80548 Audit Office of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region ofthe People's Republic of China it Audit Report -ti w5'~4l (2013 J 13 % GXAUDITREPORT (2012] NO. 13 Project Name: Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank ~.#.%: 8005-CN Loan No.: 8005-CN Project Entity: Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Company Limited 20111f_. 8 A 23 E ~ 2012 ~ 12 A 31 E Accounting Period: August 23, 2011 - December 31,2012 f3 ~ Contents 'i¥ it yip ;@: .J\!. ......................................................................................... 1 I. Auditor's Opinion ............................... .......................... ........................... 3 =-' · J1!ci' 45--fi*&Y!t 45--fK* ~t:Yi .................................................................6 II. Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements......... .......6 (-) *~-f-~;J!t ............................................................................... 6 i. Balance Sheet ........................................ ..................... ........................ 6 ( .::.. ) :r.9l: §*-It*-...............................................................................8 ii. Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds by Project Component ..... 8 - )~ ( ;:::_ *~ .U. ~ .,.J. .;.- iih~ iTij ~ fz ~ :t * 4~ ~ 0 ~m~•~k4&fi•*x~~•~~~•*•*~***•~.« ffi~~~0000 • • #$~ ~ 00 ~$# $ ~~-~~ftJ.#I~ , ~~* ~ ¥ * ~ m •~•*~~• ~,#~ ~&ft$#I~~~~§••**~ * ~ /F 1f-if i: 4~ 4ii~ ~-@-llf* i.iL ~ ~·~ *•*••~• ~•·~~~* *~e ,am~~J~ ¥~ **~~o~ m~m~ ~~~~- • #@~ ,~~ft~~~~w -tn-~ ~~~ ~~ -~ ** m*~-~ ~~~ ~ o~~fi ~ ~~~~,~J~# J J§Jilt~~-#J~ ~ f]$¥l~J, f.B § ~ #~FJ't ~~~ ~ $ it~~ , ~1fJ~J.t f1•~~~ * ~~~* * £·**I~~~ ~w~m~m~ rr~- ~~~ ~~~ili~*~#~~~tl. ~AW*N~-*~~~~- . •m~~.am ~•~ •*~ •~~*~-~~~.~~****~ ~:(# J £-Pili 0 ~ffi~~ . ·-&M~~***~M*•*~W~H~OO~~*$ ~ - +#~~~*~o~-~~~~~-~.~~a~J ~~-fi~•r W#P?if~f:!Jitf-.f}kJ.I.::. }t!J ~ D 2012 ~ l2}] 3 l E ~Jilt4J-tt~&~ ~~ E ~m~~M*~~ - ~~~fi~~m~P~~~~. *:it ~ 1fJ Jf J *~ ~ 4J*-~iit ~· fi tl'] GXLZOO l ~ GXLZ003 %~ •*~~&mm•~·•m~~.~~-~~ #1}~-~~~ •~ .~~ fF~ *it~·~#di. *-$~~~~ z$ ,#~~~·*~~~~~~~~~ : M~~*& M~••m~~•*~~~~•&•~- ~ ~= ~oo~w~-~~g•~$~•*•98% lilj3 ~ita~: 530028 t 1!: 86-0771-5800259 w 1J,: 86-0771-5800259 2 I. Auditor's Opinion Auditor's Opinion To Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Company Limited We have audited the special purpose financial statements (from page 6 to page 18) of Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank, which comprise the Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2012, the Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds by Project Component, the Statement of Implementation of Loan Agreement and the Special Account Statement for the period then ended, and Notes to the Financial Statements. Responsibility of Project Entity and the Finance Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region for the Financial Statements The preparation of the Balance Sheet, the Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds by Project Component and the Statement of Implementation of Loan Agreement is the responsibility of your company, while the preparation of the Special Account Statement is the responsibility of the Finance Department of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, which includes: i. Preparing and fair presenting the accompanying financial statements in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and system, and the requirements of the project loan agreement; ii. Designing, implementing and maintaining necessary internal control to ensure that the financial statements are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor's Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these fmancial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Government Auditing Standards of the People's Republic of China and