~---~~-~------- - ----- - -~- l. 82623 INURD WP#88-5 URBAN DEVELOPMENT DIVISION POLICY, PLANNING AND RESEARCH STAFF THE INURD EXPANDABLE URBAN DATABASE: ITS USES FOR SIMPLE TASKS OR ANALYSES BY POWER USERS by Jodi Felberg october 1988 Working Paper The INURD Working Papers present preliminary research findings and are intended for internal review and discussion. The views and interpretations in these Working Papers are those of the author(s) and should not be attributed to the World Bank, to its affiliated organizations, or to any individual acting on their behalf . . :z.Sl..\0 ·1-o l=EL ~·· --------------------------------' ---~ ~ ----"""1'"·--- ------- -- ------- Jodi Felberg is an MA candidate in International Economics at the American University. She initiated the work on an urban data base for the Urban Development Division (INURD) during the summer of 1988. The following data-base manual represents the initial component of an on- going effort to organize Bank information in the urban sector. THE INURD EXPANDABLE DATABASE: ITS USES FOR SIMPLE TASKS OR ANALYSES BY POWER USERS Table of Contents Page No. ABSTRACT . . . iv I. INTRODUCTION. 1 A. What is Currently Available in the INURD Database? 1 B. Sources of the INURD Database 3 II. INURD DATABASE APPLICATIONS: THE SIMPLE OPTION 5 A. Access to the Applications . . . . 6 1. From Paradox . . . . . . . . . 6 2. From the Personal Programmer (PPROG) 8 B. HELP! How to Use the INURD Applications 9 C. Viewing Tables . . . . . . 10 1. GNP Data by Region . . .. . 11 2. GNP Data by Country ... . 12 D. Maintenance of the Application Tables 13 1. Adding Data to a Table . . . . . 13 2. Editing Existing Data in a Table 13 3. The "Update" and "By" Fields . . 13 4. Adding Many New Records (ie. Country Data) to a Table 15 5. Adding New Fields (ie. Years) to a Table 16 E. Updating the Application's Log Book 18 F. Printing Data from a Table 19 G. The Contents Table . . 20 H. Leaving An Application . . 21 III. THE INURD DATABASE: THE POWER USER OPTION 22 A. The Structure of Paradox Tables 22 B. Viewing a Table . . . . . . . . . . 23 1. Form and Table Views . . . . . 23 C. Editing and Updating a Table: The F9 Key 25 D. Adding NEW FIELDS to Existing Tables 26 E. Printing A Table . . . . . . . . . . 28 F. "Queries": Various Ways of Locating Data 29 1. "Queries" Within One Table, the Basic Steps: 29 a. The ASK Command 29 b. The "Query Form" . . . . . . . . . . 29 c. CHECK OFF - The F6 Key . . . . . . . 29 d. Renaming a "Temporary Answer Table" 32 e. Exporting Paradox Tables to Lotus 33 2. "Multiple-Variable Queries" Within One Table 34 a. CHECK OFF All Variables . . . . . . . 34 b. The LIKE function . . . . . . . . . . 36 3. "Queries" Across Tables: Relational Database Functions 37 a. The EXAMPLE ELEMENT - F5 key 37 G. Combining Two Tables: The ADD Function . . . . . . . . . . . 40 - ii - IV. EXPANDING THE INURD DATABASE: . . . . 41 A. Preparing Data to be Imported from Spreadsheets 41 1. Importing a Spreadsheet into Paradox . . . 42 B. Creating Additional Tables . . . . . . . . . . . 43 1. Adding Titles to INURD Tables: Creating Customized Forms 46 2. Updating Forms to Include Modified Fields . 46 C. Updating the Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 V. CONCLUSION: THE CONTINUING BUSINESS OF DATABASE EXPANSION 50 ANNEX: References and Hotlines . . . . . 51 APPENDIX A: COUNTRIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS 52 APPENDIX B: PARADOX COMMANDS 53 APPENDIX C: REPROGRAMMING THE INURD APPLICATION WITH PPROG. 54 FIGURES 1. Figure 1 .3 2. Figure 2 .29 3. Figure 3 .34 4. Figure 4 .29 5. Figure 5 .43 TABLES The Contents Table ............2 The CONAUTHD Table . . . . . . . . . 45 - iii - ABSTRACT To facilitate access to urban and housing data, an expandable INURD database was created in Paradox format. This database is a compilation of microeconomic and macroeconomic, sectoral, and financial data collected from the Bank Economic and Social database (BESD) and UN abstracts. All data in the INURD database can be easily updated as new information becomes available. The database caters to both novices and power users. Beginners can easily perform simple tasks with the INURD Database Application program, while advanced users can take advantage of powerful database features and programming in the INURD Database. This paper's table of contents can be used as a mini-reference to see at a glance the steps involved in Paradox operations. Each section of the paper has self-contained explanations so that users do not have to search throughout the manual for additional instructions. The paper first introduces the contents and sources of the INURD database. Section II describes the preprogrammed INURD Database Applications that allow easy access and simple manipulation of INURD data. Section III illustrates the power users' options for advanced analyses. Section IV and the conclusion explain and reemphasize the continuing business of database expansion. THE INURD APPLICATION PROGRAM AND EXPANDABLE DATABASE I. INTRODUCTION 1. This paper introduces the INURD Application Program and Expandable Database which today contains housing and urbanization data for Latin America and Asia. The database provides a compilation of time series and cross national data that is tailored to the needs of the INURD department. The data can be accessed in two ways, according to the needs of the user. The first is through the preprogrammed INURD Application Program, which can be used by novices for simple tasks. The second way is through the INURD Database in Paradox format, which gives power users the tools to do advanced analysis and database programming. 2. The tables in the INURD Application Program and the INURD Database can be updated and expanded as new information becomes available. However, it is necessary to update twice since the INURD Application Program tables and the INURD Database tables are separate, and operate independently of each other. In other words, if a table is updated in the INURD Application Program, it must also be updated in the INURD Database, and vice versa. 3. The INURD Application Program and the INURD Database are available in Paradox format, which is a new software from the Ansa-Borland Company. This software was chosen because it supports relational database work, exports and imports various software, provides a Personal Programming package, and is relatively easy to learn. Hence the name Paradox: a powerful software that is simple to master. Paradox 2.0 is the leading data base software for Local Area Networks (LAN). 4. To illustrate how this database works, some basic facts on Korean housing, urbanization, and expenditure trends will be presented. In the process, the reader will become familiar with the INURD Database features, benefits, and drawbacks. A. What is Currently Available in the INURD Database? 5. With economic growth comes fundamental changes in the way a society modernizes and develops. The data in the INURD Database reflect the continuing importance of the housing sector in the rapidly growing Korean economy. The INURD Database houses other useful data on population, expenditures, rates and indexes, construction, stock, income, and macroeconomic indicators. At this time, only Latin American and Asian data is available. 6. The Contents table on the next page lists the files' names and gives a description of the all tables currently available in the INURD database. The Contents table also identifies the various sources and the BESD codes of the tables. The Contents Table Dele Be8 .. Neme- of FJ le Cont.en\,s Sources Populel·l on Agripop Agncullurel Populet-1on Deneit..y Per Sq. Km,l960-85 BESD, SOCINO To\, pop Tot.el Populet.ion Size 1n Thoueends, 1950-1985 BESO, SOCIND Urbpop Urben Pop•Jlet..ion B1ze 1n Thoueende, 1950- 1985 BESD, SOCIND Rurpop Rurel Popule\,ion Size in Thousends, 1950-1985 BESO, BOCIND Ho•Jse Pereone per Ho•Jsehold, 1960-1985 BESD, SOCIND, code: House_dene Hoveeurb Persons per Household, Urben, 1960-1985 BEBD, SOCIND, code: House_dens_urb Ho•Jsrur Persons per Household, Rur·el, 1960-1985, LAC only. BESD, SOCIND, code: Hot•se_dens_r•Jr Ed\•C lllileret..e Popule\,ion ee 'of Pop, Age 15~.1950-85 BESO, SOCIND Avgrvl:.h Averege Grovt..h Ret..e of Tot..el Pop,'· 195o-1985 ProJ84.URI, Teble 5, UN Dete Avggrurb Average Orowt..h Ret..e of Urben Pop, '· 195o-1985 ProJ84.UR2, T,.ble 6, UN Oet,,. Avggt~•Jr Averege Orowt.h Rel:.e of Rurel Pop,'· 1950-1985 ProJ84.UR2, Teble 8, UN Dete Urconc Proporl:.1on Urben l:.o Tol:.el, '· 1950-1985 ProJ84.URI, Teble 4, UN De\,e Agglo11er Urben Aggloaeretion in C..p1lel C1t1es, 1950-1990 ProJ84.UA, UN Del~ Urbn Rate of Urben i zet1on, % per· Y<"et·, 1950-19 85 ProJ84.UR2, Teble 7, UN Dele 8ovt..,House Exp Govt...exp Tot..el Oovt, Expend1l•Jre by type of 13ovt, I 970-85 BESD, UNNA Govl:.hc Govt Expend on Hous1ng & Commun1ty, 1970-1985 BESD, UNNA 13ovt..hsg Government~ Expendit.. ure on Houstng, 1970-1985 BEBD, UNNA Govt.com Govt Expend on Communily D<"velopllenl, 1970-1985 BESD, UNNA Ho•J~exp Con~•Jmpt1on Exp.. nd of