52626 Changing PubliC OPiniOn Traditional Definitions of Public Opinion traditional senses of "the public" include beliefs, attitudes, and opinions about the following: · Affairs related to the state, the government, or broad social institutions. · something that is open and accessible to everyone. · All the people who are affected by an event, policy, or decision. While "private" actions concern only those who participate in them, "public" actions affect both participants and the rest of the people either directly or indirectly.1 · something that is of common concern. · the public good, as opposed to the private interests of individuals who represent only a segment of the broader public. Modern Definitions of Public Opinion the modern sense of public opinion is multidimensional and has the following characteristics: · it represents only one prevailing opinion among many possible ones. · it tends to be transitory. · it refers to the opinion that seems to be the most dominant, widespread, or popular, even though there will always be a plurality of existing public opinions. · it relates to "action or readiness for action with regard to a given issue on the part of members of a public who are reacting in the expectation that others in the public are similarly oriented toward the same issue."2 · it is jointly produced by the following: (a) elite opinion leaders who express and publish opinions, haveaccesstomediaoutletsandtechnologies,andhavehighdegreesofsocialinfluenceorinstitu- tional power; (b) statistical records, which represent and measure opinions collected through polls and surveys; and (c) people's "quasi-statistical sense" of which opinions prevail in their social and media environments, as well as how their own opinions match up with others'. 1 Mill, J. s. (2002 [1863]). On Liberty (see Chapter iV). in The Basic Writings of John Stuart Mill. new York: Modern Library; dewey, J. (1988 [1927]). The public and its problems. John Dewey: The later works, 1925­1953. Vol. 2, edited by J. Boydston. Carbondale: southern illinois university Press. 2 davison, W. P. (1958). the public opinion process. Public Opinion Quarterly, 22, 91­106; also see Allport, F. (1937). toward a science of public opinion. Public Opinion Quarterly, 1, 7­23. Changing Public Opinion | CommGAP Dimensions of Opinion and Expression3 · Cognitive/Theoretical:Beliefsabouttheobjectivetruthoffactual,historical,orscientificmatters. · Normative/Practical: Beliefs about the moral or ethical rightness of actions, decisions, policies, prac- tices, norms, laws, or values. · Expressive/Evaluative: Beliefs about the truthfulness or sincerity of people's subjective expressions of who they are and what they believe. Also, beliefs about the authenticity of expressions--i.e., whether anutteranceoraculturalwork(e.g.,aworkofart,aliterarytext,orafilm)adequatelyexpressesa personal viewpoint, a tradition, a coherent worldview, an artistic vision, or a group identity. Polling and Aggregation -- The Dominant Approach to Public Opinion Research Aggregation refers to the method of collecting opinions that have been generated and expressed by disparate individuals, through either voting or polling. Aggregation is the fundamental assumption of the statisticalanalysisofpublicopinion.Theassumptionthataggregationreflectspublicopinionrelatestothe random sampling procedure in public opinion survey research. the random sampling entails that every individual has an equal chance to be picked by the survey. thus, even with a small sample size, randomly chosen individuals are assumed to represent the entire population. Critics4 of the aggregative method raise the following objections to the way it represents and measures public opinion: · Statisticalaggregationartificiallyrepresentspublicopinionbecauseitfailstoreflectthefundamentally social nature of opinion formation. it also therefore fails to show how the isolated opinions it collects relate to one another. · Polling's "one person, one vote" approach also overlooks power differentials in society. it falsely assumes that every individual opinion is equivalent and carries equal weight. · Aggregation also fails to recognize that certain individuals within groups usually express opinions that carry more weight than the differing opinions of other group members. · the same dynamic applies to different social groups within society. some groups will have greater resourcesofexpression,mediadissemination,mobilization,andsocialinfluencethanothers. · the "random sampling" procedure of public opinion polling blinds the process to individual respon- dents' relative social roles and positions. · People also differ in their relative ability to express or even have an opinion on an issue, because they vary in their education, access to information, social knowledge, awareness of issues, or habits and opportunities of opinion expression. · Opinions only matter when they are expressed by those who are responsible for taking the actions thatrelatetothoseopinions.Thereare"activeminorities"whotakeinterestininfluencingandmobi- lizingpublicopiniononspecificissues.Buttheseeffectiveandactiveminoritiescannotbesaidto represent the general public. · similarly, there is the "silent majority" that better represents the general public, but it is generally unconcerned about issues that either do not affect it or that they do not think they themselves can affect (Champagne, p. 119). 