Procurement Plan and Record 采购计划记录 (Updated in May,2019 2019 年 5 月更新) Contract Estimat Revie Final Verifi Estimat Actual ed Cost w by Contract Variatio ed ed Cost Procur Expecte Actual Contra Actual (RMB:1 Bank Contract Variation n Com Contra (USD:10 ement d Bid ct Contrac Disburs Contract 0 (Prior Contrac Amount (1/2016 (4/201 pletio No. ct No. Contract Description thousan Metho Bidding Opening Signin t Time ement Notes Name km 公里 thousa / tors 承 合同实 ) 6) n 号码 合同编 合同描述 d) d Date Date 实 g Date Table rate 实 备注 合同名称 nd) Post) 包商 际金额 合同变更 合同最 经认 号 预计投 采购 预计开 际开标 合同实 合同期 际支付 预计投 世行 (万元) (世行批 终变更 证的 资(万 方法 标日期 日期 际签署 比例 资(万 前/后 复金额) (2016 完成 美元) 日期 元) 审 年4 投资 月) Rehabilitate 3 class Ⅳ roads Rural Roads including Shuitian to Rehabilitaion Caijiazhai,Pianpo to Xiaohekou and 中阳建 Complete / GYTJ1 , Wudang Toupu to Pianpo with a total length NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 20- 设集团 1932.6 1 22.089 2506 397.78 Prior 617.1 2549.8 8 100% 100% Transferred 01 District of 20.7km. Works 14 14 Jan-15 有限公 6 完成/移交 乌当区农村 改造 3 条四级路,包括水田-蔡家 司 路改造 寨,偏坡至小河口,头浦至偏坡, 共 20.7 公里。 Rehabilitate 3 class Ⅳ roads Rural Roads including Yangchang to 湖南省 Rehabilitaion Xiaba,Meinvguan to Sanjiang and 朝辉建 Complete / GYTJ1 , Wudang Xinpu to Xiangzhigou with a total NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 16- 2210.0 2 22.78 2829 449.05 Prior 设开发 724 2934 8 100% 100% Transferred 02 District length of 25.5km. Works 14 14 Jan-15 2 有限公 完成/移交 乌当区农村 改造 3 条四级道路,包括羊厂-下 司 路改造 坝,门关-三江,新浦-香纸沟,共 25.5 公里。 Rehabilitate 2 class Ⅳ roads Rural Roads including Longtan to 义乌市 Rehabilitaion Fenghuangshao and Erfenchang to 宏胜市 Complete / GYTJ1 , Baiyun Dulaying with a total length of NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 3-Feb- 1225.3 3 11.7 1263 200.48 Prior 政工程 232.6 1457.9 8 100% 100% Transferred 03 District 11.7km. Works 14 14 15 2 有限公 完成/移交 白云区农村 改造 2 条四级路,包括龙潭-凤凰 司 路改造 绍,二风场-杜腊营,共 11.7 公 里。 Rural Roads Rehabilitate 2 class Ⅳ roads Rehabilitaion including Qingyan to Maojin and 福建宏 Complete / GYTJ1 ,Hauxi Maojin to Kaiba with a total length NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 16- 鼎项目 1135.0 4 11.8 1230 195.24 Prior 184.4 1319.4 8 100% 100% Transferred 完成/ 04 District 花溪 of 11.8km.改造 2 条四级路,包括 Works 14 14 Jan-15 管理有 2 移交 区农村路改 青岩-冒井,冒井-开坝,共 11.8 公 限公司 造 里。 Rural Roads Rehabilitate a class Ⅳ road from Rehabilitaion 湖南湘 Longdongbao to Maochang with a Complete / GYTJ1 , Nanming NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 28- 江工程 5 total length of 16.6km. 16.6 2989 474.44 Prior 1998.7 ##### ###### 8 100% 100% Transferred 05 District Works 14 14 Jan-15 建设有 改造 1 条四级路,龙洞堡-茂场,共 完成/移交 南明区农村 限公司 16.6 公里。 路改造 Rehabilitate 3 class Ⅳ roads Rural Roads including Gangzhai to Maoyun, Rehabilitaion Sanwangmiao to Minping and Xiaba 福建路 Complete / GYTJ1 ,Kaiyang to Maoping with a total length of NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 9-Jan- 港(集 2470.8 6 30.035 3088 490.16 Prior 504.1 2975 8 100% 95% Transferred 06 County 30.7km. Works 14 14 15 团)有 4 完成/移交 开阳县农村 改造 3 条四级路,包括岗寨-茂云, 限公司 路改造 三王庙-民坪,下坝-茅坪,共 30.7 公里。 