Ho•Jseholds, CP & KP, 1970-85 BESD, UNNA Rent. Hot•sehold Exp •on Rent., Fuel, Pover,CP & KP,1970-85 BESO, UNNA, code: 20507 F•.1rntt Ho•Jsehold Exp on Furntt...ure,Equtpmt.. ,CP 8: KP,J970-85 BESD, UNNA, code: 20510 Reles & Indexes x,-.,t,e_t f Exchange rel:.e, Locel per USS, IFS melhod, 1965-85 BESO, Price & Production IFS RF Xr-el.,._Al BESD, Price & Produclton 1\) Exchenge rote, Loce I per USS, ATLAS met.ho d, 1965-85 WPI Whol,.sele Pnr.e Index, 1980•100, 1960-1985 BESD, IMFIFBBA CPI Cons•Jm .. r Pnc<' Index, 1980•100, 1960-1985 BESD, IMFIFSBA Construo:t.ton honzed, 1977-1984 UN No. E.86.XVII.20 !seme es ebovel Stod~~ &: I nt::ome ncity, 1960-1985 BESD, code: Ho,Jse_elec_rur House1nc % Shere of Household lnco11e in Qt•inli lea World Dev. R.. port, Vol 4, Teble 26, 1987 Block lncreese in Stock 1n Locel •. CP & KP, 1960-1985 BESD, UNNA GNY Grass Net 1one! Income et. Merket Pr 1 ce, 19 60-1985 BEBO, IMFIFSBA Mecro Economies !MACRO> BOPdef I GOP defletor, 1980•100, 1960-1985 BEBO, IMFIFSBA, code:GDP_MP_PR GNPdefl GNP deflator, 1980•100, 1960-1985 BEBD, IMFIFBBA, code:GNP_MP_PR ONP_MP GNP et llllrket price, mi II ions of Locel •· 1960-85 BEBO, IMFIFBBA GOP GOP in Current end Constent pr1ces, 1960-1985 BEBO, IMFIFSBA 13FCF Brose Fixed c,.pttel Formet>1on; CP & KP, I '360-198S BEBD, UNNA OCF Gross Cepi\.el Formetion, CP lit KP, 1960-19 85 BEBD, UNNA Hsg1nv Ho•Jsing lnv,.slment in Locel S,CP & KP, 1960-1985 BESD, UNNA GOB Gross Oomeol1c Sevings 1n Locel S,CP & KP ,1970-85 BESD, IEC, NA Ot..her· Tebles Kordet.e V.or~n urbl!ln '!ind housing finence det.l!. Kordet... s Lot.. us f tle, Dr. Reneud - 3 - B. Sources of the INURD Database 7. The INURD database is a collection of data from three sources: the Bank Economic and Social Database (BESD) files, Lotus spreadsheets imported into Paradox format (ie. UN population data from PRJ84URl.wkl, PRJ84UR2.wkl, and PROJ84UA.WK1), and data entered into new Paradox tables from UN statistic abstracts. 10 8. BESD is a mainframe 70 database containing international information on balance of payments, national accounts, debt, government finance, financial statistics, industry data, and social indicators. BESD sources include the World Bank,· the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Health Organization. 9. Some data found in the 1085 11r70 1075 1085 BESD is lacking in completeness and YEARS consistency. This is especially true of World Bank data in BESD. The graph Fiqure 1 on the right illustrates this problem. Korea•s GNP at Market Price, Although this particular BESD file was 1000 billion won last updated in May 1988, Korean GNP 1960-1985 data is only available to 1985. 10. This lack of data, which is available elsewhere, is an inherent problem in the INURD database, which, for the most part, was downloaded from BESD. However, the INURD database can be easily updated. This is demonstrated in Section liD, "Maintenance of the Application Tables". In that section, the GNP_MP table will be updated to include the 1986 Korean GNP figure. CREATXON OP TBB XNURD DATABASE: Locate information in the BESD. Download selected data into "*.DIF" files. Convert ".DIF" files into Lotus spreadsheets. -Import Lotus spreadsheets into Paradox tables. -Import other existing files into Paradox tables. -create new Paradox tables for specific data. - 4- The Structure and Features of the INURD Database and Application Program INURD DATABASE FEATURES * View * Edit * Update * Print TABLES * Queries - BESD data * Import - UN abstracts * Export * Programming C:\PARADOX2 > INURD APPLICATION FEATURES *View TABLES * Edit - BESD data * Update - UN abstracts * Print C:\PARADOX2> PPROG> - 5 - II. INURD DATABASE APPLICATIONS: THE SIMPLE OPTION 11. The INURD Database Application program provides easy access to INURD tables and four basic functions - VIEW, ADD, UPDATE, and PRINT. These are the only functions available in the INURD Application. The Applications are menu driven, and very easy to use, and are therefore best suited for people not familiar with Paradox. At the same time, this simplicity limits the user to the preprogrammed features. It is not possible to do any advanced analysis in the INURD Application Program. For this reason, the Applications should be used as a stepping stone, to become familar with the basic functions of Paradox. The goal in this process is to start out using the Applications, but to eventually move on to the more powerful INURD Database in Paradox. 12. The INURD Application was designed by the Paradox Personal Programmer (PPROG), which allows users to create, modify, or gain access to the Applications. The Application itself is a macro or "script" within the INURD Database. It is found in the subdirectory "C:\PARADOX2>PPROG". The INURD Application can be accessed from Paradox or from the Personnel Programmer. These steps are illustrated on the next page. When you "Leave" the Application program, you are back in Paradox, which contains the INURD Database. 13. Data in the INURD Application tables can be updated and expanded as new information becomes available. However, the structure of the tables can not be altered. It is not possible to add new fields, such as years, without reprogramming the Application. (Please note that tables in the INURD Database in Paradox can be restructured and updated - which is an additional reason to learn Paradox.) Additionally, it is necessary to update twice since the INURD Application Program tables and the INURD Database tables are separate, and operate independently of each other. If a table is updated in the INURD Application Program, it must also be updated in the INURD Database, and vice versa. 14. The tables in the INURD Application Program are grouped in subsets by type of data. There are six subsets, called POP, MACRO, INCOM, EXP, RATES and CONST. The Table of Contents in Section One lists the subsets and their respective tables. For example, to view Macroeconomic indicators, you must get into the MACRO subgroup. Each subgroup can have a maximum of 15 tables. As additional tables are added, more subgroups will have to be created in the INURD Application Program. 15. While you are using the Applications program, you have access to a maximum of 15 tables per subgroup. You can not do cross category comparisons in the INURD Applications. For example, it is impossible to simultaneously access data from the MACRO subset and the POP subset. This can be done in the more powerful and complex INURD Database, which is discussed in Part III, "THE INURD DATABASE: THE POWER USER OPTION". 16. One last consideration: the applications are too large to save on disks, and get "file creation errors" when backups are made. Therefore, the only copy of the INURD Database Application that exists at this time is in the directory "C: \Paradox2\PPROG>", in the Toshiba T5100. If it is necessary to - 6 - delete from this directory, make sure that files with the extension .SC (for script) and .LIB (for Library) are not removed. These files are the building blocks of the Applications, and should not be deleted. A. Access to the Applications 17. The first step to getting information on Korea's GNP is to get into the INURD Application Program. There are two ways to do this: from Paradox or from the Personal Programmer (PPROG). To properly load the Application, you must identify the directory and the name of the subgroup. For simplicity, these names are the same. The Contents table lists the GNP MP table as part of the MACRO subgroup (which is found in the Macro directory). 18. To access the Application, which is a macro or "script" while in Paradox, choose the desired menu selection by typing the first letter of the command, or by moving the arrow key to highlight the selection, and press ENTER. 1. From Paradox: C:\Paradox2>Paradox2 (enter) Tools, More, Directory C:\Paradox2\PPROG\name of directory, (MACRO) (enter) OK, Scripts, Play, name of application, (MACRO) (enter) There is no password, so press ENTER to get into the MACRO . - 7 - Access to INURD Applications from PARADOX: ~. Viev Ask Report Create Modify Image Forms lToolsl Scripts Help Ex1t Rename, speedup quertes, convert date, copy, delete, tnfo, net, more. Rename QverySpeed•;p Expor~Impor~ Copy Delet~ Info Net\ More lMain 2. Add 1 Subtract 1 Empty, Protect., Chense the worJ.ang d irect.ory, Go t.o DOS· ~. Add MulttAdd Subtract.. Empty Protect \ Dtrectorv 1ToDOS Ma1n Set worktng directory; clear workspace end delete temporary tables. ~- Directory: c:\PARAOOX2\PPROG\MACRO Mein Enter new working directory speciftcstion . Cancel~ Main "· Clear workspace, delete temporary tebles 1 end change working directory . •• View Ask Report.. Creet..e Play or record e script. Modify Image Forms Tools \scrtpts jHelp Exit 1- I Ph1;r: BeginRecord Play e script. Query Save ShowPley Edt tor Main Script: MACRO •• Enter name of scr tp t t o P 1eyl .::~r press J to see e ltst.. of scr 1 pts. Mein Password: Enter password for the epplication; (Esc] to cencel; (En~erl for no pessword. - 8 - 2. From the Personal Programmer (PPROG): To choose the desired menu selection, type the first letter of the command, or move the arrow key to highlight the selection, and press ENTER. C:\cd\Paradox2\PPROG (enter} C:\Paradox2\PPROG>PPROG (enter} Tools, Directory C:\Paradox2\PPROG\ name of the directory, (MACRO) Play; Application name, (MACRO), (enter}. There is NO password, so press ENTER to get into the applications. ~- C:\>cd Psrsdox2 C:\PARAOOX2>cd PPROG C:\PARADOX2\PPROG>PPROG 1. I Create Modify Summsrtze Rev1ew Plsy Tool~ !Exit Copy, delete, or rename en sppltcstion; ~pectfy ~ett.tngs; chsnge dtrectory. ~. Copy Delete Rename Sett1ngs Chsnge to snother dtrectory. I Dtrect.ory} It- Direct. . ory: c: \PARADOX2\PPROO\MACRO Set working directory; clear workspace end delete temporery tebles. Create Modify S'Jmmerize Review[ Play J Tools Extt. Plsy sn sppltcstion ore scrtpt.. b· App l i est ion name : MACRO Enter the name of the sppltcstion to pley. Password: Enter password for the eppll•:at1.:::>n; (Esc) t.