iii) The existing expenditures when incurred (i.e., when the invoice is received), are recorded by debit in the asset side of the balance sheet in captions "Tangible Fixed Assets" or "Intangible Assets" and by credit of captions "Accounts Payable - Suppliers" or "Accounts Payable - other accounts payable". The payment of the invoices is recorded by credit in the caption "Banks and Cash - Cash" and debit in captions "Accounts Payable - Suppliers" or "Accounts Payable - other accounts payable". If an exchange difference exists at the payment date, that difference is recorded in the caption "Net Profit/Loss". iv) Expenditures that are paid through direct payments by the IBRD are recorded by debit of the caption "Accounts Payable - Suppliers" and credit of the caption "Accounts Receivable - "Accounts Receivable - World Bank Agreement 8115 - CV". Simultaneously, in equity the same amount is transferred from the caption "Subscribed Capital' to the caption "Paid Capital". Taking into consideration these accounting procedures, the captions of the balance sheet show the following natures: a) Fixed Assets Fixed Assets acquired by the Project are recorded at acquisition cost and are recorded by debit to fixed assets and credit to accounts payable in the liability side of the balance sheet, when the Project receives the corresponding invoice from the supplier. The fixed assets acquired by the Project are not depreciated. b) Tangible Fixed Assets in Progress Tangible fixed assets in progress relates to installment payments made to the suppliers of goods and works. Their accounting is similar to Fixed Assets, referred in Note 2.a) above, c) Intangible Assets The Intangible Assets include technical projects and consulting services acquired by the Project and are measured at acquisition cost. Their accounting is similar to Fixed Assets, referred in Note 2.a) above. The intangible assets acquired by the Project are not depreciated, d) Accounts Receivable The Accounts Receivable correspond to the amount of the Loan agreement and the funding by the Government of Cabo Verde that is available by the Project Implementation Unit to be used in future expenditures. e) Cash Cash corresponds to cash held in bank deposits in demand (Designated Account balance and bank account to use the funds provided by the Government of Cabo Verde). f) Net profit / (loss) and retained earnings All the expenditures incurred by the Project during each year are recorded by debit to net profit/ (loss), being the net profit/ (loss) presented as a separate caption on equity. The detail of the expenditures incurred during the year is shown on the statement of source and application of funds, g) Equity (Resources) The balance of this caption corresponds to the total amount made available by the Project's funders. Caption Paid Capital corresponds to the amount already used by the Project Implementation Unit in the acquisition of fixed assets, other assets and in expenses made. The balance of caption Subscribed Capital corresponds to the amount of the agreement available for use. Its balance is therefore identical to the balance of caption "Accounts receivable". h) Accounts Payable The balance of the caption Accounts Payable corresponds only to the invoices from suppliers not paid at the balance sheet date. When an invoice from a supplier is received it is recorded by credit to accounts payable and debit of fixed assets or profit and loss depending on the nature of the acquisition. The subsequent payments of the accounts payable to suppliers are recorded by debit to this account and a credit in cash, or in accounts receivable, depending on whether the payment