METHODOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT ON MEASURING ASSET OWNERSHIP FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE (MEXA) TECHNICAL REPORT – APPENDIX A TALIP KILIC† HEATHER MOYLAN‡ APRIL 20161 1 † (Corresponding Author) Senior Economist and Head of Methods Team, Surveys and Methods Unit (DECSM), Development Data Group (DECDG), World Bank, Via Labicana 110 Rome, Italy,; ‡ Survey Specialist, DECSM, DECDG, World Bank, Via Labicana 110 Rome, Italy, MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 1 MEXA IMPLEMENTATION PROTOCOLS  Upon arrival in each EA, Team Leader MUST first identify the respondents in each selected household before he/she assigns interviewers to households. Reasons: o Gender composition of the respondents and available enumerators will determine the interviewer assignments so that male (female) enumerators interview male (female) respondents. o If the household is selected for treatment arm 2 or 3 AND there is no principal couple, the selected household is NOT eligible for interview and no interviewer assignment needs to be made.  Treatment Arm 3: Both a male AND a female enumerator have to be present in the interview. Treatment Arms 4 & 5: ALWAYS include head, and spouse if applicable, among the respondents, regardless of their age if they are available for an interview during your time in the EA. There will be a maximum of 4 interviews per household. If there are 4 or less household members that are eligible AND available for an interview, your aim will be to interview these individuals. If there are more than 4 household members that are eligible AND available for an interview, attempt to interview head and spouse, if applicable. The remaining respondents MUST be randomly selected from the household roster.  Treatment Arms 4 & 5: The Household Questionnaire needs to be administered only by one enumerator to one respondent in the household (preferably the most knowledgeable person). However, the information collected must also be entered on the tablets of ALL enumerators that are assigned to the household for administering the Individual Questionnaires. The team leader will determine whether these data will be entered at the same time as the interview for the Household Questionnaire is taking place or prior to the start of the interviews for the Individual Questionnaires - depending on the workloads of the enumerators on the team. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 2 After the Household Questionnaire interview is completed, the interviews for the Individual Questionnaire will begin at separate locations. These interviews must take place alone with the respondents. CLASSIFYING COMPOUNDS:  If a compound has two or more dwellings, and the members of each dwelling share cooking arrangements and pool some or all of their resources, they are considered one household.  If a compound has two or more dwellings, and the members of each dwelling have separate cooking arrangements and do not pool their resources, each dwelling is considered a separate household. CLASSIFYING ABSENTEE INDIVIDUALS:  If a household member has a spouse (or other relative) who has not lived in the household for more than 6 months and this spouse DOES NOT maintain a household elsewhere, he or she is considered to be a Regular Member of the household. In Module 2, Q204 of the Household Roster, he or she should be given a code of 3 or 4 depending on whether this person is present (code 3) or absent (code 4) at the time of the interview.  If a household member has a spouse (or other relative) who has not lived in the household for more than 6 months and this spouse DOES maintain a household elsewhere, he or she is NOT considered to be a Regular Member of the household. In Module 2, Q204 of the Household Roster, he or she should be given a code of 7 (left permanently) and will be omitted from the interview at Q206. PROTOCOL FOR ACCOMMODATING DIFFICULT FIELD SCENARIOS: All Treatment Arms:  The household is selected for ANY treatment, and the respondent decides to terminate the interview after completing the household questionnaire, but before completing the individual questionnaire. o ACTION: Ask the respondent if you can schedule a follow up interview to complete the individual questionnaire. If you cannot, note this in the MEXA CAPI application, mark the household questionnaire interview status code as “complete,” and inform the MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 3 team leader. Then skip to Module 13 in the individual questionnaire and code the appropriate individual interview status. Treatment Arm 1:  The household is selected for treatment arm 1 and is headed by an individual below the age of 18, who is the most knowledgeable household member identified for the interview. o ACTION: Interview the identified member even if the individual is less than 18 years old. Treatment Arm 2:  The household is selected for treatment arm 2, a principal couple exists, but the randomly selected member of the principal couple is not available for interview during your time in the EA. o ACTION: Treat the household as a non-response and inform your team leader.  The household is selected for treatment arm 2, a principal couple exists, the randomly selected member of the principal couple is not available at first try, but will be back during your time in the EA. o ACTION: Administer the Household Questionnaire if possible (in accordance with the protocol) and schedule a follow-up interview with the selected member for the Individual Questionnaire. Treatment Arm 3:  The household is selected for treatment arm 3, a principal couple exists, both members are available for the interview, but one or both members of the principal couple are below 18. o ACTION: Interview the principal couple together, regardless of one or both of them being below the age of 18.  