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Improved cook stoves for climate change mitigation ? evidence of values, preferences and carbon savings from a choice experiment in Ethiopia (English)

This paper investigates household preferences for improved cook stoves using a choice experiment administered in rural Ethiopia, and the cost-effectiveness of an improved stove for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. In Ethiopia, about 96 percent of household energy demand is fulfilled by biomass. Improved stoves use less firewood and produce less smoke, and they have been touted as a way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and health effects...
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Dissanayake,Sahan T. M.; Beyene,Abebe Damte; Bluffstone,Randall; Gebreegziabher,Zenebe; Kiggundu,Gilbert; Kooser,Shannon H.; Martinsson,Peter; Mekonnen,Alemu; Toman,Michael A..

Improved cook stoves for climate change mitigation ? evidence of values, preferences and carbon savings from a choice experiment in Ethiopia (English). Policy Research working paper|no. WPS 8499 Washington, D.C. : World Bank Group.

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