•::> cencel; CEnter] for no pessword. Welcome to the MACRO-ECONOMIES detebese eppll•:atton 1 11 - 9 - B. HELP! How to Use the INURD Applications 19. To choose a menu selection, either type its first letter or use the arrow key to highlight the desired selection, and press ENTER. To get into the "Help" screen, press "H". The Help menu provides some tips and general information about the INURD Applications. Inquiry Reports Ma1ntenance !.Help} Leave Update Contents Information abovt these select1ons~ Press any key to end the help Welcome to the MACRO-ECONOMIES database eppl1cetion 1 To choose a men'J select1on either --type its f1rst letter, or --use the arro~ key to highl1ght the select1on YO'J ~ant, then press ENTER. To back out of a submenu, pt·ess ESC. HERE'S WHAT THE SELECTIONS DO: INQUIRY: Retrieve the spec1fied f1les according to reg1on or country. The F7 toggle key s~1tches det.ebeses from form v1e~ to t.able vie~. Enter the country code 1n CAPITAL letters; ie. Iran •IRN. REPORT: Print reports according t.o reg1on or country. MAINTENANCE: Update or add to the detebese. HELP: Display this help screen. LEAVE: Leave t,he Macro-Economies dat.abese and ret,,;rn t,o the main men1;, - 10 - C. Viewing Tables 20. To view data from a file, select the Inquiry option. The requested information will appear in a Paradox "table". A table in Paradox is comparable to a spreadsheet in Lotus. A "table" is made up of records (rows) and fields (columns), and can contain up to 2 billion records, 255 columns, and 255 characters per field. 21. There are two ways of viewing INURD tables, either in "table view" or "form view". The "table view" displays all records for all fields. To move around within the table view, use the arrow keys. To see the table in "form view", press the F7 toggle key. 22. "Form view" shows all fields for one record, as well as titles, sources of information, and other additional information that can't be seen during table view. To move between records while in form view, use the PgUp and PgDn keys. To get into the table view, press F7. To get back to the main menu, press F2. 23. Both views are shown below for the GNP MP table. Form View: Gross Nat1ona1 Prodt~t ~t M~rke~ Pr1r.es Gnp_111p 1n 1111ll1ons of local r.vrrency, 1960-1386. Not.e: "0" 1s g1ven 1f dat.a LS not. ~vad~ble. Source: BESD, IMFIFSBA. Covntry: AFG Dat.e ~est. Updated: 87 LL 13 1'360: 57300.7 1'361: 58'300.7 1962: 60800.8 1963: 62800.8 1964: 64300.9 1365: 66700.4 1'366: 68700.5 1967: 70700.3 1968: 73101.3 1969: 75801.3 1970: 80300 1971: 84100 TABLE VIEW OF THE GNP _XI' TABLE: Prese CF21 when f1n1shed v1ew1ng the teb1e Total records: 14 .:~to- FILD ANS vnt. te Last. Updated 1'360 1961 1 AFG 871L 13 57300.7 58900.7 2 BGD 880512 15100 17000 17'300 3 BUR 850726 7064 ;:13 "'135 4 IDN 871 LL 3 400 soo 1300 5 tND 880512 14'3460 153"!'30 t63910 6 !RN 870612 306200 121 ~oo 337300 7 JPN 880517 15852000 13575000 ••••••••••• 8 KOR 880517 244900 234200 355500 9 ~KA 880616 66.:.0 66.:.8 6'360 10 11Y8 880517 6767 6465 687'3 ll PAK 870710 20236 2:S3S 23808 12 BGP 880602 0 I) I) 13 THA 880112 53880 59880 63690 14 VNft ~E.CoRt> 730915 ., 163.8 169.2 187.9 - 11 - 1. GNP Data by Region 24. In the INURD Application Program, the user can access data for all countries, for a specific region (either Latin America or Asia), or for a particular country. It is very easy to locate information by region. To find GNP data for Asia, select Inquiry, GNP_MP, and AS. The GNP_MP answer table appears below. 25. Some of the fields in this table are "Country", "Date Last Updated", and "1960". AFG, BGD, and BUR are records. Please note that all countries in the INURD database are abbreviated according to the official UN list. AFG is Afghanistan, BGD refers to Bangladesh, and BUR stands for Burma. A complete listing of countries and abbreviations is found in Appendix A. "Date Last Updated" is the date the file was last updated in BESD. Also, data that is not available, such as Singapore's GNP, has a "0" in the respective fields. Asterisks in a column indicate that there is more information on the right hand side of the screen. I Retr1eve Inqviry] Report,s Me1nt..enence spec1fied reports. Help Leeve Updete Content,s GCF GDP GDPdefl ~NP MP) GNPdefl GDS GFCF Hsglnv GNP et merket pr1c~s, m1llions of locel S, 1960-85. ~ LA ALL Covnt..ry Vie.., Asie dete. TABLE VIEW OF THE GNP MP TABLE: Press CF2l ..,hen finished vie..,ins the t,eble Tote 1 records : 14 ANSWER ovntry Dete Lest Updated 1'360 1'361 1'362- 1 AFG 871113 57300.7 58900.7 60800.8 2 BGD 880512 15100 17000 17900 3 BUR 850726 7CS4 7213 7195 4 ION 871113 40fJ 500 1300 s IND 880512 14'34CiJ 158790 16'3910 6 IRN 870612 ~n62oo 321700 337300 7 JPN 880517 15852000 1'3575000 ••••••••••• 8 KOR 680517 244900 2'34200 355500 9 LKA 880616 6640 6646 6'360 10 MYS 880517 6767 6465 6879 11 PAK 870710 20236 22635 23808 12 SGP 880602 0 0 0 13 THA 880112 53880 58880 63690 14 VNI't 790'315 163.8 169.2 187.8 - 12 - 2. GNP Data by Country 26. To view Korean GNP data, select Inquiry, GNP_MP, Country, and type the country's abbreviation in CAPITAL letters, KOR. The table will be retrieved in "form view". To move down to Korea's record, press the PgDn key. To switch the view to "table view", press F7. To back out of this screen, press F2. TncruirY} ieport.e J11aint.enance Help Leave Update Contents Retrieve specified report.e. GCF GOP GDPdef~ (GNP,MP( GNPdefl GD8 GFCF Hsginv GNP at. market. pr1cee, m1llione of local I, 1960-BS. l AS LA ALL Country \ View data for a spec1fic country. Enter 3 letter country code < 1n CAPITALS, eg. KOR>. KOR 1np_ap a 13ro•• PW~t.. ~ona L Pr?dvct. •t:. Merket. Pr 1ce1 n aa.l11on1 of' local CtJrr'M1ey, t'360 ... L986. 1 Not.e: "0'' ~s ;1ven ~.r det.a ~.s not. e.ve~olable. Qovree: BESD , I l'IFI F'SIIA • Count.ry : KOI Oat.• ~ut. Updat.ed: 980517 244900 t9&0: 294200 t96l: 355500 t361: 502900 l9&3: 716300 t964: 805700 t9&S: 1037000 t9&&: 19&7: l28t200 tS52900 t9&8: 2155300 19&9: 2735900 t970: 3375100 197l: PR!SS PGDN TO SEI PAGE TWO: Pr••• CF2l when f'1n1shed '~l•w&ng t.he ~..able Tot.al record•: l GnP ... •P l972: •t54000 l973: 5378500 l974: '503100 l'375: l OOS'-600 t376: l J8t8200 l'377: t7'29&00 l'379: :3936800 1979: 30741100 l980: 36672300 1981: .:.St26200 1982: 50724600 1983: 58985800 1984: ...... 08200 1985: 72849800 1986: 83295000 REGION: AI Updat.e: 8124188 By: JAF - 13 - D. Maintenance of the Application Tables 27. There are two sets of INURD tables which are separate, and function independently of each other. One set is located in the INURD Database Application program; the other tables are in the INURD Database. When a table is updated in the INURD Database Application, the same table in the INURD Database is not automatically updated. Therefore, updating must be done to both sets of tables. The following section describes how to update tables in the INURD Database Application. This example will show how to add the 1986 Korea GNP figure to the GNP MP table. 1. Adding Data to a Table 28. To update the GNP MP table in the Application, choose Maintenance, GNP MP. Maintenance lists all the files in the application, and allows you to add, update, and delete data. Maintenance automatically retrieves the entire database, not a specific region or country. The data is retrieved in form view. Press PgDn to move to Korea's record. The commands and table are on the following page. 29. To add the 1986 GNP figure for Korea, place the cursor in the 1986 field of the Korea record, and enter the number 83295000. Press F2 to save the changes. Please note that the number is entered without commas. 30. To add a new record between two existing records, press the INSert key to force a space where the new record should go. When you press INS, the current line will move down, and a space will appear where the cursor is placed. You can enter the data in this blank space. 