General Education Report No: ; Type: Report/Evaluation Memorandum ; Country: Sri Lanka; Region: South Asia; Sector: Other Education; Major Sector: Education; ProjectID: P010343 The Sri Lanka General Education project supported by Credit 2072-CE for US$49 million equivalent, was approved in FY90. After an extension of one year, the loan was fully disbursed and closed on December 31, 1996. The Implementation Completion Report (ICR) was prepared by the South Asia Regional Office. The borrower's report on the implementation and achievements of the project is included as an Annex. This was the first education project IDA financed in Sri Lanka. Its objectives were to: (a) increase the effectiveness of the education system by upgrading facilities and increasing the supply of educational materials; (b) improve efficiency through better management and supervision; (c) reduce regional and local disparities in the quality of schools; (d) support decentralization; (e) strengthen planning; and (f) better calibrate education and training to labor market requirements. The project financed construction and rehabilitation of schools, maintenance, equipment, books and materials, teacher and staff training, technical assistance, and labor-market studies. The project disbursed very little during its first three years owing to the civil war, which also exacerbated institutional weaknesses. However, implementation accelerated after a mid-term review, and by the end of the project, planned activities had been carried out. Targets for civil works and supply of educational equipment were met or substantially exceeded. In-service training of staff principals was successful. Studies of educational finance and management, physical facilities, teacher deployment and absenteeism were successfully completed despite delays in the provision of technical assistance. However, institutional development was not as successful. Decentralization efforts were halted, and the goal of improving education planning and policy analysis was only partially achieved. The Operations Evaluation Department (OED) agrees with the ratings in the ICR. Project outcome is rated as satisfactory, institutional development as modest, sustainability as likely, and Bank performance as satisfactory. The project outcome illustrates the importance for preparatory activities, such as standard bidding documents and school maps, in limiting startup delays. Project implementation unit staff must also be selected and trained with a view to minimizing delays. Implementation units must also have the level of responsibility necessary to carry out their allotted tasks so that long waits for government approvals are avoided. The ICR is satisfactory. An audit is planned because this is the first primary education project completed in Sri Lanka.