MADIA DISCUSSION PAPER 9 8324 AA LELE /_ MANAGING ______ AGRICULTURAL _____ DEVELOPMENT_____ IN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AFRICA \\ _1/ II, ~~~ FOREWORD The MADIA study and the papers comprising this MADIA Discussion Paper Series are important both for their content and the process of diagnosis and analysis that was used in the conduct of the study. The MADIA research project has been consultative, nonideological, and based on the collection and analysis of a substantial amount of concrete information on specific topics to draw policy lessons; it represents a unique blend of country-oriented analysis with a cross-country perspective. The conclusions of the studies emphasize the fundamental importance of a sound macroeconomic environment for ensuring the broad-based development of agriculture, and at the same time stress the need for achieving several difficult balances: among macroeconomic, sectoral, and location-specific factors that determine the growth of agricultural output; between the development of food and export crops; and between the immediate impact and long-run development of human and institutional capital. The papers also highlight the complementarity of and the need to maintain a balance between the private and public sectors; and further the need to recognize that both price and nonprice incentives are critical to achieving sustainable growth in output. The findings of the MADIA study presented in the papers were discussed at a symposium of senior African and donor policymakers and analysts funded by USAID in June 1989 at Annapolis, Maryland. The participants recommended that donors and African governments should move expeditiously to implement many of the study's valuable lessons. The symposium also concluded that the process used in carrying out the MADIA study must continue if a stronger, more effective consensus among donors and governments is to be achieved on the ways to proceed in resuming broad-based growth in African agriculture. The World Bank is committed to assisting African countries in developing long-term strategies of agricultural development and in translating the MADIA findings into the Bank's operational programs. Stanley Fischer Edward V K. Jaycox Vice President Development Economics Vice President and Chief Economist Africa Regional Office :'~~ IMADIA DISCUSSION PAPER 9 STRUCTURAL ADJUSTMENT, AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT AND THE POOR LESSONS FROM THE MALAWIAN EXPERIENCE UMA LELE THE WORLD BANK__ _____- WASHINGTON, D.C. _ _ Copyright $ 1989 All rights reserved The International Bank for Reconstruction Manufactured in the United States of America and Development/THE WORLD BANK First printing November 1989 1818 H Street, NW. Washington, D.C. 20433, U.S.A. MAD!A Discussion Papers are circulated to encourage discussion and ment, at the address shown in the copyright notice above The World Bank commen- and to communicate the results of the Bank's work quickly to the encourages dissemination of its work and will normally give permissior development community, citation and the use of these papers should take promptly ard. when the reproduction is for noncommercial purposes, 'Ath- account of their provisional character. Because of the informality and to out asking a fee. Permission to photocopy portions for classroom use is not present the results of research with the least possible delay, the manuscript required, though notification of such use having been made will be has riot been prepared in accordance with the procedures appropriate to appreciated. formal printed texts. and the World Bank accepts no responsibility for The complete backlist of publications from the World Bank is shown in errors. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this the annual Index of Publications. which contains an alphabetical title list and paper are entirely those of the author(s) and should not be attributed in any indexes of subjects authors, and countries and regions. The latest edition is manner to the World Bank. to its affiliated organizations, or to members of available free of charge from the Publications Sales Unit. Department F The its Board of Executive Directors or the countries they represent. World Bank. 1818 H Street, N.W, Washington. D.C. 20433. U.S A.. or from The material in this publication is copyrighted. Requests for permission Publications. The World Bank, 66, avenue d lena, 7 51 16 Paris France. to reproduce portions of it should be sent to Director, Publications Depart- Uma Lele is the manager of Agricultural Policy in the Africa Technical Department at the World Bank. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lele, Uma Structural adjustment, agricultural development, and the poor: lessons from the Malawian experience / Uma Lele. (MADIA discussion paper; 9) Includes bibliographical references. 1. Agriculture-Economic aspects-Malawi. 2. Malawi-Economic policy. 3. Poor-Malawi I. Title. II. Series. HD2133.5.L44 1989 338.1'096897 89-22766 ISBN 0-8213-1325-8 Contents Introduction ............................. 4 Evolving Dualism. 6 Estates and Smallholders. 6 Structure of the Smallholder Sector. 6 External Shocks and Structural Adjustments. 7 External Shocks .........7 . Nature of the Structural Adjustment Effort .7 Macroeconomic Impact of Initial Adjustment Efforts and Subsequent Shocks. 8 Impact of Structural Adjustment on Smal1holder Sector. 9 Subsistence Production, Food Security, and Risk Aversion. 9 Producer Pricing Adjustments. 9 Grain Marketing Liberalization and Role of ADMARC Buffer Stocks . 10 Fertilizer Policies .11 Subsidy Removal under Structural Adjustment .I Consequences of Dualism for Fertilizer Use. 11 Price and Nonprice Factors .12 Subsidy Options .13 Role of National Rural Development Program .13 Complementary Policies and Recurrent Expenditures .14 Domestic Policies .15 Strategies for Increasing Production .15 Land and Taxation Policies .15 Summary and Conclusion .16 Notes ....... 17 Bibliography .19 Acknowledgments The author is grateful for the helpful comments of a large number of colleagues inside and outside the World Bank and of officials in the Malawian government. In particular she wishes to thank Messrs. Stephen O'Brien, Bela Balassa, Stephen Carr, Robert Christiansen, Richard Clough, Michael Collinson, Peter Hall, Fred King, Michael Lipton, J. S. Magombo, M. L. Muwila and Roy Southworth for their valuable comments on previous drafts. Thanks also go to Peter Bocock and Suzanne Wood for editing the present draft and Steven Stone and Ann Mitchell for excellent research work. The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily represent those of the World Bank or any other agencies collaborating in the MADIA study. Introduction This article examines the complex problems faced by an cultivate less than I hectare-and therefore rely substan- economically well-managed but small, poor, and landlocked tially on wage employment for income and on the market country-Malawi-in trying to achieve equitable growth for food. while coping with formidable external shocks. It argues that This dualism-within-dualism has had major conse- agricultural and rural sectoral policies will be crucial in quences for the process of structural adjustment, which determining Malawi's future growth, and explains the initially did not take it adequately into account, especially reasons why. the ability of the smallholder sector with its widespread Relative to its neighbors, Malawi adjusted well to adverse poverty to respond to or withstand the effects of macroeco- external shocks in the 1970s.' Since the second oil shock in nomic adjustment. As the folldwing discussion will show, 1979, however, it has faced numerous other external structural adjustment has addressed restoration of macro- problems-including a drought, a major decline in external economic balance, but it has not been able to improve terms of trade, higher interest rates on externally borrowed aggregate supply response; furthermore, because of higher capital, a sharp increase in external transport costs, and a food and fertilizer prices, it has had an adverse impact substantial influx of refugees (the latter two resulting from upon the poor. political strife in neighboring Mozambique). These factors This article will argue that the lack of supply response is have in turn contributed to structural imbalances, leading rooted in the historically precarious economic situation of the government to seek to restore macroeconomic balance the majority of Malawi's smaliholders, and that the adverse through one of the most ambitious programs of structural impact of higher food and fertilizer prices serves to adjustment in Africa. The adjustment process, however, has exacerbate this precariousness and further inhibit ecc- been complicated by the dualism of Malawi's agricultural nomic growth. On this view, in a country like Malawi where sector.2 a large proportion of the population lives in poverty, it is Partly because of conditions inherited at independence,' not possible to generate sustained, overall growth by and partly because of policy choices made in the 1970s, pursuing short-term opportunities that penalize the poor or Malawi's agricultural sector divides into a rapidly growing exclude them because of their inability to participate. On estate sector accounting for 95 percent of the country's the contrary, in a two-sector model of economic develop- exports,4 and a smallholder sector living for the most part ment, Lele and Mellor I 1981 ) have demonstrated that the in extreme poverty, experiencing sharply increasing land way in which the benefits of agricultural growth are pressure, and overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture for distributed toward low-income producers has a profound employment.5 The smaliholder sector itself divides into two effect on the overall structure of demand, and, through the parts: whereas (1) nearly 45 percent of smallholder house- latter's effect on growth linkages, on the development of holds have enough land-I hectare or more-for either the rest of the economy. Translated into terms of growth actual or potential self-sufficiency or surplus production for and equity, this model supports the view that these goals the market, (2) over 55 percent do not have enough land- do not stand in mutual conflict. Rather, they are congruent 4 in the long run: a strategy for long-term, sustained growth enough to provide employment and satisfactory income must necessarily also be a strategy for broad-based, growth for all of Malawi's rapidly growing smallholder equitable growth. population.6 Whereas this article focuses on the agricultural Devising such a strategy is the key to meeting the aspects of rural growth and income, development of challenge facing Malawi's government