W I MI impAF-- IM Social Development Department Dissemination Notes F Colombia: Development and Peace A In the Magdalena Medio Region November 2002 Number 6 The Program for Development and Peace in Magdalena Medio, supported by a Bank Learning and Innovation Loan, promotes a community-based participatory approach to development and peace in one of the most conflictive regions of Colombia. With a heavy emphasis on the strengthening of social capital and productive sub-projects, the Project offers important lessons on development interventions in conflict-affected regions. A Vision for Development and Peace development of the region to increase living standards and reduce violence by forging links Situated in the heart of Colombia, Magdalena Medio between communities, NGOs, the business sector, is one of the poorest and most violent parts of the various levels of government and, as appropriate, country. The region is not a single political- the armed actors. administrative unit but is composed of 29 municipalities located in 4 Departments. Although A Focus on Learning and Innovation very diverse, these 29 municipalities share some common characteristics such as proximity to the The Program's vision is ambitious and dynamic Magdalena River, the important role of the oil involving an interactive process across two industry and a high level of armed conflict and dimensions: (i) while building the program from the violence. In fact, Magdalena Medio is a microcosm bottom up, to work at all levels-community, of the actors and issues underlying Colombia's municipality, sub-region and region-and link them armed conflict involving guerillas, right-wing with national policies and institutions; and (ii) to put paramilitaries, and the army battling for control while national policies into practice in the municipalities the civilian population struggles to survive. The and region, and/or help define national policies and region contains great natural and productive wealth, programs through local and regional actions. A but access to these assets and the income they flexible, continuous learning approach and a phased generate is highly unequal, with 70 percent of the program were required to translate vision into action. population of 811,000 living below the poverty line. The Government obtained a $5 million Learning and The Program for Development and Peace in Innovation Loan (LIL) from the World Bank and Magdalena Medio originated with a proposal of the $1.25 million from the national oil company to Catholic Diocese of Barrancabermeja to the national finance the Magdalena Medio Regional oil company (ECOPETROL) to find solutions to the Development Project which started in the fall of persistent poverty and increasing violence in the 1998. The Project's key learning objective was to region. The proposal of the Church was made to the test and refine a participatory methodology and Human Rights Commission of ECOPETROL, made operational approach to: (i) develop the capacity of up of company management and the company's the Consortium for Development and Peace labor union, perhaps the most powerful and Magdalena Medio (CDPMM), a non-governmental influential union in the country. This was significant organization (NGO), as a change agent and because, despite considerable differences between program manager; (ii) strengthen citizen networks to the management and union of ECOPETROL, they build social capital and manage the program; and took this as a joint initiative. The union has (iii) provide technical support and funding to continued to be a member of the Program's Advisory community organizations to develop and implement Committee. projects they identified. The Program's guiding principles are the need to The Bank considered the project important, because involve and reflect the concerns of all the region's it was one of the first lending operations in a new citizens, and the belief that poverty and violence are area of Bank assistance to Colombia, peace and complex, interrelated problems which must be development, identified by the Government and civil tackled simultaneously. The Program, initiated in society as the number one development priority 1995 with a diagnostic process, embodies a long- during the dialogue with the Bank on the 1997 term vision for community-led, comprehensive Country Assistance Strategy. The project fit within the Government's strategy of supporting regional and local initiatives to build social capital and closer to beneficiaries and with more differentiation address the root causes of violence, while pursuing in line with different conditions in the 8 sub-regions. efforts at the national level to initiate peace negotiations with armed groups. Promoting Change through a Participatory Approach Focused on Communities and An NGO as a Change Catalyst Municipalities The role of CDPMM in designing, leading and The Program is based on community and individual managing the project was of critical importance to its participation in the region's development. The success. The region's characteristics made it starting point is recognition of the capacity and 'initial unlikely that a participatory, community-led program state' of the citizens including existing organizations could be effectively managed by the Government: and previous experience. From this base, CDPMM central government presence was weak; the armed initiates the learning and capacity building of conflict generated mistrust, fear and polarization; community organizations so that they are able to municipalities were weak and controlled by interest take charge of their own development. groups including armed actors; and the intermediate level of government had a record of low attention to The citizens' network began as a voluntary the municipalities covered by the Program. A key association of citizens and organizations (referred to lesson, highlighted by the Government upon as a nucleo) in each municipality. The nucleo would completion of the Project, was that regional develop and promote agreement among development and building conditions for peace can stakeholders on a municipal proposal setting forth be led by a non-public entity using public funds, an the municipality's long-term development priorities, arrangement which provides flexibility to manage and activities and investments to start addressing resources effectively and more fluid communication these priorities. By the end of the project, 23 with communities. nucleos were operating and nucleo members were increasingly involved in municipal decisions. The Another important feature worth noting is the faith nucleos and municipal planning authorities were element of the approach. The proposal came from brought together in a regional participatory planning the Church and the Program is led by a Jesuit priest system. In addition, 10 