Document of The World Bank Report No: 30329-BF IMPLEMENTATION COMPLETION REPORT (IDA-36910 TF-50571) ON A CREDIT IN THE AMOUNT OF SDR 28.1 MILLION (EQUIVALENT US$ 35 MILLION) TO BURKINA FASO FOR A POVERTY REDUCTION SUPPORT CREDIT (2) December 29, 2004 Poverty Reduction and Economic Management 4 AFC15 Africa Region Simplified Implementation Completion Report Poverty Reduction Support Credit (2) Project ID: P075378 Project Name: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (2) Team Leader: Abdoulaye Seck TL Unit: AFTP4 ICR Type: Core ICR Report Date: December 29, 2004 1. Project Data Name: Poverty Reduction Support Credit (2) L/C/TF IDA-36910; TF-50571 Number: Country/Department: BURKINA FASO Region: Africa Regional Office Sector/subsector: General public administration sector (40%); Health (20%); General agriculture, fishing and forestry sector (20%); Primary education (20%) Theme: Public expenditure, financial management and procurement (P); Poverty strategy, analysis and monitoring (P); Rural services and infrastructure (S); Regulation and competition policy (S); Environmental policies and institutions (S) KEY DATES Original Revised/Actual PCD: 10/15/2001 Effective: 10/31/2002 10/31/2002 Appraisal: 04/04/2002 MTR: Approval: 07/11/2002 Closing: 06/30/2003 06/30/2003 Borrower/Implementing Agency: BURKINA FASO/MINISTRY OF FINANCE AND BUDGET AND OTHER MINISTRIES Other Partners: STAFF Current At Appraisal Vice President: Callisto E. Madavo Callisto E. Madavo Country Director: A. David Craig A. David Craig Sector Manager: Robert R. Blake Emmanuel Akpa Team Leader at ICR: Abdoulaye Seck Nicola Pontara ICR Primary Author: Miquel Saponara 2 2. Principal Performance Ratings (focused on this operation's contribution toward overall program objectives) (HS=Highly Satisfactory, S=Satisfactory, U=Unsatisfactory, HL=Highly Likely, L=Likely, UN=Unlikely, HUN=Highly Unlikely, HU=Highly Unsatisfactory, H=High, SU=Substantial, M=Modest, N=Negligible) Outcome: S Sustainability: L Institutional Development Impact: SU Bank Performance: S Borrower Performance: S QAG (if available) ICR Quality at Entry: S S Operation at Risk at Any Time: No No 3. Program Description 3.a. Overall program 1. A series of three PRSCs was designed in 2001 in line with the policy framework of the PRSP and focusing on two broad areas: public sector reform and governance and sectoral policies for the poor. The first component, reflecting objectives of the first and fourth PRSP pillar, included strengthening of the budgetary process, improving audit functions, revising procurement regulations, introducing budget deconcentration, and reforming the civil service. The second component, based on PRSP pillars 2 and 3, incorporated measures to improve service delivery in education and health and strengthen income-generating agricultural activities. The supported measures were perceived as inputs for improving economic management and social service delivery, considered to be essential to reach PRSP objectives. 3.b. PRSC-2 description 2. PRSC-2 ­ approved in June 2002 in a total amount of US$35 million ­ is the second operation in the series of three PRSCs initiated in 2001. It supports the same objectives in the medium-term than PRSC-1 ­ achieving better outcomes in the management of public resources, and strengthen basic service delivery in the social sectors ­ but updates the detail of the program based on experience gained during the implementation of PRSC-1. The updates were expected as measures to be associated with successive credits in this series of PRSC were to be broadened to include selected policy measures drawn from the PRSP agenda, to accelerate growth and improve service delivery, in addition to a continuing focus on public finance management. 4. Achievement of Objectives and Outputs 3. The government has broadly satisfied all original triggers and benchmarks related to PRSC-2. New measures introduced under PRSC-2 compared to the original framework described in the program document for PRSC-1 ­ and including some changes in triggers and benchmarks ­ are 3 primarily attributable to the need to: (i) modify the medium-term program to reflect strength and weaknesses in policy implementation since PRSC-1; (ii) incorporate the finding of the PRSP-PR1 and the CFAA; and (iii) adapt policy formulations to evolving knowledge of existing conditions and capacity constraints. For instance, PRSC-2 introduced a new section on PRSP Monitoring and Evaluation to further strengthen the program originally envisaged in PRSC-1, as the JSA of the PRSP-PR noted that increased efforts were required in the areas of poverty monitoring and evaluation. Policy measures undertaken under PRSC-2 are discussed in table 1 in annex A. Given the lag in translating policy actions in impacts, outcome achievements will be discussed in the programmatic ICR for the last PRSC of the series. 