and its donor sup- nonfarm income-generating activities through growth in porters: how to improve economic conditions among the other sectors of the economy will be of paramount impor- bulk of the very poor rural households, while also resuming tance in relieving poverty among Malawi's smaliholders. the high overall growth rates achieved before the onslaught The detailed discussion of the encounter between of external shocks that began in 1979. Structural adjustment, structural adjustment and Malawi's agricultural sector and however, appears to militate against the goals of growth the need for complementary policies explains and des- and equity in the case of Malawi, insofar as it has been cribes the dualism within the agricultural sector. The next neither sufficient for resuscitating growth nor, in its pure section recounts the external shocks that impinged upon form, able to avoid adversely affecting the poor. On the Malawi's economy beginning in 1979, and the structural other hand, it is necessary for macroeconomic health. This adjustments instituted to restore macroeconomic balance article will therefore propose that, unless the goal of long- in their wake. Then the paper examines the effect on the term, equitable growth is to be abandoned, or unless smallholder sector of structural adjustment measures most macroeconomic soundness is to be jeopardized, additional immediately relevant to agricultural and rural development: measures must be joined to the structural adjustment producer pricing adjustments, fertilizer policies, grain process to promote overall growth in production and, what marketing liberalization, and withdrawal of donor support is inseparably connected to it, protect and promote from the National Rural Development Program. The need consumption and production levels among the poor. To this for complementary policies to offset the adverse impact of end, a wide range of what can be called "complementary" structural adjustment and foster equitable growth through- agricultural and rural sector policies need to be imple- out the smallholder sector, with an emphasis on programs mented on a coherent basis. Some of these policies affect requiring recurrent expenditures is addressed. Next is a donor assistance strategies and the speed with which discussion of policies directly addressing Malawi's dualism, structural adjustment reforms can be accomplished; others including licensing, pricing, land, and taxation policies, involve internal, domestic reforms directly aimed at mitigat- which the government would need to adopt in support of ing the sharply (and doubly) dualistic structure of Malawi's equitable growth. Finally, the paper summarizes the agricultural sector. Together, and in phased conjunction with encounter between structural adjustment and Malawi's the ongoing structural adjustment process, these policies dualism and the argument that complementary policies are constitute a strategy for long-term, broad-based growth. needed for promoting equitable growth. Pursuit of such a strategy, however, must also include the recognition that agricultural production cannot grow fast 5 Evolving Dualism Estates and Smaliholders reported to be cultivated'"-and population growth in The government's pursuit of an estate strategy to achieve customary areas has resulted in a rapid decline in the rapid growth in the 1970s can be explained by Malawi's average size of holdings and area cultivated." By the year extremely low income levels, and the need to achieve fiscal 2000, per capita land availability is expected to fall to 0.26 self-reliance and export growth relatively quickly. This hectare nationally, and in the Southern region, where over policy has had consequences for the contemporary dilem- 50 percent of Malawi's population lives, to a minuscule 0.18 mas of growth and equity. hectare." These various factors explain the increased Malawi's estate-based agricultural sector evolved from a dependence of smallholder households on the market for combination of factors. These included the need to reduce wage employment and food purchases, the declining soil the economy's dependence on British grants in aid,7 fertility, and the drop in the real wages of unskilled labor; Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence in the they also point to the pressing need not only for agricultural mid-1960s (which created a major opportunity for increasing intensification, but also for creating nonfarm sources of Malawi's tobacco exports), the government's objective of income for a smallholder population outrunning the ability creating a landed middle class, and finally its skepticism of agriculture to support it even with intensification. about the ability of the smallholder sector to respond c quickly and reliably to economic opportunities.8 Structure of the Smalholder Sector To establish estates, private individuals have been issued Malawi has about 1.3 million smallholder households, leases and then granted licenses to grow burley and flue- comprising about 90 percent of the total population. cured tobacco and to sell their products in domestic Roughly 85 percent of these households grow maize for auctions (and internationally) at market prices offered by their own consumption, although the majority are not self- private buyers.9 Smallholders, on the other hand, have not sufficient. As discussed earlier, somewhat over half of the been allowed to grow either burley or flue-cured tobacco smallholders cultivate less than I hectare. Only a third of (except as tenants of estates), and must sell the varieties the income of these farmers comes from cropping, with the they grow (dark-fired, sun-cured, and air-cured) to Malawi's remainder earned by selling their own labor. This group of marketing board, ADMARC, at fixed prices. (For perspective, smallholders is thus nearly landless and depends on the it must be understood that only about 20 percent of the market for food. As food-deficit, low-income households, smallholder sector produces a marketable surplus of crops.) they spend between 44 and 48 percent of their household Unlike most other African countries, Malawi has not taxed cash income on food, compared to 25 percent for the its agriculture through an overvalued exchange rate; on the population as a whole. The better-off smallholders with other hand, smallholders have tended to receive a relatively larger land holdings are generally self-sufficient.16 small proportion of the revenues obtained by ADMARC Of the smallholder sector taken as a whole, only about 20 from the final sales of their output, resulting in a tax on percent-those with the largest holdings-have access to smallholders of upwards of 50 percent, whereas the estate credit and produce a marketable surplus. Only an esti- sector has remained largely untaxed. mated 25-30 percent-again, for the most part those with The differential rights to grow and sell export crops have the largest holdings-have access to and use any fertil- had a powerful adverse impact on smaliholder agricultural izer.'7 In view of Malawi's growing internal demand for food growth. Despite substantial investments in the smaliholder and need for agricultural intensification, this fact assumes sector by donors and the government, and despite Malawi's critical importance, especially when it is understood that relatively superior record in the implementation of rural although the smaliholders cultivating less than I hectare development projects, marketed output of most small- have almost no access to fertilizer, their collective holdings holder crops, with the exception of maize, has stagnated or account for 25 percent of the total land area under fallen.'0 As aggregate subsistence requirements have risen cultivation.'8 These factors place severe restrictions on the with population growth, and with increased land pressure, smallholder group as a whole in responding to economic the area under smaliholder maize has expanded. The incentives to increase production, and effectively exclude growth in maize output, however, has been well below the the food-deficit, low-income majority from responding. growth in population; thus per capita maize production has The estate strategy of the 1970s thus fostered a sharply in all likelihood declined." I divided agricultural sector, with a prospering estate sector The greater return accruing to estate operators has also given preference in the production and sale of major export led to increased demand for establishing tobacco lespe- crops, and a stagnating smaliholder sector producing mostly cially burley) estates, and a higher incidence of tenancy. subsistence maize. The strategy succeeded, however, in Although the average size of estates has declined over spurring a rapid increase in exports and strengthening time, their numbers and share of total arable land have Malawi's macroeconomic performance. But in 1979, a series increased while customary land area for smallholder of overwhelming external shocks began, starting with the cultivation has declined.'2 A substantial portion of the second oil price increase; within two years, an era of estate land remains underutilized-only 6 to 8 percent is structural adjustment had also begun. 6 External Shocks and Structural Adjustment External Shocks Nature of the Structural Adjustment Effort The second oil price increase in 1979 was followed by a fall To address Malawi's macroeconomic problems the World in the price of tobacco (Malawi's major source of export Bank, together with other donors,20 financed three structural earnings) and a drought (which required food imports), adjustment loans (SALsi totaling $224 million since 1981.21 resulting in an increase in the current account deficit and The conditions attached to the loans were designed to the debt service ratio (see Table 1). The war in Mozam- improve the balance of payments, cut the budget deficit, bique raised Malawi's external transportation costs by $50 and give market mechanisms greater influence in determin- million-clc,se to 20 percent of the value of exports and 3 ing prices, wages, resource allocation, and the structure of percent of GDP by 1984-and produced an influx of production.22 In particular, they involved raising producer refugees that by mid-1988 was estimated to be 450,000 to prices for smaliholders, eliminating consumer price subsi- 500,000, or approximately 6 percent of the population.'9 dies, an ill-fated effort to eliminate the fertilizer subsidy, More generally, the decline in Malawi's dollar-adjusted exchange and interest rate adjustments, higher fees for international terms of trade from a base of 100 in 1980 to a public utilities and services, cuts in public expenditures mere 28 in 1987 has required it to produce ever larger (together with intersectoral shifts in public investment away volumes of exports to maintain its real income. Finally, from transport and government buildings, and toward whereas the rapidly expanding estate sector had been the agriculture, health, education, and housing), and, within source of Malawi's impressive macroeconomic performance agriculture, a shift away from the National Rural Develop- in the 1970s, the collapse of world prices of flue-cured ment Program (NRDPI, toward agricultural research and tobacco in 1980 led to growing bankruptcies of tobacco extension. Programs for restructuring and improving the estates. management (and in some cases redefining the objectives) of parastatals included liberalization of the grain market and divestiture of public holding companies owned and operated by Malawi's elite. Table 1 Macroeconomic indicators: Real GDP growth, deficits, and debt management, 1978-1988 (in million Kwacha) Item 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988e GDP Currenti Prices 853.4 873.1 937.5 1103.8 1242.4 1434.9 1706.9 2021.7 2301.5 2871.1 3484.3 GDP 1978 Market Prices 853.4 850.1 835.7 792.3 813.0 843.9 890.1 930.0 940.6 935.9 954.2 Real Growth in GDP (?'