STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL . Bubley INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT . TW'O HUNDRED A11D TWENTY-EIGHTH REGULAR MEETING of EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR8 Board Room International Bank Washington, D. c. Thursday, March 20, 1952 The meeting was convened at lOiOO a.m., Mr •. Robert L. Garner, Vioe President, presiding. I I ·I ,. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Items Discussed at 228th Rogular Meeting of Executive Directors held in the Board Room on Thursday, March 20, 1952, at 10;00 a.m. Page 70 International Finance Corporation - · Category of Report. • MR. OVERBYs :t don 't know if Jou intend to mention thia International Finance Corporation matter. I would just say, before I depart, that it you nre going to ra1s8 it I vould expect quite an opportunity to study this matter before . I STRICTLY ONFIDENTIAL 71 • there is any d1s~uesion here. Interested as we are in the whole subject of underdeveloped countries, I think ve would, on our aide, like quite obit of time to study it. THE CHAIRMAN: We were Just going to raise the ques- tion as to vhen v~ _might set a meeting. Would a week or ten days .be suttioient? MR. OVERBY: As far as I am concerned, it is not noarl time enough. We have to do a lot of work on this, a lot or study from our point of view. MR. SOMMERS: As far as ve can tell, the meeting at ECOSOC, at which this report vill be discussed, vill be &bout the 15th of May. They have made a request that ve have the paper for them six weeks in advance, to give them time to translate it and circulate it to governments for consideration. THE CHAIRMAN: May I clarify one thing. It is ·not o.\U' thought to ask the approval of t~e Board on this idea. It · , 1e rather our thought that this paper would be considered 1n the same category as our Annual Report, on vh1oh, as you knov, we have followed this procedure: We subm1 t an Annual · Report to the directors, and the directors authorize manage- ment to issue this Annual Report without their t&lc1ng re- ~· . spons1bility tbr the contenta. Our thought in this va.s to make olear, in tl'ansm1tt1Dg this report, that the transmission or this report in nova~ - STRICTLY ONFIDENTIAL 72 bound the governments which are represented on the Board ot Directors, that you simply authorize ue to tranemit thie report without the Board taking action as to whether 1t appro.ves or disapproves the propoeal. It merely authorizes it as a statement of a situation • .. So ve didn't expect that ve vould have a vote here as to the merits or the Finance Corporation idea.