was made through the Project's bank accounts or made directly by the Project's funders (Note 2.iv above), respectively. i) Balances and transactions denominated in currencies other than CVE The assets and expenditures acquired in foreign currency are translated to CVE, using exchange rates prevailing on the date of the purchase. The corresponding account payable is translated using the same exchange rate. At the payment date, any difference between the exchange rate existing at that date and the exchange rate existing at the previous purchase date (used to record the account payable to suppliers referred before are recorded in the Losses or gains from financing included in "Net profit / (loss)" in the Balance Sheet. As of 31 December 2016, the exchange rate prevailing between foreign currencies and CVE were the following: 1 EUR = 110,265 CVE 1 USD = 105,385 CVE 3. CASH As of 31 December 2016 and 2015, this caption is detailed as follows: Bank Accounts 31.12.2016 31.12.2015 Special Account - Banco de Cabo Verde 87 014 033,00 48 219 474,00 Cape Verde Governament Account - Banco de Cabo Verde 0,00 0,00 Total 87 014 033,00 48 219 474,00 The bank account "Special Account - Banco de Cabo Verde" is used by the Project Implementation Unit to pay expenditures. The deposits in this account correspond to the funds made available by the IBRD. 3.1 SPECIAL ACCOUNT (now Designated Account) The Special Account is an account opened and maintained in EUR by the Borrower, through which payments of expenditures related with the Project are made. This account is credited by the transfers (replenishments) of funds from the IBRD. The amount initially deposited into this account amounted to 956,859 EUR, corresponding to working capital fund used by the Project Implementation Unit to pay expenditures incurred with the Project. During 2014, the remaining advance was made in the amount of 43,141 EUR, totalizing 1,000,000 EUR as of 31 December 2015. The reimbursement of the expenditures paid through this bank account is made after request submitted to the IBRD (through a standard form of IBRD), and subsequent approval. These reimbursement requests detail all the expenditures paid, and are accompanied by the bank account statement justifying the payments for which the reimbursement is requested, bank reconciliation and other supporting documentation of the expenditures paid. This bank account is held at the Bank of Cabo Verde ("Banco de Cabo Verde"), located in the city of Praia. The expenditures paid in 2016 and 2015 by the Project Implementation Unit using the Special Account, are detailed as follows: 31 December 2016 31 December 2015 Spetral Account Movement ___ EUR CVE EUR CVE Opening Balance fi) 437 305 48 219 474 616 454 67 973 293 Spec ial account micial deposit ti) - Advance to the special Account (Note 4) (ill) Bank transfers from t State of Cape Verde (IV) - Bank transfer from Cape Verde government account 202610 (Note 3.2) - Bank transfer froun oter Cape Verde government account Amount Withdrawn and Not Yet Claimed (v (253) Expenses paid - oods (163 384) (18015 537) works (263 131) (29 014 140) (231 019) (26 473 310) consultant semscas (161 212) (f7 776 041) M-_L A624 (74128) Subtotal (Note 5) ( ) (93037 430 Replenshments received (Note 4) (Wi) 939810 103628 140 664 614 73 283 618 Closing Barance (i)0A0+(in)+0v)+(v)(vo)(vi) 789 136 67 041 890 437 305 48219474 During the year ended 31 December 2016, the Project received the amount of 939 810 CVE, relating to Replenishment requests of expenses paid in 2016 and 2015. 3.2 CABO VERDE GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT - SUB ACCOUNT (20 26 00) IN CVE In 2014, this bank account was cancelled, resulting in a bank transfer to the special account. 4. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE The balance of the caption "Accounts Receivable" correspond to the funds available for use as of the balance sheet date, of the funds made available by IBRD and the Government of Cabo Verde. The reconciliation of these balances as of 31 December 2016 and 2015 is as follows: lBRD GovCape lBRD GovCape 40,200,000 Ver0 40200,000 Verde 3.755,0 0 3,755,000 Funds made available (total equity) - EUR 40200000 3755000 40200000 3755000 Funds made avatable (total equity) - CVE (1 EURM110,265 CVE) 4432653000 414 045 075 4 432 653 000 414 045 075 Opening balance from previous year 340 628 202 315 529 341 898 178 936 340 35 69 Special Account funding (Note 3.1) . Special Account Replenishment (a) 103 628 140) (73283618) Deposit Receed (Note 3.2) Direct Payments (Note 5) (b) (67 689484) (33366752) .. 267120)J(4856358 Total account receivable 169310579 282162589 340628202 315529341 (a)The Special Account replenishment in 2016 corresponds to the amount of 1 026 606 EUR less the amount recovery by the bank in the amount of 86 796 EUR, converted to CVE. (b) The direct payments correspond to the amount of 613 880 EUR converted to CVE. 5 EXPENSES PAID BY THE SPECIAL ACCOUNT OR BY DIRECT PAYMENTS During the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015, the application of funds was as follows: 31.12,2016 31.12.2015 Extension of Palmarejo Power Plant - 310113377 Extension of Lazareto Power Plant 96703623 199627053 Viability study (Component I PPF) Eletric power traffic measurement . Reducing losses in electric power distribution 22 208 895 Implementation of an Automatic Metering System 2 009 930 Support to the reform of the Power Sector and Electra reestructuring - 10 340 872 Contract Performance Monitoring 6 550 954 4 731 912 UGPE capacity increase 34430476 35194773 Supervision of components 1 and 2 3887503 41 126785 165 791 381 601 134 772 The resources that funded those application of funds include essentially: (i) deposits made to the Project's bank accounts; (ii) payments made directly by the Project's funders, and; (iii) accounts payable to suppliers. The detail of those resources was as follows: 311 _16 31.122015 ProersFFunders ect pm s3(ote 4and7 (i 101056236 a09 123478 Pa;mtsF Aho t Sei Aount (N 31) 00 64735 145 93037430 Go'emmertof CapeVer denktr anser (Note 7) _____________ 165 791 381 2 160908 Accodbne as of 31 Decembr 6t+(i)*(fl) 165 7793 Payments are made preferably from the Special Account, and the Project Implementation Unit only uses direct payments to suppliers by the IBRD when amounts are higher. The reconciliation of the funds received by the Project and the funds disbursed by IBRD is as follows: Balance by Project Balance by Project 2016 2015 Project's Funders direct payments (Notes 4 and 7) () 67 689 484 484 267 120 Payments made through the Special Account (Note 3.1) (ii) 64 735 145 93037 430 A c c o u n t b a a n c e a s o f 3 1 D e c e m b e r ( i) + ( i i) 1 3 2 4 2 4 629 5 7 7 3 0 4 5 5 0 6. CURRENT LIABILITIES As of 31 December 2016 and 2015, the balance of the caption "Current Liabilities" refers to the purchase of consulting services that were not paid at the balance sheet date. The detail by supplier is as follows: Supplier Description 31.12.2016 31.12.2015 Warstila Construction of equiprr - SGS Consortium Cabo Verde Supervision of the proje - - Others Miscellaneous services 33 131 152 894 33131 152894 7. EQUITY As of 31 December 2016 and 2015, the Project funders and their contribution recorded in Equity are as follows: Project Funders Bafance 31.12.2016 