OFFfCIAL -Fo08890 DOCUMENTS The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202)477-1234 INTERNATIONAL BA',K FOR RECONSTRU(TION AND DEVELOMEN, D- 20433 Cable Address: INTBAFRAD INTERNATIONAL DE VE LOPMENT ASSOCI.TION U.S.A. Cable Address: INDEVAS infoIv October 18, 2012 Ms. Judith Owigar President Akiracilx P.0 BOX 50507-00200 Nairobi, Kenya Re: Mobile Social Networking in Kenya, infoDev Grant No. MSN-K - TF098340 Amen Iment to the Grant Agreement We refer to th) Grant Agree men[ between the Akirachix and the International Bank for Reconstruction and development, acting as administrator of grant funds provided by the infoDev Multi-Donor Trust Fund (the 'Bank') dated December 10, 2010, as amended. We also refer to discussions held between members of the Akirachix Team and the Bank staff during the Bank Missior carried out iI May and Jun- 2012, requesting modifications to the Grant Agreement. The Bank, aftOr due consideration, has acceded to the request. Accordingly, the Grant Agreement is hereby amended as indica[ed in the Attachment to this amendment letter. Except as spe ifically amended by this amendment letter, all other provisions of the Grant A greement remain in full force and effect. Please confirij your agreeimnent to this amendment by signing the form of confirmation set forth below, and r6turning to us one fully executed original of this amendment letter at your earliest convenience, and retaining one original for your records. Yours sincerely, INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTFRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT Ellen Olafsen infoDev Acting Program Manager AGREED: AJirachix Reci)ft's Representative's signa.ture Name Titlef Date: ATTACHMENT 1) Paragraph one (1) of the Agreement is revised and hereby amended to read as follows: 'In response to the request Forfinancial assistance made on behalf of Akirachix( "Recipient"), I am pleased to inform you that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (" World Bank"), acting as admi iistrator of grant funds provided by the infoDev / Finland Trust Fund on Creating Sustaina 5le B.4sinesses in the Knowledge Economy, proposes to extend to the Recipient a grant in an amc lunt r ot to exceed Fifty-Five Thousand United States Dollars (U.S.$55,000) ("Grant") on the !erms and conditions set forth or referred to in this letter agreement ("Agreement"), which includes the attached Annex, to assist in the financing of the project described in the Annex ("Project"). 2) Paragrapl 3.03 of Article II of the Annex of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: 'The Closing Date referred to in Section 3.06 (c) of the Standard Conditions is June 30, 2013.' 3) The Annex to the Agreemint is revised and is hereby amended to read as follows: 'Project Objective The objectives of the mobile 4ocia! networking component of the program are to: 1. Support the creation of social networking hubs, or sustain existing ones, that will engage applications aevelopers with the wider community of colleagues, researchers, investors, operators, content providers, device manufacturers and other organizations througl regular meetings in each city and through continued online interaction. 2. Encourage the creaticn of content for a mobile applications community of practice, which will allow mobile applications developers to stay in close touch with one another and the wider mobile community, in an informal and convenient way. This should also provide opportunities for south-south learning. 3. Create a competition for ideas to encourage entrepreneurship, in collaboration with the planned mobile appi ications labs, for instance by using a mixture of incentives such as peer recognition, trips to international conferences, access to mentoring etc as ways of rewarding good idea. 4. Establish mentorship opportunities for developers, by linking them with mobile industry professionals in their own regions as well as internationally. 5. Development and delivery of a comprehensive technology and entrepreneurship training program for w men from disadvantaged backgrounds, covering introductory computer skills application programming, systems design, web development, mobile de,'elopment and entrepreneurship skills. Project Scorecard In ,-rder to monitor the implementation of the grant, and to evaluate outcomes, the following indicaiors should be reported at the completion of the grant period: 1. Hosting of social events, tyjical!y on a monthly basis, to promote collaboration and innovation in the mobile sphere. Fo.- each event, please report on the following: a) title, date and location; b) approximate number of participants, along with a list of participants and their affiliations (NGO, private sector government agen cy, independent developers, etc.), whenever possible; c) partners, sponsors, hosts or co-organizers; d) news media attendance and coverage; If possible, please enclose any videc or audio recordings from the event. 1. Animating the planned nobile applications community of practice. Please report on the numb r of participants and the number of contributions made to the community of practice website by local participants. When possible, please also provide a breakdown of online participants according to their affiliation. 2. In a narrative report, pjease describe the impact of the events on the community, highlighting any succesyful relationships or partnerships formed (include here any mentoring activities, funding agreements and other arrangements). 3. The training program r?porr should be delivered on completion and should include data on a) Placement after graduatin, including the number of graduates who obtained jobs, and the nature of jobs obtained by graduates. b) Completion rate: numbei of students who complete the course versus the number of drop o,t students (if any). c) Attendance rate: consistency of attendance and description of reasons (e.g. lack of funds J',r bus fares, lock of time due to family commitments, etc.) for any missed classes. d) Sustainability: information on efforts in place to form partnerships and raise funds to leverage infoDev's grant, in order o ensure survivability of the program.