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Moldova - Water Security Diagnostic and Future Outlook (English)

Over the past two decades Moldova has achieved major development results: poverty more than halved between 2007 and 2014, and shared prosperity for the poorest households rose sharply. Yet Moldova’s growth model is volatile, unsustainable, and is losing strength. Water underpins much of Moldova’s ability to rekindle dynamism in its economy and to provide outcomes for the health and well-being of its people and environment. Yet gaps remain in understanding...
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Smets,Susanna; Midgley,Amelia; Mao,Zhimin; Vladicescu,Veaceslav; Neumann,James L.; Strzepek,Kenneth; Pricop,Felicia.

Moldova - Water Security Diagnostic and Future Outlook (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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