5. Major Factors Affecting Implementation and Outcome 4. In executing the 2002 budget, the government faced unexpected spending needs related to the Ivorian crisis with substantial unplanned expenditure for security purposes and humanitarian aid estimated at more than 0.5 percent of GDP, and rising oil prices with higher subsidies for electricity fuels and butane gas throughout the year. Moreover, with the onset of the conflict in Côte d'Ivoire in September 2002, the vulnerability of the Burkinabè economy was exacerbated as the country is heavily dependent on the Abidjan port for imports and exports and on Ivorian inputs for certain industrial activities. With the closure of the border, railway operations stopped and Burkinabè operators were forced to divert trade to other ports in Benin, Ghana, and Togo at higher costs and to find new suppliers for consumption goods and essential inputs. As a result, consumers face higher costs, and some businesses had to reduce work hours or close down. Livestock exports to Côte d'Ivoire largely ceased with repercussions on cash incomes in rural areas. 5. Notwithstanding the difficult overall context for the implementation of the 2002 budget, it is remarkable that the government was able to achieve a further significant increase in executing social expenditure. Domestically-financed social expenditure, including HIPC-financed expenditure in the priority sectors, increased from 4 percent of GDP in 1999 to 5 percent of GDP in 2002. 6. Bank and Borrower Performance 6. Overall Bank performance is satisfactory. As for PRSC-1, PRSC-2 is an integral part of the Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) presented to the Board on November 30, 2000 (Report 21285- BUR), and its objectives are well aligned with Government's development agenda, priorities and policies set out in the June 2000 Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper. Lessons learned from the implementation of PRSP and PRSC-1 were incorporated in the design of PRSC-2. 7. Overall Borrower performance is satisfactory. The good policy implementation record in PRSC-1 and PRSC-2 is a strong of the Borrower ownership and commitment to the program outlined in the PRSCs in June 2000. The swift and efficient reaction to the Ivoirian crisis has also helped the Government to mitigate the adverse impact, thus allowing the continuous implementation of its poverty reduction strategy supported by the PRSCs. 1Burkina Faso: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper Annual Progress Report and Joint IDA-IMF Staff Assessment of the PRSP Annual Progress Report­Report No. 23190-BUR (October 2001). 4 Quality at Entry Assessment by QAG of PRSC-2 8. The QAG panel rated the overall quality at entry satisfactory. The strategic relevance and approach dimension were rated highly satisfactory. The risk assessment dimension was rated marginally satisfactory and all other dimensions were rated satisfactory. Bank processes were also rated satisfactory. The strong features of PRSC-2 identified by the QAG panel included the alignment with the PRSP and the CAS, the inclusion in its design of lessons drawn from the satisfactory implementation of the PRSC-1 program, strong participation by the client in all aspects of PRSC-2 preparation, reflecting good ownership, and good collaboration with IMF and other donors. Areas needing improvement included the justification for basing PRSC-2 only on improved efficiency of public expenditures (improving the public financial management systems and improved pro-poor expenditure allocations within key sectors, to achieve better public services delivery), largely excluding other issues which may be significant for poverty reduction, such as general growth and competitiveness. The panel would also have liked greater elaboration of issues which may constitute a major risk to overall growth and poverty reduction, such as regional differences within the country. The panel felt the risk assessment was rather general in nature and does not discuss specific risks or risks mitigation measures related to PRSC-2. The operation also appears somewhat weak on capacity building issues in line ministries given that improved service delivery is a key objective of the operation. Lastly, the QAG panel felt that there were too many triggers, which is inconsistent with the concept of moving to " fewer and better" conditions or benchmarks in Bank operations. 7. Findings and Implications for Subsequent Operation(s) in Series 9. Overall, the satisfactory progress made since the approval of PRSC-2 warranted the move to PRSC-3. 10. PRSC-2 could not be also aligned with the budget cycle as previously sought, and this should be a priority in the next operation. 11. More attention should be paid in the subsequent operations, starting with PRSC-1, on capacity building in line ministries given the focus on improving service delivery. 5 Annex A ­ Progress since PRSC-1 Original Triggers and Benchmarks (PRSC I) Status after Negotiations Prior Actions (PRSC II) Comments A. Public Sector Reform and Governance (i) Budget Formulation Adoption of a budget bill for 2002 based on Trigger fulfilled. The budget bill was adopted in Same formulation. A Workshop was held in Kaya in March 2002, to (i) take ceilings set with reference to the 2002-04 February 2002 and it was based on the MTEF stock of progress achieved and difficulties encountered in MTEF and PRSP priorities. 