Rural Roads Rehabilitate 2 class Ⅳ roads Rehabilitaion includes Yongwen to Jinzhong and 贵州建 Complete / GYTJ1 , Kaiyang Yongwen to Wenquan with a total NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 9-Jan- 工集团 7 27.358 2896 459.68 Prior 2373.4 1846 4219.8 8 100% 95% Transferred 07 County length of 28.4km. Works 14 14 15 有限公 完成/移交 开阳县农村 改造 2 条四级路,包括永温-金中, 司 路改造 永温-温泉,共 28.4 公里。 Rural Roads Rehabilitate 2 class Ⅳ roads 四川三 Rehabilitaion including Xifeng to Xiaozhaiba and 一工程 Complete / GYTJ1 ,Xifeng Tiantai to Xinglong with a total NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 25- 建设 1086.7 8 19.34 1900 301.59 Prior 1949 3035.6 8 100% 95% Transferred 08 County length of 19.8km. Works 14 14 Jan-15 (集 2 完成/移交 息烽县农村 改造 2 条四级路,包括息烽-小寨 团)有 路改造 坝,天台-兴隆,共 19.8 公里。 限公司 Rehabilitate 2 class Ⅳ roads Rural Roads 核工业 including Weicheng to Maige and Rehabilitaion 华东建 Complete / GYTJ1 Liwo to Maocao with a total length NCB- 31-Oct- 31-Oct- 2-Feb- 3419.9 9 , Qingzhen 41.3 4200 666.67 Prior 设工程 4672 8092.2 8 100% 95% Transferred 完成/ 09 of 41.3km.改造 2 条四级路,包括 Works 14 14 15 4 City 清镇市农 集团公 移交 卫城-麦格,犁倭-茅草,共 41.3 公 村路改造 司 里。 Subgrade County Road upgrades to Class 2 江西省 Physical image of GYTJ2 1018.5 NCB- 10-Jan- 10-Jan- 17- 5528.3 85.0 10 Works from from Liangshuijin-Laping with a 9.98 6900 post 宏发路     18 66.50% Chenfengqiao 01 4 Works 17 17 Feb-17 6 0% Liangshuijing total length of 9.98km.县级公路提 桥建筑 Bridge is 10%, of to Laping 等改造为二级公路,凉水井—喇 工程有 Sanjiangqiao (凉水井— 平,全长约 9.98 公里。 限公司 Bridge 90%, 喇平)路基 Xiadashan Bridge 工程采购 60%, and subgrade works 65%. 乘风桥总体形象完 成 10%;三江桥总 体形象完成 90%; 下大山桥总体形象 完成 60%;路基形 象进度完成 65%。 Deck pavement is done for Subgrade Baishuihe Bridge Works from County Road upgrades to Class 2 驻马店 with physical Liangshuijing from Liangshuijin-Laping with a 市公路 progress 93% and GYTJ2 1151.3 NCB- 10-Jan- 10-Jan- 17- 6221.0 107. 11 to Laping total length of 8.19km.县级公路提 8.19 7800 post 工程开     18 85.00% subgrade 88%. 02 9 Works 17 17 Feb-17 4 00% (凉水井— 等改造为二级公路,凉水井—喇 发有限 白水河桥已完成桥 喇平)路基 平,全长约 8.19 公里。 公司 面铺装,总体完成 工程采购 形象进度 93%;路 基完成形象进度 88%。 Subgrade works lag behind due to land acquisition, which leads to delay of paving Paving Works works. Expected from County Road upgrades to Class 2 河南航 time to pave is Liangshuijing Liangshuijin-Laping with a total 20- GYTJ2 NCB- 10-Jan- 瑞建设 4426.0 the beginning of 12 to Laping length of 18.17km.县级公路提等改 18.17 5200 783.13 post 2-Jan-18 Mar-     6     03 Works 18 工程有 3 May 2019. (凉水井— 造为二级公路,凉水井—喇平,全 18 限公司 因征地拆迁原因, 喇平)路面 长约 18.170 公里。 路基工程交工延 工程采购 期,导致路面施工 单位延期进场,路 面施工单位预计进 场时间为 2019 年 5 月上旬。 Subgrade works lag behind due to land acquisition, which leads to delay of greening Greening 贵州建 works. Expected Works from County Road upgrades to Class 2 工集团 time to green is Liangshuijing Liangshuijin-Laping with a total 20- 第十一 GYTJ2 NCB- 10-Jan- the beginning of 13 to Laping length of 18.17km.