networks organized with a team from Pastoral Social, the social program spontaneously around common interests such as of the Church in the region. Thus, the values of the community radios, youth and producer associations. Program-respect for life, putting the poor first and collective action, among others-are in line with The participatory methodology and operational those of the Church and its teachings. model tested in the project proved effective in creating a longer-term vision for the region, What accounted for this success? CDPMM was an strengthening human and social capital, mobilizing independent entity with high credibility among resources and attention for the region, and starting a stakeholders because its staff acted with high community-led process to improve basic services integrity, commitment, and professionalism. Other and investment. The most striking achievement was critical strengths were: effective communication of the increase in human and social capital-23 the principles of the Program; ability to mobilize nucleos and 147 organizations involving 8,625 support and gain recognition; ability to promote persons internalized the vision and goals of the alliances and attract public and private entities to the program. previously neglected region; openness to learning, including self and external performance evaluations; Learning by Doing Focused on Investment and ability to manage conflict-related risks. Project funding for community initiatives generated As the project evolved, CDPMM developed a clearer immediate interest of citizen groups who were understanding of how to effectively act as an agent anxious to take steps to improve their situation. An of change. It complemented the existing knowledge important element of the methodology was the belief and experience of local communities and entities that for small projects in isolated communities to involved in project activities, improving decisions generate significant development impact, they must and outcomes, while simultaneously empowering be linked strategically to municipal, sub-regional and those involved. During the Project, CDPMM regional development priorities. The nucleo, consolidated its operating and administrative municipal proposal, and regional planning system structure which had previously been located in provided these strategic links. During the project, Bogota and quite informal. In 2000, it adjusted this CDPMM refined the approach toward more complex structure, and initiated a further decentralization in productive projects covering several municipalities. response to concerns of participants and its staff It saw these projects as having potentially greater who called for a more integrated operating structure impact on the region's economic and social development by bringing together organizations in 2 several municipalities thus reinforcing the process of and the technical options, profitability, sustainability creating and strengthening social capital in the and competitiveness of alternative approaches. To region. identify productive opportunities in urban areas, analyses of economic circuits (economic Community and producer organizations carried out transactions in a particular locality, backward and 67 investment projects, and were actively involved in forward linkages of each economic activity, an ambitious health program. Sixty projects were for production costs and efficiency of each activity) were productive activities (20 for rural production including undertaken. agro-industrial projects, 8 for marketing, 14 for urban production and 18 related to fishing and the The first external evaluation noted a tension and environment), with the remainder in education, lack of sufficient integration between efforts by institutional development, and peace/conflict CDPMM to promote the participatory process to resolution. Initially, it was expected that the Project articulate a long-term vision of development led by would support relatively small and simple investment the nucleos, and the preparation of investment sub- projects, with a focus on the social sectors. When projects by organizations and communities. CDPMM decided to support the development of Although this is likely to remain a continuing tension more complex agro-industrial projects which in a program of this type, CDPMM decided to modify involved producers in more than one municipality, it its approach to combine in one structure, at the did not initially recognize that the development of regional and sub-regional level, the functions of such projects required a somewhat different process promoting participation/community development and and level of attention than the smaller projects. the preparation of investment projects. In this way, However, CDPMM learned that more complex these tensions will be recognized and addressed productive projects such as palm oil, with higher more directly. technical requirements, investment costs and risks, required in-depth and complete feasibility studies The Project demonstrated that the community-led prior to the investment phase. CDPMM also needed process of transforming ideas into investment to establish clearer criteria for deciding which projects is more time-consuming and difficult than projects merit support in the feasibility stage, and for expected. During the two and a half years of the determining its role in supporting those projects at project, most of the 60 productive initiatives never the investrnent stage. fully entered the investment phase, because of the time required for the potential beneficiaries' learning By the end of the Project and after some trial and process and the increasing complexity of the error, CDPMM had developed a format for providing projects themselves. Although the process proved technical assistance that ensured the organization lengthier than originally envisaged, by the end of the developing the project was in charge of the process Project CDPMM considered that 76 percent of the and owned the results. The organization identified 67 projects (94 percent of the funding) either had the assistance required, participated in preparing the good prospects or should be considered for terms of reference, and was actively involved in all continued funding if certain conditions were met. stages of the feasibility study. CDPMM helped identify providers with the appropriate capacity and Although it was clear that the Project was effective in willingness to work in this manner, and supported building a basis to improve incomes and living the process with its staff. A good example was the conditions in a difficult environment,' the original feasibility study for the improvement of cacao idea that it would be possible to move directly from production and marketing which was carried out with the first LIL to a full 10-year investment program