Balance 31.12.2015 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Paid Capital 4 263 342 421 4 092 024 798 international Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Subscribed Capital 169 310 579 340 628 202 4432653000 4432653000 Government of Cape Verde - Paid Capital 131882486 98515734 Government of Cape Verde - Subscribed Capital 282162589 315529341 414045075 414045075 4846698075 4846698075 The balances of "Paid Capital" refer to payments to suppliers that are made directly by the Project funders and to the cash transfers to the Project bank accounts, as mentioned in Note 2 above. The balances of "Subscribed Capital" correspond to the amounts available for use, as of the balance sheet date. The movement in these captions during the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015 was as follows: Project Funders Balance 31.12.2016 Direct Payments Transfers to bank Balance 31.12.2016 accounts International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Paid Capital 4092024 798 67689484 103 628 140 4263 342 422 International Bank for Reconstruction and Developmenl - Subscribed Capital 340 628 202 (67 689 484) (103 628 140) 169 310 579 Government of Cape Verde - Paid Capital 98518734 33 366 752 - 131 882 486 Government of Cape Verde - Subscribed Capital 315 529 341 (33 366 752) 282 162 589 Total Equity 4 8 698 075 4846698076 Project Funders Balance 31-12,2014 Direct Payments Transfers to bank Balance 31.12.2015 .. . . .accounts International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Paid Capital 3 534 474 060 484 267 000 73283 738 4 092 024 798 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Subscribed Capital 898 178 940 (484 267 000) (73 283 738) 340 628 202 Government of Cape Verde - Paid Capital 73659376 24 856 358 - 98 515 734 Government of Cape Verde - Subscribed Capital 340 385 699 (24856358 - 315 529 341 Total Equity 4 46 698 075 4846 698 075 8. TANGIBLE AND INTANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS The movement of the Tangible and Intangible Fixed Assets during the years ended 31 December 2016 and 2015 was as follows: Balance Additions Disposals Balance Tangible Fixes Assets 31.12.2015 (Note 5) 31.12.2016 Buildings and Others Constructions 2 837 420 134 1 099 904 128 - 3937 324 262 Machinery & Equipment 589 771 195 146 - 784 917 Auto And Trucks Office Equipments 301 926 1 088 904 1 390 830 Electric Infrastructures Other Tangible Fixed Asset 130 684 130684 Fixed Assets in Pogress 1 003 204 865 - 1 003204865 - Total Tangible Fixed Assets 3 84 647 380 1 101 188178 1 003 204 865 3 939 630 693 Intangible Assets Software Consulting 185826223 17688520 - 203514743 Training Expenses Total Intangible Assets 185826223 17688520 203514743 Total Tangible and Intangible Assets 4027473 603 1 118876698 1 003 204 865 4 143 145 436 Balance Additions Disposals Balance Tangible Fixes Assets 31.12.2014 (Note 5) 31122015 Buildings and Others Constructions 2,810,008,696 27,411,438 - 2,837,420,134 Machinery & Equipment 366,930 222,841 - 589,771 Auto And Trucks - Office Equipments 301,926 . - 301,926 Electric Infrastructures - Other Tangible Fixed Asset 130,684 - - 130,684 Fixed Assets in Pogress 558,762,265 444,442,600 - 1,003,204,865 Total Tangible Fixed Assets 3,369,570,501 472076,879 - 3,841,647,380 Intangible Assets Software - Consulting 126,303,548 59,522,675 - 185,826,223 Training Expenses - - Total Intangible Assets 126,303,548 59,522,675 185,826,223 Total Tangible and Intangible Assets 3,495,874,049 531,599,554 4,027,473,603 The caption Tangible Fixed Assets includes essentially, besides the electric generators, engines, heavy fuel oil and water treatment system, steam generation system for fuel heating, operator's station and utility block, among others. The caption Intangible Assets includes essentially the engineering costs and supervision costs of the project, recorded in caption "Consulting". 