县级公路提等改 18.17 947 142.62 post 2-Jan-18 Mar- 建筑工 752.70     4     04 Works 18 May 2019. (凉水井— 造为二级公路,凉水井—喇平,全 18 程有限 因征地拆迁原因, 喇平)绿化 长约 18.17 公里。 责任公 路基工程交工延 工程采购 司 期,导致绿化施工 单位延期进场,绿 化施工单位预计进 场时间为 2019 年 5 月上旬。 Subgrade works lag behind due to land acquisition, which leads to delay of traffic Traffic Safety safety facilities. Facilities County Road upgrades to Class 2 Expected time to from 四川利 Liangshuijin-Laping with a total 20- set to work is the GYTJ2 Liangshuijing NCB- 10-Jan- 德建筑 14 length of 18.17km.县级公路提等改 18.17 750 112.95 post 2-Jan-18 Mar- 663.34     4     beginning of May 05 to Laping Works 18 工程有 造为二级公路,凉水井—喇平,全 18 2019.因征地拆迁 (凉水井— 限公司 长约 18.17 公里。 原因,路基工程交 喇平)交安 工延期,导致交安 工程采购 工程施工单位延期 进场,交安施工单 位预计进场时间为 2019 年 5 月上 旬。 Rehabilitate roads in Huaxi district with a total length of 35.144 km. 贵州建 第一合同段 花溪区大修项目:隆昌-岔路口 The physical GYTJ3 5182.7 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 8-Feb- 工集团 4030.4 58.0 15 (花溪区农 12.606 公里、黔陶-赵思 5.037 公 35.144 780.54 post     8 56.00% progress is 75% 01 9 Works 17 17 18 有限公 3 0% 村路改造) 里、光头寨-凉水井 11.219 公里、 总体形象进度 75% 司 歪脚-杨眉 6.282 公里,路线全长 35.144 公里 。 Road Rehabilitation in Baiyun District with a total length of 36.33 km.白 攀枝花 第二合同段 云区大修项目:新场-牛场 10.596 20- 市建筑 The physical GYTJ3 4734.5 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 4508.5 76.6 16 (白云区农 公里、普塘关-大土 16.564 公里、 36.33 713.03 post Mar- 机械化     8 68.95% progress is 83% 02 3 Works 17 17 5 1% 村路改造) 小桥-沙子哨 6.626 公里、大山洞- 18 施工有 总体形象进度 83% 摆拢 2.544 公里,路线全长 36.33 限公司 公里。 Upgrade and rehabilitate roads in Nanming district with a total length 内蒙古 The physical 第三合同段 of 16.465 km.南明区提等项目:尖 20- 寅岗建 GYTJ3 2394.3 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 2055.2 43.5 progress is 45% 17 (南明区农 山-石笋沟 6.394 公里,大修项目: 16.465 360.60 post Mar- 设集团     18 39.20% 03 7 Works 17 17 2 6% 总体形象进度 村路改造) 永乐-小山 6.172 公里,营盘路-桐 18 有限公 45% 木岭 3.899 公里,路线全长 司 16.465 公里。 Road Upgrading in Wudang District with a total length of 21.123km.乌 江西中 第四合同段 20- The physical GYTJ3 当区提等项目:新场-杨梅及支线 6153.1 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 捷工程 5166.7 27.2 18 (乌当区农 21.123 926.68 post Mar-     18 24.53% progress is 45%总 04 17.225 公里、徐家院-冬瓜穴 7 Works 17 17 建设有 8 6% 村路改造) 18 体形象进度 45% 3.898 公里,路线全长 21.123 公 限公司 里。 Road Rehabilitation in Xiuwen County with a total length of 49.041km.修 新疆北 第五合同段 文县大修项目:小箐-大石 18.371 13- The physical GYTJ3 6148.4 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 方建设 5077.8 29.0 19 (修文县农 公里、花榔-九庄 6.094 公里、三元 49.041 925.97 post Mar-     8 26.12% progress is 40%总 05 2 Works 17 17 集团有 4 3% 村路改造) -阳明洞 14.472 公里、黔西-广田 18 体形象进度 40% 限公司 10.104 公里,路线全长 49.041 公 里。 Road Upgrading in Xiuwen County with a total length of 40.774km.