Updated CURIP II - Health Procurement Plan on 20170508 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 19 20 Aã€?县级医疗机构设施建设County Hospital Facility 1)业主根æ?®æ‰¹å‡†çš„概算å?Šå½“å‰?进展对估算进行了更 新。è§?附件1-1. 1ï¼›Estimate updated according to approved cost 1ã€?黔江区中心医院ä½?院综å?ˆå¤§æ¥¼å»ºè®¾é¡¹ç›®Construction of Inpatient Building in Qianjiang Central Hospital estimate for preliminary design and current situation. 2)时间进度更新 Schedule updated 土建工程:土石方平整ã€?ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼çš„土建总建筑é?¢ç§¯33922.74 ㎡ã€?室外é?“è·¯ã€?绿化ã€?综å?ˆå¸ƒçº¿å?Šæ°´ç”µæ°”安装工程等 黔江中心医院Qianji 土建 POST 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 1 QJHC1 civil work civil works:earthwork, inpatient building(floor area of 56.94 8.13 NCB 2015.12.31 2016.10.9 15 ang Central 33922.74㎡),outdoor road,greening,cabling,installation of water, å?Žå®¡ Hospital Contract signed. electricy and gas supply system etc.; 2017.7 黔江中心医院Qianji ç›®å‰?正在进行施工图设计。业主将使用其他项目资金 土建 土建工程(续建部分):10- civil work 30.00 4.29 N/A N/A 2018.2.1 9 ang Central 完æˆ?本å?ˆå?Œï¼Œæ•…本å?ˆå?Œè´¹ç”¨ä¹Ÿæœªçº³å…¥å°?计。 16层。在原ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼10层的基础上进行10-16主体工程建设。 Hospital 室内装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程) 黔江中心医院Qianji 土建 POST 2 QJHC2 civil work Indoor decoration (including water, electricity, gas supply 50.30 7.19 NCB 12 ang Central system after installation of the floor switch box) å?Žå®¡ 2018.3.1 2018.10.1 Hospital 15间手术室净化室,中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“等辅助医 疗设施建设 黔江中心医院Qianji 土建 POST 3 QJHC3 civil work 15 operation /decontamination rooms; ancillary medical facilities 10.50 1.50 NCB 2018.3.1 2018.10.1 12 ang Central such as central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, å?Žå®¡ Hospital calling system and hospital track 污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 黔江中心医院Qianji 业主使用其他项目资金完æˆ?污水处ç?†ç›¸å…³å·¥ç¨‹å†…容, 土建 4 QJHC4 civil work Civil works and installation of the equipment for waste water 12.00 1.71 N/A N/A 2016.8.29 2017.1.13 6 ang Central 故该包费用未进入å°?计。 treatment Hospital WWTP is funded by other source; 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 黔江中心医院Qianji POST 5 QJHG1 货物Goods Procurement and installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 15.04 2.15 NCB 15 ang Central system å?Žå®¡ 2018.2.01 2018.7.1 Hospital 黔江中心医院Qianjia 6 QJHG2 货物Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 4.95 0.71 NBF N/A 2018.1.01 2018.5.1 5 ng Central Hospital å°?计 subtotal 137.73 19.68 1/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 2ã€?垫江县中医院内科大楼建设项目Construction of Internal Medicine Building in Dianjiang TCM Hospital 1)时间进度更新 Schedule updated 土建工程:土石方平整ã€?内科大楼土建总建筑é?¢ç§¯26991m2ã€?楼 层分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装ã€?消防设施安装;室内外装饰工程 (å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程)ã€?é?“è·¯ã€?园林绿化å?Š 管网等室外工程 土建 Civil works: earthwork, Internal Medicine Building(26991 POST 垫江县中医院Dianji 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 7 DJHC1 civil work 75.87 10.84 NCB 2015.9.10 2016.4.08 20 ang TCM Hospital m2),installation of water, electricy and gas supply system å?Žå®¡ Contract signed before switch box,installation of fire fighting facility; indoor/outdoor decoration (including intallation of water, electricity and gas supply system after swith box),road, greening and pipeline network. 土建 垫江县中医院Dianji 8 DJHC2 civil work ä¾›é…?电系统 Power supply and distribution system 4.05 0.58 NBF N/A 2017.8.15 2017.10.15 6 ang TCM Hospital 中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“等辅助医疗设施建设Ancillary 土建 POST 垫江县中医院Dianji 9 DJHC3 civil work medical facilities such as central oxygen supply, negative 2.70 0.39 Shopping 2017.6.15 2017.9.15 7 ang TCM Hospital changed to shopping,See annex 2-1 å?