67827 SAMOA: COUNTRY PARTNERSHIP STRATEGY FY12 – FY16 CHAIR’S SUMMING UP* Meeting of the Executive Directors March 29, 2012 Executive Directors discussed the joint IDA/IFC Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for the Independent State of Samoa for the period FY12-FY16 (IDA/R2012-0058[IFC/R2012- 0055]). Directors commended the Samoan authorities for significant reform efforts since the mid- 1990s that restored macro-economic stability and provided a platform for solid progress toward most Millennium Development Goals. Directors acknowledged the economic volatility and overall vulnerability facing the country, and encouraged ongoing efforts to address these risks and build resilience. Directors expressed broad support for the CPS and its alignment with the Government’s strategy. Directors welcomed the strategic objectives of the CPS, which focuses on: strengthening economic resilience and encouraging inclusive growth; generating opportunities from global and regional integration; and strengthening resilience against natural disasters and climate change. Directors noted that fiscal consolidation would be critical for Samoa to maintain macro- economic stability and urged the government to continue pursuing structural economic reforms. Increased economic integration with neighboring countries was also highlighted to improve competitiveness and encourage longer-term growth. Directors stressed the importance of capacity building, scope for private sector delivery of services, and the need to carefully target interventions. While emphasizing the importance of safeguards and procurement standards, the need to tailor processes for small countries was also underscored. Directors highlighted the importance of disaster risk mitigation, climate change adaptation, as well as the need to address gender issues. Focusing on new private investments and stronger partnerships was also encouraged. Directors stressed the importance of synergies and coordination among the World Bank Group and called for continued strong IDA-IFC collaboration. Finally, Directors encouraged the Bank’s close coordination with other development partners.                                                              * This Summary is not an approved record.