/ Annual Increase) na -0.4% -1.7% -5.2% 2.6% 3.8% 5.5% 4.5% 1.1% -0.5% 2.0% Budgetary Deficita 73.4 84.2 116.1 129.6 114.3 112.3 109.4 122.2 252.7 213.9 158.1 (%of GDP) 8.6% 9.6% 12.4% 11.7% 9.2% 7.8% 6.4% 6.0% 11.0% 7.5% 4.5% Current Account Deficit 105.7 167.6 142.3 139.1 113.9 178.5 191.7 167.9 139.4 149.2 200.7 (% of GDP) 12.4% 19.2% 15.2% 12.6% 9.2% 12.4% 11.2% 8.3% 6.1% 5.2% 5.8% Total External Debtb 195.1 274.0 366.7 426.9 630.0 798.7 915.3 na na na na (% of GDP) 22.9% 31.4% 39.10% 38,7% 50.7% 55.7% 53.6% Debt Paymentsc 18.5 32.9 47.1 88.0 39.8 87.6 118.0 155.6 214.6 213.6 na (% of GDP) 2.2% 3.8% 5.0% 8.0% 3.2% 6.1% 6.9% 7.7% 9.3% 7.4% Debt Service Ratio 9.9% 15.1% 17.0% 22.0% 16.0% 15.0% 18.0% 24.0% 43.0% 32.0% na Exchange Rated (Kwacha per Dollarl 0.84 0.82 0.81 0.89 1.06 1.17 1.41 1.72 1.86 2.21 2.53 Use of IMF Creditf 5.53 26.94 47.89 75.28 73.58 97.52 114.92 121.94 101.35 77.74 74.96 (Net Flow, million SDR) -3.63 21.41 20.95 27.39 -1.7 23.94 17.4 7.02 -20.59 -23.61 -2.78 Source: Government of Malawi, Economic Reports, except where indicated in notes. Notes: a Includes revenue, grants, recurrent and development expenditure, and extra-budgetary items. From IMF (1987). Includes payment on principal and interest for all internal and external debt. Includes debt relief measures, e.g. in 1982, from K59.8 million to K39.8 million. d Market Rate (period average) from IMF (1987). Most recent estimate. For IMF data, Febuary 1988: for Government of Malawi data from 1988 edition. Net inflow of IMF funds (negative sign indicates outflow) from IMF (1987). 7 Macroeconomic Impact of Initial Figure 2 Adjustment Efforts and Subsequent Smaliholder production of major crops, 1982/83-1987/88 Shocks Million metric tons Smaliholder production index As a result of the policies adopted by the government and V3 j the loans provided by donors, Malawi's current account -4 / 3202 deficit as a percentage of GDP fell steadily in the early / 1980s from its 1979 peak (though rising again in 1983 and 240 1984); the budget deficit as a percentage of GDP declined 2- from 1981 to 1985 (see Table 1). However, external terms of 240 _ trade, which had recovered somewhat in 1983 and 1984, worsened again in 1985 and 1986 owing to the decline in 200 tobacco prices. In addition, the influx of refugees from '6 - Mozambique greatly inflated government expenditures on food and health services for the refugees, and increased ' /0 the security related expenditures government has had to loo undertake to protect its vital trade routes. The World Bank has estimated the additional government spending directly 60 related to the external shocks in 1985/86 and 1986/87 alone s 1755/8 CS4/85 15/66 1966/67 167/89 to be more than 2 percent of GDP23 Nevertheless, most macroeconomic indicators (e.g., the shares of budget and Smaliholderproduction current account deficits in GDP and the debt/service ratio) Million metric tons had improved by 1987.24 The most important response of the economy, however, lies in the performance of output and exports. By 1987, estate production had not regained its 1983 peak (see Figure l); smaliholder production showed a similar lack of aggregate production response (see Figure 2). Changes in relative producer prices induced by SALs simply resulted in a shift among crops, and real per capita GDP took a sharp 07 plunge from 1985 to 1988. 6 The lack of aggregate production response is of central 0.5 importance to the thesis of the present article that structural adjustments while essential cannot alone resus- 02 citate growth in Malawi's economy and require complemen- 0., tary agricultural and rural sectoral policies to achieve this end. This thesis is pursued by demonstrating the virtually . 1865/& 19./85 10M/66 ,g88/87 ,97/a3 complete inability of the poorer half of the smallholder El Maize + Cotton OGroundnuts & Tobacco sector, as it is now structured, to respond in any way to the Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi. Note: The graph of smaliholder production in metric tons illustrates the dominance of maize and the graph of crop production indices shows the Figure 1 variations in production of each crop. Estate production of major crops, 1970-87 1,000 rstric to"s 1 70- *qi eprice incentives to growth held out by the structural 160 /< \ n/ adjustment programs, and the very limited ability of the 90 P/ < better-off half of smallholders to respond, as evidenced by the mere shift in the composition of production in reaction ''1 / to price adjustments. The discussion also shows that, on 120- / the contrary, since the majority of smallholders experience 1,0 - /g changes in the market as consumers, not producers, higher 30 food and fertilizer prices resulting from structural adjust- 60 - < ' ment measures further restrict their already limited ability 70 4 to participate in or contribute to economic growth. In view 6 0 - of the fact that these adverse effects fall upon a majority of to C the smallholder population, the impact on consumption 43 and demand levels represents a severe stunting of growth 330 1 - f linkages with the economy in general, as well as harm to ID 2 __ ; the smaliholder's own welfare. This adverse impact of 0 1 9 90 9 structural adju stment programs in Malawi's case is therefore 9 72 19 74 1976 1978 1980 1982 198, 19S6 also of central importance in arguing for complementary 3 Tobacco + Tea 0 Sugar policies: they are required not only to bolster the limited aggregate supply response to structural adjustment, but Source: Government of Malawi (1970-88). also to compensate for its deleterious effects on the poor. 8 Impact of Structural Adjustment on the Smallholder Sector Subsistence Production, Food Security, drop of 15 percent. Delays in obtaining urgently needed and Risk Aversion imports of maize to shore up dwindling domestic stocks hardened the government's determination to become self- Food secu7rty is a national concern in Malawi, where as sufficient in maize production, relying primarily on the much as 70 percent of total land under cultivation goes to maize producer price to operate a buffer stock. The subsistence maize. With declining soil fertility, there is even government accordingly raised the official maize producer more pressure to put land under maize, thereby shrinking price by 68 percent in 1981/82, an increase that was clearly the opportunities for cash crop production.25 But just as excessive, resulting in both a growing maize surplus and intensifying maize production is essential for national food maize exports undertaken at a loss. security, so is increasing cash crop production essential for On the other hand, under structural adjustment between economic growth in the agricultural sector. The risk aversion 1981 and 1986, donors realigned smaliholder producer accompanying poverty and subsistence agriculture, how- prices away from maize toward groundnuts, tobacco, and ever, stands as an obstacle to accomplishing either through cotton (see Figure 31, an adjustment that proved to be just reliance on market mechanisms. as excessive. By 1986, the Malawian maize producer price Since over half of Malawi's smallholders are substantially had dropped substantially in real terms and was only 50 dependent on the market for wages and food because they percent of Kenya's producer price and 60 percent of lack enough land for self-employment and self-sufficiency, Tanzania's (all measured in purchasing power parity higher food prices resulting from producer price incentives exchange rates).2t (At the same time, the increased ground- decrease their real incomes.26 Their production concerns nut production that resulted from the price changes tumed are therefore limited to growing what food they can to out to be premature, as ADMARC made losses on the minimize their dependence on the market. In the current groundnut account from 1984/85 to 1986/87 because of lack absence of assistance with credit and/or inputs, their ability of an export strategy, which could not be developed quickly to increase their own productivity by risking investment in in a period when the world market for Malawi's confection- improved technologies is virtually nil. (The disadvantages to ary nuts was receding.29) which Malawi's food-deficit households are exposed are discussed below.) With respect to farmers who have enough land to Figure 3 produce a marketable surplus, either actually or potentially, Exort 3 the decision to move out of subsistence food production Export crop/maize smaliholder producer price ratios, into higher value cash crops is affected by uncertainty about 970-87 food prices and markets. Too-high food prices cause Export crop/maize price ratios farmers to tend toward staple food production, whereby 12-_ subsistence can be better ensured. The possibilitv of too- low food prices, on the other hand, makes small farmers 11 ' reluctant to invest in higher-cost, higher-productivity meth- t, - ods, with only the larger farmers able to bear the risk of their adoption.27 To the extent that producer price incen- 9 - tives succeed in causing farmers to shift their resources into 8 cash crops, the lack of access to new technology for increasing overall production means the shift to cash crops 7 - simply changes crop composition rather than increases 6 aggregate supply response. Sustained food price and supply stability within a reasonable range is thus critical for s/ diversification of smallholder agriculture into non-food- 4 crops. This result is illustrated by the experience with producer pricing adjustments made during the SAL period 3 - in Malawi. P duce Pricing Adjustments 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 For most of