producer organizations in 3 municipalities. CDPMM (with funding from a traditional Bank loan) proved identified technical assistance providers with the overly optimistic and ambitious. It should be noted, right capacity, willingness to work collaboratively however, that this was also due to the evolution of with the producer organizations and accompanied the armed conflict which has increased the the process with its own staff. It learned to apply a complexity and risks of scaling up the program. similar process when it provided technical assistance directly. In addition, CDPMM used several innovative methods and tools to support productive projects, In December 2001, the Program received Colombia's National including benchmarking and analysis of economic Peace Prize. The Prize seeks to promote peace, humanitarian circuits. The benchmarking methodology compared values, solidarity and understanding among Colombians. It is the production processes among producers, with awarded by a jury of civil society representatives to an individual(s) or entity(ies) who have contributed to the other sub-regions in Magdalena Medio, the rest of establishment of development processes for local or regional the country and, in some cases, internationally. This peace leading to a solution to armed conflict. A year earlier, the helped producers better understand the context for French Government awarded the Program a Human Rights Prize their project (production chains, competitiveness), for is work with communities in the main city covered by the Program (www Fescol.org.co). 3 Monitoring and Evaluation under the project also enhanced Colombia's image and its ability to raise funds to support the peace Early on it was recognized that a good monitoring, process. The key entities supporting the project- evaluation and learning system would be critical for National Planning Department, oil company, UNDP such a program, especially given the need for and the Bank-learned to work together in continuous learning and community empowerment, partnership which resulted in a high degree of as well as the uncertain project environment caused commitment and ownership of the project. by the conflict. However, it proved more challenging and time consuming than expected to implement the The Government, oil company and Bank agreed to system due to tensions between the technical continue support to the Program through a follow-up aspects (quarterly reporting, development of project approved in September 2001 (a second LIL baselines, questionnaire design, etc) and the and oil company funding totaling $6.25 million), to be pedagogical aspects of the system aiming to complemented by a $14.0 million three-year promote participatory monitoring and evaluation by European Union project approved in early 2002. communities. Lessons learned along the way The Second Magdalena Medio Regional include the need to ensure that the system is the Development Project responds to new learning responsibility of the entire organization, that it is challenges focusing on sustainability and mitigating understood and endorsed by staff in the risks by shifting the locus of decision making and organization, and that, from the start, the monitoring, leadership from CDPMM to local and regional evaluation and learning system is an integral part of institutions with communities continuing to play the the participatory methodology for developing the lead role. municipal proposals and investment project initiatives. The Program is a long-term development effort which has demonstrated a high degree of Two external evaluations of the Project were carried commitment and ownership. Although, it cannot be out by a reputable Colombian university research expected to eliminate the armed conflict in the center. Although most of the findings built on or Magdalena Medio region, the Program and the first validated observations and findings of CDPMM's Project created conditions to facilitate a dialogue monitoring and evaluation unit and its staff, the among contending parties, set in motion a process external evaluations were very useful, especially to help mitigate many of the underlying social and because of the considerable strain on staff due to economic causes of conflict, and may provide a their heavy work load and the stress from operating foundation for effective development interventions in in a violent and dangerous environment. The an eventual post-conflict and reconstruction phase. external evaluations provided a more objective and detached perspective; offered a structured moment In terms of broader applicability, the operational and space for the CDPMM team, communities and model is not a cookie-cutter approach that can donors to reflect and assess progress; and provided simply be copied elsewhere. There are a number of donors and the Government with an independent critical ingredients in the way the project and larger evaluation of progress and achievements. program are carried out, especially the commitment and dedication of CDPMM's staff, which are not Conclusions easy to reproduce. Nonetheless, the Magdalena Medio approach offers useful lessons which, with The Project demonstrated the need for flexibility, appropriate adaptations, are likely to be relevant in continuous learning and close monitoring and other conflict settings. analysis of the socio-political situation when promoting a participatory approach in such an environment. Substantial variation in the rate of implementation and development can be expected CPR Unit based on the different conditions in various parts of the region. Increasing the capacity of individuals This Dissemination Note was prepared by Jairo Arboleda and communities to take charge of their own (LCCCO) and Elsie Garfield (LCSER) and edited by the Conflict development takes time, particularly for productive Prevention and Reconstruction (CPR) Unit. This note series is projects. ~~~~~~~~~~~intended to disseminate good practice and key findings on conflict investment projects. prevention and reconstruction The series is edited by the CPR Unit in the Social Development Department of the The Project contributed to the Government's Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development Network strategic approach to development in conflictive of the World Bank The views expressed in these notes are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the regions including the concept of delegating World Bank Group, its Executive Directors, or the countries they implementation to a respected third party. The represent. CPR Dissemination Notes are distributed widely to CDPMM has provided technical support to other Bank staff and are also available on the CPR website entities who have initiated similar development (htto://www.worldbank.oro/conflict) programs in 9 other regions. The achievements 4