7rV21-or LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE WORKING PAPERS January 1990 Volume II Training Programs, Staffing, Technical Assistance and Manpower Data LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE VOLUME II: WORKING PAPERS Table of Contents Page No. Section I - NPI Training Programs A. Study Programs (i) Electrical Engineering: High Voltage . . . . . . 1 : Low Voltage . . . . . . . 2 (ii) Electrical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (iii) Civil Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (iv) Engineering Economics: Electricity . . . . . . . 6 Mechanical . . . . . . . . 8 - Civil ... . . . . . . . 10 B. Educational Worksheets Su.mary of Timetables, Enrollments and Facilities lst Semester .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2nd Semester .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 C. Summary and Distribution of Fellowships . . . . . . . . . 13 D. Recycling of Teaching Staff and Fellowships . . . . . . . 14 E Upgrading of Teachers and Fellowships Collaboration with the Asian Institute of Technology .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Section II - NPI Staffing Needs A. Staff Recruiting Plan .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 B. List of Teaching Staff ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Section III - Technical Assistance A. Number of Experts and Man-Months . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 B. Timetable for Technical Assistance . . . . . . . . . . . 24 C. Terms of Reference for Cost to be Executed by . . . . . . Experts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Section IV - Sector Studies ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 - ii - Section V - Manpower Data and Analysis A. Evolution of Employnment of Branch of Activity, 1986-2000 .2.9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 B. Data for Calculating Demand for Higher Level Manpower . 30 C. Estimate of Employment of Higher Level Engineers Higher Technicians for the Formal Sector (1986-2000! .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 D. Estimate of Employment and Higher-Level Manpower Needs for 1994/95 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 E. Percent Distribution of Specialization Needs by Economic Sectors and Types of Engineering . . . . . 34 F. Structure, Enrollment and Output of NPI . . . . . . . . . 25 Section VI - Analysis of NPI Recurrent Budget A. Transfer of Foreign Exchange and Kip Recurrent Expenditures for the NPI from the Project to the Government of Lao PDR . .... . . . . . . . 36 B. Credit/GOL Cost Sharing of Total Recurrent Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 C. Credit/GOL Cost Sharing of Foreign Exchange Component of Recurrent Expenditures . . . . . . . . . . 37 D. Depenses Ordinaires du Project de Development de l'INP .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 38 E. Distribution des Entrants du Project de Developpement de l'INP (1989-95) . . . . . . . . . . . 39 F. Depenses Operationnelles de l'INP (1989-95) . . . . . . . 40 SECTION I NPI TRAINING PROGRAMS (A) STUDY PROGRAMS . -1 P: L A D E T U S ltxti: Wat::ea 0:1cts:v:-t uouatnent te Suue Elnt:2:u OipubialIui .i6oUt:ais .* &sraozs Sptetlhhxt. 0Vtzzt1: rourjnts torts Rn,artztiSn ;ar smuswr, :~ ~ ~ ~~~ : . '6 7 B ? C VU ' : E ' . : E P ::C E ;:C E IC ' P :! E P ;t E P : E P :° t E P ::Total - ~~~~~~~~~~ :: 8~~~- --- W ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ : I:;^t *a;:;2 .: ': :: ;: :: :: ::13 :: ; :: 8: : 0 ' .1;qus *ta'lt;vres 0; : 0 6 J :0 4 0 4 0 ; 0 0; ' 'j ; 9t .Eduu::tvi; .Wum 1:OOOO'O;O;!9 :%.t I; . e4 O ohI sl.C I;0:: I1 ' I: I9 P ath *uoer tr A 4 O4 ' 8 * ' : v 1. 22 ' 1,forst-ue ' i Q ' I O I 10 3 : * ' 0 : O O ';; 8itoa. lat'. it less. ; ' I D J v; ; °e ° a ntue *it:O:el .; : 0 'rfctn. 3. s,tr. it its mSt.:' 2 ; 04 11 iectrniut 8 '3 2 I ' 4 2 0 v: 400 . titIuz #Lttpc. ;4 . 2 ;: I' Electrc me ;trnoustr. S I S 1 :; 2 I 214 2 0 I'84 14 .4srvissalent et r2po' .Non 2 1 0 I 2 1 0 96 :5 '::nines elctr:.m ; S I 3 O 3 0 2 2 0 2 09 !t suri elect. it utrologit I8I 2 1 0 II2 0 II 96 : ;nutnoe lett ; 2 2 1 I I I I;8 12 .9 : . re:lt. tt. a t :t :: :: :: : 2 1 0 2 1 1 II 112 r " :onose i'2ustrisl 2 0 64 u ;tesuon :rvan;at1on : : :: : : : : :: : sc nttfime of trFvall 2 0 I1 I I: 64 I1 m of t!avtlJ 8 0 0 2 8 11 so 80 AZ Sntatior EZltt:. 4 1 3 :3 2 1 * I : - 'nc-:;n of mn. que ;3 1 0 II 64 1 E3ulteant elect. I :3 0 2I: 0 11 I: 80 :a ntralas elect. 4 I S 0 128 b .1anes it res lect. *Ircs 4 1 I 96 R? 9qgss tran,Ltoirns 112 1 1 0 II 144 .9 °-::trcz. et auts ; .. I : 3 1 2 I 96 ? -auto tension I4 0 1 ' 80 .0 tor9i it *^t :. . .St. ;; 2 2 1 I 80 1, ;ctr lilt8 010 0 0; : .- iesas. itCrta4ltt ;aur its :: :: : ' :ro3ets 0 * 0 2 '2 ':tagq : : :0 :: i: 30 :: :: 30 :: I: 30:: :: 30 :: ' de "J 4in '1 'itJcfl 8 I1 1 :t 0 I I 8 u08 :.l lo 2 813 18 3S16 13 51::l 13 3 1:4 6 12 1116 11 5 :IB 12 ; 820 3 11 114 7 9 I:0 0 SO 58a taui oar s%dtqt I 34 S: 34 34 11 34 11 32 S32 8 3 I 34 1 30 I 5 Stage ;ratr:ue Je sn stai1, WuV* am d8stuao. Prolut de fin o tuogi 11 Imarnr. ;; :ours £z: ,vcitst ' P: pratasas . curs !t'burn total" hit staqu" us bwss dut: - Sciences qiniraLes: 2'24 htswn (42.811 - Tcnnolqlsn grnsralus: 20"4 hoaur" 134,7 - it callxtn: 1322 6arh1 (22.51) 1. £nsr,nHne t 5nvr:quu: 2592 euarn WV. 11I.Enueignevmnt prautut: 138 hmaurn (331 A. (i) -2- Rtpubli,Qut 31NOcEt;2oUi-.a~ Laii BNIvlitt t0gtmln: courentts falihis Albart:tion par lseutre Nto. E2£ 2 1 " P E P :;C E P ::cC E ::,C E P :IC E P ::C E P !;Total sciences 30o2t:guts it : 1 2, , I : 0: I 0~ 0 I: 0 :: 2 1 0 i I I : I 0: 400 2Linguasl iteanqere; n 2:0 60: 0 4 O2 ~ 0 2. 0 0 2 0: i 384 2 1:ucat:mΆ :Py;i§a IΆ I 10 0 1' 2 3 0 O 3 H i'* 129 ~~ ~~4yiimii :2~~~~ I I 2 2 1 2 11222: 2 , : 24 I 10 s ..4 2o : 4 0 4 2 22 0:::1: 2 0 0: 2 0 12 :: 352 'nforaitiue :0 o I o t1 0 2:2 0 120 0 3::1 209 g Smc. uuscr. at d"s. :: 2 0 ,. i '31 2 aa 'aa, ,*) 94 441tcarnque !*atloftel. :; : 2 U : :1 2 . 140 10 Tacnn. des atr', it an omst. 2 3 0 :. : :: 11 1: 21 84 It Electron:o,us : 12: 2 :3 2 2: 4 2 0 :1111 2: 400 12. atertauns lsctra. ,..2 0 22 2 11:, 2 44 !: Elgctran:ias :.nou;tr. I 3 1 2 2 33 2 2t 4 2 0 a,*aa :: 394 14 ~Assv:uas"1it et robotisatocm.. 2 1 0 H. 2 1 0 2 1 2 94 15 Oacntinei 8 2 .. ,, :: I 0 :3 0 2 12 10 2 2 2 208 lb 4mnwe saCt. at ROV?310411 : 1 2 I 0 2 0 1 2 Ii1 ~ 94 Ill C""nde altet. 1:2 2 1 V I IIH U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 123 la M0. etict. auto&. do type ',I' .2 1 11I2 1 12 :11 1 NQDistribution sIKtT. , . a a, 22 1 1 aaa 2 44 0O h.an.:.l 'fliustrie. a a ,,aa22 2 0111 Il I, I2 44 ofin:t uUtrilviil 2 :aata 2 01 : 4 Securits de travatil2 a aa ,a 0 2H so? 9 2' Uesent oe zmandness : : : : ,: 0 3 2 2 128 24 Telico .em, teleastious : ::: I.:2 M I.220 0 22 0 0 2 2 44 :s ,fiev-'si tucon. mcostique i: U 11. 1 2 11I.: :: 28 Riic'o-foni : :::' 0 ,.111 48 'oerman@ns a iitrapt, '' , 2 1 0111 0 2 22 9 'a Auo. de arnitau a.a aa,a .a titflf. it d" cii OO ' . , aa,a , 3 1 2. i11 9 :9 2:,aosit:4 Gautosa. it de :: : : , ,.a 1a a1, telmocanicut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a a ,aa 12 323 2 2 11 192 it s ;: :ar: c1 s11urs1 13 3 12 1 112 2System de :auande I,,.: , ,a :13 0 2 1 2 1 2 11 16 Suin. inforuatious pou 1Ma , a , .a a In rvjetsI i 'eue2 , It aa i002 11 3 :,14 14 2 1113 1I 311o16 13 5 '1:1413 5 :114 4 1211141 5I1t 3 2 t 1t 4 U1 219i 7 6 :1:0 0 30 I: 5140 Tot&Ul par SewIng :1 4 :: 34 1 34 : 34 2 3 :: 3 2 :1 0 30 1 33 2 32 us 55 Stage Oratiqu. de 5 steaunu cliqu uane dgetuim. Puiet de fin d'etatad It sesmo. 