the 1970s, Malawi's maize producer prices o Groundnut + Tobacco O Cotton moved largely with world market prices, though well below world levels. A national concern for food self-sufficiency Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Malawi. arose in the late 1970s when, despite the doubling of the Note: Producer prices are for growing season (1970 -1970/71). official consumer price between 1974 and 1979, consistently growing maize sales by ADMARC, Malawi's marketing board, reached a peak of 150,000 tons (1979/80) after a production 9 In view of the narrow or virtually nonexistent margin for market information, or transportation,3' Malawian traders risk among smallholders, and the adverse effect of higher were unprepared for liberalization, a situation that will food prices on food-deficit households, it is not surprising improve over time with the continued active promotion of that estimates of aggregate supply response with respect to Malawian trade and transport which is now under way. price changes are extremely low (0.16) in Malawi.30 This Second, liberalization coincided with a large influx of outcome of the producer pricing experience of 1981-86 refugees. As a result, ADMARC ran out of maize stocks and leads to two important conclusions: (1) Bringing the small- market prices of maize increased sharply, resch-..g three or holder sector to the point of responding to market incen- four times the official price. This in turn adversely affected tives with increased overall production will first require ADMARC's ability to purchase grain in the marKet .or resale, directly increasing productivity through improvements in reducing real incomes and welfare of the large number of smallholder access to and use of such nonprice factors as food-deficit households highly dependent on the open technical knowledge, credit, storage and transport, and, market. According to subsequent field surveys, 90 percent most notably, fertilizer. (2) Making advances on these frorts of households in the Southern region ran out of their own will require a period of price and supply stabilization and maize stocks and had little cash for buying food.32 Tradi- assured markets to safeguard national food security, reduce tional support systems between households broke down, risk aversion among producers, and maintain welfare among and the only option for many poor smallholders was to food-deficit households. Accordingly, this paper discusses accept employment or more prosperous farms to pay for the implications of Malawi's recent grain marketing liberal- maize purchases. This short-term solution, however, tended ization for price and supply stabilization and the impact of to interfere with the preparation of their own plots, thus structural adjustment on fertilizer policy, including the roie jeopardizing their food supply for the next year. of subsidies, and assesses the prospects for increasing This early experience with grain market liberalization has productivity and output through promotion of fertilizer use cautioned donors that the vulnerability of Malawi's food- and related nonprice factors. deficit households to excessive market fluctuations is of grave proportions, and that these smallholders must be Grain Marketing Liberalization and Role protected through ADMARC's sales of maize by maintaining of ADMARC in Buffer Stocks prices and public sector control of food supplies within a Breasonable range. Food imports (including food aid) as an Malawi's experience with grain marketing, including the alternative to stocks for achieving food security is an wide price fluctuations of 1981-86 and culminating in important option, but a limited one because Malawi's liberalization of the market in 1987 as part of the structural external transport capacity is low and further restricted by adjustment process, shows that ensuring food security in the political situation in southern Africa. Therefore, until Malawi requires not only increasing maize production at the there is progress on a range of nonprice factors affecting farm or household level, but also maintaining a buffer stock consumption and production, and until the private trading to achieve intra- and interyear price and supply stabiliza- sector becomes more viable, ADMARC must maintain large tion at the national level. enough stocks and cover a sufficiently wide geographical In 1983/84, in order to finance the construction of silos area in order to sell rnaize in adequate quantities to and stocks, ADMARC borrowed at a time when interest stabilize prices. ADMARC must also be in the position of rates had increased sharply. Owing to macroeconomic buyer of last resort to ensure a market and promote the difficulties and budget constraints, the government was intensification and diversification of smallholder produc- unable to reimburse ADMARC for either the silos or the tion, on which progress toward greater iiberalization of the working capital needed for stockbuilding. ADMARC's profits market ultimately depends. fell by 50 percent in 1983/84 and, after an apparent The earlier discussion of producer pricing adjustments recovery in 1985/86, its finances deteriorated very sharply showed that where subsistence farming is prevalent and into substantial losses in 1985/86 and 1986/87, exacerbated food security concerns are pressing, excessively fluctuating by rising operating costs, falling tobacco profits, and SAL- prices have an inhibiting effect on overall production owing based credit ceilings. The Malawi government's tendency- to risk aversion. The present discussion has emphasized like that of other African governments-to not allow any the vulnerability of food-deficit households, as consumers, variation in the price of the officially supplied grain to market fluctuations. Taken together, the producer pricing between seasons or panterritoriaily contributed to the adjustments of 1981-86 and the grain marketing liberaliza- problems. tion experience suggest that the goals of a long-term Donors concluded that the correct response to the pricing and marketing policy in Malawi need to include (I) increased cost of ADMARC's operations was to liberalize a rise in ADMARC's efficiency, (2) the provision of intra- and the grain market. Prior to the 1987/88 marketing season, 123 interyear price and supply stability to protect vulnerable markets were closed; the Southern region, which has the producers and consumers, (3) an active policy to develop greatest dependence on ADMARC maize sales, lost 109 Malawian private trading capacity, and 14) a deliberate markets, although the less populated North gained 14 approach to changes in agricultural pricing and marketing seasonal markets. The timing of liberalization, however, arrangements. turned out to be unfortunate, for two reasons: Maintaining a maize buffer stock to achieve price and First, although in the early 1970s, when the government supply stabilization will in all likelihood be a loss-making sharply curtailed the presence of Asian traders in rural operation requiring a subsidy. How long this subsidy will be areas, donors encouraged ADMARC to expand its opera- necessary, and at what level, depends not only on the tions because they considered the indigenous trading range within which prices and supplies are stabilized, but sector too weak, there had been no effort in development on concurrently improving production technology and programs to expand the grain-handling capacity of the making credit and inputs more available to smallholders, indigenous private sector. Having little access to finance, and on addressing internal policies concerning land, 10 licensing, and taxation which make protection of the poor Figure 4 less necessary. The latter will be discussed below; improv- Comparative nutrient price/maize price ratios for Malawi, ing production technology and farmer access to credit and Kenya, and Tanzania, 1972-86 inputs is addressed in the discussion of fertilizer policies immediately following. Nutrient price/maize price ratios 16 Fertflizer Policies Given Nialawi's severe land pressure, increasing productivity through fertilizer use among smallholders is of 'he first , / importance, and Malawi has in fact had a more effective , j 1 fertilizer policy and better record of growth of nutrient consumption than many countries in Africa.33 Since 1983, an excellent Smallholder Fertilizer Revolving Fund jointly supported by IFAD and IDA gave an additional boost to the 8 program of fertilizer distribution. Despite the accomplish- ments of the revolving fund, however, budgetary concerns / /. have put the continued provision of a fertilizer subsidy into question. Also the revolving fund came to an end in 1988. Reasons why it needs to be resuscitated are discussed below. 3- Subsidy Removal under Structural Adjustment 972 ,974 1976 1978 1s98 1982 19S4 -8a Malawi's smallholder fertilizer program has involved a C Malawi + Kenya O Tanzania subsidy aimed at mitigating the effects of high transporta- tion costs, which together with frequent exchange rate Sources: Malawi: Ministry of Agriculture, R.R. Nathan (1987); Kenya: adjustments have consistently caused Malawis nutrient Government of Kenya, World Bank (1986); Tanzania: FAO/World Bank prices relative to maize prices to be quite high-up to two Cooperative Programme Investment Centre (1986), Mhella (1985). or three times as high as in Kenya (which has no subsidy), the only exception being 1981/82, when the Malawian government raised its maize price sharply (see Figure 4). give market mechanisms greater influence, as the following Removal of th-s subsidy was a central element of the World discussion will show. Bank's and UiSAID's second SAL in Malawi (1984). But when currency devaluations and still higher external transport costs in the 1984/85 crop year resulted in large increases in Consequences of Dualism for Fertilizer Use fertilizer import costs, donors reluctantly agreed to an As much as 83 percent of the fertilizer used by smallholders extension of the subsidy removal period.34 In 1985, however, in Malawi is applied to maize.37 In 1988, 61 percent of total continued concern about the budget deficit caused subsidy fertilizer was used by smallholders and the rest by estates. removal to be undertaken as a central part of the third SAL; Most of this use is for traditional varieties (for reasons the grounds were that (1) larger smallholders were the main discussed below), in contrast to Kenya, where a great deal beneficiaries of the program, (2) there were major leakages of smallholder usage is on higher yielding hybrid maizes. of subsidized fertilizer to the estate sector,3" (3) withdrawal Malawian fertilizer response coefficients for traditional of the subsidy would contribute little to sharp fertilizer maize are similar to those for hybrid maize on medium