86379 HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE FROM: The Secretary, Human Resources Committee Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday, February 24, 2014 at 11:04 a.m. in the Board Room Present Committee Mr. Mendes-Dias (Chair) Mr. Bougara Mr. Heemskerk Mr. Hoveka (Acting Alternate) Mr. Julia (Alternate) Ms. Santala Mr. Tan Ms. Yazganarikan (Alternate) Other Executive Directors and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Ahmed, Abdul Ghaffar, Cassidy, Coutanche, Crane, Fujii, Madriz Contreras, Rissmann, Sandhu, and Ye Officers and Staff Messrs./Mmes. Cave, Dalupan, McGrath, Rivero, Tamir, and Lehner (Human Resources Committee Secretary) Staff Association Mr. Almada and Ms. Wauters The World Bank Quarterly Business and Risk Review FY14 Q2 (Part A: Chapter 5 - Staffing) and World Bank Group Financial, Operational Deliverables and Staffing Summary 1. The Committee considered the documents entitled The World Bank Quarterly Business and Risk Review FY14 Q2 (Part A: Chapter 5 - Staffing) (SecM2014-0027 [IDA/SecM2014-0102; IFC/SecM2014- 0013; MIGA/SecM2014-0004]) and World Bank Group Financial, Operational Deliverables and Staffing Summary (SecM2014-0044[IDA/SecM2014-0076, IFC/SecM2014-0010, MIGA/SecM2014-0002]). A report from the Committee to the Board was prepared. Date of Next Meeting 2. The Committee was scheduled to meet on March 19, 2014. Adjournment 3. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m.