No. ýBizefvl, Qtrn e< w ( rarm ,f M nTi -, -so0 00 Indian Audit & Accounts Department Office of the Principal Accountant Gener[ (Aud!). EMh- Birchand Patel Marg, Palna-800 01 í /D ate ................. iV vi fi' iv r 3x i >1o c t 119¼~~21819c -TäUTE1ýf 1(S01-BChS 170i1-60015 Ñ3[nc'I -cf-, i t ÍNviT " Nation na Rier asign Pivrje, SPw1G, -Mih. 1.oi/('rCedit No. 8065-IN/4955-IN w¯t 201--d 9 ms ' Tl II ~-iTii j1p4( 9traw a 47fl ~ q=N5 1G CM S/20 15/03/01i(Par.-H I)f~ -12 1E 7 l1 < Q4dul 91 Wg c f 4 7i TK ¯ i This Issues wiIh the approval o Pripal Accounant General (Audir). Sd/- WF1TZTW (9In1¯) iT: AW-IeEAP/NG R1IPh2051 9-20/£96 ¯l: .2.2)2 1 VUM/Pho-ne - 2221226, 2228325, 2223194,2221941 ý4.7,T- /EPABX-2223757, 2226320 i-/Fax :0612-250 6223 i-/E-rnail- "qo f/97RB.No.- 47 Scanned by CamaSllean Scanned by CamScanner a vrN JirTh (' n 00l~ 001 Indlan Audit & Accounts Deparment Audi Report Olic Of thPi rincipl Accourt,ri Gr nia (/-udt), l r Cir chand Pat(l MArg, Patna400 001 The .ere...m-,.kDae t.lranC~ Develment & I Inusing Departmeini, Bihar, Vikas Ihawan,lailey, Road, Patnau-800013 Report (1n IlhePrjcFnahuSamet \\ have auliled (he accompnying iuancial slateieil of lhe 'National Gol nga Ri'er tini ProjLect, IÆonn/Credit No. 8065-IN/49.55-lN' which comprise the Sttement of Surces and p os oFnds and the Reolneiliation o Clims lo Toal ApplicItions oi 11nd h)r th year ended Alarchi 31, 20.,9. These slatemelts are the responsibiliiy of the Projec malnement. Our esponsihilliv is lo express ani opilnionon te accompaning) linancial statemients based on nur audi. \\:e conducted our audit in aecordance w ilh lite A ud iiing Siaridards proiuaited by ih Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Those Sanidards reuire tlit w%e plan anud perhrm t,he audit to obtain reasonable assdrance about w hehiler the inunicial stIcrnmcmS are free u io l mi,,sstaLtemen. Our aidil examines, on a test basi s. evidence supportiingi ite ullnoii1t aid diselosures in the 1imancial statemenis. It also includes assessing ite accuuntin, priniples usJ and signilean sti ma les imlade by manigeieni, as well as evaluatinu LE overall Sttee presentatinn. \e helieve tiat our audit provides a reasonaible basis for our opinion. In oulr opinion. lte f~inancial statements present fairly. in all material respe l ls. the soures and appiillitis f fntids of "National Ganga River Basin P'rojuet, i.imn/Credji N. 85- IN/-1955-IN' for tle year ended March 31, 2019 in ac.ordanCe v.ilh (oernment ft inJ acounting standards. In addition. in our opinion, (a) with respeet to SOI:s. adequai supping diuum[ena n ha heei maimained lo support elainis to the World Bank for reiibrseme t i el nJie ineurred: and (b) exccpt lor ineligihe expCnditures as detailed in audit bser\ atIin arr:dL tils auldit report. expenditures are eligible or tunnCilig under th e I nit (redI .\Iememuett Durin lte lirse o 'the Audi[. SOl, and tIe conieceid docuenit were enined anJ ie'e can he relied upon to support rei mburseienti under the I anCredit A greement a per .\1,ilppendi c . iitis report is issued without prejudice to CAGs righi to incorpørate ihe audi i ers siiln in i e Reprt nf CA (G of India for being liid hefbre Parliament iSiate nr ( I Legislture. Date: ,02,2020 1y Aco n 'neral Gdn TVPhone - 2221226, 2228325, 2223194,2221941 . LT.r/ .VF/EPABX-2223757, 2228320 '-1/Fax :0612-250 6223 T.iT/E-rai- ilo vifiP.B.No- 47 Scanned by CamScanner Scanned by CamScanner Suemntshiwing thie expend)kiturie qulfifor r\mureenmndrWk 1ýhmk \Gunga River I,iin Prqjeve, I,nn1/Credii No. 9065-1N/1155-1\" lå he y ear 2U01 9. (in lokh ) Total A\chm~l EFA P 1pNItCluliExI 17,-,pendi1r 1Pereentage Amunt Anouni as expenditure Cnltrml re e ndmiined admYissie Ms r humirs pev SOE verifned in Share isallowed in Audit per greugmemctl l Audit (70/1 0"/) Iin lilit 2 3 44 (3-4) 6 1 7 52282.0 S282.10 3928.06* 58059 38707.47 3%49. AcnInl ex endiuire vecified i Auit: - 6 -SS N"et Exped0ue5A1un 170% Central Share Scheme: 3572386 ÷00% Cen A Sharc Secheine 1428 *6) . -. Comuuion el .AP CCntra Shae ---- )709 Central Share SCIiheme 70% of 357.(M(D 2500 ) entral Share Scelime: 00% of 428 1 .36 22 6 TA Centr Share (0 Dy. Accounan byil (adamn) Scanned by CamScanner