price increases, and (4) farmers were unlikely to respond to potential areas in Kenya, but their high responses do not fertilizer price increases, especially as subsidy removal was compensate adequately for the more unfavorable nutrient to be accompanied by the introduction of high analysis price/maize price ratios in Malawi. Kenyan small farmers fertilizers to reduce the impact of adverse price effects on also use nearly 45 percent of fertilizer on higher value tea fertilizer consumption.36 and coffee, for which they receive international prices, By 1987, however, after two years of phased subsidy yielding them higher incomes relative to smallholders in removal, the Malawian fertilizer price/official maize price Malawi. Because Malawian smallholders are discouraged ratio had again become nearly three times that in Kenya. from growing higher-value export crops and produce Amid growing and urgent concerns about national food predominantly maize, they have been less able to with- security owing to reduced government food stocks and a stand high input prices without a subsidy and/or credit. massive influx of refugees from Mozambique, the govern- The case was expected to be different for hybrid maize, ment withdrew from the subsidy removal agreement and whose response coefficients are thought to be sufficiently resumed subsidizing smallholder fertilizer prices by about high to make fertilizer use attractive to farmers without a 25 percent. To provide further incentive for fertilizer use, in subsidy.38 But between 1985/86 and 1986/87, contrary to the 1988/89 growing season the government raised the the expectation of donors that increases in the nutrient producer price of maize by 44 percent and the price of price/maize price ratios would cause producers to increase fertilizer by only II percent, thereby decreasing the nutrient their cultivation of higher-yielding hybrid maize, the area price/maize price ratio. under hybrid maize dropped from an already low level of As was the case with producer price adjustments, these 5 percent of the total to 3.1 percent, while the area under developments concerning fertilizer use and subsidy composite maize dropped from 2.2 percent to 1.2 percent.39 removal reflect the difficulty of penetrating Malawis doubly (The complexities of increasing hybrid production are bifurcated agricultural sector with programs designed to discussed below.) II Therefore, whether from the standpoint of traditional and indicates that in time such nonprice factors as reliable maize or improved varieties, under current circumstances it and timely supplies of fertilizer, together with measures to is likely that fertilizer use would drop significantly among shift maize production from traditional to high-yielding Malawi's smallholders in the absence of a subsidy, despite varieties, are likely to become more significant in determin- price adjustments to make fertilizer use more attractive. ing fertilizer use than the nutrient price/maize price ratio. This likelihood reflects the fact that the presence of a One very positive result of the structural adjustment subsidy, while undoubtedly responsible for the gains in process has been the greater focus of donors and govern- fertilizer use among smallholders, has heretofore directly ment on nonprice constraints. The realization that there are benefited only those smallholders with access to credit- no quick solutions is the next step. Replacement of low for the most part, smallholders with enough land to analysis fertilizer with high analysis fertilizer, which was produce a surplus. The remainder of the smallholder introduced under the third SAL, is an effective means of population has been unable to bear the associated risks reducing costs, although donors' initial expectations for the and obtain the necessary credit for fertilizer, by forming speed of replacement proved to be overly optimistic. groups, or gain physical access to fertilizer through cash Efforts in this direction, however, have led to consideration purchases. This includes, of course, the food-deficit house- of additional ways of broadening access of small producers holds, a fact made vivid by comparing the 1986/87 cost of to inputs. For instance, a program for packaging and fertilizer recommended by the extension service for one distributing fertilizer in small bags has made much progress hectare of hybrid maize-KiOO, or $50-to the per capita in the past two years, and is increasing the physical income of most small farmers-less than $100. Furthermore, availability of fertilizer among small farmers. insofar as the food deficit households have not been in a Increasing access of small farmers to seasonal credit is position to use fertilizer and thereby increase their own also actively being considered, although once again the output, they have been even more exposed as consumers problems involved are complex. With only about 20 percent to the brunt of maize price increases, of Malawi's relatively better-off smallholders currently The dualism within the smallholder sector and the lack of benefiting from credit, it is unclear whether the poorer financial and physical access to fertilizer have thus farmers' lack of access to credit is caused by their inability excluded some 70-75 percent of smallholders from obtain- to undertake risk and form credit groups voluntarily, or by ing fertilizer, regardless of price adjustments. With respect the rigidity of the credit administration, which has been to the minority of smallholders who have been able to inadvertently rewarded for reaching the more progressive obtain fertilizer, the current predominance of traditional farmers. Where institutional and policy biases favoring maize production and the limited opportunities to produce better-off households exist, making credit more available to higher value crops-consequences of the estate strategy- poorer households takes time and considerable political have made subsidy removal and reliance on price adjust- and administrative commitment. Nevertheless, it has ments to promote fertilizer use unworkable, pending policy become generally accepted among donor circles recently changes and improvements in farmer access to inputs and that availability of credit for Malawi's potential producers of credits. additional maize for self-consumption is crucial for future With the introduction of structural adjustment measures, diffusion of fertilizer use. government and donors thus faced these choices: abolition The question of progress toward shifting maize produc- of fertilizer subsidies would relieve pressure on the tion from traditional to high-yielding varieties is also a government's budget, but also threaten to abort the complex one, and merits discussion of the farm-level factors program of steadily increasing fertilizer use which is vital for constraining adoption of the improved varieties. Maize meeting Malawi's land pressure, productivity, and food researchers have for some time argued that flint (traditional) security problems. Not only current users, but potential maizes are lower yielding than dent (hybrid) maizes at the users, of fertilizer would be penalized. On the other hand, relatively high dosages of fertilizer recommended by some of these potential users were to be penalized research stations; and that since farmers need to apply high anyway-by the maize price increases instituted to increase dosages in Malawi in any case, increased production and the profitability of fertilizer use among smallholders already commercialization of dent maizes through ADMARC is the having access to it. The next two subsections discuss way to solve Malawi's food security problem-especially solutions to these dilemmas. since it would release more land for growing other crops that are urgently needed to diversify Malawians' output and PRice and Nonprice Factors also their consumer diet. The time and effort such conver- Prospects for increasing the use of fertilizer throughout the sion from traditional to improved varieties of maize will smaliholder sector improve with the increasing recognition require is indicated by the fact that while roughly 85 that prices determine only part of fertilizer profitability, the percent of smallholder households grow maize for their own other elements being a variety of nonprice factors, including consumption, less than 5 percent cultivate hybrid or in particular cultivation of varieties which are fertilizer composite maize, mainly for selling to ADMARC. responsive; farmer access to technical knowledge, credit, The most frequently used explanation for the slow and inputs; and assurance of a market for the sale of output adoption of improved maize in Malawi, offered by Ellis as at a reasonable price. Whereas estimates of fertilizer early as 1959, is that Malawians typically prefer flint to dent demand elasticity based on time series data suggest levels maize varieties because hand pounding of dent varieties of between 0.26 and 0.35 with respect to nutrient price/ (the typical method used in Malawi to remove the outer rnaize price ratios, depending on the model's specification, fibrous layer of the seed) yields flour with less fiber and -he elasticity of demand with respect to nonprice factors greater waste products than the flint flour to which they are turns out to be higher (0.58 to 0.67).40 This is fully consistent accustomed.42 Other constraining factors include insuffi- with the experience elsewhere in the developing world,4' ciently conclusive evidence (despite researchers' argu- i2I mentsl about the relative responses of flint and dent Role of National RuraJ Zl l maizes to chemical fertilizer use on farmers' fields to Pro am warrant adopting a production policy. Household storage is another problem, since the new maize varieties are more Structural adjustment has resulted in a ..a - susceptible to disease. Other constraints are consequences National Rural Development Program of the dualistic structure of Malawi's smallholder sector: been at center stage in Malawi's smaiic - whereas timely land preparation is a critical element in the strategy since 1978, toward a vari_ i-y : adoption of hybrid maize, the requirement of low-income uncoordinated activiJes uWh . g .-. 0. --- smallholders to work elsewhere than their farms under extension, credit, growtn centers, i conditions of handhoe technology conflicts with the rela- and fertilizer storage, ard fishce: -s ., tively More labor-intensive nature of new production siori of donor disenchantmrent w. - N'>,P X a, technologies. In addition, access to technical knowledge, subsistence and below- bsste:ce C . - inputs, and credit is essential to adopting new technology has its roots in NRDP's earlier pro;ccc:n but, as this article has made clear, only about 20 percent of The earlier projects of NRDP emphasizeeU . y.