The household is selected for treatment arm 3, a principal couple exists, one or both members of the principal couple are not available at first try, but will be back during your time in the EA. o ACTION: Administer the Household Questionnaire if possible (in accordance with the protocol) and schedule a follow-up interview to interview the principal couple together for the Individual Questionnaire.  The household is selected for treatment arm 3, a principal couple exists, but only one member of the principal couple is available for interview during your time in the EA. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 4 o ACTION: Treat the household as a non-response and inform the team leader.  The household is selected for treatment arm 3, a principal couple exists, but the male spouse/partner does not agree for his wife to be interviewed with him. o ACTION: Explain the importance of interviewing the couple together. If he still refuses, treat the household as a non-response and inform the team leader.  The household is selected for treatment arm 3, a principal male has two or more wives or partners who live in the household. o ACTION: The enumerator should ascertain which of the spouses/partners has been married to, or lived longer with, the principal male. This woman should then be part of the interview as the principal spouse. If she will not be available during your time in the EA, and if the second spouse is available, she can be selected as a respondent. Treatment Arms 4 and 5:  The household is selected for treatment arm 4 or 5, a principal couple exists, but one or both members of the principal couple is below 18. o ACTION: Interview both members of the principal couple, regardless of one or both of them being below the age of 18.  The household is selected for treatment arm 4 or 5, and some interview-eligible household members are not available for interview during your time in the EA. o ACTION: Interview the available members ONLY AFTER you confirm with your team leader that the required members are not available for interview.  The household is selected for treatment arm 4 or 5, and while some interview-eligible adult household members are not available for interview at first try, they will return during your time in the EA. o ACTION: Administer the Household Questionnaire (in accordance with the protocol) to an available household member and schedule a follow-up time to administer the Individual Questionnaire to all household members SIMULTANEOUSLY. If all household members will not be available at the same time for simultaneous interviews, interview the available members and schedule follow-up interviews with the absent members.  The household is selected for treatment arm 4 or 5, and while all interview-eligible household members are available for interview, there are more male members than female members or vice versa. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 5 o ACTION: Do your best to ensure that the household head and spouse are matched with enumerators of the same sex, but then match male interviewers with female respondents and female enumerators with male respondents, as necessary. PROTOCOL FOR LANGUAGE CHALLENGES AND USING INTERPRETERS  IF the household is selected for ANY treatment arm and the interview-eligible household member does not speak any language that the enumerator knows, OR IF the household has been selected for treatment arm 3 and one member of the principal couple does not speak any language that the enumerator(s) know, o ACTION: Prior to deploying enumerators to households, the team leader MUST ascertain from the chairman of the EA whether the interview-eligible household members do not speak a language known to the enumerators. If an interpreter is needed, the team leader must find an interpreter from OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSEHOLD AND THE EA and deploy him or her to the household with the enumerator. If an enumerator discovers, after being deployed to the household, that he/she does not speak a common language with an interview-eligible household member, the enumerator MUST schedule a time to return to the household with an interpreter. The interviewer MUST alert the team leader that an interpreter from OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSEHOLD AND THE EA is needed. PROTOCOL FOR ASSIGNING ENUMERATORS TO RESPONDENTS BY GENDER  Male enumerators must interview male respondents and female enumerators must interview female respondents.  Exceptions to this rule could only be made in treatment arms 4 and 5, if the gender composition of the respondents does not match the gender composition of the available enumerators. In that case, do your best to ensure that the household head and spouse are matched with enumerators of the same sex. