69502 Republic of Liberia: The West African Power Pool - Cote D’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea Power Interconnection Project and West African Power Pool the West African Power Pool Integration and Technical Assistance Project In Support of the First Phase of the CLSG Power System Re-Development Sub-Program of the WAPP APL 4 Program (Phase 1) SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION∗ May 31, 2012 Executive Directors approved the credit to the Republic of Liberia in the amount of SDR 93.3 million (US$144.5 million equivalent) for a West African Power Pool (WAPP) - Côte d’Ivoire, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea (CLSG) Power Interconnection Project, and a grant to the West African Power Pool in the amount of SDR 20.4 million (US$31.5 million equivalent) for a West African Power Pool Integration and Technical Assistance Project on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2012-0134). Directors also approved a waiver on the application of paragraph 4 of OP 4.01 to the project. Directors underscored the pivotal role of the Project in supporting the strategy and efforts of the West African Power Pool to implement a program for the integration and improvement of power supply systems through regional cooperation. They noted the existence of significant challenges in implementation and in governance, and in this context reiterated the need for continued dialogue with Authorities and collaboration with other donors to ensure adherence to project implementation timelines. Directors urged Authorities to finalize the institutional framework of the Regional Transmission Company. The need to exercise diligence in the supervision of the implementation of the project for timely and successful completion and achievement of the project development objectives was emphasized. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.