International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment,. including the assessment of the risks of materia] misstatement of the fmancial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control 3 relevant to the entities' preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the fmancial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is appropriate and sufficient to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the financial statements identified in the first paragraph present fairly, in all material respects, financial position of Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank as of December 31, 2012, its financial receipts and disbursements, the project implementation and the receipts and disbursements of special account for the period then ended in accordance with Chinese accounting standards and system, and the requirements of the project loan agreement. Other Matter We also examined the withdrawal application from GXLZOO 1 to GXLZ003 and the attached documents submitted to the World Bank during the period. In our opinion, those documents comply with the project loan agreement and can serve as basis for loan withdrawal. The audit report consists of the Auditor's Opinion and two more parts hereinafter: Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements, Audit Findings and Recommendations. Address: No. , Minzu Avenue, Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, P.R. China 4 Postcode: 530028 Tel.: 86-0771-5800259 Fax: 86-0771 -5800259 The English translation is for the convenience of report users; Please take the Chinese audit report as the only official version. 5 -~ ll. Financial Statements and Notes to the Financial Statements (-)~*JJZ-~*: i. Balance Sheet ~4t.3fl-•* BALANCE SHEET 2012:¥-12!13113 {As ofDecember31, 2012) ~~~•= ~~-fi~arw~ m~~-·~•=•~! Project Name: Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank ···~= ~ffl*~~~-·~-~~~ p repared by: Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treatment Company Limited .$.tt: A~~~ Currency Unit : RMB Yuan rrc;: ~ :fT~ M'!JJ~ ~ :&: 6 Itt Apphcation of Fund Line M-IDfi Beginning Balance M*~ Ending Balance I! it * Sources of Fund Line No. Beginning Balance M*lir Ending Aalance No. , :r~H:!Uint - ,Jj)i §~tll int I Total Project Appropriation 28 291.586,009.02 Total Project Expenditures 486, 883 ,44 1.79 Funds _,J1!ifa~-*~.lj]tf§l~;$:1}~ L 3t11Ul'l£i"' - - Fixed Assets Transferred 2 - 234,087,851.61 Project Capital and Capital 29 Surolus 2. ~~il!J.!li! ll ~!ll 1t.P:i*M~ Construction Expendintres to be Disposed 3 - - lncludmg: Grants 10 - 3. $t::ll~Ji llli liHir!l:idt Investments Transferred-out 4 - -~, Total Project Loan 31 - 763,191.685.32 4 . ~lli'Ii 1. J1l eHlt~fff~ Construction in Progress 5 - 252,795,590. 18 Total Project Investment Loan 32 - 763, 191 ,685.32 =.,J!YJ&Vtll{Yj!tfffr!J\ fil?f-ffl'!il: Investment Loan Receivable 6 - - {I) Foreign Loan 33 63,191.685.32 }trp:!i\N!z:1:F ._f.r.1itffli'!:~ Jt: ttl A1!Hr1it~ lncludin&· Spec1al Account 14 - 12,851,718.10 Including: World Bank Loan 41 - 2. llt~ li' 1t~J.Idl~ fi ~ - iS 42 Cesh on Hand Bond Ft.md ~~ ]Jii§!:Jt!ti 7\. HI# .&Eil&.~i.t 16 - 363,844,295.56 Construction Expenditures - - Tolal Prepaid and Receivable 43 1 to be Offset Jt'l'.l!Ya&11!mff;~J1!, - -t, Total JiH.~~ Appropriation of Fund 49 . - l!l..a#~IR Less· Accumulated D~eciation 23 - ii.&tt&J>. -+ . Retained Earnings so - 10,526.83 lm~~F~il Fixed Assets, Net 24 - - lii~Jti"'?f~ Fixed Assets Pending Disposal 25 - - *~li!QI)Slli i"'Ul!R Fixed Assets Losses in Su~nse 26 - - ll~.5Jtifi'lt J!i~*li!Hnt Total Application of Fund 27 - I ,166,4:58,825.88 Total Sources ofFw1d 51 - 1,1 66,458,825.88 7 (.::.):IJ!~l£~*: ii. Summary of Sources and Uses of Funds by Project Component JJi 13 *.It*(-) SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS BY PROJECT COMPONENT I ;l>:.jl}j~.¥, 2012 q:. 