Žå®¡ pressure suction, calling system and track etc. 污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 虽满足询价é™?é¢?,业主ä»?决定用NCB 土建 POST 垫江县中医院Dianji 10 DJHC4 civil work Civil works and installation of the equipment for waste water 1.25 0.18 NCB 2017.7.15 2017.10.15 6 ang TCM Hospital PIU adopt NCB though estimate is lower than treatment å?Žå®¡ shopping threshold. 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 POST 垫江县中医院Dianji 11 DJHG1 货物Goods Procurement and Installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 9.44 1.35 NCB 2017.5.01 2017.9.01 14 system å?Žå®¡ ang TCM Hospital POST 垫江县中医院Dianji changed to shopping,approved by bank during MTR 12 DJHG2 货物Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 3.38 0.48 Shopping 2017.4.01 2017.5.15 5 å?Žå®¡ ang TCM Hospital mission POST 垫江县中医院Dianji 13 DJHG3 货物Goods 智能化系统Intelligent information system 9.44 1.35 NCB 2017.5.15 2017.8.15 14 å?Žå®¡ ang TCM Hospital å°?计 subtotal 106.13 15.16 2/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 3ã€?æ½¼å?—县妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢æ•´ä½“è¿?建工程建设项目Tongnan MCH 时间进度更新 Schedule updated 土建工程:土石方平整ã€?门诊ä½?院综å?ˆå¤§æ¥¼çš„土建总建筑é?¢ç§¯15 936㎡ã€?管网ã€?消防å?Šæ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装工程等( é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 特殊科室除外);电梯采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程;外墙装饰工程。 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 å?ˆå?Œå·²å®žè´¨å®Œå·¥ã€‚原å?ˆå?Œå·¥æœŸ12个月,延为15个 土建 Civil works:earthwork, outpatient/inpatient building(15936㎡), PRIOR Tongnan Maternal 月。Contract substantially completed. 14 TNHC1 civil work 29.26 4.18 NCB 2015.1.26 2015.8.28 12 Child Care and Contract period extended to 15 months pipeline network, fire fighting facitiliy, installation of water, å‰?审 Family Planning from original 12 months. electricy and gas supply system before floor switch box (except Service Center for special sections), facade decoration, procurement & installation of elevators 绿化ã€?室外é?“è·¯ã€?室内装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等 安装工程)和标识å?‘导系统(特殊科室除外) 土建 POST é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? Bid was opened on Feb.13, 2017,contract to be 15 TNHC2 civil work greening,outdoor road,Indoor decoration (including electricity, 11.66 1.67 NCB 2017.1.6 2017.4.1 8 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 signed. gas supply system after floor switch box), sign & guide system å?Žå®¡ (except for special sections) 特殊科室室内装饰工程:3间净化手术室,4间产房ã€?1间清宫室 ã€?新生儿室ã€?中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“ã€?供应室ã€?检验 室ã€?ç—…ç?†å®¤ç­‰è¾…助医疗设施建设(å?«æ°´ã€?电ã€?气安装和智能化系 统å?Šå…¶ç»¼å?ˆå¸ƒçº¿ï¼‰ Indoor decoration for special sections: 3 operation / 土建 POST é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 16 TNHC3 civil work decontamination rooms, 4 delivery rooms, 1 womb-clearing 8.17 1.17 NCB 2016.12.2 2017.4.1 8 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 Bid was opened on Mar 2, 2017..contract signed. room, newly-born baby room, anxillary medicl facilities such as å?Žå®¡ central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, calling, hospital track, supply room, lab, pathological room (including installation of water, electricity, gas, intelligent information system and cablling) 虽满足询价é™?é¢?,业主ä»?决定用NCB 污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 土建 POST é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? PIU adopt NCB though estimate is lower than 17 TNHC4 civil work Civil works and installation of equipment for waste water 1 0.14 NCB 2017.4.10 2017.6.1 6 treatment å?Žå®¡ å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 shopping threshold..bid announcement has be published estimate updated。Talked with bank during 智能化系统å?Šç»¼å?