Details of the procurement arrangements involving international competition Goods, works, and nonconsulting services: List of Contract Packages to Be Procured Following ICB, NCB, and Direct Contracting: Estimated Procure- Review Expected Ref. P- Com- Cost ment by Bid No. Contract (Description) Q ments (US$) Method Bank Opening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. Goods and Works (a) List of contract Packages which would be procured following ICB and NCB : Component A: Urban Water Supply Forages 1 Travaux de réalisation de sept (07) forages à 27 Tassette et quatre (04) SONE 1 865 000 NCB NO POST octobre nouveaux forages à S 2015 Mbour, Somone et Nguékhokh Equipement des forages 2 Travaux d'équipement de 27 sept (07) forages et une SONE 3 630 000 NCB NO POST octobre station de pompage à S 2015 Tassette 3 Travaux d'équipement de 02 cinq (05) forages et une SONE 3 610 000 NCB NO POST décembre station de pompage à Mbour, S 2015 Somone et Nguékhokh Génie-civil des réservoirs et châteaux d’eau 4 Travaux de construction d'un 11 SONE réservoir au sol de capacité 4 310 000 NCB NO POST novembre S 20 000 m3 à THIES 2015 5 Travaux de trois (03) 11 châteaux d'eau à Mbodiéne, SONE 5 430 000 NCB NO POST novembre Pointe Sarène et Nguekhoh S 2015 de capacité respective de 2000 m3, 1500 m3 et 1100 Estimated Procure- Review Expected Ref. P- Com- Cost ment by Bid No. Contract (Description) Q ments (US$) Method Bank Opening 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 m3 Canalisations 6 F&P de canalisations de transfert en fonte ductile DN 11 600/700 mm entre le centre 21 670 SONE ICB NO PRIOR novembre de captage de Tassette et les 000 S 2015 réservoirs de Thiès et DN700 entre Mbour et Mbodiéne Remise à niveau des installations hydrauliques de Nguekhokh 7 Travaux de mise à niveau du 17 SONE réseau hydraulique de la 980 000 NCB NO POST novembre S localité de Nguékhoh 2015 Branchements sociaux 8 Travaux de fourniture et pose SONE de 20000 branchements 4 830 000 ED NO PRIOR NA S/ Sociaux et 160 km SDE d'extensions Component B – Urban Sanitation Joal-Fadiouth Travaux d'assainissement de 30 août ONAS 1 9 110 000 NCB NO POST Joal-Fadiouth 2015 2 Réalisation des ouvrages 31 juillet d’assainissement 420 000 NCB NO POST ONAS 2015 individuel Branchements sociaux 3 Travaux de branchements 30 sociaux dans les villes 5 890 000 NCB NO POST octobre ONAS assainies 2015 Component C -Institutional strengthening and capacity building 1 Acquisition de 6 UCP/ 18 piézomètres pour le 380 000 NCB NO POST septembr DGPR compte de la DGPRE e2015 E 2 Acquisition de matériels de 3 UCP / mesure de 50 000 NCB NO POST septembr DGPR télétransmission pour le e2015 E compte de la DGPRE 3 Acquisition de véhicules 15 août 114 000 NCB NO POST UCP 2015 4 Acquisition de matériels 15 août 20 000 Shopping NO POST UCP informatiques 2015 5 Acquisition de mobilier et 15 août 13 000 Shopping NO POST UCP matériel de bureau 2015 6 Acquisition de 31 août consommables 20 000 Shopping NO POST UCP juin 2015 informatiques 7 31 août Assurance 6 000 Shopping NO POST UCP 2015 8 10 Séminaires et ateliers 60 000 Shopping NO POST octobre UCP 2015 Note: ICB: International Competitive Bidding NCB: National Competitive Bidding Consulting Services: Estimate Expected Ref Selectio Review d Cost Proposal Com- . Description of Assignment n by the Submissio ments No. (US$) Method Bank n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 Consulting Services (a) List of Consulting Assignments with short-lists including international /national firms. Component A: Urban Water Supply 1 Contrôle et Supervision des travaux 24 août 860 000 QCBS PRIOR SONES de la zone de THIES-TASSETTE 2015 2 Contrôle et Supervision des travaux 31 août de la zone de MBOUR-MBODIENE- 860 000 QCBS PRIOR SONES 2015 NGUEKHOH 3 Contrôle technique des travaux des 5 octobre zones de TASSETTE et MBOUR- 130 000 QCBS POST SONES 2015 MBODIENE-NGUEKHOH 4 Etude d'un schéma directeur d'adduction et de distribution autour 24 août 690 000 QCBS PRIOR SONES des pôles urbains de Dakar et de la 2015 Petite Côte Component B – Urban Sanitation 5 Réalisation des études 15 août techniques détaillées du PDA de 430 000 QCBS PRIOR ONAS 2015 Dakar Est 6 Contrôle et la supervision des 15 août 430 000 QCBS PRIOR ONAS travaux à Joal-Fadiouth 2015 7 Contrôle et la supervision de la réalisation des Branchements 15 août 270 000 QCBS POST ONAS Sociaux (pour la totalité du 2015 territoire) 8 IEC à Joal-Fadiouth 31 juillet 160 000 QCBS POST