People’s Republic of China (PRC)
  Public-private Partnership Project for Water
   Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province


                 ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL
                  COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP)

                                 August 26, 2019

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1. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) will implement the Public-private Partnership Project for Water
   Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province (the Project), with the involvement of the following
   Ministries/agencies/units: Ministry of Finance (MOF), the National Development and Reform
   Commission (NDRC), Sichuan Provincial Finance Department (SPFD), Sichuan Provincial Development
   and Reform Commission (SPDRC) and Jingyang District Government. The World Bank (hereinafter the
   Bank) has agreed to provide financing for the Project.
2. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) will implement material measures and actions so that the Project is
   implemented in accordance with the Environmental and Social Standards (ESSs). This Environmental and
   Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) sets out material measures and actions, any specific documents or
   plans, as well as the timing for each of these.
3. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) will also comply with the provisions of any other E&S documents
   required under the ESF and referred to in this ESCP, such as Environmental and Social Management
   Plans (ESMP), Resettlement Action Plans (RAP), and Stakeholder Engagement Plans (SEP), and the
   timelines specified in those E&S documents.
4. The People’s Republic of China (PRC) is responsible for compliance with all requirements of the ESCP
   even when implementation of specific measures and actions is conducted by the Ministry, agency or
   unit referenced in 1. above.
5. Implementation of the material measures and actions set out in this ESCP will be monitored and
   reported to the Bank by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) as required by the ESCP and the conditions
   of the legal agreement, and the Bank will monitor and assess progress and completion of the material
   measures and actions throughout implementation of the Project.
6. As agreed by the Bank and the People’s Republic of China (PRC), this ESCP may be revised from time to
   time during Project implementation, to reflect adaptive management of Project changes and unforeseen
   circumstances or in response to assessment of Project performance conducted under the ESCP itself. In
   such circumstances, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will agree to the changes with the Bank and
   will update the ESCP to reflect such changes. Agreement on changes to the ESCP will be documented
   through the exchange of letters signed between the Bank and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The
   People’s Republic of China (PRC) will promptly disclose the updated ESCP.
7. Where Project changes, unforeseen circumstances, or Project performance result in changes to the risks
   and impacts during Project implementation, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) shall provide
   additional funds, if needed, to implement actions and measures to address such risks and impacts,
   which may include traffic and environmental impacts in the construction stage and impacts of sewage
   pipeline and facility maintenance and repair, unavoidable land acquisition and resettlement and labor
   force in the operation stage of the Project.

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY


 A     REGULAR REPORTING: Prepare and submit to the Bank                 Six-monthly throughout Project                Jingyang Project Management Office(PMO)
       regular monitoring reports on the environmental ,social,          implementation consistent with the ISR
                                                                                                                       Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) Corporation
       health and safety(ESHS) performance of the Project, including     Report.
       but not limited to the implementation of the ESCP, status of
       preparation and implementation of Environmental and Social
       (E&S) documents (including EMF, ESMP, SEP, LMP, RAP, RPF)
       required under the ESCP, stakeholder engagement activities,
       functioning of the grievance mechanism(s).

 B     INCIDENTS AND ACCIDENTS Notification: Promptly notify the         Immediately after learning of the incident    Jingyang Project Management Office(PMO)
       Bank of any incident or accident related to the Project which     or accident.
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       has, or is likely to have, a significant adverse effect on the
       environment and the affected communities, the public or
       workers. Provide sufficient detail regarding the incident or
       accident, indicating immediate measures taken or that are
       planned to be taken to address it, and any information
       provided by any contractor and supervising entity, as
       appropriate. Subsequently, as per the Bank’s request, prepare
       a report on the incident or accident and propose any
       measures to prevent its recurrence.

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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

 C                                                                       Monthly throughout Project                    Jingyang Project Management Office(PMO)
         In contracts for works using the Bank’s standard procurement    implementation.
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
         documents, contractors are required to provide monthly
         monitoring reports to the Project Implementing Unit. If
         needed, teams can include an action indicating that such
         monthly reports would be submitted to the Bank by the
         Borrower upon request.


1.1      ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: SPV Corporation will                  Established prior to and maintained           SPV Corporation
         establish adequate environmental and social management          throughout the implementation and
         system and capacity in line with the Good International         operation of the Project;
         Industry Practice (GIIP) of the World Bank.

         ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE: The PMO should ensure the             During the valid contract period of the       The PMO
         SPV will establish an adequate and appropriate Environmental    SPV
                                                                                                                       Jingyang District Government
         and Social Management System (ESMS) in line with the GIIP of
         the World Bank before the SPV can commence its duties
         agreed in the SPV contract, and PMO should monitor and
         supervise to ensure the SPV will operate and maintain the
         ESMS through its contract period.

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

1.2    ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT: Update, adopt,               Prepared prior to the project appraisal       PMO
       and implement, the Environmental and Social Impact                and adopt, update and implement prior to
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       Assessment that has been prepared for the Project, in a           construction commences, and in the
       manner acceptable to the Bank.                                    project implementation and operation.

1.3    ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASSESSMENT:                              Prior to the construction of the project.     PMO

       Prepare/update E&S documents based on the updated
       information on the water source protection plan

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

1.3    MANAGEMENT TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS : Environmental                  Maintained up-to-date throughout Project      PMO
       and Social Management Plan (ESMP) including Sludge                implementation and operation.
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       Management Plan (SMP), Occupational Health and Safety
       Management Plan (OHSMP), Labor Camp Management Plan,
       Traffic Management Plan (TMP), Contractor Management
       Procedure, Labour Management Procedure, Environmental
       Codes of Practice for Generic Civil Works (ECOP), Specific
       mitigation measures for sensitive receptors (EMP),
       Resettlement Action Plan (RAP), Resettlement Policy
       Framework (RPF) and Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)
       developed regarding risks identified in the EIA and SIA under
       the (Environmental and Social Standards) ESSs of the
       Environmental and Social Framework (ESF) of the World Bank.

       Screen any proposed activities in accordance with the ESMF
       prepared for the Project, and, thereafter, draft, adopt, and
       implement the activities ESMP, as required, in a manner
       acceptable to the World Bank.

1.4    MANAGEMENT OF CONTRACTORS: Incorporate the relevant               Prior to the preparation of procurement       PMO
       aspects of the ESCP, including the relevant E&S documents,        documents and throughout Project
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       and the Labor Management Procedures, into the ESHS                implementation.
       specifications of the procurement documents with
       contractors. Thereafter ensure that the contractors comply
       with the ESHS specifications of their respective contracts.

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                              TIMEFRAME                   RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

1.5    Permits, consents and authorization: Obtain or, where                Prior to the negotiation with World Bank   PMO
       appropriate assist in obtaining, permits, consents and
       authorizations including     “Opinions    on Project     Siting�?,
       “Preliminary    Opinions    of   Land    Use�?,   “Approval      of
       Environmental Impact Assessment�?, “Approval of Water &
       Soil Conservation�?, and “Establishment and Approval of Water
       Resources Protection Areas�?      applicable to the Project from
       relevant national authorities and comply or cause to comply
       with all required conditions, and maintain in full effect for the
       project implementation period.

       Permits, consents and authorization: The Renmin Canal                Prior to the construction of the Xinliu    PMO
       management authority agrees to approve water intake for              Water Plant.
                                                                                                                       SPV corporation
       Xinliu Water Plant.

       Permits, consents and authorization: Deyang Municipal                                                           PMO
       People’s Government agrees to approve water intake for               Prior to the construction of the Project
       drinking water source at Longxingqiao.                                                                          SPV corporation

1.6    Third party monitoring: SPV Corporation is required to               Half-year after project implementation     SPV Corporation
       employ a qualified entity to carry out environmental                 and maintained throughout project
                                                                                                                       Third-party monitoring agency
       monitoring in the construction stage; an independent                 implementation
       third-party monitoring agency will monitor all aspects of the
       implementation of the RAP and providing resettlement
       monitoring report to the World Bank.

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                              TIMEFRAME                   RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

1.7      SPV Corporation: Executing the ESMP.                             Maintain, update and implement               SPV Corporation
                                                                          throughout project implementation and
                                                                                                                       Third-party monitoring agency

1.8      SPV Corporation: Executing the ESMF in the event of any          Maintained throughout project                SPV Corporation
         changes of the project components and any activities             implementation
                                                                                                                       Third-party monitoring agency
         undetermined before project appraisal.