31. To add a new record at the bottom of the table, just place the cursor after the last record and type in the information. There is no need to press INSert in this case since a new record is not being inserted between two existing ones. 2. Editing Existing Data in a Table 32. To edit a record, put the cursor on the data you want to change, and press the back space delete key (<-- Bk Sp). This key is to the right of the "+" and "=" key on the top right of the keyboard. This feature can be used to correct spelling mistakes or to change incorrect numbers. Do not use the DEL button, since this will delete the record. (If you do this by accident, press Control U to undo the last change.) After you change or add data, press enter to move the cursor to the next record. 3. The "Update" and "By" Fields 33. After updating a table, record the date and your initials in the "Update" and "By" fields. If you press the space bar, today' s date will automatically be placed in the "Date" field. Press F2 to save the changes. - 14 - MAINTENANCE: Inqv 1ry Reports [Meuntenance) Help Leave Upd~Ste Contents Update or add to the database. GCF GOP GOPdefl [GNP MP} GNPdefl GOB GFCF Hsginv Contents GNP at market pr1ces, m1l1ions of local S, 1960-85. CF21 - Complete ed1t, [Escl - Cl!ncel ed1t, Ctrl-U - Undo last change [Insl - Insert a record, [Dell -Delete a record Gross Nat1onel Product at Market Pr1ces Gnp_mp 33 in a1ll1ons of local currency, 1960-1986. Not.e: "0" 1s given 1f data 1s not. available. Source: BESO, IMFIFSBA. Country: KOR Date Lest Updated: 880517 1'360: 244900 1961: 294200 1962: 355500 1963: 502900 1'364: 716300 1965: 805700 1'366: 1037000 1967: 1281200 1'368: 1652900 1'36'3: 2155300 1970: 2735900 1971: 3375100 CF21 - Complete ed1t, [Esc] - Cancel edit., Ctrl-U - Undo last change [Ins] - Insert a record, [Dell -Delete e record Gnp_mp ?~5ge 2 # 33 1'372: 4154000 1'373: 5378500 1'374: 7503100 1'375: 10064600 1'376: 13818200 1'377: 17728600 1'378: 23936800 1979: 30741100 1980: 36672300 1381: 45126200 1982: 50724600 1'383: 58985800 1984: 56408200 1985: 72849800 1986: 83295000 REGION: AS Update: 8/24/88 By: JAF - 15 - 4. Adding Many New Records (ie. Country data) to a Table 34. This section is more advanced because it requires a working knowledge of Paradox operations. These commands are repeated and illustrated in Section III, "THE INURD DATABASE: POWER USER OPTIONS". 35. If there are many new records to add, enter the data in the INURD Database table and then copy that table to the Application's directory. This will replace the old table in the Application with the newer, updated version. For example, if you wanted to add the data of ten African countries to the GNP_MP table, you would get into the INURD Database by loading up Paradox. You would enter the information in the GNP MP table in the INURD Database. First leave the INURD Application Program by pressing "Leave, Yes". Then exit the program by choosing "Exit, Yes". You are now ready to update the table in the INURD Database: (i) Get into Paradox, which contains the INURD Database: C>PARADOX2 {enter} C:\PARADOX2>PARADOX2 {enter} (ii) Select View from the main menu by presing "V". Type the name of the table you want to see, "GNP MP". Press ENTER. (iii) The GNP_MP table will appear. To get into the edit mode, press F9. Move the cursor to the bottom of the table and enter the names of the countries and their data in the table. You are now updating the INURD Database GNP_MP table. To save these changes, press the Do-It key, F2. Leave Paradox and the INURD Database by pressing "Exit, Yes". (iv) The next step is to copy the updated table from the INURD Database to the INURD Application's directory. In this way, you do not have to enter data twice; just enter it once and then copy the updated table to replace the older version. Notice the "*.db" extension stands for a database created in Paradox. The copy command for the GNP MP table in the MACRO directory is given below : C:\Paradox2\PProg\Macro> copy c:\paradox2\ GNP MP.db c: (There are more explicit instructions in Section III, Parts B and C, "Vie\ving a Table" and "Editing and Updating a Table: The F9 Key".) - 16 - 5. Adding New Fields (ie. Years) to a Table 36. It is only possible to alter the structure of INURD Application tables by reprogramming the Application. NOVICES SHOULD NOT ATTEMPT THESE PROCEDURES SINCE THEY REQUIRE ADVANCED KNOWLEDGE OF PARADOX AND THE PERSONAL PROGRAMMER (PPROG). IF DONE IMPROPERLY, THE INURD APPLICATION TABLES AND THE INURD APPLICATION COULD BE DESTROYED! Obviously, this is a limiting feature of the Application Program which is NOT found in the INURD Database using Paradox. The reason for this is that the Application macros or "scripts" only recognize the table's original structure. If the Application table is later changed, and new fields are added, the computer will not know which fields to access and the program will not work properly. 37. What does all this mean? If new fields are to be added to a table, the INURD Application must be reprogrammed from the Personal Programmer (PPROG) to include the modifications. This is a somewhat involved process, and must be done by someone familar with Paradox and the Personal Programmer. 38. Below is an outline of the steps that would have to be taken to properly add a new field, 1986, to the GNP_MP Application table: (i) Restructure the GNP MP table in the INURD Database to include the new field. (ii) Restrucuture the GNP MP form in the INURD Database. (iii) Copy the updated GNP_MP table and form to the INURD Application directory. (iv) Reprogram the Application with the Personal Programmer so that the functions will access the new fields. 39. The following are the explicit instructions to add new fields to a table: (i) Get into Paradox, which contains the INURD Database. C>PARADOX2 {enter} C:\PARADOX2>PARADOX2 {enter} (ii) Select Modify from the main menu. Choose the Restructure option and type the name of the table to be updated, GNP_MP. (iii) The table structure will appear. Place the cursor under the "1985" field (field 29) and press the INSert key to force a space. "Region", which was in field 29, will move down. Type "1986" for the field name, and "N" for the field type. "N" stands for number, since all the GNP data to be entered ni the 1986 field will be numerical. (iv) Press FlO to get a submenu. If you made a mistake, and want to stop the restructuring, highlight "Cancel". To save the new 1986 field, press "Do-lt". You can also save the table by pressing F2. The newly structured GNP MP table will appear after a few seconds of processing. - 17 - (v) To get into the edit mode to make changes or add new data, press F9. Remember to press F2 to save the changes you made in the edit mode. PLEASE NOTE: ANY TIME THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE STRUCTURE OF A TABLE, THE FORM (ie. the setup of titles and sources seen during the form view) MUST ALSO BE UPDATED. PARADOX WILL NOT INCLUDE NEW OR MODIFIED FIELDS IN THE FORM VIEW UNLESS THE TABLE'S FORM IS RECUSTOMIZED. (vi) To recustomize the GNP MP forms in the INURD Database, first delete the old forms from the Paradox directory. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO HAVE A PRINT OUT OF THE OLD FORM BEFORE YOU ERASE IT SINCE YOU WILL HAVE TO RETYPE THE SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND TITLES. You must EXIT Paradox and get into the Paradox2 directory to erase the old forms: C>PARADOX2 {enter} C:\PARADOX2>Erase GNP MP.F C:\PARADOX2>Erase GNP_MP.Fl (vii) Get back into the INURD Database through Paradox and from the main menu choose Tools, Copy, Form, Table: name of table (eg. GNP_MP), F, 1. (viii) The main menu will appear. Choose Forms, Change, Table:name of table (eg. GNP_MP), F, Standard Form. (ix) At the top of this form, type in the title, source, and other information you would like to see in the form view. To move around within the form, use the PgUp and PgDn keys. If you would like to move fields to different parts of the form, press FlO and choose Area, Move. Highlight the fields to be moved, then place the cursor where you want the fields to go. Press ENTER to move the fields. (x) To save the new form, press FlO and select DO-IT, or press F2. (xi) Delete the GNP_MP.db, GNP_MP.f, and GNP_MP.fl files from the C:\Paradox2\PProg\Macro> directory. Note the "*.db" extension stands for a Paradox table, while the "*.f" extension represents forms created in Paradox. C:\Paradox2\PProg\Macro>erase GNP MP.db C:\Paradox2\PPROG\Macro>erase GNP MP.f C:\Paradox2\PPROG\Macro>erase GNP MP.fl (xii) Copy the updated GNP MP table and form to the Application's directory: C:\Paradox2\PProg\Macro>copy c:\Paradox2\GNP_MP.db c: C:\Paradox2\PProg\Macro>copy c:\Paradox2\GNP_MP.f c: - 18 - (xiii) At this point you are ready to reprogram the Macro Application. 