2:cows E: exercices P: prataqun 1, MOoOre d'ftweus total"cyam steps: 5948 bair tat: - Sciences geasralsi: 2524 Itaur 143,121 - Tecbooiaqin QsUeneOaia 1996 bair (34,1W Spec:alitti 1331 twim (2,l1) 11. Enseignqust thearl ou: 3963 hawrn (67,7t1 11I.Enseigneunt pratique: 1890 tisre 132,32 A~ (1 -3- to 6 7 E ':C E 9 ':r. E P E 0 ;:C E c .;C E p :;I-.tal .... . .................. . .......... . ................ . . ... Isc-wces it 1: t m lial .. 1 I I 0 I 0 I 0 I 0 400 0 4 0 ll 4 0 Ip :nYtim 2 128 4Ec'mmit al Su 'Pavitl :1 Sizur,.to 2u iriviLl o o 2 0 1 :z so Iepiele 04 2 1 114 9114012atique superitare A 2 0 0 2 2 0 2 0 10 itifors. it "tilat. at talc. :1 2 0 6' 2 0 2 t! I 0 I 0 11 ;oom. MUM. 011$. Indus. 2 3 0 0 0 3 0 192 ticftnol. at trait. "ter. I 0 1 20 1 2 128 pw!,Dlqkt : 0 64 14 icl"cts its utulatu :t 21 0 48 Ttc" Mae. 112 Di. due constr. t: .6 Receive rattaftnells I 0 I I IN H, 112 R"istsnct des materiauz 2 1 0 2 2 1 21 1 192 le Construction ncantqn 3L I 2 2 1 1: N lio ,Q thearte each;ftes 3 1 0 :1 21 1 i, N .0 14oome vibrations at. I I I i 96 21 apsafell lowage rmsport N t: 0 1 I I 11.8 Elwatichniquo "nuall : '. 2 i: 64 %earn 011cVIOU" :t I ii 48 14 %chints oirt. :2111161201 H .4. P?OGUC. dIStf. tfl1fQIO VIK. VI Zb Alirvisumt, FOOctis, svst. tittt./Wt.onm.hydr. H 4 1 1 I 2 1 1 208 I 1 2 0 1 I I I % 20 wat carstruc. civill* 2 0 1 48 '9 Th--awyndai au H2 1 1 1: 64 :0 michinei toors. wttur :11 :11 2 1 1 ti 2 a I :t 112 ,I Ewgit -oneavoinit I 0 1 32 'thorts, constroc.. calcul, exploi. intratin fleparation atsi' .6, '7.' 8t 2 32 3Z Autom its it tractws I': :11 2 0 2 4 3 1 1914. 34 Ratings agricolts t4 2 2 :28 nabloot onst./rOutiorn 4 1 128 36 Detest de La theorte 1: VeLitticite it le pligtgqn .1 :7 Svst. autols. of conceptiom I 0 1 2 0 0 7- 32 'A watton d'orgcmuio 1: 2 0 0 39 methodes uperismain : 1. :t 48 di fKhlfC'l t: 40 Sminairt o'inforutiqu N pour Le Pruitt de fit Crtude It 0 t I 0 1 1 :i 0 1 1 120 41 Stag" techuoloqtWns. N N 600 at d'nplettations so 30 H :1 so :11 42 Staqvs prof"siomets it 30 N 150 43 projet de fin d'etum :11 26 286 N :11 N N 11.1 :11 :'113 it 3 NO L? 2 11:14 15 5 Mb L2 5 MS 9 9 '-LI4 1 10 1-:19 ? I MI 7 I '-HS I 9 SW 30 26 I $W lou" par smint 34 ': 34 34 :: U :: 33 :1 D :' 31 :: P Stage pratiqu de 5 s"um ch"u 4an d'atoo. Pnist ft fin d'otWn It snuem C: cours E- aveic" F: otatiom ftore d'houres totiles avwc stages: SW bwm Sciences limstaits: 2460 owro (4U) tonnolooln tontwain: 1964 hrirn (33,3%) A SPKI&I'.tff: 1444 Nwres (24.3t) Emionewt thwimm, lo" hmros (6h. n) - -4- P L AN D E T UDE S mi DVRTEoU BE GENE CIVIL Institut National Polytechnoit R4vuliou9 DOw-rat1ou2 Povlaire Lao Rwt~oarttnw sme5etre : 1 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 6 t 7 t 2 t 9 t 10 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I : : * _ I _ _I_ t__ Totai i i Sc~ences o&iti-wes I ''!' S I I I 'I 12 2'I' 2 23L,Uques etrfinqeme 2 I I 1 I£ ' '2 'I tirsse.grl.tranc. I ZO6 0 t0 6 0 t0 4 010 4 0t0 2 0 :0'12 0I ! t t I t 7' T toUat;o p2'1'1I 2 I0 0 ' 0 '0 0 ! 0 2 0 ' ' ! ! ! ! ' 6 tatRau~ quesugOr1eure 2 4 "'20 14 2 0 2'2 0 1'2 2 0I ' t t I t I ' Z,20 7 Untomatique et 3 ' I I I 1 ! I I I 2atthdes de cai'cui I t t2 0 22 0 2:I 0122 0I 0 2 I5 ' : 4: 8 WaLNtrie descrip- 2 ' I ! II I 9 2lkcaniuueratwtneile I! t 2 2 0 1'1 1 I I t I t! I U* 1 11.2 10 zRQsistaxe desaatriaux I ' I I 22!2' t12 2 II I I' tI t t 1 12? 6koasie,topoarachie I I tI 0 1 '12 0' 21 t t I I' :' q6 I 13 &xoiaoie d'wqmnierie I ' 22!0'1I t tI II II 'I ' ' 2 ' 48* 14 1Base d'ectrotechniue I I' ' t !2 I'2 '* 'Z I2 'S I igenrieae 2 ' '8 't 2 ' 20 1I t I i ! 48; 1 5*Temoioie de staux t''2 a I I' 0 1 0' I' I! I I 17Intlrotnx tlon owecivi1 I 0 0 ''It S I! t 1 1 31 3 :I ' 11rvtecti envirumeunt I ! I' t t I' : !5 ': ! t '2 to envirmieuent I I 2 ' la MiateAriatu iaecmsturct.iam ' 2 ! I:' 2 0 III 0 2 t t 1 1 I ' 20 IOiewnts an cmstr. I' 2!'h 'I 03 3 02 !' ! 'I' :1I tcivileset u"~triels I ' : ~ 5 t I t t' I 2 3 1 21:tMcanJue duso w ! ' I. I 8I 1112 2!2 2 1 !2'I I :1"14 itonoaticns 2 3 ' zCosristr.ta1iQues eten I I I'S ! 5 t3 I t '1' 2 2!Oh1tI 1: I t ' 11.2 tool~s I' I ! S.! I ' 3 I I I 14:tTecrvi.q.et prucades ItI t tt I ! !!:31333022 1 2 1 2 '' 1t 17 :de cms=trion2 ' ! I ' I ! I I ' I ' S 2L'j tesuimet oroaisa- I I I I ''1 1 1 '!I t 12 2 0 12'1'2 ''2 144 2t;msienItifioue I 2 Idu travaiu 1 2 ' I S 26 SErc'*emieu"tri- I t I t I I S t 2 1 22'0 0 2 2'OS ! ' 2 telle. 1 . ' .I ! I 3 27 tnstallat.iom saut.airesl ! !2 I2I ISt I I! 52 3 0* t I I 2' '3 ZveutiuI1atim'*etcilsati-2 ' 't 5 1 2 : !! ' ! ' ' 1saum oes oatiits I ' t I I t t I ' 30ZPkaniowedes fluides. I I''I IgI '2 ''11 0 1 2 ''2 '2 ' 280 t*varauiiaue 2 -5- U1I yr.oqieohvdrWtrie I ! !te!! I ! t! t ! I2'I01!0!1 !''I: ' I 80: t IWtOcrolooie I ! ! I ! ! ! I ' I ! ! I ' t ! ' I ! ! I ! ! ! I t 13;2 3benaewt hydrauliques I I I ! t I t I 2 ! 02 1 ! 2 1 2 t 12BI t Sfluvials I I ! t ! t ! ! t ' t ! ! ! ! ! t S t IH drauLlque urbaine t ! ! t '!! ! ! ! 2 I 12 0 t ! t ! ! ! 48 134 tr-igatims et drainaaet! ! ! t !! ! t ! ! !' ! t ! ItI 2' I 1 0 2 I 112: US lExcloitation,entratien et: I I t ! ' I I t 2 !1!0 J ! 46 l I SrtParatiOn des batioentst ! ! t ! ! t ! ! S ! ! t ! ! ! ' t ! ! J ! ! ! ' ! ! I S t tet des ouwraoes S ! t! !!! ! ! t ! !t! !t! 'I t I t I C6 tSeuinaire d'inforutiaue I ! 3 ! ! ! S ! ' I ! ! ! O 0' 2 t 0 0 2 I ' 0 ! 0 ! 2 1 2 I tpour las proj.de cours ! ! ! ! t !! t! ! t ! ! S ! ! 3! !3 ! t ' I ! t t I let de fin d'ttuces I ! ! ! ! t ! ! ! ! 3 ! ! ! ' t ! ! t ! ' ! ! I ! ' I 5 1V IStaPe et stage professiont ! t !30! t !! !3030 ! t0 t ! ! !30! t !! t !30! 750 13a Projet de fin d'Otudes t!! t ! ! )'! ! t ! ! ! ! I ! ! I' t 0 ' I S286 3-S I tl !6! 23tl !18 ! 2 tl' !1! 5 114 !13 ! 7 4 !10 !1O tlS !14! 6 15 !11 ! 6116 !11 ! 5 12' 8 !'2 ' ! 5496 1 I Totaux arw smene t 34 1 34 a 34 t 34 3 34 t 35 t 32 t 32 t 32 t 28 t5884S I Stage oratiaue de 5 sewnes chaue amne d'tuau . Projet de fin d'etude 11 semauns. ; C; cours E: exercices P: pratiqus 1. Nmbre d'heures totales ave staqes: 58 hures -Sciences q,rales: 2572 humres (43,7Z ) -Technologles gnrales: 2028 heures ;34,5; ' -Specilites: - 1284 Iwures (21.8 Z if. Enseiqnent thMnque: 3968 heures (67,5 Z% IlI.Enseiqement pratiqLe: 1916 heures (2,5 Z A. (iii) -6- PLAN D'ETUDES DU EPAENT D'1NIEl-El ISTE. spcialite ( optio ): do g.en electriqiu. Institut National Polytechumje Rpunolique Dkmratique Poulaire Lao tuprtitim) ar seuutre t t I8J 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 t 5 t 6 t 7 t 8 t 9 t 10 I I I t _ tj ttt_ _ __tIII_ t t t, ITcta I tNo I fATIEES I C E !PtC!E!P C!E !P I C !E P t C !E!PtC!E!PJC E !P I C !E !PtC E!PtC! E P I I IA1,J t I ! S ! !t ! I I t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! t ! ! ! t I I.1 I ! I I ! ! ! I ! ! S ! ! ! ! 8 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I z 2.8 8 ' ! ! ! 8 ! ! 8 ! 8 ! ! I ! ! * ! ! * ! ! 8 ! ! 8 ! !. * I I.Vtr rlan d'etudest ! ! ! ! t ! t! ! S! ! ! ! t t I.11.2,3 ame dege* ! I ' ! ! t I ! I ! ! ! J ! ! . ! t ! ! * t .ne electrique t' !! ! ! I ! !t !t-t ! ! I ! !t! ! ' t ! I.t t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! 8 ! ! I 3.t t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! t !. ! t ! ! ! ! ! ! t ! ! t 1.: t ! !8 ! ! 8 ! ! 8 ! ! 8! '.8 '' ! * !-! t ! ! 3 ! !1 ' ! ! £ I,t t ! ! t ! I ! ' I ! $ * ! I ! ! t ! ! ! ! ! ! SIt 819.8 I!!t!!t!!t'!t!!*!!8J !! !! ! ! t 20.istaire eumouque t ! ! t ! ! t ! ! I ! ! t ! ! t ! 8 ! t 2 !-I O ! ! 8 48 t*1.*6egraphie politicit ! ! ! ! ! t! !t!! t1 !1 O ! I! I 321 I tcimuque. t ! ! t ! t ! 8 ! ! 8 ! ! t ! ! t ! ! 