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Evidence from a randomized evaluation of the household welfare impacts of conditional and unconditional cash transfers given to mothers or fathers (English)

This study conducted a randomized control trial in rural Burkina Faso to estimate the impact of alternative cash transfer delivery mechanisms on education, health, and household welfare outcomes. The two-year pilot program randomly distributed cash transfers that were either conditional or unconditional and were given to either mothers or fathers. Conditionality was linked to older children enrolling in school and attending regularly and younger children...
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Akresh,Richard; De Walque,Damien B. C. M.; Kazianga,Harounan.

Evidence from a randomized evaluation of the household welfare impacts of conditional and unconditional cash transfers given to mothers or fathers (English). Impact Evaluation series|Paper is funded by the Knowledge for Change Program (KCP)|Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 7730 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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