ˆå¸ƒçº¿ï¼ˆç‰¹æ®Šç§‘室除外)Intelligent information POST é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 18 TNHG1 货物Goods 11.6 1.66 NCB 2017.2.20 2017.5.1 7 bank's MTR mission .See annex 3-1.bid system and cablling (except for special sections) å?Žå®¡ å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 announcement has be published ä¾›é…?电系统采购å?Šå®‰è£…(施工用电)Procurement and é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 19 TNHG2-1 货物Goods installation of power supply & distribution system(for 0.41 0.06 NBF N/A 2015.6 2015.7.1 2 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 construction ) ä¾›é…?电系统采购å?Šå®‰è£…(医院用电)Procurement and é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 20 TNHG2-2 货物Goods installation of power supply & distribution system(for hospital 4.64 0.66 NBF N/A 2017.3 2017.4.10 2 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 operation) 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 PRIOR é‡?庆市潼å?—区妇幼ä¿? 21 TNHG3 货物Goods Procurement and Installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 6.7 0.96 NCB 2016.3.22 2016.7.26 12 å?¥è®¡åˆ’生育æœ?务中心 Contract signed. system å‰?审 å°?计 subtotal 73.44 10.49 3/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 1)根æ?®å½“å‰?进展对估算进行了更新。 4ã€?巫山县中医院江东新区建设工程Wushan TCH Hospital 1ï¼›Estimate updated according to current situation. 2)时间进度更新 Schedule updated 土建 PRIOR 巫山县中医院Wusha 已完工。 22 WSHC1 civil work 土石方工程 Earth work 12.45 1.78 NCB 2014.9.25 2015.3.8 5 n TCM Hospital å‰?审 Work completed 土建工程:门诊楼ã€?ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼ã€?医技楼ã€?ä¿?éšœæœ?务楼和车库的 土建总建筑é?¢ç§¯21951㎡ã€?å?«å®¤å¤–é?“è·¯ã€?室外管网ã€?综å?ˆå¸ƒçº¿å?Š 楼层分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装工程等 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚原å?ˆå?Œå·¥æœŸä¸º12个月,预计延为18个月 土建 Civil works: outpatient building, inpatient building , medcial POST 巫山县中医院Wusha 。 23 WSHC2 39.32 5.62 NCB 2016.6.7 2016.9.20 12 civil work technology building, logistics building and å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital Contract signed.Original contract period is 12 garage(21951㎡),including outdoor road,pipeline network, months, expected to be extended to 18 months. cablling, installation of water, electricity and gas supply system before floor switch box 室内装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程)Indoor 智能化å?•ç‹¬æˆ?包。 土建 POST 巫山县中医院Wusha 24 WSHC3 decoration (including water,electricity, gas supply system after 20.29 2.90 NCB 2017.8.20 2018.3.20 14 Intelligent information system to be taken out civil work floor switch box) å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital as an individual contract. See annex 4-2 6 间手术室净化室,中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“等辅助医疗 土建 设施建设 POST 巫山县中医院Wusha 25 WSHC4 5.30 0.76 NCB 2017.10.20 2018.3.20 12 civil work 6 operation/decontamination rooms, procurement and å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital installation of ancillary medical facility such as central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, calling system and track. 医疗污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 虽满足询价é™?é¢?,业主ä»?决定用NCB 土建 POST 巫山县中医院Wusha 26 WSHC5 Civil works and installation of the equipment for waste water 1.50 0.21 NCB 2017.12.20 2018.3.20 6 PIU adopt NCB though estimate is lower than civil work treatment å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital shopping threshold. 土建 巫山县中医院Wusha 27 WSHC6 景观绿化 Landscape greening 1.20 0.17 NBF N/A 2018.6.20 2018.9.20 6 civil work n TCM Hospital ä¾›é…?电系统采购å?Šå®‰è£…Procurement and installation of power 巫山县中医院Wusha 28 WSHG1 货物Goods 4.00 0.57 NBF N/A 2018.1.01 2018.3.20 6 Changed to NBF. è§?附件4-1 supply & distribution system n TCM Hospital 地æº?