2002-2004, reflecting PRSP priorities. the MTEF, PER and PB exercises and (ii) define an agenda for future action. The Workshop also discussed the recommendations contained in the PRGB concerning these instruments. It saw the participation of the Government, Completion of Program budgets consistent Trigger fulfilled. As discussed above, all Same formulation. World Bank and all other major multilateral and bilateral with PRSP objectives in key ministries ministries participated in this exercise, not only donors. The Committees charged with the PER, MTF and (including Economy and Finance, the 6 originally envisaged. PB processes presented the strengths and weaknesses of Infrastructure, Secondary and Tertiary each instrument and proposed a set of recommendations to Education), performance indicators included. improve them (see Annex 2). The key conclusions and recommendations have been already presented to the Bank and will be consolidated into an Action Plan harmonizing Completion of PER studies (including Trigger partially fulfilled. The PER process has Completion of PER studies in the areas of the recommendations of the CFAA, PRGB and ROSC. Key Economic Infrastructures, Justice, Ministry of experienced some delays, notably because of lack Economic Infrastructure and Rural outcome-oriented policy actions will be selected for PRSC Secondary and Tertiary Education). of funding and delays in fund commitment by Development. III on the basis of the plan. donors. The program discussed with the authorities for PRSC II included the completion of Held workshop to analyze the strengths and PERs on Economic Infrastructure and Rural weaknesses of the PER, MTEF and PB Development, by March 2002. It also included the exercises and defined agenda for future realization of a workshop to take stock of action in these three domains. strengths and weaknesses of PER, MTEF and PB processes and define the agenda for the future actions to improve these instruments. (ii) Budget Execution, monitoring and de-concentration Regionalization of payment order issuance Trigger fulfilled. The article 41bis of the law Organization of regionalization of De-concentration implies a revision of the role of the central through appointment of «delegated payers» no.013-2001, approved in July 2001 modifies the payment order issuance through creation government and its central administration, moving from and «secondary payers» within ministries to Decentralization Law and creates the region as an of a legal framework for the appointment direct implementation to planning, monitoring and empower regional Government entities. administrative entity. Within this new of «delegated payers» and «secondary reporting, while the periphery becomes the level of organization, the governor should have been made payers» within ministries to empower programming and implementing activities. This requires a "ordonnateur secondaire" with direct powers on regional Government entities. re-alignment of responsibilities for budget and personnel expenditure decision. Due to an error, the text says management from the core ministries to the line ministries, "ordonnateur délégué". The authorities will revise and within the latter, from the centre to the periphery. the text accordingly. Measures have been taken by law but now require effective implementation. A pilot experiment will be conducted in Bobo-Dioulasso in the context of PRSC III. 6 Not in the original matrix. Measure added Creation of "régies d'avance" (petty The process is at an advanced stage and will be completed cash accounts) at the level of Regional shortly. The authorities have identified the districts that will Health Directorates and Health Districts. participate in this pilot (health sector) as well as the administrators of these accounts who will be trained in Ouagadougou for a week. Preparation, by August 15, of a status report on Measure fulfilled. Report submitted and considered Same formulation. - budget implementation as of end June 2001, satisfactory. followed by corrective measures if necessary. Finalization of module on external financing of Measure fulfilled. Original formulation modified. Expenditure: The medium-term objective here is to add more modules to the computerized expenditure circuit and deployment Measure reformulated as a prior action for PRSC II. Extend integrated financial management CID system, including the debt management module of new software for management of external system (IFMS) by adding the module for (SYGADE), and set up an integrated revenue collection and financing. external financing management (at monitoring system (PRSC III). DGCOOP) to the computerized expenditure circuit (CID). 1) ADOPTION OF A PROCUREMENT PROCEDURES Trigger partially fulfilled. 