- Malawi's smallholders now enjoy this access. capital, e.g., buildings, roads, and soil con ,- Increasing the production of improved varieties of maize sures, whose planning and implementation ,'.volv',co co- is manifestly a formidable and long-term challenge; it will siderable donor participation. This ernphasis o Is require trained and experienced Malawians knowledgeable infrastructure was partly because of dono- t. C in their own rural development to determine the precise finance recurrent expenditures, and also a su o ; roles of the several constraints just described, and to plan ence by a country with little or no such capi;-. and implement a program taking them into account. For the in reaching 20 percent of the small r - purposes of the present context, however, the salient technology has seemed unimpressive ano a.e.-ri--:. feature of this challenge is that bringing about widespread reduce unit costs by expanding services hrvE oeen ec cultivation of improved maize, and thus widespread use of donors to be slow ;n achieving results. N!.--, presumptively unsubsidized fertilizer, is a long-term goal. designed, however, the dualism within Malawi's need for fertilizer, however, is immediate. sector had not yet been recognized. and .i- ofc'ier- i ;, not include interventions explicitly devnsed o : - Subsidy Options needs of subsistence and below-subsislence f As the foregoing discussion showed, there are no universal Disenchantment with NRDP is therefore b.sec. ', 'is- U. solutions to nonprice factors. They will take time to its failure to meet objectives it was not desi,nec alleviate, and until then, subsidies are needed. In view of While each of the activities to which dcno.s a - -.i 72 the current inability of most Malawian smallholders to resources is critical, their impact is likiv >-._ obtain fertilizer, donors are entertaining the merits of a without a well-conceived, long-term straw.- subsidy targeted explicitly to the lowest-income farmers. donor support for agricultural and rura; _, One option being considered is a fertilizer-for-work pro- provided. The present article has showr., cn - gram; another is the possibility of its free distribution. Initial NRDP experience has borne out, the c estimates show, however, that the budgetary cost of the Malawi's dualism-within-dualism to :me;c latter option would be greater than that of a generalized whether of the project assistance or ' smallholder subsidy, which the Malawian government has variety. This recalcitrance argues ,li e ,- favored in the past and some in the government continue for coordinated, fine-tuned pokiciee ani. to support on grounds of ease of implementation. In any reaching the poorer smallholders, cia ni- case, leakages will be an issue (as they were at the time of mented by trained Malawian personnel .m the third SALI; leakages from a program targeted on very about local circumstances and in a posific.o low income producers, through provision of micro pockets, the participation of the rural oeople d e. however, might well be more toward better-off small design of programs which to da --have farmers than estates. A further reservation concerns the down, and conceived largely in donoor - - . time constraint discussed earlier in connection with increas- National Rural Development Program Vouid . .vi,, z; ing the cultivation of improved maize: off-farm employment conduit, and in fact has had a better may conflict with use of more labor-intensive on-farm return than similar programs in Kenya aL... - r C. methods.43 Nevertheless, NRDP's fiscal viabilitv wil3 de l r,f. . As in the case of improving availability of credit, a great ing resource mobilization, which is di deal will depend on whether a targeted subsidy is politi- preparation for that discussion, the pau,re cally feasible and administratively implementable. A great the argument that within the context of.; deal will also depend on taking a coordinated, coherent term, broad-based growth in Malawi, ro. approach to improving the variety of nonprice factors that tures for price and supply stabilizatHc,,;'. determine fertilizer use, with the objective of reducing and subsidies, as well as NRDP, do not OV: C(;-C eventually phasing out subsidies as profitable use of the aims of structural adjustment but ra E. fertilizer becomes more widespread and supplies more policies complementary to it. timely and reliable. This coordinated approach will require a multidisciplinary agricultural and rural development program for delivering technical knowledge, credit, and inputs to small farmers. An obvious vehicle for this effort is the National Rural Development Program, whose role is discussed next. Complementary Policies and Recurrent Expenditures With over half of Malawi's smallholders approaching land- through research and extension and providing marketing lessness, and only 20 percent of smaliholders having access facilities and credit for purchase of inputs is immensely to credit and fertilizer and producing a marketable surplus, more recurrent-cost intensive than in the case of large it is safe to say that nearly three-quarters of Malawi's entire farmers, especially if there is no change in the distribution population finds itself in a worsening predicament of rights that would enhance the ability of small farmers to grounded in Malawi's differential rights to land, crops, and take risks. prices. This predicament is hardly favorable for develop- Clearly the government cannot afford the current expen- ment of the robust market economy envisioned among the ditures required for extension, fertilizer subsidies, price goals of structural adjustment, as has been borne out by and supply stabilization, and other efforts to increase small- Malawi's experience with producer pricing adjustments, holder production and protect consumption without donors grain marketing liberalization, and the proposed removal of being more generous with recurrent cost financing than fertilizer subsidies. The implications for government and they have been in the past. In addition, donors will need to donor policy are therefore clear: place greater emphasis on expansion of trained Malawian First, granting smaliholders increased access to land and personnel for planning and implementing a rural develop- conferring rights to grow export crops and receive prices ment program, in connection with which the NDRP umbrella similar to those received by estates is fundamental to will be indispensable for coordinating the fine-tuning of achieving broad-based, sustainable growth and generating interventions appropriate to the complex dimensions of strong growth linkages with the rest of the economy. This smaliholder development. Finally, donors will need to be paper later suggests the need for both the government and willing to provide financing on an assured basis over the donors to consider a graduated export crops tax and to medium term, as opposed to the year-to-year commitments open up production of export crops to all those who wish for food and fertilizer import support they have tended to to grow them. make to date.45 Second, there is a need for donors and government to How long and at what levels external assistance will be recognize that increasing the use of modern technology and needed depends on reform of the costly policies pursued fertilizer among small farmers will also be pivotal for by the government to achieve growth during the 1970s, increasing their productivity and incomes and releasing which engendered the marked income and asset dispari- land and labor for other income-generating uses. ties characterizing Malawi's agricultural sector. Section 6 Increasing smallholder land productivity is complex, therefore examines domestic policy options for mitigating however, as discussions in this article concerning adoption the inequitability and hinderances to growth which the of hybrid maize, credit availability, and targeted subsidies estate strategy of the 1970s imposed on the smaliholder have shown. It is evident that reaching small farmers sector. 14 Domestic Policies Strategies for Increasing Production Land and Taxation Policies Burley tobacco, since the 1970s a preserve of the estate The structural adjustment process has opened up discus- sector, offers the greatest opportunity for a relatively rapid sion of several important land policy options which pre- increase in smallholder commercial production. Such vious project lending had overlooked: (I) a prohibition increaseo production could be effected by granting licenses against further alienation of customary iand, (2) land to smallholders to grow burley (which some already pro- taxation, (3) ceilings on the size of lease holdings, (4) a more duce as tenants of estates), paying them near international effective form of securing land rights in customary areas, (5) prices, and introducing a more equitable and progressive, land use planning for both the estate and smallholder albeit mild, taxation of the export crop earnings of both sectors, and (6) regulation of tenancy rights. Implementation small and large producers. This would at once improve of reforms along these lines will require a clear political resource mobilization while ensuring equitable growth and consensus within Malawi that they are needed to ensure fostering growth linkages with the rest of the economy, a robust, long-term growth. This paper discussed the similar dynamism that has been lacking in Malawian agriculture. political commitment that will be required to widen the Such policies over the last three decades have resulted in accessibility of credit among smallholders beyond the 20 a rapid and broad-based growth in smaliholder agriculture percent to whom it is customarily available, and to attempt in Kenya, which also inherited a strongly dualistic agricul- a targeted fertilizer subsidy. In the case of land reforms, tural sector.46 implementation is likely to take 5 to 10 years, a time frame Objections to allowing smaliholders to grow burley are quite different from the yearly time horizon of SALs. based in part on the relative productivity of smaliholders The complexities of implementing these reforms, most and estates in Malawi, where tobacco yields are as much as notably the land tax, have consequences for the govern- four times higher on estates than on smaliholdings. In a ment's ability to mobilize resources for funding the agricul- recent analysis, however, Lele and Agarwal 11989) found that tural and rural programs discussed earlier without creating domestic resource costs (DRCs)47 for flue-cured and burley a macroeconomic problem. This ability will depend on tobacco grown on estates are all about equal to those for increasing the burden of taxes on estates and thereby smallholder tenants of estates. On the other hand (and making the overall