热泵通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 PRIOR 巫山县中医院Wusha 29 WSHG2 货物Goods Procurement and installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 6.21 0.89 NCB 2017.9.20 2018.4.20 12 å‰?审 n TCM Hospital system for geothermal heat pump 改为询价采购。 POST 巫山县中医院Wusha changed to shopping,approved by bank during 30 WSHG3 货物Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 3.00 0.43 Shopping 2017.6.20 2017.9.20 4 å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital bank's MTR mission. estimate updated, see annex 4-3 POST 巫山县中医院Wusha separated out from WSHC3 Decoration 31 WSHG4 货物Goods 智能化系统Intelligent information system 5.00 0.71 NCB 2017.8.20 2018.3.20 14 å?Žå®¡ n TCM Hospital Contract ,see annex 4-2 å°?计 subtotal 98.27 14.04 4/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 1)按照概算批å¤?调整å?ˆå?ŒåŒ…金é¢?,详è§?附件5- 1ï¼›Contract cost estimate is updated according to 5ã€?涪陵区人民医院ä½?院综å?ˆå¤§æ¥¼å»ºè®¾é¡¹ç›®Construction of the Inpatient Building in Fuling People's Hospital cost estimate approval 2)时间进度调整 Schedule updated 土建工程:土石方平整ã€?ä½?院综å?ˆå¤§æ¥¼åœŸå»ºæ€»å»ºç­‘é?¢ç§¯22253.66 m2ã€?楼层分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装工程ã€?é?“è·¯ã€?绿化管网等室 涪陵区人民医院Fuli 土建 外工程等 POST 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 32 FLHC1 civil work 59.65 8.52 NCB 2016.3.25 2016.10.08 12 ng People's Civil works:earthwork, inpatient building 22253.66 m2, å?Žå®¡ Hospital Contract signed. installation of water, electricy and gas supply system before floor switch box; road, greening, pipeline network etc 室内装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程) 涪陵区人民医院Fuli 土建 POST 33 FLHC2 civil work Indoor decoration (including water, electricity, gas supply 17.66 2.52 NCB 2017.8.08 2017.12.08 14 ng People's system after switch box) å?Žå®¡ Hospital 手术室净化室,中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“等辅助医疗设 土建 施建设 涪陵区人民医院Fuli POST 34 FLHC3 civil work Operation/decontamination rooms; ancillary medical facilities 11.88 1.70 NCB 2017.8.08 2017.12.08 14 ng People's such as central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, å?Žå®¡ Hospital calling system and track. 业主使用é?žä¸–行资金完æˆ?。 污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 涪陵区人民医院Fuli 土建 已于2014å¹´8月完工 35 FLHC4 civil work Civil works and installation of equipment for waste water 1.20 0.17 NBF N/A 2013.11.10 2014.2.10 6 ng People's WWTP is funded by other source; treatment Hospital Work completed in Aug 2014. 涪陵区人民医院Fuli 土建 旧建筑拆除工程 36 FLHC5 civil work Demolishment of existing buildings 0.32 0.05 NBF N/A 2019.6.1 2019.7.1 2 ng People's Hospital 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 涪陵区人民医院Fuli POST 37 FLHG1 货物Goods Procurement and installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 10.68 1.53 NCB 2017.8.8 2017.12.8 14 ng People's system å?Žå®¡ Hospital 改为询价采购。 POST 涪陵区人民医院Fuli changed to shopping, approved by bank during 38 FLHG2 货物Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 3.50 0.50 Shopping 2017.6.1 2017.8.1 7 ng People's å?Žå®¡ Hospital bank's MTR mission. estimate updated, see annex 5-2 å°?计 subtotal 104.89 14.98 5/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 1.本项目内容包括1)由世行贷款的城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院 ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼å»ºè®¾é¡¹ç›®ï¼›å?Š2)使用中央资金建设的城 å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院门急诊楼建设项目 CKHC project includesWB funded part and Central 6ã€?城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼å»ºè®¾é¡¹ç›®Construction of the Inpatient Building in Chengkou People's Hospital Government funded part. 2.时间进度调整 Schedule updated 3。根æ?®å½“å‰?进展对估算进行了更新。 3.Estimate updated according to current situation 土建工程:土石方ã€?ä½?院综å?ˆæ¥¼åœŸå»ºæ€»å»ºç­‘é?¢ç§¯35610.53 平方米ã€?楼层分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装工程ã€?é?“è·¯ã€?绿化ã€?