1) Approve the new Regulatory Decree The objective is to implement all key recommendations The reformulation of the actions in the following for public procurement; highlighted in the 2000 CPAR within the time frame of PRSC MANUAL column reflects capacity constraints and evolving 2) Redefine the role of the two major II and III. The Procurement Code will be further revised 2) Redefinition of the roles of the two major knowledge about the Burkinabè procurement departments DGCOOP and DCMP, bringing it in line with practices satisfactory to the Bank. departments (DGCOOP and DCMP) and framework. In particular, it was not clear that the limiting DGCOOP's role to lending adoption of capacity building measures; satisfaction of original measures 2) and 3) required and disbursement procedures and 3) Revision of the general rules for public the approval of a decree modifying the existing market regulation; procurement to make them consistent with Procurement Code. The time necessary to elaborate 3) Present terms of reference and international standards of transparency and a new manual of procurement procedures was launch the expression of interest for efficiency; underestimated and the capacity of the DCMP the selection of a consultant for the 4) Integrated in the Procurement Code, overestimated. elaboration of a new Procurement measure aimed at facilitating SME access to Procedure Manual; public procurement A decree modifying the Procurement Code has 4) Present a Capacity Building Plan 5) Verification that 50 percent of public been approved and it satisfies triggers 2) and 3) (objectives, activities, calendar, procurement will have been subject to under both the original and the revised budget) for strengthening the DCMP competitive procurement practices as required formulations. The remaining steps to fully and DGCOOP, in the light of their by law and that the largest contracts will be implement 1) and 5) under the original formulation new roles; subject to public audit. will be included in PRSC III. 5) Elaborate terms of reference and launch the expression of interest for the selection of a consultant/independent auditor to verify that at least 50 percent of public procurement for FY01 is subject to competitive procedures. (iii) Budget Reporting Submission of budget execution reports for Trigger fulfilled. Submission of Budget Execution Measure verified at appraisal. The next stage will be to ensure fiscal years 1999 and 2000 and their remittal to Reformulation of prior action for PRSC II clarifies Reports for FY99 and FY00 and their that the Reports are audited by the Chambre within a the Supreme Audit Institution that the Supreme Audit Institution is currently the remittal to the Audit Office (Chambre reasonable timeframe and transmitted to the National Chambre de Comptes. de Comptes) Assembly. 7 Satisfactory implementation of the action plan Trigger partially fulfilled. Presentation of an Action Plan for Plan to operationalize the Cour de Comptes presented at for strengthening the Supreme Audit The formulation of the prior action for PRSC II operationalizing the Supreme Audit appraisal. The targeted date for full operationalization is Institution on the basis of the recommendations takes into consideration the government's capacity Institutions (Cour de Comptes) December 2002. The CFAA was finalized. Three magistrates of the PRGB and CFAA. constraints. were appointed in June, 2002. The key recommendations of the Finalization of the CFAA study and CFAA, compatible with those of the PRGB and ROSC, will be presentation of related Action Plan. implemented before PRSC III. B. Stakeholders' Participation Adoption of transparent mechanisms for Trigger fulfilled. Same formulation. Measure verified at appraisal. allocating resources managed at the district level (e.g., posting budgets allocated to each health facility in public places in the districts). C. PRSP Monitoring and Evaluation Not in the original matrix. Trigger added Refine the PRSP list of poverty This section has been added to PRSC II. It reflects the indicators to be used as benchmarks for willingness of the authorities to improve the quality of the the monitoring and evaluation of the monitoring and evaluation of the PRSP and to improve capacity PRSP. in the analysis of alternative policy packages (and shocks of Not in the original matrix. Measure added Establish a medium-term program to various kinds) on poverty and inequality in Burkina Faso. strengthen the analytical capacity to List of indicators and logistical arrangements on collection, analyze the impact on poverty of different elaboration and dissemination presented at appraisal. Medium- policy reforms and shocks of various term program on macroeconomic modeling agreed with the kinds. Bank. Not in the original matrix. Measure added Elaborate set of preliminary estimates, linking the growth and poverty frameworks. Completion of the study of opening up cotton Trigger fulfilled. Moved to Component 2, Section (see Table 8, Section C). Originally under Section C Competition in Service Delivery sector to several operators C. Rural Development. (PRSC I), substituted by Section C above, Civil Service Reform and Decentralization). Completion of the participatory poverty Measure not fulfilled. Moved to Component 2, Same formulation. Delays have been experienced in identifying donors to finance assessment Section C. Rural Development and to prior actions this study. Financing has now been secured (UNDP and for PRSC III. National Budget). D. Pro-Poor Sectoral Policies (i) Education Implementation of the Educational Policy Trigger fulfilled. Same formulation. The implementation of the 4 decrees that have been approved Statement and of Governmental Action Plan in between April and October 2001 proceed as planned. the area of basic education Implementation of a mechanism for subsidizing Trigger fulfilled. Same formulation. The Government has signed the contract for the purchase of school supplies in the 20 poorest provinces school supplies (CFAF 450 million of HIPC resources for the year 2001). It is currently devising a mechanism to transfer the purchased material from the provincial directorates to the rural schools identified as recipients. 