INTEGRATED SAFEGUARDS DATA SHEET ADDITIONAL FINANCING Report No.: ISDSA8001 Date ISDS Prepared/Updated: 25-Apr-2014 Date ISDS Approved/Disclosed: 26-Apr-2014 I. BASIC INFORMATION 1. Basic Project Data Country: Bolivia Project ID: P147051 Parent P101336 Project ID: Project Name: BO Strengthening Statistical Capacity AF (P147051) Parent Project Strengthening Statistical Capacity and Informational Base for Evidence-Based Name: Planning (P101336) Task Team Maria Ana Lugo Leader: Estimated 28-Apr-2014 Estimated 18-Jun-2014 Appraisal Date: Board Date: Managing Unit: LCSPP Lending Investment Project Financing Instrument: Sector(s): Central government administration (46%), Sub-national government administration (46%), Public administration- Agriculture, fishing a nd forestry (8%) Theme(s): Managing for development results (40%), Economic statistics, modeling and forecasting (40%), Other public sector governance (20%) Is this project processed under OP 8.50 (Emergency Recovery) or OP No 8.00 (Rapid Response to Crises and Emergencies)? Financing (In USD Million) Total Project Cost: 28.26 Total Bank Financing: 23.40 Financing Gap: 0.00 Financing Source Amount BORROWER/RECIPIENT 4.86 International Development Association (IDA) 23.40 Total 28.26 Environmental C - Not Required Category: Is this a No Repeater project? Page 1 of 8 2. Project Development Objective(s) A. Original Project Development Objectives – Parent The project development objective is to strengthen the statistical capacity and improve the informational base of the Recipient,inorder to provide quality information, as defined by its reliability, timeliness, accuracy and representativeness with the levelof disaggregation necessary to support systems for planning, designing, monitoring and evaluating public programs and policies. B. Current Project Development Objectives – Parent C. Proposed Project Development Objectives – Additional Financing (AF) 3. Project Description The Additional Financing will include the following six activities: 1. Census of Economic Establishments (CEE): The census willprovide a complete listing of economic establishments in cities of at least 10,000 inhabitants in th e sectors of manufacturing, trade and services. Information ov er their productio n , sales, raw materials, income and expenditure, and employm ent wil l be collect ed (Activity 2.2.) 2. Agricultural Survey (AS): Following the 2013 National Agricultural Census, the agricultural survey will provide updated information on agricultural producti on, prices and destination, as well as access to credit and insurance of the agr icultural units (Activity 2.3.). 3. Consumer Price Index (CPI): On the basis of the information collected in the Household Budget Survey as well as that of the Specification Survey (including in this activity), the new baskets of goods and services for the calculation of the new base year will be constructed (Activity 2.4.) 4. Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)is a nationally representative survey on reproductive health, fertility, nutrition and infant mortality to be used to ev aluate health public policies and establish a baseline for new sectoral s trate gi es, plans and programs. The previous DHS was carried out in 2008, and by inte rna tional standards it is recommended to collect this kind of info rmat ion every five years (Activity 3.3. ) 5. Household Budget Survey (HBS): Survey to update information on the living conditions and structure of household consumption; becoming the main input for the change inthe base yearof the Consumer Price Index, the updating of poverty lin es, and the household consumptio n estimate for national accounts. The survey wil l berepresentative of the nin e dep artmental capital cities and El Alto (Activit y 3.4.) 6. Modernization of the Plurinational Statistical System: The overall objective of the activity is to redesign and update norms, methodologies,technologyand q u ality standards for strengthe ning the Page 2 of 8 PSS and its statistical units, which inc l udes ac tivities to ensure wide dissemination of results that aimto strengthen t hestat istical culture. To support the implementation of these activities, an additional compo nent is added: • Cross-cutting Teams and Project Coordination: This component includes planning,monitoring and evaluation of activities under the project, as well as dissemin ation, unit for coordination and engagement with social organizations (includ in g IP), logistics and sampling, training, IT, data consistency, and cartography . Due to the nature of these activities, this Additional Financing is considered Technical Assistance (TA) in accordance with OP 8.40, which describes TA as “the transfer, adaptation, mobilization, and utilization of servic es, skills, knowle dge, technology, and engineering to build national capacity o n a sustainable bas is.” More specifically, the activities u nder the AF will both “undertake analyt i cal work necessary to underpin reform or policy development”; and “strengthen th e Borrower’s human and institutional capacity for policy reform” as per OP 8. 