5 ! S .' ! tI I MtScinmes juridi.t ! ! ! ! ! ! ' t t ! I i !1 2 !2!O ! ! 9 1 O3.rWnisatis i ''8'! s!t !! t! !t !. t t!! !t ! ! t 3. ! 1 ! 1 t ' t 1 64 t ttifique du travail. t ! ! I ! ! t ! ! ! ! ! * ! I ! ! t ! t ! ! 8 t 24.Strateqie politic- t ! 8 t ! ! ! I ! ! ! ! ! ! 82 I1 O l 2! 0 t ! ! 2 S 96* I uqnatimiet ! t !t. a !! !S!t!!t!!t!A I I!! t ! It 2.AUomeeuextirieur. ! ! t ! ! $ ! !, ! ! t ' ! ! ! t I t ! ! tl1!O ! ! 32t .MASystsuifinacir. I ! t ! ! ! ! t ! ! t ! ! 8 ! ! I!2!O-82s3!0S ! ! ! ! 601 .UEcwedentre- 2 ! ! S ! ! 8 ! ! 8 ! 8 ! ! 8 !-! 82!2!082'2!0 1 S ! ! !t * S I Ssse. * ! !8!! 8'' !t ! t!! I!'t . [!t ! t.! " ' ! t2.uptakhiliteet sta- ! ! ! !; ! ! 8 ! A 8 ! ! I ! t 3! 0t2!3! 2 ! t ! S t 176 t stistiw. I!! t ! -t ! t ' [ t ! S! t.! '.-. ! 8!! t! ! S ! 8t tr.tlnfortiqedeWI- I ! t!- ! t- -! ! 1Z!1!8I I 'I!I1 ! ! !. . 112t t :tim. 1 ! S! J ! ! 8 ! ! ! L t ! t ! ! t ' 8 ! ! ! ! t s tSJ.Econoaetrie.cer-t ! S t ! ! f t ! I ! ! t - ! t ! ! t1!1!112!1!1t ! ! I ! ! t 121 I che raWtimelle. t ! * F t ! ! t ! ! * ! ! t ! t ! ! I I ! ! S ! ! 8 t U1.SlInqieeassisste ' t ! ' S ! ! t ! ! t'! ! t ! 8 t ,! t ! ! tl!l!t ! ! t 48 t *parordzitgw. tS t!' 5!! 8!! 8'! 8! KS ! S ! ! ! ! 8! ! S MIStadardi satimiet : ! t L ! t ! t ! ! t I t !. . ! ' tl!l!Ot !. ! t !: 8 t I8 t Iruhisatim. t ! ! S I ! 8 t ! ! I ; !'i F " ! ! * ! ! t*! ! I t . I ! t .01iquw ecai t ! I t ! ! 1 ! a ! I V ! *. S- t ! ! S ! A t1!O'Ot 8 1' I Suatmaierelativel ! !5t ! ! ! *!! ' I ! ! t I !t ! t ! St I ! I Sa vaduitsenwe- ! ! t ! ! t ! I1 t ! I t ! ! t 1 ! 1 ! ! ! 8 .! . 8 1 I tqtium. I I ! ! I ! ! t ! ! I I ! t I ! ! ! * t ! ! t ! ! t I t nSpecalite aptiu- I ! ! I I ! . S ! 1. t I 8 S '. S E .'. I ! ! I z t t-*pliatiwmd'sw-S ! ' It I ! t ! ! t ! 't. I T It t, . tt ! t8! !t ! 1 t 1 t S gie ratimulle. t ! ! t ! I 8!1 I ! S' ' !.- ! I !! tt I ! S I I S Uies et t ! ! t I! It! t t. ! ! I ' 13 3! 3 112 1 I t electriaq . ! i ! ' I ! ! 8 I ! t ! 1 8 ! ! t ! ' ;t ! ! 8 ! ! I ! ! t I t I-inbruuctim deqi q 1 8 ! ! I ' ! I ! ! 1 I&: ! 1 t i ! ! t ! ! t ! I I nie civile. I I I I ! ! t ! ! t ' ' ! t ' I S ' I 2 MA5.Travall s:entifiquel ! ! ! t ! I 0!5!O t I I lopt±Wel. I I I : ! ! ! t I I t ! S36.Staue I 3 !303 I I !0 ! 10 ' S S ; !30 I t's 37.0Projet de fin d'etu-t ! ! t ! ! S ! I! I t !26 ! 2* I Ide. SI I I ! ! I ! ! t ' I I-S I I tlU !16 ! 2 113 '16 3 M !13! 5 6 !13! 5 14 !6 ' ll !11 !5 16 !13 2113 !15 2f16'17 ' 3 !26 I I totaux Dar seeaine 1 31 1 34 t 34 1 34 r 32 1 32 1 31 1 30 1 36 1 57& t tStaoe oratiaue de 5 smines chque ate d 'Otude . Projet de tin- d'etudhs 11 sn e. C.: Cour E: exercices P: ratiques 1. NYbre d'leures totales avec stas: 5799 tarus dant: -kiai cq*rales: 2444 hwures 42,7 Z -Tecwmloqies en*ralesl 2076 huns (35,6 Z) -Scaliths: 12N lures (21,7 Z 11. nuuiemnt otht riqie: 413 Iwum (71,1 Z III.Enseaige t pratique: 160 lhm (28,Z ) A. (iv) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -4- - - -'I .4.n *. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 8 4 P,-t' =4 ----- - - --- - - - - - - - - - - (flC) 0..--...t...l ) fC2 l ED cnm-Pt on ft. 11- 'm OD I 1D 0_ 8 10 19 - 9:'. _ - 'y i' o ~~ 44so ; - - - -ID - - - --- -t - Ca - - - - - - - - 4 4 tn IL! 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'3 * 1 1 15 'lb 15 1 172 2!1 515 5 16 !12 1! 9 9 34 9 !10 116 !13 2313 !15 ' 2116 '17 ' 3 t !26 ' I t tIs M tll: U SllM HII t lXllt $llltX ltsttstltg tttls 9:ta tt:It l:ttstlltts 31 lMIltlSIStIllll M S: tits ttst MUMM1slssttl UPst III Il s t totaux oar sesaine 1 34 1 4 1 34 1 t 3 3 t 33 1 31 I 30 1 36 t I '14: t SStaae oratzoue de 5 seeanes cnaaus annee d 'Otune . Fro)et de fin d'etuaes 11 #am e. t C: cours E: exercces Pt Drauaues 1. Nombre d'heures totales avec stes: i804 neures oat: -=siences oanerales: 2396 heures (41.3 '. -Technolo,ies g&raies: 2140 heures (36, ' I.I -Svecialitis: 1268 neures (21.87. 11. Enseiqneumnt theorique: 4112 heures l,o.a 7. III.Enseuent pratique: 1692 heures i29,27a -10- 1 £ 5~~~~~~~~Aff 011 7 1 r * E'~ 0 !C E E 0 '!C E 'C E 0 CZE E P 't E P OtAl . . . . . .. . . .. . .. ...... . 559 men ,,I , 3 C:ances lurIilues .; :.: :I 11222* : * 2r;a. ici.ntif. ia tpaveil 1' 1: ' :4 ;ti'at. 30:I0tCS. 4tio,,.;: * 2 1 I20 1: ** .::32te?ct *otr:1ur I2: :: . ,: *7 5y ntepis :: , , , . 1 2 2 0 2 2 30: ::2 a :o cueam:an11tt et Itatistlau 1 1 : 5: 3 3 0::2 3 a 1 : 7 :' !-ior.ativu at iustion : . . ,: 2 1 1II1 I I : 1 Oprtan1et :: :: , ., .t::i :I I 0 nit,.-aa'. t 9wsat :sat un : : : : , . : :it022: ;rcoutts snerqettwun I:: 2 . ... 0 011' 16 301tCtIOtC~.5 5. . A 55flf0 55 - Itfaguction I, pats : : 1 1 . ;nvestifssWOt issSlIitri. : :2 ostianusl. : : 2 : 0 5 0: so: 36 Stage :1 3 1 :: 0 2 130 30 so11 30 : Jo -0 1:o 37Pr:jt of fIn d'stule : :* .12628 :;lb16 2 :114 13 2 1213 It 5 Mi1413 7 12'14 10 10 1:15 14 & M41 13 22213315 2 :16 17 321 26 :&1404 'otau,wpr mans : 34 :2 34 :1 34 :2 34 22 34 1: 35 It3 2 0 : 36 12 56- Stage prtiutiw de I %suatts chawu uima d'stuts. Projet de fin dsetsauIt s1a0ouI. owrs E: nfrisenS Pi pratiouls 50387 0dIgtvt1 totles IV"t stagtsh g8m hour"0 Mt, -Scasncne Qnorabn:. 2508 ftsjnf Mm.7) *TOCMii3oqlsO lsnsvaboa: 2092 SaurS (3!.61( *Spotcal&tel: 1268 homrsa (21.7n) It. £11s114fl00t tatrtirlWs: 4208 nwurn M7.M1 A. (iv) CO AP H (OH Il - g ID HA)IIIC II.-------- LAAO AMECHACAC A A P AAT.I NUT. 0.0 5,0 HS44OSOATI I STOLES LCCTLAUTLTAT .. OP HINTS~~t- -,-- D I . I - I I-~~~~~~~~~- -L~ -- -- ----L--- Its. IL---------- I. II....... 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C :~E5ECS ------- … - … - . 4 5 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 ' 9 CE * 4 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.Lt...L-.. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CE S A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A 'CALM . .Mo A 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.9 9 9 9 9 9 9 949'. 9 '9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CE C 0 C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ".MISA.. IE.RSCPACTSCC0TEEOMEIRESE. 9 9 9 9 9209 9 A99009A99999999999 9199999'. 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 9 9 CEOCE IA A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: :.Atots."a ..... 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CE C I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 A ------ -- ----- -------- ---- 9-----9--9 9 99 . 9 --------------------------------- ------------- 9----*--- .9'.9'9. … g. *..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . …~~~~~~~ -' --9 … 9…9 … 9~~...... .....--------…---- A C PATOL 9 COOCI~-1 ----- 4 9099- 91.I .IE. IS*HO 9049P ES9. S99 .93 5C . 09 .0 C . A . S19... 9CIE, C .1 S 9900 L. 9 . 4 . C U A ea --T ------- MMSECEC. . .OE4 .9T.A4.9 9. I 9.I 9.9 9.9 9.ii. 9. 9 9.9 '., . 9 4 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 REE 5. EECCSECC0TUCECCTE~ 9 0 9 9T.30.E9.590 9C.9C.30.099493A90.909T 94,93.0 90.90.E3.19 9 900 'CC'O.90.29,E90E 90T9T,90,9'0.CT,T9 90.T0.39.09 0~29~U90 l.A90.7 A A I.UA....... UT ---------- … --- … --- *.LSCM MTLE.AT ------- --- ---- - ……………….--------------- ---- ---- --- ---- - ------- ----------- --- ------- --- ---- --- --------------------- --- ------- --02--CT--- ------- --- ---- ----T- - … -…~~~~~~~~~; t 7… 9…43:. A 0.POTE9 - -E ------------ -- -T---------E-- -9------------ -R----00 -9 ----- 9905-- Al--'--3-----ET-----E--991-9'. ---9-A 00--1 …- … -…~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- - - - - - -- - SECTION I NPI TRAINING PROGRAMS (B) EDUCATIONAL WORKSHEETS -13- -C- LOA PDR * National Polytechnic Institut SIwmnAry and Distribution of FellowshipS ........... ........................ . (long and short term) ................... ........................................................... ...................................................... Specialization 11989/90!1990/91!1991/9211992/93U.993/94!1994/951 Total I I I I I P ! ........... ........ ...................... ................... ---.---.--------------------- Administration I 12 1 12 1 12 1 6 ! 6 1 6! 54 =. ..... ---...... .---------------------------_ *--_*---*----- * * * *..I... Basic science 1 36! 36 1 36 ! 24 1 24! 24 180 I I I I ! I ! Electric Engin. ! 18 ! 18 ! 30 1 36 1 36 1 36 1 174 ! ! ~ ! ! ! I ! …~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11I ,,......................... ........ .......... ......................................... -----...........................---i Mechanic Engin. ! 18 ! 18! 24! 24! 24! 24! 132 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .............…........-..--.-----------------------------------------! Civil Engin. ! 24! 24 ! 30! 36 1 36! 36 1 186 ! ~ ~I ! ! ! ! ! ...….. ...….….…..…..............................----.----.--! Economic Engin. ! 12! 12! 12! 18 ! 18 ! 18! 90 ! ! ! I I I I! ................ --------.-.-.. ---............-. Total 1) 1 120 120! 144 1 144! 144 ! 144! 816 2) ! ! ! ! ! ! !I No Trainees ! 10! 10! 12 ! 12 ! 12 ! 12 ! 68 ! I ! ! ! ! ! ~~~~~......................... ......................- -.-..--------------------..-! 1) Based on the training program discussed with NPI Staff fonly about 10 or less staff members can be released for external training during the initial 2 years of the program. 2) Estimated cost of fellowship: US$ 2500 per man - month. 624 man-months - US$ 1,560,000 being covered by project 192 man-months - US$ 480,000 being covered by a bilateral funding from France Total: 816 man-month - US$ 2,040,000 4f * ~~~~~uopen o AO at I i~~~~~~~~~~~~ a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WI~~~~~~~~~~~~~ a~~~~a - - - -e- - - - - - - - ofI cci cc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15- -E- UPGRADING OP TEACHERS AND FELLOWSHIPS Collaboration with the ASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY As a result of a meeting held the 12th of July 1988 at Bangkok between representatives of AIT and the World Bank and the Swiss Directorate for Development Cooperation, the AIT declared a keen interest and sincere desire to assist the development of the National Polytechnic Institute of Laos and outlined the following possible areas of collaboration: 1. Placement of teaching staff of IPN in AIT's regular masters degree program; 2. Development and delivery of specialized intensive training programs for selected personnel from the IPN to upgrade their teaching skills; 3. Preparation of teaching materials and laboratory manuals in Laotion language for use of the Laotion instructors; 4. Design and fabrication of certain types of laboratory equipment; 5. Supervision of the oral translation of instructional materials into Laotion language. SECTION II NPI STAFFING NEEDS - 18 - LOA PDR NATIOMAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE (NPI) Recruiting Plan for Teaching Staff Number of Degree of Master's Degree Holding Teachers Existing To recruit Timing of Specialization Need in 1987/88 or dismiss Recruiting 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 1991/92 1992-95 To recruit +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 Basic Sciences 35 51 -18 Attrition 10-16X -8 -7 -6 -3 -2 Existing 46 40 36 35 36 Civil Engineering 20 13 +7 To recruit .5 .5 *S .5 +4 Attrition 20% -3 -3 -3 -4 -4 Existing 16 17 19 20 20 E!ectric Engineering 19 8 +11 To recruit +8 +6 +6 +4 +4 Attrition 20% -2 -3 -3 -3 -4 Existing 12 1S IS 19 19 Mech. Engineering 13 13 0 To recruit +3 .3 +3 +3 +3 Attrition 20% -3 -3 -3 -3 -3 Existing 13 13 13 13 13 Economy Engineering 8 2 +6 To recruit +3 +3 +3 +2 +2 Attrition 20X -1 -1 -1 -2 -2 Existing 4 6 8 8 8 Total 96 87 +8 To recruit +19 +19 +19 +18 +15 Attrition 20% -17 -17 -16 -16 -15 Existing 89 91 94 96 95 Analyzing the need of the post-graduates degree holders, Including attrition, a total of 88 teachers would have to be recruited during the period of project Implementation. It is assumed that every year an attrition of about 20X will be experienced. Also, that the results of teachers for basic education Is actually too high and is to be reduced by annual reassignments to other Institutions. DUREE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION ETUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES ADMINISTRATION 1 BOUNTHONE SENGKHAMMY M SC.SOCIALES 10+4 Vn 13-04-43 V A 2 THAMMALATH NAKHAVITH M MAITRISE AUTOMATIQUE 12+4 Fr 21-08-48 F A CD 3 BOUNXAY CHANSINA M CHIMIE 10+5 URSS 01-08-55 R 4 SOMKOT MANGNOMEK M DOCTEUR EN CHIMIE 10+5+4 vU 11-12-55 R V CD 5 SENGPRASONG PHAKONEKHAM M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+4 DDR 05-07-59 G F A CD 6 SAMANE CHOULAXANY M ING.GENIE-CIVIL 11+5 CUBA 18-11-56 Es F A CD 7 SENGSOMPHONE VIRAVOUT M INGENIEUR MECANIQUE 12+5 URSS' 23-01-51 R F A 8 BOUNMA PHETSAVONG M MATHEMATIQUE 10+4 Vn 10-02-56 V 9 SONEXAY PHETPHACHANH M SC.SOCIALES 10+4 Vn 15-12-54 V CB 10 KHAMFAN SENGSAVANH M SC.SOCIALES 10+4 Vn 06-03-57 V R 11 KHAMPHA M LANGUE RUSSE 10+4 LAOS 15-01-54 R F 12 SOMPHOU KEOPANGNA M LANGUE RUSSE 11+4 LAOS 10-10-55 R A T 13 KHAMLEUSA NOUANSAVAN M MATH-PHYSIQUE 12+4 Fr-La 19-10-54 F A 14 BOUNSENG KANGNAVONG M MATH-PHYSIQUE 12+4 LAOS 01-05-50 F A 15 BOUTH KENETHALANGSBY M MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 RDA 03-12-57 G F 16 SEO NOUNLADOK M MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 R 16-02-57 R F 17 INPENG SOUVANNASANE M MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 URSS 15-05-57 R F 18 AMKHA NAFEUANGVILAY M MATHEMATIQUE 11+4 LAOS 04-05-62 F 19 CHANHDENG PHONSAVAN F MATHEMATIQUE 11+4 LAOS 02-10-57 F A 20 SEUAK SOUKCHALEUN M MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 URSS 10-02-52 R F 21 BOUAVANH KEODARA M MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 R 10-12-52 R 22 MAYXI VIENGVILAY M MATHEMATIQUE 10+5 R 16-03-58 R V A 23 SISANA BOUPHA M MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 22-31-60 F A 24 THONPHET CHANTHANIVONG M MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 20-04-62 F 25 SISANA SIGNOUVAPHOUM M MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 08-03-59 F A 26 KASEM NORASING M MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 06-03-50 F A 27 DARA PHIMPHO F MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 10-08-62 F A R 28 NONGKHANE INTHAVIXAY M MATH-PHYSIQUE 11+4 LAOS 10-05-62 F A I I I DUREE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION ETUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES INFORMATIQUE 29 CHANDY M DOC. EN PHYSIQUE 11+5+3 V -- V-R 30 KHAMBONG THEPBANDITH M INF. MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 BULG 08-10-60 BULGAR 31 SAPHANGOU KHAMPHOUMI M ING. INFORMATIQUE 11+5 URSS 05-03-60 R 32 THARONGSINH KANLAGNA M ING. INFORMATIQUE 11+5 URSS 12-04-65 R F A 33 BOUAKEO VIMALAVONG M INF. MATHEMATIQUE 11+5 RDA 17-01-58 G F A 34 VORASONE DENGKAYAPHICHITH M ING. INFORMATIQUE 11+5 TCHEC 04-05-60 Tch F A PHYSIQUE 35 KHAMMY SOUVATDY M PHYSIQUE 11+4 Vn 04-07-59 V F A 36 KHAMTANE OUANKHAMTA M PHYSIQUE 11+4 Vn 08-09-60 V F 37 NANLTRIGNA PHITSAMAY M PHYSIQUE 11+5 URSS 21-02-63 R F A 1 38 SALEUMSOUK BOUAMANIVONG M PHYSIQUE 11+5 URSS 05-10-59 R 39 KHAMPHOUT PHOMMASONE M PHYSIQUE 11+5 URSS 01-03-61 R A 40 KHAMPHEUI XAYAVONG M PHYSIQUE 11+5 URSS 18-10-60 R F 41 RHAMPHONE NANTHAVONG M