RESTRICTED FlU . ·~i1 . ~ .... Report No. EC -116 . . 'I ~~i . ~.~ This report was prepared for use within the Bank and its affiliated organizations. They do not accept respons'!bility for its accuracy or completeness. The report may not be published nor may it be quoted as representing their views. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT ESTIMATED SERVICE AND PRINCIPAL AMOUNTS AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BRAZIL INDIA ISRAEL ITALY YUGOSLAVIA Jun.e 17, 1963 E~onomic Staff GUIDE TO REPORTS IN lmICH DEBT TABLES HAVE APPEARED The reports issued in these series are: EC-B4, 85, B6, B9 f;sc. M60-215/1, EC-90, 91, SEC. M6l-17, EC-95, 91, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112, 115 and 116 Debt data as of , Country JUhe 30, December 31 1959 1959 - 1960 1961 Number of report (, Argentina Australia EC-86 EC-86 & EC-IOO I:E.. EC-116 Austria EC-9l EO-99 EC-116 Belgium EO-84 EO-90 EO-99 EO-lOB Brazil EO-90 EC-116 British Guiana EO-99 Burrra EO-89 EO-IOO EC-112 Oeylon EO-84 EC-91 EO-99 EC-115 Chile EC-84 EO-90 EO-97 EC-108 Ohina EO-99 EO-112 Colombia EO-B4 EO-89 /c EO-97 EO-lOB Oongo, Republic of EO-90 EO-99 Oosta. EO-84 EO-86 EO-91 EC-I06 Derunar'k EO-91 III EO-IOO EC-112 ],tlst Af:cica EC-91 EO-IOO East Africa Oormnon Service Organi- zation EC1..tador &. EC-B9 ~ EC-99 EO-115 EO-112 El Salvador EC-86 EO-91 EC-I06 Ethiopia EC ...86 EO-95 EC-I06 Fed.of Rhodesia and Nyasaland EG-84 EO-91 EO-IOO EC-115 Finland EO-86 EC-95 EO-lOB France r~C-91 EO-IOO EC-I08 Guaterr.ala EO-85 EC-91 EO-108 Honduras EC-84 EC-90 EO-97 EC-I06 Iceland EO-85 EO-86 EC-99 EC-I06 India EO-86 EO-IOO EC-116 Iran EO-84 1..!3.. EC-86 f!.. EO-laO /g Israel EO-91 EO-IOO EC-116 • Italy EO-85 EO-89 EO-IOO EC-116 Kenya /k 11:. EC-115 Japan EC-85 EC-90 EO-95 EC-112 Lebanon EC-89 EO-IOO Luxembourg EC-90 gO-IOO EC-112 xr.lalaya EC-89 EO-99 EO-115 Mexico EC-90 EO-IOO EO-I08 See footnotes at end of table. GUIDE TO REPORTS IN l-JHICH DEBT TABLES HA VE APPEARED (CaNT.) The reports issued in these series are: EC-84, 85, 86, 8,-0 Sec. M60-215/1, EC-90, 91, SEO. M61-17, EO-95, 97, 99, 100, 106, 108, 112, 115 and 116 ~ 1)e'6t aata as of Oountry -June 30, December 31 .. 1960 1961 - // 1959 1959 Number of reEort Netherlands EC-lOO EO-lIS New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria - EO-84 EO-86 EO-95 EO-lOB EC-l06 EO-8S EC-99 EO-lIS Norway EO-85 EC-89 EC-IOO EO-115 Pakistan EC-86 EC-100 IE. EO-115 I.l Panama EO-85 EC-90 EC-9"1 EO-l08 Paraguay EO-90 EC-95 EC-I06 Peru EC-91 EC-leO EC-112 Philippines EC-85 EC-99 11. EO-112 Portugal EO-l06 Ruanda ":,,,Urundi EC-90 EO-IOO South Afr:'ca EO-91 EC-97 EC-112 Spain EC-86 EC-99 Sudan EO-85 EO-95 EO-112 Tanganyika Tha~lb. I!. EO-86 &. EO-95 EO-115 EC-I06 Trinidad and Tobago EC-99 EO-lIS Turkey EO-95 Uganda IJ5. I!. EO-lIS United Kingdom EO-84 EO-89 EC-95 EO-lIS Uruguay EC-89 EO-laO EO-112 Venezuela EC-97 EC-106 Yugoslavia EC-89 EO-97 EO-1l6 lJ. Data as of April 30, 19 o. Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961. Revised in Sec. M60-2l5!1 dated December 9, 1960. • Revised in Sec. M61-l7 dated January 25, 1961 • Data as of September 22, 1959. Data as of March 20, 1960. Debt outstanding as of September 22, 1961. Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1961. i Debt outstanding as of ~ay 31, 1961. lI " Debt outstanding as of June 30, 1962. Z[ k Shown under East Africa. EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT - ESTIrTATED SERVICE AND pamCIPAL .ANOUNTS 1. For the purpose of these statistics, external public debt: a.. includes all debt N'hich is payable to creditors outside the debtor country in foreign currency, goods or services, vTith an original maturity of one year or more, ~vhich is an 'obligation of the national government, a political subdivision or an agency of either, or an autonomous public body. It also includes external private debt guaranteed by the national government, a political subdivision or an agency of either, or an autonomous public body, and incurred by debtors located v;rithin the debtor country. b. does not include: (1) transactions with the International Honetary Fund, (2) private debts they are guaran- teed, (3) other external obligations, such as reparations, so long as the amounts and terms have not been agreed, and (4) debts repayable at the option of the borrower in local currency. 2. Table 1 debts outstanding as of a specified date, usually ShO'VTS D~cember 31, 1961.In addition, certain debts incurred after this d&ce are also shmm in Table 1. The :L.'1debtedness as of December 31, 1961 and the debts incurred subsequently should not be added together as the information on later debts t,lay not be complete and no allowance has been made for any a'clortization since December 31, 1961. In Table 1 principal amounts include undis- bursed portion of loru1s. 3. Service payments for the years 1962 through 1971 shown in Table 2 are the estimated ar,lOrtization and interest payments due in foreign currencies, goods or services on the debts summarized in Table 1. For a fevJ' loans where i-t has not been possible to separate interest from principal payments, interest is included in the amortization column. 4. The service payments in Table 2, which reflect only existing debt, are not forecasts of the total of service payments that may be expected to be made in 1962 through 1971, since not only may new debts be contracted, but the terms and composition • of the existing debt may be changed. 5. The Bank obtains the information used in the preparation of the tables mainly from reports contributed by the debtor countries; supplementary information is obtained froi'"11 published reports of creditor countries and other publications. Some figures are estimates of the Bank staff. AUSTRALIA Table 1: IBRD ESTIMATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEHBER 31, 1961 vlITH l\1AJOR ADDITIONS TO APRIL 11, 1963 - (In thousands of U.S. dollar equi"Valents) • Hajor additions Debt as of Type of debt December 31, 1961 January 1,1962- April II! 1963 Publicly-issued bonds 1,343,,886 II 143,000 Privately-placed debt 53,225 71. IBRD loans 243,446 U.s. Governnent loans Export-Import Bank 25,981 Loans from other governments 241 1,666,779 143,000 7S. Net of accumulated sinking ftL."1dS. Table 2: IBRD ESTTI'l4.TES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL. PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEIJffiER 31, 1961 vJITH NAJOR ADDITIONS TO APRIL 11, 1963 (In thousands of U.8. dollar equivalents) Service paln:ents Year Amorti- 1n- Total zation terest 1962 116,798 71,511 188,315 1963 49,111 71,798 120,909 1964 66,6~l9 72,914 139,593 1965 85,701 71,579 157,280 1966 180,448 68,900 249,348 1967 104,158 62,247 166,405 1968 98,816 57,758 156,574 1969 211,569 54,223 265,79 2 1970 96,002 46,480 142,482 • 1971 91,536 42,651 134,187 AUSTRIA. ~ble.!~ IBRD EST]}lATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OurSTANDING DUE TIr FOREIGN ClJR.RE,:TCIES AS OF DECErmER 31" 1961 1rJITH MAJOR ADDITIONS TO NOVENBER 30, 1962 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of l'1ajor additions Type of debt January" 1 - December 31, 1961 November 30, 1962 Publicly-issued bonds 148,486 Privately-placed debt 48,552 39,000 mRD loans 95,044 5,000 u.S. Government loans Export-Import Baruc 33,689 Other 800 Sub-to'ta1 34,489 31,400 Loans from other governments 29,131 11,250 355,702 86,650 Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAY}'lENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCmS AS OF DECID-mER 31, 1961 "lITH 1-1AJOR MlDITIONS TO !