40. There is a detailed explanation of all the necessary programming steps in the PARADOX: Personal Programmer Guide. For an explanation of how to reprogram the INURD Application, refer to Appendix C, "Reprogamming the INURD Application with PPROG". E. Updating the Application's Log Book 41. To note that there have been changes in the GNP_MP table, select Update, and fill out the table as seen below. This feature allows a log to be kept of all changes made to tables in an Application. "Update" shows the user at a glance which tables in the Application have been updated, by whom, and when. I Inq1J1ry ReportJs MeintJenance Help Leave [JJJ:Idete Contents Add to the log of ell updated f1les in the appl1cetion. (F2l - Complete ed1t, (Escl - Cancel edit, Ctrl-U - Undo lest change (Insl - Insert a record, (Dell - Delete a record Update 1 Name of File Updated: GNP_MP Co,Jntry UpdetJed: Korea Year Updated: 1'386 Comments: Updated by: Jodi Felberg Date Last Updated: 8/26/88 - 19 - F. Printing Data from a Table 42. In the INURD Application, it is possible to print data for all countries, a specific region (either Latin America or Asia), or a particular country. 43. To print GNP_MP data for Korea, choose Reports, GNP_MP, Country, and enter the country abbreviation in CAPITAL letters, KOR. In a few moments, the information will print out. Please note that the computer will print out as many columns as possible on the first page before moving to the next page and continue the print job. This may not be efficient for printing data on one country, but is useful for print jobs on many countries. 44. Also keep in mind that once the print command is chosen, the print job can not be cancelled. Please do not attempt to stop the printing by turning off the computer because you may "corrupt" (ie. destroy) the table you are working with. The flexible print commands in the INURD Database in Paradox do not have these limitations. I Inquiry Reports Print. reports. J MaintJenance Help Leave Update Contents GCF GOP GOPdefl !GNP_MP! GNPdefl GOS GFCF Hssinv GNP at. market. price, million~ of local S, 1960-85. AS LA ALL ( Co•mt.ry l Print. data for a specific country. Please enter t.he co•JntJry code 1n CAPITAL LETTERS. KOR 9/11/88 Page 1 Country Date Lest. Updated 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 KOR 880517 244900 294200 355500 502900 716300 805700 •••• - 20 - G. The Contents Table 45. The Contents table shows in which directory a table is located. As you know, the GNP MP table is in the MACRO Application, and the name of this directory is also MACRO. 46. The Contents table should be updated as new tables are added to the INURD Application. To update, place the cursor where the new information should go, and enter the data. To save the new changes, press F2. 47. Please note that "Others" is just a category for tables that have not yet been incorporated into an Application. When enough new tables are added, a new Application can be created which will include these tables. Inquiry Reports Maintenance Help Leave Update [fontentSJ View or edd to the table of contents for ell applications. CF2l - Complete edit, CEscl - Cancel edit, Ctrl-IJ - Undo lest change Cinsl - Insert e record, [Dell -Delete e record CONTENT Data Bas eme of Fi le---"""111'-----------cont:.en 29 Constr,Jction 30 Conevthd New Building Constrvct1on 31 Dwelcons Dwelling Construction Au~h 32 Stock 8c Income 33 Lend_YJP Lend Income Ratios, Jepane 34 Networt-.. h Japanese Household Networt 35 Elec % of Dwellings w1th Electr 36 Elecvrb % of Urban Dwellings W1t:.h 37 Elecrvr % of Rural Dwellings w1th 38 House inc % Shere of Household Incc~ 39 Stock Increase in Stock in Local 40 GNY Gross Net1onel Income at ~ 41 Macro Economies 42 GDPdefl GOP deflator, 1980•100, L3 43 GNPdefl GNP deflator, 1980•100, L3 44 GNP_MP GNP st market price, m1ll1 45 GDP GDP 1n Current and Constsn 46 GFCF Gross Fixed Capital For:net. 47 GCF Gross Cap1tel Formet1on, C 48 Hsginv Hc:>tJSlng Investment 1n L·:><:~ 49 GDS Gross Domestic Sav1ngs ~n so Others Kordata Econom1c, F1nenciel Data : - 21 - H. Leaving An Application 48. To leave an Application, press either F2 or ESC to back out of a menu. Make sure to leave the Application (Leave, Yes), and to EXIT from the program. If you do not exit properly, the tables may become "corrupted", the Paradox term for destroyed tables, so please take care to leave and exit. Never, under any circumstance, press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the system while you are using an INURD Application! 49. If you leave the Application (Leave, Yes), but not the program (Exit, NO), then you will be in Paradox, which means you can access the INURD Database. The INURD Database is more powerful and can do advanced analyses and programming. This will be further explained in the next section, "THE INURD DATABASE: THE POWER USER OPTION". Inquiry Reports Ma1ntenance Help {Leave]Update Contents Leave the appl1cat1on. Create Modify Svmmer1ze Review Play Tools ~ Leave the Paradox Personal Programmer and r~t.,;rn r.. o DOS. No lhJ Leave the Paradox Personal Programmer. - 22 - III. THE INURD DATABASE: THE POWER USER OPTION so. When you enter Paradox by typing the following commands, C>Paradox2 {enter) C:\Paradox2>Paradox2 {enter) you are automatically in the INURD Database. Also, if you leave the INURD Application Program, but do not exit from Paradox, you will also be able to access the INURD Database. You may have noticed that you can enter the INURD Application the same way you enter the INURD Database. This is because the INURD Application is a macro or "script" that is nested in Paradox, and located in the subdirectory "C:\Paradox2\PPROG>". 51. However, the INURD Application and the INURD Database are very different programs. Although they both have separate copies of the same data tables, the INURD Database can perform advanced operations, such as importing, exporting, locating data, combining tables, and programming. There is alot of opportunity for data manipulation and creativity in the INURD Database that the INURD Application Program and other softwares do not offer. The graphs at the beginning of the paper were created by using the advanced Paradox features of the INURD Database to locate specific data from across tables. A. The Structure of Paradox Tables 52. The building blocks of the INURD Database are "tables", which are made up of records (rows) and fields (columns). Each table can contain up to 2 billion records, 255 columns, and 255 characters per field. An example, the GNP_MP table, appears below. Some of the fields in this table are "Country", "Date Last Updated", and "1960". SUR, TTO and URY are records. Please note that all countries in the INURD database have three letter abbreviations, according to the official UN list. SUR is Suriname, TTO refers to Trindidad and Tobago, and URY stands for Uruguay. A complete listing of countries and abbreviations is found in Appendix A. "Date Last Updated" is the date the file was last updated in BESD. Also, data that is not available, such as Singapore's GNP, has a "0" in the respective fields. TABLE VIEW OF THE GNP MP TABLE: Press (F2l when finished viewing the table Total records: 14 ANSWER ountry Date Last Updated...---1960--=;p::=--1961-==-==;p=--1962- FIELD 1 AFG 871113 57300.7 58900.7 60800.8 2 BGD 880512 15100 17000 17900 3 BUR 850726 7064 7213 7195 4 ION 871113 400 500 1300 5 IND 880512 149460 158790 169910 6 IRN 870612 306200 321700 337300 7 JPN 880517 15852000 19575000 *********** 8 KOR 880517 244900 294200 355500 9 LKA 880616 6640 6648 6960 10 MYS 880517 6767 6465 6879 Rt.CO~t> - 23 - B. Viewing a Table 53. To view the GNP_MP table, select View from the main menu, and then type the name of the file, GNP_MP. To move around within the table, use the arrow keys. Asterisks that appear in the right hand field indicate additional data can be seen by moving the cursor to the right. To clear the screen, press F8. 1. Form and Table Views 54. There are two ways of viewing an INURD Database table. The GNP MP table appears below in "table view", which displays all records for all fields. To move around within the table view, use the arrow keys. To see the table in "form view", press the F7 toggle key. The "form view" shows all fields for one record, as well as titles, sources of information, and other additional information. To move between records while in form view, use the PgUp and PgDn keys. To get back into the table view, press F7. To clear the screen, press F8. To get the main menu, press FlO. r,;;::1 A1k Report Cr..te Modify Iaaae Pora1 Tool1 Scrtptl Help lxlt ~. table. Table: GNP_MP Main · Ent.er na•• of t.able t.o view, or press~ t.o see a 1 ist. of tJables. TABLE VIEW OF THE GNP MP TABLE: Press CF2l when finished viewing t.he table Tot.al records: 14 ANSW unt.r Dat.e Last. Updat.ed•.---1960--....--1961--....