KNOWLEDGE SHEET 2 I M P R O V I N G D ATA A N D I N F O R M AT I O N F O R D E C I S I O N M A K I N G KNOWLEDGE SHEET 2 Improving Data and Information for Decision Making M aking evidence-based decisions regarding coastal environments, infrastructure, and natural resources and their interaction with people requires accurate data. Because of the nature of coastal phenomena and their impacts on livelihoods and the environment, integrated systems that collect and share data regionally and focus on coastal areas and marine conditions, land use, climate patterns, and natural hazards are needed. People and assets in West Africa’s coastal zone are exposed increase the capacity to prepare for, prevent, and respond to a variety of natural hazards, including floods, cyclones, to coastal hazards, strengthening the region’s resilience coastal erosion, increases in precipitation, and sea surges to climate change. (map 1). Monitoring the coastline in an integrated way can Challenges Threats to West Africa’s coastal areas require constant MAP 1  Exposure to natural hazards in West Africa’s surveillance and monitoring. Doing so effectively requires coastal zone strengthening and consolidating national and international systems, in order to improve communication and the exchange of knowledge and data between regional and national platforms. In 2010, a management scheme for the West African coastal area was established in response to the findings of an extended diagnostic study commissioned by the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) and implemented by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The study identified the populations and ecosystems at risk from coastal erosion along the shoreline of West Africa and raised awareness of the region’s limited capacity for monitoring the coastline and sharing scientific information. It also highlighted the need to establish coastal management information systems for surveillance, protection, and decision making. Some coastal nations in West Africa have since begun to establish such systems, tracking field measurements and considering the use of geospatial analysis and modelling Source: World Bank. KNOWLEDGE SHEET 2 I M P R O V I N G D ATA A N D I N F O R M AT I O N F O R D E C I S I O N M A K I N G while initiating research and other knowledge activities. and information have since been produced and shared. Current efforts are, however, not sufficiently standardized Still needed are better, continuous, and standardized to ensure interoperability within and across countries and collection of data, information-sharing platforms, and not all information is being shared. advanced knowledge management systems at both the national and regional levels, in order to ensure harmo- Several attempts were made to establish a mechanism for nized, steady, and sustainable monitoring in the region. regional cooperation for monitoring of the coastline and The issue of data availability and accessibility remains reducing coastal risks in West Africa, and some data sets critically important. Solutions A series of actions could help countries improve and forecasting, flood inundation forecasting, the measure- integrate their systems: ment of erosion, the operation of water infrastructure, investment planning, and budgeting support. • Modernizing monitoring systems: Automated real-time monitoring of coastal and meteorological conditions, • Increasing and transforming access to knowledge: advanced geophysical surveys, and increasingly pow- Communication tools (including social media and other erful earth observation systems can provide a compre- web-based tools) can help modernize the manner in hensive picture of the spatial and temporal status of which monitoring information and analytical results are coastal resources and identify trends affecting them. presented to and accessed by various stakeholders, from individuals to regional decision-making bodies. • Enhancing analytical tools: Advances in GIS, hydrologic modeling, and planning and operational decision • Modernizing institutions: Investments in people and support system approaches can improve hydrologic institutional capability at the regional and national levels are critical. Together with innovative approaches to learning, capacity development, FIGURE 1  Ideal data and information-sharing scheme for interactions with academia, partnerships with West Africa coastal areas private and public stakeholders, outreach, National and modernization of offices and equipment government National coastal Data and information West Africa regional to enable more streamlined workflows, such ministry of observatory environment observatory investments can leverage investments in new technology. Data and information Regional data processing, information, and tools Data validation, Cloud- modeling, GIS datasets processed Monitoring coastal areas requires scientific data and information input, public-private partnerships, and an repositories interconnected effort among national and National stakeholders regional actors (figure 1). A harmonized moni- Support to West African Public agencies nations through an toring system would increase the visibility and Private sector (ports, integrated regional efficiency of data and information systems, fisheries, hotels) monitoring for Universities and sustainable coastal zone facilitate decision making, promote best management research institutes Data acquisition and processing regional coastal management practices, and Hydro-meteorological agencies systems increase the resilience of coastal environments. The West Africa Coastal Areas Management Program (WACA) is a convening platform that aims to assist West African countries to sustainably manage their coastal areas and enhance socio-economic resilience to the effects of climate change. The program also seeks to facilitate access to technical expertise and financial resources for participating countries. 3/2016