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 6 Table A01: Mapping of Tables in Main Report Asset Household Sample Pooled vs. Individual Inter-Arm Tables Class Specification Respondent Data Sample Comparisons Dwelling Households With a Couple Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 25-35 Agricultural Land Households With a Couple Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 36-46 Non-Farm Enterprises Households With a Couple Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 47-54 Livestock Households With a Couple Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 55-57 Financial Accounts Households With a Couple Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 58-60 Dwelling Households With a Couple Respondent All Respondents 1-5 61-71 Agricultural Land Households With a Couple Respondent All Respondents 1-5 72-82 Non-Farm Enterprises Households With a Couple Respondent All Respondents 1-5 83-90 Livestock Households With a Couple Respondent All Respondents 1-5 91-93 Financial Accounts Households With a Couple Respondent All Respondents 1-5 94-96 Note: The mapping is net of (i) Tables 1-24 that present the descriptive statistics discussed in Section 2 and Section 3, (ii) Tables 97-98 that present the overlap between respondents' and proxy respondents' reporting concerning respondents' ownership and rights status, and (ii) Table 99 that presents the cost estimates. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 7 Table A02: Mapping of Tables in Appendix B Asset Household Sample Household Sample Pooled vs. Individual Inter-Arm Tables Class Specification Restriction in TA4 & TA5? Respondent Data Sample Comparisons Dwelling All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1,4 & 5 B11-B21 Dwelling Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B22-B29 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Dwelling Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B30-B37 Dwelling Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B38-B43 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Dwelling All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B44-B54 Dwelling Households With a Couple No Respondent Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B55-B62 Agricultural Land All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 B63-B73 Agricultural Land Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B74-B81 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Agricultural Land Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B82-B89 Agricultural Land Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B90-B94 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Agricultural Land All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B95-B105 Agricultural Land Households With a Couple No Respondent Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B106-B113 Agricultural Land Agricultural Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B114-B121 Agricultural Land Agricultural Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 B122-B129 Agricultural Land Agricultural Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B130-B137 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Agricultural Land Agricultural Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 B138-B145 Agricultural Land Agricultural Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B146-B153 Non-Farm Enterprises All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 B154-161 Non-Farm Enterprises Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B162-B169 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Non-Farm Enterprises All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B170-B177 Livestock All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 B178-B180 Livestock Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B181-B183 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Livestock Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B184-B186 Livestock All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B187-B189 Livestock Households With a Couple No Respondent Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B190-B192 Financial Accounts All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 B193-B195 Financial Accounts Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 B196-B198 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Financial Accounts Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B199-B200 Financial Accounts Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B201 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Financial Accounts All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 B202-B204 Financial Accounts Households With a Couple No Respondent Members of Principal Couple 1-5 B205-B207 Note: The mapping is net of Tables B01-B10 that present unconditional means for outcome variables across asset classes and individual and household sample specifications. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 8 Table A03: Mapping of Tables in Appendix C Asset Household Sample Household Sample Pooled vs. Individual Inter-Arm Tables Class Specification Restriction in TA4 & TA5? Respondent Data Sample Comparisons Other Real Estate Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C17-C18 Financial Loans Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C19-C20 Financial Loans Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C21-C22 Financial Loans All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C23-C24 Financial Loans Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C25-C26 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Financial Loans Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C27-C28 Financial Loans All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C29-C30 Liabilities Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C31-C32 Liabilities Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C33-C34 Liabilities All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C35-C36 Liabilities Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C37-C38 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Liabilities Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C39-C40 Liabilities All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 C41-C42 Small