- - 1 9 6 2 - FIELD 1 AFG 871113 57300.7 58900.7 60800.8 2 BGD 880512 15100 17000 17900 l 3 BUR 850726 7064 7213 7195 4 ION 871113 400 500 1300 5 lND 880512 149460 158790 169910 6 IRN 870612 306200 321700 337300 7 JPN 880517 15852000 19575000 ••••••••••• 8 KOR 880517 244900 294200 355500 9 LKA 880616 6640 6648 6960 10 11Y8 880517 6767 6465 6879 11 PAK 870710 20236 22635 23808 12 SGP 880602 0 0 0 13 THA 880112 53880 58880 63690 14 VNM 790915 163.8 169.2 187.8 ------..:., _______,., _ _ _ _ ___,=, RECORD - 24 - FORM VIEW OF THE GNP_MP TABLE: Press tF2l when finished viewing the table Total records: 14 Gross National Prodt.Jct. at. Market. Prices Gnp_mp 1 in millions of local cvrrency, 1960-1986. Note: "0" is given 1f data is not avallable. Sovrce: BESD, IMFIFBBA. Covntry: AFG Date Last Updated: 871113 1960: 57300.7 1961: 58900.7 1962: 60800.8 1963: 62800.8 1964: 64300.9 1965: 66700.4 1966: 68700.5 1967: 70700.9 1968: 73101.3 1969: 75801.3 1970: 80300 1971: 84100 TABLE VIEW OF THE GNP MP TABLE: Press CF2l when finished viewing the tJable Total records: 14 ANSWER vntr Date Last Updated 1960 1961 1962- l AFG 871113 57300.7 58900.7 60800.8 2 BGD 880512 15100 17000 17900 3 BUR 850726 7064 7213 7195 4 ION 871113 400 500 1300 5 IND 880512 149460 158790 163910 6 IRN 870612 306200 321700 337300 7 JPN 880517 15852000 19575000 ••••••••••• 8 KOR 880517 244900 294200 355500 9 LKA 880616 6640 6648 6960 10 MYS 880517 6767 6465 6879 11 PAK 870710 20236 22635 23808 12 SGP 880602 0 0 0 13 THA 880112 53880 58880 63690 14 VNM 790915 163.8 169.2 187.8 - 25 - c. Editing and Updating a Table: The F9 Key 55. It is very easy to update the INURD tables as new information becomes available. To add the 1986 Korean GNP data to the GNP_MP table, press FlO for the main menu, then choose View, GNP_MP. Press F9 to get into the edit mode. Place the cursor in the 1986 field of Korea's record and enter the number 83295000. Please note that the number does not contain any commas. 56. The date of the new entry, and the person who made it should be recorded in the "Update" and "By" fields. Press the space bar to place today's date in the "Update" field; enter your three initials in the "By" field. To save the changes, select the "Do-lt" key, F2. This is illustrated below. 57. In Paradox, it is possible to add new records anywhere in a table. Once in the edit mode (F9), move the cursor to where the new information should go. If you would like to insert a record between two existing records, press INSert to force a space where your new record will go. If the new records will go at the bottom of the table, place the cursor under the last record and enter the new information. Another way of adding data to a table is by combining two existing tables. This advanced operation is discussed in Section IIIG, "Combining Two Tables". r;;::1 Alk Report Create Hodity Ima1e Form• Tool• Script• Help Exit ~. table. Table: GNP_MP Me 1n Enter name of table to v1ew, or press J to see a l1st of tebles. PRESS F9 TO GET INTO THE EDIT MODE. Editing Gnp_mp t.,able: Record 33 ·~f 39 Ed1t 198 198 REGION Updet By 0 LA 4854.7 LA 1380940 LA 153059 LA 0 LA 0 LA 492651 LA 357260 LA 0 AS 403790 AS 0 AS 2603040 AS 90559500 AS 15272200 AS 317252000 AS 72849800 83295000 AS 8/24/88 JAF 71838 AS 516293 AS - 26 - D. Adding NEW FIELDS to Existing Tables 58. There are some tables in the INURD Database that have fields only up to 1985. If there is data available for 1986, 1987 and so on, the table's structure must be modified to add the new fields. Before we can add the Korean 1986 figure to the GNP_MP table, we must first create a 1986 field. To do this, (i) Press FlO for the main menu and select Modify. Choose the Restructure option and type the name of the table to be updated, GNP_MP. (If you select the wrong option and want to back out of a submenu, press ESCape until you get the main menu.) (ii) The table structure will appear. Place the cursor under the 1985 field (field 29) and press the INSert key to force a space. You will notice that "Region" will move down, and a space will appear in field 29. Type "1986" for the field name, and "N" for the field type. "N" stands for number, since all the GNP data to be entered in the 1986 field is considered numerical. (The other choices of field types are "A", for alphanumeric data, "$" for currency amounts in any denomination, and "D" for dates.) (iii) Press FlO to get a submenu. If you made a mistake, and want to stop the restructuring, highlight "Cancel". To save the new 1986 field, press "Do- It". You can also save the table by pressing F2. The newly structured GNP MP table will appear after a few seconds of processing. (iv) To get into the edit mode to make changes or add new data, press F9. Remember to press F2 to save the changes you made in the edit mode. To clear the screen, press F8. To get the main menu, press FlO. 59. Also, any time there is a change in the structure of a table, the form (ie. the setup of titles and sources seen during the form view) must also be updated. Paradox will not include new or modified fields in the form view unless the table's form is recustomized. This procedure is discussed in Section IV B, "Updating Forms to Include New Fields". - 27 - ADDING FIELDS TO A TABLE: t. I V1w Aall Rapod ereau [ !foclitv Imaqa Form• Toot. Scripta Sod or ed1•·• cable, en~er nev recorda or re•tructure a table. Help Exit ti. sort 141• Add, eraH, Main atruc•ure. III. tv. loftW Help [ao•t'1'l ( eancel. ...~UJ:'. STRUCT Field Nem Fl~ld Typ 22 1979 N FIELD TYPES 23 1980 N A- : Alphenumeric 24 1981 N Any comblnetion of 25 1982 N ·:herectJers end speces 26 1983 N 'JP to specified ., ldth. 27 1984 N M.~xlm,;m '-'ldth 1s 255 28 1985 N "29 1986 N N: Numbers '<11th or '-' 1th01JtJ 30 REGION AS dec1mel d191ts. 31 Updete D 32 By A3 $: Currency amounts. D: Dates in the form mm/dd/yy, dd-mon-yy, or dd.mm.yy Use '•' after field type to sho., a key field (ex: A4•>. - 28 - E.·· Printing A Table 60. To print the GNP MP table, select Reports, Output, the title of the table to be printed (GNP_MP)~ R, Printer. This is demonstrated below: l View Ask !Report Create Modify Image For11s Tools Scripts Help Exit Ovtpvt, design, or chanse a report. specification. Jovt.pvt} Design Chanse RanseOvt.pvt. SetPrint.er Main Send a report to the pr1nter, the screen, or e file. Table: GNP_MP · Main Enter name of table for report, or press J for a list of tables. [!] Main Standard report leriptod Screen File Main Send the report. to the printer. - 29 - F. "Queries": Various Ways of Locating Data 61. A "query" is the Paradox function that is used to locate data on specific variables. A query searches through a table's data and places the requested information in a temporary answer table. The temporary answer table will be lost when the next query is performed, or the computer is turned off. To keep an answer table permanently, you must rename it. This new table can be exported to Lotus, where the data can be used for graphs. Once the answer table is renamed and made permanent, any Paradox feature can be used to manipulate the table's data. 62. In the following query examples, we will locate the data necessary to create the accompanying graphs. This data will be exported to Lotus, where the graphs can be made. With WordPerfect 5. 0, these Lotus graphs can be incorporated with text, as they were for this manual. 1. "Queries" Within One Table. the Basic Steps: 63. To create the Korea GNP aa graph, a query must be performed on the l=l ?D GNP MP table. The computer will search ~ sa through the table for the variable we l=l 0 specify, in this case, it will be Korea 'r'l sa ~ data. ~ •a 'r'l ~ 3D 0 0 a. The ASK Command 0 2D ~ 1D 64. To get into the query mode from the main menu, press FlO and choose ~ c.!) a 1Q&O 19155 11?5 19&5 the ASK option. Type the name of the YEARS table you would like to see, GNP_MP, and then press {enter}. Figure 2 Korea•s GNP at Market Price, 1000 Billion won b. The "Query Form" 1960-1985 65. In a few seconds, the query form will appear on the screen. A query form is an empty table structure that the user fills out to instruct the computer what to search for in the database. To find Korea data, move the cursor to the Country field, and type "KOR". Country and region abbreviations must be entered in CAPITAL letters. (If you are interested in locating data for all Asian countries, move the cursor to the Region field and type "AS".) 66. If you've made some type of mistake and would like to start again, press F8 to clear the query form from the screen. c. CHECK OFF - The F6 Key 67. What fields in the Korea GNP record would you like to locate? To have - 30 - quut£5: I. View {iiil Report create Kodity rmaqa Forma Toola Scripta Help Exit a.c a quacy to~ to aak qu..tiona abouc a tabla. II. Tul•• ,.._. Main &nc.r na88 of tabla to aak about, or pr••• •J to ••• a liat of tabl••· III. I (Pt) to include a field in the ANSWER: (FS) to qiva an &xa.pla Kain ..---un- ,.. - ~oun~•t• ( ma ( EAac updated~utoa--.... ( I' IY. Prua F2 to P•t:fora the query. Vievial An8W&' tablaa Rac:on 1 of 1 Kain v. GJD ~ount~ate Updat~Luo--........ --un- I' Laat - I' IDa I' ~~ una r.uc Uplact4aMIJIIII--·1uo---.g--1te1--. .- - : u u - 1 c.aunt~t• 1 1D1 . I 110111 244too a Zt4200 355500 PRESS FlO TO GET THE MAIN MENU. THE PROCESS CONTI~ES ON THE ~EXT PAGE. - 31 - all the fields placed in the answer table, from Country name to 1986, move the cursor to the left hand column, under the name of the table, and press F6. Checks will appear in all the fields. To uncheck all the fields, press F6 again. The checks will disappear. 