72465 Kingdom of Lesotho: Integrated Transport Project Restructuring SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION Meeting of the Executive Directors September 11, 2012 Executive Directors approved the Restructuring of the Lesotho Integrated Transport Project and Additional Financing on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum extending the project closing date retroactively until June 30, 2014 (IDA/R2012- 0216). The minutes will record that Mr. Solomon wished to be recorded as opposing and Messrs. Huber, Treffers and Cipollone wished to be recorded as abstaining. Directors highlighted the importance of continued support of this project for Lesotho. They expressed concerns over the association of the project with a debarred contractor and over the timeliness and appropriateness of informing the Board. In this regard, Directors acknowledged the importance of the progress achieved in the Bank since then in mainstreaming and operationalizing the debarment policies and encouraged further efforts in this respect. They also noted management’s recent actions to enhance the Bank’s internal monitoring by linking the Bank’s loan accounting systems to the list of debarred firms. Directors also underscored the importance of sound internal controls and accountability issues and urged Management to review this case, to learn its lessons and further improve the relevant systems and corporate culture. Finally, they stressed the importance of continued monitoring of results and impact of the project.  This summary is not an approved record.