PHYSIQUE 10+5 URSS 10-05-58 R V A 42 DARAVAN PHONEKEO F PHYSIQUE 11+5 URSS 11-12-53 R F A DUREE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION ETUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES CHIMIE 43 SOUMALY DEXAKHAMPHOU F CHIMIE 11+5 URSS 04-09060 R 44 KHONESAVANH SIHALATH M CHIMIE BIOLOGIE 11+4 LAOS 03-02-52 F A 45 SENG SALABOUT M CHIMIE INDUSTRIELLE 10+4 Vn 12-03-57 V 46 SELIVANH PHONEKEO F CHIMIE 11+4 LAOS 20-05-60 F A 47 KHANTHALY SOUVANTHALISITH F CHIMIE 11+4 LAOS 23-06-57 F 48 VIXAY SIGLAKONE F LIT.LANG.LAO 10+3 LAOS 01-01-47 V 49 PHEM PHOMMIXAY F SC.SOCIALES 10+3 LAOS 02-09-54 0 50 KHAMPHENG KEOMANY M SC.SOCIALES 11+5 URSS 05-09-60 R A T 51 CHANTHALY KHAMMANIVONG F SC.SOCIALES 11+4 Vn 26-12-6 V 52 CHENKEO F SC.SOCIALES 10+3 LAOS 14-05-47 V F 53 KHANTHALY SILIPHONGPHANH F SC.SOCIALES 1.1+3 LAOS 15-06-59 R F A 54 BOIUNTHIENG PHOMMACHANH M SC.SOCIALES 10+4 tRSS 14-01-60 R I t. LANGUE ANGLAISE 55 SENGMANY SOUTHAMMAVONG F LANGUE ANGLIASE 12+4 LA.SI 01-07-53 A F T LANGUE RUSSE 56 PHANSY PHIMMACHANH F LANGUE RUSSE 11+-5 URSS 03-09064 E 57 DARAPHONE NORIND F LANGUE RUSSE 31+4 LAOS 06-07-62 R 58 SOMTHAVINH F LANGUE RUSSE 11+4 LAOS 12-05-61 R 59 SENGMANY KETSOUGNA F LANGUE RUSSE 11+4 LAOS 12-04-63 R V 60 KANGNA F LANGUE RUSSE 11+4 LAOS 15-04-61 R 61 SISOUVANH SILICHITH F LANGUE RUSSE 12+5 URRS 08-11-52 R F A 62 VANLY SENGCHANPHENH F LANGUE RUSSE 11+4 LAOS 31-10-53 R 63 THOULA PHETMANY F LANGUE RUSSE 11+5 URSS 16-06-64 R DURtE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION ETUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES GYMNASTIQUE 64 PHANMANY M GYMNASTIQUE 8+3 LW%S 26-05-65 R A GENIE-CIVIL 65 SAVAY M DOCTEUR EN GOELOGIE 11+5+3 -- 67 VILAYSACK XAYAKOUMMANE M ING.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 TCHEC 10-05-60 Tch F 68 VIMANE PHOMMAVONG M ING.GENIE-CIVIL 11+5 URSS 28-12-58 R 69 INTHALACK CHAYAVONG m ING.PONTS-CHAUSEES 11+5 URSS 09-07-59 R F A 61 BOUN SOUNDAVONG M ING.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 TCHECH 02-03-58 Tch F 70 PHOMMA PHOMMACHANH M ING.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 Vn 15-11-59 V 71 PHOSITHAT MATMANIVONG M ING.PONTS-CHAUSEES 11+4 Vn 07-05-55 V F A 72 SAYKHONG SAYNALINH M ARCHITECTE 1145 URSS 27-10-58 R V 73 DAOVONE SIHEUANGSAY H ARCHITECTE 11-45 URSS 10-12-52 R V 74 POUVIENG LINGHASONE M TECH.SUP.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 IJRSS 04-07-58 R 75 SOMNUK PHIATHEB M TECH.SUP.GENIE-CIVIL li-5 URSS 02-11-60 R 76 SENGALOUN SIDALA F TECH.SUP.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 LAOS 03-11-64 ? 77 GNINXAY VIXAN M ING.GEOLOGIE 11+5 URSS 23-04-59 R Roumanie 78 KHEIOXEDONE THONGSOPHA M TECH.SUP.GENIE-CIVIL 11+4 URSS 01-06-59 R A 79 AMPHONE VONGVIXAY F ING.HYDRAULIQUE 11+5 URSS 11-09-61 R V DTJRtE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION ETUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES MECANIQUE 80 BOUNHOME CHANTHAVONG M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 21-12-49 R F 81 XAYPHONE HOUNGBOUNYOUANG M ING.MECANIQUE 10+5 URSS 10-05-64 R 82 KORAKAN PASOMSOUK M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 10-10-59 R 83 BOUGNOUANG VONVIXAY M ING.MECANIQUE 10+5 tRSS 02-08-60 R V 84 KIAMMONH SAYASING M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 'JRSS 05-07-60 R V F 85 PHET SISOMBOUN M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 18-10-60 R 86 KHANKEO OUTHASACK M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 04-12-56 R F A 87 SISENGSOUK INSAVANNOUVONG M ING.MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 22-05-58 R F A J 88 PHOUVIENG PHOUMILAY M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+3 DDR 11-02-60 G A 89 BOUALY THEPKESONE M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+3 DDR 21-06-58 G A 90 KOUKEO PHOMMAVONGSA M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+3 DDR 05-06-58 G A 91 SENGCHANH CHANTHASENE F TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+3 DDR 17-09-60 G A 92 CHANPHENG LOUANGVANNA M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+3 DDR 02-06-59 G A 93 KHAMPHENG PHETMANIVONG M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+4 URSS 15-06-58 R £ 94 SOMSANITH LAVANH M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 8+4 DDR 30-01-61 G A 95 VANNA TIPANYA M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 11+4 URSS 20-01-57 R F 96 BOUNMY SOUBOUAKHAM M TECH.SUP.MECANIQUE 11+4 URSS 01-02-58 R A 97 THOLI LILIANOU M MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 15-04-62 R 98 THONGVANH VILAYPHONH M MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 01-05-61 R 99 SOMBATH VORAVONGSA M MECANIQUE 11+5 URSS 20-01-62 R V 100 VIENGXAY LENGVA M MECANIQUE 10+-5 URSS 12-07-59 R V DUREE LIEU BIRTH NUMBER NAME SEXE QUALIFICATION tTUDE ETUDE DATE LANGUES ELECTRICITE 101 SIBOUNHENG LATSAVONG M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+4 TCHEC 07-05-60 Tch F A 102 VIENGXAY SOUVANNAKHOT M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+5 DDR 11-10-61 G 103 SISOUK KOMADAM M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+5 URSS 13-10-62 R 104 PHAN VILAVONG M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+5 URSS 10-05-62 R V 105 KHAMPHA SIHANAKHONE M ING.ELECTRIQUE 11+5 URSS 08-04-61 R 106 VILAYSOUK PHIMMASONE M ING.ELECTRONIQUE 11+4 TCHEC 10-10-55 Tch V Coree 107 SOULIVANH SITPHAXAY M ING.ELECTRONIQUE 11+5 DDR 15-04-60 G A 108 BOUNMY PHAKASY M TECH.SUPELECTRICITE 11+4 URSS 10-10-58 R 109 BOUNKHAM TANTHAPHIENG M TECH.SUP.ELECTRICITE 8+3 URSS 10-06-59 R A ECONOMIE 110 MANISOTH SENGDARA F ECONOMIE 11+5 URSS 06-12-61 R F 111 KETKEO BOUNPHAXAYSONH F ECONOMIE 11+4 Vn 02-08-59 V F U D'ETUDE: Fr = France LANGUES: V = Vietnam Vn = Vietnam R = Russe R = Russe A = Anglais La = Laos T = Thai Si = Singapore V = Vietnam Tch = Tchech F = Francias DDR = Allemand G = Allemand J = Japonais SECTION III TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE -23- -A- LAO PDR National Polrtecbnic Intitute (NP1) ---_----_.---------_--___-___------ Technical &ssirtome No of mn-months and Exprts Sprecilization 11989/90 11990/91 tl991/92 11992/93 11993/94 11994/9S I TOTAL t Administration 1 24 I 24 1 12 1 12 1 121 1 96 1 Eleceric EnineerLng 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 12 1 12 1 120 1 echanLcal Enineering 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 12 1 132 1 Clvil Engineering 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 12 1 12 1 12 I 108 I …_______________________I …-------I …-------I …-------I …-------I …-------I …-------I …---------- Economic Ensineering 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 12 1 -- I 60 I Basic Scionces 12 1 12 1 12! --I -- I -1 36 1 ---_-----_-------------- -------- I---------1-------- I----Z----1---~-----1-------- ----------- I EnglLsh language 1 24 ! 24 1 12 1 5 t S2 1 12 1 96 t Fronch langua. 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 24 1 12 ! 12 1 120 1 _-------------------*-- I-------- I-------- I-------- I-------- I-------- I-------- I----------- I otal man-months 1 168 1 168 1 144 1 120! 96 1 72 1 76 1) I ------------------------------_---_-----------------------_-----_---_-_-___--_.------------ 5umar7 ?4o of long tenD llxp 2) 1 10 1 10 1 8 1 7 1 5 1 * I 44 I No of short torm Exper.sI 4 t 4 I 4 1 3 1 3 1 2 1 20 1 Total No of Exp. I 14 1 14 1 12 1 10 ! 8a 6 1 64 1 ----------------------------------_------_----------_-------------------__---__-----------_ PotentLal sources SuLse I 5 I 5 I 5 I 5 1 4 1 3 1 27 1 France I 5 5 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 24 Australi 2 1 2 1 1 11 1 11 8 a USSR 2 1 2 1 1 1 - I ! - ! 