修 中北交 第六合同段 The physical GYTJ3 文县提等项目:久长-六广 33.266 5962.7 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 7-Feb- 通建设 4998.8 50.6 20 (修文县农 40.774 898.00 post     18 51.42% progress is 70%总 06 公里,大修项目:久长-农场坝 3 Works 17 17 18 集团有 6 0% 村路改造) 体形象进度 70% 7.508 公里,路线全长 40.774 公 限公司 里。 The physical Road Upgrading in Kaiyang County 河南泉 progress is 12%. 第七合同段 with a total length of 14.236km.开 GYTJ3 7603.5 1145.1 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 8-Feb- 隆路桥 7059.9 2.94 The subproject is 21 (开阳县农 阳县提等项目:高峰-田坎 9.568 公 14.236 post     18 11.08% 07 5 1 Works 17 17 18 工程有 3 % suspended.体形象 村路改造) 里,顶方村委会-杨家寨 4.668 公 限公司 进度 12%,已停 里,路线全长 14.236 公里。 工。 Road Rehabilitation in Kaiyang 天津鑫 County with a total length of 45km. 第八合同段 13- 路桥建 The physical GYTJ3 开阳县大修项目:杠寨至久长 5334.1 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 4430.4 61.1 22 (开阳县农 45 803.33 post Mar- 设工程     8 58.81% progress is 60%总 08 11.362 公里,毛栗-宅吉 12.919 公 3 Works 17 17 9 6% 村路改造) 18 有限公 体形象进度 60% 里,久长-大花水电站 20.719 公里,路 司 线全长 45 公里。 Road Upgrading in Xifeng County with 四川利 第九合同段 a total length of 15.51km.息峰县提 20- The physical GYTJ3 4194.7 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 德建筑 3355.4 21.1 23 (息峰县农 等项目:温泉-乌江 8.934 公里,养 15.51 631.74 post Mar-     18 19.06% progress is 38%总 09 7 Works 17 17 工程有 9 8% 村路改造) 龙司-乌江 6.576 公里,路线全长 18 体形象进度 38% 限公司 15.51 公里。 Road Upgrading in Xifeng County with 核工业 第十合同段 a total length of 20.967km.息峰县 华东建 The physical GYTJ3 5560.9 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 8-Feb- 4603.4 27.9 24 (息峰县农 提等项目:前奔-新中 9.18 公里,小 20.967 837.49 post 设工程     18 35.16% progress is 40%总 10 1 Works 17 17 18 0 6% 村路改造) 寨坝-大坪上 11.787 公里,路线全 集团公 体形象进度 40% 长 20.967 公里。 司 Road Upgrading in Xifeng County with a total length of 21.862km.息峰县 河南省 第十一合同 提等项目:沙岗-九庄 2.489 公里、 13- 光大路 The physical GYTJ3 段(息峰县 小寨坝-兴隆 4.977 公里,大修项 4584.2 NCB- 30-Dec- 28-Dec- 4136.6 40.0 25 21.862 690.40 post Mar- 桥工程     18 36.09% progress is 42%总 11 农村路改 目:大石-桐枝驿 2.825 公里,小鹿 5 Works 17 17 0 9% 18 有限公 体形象进度 42% 造) 窝-大寨 2.359 公里,底寨-马路岩 司 9.21 公里,路线全长 21.862 公 里。 The exchange rate adopted in Contract is USD 1 4 domestic trainings, 3 tours and 1 中芬汇 = RMB 6.6, with a Domestic training overseas with contractor 能科技 total payment GYNL2 Study & providing related service.国内 4 各 SHOP 1-May- 1-May- 23- (北 40.0 26     10.00 Prior 66     36 30.00% RMB660,000.合 01 Foreign Tour 培训团组、国外 3 个考察团组和一 PING 16 16 Jun-16 京)有 0% 同签订时的汇率为 国内外考察 个培训团组,咨询商将负责为培训 限公 1 美元= 6.60 元人 和考察提供相关服务。 司) 民币,所以签订的 合同实际金额为 66 万人民币。 Contractor designs and analyzes The exchange maintenance approach, overload rate in Contract in management, maintenance check& Nov 2016 is USD Guiyang survey, investment allocation and 1 = RMB 6.829, Rural Roads use, and materials of pavement with a total GYNL2 Maintenance maintenance to provide the best 30-Oct- 28-Nov- 10- 贵州大 1.00 RMB2,729,400. 27     40.00 QBS Prior 272.94     12 70.00% 02 Pilot practice.