管 网等室外工程;污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡ï¼› 城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院Chen 土建 POST 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 39 CKHC1 civil work Civil works: earthwork, inpatient building (35610.53m2) 81.24 11.61 NCB 2015.12.23 2016.8.17 16 gkou People's ,installation of water, electricy and gas supply system before å?Žå®¡ Hospital Contract signed. floor switch box; road, greening, pipeline network; WWTP construction and equipment supply & installation 装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程)Decoration 城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院Chen 土建 POST 40 CKHC2 civil work works(including water, electricity, gas supply system after 31.43 4.49 NCB 2017.7.1 2017.12.17 16 gkou People's switch box) å?Žå®¡ Hospital 手术室净化室,中心供氧ã€?负压å?¸å¼•ã€?呼å?«ã€?轨é?“等辅助医疗设 施建设 城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院Chen 土建 POST 41 CKHC3 civil work operation/decontamination rooms; ancillary medical facilities 10.00 1.43 NCB 2017.7.17 2017.12.17 12 gkou People's such as central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, å?Žå®¡ Hospital calling system and hospital track 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院Chen 货物 POST 42 CKHG1 Goods Procurement and installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 9.14 1.31 NCB 2017.7.1 2017.12.17 15 gkou People's system å?Žå®¡ Hospital 城å?£åŽ¿äººæ°‘医院Chen 改为询价。 货物 POST 43 CKHG2 Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 4.05 0.58 Shopping 2017.5.30 2017.7.30 6 gkou People's changed to shopping,approved by bank å?Žå®¡ Hospital during bank's MTR mission. å°?计 subtotal 135.86 19.41 6/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 7ã€?酉阳县人民医院门急诊综å?ˆæ¥¼å·¥ç¨‹å»ºè®¾é¡¹ç›®Construction of the Outpatient/Emergency Building in Youyang People's Hospital 1)时间进度调整 Schedule updated 土建工程。门急诊综å?ˆæ¥¼åœŸå»ºæ€»å»ºç­‘é?¢ç§¯ï¼š 21391.32平方米。平基土石方工程ã€?基å?‘工程ã€?幕墙安装工程( å?«å¤–墙装饰工程)ã€?低压é…?电工程ã€?å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气 等安装工程ã€?室外é?“è·¯ã€?广场ã€?绿化 POST 酉阳县人民医院Youy 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 土建 44 YYHC1 civil work Civil works:outpatient/emergency building (21391.32m2), 49.30 7.04 NCB 2015.11.27 2016.8.16 15 ang People's Contract signed. earthwork, foundation pit, curtain wall (including facade å?Žå®¡ Hospital decoration), power distribution system, installation of water, electricy and gas supply system before floor switch box; outdoor road, square, greening. 装饰工程:内装饰工程,(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工 程,中心供氧和负压å?¸å¼•ç­‰è¾…助医疗设施建设ã€?智能化安装工程 ã€?导视标识系统安装工程等) Decoration works: indoor decoration (including installation of POST 酉阳县人民医院Youy 土建 45 YYHC2 civil work 23.80 3.40 NCB 2017.9.30 2018.2.16 12 ang People's water, electricity and gas supply system; equipment installation å?Žå®¡ Hospital of ancilliary medical facilities such as central oxygen supply, negative pressure suction, intelligent information system, sign & guide system) 业主使用其他项目资金完æˆ?,故该包费用未进入å°?计 。 酉阳县人民医院Youy Septic tank is funded by other sources; thus this 土建 46 YYHC3 civil work 化粪池 Septic tank 0.80 0.11 N/A N/A 2014.09 2014.10.10 6 ang People's contract amount will be excluded from the overall Hospital cost of YYHC 于2014å¹´11月开工,2015å¹´5月竣工 Started in Nov 2014 and completed in May 2015 污水处ç?†ç«™åœŸå»ºéƒ¨åˆ†ä»Žä¸»ä½“å?ˆå?ŒåŒ…分离,与原污水处 ç?†è®¾å¤‡å?ˆå?Œå?¦æˆ?一个å?ˆå?ŒåŒ…YYHC4,详è§?附件7- 1.Civil works for waste water is taken out and forms an individual contract package of YYHC4 together 污水处ç?†è®¾æ–½åœŸå»ºã€?设备供货与安装 酉阳县人民医院Youy 土建 POST with equipment for waste water, see annex 7- 47 YYHC4 civil work Civil work of waste water treatment, equipment supply and 1.30 0.19 NCB 2017.7.15 2017.10.15 7 ang People's 1业主正会å?Œè®¾è®¡æœ€ç»ˆç¡®å®šæ±¡æ°´å¤„ç?†æ–¹æ¡ˆã€‚PIU is installation å?