12 Jj 31 8 (For the period ended December 31, 2012) ~§~~ : ~~~rr~ ~;w~~ ~~~~~~~M~§ Project Name: Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank • •• ft: ·ffl-~~~-~--~~~ -~·ft: Al~~ Currency U. Prepared by: Liuzhou Municipal Wastewater Treannent Company Limited rut: RMB Yuan :.f;:ii~J ~it Cum:nt Period Cumulative *~iliil ~ -*N!.Ot~li *~VI;!Cnt~ :qj EI .!HH!;~ .F.it~illi Jl~%.&1Ht Current Period Current Period Current Period % Cumulative Cumulative % Life of PAD Budget Actual Completed Actual Completed lif~*~*it 470,000,000.00 I ,054, 777,694.34 224.42% I ,873,260,000.00 1,054,777,694.34 56.31% Total Sources oiFunds -, li ii;~~llil:;t~!!; 60,000,000.00 63,191,685.32 105.32% J ,024,500,000.00 63,191 ,685.32 6.17% International Financing mii;1UHf htif!rr 60,aoo.ooo.oo 1 63,191,685.32 105.32% 1.024.500,000.00 63,191 ,685.32 6.17% IBRD = - !!~ $~ 410,000,000.00 241.85% 848,760,000.00 991 ,586,009.02 991 ,586,009.02 116 83% Counterpart .Ftnancing I. 11~~UH1'1JUk 170,000.000.00 700,000,000.00 41 1.76% 170,130,000.00 700,000,000.00 411.45% Commercial Bank Loans 2. Mi]{tte: Financial Appropriation 240,000,000.00 291,586,009.02 12149% 678,630,000.00 291,586,009.02 42.97% Fund$ l:ti ~~ffl'** ll§l7J.!<:~lli.fi 23,000,000.00 24,067,354.57 104.64% 113,440,200.00 24,067,354.57 21.22% Shatang Sewerage & WWTP 6. 1f~J4 f8:1SJ.!<:~J'II~ 100,000,000.00 I 05,059,234 83 105.06% 333,754,880.00 105,059,234.83 31.48% Guantang Sewerage & W\VTP 7. ~~fflffl'j$~f57lt~Iti Liuzhou Dewatered Sludge 2 7,000,000.00 28,259,502.34 10466% 4 7,446,600 00 28,259,502 .34 59.56% Co-combustion Component ~ff 567,894,252.55 567,894,252.55 ... i Ditrcn.-nce i I. ll!NU~~-It . 363,844,295.56 ... ... 363,844,295.56 Change in Receivables 2. 1El1t~:l'1t Change in Payables ... -IJI ,670,604.71 .I I -11!,670,604.71 ... : 3 ~iP l'i~N ... 315,731,088.53 315,731.088.53 ... l Change in Cash and Bank 4 ;It~ Other . -10,52683 ... -10,526.83 ... 8 ~ fliil lt (.:=.) SUMMARY OF SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS * BY PROJECT COMPONENT II *-~ il ~ 2012 5f 12 }] 31 13 (ror the period ended December 31, 20 12) ~~~~: ~ $~rr~~1 N~ffl~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~ Project Name: Second Liuzhou Environment Management Project Financed by the World Bank !;t~dRJ¥!-'fft: ~ ffl iff%JJ<. 1{HJHflllH't ff ~ a'J ~ if5 lf!.1~: A lit$ it Preoared -- --- - - bv: Liu11lou Municioal · -- --- --- --- --- - --- Wastewater Treatment Comoanv Limited Cunencv Unit: RMB Y- .. ~ 13 1:1.li Project Expenditure Jllie~ ~ e3Cf<:wuterud Sludge Co-combustion Component 28,259,502.34 . - 28,259.502.34 . 1-- -ftt:l· 486,883,44 t .79 234,087,851 .61 . . 252,795,!>90.18 . Total - 9 < 1!1 > -t JifL~P 41-* iv. Special Account Statement {- Jfl ·?~* SPECIAL ACCOUNT STATEMENT *~'l~.¥. 20121¥- 12 }J 31 !3 (For the period ended December 3 1, 2012) J:9it=J4l ~:i1t~ilrritr ~r- w~m~~~ *P~fi4l~: ~OO *~~fi ~~* ~ ~~l]l .::. 1JJ :rjil3 1}-iij i@ .J{,:tfi Ptqect 1"'arre: Second Liuzhou Environment Depository Bank: Guomao Branch, Management Project Financed by Agricultural Bank of the World Bank China Limited 1;} R9.:%: 8005-CN ~%: 20-023014040002358 Loan No. : 8005-CN Account ~o.: 20-023014040002358 t,;{ll~tt: r-w~±~ El tti IK.9!tiftlf ~ifj~~: ~.:lt Prepared by: The Finance Department ofGuangxi Currency: USD ZhuangAutonomous Region A lll!~ : }j!:WJ'!<·Jl! J11tf'i&X11fl51. ~ Iii Pan A-Account Activity for the C =t Period Amount -- - Jtlltl~il Beginning Balance - it:llll: Add : ;$Mtltfil!!l~~ .!;}ill 9,609,593.68 Total Amount Deposited this Period by World Bank *Jtll~g~A.!;}~<~A~ffl~f' $~) 1.674.78 Total Interest Earned this Period if Deposited in Special Account :.$:ilfPFfr~ 3t :±;!l:liEktC Total Amount Refundcd.this Period to Cover Ineligible Elqlenditures .1>: Deduct: ;$lf!3t1t.S~ 7,566,607.24 Total Amount Withdrawn this Period :Ul*ii1.15il:itftlli. Cumulative Service Charges (If not lnd uded in Item 5 or 6) - ~~: Deduct: 8. .fJJ.SI!lA.