~OVEMBER 30., 1962 fl (In thousands of UvS o dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amort i- In- Total zation terest 1962 26,228 15,466 41,694 1963 30,295 15~795 46,090 1964 30,568 17,077 47,645 1965 31,511 16,471 47,982 1966 34,857 15,432 50,289 • 1967 31~673 1!~,017 45,690 1968 28,887 13,000 41,887 1969 26,635 11,680 38,315 1970 20,640 10,369 31,009 1971 17,225 9,433 26,,658 72. ' Does not include loans amount:ing to $3,111, 000 for which repayment terms are nOt-'· available. u BRAZIL Table 1: IBRD EST:rnATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEIvlBER 31, 1961 WITH f'IAJOR ADDITIONS TO APRIL 1, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt- as of l'Iajor additions Type of debt January- 1,1962- December 31, 1961 April 1, 1963 Publicly-issued bonds 58,691 Privately-placed debt 1,064,551 191,157 IBRD loans 218,388 IDB loans 13,070 41,938 u.s. Government loans Export-Import Bank 763,547 U.S. IIlIaritime Administration 4,091 U.S. Treasury 42,980 AID 50,000 57,400 Sub-total 860,618 57,400 Loans from other govel'rurents 28,461 2,453 2,243,779 292,94S Table 2: IBRD ESTIMATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIO DEBT DUE IN FOREIG1\J CURRENCIES AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1961 ~rrTH llJAJOR ADDITIONS TO AUGUST 31, 1962 L! (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amorti- In- Total zation terest 1962, 166,065 93,105 259,170 1963 239,711 97,345 337,056 1964 256,463 90,697 347,160 1965 222,553 79,012 301,565 1966 222,642 69,981 292,623 1967 193,818 60,520 254,338 1968 176,651 51,59J.~ 228,245 1969 149,565 43,573 193,138 1970 134,183 37,152 171,335 1971 102,746 31,738 134,484 l!. Does not include service on~S83,JOO,OOO from European banks most of which was frozen as of IvJarch 31, 1962. INDIA TabJ.e 1: IBRD ESTllvrATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES -~S OF DECEJY1BER 31, 1961 WITH MAJOR ADDITIONS JANUARY 1, 1962 TO APRIL 30, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) IvTajor additions Type of debt Debt as of January 1, 1962- December 31, 1961 April 30, 1963 Publicly-issued bonds 10,046 Privately-placed debt 100,626 10,128 IBRD loans 717,294 20,000 IDA credi.ts 88,500 191,500 U.s. Government loans Export-Import Eank 211,458 44,000 Other 186,239 702,600 Sub-total 397,697 Loans from other governments 911,178 358,379 2,225,341 1,326,607 Table 2: 1BRD KSTINATES OF SERVICE PAYNEN'l'S ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEHBER 31, 1961 1rJITH NAJOR ADDITIONS JANUARY 1, 1962 TO !iF RIL 30, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service Eal[ents Year Amorti- 1n- Total zation terest 1962 94,922 82,023 176,945 1963 115,878 92,186 208,064 1964 120,486 95,907 216,393 1965 166,912 95,271 262,183 01966 160,583 92,068 252,651 1967 164,931 90,130 255,061 1968 165,099 87,829 252,928 1969 183,988 80,819 264,807 1970 169,858 72,183 242,041 1971 lS6,443 64,470 220,913 Note: The amount of debt shown on these tables differs from that shown in the latest Bank economic report on India (AS-97a), since the 1attElr included a number of debts on which the Bank has not yet received regular submission of forms. There also appear to be minor differ- enCE)S in the definition of "external public debt". ISRP.EL Table 1: IBRn ESTn1ATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OurSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEI-IDER 31, 1961 1'JITH NAJaR ADDITIONS TO MARCH ,31, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) r.1ajor additions Debt as of Tme of debt January 1,1962- December 31, 1961 March 31J 1963 Publicly-issued bonds 419,425 Privately-placed debt 64,622 IBRD loans 52,500 22,000 u.s. Government loans Export-Import Bank ,120,804 AID Sub-total 120,804 53,450 Loans from other governments 48 2750 706,101 75,450 - Table 2: IBRD ESTINATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON E~{TERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEliffiER 31, 1961 t'JITH l\fAJOR ADDITIONS TO MARCH 31, 1962 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents), Service EaymEm~' Year Amorti- In- zation terest Total 1962 46,209 15,336 61,545 1963 75,289 14,904 90,193 1964 94,198 14,117 108,315 1965 90,492 13,531 104,023 1966 74,459 13,604 88,063 .. 1967 47,576 12,540 60,116 '" 1968 43,984 11,689 55,673 1969 119,006 9,481 128,487 1970 ,0,486 7,336 57,822 1971 54,85.3 6,617 61,470 ITALY " ~!!L!: IBRD ESTlMATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OU'l'STANDThU DUE TIT FOREIGN CURRENCIES AS OF DECEUBER 31, 1961 WITH NAJOR ADDrrrONS JANUARY 1 TO DECEHBER 31, 1962 !1. (In thousands of U.S. dol1ar,:"equiva1ents) addit1.ons Haj or Type of debt Debt as of January 1 - December )1, 1961 December 31, 1962 Publicly-issued bonds 173,441 Privately-placed debt 30,212 mRD loans 277,304 Loans from Inter-European organizations 138,199 42,225 U.s. Government loans Export-Import Bank 38,155 AID ' 174,856 4,254 Other ....37,470 Sub-total )~- 250,481 4,254 ~ans from other governments 48,,466 915,103 46,479 Zi Does not include ~~lOO million debt in dispute o 1~ab1e 2: IBRD EST lNATES OF SERVICE PAYMENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FORE IGN CURRENCIES AS OF DEcm'IBER 31, 1961 WITH HAJOR ADDITIONS TO DECEMBER 31, 1962 (In thousands of U.S." dollar equivalents) ~ Service payments, Year Amort i- In- " Total zation terest 1962 224,58,7 32,255 256,842 1963 50,332 31,909 82,241 1964 49,715 31,852 81,567 1965 49,121 29,661 78,'782 1966 39,872 27,486 67,358 1967 40,994 25,678 66,672 1968 42,400 23,816 66,216 1969 43,070 21,826 64,896 1970 43,529 19,736 63,265 1971 43,0.57 17,601 60,658 YUGOSLAVIA -------.,- Table 1: IBRD ESTll1ATES OF EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT OUTSTANDING DUE IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES OR GOODS AS OF JUNE 30, 1962 WITH r1AJOR ADDITIONS JULY 1, 1962 TO MARCH 30, 1963 11. (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Debt as of Najor additions Type of debt July 1,1962 ... June 30, 1962 IJIarch 30, 1963 Publicly-issued bonds 8,766 Privately-placed debt 322,100 IBRD loans 75,992 30,000 Eurofima loans 4,130 232 UaS. Government loans Export-Import Bank 78,500 AID 18,825 SUb-total 97,325 Loans from other governrr.ents Lg 245,519 Settlerr.ent for nationalized properties 18,585 712,417 30,232 II Does-not include: a. Pre-Horld Uar II debt on 1'11hich there has been a temporary settlement of interest. b. Debt amounting to (.54.3 r,ri.llion on which insufficient information is available. /2 Includes :'j52.8 million payable in Soviet Bloc cu.rrencies or commodity deli veries • Table 2: IBRD ESTllvIATES OF SERVICE PAYl1ENTS ON EXTERNAL PUBLIC DEBT DUE IN FOREIGN CUR.RLJ'TCIES OR GOODS AS OF JUNE 30, 1962 1NITH r1A.JOR ADDITIONS TO lVIARCH 30, 1963 (In thousands of U.S. dollar equivalents) Service payments Year Amort i- In- zation Total terest 1962 87,389 18,552 105,941 1'963 109,198 26,884 136,082 1964 105,485 25,726 131,211 1965 95,122 23,460 118,582 1966 105,748 21,050 126,198 1961 60,700 15,782 76,482 1968 42,915 9,609 52,524 1969 23,586 7,111 31,291 1910 20,403 6,353 26,756 1971 12,882 5,574 18,456