Žå®¡ Hospital considering waste water method. Cost estimate to be updated. Procurement method to be finallized based on process selected采购方å¼?视所选方案确定。 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 酉阳县人民医院Youy POST 48 YYHG1 货物Goods Procurement and installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 6.02 0.86 NCB 2017.9.01 2018.2.16 12 ang People's system å?Žå®¡ Hospital POST 酉阳县人民医院Youy 改为询价采购。 电梯采购与安装 49 YYHG2 货物Goods 2.16 0.31 Shopping 2017.5.01 2017.8.01 6 ang People's Changed to shopping ,approved by bank during procurement and installation of elevators å?Žå®¡ Hospital bank's MTR mission. å°?计 subtotal 82.58 11.80 7/8 招标å‰? ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 事å‰?/事å?Žå®¡ åº?å?· å?ˆå?Œç¼–å?· å?ˆå?Œç±»åˆ« å?ˆå?Œæ??è¿° ä¼°ç®—æˆ?本 采购方å¼?/选择方å¼? 预计招标日期 预计开工日期 预计工期 (月) 实施机构 备注 (百万美元) 查 (百万元) Estimated Estimated Estimated Start Contract Contract Cost Before Estimated Pre/Post Estimated Consctruction No. Contract Description NCB/ICB Tendering Date of the PIU Notes No. Category Bidding Costs (US$mil) Review Time (Month) Date Constrution (RMB Mil) 1)按照概算批å¤?调整å?ˆå?ŒåŒ…金é¢?,详è§?附件8- 1。Contract amount is updated according to cost 8ã€?万州区妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢è¿?建项目Wanzhou Maternal & Child Care Hospital estimate approval; see annex 8-1 ; 2)时间进度更新 Schedule updated 土建 土石方工程å?ŠåŸºå?‘支护 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 50 WZHC1 civil work Earthwork and foundation pit support 11.59 1.66 NBF N/A 2015.8 2015.10.10 3 hou MCH 已完工 Work completed 土建工程,建筑é?¢ç§¯ä¸º71920.03m2(主体工程ã€?室外é?“è·¯ã€?综 å?ˆç®¡ç½‘å?Šæ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å‰?的水电气等安装工程) 土建 POST 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 已签订å?ˆå?Œã€‚ 51 WZHC2 civil work Civil works: construction area is 71920.03m2, includes main 103.24 14.75 NCB 2016.4.30 2016.11.10 18 building, outdoor road, pipeline network and installation of å?Žå®¡ hou MCH Contract signed. water, electricy and gas supply system before floor switch box 装饰工程(å?«æ¥¼å±‚分é…?箱以å?Žçš„水电气等安装工程,特殊科室装 ä¿®å?«æ‰‹æœ¯å®¤ã€?产房ã€?ICUã€?检验室ã€?消毒供应室ã€?强弱电系统ã€? 土建 智能化系统)Decoration works (including water, electricity, gas 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 52 WZHC3 civil work 80.76 11.54 NBF N/A 2018.2.10 2018.8.10 16 hou MCH supply system after switch box,special departments decoration including OR, delivery room, ICU, lab,sterile room, HV/LV system, intelligent system ) 土建 消防系统 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 53 WZHC4 civil work Fire-fighting system 9.18 1.31 NBF N/A 2017.9.15 2017.12.15 8 hou MCH 土建 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 54 WZHC5 civil work 绿化工程 Greening 2.11 0.30 NBF N/A 2019.5.01 2019.8.01 6 hou MCH 污水处ç?†åœŸå»ºå?Šè®¾å¤‡å®‰è£… 土建 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 55 WZHC6 civil work Civil works and installation of the equipment for waste water 3.50 0.50 NBF N/A 2018.11.1 2019.1.1 6 hou MCH treatment 供氧å?Šè´ŸåŽ‹è®¾æ–½ 土建 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 56 WZHC7 civil work procurement and installation of ancillary medical facility such as 2.50 0.36 NBF N/A 2018.1.1 2018.3.10 8 hou MCH oxygen supply, negative pressure suction 通风空调采购å?Šå®‰è£…工程 POST 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 57 WZHG1 货物Goods Procurement and Installation of ventilation and air-conditioning 17.26 2.47 NCB 2018.2.1 2018.7.31 15 system å?Žå®¡ hou MCH 医疗家具 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 58 WZHG2 货物Goods Medical furniture 1.00 0.14 NBF N/A 2019.11.10 2020.1.10 2 hou MCH 万州妇幼ä¿?å?¥é™¢Wanz 59 WZHG3 货物Goods 电梯采购与安装procurement and installation of elevators 10.48 1.50 NBF N/A 2017.9.1 2017.11.1 6 hou MCH å°?计subtotal 241.62 34.52 基建投资å?ˆè®¡ Total civil works construction costs: 980.52 140.07 8/8