5 1 1) The estimated total cost of Technical AssLstance (estimation July 1988) vIll be US $ 10,000 per m-sonth (766 x US 5 10,000 - US $ 7,680,000). Suary of le enicl Assistance cntribution: Swiss cofinancb* CSTA etd counterpart to Heads if departmentsilngine*r specialists) 3,240,000 Bilateral fundia of Frmne (3 engespecialLsts + 2 experts for French language) Bllateral fundlag of Australla (teachers for English lanjuage) 96,000 Bilateral funding of USSR (engeers, education speciallsts) 100.000 US$ 7,680,000 2) The first experts are expected to arrive about May 1989 A higher no. of short term experts may therefore be recrulted durLng L 1989190 -24- + -B- MATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Technical Assistance (Timetable) I T I I I Total 11989/90 11990/91 11991/92 11992/93 11993/94 11994/951Man-months I I I I I I CTA ISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSiSSSSSSSSISSSSSSSI 96 Administr. IFFFFFFFFIFFFFFFFI I I I I* IElectric ISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSI 120 D I IFFFFlrFTYIFFFFFYFIFF PFFI FIFYFlPPF I I I E IMechanic ISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSESSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSI 132 P I _= FEFFF" I FFFFY IFFYFFYFF P I FEPFFF I FFFFPF I ,,_,_I_ T ICivil ISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSSI SSSSSSSISSSSSSSSISSSSSSSI 108 S I IuuuuuuuIuuuuuoulFYFl M I 60 l Economy issssssssisssssssSissssssssi SSSSSSSSIF' I I__ 60 Basic SciencesIUUUUUUUUIUUUUUUUUUUTiUUUUUI I I 1 36 L IFrench TnlnnTFn'FFmP P nn I mimi F EnrFFn m IimFF | 120 A I IPFFFFF IFFFFFFFFIFFFFFFPIIFFFFFFIF I I N IEnglish IAAAAIAAAAAAAAIAAAAAIAAAAAAAIAAAAAAIAAAAAAI 96 G I IAUAAAA"IAAAAAAAl I ITotal man-monthsl 768 Total #tEzpts. 14*) I 14 1 12 I 10 I 8 I 6 1 64 Sources Swiss (s) 5 5 5 514 3 27 French (F) I 5 I 5 I 5I 4 3 |2 24 Australian (A)I 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 USSR (U) 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 I - I - I 5 *To cover identified education needs. particularly during the first three years. about 8-10 long term specialists will be required during the academic year (not considering the language teachers). Other man-months will be covered by short term mperts. -25- -C- LAO PDR National Polytechnic Institute Technical Assistance/Texts of Reference for ^:mary of task to be executed by ezperts PROFILE ACTIVITY 1ST PRIORITY ACTIVITY 2ND PRIORITY Engineers with experience Analyze the level of in fields of pedagogy and experience of each education. teacher in pedagogy. Prepare the course in methodology for the teaching staff. Survey the results of this Organize this additional training by complementary training classroom visits of of teachers in close iscturers. link with the smagement of the institute. Examine the level of Survey the results of the technical knowledge of fellowships and the teachers and establish reintegration of the proposals for teachers after their fellowships abroad. return. Engineers with knowledge Ezamine and complete Survey the semester by and ezperience in the the educational Department the content of specific sector of the programs of all the syllabus. concerned department and departments. option. Assist NPI staff establish the detailed course-notes of the Examine, strengthen and technical branches for complete the course notes the 4th and 5th year. for the 2nd and 3rd years. Organize complementary in-house technical up- grading for teachers. Assist the management of NMI establish criteria and method for tests and qualification standards. -26- Engineer with practical Examine the programs Assist to prepare the background and ezperience of the practical industrial problems for in vocational education. training sessions, the fiuialists. their organization and execution. Assist the management of NPI in establishing close links between the Institute and the industry. Organize in-service training of engineers. Engineer with experience Examine in detail the in the sector of equipment established lists of for laboratories. equipment. Adjust these to fit Enhance the coordination actual programs and between the Institute and needs in order of the procurement Eqaip-Pro priority. specialized external company. Survey the establishment of complete inventory lists and their handling. Establish proposals concerning stokage. maintenance and rules for the use of all equipment and defining Survey the system of staff assignments and maintenance (repair. responsibilities. clearing periodically. Coordinate purchase of controls) for all equipment with PIU equipment. responsible for project management. Engineer with managerial Coordinate the tasks Assist management of the experience and of all experts (CTA). institute in all matt(ers Coordinator nf Technical Act as liaison officer concerning the Assistance. between experts and implementation of the management of the project. Institute. Exmi4"e the Institute organigram. Establish proposals for the introduction of a function diagram (fizing all staff competencies and responsibilities). SECTION IV SECTOR STUDIES - 27 - LOA PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Sector Studies 1. In order to gain perspective on the education sector and to develop a deeper understanding of its structure and operation, the project will include four studies analyzing diverse aspects of the functioning of the education sector. The first study, tied directly to the objectives of the project, will examine the study programs of the higher technician training institutes. Its principal objectives will be to evaluate the type, adequacy, and level of the instructional programs, as well as the condition of the existing facilities. In addition, the study will also examine the demand for teacher training, as well as the relationship between the demand and supply of higher technicians (cost about US$60,000). 2. A second study will concentrate on the internal efficiency of the higher education institutions. A team. of experts will visit all of the institutions in order to determine if they are responding to the country's training needs. This team will evaluate the training capacity of the institutions, including their facilities, equipment teaching resources, and teacher qualifications. Taking into consideration the new changes in the development policies of the country, and basing itself on recent economic and sector reports, this study will verify if the study programs offered by these institutions correspond well with the economic needs of the country. This study will include a mid-project evaluation of the training programs of the NPI. The project would be visited by a group of experts and administrators experienced in the operation of engineering schools. This evaluations will permit the Institute to identify problems and to find solutions to them before the completion of the project (cost about US$55,000). 3. Thirdly, given its recent establishment, the NPI will need t know where its graduates are working and how their performance is evaluated by employers and the general labor market. Toward this end, the Institute will undertake two activities which will permit it to follow its graduates and to assess the quality of its curriculum. At the beginning of the project, the Institute will initiate a graduate tracer study which will continue for the duration of the project. Secondly, in approximately 1994, the Institute will undertake a study of the external efficiency of its curriculum to evaluate the technical and professional quality of its graduates and the range of salaries they earn (cost about US$30,000). 