68. To locate information on specific fields, such as GNP data for 1970, 1975, and 1980, place the cursor in those columns, and press F6. Make sure that the the check marks are in the same row as the "KOR". If checks appear in records with no variable, the computer will not know what to search for, and will give an error message in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. 69. To perform the query, press F2. - 32 - d. Renaming a "Temporary Answer Table" 70. An Answer Table with the information you requested will appear shortly. The answer table is temporary, and will be lost when you turn off the computer or perform another query. To permanently keep the table, rename it by pressing FlO, and choose Tools, Rename, Table; you want to rename the Answer table, so type "Answer". Rename the table "KORGNP". 71. To clear the screen of the KORGNP table, press F8. To clear the screen of the query form, press F8. To get the main menu, press FlO. I. II. u....-..cout~t• c.n t:pctau4.,...-.Uio--...,.--1ul---.--uu- 1 I ICOR I 110517 I lU900 ztUOO l55500 [iiiii1 ron a...n 5cl'ipt . III. a . - a cule aM ita tuUy of fonaa. repol'ta, an4 lnd•:;.••-·-....--- an ~-~te C.lt Upclat~. UIO- - I' lOa ( 11·1- I( I' AIII~INIIC~h c.ac apctac•c4n~-1tto---p--un---.--uu- l 1 ma - 1 11011.7 1 H4too auoo 155500 tV. ~ai.n ---.--lul--'""1'--uu- zt•zoo lSS500 v. ~. . ..--1tt0'---.--1ttl---r--1t•a- LUC Upllatecc4 l I - - I 110117 a 244100 ZIUOO lSISOO - 33 - e. Exporting Paradox Tables to Lotus 72. Paradox can very easily export tables to Lotus and Quattro. This feature is important since Paradox is incapable of doing advanced computations or graphs. However, in order to correctly export, you must know which version of Lotus you are using. Release 1 is the older version; Release 2 is the newer version with the extension "name of file. W'Kl". If you would like to export a Paradox table to Quattro, choose Lotus Release 2, and when you are in Quattro, rename the "name of file.W'Kl" spreadsheet to "name of file.W'KQ". 73. If you have followed the steps in this manual, you should have a table entitled "KORGNP" that has information on Korea's GNP. To export the KORGNP. db (the . db extension stands for a database created in Paradox) to KORGNP.wkl (a Lotus file), you should do the following: (i) Press FlO, Tools, Export/Import, Export, 123, 2) Release 2, Table to convert: KORGNP. Name the new file KORGNP. WKl. Remember to include the Lotus extension and the drive you want to save the new Lotus file on. If you don't indicate a drive, the KORGNP.wkl file will be saved on the C drive. (ii) Exit from Paradox by pressing F8 twice, and select Exit. (iii) You can work on the Korea GNP data in Lotus or Quattro by retrieving the file c:\Paradox2\Korgnp.wkl (.wkq) if the file was saved on the "C" drive. You now have all the data necessary to recreate the Korea GNP graph . I. . ~!~~~~~• Ask I Reporo: C~eaee ,..A~c~lfy cauqe f~t"IIS { T:ols sc:":.pes Hel.p • speed~Jp quert.es, _ ..... ver-: :~-:~. =:;:y. :iel:eee, .::~o. nee. ::~ore. E:lu.e II. <:=;:y Da!..~'!e ~ore ~O!:lii~'!S. I I I. rz:;=l I aport Main ~ troa Paradox torsat eo another file format. IV • r,::::-, SYIIphony Dbase Pfs Visicalc Ascii Main ~ to a . Wl 3 1977 N Any combination of 4 1978 N characters and spaces s 1979 N IJP to specified width. 6 1980 N Maximum width is 2SS 7 1981 N 8 1982 N N: Numbers with or witJho,;t 9 1983 N decimal digits. 10 1984 N 11 Comg~ent....s A28 $: C1;rrency amo1;nts. 12 REGION AS 13 Update 0 IJ: Dates in tJhe form 14 By A3 ;,m/dd/yy, dd-mon-yy, )r dd.mm.yy Use '*' after field type to show a key field . IV. PRESS F 10 TO GET THE t-IAIN MENU. V. SELECT DO-IT TO SAVE THE TABLE STRUCTURE. THE CONAUTHD TABLE 191 2 Country ------ sua Hew Bldg Con.tr Author -------------------------- Rea,floor area,thou~Ml 1977 ------ 35] 1971 ------ ]42 1979 ------ ll2 1910 ------ 246 1911 ------ 314 --- --- ]12 191J ------ ]60 1914 ------ Ca..enta ---------------------------- ]16 Volu. . of Building• REGION --· LA SUR Rea,tender value,all GUild 27 ]1 ]2 29 ]7 22 ]5 ]] In •illlona Guilder• LA '1"1'0 All,nuaber of peralt• ]271 JllO ]771 l610 l42l l 2ll ]210 lOll Exclude• extenaion• LA '1"1'0 All,floor area,t~ M2 521 507 592 552 661 55] 611 642 LA '1"1"0 •••· nuaber of peralta ]155 ]211 ]675 l525 l291 l 165 ]149 l010 LA 1"1'0 Rea,floor area,thou~ M2 416 no 527 501 512 479 5l0 514 LA 1"1'0 1, 2 Dwel, nuaber of perait:• ]155 3211 ]657 ]504 l280 l 144 llll 2910 1,2 Dwel Bld9 in Re• Bldg LA '1"1'0 llultl Dwel, I of peralta 11 21 18 21 11 lO Multi Dwel Bld9 in Re• Bldg LA URY All,floor area,thou~ M2 4U 649 91] 12l8 86] 575 202 J71 Before 1 14 Montevidio only LA URY Rea,floor area,thou~ M2 ]5] 471 668 912 626 427 127 :1]9 Before 1 14 Montevidlo only LA va All,nuaber of perait• 5771 5421 4495 5661 4687 l 671 2107 2860 Private Sector Conatruct LA va All,floor area,thou~ M:il 1572 8652 1609 7254 5910 6 47] ]677 ]074 LA va All,tender value,•il Boliv 5960 U15 1110 9541 8:176 9 594 5]50 5991 In •llllon Bolivar•• LA VBM Re•,nuaber of perait• 4154 46U ]752 4690 l89J 2 175 2172 2251 Private Sector Con•truct LA VBM Ree,floor area,thou~ M:il 59U 6694 6817 5015 4556 5 oll 2575 2174 LA va Ree,tender value,•ll Boliv Ul7 6412 6492 6605 6666 8 072 4076 4744 In •llllon Bolivar•• LA va 1,2 Dwel BldtJ,I of perait• ]651 ]56] 2675 4000 ]297 2 J75 1826 Jill 1,2 Dwel Bldg in Re8 Bldg LA va IIUltl Dwel Bg, I of peralta 1196 1120 1077 690 596 500 ]46 ]61 llultl Dwel Bldg in Re• 8dq LA va Dwel in Rea Bldg, nuaber 41068 4tl75 50427 51012 48552 56 29] 21574 21682 LA va Dwel,floor area,thou~ M2 591] 6694 6197 5015 4556 SOil 2575 2114 Dwelling• in Rea Building LA va 1,2 Dwel Bldg•, nuaber ]578 ]56] 2675 15067 14112 U598 11915 6911 Dwelling• in Rea Building LA va Multi Dwel Bldga, nuaber l7490 46412 41752 ]5945 JU70 42 695 16659 14764 Dwelling• in Rea Building LA CHM All,floor area,thou~ M:il 275380 244800 284 504 252776 279290 Project• under conatructn AS .j::"" CHM Re•,floor area,thou~ M2 148170 146440 167 611 140181 141910 AS Vl HltG All, nuaber Ill 1175 1045 1267 1224 7]9 662 792 AS nm All,floor area,thou~ M2 275] ]564 l124 2959 4147 l 145 2117 2256 u..ble floor area AS Hm Re•,nullber 511 189 761 969 174 Ul 420 579 AS Hm Re•, floor area, thou~ M2 959 1211 1246 1169 ll44 751 907 1]10 Uauable floor area AS HIIG Dwel,nullber 52072 58951 68974 54215 70 ]1] 61961 150]2 AS HIIG Dwel,floor area,thou•d M2 821 1042 1055 1027 1111 720 797 1256 AS IMD All,nuaber 11087 96041 97841 97500 104645 117 21] 12117:J AS IMD Rea,nuaber 70426 81349 14721 1241] 90]44 101 589 105]00 AS u• 1- All,nuaber ll76 14011 ]1]45 :i1624l 14700 10 20] 11:114 10949 Built by Natl Urb Devlt Co AS u• Re8,nuaber 11476 11174 l26U 2620] 54364 II 611 15062] :10227 By UIRBB•state saving aan• AS All,nullber 112091 U9662 154711 120 005 148]7] AS All,floor area,thoued M2 21073 2U:ill 27511 :12 341 27:119 AS ~- Re•,nuaber 111031 144912 Ill 2]] 141132 AS .JPII All,nullber in thouaanda 1477 1497 1412 1]05 1170 1164 1057 lOU Include• alteration• AS .JPII A11,floor area,thoued M2 211509 2ll997 245:199 22097] 202714 195642 111211 196UI AS .JPII A11,tender value,Th. •il y 17766 1982] 22]]9 2:1760 22413 22177 21665 22:1U in Thou•and Million Yen AS .JPII Ree, nullber in tboueande l2l0 125l 1220 1051 942 950 147 821 AS .JPII Ree,floor area,tboued M:il 1401:10 149751 150611 1]:1274 120085 119604 111176 111170 AS .JPII •••,tender value,Th. •ll y 11554 12716 1]706 1]65] ll286 ll545 12746 12196 in 7bou•and Million Yen AS JPII 1,2 Dwel,nuaber in thoued 1004 1041 999 144 7]] JPII 11Ultl Dwel,nuaber ln thou• :1:16 212 221 214 :109 1 :1 owel Bld9s in Rea Bldg u 6:12 AS .JPII Dwel, nuaber in thouHnd 170:1 1754 1707 Ull 1]59 1745 6]4 MUlti owel in Res B1~· .JPII Dwel,floor area,thoued M2 U5646 14590] 146756 12908] 117219 116205 2ll 207 owel con•truct Author aed u JPII owel in Ree,l in thoued 1501 1549 149] 1269 1152 U45 Ul1 1]67 u JPII owel in Rea,floor area,th U6119 ll6:il49 1]6515 11910:1 10785] 1077]1 101551 101749 owe1 con•truct Authorhed u ItOR All,nuaber 14:145] 149749 129312 104411 75024 101146 1U7 1117 in tbOU8•nd M:l u ~tOR All,floor area,thou~ M:il 22342 ]0118 27505 25727 296]1 tt442 100:121 lnclude• reatoratlon &S :10146 101586 ICOR Rea,nuaber 117101 124119 102991 77695 51644 7150] 126506 - 46 - 1. Adding Titles to INURD Tables: Creating Customized Forms 110. When data is imported from other software to Paradox, titles, sources of information, or additional comments should be deleted to facilitate the conversion process. However, it is possible to add this information to Paradox tables by creating a customized form. Also, any time the structure of a table is modified, such as adding, deleting, or renaming fields, the table's form must also be updated. This is discussed below in section 2. A step-by-step example of these procedures is given on the next page. To create a form for a newly created INURD table, select the following: (i) FlO, Tools, Copy, Form, Table: name of table (eg. GNP_MP), F, 1. (ii) The main menu will appear. Choose Forms, Change, Table: name of table (eg. GNP_MP), F, Standard Form. (iii) At the top of this form, type in the title, source, and other information you would like to see in the form view. To move around within the form, use the PgUp and PgDn keys. (iv) To save the new form, press F2 or press FlO and select DO-IT. 2. Updating Forms to Include Modified Fields 111. If a table is restructured and changes are made to a field, the form must also be updated to include the new information. 