40. The proposed activities are fully aligned with the original Project DevelopmentObjective. No new Safeguard Policies are triggered, and the lessons learned fro m theoriginal Project in the application of OP 4.10 h ave influenced the approac h for the activities under this AF as describedbelow. 4. Project location and salient physical characteristics relevant to the safeguard analysis (if known) Nationwide 5. Environmental and Social Safeguards Specialists Jose Vicente Zevallos (LCSSO) Adam John Behrendt (LCSSO) 6. Safeguard Policies Triggered? Explanation (Optional) Environmental Assessment OP/ No Project activities will not have adverse BP 4.01 environmental impacts. Natural Habitats OP/BP 4.04 No Project activities will not affect natural habitats. Forests OP/BP 4.36 No Project activities will not affect forest areas. Pest Management OP 4.09 No The project will not procure any pesticides, nor will an increased use of pesticides result from the project. Physical Cultural Resources OP/ No The project will not affect sites with BP 4.11 archeological, paleontological, historical, religious, or unique natural values. Indigenous Peoples OP/BP 4.10 Yes The Indigenous Peoples’ policy (OP/BP 4.10), which was triggered under the parent project, will Page 3 of 8 remain triggered under the AF as Indigenous Peoples (IPs) with unique and different cultures and governance systems will be amongst the sampled population and will likely be affected by the policies that may be informed by the results of the statistical operations. The application of the Indigenous Peoples’ policy will ensure that: (i) survey designs are culturally appropriate; (ii) field testing and field work takes into consideration cultural contexts (i.e. language and terminology); and (iii) data collection procedures are fully respectful of IPs rights, governance systems and cultural practices. The original Project was treated as an Indigenous Peoples Project, thus embedded the elements of an Indigenous Peoples Plan in the overall project design as described in the lessons learned in Section II below. Under the AF, it was deemed that the original Project’s approach in the application of OP 4.10 should be modified for two reasons. First, in the new activities to be financed under the AF Indigenous Peoples will not be the sole or the overwhelming majority of direct project beneficiaries. Second, as described above, the activities under the AF are technical assistance, and thus the Interim Guidelines on the Application of Safeguard Policies to Technical Assistance (TA) Activities in Bank-Financed Projects and Trust Funds Administered by the Bank from January 2014 are applicable. As per the Guidelines and in order to ensure that the survey questionnaires and overall design are culturally appropriate, that field work is culturally pertinent, and that data collection procedures fully respect Indigenous Peoples governance and cultural practices, the following approach was agreed to ensure that the TA activities under the AF are fully consistent with OP 4.10. The Government of Bolivia prepared a draft strategy for engaging with Indigenous Peoples that includes stakeholder consultations and strategic communication activities included in the Project’s Operational Manual to be updated Page 4 of 8 during the implementation of the AF activities, as necessary. In addition, during implementation, prior to any field work in the affected communities, INE will consult with the affected communities on the strategy for the engagement with Indigenous Peoples, the specific survey design and proposed field work plan. Relevant feedback from these consultations will be reflected in INE’s methodology for field work and/or the enumerator manuals, as necessary. All of the above will build on the methodology that INE regularly applies in its statistical operations, in order to inform its strategic work with Indigenous Peoples. Involuntary Resettlement OP/BP No Project activities will not cause involuntary 4.12 resettlement. Safety of Dams OP/BP 4.37 No The project will not finance construction or rehabilitation of any dams, nor will it rely on the performance of an existing dam or a dam under construction. Projects on International No There are no known project components Waterways OP/BP 7.50 involving international waterways as defined in the policy. Projects in Disputed Areas OP/BP No The project is not located in any known area of 7.60 territorial dispute as defined in the policy. II. Key Safeguard Policy Issues and Their Management A. Summary of Key Safeguard Issues 1. Describe any safeguard issues and impacts associated with the proposed project. Identify and describe any potential large scale, significant and/or irreversible impacts: The Additional Financing will allow collecting better data across the country and including data concerning indigenous peoples, which is critical for the develo pment of improved strategies and policy-making for addressing Indigenous Peoples’ ne eds. The data developed through the project could have an important impact on public policy decisions and o utcomes, including those tha t impact Indigenous Peoples. 