咨询商将为农村公路养护 16 16 Feb-17 学 % 实际合同金额为人 贵阳农村路 试点项目设计一个计划,主要分 民币 272.94 万元 养护试点 析:养护方式、治超点、养护检测 (按 2016 年 11 和调查、养护资金的分配和使用、 月 14 日美元汇率 路面养护材料等,通过分析结论为 测算 1 美元 业主提供一个最佳实施方案。 =6.829 元) Data preparation,analysis, and staff training.数据准备、分析与人员技术 培训。由咨询单位提出需增加的农 GPMO is working 村公路相关基础数据的清单,包含 on TOR, which will 道路编号、里程、等级等信息,白 complete in July 云区作为试点提供相应的数据;组 20-Sep- 28   第一部分     19.00 CQS post                   2019. 目前正在做 织网格员学习识别农村公路技术状 19 工作大纲,预计 况的表现形式;开发把监测上传的 2019 年 7 月中旬 数据(如:照片、文字表述、手绘 完成。 表格等)转换成农村公路技术状况 评价指标,并向职能部门报送数据 的功能模块。(预算约 19 万美元) GPMO is working on TOR, which will Development on core technology and complete in July software with budget USD250,000. 20-Sep- 29   第二部分     25.00 CQS post                   2019.目前正在做 相关核心技术及相关软件系统的开 19 工作大纲,预计 发。(预算约 25 万美元) 2019 年 7 月中旬 完成。 Total 10235 15606. 85206.       592.13             11820 29673         总计 1.62 62 62 本表中第一批项目为提款时使用的汇率为 1 美元= 6.3158 元人民币(提款汇率的平均值) 本表中第二批项目 GYTJ201、GYTJ202 使用的汇率为 1 美元= 6.7744 元人民币,GYTJ203、GYTJ204、GYTJ205 及第三批项目使用的汇率为 1 美元= 6.64 元人民币 PROCUREMENT China : Guiyang Rural Roads Project PLAN General Information Country: China Bank’s Approval Date of the Original Procurement Plan: 2017-08-08 2019-11-30 Revised Plan Date(s): (comma delineated, leave blank if none) Project ID: P129401 GPN Date: Project Name: Guiyang Rural Roads Project Loan / Credit No: IBRD / 83370 Executing Agency(ies): Guiyang PMO WORKS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GYTJ106 / Rehabilitation of Gangzhai to Maoyun, Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 4,793,830.12 Signed Sanwang Temple to Miping, and Township Roads Envelope Xiaba to Maoping rural road GYTJ108 / Xifeng to Xiaozhaiba, Tiantai to Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 4,609,240.25 Signed Xinglong, two level IV rural and Township Roads Envelope roads GYTJ107 and GYTJ109 / Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 10,041,739.68 Signed Rural Roads and Township Roads Envelope GYTJ103 and GYTJ109 / Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 14,650,890.31 Signed Rural Road Construction and Township Roads Envelope GYTJ101, GYTJ102, Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One GYTJ104 and GYTJ105 / IBRD / 83370 Prior Request for Bids Open - National 0.00 15,722,393.71 Signed and Township Roads Envelope Rural Road GYTJ201A / combined subgrade works of Contracts Pending GYTJ201 and GYTJ202, Upgrading/Improving County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Post Request for Bids Open - National 2,863,225.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-12-05 2020-01-01 2020-02-10 2020-02-22 2020-03-25 2020-11-25 8.734 km long in and Township Roads Envelope on Liangshuijing-- Laping of Wudang District GYTJ305A / rural road Pending rehabilitation in Xiuwen Rehabilitation of County Single Stage - One IBRD / 83370 Post Request for Bids Open - National 8,273,100.00 0.00 Implementati 2019-12-05 2020-01-01 2020-02-10 2020-02-22 2020-03-25 2020-11-25 