HOLD FOR RELEASE WORLD '.:. INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECO:NSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPfVJENT 1'818 H S""liREET, N.W., WASHINGTON 25 1 D. C. TELEPHONE: EXECUTIVE 3-6360 Bank Press Release No. 62/12 SUBJECT: Publi--~a.tion of "Multi lateral For Release A.M. Ne'WSpaper,c;i Investment Insurance" Monday, March 5, 1962 The World Bank today announced. publication of a staff study, "Multilateral Investment Insurance." The report was transmitted last week, by Eugene R. Black, President of the Bank, to the Development Assistance Committee of' the Organiza- tion for Economic cooperation and Development, which had requested the Bank to prepare a study of possible multilateral guarantee systems. The Govermrients of the United states, Japan and the Federal Republic of .: Germany insure the overseas investments of' their n~tionals ag~iP__st c.e.ptain risks, including expropriation without adequate compensation, inability to repatriate capital or profits; and. war &tmage. In recent years a number of private indivi- duals and organizations have proposed that similar insurance for private foreign investments be made available on an international basis.· These proposals D !) prompted the World Bank study, in part because many of them envisaged World Bank administration, but prima.-rily because their objective, an increased flow of pri- vate capital to the less developea"'=countries, ia one of the :sank•s own basic objectives. - The study makes no recommenc'...ations for or against a multilateral investment insurance program. It notes that it is not possible to estimate the amount of additional investment which might be induced by new insurance f'acilitiet,, and • that therefore there is no basis on -which to judge whether governmental financial commitments on the sea.le required wo~d be justified. It also notes that the Ii.,, - 2 - - ', l establishment r,f a.n effective multilateral program would raise a num~ of' d.if'fi- cult prob1a