2. Describe any potential indirect and/or long term impacts due to anticipated future activities in the project area: As described above, the Additional Financing is for the provision of TA. As such, the activities are unlikely in themselves to havedirect social impact on Indig enous Peoples. However, the information generated by the planned activi ties maylater have significantdownstream social implications as it is likely to inform f uture public policy decisions wit h potential impacts on Indigenous P eoples. The Interim Guidelines on the Application of Safeguard Policies to Tec hnical Assista nce from January 2014 apply to the activitiesu nder this TA and support the appro ach. Page 5 of 8 3. Describe any project alternatives (if relevant) considered to help avoid or minimize adverse impacts. The evaluation of project alternatives is not relevant for this TA. 4. Describe measures taken by the borrower to address safeguard policy issues. Provide an assessment of borrower capacity to plan and implement the measures described. As under the Parent Project, OP4.10 is triggered for the activities under the AF. The borrower has prepared a draft strategy for engaging with Indigenous Peoples, which will be updated and operationalized on the basis of additional consultati ons and participation processes. The implementing agency, the National Statist i c al Institute (INE), understands the importance and is comm itted to ensuring co ns ultations and partic ipatory processes involving indigenous groups where and when relevant. INE has demonstrated this commit ment during the implementation of th e national population and agricultural censu ses conducted under the parent projec t INE carried out a wide range o f activities to consult with IPs an d to ensure t heir par ticipation in the field work. These activit ies have been duly documented .In add ition, for the dissemination of the re sults of the activities implemente d under the parent project (as well as under the AF), INE is developing strategi es and products to specifically reach rural and IP populations. The draft strategy for engaging with I ndigenous Peoples draws on the lessons learned during the implementation of the parent project, and affirms that involvin gc ommunity and local authorities in all th e stages of the statistical operation s has been key to ensure maximum coverage and quality of the data collected in b oth rural and urban settings. The original Project has show n the value of having socialization workshops where the objectives of the statis tical operat ions were presented and the questionnaires discussed with IP groups , adapting thetraining manual to local contexts, and having enumerators designa te d by the communities themselves. INE has created a Unit for Coordination and Liaison with Social and Institutional Organizations (CEOSI) that has the responsibility to respond to de mands from IP and to identify the soci al organizations with which the planned st atistical operations will be soci ali zed and coordinated. The draft strategy analyzes potential impacts on indigenous groups. The general assessment is that IPs (called Naciones y Pueblos Indígenas Originarios Campesi nos in the Bolivian Constitu tion—NyPIOCs) and Afro-Bolivians do not constitute t he target population of any of thestatistical operations of the AF, the probabi lity of their inclusion is bas ed onpopulation weight. As 115 different populati on groups were identifiedin the 2012 Population Census, rangi ng from two membe r s to close to two million members, itis t echnically and methodologically impos s ible to create indicators that are repre sentative of all the groups. However, th e main indigenous groups (quechua, ayma ra, chiquitano and guaranís) will most li kely be represented in most instrument s;and there is also a strong likelihoo d t hat other large population groups are included among the sampled households (chi chas, mojeños, guarayos and afro-bol ivianos). The Census of Economic Establ ishme nts will include all establishment s in population centers of 10,000 inhabitants or more, and will thus include all establishments run by differentpopulat ion gr oups, and will include questions on language and ethnicity, which