ONAS 2015 9 IEC pour les Branchements 31 juillet 90,000 QCBS POST ONAS Sociaux 2015 Estimate Expected Ref Selectio Review d Cost Proposal Com- . Description of Assignment n by the Submissio ments No. Method Bank (US$) n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Component C -Institutional strengthening and capacity building 1 Etude hydrogéologique 31 octobre UCP / complémentaire du système du 310 000 QCBS PRIOR 2015 DGPRE Horst de Ndiass 2 Actualisation du SIG par 15 août l’intégration de Joal-Fadiouth 85 000 CQ POST UCP 2015 (assistance technique à l’ONAS) 3 Mise à jour du cadre institutionnel (contrat de performance Etat / ONAS, 15 août 85 000 CQ POST UCP contrat de performance des 2015 opérateurs privés) (assistance technique à l’ONAS) 4 Etude institutionnelle pour la 15 juin 520 000 QCBS PRIOR UCP réforme de la 2ème génération 2015 5 Etudes stratégiques d’appui à l’OFOR pour la mise en œuvre 15 juillet 430 000 QCBS PRIOR UCP de la réforme de l’hydraulique 2015 rurale 6 Appui à la mise en œuvre du 15 juin 340 000 IC PRIOR UCP PGES 2015 15 avril 7 Enquêtes de satisfaction 170 000 CQ POST UCP 2017 15 juin 8 Audit des comptes du Projet 40 000 QCBS POST UCP 2015 QCBS = Quality- and cost-based selection CQ = Selection based on consultants’ qualifications IC = Individual Consultant Thresholds for Procurement Methods and Prior Review Contract Value Expenditure Procurement Contract Subject to (Threshold, Category Method Prior Review US$) 1. Works ≥ 10,000,000 ICB All <10,000,000 (*) NCB <100,000 At least 3 Quotations No threshold Direct contracting All 2. Goods ≥ 1 000,000 ICB All <1 000,000 (*) NCB < 50,000 Shopping No No threshold Direct contracting All 3.Consultants Firms QCBS >300,000 FBS All QBS QCBS <300,000 CQ LCS Individuals > 100,000 IC (at least 3 CVs) All < 100,000 IC (at least 3 CVs) No Single Source No threshold (Selection Firms & All Individuals) All ToRs regardless of the value of the contract are subject to prior review. (*) In specific circumstances, for example, when there is no sufficient number of qualified firms to ensure competition in the local context, the ICB will apply even if the estimated amount is below the thresholds. PROCUREMENT Senegal : Senegal Urban Water and Sanitation Project PLAN General Information Country: Senegal Banks Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2016-09-16 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) 2017-10-17 Project ID: P150351 GPN Date: Project Name: Senegal Urban Water and Sanitation Project Loan / Credit No: IDA / 56730 Executing Agency(ies): URBAN WATER AND SANITATION PROJECT WORKS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual 01-TVX-NCB-2016 / Lot1 Travaux d Equipement de sept forages et une station de pompage a Tassette et Lot2 Single Stage - One Pending Travaux d equipement de quatre IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 7,240,000.00 0.00 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 Envelope Implementation forages a Mbour Somone et Nguekhokh reequipement du F3 de Somone et station de pompage 02-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux de construction d un reservoir au Single Stage - One Under IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Request for Bids Open - National 4,310,000.00 0.00 2016-08-10 2017-01-31 2016-08-15 2017-02-19 2016-09-26 2017-04-12 2016-10-26 2017-06-27 2016-11-30 2017-05-29 sol de capacite 20 000 m3 a Envelope Implementation Thies 03-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux des 3 chateaux d eau de capacite de 2000 m3 et 1100 m3 a Mbodiene Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,430,000.00 0.00 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 et nguekhokh et 1500 m3 a Envelope Implementation pointe sarene et sa conduite de raccordement 05-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux de mise a niveau du reseau Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 980,000.00 0.00 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 hydraulique de la localite de Envelope Implementation Nguekhokh 06-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux de Single Stage - One Pending branchements sociaux dans les IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,890,000.00 0.00 2016-09-30 2016-10-05 2016-11-16 2016-12-16 2017-01-20 2017-07-19 Envelope Implementation villes assainies 07-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux de realisation de sept forages a Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,865,000.00 