4. Lastly, the fourth study will focus on education financing. Since the portion of the national budget of Laos devoted to education has grown rapidly during the past five years, it has become important to examine its allocation among the various subsectors. It is equally important to determine the efficiency with which these funds are employed. Toward these ends, this study will identify all financing sources for primary and secondary education, examine the budgetary allocation process at the national and provincial levels, assess the benefits resulting from these investments, and will - 28- recommend means of improving the efficiency and the impact of education financing. Insofar as feasible, the study will identify possible new sources of financing (cost about US$55,000). Total estimated cost for these four studies will be approximately US$200,000. SECTICN V MANPOWER DATA AND ANALYSIS -29- -A- LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PROJECT Evolution of Employment by Branch of Activity, 1986-2000 1986 1990 1995 2000 Formal Formal Formal Formal Branch Total sector Total sector Total sector Total sector A. In Thousands Agriculture 1,364.1 I1.0 1545.0 20.0 1,762.2 31.0 2,008.9 45.0 indusl.ry /a 27.2 25.2 37.3 35.6 52.0 50.0 73.4 68.1 Construction 10.2 3.2 15.6 4.4 22.6 6.8 31.3 10.3 Transport 10.2 6.5 15.6 9.8 22.6 14.7 28.7 20.1 Commerce 39.2 3.5 48.9 4.9 58.7 7.0 73.0 11.C Public services, etc. 254.1 78.8 293.4 93.9 341.1 112.6 396.6 134.8 Total -1,704.1 128.2 1,995.7 168.6 2,259.2 222.1 2,608.9 289.3 B. In Peentage. Agriculture 80.0 8.5 -79.0 11.9 78.0 14.0 77.0 15.6 Industry /a 1.6 20.3 1.9 21.1 2.3 22.4 2.7 23.' Conscruction 0.6 2.0 0.8 2.6 1.0 3.1 1.2 3.f Transport Q.6 5.0 0.8 5.8 1.0 6.6 1.1 6.' Commerce 2.3 2.7 2.5 2.9 2.6: 3.2 2.8 3.E Public service, etc. 14.9 61.5 15.0 55.7 15.1. 50.7 15.2 46.t Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.( /a Industry includes artisans, manufacturing, mining an& utilities.- Source: State Plan Comittee and World Bank Education Missiono -30- -B- LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECUDNIC INSTITUTE PROJECT Data for Calculating Demand for Higher Technical Level Manpower 1986 1990 1995 2000 Total modern sector employment 128,200 168,600 221,100 289,300 Target X higher level technical manpower 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.0 Total demand for higher level technical manpower 1,370 3,370 3,130 Ratio engineers/technicians 1:3 1:3 1:3 1:3 Total demand engineers 345 550 780 Total demand higher technicians 1,025 1,630 2,350 -31- -C- LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PROJECT (NPI) Estimate of Employment of Higher Level Engineers and Nigher Technicians For the Formal Sector (1986-2000) 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Engineers/Ingenieurs Initial stock Stock initial 500 527 557 583 648 747 848 922 1,029 1,133 1,245 1.359 1,465 1,593 1,708 - annual attrition - departs annucls (13) (13) (14) (15) (16) (19) (21) (23) (26) (28) (31) (34) (37) (40) (43) +External graduates +Diploaees exter. 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 25 iS 25 25 25 25 +NP1 graduates +Diplomees NPI - - - 40 75 80 55 90 90 115 125 125 130 130 130 Final stock p.a. Stock final annuel 530 557 583 648 747 848 922 1,029 1,133 1,245 1,359 1,465 1,593 1,708 1,820 Of which are cewly trained engineers 40 40 40 80 115 120 95 130 130 140 ISO 150 155 155 155 *850 - output during project period* Higher Technicians Techniciaens Superieurs Initial stock Stock initial 1,500 1,762 2,018 2,268 2,511 2,748 2,980 3,205 3,445 3,659 3,918 4,240 4,604 5,029 5,498 -annual attrition -departs annuals 38 (44) (50) (57) (63) (68) (75) (80) (86) (91) (98) (106) (115) (126) (137) (2.5Z) +External graduates 4Diplomees exter 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 +National gr2duates 4Diplomaes campus 280 280 280 280 280 280 280 300 300 350 400 450 520 575 600 Fin&l stock p.a. Stock fi,.al p.a. 1,762 2,018 2,268 2,511 2,748 2,980 3,205 3,445 3,659 3,918 4,240 4,604 5,029 5,498 5,981 Df which are newly trained technicians 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 320 320 370 420 470 540 595 620 *2,510 - output during project period' Stock higher l1vel Stock cadres 2,292 3,495 5,163 7,801 superieurs Formal employment emplil structure (1,000 unit) 128.2 168.6 222.1 289.3 -32- Assumptions Made 1. Initial stock based on 1986 census Engineers: 500 Higher Technicians: 1,500 2. Target stock: in 1990 of approximately 2%, in 1995 of approximately 2.5% and in year 2000 of approximately 3% of stock of total formal sector auployment. 3. Graduates of NPI from 1989 (first promotion) to 1992 done according to forecasted output of presently enrolled students. 4. Graduates of NPI from 1993 to 1995 with a slight increase in output due to improved facilities and staffing resulting from the project. 5. Graduates of NPI frm 1996 to 1997, according to capacity of first phase institution. 6. Graduates of NPI from 1998 to 2000 with stable growth until second phase occurs (including geology and chemical engineers). 7. Engineers trained abroad: 1987-1994 according to ongoing fellowships 1995-2000 reduction of growth to 80% national and 20% training abroad 8. Numbers of Higher technicians trained nationally: 1987-1994 according to existing capacity 1995-2000 output increase according to a ratio of * 3 higher technicians to 1 engineer 9. Higher technicians trained abroad: 1987-2000 according to existing fellowships -33- -D- LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PROJEC&' Estimate of Employment and Higher-Level Manpower Needs for 1994/95 Higher Higher- Employ- Engineers technicians level staff Branch ment N R T N R T N R T Agriculture 2,400 23 6 29 92 18 110 115 24 139 Industry 1,500 14 4 18 42 12 54 56 16 72 Mines/geology 600 6 2 7 17 5 21 22 6 28 Construction 500 5 1 6 20 3 23 25 4 29 Water/electric 1,000 14 4 18 28 12 40 42 16 58 Transport 1,100 8 2 10 24 6 30 32 8 40 Commerce 400 5 1 7 22 4 27 28 6 34 Government services 3,900 35 10 45 105 30 135 140 40 180 Total 11,400 110 30 140/a 350 90 440/b 460 120 580 N: New needs resulting from growth of activities. R: Needs generated by retirement replacements. T: Total needs (new and replacement). /a Of which 130 are expected to be met by external and NPI output (Annex 4). Thus. over 90% of the engineer needs will be satisfied by 1994/95. /b Higher technician needs are expected to be met nationally in 1994/95. Notes: (1) Indicates actual estimated growth by economic branch for the period 1990-95. (2) Employment: Growth of employment by economic branch for 1994/95. LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE PROJECT Percent Distribution of Specialization Needs by Sconomic Sectors of Activities and Types of Engineering Chemistry Electron- No. of Necha- and agric. Geology and ic/elec- speciall- Civil nical production mines triclty Economics Total ector zationa I No. X No, No. X "O. I No. x No. Z griculture 28 14 4 32 9 32 9 - - 4 1 18 5 100 ndustry/mines and public utilities 41 7 3 10 4 12 5 29 12 29 12 13 5 100 bnstruction 6 64 4 11 1 - - 8 -1 9 1 8 - 100 It ransport 1O 30 3 30 3 - - 10 1 20 2 10 I 100 bunerce 7 - - - - - - - - - - 100 I 100 ublic admiutstra- tion and others 43 16 7 15 7 7 3 7 3 15 6 40 17 100 Total 135 21 24 17/a 16/b 22 35 a In this table, the cumulative projected demand for chemical engineers falls close to a need of 20 engineers