1.9      Jingyang District Government: Executing the RAP and the          Prior to the commencing project              Jingyang District Government
         RPF.                                                             construction activities.


2.1      LABOR MANAGEMENT PROCEDURES:                                     Developed prior the employment of the        PMO
                                                                          first project worker and maintained
         Develop HR policy and other relevant corporate documents                                                      SPV Corporation
                                                                          during the implementation and operation
         compliant with GIIP of the Bank. Develop, update, adopt, and
         implement the Labor Management Procedures (LMP) for the
         Project. LMP should be revised once PPP is established and
         contractor is in place.

         Finalize the Transition Plan to manage retention and
                                                                          Before staffing of the consolidated water    SPV Corporation, PMO, township governments
         redundancy of 115 staff employed by existing water facilities.
                                                                          supply and waste water treatment
                                                                          facilities starts.

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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                                    TIMEFRAME                   RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

2.2      GRIEVANCE MECHANISM FOR PROJECT WORKERS:                                 Prior to engaging Project workers and      PMO
                                                                                  maintained throughout Project
         Establish, maintain, and operate a grievance mechanism for                                                          SPV Corporation
                                                                                  implementation and operation stage.
         Project workers, as described in the LMP and consistent with
         ESS2,   particularly    requiring   no   use     of   child     labor,
         non-discrimination and provision of equal work opportunities
         and no forced labor upon engaging employees.

                                                                                  Developed prior to the project appraisal
2.3      OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY (OHS) MEASURES                                                                       SPV Corporation
                                                                                  and should be maintained in the
         Conduct OHS risk assessment and management. Prepare,
                                                                                  operation stage of the Project
         adopt, and implement occupational, health and safety (OHS)
         measures    specified    in   the   ESMP       regarding      possible
         occupational health and safety impacts to be generated from
         the construction of the Project.


3.1      E-WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN: Prepare, adopt, and                             /                                          /
         implement an E-waste Management Plan

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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                             TIMEFRAME                    RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

3.2      RESOURCE EFFICIENCY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION AND                  Developed prior to Project appraisal and    PMO
         MANAGEMENT: Pollution prevention and management                   thereafter will be maintained throughout
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
         measures will be covered under the ESMP to be prepared            Project implementation and operation.
         under action 1.2 above. Review wastewater treatment plants
         upgrading designs and designs for the two water supply plants
         to meet GIIP requirements. Confirm water supply network
         leakage reduction. Review and agree on sludge management
         final design. Monitor the efficacy and efficiency of wastewater
         treatment plants.

3.3      Prepare, adopt, and implement including the sludge                Developed prior to Project Appraisal and    SPV Corporation
         management plan specified in the ESMP.                            thereafter will be maintained throughout
                                                                           Project implementation and operation

3.4      Prepare the borrow pits management plan per to the                Developed during project implementation     SPV Corporation
         requirements specified in the ESMF                                and thereafter will be maintained until
                                                                           the pits are closed.


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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                            TIMEFRAME                     RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

4.1    TRAFFIC AND ROAD SAFETY: Adopt and implement a Traffic             Developed prior to commencing project        Civil works contractors
       Management Plan (TMP) specified in the ESMP; Jingyang              construction activities and will be
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       District Traffic Management Bureau takes the leading role in       maintained up-to-date throughout project
       implementing the TMP and coordinates with the relevant             implementation.                              Jingyang District Traffic Management Bureau
       media in publicizing measures and actions to mitigate traffic
       impacts in accordance with the Road Traffic Safety Law and its
       implementation regulations.

4.2    COMMUNITY HEALTH AND SAFETY: Prepare, adopt, and                   Developed prior to commencing project        PMO
       implement measures and action to assess and manage                 construction activities and will be
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
       specific risks and impacts to the community arising from           maintained up-to-date throughout project
       Project activities e.g. behavior of Project workers, risks of      implementation and operation.
       labor influx, response to emergency situations, and include
       these measures in the ESMP to be prepared in accordance
       with the ESMF, in a manner acceptable to the Bank.