9. OTHER ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE - ADVANCES TO SUPPLIERS As of 31 December 2016 and 2015, the detail by supplier of caption "Other accounts receivable" was as follows: Supplier Description 31.12.2016 31.12.2015 Hexing Supply of equipment 18 012 783 Total advance to suppliers 18012783 - Other accounts receivable - 20106 Total accounts receivable 18012783 20106 The amount advanced to suppliers recorded on 31.12.2016 is related to the contract celebrated with the firm Hexing Electrical Co. Ltd, concerning the supply of meters. 10. NET PROFIT / (LOSS) During the years ended of 31 December 2016 and 2015, "Net Profit / (Loss)" had the following detail: 2016 2015 Payroll expenses 26 053 781 25 057 406 Communication expenses 981 025 1 756 413 Publicity expenses 488 950 1 432 030 Other operating expenses 4 758 850 5 195 154 32 282 606 33 441 003 ANNEXE 1L1 ETAT DES DEPENSES PAYEES A TRAVERS LE COMPTE SPECIAL Minist&io da Economia eEmprego UNIDADE DE GESTAO DE PROJECTOS ESPECIAIS PROJECTO D RECUPERA AO E REORMA DO SECTOR EL CTRICO (PRRSE02) FINANCIAL STATEMENT Special Account Statement of Expenditures as of December 31, 2016 (Amount Expressed in Euros - EUR) IBRD Loan 8115-CV Description Rermrk Amount 1.Special Account Balance as at 01-01-2016 437.305,39 Plus: 2.Advanced to the Special Account 939.809,91 3.Remaining advance to the Special Account 4. Bank Transfers from the State of Cape Verde 5. Total Amount Withdrawn And Not Yet Claimed 252,72 Less: 6.Expenditures Incurred in the Period: 587727,00 Goods 163.384,00 Works 263.131.00 Consultant Services 161.212,00 Refund of Preparation Advance - Unallocated - Total expenses 587.727,00 7.Special Account Balance as at 31-12-2016 789,135,58 Prepared bA$- i T FEEFErE ~ EPE. ,~0åCF'i~P I Å*JTz?Gr.~IRFE4.~ . ..LIÆ.utTF 111 IIDIFFERENCE iDi-iH>? I 003/UGPFJPRRSE/2012 Direct Payent 18.716,00 EUR 18.716,00 EUR MotMacdnah 18.7160 EUR 19.09.2012 18716,00EUR 0,0 EUR 002/UGPF/PRRSJ2012 Direct Paent 8286.684,00 CVE 75.152,44 EUR 8286.684,00 CwE 19-092012 74,492,62 EUR 659>2 EUR 001/UGPE/PRRSJ2012 DA-AA 956.859,27 EUR 956.859,27 EUR DesignaÉedkcount-UGPE 95685927 EUR 20-09-2012 956859,27 EUR 0,00 EUR SUSTTl AMOUNTDISBURSED 2012 1*50.727,1 EUR t067,89 EUR 659,82EUR 008/UGPE/PRRSFJ2013 DirectPayment 12209.700,40 EUR 12.209.700,40 EUR Wadfta 12209.700,40 EUR 16-12-2013 12.209.700,40EUR 0,0 EUR 006/UGPEJPRRSF2013 DAA 307.191.24 EUR 307.191,24 EUR DesignaWdcount-UGPE 307.191,24 SUR 808-2013 307.19,24 EUR 0,0 EUR 005/UGPFJPRRSFJ2013 DAAA 392.761,18 EUR 392.7M,18 EUR Designaledfkcount-UGPE 389,081,18 EUR 11-062013 3M.081,18EUR 3.680,0 UR (b) 004/UGPE/PRRSFJ2013 DA 52.273,30 EUR 52.273,30 EUR Desøgnated kcount- UGPE 52273,30 EUR 0403-2013 52.273,30 EUR 0,00 EUR SUBTOTAL AMOUNTDISMURSED 2013 1261.926,12 EUR 12.9824612 R 80l0EU 018/UGPF/PRRSE/2014 DirectPa"ent 9.161.840,40 EUR 9.161.840,40EUR Warsila 9.161.840,40 EUR 01-12-2014 9.181.840,40EUR ,O0EUR 016/UGPFUPRRSEJ2014 DAAA 100220,00 EUR 100.220,00 EUR Designated kcount - UGPE 100220,00 EUR 14-10-2017 100.220,00 EUR 0,00 EUR 015/UGPEJPRRSFJ2014 Direc Paynent 5.146.547,20 EUR 5.146.547,20 EUR Warsila 5.146.547,20 EUR 29.07-2014 5.146.547,20 EUR 0,00 ER 014/UGPFJPRRSFJ2014 DA-AA 21.120,86 EUR 21.12086 EUR Designated ceount - UGPE 21.120ß6 EUR 25-2014 21.120,MEUR 0ß00EUR 013/UGPFJPRRSE/2Gl4 Diect PaNent 447.853,00 EUR 447.853,00 EUR Watsila 447.853,00 EUR 257-2014 447.853,00 