MÍ~W MWlf MÈWfi Ú T, OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR OF AUDIT - f 4t1 ECONOMIC AND SERVICE MINISTRIES IdÌ. r;. NN,mf A.G.C.R. BUILDING, LP. ESTATE ÂiŠ.110f 002 NEW DELHI-110002 07l: itJr.rt5/2(41)31143w(20819)ESCBS/2019-20/ -54§ 3 f I 3RTTTJr VTT fTtir r - , c~tJ#r äTIr fitvý64-110011. Mrcrr: Audi Report, Management letter and Audit Certificate in respect of World Bank assisted Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service (ESCBS) Grant No. TF-018577 for the year 2018-19. Please find enclosed Audit Report, Audit Certificate and Management letter in respect of World Bank assisted Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service (ESCBS) Grant No. TF-018577 f[r the ycar 2018-19, Ministry of -fousing and Urban Affairs New Delhi. (0. NEDUNCHEZIAN) vln /Phone: +91-:11-23702357, 4½gm /Fax: ±91-11-23702359, E-mail: pdaesm@cag.gov.in Office of the Director General of Audit, Economic and Service Ministries, AGCR Building, I P Estate, New Delhi-02 No: AMG-5/ 2(41) IR (2018-19) ESCBS /2019-20j/'r,5C Dated: q To The Secretary to the Government of India Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs Nirman 3hawan, New Delhi. We have audited the accompanying Financial Statements of the Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service (ESCBS) project which comprises Statement of Sources and Application of Funds and the Reconciliation of Claims to Total Applications of Funds for the year ended 31 March 2019. These statements are the responsibility of the Project Management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the accompanying financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards promulgated by the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. These Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. Our audit examines, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. It also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the sources and application of funds of the Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service (ESCBS) project for the year ended 31sL March, 2019 in accordance with Government of India accounting standards. In addition, in our opinion, (a) with respect to Statement of Expenditure (SOE)/Interim Unaudited Financial Reports (IUFRs), adequate supporting documentation has been maintained to support claims to the World Bank for reimbursement of expenditure incurred and; (b) except for audit observations mentioned in the management letter appended to this Audit Report, expenditure are eligible for financing under the Loan/Credit Agrcement. During the course of audit of Statement of Expenditure (SOE)/ Interim Unaudited Financial Reports (IUFRs), an amount of Rs. Rs. 89.33 lakh can be relied upon to support of reimbursement under the Loan/Credit Agreement. The audit report is issued without prejudice of CAG's right to incorporate the audit observations in the Report of CAG of India for being laid before Parliament/State or UT Legislature. Principal Director of Audit Office of the Director General of Audit, Economic and Service Ministries, AGCR Building, I P Estate, New Delhi-02 No: AMG-5/ 2(41) IR (2018-19) ESCBS /2019-201 5a 6 - Dated:elh AUDIT CERTIFICATE The Statement of Expenditure/Financial Statements relating to Efficient and Sustainable City Bus Service (ESCBS) project GEF Grant No. TF-018577 for the year 2018-19 attached hereto have been audited in accordance with the regulations and standards of audit of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India and accordingly included such tests of accounting records, internal checks and controls, and other auditing procedures necessary to confirm. (a) that the resources were used for the purpose of the Projects, and (b) that the expenditure staticments/financial statements are correct. During the course of the audit referred to the above, Statements of Expenditure/ Interim Unaudited Financial Reports (IUFRs) amounting to Rs, 89.33 lakh for the year 2018-19 and connected documents were examined and these can be relied upon to support reimbursement under the aforesaid loan/credit agreement. On the basis of the information and explanations that have been obtained as required and according to the best of our information as a result of the test audit, it is certified that the Financial Statements represents a true and fair view of the implementation of the Project for the ycar 2018-19. This certiFicate is issued without prejudice to CAG's right to incorporate the audit observations in the Report of CAG of India for being laid before Parliament. Principal Director of Audit