Peru: First Social Inclusion Development Policy Loan 74473 CHAIR’S SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors December 13, 2012 Executive Directors approved the First Social Inclusion Development Policy Loan (DPL) to the Republic of Peru in the amount of US$45 million on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (R2012-0242). Directors expressed support for the DPL which would help to increase access to and quality of social services for the poor. Directors stressed the importance of capacity building, monitoring and evaluation in the newly-created Ministry of Inclusion. Going forward, Directors encouraged the authorities to continue improving the targeting of social programs to address disparities. Directors also emphasized the importance of capturing and sharing the lessons learned from this consolidation of social programs and improvements in their inclusiveness and effectiveness. Finally, Directors acknowledged close collaboration with development partners and encouraged inclusion of the private sector and civil society in preparation of the operation. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.