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Learning in the Time of COVID-19 : Insights from Nepal (English)

This note discusses the impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and related school closures on primary students’ access to learning in Nepal. The primary source of data is a phone-survey with households that have children enrolled in public schools (grades 3-5) collected from November 2020 to February 2021. The authors describe student learning, parental perception of student levels, access to learning during school closures, and families’ emotional health...
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Radhakrishnan,Karthika; Angrist,Noam; Bergman, Peter; Cullen,Claire Alexis; Matsheng, Moitshepi; Ramakrishnan,Anusha Pudugramam; Sabarwal,Shwetlena; Sharma,Uttam.

Learning in the Time of COVID-19 : Insights from Nepal (English). Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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