EUR 0,0 SUR 012/UGPFJPRRSF/2014 Direct Paynent 903.390,00 EUR 903.390,00 EUR Warsila 903.390,00 EUR 1445-2014 903.390,00 EUR 0,0 EUR 011/UGPFJPRRSJ2014 DirectPaynenl 461.959,60 EUR 461.959,60 EUR Wartsila 461.959,60 EUR 2M03-2014 461.95,0EUR 0,0 EUR 010/UGPFJPRRSFI2014 Direct Paynepl 1.722,644,40 EUR 1.722.644,40 EUR Warsila 1.722.844,40 EUR 13-03.2014 1.722~4,40 EUR 0,00 EUR 009/UGPE/PRRSF2014 DAM 3.670,48 EUR 36.570,48 EUR Designarldcount-UGPE 36.670,48EUR 1%03-2014 36.670,48EUR 0,00 EUR 007/UGPFJPRRSFI2014R DAAA 43.140,73 EUR 43.140,73 EUR DesignatediNecount-UGPE 43.140,73 EUR 05-02-2014 43.140,73EUR 00 EUR SUBTOTAL AMOUNTDISOURSED 2014 8,45.386,67 SUR 8.45.386,67EUR 0,00 P.,.'IiC T T -. L-iAU ...IUT g ':1 '.hi ar.! . . ' -i 6 , , pi . Jr rt DiuFFEREI.E r ".ii. 027/UGPE/RRSE/2015 DirectPayment 594.561,95EUR 594.561,95EUR Warns4a 594.561,95EUR 20-10-2015 594.561,95EUR 0,00EUR 026/UGPE/RRSE/2015 DA-AA 170.511,67 EUR 170.511,67 EUR Designated Account - UGPE 170.511,67 EUR 28-08-2015 170.511,67 EUR 0,00 EUR 0251UGPE/PRRSE/2015 DA-AA 100.369,00 EUR 100.369,00 EUR Designated kcounl - UGPE 100.369F00 EUR 28-08-2015 100.369,00 EUR 0,0 EUR 024/UGPE/PRRSE/2015 DA-AA 329.705,45 EUR 329.705,45 EUR Designated Accoun - UGPE 329.70545 EUR 28-08-2015 329.70545 EUR 0,00 EUR 23/UGPE/PRRSE/2015 Direct Payment 734.439,05 EUR 734.439,05 EUR Wartsila 734,439,05 EUR 30-7-2015 734.439,05 EUR 0,0OEUR 22 Drect Payment 1.182.292,05 EUR 1.182.292,05 EUR WarTsila 1182.292,05 EUR 25-06-2015 1.182292,05 EUR 0,00 EUR 021/RRSEUGPE/2015 Dkect Payment 740.813,35 EUR 74081335 EUR Wartsila 74013,35 EUR 21-05-2015 740.813.35 EUR 00EUR 017/UGPE/RRSE/2015 DA-AA 12.99900 EUR 12,999,00 EUR Designated Account - UGPE 12.999,00 EUR 11-05-2015 12.999,00 EUR 0,00 EUR 020/UGPEiRRSE/2015 DirectPaymenlt 895706,00 EUR 895.706,00 EUR Wartsila 895.706.00 EUR 18-03-2015 895.706,00 EUR 0,00 EUR 019/UGPEJPRRSEI2015 DirectCPayment 244 035,60 EUR 244.035,60 EUR Wartsila 244.035,60 EUR 21-01-2015 244.035,60 EUR 0,00 EUR u SDA-AA 51.028,47 EUR 51.028,47 EUR Designated kcount - UGPE 51,028,47 EUR 21-01-2015 5.028,47 EUR 0,00 EUR ARSII IGPF/PPRSF/2015 SUBTOTAL AMOUNDISBURSED 2015 5.056.461,59 EUR 5056AB1,59ElR 0,00 EU 033/UGPE/RRSE/2016 DAA 24549555EUR 245,495.55EUR DesignatedAccount-UGPE 245.495.55EUR 23-11-2016 245.495,55EUR 0,00EUR 032/UGPE/RRSE/2016 DA-AA 42121,00 EUR 42.121,00 EUR Designaled Account - UGPE 42.121,00 EUR 21-09-2016 42.121,00 EUR 0,00 EUR 031/UGPEIRRSE/2016 DirectPayment 613.88005 EUR 613.880,05 EUR Wadsila 613.880,05 EUR 03-08-2016 613.880,05 EUR 0,00 EUR 030/UGPE/RRSE/2016 DA-AA 175.414,00 EUR 175.414,00 EUR Designated Account - UGPE 175.414,00 EUR 03-08-2016 175 414,00 EUR 0,00 EUR 029/UGPEIRRSE/2016 DA-AA 289 319,34 EUR 289.319,34 EUR Designated Account - UGPE 202.523,34 EUR 25-04-2016 202.523,34 EUR 86796,00 EUR (c) 028/UGPE/RRSE/2016 DA-AA 274.256,02 EUR 274.256,02 EUR Designated kcount - UGPE 274.256,02 EUR 30-03-2016 274.256,02 EUR 0,00 EUR suBroÖL åiAOmi D'CL'R SED 2i 1.640 485.96 EUR 1 553.689.96 LUR 86.196 00 EUR TOTa AMOUT D:SSURSEn 38 754SS EUR 3865385223EUR 9113582 EUR (al Awaing WB explanan as CVE has fixed exchange ral with EUR (bl The diarence correspond f an åäaad eoadrfers b a coniact ceebraad during PPF. The nbiactwas notin the system attbe dale offie applicaion --m r-. . ,a . -j. m - . * .i (c) Amup recovery by Me WB råas b 6e inal adancte SpecialAccount Pre,ared by Rev wedt t ogTcVcd l. Tf1 /financ Offlicerr K:4r, nofi r.. ANNEXE III PHOTOS DOCUMENTANT DES REALISATIONS PHYSIQUES DU PROJET DANS L'EXERCICE - ----- - - Atelier dElectra qui a reçu les biens acquis par le Projet mentsdansVntérieurdel'atelierd'Electra *WI - . .. .