Livestock Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C43 Small Livestock Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C44 Small Livestock All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C45 Small Livestock Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C46 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Small Livestock Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C47 Small Livestock All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 C48 Small Agricultural Equipment Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C49 Small Agricultural Equipment Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C50 Small Agricultural Equipment All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C51 Small Agricultural Equipment Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C52 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Small Agricultural Equipment Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C53 Small Agricultural Equipment Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C54 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Small Agricultural Equipment All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 C55 Durables Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C56 Durables Households With a Couple No Respondent All Respondents 1-5 C57 Durables All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C58 Durables Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C59 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Durables Households With a Couple No Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C60 Durables Households With a Couple Yes, Including Only Households With Both Pooled Members of Principal Couple 1-5 C61 Members of Principal Couple Interviewed Durables All Households No Respondent All Respondents 1, 4 & 5 C62 Valuables Households With a Couple No Pooled Adult Household Members 1-5 C63 Valuables All Households No Pooled Adult Household Members 1, 4 & 5 C64 Note: The mapping is net of Tables C01-C16 that present unconditional means for outcome variables across asset classes and individual and household sample specifications. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 9 Table A4: Overview of the Direction of the Statistically Significant (At Least At 5 Percent Level) Arm 4 & Arm 5 Effects vis-à-vis Arm 1 in Male vs. Female POOLED vs. RESPONDENT DATA, Core Couple Household Sample DWELLING Reported Ownership Economic Ownership Documented Ownership Right to Sell Right to Bequeath Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Overall Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + -- + + + + + + Arm 5 - Male + -- -- + + + + + + -- -- AGRICULTURAL LAND Reported Ownership Economic Ownership Documented Ownership Right to Sell Right to Bequeath Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Overall Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + + + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + + -- -- Arm 5 - Male + + + + + + + -- -- LIVESTOCK FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS Reported Ownership Reported Ownership Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + Arm 5 - Female + + -- + + + + + Arm 5 - Male + + -- -- + + MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 10 Table A5: Overview of the Direction of the Statistically Significant (At Least At 5 Percent Level) Arm 4 & Arm 5 Effects vis-à-vis Arm 1 in Male vs. Female POOLED vs. RESPONDENT DATA, Alternative Couple Household & Individual Sub-samples DWELLING Reported Ownership Economic Ownership Right to Sell Right to Bequeath Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Overall Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Arm 5 - Male + - + + + + + - + - + + - AGRICULTURAL LAND Reported Ownership Economic Ownership Right to Sell Right to Bequeath Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Overall Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + + + + + + - + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + + + + + + + + + + - + + - + Arm 5 - Male + - + + + + + + - + + + + + - + - AGRICULTURAL LAND Reported Ownership Economic Ownership Right to Sell Right to Bequeath Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Overall Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 S4 S5 S4 Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + + - + + + + + - Arm 4 - Male - + + + + + + + - + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + + + + + + + - + - Arm 5 - Male + + + + + + + + + - - LIVESTOCK FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS Reported Ownership Reported Ownership Overall Exclusive Joint Overall Exclusive Joint Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent Pooled Respondent S1 S2 S2 S1 S2 S2 S1 S2 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 S1 S2 S3 S2 Arm 4 - Female + + + + + + + + + + + + Arm 4 - Male + + + + + + Arm 5 - Female + + + + + + + + Arm 5 - Male - - - + - - - + S1* Couple household sample in Arm 4 and Arm 5 includes only households in which both members of the principal couple were interviewed. S2* Individual sample from couple households include only the members of the principal couple. S3* Individual sample from couple households include only the members of the principal couple. Couple household sample in Arm 4 and Arm 5 includes only households in which both members of the principal couple were interviewed. S4* Couple household sample includes only agricultural households. S5* Couple household sample includes only agricultural households, and in the case of Arm 4 and Arm 5, includes only households in which both members of the principal couple were interviewed. MEXA TECHNICAL REPORT APPENDIX A 11