4.3    GBV AND SEA RISKS: Provide the non-local employees with            Prior to commencing project construction     Civil works contractors
       education on local social and cultural practices to avoid the      activities and maintained up-to-date
       risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and sexual exploitation       throughout project implementation.
       and abuse (SEA); providing female employees with safe living
       facilities to prevent GBV; specify additional funds available to
       implement measures to address GBV and SEA risks and
       impacts that may arise during Project implementation.

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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

4.4      GBV AND SEA RISKS DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION :               /                                             /
         No hazardous articles likely to lead to emergencies are
         identified during project investigation.

4.5      SECURITY PERSONNEL:       No firearms will be used.             /                                             /

4.6      EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN: Update, maintain and                   Throughout project lifecycle.                 PMO
         implement the emergency response plan.
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation


5.1      RESETTLEMENT PLANS and RESETTLEMENT POLICY                      Prior to project assessment                   Jingyang District Government
         FRAMEWORK: Prepare, adopt, and implement resettlement
         plans (RAPs) and resettlement policy framework (RPF) in
         accordance with ESS 5.

5.2      GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: A grievance mechanism (GM) is              Prior to commencement of resettlement         Jingyang District Government
         already established in the RAP and grievance channels and       activities and maintained throughout
                                                                                                                       Jingyang Project Management Office(PMO)
         contact information are already disclosed to the affected       project implementation.
         persons.                                                                                                      Village committees / rural resettlement group

                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation


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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019

MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                             TIMEFRAME                    RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY

6.1    BIODIVERSITY RISKS AND IMPACTS: three rivers, .e.g Shiting,         prepared prior to the project appraisal     PMO
       Mianyuan and Kai, will receive treated effluent from the            and will be implemented and maintained
       Project. Prepare, adopt and implement the measures covered          throughout the implementation and
       in the ESMP to ensure the net gain of biodiversity in the long      operation of the project


7.1    INDIGENOUS PEOPLES PLAN: There are no ethnic minorities             /                                           /
       in the Project complying with ESS7 standard as concluded
       from field verification during visits to the Ethnic and Religious
       Affairs Bureau and in the process of social impact assessment
       and through comparison with the standards in the ESF.


8.1    CHANCE FINDS:      Prepare, adopt, and implement the chance         Prepared prior to project appraisal and     SPV Corporation
       finds procedure described in the ESMP developed for the             will be maintained throughout Project
                                                                                                                       Civil works contractors
       Project.                                                            implementation.

8.2    Cultural heritage: Prepare and execute measures for                 Prepared prior to project evaluation and    PMO
       protecting the Temple in Songbai Village.                           maintained throughout project
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
                                                                                                                       Civil works contractors

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MATERIAL MEASURES AND ACTIONS                                                           TIMEFRAME                      RESPONSIBILE ENTITY/AUTHORITY


9.1    FI: N/A                                                           /                                             /


10.1   STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT PLAN PREPARATION AND                       Prepared prior to project evaluation and          PMO
       IMPLEMENTATION:                                                   maintained throughout project
                                                                                                                       SPV Corporation
                                                                         implementation and operation.
       A draft SEP and Stakeholder Engagement Framework (SEF)
       has been prepared and disclosed before appraisal.
       Update, adopt, and implement Stakeholder Engagement Plan
       Prepare SEP in accordance with the SEF for undetermined
       activities or changed activities.

10.2   PROJECT GRIEVANCE MECHANISM: Prepare, adopt, maintain             Prepared prior to project appraisal and       PMO
       and operate a grievance mechanism, as described in the SEP.       will be maintained throughout project
                                                                         implementation and operation


CS1 Stakeholder consultations              Town or township / village committees and local governments

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Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in Sichuan Province - ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) – August 9, 2019
                                        Before June 2019

CS2 Occupational health and             SPV Corporation, civil works contractors;

safety                                  Prior to commencing Project construction activities

CS3 PRC laws and regulations,
World Bank Environmental and            Public-private Partnership Project for Water Supply and Sanitation in

Social Framework, Environmental         Sichuan Province Management Office, SPV Corporation, civil works

and Social Management                   contractors;

Framework, and Resettlement             Prior to commencing Project construction activities

CS 4 Community traffic safety           Affected communities and schools;

awareness education program             Prior to project commencement

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