Evidence and Further Analysis. Jandhyala B.G. Tilak No. 47. International Macroeconomic Adjustment, 1987-1992. Robert E. King and Helena Tang No. 48. Contract Plans and Public Enterprise Performance. John Nellis LAlso available in French (48F)j No. 49. Improving Nutrition in India: Policies and Programs and Their Impact. K. Subbarao No. 50 Lessons of Financial Liberalization in Asia: A Comparative Study. Yoon-Je Cho and Deena Khatkhate No. 51 Vocational Education and Training: A Review of World Bank Investment. John Middleton and Terry Dems y No. 52 The Market-Based Menu Approach in Action: The 1988 Brazil Financing Package. Ruben Lamdany No. 53 Pathwavs to Change: Improving the Quality of Education in Developing Countries. Adriaan Verspoor No. 54 Educating Managers for Business and Government. Samuel Paul, Jacob Levitsky, and John C. Ickis No. 55 Subsidies and Countervailing Measures: Critical Issues for the Uruguay Round. Bela Balassa, editor No. 56 Managing Public Expenditure: An Evolving World Bank Perspective. Robert M. Lacey No. 57 The Management of Common Property Natural Resources. Daniel W. Bromley and Michael M. Cernea No. 58 Makinq the Poor Creditworthy: A Case Study of the Integrated Rural Development Program in India. Robert Pulley No. 59 Improving Familv Planning, Health, and Nutrition Outreach in India: Experience from Some World bank-Assistea Programs. Richara Heaver No. 60 Fighting Malnutrition: Evaluation of Brazilian Food and Nutrition Programs. Philip Musgrove No. 61 Staying in the Loop: International Alliances for Sharing Technology. Ashoka Mody No. 62 Do Caribbean Exporters Pay Higher Freight Costs? Alexander J. Yeats No. 63 Developing Economies in Transition. Volume 1: General Topics. F. Desmond McCarthy, editor No. 66 Illustrative Effects of Voluntary Debt and Debt Service Reduction Operations. Ruben Lamdany and John M. Underwood No. 67 Derequlation of Shippinq: What Is to Be Learned from Chile. Esra Bennathan with Luis Escobar and George Panagakos No. 68 Public Sector Pay and Employment Reform: A Review of World Bank Experience. Barbara Nunberg No. 69 A Multilevel Model of School Effectiveness in a Developing Country. Marlaine E. Lockheed and Nicholas T. Longford No. 70 User Groups as Producers in Participatory Afforestation Strategies. Michael M. 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