p.a. The latter was the determination by which the mission decided If a faculty should be established. Since the demand for chemical engineers Is largely based on future prospects and the group involves many different types of speciali- zations, it was determined that the groups would be too small and too costly to establish national training. b This group Includes many types of engineers' specialization needs estimated at 5 foi geology, 4 for mining and 7 for petroleum and others, thus making the needs too low and too costly to justify. at this stage, a faculty. ource: Estimates by November 1987 World Bank mission. j gj r--- '-- - - - - IL ~ ~ I Lr - --------- p W < W1g|Xi p l|{ tb S 1 m ! i11 liii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SECTION VI ANALYSIS OF NPI RECURRENT BUDGET -36- -A- LAO PDR NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Recurrent Expeditures of NPI Transfer of Foreign Exchange and KIP Recurrent Exenses of the NFL from tnie Project to the GoveFrnment or Lzo PDR kxpendiiture Category 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 Total recurrent budget 1) 161.5 314.3 337.1 447.2 540 572 593 Total foreign exchange component recurrent budget 2) 73 139 150 242 316 340 353 Foreign exchange component, paid by gov't 3) 0 15 30 50 75 100 130- $400 Kip component, paid by gov t 4) 88 175.3 187.1 205.3 224 231.5 239.2 % recurrent budget, paid by gov't 5) 55 61 64 51 55 58 63 (3+4)/i Z foreign exchange component of recurrent budget paid by gov't 6) 0 11 20 21 24 29 37 3/2 -37- -B- LAO PDR - NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE CREDIT/GOL COST SHARING OF TOTAL RECURRENT EXPENDITURES 600 400- P300 200- 100 0 - --- 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 IMPLEMENTATION PERIOD ’21 GOL SHARE l CREDIT SHARE -C- IAO pr - r.NAL DOiY`Z!CNIC 'N2 _g -'’- S T S-AR N: y'r . A r Yv ANGΆ -yr;?r -r or .zcr_ :,o _c : 400 - 350 - 300 250 - 1 ~200 - IMPLEMENTATON PERIOD 100.eua 11or^ un -38- -D- Ddpenses Ordinaire du Projet de D6Wloppmm-t de l'IP !Cat4orie !i = '00 ! E.U. '000 Xcout ! D*s !l&. --! Local !xrieur! Total! Local !1xt8rieur!Total!Devims !- -- - -- !-!---! !--! -- 4(1) Salaires,Bours 4 3915 ! - 438315 1 1050 - 1050 ! 0 ! Adai~istration ! ! ! ! ! ! !- 1 ! - - -- ! ! -!- ! - - 4(2) Entretion locaux 4 - ! 0000 400004 - ! 105 105 100 I(3) MatIriel laboratoir I 122000 320 1 320 !1 i - - I -!- !(4) Pi6os de rechwW ! - 9500 95000 !- ! 250 1 2531o1 1a0 - - . - ! ! ! - I I -4 .iCout de base total !398315 ! 2570QO !355315 ! lOS0 8 75 1.1725, ! totaLl!!I!!! ! AiMustemnt !(1) 19300! -- ! 19300 !(1) 51 ! - ! 51 ! ) Inflation !(2) - ! 13300 !13300 !(2) - ! 35 ! 35 ! ( i e3) - 40000 40000 !(3) - 21 2S ! 105 ! ! !~~~~~~(4) - ! 232300 20!(4) ! 85 ! 85 ! iTotal Inflati4n ! l OO ! !1 ! 225 !27 i T l . I 12000 4Cout debsTotal I 3983s15 4 2572000 4851! 004 7 12~ ! !(4) ! 320!2044 - ! 8! 85 __ _ , _ I _ -39- -E- Distrition des Entrants du Projet de D6veloppement de l'lIP 19891995 S199 ! 199 ! 1991 1992 1993 1994 1 1995 !Cout de!Facteur! Cout Ddpenses Kip ('000) !(7/89)! ! ! !(6/85)! base !informatotale ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! totale ! ticn Salaires 9500 !1895U 18850 118950 !18950!8950 SM !500 !1113700 ! 1.17 !133000 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! I1 Bourses !14670 !35310 !37450 !41730 !45870 145870 122930 1243815 l 1.17 !285300 -!~ -!-!-!-!-!-!! -!-! --!! Administration ! 3400 ! 8800 ! 80 ! B800 ! 8800 ! 6800 ! 3400 1 40800 1 1.98 8000C Services 1570 1250 1250 1250! 1250! 1250! 570 7800 1. 98 1520C D6penses Devises('000)! I ! I ! ! !405915 ! !513500 ! B I ! ! B ! B != B*$135 Papier ! 40! 80! 80! 90! 1001 1001 60! 550! 1.33! 732 Entretien locaux I ! ! !35 35 35 105 1.33! 14C ___ -!-- !!B - - !B ! ! !I I Mat6riel labolatoires ! ! 251 40 451 501 80! 801 40! 320 1.33! 42C ----------1-1--1--!-!-!! -! Pieces de rechange i l ! 1 ! I ! ! ! ! I !. ! I 80! 70 70! 50 1 250! 1.33! 33e Carburant ! 7 13.3 !13.3 13.3 !13.3! 13.3! 7 80! 1.33 ! 10r ! ., ! ! B B B ! ! 1300! !$174 -40- -F-- DEpense Operationelle do 1'INP 1989 (6/89-12/89) D6pense K('000) Salaire Bourse Admin Service Cout de base 85Q0 14670 8800 570 FacoLeur inflation 0 0 1.28 1.28 Cout inflation 0 0 190 18O Total 50 1480 M0 K 338nn ($ 8.4) D6epense 8('0OO) Papier Entretien Materiel Piecs de Carburant -_____________ - - laboratoire recang- Cout de bas 40 - 25 7 Facteur inflation 1.015 1.015 1.015 Cout inflation .8 .4 .1 Total 40.8 25.4 7.1 S 73.1 8 181.5 88.4 - = 55% 181.5 -41- D6pense Operationelle de l'INP -$8.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Depense K('000) Salaire Bourse Amin Servioe Cout de base 18950 35310 6800 1250 Facteur inflation 0 0 1.538 1.56 Cout inflation 0 0 3850 . 70 Total 1890 35310 10450 1920 K 88630 (S 175340, Depense $('000) Papier Entretienm Materiel Pioes de Carburant -== - _ ' -laboratoire reochwx Cout debase 80 - 40 13.3 Factsur inflation 1.045 1.045 1.045 Cout inflation 3.8 1.8 .8 Total 83.6 41.8 13.9 8 139.3 * 314.6 175 - 58% 314 -42- -E- D6pense Operaticmelle de 1'INP 1991 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$ . Dipense K('M00', Salaire Bourse Admin Service Cout de base 18950 37450 800 1250 Facteur inflation 1.03 1.03 1.813 1.613 Cout inflation 570 1120 4170 750 Total 19520 38570 10970 2000 K 71060 (8 187) D6epense $('000) Papier Entretien Materiel Pieces de Carburant - - laboratoire rechwne Coit de base 80 45 - 13.3 Factour inflation 1.087 L.O8W 1.087 Cout inflation 7 3.9 1.2 Total 87 _ 48.9 14.5 e 150.4 $ 337.4 187 37 = 5 337 -43- -F- D6pese Operationelle de l'IlP 1992 D6pense K('000) Salaire Bourse Adlfi Service Cout de base 18850 41730 6800 1250 Facteur inflation 1.081 1.081 1.894 1.894 Cout inflaticn 1150 2570 4700 85 Total 2O100 44300 11500 2100 K 78000 - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*205.3) D6epense $('000) Papier Entretien Materiel Pieces de Carburant - - laboratoire rechwige Cout de ba 90g 50 80 13.3 Facteur inflation 1.131 1.131 1.131 1.131 Cout inflation 12 7 8 2.7 Total 102 57 s8 15 $ 242.0 8 447.3 205 - = 46:# 447 -44- -F- Ddpens Operationelle de l'INP 1893 D6pense K( 000) Salaire Bourse Min Servioce Cout de base 1950 45870 88m0 1250 Factsur irflation l.CF3 1.093 1.779 1.779 Cout inflation 1750 4230 5300 950 Total 20700 50100 12100 2200 K 85100 ($ 224) Depense 8('000) Papier Entretima Materiel Piece de Carburant laboratoire rechaoe Cout de bass 90 35 s0 70 13.3 Facteur inflation 1.178 1.176 1.178 1.178 1.178 Cout inflatian is 8 10.8 12.3 2.3 Total 108 41 70.6 82.3 158 * 315.5 539.5 224 - = 4Z 540 -45- -F- DEpense Operationelle de 1'INP 1994 D6pense K('OOC) Salaire Bourse kImin Service Cout de base 18950 45870 8800 1250 Facteur inflation 1.126 1.12B 1.888 1.868 Cout inflation 2350 5780 5900 1080 Total 21300 51650 12700 2330 1 8790 (* 231.5) D6epense $('000) Papier &ntratien Materiel Pieces do Carburant laboratoire rectunge Cout de base 100 35 60 70 13.3 Facteur inflatimn 1.223 1.223 1.223 1.223 1.223 Cout inflation 22 7.8 13.4 15.8 3 Total 122 42.8 73.4 85.6 18.3 S 340.1 * 571.8 232 - = 41% 572 -46- -F- Npense Operationelle de l'INP 1995 (1/95-6/95) DUpense K('OOO) Salaire Bourse Admin Service Cout de base 8500 22930 3400 570 Facteur inflation 1.142 1.141 1.91 1.91 Cout inflation 1350 3270 3100 530 Total 10850 28200 8500 1100 t48 ( 117.5) D&epense $( 000) Papier &ntretien Materiel Pieces de Carburant - laboratoire rechwige Cout de base 80 35 40 50 7 Facteur inflation 1.247 1.247 1.247 1.247 1.247 Cout inflation 14.800 11.7 9.9 12.4 1.7 Total .74;8 48.7 49.9 82.4 8.7 8 242.5 380 118 - = 49X 243