REPUBLIQUE DE COTE D’IVOIRE Union – Discipline - Travail --------- MINISTRY OF INTERIOR AND SECURITY --------------------- OFFICE OF NATIONAL IDENTIFICATION & THE WORLD BANK WEST AFRICA UNIQUE IDENTITY FOR REGIONAL INTEGRATION AND INCLUSION (WURI) COTE D’IVOIRE SOCIAL ASSESSMENT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE 1 Contents 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Context .................................................................................................................................................. 3 3. Purpose ................................................................................................................................................. 3 4. Utilization of the SA .............................................................................................................................. 4 5. Consultations ........................................................................................................................................ 4 6. Vulnerable groups ................................................................................................................................. 4 7. Social risks ............................................................................................................................................. 4 8. Social Opportunities/Benefits ............................................................................................................... 5 9. Core questions ...................................................................................................................................... 5 10. Data collection and research methods ............................................................................................. 5 11. Expected outputs .............................................................................................................................. 5 12. Timetable .......................................................................................................................................... 6 13. Project phases ................................................................................................................................... 6 14. Consultant tasks ................................................................................................................................ 6 15. Expertise Required ............................................................................................................................ 6 2 1. Introduction These Terms of Reference are for a Social Assessment to be conducted for the West Africa Unique Identity for Regional Integration and Inclusion (WURI) project in Cote d’Ivoire. The Social assessment is a tool and process which the Government of Cote d’Ivoire will use to assess the impacts of projects on key stakeholders, including project beneficiaries. It assesses potential issues and social risks facing the project, and faced by population groups, especially vulnerable groups, to ensure they are taken into account by the project. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations produced by the Social Assessment will inform project planning. 2. Context The World Bank is financing a Multi-Phase Programmatic Approach (MPA) Project focusing on Identification for Development (ID4D) in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). This engagement will start with an operation focused on identification standards for the ECOWAS sub-region and piloting compatible ID systems in Cote d’Ivoire and Guinea. The Ivory Coast project is part of a global vision defined by the National Strategy for Civil Status and Identification (SNECI), the National Development Plan (NDP) 2016-2020 and the Sustainable Development Objectives (sustainable development goals) until 2030. The Côte d'Ivoire project is leading to the establishment of the National Register of Physical Persons (RNPP). This information system aims to centralize all data on civil status and biometrics of natural persons, with a view to strengthening management of administration and security in Côte d'Ivoire. This integrated, global, reliable and secure system will associate every Ivorian citizen and every foreigner residing or passing through Côte d'Ivoire with a unique National Identification Number (NIN) which will ensure the traceability of individuals and to optimize tax and social policy and to improve the efficiency of public services and to facilitate access to them. 3. Purpose Social assessment, which relies on communication and participation of target populations as well as representatives, is expected to help the Government to determine: i) Key social issues and risks, ii) Social impacts on different affected groups and stakeholders, and particularly vulnerable groups. iii) Needs and priorities of key stakeholders, iv) Obtain stakeholder views on the design and proposed implementation mechanisms of the project, and v) Capacity building of key actors and their participation related to the project. The process of conducting the social assessment helps the Government to formulate explicit social development outcomes, collaboration among institutions, and monitor and evaluate achievement of those outcomes. 3 For its part, the World Bank provides technical assistance and guidance on tools and techniques. The Government will guide implementation of the SA through the Office of National Identification (ONI). 4. Utilization of the SA Beyond due diligence and social safeguards, the findings and recommendations of the Social Assessment are intended to be operationalized by informing the following project plans and mechanisms:  Project design (in particular sensitization activities and mass registration campaign);  Stakeholder Engagement Plan;  Social Management Plan;  Communication Plan;  Grievance Redress Mechanism;  Monitoring plan and project indicators. 