8 Increasing access to education in rural areas by Measure fulfilled. Same formulation. Some CFAF 7 billion of HIPC resources for the year 2001 have expanding the number of schools--equipped with Progress has been slower than originally been committed by end-March and will be spent by end-June. running water and separate sanitary facilities for programmed because of delays in mobilizing girls--in the 20 rural provinces with the lowest HIPC resources for 2001. Government has made coverage, by ensuring that schools utilize up ground in recent months. multigrade teaching where population density is too low to provide for six separate grades, and by expanding double-shift teaching in urban areas where there is excess demand Lowering the cost of education to poor families by Measure Fulfilled. Prior action for PRSC II Lowering the cost of education to poor All HIPC resources (CFAF 400 million of HIPC resources for continuing to provide books free of charge, reformulated. Delays have been experienced in the families by continuing to provide books the year 2001) have been committed by end-March and will be ensuring sufficient allocations to rural schools to mobilization of HIPC resources for 2001. free of charge, ensuring sufficient spent by end-June. Canteens have been subsidized. cover basic materials and operating costs, and Government has made up ground in recent resources to rural schools to cover basic making the payment of parent-teacher association months. The part of the measure referring to the materials and operating costs. (PTA) fees voluntary in the 20 provinces with PTA has been dropped, at the request of the enrollment rates below the national average, while authorities. It is considered that at the provincial increasing government allocations to those level, the poorest parents are already exempt from schools to compensate for the loss of school paying school fees. income (ii) Health Introduction of policy and institutional Trigger fulfilled. Prior action for PRSC II Introduce policy and institutional A number of items (i.e. syringes for vaccination, iron, measures, rendering all preventive services at reformulated to reflect clarification of the measures, extending the number of cloroquine, and the carnet de santé) are now provided free of the primary health care level free of charge Government's policy in this area. preventive services at the primary charge. The MOH has been determined in its rejection of the health care level free of charge. trigger as originally formulated in PRSC I, on the grounds that its philosophy goes against the Bamako Initiative (cost recovery in health), of which the Bank is an active supporter. Introduced appropriate measures to essential Trigger fulfilled. Same formulation. Two ministerial decrees issued jointly by the Ministry of Health drugs sold by CAMEG with a view to and the Ministry of Commerce, Promotion of Enterprises and reducing the cost of drugs to users Crafts fixed at 25 percent the maximum profit margin on over 200 essential generic drugs (MEG) sold by wholesalers as from February 2002. The Government will have provided financial Measure fulfilled. Provide financial resources in the 2002 - resources in the 2002 budget to replace IDA budget to replace IDA funds which were funds under the recently-closed Health and financing health districts and regional Nutrition Project (expected to close on health directorates under the recently- September 30, 2001); this will ensure continuity closed Health and Nutrition Project, with of quarterly disbursement to health districts and a view to ensuring continuity in quarterly regional health directorates to "top off" financing disbursements that will "top off" from other sources to carry out their plans, financing from other sources. maintain quarterly financial management and performance reports, and carry out random financial audits. 