79272 Kenya: Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION ∗ Meeting of the Executive Directors June 18, 2013 Executive Directors approved the credit to the Republic of Kenya for the Kenya Water Security and Climate Resilience Project in the amount of SDR 103.4 million (US$155 million equivalent) on the payment terms and conditions set out in the President’s Memorandum (IDA/R2013-0145). Directors emphasized the vital issue of water security and climate resilience for Kenya, and welcomed the Bank’s collaboration with the Kenyan authorities on this critical agenda. They welcomed and encouraged the Government’s long-term plans for the sustainable development of water resources, while highlighting the importance of developing an overarching institutional and legal framework for investment in the sector. Directors took note of the careful analysis of risk and the measures put in place to mitigate them, underscoring the importance of governance and institutional capacity. In this regard, they called for vigilant monitoring and evaluation, as well as regular reporting. Directors appreciated the program’s potentially beneficial impact on food security, public health, improved nutrition and raising incomes and encouraged attention to land ownership issues and ensuring that gender is factored into the design and implementation of the Program. Directors welcomed the preparation of a long term framework for future safeguards management and urged maintaining high standards in this respect. Believing that the private sector could play an important role in developing water infrastructure in Kenya, Directors encouraged the IFC and MIGA to engage as early as possible. More broadly, Directors acknowledged the donor cooperation taking place on the ground and encouraged ongoing efforts in this regard. Recognizing the innovative features of this approach, Directors encouraged Management to ensure effective knowledge transfer both to inform implementation in Kenya and to replicate successes elsewhere. ∗ This summary is not an approved record.