5. Consultations The preparation of SA is intended to be a participatory exercise. It should include consultations with key stakeholders, beneficiaries and potentially affected people at an early stage or throughout the project life cycle. This approach is intended to ensure the views of stakeholders are taken into account, and to encourage their support for the project. The format of the consultations with these stakeholders can be held through meetings, seminars and presentations of preliminary findings and final results. In addition to the consultations, as part of the data collection exercise, semi-structured key informant interviews should be held with a sample of these stakeholders. 6. Vulnerable groups Key vulnerable groups are likely to include the following populations, and the research design should determine how to obtain information on them. They are, among others: women (particularly from rural areas, and certain religious groups); the elderly; youth; border traders; slum dwellers; others in the informal economy; stateless people; refugees/IDPs; persons with disabilities; ethnic minorities/pastoralists/nomadic or semi-nomadic groups; religious minorities; forced/child laborers; persons living in isolated/remote areas; illiterate population; visible minorities. 7. Social risks The SA is designed to assess social risks and negative impacts and propose mitigation measures, which will feed into the social management plan. Risks can result from the project and act upon the project. Risks concern the possibility: i) that the project could create, reinforce or deepen inequity and/or social conflict ii) that project activities may adversely affect people’s rights or interests that result in material adverse effects (harm) iii) that women may be excluded disproportionately from the benefits or may be affected negatively iv) that the attitudes and actions of key stakeholders may subvert the achievement of the development objective 4 v) that key stakeholders may not take sufficient accountability over the development objective 8. Social Opportunities/Benefits Drawing on feedback from the consultations, the Social Assessment should also identify opportunities and benefits for vulnerable groups, such as the importance of a unique identification assigned to each person and its use in determining eligibility for civic functions (e.g. voting) and social programs (e.g. health, education, social security, etc.). 9. Core questions The social assessment should address core questions related to vulnerable groups, barriers to inclusion, costs and benefits, lessons learned, and project design. 10.Data collection and research methods The research conducted for the SA should draw on multiple data sources and multiple methods. The specific methods for collecting data and the scope of data will be determined as part of the research design. However, the following qualitative and quantitative methods are suggested for both rounds. i) Key informant interviews (KIIs), following a semi-structured interview format, with key stakeholders and a select number of representatives of vulnerable groups ii) Focus group discussions (FGDs) with members of vulnerable groups iii) Field observations – non-directive research of groups that may be difficult to reach, at markets, near borders, etc. iv) Review of secondary data, including household survey or beneficiary survey v) Desk review of project documents, other studies, etc. 11.Expected outputs The SA should have the following deliverables:  Draft report  Presentation of draft report  Final report  Dissemination plan to stakeholders  Summaries of key informant interviews and focus groups  Social Management Plan based and implementation strategy, drawing on findings and recommendations and outlining which measures are addressing the identified risks and other constraints  Practical recommendations for the following: o Stakeholder Engagement Plan o Project design (in particular sensitization activities and mass registration campaign) o Communication Plan o Grievance Redress Mechanism o Monitoring plan and project indicators 5 12.Timetable Recruitment of the consultant should commence based on the following timetable: April May June July August Week of: 23 30 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 2 9 16 23 6 13 20 27 Inception Report Data collection/ consultations Draft Report Comment period Draft SMP Final Report and final SMP However, preliminary findings should be shared with the Government and key stakeholders, to share and discuss any issues that may be important for project planning and to obtain feedback. 13.Project phases This TOR covers the period prior to project launch. It is envisaged that a mid-term assessment will be conducted in 2019, implementation progress, identify issues, make course corrections. The mid-term assessment may be based on based on both qualitative and quantitative methods (e.g. beneficiary survey, key informant interviews, focus group discussions) 14.Consultant tasks I. Briefings with Government and World Bank II. Inception report, research design, work plan, and data collection instruments based on the present terms of reference III. Consultations with stakeholders IV. Document review V. Collect and analyze data VI. Training and change management plan VII. Draft and final SA report, including a Social Management Plan VIII. Presentation of SA report 15. Expertise Required  Masters degree or PhD, in International Development, Social Development, Sociology, Social Anthropology or related discipline or equivalent; 6  10 years of experience in related fields;  Experience leading and implementing social assessments or evaluations addressing social and vulnerability issues;  Strong familiarity with qualitative data collection and analysis including participatory methodologies and techniques;  Understanding of institutions, implementation challenges and appropriate implementation designs;  Proven ability to work within a sensitive work environment;  Proven and well-developed interpersonal communication skills; and  Good knowledge of French (oral and written) and ability to work in English. 7