9 Review (evaluation) of the COGES, including Measure fulfilled. Review issues related to the COGES Review finalized. such issues as adequacy of financial management including quality of relations with arrangements, quality of relations with communities and health sector actors and communities and health agents to the adequacy of financial management arrangements. Continued vaccination program in order to boost Measure fulfilled. Continue efforts to boost immunization - vaccination rates in accordance with PRSP coverage rates with a particular focus on objectives for 2000­ with particular efforts targeting rural areas in accordance with targeting rural areas PRSP targets. Completion of a beneficiary assessment to Measure fulfilled. Complete beneficiary assessment to Beneficiary assessment completed and analyzed in a September ascertain perceptions and views of the population ascertain views and perceptions with 2001 workshop. with regard to the efficiency and accessibility of regard to quality and access of health health services, including financial, socio-cultural care services, including financial, socio- and geographic barriers to care cultural and geographic barriers. Implementation of the plan to staff CSPSs with Measure fulfilled. Implement plan to staff CSPS with PRSP Target has been exceeded. minimum personnel in accordance with norms minimum personnel in accordance with established by the MOH and reiterated in the norms established by the MOH and PRSP (the proportion of CSPSs adhering to these reiterated in the PRSP. norms should be at least 65% by the end of 2001); Maintained incidence of CAMEG's inventory Measure fulfilled. Same formulation. The CAMEG drug stock out rate has been maintained below 2 shortfalls for the 45 generic drugs at a level percent. below 8% (iii) Rural Development Completion of the study of opening up cotton Trigger fulfilled. Prior action reformulated. Open up the cotton sector to several The SOFITEX monopoly ended on December 27, 2001, with sector to several operators operators the approval by the Council of Ministries of two decrees opening two of the three cotton producing zones to new private - Decree ended SOFITEX legal sector investment in ginning activities. monopoly in cotton marketing - Opened up two new cotton producing zones to new private investment in ginning - Established calendar of actions needed over the next 18 months to prepare the sector for new investors in new zones Liberalized cotton seed marketing (auction Trigger (partially) fulfilled. SOFITEX is selling the Liberalized cotton seed marketing Measure referring to auction sale will be re-discussed with the sales and lifting of export ban) seed (including on the export market) at a price that authorities, to see how it fits into the liberalization strategy. approaches world market. There is no export ban. The usefulness of auction sales is under discussion. 10 Restructuring, by end-2001, of rural Trigger fulfilled. Prior action reformulated to reflect Restructuring, by end-2001, of IDA Following the June 2001 mid-term review, the extension development operations under its reference to IDA-funded agricultural operation. funded rural development operations service component of the National Agricultural Services implementation, in order to harmonize their under implementation, in order to Program was restructured. A new demand-drive approach to objectives, implementation strategies, content, harmonize their objectives, agricultural service delivery was introduced, and a procedure implementation and management procedures implementation strategies, content, manual drafted. and monitoring-evaluation with those defined management procedures and in the LPDRD and PRSP monitoring and evaluation with those defined in the LPDRD and PRSP Development of action plans in other Trigger partially fulfilled. Diagnostic study on Same formulation. A program to develop private/public partnerships to boost production streams and priority programs in cowpea ready. TOR for fruits and vegetables and agricultural diversification by improving market access for a agriculture and livestock (cotton, fruits and livestock and meat ready. TOR for oilseed variety of commodities (SOPROFA) was launched in vegetables, livestock/meat, cowpea, oilseeds) underway. December 2001. Enforcement of health guidelines for livestock Measure fulfilled. Same formulation - Completed institutional audits of ministries active Measure not fulfilled. Prior action for PRSC II Finalize TOR for institutional audits of Nevertheless, there has been progress in this area. Donors in the rural sector (Agriculture, Livestock, and reformulated while original action moved to PRSC Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock agreed with government on an approach to review field level Water and Environment) III (see Annex 8). Terms of Reference (TOR) for the agricultural services. This would result in an institutional audit of the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock analysis (roles, responsibilities, structure and staffing) of the finalized. Ministries of Agriculture and Animal Resources. (iv) Environment Update of the institutional responsibilities and the Measure fulfilled Clarify the mandates and responsibilities - administrative procedures of the directorate and of CONAGESE and DGPE in those the agency responsible for enforcing areas pertaining to EA compliance and environmental assessment requirements enforcement Update of the National Action Plan for the Measure Dropped - Measure considered not useful by both the Government and Environment ASPEN Not in the original matrix. Measure added Preparing a three-year capacity building The justification for these measures is discussed in detail in plan for EA Annex 7. Not in the original matrix. Measure added Establish small EA focal points in the key ministries involved in policy reforms listed as prior actions for PRSC II 11