0.00 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 Tassette et quatre nouveaux a Envelope Implementation Mbour Somone Nguekhokh 10-TVX-NCB-2016 / Realisation Single Stage - One Pending des ouvrages dassainissement IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Request for Bids Open - National 420,000.00 0.00 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 Envelope Implementation individuel 09-TVX-NCB-2016 / Travaux d Single Stage - One IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Request for Bids Open - National 9,110,000.00 9,963,301.48 Signed 2016-07-28 2015-09-22 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-01-20 2016-10-13 2016-03-11 2016-11-17 2016-05-24 2017-05-16 assainissement de Joal Fadiouth Envelope 08-BIS-TVX-ED-2016 / TRAVAUX DE FOURNITURE ET Pending POSE DE 20.000 IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Direct Selection Direct 4,830,000.00 0.00 2016-02-01 2016-02-01 2016-04-29 2016-06-22 Implementation BRANCHEMENTS SOCIAUX ET 160 Km d extension 04-BIS-TVX-ICB-2016 / FOURN ET POSE DE CANALISATIONS DE TRANSFERT EN FONTE DUCTILE DN600/700 ENTRE Single Stage - One CENTRE DE CAPTAGE IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Request for Bids Open - International 21,670,000.00 11,515,675.16 Signed 2016-05-20 2016-06-20 2016-08-10 2016-10-17 2017-02-06 2016-11-14 2017-01-09 2017-11-14 Envelope TASSETTE ET LES RESERVOIR DE THIES ET DN700 ENTRE MBOUR ET MBODIENE 04-TVX-ICB-2016 / F&P de canalisations de transfert en fonte ductile DN 600/700 entre le Single Stage - One IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Request for Bids Open - International 21,670,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-13 2016-08-10 2016-10-13 2016-11-17 2017-05-16 centre de captage de Tassette et Envelope les reservoirs de Thies et DN 700 entre Mbour et Mbodiene 08-TVX-ED-2016 / Travaux de fourniture et pose de 20 000 IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Direct Selection Direct 4,830,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-02 2016-09-06 2017-03-05 branchements sociaux et 160 Km d extension SN-PEAMU-3909-CW-RFB / Travaux complémentaire de Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,252,881.00 0.00 2017-01-20 2017-01-25 2017-03-08 2017-04-07 2017-05-12 2017-11-08 drainage au niveau des réseaux Envelope Implementation eaux usées de Joal SN-PEAMU-3899-CW-RFB / Renforcement de l'AEP de Ndiock SALL avec la Single Stage - One Pending construction d'un Château d'eau IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,454,545.00 0.00 2017-02-03 2017-02-08 2017-03-22 2017-04-21 2017-05-26 2017-11-22 Envelope Implementation de 800 m3, le renforcement de la conduite d'adduction et la réhabilitation de réseaux SN-PEAMU-3898-CW-RFB / Single Stage - One Pending Realisation de 3 nouveaux IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 818,181.00 0.00 2017-07-17 2017-07-22 2017-09-02 2017-10-02 2017-11-06 2018-05-05 Envelope Implementation forages a Tassette SN-PEAMU-20753-CW-RFB / travaux d equipement de 3 Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 1,654,545.00 0.00 2017-09-11 2017-09-16 2017-10-28 2017-11-27 2018-01-01 2018-06-30 forages et d extension de la Envelope Implementation station de pompage Page 1 SN-PEAMU-29162-CW-RFB / lot1 : travaux d'equipement de dix (10) forages et une station de pompage a Tassette lot2 : travaux d'equipement de Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 8,894,545.00 0.00 2017-11-30 2017-12-05 2018-01-16 2018-02-15 2018-03-22 2018-09-18 quatre (04) forages a Mbour Envelope Implementation Somone et Nguekhokh, reequipement du F3 de Somone et station de pompage (le libellé a change) SN-PEAMU-32523-CW-RFB / travaux d'equipement de dix (10) Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 5,282,908.00 0.00 2017-10-18 2017-10-23 2017-12-04 2018-01-03 2018-02-07 2018-08-06 forages et une station de Envelope Implementation pompage a Tassette SN-PEAMU-32526-CW-RFB / travaux d'equipement de cinq (05) forages a Mbour Somone et Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Request for Bids Open - National 3,611,637.00 0.00 2018-02-28 2018-03-05 2018-04-16 2018-05-16 2018-06-20 2018-12-17 Nguekhokh, reequipement du F3 Envelope Implementation de Somone et station de pompage GOODS Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual 01-FOURN-SHOP-2016 / Component 3: Institutional Acquisition de materiels de Request for Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 50,000.00 0.00 2016-10-21 2016-12-16 2017-06-14 mesure de teletransmission pour Quotations Envelope Implementation Management le compte de la DGPRE 02-FOURN-SHOP-2016 / Lot1- Acquisition de materiels Component 3: Institutional Request for Single Stage - One Pending informatiques IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 40,000.00 0.00 2016-09-02 2016-10-28 2017-04-26 Quotations Envelope Implementation Lot2- Acquisition de Management consommables informatiques 03-FOURN-SHOP-2016 / Component 3: Institutional Request for Single Stage - One Pending Acquisition de mobiliers de IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 13,000.00 0.00 2016-10-21 2016-12-16 2017-06-14 Quotations Envelope Implementation bureau Management Component 3: Institutional 04-FOURN-NCB-2016 / Single Stage - One Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Request for Bids Open - National 114,000.00 0.00 2016-08-11 2016-08-16 2016-09-27 2016-10-27 2016-12-01 2017-05-30 Acquisition de vehicules Envelope Implementation Management 11-FOUR-NCB-2016 / Component 3: Institutional Single Stage - One Pending Acquisition de 6 piezometres IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Request for Bids Open - National 380,000.00 0.00 2016-10-17 2016-10-22 2016-12-03 2017-01-02 2017-02-06 2017-08-05 Envelope Implementation pour le compte de la DGPRE Management NON CONSULTING SERVICES Activity Reference No. / Bid Evaluation Report Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Draft Bidding Document Specific Procurement Bidding Documents as Proposal Submission / Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach and Recommendation Signed Contract Contract Completion Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report / Justification Notice / Invitation Issued Opening / Minutes for Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Technical Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual 09-CONS-QC-2016 / controle et Consultant supervision de la realisation des Under IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Qualification Open - National 270,000.00 0.00 2016-08-12 2016-10-06 2016-09-02 2016-10-16 2016-11-15 2016-12-20 2017-06-18 branchements sociaux pour la Implementation Selection totalite du territoire 14-CONS-QC-2016 / Etude APD pour les travaux de Component 3: Institutional Consultant Pending renouvellement et dOptimisation IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Qualification Open - International 290,000.00 0.00 2016-08-14 2016-09-04 2016-10-18 2016-11-17 2016-12-22 2017-06-20 Implementation des ouvrages dans les regions de Management Selection Saint-Louis et Matam 17-CONS-QC-2016 / Component 3: Institutional Consultant Pending Communication sur la reforme de IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Qualification Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 2016-08-21 2016-09-11 2016-10-25 2016-11-24 2016-12-29 2017-06-27 Implementation lHydraulique rurale Management Selection Component 3: Institutional Consultant 18-CONS-QC-2016 / Enquetes Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Qualification Open - National 170,000.00 0.00 2016-09-19 2016-10-10 2016-11-23 2016-12-23 2017-01-27 2017-07-26 de satisfaction Implementation Management Selection Component 3: Institutional 19-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Audit Quality And Cost- Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Open - National 40,000.00 0.00 2016-09-05 2016-09-26 2016-11-09 2016-12-07 2017-01-06 2017-02-10 2017-03-17 2018-03-17 des comptes du projet Based Selection Implementation Management Consultant 11-CONS-QC-2016 / IEC pour Under IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Qualification Open - National 90,000.00 0.00 2016-10-26 les branchements sociaux Implementation Selection 03-CONS-QC-2016 / Controle Consultant technique des travaux des zones Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 130,000.00 0.00 2016-09-28 2016-10-19 2016-12-02 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2017-08-04 de Tassete Mbour Mbodiene Implementation Selection Nguekhkokh 04-CONS-QC-2016 / Component 3: Institutional Consultant Actualisation du SIG par Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Qualification Open - National 85,000.00 0.00 2016-11-14 2016-12-05 2017-01-18 2017-02-17 2017-03-24 2017-09-20 lintegration de Joal Fadiouth - Implementation Management Selection Assistance technique a ONAS 