tax burden more equitable. Imposing quite surprisingly), DRCs for smallholder sun dried and taxes on underutilized estate land or on estate production dark-fired tobacco (crops smaliholders are allowed to grow) (exports) and broadening the tax base of agriculture by are significantly higher than those for burley and flue-cured liberalizing production quotas are important options. For tobaccos grown by smaliholders. While all calculations of example, if burley is opened up to smaliholders, a progres- DRCs must be treated with caution, these estimates sive, mild tax on export crop earnings of both small and suggest that the current official distinction between estate estate producers can be introduced. Donors have recom- and smallholder crops is not only inequitable but may also mended the land tax, however, as a more neutral way to be inefficient, and that opening up burley production to mobilize resources than export taxes which cause distor- smaliholders may well be a more efficient strategy than tions. Similarly, they have recommended shifting taxes away confining smallholders to growing tobaccos with higher from production to consumption, as being more conducive resource costs. to growth. But the adverse efficiency effects of mild export The strategy of rapidly increasing production of existing taxes are not proven when the comparative advantage in crops for export in the short to medium run (3 to 10 years) the production of a crop is strong, i.e., returns in its should be distinguished from diversification of production production are high relative to the next best option.49 Also into completely new crops. A review of two decades of while the shift to consumption taxes is being implemented experience in Africa48 has concluded that countries who by government, the land tax has not advanced nor, as the tried to diversify too quickly in the 1970s, and pursued at discussion above indicated, does it appear likely to in the best a policy of benign neglect towards their existing near term. agricultural activities, have done poorly in relation to those The absence of progress on the taxation of estate land, who actively developed their existing sectors, while combined with an increase in taxes on consumer goods, methodically pursuing a long-run diversification strategy. As clearly has an adverse effect on consumption levels of low- one of the few African countries that have concentrated income households and therefore on the economy in development strategies on existing products, Malawi should general by stunting growth linkages; the net effect is to maintain that record with renewed effort. To be successful defeat a strategy for equitable growth and prolong the need with this strategy, however, Malawi will need a more active for subsidies for the poor. If the potentially regressive promotion strategy for its traditional exports within Africa effects of taxes on consumption are to be avoided, rights to (e.g., for sugar, cotton, maize) and elsewhere (e.g., for grow burley and earn international prices need to be tobacco). It will also need to promote increased competi- extended to smallholders. The slower Malawi progresses on tion among its buyers, including in internal auctions. such measures for reducing income and asset disparities, the more necessary counteractive subsidies for the poor will become. 15 Summary and Conclusion v;alawis a well-managed economy which has suffered from National Rural Development Program which have made ce:,nendous external shocks to which it has adjusted well. sense from a long-term clevelopment viewpoint, although Problems of adjustment, however, have been made they certainly needed improvement. a 'ficult by dualism-within-dualism-a structure whereby The present article has argued that this long-erm `;Aalawi's agriculture sector is sharply divided by legal viewpoint is an essential component of a strategy for restrictions into estates and smaliholders, and smaliholders sustainable, broad-based growth in Malawi. Such a strategy are de facto divided on the basis of holding size into a requires inclusion of the poor and involves sectoral and small minority producing a marketable surplus and capable other rural policies aimed at (1) overcoming stagnation and . taking risks and a preponderant majority experiencing paralysis within the smaliholder sector through the wide- stagnation or near economic paralysis. This dualism-within- spread introduction of new, high-yielding technologies for dualism which is only now beginning to be fully understood increasing production for both food and export crops, and has stymied market incentives, creating an impasse in the (2) overcoming the dualism rooted in the estate strategy structural adjustment process and illustrating that where and its attendant income and asset disparities. Over the shortages of government revenues put a premium on long run, implementing these policies will accomplish what strategies that minimize recurrent government expendi- structural adjustment demands but cannot provide: an mres, such strategies tend to attempt self-defeating trade- agricultural sector capable of responding to market incen- offs between growth and equity in the short run. In Malawi's tives with overall growth in production. This explains why, as case, structural adjustment involved some hasty decisions, the beginning of this article asserted, agricultural and rural aken on short-term macroeconomic grounds, to dismantle sector policies will be crucial in determining Malawi's future i s and cut back on investments concerning grain growth, and why these policies complement, rather t:han _uaisng interventions, fertilizer subsidies, and the conflict with, structural adjustment. Notes 1. See Lele 11988a and 1989). 15. The figures cited for per capita arable land are based on a 2. Refer to Christiansen and Kydd (19871. conservative estimate of the proportion of arable land to total 3. See Lele (19891 land in Malawi, i.e., 37 percent. A more generous classification used by the government of 52 percent of total land as arable gives -4. See Lele 11989). slightly larger per capita arable land projections, i.e., .69 hectare 5. Agriculture provides employment for 85 percent of the small- per person in 1985 and .37 hectare in the year 2005. holder population. 16. Lele and Meyers (1987). 6. Christiansen and Southworth (19881, p. 17. 17. Carr 11988), p. 9. 7. See Howell t1988); Kydd and Spooner (1987); and Kydd and 18. Christiansen and Southworth, p. 17, citing Government ot Hewitt (19S6). 8. Christiansen and Kydd 119871. Malawi. 9. Thus Malawi, where differential rights define the distinction 19. By comparison, the 1972 addition of 10 million refugees from between the smallholder and estate sectors, differs from Kenya, the former East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) to India's populati^n where farm size (in terms of area under cultivation) is the of 750 million (a population increase of only 1.5 percent) caused criterion, with farms of less than 8 hectares defined as smallhold- major economic problems for India; see Lele and Agarwa' ings. In fact, however, as in Malawi, most Kenyan smallholders (forthcoming a). The Malawian refugee figures are equivalent to cultivate areas of 1.5 hectares or less-and access to certain types India receiving between 50 and 75 million refugees, an inconceiv- of institutional credit in Kenya is influenced by whether a farmer able figure. is defined as a smaliholder or a large farmer. See Lele and 20. The lapanese, the Germans iKfWI, and the American:- Meyers (19871. (USAID) contributed $22.6 million, $6.4 million, and $15 million, 10. Between 1968 and 1978, $62.5 million in World Bank/IDA respectively, to SAL Ill. SAL I (financed by IBRD) was for $45 financing (together with $8.3 million of government funds) million, and SAL 11 (financed by IDA) was for $55 million. supported a series of eight integrated area development projects 21. For a preliminary analysis of SAL outcomes, see Kydd and ilADP), directed at smailholders, followed in 1978 by a series of Hewitt (1986). three National Rural Development Programs (NRDP) involving credits of $66 million financed by IDA, CDA, CDF, the U.K., and 22. Twenty-three categories of prices were decontrolled in %8 KIW. Between 1970 and 1985 on average annual groundnut and 1984, followed by sixteen more in 1985, leaving only five production fell by 7.2 percent (and exports by 13.2 percentl, politically sensitive goods still subject to controls by 19SE, cotton production achieved a meager 1.1 percent production including fertilizer, fuel, low-grade meat, sugar, and vehicle spare increase (while exports fell by 12.5 percent), and smallholder parts. Even some of these prices (those of meat, fuel, and spa-re tobacco registered a miniscule 0.3 percent production increase parts) are being adjusted more frequently. Decontrolled catego- (compared to estate-grown output increases of 15.4 percent for ries included such staple items as food, clothing, meats, and soap. burley aid !0.4 percent for flue-cured tobacco, 4.5 percent for tea, Together with the agricultural producer price reforms and the and 14.7 percent for sugar). utility tariff increases, these measures represent a substantial 11. Data on maize production need to be treated with caution, economy-wide attempt to reduce consumer subsidies formerly An FAO series available for the 1961-87 period shows an annual provided by price controls. growth rate in maize production of 1.94 percent-a plausible rate 23. A recent public expenditure review by the World Bank. that still falls short of the growth of population. However, a 24. Lele (1988a). regression fitted to three-year moving averages to adjust for 25. Christiansen and Southworth (1988), P. 16. c limatic variability offers a growth rate of 2 percent during 1961-87. The series for 1970 ,O i987 shows a growth rate of 1.07 percent 26. Cf. Lele and Christiansern (988(, p. 17. and a three-year moving average offers the growth rate used 27. Cf. Lele and Christiansen (1988), pp. 14-16. above. However, the official estimates for 1970-72 and 1477-79 are 28. Tanzanian prices were significantly hiigher a' c thought tc le higher than actual production. f(so, this might raise exchange rates. See Lele, Christiansen, Fishstein, obeoi - the overali growth rate somewhat. The point remains that there (1989) for details. appears to be no c&spute among those familiar with Malawi about the growth rate of maize production being well below that of 29. Domestic resource cost calculations done for groundni-- population. also suggest that at current production costs and prices fne 12. Smaliholder cultivated area from Government of Malawi profitability of groundnut exports is questionable. An increase ;7 (1968/69 and 1980/811 and estate area from Department of Lands groundnut productivity will, of course, change this picture. Le(e and Valuation. Malawi. For further information see World Bank and Agarwal (1989). I1987b). 