could b e used to analyze the data Page 6 of 8 disaggregated by these categories. In gen eral, for th e surve y s, the statistics to be produced will be disaggreg ated and representat ive of th e population based on gender, age and other chara cteristics based on further a nalysis. The draft strategy outlines INEs approach and capacity to eng age with In digenous Peoples. Given that thespecifics of the components (suchas the data c ollection instrumentsand the sampling frame) are not yet known, the d raft stra t egy presents the scope and time line for each statistical operationo r activity, where relevant, taking into account activit ies to inform and consult NyPIOCs an d Afro-Bolivians about the objective of the activity; the adjustment of the data collection instruments; and, the plan for the wide dissemination of the results based on appropriate language, format and methods. For the dissemin ation of res ults mobile teams will beset upto ensure that the information is widely accessi ble at the community level. INE has demon strated good capacity in the parent pro ject to e ngage with IPs, and the draft strategy for engaging with Indigenous Peo ples defines further activities to strengthen t he capacity to co llect representa tive informa tion related to the smaller ethnic groups, specific ally through the administrative records under the Modernization comp onent. 5. Identify the key stakeholders and describe the mechanisms for consultation and disclosure on safeguard policies, with an emphasis on potentially affected people. The strategy for engaging with Indigenous Peoples lays out the main participants, the scope and the time line for the engagement with the NyPIOCs and Afro-Boliv ians in each individual stat istical activity andoperation, as relevant, wh ich i nclu des socialization prior to any field work. The Unit for Coordination and Lia ison with Social and Institution al Organizations (CEOSI) will support this work and identify the organizations, and, as in the parent project, th ere may be coop erative agreements with key indigenous organi zations to establish par tnerships f or the field work. These activities will be coveredunder the sociali zation budg et line. The strategy will be continuously updated on the basis of t he socializa tion activities and will be p art of the Project’s Operations Manua l. B. Disclosure Requirements Indigenous Peoples Development Plan/Framework Date of receipt by the Bank 25-Apr-2014 Date of submission to InfoShop 25-Apr-2014 "In country" Disclosure Comments: If the project triggers the Pest Management and/or Physical Cultural Resources policies, the respective issues are to be addressed and disclosed as part of the Environmental Assessment/ Audit/or EMP. If in-country disclosure of any of the above documents is not expected, please explain why: A policy instrument is not required because the activities planned under the AF are technical assistance, and thus the Interim Guidelines on the Application of Safeguard Policies to Technical Assistance from January 2014 are applicable. Page 7 of 8 The Project Information Document explains the approach that is applied to ensure compliance with OP4.10. C. Compliance Monitoring Indicators at the Corporate Level OP/BP 4.10 - Indigenous Peoples Has a separate Indigenous Peoples Plan/Planning Framework Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] (as appropriate) been prepared in consultation with affected Indigenous Peoples? The World Bank Policy on Disclosure of Information Have relevant safeguard policies documents been sent to the Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] World Bank's Infoshop? Have relevant documents been disclosed in-country in a public Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] place in a form and language that are understandable and accessible to project-affected groups and local NGOs? All Safeguard Policies Have satisfactory calendar, budget and clear institutional Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] responsibilities been prepared for the implementation of measures related to safeguard policies? Have costs related to safeguard policy measures been included Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] in the project cost? Does the Monitoring and Evaluation system of the project Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] include the monitoring of safeguard impacts and measures related to safeguard policies? Have satisfactory implementation arrangements been agreed Yes [ ] No [ ] NA [ ] with the borrower and the same been adequately reflected in the project legal documents? III. APPROVALS Task Team Leader: Name: Maria Ana Lugo Approved By Regional Safeguards Name: Glenn S. Morgan (RSA) Date: 26-Apr-2014 Advisor: Sector Manager: Name: Louise J. Cord (SM) Date: 26-Apr-2014 Page 8 of 8