County with a total length and Township Roads Envelope on of 49.041km GOODS Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual NON CONSULTING SERVICES Page 1 Bid Evaluation Activity Reference No. / Draft Bidding Loan / Credit Market Procurement Prequalification Estimated Actual Amount Process Draft Pre-qualification Prequalification Specific Procurement Bidding Documents Proposal Submission / Report and Description Component Review Type Method Document / Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Process (Y/N) Amount (US$) (US$) Status Documents Evaluation Report Notice / Invitation as Issued Opening / Minutes Recommendation for Justification Award Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GYNL201 / Training Upgrading/Improving County Request for Open - IBRD / 83370 Prior 0.00 100,299.38 Signed Programe Service Provider and Township Roads Quotations International CONSULTING FIRMS Activity Reference No. / Combined Evaluation Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Expression of Interest Short List and Draft Request for Proposals Opening of Technical Evaluation of Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Report and Draft Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Notice Request for Proposals as Issued Proposals / Minutes Technical Proposal Negotiated Contract Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual GYNL202 / Maintenance Upgrading/Improving County Quality Based Open - IBRD / 83370 Prior 0.00 397,929.73 Signed Pilot Design Contract and Township Roads Selection International GYMP-01 / Data Consultant Rural Road Maintenance collection,analysis, and staff IBRD / 83370 Post Qualification Open - National 190,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-07-15 2019-08-05 2019-09-18 2019-10-18 2019-11-22 2020-05-20 Pilot training. Selection Consultant GYYH-02 / Development on Rural Road Maintenance IBRD / 83370 Post Qualification Open - National 250,000.00 0.00 Canceled 2019-07-15 2019-08-05 2019-09-18 2019-10-18 2019-11-22 2020-05-20 core technology and software. Pilot Selection GRRMP / Guiyang Rural Roads Maintenance Pilot combines the original two parts into one as it shortens Consultant the scale of mileage from Rural Road Maintenance Pending IBRD / 83370 Post Qualification Open - National 298,000.00 0.00 2019-11-19 2019-12-10 2020-01-23 2020-02-22 2020-03-28 2020-09-24 240 kilometers to 157 Pilot Implementation Selection kilometers; changed from QCBS to CQS; budget is adjusted from US $440000 to US $298000; INDIVIDUAL CONSULTANTS Activity Reference No. / Invitation to Loan / Credit Market Contract Type Estimated Actual Draft Negotiated Description Component Review Type Method Process Status Terms of Reference Identified/Selected Signed Contract Contract Completion No. Approach Amount (US$) Amount (US$) Contract Consultant Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Planned Actual Page 2