3 Adapted from Habermas, J. (1984). The theory of communicative action. Reason and the rationalization of society, Vol. 1, translated by t. McCarthy, 15­23. Boston: Beacon Press. 4 For overviews of criticism, see Beniger, J. r. (1992). the impact of polling on public opinion: reconciling Foucault, Habermas, and Bourdieu. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 4, 204­219 and splichal, s. (1999). Public opinion: Developments and controversies in the Twentieth century,221­269.Lanham,MD:Rowman&Littlefield.Foraclassiccritique,seeBlumer,H.(1969). Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and method. Berkeley: university of California Press. Changing Public Opinion | CommGAP | 2 What are practical implications of this controversy? · these criticisms of the aggregation method call attention to potential blind spots in statistical research that attempts to measure how public opinion is formed, distributed, and changed. · But if we recognize that these blind spots might exist, we can remain sensitive to inequalities that affect public opinion formation. · those inequalities can consist of differentials in the following: information access, awareness, atten- tiveness,education,socialinfluence,mediaaccess,visibility,socialorpoliticalpower,andexpressive competence. · Critics of the aggregative method might be right to argue that researchers should study only poten- tially effective public opinions. · But defenders of aggregation and random sampling argue that these methods can have populist effects. that is, they can give greater voice to opinions that would otherwise have been ignored were it not for the "one person, one vote" assumptions of polling.5 Elements of the Public Opinion Process6 · Issues: the topics about which people have opinions. these topics can fall within or cut across the three public opinion dimensions--i.e., cognitive/theoretical matters of truth, or normative/practical matters of rightness, or expressive/evaluative matters of sincerity and authenticity. issue agendas are typically set by opinion leaders and by the mass media. Also, issues have their own dynamics of devel- opment, and these dynamics set parameters for the development of public opinion. · Communication: the social and/or technologically mediated channels through which opinion circulates. Most public opinion forms through combinations and interactions of interpersonal and mass-mediated communication. · Perceptions of Reality: People's perceptions of "what the case is" in the material world, in the social world, and in themselves, as well as their judgments about how those three levels of reality intersect. · Demographic, Social, and Psychological Characteristics: different attributes or tendencies that vary across, and often within, individuals. Many of these characteristics are potentially relevant to public opinion research, including the following: race, class, gender, age, educational level, cultural tastes, groupaffiliations,accesstoinformation,mediause,socialposition,occupation,opinionleadership, fear of isolation, conformity, etc. Influences of Perception on Public Opinion7 · Pluralistic ignorance: the tendency for people to inaccurately perceive minority opinions as major- ity opinions, and vice versa. Pluralistic ignorance more likely occurs either when people's own judg- ments are not well established or when they face ambiguous situations.8 Pluralistic ignorance usually results when an issue generates divisive opinions. it may also change people's opinions when they feel embarrassed at being in the minority.9 5 Converse, P. e. (1987). Changing conceptions of public opinion in the political process. Public Opinion Quarterly, 51, s12­s24. 6 Adapted from the following: davison, W. P. (1958). the public opinion process. Public Opinion Quarterly, 22, 91­106; Glynn, C. J. (2005). Public opinion as a social process. in dunwoody, s., Becker, L.B., McLeod, d.M., & Kosicki, G.M. (eds.) The evolution of key mass communication concepts, 139­163. Cresskill, nJ: Hampton Press. 7 Glynn, C. J., Ostman, r. e., & Mcdonald, d. G. (1995). Opinions, perception, and social reality. in Glasser, t.L. & salmon, C.t. (eds.). (1995). Public opinion and the communication of consent, 249­277. new York: Guilford Press. 