30. The estimated total (all farmers) area elasticity with respec- 13. Cnristiansen and Kydd 1(983). to agricultural prices was less than 0.1 (.0862) because of Malawis 14. Data for different years are not available for strictly land constraint. Estimates using a value index of smallhold.e- comparable size categories of holdings, but National Sample production yielded a very weak relationship between agricultura Survey estimates show that the number of households with a prices and smallholder production, suggesting that aggrega.e Ssurvaey esiates show 0.8 thectae oless numberi ofnhousehlyd28. perce elasticities are even lower in the case of smaliholders and th, cultivated area of 0.8 hectare or less comprised only 28.7 percent subsistence farming is very prevalent. of the total in 1968/69, while holdings under 0.99 hectare accounted for 55 percent of the total in 1980/81. Available data 31. The transportation component of the retail price index rose further suggest that reductions in bushfallow and in crop rotations by 215 percent between 1980 and 1988, compared to an overa.i dictated by increased population pressure have resulted in falling increase in the index of 148 percent. maize yields (e.g., in Lilongwe average yields of unfertilized local maize had declined by a third of their 1959-62 levels by 1985/86 32. Oxfam (1988). and 1986/87, to 1,100 kilograms per hectare). See Government of 33. See Lele (1988a). MValawi (1968/69 and 1980/81) and TWyford (1988), 34. While devaluation has caused Malawis fertilizer prices to consistent trend in the real price of either fertilizer or maize. increase, Kenya has also devalued, leading to internal price Calculation of year-to-year implied elasticities also showed little increases for Kenyan farmers. Fertilizer transportation costs in consistent pattern in response to changes in the maize/fertilizer Malawi, which were K 1.55 million in 1983/84, increased by more price ratio: in over one-half the cases, the response was opposite than six times to K 12.9 million in 1984/85, and were K 12.4 million the expected (i.e., when relative maize prices increased, fertilizer in 1985/86. R. R. Nathan (1987b). The net increases in Malawis sales decreased), and there were large year-to-year swings in the fertilizer prices were less than the additional transport costs magnitude of response. resulting from the closure of the Beira and Nkala routes, because 41. See Lele and Mellor (1988). Also see Binswanger (1988). the local price of fertilizers in South Africa (Malawis source of 42. Ellis (1959). supply) fell as transport costs escalated. In the absence of this 4 Ts w ti favorable development, the adverse change in the fertilizer/maize 43. Thus, whereas the free distribution of fertilizer or fertilizer- price ratio would have been greater. See Lele, Christiansen, and for-work programs now being considered to increase smaliholder Kadiresan '1989). productivity and food self-sufficiency are of great importance, nonfarm income generating activities, including food-for-work 35. There is a dispute about the extent of these leakages, with programs such as those undertaken in Asia, may also have to be estimates ranging from 17-19 percent (by the Ministry of Agricul- considered. In Maharastra State in India the cost of creating ture) to 25 percent (according to a Kirchner and Kandoole study). employment for 1.6 million people in 1987/88 for 180 million See R. R. Nathan (1987a). person days was $1.10/person day or a total cost of $205 million 36. The donors were correct in arguing that subsidy removal annually. About 60 percent of the total cost of the program is in would contribute little to fertilizer price changes, and in support- the form of direct wages to the poor. The remaining 40 percent of ing the promotion of high analysis fertilizer. Nevertheless, when expenditures included the cost of skilled labor, material costs, prices rise sharply there may be a case for use of a countervailing land acquisition, maintenance, and costs of planning and imple- subsidy to avoid an equally abrupt drop in the demand for menting the various schemes. If a similar program were launched fertilizer, provided that the cost of subsidizing fertilizer (in terms in Malawi's Southern region, creating jobs for about 300,000 of increased food production and welfare effects of low income farmers with less than I hectare-a conservative estimate-for producers) is smaller than the cost of withdrawing the subsidy, three months, i.e., 66 man days/person, would cost $18 million. including the need for transport, and food imports. For an assumed income elasticity of demand of 0.75 percent, an 37. Carr (1988), p. 9. estimated $6 million of the incremental wages from such schemes 38. Cf. Christiansen and Southworth (1988), p. 31. would be spent by poor households on purchasing nearly 67,000 39. Given that 85 percent of the hybrid maize area and 57 tons of foodgrains (maize). See Lele (1988c). percent of the composite maize area is fertilized, while only 24 44. See Lele and Meyers (19871. percent of local maize is fertilized some correlation can be 45. The IFAD/IDA supported Smaliholder Fertilizer Revolving inferred between fertilizer consumption and hybrid crop area. Fund provided a great deal of needed stability to the fertilizer See Lele, Christiansen. Kadiresan (1989). import policy, and several donors have contributed to the efforts. 40. The influence of the trend term (representing nonprice See Lele, Christiansen, and Kadiresan (1989). factors) exceeded that of both output and input prices. While the 46. See Lele (1988a); Lele and Meyers (1987). lagged price of maize was estimated to have a weak positive 47. The DRC is the ratio of the social value of resources used effect on fertilizer demand, possibly because of a combination of in the production of an activity to the net outputs resulting from farmers expectations and timing of official price announcements, that activity A better name for it might be the activity cost benefit the official fertilizer price had no effect at all. The latter may be ratio. See E. Tower (1984). explained by the low (subsidized) price of fertilizer, in addition to a variety of nonprice factors. Fertilizer use has increased steadily 48. Lele (1988a}. throughout the 1970s and 1980s, while there has been no similar 49. See Lele (1988bl. 18 Bibliography ADMARC, "Annual accounts and report for the year ended 31st "Poverty, hunger, and food security: A perspective on March" (Lilongwe, Malawi: Ministry of Agriculture, 1979-1987). domestic policies and implications for external assistance Berry, Albert R. and William R. Cline, Agrarian Structure and to South Asia," Paper presented at the World Food Collo- Productivity in Developing Countries (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins quium, Washington, D.C., October 4, i988c. University Press, 1979). -, "Sources of growth in East African agriculture," The World Binswanger, Hans P, Shahindur R. Khandker, and Mark R. Bank Economic Review, Vol. 3 (lanuary 1989), pp. 119-144. 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Similarly, although foreign aid has constituted a large part of total government expenditures in Africa for close to fifteen years, there has been little analysis of the role of external assistance in African countries that goes beyond political criticism of official assistance or the alleged self- serving objectives of donors. The impetus for the study "Managing Agricultural Development in Africa" (MADIAI was to begin the process of filling this gap and to explain the nature and sources of the agricultural crisis, particularly the extent to which it originated in resource endow- ments, historical and contemporary events, external and internal policies, and the economic and political environment. The MADIA study involved detailed analysis of six African countries- Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Senegal. in addition to the World Bank, seven donors, USAID, UKODA, DANIDA, SIDA, the French and German governments, and the EEC participated in the study. The analysis of country policies and performance during the last 20-25 years was carried out with the benefit of substantial input from the governments and nationals of each of the countries represented. The study had three main areas of focus: (I) the relationship between domestic macroeconomic and agricultural policy and agricultural performance, (2) donors' role in the development of agriculture, and (3) the politics of agricultural policy. The MADIA study was the result of encouragement and support from many people. Anne Krueger, former Vice President for Economic Research Staff in the World Bank, encouraged the establishment of these studies on aid and development in 1984. Gregory Ingram, former Director of the Development Research Department, provided unstinting support for the study. During the reorganization of the World Bank in 1986, the strong support from Benjamin King, then acting Vice President for Economic Research Staff, proved invaluable. Barber Conable, President of the World Bank, and Mr. Edward V K. Jaycox, Vice President for the Africa Region, have played a key role by ensuring support for the study's completion, as did Stanley Fischer, the Vice President for Development Economics. Yves Rovani, Director General of the Operations Evaluation Department, was particularly helpful as the MADIA study drew heavily on the works of OED. A special debt of gratitude is owed to the World Bank's Research Committee, which provided the initial funding for the study, and to the MADIA Steering Committee. In particular the strong support of the chair of the Steering Committee, Stephen O'Brien, has been of critical importance. Finally, without the active and continued encouragement of many African policymakers and donor officials, including numerous colleagues in the World Bank, this study would not have provided new perspectives. This support has taken the form of numerous reactions to written and oral presentations, and refinement of the analysis to identify the areas of consensus and continuing controversy. (D rD X The World Bank Headquarters 1818 H Street, N.W. Washington, D-C. 20433, U.S.A. Telephone: (2021 477-1234 > Facsimile: (202) 477-6391 Q Telex: WUI 641 45 WORLDBANK m RCA 248423 WORLDBK E CD Cable Address: INTBAFRAD WASHINGTON DC European Office F- 66, avenue d'lena 75116 Paris, France 0 Telephone: (1) Facsimile: 11) Telex: 842-620628 Tokyo Office Kokusai Building 1-1, Marunouchi 3-chome Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo I 00, Japan Telephone: (3) 214-5001 Facsimile: (3) 2 14-3657 Telex: 781-26838 0D 0 0-821 3-1 32 5-8