112. In Section IUD, "Adding New Fields to Existing Tables", a new 1986 field was added to the GNP_MP table. To update the forms, you must first delete the old forms from the Paradox directory. Paradox forms have the extension "name of table. f" and "name of table. fl". Data tables have the extension "name of table.db". After the old forms are deleted, recreate the form to include the new field. Remember to get a print out of the original form view of the table, since you will have to retype all the source and title information. (i) To update the GNP_MP forms, exit Paradox2. From the Paradox directory, erase the GNP MP forms: c:> erase GNP MP.f c:> erase GNP MP.Fl (ii) Re-enter Paradox and create the new forms, as explained in section 1, "Adding Titles to INURD Tables: Creating Customized Forms". - 4; - CREATING A CUSTOMIZED FORM: view Alk Report create Modify Imaqe Form1 li;ol~l script• Help Exit I. R~. speedup queries, convert data, copy, dele , to, net, more. II. Rena• QuezoySpeedup Exportimport (Copy f Delete Into Net More Main Make a copy of a table, custoa torm, report, or scr1pt. Table r;;;;1 Report Script 3ustFamilY Main III • Make a~of a form. IV. Table: b:GNP_MP Main Enter naae of table with !ora to be copied, or pre•• •J tor a list of tables. v. ~andard rona VI. f"0 2 3 4 'tfrtu•ed tona 5 6 7 a 9 10 ll ll 13 l4 Main VII. View A•k Report Create Modify Imaqe [ roms] Tool• Oe•iqn or chanqe a tora. Scripts Help !X it VIII Oesiqn r=::::-1 • ~odity ~nq fora. Main IX. Table: b:GNP KP Main Enter name of table tona is tor, or press •J to see a list of tables. ri"tt. Main X. ~rona XI. Fora description: Standard Form Main Enter new description tor torm, or press •J to leave unchanqed. - 48 - CREATING A CUSTOMIZED FORM: riald Area lonu Paqa style Help froo·IT~J return save the tora you're da•iqninq or chanq nq an cancel to Foa • l/Z the main workspace. Gro•• National Product at Market Prices in million• of local currency, 1960-1985. Gnp_mp ·------ Note: •o• i• given it data is not available. Source: BESD, IMFtFSBA. country: ------ Data Last Updated: ------------------------ 1960: ------------------------ 1961: ------------------------ 1962: ------------------------ 1963: ------------------------ 1964: ------------------------ 1965: ------------------------ 1966: ------------------------ 1967: ------------------------ 1961: ------------------------ 1969: ------------------------ 1970: ------------------------ 1971: ------------------------ Changing F form for GNP_MP Form 2/2 < 1' 1> Gnp_mp Page 2 #------ 1'372: 1973: 1'374: 1975: 1976: 1'377: 1978: 1'379: 1980: 1'381: 1'382: 1983: 1984: 1'385: 1'386: REGION: Updet,e: By: - 49 - C. Updating the Table of Contents 113. New tables, their contents, and sources should be recorded in the CONTENTS table to better organize the INURD database. To update, press FlO and View the Contents table. Get into the edit mode (F9), add the new information, and save the changes (F2). To clear the screen, press FS. 1,. ~ Ask Report.. Creet:.e Modify Image Forme Tools Seript:.s Help Exit. View a table. Table: Contents Ma1n Enter name of table to view, or press J to see a list. of tables. 2.Press F9 to get into the EDIT mode. Editing Contents table: Record l of 51 Edit CONTENT Deta Bas SIDe of Fi 1.------w-----------------------conten 1 Population 2 Agr1pop Agricultural Population De 3 Tot pop Total Populst1on S1ze in T 4 Urbpop Urban Population Size in T 5 R1Jrpop Rural PoplJlstion Size in T 6 Ho1Jse Persons per Household, 196 7 Houseurb Persons per Ho1Jsehold, Urb 8 Housrvr Persons per Household, Rur 9 Educ Ill1terste Populat1on as % 10 Avgrwt.. h Average Growth Rate of Tot 11 Avggrurb Average Growth Rate •::>f Urb 12 Avggrur Average Growth Rate of R1Jr 13 Urconc Proport 10n Urban to T•::>te 1 , 14 Agglomer Urban Agglomerst.. 1on in C.:~p 15 Urbn Rate of Urban1zet.. 1•::>n, % pe 16 Govt..,House Exp 17 Govt.. exp Tot. :tl Govt.. Expenditure by 18 Govt.. hc Govr, Expend on Ho1Js 1ng & C 1'3 Govt.. hsg Go·.·oernment Expend 1t1Jre •::>n 20 Govt.. com Govr, Expend on C•::>mmun 1ty D 21 Ht::>usexp C<::>n ~l1Jmpt.. 1•::>n Expend •::> f HOIJS 22 Rent.. Household Exp on Rent, Fue - 50 - V. CONCLUSION: THE CONTINUING BUSINESS OF DATABASE EXPANSION 114. To offer a complete Housing and Urbanization database to users, it is important to continually update and expand the INURD Database. At this time, the database only contains information on Latin America and Asia. The first expansion of this database should be to include the other regions of the world. Secondly, interest and inflation rates must be added to provide a better picture of economic affairs. Lastly, data on housing prices, and stock physical characteristics is needed to enhance the Housing section of the INURD Database. - 51 - ANNEX: References and Hotlines If you have additional questions about Paradox or the Personal Programmer, refer to the Paradox Reference manuals or call the Paradox Hotline, at 1-415- 595-4851. - 52 - APPENDIX A: COUNTRIES AND THEIR ABBREVIATIONS ATG ANT I GUA & BARBUDA ARG ARGENTINA BHS BAHAMAS BRB BARBADOS az Bar~ BOL BOLIVIA BRA BRAZIL CHL CHILE COL COLOMBIA CRI COSTA RICA CUB CUBA DOM DOMINICAN REPUBLIC ECU ECUADOR SL V EL SAL VAOOR FLK FALKLAND ISLANDS GUF FRENCH GUIANA GTM GUATEMALA GUY GUYANA HTI HAITI HND HONDURAS Mn MOICO NIC NICARAGUA PAN PANAMA PRY PARAGUAY PER PERU SUR SURINAME ITO TRINIDAD Be TOBAGO URY URUGUAY VEN VENEZUELA AFG AFGHANISTAN BGD BANGLADESH BTN BHUTAN BRN BRUNEI BUR BURMA CHN CHINA HKG HONG KONG IND INDIA ION INDONESIA IRN IRAN JPN JAPAN KHI1 KAMPUCHEA, DEMOCRATIC PRK KOREA, OEM. PEOPLE'S REP. KOR KOREA, REPUBLIC OF LAO LAO, PEOPLE'S DEM. REP. MAC MACAO MYS MALAYSIA MDV MALO I VES MNG MONGOL I A NPL NEPAL PAK PAKISTAN BGP SINGAPORE LKA SRI LANKA OAN TAIWAN THA THAILAND TMP TIMOR VNM VIET NAM - 53 - APPENDIX B: PARADOX COMMANDS Listed below are the various Paradox function keys and their commands: F2 ........ The "DO-IT" key to perform queries and save updated tables. F3, F4 .... Move between query forms in a query across tables. FS ........ Identifies the EXAMPLE ELEMENT in tables to be linked. F6 ........ CHECK-OFF fields to be placed in the temporary answer table after a query is performed. F8 ........ Clear the screen. F9 ........ EDIT mode to update or modify data in a table. FlO ....... Retrieves the MAIN MENU. (This is the same command as n\• in Lotus.) ESCape .... Backs out of submenus until you reach the main menu. - 54 - APPENDIX C: REPROGRAMMING THE INURD APPLICATION WITH PPROG To get a good understanding of how the PPROG works, refer to PARADOX: Personal Programmer Guide, published by the Borland Company. To reprogram the INURD Application to recognize the new 1986 field in the restructured GNP MP table is as follows: 1. Access the PPROG program: C:PARADOX2\PPROG> PPROG (enter} 2. When you get to the main PPROG menu, choose Tools, Directory: c:Paradox2\PPROG\ MACRO; Modify: Macro. 3. To change the programming for the INQUIRY feature for Asian countries, select Menu Action, Inquiry, GNP_MP, AS, FlO, Action, Define, Replace, Select table: GNP MP. 4. To program the computer to locate Asian countries, choose Select fields. Check off all the fields by pressing F6, and type the word "AS" in the region field. Then ch'oose Form Toggle, Standard Form, and Do-It. Highlight LA and do the same for the LA region. To locate by COUNTRY, do the above procedures, check off all the fields, then type in "-country" in the Country field. PPROG will ask for a prompt, this could be "Please enter the 3 letter country code:". 5. To locate ALL countries, move highlight to the ALL feature and select Action, Define, Replace, Select table: GNP_MP, Allfields, Form toggle, Standard Form, Do-It. 6. To update the REPORT menu, select Menu action, Report, GNP_MP, AS, FlO, Action, Define, Replace, Select tale: GNP_MP, Select records. Check off all records and type "AS" in the Region column. Then choose standard report, printer, Do-It. Repeat this process for the LA feature, remembering to enter "LA" in the Region field. For the COUNTRY feature, do the steps above, but type "-country" in the country column. For the prompt, type in "Please enter the three letter country code:". 7. To update the ALL feature of the Report menu, select Menu action, Report, GNP_MP, ALL, FlO, Action, Define, Replace, Select tale: GNP_MP, All. records, Standard Report, Printer, Do-It. 8. To reprogram the MAINTENANCE feature for the GNP MP table, choose Menu Action, Maintenance, GNP_MP, FlO, Action, Define, Replace, select table: GNP_MP, Edit, All Records, Form Toggle, Standard Form, All fields, InsertDelete, Insert, InsertDelete, Delete, Do-It. 9. To save these new changes, press DO-IT or F2 until you are out of the PPROG and the new scripts are generated.