8 Latané, B., & darley, J. (1970). The unresponsive bystander: Why doesn't he help? new York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 9 Miller, d. t., & McFarland, C. (1987). Pluralistic ignorance: When similarity is interpreted as dissimilarity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 53, 298­305. Changing Public Opinion | CommGAP | 3 · False consensus: the tendency for people to "see their own behavioral choices and judgments as relatively common and appropriate to existing circumstances while viewing alternative responses as uncommon, deviant, or inappropriate."10 in situations of false consensus, people project their own attributes onto others. But they overestimate how many other people share their opinions and atti- tudes, as well as the degree to which others share them. · Looking glass perception: People's perception that others hold the same opinions on issues as they themselves do, regardless of what others' actual opinions are.11 the looking glass perception is similar to pluralistic ignorance and false consensus, but it usually results when people are not sensitive to dif- fering opinions in others, and when issues do not generate divisive opinions. · The spiral of silence (SOS) theory:Noelle-Neumann'stheorythatpeoplewillconfidentlyexpresstheir opinions when they notice that they share the prevailing opinion, but that they will remain silent and keep their opinions to themselves when they are in the minority.12 noelle-neumann bases this theory on strong assumptions that people fear isolation and that society will use isolation to punish those who hold deviant or unpopular opinions. scholars have criticized this theory for disregarding the complex- ity of media environments and for failing to apply beyond small-group situations in which people feel social pressures directly.13 · Third-person effect: A tendency for people to believe that media messages, especially potentially harmful ones, will have a greater impact "not on `me' or `you,' but on `them'--the third persons."14 With respect to perception, people perceive greater effects of harmful media messages on others than on themselves. With respect to behavior, the difference between perceived media effects on the self and on others will lead people to endorse restricting particular media messages. the third-person effect therefore might play a role in disputes over freedom of expression versus censorship. How can these theories of public opinion perception inform your practice? · they offer ways of seeing how perceived opinions differ from measured opinions. · Pluralistic ignorance, false consensus, and the looking glass perception can help researchers assess situations in which people believe that others' opinions are either more conservative or more liberal than their own. · the third-person effect helps explain public support for censorship. it proposes that people's support for censorship may be based on their misperception that a majority of other people are vulnerable to media messages. · the spiral of silence theory suggests that a homogenous view in a society will make people either con- form and change to the same view, or keep silent. But in complex media environments, there should beabetterunderstandingthatpeoplecanfindalternativeviewsandchannelsthatfittheirviews. 10 ross, L., Greene, d., & House, P. (1977). the false consensus phenomenon: An attribution bias in self-perception and social psycho- logical processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 13, 279­301. 11 Fields, J. M., & schuman, H. (1976). Public beliefs about the beliefs of the public. Public Opinion Quarterly, 40, 427­488. 12 noelle-neumann, e. (1993). The spiral of silence: Public opinion-our social skin, 2nd ed. Chicago: university of Chicago Press; noelle-neumann, e. (1995). Public opinion and rationality. in t. L. Glasser & C. t. salmon (eds.), Public opinion and the communica- tion of consent, 33­54, new York: Guilford Press. 13 Glynn, C. J. and McLeod, J. (1985). implications of the spiral of silence theory for communication and public opinion research. in sanders, K., Kaid, L., & nimmo, d. (eds.), Political Communication Yearbook, 1, 43-65. Carbondale iL: southern illinois university Press. 14 davison, W. P. (1983). the third-person effect in communication. Public Opinion Quarterly, 47, 1­15. Changing Public Opinion | CommGAP | 4 CommgaP the Communication for Governance and Accountability Program (CommGAP), a global program at the World Bank, seeks to confront the challenges inherent in the political economy of development. By applying innovative communication approaches that improve the quality of the public sphere ­ by amplifying citizen voice; promoting free, independent, and plural media systems; and helping government institutions communicate better with their citizens ­ the program aims to demonstrate the power of communication principles, processes and structures in promoting good and accountable governance, and hence better development results. CommGAP is funded through a multi-donor trust fund. the founding donor of this trust fund is the uK's department for international development (dFid). Communication for Governance & Accountability Program (CommGAP) External Affairs Vice Presidency the World Bank 1818 H street, nW, Msn u11-1102 Washington dC, 20433 P 202.458.7955 F 202.522.2654 E commgap@worldbank.org WEB: www.worldbank.org/commgap blOg: blogs.worldbank.org/publicsphere