05-CONS-QC-2016 / Consultant Recrutement dun consultant pour Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 60,000.00 0.00 2016-09-28 2016-10-19 2016-12-02 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2017-08-04 la realisation du plan simplifie de Implementation Selection reinstallation de lAEP de Tasette Page 2 Consultant 10-CONS-QC-2016 / IEC a Joal Pending IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Post Qualification Open - National 160,000.00 0.00 2016-09-28 2016-10-19 2016-12-02 2017-01-01 2017-02-05 2017-08-04 Fadiouth Implementation Selection 21-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Etude Component 3: Institutional Quality And Cost- institutionnelle pour la reforme de IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Prior Open - International 520,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-11 2016-09-01 2016-10-15 2016-11-12 2016-12-12 2017-01-16 2017-02-20 2018-02-20 Based Selection 2e generation Management 01-BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / CONTROLE ET SUPERVISION Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 860,000.00 783,882.70 Signed 2015-07-21 2015-09-01 2016-07-04 2016-08-24 2016-10-20 2016-12-30 2017-03-08 2017-01-12 2017-05-15 2017-03-13 DES TRAVAUX DE LA ZONE Based Selection THIES TASSET 02-BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / CONTROLE ET SUPERVISION Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 860,000.00 1,344,023.10 Signed 2015-08-18 2015-08-28 2016-07-18 2016-08-24 2016-11-15 2016-12-30 2017-03-08 2017-02-03 2017-05-15 2017-04-04 DES TRAVAUX DE MBOUR Based Selection MBODIENE ET NGUEKHOH 06-BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / ETUDE D UN SCHEMQ DIRECTEUR D QDDUCTION ET Quality And Cost- Pending DE DISTRIBUTION AUTOUR IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 690,000.00 0.00 2015-05-19 2015-06-10 2015-10-16 2015-12-23 2016-02-23 2016-06-01 2016-06-20 2017-06-20 Based Selection Implementation DES POLES URBAINS DE DAKAR ET DE LA PETITE COTE 20BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Component 3: Institutional ETUDE HYDROGEOLOGIQUE Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Prior Open - International 310,000.00 425,557.26 Signed 2015-08-24 2015-09-04 2016-03-11 2016-04-18 2016-06-01 2016-08-08 2017-02-06 2016-08-31 2016-07-04 2018-08-31 COMPLEMENTAIRE DU Based Selection Management SYSTEME HORST DE NDIASS 07-BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Component 3: Institutional REALISATION DES ETUDES Quality And Cost- Under IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Prior Open - International 430,000.00 258,415.98 2015-06-02 2015-06-16 2015-11-28 2016-03-07 2016-06-23 2016-10-26 2016-11-08 2016-11-30 2017-11-30 TECHNIQUES DETAILLEES DU Based Selection Implementation Management PDA DAKAR EST 08-BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Quality And Cost- Under CONTROLE ET SUPERVISION IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Prior Open - International 430,000.00 746,286.56 2015-06-10 2015-06-16 2015-12-30 2016-03-07 2016-06-23 2016-10-17 2016-11-08 2016-11-14 2017-11-14 Based Selection Implementation TRAVAUX DE JOAL FADIOUTH 20-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Etude Component 3: Institutional Quality And Cost- hydrogeologique complementaire IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Prior Open - International 310,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-08-11 2016-09-01 2016-10-15 2016-11-12 2016-12-12 2017-01-16 2017-02-20 2018-02-20 Based Selection du Horst de Ndiass Management 07-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Realisation des etudes Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Prior Open - International 430,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-09-28 2016-10-19 2016-12-02 2016-12-30 2017-01-29 2017-03-05 2017-04-09 2018-04-09 techniques detaillees du PDA de Based Selection Dakar Est 08-CONS-QCBS-2016 / controle Quality And Cost- et supervision des travaux de IDA / 56730 Component 2: Sanitation Prior Open - International 430,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-18 2016-10-01 2016-10-29 2016-11-28 2017-01-02 2017-02-06 2018-02-06 Based Selection Joal fadiouth 06-CONS-QCBS-2016 / Etude d un schema directeur d adduction Quality And Cost- et de distribution autour des IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 690,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-18 2016-10-01 2016-10-29 2016-11-28 2017-01-02 2017-02-06 2018-02-06 Based Selection poles urbains de Dakar et de la petite cote 02-CONS-QCBS-2016 / controle et supervision des travaux de la Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 860,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-18 2016-10-01 2016-10-29 2016-11-28 2017-01-02 2017-02-06 2018-02-06 zone de Mbour Mbodiene Based Selection Nguekhokh 01-CONS-QCBS-2016 / controle Quality And Cost- et supervision des travaux de la IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Prior Open - International 860,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2016-07-28 2016-08-18 2016-10-01 2016-10-29 2016-11-28 2017-01-02 2017-02-06 2018-02-06 Based Selection zone de Thies - tassette 21 BIS-CONS-SBQC-2016 / Component 3: Institutional ETUDE INSTITUTIONNELLE Quality And Cost- IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Prior Open - International 520,000.00 300,719.09 Signed 2015-05-21 2015-06-19 2015-10-14 2015-12-28 2016-01-21 2016-03-08 2016-10-31 2016-04-21 2016-03-21 2016-12-17 POUR LA REFORME DE Based Selection Management SECONDE GENERATION SN-PEAMU-3908-CS-CQ / Etudes d'élaboration du Consultant Pending Programme d'investissement IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 181,818.00 0.00 2017-02-05 2017-02-26 2017-04-11 2017-05-11 2017-06-15 2017-12-12 Implementation pour les Objectifs de Selection Développement Durable SN-PEAMU-3903-CS-CQ / Etudes techniques du Consultant Pending programme d'urgence d'AEP de IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 284,483.00 0.00 2017-07-17 2017-08-07 2017-09-20 2017-10-20 2017-11-24 2018-05-23 Implementation Dakar au niveau du champ Selection captant de Bayakh 01-CONS-2017 / supervision des travaux d extension de Consultant Under production a Tassette et de IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 254,545.00 0.00 2017-07-17 2017-07-24 2017-08-07 2017-09-20 2017-10-20 2017-11-24 2018-05-23 Implementation renforcement du reseau d AEP Selection de Ndiock SALL SN-PEAMU-32531-CS-CQS / Consultant supervision des travaux de Pending IDA / 56730 Component 1: Water Supply Post Qualification Open - National 216,502.00 0.00 2017-10-18 2017-11-08 2017-12-22 2018-01-21 2018-02-25 2018-08-24 renforcement du réseau d'AEP Implementation Selection de NDIOCK SALL INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Contract Type Estimated Actual Amount Draft Negotiated Description Loan / Credit No. Component Review Type Method Market Approach Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion Amount (US$) (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual 13-CONS-IC-2016 / Appui a lOFOR pour la valorisation des Component 3: Institutional Individual Consultant Pending immobilisations et IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 40,000.00 0.00 2016-08-12 2016-08-17 2016-09-07 2016-10-12 2017-04-10 Selection Implementation lEtablissement du bilan Management dOuverture de lEtablissement Page 3 15-CONS-IC-2016 / Mission Component 3: Institutional dAssistance a la selection des Individual Consultant Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 40,000.00 0.00 2016-08-12 2016-08-17 2016-09-07 2016-10-12 2017-04-10 fermiers pour la gestion des Selection Implementation Management SAEP de la zone Nord 16-CONS-IC-2016 / Etude Component 3: Institutional dAmelioration du dispositif Individual Consultant Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 40,000.00 0.00 2016-08-12 2016-08-17 2016-09-07 2016-10-12 2017-04-10 technique des unites de Selection Implementation Management potabilisation du Faboli 21-CONS-IC-2016 / Mobilisation dUn Assistant technique specialise en vue dAccompagner la partie publique dans la Component 3: Institutional supervision de la mission de Individual Consultant Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 30,000.00 0.00 2016-08-12 2016-08-17 2016-09-07 2016-10-12 2017-04-10 definition et de mise en oeuvre du Selection Implementation Management processus de reforme institutionnelle de seconde generation du sous-secteur de lHydraulique et d SN-PEAMU-3729-CS-INDV / Etude hydrogéologique et géophysique du triangle Component 3: Institutional DIENDER-BAYAKH- Individual Consultant Pending IDA / 56730 Strengthening and Project Post Limited 63,635.00 0.00 2016-11-24 2016-11-29 2016-12-20 2017-01-24 2017-07-23 THIEUDEME pour la mobilisation Selection Implementation Management de ressources en eau additionnelles pour l'AEP de DAKAR Page 4